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Funk Soul Sister


VOCABLE: How are you feeling right now? SHARON: knew was, from a little girl up, my mother It’s weird but I’m doing all right. I’ve got to bought me a toy drum, had toy organs and make sure I get this port out of my chest and I could play all these things. I used to sing get my exams before I get back out on with my two sisters too, and church the road. I’ve got to get the chemo has also been a part of me. I think out my system; and in February, that’s what strengthened my voice I’ll be ready to hit the road. Right and kept me going. I didn’t go to now I have to take it one day at a a concert in the 60s, I was just a RENCONTRE AVEC SHARON JONES Chanteuse

(SJ KYLE DEAN REINFORD) (SJ KYLE time. I think this is the longest kid. You know, in ‘66 I was just ten I’ve ever not done anything. years old, but there was a lot of I’m staying with a nutri- stuff going about and we only Soul Sister tionist up here, and had a couple of radio sta- I’m up in tions, so you heard every- upstate, so I’m thing , Stacks, Réf. au titre de plusieurs compilations du label in fresh air, whatever regularly was BGP regroupant des artistes féminines de la every- out, they played it, and musique soul et funk we didn’t only listen to weird étrange, bizarre / port port à Cath thing I soul... they had no sta- (PAC), cathéter à chambre implantable, dis- get is from tion called ; positif installé sous la peau permettant l’ad- the farms; I I listened to the Rolling ministration permanente de traitements injectables à longue durée / chest poitrine, know what Stones, The Beatles... You thorax / chemo chimio(thérapie) / upstate they eat and all the eggs heard all type of music nord de l’Etat (de New York) / nasty mauvais, are fresh, all my meats are and I was just influ- nocif / habit habitude / preservative (agent) conservateur / chemical substance chimique, fresh, and as for now on in enced by everything. engrais. my life, I’ve got to con- Today, I don’t try to tinue to do that. I want imitate off of some- 2. toy jouet, ici miniature / drum batterie / organ orgue / to strengthen renforcer / there this cancer to stay out, one like steal their was... going about il se passait beaucoup de and so I’m not going to get line or something, choses (musicalement parlant) / Motown back to my little nasty but I know when I célèbre maison de disques fondée à Détroit (dont c’est le surnom) en 1959, par ext. on habits of eating all those sing it this is going to parle du “son Motown”, lié à la culture soul, preservatives and chemicals. remind me of Tina, this is mélange de pop et de R&B qui a dominé les I read the packet, and if I going to remind me of années 60 / Stax célèbre maison de produc- can’t pronounce it I’m not Aretha, this going to remind tion concurrente de la Motown, créée en 1958

à Memphis. La musique Stax (“” going to eat it, how’s that? MCGEIVER) (SJ PAUL me of someone. I love it when ou “Deep Soul”) est issue du blues et du gos- 2. VOCABLE: When did you people start telling me what pel, également influencée par la musique fall in love with soul music? this song or what artist it re- country / to steal, stole, stolen voler, s’ap- proprier, ici plagier / to remind s.o. of sthing SHARON: I have to admit as minds them of; I’m like, “Oh rappeler qchose à qn / a kid, I didn’t even know that’s cool, yeah, thanks...” I what was going on. All l don’t try to sound like sing, I 20-21-679 AN:CULTURE 14/02/14 12:01 Page 21

just sing it; it comes from my heart, it just bikini. You ain’t at the beach, you’re on TV! comes from inside. I just open my mouth I’m sick of seeing these women covered right cover reprise (d’un titre interprété par un autre artiste) / soulful profond, expressif, and it comes out. That’s why I love it when in their drawers and panties and lingerie. émouvant (dans le style de la musique soul) artists just tell me to come in and do some- I’m just getting tired of it. I don’t want to / to phrase ici chanter avec le phrasé (manière thing with them, they let me be me; don’t come out looking like that, I ain’t got no time d’interpréter le rythme) typique du jazz. have me to come to your studio and tell me for that. Did you see Justin Timberlake? I 3. barely ne… guère, à peine / to make, to sing the song exactly mean he’s great but made, made it réussir / Grammy Awards (ou like that. No really, it to put him in a soul, Grammies) prix décernés chaque année aux E.-U. récompensant les meilleurs artistes, doesn’t make sense to RnB, category? Not musiciens et techniciens de la musique / me. Even when I did I just open one of them is naked nu / sick écoeuré / drawers lingerie / that song with my mouth and singing soul, that’s panties petite(s) culotte(s) / underground marginal, alternatif, d’avant-garde (indé- Michael Bublé, we just it comes out. pop! That’s hip hop! pendant des circuits traditionnels de diffu- did that cover of Brook Where is RnB in this sion) / to rip off exploiter. Benton and Dinah (DR) whole thing, where Washington, I was trying to hear Dinah, not is that music? There are soul groups out here be Dinah Washington but keep it soulful... but they’re underground, independent, yes GAGNEZ DES CD SUR VOCABLE.FR keep it phrased like she would phrase it. because some major label’s not ripping us 3. VOCABLE: What do you think about what’s off, so they don’t want us. But it’s about time called RnB today? SHARON: That’s their thing. we be recognised. That’s my thing. You prob- Nous avons joint Sharon Jones sur son lieu de convalescence. Sur la They’re making millions, you know, and I’m ably say there’s no soul out here; you think, partie Advanced de notre CD de just barely making it here. They don’t even “yeah, soul died in the 60s and the 70s”. No, conversation, nous parlons avec recognise soul music in the Grammies. The I’m 57 years old, I’ll be 58 years old, I’m a soul elle de son cancer, de ses tournées et de son nouveau disque ! way they dress like they’re half naked, or singer! ●