www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. EMPOWERED BEAUTY: YOUR GUIDE TO NATURAL SKIN AND SELF CARE

Hello Beautiful and thank you for downloading your Empowered Beauty 5 Day Challenge!

I know a few things about skin care.

These are my before and after photos of what my skin used to look like. My acne started when I was 14 and only went away a few years ago after I completely cleaned up my diet and switched to natural skin care products even though I had tried EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT you can imagine before that.

The photo on the left is from 2001. I was 28, had 2 kids, was doing my MA in English and Comparative Literature and this was the face I had to walk out with everyday. You can see my acne on my forehead, chin, cheeks--all over really.

Except no-one really saw it like that because I had it covered up with about 6 inches of heavy foundation and concealer every day. But if it was a hot day, as that day was, the makeup would slide right off because my complexion was just SO oily.


www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. And my face looked like that since I was about 14 when my acne first started and it's the face I had up until about 4 years ago.

The second photo is me last year. I still have my freckles but my acne is completely gone. I don't need to use heavy foundation any more--just a little bit of tinted moisturiser, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. And not every day. Most days I don’t put anything on my face at all.

My name is Dana Dinnawi and I am a holistic health and wellness lifestyle coach. I want to empower you to balance your hormones naturally and get out of the cycle of yo-yo dieting. I want you to understand--and not just follow blindly---why and how food works for or against your body. I want you to take back control of your body and health because when you do that, you take back control of your life and when THAT happens, you can create a guilt-free lifestyle that fills you up every. single. day.

And the most important pieces for you are weight loss; energy; focus and CONFIDENCE in your clothes and how you look.

Yes, you want to LOOK AND feel good.

And while my nutrition programs get results for weight loss, losing inches, and regaining energy and focus, it was a natural transition for me to create a guide that focuses on creating beauty from the inside out—through your skin.

I have personally experienced the trauma, (yes trauma), of bad skin and how that can shake your confidence. My acne just wouldn’t budge no matter what I tried, or what new medication my new dermatologist gave me or what new cream or procedure (and there were some very severe procedures) to get rid of the acne and to reduce the scarring.

It all worked but with very short-term results. Nothing was sustainable and nothing gave me back my confidence. I could NEVER leave the house without a heavy layer of foundation to cover my insecurity.

Right now I have a very different complexion—no more acne, no more trauma, no more daily foundation to go out and much more confidence.

And I want to show you how to do that too.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I created this challenge to show you how to restore and rebalance your skin from within—because, as I’ve personally experienced, that’s where skin is REALLY restored, not by using topical chemical toxins that only add to your skin’s burden.

My skin improved dramatically after I changed what I ate, but the real transformation happened when I also changed my commercial products and prioritized self care.

And restoring your skin’s balance isn’t just for acne. It’s for any skin issue you may be experiencing—wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots, or a basic lack of “life”.

We only get one shot at life—where we feel energetic, and confident in our body and skin.

Which means . . . we have to make the most of the time we have.

You feel you're ready for change. You’re ready to feel better in yourself. And you’re ready to try something new.

That’s what this Empowered Beauty challenge is all about.

Let’s get started!


www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Skin Deep

Did you know that the average woman uses up to 12 products per day containing anywhere up to 168 toxic ingredients, making one of our most coveted routines – our morning and evening facial washing rituals – one of the most dangerous if we don’t use the right products?

That's because your skin is a “breathable” organ. Up to 60% of what you apply topically on your skin will be absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds. 26 seconds. That's faster than absorption through digestion.

Most cosmetic companies do NOT list their ingredients, aka toxic chemicals, because they are not required to do so. And several of these toxic chemicals are linked to a host of problems including: allergies, skin rashes, cancer, headaches, fertility and reproductive issues, birth defects, hormone inhibitors, and more.

Fortunately, heightened awareness and potential dangers have caused consumers to take a closer look at what they put on their skin and demand safer alternatives.

Take a look at your favorite products and see if you find some of these toxic chemicals listed:

• Parabens – often found in deodorants and moisturizers, parabens are hormone inhibitors and believed to accelerate tumor growth • Artificial fragrance and color – may trigger allergies, asthma, and some colors contain lead and harmful dyes • Toulene – found in nail polish, hair color products, and some fragrances, this chemical is linked to kidney and liver damage, which may affect fetal growth • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate – a foaming agent found in shampoos and body/facial washes, it dries out the skin and is linked to eczema, hair loss, rashes, and dry and scaly skin. • Formaldehyde – used as a preservative, formaldehyde is known by several different names and should be avoided at all costs, as the side effects are numerous • PEG’s – found in numerous skin and personal care products, this is anti-freeze and should be used in for your car, not your skin! • Paraffin/Mineral Oil/Petrolatum – clogs pores, causing toxic build-up • Phthalates – found in plastics, it is a known hormone disruptor

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. • Triclosan – used in anti-bacterial products, it is a pesticide, harmful to the environment, and a suspected carcinogenic

Of course, there are more, but you get the point. You can look up what’s in your skin care products by visiting one of my favorite sites: http://www.ewg.org

If you wouldn’t EAT it, it doesn’t belong on your SKIN.

But WHAT you DO eat is equally as important if not more more so when it comes to the quality of your skin.

Your Gut and Your Skin

Skin issues are definitely not skin-deep. Skin is the largest organ in our body, and it reflects the condition inside our body. The best way to relieve skin problems is to fix the root cause so that they can be taken care of once and for all. And the root cause (as with all chronic conditions) lies in your gut.

Your skin is also the largest detoxifying organ in your body. It is your first line of defense! The minute you ingest something of a chemical nature or an allergen or experience a stressful situation, your skin reacts by breaking out by trying to expel the toxins, whether those we consider real poisons or the ones emitted by our stress hormones.

This is when your skin is telling you that you are out of balance, that you are doing things that are not serving you, that it is not the time to cover it all up with the fanciest concealers, but instead it is time to undergo a major clean-up.

These are some possible causes of skin conditions: • Poor digestion and absorption • Not enough "good" bacteria (gut flora) in the digestive tract • Overgrowth of candida yeast • Leaky gut • Cold sores -immune system is trying to fight off internal infection • Rash or hives = allergic reaction to food or medications • Yellowish skin tone = problem with liver

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. • Vitamin A deficiency produces skin congestion through over-keratinization of skin cells • Vitamin A and zinc deficiencies lead to lowered ability to fight infection • Lack of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract leads to lowered ability to fight infection

If you who want that youthful, glowing skin that’s a reflection of the healthy you, of healthy intestines, of healthy and unclogged lymphatic system (your body’s garbage disposal system), you need to start with a cleanse and apply the following:

Remove or limit all sources of wheat, dairy, sugar, processed oils, processed foods, caffeine, alcohol and soy. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, and sugar hastens the aging process. See Your Beauty Cleanse at the bottom of this guide.

Load up on anti-oxidant-rich foods: Antioxidant-rich foods have the capacity of seeking out and destroying free radicals, which are unstable molecules that make their way through the body, stealing from our healthy cells in an effort to become complete. While they are naturally occurring in the body to some extent, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.

Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if your diet is lacking antioxidants or free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Free radical damage accumulates with age and is a major contributor to wrinkles. By making sure your diet is chock full of the following nutrients, you can provide optimal support of healthy skin:

Omega-3s — Cold-water oily fish are loaded with anti-inflammatory EPA and DHA; look to mackerel, salmon, anchovies, and sardines for the best complexion benefits.

Vitamin A — Antioxidant-rich vitamin A is abundant in dark leafy vegetables and dark orange vegetables. Dark leafy greens are also high in fiber, which slows blood sugar production.

Vitamin C — Antioxidant-rich vitamin C is found in papaya, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, Brussels sprouts, and of course, oranges and grapefruit. Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, which helps to keep the skin supple. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate foods rich in Vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age related dry skin than those who had a diet low in Vitamin C.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Vitamin E — Antioxidant-rich vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, , spinach, Swiss chard, dark leafy greens, papaya, asparagus, and bell peppers.

Selenium — Critical in the production of a glutathione, a substance that combats free radicals, you can find selenium in tuna, cod, halibut, shrimp, salmon, and turkey and lamb.

Antioxidants — You can’t go wrong by loading up on berries, and such purple and deep red foods as acai, pomegranates, purple carrots, black grapes, and beets. The latter contain anthocyanins, which help promote blood flow to the skin.

Fiber — Whole grains help combat inflammatory responses in your body that can trigger a breakout.

Zinc — Found in oysters, crab, lean meats, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds, zinc helps reduce oil production that can lead to acne.

Good fats— soothing avocados, coconut oils, coconut milk, and . These moisturize your skin from the inside out.

To support your digestive system, eat foods that are rich in prebiotic and probiotics. To reduce the overgrowth and candida yeast, avoid sugar and flour. To manage leaky gut, investigate possible food intolerance, such as gluten or lactose.

Hydrate! When cells are dehydrated, they lose their plumpness and structure. Make sure you are drinking at least 33 ml of water per kg of body weight a day (alcohol and caffeinated beverages don't count). Caffeinated beverages can move fluid out of the body, worsening dehydration.

Look into poor calcium metabolism - calcium is a drying mineral, and if it's not processed properly, it can get dumped into the "wrong places", including the skin. You can find out by having a hair analysis done.

Look into your thyroid health, as low thyroid hormone level can cause many symptoms, including dry skin.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Squeaky Clean: How to Clean Your Skin

While you clean up your insides, start to get into a new routine of outer skin care.

The oil cleansing method is one of the safest and easiest ways to clean your face if you want to avoid exposure to chemicals found in conventional beauty products.

Oil cleansing provides your skin with pure hydration and nutrition. It is crucial for you to skip all of those commercial moisturizers and mineral oils that not only clog your skin, but contribute to great toxicity and endocrine imbalance. What you put on the skin goes inside your body within seconds, getting into the bloodstream and liver. It would almost be better if you ingested those through your mouth, allowing at least for digestive enzymes to jump in and try to save you from the foreign invader. Absorbed through the skin, your body is defenseless, and all those propylene glycols, sulfates, parabens, colors, fragrances, and other unrecognizable chemicals make their way into your liver, corroding it and shortening your lifespan.

One of the first reactions women have to the thought of applying oil to their face, especially if they have naturally oily or combination skin is that it will make their face more oily, or cause more breakouts/pimples/blackheads/whiteheads. It’s important to remember however, that oil is naturally occurring. Our skin produces oil because it needs it for lubrication, healing, balancing and protection. And oil dissolves oil. This is very important to remember.

When you use oil to clean an oily face, in this case, , the oil will break down the excess build up of oil and rebalance without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. And oil is not at the root cause of blemishes or skin problems –the root cause of these is an imbalanced digestive system and gut flora; hormones and bacteria.

Here’s how this method works. You will need: • Castor oil (if you have dry skin you can also use jojoba or rosehip oil or a combination) • • Small clean washcloth • Cotton balls

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. To start, add a little bit of coconut oil to your cotton ball to clean away any eye makeup if you’ve got it. Be careful not to get the coconut oil in your eyes. Keep wiping until all traces of makeup are removed and then use a dry cotton ball to wipe away the excess coconut oil.

At your bathroom sink, turn your faucet on to hot and let the water run and heat up while you clean the rest of your face. Pour a good amount of castor oil onto your fingertips and slowly massage it into your skin. You will probably have to do this a few times to cover your entire face. The oil will feel heavy and sticky but this is normal. Apply it all over your face almost as if you are applying a mask. Massage it gently in small circular motions to remove dirt and makeup starting from your forehead and down to your chin.

After you’ve done this for a few minutes, stop and let the castor oil sit on your face for a few more minutes.

By this time your hot water is ready. Run your washcloth under the hot water and ring it out very well. Apply your washcloth (it will be hot so be careful) to one section of your face at a time and hold it on your face until it cools off. Then gently wipe the castor oil off. Rinse your washcloth and repeat this process until you have cleaned every part of your face. Keep repeating until all traces of the oil are gone. Simply rinse your washcloth in between wipes and repeat. Your skin should feel soft and dewy.

You can either end the process here or follow it with all-natural serums and creams.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Extra Care: The Lymphatic Facial

When you think of a facial, you don’t usually associate it with your lymphatic system, and when you hear about a lymphatic drainage massage you don’t usually associate that with your face either.

But your face is home to an intricate web of lymph and lymphatic nodes, all of which may become easily clogged due to improper food and lifestyle leading to wrinkles, acne and uneven skin tone.

But what is your lymphatic system?

In your body you have a drainage system; it’s the largest circulatory system in your body and it’s called your lymphatic system. This system helps keep your tissues and organs alive and healthy by moving fluid throughout the body so waste doesn’t pool around your cells. Your lymphatic system is concentrated in a few areas around your body: The neck and head area; your pelvic and abdominal areas and your armpits.

Its job is to move bacteria, pathogens, viruses and any other potentially harmful micro- organisms into your lymph nodes where they are destroyed and then flushed from the body. It’s your body’s garbage disposal system and it needs to work efficiently in order for you to stay healthy.

But let’s imagine your kitchen sink for a moment. It’s backed up because the drain is clogged. Would you drink that standing water? Probably not.

What’s more, if the water was left to stagnate in your sink, it would eventually pollute the kitchen and attract bacteria.

The same happens when your lymphatic system gets backed up and can’t drain waste efficiently. Toxins build up in the body and your immune system becomes weakened.

When this happens you experience bloating, swelling, rashes, cellulite, pain in the hands and feet, fatigue, lethargy, sinusitis, allergies, chronic colds, fibroids, and breast swelling around menstruation.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. When a person suffers from such chronic symptoms, you look to de-stagnate the lymphatic system to improve your body’s efficiency in moving waste out.

But here’s the thing—your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to move this fluid/ waste around. You need to create movement and momentum in your body in order for this system to function optimally.

The most efficient ways to do this are:

• Hydration— Drink 33ml of water per kg of body weight daily. • Breathing Deeply— Breathing deeply exclusively through your nose during exercise or otherwise is a potent lymph mover as it stimulates the rib cage to move more fully (the rib cage is one of the major lymph pumps in the body, responsible for pulling toxic waste from the intestinal track). • De-stressing— Stress-fighting hormones, called cortisol, are extremely acidic and lymph doesn’t drain well in an acidic environment, so you need to find ways to relax! • Alkalizing— Eating lots of leafy greens, beets, berries and other alkaline food encourages lymph movement. Avoid foods such as wheat, dairy, sugar, processed foods, processed oils such as corn and sunflower oil, sweets, salty, and fried food as this makes the body more acidic. • Exercising— Bouncing on a rebounder (mini trampoline) is the most efficient exercise for de-stagnating your lymphatic system, but walking is also potent. (Remember to nose breathe throughout for best results) • Sweating— Don’t block sweat glands by using antiperspirant, especially if it contains aluminum. Try to make sweating part of your daily routine through exercise, saunas, steam rooms, or Epsom salt or fresh ginger baths. • Dry Brush / Massage— Go for a manual lymphatic drainage massage or dry brush your body focusing on areas where the lymphatic system resides. Gentle stimulation and massage of your skin is a highly effective means of getting lymph moving.

Which brings us to the less-known but more indulgent method of a FACIAL lymphatic drainage massage. Using the same principles of a full body manual lymphatic drainage massage, a facial massage hones in on the lymph nodes clustered in and around your face.

You have lymph nodes on your face near your ears and eyes, nose, around the bottom of your head, at the base of your skull, with nodes under and behind your ears and nodes under your jaw line and chin. This is because pathogens easily enter your body

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. through your mouth, nose and eyes. When your facial lymph vessels become blocked, you may feel your face is puffy and bloated no matter what you do.

During a facial lymphatic drainage massage, the practitioner will apply very gentle pressure and swift strokes to activate blocked lymph vessels to move waste and allow fluid to “move” waste to your lymph nodes. The movements cover every part of your face and neck and will feel like a relaxing facial except that with the shifting of waste, you may feel drowsy or ache-y once the facial is finished as toxins make their way out of your body.

But the final result is reduced fluid retention in your face and jawline as well as a general improvement in your body’s ability to move waste overall.

If you are truly clogged, it can take several months to really get the lymphatic system cleared up. But patience and persistence will help you establish new lymph-supporting habits. Once you are flowing freely again, you’ll be glad you made the effort as you see a difference in your face and a decrease in physical symptoms and ailments.

In Cairo, you can get a facial lymphatic massage at Osana Wellness Center in Maadi.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. TAKE IT EASY ON THE MAKEUP

That is not to say you have to go completely natural, but do reconsider what’s in your bathroom cabinet (and if that is where you’re currently storing beauty products, I recommend you move them to somewhere less warm and humid). While department store lipsticks and foundations might seem fragrant and tempting, it is really best to avoid the temptation of applying on lead, beryllium, thallium, cadmium, or even arsenic to your newly cleansed face. Go for natural mineral makeups, always checking out the complete list of ingredients. And remember, just like you need the cleanse, so do those cosmetic brushes of yours.

Don’t destroy your efforts by using old, chemical-laden products with dirty brushes.

Cleansing does more for your skin than you’ve ever imagined. And if you couple it with the above techniques, you are bound to come out of this experience not only rejuvenated, but glowing.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. YOUR EMPOWERED BEAUTY CHALLENGE DAY 1 MORNING

Upon waking and every morning your new facial cleansing routine will be the oil cleansing method described above. That’s it. Don’t use any of your old products. Clean your face with oil and let it absorb. Next, make yourself a beauty elixir by squeezing half a lemon into about 6 ounces/ 180ml of warm water. By drinking warm lemon water, you kick-start your metabolism, alkalize your blood (which means more oxygen to your cells) and hydrate your body.

Follow the lemon water with 500ml of fresh celery juice:

CELERY JUICE Serves 1 2-3 bunches of French celery

Remove the leaves completely and juice the stalks. If you are using a blender, also remove the leaves, chop the stalks and add 1⁄2 cup of water to your blender along with the celery stalks. Blend completely and strain if needed.

Drink this directly after your Lemon Elixir then wait 30 minutes before having breakfast.

Before you start your day, set an intention for the day, and say an affirmation. My own daily affirmation is, “There is no emergency. Slow down. I am complete.” Choose one that works for you!

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Here are a few to get you started: I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. I lovingly do everything I can to assist my body in maintaining perfect health. I am willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.

Before you sit down to enjoy breakfast, take five deep breaths. By practicing deep breathing, you are sending oxygen to your cells and resetting your nervous system. As you have your fabulous smoothie, savor every sip. Be present in the moment. Keep in mind that this plan is very flexible. You can mix and match the recipes, or repeat the ones you like the most and omit the ones you don’t find appealing or if you can’t find a particular ingredient. As long as you are removing wheat, dairy, sugar, and processed oils, you’re good to go! In all cases, if you have a question about a recipe or an ingredient please ask on our Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1754818334795083/


1 cup romaine lettuce 1 cup kale 1 1/2 cup water or non-dairy milk like or coconut milk 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 avocado 1 tablespoon flax meal

Place ingredients in the blender, blend until smooth. As you leave the house to go to work or take your children to school, turn on some music. Music is a powerful way to bring your body and mind into a positive state. You can also buy CD’s or download audios from motivational speakers or spiritual leaders, such as Gabby Bernstein, Tony Robbins, or Pema Chödrön and listen to their inspiring words. Let’s fast forward to that mid-morning stomach grumble when you usually hit the coffee machine or maybe even grab a donut or a sandwich. Make sure you have planned for your day by pre-preparing healthy snacks so you won’t reach for junk. Enjoy your snack, and chew with delight.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MORNING SNACK

10 walnuts and a green apple

LUNCH It’s lunchtime. Time to reset the nervous system, so take five deep breaths before you enjoy your delicious meal.

ORANGE SWEET POTATO KALE SALAD Serves 2 1 bunch kale, chopped 2 scallions, chopped 1 avocado 1 large lemon, juiced 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon all-purpose seasoning sea salt and black pepper, to taste 1 large roasted sweet potato (recipe in Basics) 1⁄2 cup raw sunflower seeds 1 large orange, peeled and segmented 1 tablespoon chia seeds 2 tablespoons Detox Pesto (recipe in Snacks) Add chopped kale to a large mixing bowl. Top with scallions, avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, all-purpose seasoning, sea salt, and black pepper. Use clean hands to massage the kale until wilted. Top with warm or cold roasted sweet potato, sunflower seeds, orange segments, chia seeds, and Detox Pesto.

DETOX PESTO Makes about 1 1⁄2 cups 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch cilantro 1 bunch basil 1 sprig rosemary (leaves only) 1 sprig thyme (leaves only)

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 1 cup raw sunflower seeds 1 garlic clove 1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 lemons, juiced sea salt and black pepper, to taste

Add all the ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Store in a closed mason jar for up to 7 days.

AFTERNOON SNACK Half a roasted sweet potato with 1 teaspoon of almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.

Almost done… You are coming home for the day. Make sure you give yourself some time to release the stress from your day. Take a minute to think about the day and how you can leave it behind you. Did somebody upset you today, or are you feeling content? Tap into whatever you are feeling, and be present for this feeling. Then, enjoy your dinner!

DINNER Broccoli Stir Fry Serves 2 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 large garlic clove, chopped 1-inch piece of ginger, grated or finely chopped 1 bunch broccoli, chopped 1 cup grated carrots sea salt and black pepper to taste

Place a large sauté pan on the stove over medium heat. Add coconut oil and chopped onion. Sauté until the onions are translucent. Add garlic and ginger. Sauté for another minute. Next, add the broccoli and carrots with sea salt and black pepper. Sauté for about 4 to 5 minutes until the broccoli turns a bright green. Serve hot.

*If you can’t find broccoli, make a veggie stir fry instead with any seasonal veggies that are readily available to you. If you have any questions please ask me on our Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1754818334795083/

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. After dinner, if you need to take an extra few minutes of alone time, do so. Remember, we must take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. Do you see how different life can feel with a few small changes? It’s about managing your vital life force and taking mini-breaks to tune into your true self. We are moving out of the emergency state into a calm existence where you can access true freedom in your body and mind.

Tonight, I want you to do something nice for yourself, which can mean: Reading a book Watching your favorite TV show Enjoying your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of honey Taking a luxurious bath or a long shower Watching a good movie Saying some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos Calling a loved one to catch up

BEFORE BED Clean your face using the oil cleansing method. If you used makeup, wipe it off first using a little coconut oil. Don’t use anything else!

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DAY 2

Clean your face using the oil cleansing method

Start with your lemon water and be sure to follow the steps outlined in Day 1!

BREAKFAST SWEET POTATO AND SPINACH HASH Serves 1 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1 large sweet potato, chopped 1 teaspoon all-purpose seasoning 2 cups baby spinach sea salt and black pepper, to taste Add oil to a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic. Sauté for about 3 minutes, then add chopped sweet potato and all-purpose seasoning. Add 1⁄4 cup of water to the pan and cover. Allow the sweet potato to steam for about 5 minutes. Remove the cover. Add spinach. Season with sea salt and black pepper. Sauté until spinach is wilted.

MORNING SNACK 10 walnuts and a green apple

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LUNCH COCONUT ZUCCHINI SOUP Serves 4 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 4 ribs celery, chopped 2 large carrots, chopped 4 large zucchinis, chopped 4 cups vegetable broth 1 can coconut milk 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon dried thyme sea salt and black pepper, to taste Add oil to a large soup pot. Add onion, garlic, and celery. Sauté for about 3 minutes. Next, add carrots and zucchini. Sauté for an additional 5 minutes. Add vegetable broth, coconut milk, turmeric, thyme, sea salt, and black pepper. Mix well and cover. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and blend with an immersion blender or blend in batches using a high-speed blender.

AFTERNOON SNACK Half a roasted sweet potato with 1 teaspoon of almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.


KALE AND ROASTED SWEET POTATOES Serves 4 4 roasted sweet potatoes (see recipe in Basics) 2 tablespoons coconut or olive oil, divided 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 bunches kale, chopped 1⁄4 cup water

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 2 teaspoons all-purpose seasoning sea salt and black pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon cinnamon Roast sweet potatoes according to recipe in Basics. Set aside to cool. Add 1 tablespoon oil to a large pot over medium heat. Add onion and garlic to the pot. Sauté for about 3 minutes, then add chopped kale. Add 1⁄4 cup water to the pot and cover. Steam the greens for about 3 minutes, then stir. Season the greens with all- purpose seasoning, sea salt, and black pepper. Split the roasted sweet potatoes in half , lengthwise. Season with cinnamon, remaining coconut oil, salt, and pepper. Serve alongside sautéed kale.

Remember to take time to relax and do something special for yourself: Read a book Watch your favorite TV show Enjoy your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of honey Take a luxurious bath or a long shower or indulging in one of the spa treatments I’ve put together for you in DO Watch a good movie Say some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos Call a loved one to catch up

BEFORE BED Clean your face using the oil cleansing method. If you used makeup, wipe it off first using a little coconut oil. Don’t use anything else!

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DAY 3

Clean your face using the oil cleansing method

BREAKFAST Start with your warm lemon water and follow the steps from Day 1!

Warm Seed Mush Serves 2 ½ cup pumpkin seeds ½ cup sunflower seeds ¼ cup chia seeds ¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg ¼ teaspoon sea salt 1 ½ cups dairy-free milk Sweetener of your choice Dried cranberries (optional) 1 banana, sliced

Add the pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, coconut flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, sea salt, and dairy-free milk to a pot. Turn the heat to medium and stir until warm, but not boiling. Remove from the stove and serve in bowls. Serve with the sweetener of your choice, topped with dried cranberries, sliced banana, and other fresh fruit.

MORNING SNACK 10 walnuts and a green apple

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LUNCH KALE AND APPLE SALAD Serves 2 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, chopped 2 large carrots, chopped sea salt and black pepper, to taste 1⁄2 bunch parsley, chopped 1 cup kale, torn 1 cup arugula 1 avocado, sliced 2 apples, cored and chopped 1 cup Lemon Ginger Turmeric Dressing 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional) Add oil to a medium-sized pot over medium heat. Add chopped onion and garlic. Sauté for about 3 minutes, then add carrots. Sauté for an additional 3 minutes. Season with sea salt and black pepper. Stir until warm. Add about 1⁄4 cup of water, if the pot dries out. Stir in chopped parsley at the last minute. Set aside to cool. Plate two large salad bowls with kale, arugula, avocado, apple, dressing, and chia seeds. Mix well and serve.

LEMON GINGER TURMERIC DRESSING Makes about 1 cup 4 lemons, juiced 1-inch fresh ginger 1 garlic clove 2 teaspoons turmeric 1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil sea salt and black pepper, to taste Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Serve over a salad or store in a closed mason jar for up to 7 days.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AFTERNOON SNACK Half a roasted sweet potato with 1 teaspoon of almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.


ROASTED VEGETABLE MEDLEY WITH SALAD Serves 4 2 parsnips, chopped 1 large sweet potato, chopped 2 leeks, chopped 4 large carrots, chopped 2 large beets, chopped 1 bunch cauliflower, chopped 1/4kg Brussels sprouts 2 heaping tablespoons coconut or olive oil 1 tablespoon curry powder Large Salad (recipe in Basics) Preheat the oven to 450°F/230°C

Add vegetables to a large mixing bowl. Coat with oil and season with curry powder. Layer onto a large baking sheet (or two). Bake for 20 to 30 minutes until everything is golden brown. Serve the roasted vegetables alongside Large Salad.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Remember to take time to relax and do something special for yourself: Read a book Watch your favorite TV show Enjoy your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of honey Take a luxurious bath or a long shower or indulging in one of the spa treatments I’ve put together for you in DO Watch a good movie Say some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos Call a loved one to catch up


Clean your face using the oil cleansing method. If you used makeup, wipe it off first using a little coconut oil. Don’t use anything else!

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DAY 4

Clean your face using the oil cleansing method

BREAKFAST Start with your warm lemon water and follow the steps from Day 1!


1 cup romaine lettuce 1 cup kale 1 1/2 cup water or non-dairy milk 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 avocado 1 tablespoon flax meal

Place ingredients in the blender, blend until smooth.

MORNING SNACK 10 walnuts and a green apple


ORANGE SWEET POTATO KALE SALAD Serves 2 1 bunch kale, chopped 2 scallions, chopped 1 avocado 1 large lemon, juiced

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon all-purpose seasoning sea salt and black pepper, to taste 1 large roasted sweet potato (recipe in Basics) 1⁄2 cup raw sunflower seeds 1 large orange, peeled and segmented 1 tablespoon chia seeds 2 tablespoons Detox Pesto (recipe in Snacks) Add chopped kale to a large mixing bowl. Top with scallions, avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, all-purpose seasoning, sea salt, and black pepper. Use clean hands to massage the kale until wilted. Top with warm or cold roasted sweet potato, sunflower seeds, orange segments, chia seeds, and Detox Pesto.

DETOX PESTO Makes about 11⁄2 cups 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch cilantro 1 bunch basil 1 sprig rosemary (leaves only) 1 sprig thyme (leaves only) 1 cup raw sunflower seeds 1 garlic clove 1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 lemons, juiced sea salt and black pepper, to taste

Add all the ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Store in a closed mason jar for up to 7 days.

AFTERNOON SNACK Half a roasted sweet potato with 1 teaspoon of almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DINNER

Broccoli Stir Fry Serves 2 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 large garlic clove, chopped 1-inch piece of ginger, grated or finely chopped 1 bunch broccoli, chopped 1 cup grated carrots sea salt and black pepper to taste

Place a large sauté pan on the stove over medium heat. Add coconut oil and chopped onion. Sauté until the onions are translucent. Add garlic and ginger. Sauté for another minute. Next, add the broccoli and carrots with sea salt and black pepper. Sauté for about 4 to 5 minutes until the broccoli turns a bright green. Serve hot.

Remember to take time to relax and do something special for yourself: Read a book Watch your favorite TV show Enjoy your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of honey Take a luxurious bath or a long shower or indulging in one of the spa treatments I’ve put together for you in DO Watch a good movie Say some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos Call a loved one to catch up


Clean your face using the oil cleansing method. If you used makeup, wipe it off first using a little coconut oil.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DAY 5

Clean your face using the oil cleansing method

BREAKFAST Start with your warm lemon water and follow the steps from Day 1!


1 cup almonds 1/2 cup walnuts 2 tablespoons chia seeds or flax meal 1/8 cup coconut, toasted 1 tablespoon bee pollen (optional) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 apple, diced 2 cups coconut milk

Place almonds and walnuts in food processor and chop until desired consistency and then place in bowl, add chia seeds or flax meal, toasted coconut, diced apple, cinnamon and bee pollen if using. Store mixture in an airtight container.

Serve cereal with coconut milk for a cold version or place ingredients in a pot with milk, warm and serve.

MORNING SNACK 10 walnuts and a green apple

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LUNCH Colorful Cauliflower Rice Serves 2

2 cups cauliflower, chopped 1 red or orange bell pepper, chopped 3 carrots, peeled and chopped ½ mango, chopped 3 scallions, chopped ¼ red onion, chopped 1 tablespoon sesame seeds 1 teaspoon sesame oil sea salt and pepper, to taste

Steam the cauliflower until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and process in a food processor until it reaches a rice-like consistency. You can also do this raw if raw cauliflower doesn’t bother your stomach. Add all of your remaining chopped ingredients to a bowl. Toss everything together and enjoy!

AFTERNOON SNACK Chocolate Avocado Pudding Serves 2 2 large avocados ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder ¼ cup maple syrup (OR your favorite sweetener to taste) ¼ cup coconut milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon dash of cayenne pepper

Add the avocados, cocoa powder, maple syrup, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon to a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. Let it set in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes before serving. Serve with a dash of cayenne pepper on top.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. DINNER

KALE AND ROASTED SWEET POTATOES Serves 4 4 roasted sweet potatoes (see recipe in Basics) 2 tablespoons coconut or olive oil, divided 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 bunches kale, chopped 1⁄4 cup water 2 teaspoons all-purpose seasoning sea salt and black pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon cinnamon Roast sweet potatoes according to recipe in Basics. Set aside to cool. Add 1 tablespoon oil to a large pot over medium heat. Add onion and garlic to the pot. Sauté for about 3 minutes, then add chopped kale. Add 1⁄4 cup water to the pot and cover. Steam the greens for about 3 minutes, then stir. Season the greens with all- purpose seasoning, sea salt, and black pepper. Split the roasted sweet potatoes in half , lengthwise. Season with cinnamon, remaining coconut oil, salt, and pepper. Serve alongside sautéed kale.

Remember to take time to relax and do something special for yourself: Read a book Watch your favorite TV show Enjoy your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of honey Take a luxurious bath or a long shower or indulging in one of the spa treatments I’ve put together for you in DO Watch a good movie Say some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos Call a loved one to catch up

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEFORE BED Clean your face using the oil cleansing method. If you used makeup, wipe it off first using a little coconut oil. Don’t use anything else! Remember, you can thrive in this non-stop world by mastering simple tools for simplifying your life and your health and beauty routine.

It’s as easy as giving yourself a break from the modern “emergency” state by eating the right foods and practicing deliberate self-care. You deserve it! Let me know how it goes!

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Here’s what women are saying about working with me

Helan Fitness

I was apprehensive about starting a 28 day clean eating program – after all, 28 days?? A diet?? I haven't dieted since I was a teen, and I enjoy food and wine far too much to limit myself. I consider them the great joys of life. Although in general, I do not eat badly, I have been increasingly aware that I eat a lot of cheese and bread, and that there are alternative ways to eat that might be better for me. The gradual phased program of Dana's 28 day program was a gentle process, and it didn't feel like the 'scarcity' diets I remember of my teen years. It is simply changing how I eat – a more abundant regime. The support was great, and I can dip into this type of eating any time I like balancing it with my love of fine dining. I feel less bloated, my digestion functions better, and although not the primary goal, I have lost almost 8 kgs. It has stayed off as I have been able to incorporate clean eating on a more regular basis. I'm pretty much off cheese and bread (but I don't beat myself up when I do eat them.) I share Dana's page with everyone! It is such an accessible way of eating.

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rita Saliba It all began in April 2016, when I decided to do the 28 Day Clean Eating Program with Dana. At that moment I stumbled onto the key that opened the door to a whole new world for me. But let me talk about my life before that. Moving to Egypt 11 years ago took its toll on me. I was away from my family and friends whom I continually missed. I had just started a new job where I met my Egyptian husband and fell in love. We decided to get married without telling anyone because he is from another religion, then we had to face the whole world after that. Quitting my job, getting pregnant and dealing with the postpartum depression were among the few situations that I had to face. I ended up eating my emotions for ten years. I became an emotional eater. It was painful and hard. I wanted to get out but I couldn't. I had tried all the diets I could read about, bought every book, and yes managed to lose all the weight I gained, several times, only to gain it all back and more a few months later. Shame, guilt, and failure were some of the feelings that I had to deal with. I became a zombie. Literally! My days were all the same: Numb, with no motivation whatsoever. I believed I was to blame for doing something wrong, that maybe in some way I deserved all of this. I was just beginning to struggle with my new weight gain (having lost all of it several months before), when I stumbled on Dana's Facebook page. I saw the cleanse program, and I thought why not give it a try? Something new, because at that point I didn't have the energy to go through another starvation diet. I enrolled and I never looked back. Losing the weight was all I was thinking about, but I never thought that I would be "lose" anything else. After only the first week I had no more brain fog, no numbness, and I felt alive. By the end of the program, I had lost weight--I have no idea how much because at that point I had severed my relationship with the scale. But I know that I dropped one size! What I learned was amazing. For example-what is toxicity and how it affects us; that I can eat without counting calories (that is one of the best); that healthy fats are good; that avocados are my new best friend and wheat is my enemy; I shouldn't drink coffee

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. every day if I want to have a good night’s sleep; and milk makes me congested. I also got rid of my skin rash. At that point, I was wondering why on earth haven't I heard about this before? Since getting pregnant with my daughter I had become a health and hygiene freak, buying books about nutrition and how to raise a healthy child, but it was nothing like I learned with Dana. Simple yet powerful tricks and information. My mind shifted, and I was able to make good decisions, some of the best so far. I even decided to start a new career and began to perceive the world differently. Now all of this happened in just month, can you imagine what would happen if I enrolled in the three months program? Yes, I did it. And the amount of information there was tremendous. Self-care, self-love, journaling, meditation, decluttering, more healthy recipes and meal plans and more. Not to mention the daily support from Dana and the tribe of women on the Facebook group. Amazing! At that time I was recovering from a broken leg. I felt I was not alone, I could whine and complain and express what I was feeling, and I would find a handful of amazing women giving me support in the most loving and kind way. I still remember most of their names and smile when they post something on the alumni group. Most of what I learned I still carry with me every day. Those are the tools that I love the most, and I practice them almost every day. The oil pulling, tongue scraping, dry skin brushing, journaling, the coffee substitute, my avocado every day, smoothies, juices and the 90/10 method. I know my body now, I know how to listen to it, I know what triggers the pain and malaise, and I know how to deal with it. I know how to get back on track and feel alive again. I have all the right instruments, and I can play my music now.

And today, I am a graduate of the Institute for Integration Nutrition myself and ready to start my new career as a health coach! Thank you, Dana, and may you always give inspiration and joy to all the women out there.

Love, Rita Saliba

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Omneya Azmy I am a 44 years old woman. A mother of three children in different, but very critical ages (21,19,and 15) which fills my life with a lot of challenges. Not only that, we had to relocate to Thailand which changed all my life setup after being all contained in one continent. I now have one child in Spain, another in Cairo and the third is living with me in Thailand. In addition to that, I gave up on my teaching job that I have been really passionate about for more that 13 years. I fell into the circle of stress. I was always edgy and my weight was going up putting more stress on me. At one point, I felt that I lost control and I’m losing it all.

I kept on dieting and following those printed papers and plans, but no progress. The weight I gained came back quickly with some more. Where is the problem? Why can’t I do it?

“Why can’t I eat whatever I like without gaining weight? For sure God gave us all of this good food to enjoy and not regret eating it? Why can’t I get rid of the extra kilos that I’ve gained for good?” I hated to look at myself in the mirror. I was stressed out trying to manage my life and my kids, but the more I thought I was in control, the more stressed out I became. All of that didn’t make sense to me and I was trying to find an answer to all my problems. For sure God created us to be able to endure and manage all our life stages. For sure, God created our sophisticated body to be able to digest, and eliminate what it wants and what it doesn’t?

But where is the missing tile here? Is it my willpower, or my body stopped burning? Is it how I treat it? Am I doing the right things for my body and myself? Am I giving myself the right care and love?

I followed many diets that made me lose weight, and went through hard exercising, but shortly after getting back to my old lifestyle, I gained the kilos back. I dressed up to look thinner so people wouldn't notice the weight I gained. Telling you the truth, I was never satisfied by the way I looked which stressed me more.

One day, I opened my mail to find this message from Dana, announcing a 90 day program. This message changed my life. When I found about this program, I stopped and thought of Albert Einstein’s saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. thing over and over again, but expecting different results,” and so why not try something new since all my other trials lead to the same results and may be worse?

When I started, every thing seemed different and strange as I was dealing with my problems from a different scope. I found out about the real cause of all of these problems. Yes, it’s all about the mind set. Once I looked, thought and treated myself differently, magic happened.

Finally, all the pieces of my life were falling into their places. I learnt how to deal with my stress and became calmer in dealing with all my life challenges. I learned how to take care of myself and how to empower my soul. Once I did that, it reflected on all aspects of my life and everything good started to come one after another and faster than I imagined.

I found myself in a real exciting journey to discover what is real and what is just an illusion. I consciously know now what to allow in and what to let go, whether it is food or emotions. I know how to listen to and understand my body. I lost the extra weight, and by weight I mean all kinds of weight whether it is stress, fats, or negative emotions, knowing for sure that they will never come back as long as I’m listening to my body and being kind to myself.

Thanks to this program, I found myself again, the “me” that was lost in life’s stresses and challenges, the “me “that deserves to come out to light and share its happiness, kindness and love with all the people, the “me” that can see the good and attract the it. I’m back to my old passions and hobbies. I know now how to heal and take care of myself which gives me the strength to take care of everyone around me with love and kindness. Now, I can go beyond any boundaries as boundaries are just in the mind. Thank you Dana for being there for me all the time. Thank you for bringing that gift into my life. Omneya Azmy

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Work with Me

Hi, I’m Dana Dinnawi. I’m in the business of showing strong, smart, independent women (like you) how to take back control of their lives . . . from what they eat and how they look, to what they do and how they feel. I help them break out of the cycle of yo- yo dieting so they can shed the last stubborn kilos, and learn how to eat for life so they can regain their energy and self-confidence to refocus on themselves and create a guilt-free lifestyle that fills them up daily.

Please connect with me on my social networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest

Learn more at danadinnawi.com Email: [email protected]

www.danadinnawi.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.