"Top Things To Do in " Founded by Alexander the Great, this spectacular city is a treasure trove of cultural and historical sites. Relics and artifacts dating back centuries

are displayed in informative museums, and iconic landmarks encapsulate the essence of the ancient city which is a major trading center.

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10 Locaties in uw favorieten

Borg El Arab Stadium "Love For Football"

Built in 2006, the massive Borg El Arab Stadium can hold 86,000 people. It is considered to be one of the largest stadiums in the world and played a part in ’s bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2010. The Egyptian Armed Forces Corps of Engineers designed and built the stadium in its entirety. In addition to the massive soccer field housed within the stadium, by Eslam Egy sports enthusiasts will also find an Olympic-sized track, sand pits for long jump competitions and thirty-two restaurants.

Cairo Borg El-Arab Desert Road, Ekeingy Maryout (Sharq WA Gharb), Qesm Al Amereyah, Alexandrië

Montaza Palace "Exquisite Seaside Palace"

The exquisitely constructed Palace boasts a seaside location with endless views. The first palace to be built on the site where now stands was Salamlek palace in 1892. This first construction was ordered by the last rule of the . In 1932, King Fuad I made expansive renovations to the palace during which time he by Dennis Jarvis added spectacular gardens and two towers constructed in Ottoman and Florentine styles. Today, visitors to the palace complex can enjoy an afternoon wandering the 61 hectares (150 acres) of the royal gardens, take in Mediterranean sea views and explore the museum housed within the palace.

+20 634 4327 (Tourist Information) El Garish Road, Al Mandarah Bahri, Alexandrië

Pompey's Pillar "Monolithical Pillar"

Pompey's Pillar is one of the biggest monoliths in the world. In 297 A.D, when Roman emperor Diocletian defeated an Alexandrian opposition, this free standing column was constructed as a tribute to this triumph. This 20.46 meter (67.12 feet) tall Corinthian column was carved out of red Aswan granite. People come here to marvel at this man made wonder, for by Roland Unger carving something this magnificent out of one single rock is truly an achievement. A must visit to get acquainted with the history of the city!

+20 3 485 1556 (Tourist Information) Off Karmooz, Alexandrië Citadel of Qaitbay "15th-Century Egyptian Fort"

Built on the remains of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Fort of Qaitbay was a defensive fortress constructed in 1477 AD. Do visit this grand structure and discover more about the architectural treasures of Egypt. This striking fortress is also home to a naval museum. by ASaber91 Kayetbai, Pharos Island, Alexandrië

Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa "Wonder Of The Medeival Era"

While in Alexandria, a visit to the memorial area of the Catacombs is a must. Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa is a sort of a funeral hall wherein the ancient Egyptians used to perform the last rites of the deceased. Each funeral hall is cut into rock formations and within it there are winding staircases and religious areas. The site is archeologically and by Asiatologist architecturally rich. The burial areas are embedded with rock-formed statures and pillars that depict a fusion of Roman and Egyptian cultures. Certainly, a must visit attraction, when in the Egyptian city of Alexandria.

El-Nasereya, Alexandrië

Alexandria National Museum "Asking Alexandria"

The Alexandria National Museum was inaugurated by the , in 2003. The building in which it is located was an Italian styled palace and also home for the United States consulate. The museum showcases the story of Alexandria and Egypt with many of the artifacts coming different Egyptian Museums. The Exhibits features by Néfermaât displays of artifacts relating to Ancient Egypt, Coptic and Muslim World. Collections include weaponry, numismatics, jewelry and glassware.

+20 3 483 5519 www.alexandria.gov.eg/se alexandriamusuem@yahoo 110 El Horreya Road, Raml rvices/tourism/alextourism .com Station, Alexandrië /museums/alexmusuem.ht ml

Bibliotheca Alexandrina "Modern Public Library"

Opened in the year 2002, is ranked among the best libraries in the country. Apart from the wide selection of books from across all genres, this extra ordinary library is also home to as many as four museums. A visit to this library is bound to be an enriching experience for people of all ages. by Wing +20 3483 9999 www.bibalex.org [email protected] Al Geash Road, Alexandrië by Roland Unger Graeco-Roman Museum "A Walk Through Time"

The Graeco-Roman Museum moved to its current location along Mathaf El Romani Street in 1895. The museum has a wonderful collections that include coins, textile, glass, sculptures, religious findings, mummies, pottery and lots more. The exhibition rooms here display a range of priceless artifacts. Most of the findings date back to the 3rd Century. A prominent feature here however is the collection of coins which date back to as early as the 600 BCE. There is an exceptionally attractive sculpture of Aphrodite that is a must see. Another piece you shouldn’t miss is the mosaic of Medusa. The relics and artifacts draw a picture of civilization to give us insight on the happenings of evolution.

+20 3 486 5820 Mathaf El Romani Street, Al Mothaf, Alexandrië

Stanley Bridge "Spectacular Panoramic View"

Spanning about a whopping 400 meters (1312.34 feet), Stanley Bridge is considered to be one of the most popular landmarks located along the length of the bustling Corniche Road. Often known to be the congregating spot for locals as well as tourists to drink in the fresh air and watch the sun set on a historically glorious empire, the bridge is popular for its row by Шухрат Саъдиев of intricately and elaborately carved towers which flank it. The architecture of these is reminiscent of the Royal Palace in Montaza and is a flamboyant affair of exposed brick overlays and sloping tiled roofs. The vantage point from the bridge allows visitors to admire the surrounding scenery unfolding before them, making the bridge one of the most visited structures in the city.

Stanley Bridge, Alexandrië

Royal Jewelry Museum "Historic Royal Museum"

Housed in the palace of the former Princess Fatma Al-Zahra, the is where you should head to learn more about the Muhammad Ali Dynasty. The museum has a collection of the family's valuables like jewelry like crowns, bracelets, necklaces and other royal memorabilia. Besides the intricate jewelry pieces, you can also marvel at by Asmaaly8 the interiors of the palace that are decorated with wall and ceiling murals as well as beautiful oil paintings.

+20 3 582 8348 www.etltravel.com/things-to-do/roy 27 Ahmed Yehia Pasha, San Stifano, al-jewelry-museum-alexandria Qism El-Raml, Alexandrië

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