European Parliament 2014-2019
European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on Industry, Research and Energy ITRE_PV(2018)0903_1 MINUTES Meeting of 3 September 2018, 15.00-18.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.08 on Monday, 3 September 2018, with Jerzy Buzek (Chair) presiding. 3 September 2018 1. Adoption of agenda ITRE_OJ (2018)0903_1 The agenda was adopted in the form shown in the minutes. 2. Chair’s announcements None. 3. Approval of minutes of meetings 18-19 June 2018 PV – PE625.486v01-00 The minutes were approved. * * * 4. Education in the digital era: challenges, opportunities and lessons for EU policy design ITRE/8/13342 2018/2090(INI) Rapporteur for the opinion: Tamás Deutsch (PPE) PA – PE623.921v01-00 Responsible: CULT* – Yana Toom (ALDE) Opinions: EMPL*, ITRE Consideration of draft opinion PV\1163879EN.docx PE628.391v01-00 EN United in diversity EN Speakers: Andor Deli, Carlos Zorrinho, Caroline Nagtegaal, Benedek Jávor, Patrizia Toia, Anusca Ferrari (European Commission, DG EAC). 5. Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment ITRE/8/13554 ***I 2018/0172(COD) COM(2018)0340 – C8-0218/2018 Rapporteur for the opinion: Barbara Kappel (ENF) PA – PE625.401v01-00 Responsible: ENVI – Frédérique Ries (ALDE) PR – PE623.714v01-00 Opinions: ECON, ITRE, AGRI, PECH, JURI Consideration of draft opinion Speakers: Barbara Kappel, Maria Spyraki, Dominique Riquet, Xabier Benito Ziluaga, Carlos Zorrinho, Hugo Schally (European Commission, DG ENER) * * * From 16.00: *** Electronic vote *** 6. Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and
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