Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook

Daan S. van Es Wageningen UR &Biobased Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Received October 15, 2012; Accepted November 12, 2012

ABSTRACT: In this perspectives paper we will look at the state-of-the-art in rigid renewable building blocks for biobased materials, with a focus on two types of -based difunctional monomers, i.e.,isohexides and - 2,5-dicarboxylic acid (FDCA).

KEYWORDS: Biobased building blocks, FDCA, isohexides, polymers

1 INTRODUCTION (i.e. high purity) aromatic monomers from lignin is not likely in the short term [3]. Whereas in the case of lignin The continuously increasing interest in biomass and the challenges are mostly chemical and technological, biobased materials is fuelled by growing concerns the use of, e.g., terpenes as feedstock for the produc- about fossil feedstock depletion, as well as greenhouse tion of aromatics is severely hampered by the limited gas emissions and global warming. Whereas most of availability compared to the potential demand. Since the current focus is on using terrestrial vegetable bio- (C6 and C5 ) are abundantly mass as alternative feedstock for energy carriers (e.g. available they are the most likely candidates as feed- transportation fuels) and chemicals production, aquatic stock for the production of bulk (platform) chemicals biomass (e.g. micro- and macroalgae) is also being for materials production. Basically two approaches can explored as a renewable feedstock source. A success- be distinguished in the transition towards a biobased ful transition from a fossil-feedstock-based economy to (i.e. carbohydrate based) economy; transformation of a biobased economy can only be achieved sustainably biomass feedstocks to existing (fossil based) chemicals, if there is no competition with food and feed produc- also known as drop-in, or transformation of biomass to tion, and negative effects of (indirect) land use change “new” chemicals. Both approaches have their own mer- are prevented. Hence, biobased feed stocks should be its. While the drop-in approach capitalizes on the use of limited to non-food crops and agro residues. Given the existing expertise and capital, the major drawback is the huge scale of current global industrial petrochemicals energy penalty that has to be paid when transforming production, the choice of biobased feedstock is deter- highly functionalized feedstock with a high oxidation mined by availability if a signifi cant impact is desired. state (carbohydrates, high oxygen content) into existing Hence for terrestrial biomass these restrictions limit petrochemicals (low functionality hydrocarbons and the potential sources to lignocellulose and residues aromatics). The “net” removal of water from carbohy- (e.g. wood, grasses, straw, bagasse) and specifi c energy drates requires (non-renewable) hydrogen and energy, crops like rapeseed and jathropha. Lignocellulosic bio- and results in a low overall atom effi ciency. On the other mass on average contains 40–50% , 20–30% hand, the transformation of biomass into “new” chemi- hemicellulose, 20–30% lignin, and varying amounts cals will require the development of new expertise and of proteins, fats and oils, and minerals [1,2]. Although technology all along the value chain (from monomer lignin is a highly interesting potential source of aro- production to materials processing). The term “new” matic chemicals like phenol, and expected to become relates to the fact that the chemicals and materials of abundantly available from lignocellulosic biorefi ner- interest are not produced on a large scale (or even small ies, the economically viable production of resin-grade scale), while for some of these chemicals the fi rst scien- tifi c reports date back to the late nineteenth century. So *Corresponding author: [email protected] although the lack of knowledge of these new biobased chemicals can be considered as detrimental, the pros- DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2012.634108 pect of developing new materials with new properties

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as well as intellectual property is a strong incentive for HO H HO H HO H many to explore this strategy. Furthermore, transforma- O OO 55 5 tion of carbohydrates into “new” building blocks like 2 22 O O O (tetrahydro) , lactic acid or succinic acid by selec- H OH HHOH OH tive defunctionalization follows the thermodynami- cally preferred pathway, resulting in a more energy IsomannideIsosorbide Isoidide effi cient reduction of the number of functional groups, while retaining (part) of the unique structural charac- teristics of the biomass feedstock. The resulting biobased building blocks often dif- fer dramatically from their petro-based analogues (if those exist at all) on a variety of aspects including Figure 1 Chemical structure and spatial orientation of the polarity, reactivity and chirality. three major isohexide isomers; spatial side-view along C3-C4 Regarding biobased materials, there is an increas- axis based on DFT calculations (B3LYP-TZV) [7]. ing demand for biobased, sustainable performance materials, where the emphasis is on performance and endurance, as opposed to (bio)degradability. Hence the orientation of the hydroxyl groups at positions 2 (unsaturated) polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes and 5 [6]. Whereas two isomers are symmetrical with and epoxy resins have become the areas of interest for both hydroxyl groups in the endo (isomannide) or exo many in the fi eld of biobased monomers. Whereas rela- (isoidide) position, the third isomer (isosorbide) has a tively fl exible renewable building blocks (diacids, diols, 2-exo, 5-endo confi guration (Fig.1). polyols) are becoming increasingly industrially avail- The position of the hydroxyl groups has signifi cant able (from carbohydrate or oleochemical sources), there infl uence on the reactivity, depending on the type of is a growing need for rigid biobased monomers for the chemistry involved. Whereas the exo-hydroxyl group production of high performance, engineering poly- is less sterically hindered, the endo-hydroxyl group mers, with high glass transition (Tg’s) and melting tem- is more nucleophilic due to intramolecular hydrogen peratures (Tm’s) and excellent mechanical properties. bonding. This difference in reactivity is an intrinsic In their 2004 study for the US Department of Energy feature in isosorbide chemistry. (DOE) called “Top Value Added Chemicals from Of the three mentioned isomers only isosorbide is Biomass”, Werpy et al. listed the top twelve biobased produced on an industrial scale, which is mainly due chemicals with a unique structure [4]. In their follow- to the limited accessibility of the precursors of the other up study from 2010 Bozell and Petersen revised this two isomers. Isosorbide is produced from abundantly list based on the level of technological development available in two steps in high yields. Whereas and commercialization [5]. Nevertheless, in both stud- currently is the major source of glucose, devel- ies only two types of biobased difunctional rigid build- opments in lignocellulosic biorefi neries will ultimately ing blocks were included: i.e. furan-2,5-dicarboxylic result in the production of glucose from non-food acid (2,5-FDA or FDCA) and 1,4:3,6-dianhydrosorbitol sources, thereby preventing competition with the food (isosorbide). Our focus in this paper will be from the chain. Isomannide is prepared from mannitol, which perspective of these two classes of high interest rigid is made by hydrogenation of . Since fructose biobased building blocks, i.e., isohexides and FDCA. is less commonly available than glucose, the price of fructose is signifi cantly higher. Sources of fructose are, e.g., sucrose or inulin, while enzymatic isomerization 2 ISOHEXIDES of glucose to fructose is also performed on an indus- trial scale. In contrast to sorbitol, the cyclodehydration Isohexides, also known as 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols, of mannitol to isomannide is also less effi cient [6]. The are rigid secondary diols based on C6- alcohols. third isomer, isoidide, is even less accessible since the Depending on the source used, three differ- parent hexose, i.e. L-idose, is rarely found in nature ent isohexide isomers can be obtained by successive and hence can only be prepared chemically. A recent reduction of the aldose to the alditol, followed by acid patent application describing the synthesis of iditol in catalyzed cyclodehydration to the isohexide. The three 5-steps via L-sorbose, starting from glucose, under- major isomers, i.e. isosorbide (1,4:3,6-dianhydrosorbi- lines the diffi culty of obtaining this isomer [8]. On the tol), isoidide (1,4:3,6-dianhydroiditol) and isomannide other hand, according to the same authors, the cyclo- (1,4:3,6-dianhydromannitol), are bicyclic structures dehydration of iditol to isoidide is highly effi cient. composed of two cis-fused tetrahydrofuran rings with An alternative approach to obtaining isohexide iso- a 120° angle between the rings, which differ only by mers is the epimerization as described by Wright and

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detrimental to isohexide stability, frequently resulting in severe coloration and molecular weight decrease. Since polyesters containing high levels of isosorbide are in most cases amorphous, high molecular weights are required in order to attain suffi cient mechanical proper- ties. Standard industrial practice to increase molecular weight by solid state polymerization (SSP) requires the polymer to be semicrystalline, which is not the case for isosorbide polyesters. Hence application of isosorbide in high molecular weight engineering plastics has not been successful yet. Of the other two isomers, isoman- nide has been shown to be rather ineffective for obtain- ing polyesters with industrially relevant properties due to low reactivity, and hence competition from unwanted sides reactions (e.g. elimination and ring-opening). In contrast, isoidide, due to its symmetry, gives stereo- regular polymers, resulting in semicrystalline materi- als, albeit at low degrees of crystallinity [12]. Also the higher reactivity of the two exo-hydroxyl groups gen- erally results in signifi cantly reduced color formation. Unfortunately, due to its limited availability the avail- able data on isoidide polyesters are scarce compared Figure 2 Schematic overview of synthetic routes to to the commercially available isosorbide. Recently the isohexides. group of Muñoz-Guerra published various papers on an alternative approach to rigid biobased building blocks, using cyclic acetals of aldaric acids and alditols, Brandner, which involves catalytic interconversion of which also showed highly interesting thermal proper- all three isomers in a hydrogen atmosphere [9,10]. ties [13–19]. An in-depth discussion of this work, how- Apart from various other applications such as phar- ever, is beyond the scope of this paper. maceuticals, plasticizers and solvents, isohexides are Despite the broad industrial and academic inter- also interesting building blocks for polymers. Due to est only a limited number of review papers have been their chirality and intrinsic rigidity isohexides have been published on isohexides. An older review by Stoss et explored for applications such as, e.g., liquid crystalline al. [6] deals with isohexides in a broad context, which polymers (LCPs), powder coating resins, and engineer- was recently updated by Rose and Palkovits [20]. ing plastics. When incorporated into step growth poly- Kricheldorf gave a concise overview of the use of iso- mers such as polyesters and polycarbonates, isohexides hexides in polycondensates [21], while more recently have two distinct effects. First and foremost the rigidity Fenouillot et al. published a convenient review of the of the isohexides reduces chain mobility, resulting in an application of isohexides in polymer chemistry during increase of the glass transition temperature (Tg) [11,12]. the last two decades [12]. When applied to known polyesters, such as polyethyl- Overall it can be concluded that isohexides, and in ene terephthalate (PET), this can dramatically increase particular isosorbide, are unique renewable rigid diols the application window of these materials. On the other which are capable of dramatically altering polymer hand, it is also observed that incorporation of high lev- properties when incorporated into step-growth poly- els of isohexides into polyesters results in a reduction mers. Whereas the benefi cial effects of the intrinsic of crystallinity, and in the case of isosorbide into com- rigidity are obvious, and of high industrial importance, pletely amorphous polymers [12]. This is believed to be various other issues, like reduced reactivity, color for- caused by the formation of stereo-irregular polymers mation and reduced crystallinity have so far hampered due to the asymmetry of isosorbide. The difference (large scale) industrial implementation. Here we will in reactivity of the two hydroxyl groups in isosorbide discuss three different strategies to overcome these often results in problems encountered when attempting drawbacks, with the aim of unlocking the full potential to make high molecular weight polyesters using melt of isohexides in polymer chemistry. polymerization. Molecular weight build-up of amor- The fi rst strategy is based on using isoidide instead of phous polymers under melt polymerization conditions isosorbide. Although literature on isoidide-containing is usually achieved by using high temperatures and polymers is scarce due to their limited availability, extended reaction times. Such drastic conditions are several authors have shown that isoidide has several

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unreactive secondary hydroxyl groups at the 2- and 5-positions with more reactive ones like amines or the corresponding isocyanates. This opens up pos- sibilities for the production of, e.g., polyamides and polyurethanes. Thiem et al. were the fi rst to describe the use of these isohexidediamines in the synthesis of Figure 3 Catalytic epimerization of isohexides. polyurethanes and polyamides [24,25]. Recently, the use of high purity dideoxy-diaminoisoidide in the distinct advantages. The exo hydroxyl groups are more preparation of a series of fully biobased semicrystal- reactive than the endo hydroxyl groups in isosorbide line polyamides was reported [26,27]. Moreover, the and isomannide resulting in higher molecular weight increasing number of patent applications published on polymers and signifi cantly reduced color formation. this subject is indicative of the industrial relevance of Furthermore, because of the symmetry of isoidide, these biobased rigid diamines [28–30]. Nevertheless, stereoregular polymers are obtained which increase scientifi c literature describing the synthesis of unsub- the potential of crystallinity at high degrees of incor- stituted dideoxy-diamino isohexides is scarce. Most of poration [22]. As mentioned previously, unfortunately the reported routes suffer from signifi cant drawbacks, isoidide is the least synthetically accessible isomer of such as low overall yields of purifi ed diamine (<15%) the three isohexides. Roquette reported a multi-step [6] or the use of highly explosive azide intermediates procedure starting from D-glucose, via L-sorbose and [31,32]. Since we required resin-grade dideoxy-diami- L-iditol [8]. Despite its elegance, this method mainly noisohexides for polymer synthesis we developed an suffers from the elaborate downstream processing improved stereospecifi c, yet stoichiometric route to required for separating L-iditol from the other hexitol dideoxy-diaminoisoidide, giving the desired diamine isomers. in 47% isolated yield and 99.9% purity [33]. Recently, A more convenient approach is based on the cata- the Beller group reported the elegant, highly effi cient, lytic epimerization of more readily available isosor- direct catalytic conversion of isosorbide to dideoxy- bide as reported by Wright and Brandner [9,10]. These diamino isohexides using ammonia [34,35]. Although authors subjected isosorbide to high temperatures a breakthrough from a green-chemistry point of view, (220–240°C) and high hydrogen pressure (100 bar this procedure also has drawbacks. Whereas high at RT) in the presence of a nickel catalyst to obtain a conversions are reported, unfortunately no isolated mixture of all three isohexides containing 59% isoi- yields are given, nor the composition of the mixture of dide, 35% isosorbide and 6% isomannide. In order to three dideoxy-diamino isohexides isomers obtained. improve the industrial applicability of this reaction Separation and purifi cation of these isomers, required we have recently developed an alternative procedure for application in high performance polymers, is non- using a supported ruthenium catalyst [23]. By careful trivial and can have detrimental effects on isolated optimization of the reaction conditions it was possible yields. Hence we developed a semi-catalytic route to reduce the initial hydrogen pressure to 40 bar at RT, starting from either isosorbide or isomannide, by sub- while still obtaining the desired equilibrium ratio after sequent transformation into the corresponding bisto- 2 h. Furthermore it was shown that the ruthenium sylates, nucleophilic substitution by benzylamine and catalyst was signifi cantly more active than a nickel- fi nally catalytic hydrogenolysis to obtain the pure based reference catalyst, even at a very low catalyst stereoisomers (Fig.4) [36]. This three-step strategy loading of 360 ppm ruthenium. A large-scale reaction, gave the desired products dideoxy-diamino isoidide performed with a 50wt% aqueous isosorbide solution and dideoxy-diamino isosorbide with absolute stereo (200 g isosorbide) showed that scale-up is feasible, control in >80% overall isolated yield and high purity while high purity isoidide was obtained by fractional (>99% based on NMR and GC). Preliminary results distillation of the equilibrium mixture. Furthermore it on the scale-up of these reactions to kilogram scale was shown that the undesired isomers (isosorbide and show that this is feasible, giving access to suffi cient isomannide) could be reused as feedstock for a sub- amounts of resin-grade monomers to allow for poly- sequent epimerization reaction, making this method mer development. highly atom effi cient. Using this technology it should The future challenge with regard to the develop- be possible to obtain isoidide via an effi cient and ment of isohexide-based diamines will be in develop- industrially viable route, opening up new possibilities ing an effi cient, sustainable catalytic route with high for its application in polymer chemistry. regio-selectivity, as well as developing effi cient sepa- A second strategy for increasing the reactiv- ration technology in order to obtain the pure regio- ity of isohexides is the substitution of the relatively isomers. (Note: isomeric purity is only required for

64 J. Renew. Mater., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2013 © 2013 Scrivener Publishing LLC DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2012.634108 Daan van Es: Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook

Figure 4 3-step stereospecifi c synthesis of dideoxy-diaminoisoidide and -isosorbide.

Figure 5 Synthetic route towards novel family of 2,5-(1-carbon extended)isohexides. obtaining semicrystalline or high MW polymers, for the isohexide skeleton. When isosorbide is reacted amorphous polymers isomeric mixtures could already with ethylene oxide, bis(2-hydroxyethyl isosorbide) be effective.) is obtained [38]. This derivative has two primary Jasinska et al. recently showed that high purity hydroxyl groups, which makes it signifi cantly more dideoxy-diamino isoidide can be effi ciently incorpo- reactive. Unfortunately, the increased distance between rated into polyamides by a combination of bulk melt the functional groups and the bicyclic skeleton, as well polycondensation followed by solid-state polymeriza- as the fl exible linkage, has detrimental effects tion (SSP) giving colorless products with satisfactory on the rigidity and hence on the Tg of the polymers molecular weights (>18 000 g/mol) [26]. The success- based on these monomers. Based on these results we ful incorporation of both dideoxy-diamino isoidide concluded that chain extension should be limited to 1 and isosorbide into polyamide 4-10 and 4-13 further- carbon atom in order to retain rigidity. This hypoth- more showed that the reactivity of these monomers is esis was tested by the development of a novel family suffi cient to allow for high degrees of incorporation. of 1-carbon-extended isoidide derivatives, as reported Furthermore these authors showed that incorpora- by Wu et al. [39,40]. Although far from industrially tion of diamino isohexides has signifi cant effects on viable, the synthetic route as depicted in Figure 5 the type and degree of crystallinity [27]. Apart from allows for the stereo- and regiocontrolled synthesis of the application of the free diamines as building blocks these new monomers, and hence the evaluation of the for polyamides, the corresponding (blocked) isocya- (basic) properties of the polymers based upon them. nates are also of interest for the synthesis of biobased Activation of isomannide by reaction with trifl ic anhy- polyurethanes and polyureas [37]. Nevertheless, these dride, followed by cyanation, yields the exo-exo con- results show that more work has to be performed fi gured dinitrile, which serves as a platform chemical on novel, mild polymerization methods in order to for the synthesis of the corresponding diamine, diacid cope with the lower thermal stability of the diami- and diol. noisohexides compared to fully aliphatic diamines. The diacid, when incorporated into polyesters, Furthermore, more insight is required into the mate- indeed showed a signifi cant increase in reactivity com- rial properties of these polyamides and polyurethanes pared to the parent isohexide diols under melt polym- in application areas like coatings and fi bers. erization conditions: polyesters with Mn 10,000 could The third strategy to enhance the reactivity of iso- be obtained at temperatures as low as 130°C [11]. In hexides is based on chain extension at C2 and C5 of contrast to expectations, in the case of the isoidide

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TA FDCA IPA Figure 6 Structural comparison between (TA), furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (FDCA), and isophthalic acid (IPA); top-view based on DFT calculations (B3LYP-TZV) [7].

diacid, the 1-carbon extension resulted in a signifi cant 3 FURAN DICARBOXYLIC ACID decrease in Tg of the ensuing polyesters compared to incorporation of the parent isohexide. However, when Furan derivatives have been investigated as poten- compared to the fully fl exible C6 analogue adipic acid, tially renewable building blocks for polymers for incorporation of isoididediacid resulted in an increase over a century. Initially, thermosetting resins based in Tg of approx. 50−70°C. on or furfuryl alcohol found use in a range The synthesis of a series of fully isohexide-based of applications [44]. Although currently not yet com- polyesters showed that a combination of the isoidid- mercially available on a large scale, furan-2,5-dicar- ediacid with either isosorbide or isoidide resulted boxylic acid (2,5-FDA or FDCA; Fig.6) is probably in low MW polyesters (Mn 2,500) with Tg’s ranging one of the most interesting furan-based monomers from 70–80°C [41]. When the parent isoidide was sub- (based on the properties of the monomer as well as stituted by the 1-carbon extended idide diol, the Tg FDCA-based polymers). In the aforementioned DOE decreased to 45°C, yet molecular weight increased study by Werpy et al. FDCA was rated as number 2 by a factor of 2, underlining the increased reactivity. in their top 12 value-added chemicals from biomass Even more interesting was the observation that poly- [4]. The report states that FDCA “has a large poten- esters containing the extended idide diol were semi- tial as a replacement for terephthalic acid, a widely crystalline at even up to 100% incorporation of the used component in various polyesters, such as PET isohexidediol. In the case of semiaromatic polyesters and PBT.” Their conclusion was that: “The utility of this made it possible to use solid-state polymerization FDCA as a PET/PBT analogue offers an important (SSP) as a mild method to increase molecular weight opportunity to address a high volume, high value (by a factor of 5, to Mn 30,000) [41]. When compared chemical market. To achieve this opportunity, R&D to to the polyester of terephthalic acid and isoidide, the develop selective oxidation and dehydration technol- analogous polyester containing the extended idid- ogy will need to be carried out. However, the return ediol showed a dramatic drop in Tg of approx. 100°C on investment might have applicability of interest (209°C vs 105°C) [42,43]. However, the new polyester to an important segment of the chemical industry.” is a semicrystalline polymer which allowed for SSP, Although FDCA is advocated by various sources as resulting in an increase in Mn by a (nonoptimized) the ultimate biobased alternative to terephthalic acid factor of 3. (TA), there are signifi cant differences between these Given the current laborious stoichiometric synthetic two molecules [7]. Although both FDCA and TA are route it is obvious that the 2,5-(1-carbon extended)iso- aromatic molecules, the large differences in delocali- hexides described here are still at an academic stage zation energy (22 kcal versus 36 kcal/mol for furan of development. Nevertheless it was shown that espe- and benzene respectively) give the furan nucleus a cially in the case of the extended diol, highly interest- signifi cant diene character, which is, e.g., expressed ing and industrially relevant polymer properties can by the Diels-Alder reactivity of furan [45,46]. Hence, be obtained. Future work in this area will need to focus the aromatic ring of FDCA can be expected to be on further exploration of the effects of incorporating more reactive than in TA, especially under high tem- these monomers in condensation polymers, as well as perature polymerization conditions. Another relevant developing more sustainable, catalytic and industri- parameter for polymers is the angle between the car- ally viable routes to 1-carbon extended isohexides. boxylic acid groups which determines the degree of

66 J. Renew. Mater., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2013 © 2013 Scrivener Publishing LLC DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2012.634108 Daan van Es: Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook

Hemicellulose Cellulose/Starch/Innulin Pectins Pentosans

Sacch, Ox Sacch Sacch

Hexoses Aldaric acids Pentoses Ox


O O O O HO H HM, Carb H HMF Furfural

Ox Ox

O O O O HO OH O Disp OH FDCA 2-Furoic acid

Figure 7 Schematic overview of pathways from polysaccharides to FDCA: Sacch = saccharifi cation, CDH = cyclodehydration, Ox = oxidation, HM = hydroxymethylation, Carb = carbonylation/carboxylation, Disp = disproportionation. linearity of the monomer. In TA this angle is 180°, giv- inulin respectively, and can be directly transformed ing highly linear, rigid, and often easily crystallizable into 5- (HMF) by cyclodehy- polymers. In FDCA this angle is signifi cantly smaller dration (Fig. 7) [55–57]. Oxidation of HMF in turn will ranging from 129.4° (X-ray diffraction) to 133.6° (DFT) yield FDCA. In spite of its versatility as a platform mol- [39], and hence closer to the value of 120° found for ecule, HMF is currently not produced on an industrial isophthalic acid (IPA), as is illustrated in Figure 6. scale, although various companies have announced This difference in angles will have profound effects plans for short term commercial production of FDCA, on, e.g., crystallization kinetics, crystal structure, and which are thought to involve HMF (and derivatives) degree of crystallinity [47–49]. as intermediate. Another C6 sugar route is based on FDCA can be obtained from two major classes the use of aldaric acids, which can be converted to of biobased feedstocks; i.e. C5 sugar based and C6 FDCA by cyclodehydration [58]. Aldaric acids can be sugar based (Fig. 7) [50]. C5 sugars (pentoses) are obtained by oxidation of or alduronic acids (a obtained from hemicellulose containing agricultural major constituent of pectins). residues such as corn cobs, oat hulls, or bagasse, Despite increasing efforts, both from academia giving furfural (furan-2-carbaldehyde) as primary and industry, in the development of synthetic intermediate. Hydroxymethylation or carbonylation routes towards FDCA, several challenges remain. can be used to introduce a carbon functionality at Production of HMF, either directly from D-glucose, the 5-position [51]. Subsequent oxidation will yield or via D-fructose is a major topic in biobased chem- FDCA. Another approach is based on the Henkel istry. Whereas the production of crude HMF does reaction which involves a disproportionation of salts not pose a problem with regard to conversion of the of 2-furoic acid [52–54]. starting hexoses, selectivity towards HMF and effi - C6 sugars (hexoses), mainly D-glucose and cient down-stream processing are still lacking. The D-fructose, are readily available by hydroly- formation of unwanted by-products like levulinic sis of polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose or acid (in the presence of water) and humins (resulting

J. Renew. Mater., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2013 © 2013 Scrivener Publishing LLC 67 Daan van Es: Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2012.634108 from acid catalysis) especially decrease selectivity and 80s mainly focused on polymer preparation. The and can result in high DSP costs in order to purify the recently increased interest in FDCA has, however, HMF for the consecutive oxidation step. Increasing led to a small surge in reports on improved polyester selectivity by using environmentally disputed cata- synthesis as well as property analyses. lysts like chromium or the use of expensive solvents Gandini and coworkers reported on the synthesis like ionic liquids also pose a challenge to DSP and, and molecular and thermal analysis of poly(ethylene although highly interesting from a scientifi c point furan-2,5-dicarboxylate), or PEF, as well as the 1,3-pro- of view, are not likely to become part of an eventual panediol analogue PPF [47,71,72], while Grosshardt large scale industrial process [59]. Another approach et al. reported on FDCA polyesters based on long is taken by the Avantium company whose current chain diols, including their mechanical properties pilot scale process involves the preparation of more [73]. Also, recently Ma et al. investigated copolymers stable HMF (e.g. methoxymethylfurfural), of FDCA with ethylene glycol and 1,4-butanediol. which are subsequently oxidized to FDCA [60–63]. Unfortunately, no mechanical analysis of the various The pectin-based route currently suffers from two block co-polyesters was performed [74]. Jiang et al. distinct drawbacks; i.e. the relatively low yield of the reported the direct esterifi cation of FDCA with a range cyclodehydration step [58], and the lower feedstock of diols from ethylene glycol up to 1,8-octanediol [75]. availability of pectins versus glucose/fructose poly- The polymers obtained by the latter authors were saccharides. The fi rst issue is the subject of ongoing brown to yellow products, depending on the maxi- investigations, while the second could eventually be mum polymerization temperature. When compared to overcome by developments in the conversion of hex- other literature reports the reported molecular weight oses to aldaric acids. A major benefi t of the pectin (Mn) value of 105,000 for PEF appears to be overesti- route is that it allows for the synthesis of high purity mated, especially since only direct melt polymerization FDCA, which is essential for polymer synthesis [64]. of the free diacid was performed. A very recent paper The alternative hemicellulose route via already indus- by Ma et al. describes the synthesis of poly(butylene trially produced furfural also faces several challenges. 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PBF), including a detailed While furfural is already commercially produced on DSC and XRD study into its crystallization behavior an industrial scale, the selectivities and yields of the [76]. Unfortunately also in this case no mechanical processes require signifi cant improvements in order data are given. Gruter et al. evaluated different types to reduce costs [65]. Furthermore, reports on the cat- of catalysts for the polycondensation of FDCA or its alytic functionalization of the 5-position of furfural dimethyl ester with ethylene glycol and 1,4-butane- (or 2-furoic acid) have so far been very scarce in both diol. They concluded that the dimethyl ester of scientifi c and patent literature. Another largely over- FDCA allows for higher reaction rates and improved looked route based on a Henkel type disproportion- color [63]. In addition, a patent by the same authors ation reaction is an interesting alternative given the describes the synthesis of high molecular weight PEF coproduction of FDCA and furan [52–54]. by solid-state polymerization (SSP) [77]. Also, recently A general challenge for routes towards FDCA is the Dam et al. reported some application properties of PEF, required purity of the monomer. Resin grade FDCA such as gas barrier properties and mechanical proper- (>99.9% purity) should have a quality comparable ties after recycling [78]. Gas barrier properties of PEF to purifi ed terephthalic acid (PTA) if high molecular appear to be superior to those of PET: 2 times better for weight polymers, such as polyesters, are the main water, >2 times better for CO2, and >6 times better for application areas. Alternatively, the fi rst large scale O2. According to these authors this may allow for new industrial application of FDCA could be in markets packaging applications that are currently unattainable where purity is less restrictive, such as unsaturated for PET, such as for beer, wine, vegetable oils, etc. De polyester resins and plasticizers [66–68]. Therefore it Jong et al. also reported the use of SSP to increase the is diffi cult to “pick a winner” amongst all the different MW of PEF and PPF [79]. Their study included more routes currently pursued. industrially relevant issues like recyclability, gas per- With regard to potential applications of FDCA, meability and bulk density. As one of the latest addi- polymers and especially thermoplastic polyesters tions to the spate of FDCA polyester reports, Knoop are the major focus. Whereas reports on polyesters et al. reported on the bench scale synthesis of PEF, containing FDCA date back to the late 1940s and PPF, and PBF by consecutive melt polymerization and 1950s, with the fi rst scientifi c paper by Hachihama solid-state polymerization [64]. Both crystallization et al.[69] in 1958, very little, if any, polymer proper- behavior and mechanical properties are reported for ties where reported that are relevant to evaluating high MW PEF (Mn 83,000) obtained via SSP. their commercial potential. Also, the prolifi c work by So far, academic as well as industrial research has the groups of Moore [58] and Gandini [70] in the 70s shown that FDCA-based polyesters have interesting

68 J. Renew. Mater., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2013 © 2013 Scrivener Publishing LLC DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2012.634108 Daan van Es: Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook properties, and are in many ways comparable to tere- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS phthalic-acid-based polyesters. Nevertheless, despite the growing knowledge base on FDCA polyester (i.e. The author would like to thank F. van der Klis, B.Sc., PEF) properties, there is still a considerable need for Dr. R. Knoop and Dr. J. van Haveren for fruitful dis- more insight into properties and behavior in order to cussions. Furthermore, part of the work described here identify potential areas of application, such as packag- is sponsored by the following programs: the research ing, fi bers, coatings, etc. Furthermore, industrial pro- program of the Dutch Polymer Institute (projects 653, cessing of FDCA polyesters by, e.g., extrusion, injection 656), the Biobased Performance Materials research molding, fi ber spinning etc., will need to be developed programme (BPM-013, BPM-020), and the Dutch in order to become viable production processes for Carbohydrate Competence Center (CCC WP10). polyester products. Last but not least, the transition from a petrochemical-based material to a biobased material should not only be economically feasible, but REFERENCES also ecologically sustainable. In this respect, a recent paper by Eerhart et al. on the energy and greenhouse 1. D.M. Alonso, J.Q. Bond, and J.A. Dumesic, Catalytic con- version of biomass to . Green Chem 12(9), 1493– gas (GHG) balance of the production of polyethylene 1513 (2010). furanoate (PEF) shows that in principal PEF can be 2. C.-H. Zhou, X. Xia, C.-X. Lin, D.-S. Tong, and J. produced sustainably [80]. Beltramini, Catalytic conversion of lignocellulosic bio- In contrast to the steadily increasing stream of mass to fi ne chemicals and fuels. Chem. Soc. Rev 40(11), papers and patents on FDCA in polyesters, reports on 5588–5617 (2011). the application of this building block in polyamides 3. J. Zakzeski, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, A.L. Jongerius, and B.M. are scarce. In the 1960s–70s several papers described Weckhuysen, The catalytic valorization of lignin for the aliphatic and alicyclic polyamides based on FDCA production of renewable chemicals. Chem. Rev 110(6), [81,83]. Whereas melt polycondensation of the alkyl- 3552–3599 (2010). diammonium salts gave unsatisfactory results due to 4. T. Werpy and G. 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Given the increasing interest in industrial high L-iditol, EP1647540, assigned to Roquette Freres (2006). strength fi bers (e.g. aramids, ultra-high-molecular- 9. L.W. Wright and J.D. Brandner, Isoiodide, US3023223, weight polyethylene), it is also more than likely that assigned to Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc. (1962). in the area of polyamide research FDCA will become a 10. L.W. Wright and J.D. Brandner, Catalytic isomerization topic of interest once again in the near future. of polyhydric alcohols. II. The isomerization of isosorb- ide to isomannide and isoidide. J. Org. Chem 29(10), 2979–2982 (1964). 11. J. Wu, P. Eduard, S. Thiyagarajan, L. Jasinska-Walc, 4 CONCLUSION A. Rozanski, C.F. Guerra, B.a.J. Noordover, J. Van Haveren, D.S. Van Es, and C.E. 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