Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 12 1934 INDEX
Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 12 1934 INDEX -A- Abert, Lieut. James William, 187n Ada, Okla., 335, 440, 442-443 Adair, George W., 336 Adair, George Washington, 212 Cherokee Indian, Adair, W. A., Cherokee Indian, 136 Adair, Okla., 182 Advancing the Frontier, by Grant 79n, 82n Foreman, Agreement, Supplemental 441-442 Choctaw-Chickasaw, Aird, Thomas, 79-80 Akers, Lafayette Jones, 246-247 Alabama, state of, 105, 264, 279-280 Albuquerque, N. Mex., 85 Allbright, Frank, 474 Allen, James S., 405-406 Allen's Academy, 405-406 Alston, William, 471 Altus, Okla., 155 American Board of Commissioners 42, 47, 56, 69, 100 for Foreign Missions, Anadarko, Okla., 76n, 157, 365, 447, 449, 453 Anadarko (Indians), 367 Antelope Hills, 75, 75-76 Antelopes, 91 Anton Chico, 90 Antle, H. R., 444 Antlers, Okla., 497 Apache (Indians), 186n, 218 Asbury Mission, 79n Arapaho (Indians), 126, 186, 218, 340 Arbuckle, Gen. Matthew, 21, 24, 83n, 128, 306, 325, 337 Arch, John, 71 Ardmore, Okla., 237, 239, 406n Arizona, state of, 482 21, 25, 32, 41, 42, 44n, 46n, 47, 63, 97, 118, 124, 134, 136, 140, 178n, 294, 308, 311, 313- Arkansas, state of, 316, 319, 322, 454, 458 Arkansas, territory of, 42, 74 Arkansas, University of, 252 Arkansas River, 17, 26, 32, 42-46, 76, 134, 147 Arkansas River, falls of, 123 Arkansas River, ferry on, 251-252 Arkansas City Traveler, 260n Armstrong, Capt. William, 336 Arrington, Alfred W., 315-317 Atkins, Catlett J., 79n Atoka, Okla., 448, 450, 478, 492-493 "A Tribute to the Pioneer," by H. 214 Hobble, Attakullakulla (Little Carpenter), 67 Cherokee chief, -B- Bacone, Almon, 56 Bacone College, 125-126, 128-129, 227 Ballentine, Rev.
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