On Civilian Harm Examining the complex negative effects of violent conflict on the lives of civilians None of us is in a position to eliminate war, but it is our obligation to denounce it and expose it in all its hideousness. War leaves no victors, only victims. ELIE WIESEL (NOBEL PRIZE LECTURE, 1986) On Civilian Harm Examining the complex negative effects of violent conflict on the lives of civilians Editors: Erin Bijl, Welmoet Wels & Wilbert van der Zeijden On civilian harm ON CIVILIAN HARM Examining the complex negative effects of violent conflict on the lives of civilians Editors: Erin Bijl, Welmoet Wels & Wilbert van der Zeijden Copy right: Copyright © by PAX 2021 Organisation: PAX, Protection of Civilians team Publication date: June 2021 Design/Lay-out: Het IJzeren Gordijn Printing company: Drukkerij Stetyco ISBN: 978-94-92487-57-5 Credits and permission for the use of particular images and illustrations are listed on the relevant pages and are considered a continuation of the copyright page. Please reach out to
[email protected] in case of concerns or comments. An online version of this book and its individual chapters can be downloaded for free at https://protectionofcivilians.org. For questions about dissemination, presentations, content or other matters related to the book, reach out to
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