Formatting Sales Letter Example


SUBHEAD – same but smaller and different color

First of body copy that’s going to pull the reader into the rest of the story. First paragraph of body copy that’s going to pull the reader into the rest of the story.

Another paragraph. Notice how short and sweet my sentences are? See how few sentences can fit into a paragraph? It’s time for a subhead

And some more body copy. Now I’m going to put placeholder text in the copy for the rest of the . This is what designers call “greek text.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere.

Donec nisl augue, fringilla sed, gravida id, consequat sed, enim. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque ipsum tellus, tempus vel, rhoncus eget, rhoncus at, felis. Another subhead

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere.

Here’s a list of my sales points:

• Most important

• Second most important

• Third most important

• Etc.


• And etc.

• And etc.

Another subhead

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere.

Here’s a pull quote. Maybe it’s part of a testimonial:

“Donec nisl augue, fringilla sed, gravida id, consequat sed, enim.”

--- person’s name

“Donec nisl augue, fringilla sed, gravida id, consequat sed, enim.”

--- person’s name

And here we go back to your body copy. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere.

And a numbered list with certain words emphasized:

1. Like this, and this and this

2. But don’t forget this and this

3. And this, and this and this

4. And that and that as well

Now we’ve got some more copy to talk about. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend arcu vitae odio. Morbi posuere. 2

And we’re finally wrapping things up. Don’t forget to give your call to action right here. In fact, you can give a bold-faced guarantee right before you sign off.

Your signature,

PS. Don’t forget to restate the offer with a PS!