





































! !
























! !



























! !


! 568500.000000 569000.000000 569500.000000 570000.000000 !

Pond ! Pond Path (um) Path (um)

Parkside Cottages

Footbr idge !

2 1

Fristling Hall Cottage !

4 Drain Tye Green

3 Path (um)



Ros e Cottage

Crondon Park Cott Cottages !


Well ! Pond


Pond !

Path (um) Issues !

Path (um)

Swan Wood !

Sinks Har vard Local Plan ! c Crown Copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance Survey 100023562.

Byfield Hous e

Path (um) .000000 You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you Pondto respond to, or interact .000000

! with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted

Scrub Adopted Policies Map May 2020 Wood

! to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. !

199500 199500

! Path


! ! Stock

Oaklands 32 ! Track

GP ! Ó Crossways

Hankin's Wood


3 ! Issues Holes Place Cherrytree Farm


Turkshill Wood Ó

! Greenwoods Ó

Farm Ó !

El Sub Sta

! ! Pond Pump


SWAN LANE ! The Policies Map shows the spatial Path (um)

Pond Ó

Greenwoods definition of policies. It includes Policy Issues Ó

Orchard House 39 39 Areas proposed by the Chelmsford Local Plan. Hall

23 25 Track


43 49

25 13 3 Ó Ó El 51 For the application of relevant policies within The Baker' s Arm s Sub 53 53 Cope 37 53a Sta Charnwood Surgery Hall 17 33 59 Marvells (PH) Brambles 55 55a 65 House BIRCH LANE Mackie House 19 27 Pond 57 Saffrons 39 41a Path the Local Plan, the designation of the Rural Area 29 59 FALKNERCLOSE 13 10 HIGH STREET 19 The Lattices Pavilion 34

Swan House Hawthorns 28 36 Jasmine Cottage LB GP

41 Bowlers 11a 13 Lattices Ballards Bowling Green

8 31 Croft Ó 11 includes all those areas outside of Urban Areas, 18 14 8 El 24 64 16 17 Stock The Hoop Sub ! Ó (PH) Sta 1 54 Church of Paddocks 1 12 Little 52 ! Defined Settlement Boundaries, Green Belt and Primary School Har vard Bay Cottage .000000 15 .000000 66 9 Ó Ó 10 Pond Har vard Cottage Nooky 2 Sports Pavilion The Wing Lus hill 1 68 Ó 17 ! 48 Keys

15 70 18 7 3 26 44 specific allocations or Policy Areas. The Rural 72 11 ! 3 42 2a 19 18 War Meml Com pass 2 Cric ket Ground

Cybele 28 Green El Sub Sta

2 House 7 !

TCB Merretts 31

Har vard Shelter 4 Area has no notation so appears as 'white land' 24 Ppg Sta House Ó 7 16 PO 6 Ó 23 Swim P (open) 36 27 18 42 MYLN MEADOW ! 8 Library 33 34 1 The Ches nuts 5 20 Stock Common 11 GP LB 1

199000 11 199000 Ó 15 44 6 18 The Harvard 12 on the Policies Map and its insets. BROOKMANS VIEW 18 AUSTEN DRIVE 8 ! Ardbrae 23 4 Ó Inn Millview 6 MILL LANE 3 1 CAMBRIDGE CLOSE 2 Pond 35 6 4 10 21 THE PADDOCK BROOKMANS ROAD Ó The !

DAKYNDRIVE 10a Posts THE SQUARE Play Area Oaks Ó 23

19 20 11 25 The Apilgarth 1 Farthings 12 20 6 Ó 18 35 ! Gables El Sub Sta Millpond 13 16 14 2 Primrose Lodge Hawthorns 16 12 2 17 19 29

3a 21 Ó 1 Pond Caer Luel ! 12 8 Brookmans Farm Boundary 24 1 Important Note 4 Shires Lav ender Cottage 3 38 2 33 5 House 4 26 10a The 7 MEADOWGATE 21 11 Heather Bank Bear 2 VERNON CORNER 15 40 39 15 14 16 17 56 15a ! 17 (PH) 10

36 18 19 Path (um) 7 13 32 Ó Hollin 9 52 50 GARDEN END Path (um) 44 Rood BACK LANE Silo 27 Brick 5 34 45 ! House 46 20b 1 10 24 15 Pond 8 8

51 10a 53 Kingfishers 15 13 April 3 This Policies Map shows areas at a higher risk 35 Playing Field 47 Cottage 1 1 43 52 30 1 1 to 4 4 9a 3 27 20 Millers Hoy 34 18 7 1 3 The Ridings 54 1 9 HIGH TREES 59 58 1 Path (um) 51a 35 57 8 BAKERS FIELD 4 of flooding. Areas at a higher risk from flooding Chestnut Cottage 28 67 1 Chr ist COMMON ROAD 10 16 55 WEBSTER PLACE 16a Church 26 Five 59 61 43 COMMON LANE 60 Tel Ex 65 12 Pond 10 Hall Hope Far m Houses 63 Ó 5 House 80 71 Gillies 75 Windmill are defined and regularly updated by the 76 UNWIN PLACE (dis used)

84 LB 3 74 App's Farm 1 Ó Ó Highfield House Pond 8 61 114 1 1 110 3 The 82 81 Pond 40 90 THORNTON PLACE 124 Environment Agency. 82a Rec tory 6 10

6 1 Brackens 134 4 El 85 Tennis Court 4 VALENTINES Pond 108a Sta 1 SCHOOL LANE 5 66 Path (um) Our Lady of 6 Swim P (open) 2 Mount Carmel Smallfields RC Church 3 For further details please see the flood maps 5 Stock 108 91

Path 2 60 106 89 3 142 GP 4 Burial published on the Environment Agency's Pond Ground

1 9 148

Church Green Rus tlings Ó RECTORY CLOSE Ó Drain Cottage website at:


Wentworth Hous e 20 THE LINDENS 6

Ó Stockwell Ó 150 House Oak House NorÓ wood LB 11 P Mill 97 All Saints' Church 99

4 Cottage 18

Nor bon Path (um)


The Tythe Barn Ó 50

Almshouses Heath Lodge Lodge www.environment-agency.gov.uk Ó 7 Pond

Landry 152 MILL ROADLB Ó 28 17 Windward Mark

The Old School Bellmans Pond

Ó Path (um) Path (um) Path Track Sunnybrook 32 Mariners Farm Cracknels 30 Woodlands

The Old School House

Bishops House Moonrakers

Ó 27


.000000 .000000 Ó Path (um) Pond Witches

38a Ride

40 Path (um) Issues


WELL LANE Moon Siljan 37 0 100 200

198500 FURZE LANE 198500

50 Metres N


50a !

52 The

49 Plantation ! Chy rose


Broadmore Spring ! Lak e 1 FB Watermeadow 59 Oakdale

Lilystone High Spatial Planning Services The Molineux Pond MADLES LANE Meadow FB Hall 4 !

Garden Hillside Farm Nur sery Directorate for Sustainable Communities Longwood

Lodge Pond ! GP Lak e

Path (um)

Drain Pond !

Sunrise ! Chelmsford City Council



Plantation The

! Cottage Ram blers ! Civic Centre Pond

Path(um) Pond

Ivydene ! ! Duke Street


Path (um)

9 Scriveners Farm

! Chelmsford !

Trees The Cottage ! Whiteholme CM1 1JE


Mound Pond ! !

Tank ! Telephone 01245 606330 Pond WHITES HILL Issues


Track !


Path (um) 2 ! [email protected]

Goldstock Ponds Hobbits Farm ! !

Stables www.chelmsford.gov.uk


Pilgrim s Farm ! Marigolds

19 Brook Lodge Farm Issues Pond ! 6 ! Swim P (open)

Sub 23

Sta Hom eleigh ! ! Templeton House Track Fitzwilliam House 21 Oakcroft GP Fairfields Bere Oriel House Osyth

Pembrok e House



25 Path (um) Hawthorns


7 6 !

Longm eads Newnham House Track ! Pond


! 198000 198000

568500.000000 569000.000000 569500.000000 570000.000000 ! ! !

! !

! !

! !

! ! ! !

! !

! ! ! ! !

! ! ! !


! ! ! !












! !



! Chelmsford Local Plan Legend for Adopted Policies Map May 2020 Relevant Key Policy References are shown in brackets

Chelmsford City Council Area Open Space (S11, DM21) Inset New Railway Station (S9) Chelmsford and Urban Areas (S7) Railway Station Access Road (S9) Chelmsford City Centre (S1, S8, S12, DM5) Radial Distributor Road (RDR1) (S9)

South Woodham Ferrers Town Centre (S12, DM5) RDR2! Proposed RDR2 Detailed Design within New Garden Community Masterplan Area (S9, SGS6) Defined Settlement Boundary (S7, DM2) Proposed Link Road (SGS3a, SPA5)

Area for the former Hospital Major Developed Site (7.320) Route Capacity Improvement (S9, SGS10) Ó Ó Boundary of Strategic Growth Site Allocations 2, 3a, 6 and 7a Proposed Cycle Route* Ó New Housing Site (S7 and Relevant Growth Site or Strategic Growth Site Policies)+ h Proposed Bridge (S9, SGS1a, SGS10) New Garden Community for Major Housing and Employment Development (SGS6) hh Existing Park and Ride S Specialist Residential Accommodation (SGS7b, GS12) Park and Ride Area of Search (S9) GT1 New Gypsy and Traveller Site (GT1) Proposed Chelmsford North East Bypass - Detailed Design within Masterplan Area (S9, SGS6)* Proposed Employment Area (S7, SGS6, SGS3b, DM4) Proposed Chelmsford North East Bypass - Safeguarded Corridor (S9, SGS6)* Existing Employment Area (S8, DM4) Route Based Strategy (S9) Rural Employment Area (S8, DM4) Strategic Trunk Route Green Belt (S11, DM6, DM9, DM10, DM11, DM12) Strategic Non-Trunk Route Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (S4, S9, DM16)* Regional Route Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site (S4, S9, DM16)* Location for Primary School

Marine Conservation Zone (S2)* Existing School, Further / Higher Education Establishment (DM22) +New Housing Site

Ó Ó Please note that site policies are Ó Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (S4, DM16)* Retail Allocation (SGS10)

Ó abbreviated to the site number

M Scheduled Monument (S3, DM13)* Primary Shopping Area (S12, DM5) *These notations are designated by !!! third parties not Chelmsford City !!! Registered Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest (S3, DM13)* Primary Frontage (S12, DM5) Council and are subject to change Local Nature Reserve (S4, DM16)* Secondary Frontage (S12, DM5) Spatial Planning Services Local Wildlife Site (LoWS) (S4, DM16) Principal Neighbourhood Centre (S12, DM5) Directorate for Sustainable Communities EWT Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve (S4, DM16)* Retail Frontage of Principal and Local Neighbourhood Centres (S12, DM5) Chelmsford City Council Civic Centre SPA Green Wedge (S11, DM7, DM9, DM10, DM11, DM12) Special Policy Area (S7, SPA1-SPA6) Duke Street Chelmsford !!! Protected Lane (S3, DM17) Hazardous Substance Site Safeguarding Zone (DM30)* CM1 1JE Ó !!!!! Ó

Ó Conservation Area (S3, DM13) !!!!! Flood Zone 2 (S2, DM18)* Ó !!!!! Telephone 01245 606330 !!!!! [email protected] Area for Conservation / Strategic Landscape Enhancement (SGS7a) !!!!! Flood Zone 3 (S2, DM18)* !!!!! www.chelmsford.gov.uk Country Park* # Flood Alleviation Scheme Proposed Country Park (SGS3, SGS6) Air Quality Management Area (DM30) Land Allocated for Future Recreation Use and / or SUDS (S4, SGS2, SGS7a) Minerals and Waste Site*