POLLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER pollingtonvJllage.co.uk 2019 You are invited to attend The Annual Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2019 in the Parish Rooms starting at 7.30pm. Chairman's report

I am pleased to tell you that our Parish Councillors remain the same as last year and are listed at the end of this newsletter. We all work extremely well together as a team with the welfare of our village and community at heart. Our aim being to serve the entire village and community by providing useful services that are value for money. We aim to be proactive by anticipating the needs of the community and also be responsive to issues that parishioners are concerned about. We continue our efforts to keep the village clean and tidy by having two official litter picks per year. Our most recent litter pick being on Saturday 6th April. We are very grateful to the faithful few who turned out and collected such a huge amount of litter. We would also like to thank those who walk around the village on a regular basis picking up litter. The parish Council are in the process of having an additional litter bin sited in the lay-by on Long Lane opposite the junction with Road. This is a popular place for people to park up and have their packed lunches and there is a tendency for litter to be left there. We hope the provision of a bin will prevent any build up of litter at this site. We are pleased to report that Dog Fouling is not a huge problem thanks to Dog owners being more responsible. However, we still find that a small minority of dog walkers pick up after their dog and leave the bag at the side of the road or on the canal bank, or worse still blowing in the wind on the branch of a tree. PLEASE Take it Home!! One of the main complaints that we receive as a Parish Council is that of vehicles speeding through our village. It is with this in mind that we have purchased a Radar Speed Sign. This sign has now been installed at the Village Hall and is now operational. It is solar powered and can be moved to other places in the village once we have established alternative sites. We felt this was a sensible option, as hiring such equipment was very expensive. This sign does record data and if we find that there is a problem of speeding, then the figures can be used to pursue other methods of speed reduction and road safety. We continue to hear that some company representatives and sales people are still visiting the village and going door to door selling their wares. It is an important reminder that Pollington Village is a NO COLD CALLING village. There are signs displaying this at all entry points to the village. In the event of a sales person visiting your property, then please obtain their details and the company they represent and report the matter to the Police. I would like to dispel any rumours that may be still going around about the future development of the Airfield and possible Link Road to the Motorway. At the present time neither North County Council or the Council are showing any interest in this project and therefore nothing is likely to happen in the immediate future. However, all villages continue to grow and I am sure that Pollington will be no exception and will have to accept some development as we have in Oakwood Park at the moment. As a Parish Council, we are extremely grateful for all the effort that we receive from our East Riding Councillors, Caroline Fox and John Barratt. It is with some regret that John has not put up for re-election this year as he intends to move. We thank him for all his efforts over the years and wish him well for the future. A big thank you to all those who were involved in the preparations for the Tour de Yorkshire in any way and all residents who took the trouble to decorate their property. It provided a great sense of pride for our village and residents. Well Done! I would also like to thank Mr. Paul Arnold for his commitment to producing this Newsletter to its usual high standard. We are very grateful for all the time and effort he gives in assisting the Parish Council.

Our Annual Meeting will take place at the Parish Room on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Ken Idit&o As many of you are aware Pollington Pollington Church Church is facing big decisions about its future. In the last architect's report it was made clear (as we knew already) that the church was in a poor state of repair. These repairs are particularly around the roof and the fact that the building in now not completely watertight. Many people think that churches are funded nationally, but this is not the case. All the funding for the up keep of the church building and general care of the churchyard has to come from fees and the collection plate. Over the years as society has changed, the collections have fallen. We have a regular congregation of 15-20 people and so the financial burden is unsustainable. Our church however, is key to the community, it is regularly used for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals and also by the school. It is also where many people's relatives have been laid to rest. The obvious option would be to close the church, and in these uncertain times financially, this cannot be ruled out. However, the churchyard would still remain open until it was full and so the church would still have responsibilities for the site. It would be a huge shame if we had to go down this route but we do have to raise a lot of money to make the church fit for purpose for the 21st century. We would really welcome any practical offers of help in this matter, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to talk with me about it. It's sad to say, but very true, that if we don't use our church, we will ultimately lose it. Thank you in advance. Rev Eleanor Robertshaw. (01405 860866) Team Rector of Great Snaith Sport in Pollington

' 1 -f P°"'n9t°n Cricket Club continues in Division 3 of the Pontefract & v^riCKCt District Cricket League after finishing mid table in the 2018 season. The club continues to struggle for village support with just one player now from the village and no one from the village represented on the committee or involved in the day-to-day management of the club and its facilities. We are very keen to diversify the club and have a number of ideas which will benefit the community, but not the time, or the man power to initiate the development. Obviously volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

The fun day will run on Sunday 14th July.

II? -fK 11 Sadly, there has been no junior football in Pollington this season. jrOOLU8.il However, we appeal to anyone who may be interested in starting up a junior team in the village again. This could be in a local weekend league or just for fun and fitness. All the equipment and facilities are available to anyone who is interested in getting involved with running a junior team. We keep our fingers crossed that this may happen in preparation for the next season starting in August 2019. Anyone wishing to take on this opportunity should contact Jackie Byers at the following email address. pollinqtonpanthersjfc(5)outlook.com

BOWlS Poll'ngt°n Bowls Club. (Adjacent to play area, Village Hall car park)

The Bowls Club will start its 26th season at the beginning of May. All ages, both male and female, can participate whether for fun or in competitions. Shoes and bowls are available for everyone wishing to try the sport. Existing members are always willing to help prospective new members. Annual Membership is £15, plus £1 when you play. Dates for Fun Days are shown below. Please feel free to come along and have a go!

Fun Days are on Sunday 5th May, Sunday 2ndJune, Sunday 30th June,

Sunday 28th July (Pollington Trophy), Sunday 25 August. Start Time 2pm - please arrive about 1.45pm

Everyone is welcome, friends, family or anyone who fancies a fun day out trying their hand at bowling or just come for a cuppa and a natter! You could even make the tea and stop Paul eating all the buns again!. Pollington Finals Day Sun 18th August 12am All welcome even if it's just for a tea & cakes! Please feel free to come along - contact Paul Hodgson (01405 860485) for information. Pollington Groups

PA/rf^ Pollington Monday Club for the over 60's are looking for r IVlv^ new members. Meetings are held each Monday in the Parish Room from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. A weekly charge of £2 is made to cover costs. We are a friendly group who enjoy a natter, a game of dominoes, a break for refreshments followed by a game of Bingo. On the first Tuesday of each month from April to October, we run coach trips to places of interest. A full list of trips for 2018 are given below. To BOOK, please ring Margaret 01405 860892 or Sylvia on 01405 860252. (All prices are approximate and may be reviewed at a later date.) Date Pick up at* Destination Cost

May 7th - 9am Mystery Trip £12.50

June 4th - 8.30am Thornton Le Dale & Scarborough £13.50

July 2nd 8.30am Chester £14.00

August 6th - 8.30am Peak Villages and Bakewell £13.50

September 3rd 8.30am - Thornton Le Dale and Whitby £13.50

October 1st 9am Langlands & £12.00

November 5th 9am Cannon Hall and Barnsley £12.00 The pick-up times shown are from Pollington Main Street bus stops. (*20 minutes later from Snaith and 30 minutes later from Rawcliffe).

Village Hall

The Village Hall had new windows and doors which have made it warmer and quieter. The changing rooms have been improved and repainted, and there are plans to re-tile the kitchen. All these im• provements are funded by events that the committee organise. The hiring charges are set to cover the running costs of the hall and this has encouraged more bookings. It is a facility for Pollington and if anyone has any ideas how it could provide more services then please contact any committee member. Bookings can be made on 07922731329. Catering and a Bar can be arranged if required. Local History Pollington History Group meets on the first Thursday P J-[(j of every month except August and December in the Parish Rooms at 2.00pm. Meetings are varied and cover many topics. There is no membership fee and refreshments are served. Just a shared interest in local history. Our 2018 open day, Victorian Pollington, was a great success and we would like to thank all who supported the event by attending or lending objects for display. In November the group contributed to the displays in Church which marked the centenary year of the end of the First World War. Our focus was on the people of the village who served during this War, some of whom lost their lives in the conflict. It was a pleasure to join the staff and students at Pollington School where Geoff Ellin gave an illustrated presentation which focused on his family and life in earlier times. Later in the day students were able to carry out research from WWI documents and piece together the stories of local people during the war. Thank you all for making our day so enjoyable! The PHG Programme this year has so far concentrated on our collected resources and provided several surprises as we have lots of fascinating archive material. Further, we have found that so much local history is shared with Balne and lots of other villages. We would like to invite members of other local communities to join with us as we piece together our shared heritage. We understand that some local residents have shown interest in our group but cannot attend because of daytime commitments. Perhaps an occasional evening meeting could be arranged. If you might support this activity please contact Margaret or any other PHG member. Do you have any old photos of Pollington? No matter how worn or faded we can usually make good copies. Old video, slides or even home movies can often be converted to new media which means it can be projected and shared at one of our meetings. For more information about future events please contact our PHG secretary, Margaret Tones 01405 860764 Pollington Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association

For those people wondering what YCA stands for it is Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association. Basically a group for Yorkshire Ladies to join and enjoy varied activities and meet people from the local community. As a member of the YCA ladies can attend events organised throughout Yorkshire.

The branch in Pollington was formed 35 years ago and we meet monthly in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. At the meetings we have a varied programme of speakers and demonstrators. We also have meetings that are more inclusive to the members allowing them to do crafts, quizzes etc.

Outside the meetings we enjoy a busy social life which members can if they wish take part in. We go to the theatre, visit interesting places, pamper days, shopping trips and eating out. I must say that most of our events and outings usually have food involved in some way.

We also meet on the 2nd Friday of each month starting at 10am in the Parish Rooms for coffee and a chat open to everyone including gentlemen. A craft group also takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 2pm. The group are also very supportive of charities and hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning each September making in excess of £500. The YCA has this year nominated the Yorkshire Air Ambulance as it's preferred charity and Pollington Branch are preparing a fundraising event for this. At all our meetings and events we welcome visitors and new members who can join at any time during the year. Membership is £20 per year and visitors can attend the meetings for a cost of £3 including refreshments. Please contact me Leila Scruton on 01405 785687 or email me at [email protected] if you require any further details or just turn up to the meetings or any of our events. Leila Scruton Chairman Pollington Information

Don't miss out on all the information on the Pollington Village Website. Do YOU have something to say? If you wish to express an Wl K *r opinion that may be of interest to people in the village please WCDSltC write to Eric White, the website manager, at [email protected]. Your letter may be posted on the website at his discretion. Anonymous correspondence will never be published. The calendar is only up to date if you send Eric details of your group's events. This applies to single occasions or a whole year's programme. Pollington On The Air* & Calder Canal

HMM J t. *icadat j Hnafaptt j Opinion Public S«rric«s | Church SCBMIS | VlEagt AJTain OUIM & Croups j A* \oar S«*-ric* Local .VtrvTOw j CsM*r> | raceoooK .0jnjng the fonowjng groups? •Pollington News, Events and Information •Pollington Village Hall •Pollington Neighbourhood Watch

Your Councillors

Chairman Ken Wilson 07732732400 Vice Chairman Paul Simpson 861749 Robert Kealey 860335 Tom Bayston 07836610945 Diane Taylor 07803303896

Clerk to the Parish Council Paul Hodgson 860485 8, Gowdall Lane

©Designed, collated & printed by Paul Arnold 2019