RUSSIAN Only : Area of — HUME—In This City, November 8, 19O*

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RUSSIAN Only : Area of — HUME—In This City, November 8, 19O* THE SAN FRANCISCO) CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904. 14 — N to-morrow — BOOMS HOTTSEgEEPTITO— Con. : ROOMS AMD BOASP jyAHTSP.^ fullyInvited ttC attend the funeral BEAI EaTATE CITY TOU SALB. rOB (Thursday), from the Ma- . at* 1:45 p. m., 507— Sunny housekeeping- roomi, $10 to MAN and. little girl would like roonx and sonic Temple. ¦ -and- Mont- JONES. ' ' corner of Post S12 per week. : '. .-¦-.'' f board In vicinity-of Fillmore. Eddy or Turk gomery streets, under the ausplfes of Golden AUCTION SALES 4740, nee. PARK — sts. ;state terms. Box Call of Gate Lodge No. 30, F. and A. M. Inter- HKADQUARTERS FOR LOTS. KEARNY. 104 Three unfurnished rooms: bay- ment Cemetery, by 3«30 p. m. frcnt; sunny; board; $25; clos» Mount Olivet window $20; adults; references. WANTED—Room and about train ¦ THREE MEN city from Third and Townsend streets. Do you realise that th« growing of Saa to Sixth st. Box 4516, Call office. Myrtlo RUSSIAN only : area of — HUME—In this city, November 8, 19O*. C. V. WAGNER & CO. Francisco ha« small KENILWORTII, cor. Bush and Powell Three- Ocean BeacbT room want*d by young man In ' Annie F..' dearly beloved daughter of Robert AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MER- room sunny apartments; steam heat; cen. loc. 'BOARD and ave. and Annie F. Hume, native of San Fran- vegetarian family. AddreBs 8 Birch cisco, years a CHANTS. Aftonndlng prices will b« obtained for lots KNICKERBOCKER Apartments, 1340 Pine— aged 3 0 months and 2 days. fronting the ocean In oear future. Sunny furnished ,3-room suites; heated, JOHNSON— In this city, November 7. 190*. 1I5-:17 BUSH STREET. steam STUTTSBINO AWD William, .John- SHOT lighted; baths; Mary and J. ARE electric free reasonable. beloved eon of fronting right rates STAKMEBXlfa^ son, Francisco, aged SOLDIERY only graded lots Market, a native 8 We offer the Ness and •of San boulevard, ocean and park. 1911. near Five months: V. on LEAVENWORTH. Gn»en— MiEL^O^JR^EnnstituteTvancures; In S. F. 4 its. -Hours 1to S p.m. — — sunny furnished housekeeping- roams and estab. KELAGHER—In this city, November 180*. tl'.ft to $:oct» t'nobstructed ocean and park bath; rhone; fine marine view. John.- beloved '. husband of Bridget.'Kel-. Fruits easy at term*. lihe Canned Auction Lots like agher. Margaret \-tew on None completely furnished and son of "Mrs. and tt«r» In this city. Eelllns lapldly at MARKET. 1738—2 rooms ,BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS, ; late Patrick Kelagher a native of-^Butler s AT low prices and teunm. Don't for bourekeeplng;; rent POLLS oar S12. Bridge.' County (New '.York HOPELESS . Ireland. opportunity; set Cavan! rnlss this sent Mby and County Ca van papers please copy.) ATTENTION! them to-day. MISSION. SCI. near Second— Bedroom and Birth, marriage and death notices are respect- kitchen, completely furnished for hkpg. mall will not be Inserted. They roust b« handed ETTriends and acquaintances EXPORTERS. DEALERS. HOTELKEKP- either cf the publication offices and b« fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow General Nogi Ignores Brave Two Badly ER8. BAKERS. RESTAURANTS. GROCEB9. iOtf to $350—Near rark aed ocean: 93 monthly. — in at ol: (Thursday), at the parlors One Killed and STEAMSHIP f Complete housekeeping. to name and residence per- 8:45 a. m. from COMPANIES. RAILROADS OAK.' 117 for 19 Indorsed with the published. of Carew & -English Van Ness avenue, AND CONTRACTORS. ' at $12; gas ranire; bath; son* authorized to have the same 29 Church, Go* off car our Ocennslde Branch Office 'on hot adult*. simply thence Mary's (PauIIst) and Tries to Per- Injured as the Kesult of time your and hotl- and open datly Notices restricted to the announcement to. St. • Stoe'ssel Just In for Ttianksslvln* comer IIet. 47th ave. housekeeping, once In this column where a requiem .mass -will be celebrated and Eunday. ONE unfurnished room for also of the event ar» published soul, on* furnished; must be pleasant, frea of for the repose of his commencing at partly chartre^ 9 a, . Cemetery. suade. Defenders of Port in the Cripple Sunset and cheap; give price. Box 4494. Call offlc*. :30 m. Interment Holy Cross Quarrels 22,86O"CASBS rSTO to $1100—ChoiceFt Richmond LOHMEYER— lots. On In5tallmects. — In this city. November 7. 10W. PINE. 827, near Powell 8 sunny furnished BORX. William C. Lohmeyer dearly .beloved son of Arthur to Give Up Fight Creek Mining District Of the well-known hlsh-xrad* rooms; range; reas. to the John 'Lohmeyer. and brother "%0 to $400—Level Exrelslor Homestead lota, housekeeping cas rent COOK— In this city. November 7. 1804. C. and Caroline near cars; $5 monthly. wife of Algeron M. Cook, a eon. of Kdward, Alice and Laura Lohmeyer, a PINE, »23— 2 newly furnished front housekeep- of J. BL native of Ohio aged .34 years and — rooms; COOPER— In this city, to tbe wlf« Cincinnati. No.. Vegetables SSOfyO cottages ing reasonable. Cooper, daughter. 7 month*. A member' of'Unity Lodge Canned Fruits ¦ - :.¦_:.'' to Modern In Sunset. a _j _¦ 81, Kapl SENDS A MESSAGE |%g DEPUTY SHERIFFS Selected and Put Up In the Napa Vallay. Cali- Richmond. Oc«msl<Je and IJI-Mon; — ' Knights of Pythias.' and Zerim housekeeping Temple, 62,' (Cincinnati,. fornia. Be AT - ¦ ¦¦ S00 Large, convenient D. "WiU Sold AUCTION. ea ry terms. , POST. No. O. K. K. room; gaa range; $0 SO. »IAKR1ED. Ohio, papers please copy.) • TO CZAR'S TROOPS ARE UNDER ARREST * respect- TO-HOSSOIT. 6OL r.TTTT. SON. Owners and Dealers. ALSOP— WINTELER—In this city. November CS^Frlendn and acquaintances are floor, Chronicle SACRAMENTO, 14»O— Large sunny furnished Martin fully Invited to attend the :funeral services Room M. fourth bldg. housekeeping suites, $l&-$25 month; 8. 1904 by the Rev. Georg* Guth. his THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 04. front Luther Alsop and Alvlna Marls Wlnteler, { to-morrow (Thursday) at 1:30 p. m.. at runnlsg water. late residence 2o:» Howard street, between Japanese Having Done At It o'clock A. M., by Catalogue. — both of San Francisco. Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Interment Commander Gets a Suspected: of Removed Direct From th» Napa Cannery near Larg*. sun- this city, November 6, Premises, SANCHEX. 509. Elfrhteenth BUNTING—KENT—In White, Cypress Lawn Cemetery by carriage. for Convenience of Sal» to tb« 25 it-ROOM house; 2 lots; 403 Fair Oaks. ny bay-window tlttlng-room, alcove bedroom, by the Rev. George W. pastor Battery and Pin*, San »4S00—$?.4(trt — 1904. Bunting and McCAKTIIY—In this city, November 6, 190t, Reply That Shows Men the" Shooting— Two of the Street. Between Bush ?500 down; cew house. S r. and b.; kitchen; reasonable. Central M. E. Church. Daniel Ireland, aged Francisco, California. San j • Patrick McCarthy• * a native of Trecita—ave. — Mary Kent, both of Francisco. 28 years.- . • Consisting of Standard. Extra Standard*. SICriO S400 down; n«w cottaire. 4 r. and to. :!8COTT, 300, XE. Pac« 2 extra sunny rooms, GREEN— In this city. November 7, . .... Serving Nicholas WillBe Victims Were of Solid Peaches. Aprloota. Black CLACK— ETTrlends 'and acquaintances and mem- Members Extras. Packs. :;..* china ave. newly furnished for bousekpr: reasonable. 1904, by the Rev. Dr. H. H. Bell, pastor of bers of .the Marine Firemen's and White ana Royal Ann Cherries. Green SiaOO—Cottar". Ti t. and b.; on Folsom »t. — First United Presbyterian Church, A. II. Pacific Coast' Sufferings Gages, Blackberries, Tomatoes. tenaa. I>. SMS Mieflen. nr. 21st. SECOND, 251 Tivo sunny corner, front house- Union are respectfully Invited to attend the FaithfulDespite the. Western Federation Egg Plums. COFFIN. keeping rooms, single or connected, with coal Clfcck and Lottie A. Green. funeral to-day (Wednesday), at 10 a. m., Etc. ELSLEY—FLAHEKTT— this city. No- from & REMEMBER and Plac* of Sals: stove and rm stove. In the parlors ot ilcKadden. McBrearty Date. JIdut 1904, SAIf MATSqjtBAI.jeSTATS. vember 6, 1004, by the Rev. George AV. | Ure^n, 1171 street, between Seventh Thursday". November lOlh. 11 o'clock. Mission CHEFU, Japanese Battery Street, — SIXTEENTH, 8077— Sunny housekeeping' suite; White, pastor Central M. E. Church. John j . and Holy Cross Cemetery. Nov. 8.—The are I CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo.. Nov. 8.— A. M.. 25 bet. Bush and Pine. Flaherty, Blthth. Interment LCM1TA PARK On line of San Mateo eleetrla low rent. W. Eisley and Nonla both• of San — ignoring and San. Francisco. ¦ McGRATH Casserly District, near Wat- General Stoessel have were this district rulnut'e from and «:«.; Francisco. > ~S At Three "men shot in C. V. WAGNER A CO.. Auction and Com- d-i. 45 Fifth Market gas ranre, Santa Cruz County, Cal:. November quarrels. 115 Bnsh Street. San eut»:-'« tbe Soc belt and just beyond wtier* TATLOR. »I1—Furnished aulte. sonvllle. V offered terms of surrender to ,the Rus- to-day as a result of election mission Merchants. Fran- bsy Ehora "cutoff will $12: 2 attic gas rang*. $9; 1room. $7. .6. 1904. William McGrath. a native of Ire- cisco. MAX COHEN. Auctioneer. the S. P. Co.'a Jota rooma. mi£i>. land, aged U-'S yearn. (Detroit. Mich., paper* sian soldiers at Port Arthur,* accoTd- One them is dead, another mortally ir.k.:i line: Su-foot IMi Xrom $400 up; of :>* — please copy.) ¦ (10 down and $10 a month; TtTRK, ing Dalny yester- in- trrm* sewer SS4 2 nicely furnished housekeeping Ahem Catherine Kelagher. John (ETFrlends respect- to advices which left Iwounded and the third seriously mi water piprs in front of every lot; pure rooms; gas ranee; running water; $10. Barry. Frank Lohmeyer, William C. and acquaintances are day and reached Chefu to-day. Mean- SAX.S • water; J. fully Invited to attend" the. funeral, which Jured. The dead man Is Christopher BI6 SALE secosd or BI6 SALE nekton well ITS lots cold sine* Brown,'Jefferson C.
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