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Nine Million Near •X -'"x "''.v -X \ e ... ■ Average Daily CirddatiDa i ^ , - . X r o r tka M oatk «< Jmm, i s « l The Weather a rtreeast el t . fb Wmlbm emMp 6,805 Skowaro U » altewn f aad ta- . X 'X' alpkt, t ^ H a p bito toaifkt or MeaAev el tko AuMt eariy Friday; cooler toalgkt ami B o n a e e l d reolatloas Friday. (c^h esfer— .^x^Hy ©y Village Charm (CkMriaed AdvmtMBg Oa NO. 245 1»1 a MAn (;h e s t e i l CONN., Th u r s d a y , j u l y it , 1941 \ (TWELVE PAGES) X PRICE THREE CENTS A .X /■ X i X y A \. Testifies Nazis March Tl^rough- Shattered Soviet Town Nine Million Necessity’. For Mtire Service I Army Chief of Staff! lute Near Favors Congas Decla­ - ration or National md Sale Advance Carries Hitler^s Russian Reinforedneats. Emergency tlK^ Retain Rent Control Banners to Within 230 Trying to Stem On­ Soldiers on Du^ Be­ hanned Miles of Russians Cap­ yond Year Limit. Legal Moves slaught of Hitldffi ital; See-Saw Battle r — Legions; ^reat SncH» Treaeury Department Washington, July 17.— (/P) Rages from Dawn to Seen Needed cesses in Making* Re> I— Gen. George C. Marshall, Official Examines Suc­ Dusk in Pskov-Porit- port of High Com­ Army chief of staff, testified cessful Methods in hov Area; No Indica­ today that there was an “ur­ Henderson Sees Laws mand; Chisinau Ca^ gent necessity” from a mili­ Use in Connecticut. tion Which Is Ahead. 'In Defense Areas If tured hy Axis Forces. tary standpoint for Congress to declare a national emergen­ Hartford, July 17—<F)— Gale ' Balletin! -VolunUky Methods F. Johnston, national field direc­ Berlin, July 17.— (/P)— N iM cy under which Selectees, Re­ London, Jaly 17.—</P)— A Fail ,, to Toil Jumps. tor of the Defense Saving Staff million soldieni on the'esfitorn serves and Nations! Guards­ R aters, British news agency, front are waginff a “treman- of the U. S.' *rreaaury .Department Woehlngton, July 17 — (F> — men could be retained in serv­ dismtcii from Moscow to- doiis struggle for a decision’* waa In Hartford today to examine Leon Henderson, price administra­ ice-beyond the present one- nignt said Smolensk, on the and the Red Araiy has year period. From the strate­ outstandingly successful Connec- tor, ooid today that rent control Ucut methods Of selling defense road to Moscow and 230 mjles thrown its-last reserves into gic point of view, the Ajniy from thb Soviet capital, still Inwa would be ncceeeory In;de­ bonds and stamps. fense areas where votuntery meth­ the battle ^o try to stem the chieftain told the Mr. Johnston conferred with was in Rnaslan hands this ods fsU to prevent increoeee. onslaught of Adolf Hitler’s QoUcctor of Internal Revenue Military (^mmitteeAtne effi­ German Infantrymen march tbroygh what BerBa eouroea daacribed u a Russian village ddmaxed morning. Tife Germans have In many places where the hous­ driving Ifigions, the (jrermsBi ciency of the Wbr Depart­ Thomas 8. Smith, Connecticut ad­ claimed the eaptnre of Smo- ing shortage is acute rents ore ministrator of the program; Phil­ by Stuka and Panser attacks. (Picture by radio from Berlin to New York.) high command declared to-. ment and the ^limitary forces teyak. "skyrocketing," Henderson told a ip Howes, deputy state adminis­ House committee Inveatlgatliig day. “Great successes are in would bo greatly improved if trator; Oliver B. fiSlaworth,'prhal- labor migration. dent of The BlverBlde Trust Com­ the ^ making,” declared t ^ Congresp-would act to clear Moscow, July 17.—(iP)— A “In some oblpbullding, ordnonca war bulletin from Adolf Hit­ I awayApresent prohibitions pany and chairman of the Hart­ Crowd Stones ^ fieree all-night battle in which and Arm y cantonment centers as ford Committee for Defense Sav­ Bombers Put 17 Axi^ soony os one out of every two ler’s headquarters, cnating off list longer service. ings, and with Robert B.. Newell, Germans and Russiiins con­ ^At tko mmo timo, M ankall told rented homes have to d rant In- the reserve of recent days niid prasident of the Hartford Nation­ Day Workers;^ tended fiercely for mkstery of erdoaes ranging from SO to 100 again delYjng intn tke coBUBlttM It dSUr Ibsurd UT al Bank and Trust Company, who the rofiiTto'Leningrad fiild it par cent since October, IMS.'" he I boUove he had sa AuMriesn ex­ is chairman of the state commit­ s Out of the vast, bloody front. slashing Nazi tank advance teetifled. peditionary force In mind whoh bo tee. Invoatlgattng Inereasee Chlsinnti, the capital of rocommondod continuing lo aorv- He qlao went to United Air­ Six Are Hurt /■ I which carried Adolf Hitler’s Hendeiaoa aald the Office of rabia on the southern w tag'ef tto Ico beyond a year the Selectees, craft CorporaUon in Eaat Hsrt- British Strike Smashing banners to within 230 miles of Price Adminlstntlon was Inveatl- front, has been capturdiPby Ger­ National Ouardinnen and Keaervea. man and Rumanian fenota, it de­ Moscow was.reported by the I Pretera CoagrM Actloa (OoBttased Oa Page Fear) Production of Aircraft New Blows at Hunbhrg Sees S ^ h t clared. Soviet Information Bureau (Coattaasd On Fags Two) Speed Troepe Flange Teatlfylng on ieglalatlon to Equipment Halted at And O th i^ The communique woe a sequel lengthen the aervice of the emer­ idustiriid today. From dusk to dawn the Tp^Apology to earlier r ^ r t s that Gernum gency troops, ths gensral said In New Jersey Plant; Ig­ Sections X o f Reich. see-saw battle raged in the schneU tru m in — speed troopor— rsply to questions by Senator Second Draft nore Cooling Off Time. | Pskov-Porkhov area 150 miles Konoye Told hod piimged ahead again on tto Austin (R., Vt.) that he would southwest of Leningrad, a -vital central and northern sectora much prefer that Oongress declare London, July.. 17.—<JP)— From Ickes Within the past communique said. There Was after^mopping up pockets of Rus- flatly that the- natloh was imper- Lottery Set By The Associated Press 24 houre. To Get New , resistance delaying their lUed, thus giving the W ar D e p ^ - Ptoductlon of aircraft equip­ British bombers have put no indication which side was 1 msnt mors "slboii^ room” In which Lindbergb Ad vises •Pres­ ment w u stopped at A ir Aesocl- of action 17 Axis ships toi getting the upper hand. (Ooallmied On Foga M gM ) to work. V • But In fighting yeoterday, on For Tonight atea, Inc., Bendix, N. J., today ing almost 100,000 tons/and ident He Hm N o Con­ Jap Cabi] "Ths whole thing that remains,** aorllar communiquo repArted. the Marshall sSld,' "Is,'^^ ^ thars an when a crowd of several hundred have struck sm ash ii^ new nection with Any For- Gcrmnn advaneo reoehod to the re­ emergency?* 1 say there Is and the Two Hours Approxi* men. and women atoned and forc­ blows at Hamburg m m other gion of Smolenak, 90 miles eaat of I W a r ' Depsutment says thcra la. e i g n GoyernmenL Begins Asset List ed the retirement of the day ahlft industrial areas p f^h e Cier- VIttbak, strongly brid pplnt on tha ritM sh es ! Tou gentlemen wUI hhvs to settle mate Time for lo w in g I^ p r Odiere central front opera- It** as It beaded Into the gates to man Reich, A ir Miniatry O f Minisi May Be worit. A t leeet six persona were BuUetliil tlona lost bod been reported. I of tto (F) %nra) O f Gipsules; Kttpx to announced t o ^ . The ships A s an sxampis of what ha aald Injured in the enouing fiihtlng be­ Wahhlogtoa. M y 17—(F>— ' Smoleeek Not Medtioaed Ready itaU Gov- I was the hindrances that often ds- Pull First Number. tween police and t h M who stop­ were smash^df in a massed Secretary Ictoe dadoiod te- There wse no mentlod of Smo­ Tomorrow. Oppese Tax Revisloa I vslopcd through congresaioBal ped ttov woricera. daylight apdault yesterday bn day to heUevad that if Chortee lensk In the latest comtaunlqua but Woehlogtea. Jnly 17. — <F) — limitations, he said that the army Washington, July 17— (F) — DlfflcuUiee started at the Ben­ A . I ladtorgh *Wai e aa op- rather a dactaratioo lhat the only Hewls Ways and **—— Commu­ had been "set back very-asrious- the port 4xF Rotterdam in the .July 17— (F) — Prince Within the qwee of approximately dix plant Skturday when members •taodteg A aeericaa". to whold sector of major aravlty orornight tes memhera were reported today ly”; In development of essential of the ClO-Unlted Automobile Gcsmian-ocGupied Netheiilflda woe the Pakbv-Porkhov area, Ronoye today received two hours tbs government wOI de­ have toraiad hack Me Oenaaa ktroogly opposed to ' rresldaat .Mr fScllitlea In BraxO. Workers placed a picket line there from which Nazi girtisons ta, deooratlea *loag aga, retptfd. arhlch led to a belief in some quar­ emperor*a command'' to form' a BoooevWt's roqgeet that they ra> termine by lot tonight the order In in protest against dlgmlaaal o f nine Fvprsasiui' reluctance to. ia occupied countries are large­ iaaa af tow, Whea or whefa ters that the Germans were bein new cabinet to reploca that which rise tto SSAO4.4OO.0M tex M l to Uon the country Involved, Mar­ which lb. will call up for mlUtary ohaet metal worketo. ' * held tbMa. ^ ly supplied, z communique to gat It" TtoTMartor De- reoigned loot night to give aray •ooform to the Treoaary OaparS- shall said that M had been service the second group of Selec­ About 400 of the plant’s" 700 The communique lest night meat's teveoled — p**-* pida of wortora are employed on the day said.
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