United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,846,975 Pan Et Al
USOO5846975A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,846,975 Pan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 8, 1998 54 USE OF AMINO HYDROGENATED FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS QUINAZOLINE COMPOUNDS AND B41-010330 6/1966 Japan. DERVATIVES THEREOF FOR ABSTAINING B44-010903 6/1966 Japan. FROM DRUG DEPENDENCE B44-010904 6/1966 Japan. B44-010906 6/1966 Japan. 75 Inventors: Xinfu Pan, Beijing; Fanglong Qiu, B42-009355 5/1967 Japan. Hunan, both of China B42-009356 5/1967 Japan. 1370905 10/1974 United Kingdom. 73 Assignee: Nanning Maple Leaf Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Guangxi Province, China OTHER PUBLICATIONS 21 Appl. No.: 640,781 Y. Kishi et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94:26, pp. 9217-9221 (Dec. 27, 1972). 22 PCT Filed: Mar. 11, 1995 T. Goto et al., Tetrahedron, vol. 21, pp. 2059–2088 (1965). E. Murtha et al., Journal of Pharmacology and Experimen 86 PCT No.: PCT/CN95/00016 tal Therapeutics., vol. 122, pp. 247-254 (1958). S371 Date: May 21, 1996 Chemical Abstracts AN 1977: 268, Fredrikson et al., 1976. S 102(e) Date: May 21, 1996 Primary Examiner Keith D. MacMillan Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO95/24903 LLP PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 21, 1995 57 ABSTRACT 30 Foreign Application Priority Data This invention relates to the use of amino hydrogenated quinazoline compounds and derivatives thereof, Such as Mar. 17, 1994 ICN China ............................. 941 10873.2 tetrodotoxin, for abstaining from drug dependence in (51) Int. Cl." ................................................... A61K 31/505 human. Such compounds are administered by Subcutaneous, 52 U.S.
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