CTHE DAILY7- TUFTS Vol XWI, Number 62 Where you read it first Wednesday, Ami1 26,1989 New Track Construction to Begin Next Week procedure of laying the track costs for the track, new stand and by DAN SCHORR requires many preliminary sur- new press box are estimated at Daily Editorial Board faces before the final synthetic approximately $1.1 to 1.2 mil- Tufts University will begin rubber surface is placed down in lion. work next week on a new eight- the heat of the summer. For the The men’s and women’s track lane synthetic outdoor track de- spthetic surface to be put in place, 1 teams, currentlypracbcingonthe signed to replace the existing the elements must cooperate smaller 200 meter indoor wack facility at Ellis Oval. The facility because warm temperatures are which was built in the 1940s, will should be completed by the fht needed for the surface to properly get a boost to the football game in late September seal. with the addition of this facility, if the plan remains on schedule, The plan also calls for new Cicia said. according to Assistant Athletic press boxes to be built, lights to Former IGC President Andy Rockett, left, receives a community Director and Director of Facility be installed, and the existing area “It will be an incredible ad- service award from Associate Dean of Students Bruce Reitman. Jeff cicia. to be landscaped. Field event vantage for the first time for US to The addition of an upgraded runways, sandpits, and throwing go frornthe lockerroom right on 20 Students Receive track will also enable the men’s areas are to be located in or near to *e track:’ said head men’s and women’s track teams to hold the new facility. Some luxury @ackcOachConniePutnam. ‘‘TO their first home meets at Tufts in items,suchas “raisingtheflower runafu11400metersinPracticeis “at least twenty years,” Cicia beds in front of the Baronian Field going to make all the difference Service theAwards University Housing Office. said. Currently, the cinder track House,” will not be done due in the world.” by DAWSPIELMAN Three awards were presented that surrounds the football field is monetary limitations, Cicia ex- With ,the installation of the Daily Editorial Board to students who have worked with not adequate for competition. plained. track, the Athletic Department Awards for community sew the Students ActivitiesOfficethis William Meserve, chair of the “Everything is top-of-the- hopes to gamer further contribu- ice were presented to 20 students year. Marcia Kelly, the director Board of Trustees’ Administra- line,” he said. “We wouldn’t have tions for the improvement to the by members of the Administra- of student activities, gave an award tionandFinanceCommittee,said it any other way.” He also said facilities. Unlike the newly reno- tionataformal awards ceremony to Amy Zarin, the chair of the that the committee approved the that the complex, “along with vated baseball field, which was in Ballou Hall yesterday. Tufts Community Union Judici- project at a meeting yesterday the new arts center, will enhance done through the assistance of Opening remarks from Dean q,and Catherine Harder-Bernier, afternoon. He said that the proj- the appearance of the south west one donor, the largerprojects will of Students Bobbie Knable high- the assistant director of programs, ect does not have to be approved quadrant’’ of the campus. require the receipt of many gifts lighted the “sacrifices” and the gave an award tostevecallahan, , by the full board. Cicia said yesterday that the in a short period of time. “sell3essness” which the students the vice president of the Tufts Set to be initiated May 2, the who received the awards had CenterBoard.Bothstudentshave plan calls for the existing set of displayed in their various roles in worked closely with the Student bleachers to be removed and cSL Reviews IGC the University. Activities Office this year to donated to a local community. Dean of Undergraduate Stud- coordinate and assist other stu- The new stands will be higher off ies David Maxwell presented the dent organizations. the ground in order to improve Constitutionproval of the constitution would firstaward to Mary Harris for her Roy Tilsley, the assistant di- visibility, and will be moved fur- by ANNA GEORGE Daily Editorial Board make the now ad hoc board a work with the study abroad pro- ~*-mtmfoiwpedeneatthG’same ther back towards Powderhouse formally recognized disciplinary gHM and with students returning office, gave an award to Charles Square in order to make room for The Inter-Greek Council pre- board. from study abroad. Thompson. Tilsley said that the the wider track. sented a version of its recently Reiman argued that it was Dana Andrus, the dormitory two have workedclosely together A local excavation company, revised constitution to the Com- important that the constitution inspector, and John Darcey, the this year in providing- “technical the Bond Brothers, will begin mittee on Student Life Monday make explicit what cases should director of housing, recognized digging and landscaping the site for approval, but because some be head by the IGC Judicial Board. Christopher Flynn for his work in see AWARDS, page towards the end of May. The portionsdealingwiththepowers Currently, the Judicial Board &d procedures of the Judicial claims the right to make judg- Board were unclear, the IGC was ments on all cases involving a SOVie& 0ust 11 0 part- 0ff icials asked to revise the document, Greek member-house for viola- MOSCOW (AP) -- The Com- that all comrades on the Commu- committee membership since the according to IGC President Na- tions of the social policy. How- munistParty sweptout llOsenior nistPartyCentralCommitteeand 27th party cngress elected them tale DiNatale. ever, Reitman said that it was officials -- many thought to be the Central Auditing Commission in 1986. Officially, they lost their The IGC constitution, a docu- important that the board outline inactive and conservative -- and should work hard to further per- jobs because of poor health or ment that has existed in various how cases dealing with incidents promoted 24 people Tuesday in a estroika, it is essential for us, in age, but some clearly fell from forms for many years, has never involving non-Greeks would be major reshuffle that expands the interest of thecommon cause, political favor. been officially approved by the dealt with. Wail S. Gorbachev’s power to give up (our) powers.” Of the83, many were removed University. DiNatale said that base to push for reform. Medvedev remarked, “This is Tuesday. Medvedev said a few although the IGC members are The party’s policy-making a seriousand important milestone others were too ill to sign the hoping to make the necessary Central Committee retired 74 of in our course, perestroika, which request. changes in time to be presented at its 301 full members, including shows that our party is realisti- Western‘ observers call such the CSL meeting on May 1, it is former President Andrei A. Gro- cally assessing its own work and inactive officials “dead souls” possible that the document may myko; 24 non-voting members is quite critical about its own and say they can be a conserva- not be ratified until next semes- and 12 members of the Central activities.” tive force slowing reforms. The ter. Auditing Commission, which The resignations followed the term was borrowed from Nikolai DiNatale presented the handles party finances. first contested, nationwide elec- Gogol’s 1842 novel “Dead Souls” constitution at the CSL meeting Party ideology chief Vadim A. tions in 70 years of Communist about arogue who buys the names Monday. He said IGC Vice Presi- Medvedev told a news confer- rule on March 26. Dozens of top of dead serfs to mortgage them as dent and Judicial Board Chair ence they volunteered to step down party and government officials, property. Sarah Lowthian was supposed to and the Central Committee unani- including more than 30 regional Jerry Hough, a political scien- present the constitution with him mously approved. party chairmen, were defeated. tist at Duke University in North at the meeting but was detained At a full meeting of the com- It was not clear whether Gor- Carolina, has said “dead souls” in a judicial hearing and was not mittee, the officials issued a joint bachev had urged the officials to are accumulating at a rate of about able to be present. Dean of Stu- request that referred toPresident step aside Tuesday, but pomay- 10 percent a year and by 1991, dents Bobbie Knableand Associ- Gorbachev’s campaign for per- ing their removal as voluntary more than half the Central Com- ate Dean of Students Bruce Re- IGC President Nakle DiNatale estroika, or restructuring: “Now was a deft tactical maneuver mittee members would fall into itman were also present at the DiNatale explained this prob- possibly meant to head off criti- that category. meeting. lem by creating a hypothetical cism that they wee ousted. All but two of those promoted DiNatale said that most of the situation in which a non-Greek The military lost a substantial Tuesday to full membership were objections to the present form of female was harassed by a Greek voice in the Central Committee. made non-voting members at the the constitution were made by male and said that as the At least nine senior officers were 1986 party congress, Gorbachev’s Reitman. constitution is now, it does not The Lighter Side ...... dropped, and just one officer was first as general secretary. The The Dean of Students Office state how a non-Greek can bring promoted from candidate status FEATURES: They ThinkTyFslsNice- reshuffling between party con- “agrees with the spirit of the IGC a complaint to the board, or even Prefreshspeak ...... to full membership. gresses was extremely rare. constitution, but not with the if the case should be heard only p‘7 I The changes left the Central Among others Gorbachev details,” Reitman told the CSL. by that board. ARTS: Won’t Get FooledAgain- I Committee kith 251 members, might like to have on board in the He added that the IGC has his Reitman also pointed out that The Who Sell Out ...... p.9 party personnel chief Georgy P. Central Committee are six men support to be a self-governing the current section about the kazumovsky told the news con- Judicial Board does not state the SPORTS: Aryn Lnndnu And The- named party leaders in the Baltic body. ference. republics of Latvia, Lithuania and Most of the portions that were number of members that should MaccabeanGames ...... p.11 I Medvedev said 83 members, Estonia, and the Caucasus repub- found deficient pertained to the be on the board, or how they are SP0RTS:A SignoffFromTheMuz- Or more than One-quarterOf the lics of Georgia, Armenia and section written this semester de- elected, and it does not outline scribing the duties and make-up Halftime ...... p.11 lost government and see SOVIET, page 3 see IGC, page 16 ,- party jobs that entitled them to of the IGC Judicial Board. Ap- page two THE TUFTS DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989 EDITORIAL THETUFTS DAILY Guarding Free Expression Kelley Alessi Editor-in-Chief The Committee on Student Life Monday fi- acquisitionof knowledge. If people are unable to nally corrected the University’s mistake in theT- express thoughts without fear of disciplinary Executive Editor: Stephen Clay Associate Editor: Bob Goodman shirt case, upholding a student’s right to free ex- action, then intellec~~alactivity will slowly wither. Editorial Page Editor: Chris Ball - pression, however offensive and immature that The foundation of academic freedom is free Production Managers: Beth Geller, Chris Stevens expression may be. But free expression faces a expression. To restrict this liberty at a university NEWS new challenge as the CSL begins to formulate contradicts the basis of academic activity that Editors: Lauren Keefe, Scott Damelin broader policy on the standards for student con- guides student life at Tufts. Assistant Editors: Anna George, David Spielman duct on cdmpus. If students wish to retain their This does not mean that students should not bc Wire Editor: Ron Graber civil liberties, they must state their support for protected from harassment. But the offensivenesi OP-ED free expression to the CSL at the forum it is Editor: Matt Shapo of free expression alone does not constitute har Assistant Editor: Bill Shein sponsoring today and tomorrow. Students who assment. When formulating its guidelines, thc fail to defend their civil liberties could lose them. FEATURES CSL should insure that the definition of harass Editor: Laura Kaufman The French philosopher Voltaire said, “I may ment does not encompass language which simpl] Assistant Editors: Greta Doumanian, Chris Parks disagree with everything you say, but I will offends people. It is an inherent aspect of diver ARTS defend to the death your right to say it.” The sity that something that pleases one person wil Editors: Ben Klasky, Colin Woodard principle he avowed was that whether or not one offend another. To restrict behavior on the ground Assistant Editors: Elaine Rose, Rakesh Surampudi agrees or disagrees with the someone’s state- that it is offensive would be a rejection of diver SPORTS Editors: Dan Schon, Geoff Lepper ments, or even if that person’s statements are sity. Assistant Editors: David Rothenstein, Mike Friedman false, the person still has a right to say them. This Photo Editor: Waldek Wajszczuk applies even to expression that offends people. The pluralistic principles promoted by Tufts WEEKENDER Racist, sexist, and other derogatory language is create the environment where divergent views . Editor: Nicole Pierce offensive to many. But that does not mean that it are often expressed, often zealously and emotion- PHOTOGRAPHY should be banned. Intelligent people will refrain ally. The conflict that emerges is inevitable. The Editors: Denise Drower, Maureen OBrien Assistant Editors: Steve Gilman, Jonathan Grauer, Karl Schatz from such language; the ignorant will persist in purpose of the university to allow students to PRODUCTION their bigotry. But acceptance of diversity cannot accept, reject, or synthesize these theses. This Layout Editors: Jeff Cohen, Markus Mueller be enforced through disciplinary action alone. It interaction occurs both inside and outside the Graphics Editor: Dave Hilbert must be learned. classroom, and restrictions on free expression Classifieds Editors: Margo Schulze, Laura Walker The proponents of restrictions on free expres- wou1dhinderit.Thatiswhyitis importantthatthe Technical Services Manager: Aaron Lipeles Copy Editors: Doug Howell, Douglas Kiang sion would inadvertentlyundermine education if CSL preserve students’ liberties. they were successful. One argument frequently However, students who cherish their freedoms David Gerstmann leveled against free expression is that the stan- have the opportunity to express their opinions to Executive Business Director dards of a university community should be dif- the CSL today and tomorrow between 11:30 a.m. Business Manager: Javier Macaya ~_~.ferent from the rest of societv. It would be ironic and 1:30 p.m. in the Large Conference Room a1 Receivables Manager: Lawrence Azer if- ___free exmession were more restricted at a the Camdus Center. If &dents want to protecl Payables Manager: Sandra Giordano Accounting Manager: Heather Paddock university &an in society at large. Free expres- their libehes they should exercise their freedom sion is essential for the scholarly inquiry and the of expression at the CSL‘s forum today. I LETTERS All letters to the editor must be typed and single-spaced.They may be sent on a group’s behalf but the name and phone number of at least one member of that group must be included. All letters must be submitted before 4 p.m. to be considered for the next day’s issue. - ’%e tatters section is meant to be a forum for discussion of campus issues or the Daily’s coverage of events. Opinions expressed in letters do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial board or any of its members. ’he executive board reserves the right to edit all submitted letters. Publication of letters is subject to the discretion of the executive board.

InterGreek Council Appreciates Date Rape Must be Taken Seriously To the Editor: is her right. But most of all the often comes out with feelings of Patience of Faculty To begin, I would like to ex- comment made me very afraid. self blame for something over tend my appreciation to the IGC To the Editor: Behind it I felt a blase attitude which she had no control. express its apologies in advance for their efforts to create date Among Spring Fling’s tradi- about date rape as if it were a Perhaps some are reading this for any intrusion this may be to rape awareness. I think their“At- tional weekend festivities is the non-issue, something not to be and saying, “Here is another any of the administrators and tention Tufts Men” posters are a Friday afternoon Block Party, taken seriously. theoretical discussion of the ef- faculty still at work that after- good start toward a creation of which will feature live student Rape or attempted rape is a fects of date rape.” This is not a noon. We appreciate your pa- awareness of the date rape prob- bands. Because of the noise that highly traumatizing experience theoretical discussion. I am not tience and support. lem. However, I was very dis- will be generated by this, the that one in three women can expect writing of what I have read in turbed to come home later on to have to deal with in her life- InterGreek Council wishes to The Inter-Greek Council magazines. I am writing of what Monday to find one of the post- time. And date rape is just as happened to me. A year ago I, a ers written on. Next to the part much a crime as is a violent rape. college educated woman, was the Thanks from the Medford where the poster says “donTt The woman who experiences date victim of attempted date rape by Historical Society assume that if a woman flirts rape must first deal with the fact a college graduate working in with you and dresses sexily that that her body has been violated investment banking. I To the Editor: am not City of Medford, and the Medford she wants to have intercourse and that she was in a situation of seeking sympathy. What I want I would like to take this Op- Historical Society working to- with you,” was written, “Why complete powerlessness. She must is for this letter to be read, hope- portunity to publicly thank Presi- gether can restore this landmark Not?”. overcome the physical and emo- fully by the person who wrote dent J~LEJ~KFhis, S~PPQ, . to its fonner glory. I found this very upsetting. tional repercussions of the actual “Why Not,” and for that person .’ ’%-~%@~oIIcpreSerVail’on Efforts in Tufts University also plays a Why not indeed. Perhaps there Medford. Many citizens of majorrole in supporting the Isaac rape before she can ever enter to understand that date rape is would be no birth control avail- into another relationship with a not an issue to taken lightly Medford are not aware of the Royal1 House. In 1987, Mayer be good work that has been accom- able. No matter how much re- man after the rape. But perhaps and that “Why Not?” was a fool- page 16 sponsibility the man takes, it is plished with assistance of Tufts beMEDFORD, worse than the actual date rape ish and insensitive question. the still the woman who must go University. itself are the reactions of others In closing, I would like to On May 28, the Medford through the physical and emo- to her experience and how those remark that I am by‘no means a Tragic Numbers tional traumas of carrying the Historical Society will rededi- color her own feelings. Very of- lone ranger in feeling he fear of To the editor: child or having an abortion. This ten the woman is told by people, date rape or violent rape. A re- cate its museum located at 10 As one who deals with num- Governors Avenue. The does not even take into account even those who she is close to, cent discussion with a woman $40,000 bers on a daily basis, I was struck the danger of venereal disease, restoration project was a com- that was her fault and that hope- friend of mine ,determined that by these: particularly AIDS. munity endeavor. Tufts Univer- fully she has learned her lesson. out of the perhaps forty women But what was most disturbing sity, the City of Medford and The She is told that it was her fault we both knew, fewer than five 19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,20, for me about the “Why Not?” and that she should not have been were not thevictimsofattempted Medford Historical Society pro- 20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21, was the underlying assumptions vided the funds needed to repair in a sexual context with the man or actual rape. Why not indeaf. 21,21,21,21,22,22,22,23,23, it made about the woman’s obli- the museum. in the first place. It is not the 23,23,24,24,24,24,25,25,25, gation to yield to sexual inter- This year, the Historical Soci- woman’s fault. “No,” means no, Gillian Fuqua, J’89 27,27,27,28,29,30,31,31,36, course. It is her body there also, in whatever context; yet, in the ety hoped to restore the Peter 39. Tufts House, or Cradock House, and she must have control of it. It situation of date rape, the victim which is the oldest all-brick house They are, of course, the ages . in America. Tufts University has of the sailors killed on the USS The Tufts Daily is a non-profit, student-run newspaper published weekdays during the academic year, by the students Iowa. of Tufts University. Printing by Charles River Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Correspondence should be sent to: The Tufts already donated several thousand Daily, Miller Hall Basement, back entrance, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, and designated for the appropriate dollars toward this undertaking. They are, of course, so young. editor. The Medford Historical Society They always are, aren’t they. looks to Mayor Michael J. The policies and editorials of the Tufts Daily are established by a majority of the editorial board. Editorials appear on McGlynn and the Medford City Maria S. Judge this page, unsigned. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies or editorial Council for additional financial contentof rheTufts Daily. Thecontentof letters, advertisements,and signedcolumns does notnecessarily reflecttheopinion Budget and Fiscal Officer, of the Tufts Daily editorial board. assistance. Tufts University, the The Fletcher School From the Associated Press Summer Research Stipends ll I A I’ of these courses in response to a Professor Gerald Gill, Associate by DAMELIN proposal prepated by the Women’s Political Science Professor Mari- Strong Earthquake Shakes Mexico Daily Editorial Board Programs Board, which oversees lyn Glater, Associate Biology MEXICO CITY (AP)-- A strong earthquake struck Mexico City Four faculty members have the women’s Studies PrOgraIn at professor Saul Slapikoff ani and Acapulco on Tuesday, cracking buildings and an aqueduct, been awarded summer stipends Tufts. Ostrander reviewed the applica- shattering glass and panicking thousands of people who remembered in order to develop curricula which The faculty were asked to tions and made the final deci- the killer quake of 1985. will incorporate new scholarship submit one-page proposals for new sions. One man was electrocuted when power cables fell on him, and two on gender and race, according to courses earlier this month to out- The awards were announced women were seriously injured when they jumped in panic from the a press release from Sociology line course goals, rationale, con- at a faculty development work- second story of a swaying building during the 8:26 a.m. (1026 a.m. Professor Susan Ostrander, the tent and methods. Course revi- shop on April 21. The workshop EDT) quake, officials said. faculty chair of the Women’s sions were also submitted. For was entitled ‘‘Incorporating New Police sent on inspection patrols throughout the city reported no Program Board. revisions, a copy of the current Scholarship on Race and Gender collapsed buildings or other deaths or serious injuries, but many Assistant Anthropology Pro- syllabus and revisions plans were Into the Curriculum: How To Do buildings in the seismically sensitive center swayed widely and were fessor Janet Bauer will prepare a requested from the faculty. It” and was sponsored by the evacuated. course, “Women, Men and De- Although the original an- Office of the Deans of Liberal “The quake produced a lot of panic because of the recent (1985) velopment in Islamic Asia”; nouncement on new course fund- Arts and Jackson and the Women’s experience,” said Mayor Manuel Camacho Solis. Associate German Professor ing stated that three stipends would Programs Board. He said fallen cables and short circuits caused power blackouts in Charles Nelson will develop be available, four professors re- The original announcement many parts of the city. He also said the Tlahuac aqueduct, one of “Women in Medieval Literam”; ceived the summer stipends. explained that Tufts faculty should several bringing drinking water to this metropolis of 19 million, Associate History Professor Ostrander stated in therelease “be given concrete support” if cracked in several places and caused some flooding. Howard Solomon will prepare that five other proposals were they are engaged in incorporat- However, he said all services would be restored within three days. “Gay and Lesbian History”; and submitted, but could not be funded, ing the perspectives of women President Carlos Salinas de Gortari made a quick tour of affected Associate English Professor Clyde “though the committee judged and racial minorities into the areas and, in a television interview, praised residents for maintaining Taylor will develop “The Cin- them as excellent and deserving curriculum, a process “which “serenity and coolness.” He said their experience in the 1985 disaster ema of Emerging Societies.” of support.” alters the goals, content, organiz- had served them well. President Jean Mayer allocated An interdisciplinary commit- ing principles and methods of our The tremor hit Mexico City at about the same time as the massive $5,000 from his Innovative Mu- tee composed of Music Professor teaching.” earthquake that hit on Sept. 19, 1985, killing at least 10,000 people cation Fund for the development Jane Bernstein, Associate History and destroying hundreds of buildings. That quake measured 8.1 on the Richter scale. SOVIET The U.S. National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, continued from page 1 Colo., said the earthquake registered 6.8 on the Richter scale. The Azerbaijan. All are potential In a speech to the Central have taken place over this period epicenter was 40 miles east of Acapulco, about 200 miles south of Gorbachev allies but cannot be Committee, the 58-year-old mm- also in state bodies, and this re- Mexico City, said seismologist John Minsch. Mexico’s Seismic appointed until a 1991 party lin chief praised the retirees for quired personnel changes.” $ Institute calculated the quake at 7 on the Richter scale. congress. working hard for perestroika. Tass said the retirees included Activists Occupy Pharmaceutical Office to Protest The six republics have been “Many of us had to give up Gromyko, who had retired as Price wracked by ethnic unrest. our habits and stereotypes of think- president last fall; former Polit- AZT Gorbachev has complained that ing. And still, at this time of utmost bur0 members Geidar A. Aliev *IANGLE PARK* -- Four activists were opposition to his social and eco- importance for the development and Mikhail S. Solomentsev and today after they into an Office at the nomic reform program, known as of our society, the Central Corn- former non-voting Politburo Burroughs In‘. toprotest an AIDS perestroika, extends all the way mittee rose to the occasion,” member Vladimir I. Dolgikh. drug. to the Central Committee. The Gorbachev said. Also dropped was Sergei “we’ve been trying to deal with this company for years,”said body has included many official? Butlin remqks &r&d by the Sokolov, who was retired as de- peter Staley, One Of the four n~~~led in from the 45 who held spots there long before Soviet news @e&y Tw,he added, fense ministain 1987 after West minutes after the takeover began. he became party leader in March “The situation has changed con- German teen-ager Mathias Rust The activists were charged with trespassing and damage to prop- 1985.~~ __ siderablv, comrades. Vast changes- flew a plane onto Red Square. The pharmaceuucal company produces Retrovir, which costs AWAR-DS- patients or their insurers $8,000 to $10,000 a year, making it the most - expensive drug ever marketed. Formerly known as azidothymidine, Continued from page or AZT, the drug is the only U.S. government-approved medicine ~~SoUrCeSto Campus events,” work in the TLGBC and for their to Jeff Clopper and Missy Lars- aimed at halting the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency specifically with lighting effects work in campus-wide education for the activities they helped syndrome. and equipment. on issues relating to homosexual- organize with the Health muca- The four protesters, who are scheduled for a May 4 court appear- Parker Johnson, the assistant ity. tion Office. ance, are members of the New York-based AIDS Committee to director of admissions, gave an Jewel Bell, the director of the Peggy Barrett, the women’s Unleash Power, said Jay Blotcher, a spokesman for the group. He said award to Wendy Thompson for African American Center, gave programs coordinator at the Staley, 28, is a former Wall Street bond trader who has AIDS-related her Work With the Prospective an mard to Jonathan Blount for Women’s Center, presented an symptoms. students overnight program and, his work at the Center and his award to Janette Dingee of the Staley, who said the activists were unarmed and non-violent, said in Particular, with the prospec- committment to his job there. Women’s Collective. According they intended to maintain their takeover until their demands were met. tive minority students overnight In the Place of Line11 Yugawa, to Barrett, Dingee was greatly “We want a 25 percent reduction of the price of AZT,” said Staley. Prom. the director of the Asian Ameri- responsible for organizing Tufts “We want them to subsidize the government assistance program on Associate Dean of Students can Center, Reitman presented students for the March for AZT. ” Bruce Reitman gave an award to awards to Anita Chang and Ther- women’s Equality/women’s Lives Burroughs Wellcome spokeswoman Kathy Bartlett said the protest Andrew the former preSi- ese On for their Work at the Cen- in Washington, D.C. on April 9. was “misdirected because we have been trying for three years to get dent of the Inter-Greek Council, ter. The last award was presented for his work in promoting under- AIDS therapy to people suffering the disease.” Rabbi Jeffrey Summit, the standing and favorable relations director of Hillel, gave an award to Bonnie Kraft by Libby Sweet- Tests on AZT showed it can stop the AIDS virus from replicating, nam the administrative assistant between the Greek system and to David Schwartz and pointed ih c;arge-of mrdinahflerv- but does not cure patients. An estimated 8 percent of AIDS patients the Administration. being tested died while on the drug, compared with 40 percent who Out that Schwartz has been re- Coordinator of Residential sponsible for Organizing ices for students withdisabilities. died while taking a placebo during a nine-month test period. Kraft interpreter for .Programming Veronica Carter nightShabbat dinners throughout has an The drug also increasingly is being prescribed for patients who test deaf studentsat the University. gave an award to Renee Jourde- the year for Hillel. positive for the human immunodeficiency virus but have not devel- nais for playing an exeptional role oped any of the infections or cancers that kill AIDS patients. The U.S. Director of Health Education as a member of the University Mary Sturtevant presented awards Centers for Disease Control have estimated 1.5 million Americans are --Ad--.Li -.-a? infected with the virus. IGbIUGIIIUU bWl. Chris Carpenter, the general Symposia Project Topics Released manager of TUTV, received an Controversy Over Planned Renovation of Anne Two topics for the fifth annual Experimental College Symposia award presented by Knable be- Project, a two-semester, two-credit course, are currently under Frank’s Refuge cause, as Knable explained, he consideration, but a final topic selection has not yet been made. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP)-- Neighbors of the house where was instrumental in putting to- One of the possible topics, “Global Militarization: Repercus- Anne Frank hid from the Nazis are waging a campaign against a gether the new film on diversity sions of the World’s Hidden Wars and Conflicts,” will examine the projected renovation of the building, now a top tourist attraction. for the Dean of Students Office. multitude of armed conflicts across the globe and the international Fearing loss of privacy as well as inconvenience caused by con- The film is shown to freshmen at consequences of the conflicts. In particular, the role of the United struction work, residents of the central Amsterdam district housing the the beginning of the year. States in worldwide struggles and wars, and its international rami- last home of the world-famous teen-age Nazi victim have written a Jane Etish-Andrews, the di- fications would be studied. letter protesting the four-year renovation plan. rector of thehternational Center, The second possible topic, “Complicity and Resistance: Con- The Dutch capital’s agency for the preservation of monuments is gave an award to Liz Amador for fronting Social and Political Evil,” will be an in-depth study of also opposed to the project, with its director saying the plan will her assistance in organizing what institutional, societal and individual motives are behind “destroy ... the memories it conveys.’’ campus events, including the Tufts tyranny, oppression, genocide, warfare and other subjects. Regis- At issue is an “urgently necessary project to create sufficient Intercultural Festival, which was tration for the project will be on September 5, during Ex College room” for the Anne Frank House’s 560,000 annual visitors, said held earlier this month. registration. Students will be able to enroll in the course for the first Salm, a spokesman for the foundation that owns the building. Knable presented two awards, semester, the second semester, or both, according to Project Direc- Pending City Hall approval, the $6 million renovation is to start in in the absence of Tufts Lesbian, tor ShermanTeichman.Thecu1minationoftheprojectwillbeafull Gay and Bisexual Community symposium at Tufts during the second semester. The course will see BRIEFS, page 13 Coordinator Donna Penn, to Jere meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. Wgan and Ellen Wong, for their page four THE TUFTS DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989







Plica subject lo change wilhout notice. American Exprcss,VISA. Mastercard Credit Cards Accepted 63 1988. Zciiilh [)ala Syslrtns .. i The Lighter Side FEATURES Sen Discusses Gender Issues in bconornics tially outnumbered by men.”Sen - is relatively equal throughout the by GRETA DOUMANIAN contended that although there are world. On the other hand, he did Daily Editorial Board many more women compared to support the contention that the The Program on Southwest men in Europe and North Amer- death rate may provide a better The Same Old Conversation Asia and Islamic Civilization of ica, “there are far fewer women explanation as to why the fe- the Fletcher School and the than men in the ‘third world’ as a male-male ratio differs substan- Department of Economics at Tufts whole.” Sen pointed out that in tially from the first world to the After six unbearable months of weather that prohibits the growth jointly sponsored a lecture fea- certain third-world countries such third world. Sen stated that of most species of earth flora in eastem Massachusetts, spring has turing world renowned econo- as , India, and Pakistan, for “women seem to be... moreresis- finally arrived in Boston. Gone are the dark, depressing cloudy days mist Professor Amartya Sen. example, the ratios of females to tant to disease and in general that filled the gaps between the cold, windy, rainy days. Now, the sky Sen, the Lamont University males is approximately 0.93 or ‘hardier.”’ According to Sen, this is often as blue as Tammy Faye Bakker’s eye liner, and is sometimes Professor at Harvard, has authored lower. advantage of survivability not only populated with a few fluffy whiteclouds, soft enough to roll into long several highly acclaimed works According to Sen, this dispar- applies to advanced age “but also perforated sheets and keep next to the toilet. which examine the relationship Our emotions and attitudes are affected; gone are the usual scowls, between ethics and economics. loud yelling, and bench-clearing rumbles that occur in most philoso- Sen delivered a comprehensive phy classes on cold, raining mornings. Our stem, tense faces are presentation entitled “Women’s replaced by relaxed, smiling, sometimes drunk ones. Our glands, Survival as a Development Prob- dormant since October, increase their hormone production. We lem” to a large audience of stu- begin, once again, to notice the opposite sex. Love is in the air. My dents and faculty at Cabot Audi- roommates finally get dates. The Daily “personals” section triples in torium on Monday evening. Much size. of his presentation was based on But despite these magnificent changes, all is not wonderful on the a talk Sen gave at the 1700th Hill. Many months of overall grayness has apparently hampered our Stated Meeting of the American ability to carry on normal, interesting conversations that encompass Academy of Arts and Sciences many topics. We seem to be talking about very few things, and on March 8th of this year. repeating the same conversation again and again, often with the same Following short introductions people. The following is a dramatization of a recent conversation on given by Director of The Pro- the Campus Center patio, and should not be attempted at home: gram Professor Andrew Hess of Jack and Jill were walking up the Hill, to get to Wessell Library. the Fletcher School and Profes- They bumped into each other outside the Campus Center,and stopped sor Sugata Bose, a Professor of to talk. History at Tufts and a Fletcher Amartya Sen, Lamount University professor at Harvard, “Hey Jack, what’s up?’ Professor research associate’ sen spoke at Cabot Auditorium Monday evening. “Oh, not too much,” Jack answered. “What about you, Jill? I upon his discussion by dispelling hardly see you anymore.” what he called “an often stated ity in the female-male ratios at the other end, especlaily at the Jill, sporting a Don Johnson-like three day scruff, casually picked misbelief” which essentially states between first world and third world neo-natal period...”. some tired-eye crust out of the comer of her bloodshot right eye. “I’ve that women comprise a majority countries is often attributed to Sen maintained that there is really got a lot of work, Jack. I’ve been in the library all the time.” of the world’s population. Sen two factors: the birth rate and the essentially no bias present in terms “That’s too bad,” Jack said, feigning interest. “What are you argued that contrary to public death rate. Sen immediately dis- of the administration of health working on?’ opinion, “women do not consti- missed the possibility that the care and the distribution of nutri- “Well, youknow, I’ve gota couple ofpapers to write by next week, tute a majority of the world popu- birth rate could have any signifi- and then I have to start studying for exams. I’m really screwed,” Jill lation and are, in fact, substan- cant impact, saying th’at this rate .see SEN, page 15 $aid. With a grunt, she put down her bookbag on a nearbyscale. It weighed 48 pounds. “Yes Jill, you are really screwed,” said the nearby electronic scale. Engineers Design Solar Jill looked at the ground, and began to sigh. Halfway through an audible, wheezing sigh, she began to cough deeply. “I can’t afford to get sick now,” she said, coughing again. Powered Vehicles class,agreed withvoon the tech- Jack wiped a few pieces of Jill’s phlegm off his arm.“It’s really not cell research center in East Bos- that bad, Jill. After all,” he said, examining theclear phlegm, “itcould by JEFF COHEN ton in order to learn the neces- nical simplicity of the problem: be green.” Daily Editorial Board sary principles of solar power. “It was actually a pretty basic project.” He said his group ap- Jill looked at him nervously, realizing that Jack was probably Last Thursday, students in simple Project -- Complex Strategy proached the problem by disman- qualified to write the disgusting articles that she occasionally reads in Professor Van Toi VO’SEngineer- tling and examining model cars, the Dailyon Wednesdays. “What about you, Jack? Do you have much ing Design 20 class put the solar- Vo explained, “The problem is simple, but the strategy is not.” and using trial and error to dis- work to do?’ powered cars they had been build- cover what design would work “Yeah, the usual. I don’t know if I ever told you that I’m receiving ing since March 14 to a final test. He added that the problem repre- sented the basic principles of best. One aspect of the design in three Ph.D’s this semester, so I have a bit of studying to do.” He Students in the class had to de- which tradeoffs had tobeconsid- pointed to the little red wagon that he had been toting behind him. It sign a small racing vehicle pow- design where “there are so many parameters, you have to trade off ered involved the use of solar was overflowing with more than 100 books. ered only by solar cells. They cells. While there was no limit as Jill nodded her understanding and sympathy. “I know what you’re had to prove their vehicle’s capa- to find the optimal values.” The number of tradeoffs in- to the number of solar cells used, going through. I got three Ph.D’s last semester. And to complicate bility as well as the design skill the number used did affect the things, my English 2 professor really liked a story that I wrote, so I each of them has acquired over volved in producing a successful design is exemplified in the for- computed grade. Students had to was made Chair of the Department,” she said. “All those faculty the semester by making the ve- determine the combination of cells meetings, my research, plus taking 6 1/2 undergraduate classes was hicle travel a straight line dis- mula which Vo‘used to evaluate each group’s performance. The that would produce the optimal almost too much for me,” she added. tance of 10.2 feet under a track of power output. There was a nervous silence, signalling that the end of the lightbulbs of varying formula takes into account the eleven ,$&dent Thomas Moore EX- distance the car travelled, the ‘3 conversation was near. Jill looked around frantically, hoping to find power. plained that he “learn& a5out something else to talk about. After all, she thought, once the conver- Professor Vo said that the main target distance, the travelling time, the relationship between voltage the number of students in the sation ended she would have to return to studying. purpose of the project was to and current and how they affect explore the mechanical factors group, and finally, the total sur- “Are you going to Spring Fling?’ she finally asked, after noting a face area of the solar cells used. the output of a motor.” Moore inherent in the design such as the believed the two important com- poster taped to the ground. Professor Vo encouraged his cJass “Probably,” Jack answered. “But I won’t be drinking. I’m also reduction of the weight and fric- ponents of the design which had tion, or the utilization of an ap- to work in teams of two to four going to bring my books with me so that I can get some studying students each. to be maximized were the effi- done.” Jill smiled, and said that she was doing the same thing. propriate gearbox. The class went ciency of the solar cells well on a field trip to a photovoltaic John Moms, a student in the as By now, Jill had a chance to notice what Jack was wearing. He as that of the mechanical aspects looked really hot, wearing a very short skirt with a tight t-shirt that of the design. showed off his great body. She knew that he liked her by the way he Vo said that in addition to kept smiling and touching her arm as they talked. getting enough power out of the She knew that he wanted to play backgammon. solar cells, the placement of the “So,”Jill said, “maybe we can take a study break later.”She wasn’t solar cells on the vehicle w‘as sure whether he assumed that she wanted toplay backgammon, so she important as well. Cells placed levelled with him, “I thought it would be nice to relax with a cup of close to the lightbulbs would tea and maybe play some backgammon. I could use a break.” capture a large amount of energy “That would be great,” Jack said, smiling. “I love backgammon.” when directly under lightbulbs “I’ll meet you at the Rez at 10:30,”she said, noticing a Ryder truck (approximately fourteen inches passing the Campus Center on Professors Row. “I need to go, Jack. above the ground) but would That truck is filled with books from the Boston Public Library that I receive very little when travelling need for the senior thesis that I’m doing two years early. Gotta go!” through the “deadzone”between She disappeared onto Professors Row, the sun setting over her bulbs. This drop in energy level shoulder and behind the Provost’s House. Jack crossed the street and in the “dead zone” made main- walked to Wessell, knowing that this was the last column he’d be in taining speed and inertia of the this year, but that he’d be back next year for the last time. vehicle difficult because its cells He saw a student coming out of the library. “Have a nice summer,” photo by Eric h//er were consequently receiving and Jack said. transmittingless ene y. Another An engineering design students prepares to test out his vehicle. see SOLAR, 8 page six THE TUnS DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989 SPRING FLING '89 CONCERT BULLETIN THE ROBERT CRAY BAND FEATURING THE MEMPHIS HORNS with special guest star Ivan Neville and The Room and Plan B Saturday, April 29th 1l:OO AM - 4:OO PM ricket Information: All Tufts students must obtain their tickets and heir guest tickets (limit 2 at $5.00 on afirst-come, first-serve basis) in the zampus Center beginning Monday April 24th through Friday, April 28th ?om 9:30a.m. until 5:OO.p.m. Please remember you must have your Tufts

*DoL. in order to obtain your tickets. No one will be admitted into the :oncert site without a ticket. NO TICKETS AVAILABLE ON THE DAY OF CONCERT. Food and Beverages: Free hot dogs and juices will be available at the ;oncert site. Those of legal drinking age will be allowed to bring one six- pack of beer or one liter of wine into the concert site with yellow ticket and positive I.D. All*beveragesbrought into the concert must be in sealed cans only. Absolutely no bottles or plastic containers allowed into the concert site with the exception of one liter of wine. Clean up: Garbage bags will be distributed by Spring Fling volunteers during the concert. Please assist the clean-up by being responsible for your own area. In addition, there will be special containers for empty beverage cans. Proceeds from can redemption will be donated to a local charity. PLEASE REMEMBER

- U&If - there is: 1) Underage Drinking 2) Excessive Litter 3) Loitering after the Concert 4) Disorderly Conduct There will be NO future Spring Flings. Please do your best to uphold this tradition . Thank you for your cooperation. Let's make Spring Fling '89 fantastic! !

Tickets on sale starting Mondav April 24th. Wednesday, April 26,1989 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven T T K compiled by JULIE LIBBY photos by DENISE DROWER

This question was posed to the pre-freshman visiting Tufts this week: What was your strongest impression of Tufts as you walked around campus today? The people here are so friendly. I am from Texas and I didn't like the fact that it was socold, though. The food was pretty goodand there seems to be a lot beyond academics that people get involved in. Stacie Spangler Houston, Texas

I liked the Chemical Engineering depart- ment. They all went out of their way to be helpful and friendly. The study abroad pro- gram offered to engineers seems really good, too. Alison Mastrangelo

Westfield, New Jersey ~~~ I think Tufts is well structured in its cur- riculum; there seems to be a pattern you go through for your courses and major. The advisors seem to be really good to plan all this. Also, there is probably more diversity than I saw today because I didn't see much as I walked around. I like the fact -that Tufts seems like a city-oriented school; it is so near Cambridge and Boston. The campus looks great especially the Debbie Choi academic buildings. The dorms are pretty Concord, Massachusetts nice; I don't know how the kids treat them, though. The food was better than I expected and the people were very friendly. Also, the professors were good from the classes I went to. Shawn Hassell Atkinoson, New Hampshire

Tufts seemed to have the personal approach; the students all see friends as they are walking around. The classes are small and gave me This is what I picture a typical New Eng- the feeling of a personal touch between students and faculty. land college to look like. It is what I am Khary Wilson looking for, small and friendly. , New York Will Clossey , California page eight THE TUmS DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989

MU&C~~ ~~ PAGE My Bloody Valentine Isn’t Anything, But Healy Shines See the Light fingers for different types of vi- acclaimed Swimmer. Creeping Up by COLIN WOODARD Jeff Healey Band brato, Healey plays incredible on Jesus, produced by Bruce Daily Editorial Board Arista Records blues-rock solos throughout the Lapcov (Lloyd Cole and Simple Isn’t Anything a**.* , with speed and execution Minds’ live LP), is an unobtru- My Bloody Valentine Listening to the Jeff Healey reminiscent of B.B, King, Stevie sive, unconuived, and clean al- Relativity Records Band’s debut album, it is quickly Ray Vaughan, and occasionally, bum which makes most pleasant * apparent that things are not Jimi Hendrix. background music. The album is London-based My Bloody “business as usual.” Healey, who Healey is also responsible for poppish: Steven Linday’s vocals Valentine surely produces a sound, was blinded by eye cancer shortly the blue-jean rock vocals which are clean, smooth and gliding; but whether it is a musical one is tether Joe Rockman’s basswork, Craig Amstrong’s keyboard work arguable. Isn’t Anything is a me- drums (Tom Stevens) and Healey’s is chromatic and predictable, but tallic-punk albm which takes soft- own work together. In catchy. There aren’t any power- spoken, flattened alternative-rock addition to their originals, the ful solos, improvisations, or sur- vocals and smothers ’them with Toronto-based trio perform a riv- prising changes to be found here. irrelevant and grating work and eting, “cool” cover of ZZ Top’s Instead, Big Dish has created an drums,giving theimpression that “Blue Jeans Blues.” Already album which is pleasant, intimate recordings of instruments from forecasted as being “bigger than and testful. four or five different songs were Stevie Ray Vaughan, Stanley accidentally mixed together. Jordan, or B.B. King” by King The History of the Jams The Timelords Lighter tracks, “Cupid Come” himself, Healey is likely to have The Jams (a.k.a. Timelords) of one of the stranger music phe- and “Nothing Much to Lose,” a profound impact on the music TVT Records nomena I’ve come across this year. which are much more in the industry; See the Light only con- **A The History of the Jams is the English punk tradition, aren’t as firms such premonitions. Before closing this final mu- grating. sic page, mention should be made see CAPSULE, page 13 Isn’tAnything is an unsuccess- The Jetr Healey Band Creeping Up on Jesus ful experiment in musical aes- The Big Dish thetics, with a raunchy bass, drums, after birth, is destined to revolu- Warner Bros. Records The Who Set to Tour and two very-spacy . All it tionize guitar playing. His unor- SI** achieves is a chaos of raw, disso- thodox slide-guitar work is un- The Scottish band Big Dish Foxboro Show Approved For July 12 nant music that leaves lis- the questionably the focus of the has released its second LP, a fol- NEW YORK (Ap) -- Three Foxboro Board of Selectmen tener unsatisfied. album. Able to use all five lefthand low-up to 1986’s critically months ago The Who’s Pete votedlastnighttograntTheWho Townshend, inducting the Roll- permission to play Sullivan Sta- ing Stones into the Rock and. dium on July 12, with a possible :- Defiled Roll Hall of Fame, took a swipe second concert on July 14 if the though uneventful, effort; it’s mation as The Cult became virtu- first show sells out.: Sonic Temple ally a heavy metal band: openers at the mercenary side of the The Cult simply because we know how Stones’ upcoming reunion tour. Daltrey said they had decided much The Cult is capable of that on the American leg of the tour against making an album to be Records ’ “It won’t be easy for the Stones Sire were, appmpriately, n’ Roses. ** Sonic Temple comes off as such Guns the next time around, and if it released while they’re touring. an insult to longtime fans. Part of But even Electric stood apart from wasn’t for the vast sums of money ‘We felt like we weren’t trying the fun of a new Cult release is a rash of similar ; the to resurrect the band. This is a by ELAINE ROSE they can make, they mjght not seeing the band alter its delivery songwiting duo of Astbq and bother at all,” Townshend jibed. celebration of the music we cre- Daily Editorial Board while still retaining integrity and Duffy produced some cerebral, “... At least, Mick probably ated, after all thw, years,” he Sonic, yes. Temple, no. The originality: after evolving from sensual lyrics to accompany the wouldn’t. It’s lucky for us fans said. “One of the reasons we latest offering Erom The Cult, now to Death Cult rough guitars and unyielding that he has such expensive tastes.” stopped is we were on that al- , in the nuclear form of lead vocal- to The Cult, the band released rhythms, and Astbury’s charis- Now it’s Mick Jagger’s turn. bum-tour-album-tour rat race of Billy DreanJtime on Beggars Banquet matic vocals set‘The Cult well Two generations after “My therock ‘n’[email protected] ewart, in 1984, a haunting collection above challengers. Generation,” Townshend, Roger back qd do all,that again we fails to inspire any devotion or that layered gothic influences with But with Sonic Temple, the Daltrey .and John Entwistle an- ’ thought was a mistake.” awe in the unfortunate listener. biting guim. The American debut band provy all,too,eagerto sacri- nounced Monday they were reu- The British band ,Wperformed Undeniably loud ami driving, Sonic Love presented a harder edge, fice their pedestal and slip into niting for a 25th anniversary tour .the rock opera,“Tommy,” by the crowd of Led Zeppelin and Temple nevertheless has little to introducing hits like “She Sells -- their first since 1982-83’s ,Townshend, in its entirety 17 years classic rock bands. “Soul cifferbeyond thepolnldinghythms Sanctuary” and “Nirvana” that ripoff “Farewell Tour.” The band also ago in Chicago. , and ear-jarring howls. were spiked with a decidedly 50s Asylum” and “Automatic Blues” appeared in a one-shot reunion at The tour willjnclude two full- From another guitar-oriented and 60s rock influence. Electric, are relentless in their grating guitar Live Aid. length perfmanes of ‘Tommy,” hard rock band, Sonic Temple released in 1987 and their biggest see CULT, page 13 And one of those stops will be with guest srars,,in New York might be called a competent, hit yet, completed the transfor- Foxboro, MA - because the City and Los Angeles. TUFTS AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL presents

il-..Il,U .IlUW \1311Il* r.AJ v 1 .’ A movie on the life of i. - .. ’ 6 ‘ r!, .-,,.I , I “Steven Biko” (NOT CRY FREEDOM) Barnum 008 Wednesday April 26th $1 .OO Donation 8:OO PM appreciated ~ excitable boy dMU6ICPAGE a music column AZZ Ears Review Offers Audio Trip All-Ears Review, Volume 6 It’s obvious that the compilers (the catchy tune of her “Gf&s various Artists of the All-Ears Review have tried Comet” will have you humming stephen clay R.O.M. Records to use obscure and lesser-known for days), and The Trio Bulgarka songs from albums in an attempt (three Bulgarian singers who ~~ **a* to keep the music fresh and vi- weave intricate and haunting brant, and to keep the listener The Desert Island Conundrum by GEOFF LEPPER melodies). engaged (using a heavily over- The second half of the album Daily Editorial Board played song such as “What I Am,” brings us back to Cajun home- It’s the standard music/philosophy question: Have you ever wanted to visit or“SheDrivesMeCrazy” would steads. Guitarist Steve LaFleur’s Ifyou were going to a desert island and could only take ten albums, the Cajun country of the southern destroy the balance of the album). Mamou fails miserably with “Jolie which ten would you take? United States? But if the artist’s original Lp Blonde.” Lucinda Williams’ So why stoop to this level?This is one of the oldest column devices Have you ever wanted to visit doesn’t have a strong depth, that “Crescent City” is reminiscent in the world. C’mon, Steve, even Jon wrote this one! with gypsies? leaves the Review strapped for of Michelle Shocked with her Several reasons. One, it’s really a useful tool for analyzing how you Have you ever wanted to visit quality material. soulful country twang. feel about your record collection. It forces you to make subjective the ska and reggae dance clubs of That’s the exact problem as Zachary Richard’s accordion judgements about the music you love, and, well -- arbitrary subjective Canada and England? we move back north into Canada, gives agreat up-tempo beat to the judgements are what music is all about. Well, here’s your chance, and where Juno Award (Canada’s zany “Love My Zydeco,” but And secondly, if for some reason I am sent to a desert island next no, it won’t cost you $1,500 in Grammy) winner Lillian Allen Austin’s much-ballyhooed Tail year (andisn’t that what happens if you get put on Academic Probation airfare. The sixth installment of shows off her “dub poetry’’ style. Gators (who, according to pop/ Level III?), I wanted you all to know that I’d have plenty of music to R.O.M. Records’ All-Ears Review Unfortunately, “Sister Hold On” folkstarsLosLobos “kickass!”) keep me happy during my stay. offers its audience a chance to is definitely not a Juno-winning are only medimwith their stomp [There are, however, several semantic points that one could make visit those places (and more) track. “I know your life is tough, ing swampabily tune “Carolee.” about this whole scenario. How would you plug this record player in? simply through listening to an tough, tough/ So hold on, sister, Katie Webster ’s boogie-woogie Or would you be sent off with a battery-operated one? And if so,how incredibly broad range of mostly hold on,” states Allen, in a piece piano and blues are sear- many batteries would you take with you? How long are you staying? little known music from small filled with cliche-ridden tripe. ing in “Lord, I Wonder,” one of How are you getting there? Why not a CD player instead? And, most independent record labels. Volume Six has perhaps the the gems of the All-Ears Review. importantly for the purposes of this argument, why can’t I take 11 Earliereditionsof the All-Ears biggest “pop” star of all the art- In “Lord, I Wonder,” Webster records? In the interest of getting this show on the road, however, I will Review included such luminaries ists featured in the series -- Rank- pays homage to the great of blues heretofore dispense with my discussion of the semanticsof this issue.] as The Bobs, Hugo Largo, the ing Roger, once of the English music: “Muddy Waters ... B.B. And so I spent one morning looking through my records. (It was a Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra, Beat and General Public, now of King ... they sang the blues.” Even boring day. I had nothing to do.) And a strange thing happened. Most Timbuk 3, Barrence Whitfield and solo fame. Roger, who hit in the Spring Fling headliner Robert Cray people, when they try their hand at this conundrum, find it hard to the Savages, Voice Farm, and, Top 40 earlier this year with “So garners a mention in the song: whittle it down toa manageable number of records. (Jon, in particular, yes, the one, only, and inimitable Excited,”donates “Time To Mek “Robert Cray... he sings the blues/ bitched about this.) I had no such problem. I got it down to 20 quickly, -- Rotondi. ADime” to the All-Ears Review. Lord I wonder/How much longer/ and then haggled it out over the last ten.Here’s how I went about the We start our musical tour in His funky ska beat is a welcome Will I have to sing the blues.” process and what I came up with. the upper hfidwesl, as EIEIO pump choice for the LP. Unfortunately, Luis Enrique . out “That LoveThing,” followed So are the next four tracks Mejia Godoy and Mancotal can- The Automatics by a dip down to San Diego, from (in the following order): Let’s not live up to their predecessor Everyone has a few -- those albums that you simply cannot imagine wherewemeetIhePaladins,doing Active (Athens, Georgia’s “other” with their song epitomizing silli- living without. My first time through my collection,I could only come “You And I.” This is a highly band), Brave Combo (whose ness, “Banana.” “All the nation up with three or four; I can’t imagine anyone having more than five or soulful ballad that searches the mixing of Tex-Mex cha-cha and like Banana/All the races like six “perfect” albums. These are definitely records that you make an heart and is sure to raise interest Armenian polka reminds some of Banana/Whole banana/Green . emotional attachment to, as much as, or sometimes even more, than in Years Since Yesterday, the LP those Masters of PO^ themselves, *e ALL-EARS, page 18 a musical attachment. from which “You And I” comes. Rotondi), violinist Kim Angelis 1) Murmur - R.E.M. The album I’d take if I could take only one album. I don’t know why (luckily, for the purposes of this column, I’m Joe Jackson Burns Out not going to explah what these albums mean to me -- I’m just going home on Blaze Of Glory, but (Against The World),” “Senti- to tell you what they are), but it probably is more of an emotional by RIC SCHELLHORN their inclusion seems arbitrary mental Thing,” and “Blaze Of thing. As well as a phenomenal music thing. Senior Staff Writer rather than purposeful. It’s as if Glory,”which rank as the hokiest 2)Scrange Times - The Chamelions U.K. Winter happens on these As the only current performer Jackson desperately wants to pop ever to emerge from the desert islands, and when it does, I definitely want the song “Swamp who can lay claim to having half- validate his earlier experiments Jackson camp. Too much of Blaze Thing,” as well as the rest of this magnificent, underrated album. As assedly embraced more musical by working past glories into some of Glory simply reprises familiar well as... styles than , it seems kind of signature sound. Jackson themes. There me songs 3) A Waterboys album. I know I want one, but I’m not sure which inevitable that one day Joe Jackson Blaze of Glory isn’t gutsy about narrowminded Americans, one. I love Thisls the Sea, but I think I’ll takeA Pagan Place instead. will make an album that success- enough on any level to command pent-up anger, mindless ideal- fully melds his disparate inter- the sort of respect and attention ism, and intimacy in the face of a The Others ests into a seamless that Jackson evidently feels it nasty, uncaring world. None of Now it gets hard. All of the rest of your albums definitely have sound that is uniquely his. Blaze deserves. The songs here are pure which will come as much of sur- someflaws,whetherit’sasongyou justdon’tlikeonaotherwise-great Of Glory, the genre-bending lat- fluff - fragments of ideas that prise to anyone who has heard album (“Les Boys” on Dire Straits’ Making Movies, for example), or est effort from Jackson, isn’t it. go nowhere slowly and are re- “The Jet Set,” “Don’t Wanna Be whatever. But after minutes and minutes of consideration, these are Jackson’s eclecticism has re- deemed only slightly by the sheer Like That,” “One to One,” or “A my other seven (in alphabetical order): sulted in some fine LP’s, most excellence of Jackson’s band. Slow Song” hmprecious Jackson 4-5) London Calling - The Clash. A double album? Why waste notably 1981’s Louis Jordan- Longtime Jackson sidemen such Lp’s. two picks ona double album? Quite simply, because it’s not a waste. inspired Jumpin’ Jive and the as bassists Graham Maby and It’s tough to fault Joe Jackson One of rock’s finest hours. overlooked soundtracks to Mike’s RickFord (whocontributessome for being ambitious, but his on- 6) BrofhersIn Arms - Dire Straits. Don’t send me to a desert island Murder and Tucker, but all too particularly stinging fretless work going highbrow “love/hateaffair without Mark Knopfler’s Stratocaster. often hegets bogged down trying to “Evil Empire”), guitarist Vin- with rock ‘n’ roll” shtick has 7) Pure Pop For Now People - Nick Lowe. Practically a greatest- to sidestep rock cliches and ends nie Zummo, and drummers Gary definitely worn thin. Once he hits album, and even the filler (“Bay City Rollers”) lives up to the up sounding utterly directionless. Burke and SueHadjopouloshave realizes that he has something in album’s title. On his last “real”record, 1986’s all been lured back into the fold, common with the rockers from 8) Green - R.E.M. It’s not really like taking two albums by the Big World (not counting Tucker and Jackson himself continuesto whom he professes to feel so same group -- Murmur and Green are as alike as Meet the Beatles! and and Will Power, a silly foray into impress with his wonderfully distant, Jackson will stop being Sgt. Pepper. “classical” and slapdash piano playing. so self-conscious and get on with 9) The Queen Is Dead - The Smiths. An interestingpick, perhaps, instrumentation), Jackson didn’t But even the most ferocious making records he (and we) can but I’m a huge Johnny Man fan, and I think this is his best album. know whether to be tough or players couldn’t do much with listen to without having to think 10) Excitable Boy - Warren Zevon. Something to remind me of sensitive, frank or obscure, lyri- flaccid fare like “Me And You quite so much. my old music columns, as well as having “Werewolves of London,” cal or pithy. On Blaze Of Glory, “Lawyers, Guns and Money,” and the zany title song that has served he hasn’t come any closer to as this column’s inspiration (I hope) all year.

I will, of course, have a going-away party for all of the albums I’m going to have to leave behind. Foremost of these is the R.E.M. EP Chronic Town, which I almost took over Green. I really do love those five songs. Other selections featured at this bash will be Bruce Cockburn‘s Stealing Fire, NRBQ‘s Kick Me Hard, XTC‘s Black Sea, has been tinkering with through- Scruffy the Cat’s Moons ofJupiter, Guadacanal Diary’s Jamboree, the out the Eighties. Big horn sec- Rolling Stones’Some Girls,and Big Audio Dynamite’s Tighten UpVol tions like those from Jumnin’ I ‘88. It’ll be a tearful time, but hey -- I made my choices. So the next time it’s a boring day, and you’ve got nothing to do -- and the zoo is closed (it’s a Dead Milkmen joke, folks) -- try to pick ten albums to take off to Yournamehere Island. You’ll be surprised at the decisions it forces you to make. And in case I don’t get renewed for next year, at least you’ll know what I’m off listening to. political commentary a la Big Joe Jackson’s latest, Blaze of Glory, doesn’t heup to his past. Have a great summer. World (“Evil Empire”) all find a Wednesday, April 26,1989 page ten THE TUFTS DAILY


She seemed pretty relaxed so I asked her back to my place for a drink .. .when she said yes, I knew she was a sure thing.

Sponsored by the Inter-Greek Council, Office of Women's Programs, Dean of Students Office, Office of Equal Opportunity, and the International Center.

Developed and distributed by the Tufts Inter-Greek Council! Wednesday, April 26,1989

Landau Makes Maccabean Games Harvard junior, was also was gether, because I love playing by GEOFF LEPPER picked to be one of the American with her.” Daily Editorial Board five. Landau, currently starting on Epilogue “Ever since I’ve been a little “I’m fomnate to have my sister defense for the undefeated Jumbo When I first started writing this column four years ago, I remember girl, they’ve been in the back of playing, because we’ll be able to Women’s Lacrosse team,says that having great difficulty in thinking up a title for it. “The Fast Lane” my head. I’ve always wanted to get together and practice before she’ll have “a month-and-a-half (make the connection with my surname) was one suggestion, and a participate in the Maccabean [leaving],” said the Tufts Lan- to refine my [field hockey] skills.” friend of mine went so far as to help me design a masthead for it -- Games. I just can’t believe it’s dau. “I’m obviouslyreally happy checkered flag and all. I guess I finally decided on “Half-time” for coming true.” that my sister and I will be to- see LANDAU, Page l4 one main reason. In many sports -- football, soccer, and basketball, to But the dreams of international name a few -- halftime is time to look back, and at the same time, a competition are coming true for time to look ahead. Tufts’ field hockey standout Aryn There are a number of sports-related things I’ll remember in my Landau, who will be one of only four years here -- some of them Tufts memories and others not. In my five players for the United States freshman year, I saw Jeff Bloom accomplish one of the most incred- attending this summer’s Mac- ible things I’ve ever witnessed -- three no-hitters in arow. No one has cabean Games. ever done that on the college level or above, and it’s not likely that it The U.S. will have only five will happen again anytime soon. players in Israel (instead of the The big story of 1986, for me at least (it was my first-ever beat), normal 16 carried on a field hockey had to be the football New England Championship. Duane Ford’s squad) because there will not be wishbone kicked into high gear after an opening-week loss, and the a wholly American team at the Jumbos didn’t lose again, finishing at 7-1. It was also the years of the “Jewish Olympics.” The leader- Tufts Civil War, with the Mets facing the Red Sox in a fantastic World ship of the Games decided to Series. For New Yorkers it was glorious. For Bostonians it was create a “World team” for those routinely tragic. For everyone it was a lot of fun. players whose countries would Nancy Benson and Mark Herlihy proved to all that they were the otherwise be unrepresented in the best in the nation at what they did in my junior year -- Benson winning field hockey competition, and they the 3000 meters and Herlihy the steeplechase at Division 111 Nation- granted the U.S. fiveslotson that als. Think about that for a minute -- the best in the nation. squad. That’s something. “I was more flattered by [being And this year? This year I’ll remember mostly football again, and picked] because instead of being two men by the names of Paul Dresens and Tim Fanikos, who were of 16, I’m one of five,” sopho- described by their specialty coach as the two best running backs to’ more Landau stated. “Needless have ever played football at Tufts University. That’s quite a compli- to say, that makes you feel pretty ment. good.” But through all that, I guess the thing I’ll remember most about But two people who should Tufts is the people I met and shared my college experience with feel even better are Mr. and Mrs. because they’re what madeTufts what it’s been -- four of the best, and Landau, who received the phone quickest, years of my life. call telling them that not only To My Fellow Daily Folks one, but two of their daughters will be on the “World team” -- Aryn Landau will be one of two Tufts athletes competing in the Some of you remember the days of Bill Zuill and others don’t. For Aryn’s older sister, Sharon, a 1989 Maccabean Games. those of you who do, it’s been a great four years. Good luck, and I Sports Forum hope you’re having more luck in the job hunt than I am. For those of you don’t, keep up the good work and I hope we’re as legendary to you as Zuill is to us. Finally, to my number-one critic and co-editor, Steve Keeping Up To Date Down Under Clay -- What can I say, bud? We’ve had a lot of laughs and a lot of how I would survive without Brent excellent, simply because he is a disagreements, but I wouldn’t tradeany of them. Deco, Haddock, Are by RANDALL A. BUDD and Billy on that great first talented white player who is You Listening? Have a blast at Channel 56 and next year as The Big Australian Correspondent Monday night which usually falls needed to help balance the scales Cheese -- but don’t hang around too long. You’re too talented for that. Sydney, Australia, April 18. in April, or without Marv Albert between black and white players Keep in touch and take care. Foremost, I want you all to know screaming “Yesss” into the mike in the league and who could help To My Brothers At Theta Chi that it is autumn here right now, as the Knicks were scoring bas- to maintain the interest of the with winter approaching, and that kets on their way to a division league’s white audience. I’ve gotten along better with some of you than with others -- as is I am having a very hard time title for the first time in a long In addition, another Austra- the case with all of us -- but that’s what makes a fraternity such a great comprehending the fact that July while. lian TV network broadcast live experience. Aside from all the parties (which is all the Administration and August could ever be known Butithasn’tbeensobad.Each the final two rounds of the Mas- thinks we do) I think we’ve accomplished a great deal and we’ve had as winter months. But enough of day the three papers print the ters (due to the tremendouspopu- fun doing it. To the seniors I pledged with, beginning with Stew -- that, because this, of course, has scores from all pro league games larky of golfer Greg Norman), Good luck at school, and don’t you dare get a real job this summer. always been a sports column. On in that occurred and had same-day coverage for DeVito -- If I end up in Albany, you better show me the ropes. By the to the matter at hand. two days before, and, along with both the motorcross Grand Prix way, what’s in a high ball? Jared -- You’re still a big rave Uust It’s a Tuesday, my favorite the infamous British soccer and staged in California (as Austra- kidding), but I do respect you, contrary to what you may think. Good day of the week. First, because, I rugby matches, we even are for- lian hero Wayne Gardner com- luck at The Fed. Can The Van -- Where are your Spot-bilts and two- have no classes. But more im- tunate to get some American spas peted - he won the Grand Prix tone jeans? Wow! Whatever happened to the AIl-Townie line? To the portantly, for a “Yank”like myself, on TV. As a result of the play of event here in Australia the week remaining non-graduates of the pledge class --You’re all the greatest, or for an Australian who is hun- Andrew ‘The Wonder fiwn Down before) and the Lipton Interna- but whoreally carried who through H.W.?Greg -- Keep up thelineage gry for the goings-on of Ameri- Under” Gaze in the West region tional Tennis Tournament in tradition. Be a total menace at all costs. You’re a bonus little brother. can sports, the Aussie media serves of the NCAA tournament, I was Florida a few weeks back (the And to Fieru -- You’re the most reliable and efficient individual I’ve up its most nutritious portion on able to watch Brent and Billy one at which Thomas Muster had ever met. I want you to know that. this day. call the action (it was Sunday his unfortunate accident). All of you please keep in touch. You see, today and most ev- morning) of the Seton Hall-Duke And, what a sports enthusiast Rave on fellas. ery Tuesday, the Sydney Morn- semi-final live via satellite, and would consider to be staple food Blah, blah, blah. ing Herald (something like the we were shown full, same-day for the week, one Australian P.S. Turr in your-ing forms!!! Globe), the Australian (a color- coverage of the championship network shows a taped NBA game To The Seniors Of 130 Hillside less, less-glitzy version of USA game. The satellite feed made it (without commercial intermp- Today) and the Daily Telegraph appear sometimes as if they were tions) which is a few weeks old What’s goin’ on? It’s hard to believe it’s already over. Thanks to (with a red masthead and similar playing the game underwater, but every Friday (they put up the all of you for making my last year my best year. I hope it’s been your content quality to the Herald), I wasn’t complaining. current standings, though, at the best too. You guys are the greatest. Rudy -- Softball and all, you’re the take morsels off the AP wire and IncidentaUy, the semi-fid was end of the telecast), and Austra- most disciplined person and one of the hardest workers I’ve ever met. combine them to print a potpourri the first basketball game ever lia’s version of cable TV -they Hones --You’re WAY underrated. I still think you have the best laugh of current league standings for telecast live to Australia, and these call it SKY Channel - shows on campus. Good peanut gallery comments too. Guns -- Nissen the pros, playoff pairings, PGA were the first collegiate games taped NHL highlights once a donuts, milk, and a dozen boxes of cereal all at once. Take care of the and Anmoney earning lists, and (fromany country and any sport) week. However, you can only pipes. SuchafinemanWalshy! Theo- We’vehadatonoflaughspal, Grand Prix standings for tennis, ever to make it to the boob tube watch SKY Channel‘ through a going all the way back to those freshman bus rides. You’re one of the track and field and auto/motor- And in case you were wonder- satellite dish hooked up to one,of most colorful people I know. Shake it! Spunky -- Exam tomorrow? cycle racing. Undoubtedly it is a ing, the Australian media played the many pubs in and arouhd Whadda you say you and me go to The Boathouse? By the way, I don’t day in the week that I will surely lapdog to Gaze, incorrectly stat- Sydney. But with the drinfiqg mind tellin’ ya’. Frank -- You took a lot of heat as the only non-Bay get up early to read the newspa- ing that he was the sole reason age firmly at 18, it’s not a prob- Stater and you handled it relatively well. Viva 1’Italia -- and wax that pers in the dorm (Aussies call the Seton Hall made it to the final . lem. head of yours. Gil -- The early part of the year must have been tough, students’ residences “colleges,” after a tournament and tourna- So keeping up on the sporting and you handled it well. I’ll never forget your speech at Mike’s however) before everyone else ment selection that included 1500 life back in the U.S. hasn’t been - service. Good luck at G.E. Whist, Gin, or Golf? And Russ -- I’ve trashes them. teams (there are only about 280 too difficult after all. It’s actually known you since I was 12. What else can I tell you? You know me When I left the good 01’ USA teams in Division I). It also ran been kind of humorous to watch better than anyone else, and yes I love to menace you, but you’re the a little oven two months ago, I headlines like “StarGazer” on middle-aged male very best,friend I’ve made here. Thanks. wondered how I would keep up articles from Australian sports- who call Halftime’s over now. on the events in life which truly writers who classified Gaze’s And it’s time to look ahead. make America great. I wondered chances to make the NBA as see AUSSIE, page 13 The Committee On Student Life Announces

An Open Forum'To Discuss

Free Speech On Campus Versus Privacy and Protection From Harassment

Faculty, students anld administrators are invited to be part of this discussion which will precede CSL's policy-making on free speech.


~. - ,i- I.



PLACE: Large Conference Room Mayer Campus Center DATE: Wednesday, April 26,1989 and Thursday, April 27, 1989 TIME: 11 :30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Page thirteen Wednesday, April 26,1989 THE TUFTS DAILY Soul Sister” stands next to a treas- There is, however, nothing CAPSULE CULT ure like Love’s “Hollow really pernicious in Sonic Temple. continued from page 8 continued from page 8- Men” ...well, it’s apainful thing. It’s as listenable as Bon Jovi or latest scam from the musical hypocrisy, At the same time, she runs, and the first single “Fire “Edie (Ciao Baby” is by far the Cinderella, unfortunately, its lyri- outlaws who have called them- wouldn’t be there unless we fan- Woman’’ grabs your ear with worst entry on the album, a series cal and social value is about the selves The Timelords, and now cied her.” Astbury’s apparently anguished of trite, cliched lyrics loosely same. After a slew of rumors last refer to themselves as The Justi- Sampling and re-recording screams. But there’s nothing to fastened with mind-numbing summer about the band’s immi- fied Ancients of Mu MU (The other artists, the Jams assemble delve into, no deeper purpose than percussion and (surprise) more nent breakup, major lineup JAMS.) The album, a compila- their own musical collages, ac- creating a fast, brutal piece of guitar hooks. Duffy is a talented changes, and reports of massive tion of previously released singles cented by their own chants, inter- guitar music. That may not be guitarist, but even his most im- infighting, the arrival of Sonic and tracks from two British al- jectionsandinstrumentation.The such apathetic purpose for many pressive moments cry out for an Temple appeared to herald the bums, is a totally new approach legality of all this has been thrown bands (really, some are incapable injection of originality: they are return of The Cult. It was defi- to studio recording. into question numerous times, of achieving even that), but when simply inadequate to bring Sonic nitely a long road back too bad The British group produces culminating in the controversy the formulated predictability of a Temple to the level of previous they abandoned their integrity social exposesand practical jokes over their last album 1987--What track like the contemptible “Sweet Cult releases. along the way. in the form of Scottish punk-funk the F*** is Going On? When dance music. The opening track, Abbarefwed to condone the Jams’ AUSSIE “All You Need is Love,” was sampling of “Dancing Queen’’ continued from Dage 11 created by first (perhaps illicitly) for a song called ‘‘The Queen and commentators,”give analysis on about. Ah, no wornes at all, just for Tuesdays (and the Associated digitally sampling portions of I,” the copyright authorities had lhe game of basketball. get Mum to hook the VCR up to Press). previously recorded material from all copies and masters of the al- Oh yeah, I know there’s Still the tele and save the tape for me See you all in September, and the Beatles, Hall & Oates, Sa- bum destroyed. A photograph of the All-star game in July to WOW until I get home. But thank God have a restful summer. mantha Fox, and a British gov- burning copies of 1987 appears ernment AIDS advertisement. on the back cover of this LP. Then, the Jams mixed in their BRIEFS- continued from page3 camp at the age of 15 after having the museum “needs to be rear- own metallic guitar riffs, funk Violin Voyager Kim Angelis January, Salm said in an inter- kencaughtin 1944. ranged internally to improve access dance-club drums, sound effects to the annex and the other dis- of “Shag! Shag! Shag!” and ROM Records view Tuesday. The museum not only tells the story of Anne’s short life -- in- plays,” Salm said. record scratching. The result: one *a “Right now, throngs of visi- weird, highly -controversial track For those folk-violin fans seek- Anne Frank Was a Jewish girl cluding a display of the annex in whose posthumously Published its original state -- but also stages tors are completely jamming the which alludes to AIDS when it ing something different, San Fran- diary on her life-in-hiding in an exhibitions on topics related to premises so that the museum is juxtaposes the promiscuity of cisco native Kim Angelis offers annex behindthe Amsterdam canal racism and repression. almost collapsing under its own Samantha Fox’s “Touch Me” with Violin Voyager. Her debut album house gained her a worldwide success,” Salm said. Under the nursery rhymes about the Black on ROM Records bonds folk, audience. In the closing weeks of Opened in- 1960 and consist- new plan, the space dedicated to Plague. western, and classical influences World War 11, she died in the ing of two l&foot-wide canal the exhibition is to be tripled. In one of a series of interviews under the direction of an artist printedonthealbum’sinsidejacket who describes herself as “an Bergen-Belsen concentration houses built in the 18th century, cover, band members are ques- imagist and a universal gypsy.” A- tioned about the relevance of the Kim Angelis attempts to blend Samantha Fox track appearing in many styles together; she is ac- “All You Need is Love.” King companied at different times by Boy D and Rockman sarcasti- harp, banjo, cello, and piano, as cally admit to having wanted to well as very East European tam- sleep with her. Rockman adds, bourines, rattlesanddrums.Even “Our allegiances are so fickle so, Violin Voyagerlacks a refresh- that they’ve already changed to ing quality, and sounds like Whitney Houston,” referring to “something” you’ve heard another mck, “Whimey Joins the before ...pbab ly against your will. Jams.” “Obviously it’s there because it fits in with that whole med& selling thing -- all that POINTS

USE THEM BY SATURDAY, MAY 13 OR LOSE THEM! Points are not refundable, so use them by Saturday, May 13 at the fallowing locations: *JUNIORS!* WANT TO HELP PLAN SENIOR YEAR? Trios Jumbos Scoops WANT TO MAKE SENIOR WEEK THE BEST EVER? Hotung Cafe Campus Center Commons RUN FOR NEXT YEAR’S After Hours SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL Carmichael Dewick/MacPhie Applications available at Campus Center Hodgdon Information Booth starting Tues, April 18th. Pound Applications should be dropped off in the box at the Information Booth by Wed, April 26th. There also will be a MANDATORY CANDIDATES MEETING Wed, April 26th at 5: 15 in the Lane Graduating seniors have until Room of the Campus Center. 7p.m. Friday, May 19 to use their points. ????contact: Suzy Bowes 623-0216 Susanne Comfeld 628 -69 10 Wednesday, April 26,1989 page fourteen THE TUFTS DAILY LANDAU- continued from page 11 - She’ll be doing most of the refin- in scoring in 1988, has played on ing herself, as her sister will be the Junior Olympic team and in finishing up a semester of study- the Olympic Developmental Attention ing abroad, and the team, due to camps offered each summer. The the far-flung homes of its play- camps “improve my play tremen- ers, will not be having a training dously,” according to Landau. camp before the Games. She has worked her way through The “World team” will also the “D” and “C” levels and has feature players from African and been playing the “B’level, against South American countries, includ- members of the Afnerican Junior Spring Fling National, under-21, and Olym- ing possibly Brazil and Argen- tina, according to Landau. pic teams, for the past two years. The excitement was obvious Landau will be forced to on Landau’s face. “When I fi- miss this year’s camp, as the nally found out, I was so excited, schedule conflicts with that of because I’ve known a lot of the the Games, but the 1988 Daily Volunteers! players that were up for [selec- Field Hockey MVPdoesn’t think tion], I’ve played with a lot of that will affect her. “I can come them during the summer, and I’ve back next year and go back to heard a lot about them,” she camp, have my junior year and explained. “I thought the compe- the Games under my belt, and tition was really tough, and so I, maybe pick up where I left off in was kind of figuring, ‘It’s a great the camps,” she stated. “I didn’t Mandatory thing to be up for selection,’ but want to give up [the Maccabeanl I didn’t think I was going to be opportunity, because it could be chosen, and once I was, I was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. extremely ecstatic.” . “There’s no question I’d love She was also happy to hear of to go, succeed, and do very well, Meeting the selection of freshman Mike but the experience of playing in Milobsky to the U.S. Maccabean international competition, and the basketball team. “It’s nice to know flattery of being chosen is what it that someone else from Tufts is is all about. Being there, meeting going to be there, and that we’re people from other countries, able to represent Tufts,” she said, playing with people from other “because Division 111 [athletics] countries, is just going to be the Wed April 26, doesn’t get a lot of recognition.” experience of a lifetime. In my The Maccabean Games are life, later on, I might play against “going to be a great challenge,” people from other countries, but according Landau, and she says never with [them]. You can’t beat 8:30p.m. that “I hope to play up to my that.” potentd and meet that challenge.” Certainly not. Landau, who led the Jumbos

inBarnurn 104 Weebnder: Watchfor Xo6e1-t Cray, Ivan I Ne& anda schedul;! of Spriqq FGng events I or DO YOU HAVE A Thurs. April 27, GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE? 7:30p.m. in Pearson 104


PROGRAM ANNOUNeES -- A New Course for Fall 1989 Items to be CIV 05 TIME AND CALENDARS; FROM discussed: PREHISTORY TO 1500 AD Calendars embody a conception of time, reflect the natural environment in which they Alcohol Policy develop, and reveal a society’s religious and philosophical beliefs and sense of identity. In this course a team of facutly from differ- Location Assignments ent disciplines will explore diverse concep- tions of time and patterns of cultural activity Walkman Contest in representative societies, both Western and non-Western, through an interdisciplinary approach. No prerequisites. 3-7 block and other conerns For further information, please contact Steven Hirsch, Eaton 328, tel. 381-3213 Wednesday, April 26,1989 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen SEN continued from page 5 tion in the wealbier nations of affecting men in a society wherein female-male ratio in the first and come and prosperity can be which Sen particularly empha- the world, saying that other the notion of ‘getting ahead’ is third worlds, he said. These important, according to Sen, and sized was the evident increase in mortality factors exist which emphasized. common explanations are deep- “may influence the cultural tra- the female-malegap in the mor- operate against men. These fac- For the remainder of the lec- rooted cultural dif€erenmas well ditions regarding who gets what tality rate. Sen explained that in tors which particularly affect men ture, Sen concentrated on the as economic diffmm. Although in the division of joint benefits.” 1979, “the female life expectancy include: a greater tendency for factors which operate against Sen believes that a theory con- Another beneficial result of a atbirth,wasaheadofthemale by men to die as a result of violence women’s survival, particularly necting these two explanations is woman’s gainful employmqnt the time of economic and social (based on the fact that men have women living in countries of the quite“boring,”hecontended that, involves children. Sen stated that reforms...”. Sen posited that the a greater tendency to become third world. There are two com- perhaps the true solution lies in the prospect of future earnings recent decline in the life expec- involved in violent situations, Sen mon mteqmmms* whichauempt the combination of these two can provide an incentive for tancy of females could be due~ to._ said); and the high level of stress to explain the disparity in the explanations. greater care by parents. In ad two things: compulsory family Sen continued by suggesting tion, Sen mentioned that “out conml measures and the &man- that “the economic influences on side employment provides 4a tling of the communal health gender can arise.from other dif- woman with greater exposure to system. ferences as well.” An influential the outside world, and this can be Finally, prior to opening the factor that “seems to be impor- socially important in the deter- floor to theaudience’s questions, SAFER SEX TEE SHIRTS $5.00!! tant is the economic independ- mination of women’s position Sen concluded his presentation ence and power of women vis-a- within the family.”Senpresented by stressing that there is a need to Available at the Health Education vis men in the family and in the theaudience withchartscontain- link economic and cultural fac- Program. Call 391-0720 for more economy.”’ According to Sen, ing statistical information which tors because “living in a society information, or stop by our office “gainful employment,” that is, support his claims regarding the cannot be partitioned into two at 26 Winthrop Street. any job which carries with it a links between a woman’s gainful unlinked categories of economic wage or salary, “can substantially employment and her survival living and cultural living, and enhance the ‘deal’ that women prospects. the problem of differential moi- get” by providing them with an Sen also examined a specific bidity and mortality cannot lq income, thereby enabling them case involving the People’s Re- adequately studied without asso- to become less vulnerable. Also, public of China and the reforms ciating the two with each other.” the respect accorded to one who which were implemented there contributes to the familv’s in- followingc the revolution. An area

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It might take a sense of humor. But it’s part of getting serious.


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-~ Employment opportunities Fall 1989 The Tufts Daily is seeking: 3 Staff Assistants $5.05 starting, competitive raises Fast tracked, high responsibilityjob flexible shifts, 6 - 20hrs per week Work study and Non work study paid training begins fhis week

Night Deliverers ...... 5 days a week-- work one or all five! i High Tcmpcrstucc __‘F , , i Waihcr Condirionkimlconr) 30 minutes of work for $1 0 SPECIALIZING IN CWATIVE CUISINE Su-v hrcly Cloudy Cloudy Rmv must have a car ALLOUR hlENUISFMSARE,\VAILABLE i IORTAKEOUT . Phone Call Javier, Larry, or Heather at 381-3090 page sixteen THE TUFTS DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989

IGC,~- continued from page 1 change once the constitution is hearing procedures. He added that ratified is that the IGC Judicial is also important that the Judicial Board, chaired by Lowthian, will Board policy be consistent with become an fully recognized insti- other University disciplinary tution. policy. The board, first established in Lowthian will now be work- December in a “very ad hoc ing with Assistant Director of form,” has since then been re- Student Activities and Greek sponsible for hearing complaints TCB LECTURE SERIES & PEACE AND JUSTICE STUDIES PRESENTS: Advisor Cathy Harder-Bemier and against member houses, Lowthian Reitman to make sure that all of said. Operating mainly upon the the problems are worked out. guidelines of the social policy, DiNatale said that the IGC has the board makes final decisions begun to make a concerted effort on what sanctionsshouldbetaken this semester to finalize the against houses in violation of Greek constitution with the creation on rules. Most often, the punishments the student-faculty Committee on include community service, Fraternities and Sororities. “The mandatory workshops, or, in more University wantedtoknow where serious cases, social probation. the Greeks stood,” he said. DiNatale said that despite the Former IGC Resident Andy present ad hoc nature of the board, Rockett said this week that the the Dean of Students Office has basis of the constitution which thus far recognized all the disci- former Mayor of Burlington,Vermont. this year’s officers worked with plinary decisions that the board was a compilation of constitu- has made. tions from 1982 and 1983 that he Fraternities and sororities have BERNARD SANDERS put together when he was in of- the option of appealing the deci- fice. sion of the board to the CSL. He said that since the change The most recent draft of the of the drinking age in Massachu- constitutionalsooutlines the new setts and the institution of the positions of academic coordina- new social policy, the University tor and alumni coordinator, which had become particularly concerned were not a part of the IGC board over the definition of its relation- until this semester. ship with the Greek system. The constitution that the CSL MEDFORD was given is a “broad outline” continued from page 2 according to Lowthian, and con- toured the estate and decided to tains explanationsof the duties of lend a helping hand to the Royall the IGC officers, the policy for House. Today the Tufts Univer- elections and the make up of the sity Buildings and Grounds crew sub-councils of the IGC. visits the Royall House on a It also states the rights and weekly basis. George Wilson, John responsibilitiesof Greek organi- Vi and their staff maintain the zations. Rights outlined include Royall House grounds in a man- the right to choose their own nerbenefitting thisnational land- members, the right to a faculty mark. advisor, and the right to self- I would be remiss if I failed to government. The responsibilities thank. Barbara Rubel, the com- to conduct activities in accordance munity liaison between Tufts with local, state and federal laws University and the City of Medford and university policy, as well as and Professor Miriam Balmuth compliancewith individual chap- for their assistance over the last ter bylaws are also included. few years. The more controversial Greek The people of Medford should documents, the relationship state- realize that Tufts University is ment with the University arid the working to preserve Medford’s fraternity social policy, were historic landmarks for future approved last semester. generations.Tufts University is a Though the constitution has good neighbor. not been approved yet, Lowthian says that most of the policies Jay B Griffin, contained in it have been in prac- Vice President, tice for a few years. The biggest Medford Historical Society

Thinking About Thursday, April 27 Teaching After 7:30pm Barnum 104 I Graduation? -- Co- spnsored by Peace and Justice Educational Collective Lincoln Filene Center for Public Service kprtment of Education American Studies S.P.I.R.I.T.

/ Just Do It.

/ If you’re thinking about entering th t hing /’ profession after graduation, you might be interested in talking to a team of graduate students from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. We, as new members of the teaching corps, would like to talk with Tufts students about making and acting upon the decision to become a teacher. A meeting will be held Wednesday, April 26 in the Zamparelli Room of the Mayer Student Campus Center at 7 p.m. We invite all interested students to attend. the class working alone, Chris making his vehicle's physical Solar cells (giving a total cell Florida to Michigan. an interesting way." Pellon took into account enough construction as light as possible. surfaceareaof72cm2)restingon The class has its work cut out acardboardphtform five inches for it in the future. Before build- ' Off~eW~dP~d~thepower,ing its vehicle, it will have to HAVE FUN WITH and three rubber wheels taken evaluate the cost of materials it A GREAT KID! SECRETARY 'S from a toy Car gave the vehicle could use, lobby for funding of ' ability to roll. The coat hanger's the project, and evaluate all the $5/hour babysitting flexibility allowed him to bend technical aspects of building,a Our year Old son in our WEEK the body to allow for the straight- vehicle capable of racing 250 W. Medford home est possible steering. He used a miles. Although-constructing a 1-2 afternoons/week, combination of a small gear and car that could bring victory in a a large gear to make the car move prestigious national solar race May-July slowly but with as much power would be a significant accom- or any part there of. SHOW YOUR as possible. plishment for the class, VO has a Also, possibility of more 250 Miles in Five Days much more practical reason for APPRECIATION The enthusiasm of the class next year's class format: "Enter- hours in June with our has prompted Vo to run a special ing the race is not the only goal 8 year old daughter. BY BRINGING topics course next year with the for the course. The goal is for Call Sandy or Ricky at goal of designing a full-sized solar people to have fun, to under- YOUR SECRETARY racing vehicle that could com- stand, digest, and apply what they 48 3-4294 Pete in the May 1990 American have learned in theory, and to get TO LUNCH Tour de Sol race. This year's them excited about design." *Get paid to play* IN Tour de Sol, which begins on Vo's students feel they have ZONE RESOURCE POSITIONS WREN Residents of DINING ROOM small or special interest houses, APRIL 24-28 Hillside or Latin.Way.

YOUR SECRETARY Applications for Zone Resource positions are WILL RECEIVE available in the Dean of Students Office and the A COMPLIMENTMY Housing Office. POTTED PLANT RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED Application Deadline, May 12 X2497 For more information, please call 381-3248 The Leonard Carmichael Society cordially invites all volunteers to a

- I -VolunteerAppreciation Reception Wednesday, April 26, 1989 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. Alumnae Lounge, Tufts University

I special guest: President Jean Mayer

____._I______- -- page eighteen THE TUFI‘S DAILY Wednesday, April 26,1989 ALL-EARS GRADUATION PARTY? continued from page 9 - ment, it’s safe to say that it drives Nicaragua, San Diego, Wiscon- banana/Great banana/Full ba- more people to sleep than torevo- sin, England, and Athens, Geor- call and ask about our deli specials nana,” quips lead singer Gregory lution. gia. That’s a lot of miles. And a Landau to the beat of Lawrence The All-Ears Review ends with lot of music (6031 total). Welkian keyboards. Cafe Noir playing “Tut I Tschi, So if you haven’t got enough Nicaragua’s Mancotal claims Man I Tschi,” an instrumental money to travel this summer, bop on down to record store and to be a leader of that nation’s that harkens back to Sting’s “Moon a Cambridge “New Song” movement, using Over Bourbon Street.” So we pick up the new All-Ears Review. music as a positive from of pro- end up our musical tour in New It’ll take you ahere you want to test. If “Banana” is a good ex- Orleans, after hitting Bulgaria. go. (617)492-2522 ample of the “New Song” move- Louisiana, Mississippi, Canada,

4 Bedroom ’WELCOME TO TUFTS FURNITURE FOR, SALE in very nice large sunny 6 room apt. Beautiful viewBEACH’ of prime tanning lo Personals BiHhdays Desk, dresser, and night table. eat-in kitchen dishwasher, washer, PERFECT CAR Lots of drawer space. Call Debbie dryer. refrigerator, stove. Large 1982 Lynx (Ford Escort). 82K cation on campus summer suble at 395-7409, leave message. living room, clean bathroom. $12001 available in 4 bdrm College Ave. apl miles, excellent condition in/out month 395-7272 Darin or leave Tom Shari, Perfect for city parking and long WasheriDver and Garbage Dis Being the Classifieds editor, I Happy 20th Birthday! What- NO CHEAP FURNITURE message. Loads off storage & ofl sal all right in kitchen! Partiallr road trips. Excellent stereo/cas- AVAILABLE! street parking. thought Id exercise my powers pictures, picnics, and plastic sette. Ideal for college students. Ernished. Call Law$ or Jodi 776 We have everything you need for 6849 and send a free personal. How‘d beads this ear? Have a great I’m moving to Europe, so I musl your paper go? Bring it over and I’ll day! Love, [aura your house: chairs, tables, beds, SPRING SUBLET sell it at the end of May. $990 One female for 3 room apt. on Teele wok you some real food tonight I (negotiable). 629-9780. etc. Give us a call and come and Apartments for 89-90 make a pretty mean pasta. -Margo Dear Laura, see it fast before it‘s all gone. Talk Ave.: Furnished. washer & drver. Spacious 2,3,and 5 bdrm apts in i Can you believe it? We’re actually to Tania. Marina, or Nicci. TEL: great location. groovy wallpabr‘; great location on Bromfield Ave. f FOR SALE: 666-2311 300/m0. plus utilities. Call Cristin. Mags celebrating our 20th May to- A Peavey bass. Asking $250, ne- min walk to Tufts. 5 bdrm has twc I had a great time being stapled to ether! You had me worried there 629-9836. baths, livingroom and eat-in. gotiable. . Good condition. Call FOR SALE: your wall last Saturday night. You 9or a while. but I knew you’d find Gary, 629-8971. kitchen. Call Jon at 666-2173 ook so cute in your lingerie. some way to be here! You’re awe- One-way ticket from Boston to June 10 - July 14 Maybe we get together leal soon. some and we’re going to have the Chicago/OHare for Thurs. May One female for 3 room apt. on Teele Love, Babycakes . bestest spring fling weekend! 11. Call Elyse 629-9756. Ave.; Furnished, washer & dryer; ‘Summer sublet’ Double bed for sale, groovy wallpaper; price negotiable. Love, Shari Mattress. boxsDrinas and frame. Amazing summer sublet on 50 T.E.D. SOPHOMORES- Call Cristin. 629-9836. Winthrop St. -- Perfect location, Great shape. ’ Price negotiable. FURNITURE FOR SALE: Phonehome- I know about monks, To the Almighty One and Call 6258837. practically on campus. Available for you wouldn’t like being a nun- let’s the one who blew us otf Selling oak bed w/mattress set. 3- 2 roomsSPRING available HOUSINGfor spring in 6BR 1.2, or 3 persons from June through isten to the black album once for lunch yesterday: drawer desk and chair, and hang- August. Call 391-8506 or 629-8643 Great Deal! ing rack. Call evenings until 11:30. again- being evil is just really hav- Isn’t it a coincidence that the real on a Macintosh 512K. Imagewriter house located 300 yards from cam now. ng fun- the man in Black Almighty One gave you two the ask for Alice. 629-9736. pus. Newly renovated. fully fur- printer and Software included. nished, great roommates. Deal at same 6-days. Whadda concept. $800. Call Scott, 629-9884. Sublet Available K.A.R.- Shari, I’m sure you’ll be looking for REFRIGERATOR- $35O/month including utilities. Con- for Spring Semester. 2 bedrooms in Small refrigerator for sale, in ex- Keebler’s Magic Middles- Caramel a personal this year. Laura, see Bed with Boxspring tact Pais 629-8522. house off Broadway 1 112 bath- :orn and other sweet nothings in what happens when you blow us cellent condition, $50. Call Marci room, with living room and kitchen. Frame can be taken apart for easy at 666-2644. your ear. Best of luck during fi- off for lunch! Happy B-day. Steve moving. Call Greg at 666-2658. $250/month Call Doug 629-8915 of ials. Snookums. (Hey you finally and Alex 1 Bedroom available next Scott 629-8630. got a personal) Good Deals on Brand New spring HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY ‘FOR SALE’ ‘89:90 Housin and Summer Furniture: Bed complete with boxspring and in great house on Powderhousc Minnie-- MAGGIE WELCH!! Full length white formica desk. Circle. Call 629-8184. subet I love you. Too bad you weren’t Get ready to celebrate!!! Love. frame, 72‘ bookcase, rug. kitchen 349 Boston Ave. between Es- four drawer dresser. Extra long set (4 chairs 8 a table), 13‘ color there for water sports yesterday you “58”-roommates boxspring bed. Call Jon at 391- Summer Sublet Ipresso’s and Big Dipper. Fall -. norning. Love, B-- 01. Call 776-1064 and leave a mes- $280/mo. summer negotiable. mli 6203. sage. For June, July. August. Grea Margaret Welch!!! house on Powderhouse Circle 391 -4173. Matt, It‘s your 21st Birthday today and For Sale: Cheap. Call 629-8184. Why did that little kid blow again? we’ve come a long way since Lar e wood desk, twin size bed THE AUDIO, CONNECTION 13 Emery Slack freshmen year. Have a great day. (7incudes frame and box spring), returns! Now in its 14th semes- Summer Sublet Available Seeks summer subletors. 5 spa but try to remember, Just cuz and a really big radio. Must sell ter, the Audio Connection. offers 3 bedrooms fully furnished. 53 Cur. cious singles available mid-May At noon today all engineers you’re legal don’t be a beagle. before school ends. Call 623-1783 the Tufts Community unbelievable thru August. Perfect location. we requested to observe a tis Ave. 1 room available for June -. after 7pm. savings on a11 major brands of new call Julie 628-1444. 2 available al Completely furnished, newly re moment of silent prayer Attention EE14 and ES15: stereo equipment. Located right modeled kitchen, and Cable T.V.1 summer -- call Heather 628-5746 01 for their humiliated commrad If you see Margaret Welch today, Must sell: on campus, we list complete sys- Group rates available. Call soon -. Mark. Mark has now lost a signifi- 629-9081. Parking and laundry fa- 391-1 979. wish her a Happy 21st Birthday 86 Mustang GT. Ttop and other tems and every conceivable com- cilities included cant (notable) number of chess ootions 33K miles. Great condi- ponent at discounts even better games to a female liberal arts stu- Mag’s Twenty-one tions $8.500 or best offer. call than “sales” at local and New Super Cheap Summer Sublet dent. This weekend the competi- Spacious Summer Sublet! Let‘s have fun. Eat a Cake, and a 623-8507. York stores, all with full manufac- 4-5 BR, newly renovated bthrm, One furnished room on Conwell tion resumes, and frankly, he Hot Crossed Bun (and a beer) turers warantees. Maxell XLll Ave. Cable. Etc. 623-5323, Mark. needs all the help he can get. washerldryer, 2 parking spaces, Love, Jeff , Must sell motorcycle tapesare$l.99 each incasesof 11 Iiv. rm., dining rm., kitchen, partially 86 Honda Rebel 450 C.C. 2,500 mi. ($2,19 individuauy), and TDKs are furnished. Located on:‘ Winthrop. “‘Best. .location:’.*.. ; ?!?!?! $including helmets cover 800 or in stock. Call Otis now at 666- 2 C&n -- six furnished. rooms CARING Lease June-Aug. Rent $200/month. best offer. CALL 623-8507 4869 for more information. THE Call Liz at 629-8768 available for summer sublet. -. renl CLOSE For Sale AUDIO CONNECTION!!! ‘ negotiable -- Call 629-9375 or 624 I.. ’ .. SENSUAL Good Stuff Cheap .. perfect summer sublet 8609. EXCITING I’m graduating but my furniture SPRINGSTEEN: Air conditioned, 3 bedroom, spa- WARM isn’t. Deck chairs,’ rowing ma- Rare and live recordings, studio cious, balcony. off street parking, Swimming Pool 81 Summer Furniture: chine, fan, carpet. Come see and outtakes, all on tape. Send self- dryer, dishwasher, virtuall on .Sublet Dave noma I am selling 1 double bed, great don’t be afraid to make a ridicu- addressed stamped envelope to: campus, Powderhouse Blvd. Jublet 3 Single rooms available. June -- “Yo, Personal this!” condition, as well as draft table lous offer. Call Brandon at 629- R.R. 154 Riverside Ave. Medford. for June - Aug. Negotiable. Call August. 45 Seconds behind Yale (chair comes with it). If inter- 9348. MA 02155 for a complete listing. 629-8945 or 629-8770. Carmichael (if you’re slow). In- ested, call Emmanuel at 623-3320 ground pool is NOT a joke. Price Kira, Bargain on Furniture FUTONS FOP CALL 1 or 2 singles negotiable. Call Bill, Rich, Dave629- Jude, this one is really for her! 3 King size yrbed 8473. Mattress and woo n frame and Full sized platform bed. large FRAMES, COVERS, Direct from available this summer on Powder- for is it 4?) months with vou in wooden desk with six drawers, Factory! Futons Are 8 inches thick house Blvd directly across from Metropolis has been (is, will be) headboard. $100. Medium-sized Two modern apartments lor refrigerator - $50. 195 College swivel chair, dresser, night table, and handmade. Full Cotton $89; Latin Way. BONUS apartment -_ reat Oceana was the best! Can Ave. Call 666-4813 book shelf. Refrigerator all for Full Cotton/Foam $1 19; Other must see!! And a bargain. too!! In- rent June 1 P dance with you sometime soon? $200. Call Mark at 395-8534. sizes available. Free Delivery! cludes washerldryer; dishwasher. Spacious 3 bedroom with livin Ashley wants a recital. Te am! CALL 629-2339 or 629-2802 Fully furnished with tons of room. room. eat-in kitchen. Huge 5 be$ For Sale mom with living room, study, largs Nexus One 10 speed bicycle in good con- ”Waterbed for Sale’” But wait ...there’s more: open-air dition and one small and one me- Beautiful king size bed with built in balcony! Call 625-5573 eat-in kitchen partially furnished. Doug, dium sized refrigerator. All are drawer + gorgeous headboard E$!! RightonCampus. Call Vickie at381. Stop falling asleep! Have you fin- cheap. If you are interesed: with shelvss. Complete with 3564. ished the crossword vet? So Please CALL Deb at 623-9228. sheets, pad, and heater. Call Housing 3 Bedroom for 89-90 to which state are ou tadng me You won’t regret it soon: Joe 625-5357. Beautiful 3 bedroom apartment for One housomate needed next? ILYWYMAW? See you at rent from June to June. Located on for large 4 bedroom apt for nexl lunch. For Sale! For Sale Bromfield Ave., 5 min walk to Tufts. ear $300 month, 2 blocks from ‘80 VW Rabbit. Great cond. 80,000 Macintosh 512K Enhanced to 3 bedrooms, full bath, eat-in I!ewis Hall on Electric Ave. Call Vip To the brotherhood of MacPlus equivalent with ROM kitchen, living room, and storage 629-9459. Theta Chi, miles. $1100 or best offer. Call Lisa at 625-0159 chip, 1 meg. of RAM, and SCSl *Summer Sublet. space. $350/month plus utilities. Our last mixer was great! Flaming Port. wlkeyboard and Laser Available in 3 bedroom apt - lots Call Jon at 666-2173. Cheap, Cheap Summer cucarachas all around! Optric Mouse. Includes much of of space. Right on Boston Ave -- Sublet -The sisterhood of Chi Omega REFRIGERATOR year old, very cheap Uc there will software. $800 Negotiable. 236- close to everything and reason- Summer Sublet Roomy, ideal 3 bedroom aparbnenl I able too! Call either 629-9005 or be no room for it in the car to bring 1897 or 776-7232 ask for Bruce or Excellent location at 347 Boston for summer people. Located on CHI-0 new initiates, leave message. 6248171 -- leave message. Boston Ave. It is very close to Congratulations! This is only the home call 629-9602 Ave. right next to Hillside bus stop. One minute to campus. June 1-Aug Tufts. Available June 1st till end 01 beginning, it gets even better! Liquidating Assets for Two housematea needed August Call 629-8407 foi details Love, all of your Chi Omega sisters For Sale-Bedroom Set 31. $255/month. 2 rooms available. Full size bed. desk, dresser, book- Optimum Mobility! for a four-room apartment 5 min- Non-smoker preferred. (leave message with phone numbei shelf. All in excellent condition. Must sel1:Rossignol (ski next win- utes from campus. Call Rob at 629- if W$)- -“omcv mv ~,un,l,,( Ben, Julia, Jose, ter!) X630 skid length 170 Tyrolia 9318 anytime. As you sit in the library, procrasti- Available Mid-May. Call Jill at 628- Spring Sublet 1444. for information. bindings and Women’s Nordica air We have 2 rooms available for sub. Summer Sublet on College nating by reading this, stop boots (like new). Used Adidas x- Ave. stressing out and think of the letting. Close to campus. 6 bedroom JUNIORS-TO-BE: ptf- Country skis and boots. Various WANTED: 3rd Roommate for nice apartment. $250 or best offer. Across from football field! 5 bed- beach and the beautiful weekend clothes, scarves, jewelry items Ideal Apartment at 14 rooms, living room, dining mom, we had. I hope everything goes Campus Call 6248630. graduating senior seeks to sell 8 (cheap). Great Bargains! If inter- Fairmount St. etc ... Available June 1 thru Aug. well. you guys are GREAT!! Thanx ested call 629-9166 Beautiful 3 bdrm apt New bath, This is an incredible a rtment in a for the memories. Mara .in thick foadhtton futon with S185 great location. Call F%a at 625. wooden frame. Istained the frame new kitchen, lar e. bright rooms. PS. How do you spell that? 3350/mo. utit. birect on T line. Beautiful, newly-renovated, 3 bed- 3054. myself and it looks great-it also + room apt. large kitchen. 5 min. walk Kramer FlOOO electric Practically on campus. has pegs to fold into a couch. If from campus. June thru Aug. call ‘Super Summer Sublet. you need a sofa, the whole thing guitar One space available for summer. Andy for information: 6248692. and crate G60 amp. Good condi- Female, non-smoker preferred. one room available -- a great loca- could be mounted on blocks. Ask- tion (College Ave) for a great price ing $150 (paid $260)- Call Jeff at tion. $175 apieceLS325 both. Call Call Erica, Jen, or Margo for details **SPECTACULAR SUMMER Wayne after 5 pm, 629-9895. at 629-8420 or 629-8480. in addition to the nicest house 623-8368. Also gvailable small SUBLET” mates What more could you want! black dresser. fiastic shelves. -- NEED A PLACE FOR for a Special price! 3 super rooms, Call Jen -- 623-0863. Do you have a global Prices negotiable. Cheap la e Deck sunny kitchen, sparkling bath, sun perspective? SPRING? Sony TC-FX420& auto-revem Beautiful 3 bdrm apt - new bain, tanning porch, spacious living room,, We need a mommatel Vorld Civilizations announces a Encyclopaedia Britannlca cassette deck. Perfect for dub located on silent end of Conwell I person needed immediately to fill iew course for Fall 1989. CIV 05, Student or Teacher Discount if new kitchen, large, bright rooms. bing. Dolbynoise reduction. Come Practically on campus, direct on T. Ave. Avail. June-Aug. The best arge 3BR apt., 5 min walk to Mem. ime and Calendars: From Pre- seriously interested. Call Ed listen to it- $100 or best offor, Call price around! Please call SOON! hps. Call Lynda @I629-8563 or Smith 321-3557 $350/mo+ util. Female, non-smoker iistory to 1500 AD. Explores di- Tom at 629-9800 preferred. Call Erica, Jen. or Margo Heather at 629-8776 (leave mes- ?Ob @ 643-1 164. erse conceptions of time and at 629-8420 or 629-6480. sage) or Karen 629-9108 iatterns of cultural activity in FURNITURE FOR SALE: Furniture for 8ale: Best Location Available Full bedmom set (bed, dresser, spresentative societies. bed. rug. etc. I must sell it all be- 3 Bedroom 10 minute walk 1 space open May 12-Aug. 31 in night table, bookcase). Also living College Ave. Apartment pat apartment on 29 Capen St. room (much, table, chair) and fore graduation! Call Sam at 776- to campus *EARS FOR PEERS 1657 for information large sunny 6 room apt. Two living 4 bdrms available for either the first dear everything you need to be VOLUNTEERS’ kitchen (table. chairs). Please call summer session or for the whole iear to. 1 minute from Campus, Hill- Abbe 776-8903. rooms large eat-in kitchen, refrig- herewill beameetingonWednes- Jerry. Garcia Band Tickets- srate, store, dishwasher, washer summer. Incl. driveway, washer/ iide, T, etc. You stay free from May lay. May 3rd at 1:30 in Eaton 208. dryer, balcon and pool table. Rent 2June. Can’t beat that. Call Andy t is mandatory! If you absolutely DOUBLE BEDS FOR SALE Pavillion seats for ‘Great B dryer. Off street parking, porch. Woods, Sept. 9 and, 10. Nice bathroom. $l.OOO/month. 395 negotiable. 8all 666-0149 it 391-7622 and leave a message if annot be there, call Jodi at 776- Perfect condition! Almost new! IO answer. 849 or Susan at 395-7409, how- Graduating seniors. Must sell! Call Kirsten at 629-8169 7272 Darin or leave message. Nver. almost no excuse will be Mattresses and boxsprings. You wouldn’t believe cceptable. Also please bring info CALL: SHARI, 391-3306. For Sale- 4 Bedroom apt. You think you’ve found the Queen size Bed, box springs and 2 minutes to campus. 139 College perfect house nat we have 3 rooms available for iat you’ve collected. he summer in a great big apartment Need a car? mattress $80 or negotiable. 1 Plve. 6 large rooms. Washer, dryer for Summer ‘89 or Spring ‘go? wooden coffee table- $15 or ne- ncluded. $1400/month. June 1st Suess again! 4 singles. $270 a iear everything imaginable. Low A Clockwork Orange Going away next year, have to sell. ant, lots of fun. Also, 1 space avail- rill be at 9:30PM in MacPhie in- 1973 Chrysler Cordoba with got All in good condition #629- ease, subletting O.K.. Large eat-in month. almost on Campus (21 Teele 9762 .

~ iClassif iedsC Iass if iedsClassif iedsC lassif iedsClassif iedsclassif ieds - . _. Two roommates needed; Everett Apartment Bonanza! ~ Housing for three bedroom apartment on Large 3 bdrm apt. Mature quiet First Ad! 3-bedroom duplex, full liv- The Education and Training Divi Pearl St. Call for info; John -- 629- tenants, priced according to occu- ingldining room excellent condition, sion, Center for Enviromnenta 9094 evenings. WORDPERFECT: Management is now acceptin! Summer Sublet pancy. 389-4433. $1200. parking. 2-bedroom, hard- wood floors, tile bath, large yard, Word processing service. low resumes from students interestat One bedroom in Apt. building clos Available June lst, 1989. LOOKING FOR A PERFECT in full-time summer employmen to Campus $270 per month. Watt 5 & 112 room apt. 2 bdrms on Pow- $800. 2-bedroom, enclosed porch, HOUSE hardwood floors, tile bath, large Skills needed: WP 5.0, public speak prepaid. Call 629-8568 for mor derhouse Blvd. off street parking. for you and a friend this summer? ing. editing, organization. Call Gina info. All utilities included. $1250. No yard, $800. All 1 block from Tufts. Well, we've got it!! Great location, 628-4251 (day) or 354-2378 (eve.) Spectacular Summer Pets. Call Pat 508-664-6104. spacious, reasonable price and Sublet1 II everything else you could possibly SUMMER SUBLET TYPING OR WORD Great location. beautiful house an SUBLET WITH THE BEST! want. If interested. contact Matt PROCESSING SERVICE. to lead our children's tours, April friendly people. Openings for fu We've got four hot rooms left in our One person needed for super 3 June. in downtown Boston. Week at 629-9591 or Brian at 629-8636 bedroom apt. close to campus. 395-5921 summer or partial summer!! 4 bdri house that we'd like you to live in for Student Papers. Theses, Grad day mornings: must be available a the summer! We're literally sec- Available June-August. Rent nego- house, fully furnished! Call Now SPRING SUBLET School Applications, Graduate/ least two mornings a week. Wi 629-8657! onds from campus, so call today! tiable. Call Nicole 629-9180 or Deb train. $9.50/tour. Call Connson 4 singles available in a beautiful 629-8186. Faculty Projects, Tape Transcrip- 391-7857 tion, Resumes, Multiple Letters, 426-1885 ONLY THREE ROOMS newly renovated house immediately I off campus (215 College Ave). SUMMER SUBLET etc. on IBM. Reasonable Rates. LE F,TI! I Summer Sublet Available Available for Spring semester 1990. Serving Tufts students and faculty HAVE FUN WITH A GREAT Be the first to live in pur new1 renc for up to 5 people in gorgeous apt 1 3 large bedrooms in 5 bedroom apt. KID! Pleasecall Annie andValerieat629- June-August. Very close to Tufts for ten years. Five minutes from /vated. soacious aDt on &nse min walkfromTuhsandTstop. 2801 8625 Tufts. CALL 395-5921. ASK FOR (GET PAIDTO PLAY!) Earn $Yhou New wall'to wall caheting, skyligt (Bromfield street) Call John 395- per person negotiable. Call Danny 2699 or Scott 629-8833. FRAN. babysitting our 4 year old son in ou windows, tone of storage spac 629-9561. Two Bedroom Sublet W.Medford home 1-2 afternoon5 and room to park. Available Jur Two bdrm apt available June 1. to HEY! TYPING SERVICE week, May-July (or any par Aug. Rent negot. Please call Sharo Room available Aug. 31. 4 Pearl St Medford. Rent One room left in a 3 bedroom sum Typing service. Theses, manu- thereof). Possibility of more hour at 629-8098, Laura at 629-9029 c May 15-Aug. OnHollandSt. 5mins negot. Call either Peter at 391- mer sublet. May 15-August 31 scripts, term papers, reports, in June w/our 8 year old. Call Rick' Stacey at 629-9071 from Davis Sq. Has A/C. dish- 1449 or Eric at 629-8126 Basement deck. backvard. drive resumes, cover letters, personal- or Sandy (483-4294) washer, $315/month. everything way, 5 min. from campus '- Defi ized letters, envelopes, and general 'Summer Sublet' included. 628-1781. after 6. CHEAP typing. Quick service and reason- PEACE - WORK FOR IT 1 rm in bdrm house, washer/drye nitely must see! Call Doug or Ton 5 Summer Sublet. F. non-smokers 62 9 - 9 38 7 able rates. Call Pat at 492-2744 Summer and Year 'Round Positions Irg kitchn. Ivrm. 5 min walk to Davi Grad student looking welcome. On T-line partially fur- SanelFreeze: Campaign for Glob for female, non-smoking roommate or Porter T, 10 min to campu: nished. Call 629-8940or 629-9184, POWDERHOUSE SUMMER CMT WORD PROCESSING Security hiring canvassers/educa pking, fully furnished. Late May to share apt. now thru Aug. w/op only 2 spaces left- call soon SERVICES late Aug. $290/mo (negot) De! tion longer. Private bath & bdrm in SUBLET 2 Bedroom available in apartmen will input thesis, resumes, person- 625-5838 new condo. W/D, pool, street park- Inexpensive Housing for alized letters, manuscripts and ing, work out room. For information on Powderhouse Blvd.. across from Summer '89 Latin Way. (Females preferably: term papers into an IBM computer **Stop Looking** please call Jill 395-7405. in spacious BromfieldRd apt. Three Call 629-8016 or 629-8071 and print out letter uality Various Here it is: 1 room in large, clean bdrms. livingrm, kitchen, bath. software used. %1.50~$2.001pg. bdrm apt. Music, sports, and neal Roommate Wanted! For 3BR apt 5 min. from Tufts. Very close to campus and short "'CHEAP"' FREE on-campus delivery. Call ness. Wash/dry. cable TV. All fa walk to T. Price negot. and cheap. Summer sublet avail. in Ball sq. (12 CHER 628-5439. only $27Ymo +uti Right on Broac Newly painted, full bath, refirg, back porch, yard. Next to market Call Christine 629-9538 or Jillin Lowden Ave.) 5 min to Davis, 5 min. way- 1 block from Tufts. Clean ani 629-9566 to Campus. 1 or 2 spacious rooms WORD PROCESSING- mature male or female call 628-507s and laundromat. Neat, non-smok- ing females, Please call Debra or (fully carpeted with furniture) Full Fast, accurate. dependable over- Dusten. 629-9557. 'Furnished Summer Sublet' kitchenm bathroom, living room, night emergency service available. "Great Summer Sublet" 1 Bdrm. available in 3 Bdrm apt. and driveway! Call Atif or Dave 15 years experience. Pick up and 2 min walk to campus- up to 4 rm Rent negotiable. Call 628-4762 before 12p.m. 625-2346 delivery available. Call: Carol 625- available in beautiful apt with 2 fu SUMMER SUBLETS One to five rooms, blocks from 11501623-0590 baths, sun porch, modern kitch, H two campus. Access to living rooms, 2-3 Bedroom Summer LARGE DUPLEX dishwasher, living rm. wing. refrig Sublet- APARTMENT THE PROCESSED WORD erator. Call 629-821 1 or 629-9093 kitchens, dining rooms, washer and dryer and garage. The house is in 1st floor 'ust one block from cam in 2 familv house. 4 bedrooms. livina Thesis or term papers got you Leave message. Price negot. reat condition. If intrested call pus on bus-line. includes cellar, room, dhing room, eat-in-kitchen: down? Call the best word process- ~ 1.ich or Mike at 623-6035. garage and driveway. Newly reno- new bathroom, backyard, porches, ing service in town. Deadlines no ' Newly Renovated vated and completely furnished. tree-lined street, 4 minute walk to problem, reasonable rates, give us 4 bdrm abutting Spicer Field, wall ti Need a Hawiian Vacation? Great backyard for tanning!!! Rent Tufts, lease, no pets, no smokers. our typing - you'll have more time wall carpet. 1300 heat and hotwa Me too. is low. 776-1374. Ask for whoever $1200/month. Please call 227-8000 ror dates! Conveniently located at ter included. Call anytime, ask fo Luxury 4-bdrm apt. for Summer or leave a message. (Monday thru Friday Days) or 969- 12 Forest Street in Medford Keith or Christine, 391-6321 Sublet. Modern, new carpets, 3075 EVENING Square. Copies, notary, pickup and washer and dryer, 10 paces to "SPRING SUBLET" delivery and FAX services. MCI Off College Ave.-Davis Sq. Tufts or Public Transit 205 College Up to 6 rooms available. 2 min. walk SUMMER '89 SUBLET VISA accepted. 4-Rm newlv rennovated $700. un Ave. Rent Negotiable. Call Dave or to campus. Two full baths, sun 1 house w/2 Ig. 4-bdrm apt. on CALL JANICE - 3950004 lheated. nd pets - no waterbeds Bob 629-9010. porch, modern kitchen wldish- Bromfield Rd. Partially furnished w/ i Call Richard 628-2158 washer, living room. parking, re- washer/dryer/microwave. Sunny STUDENTS STORE YOUR GREAT SUMMER SUBLET frigerator. Call 629-8211 or 629- frt. and back porches. Driveway STUFF SPRING SUBLET 9093, leave message. Price nego- and garage Incl. Call 625-5590 any- Store: cycles, books. clothes, 1 large bdrm available for sprinj One bdrm in beautiful apt at 18 Curtis Ave. Right across campus. tiable. time. trunks, furniture, stuff!! Special semester in a 3 bdrm apt with a largt near Fletcher Field - spacious, car- student rates for summer storage. porch on Burnham St. Right acrosi SUMMER SUBLET As low as $35/month. Moving sew- from Latin Way! $390 a month ani peted. partially furnished. Apart- ment has living room, kitchen, dining Looking for one non-smoking fe- 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT ices available. Heated, alarmed that includes utilities. Call Jen a male. Apartment virtually on cam- Heat and Water included. $870. 12 sprinkled. Middledale Self-StoraG 629-8974 and leave a message. room B 2 great roommates! Rent negotiable. Call now1 776-9054. pus. Available July-August. Call Pearl St.. Medford. Company. 120 Tremnt St Everett 629-9807. 389-5550 Two Females needed to fill an apartment begin APT. FOR RENT: Newly renovated, very sunny 1 BR APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Legible fare typing and ning June 1 through next year. Tht As- of September 1st 942 Broad- word processing eervice nice and very close tc in 3 fam. house, 5 mins to Tuffs. Resumes, Papers, Theses. All proj- 5750 incls. ht. & all utils. 547-8926. way, Somerville, within walking dis- %$u;%nt is $340. Call quickly tance to Tufts, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, ects laser printed and available on 469-2026 ask for Debbie. 'SUMMER RENTAL' living room and kitchen, 1st floor. 4 diskette for future revision, re- printing. or storage. Fasf accu- 1 or 2 female roommates needed to bedroom, 1 bath, living room and HEADING FOR EUROPE APARTMENT FOR RENT share large 3 floor Victorian home. kitchen, 2nd floor. Please call Jose rate, confidential. Free pick up and Beautiful 9 room apt available in Costa at 666-0048 after 3:OO pm. THIS SUMMER (OR delivery. Call (508) 777-2322 cludes kitchen, dining room, livins Washer and Dryer included. Close ANYTIME)? to Tufts and T. Call for more info. in Jet there for no more than $160 room. den. 4 bdrms, 1 full bath at 42 evening. 666-2820. Two-bedroom sublet GET THE INTERVIEW YOU Lowden Ave. Ball Square withir rwo-bedroom apartment available with AIRHITCH as reported in Con- WANT FOR THE JOB YOU walking distance to Tufts and the 1 lune 1st to August 31st. 4 Pearl sumer Reports, NY Times, Let's WANT SUNNY 3 BR APT. Go, Newsday, Good Housekeeping, (Females preferred) For more infc on Powderhouse Blvd. across from bet, Medford. Rent negotiable. Your resume is the key! Resumes Call 625-9482. Latin Way, year lease starting 6/4. ;all either Peter at 391-1449 or and national network morning developed that highlight your mar- INCREDIBLE SUMMER lric at 629-8126. shows. For details, call 212-864- ketable skills and experience. Most exc. cond. hdwd flrs. $33O/person. 2000 or write: AIRHITCH. 2901 HOUSING Owner 547-8926. people have more than they realize need 1 or 2 people in a4bdrm house. SPRING SUBLET Broadway, suite 100S, NY, NY Professional Resume Service- Bar- 10025 split level, 1 112 baths, sunroom and Three Bedroom Apt. for ! single rooms for spring semester bara Weinberg. LCSW- 623-8959- porch, great living room, dining in Whitman Ave. Fully furnished, Davis Square, Som. Free initial rent Anyone Driving to Michigan room, kitchen, completely fur- Spacious 3-bdrm apt available Sept vasher, very clean, big and beauti- consultation. nished, excellent condition with uI (honest). $365/month/person. (or Ohio) around May 17??? 1. Includes off-street parking for I need a ride! Will gladly share all wooden floors and parking space. three cars. Comes with fully fur- 'rice negotiable. Call Ken or Marc, i29-8657. costs. Cali Eleanor 629-8293. Practically on campus SUPER nished living room, new fridge, c 5 PRICE call Linda 629-9137 and minutes to campus. Located on GOING HOME Robin 629-9081. Curtis St. near Teele $1100. 2 3 bedroom apartment in Sq. Somerville to CT this Mon or Tues? I need a Bdrms available for summer sublet. drive to Westport or nearby. Please Wanted FEMALE HOUSEMATE Call 625-5532 after 4. ;1000. no utilities. 2 apartments WANTED ivailable now, 1 more in May. Call call 629-9292 and leave mssage. '76-9645, evenings. to share 3-bdrm. apt.; walk to cam- ROOM AVAILABLE!! HAVE FUN WITH KIDS THIS pus, washerldryer -only $290 with Female almost-Tufts-grad seeks heat & hot water included!!! Call You've been to our parties, SUMMER!! another J'89 to share coz 3 bdrm. now sublet our house! Services If you love kids and have childcare Eve's 396-7831 SUMMER SUB- apt.. starting Au 31. Aent only LET, 1-3 rooms, walk to campus, I large bedrooms available. wall-to- experience, we have great jobs $290/mo. (inclu3es heat B water). MII carpeting, sun deck, driveway, taking care of kids part-time or full close to Harvard bus stop: price Ten minute walk to Tufts. On bus negotiable; call Eve's 396-7831. vasher!dryer. dishwasher, gar- time in their homes this summer. $6- line. WasherIdryer in basement. wge disposal--All at 29 Packard TYPING $8 per hour. Call Parenk in a Pinch Recently painted. Back porch. Call WORD EDITING, 739-KIDS. SPRING '90 SUBLET/ 3956219 for more info. be.. corner of Electric. Call Rich, PROCESS IN^. SUMMER '89 SUBLET i25-3567. TAPE Transcription. Reasonable rates. Call 6252489 one to four rooms available, one SPACIOUS BDRM. Work for the Rez this minute from campus, eX&Iknt coh- Female sublettor wanted: In beautiful 3 bdm. apt available for TMI Student Travel summer! dition, flexible price, call 629-8497. the summer from June 1 to Septem- :or first session this summer or Trough midJuly. Sunny spacious offers discount international Anyone interested in a fun job dur- ber 1. Furnished, right on campus airfares'major airlines, not ing summer school, please call Jill Looking for an apartment in [behind Miller Hall!) Rent nego- Tree-room apartment right on Col- 3ge Ave. Could not be closer to charters'personalized trip 629-9388. NYC? tiable. Looking for a non-smoking planning'gmup discounts. 61 7- Great location, Upper West Side, iemale. Please call Chrystalla at ampus. Please call 391-8680 for iformation. 367-331 1 SUMMER JOBS 12h. ceilings, bwo bedroom sized 529-8295, as soon as possible. Residential painting company now lofts, kitchen, living room, full bath. Help immigrant children SUMMER SUBLET hiring. Experience helpful, but not Sublet for July and Aug. Rent nego- 3 bodroom rncome English language users. required; we train. $6-10/hr. de- tiable. Call Harry at 629-9263 or spacious, close to bus. Older quiet room in four bedroom apartment. Pre-register for CS 152/AS 155. 19 Bromfield. available all summer. pending on ability. For application Roni at 212-362-21 16. students. Rent negotiable to occu- me credit cows in Child Study or call PRIME TOUCH at 964-7020 3ancy. 389-4433. lale or female. Call Yale, 629- pmerican Studies. For further in- 020. WANTED:FEMALE armation call Professor Holzman- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT to share simply spectacular 4 bdrm, BEAUTIFUL HOUSE 381-3355 FIRM 2 bath, newly renovated apt with 3 ocated on Ossippee VERY close to $180 Summer sublet :urtis Ave. Available all summer. Seeks entrepreneurial. motivated International students. Modern xmpus and available for summer Brown & Finnegan Moving college grads for sales positions in i41-3612. appliances, skylights, hardwood .ental. If interested in a room for aundry included. Call Heather. Service 829-9081. Dur brokerage division. You are Doors. new kitchen, on Powder- the entire summer or a room for the -ocal. Long distance, Overseas. cordially invited to an information Superior PA Camp Seeks house Circle. $400/month. Call Trst summer session. please call yo job too small, Reasonable rates. wssion. The Goldberg Group, 90 Counselors & Specialists Ariana at 629-9154. Shari at 629-8603. Best summer sublet -requent Trips all NE, NY, NJ, DC. 411 Sports, Lake, Pool, Jetski 8 easy block to campus. 4 rooms Park Avenue, NYC 10016, (212) JA. PA. 364-1927or361-8185. dpu 883-1000 2 or 3 bedroom apartment Summer Sublet vailable. fully furnished. Large and !7229 icc 3328 .arge 4 bdrm apt on Boston Ave. pacious, driveway and sundeck. available 5/15. $800 per month, no Spend Your Summar In utilities, near transportation, yard ihort walk to campus. $200 per IO. Cheap price and negotiable. -ASER TYPESET RESUMES! . semi modern. 15 Irving Street. wson. Available June 1-Sept. 1. ;all soon, 396-7856. 5etting a good job or internship Maine! :all 391-6425 for more info. wins with having an impressive ,amp Counselors needed for boys/ West Medford - call after 2pm airlslcoed camps. Waterfront, SUMMER PAINTERS ' weekdays. Near Tufts 391-5221. CHEAP SUMMER SUBLET esume. For$14.99yougetlOlaser WANTED Spring '90- Behind rvailableJune 1. One sunny.quiet3 ypeset resumes and semester Mhletics. Arts, Tennis, and Gen- Counselor positions available f you are going to be in the Medford Summer Classes!! Carmichael edroom apt. whose negotiable ong computer storage. Many type- pa' irea this summer and would like to If you are interested in subletting )ne female subletor for 2 floor/ 4 ant includes heat and water. Fully aces and formats available. 2 day =xcellent opprotunity Excellent iam $58 an hour while working on drm apt Two bath, large living, Jrnished-even a refrigerator! iervice and convenient on-campus 'ay. Contact Jerry Shoemake for the first half of the summer, :301)484-2233 'our tan, call 391-7366 and leave a we've got your house. One room lining. commn rooms, and kitchen Uashddryer in basement. Call >cation. Come examine our work at nessage for Kelley. available. 1 block from campus. $r&pa;nT Washerdryer. water 29-9397 or 629-8272. Did we io obligation. Call 629-8762 and nice housemates in- iention the screened-in porch? 3ave a message. D R U M M,E R S ! Great Place! Call Shari or Tammy at 2 guitarists, a bassist. and a singer COUNSELORS WANTED 629-8603 or Tracey at 629-8561. :luded! Call Alison at 6248099 ;irk camp in Maine. Excellent sal- SAP! "'SUPER SUMMER ieed you! Please call Bob 629-9125 lr Erik 629-9749 iry, room & board, travel allow- Sunny Sublet! SUBLET"' NUTRITION COUNSELING inces. Beautiful modem facilities, >lean, nonsmoking malelfemale Graduating Senior seeks bedrooms in 3-bedroom apt. on 'rofessional Nutritionist specializ- nust love ch'ildren and be able to Roommate loston Ave. (across from Jay's Want to Go to Europe? wanted to sublet one 3rd floor bdrm ig in treatment of eating disorders 3thusiastic female looking for each one of the following: Swim ,v/bath, kitchen and living room w/ >r quiet spacious 2 bdrm apt on nd Hillside Video). Lots of space, ind weight management - anorexia, WSI), sailing, canoeing, waterski, osephine Ave. $325/mo starting onvenient and reasonable too! ravel companion(s) to back-pack ;torage space. Open back balcony iulimia. compulsive overeating, hrough Europe in June. Europe- fance, drama, ropes, campcraft, or orivate sun! Partiallv furnished une 1. Male or female- preferably vailable June thru August Call might loss, weight gain. Back Bay ymnastics. computer. Call the on-smoking. If interested, please 29-9005 or 629-8171, leave mes- Summer '89- Think about it! For ;taking June 1 utilitiei included! loston, near Copley Square. 262- nore info call 629-9044. ASAP! 5.irectors of Camp Matoaka at >all Sal 629-9316. all Jennifer at 623-0186. age. '111. 407)-488-6363 or contact Debbi page twents Wednesday, April 26,1989 - --- THE TUFTS DAILY



CLASSIFIED INFORMATION THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ;I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD QAME ’ AU ~l‘uflsstudentsmustsubmitclassifiedsinperson,prepaid.in bm by Henrl Arnold and Bob Lee ash Ihe laus any classified may be sutnniucd to NII Lhe very next day Unscramble these four Jumbles, is 3pm Sun-Thurs. Off campus residents may feceive authon7Aon Lo one letter to each square. to form mail in an order whih mwa be pepid by dI& No classificds may be four ordinary words. submiued ovathe phone. ~otiwand ILSI anl ~oundsare rm and ~n only ‘onTuesdays and ‘lhursdays. Notices are for univem’ty organiia- ii tions only and must be written on Daily forms and submitted in person Notices mnot be uscd to scll merchandise or advmtisc major events. lhe l’uh Daily is not liable for any damages duc to typogqhcal cnm or misprintings ex4thc cost of the idm,which is fully refundable.

For more Information call 381-3090 Monday - Friday 9am-6pm and Sunday Ipm-6pm Miller Hall, Rear Entrance, Medford MA 02155 3 000 WHAT’S ENVI F 0 00 THE - RONMENT LIKE WHEN YOU SLEEP ALONG - Quote of the Day SIDE YOUR HORSE? 1 4 Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as sug. “Woe to the person who tries to give l5FFtKI‘gested by the above Cartmn. him mouth-to-mouth resesitation. ’’ Answer here: mmm -- A man from a %rimeand delinquincy’film (Answers tomorrow) comenting on someone who was just shot in the Jumbles: QUEEN DUSKY BRUTAL SMUDGE Yesterday’s I mouth with a poison pellet. Answer. How automobiles moved before anyone “Dear Have you seen the beef brains I thou hl of usln lubricating oil- .... THE$ JUST SQ&EAKED BY bought for supper tonight?” -13 Emery

BLOOM COUNTY bs Berke Breathed The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS I Bang. 5 Outmoded 10 Longfellow work t4 Created 15 Exterior 16 Regulstlon 17 Express conservatively 19 Gr. peak 20 Wlll maker 21 Glove 23 Brown of music 24 Tltla of royaity 25 Drew out Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterron liquid 29 Use remote control 33 Engages 34 Martin Van - 35 Through . 36 Shamrock land 37 Assistants 38 Supplles a crew 0 1989 Tribune Media Iiblvlc85. Inc. 04/26/89 39 - culpa All RlOhts Reserved 40 Wrath Yesterdav’s Puzzle Solved 41 Bum 8 Defeat In 42 Clty In Alberta bridge 44 Said 9 Some loners 45 Foolish old 10 For the time man being 46 Motor club I1 Evlct abbr. 12 Different 47 It. native 13 Splteful 50 Swore 18 Breathlng 55 Alas. Island sounda Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 56 The past 22 Press 58 Llveiy dance 24 Yore certain 59 Partners 25 Topic 60 Merlt 26 Ventllated 61 Helper: abbr. 27 King of Troy 62 Commence 28 sty 63 Fr. town . 29 Eng. poet 30 - asrde DOWN 31 Col& c 1 Obscenity 32 Abated 2 Path 34 Intolerant one 43 Mysterious 50 Film dog 3 Does sums 37 Short and 44 Most secure 51 Some breae- 4 Raclng tall e.g. 46 In pursuit of 52 Gist event 38 Farrow of 47 GwrW home 53 Nobleman 5 Hung a sign films 48 Indians 54 Ip7 opponent 6 Vehicles 40 Celebs ox 40 Fr. holy 57 ... could - 7 Excel 41 Step women: abbr. no iqK --L