Statesman* 1 I Distributedfree of Charge Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Volume 20 Number 41 \
1 le ,-^" ' ,I - - f I . I WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9 1977 Stony Brook, New York r I** __ --- _ ___:_ Statesman* 1 I Distributedfree of charge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Volume 20 Number 41 \._ - 0 !_l_'L_ . .. rroDlemsI lScusSea Problems that face resident SAB, Ambulance Get Budgets students on this .campus were discussed Monday night among On First Night of Allocations Residence life Personnel, Polity By JEFF HORWITZ $6,000 was giOn $9,000 and Theatre was cut officials, and students at a meeting in and LAWRENCE RIGGS from $10,000 to $7,000. The last segment of Langmuir College. Among the topics Last night the Polity Senate began the final SAB, which is major concerts, requested and discussed were: Cooking facilities and phase of the budget proceedings and received $54,470. This brought the total the cooking fee, Program tentatively allocated $90,470 for the Student figure for SAB to' $90,470 which is $10,000 Coordinators, next year's academic Activities Board which sponsors concerts and more than the budget .ommitte calender and the policy of Residence other entertainment events on campus, and 'recommended. The time required to discuss Life staff toward marijuana users. $40,576 to the Stony Brook Volunteer the budget for SAB lasted almost four hours. Ambulance Corps. The O'-»~;fnr Jn"AZOa next group to be considered last night cuuyr Ua Aougw 30 Next year's budget of $584,000 is the was the Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance smallest of the last few years because the Corps. The request by the Corps for Klein Interview University is cutting enrollment for next maintenance and a new ambulance psed Comedian Robert Klein performed semester.
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