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CTHE DAILY7- TUFTS Vol XWI, Number 62 Where you read it first Wednesday, Ami1 26,1989 New Track Construction to Begin Next Week procedure of laying the track costs for the track, new stand and by DAN SCHORR requires many preliminary sur- new press box are estimated at Daily Editorial Board faces before the final synthetic approximately $1.1 to 1.2 mil- Tufts University will begin rubber surface is placed down in lion. work next week on a new eight- the heat of the summer. For the The men’s and women’s track lane synthetic outdoor track de- spthetic surface to be put in place, 1 teams, currentlypracbcingonthe signed to replace the existing the elements must cooperate smaller 200 meter indoor wack facility at Ellis Oval. The facility because warm temperatures are which was built in the 1940s, will should be completed by the fht needed for the surface to properly get a boost to the football game in late September seal. with the addition of this facility, if the plan remains on schedule, The plan also calls for new Cicia said. according to Assistant Athletic press boxes to be built, lights to Former IGC President Andy Rockett, left, receives a community Director and Director of Facility be installed, and the existing area “It will be an incredible ad- service award from Associate Dean of Students Bruce Reitman. Jeff cicia. to be landscaped. Field event vantage for the first time for US to The addition of an upgraded runways, sandpits, and throwing go frornthe lockerroom right on 20 Students Receive track will also enable the men’s areas are to be located in or near to *e track:’ said head men’s and women’s track teams to hold the new facility. Some luxury @ackcOachConniePutnam. ‘‘TO their first home meets at Tufts in items,suchas “raisingtheflower runafu11400metersinPracticeis “at least twenty years,” Cicia beds in front of the Baronian Field going to make all the difference Service theAwards University Housing Office. said. Currently, the cinder track House,” will not be done due in the world.” by DAWSPIELMAN Three awards were presented that surrounds the football field is monetary limitations, Cicia ex- With ,the installation of the Daily Editorial Board to students who have worked with not adequate for competition. plained. track, the Athletic Department Awards for community sew the Students ActivitiesOfficethis William Meserve, chair of the “Everything is top-of-the- hopes to gamer further contribu- ice were presented to 20 students year. Marcia Kelly, the director Board of Trustees’ Administra- line,” he said. “We wouldn’t have tions for the improvement to the by members of the Administra- of student activities, gave an award tionandFinanceCommittee,said it any other way.” He also said facilities. Unlike the newly reno- tionataformal awards ceremony to Amy Zarin, the chair of the that the committee approved the that the complex, “along with vated baseball field, which was in Ballou Hall yesterday. Tufts Community Union Judici- project at a meeting yesterday the new arts center, will enhance done through the assistance of Opening remarks from Dean q,and Catherine Harder-Bernier, afternoon. He said that the proj- the appearance of the south west one donor, the largerprojects will of Students Bobbie Knable high- the assistant director of programs, ect does not have to be approved quadrant’’ of the campus. require the receipt of many gifts lighted the “sacrifices” and the gave an award tostevecallahan, , by the full board. Cicia said yesterday that the in a short period of time. “sell3essness” which the students the vice president of the Tufts Set to be initiated May 2, the who received the awards had CenterBoard.Bothstudentshave plan calls for the existing set of displayed in their various roles in worked closely with the Student bleachers to be removed and cSL Reviews IGC the University. Activities Office this year to donated to a local community. Dean of Undergraduate Stud- coordinate and assist other stu- The new stands will be higher off ies David Maxwell presented the dent organizations. the ground in order to improve Constitutionproval of the constitution would firstaward to Mary Harris for her Roy Tilsley, the assistant di- visibility, and will be moved fur- by ANNA GEORGE Daily Editorial Board make the now ad hoc board a work with the study abroad pro- ~*-mtmfoiwpedeneatthG’same ther back towards Powderhouse formally recognized disciplinary gHM and with students returning office, gave an award to Charles Square in order to make room for The Inter-Greek Council pre- board. from study abroad. Thompson. Tilsley said that the the wider track. sented a version of its recently Reiman argued that it was Dana Andrus, the dormitory two have workedclosely together A local excavation company, revised constitution to the Com- important that the constitution inspector, and John Darcey, the this year in providing- “technical the Bond Brothers, will begin mittee on Student Life Monday make explicit what cases should director of housing, recognized digging and landscaping the site for approval, but because some be head by the IGC Judicial Board. Christopher Flynn for his work in see AWARDS, page towards the end of May. The portionsdealingwiththepowers Currently, the Judicial Board &d procedures of the Judicial claims the right to make judg- Board were unclear, the IGC was ments on all cases involving a SOVie& 0ust 11 0 part- 0ff icials asked to revise the document, Greek member-house for viola- MOSCOW (AP) -- The Com- that all comrades on the Commu- committee membership since the according to IGC President Na- tions of the social policy. How- munistParty sweptout llOsenior nistPartyCentralCommitteeand 27th party cngress elected them tale DiNatale. ever, Reitman said that it was officials -- many thought to be the Central Auditing Commission in 1986. Officially, they lost their The IGC constitution, a docu- important that the board outline inactive and conservative -- and should work hard to further per- jobs because of poor health or ment that has existed in various how cases dealing with incidents promoted 24 people Tuesday in a estroika, it is essential for us, in age, but some clearly fell from forms for many years, has never involving non-Greeks would be major reshuffle that expands the interest of thecommon cause, political favor. been officially approved by the dealt with. Wail S. Gorbachev’s power to give up (our) powers.” Of the83, many were removed University. DiNatale said that base to push for reform. Medvedev remarked, “This is Tuesday. Medvedev said a few although the IGC members are The party’s policy-making a seriousand important milestone others were too ill to sign the hoping to make the necessary Central Committee retired 74 of in our course, perestroika, which request. changes in time to be presented at its 301 full members, including shows that our party is realisti- Western‘ observers call such the CSL meeting on May 1, it is former President Andrei A. Gro- cally assessing its own work and inactive officials “dead souls” possible that the document may myko; 24 non-voting members is quite critical about its own and say they can be a conserva- not be ratified until next semes- and 12 members of the Central activities.” tive force slowing reforms. The ter. Auditing Commission, which The resignations followed the term was borrowed from Nikolai DiNatale presented the handles party finances. first contested, nationwide elec- Gogol’s 1842 novel “Dead Souls” constitution at the CSL meeting Party ideology chief Vadim A. tions in 70 years of Communist about arogue who buys the names Monday. He said IGC Vice Presi- Medvedev told a news confer- rule on March 26. Dozens of top of dead serfs to mortgage them as dent and Judicial Board Chair ence they volunteered to step down party and government officials, property. Sarah Lowthian was supposed to and the Central Committee unani- including more than 30 regional Jerry Hough, a political scien- present the constitution with him mously approved. party chairmen, were defeated. tist at Duke University in North at the meeting but was detained At a full meeting of the com- It was not clear whether Gor- Carolina, has said “dead souls” in a judicial hearing and was not mittee, the officials issued a joint bachev had urged the officials to are accumulating at a rate of about able to be present. Dean of Stu- request that referred toPresident step aside Tuesday, but pomay- 10 percent a year and by 1991, dents Bobbie Knableand Associ- Gorbachev’s campaign for per- ing their removal as voluntary more than half the Central Com- ate Dean of Students Bruce Re- IGC President Nakle DiNatale estroika, or restructuring: “Now was a deft tactical maneuver mittee members would fall into itman were also present at the DiNatale explained this prob- possibly meant to head off criti- that category. meeting. lem by creating a hypothetical cism that they wee ousted. All but two of those promoted DiNatale said that most of the situation in which a non-Greek The military lost a substantial Tuesday to full membership were objections to the present form of female was harassed by a Greek voice in the Central Committee. made non-voting members at the the constitution were made by male and said that as the At least nine senior officers were 1986 party congress, Gorbachev’s Reitman. constitution is now, it does not The Lighter Side ............ dropped, and just one officer was first as general secretary. The The Dean of Students Office state how a non-Greek can bring promoted from candidate status FEATURES: They ThinkTyFslsNice- reshuffling between party con- “agrees with the spirit of the IGC a complaint to the board, or even Prefreshspeak ...............