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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87951-4 - The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece Andrew Barker Index More information Index of proper names Academy 326 on sound and pitch 27–9, 305–6, 322, 373, Adrastus of Aphrodisias 366n, 388n, 444 419–21 on classes of ratio 342n his theorem on epimoric ratios 272, 303–5, on ratios of pitches 29n, 444n 351, 356, 382 Adrastus (legendary) 89 Arimnestus, and the monochord 81n Aelianus 376n, 381n Aristides Quintilianus 397n, 398n, 400n, 435n, Aetolians, and diatonic music 70, 71 442–3 Agathocles 73, 78, 87–8 on an ‘ancient’ notation 64 Agenor 40n, 52, 55, 78, 81–3 Aristoxenian and Pythagorean elements Akoumenos 89 in 441, 442n Alcidamas 69n on dynamis 184, 188 Alexander Polyhistor 85n on enharmonic 39n Alexanderson, B. 432n on melopoiia 230 Alypius, on notation 61–6 the three ¯eth¯e of 255–6 Anacreon 82 on notes in the pyknon 217n Anaxagoras 327 on the paion¯ epibatos 245n Anaximenes, on ‘dense’ and ‘diffuse’ 25n on pre-systematic harmoniai 45–52, 83, 393, Anderson, W. D. 11n, 47, 47n, 48n, 51n 398, sources and transmission of his Annas, J. 311n evidence 45–8 Apollo 72 on systematised harmoniai 44, 44n Archestratus 437n on tonoi 216n, 225n, 226, 226n, 442n on notes in the pyknon 217n Aristonikos 82, 98n Archilochus 85–6 Aristophanes 6n, 83, 100n, 316n, 324n Archytas 113, 115, 143n, 143–5, 269, 287–307, 311, Aristotle 11, 33, 34n, 46, 114, 328–63, 364, 389n, 321, 327, 329, 332–4, 336–7, 342, 343–4, 390, 409, 414n, 421, 426 361, 364, 375, 390, 409, 440–2 Analytica posteriora 58n, 97, 105–12, 153, 167, and cosmology 305–6, 306n 168, 173, 193n, 193–4, 198, 200, 292n, on the Delian problem 304n 353–61, 364, 377n, 410n, Analytica his divisions of the tetrachord 288, 292–302, priora 106, De anima 28n, 173n, 241n, 352, 403–4 332, 373n, 376n, 429–30, De caelo 271n, and genera 38, 292–302 282, 283n, 286n, 323, Eudemus 329, and mathematical (‘rational’) principles 329n, frag.
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