Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Cancer Prevention Research Training Program (CPRTP) Website: www.CancerPreventionTraining.org Email:
[email protected] Rev. 11/30/17 Page | 1 Apartment, Transportation & MD Anderson Campus Building Resources A new opportunity within an unfamiliar city can pose a few challenges. Fortunately, Houston is a “transportation-friendly” city with many options for commuters. This guide will provide resources to assist newly appointed CPRTP trainees with navigating around MD Anderson campus and the surrounding Texas Medical Center (TMC) area. Legal Disclaimer: The resources published herein are for informational purposes only and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content on this document or web page. Table of Contents Double click the hyperlink below to advance to a topic beyond this page. Apartment and Housing Resources Applications (Apps) & Websites Public Transportation Contract Parking Severe Weather Other Resources MD Anderson Buildings Apartment and Housing Resources 1. www.har.com: Search for homes for rent or purchase using surrounding MD Anderson campus codes: 77030, 77054 77025, 77005, 77004, and 77021. 2. www.ApartmentGuide.com 3. www.AirBNB.com 4. For a comprehensive list of apartments close to MD Anderson campus, download: https://www.mdanderson.org/documents/patients-and-family/becoming-our-patient/getting-to-md-anderson/Joes-House- apartment-list.pdf 5. http://comfyhouston.com: For furnished apartment home resources. 6. https://www.rent.com/texas/houston-apartments/medical-center-neighborhood: Search engine for Medical Center apartments.