United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA Special Focus occupied Palestinian territory November 2007 The Barrier Gate and Permit Regime Four Years on: Humanitarian Impact in the Northern

By deviating significantly into the West Bank, the  Barrier has already created a new geographical and bureaucratic reality for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the northern West Bank. In the , Tulkarm, Qalqiliya, Salfit districts, the land between the Barrier and the was  declared closed by military order in October 2003.

All Palestinians aged 16 and above living in the  closed area now require ‘long term’ or ‘permanent resident’ permits to continue to reside in their own homes.

The Barrier also isolates the land and water resources of a far greater number of Palestinians, principally farmers who, while residing to the east of the Barrier, now require ‘visitor’ permits to access their lands through designated gates1.  As part of regular Barrier monitoring, OCHA and  UNRWA carried out a pilot survey of some 57 communities affected by the Barrier in the Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqiliya and northern Salfit districts in 20062. Between February and May 2007, a more comprehensive study was carried out in the same affected districts in the northern West Bank. Representatives from some 67 communities were interviewed, including municipality/village  council officials and local farmers, to gather data and identify trends.

A comprehensive report outlining the methodology, detailed findings, case studies and tables will follow as part of the regular OCHA- UNRWA updates on The Humanitarian Impact of  the West Bank Barrier. This Special Focus presents   the preliminary findings regarding communities and populations affected; permit allocation; gate restrictions; closed area communities;

displacement; and ill-treatment at the gates. 0 4.5 9


Constructed Declared closed area Under Construction Other areas between the Projected Green Line and the Barrier

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org  OCHA Special Focus occupied Palestinian territory

The OCHA - UNRWA Survey (2007): Main Findings • Of the 67 communities surveyed in the northern outside of the closed area. West Bank, 52 are located to the east of the Barrier • 7 communities in the closed area have no access to local and 15 in the closed area between the Barrier and the primary health care and only 1 community has access to Green Line. 24-hour-emergency healthcare. • 67 Barrier gates have been recorded by the UN in the • 9 communities in the closed area report that expectant Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqiliya and north Salfit districts in the mothers leave the closed area weeks before delivery to northern West Bank. ensure access to proper care. • Of these, 19 are currently open to Palestinians on a • Communities in the closed area reported that relatives daily basis with appropriate permits. and friends experience difficulties in obtaining ‘visitor’ • A further 19 are open to palestinians on a seasonal/ permits’ to attend weddings (14), funerals (15) and weekly basis. religious festivals (13). • 29 are never open to Palestinians to access land in the • All 15 closed area communities also reported that closed area. proposed marriages have been prevented or married • The total population is 218,556, including 77,403 couples separated because of the Barrier and the refugees. Of these, 208,627 (including 75,534 refugees) attendant permit regime. reside to the east of the Barrier and 9,929 (including • 29 out of 67 communities reported that households 1,969 refugees) live in the closed area. have left because of the Barrier, representing about • Only about 18% of those who used to work land 1,200 households – just over 3 percent of the population in the closed area before completion of the Barrier surveyed. receive ‘visitor’ permits today. • 36 communities reported that heads of households have • Approximately 3,000 people have stopped applying left to find work elsewhere, representing about 1,100 for permits, discouraged because of repeated refusal. additional individuals. • Approximately 1,800 families do not have an able- • 42 of the communities complained of regular harassment bodied member with a permit. or verbal abuse, 17 reported incidents of physical • 26 men, 81 women, and 4 children residing in the violence and 13 complained of seizure, confiscation or closed area have not received ‘permanent resident’ destruction of produce. permits, restricting their freedom of movement

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org  OCHA Special Focus occupied Palestinian territory

The Government of (GoI) began Only 18% of the approximately 30,000 people construction of the Barrier in the West Bank in who used to work land in the closed area before June 2002. The GoI has stated that the purpose of completion of the Barrier receive ‘visitor’ permits the Barrier is to reduce the number of terrorist today, according to village representatives. attacks inside Israel, although Israeli officials have Approximately 3,000 people have stopped applying also stated that the Barrier could have political for permits, discouraged because of repeated implications. In July 2004, the International Court refusal. Permits are not always issued to the most of Justice declared that the Barrier, where it appropriate family member and the survey revealed encroaches into the West Bank, including East that approximately 1,800 families do not have an Jerusalem – some 90 percent of the route – is able-bodied member with a permit. illegal. The ICJ called on Israel, inter alia, to cease construction of the Barrier‘including in and around’ Barrier Gates East Jerusalem; dismantle the sections already Those granted visitor permits can only enter and completed; and repeal or render ineffective ‘all access the closed areas through designated gates. legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto’. In the 200-kilometre length of the Barrier surveyed, Disregarding the advisory opinion, the GoI has the total number of gates is 67. Gates may have continued with construction and the current multiple functions: and OCHA/UNRWA have projected route is 724.5 kilometres, of which divided them into seven categories, depending on 4 some 56.5% is completed . their main function:

Communities and Population affected • Closed Area Community Checkpoint: Primarily All 67 communities surveyed have land under the designed to allow communities in the closed Barrier and/or isolated in the closed area between area access to the wider West Bank for essential the Barrier and the Green Line in the northern services, schools etc. Generally open during the West Bank. The communities included one city day: closed at night. (8 gates) (Qalqiliya), towns, villages, khirbehs (hamlets) and • Agricultural: Officially open daily, generally Bedouin communities. for a short period, early morning, noon and late afternoon; to allow farmers holding valid Of the 67 communities, 52 are located to the east permits access to their land in the closed area. of the Barrier and 15 are in the closed area between Farmers are not allowed to stay on their land the Barrier and the Green Line. The majority of overnight. (11) communities are rural and highly dependent on • Seasonal/weekly: Open seasonally, usually for agriculture for their livelihoods. The area affected the olive harvest, to allow farmers access to includes some of the most agriculturally productive olive groves in the closed area; and one or two land and richest water resources in the West Bank. days weekly, to allow for ploughing, weeding, pruning etc. (7) The total population, as reported by community • Seasonal. Only open for between 10 days to officials, is 218,556, including 77,403 registered 8 weeks during the olive season, October – refugees. Of these, 208,627 (including 75,534 December. (12) refugees) reside to the east of the Barrier and 9,929 • Military: Never open to Palestinians. (22) (including 1,969 refugees) live in the closed area. • Barrier Checkpoint (located within the West Bank): does not allow Palestinian access to Visitor Permits (for those residing east of closed area. (2) • Green Line Checkpoint: does not allow the Barrier) Palestinian access to closed area. (5) Non-resident Palestinians needing to access the closed area, in particular farmers, must apply for Of the 67 gates recorded, only 19 are open on a daily a ‘visitor’ permit to access farmlands and water basis, a further 19 are open seasonally or seasonal/ resources through designated gates. These permits weekly, and 29 are never open for Palestinians to are issued for fixed periods of between six months access the closed area. to two years, and eligibility requirements have become increasingly stringent.

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org  United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human itarian Affairs OCHANorthNorth Special WestWest Bank:AccessFocusBank:Accessoccupied toto 'Closed'Closed Palestinian territory Areas'Areas' November 2007

Barrier Gates GF Miltary Barrier Status (!( Communities east of the Barrier Agricultural !Ç GF Barrier Checkpoint Constructed (!! ! Closed Area Communities GF Seasonal !Ç Green Line Checkpoint Projected ! GF Seasonal/Weekly Under Construction Closed Area Ç! Closed Area Palestinian Main City Community Checkpoint Governorate Boundary  0 2.5 5 10 Israeli Settlement Green Line Km

Zububa !Ç (!( GF Rummana (!( GF ! ! (!( GF At Tayba GF Ç (!(GF GF !(!( ' ! Al Jalama GF (!( 'Anin ! ! (!( GF Faqqu'a !GF Umm ar Rihan (!! GF Dhaher al Malih !GF Barta'a ash Sharqiya (!! (!! GF Al 'Araqa (!! ! ( GF (! (!( Ç GF (! Tura al Gharbiya !(!( At Tarem (!( (!( ( Khirbet(!! Mas'ud (! Jenin (!( (!( Umm Dar (!( Tura ash Sharqiya ! ! Zabda 'Akkaba!(!( Ç GF (!( GF ! (!( Ya'bad (!( Dhaher al 'Abed Qaffin (!( ! Al Mutilla GF Al Mughayyir (!( (!( ! ! GF (!GF( !Ç Nazlat 'Isa GF !Ç Bardala (!( GF (!( Zeita !GF 'Attil (!( GF

GF (!( Deir al Ghusun GF (!( Al Jarushiya GF Shweika (!( Tubas

GF Tulkarm

!ÇÇ(!( Irtah !! (!( Far'un !GF !Ç Khirbet Jubara (!! !Ç Ar Ras (!( Kafr Sur (!( GF Falamya Kafr Zibad !( ( GF( (! GF GF Jayyus !Ç (!( GFÇ(!! GF ! 'Arab ar Ramadin ash Shamali Qalqiliya(!( An Nabi Elyas! Ç (!( G ! F(!( 'Arab Abu FardaGF 'Azzun (!! 'Isla (!( (!! (!( GF GF Wadi ar RashaGF HablaGF (!! (!( ! GFAd Dab'a(!! GF (!( !Ç (!! Kafr Thulth Ras at Tira (!( Ras 'Atiya GFGF(!( 'IzbatGF Salman (!( Beit Amin GFÇ(!( Sanniriya ! ! (!( 'Azzun 'Atma (!! GF !GF !GF (!( Mas-ha ! GF (!( Az Zawiya Rafat Salfit GF (!( Deir Ballut (!( Barrier path data extracted from satellite imagery, verified with field visits GF Barrier gate information collected by UN field staff The designations employed and the presentation of material Cartography: OCHA-oPt - November 2007 on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion what- soever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Base data: PA MoPIC, July 2000, OCHA update 2007 concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or For comments contact or Tel. +972 (02) 582-9962 area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its

frontiers or boundaries. OCHA http://www.ochaopt.org

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Reproduction and/or use of this material is only permitted with express reference to "United Nations OCHA oPt" as the source.

Map 2: Barrier Gates in the northern West Bank. The gates identified on this map reflect the situation at time of writing.

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org  Gate Name Main Status Bisan Green Line Checkpoint Ibziq Military Gate Al Mutilla Seasonal and Weekly Gate Jalbun S Seasonal Gate Jalbun N Military Gate Faqqu’a S Military Gate Faqqu’a E Seasonal Gate N Seasonal Gate ‘Arrabuna Door Seasonal Gate Al Jalama Green Line Checkpoint Muqebila Military Gate Al Yamun Military Gate Ti’nnik Military Gate Salem Green Line Checkpoint At Tayba N Military Gate At Tayba W Seasonal and Weekly Gate Anin Seasonal and Weekly Gate Khirbet Suruj Military Gate Al ‘Araqa N Seasonal Gate Al ‘Araqa S Military Gate Tura Closed Area Community Checkpoint Reikhan Barta’a Closed Area Community Checkpoint Dhaher Al ‘Abed Seasonal and Weekly Gate Qaffin Seasonal and Weekly Gate Nazlat Isa N Seasonal and Weekly Gate Nazlat ‘Isa S Closed Area Community Checkpoint Zeita N Military Gate Zeita S Seasonal and Weekly Gate occupied Palestinian territory OCHA Special Focus ‘Atil Agricultural Gate Deir al Ghusun Agricultural Gate Al Jarushiya Military Gate Table 1: Comprehensive list of Barrier Gates in the northern West Bank arranged sequentially along the Barrier from the Valley. Shweika Agricultural Gate Tulkarm Factories Military Gate Gate Name Main Status AtGate Tayba NameGreen Main LineStatus Checkpoint Bisan Green Line Checkpoint BisanEphraim GreenBarrier LineCheckpoint Checkpoint Ibziq Military Gate IbziqFar’un MilitarySeasonal Gate Gate Al Mutilla Seasonal and Weekly Gate AlKafariat Mutilla SeasonalBarrier Checkpoint and Weekly Gate Jalbun S Seasonal Gate JalbunJubara S SeasonalClosed Area Gate Community Checkpoint Jalbun N Military Gate JalbunSal’it N MilitaryAgricultural Gate Gate Faqqu’a S Military Gate Faqqu’aFalamya SN Military Gate Faqqu’a E Seasonal Gate Faqqu’aFalamya ES SeasonalAgricultural Gate Gate Faqqua N Seasonal Gate FaqquaJayyus N N SeasonalAgricultural Gate Gate ‘Arrabuna Door Seasonal Gate ‘ArrabunaJayyus S Door SeasonalAgricultural Gate Gate Al Jalama Green Line Checkpoint AlAn Jalama Nabi Elyas GreenSeasonal Line Gate Checkpoint Muqebila Military Gate MuqebilaZufin MilitaryClosed AreaGate Community Checkpoint Al Yamun Military Gate AlQalqilya Yamun NE Military Gate Ti’nnik Military Gate Ti’nnikQalqilya North GreenMilitary Line Gate Checkpoint Salem Green Line Checkpoint SalemQalailya SW GreenMilitary Line Gate Checkpoint At Tayba N Military Gate AtQalqilya Tayba South N Military Gate At Tayba W Seasonal and Weekly Gate AtJaljoulia Tayba W ClosedSeasonal Area and Community Weekly Gate Checkpoint Anin Seasonal and Weekly Gate AninArab Abu Farda SeasonalMilitary Gate and Weekly Gate Khirbet Suruj Military Gate KhirbetIsla Suruj MilitaryAgricultural Gate Gate Al ‘Araqa N Seasonal Gate AlKafr ‘Araqa Thulth N Seasonal Gate Al ‘Araqa S Military Gate AlIzbat ‘Araqa Jal’ud S Military Gate Tura Closed Area Community Checkpoint TuraRas ‘Atiya Closed Area Community Checkpoint Reikhan Barta’a Closed Area Community Checkpoint ReikhanWadi Rasha Barta’a ClosedMilitary AreaGate Community Checkpoint Dhaher Al ‘Abed Seasonal and Weekly Gate DhaherHabla Al ‘Abed SeasonalAgricultural and Gate Weekly Gate Qaffin Seasonal and Weekly Gate QaffinRas ‘Atiya W SeasonalMilitary Gate and Weekly Gate Nazlat Isa N Seasonal and Weekly Gate Nazlat‘Izbat Salman Isa N N SeasonalAgricultural and Gate Weekly Gate Nazlat ‘Isa S Closed Area Community Checkpoint Nazlat‘Izbat Salman ‘Isa S S ClosedAgricultural Area Gate Community Checkpoint Zeita N Military Gate Zeita‘Azzun N ‘Atma MilitaryClosed AreaGate Community Checkpoint Zeita S Seasonal and Weekly Gate ZeitaBeit Amin S Seasonal andGate Weekly Gate ‘Atil Agricultural Gate ‘AtilMasha North AgriculturalSeasonal Gate Gate Deir al Ghusun Agricultural Gate DeirMasha al GhusunWest AgriculturalSeasonal Gate Gate Al Jarushiya Military Gate AlAz Jarushiya Zawiya MilitarySeasonal Gate Gate Shweika Agricultural Gate ShweikaRafat AgriculturalMilitary Gate Gate Tulkarm Factories Military Gate TulkarmDeir Ballut Factories West Military Gate At Tayba Green Line Checkpoint At Tayba Green Line Checkpoint Ephraim Barrier Checkpoint Ephraim Barrier Checkpoint Far’un Seasonal Gate Far’un Seasonal Gate Kafariat Barrier Checkpoint Kafariat Barrier Checkpoint Jubara Closed Area Community Checkpoint Jubara Closed Area Community Checkpoint Type Description No Sal’it Agricultural Gate Sal’it Agricultural Gate Falamya N Military Gate Primarily designed to allow communitiesFalamya in the N closed area accessMilitary to the Gate wider West Bank for Closed Area Community Checkpoint 8 Falamya S Agricultural Gate essential services, schools etc. generallyFalamya open S during day: closedAgricultural at nights. Gate Jayyus N Agricultural Gate Jayyus N Agricultural Gate Officially open daily, generally for one hour early morning, noon, late afternoon to allow Jayyus S Agricultural Gate Jayyus S Agricultural Gate Agricultural Gate farmers holding valid permits access to their land in the closed areas. Farmers are not 11 An Nabi Elyas Seasonal Gate allowed to stay on their land overnight.An Nabi Elyas Seasonal Gate Zufin Closed Area Community Checkpoint Zufin Closed Area Community Checkpoint Open seasonally, usually only in olive harvest, to allow farmers access to olive groves in SeasonalQalqilya NE and Weekly Gate Military Gate Qalqilya NE Military Gate 7 closed areas; and one or more days weekly, to allow for ploughing, weeding, pruning etc. Qalqilya North Green Line Checkpoint Qalqilya North Green Line Checkpoint Qalailya SW Military Gate Qalailya SW Military Gate Seasonal Gate Only open for a brief period during the olive season, October – December. 12 Qalqilya South Military Gate Qalqilya South Military Gate MilitaryJaljoulia Gate Closed Area CommunityNever Checkpoint open to Palestinians. Jaljoulia Closed Area Community Checkpoint22 Arab Abu Farda Military Gate Arab Abu Farda Military Gate Barrier Checkpoint Located within the West Bank, does not allow Palestinian access to closed area. 2 Isla Agricultural Gate Isla Agricultural Gate GreenKafr Thulth Line Checkpoint Seasonal Gate Located on the Green Line, does notKafr allow Thulth Palestinian access to Seasonalclosed area Gate 5 Izbat Jal’ud Military Gate Izbat Jal’ud Military Gate Ras ‘Atiya Closed Area CommunityTotal Checkpoint Ras ‘Atiya Closed Area Community Checkpoint67 Wadi Rasha Military Gate Wadi Rasha Military Gate Habla Agricultural Gate Habla Agricultural Gate OFFICERas ‘AtiyaFOR THEW COORDINATIONMilitary Gate OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS Ras ‘Atiya W Military Gate P.O.Box‘Izbat 38712, Salman EastN Jerusalem,Agricultural Phone: Gate(+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972)‘Izbat Salman 2-582 N5841 • [email protected] Gateg • www.ochaopt.org  ‘Izbat Salman S Agricultural Gate ‘Izbat Salman S Agricultural Gate ‘Azzun ‘Atma Closed Area Community Checkpoint ‘Azzun ‘Atma Closed Area Community Checkpoint Beit Amin Seasonal Gate Beit Amin Seasonal Gate Masha North Seasonal Gate Masha North Seasonal Gate Masha West Seasonal Gate Masha West Seasonal Gate Az Zawiya Seasonal Gate Az Zawiya Seasonal Gate Rafat Military Gate Rafat Military Gate Deir Ballut West Military Gate Deir Ballut West Military Gate OCHA Special Focus occupied Palestinian territory

Gate Opening Restrictions Closed area status also results in a severing of social Even in the case of the 38 gates allowing some relations. Communities reported that relatives degree of restricted access to Palestinians, and friends experience difficulties in obtaining communities report additional movement and time ‘visitor’ permits’ to attend weddings (14), funerals restrictions. Gates can be closed without warning (15) and religious festivals (13) in the closed areas on Saturdays, for major Israeli holidays, and for since the gate and permit regime was established. security reasons. There are also restrictions on All 15 communities also reported that proposed vehicles and materials crossing through the gates, marriages have been prevented or married couples affecting tractors and cars; agricultural equipment separated because of the Barrier and attendant and materials; construction materials; pack animals permit regime. such as donkeys and horses; and livestock. Displacement Ten communities are not allowed to take agricultural The survey also attempted to address the issue of vehicles through the gates and 31 are prohibited from displacement as a result of the negative impact of taking private vehicles across. The irregular pacing the Barrier on movement and livelihoods. Some 29 of crossing points means that farmers and labourers communities reported that households have left have to travel greater distances on the east side of because of the Barrier, representing about 1,200 the Barrier to reach designated gates. In addition, households, or three percent of the population once through the gates, movement is also impeded surveyed. As reported by respondents in 36 and delayed by the Barrier’s severing of traditional communities, heads of households have also left agricultural roads, particularly as an individual’s to seek employment elsewhere in the West Bank, land may be located a long distance from the gate representing about 1,100 additional individuals. over difficult terrain. In all, 57 of the communities surveyed reported that such traditional roads have Ill Treatment at the Gates been cut in their communities. The negative impact The survey also attempted to address complaints on agricultural practice and rural livelihoods of of harassment, ill treatment and violence at Barrier restrictive gate openings and permit allocations will gates, although this is obviously difficult to quantify. be addressed in the full report. In all, 42 of the communities surveyed complained of regular harassment or verbal abuse, 17 reported Closed Area Communities incidents of physical violence and 13 communities In 14 of the 15 communities located in the closed complained of seizure, confiscation or destruction area, residency is governed by the need to obtain of produce since the gate and permit regime was ‘permanent resident’ permits for those aged 16 established. and above. As reported by community officials, 26 men, 81 women, and four children have not received these permits, restricting their freedom of movement outside of their enclaves to the rest of the West Bank for fear of not being allowed to go back to their homes.

For closed area communities, services are generally located on the east side of the Barrier, with the result that patients, children and workers have to pass through Barrier gates to reach health services, schools and workplaces. Seven communities have no access to local primary health care and only one community has access to 24-hour-emergency healthcare. Seven communities reported medical emergencies occurring as a result of restricted gate openings. In nine communities, it was reported that expectant mothers leave the closed area weeks before delivery to ensure access to proper care3.

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org  OCHA Special Focus occupied Palestinian territory

End Notes

1. See OCHA, Januray 2006: Humanitarian Impact of the West Bank Barrier, Update No. 6: Crossing the Barrier: Palestinian Access to Agricultural Land, http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/OCHABarRprt-Updt6-En.pdf 2. See OCHA Special Focus, November 2006: Barrier stops Palestinians accessing lands, http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/ OCHA_Special_focus_8_Nov_2006_Eng.pdf ). 3. See OCHA Special Focus, July 2007: Three years later: the Humanitarian Impact of the Barrier since the International Court of Justice Opinion, (http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/ICJ4_Special_Focus_July2007.pdf) 4. This projection is based on the official route approved in April 2006 and published on the Israeli Ministry of Defense website http://www.securityfence.mod.gov.il/Pages/ENG/default.htm. A new barrier route, approximately 780 kilometres in length, was posted on this website in April 2007 but has since been removed.

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O.Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 • [email protected] • www.ochaopt.org