Rediscovery of the Elements Courtois and Iodine U originally used in his gas law experiments. Europe, on stable and barn stone walls, salt- Boyle was puzzled by the behavior of gunpow- peter grew in the form of "blooms" resembling der, which combusted in an evacuated jar just cotton tufts. Recent analyses show such a as it did in the open atmosphere, when heated growths of saltpeter are surprisingly pure, often 4 by the sun's rays concentrated by a magnifying greater than 95% KNO 3 . Saltpeter diggers- glass.' Boyle did not understand that saltpeter Salpetergraber in Germany or Salpetrier in (known today to be KNO 3) contained its own French'-soon learned to excavate soil about "air." Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) got his stables, pigeon cotes, manure piles, or barn- first hint of the nature of this supporter of com- yards to collect the saltpeter therein. bustion when he observed sparks as saltpeter As the demand for saltpeter increased, the was heated with oil, and he went on to discover saltpeter plantation/refinery was born, called oxygen.' Today we understand the basic reac- the Nitrarv (Nitriere in French, Nitriarv in tion of gunpowder to be 2 KNO 3 + 3 C + S -> German); (Figure 1). The manager of a nitrary K,S + N + 3 CO .The evolved gases expand would lay down a stratum of lime and cover James L. Marshall, Beta Eta 1971, and 2 2 and serve as the propellant in rockets and guns.' with manure, garbage, corpses, and any other Virginia R. Marshall, Beta Eta 2003, Saltpeter (meaning "salt-rock") is the most organic material, including a periodic dowsing Department of Chemistry, University of soluble of the nitrates and wicks up rapidly in with the urine of "drinkers of wine or strong North Texas, Denton,TX 76203-5070, soil; it was first observed in China where a cli- beer."' The major qualification of a nitrary man-
[email protected] mate of alternatively cold/hot wet/dry climates ager was his ability to tolerate the incredible allowed it to form on soil surfaces.' In Medieval stench of his enterprise.