
14-02-2020 SGDOC


VISTOS: Lo dispuesto en la Ley N°21.105 y el DFL N°6; Ley Nº 21.192 de Presupuestos del Sector Público para el año 2020; Ley Nº 19.880, que establece Bases de los Procedimientos Administrativos que rigen los Actos de los Órganos de la Administración del Estado; y en las Resoluciones N°s 7 y 8, ambas del 2019, de la Contraloría General de la República.

CONSIDERANDO: a. El Memorándum N° 2695/2020, del Programa de Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado, solicita dictar Resolución Exenta que apruebe “Ranking de Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras 2020 y puntaje asignado a cada posición en dicho ranking”.

b. Cabe destacar que, en el caso de aquellos postulantes que completaron su pregrado en instituciones extranjeras, los puntajes asignados en dicho ranking son utilizados, en reemplazo del puntaje relativo a la acreditación institucional (CNA) aplicado a las instituciones de educación superior chilenas, para calcular el puntaje asociado al subcriterio "antecedentes académicos de pregrado" en los concursos de Becas Nacionales y BECAS CHILE.

c. Entiéndase por Ranking de Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras a la nómina de instituciones académicas elaborada por ANID según indicador de productividad científica (N° de documentos * Factor de impacto) a partir de la fuente de datos InCites de Web of Science (WOS, Clarivate Analytics) para el quinquenio 2014-2018. Consultado en octubre de 2019.

d.Las facultades que detenta esta Directora Nacional (S) en virtud de lo dispuesto en el Decreto Supremo N° 246/2019, Ministerio de Educación; el Ley N°21.105 y; Decreto Exento N°32/2019, del Ministerio de Educación.

RESUELVO: 1. APRUÉBASE el documento adjunto a la presente resolución denominado “Ranking de Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras” que contiene el puntaje asignado a cada posición en dicho ranking, para los concursos regulados por el Decreto Supremo N°335/2010, y sus modificaciones, y el Decreto Supremo N°664/2008, y sus modificaciones, ambos del Ministerio de Educación.

2. DISTRIBÚYASE copia de la presente resolución a la Subdirección Capital Humano Avanzado; Departamento Jurídico; y Oficina de Partes.

https://ted.anid.cl/sgdoc/reportes/busquedaRutaSeguidaDocumento.seamÓ Í 1/2 14-02-2020 SGDOC ANÓTESE Y PUBLÍQUESE


AGP / / FCW / sqg


Firmado Electrónicamente en Conformidad con el Artículo 2º letra F y G de la Ley 19.799

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Harvard 1 5,000 CANADA University of Toronto 2 5,000 USA Stanford University 3 5,000 USA Johns Hopkins University 4 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University College London 5 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Oxford 6 5,000 USA University of Pennsylvania 7 5,000 USA University of Washington Seattle 8 5,000 USA University of Michigan 9 5,000 USA University of California Los Angeles 10 5,000 USA Columbia University 11 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Cambridge 12 5,000 USA University of California San Francisco 13 5,000 USA Yale University 14 5,000 USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 15 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Imperial College London 16 5,000 USA Duke University 17 5,000 USA University of California San Diego 18 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Sydney 19 5,000 Sorbonne Universite 20 5,000 USA University of California Berkeley 21 5,000 USA University of Chicago 22 5,000 USA Cornell University 23 5,000 USA University of Pittsburgh 24 5,000 FRANCE Universite Paris Saclay 25 5,000 DENMARK University of Copenhagen 26 5,000 USA Northwestern University 27 5,000 USA Ohio State University 28 5,000 USA University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 29 5,000 FRANCE Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite-USPC (ComUE) 30 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Melbourne 31 5,000 BELGIUM KU Leuven 32 5,000 Tsinghua University 33 5,000 CANADA University of British Columbia 34 5,000 NETHERLANDS University of Amsterdam 35 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Paris 36 5,000 USA Washington University (WUSTL) 37 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Kings College London 38 5,000 Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg 39 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Seoul (SNU) 40 5,000 USA University of Minnesota Twin Cities 41 5,000 USA New York University 42 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Manchester 43 5,000 USA Emory University 44 5,000 CANADA McGill University 45 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Queensland 46 5,000 CHINA Shanghai Jiao Tong University 47 5,000 USA Vanderbilt University 48 5,000 SINGAPORE National University of Singapore 49 5,000

Página 1 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UNITED KINGDOM University of Edinburgh 50 5,000 USA University of Wisconsin Madison 51 5,000 AUSTRALIA Monash University 52 5,000 CHINA Peking University 53 5,000 SPAIN University of Barcelona 54 5,000 SWEDEN Karolinska Institutet 55 5,000 NETHERLANDS Utrecht University 56 5,000 GERMANY University of Munich 57 5,000 JAPAN University of Tokyo 58 5,000 USA University of Southern California 59 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of New South Wales Sydney 60 5,000 USA University of California Davis 61 5,000 GERMANY Humboldt University of Berlin 62 5,000 CHINA Zhejiang University 63 5,000 USA Penn State University 64 5,000 ETH Zurich 65 5,000 GERMANY Free University of Berlin 66 5,000 NETHERLANDS Erasmus University Rotterdam 67 5,000 USA University of Florida 68 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade de Sao Paulo 69 5,000 USA Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 70 5,000 ITALY Sapienza University Rome 71 5,000 NETHERLANDS Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 72 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Birmingham 73 5,000 NETHERLANDS University of Groningen 74 5,000 BELGIUM Ghent University 75 5,000 CANADA University of Alberta 76 5,000 SWITZERLAND 77 5,000 GERMANY Technical University of Munich 78 5,000 USA University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 79 5,000 ITALY University of Padua 80 5,000 SINGAPORE Nanyang Technological University & National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore 81 5,000 NORWAY University of Oslo 82 5,000 USA University of Texas Austin 83 5,000 ITALY University of Bologna 84 5,000 FRANCE Aix-Marseille Universite 85 5,000 CANADA University of Montreal 86 5,000 FRANCE PSL Research University Paris (ComUE) 87 5,000 DENMARK Aarhus University 88 5,000 USA Boston University 89 5,000 USA Rutgers State University New Brunswick 90 5,000 NETHERLANDS Radboud University Nijmegen 91 5,000 NETHERLANDS Leiden University 92 5,000 USA University of Colorado Health Science Center 93 5,000 USA University of Maryland College Park 94 5,000 FINLAND University of Helsinki 95 5,000 CHINA Sun Yat Sen University 96 5,000 CHINA Fudan University 97 5,000 FRANCE University of Paris Diderot 98 5,000

Página 2 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UNITED KINGDOM University of Southampton 99 5,000 USA University of California Irvine 100 5,000 CANADA McMaster University 101 5,000 USA University of Utah 102 5,000 SWEDEN Lund University 103 5,000 GERMANY Charite Medical University of Berlin 104 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Bristol 105 5,000 FRANCE Universite Paris Sud - Paris 11 106 5,000 JAPAN Kyoto University 107 5,000 HONG KONG Chinese University of Hong Kong 108 5,000 USA Baylor College of Medicine 109 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Glasgow 110 5,000 ITALY University of Milan 111 5,000 SWEDEN Uppsala University 112 5,000 USA University of Alabama Birmingham 113 5,000 USA University of Arizona 114 5,000 USA California Institute of Technology 115 5,000 CANADA University of Calgary 116 5,000 USA Princeton University 117 5,000 CANADA University of Ottawa 118 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Lyon (ComUE) 119 5,000 CHINA Huazhong University of Science & Technology 120 5,000 TAIWAN National Taiwan University 121 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Montpellier 122 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Western Australia 123 5,000 FRANCE Communaute Universite Grenoble Alpes 124 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 125 5,000 USA Michigan State University 126 5,000 CHINA University of Science & Technology of China 127 5,000 FRANCE Universite Grenoble Alpes (UGA) 128 5,000 GERMANY University of Hamburg 129 5,000 ISRAEL Tel Aviv University 130 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Yonsei University 131 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Nottingham 132 5,000 SWITZERLAND 133 5,000 USA Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 134 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Queen Mary University London 135 5,000 SWITZERLAND 136 5,000 USA University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas 137 5,000 USA Georgia Institute of Technology 138 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Leeds 139 5,000 HONG KONG University of Hong Kong 140 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Sheffield 141 5,000 USA University of Virginia 142 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Liverpool 143 5,000 USA University of Colorado Boulder 144 5,000 AUSTRALIA Australian National University 145 5,000 USA Case Western Reserve University 146 5,000 USA Oregon Health & Science University 147 5,000

Página 3 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Nanjing University 148 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Adelaide 149 5,000 USA Arizona State University 150 5,000 USA Brown University 151 5,000 GERMANY Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen 152 5,000 SAUDI ARABIA King Abdulaziz University 153 5,000 FRANCE Universite Lille-Nord-de-France (ComUE) 154 5,000 SPAIN Autonomous University of Barcelona 155 5,000 ITALY University of Turin 156 5,000 USA Purdue University 157 5,000 USA Texas A&M University College Station 158 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade de Lisboa 159 5,000 USA David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 160 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Cardiff University 161 5,000 GERMANY Dresden University of Technology 162 5,000 CHINA Xi'an Jiaotong University 163 5,000 SWITZERLAND Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 164 5,000 ITALY University of Naples Federico II 165 5,000 CHINA Harbin Institute of Technology 166 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Toulouse 167 5,000 USA University of Iowa 168 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Newcastle University - UK 169 5,000 USA Feinberg School of Medicine 170 5,000 CHINA 171 5,000 USA Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 172 5,000 FRANCE Fondation I-SITE ULNE 173 5,000 GERMANY University of Bonn 174 5,000 SWITZERLAND University of 175 5,000 USA University of Rochester 176 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Warwick 177 5,000 FRANCE University of Paris Descartes 178 5,000 USA Carnegie Mellon University 179 5,000 CHINA Wuhan University 180 5,000 GERMANY University of Erlangen Nuremberg 181 5,000 CHINA Sichuan University 182 5,000 GERMANY University of Freiburg 183 5,000 SWEDEN University of Gothenburg 184 5,000 GERMANY RWTH Aachen University 185 5,000 USA University of Miami 186 5,000 CHINA University 187 5,000 ITALY University of Florence 188 5,000 NEW ZEALAND University of Auckland 189 5,000 CANADA Western University (University of Western Ontario) 190 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC Charles University Prague 191 5,000 ITALY University of Pisa 192 5,000 GERMANY University of Cologne 193 5,000 JAPAN Osaka University 194 5,000 USA University of Illinois Chicago 195 5,000 USA University of South Florida 196 5,000

Página 4 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE AUSTRIA Medical University of Vienna 197 5,000 IRAN Islamic Azad University 198 5,000 GERMANY Goethe University Frankfurt 199 5,000 NETHERLANDS Maastricht University 200 5,000 CHINA Tongji University 201 5,000 GREECE University of Athens 202 5,000 GERMANY University of Duisburg Essen 203 5,000 FRANCE Universite Cote d'Azur (ComUE) 204 5,000 NETHERLANDS Wageningen University & Research 205 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Korea University 206 5,000 USA Yeshiva University 207 5,000 USA University of Cincinnati 208 5,000 CHINA South China University of Technology 209 5,000 DENMARK Technical University of Denmark 210 5,000 SWEDEN Stockholm University 211 5,000 USA University of Maryland Baltimore 212 5,000 USA University of California Santa Barbara 213 5,000 CHINA Jilin University 214 5,000 BELGIUM Universite Libre de Bruxelles 215 5,000 CHINA Southeast University - China 216 5,000 SWITZERLAND 217 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade do Porto 218 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA University of Cape Town 219 5,000 ITALY University of Genoa 220 5,000 IRELAND University College Dublin 221 5,000 GERMANY University of Gottingen 222 5,000 FRANCE Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 223 5,000 NETHERLANDS Delft University of Technology 224 5,000 FRANCE Communaute d'Universites et Etablissements d'Aquitaine (ComUE) 225 5,000 GERMANY University of Munster 226 5,000 USA Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 227 5,000 GERMANY University of Wurzburg 228 5,000 JAPAN Tohoku University 229 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Exeter 230 5,000 USA Wayne State University 231 5,000 GERMANY Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz 232 5,000 CHINA Suzhou University 233 5,000 USA Indiana University Bloomington 234 5,000 CHINA Tianjin University 235 5,000 USA North Carolina State University 236 5,000 USA University of Kansas 237 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 238 5,000 CHINA Beihang University 239 5,000 GERMANY Ulm University 240 5,000 USA Georgetown University 241 5,000 SPAIN University of Valencia 242 5,000 GERMANY University of Kiel 243 5,000 HONG KONG Hong Kong Polytechnic University 244 5,000 FRANCE Universite Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier 245 5,000

Página 5 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE NORWAY Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU) 246 5,000 USA Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 247 5,000 BELGIUM Universite Catholique Louvain 248 5,000 GERMANY Hannover Medical School 249 5,000 ISRAEL Hebrew University of Jerusalem 250 5,000 NORWAY University of Bergen 251 5,000 ITALY University of Rome Tor Vergata 252 5,000 GERMANY Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 253 5,000 USA University of Texas Health Science Center Houston 254 5,000 CANADA University of Waterloo 255 5,000 DENMARK Aalborg University 256 5,000 USA Dartmouth College 257 5,000 SWEDEN Royal Institute of Technology 258 5,000 USA Tufts University 259 5,000 USA Albert Einstein College of Medicine 260 5,000 JAPAN Nagoya University 261 5,000 RUSSIA Lomonosov State University 262 5,000 USA University of Massachusetts Amherst 263 5,000 SOUTH KOREA University of Ulsan 264 5,000 USA Virginia Commonwealth University 265 5,000 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo 266 5,000 BELGIUM University of Antwerp 267 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Malaya 268 5,000 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook 269 5,000 AUSTRALIA Curtin University 270 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Leicester 271 5,000 USA University of New Mexico 272 5,000 CHINA University of Electronic Science & Technology of China 273 5,000 CANADA Laval University 274 5,000 SPAIN Autonomous University of Madrid 275 5,000 USA University of Connecticut 276 5,000 AUSTRALIA Griffith University 277 5,000 USA University of Kentucky 278 5,000 HONG KONG City University of Hong Kong 279 5,000 USA George Washington University 280 5,000 AUSTRIA University of Vienna 281 5,000 SWEDEN Karolinska University Hospital 282 5,000 USA University of Georgia 283 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Technology Sydney 284 5,000 USA Temple University 285 5,000 JAPAN Kyushu University 286 5,000 IRELAND Trinity College Dublin 287 5,000 USA University of North Carolina School of Medicine 288 5,000 USA University of Tennessee Knoxville 289 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Sussex 290 5,000 SPAIN Complutense University of Madrid 291 5,000 AUSTRALIA Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 292 5,000 CHINA Dalian University of Technology 293 5,000 GERMANY Ruhr University Bochum 294 5,000

Página 6 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE SAUDI ARABIA King Saud University 295 5,000 USA Iowa State University 296 5,000 FINLAND Aalto University 297 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA University of Witwatersrand 298 5,000 FRANCE Universites de Strasbourg Etablissements Associes 299 5,000 USA University of California Santa Cruz 300 5,000 USA Northeastern University 301 5,000 HONG KONG Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 302 5,000 SPAIN University of Granada 303 5,000 USA Thomas Jefferson University 304 5,000 CHINA Xiamen University 305 5,000 USA Florida State University 306 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Durham University 307 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Lille 308 5,000 ITALY Polytechnic University of Milan 309 5,000 CANADA University of Manitoba 310 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of York - UK 311 5,000 USA Medical University of South Carolina 312 5,000 GERMANY University of Leipzig 313 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) 314 5,000 MEXICO Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 315 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Strasbourg 316 5,000 USA Louisiana State University 317 5,000 AUSTRALIA Macquarie University 318 5,000 DENMARK University of Southern Denmark 319 5,000 AUSTRALIA Deakin University 320 5,000 GERMANY Friedrich Schiller University of Jena 321 5,000 ITALY University of Perugia 322 5,000 HUNGARY Hungarian Academy of Sciences 323 5,000 SERBIA University of Belgrade 324 5,000 CANADA Queens University - Canada 325 5,000 ITALY University of Pavia 326 5,000 BELGIUM Vrije Universiteit Brussel 327 5,000 CHINA Nankai University 328 5,000 ITALY Catholic University of the Sacred Heart 329 5,000 USA University of Missouri Columbia 330 5,000 CANADA Dalhousie University 331 5,000 GERMANY Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf 332 5,000 ITALY University of Milano-Bicocca 333 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Queens University Belfast 334 5,000 USA University of California Riverside 335 5,000 USA Wake Forest University 336 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Aberdeen 337 5,000 CHINA Beijing Institute of Technology 338 5,000 CHINA University 339 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Lancaster University 340 5,000 NEW ZEALAND University of Otago 341 5,000 USA Colorado State University 342 5,000 POLAND Jagiellonian University 343 5,000

Página 7 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE ISRAEL Sackler Faculty of Medicine 344 5,000 CHINA Northwestern Polytechnical University 345 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Hanyang University 346 5,000 SWEDEN Linkoping University 347 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Newcastle 348 5,000 ISRAEL Technion Israel Institute of Technology 349 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Campinas 350 5,000 GREECE Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 351 5,000 USA Washington State University 352 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Lorraine 353 5,000 CANADA Simon Fraser University 354 5,000 USA University of Texas Health San Antonio 355 5,000 JAPAN Hokkaido University 356 5,000 BELGIUM University of Liege 357 5,000 USA Oregon State University 358 5,000 FRANCE Universite Confederale Leonard de Vinci 359 5,000 ITALY Universita degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro 360 5,000 USA University of South Carolina Columbia 361 5,000 ITALY Vita-Salute San Raffaele University 362 5,000 SWEDEN Umea University 363 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade de Coimbra 364 5,000 CHINA Chongqing University 365 5,000 USA Medical College of Wisconsin 366 5,000 USA University of Nebraska Lincoln 367 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Wollongong 368 5,000 IRAN Tehran University of Medical Sciences 369 5,000 USA University of Notre Dame 370 5,000 FINLAND University of Turku 371 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual Paulista 372 5,000 SPAIN University of Basque Country 373 5,000 CHINA Beijing Normal University 374 5,000 FINLAND Tampere University 375 5,000 SLOVENIA University of Ljubljana 376 5,000 JAPAN Tokyo Institute of Technology 377 5,000 CHINA Nanjing Medical University 378 5,000 ITALY University of Catania 379 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Bordeaux 380 5,000 USA Rice University 381 5,000 IRAN University of Tehran 382 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA University of Kwazulu Natal 383 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 384 5,000 CHINA Zhengzhou University 385 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of East Anglia 386 5,000 CHINA Capital Medical University 387 5,000 ITALY Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia 388 5,000 ITALY University of Siena 389 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 390 5,000 USA University of Delaware 391 5,000 USA University of Houston 392 5,000

Página 8 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE SOUTH KOREA Kyung Hee University 393 5,000 ISRAEL Weizmann Institute of Science 394 5,000 FRANCE Centre-Val de Loire (ComUE) 395 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 396 5,000 USA University of Colorado Denver 397 5,000 USA University of Massachusetts Worcester 398 5,000 SAUDI ARABIA King Abdullah University of Science & Technology 399 5,000 POLAND University of Warsaw 400 5,000 FRANCE Universite Paris-Est (ComUE) 401 5,000 USA University of Texas Dallas 402 5,000 ARGENTINA University of Buenos Aires 403 5,000 USA University of Louisville 404 5,000 USA Drexel University 405 5,000 CANADA University of Victoria 406 5,000 NETHERLANDS Eindhoven University of Technology 407 5,000 EGYPT Cairo University 408 5,000 AUSTRALIA Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) 409 5,000 USA Tulane University 410 5,000 JAPAN Keio University 411 5,000 JAPAN University of Tsukuba 412 5,000 USA Texas Tech University 413 5,000 USA University of Mississippi 414 5,000 AUSTRALIA Western Sydney University 415 5,000 SWEDEN Chalmers University of Technology 416 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Rennes 1 417 5,000 USA Rush University 418 5,000 ITALY IRCCS Policlinico Gemelli 419 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines 420 5,000 ITALY University of Salerno 421 5,000 USA NYU Langone Medical Center 422 5,000 ITALY University of Trento 423 5,000 GERMANY Technical University of Berlin 424 5,000 FRANCE Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble 425 5,000 USA University of Tennessee Health Science Center 426 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA Stellenbosch University 427 5,000 SPAIN University of Navarra 428 5,000 CHINA China University of Geosciences 429 5,000 TAIWAN National Cheng Kung University 430 5,000 SPAIN University of Sevilla 431 5,000 THAILAND Mahidol University 432 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of St Andrews 433 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Dundee 434 5,000 IRELAND University College Cork 435 5,000 SPAIN Pompeu Fabra University 436 5,000 GERMANY Justus Liebig University Giessen 437 5,000 CHINA University of Science & Technology Beijing 438 5,000 AUSTRALIA La Trobe University 439 5,000 NETHERLANDS University of Twente 440 5,000 CHINA Shenzhen University 441 5,000

Página 9 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE ITALY University of Palermo 442 5,000 CANADA University of Saskatchewan 443 5,000 USA University of Central Florida 444 5,000 USA Saint Louis University 445 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Tasmania 446 5,000 FINLAND University of Oulu 447 5,000 CHINA Lanzhou University 448 5,000 CHINA Wuhan University of Technology 449 5,000 AUSTRIA Vienna University of Technology 450 5,000 CHINA East China University of Science & Technology 451 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of South Australia 452 5,000 CANADA York University - Canada 453 5,000 AUSTRALIA Flinders University South Australia 454 5,000 TAIWAN National Tsing Hua University 455 5,000 USA University of Oregon 456 5,000 ITALY University of Parma 457 5,000 ITALY University of Verona 458 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM London School Economics & Political Science 459 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Surrey 460 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Reading 461 5,000 ITALY University of Ferrara 462 5,000 GERMANY University of Regensburg 463 5,000 FRANCE Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (ComUE) 464 5,000 CHINA China Agricultural University 465 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Pusan National University 466 5,000 SWITZERLAND Universita della Svizzera Italiana 467 5,000 USA University of Oklahoma - Norman 468 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Strathclyde 469 5,000 USA George Mason University 470 5,000 CHINA Nanjing University of Science & Technology 471 5,000 SPAIN Polytechnic University of Catalonia 472 5,000 CHINA East China Normal University 473 5,000 CHINA Shanghai University 474 5,000 USA Florida International University 475 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Bath 476 5,000 AUSTRIA Medical University of Innsbruck 477 5,000 ITALY Universita della Campania Vanvitelli 478 5,000 AUSTRALIA James Cook University 479 5,000 USA West Virginia University 480 5,000 FINLAND University of Eastern Finland 481 5,000 CROATIA University of Zagreb 482 5,000 USA Baylor University 483 5,000 ISRAEL Ben Gurion University 484 5,000 CHINA China University of Petroleum 485 5,000 ITALY Polytechnic University of Turin 486 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 487 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Kyungpook National University 488 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) 489 5,000 FRANCE Universite Clermont Auvergne & Associes 490 5,000

Página 10 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Universite Federale Toulouse Midi-Pyrenees (ComUE) 491 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade Nova de Lisboa 492 5,000 USA University of Vermont 493 5,000 ITALY University of Trieste 494 5,000 TURKEY Hacettepe University 495 5,000 AUSTRIA Medical University of Graz 496 5,000 GERMANY University of Hannover 497 5,000 NORWAY UiT The Arctic University of Tromso 498 5,000 SPAIN Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 499 5,000 CHINA Jiangsu University 500 5,000 USA University of Alabama Tuscaloosa 501 5,000 RUSSIA State University 502 5,000 GERMANY Philipps University Marburg 503 5,000 CANADA Carleton University 504 5,000 GERMANY Darmstadt University of Technology 505 5,000 ESTONIA University of Tartu 506 5,000 CHINA Xidian University 507 5,000 TURKEY Istanbul University 508 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC Masaryk University Brno 509 5,000 SPAIN University of Zaragoza 510 5,000 CANADA University of Guelph 511 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade do Minho 512 5,000 JAPAN Kobe University 513 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) 514 5,000 CHINA Beijing University of Chemical Technology 515 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Sains Malaysia 516 5,000 SPAIN University of Oviedo 517 5,000 JAPAN Hiroshima University 518 5,000 FRANCE Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) 519 5,000 CHINA Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics 520 5,000 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Albany 521 5,000 GERMANY University of Stuttgart 522 5,000 USA Kansas State University 523 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM UCL Medical School 524 5,000 CHINA Northeastern University - China 525 5,000 SPAIN Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 526 5,000 SWEDEN Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 527 5,000 AUSTRIA University of Innsbruck 528 5,000 USA Georgia State University 529 5,000 FRANCE University of Nice Sophia Antipolis 530 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Chonnam National University 531 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA University of Pretoria 532 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de la Laguna 533 5,000 JAPAN Kindai University (Kinki University) 534 5,000 CHINA University 535 5,000 PORTUGAL Universidade de Aveiro 536 5,000 JAPAN Chiba University 537 5,000 RUSSIA Novosibirsk State University 538 5,000 CHINA Southern Medical University - China 539 5,000

Página 11 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications 540 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Kent 541 5,000 USA Rockefeller University 542 5,000 USA Oklahoma State University - Stillwater 543 5,000 CHINA China University of Mining & Technology 544 5,000 FRANCE Universite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) 545 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Swansea University 546 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM St Georges University London 547 5,000 SPAIN University of Salamanca 548 5,000 USA Syracuse University 549 5,000 Indian Institute of Science (IISC) - Bangalore 550 5,000 CHINA Southwest University - China 551 5,000 IRELAND National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway 552 5,000 CHINA Northwest A&F University - China 553 5,000 JAPAN Okayama University 554 5,000 TAIWAN China Medical University Taiwan 555 5,000 SWITZERLAND Paul Scherrer Institute 556 5,000 GERMANY Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg 557 5,000 CHINA Beijing Jiaotong University 558 5,000 SPAIN University of Santiago De Compostela 559 5,000 AUSTRALIA Swinburne University of Technology 560 5,000 GERMANY Dortmund University of Technology 561 5,000 GREECE Athens Medical School 562 5,000 BRAZIL Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 563 5,000 USA University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 564 5,000 USA University of Hawaii Manoa 565 5,000 USA University of Oklahoma - Oklahoma City 566 5,000 ITALY University of Cagliari 567 5,000 HUNGARY Semmelweis University 568 5,000 THAILAND Chulalongkorn University 569 5,000 TAIWAN National Yang Ming University 570 5,000 ITALY AOU Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi 571 5,000 CHINA National University of Defense Technology - China 572 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) 573 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA University of Johannesburg 574 5,000 GREECE National Technical University of Athens 575 5,000 USA University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) 576 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 577 5,000 USA Loyola University Chicago 578 5,000 CHINA Tianjin Medical University 579 5,000 CHINA Nanjing Agricultural University 580 5,000 USA Augusta University 581 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Putra Malaysia 582 5,000 GERMANY University of Rostock 583 5,000 JAPAN Waseda University 584 5,000 GERMANY University of Potsdam 585 5,000 CHINA Jiangnan University 586 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Catholic University of Korea 587 5,000 GERMANY University of Bremen 588 5,000

Página 12 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA North China Electric Power University 589 5,000 RUSSIA National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) 590 5,000 USA University of Arkansas Fayetteville 591 5,000 CANADA Concordia University - Canada 592 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Nantes 593 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Brunel University 594 5,000 SPAIN Universitat Rovira i Virgili 595 5,000 RUSSIA Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology 596 5,000 TAIWAN Chang Gung University 597 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Kharagpur 598 5,000 USA Auburn University 599 5,000 CHINA Nanjing Tech University 600 5,000 ITALY University of Brescia 601 5,000 TURKEY Ankara University 602 5,000 POLAND AGH University of Science & Technology 603 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Liverpool John Moores University 604 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Technical University Prague 605 5,000 USA University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 606 5,000 ITALY University of Messina 607 5,000 RUSSIA Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 608 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Royal Holloway University London 609 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Brighton 610 5,000 CHINA Huazhong Agricultural University 611 5,000 CHINA PLA Second Military Medical University 612 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Bombay 613 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Plymouth 614 5,000 CHINA Fuzhou University 615 5,000 FRANCE Ecole Polytechnique 616 5,000 USA Clemson University 617 5,000 INDIA All India Institute of Medical Sciences 618 5,000 HUNGARY Eotvos Lorand University 619 5,000 CHINA Nanchang University 620 5,000 MACAU University of Macau 621 5,000 USA University of South Carolina 622 5,000 CHINA Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology 623 5,000 BULGARIA Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 624 5,000 USA University of Arkansas Medical Sciences 625 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Delhi 626 5,000 IRAN Amirkabir University of Technology 627 5,000 CANADA Memorial University Newfoundland 628 5,000 GERMANY University of Bielefeld 629 5,000 ICELAND University of Iceland 630 5,000 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University 631 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC Palacky University Olomouc 632 5,000 POLAND Warsaw University of Technology 633 5,000 IRAN Shahid Beheshti University Medical Sciences 634 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Savoie 635 5,000 PAKISTAN COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) 636 5,000 PAKISTAN Quaid I Azam University 637 5,000

Página 13 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FINLAND University of Jyvaskyla 638 5,000 ITALY Marche Polytechnic University 639 5,000 TAIWAN Taipei Medical University 640 5,000 ITALY University of Udine 641 5,000 NEW ZEALAND University of Canterbury 642 5,000 TAIWAN National Chiao Tung University 643 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST) 644 5,000 RUSSIA Kazan Federal University 645 5,000 USA University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston 646 5,000 FRANCE Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS LYON) 647 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Madras 648 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Chonbuk National University 649 5,000 ITALY International School for Advanced Studies 650 5,000 EGYPT Ain Shams University 651 5,000 CHINA Air Force Military Medical University 652 5,000 RUSSIA National Research University - Higher School of Economics 653 5,000 CHINA Southwest Jiaotong University 654 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Loughborough University 655 5,000 ITALY University of Calabria 656 5,000 USA San Diego State University 657 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Malaga 658 5,000 RUSSIA Tomsk State University 659 5,000 SWEDEN Sahlgrenska University Hospital 660 5,000 CANADA University of Sherbrooke 661 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Heriot Watt University 662 5,000 USA Brigham Young University 663 5,000 CHINA of Technology 664 5,000 GREECE University of Crete 665 5,000 FRANCE Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon - INSA Lyon 666 5,000 FRANCE Universite d'Angers 667 5,000 GERMANY Otto von Guericke University 668 5,000 CHINA University 669 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Konkuk University 670 5,000 ISRAEL University of Haifa 671 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Northumbria University 672 5,000 USA University of Texas Arlington 673 5,000 RUSSIA Tomsk Polytechnic University 674 5,000 ITALY Roma Tre University 675 5,000 SLOVAKIA Comenius University Bratislava 676 5,000 CHINA Donghua University 677 5,000 GREECE University of Patras 678 5,000 CHINA Harbin Medical University 679 5,000 ITALY University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro 680 5,000 CHINA Beijing University of Technology 681 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Hull 682 5,000 NEW ZEALAND Victoria University Wellington 683 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Cantabria 684 5,000 FRANCE AgroParisTech 685 5,000 CHINA Ocean University of China 686 5,000

Página 14 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UNITED KINGDOM Open University - UK 687 5,000 CHINA of Science & Technology 688 5,000 USA University of North Texas Denton 689 5,000 IRAN Tarbiat Modares University 690 5,000 USA Rollins School Public Health 691 5,000 CHINA Wenzhou Medical University 692 5,000 NETHERLANDS Tilburg University 693 5,000 NEW ZEALAND Massey University 694 5,000 CHINA Guangzhou Medical University 695 5,000 EGYPT Mansoura University 696 5,000 IRAN Sharif University of Technology 697 5,000 POLAND Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University 698 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Bretagne Occidentale 699 5,000 LEBANON American University of Beirut 700 5,000 USA Brandeis University 701 5,000 GERMANY Braunschweig University of Technology 702 5,000 HUNGARY Szeged University 703 5,000 MEXICO Instituto Politecnico Nacional - Mexico 704 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Yeungnam University 705 5,000 CHINA Army Medical University 706 5,000 CHINA China Medical University 707 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA North West University - South Africa 708 5,000 FINLAND Finland National Institute for Health & Welfare 709 5,000 CHINA Zhejiang University of Technology 710 5,000 ROMANIA Polytechnic University of Bucharest 711 5,000 CANADA University of Quebec Montreal 712 5,000 GERMANY Saarland University 713 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Ewha Womans University 714 5,000 NEW ZEALAND Auckland University of Technology 715 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Bourgogne 716 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Chung Ang University 717 5,000 AUSTRIA Graz University of Technology 718 5,000 IRAN Isfahan University of Technology 719 5,000 Reseau d'Etablissements de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche de FRANCE 720 5,000 Champagne-Ardenne CHINA Chongqing Medical University 721 5,000 CHINA Nanjing Normal University 722 5,000 TURKEY Middle East Technical University 723 5,000 JAPAN Tokyo Medical & Dental University (TMDU) 724 5,000 CHINA Hohai University 725 5,000 TURKEY Istanbul Technical University 726 5,000 POLAND Medical University Lodz 727 5,000 INDIA Vellore Institute of Technology 728 5,000 GERMANY University of Lubeck 729 5,000 CHINA Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences 730 5,000 CHINA Harbin Engineering University 731 5,000 JAPAN Tokyo Metropolitan University 732 5,000 USA Utah State University 733 5,000 JAPAN Yokohama City University 734 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Portsmouth 735 5,000

Página 15 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA University of Missouri Kansas City 736 5,000 USA Rutgers State University Newark 737 5,000 SWITZERLAND University of 738 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Roorkee 739 5,000 TAIWAN National Central University 740 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Parana 741 5,000 CHINA Yangzhou University 742 5,000 RUSSIA ITMO University 743 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Ajou University 744 5,000 ARGENTINA National University of La Plata 745 5,000 ITALY G d'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara 746 5,000 MALAYSIA Universiti Teknologi MARA 747 5,000 USA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 748 5,000 USA Boston College 749 5,000 FRANCE Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse 750 5,000 USA Montana State University 751 5,000 POLAND Wroclaw Medical University 752 5,000 SPAIN University of Murcia 753 5,000 LUXEMBOURG University of Luxembourg 754 5,000 USA University of California Merced 755 5,000 CHINA Central China Normal University 756 5,000 JAPAN Niigata University 757 5,000 GERMANY University of Konstanz 758 5,000 CHINA Guangdong University of Technology 759 5,000 USA University of Nevada Las Vegas 760 5,000 POLAND Medical University of Warsaw 761 5,000 POLAND Adam Mickiewicz University 762 5,000 HONG KONG Hong Kong Baptist University 763 5,000 CANADA Ryerson University 764 5,000 TURKEY Bogazici University 765 5,000 ROMANIA Carol Davila University of Medicine & Pharmacy 766 5,000 QATAR Qatar University 767 5,000 CHINA Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications 768 5,000 SPAIN Universitat de Girona 769 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Inha University 770 5,000 CHINA 771 5,000 USA Mississippi State University 772 5,000 USA Montana State University Bozeman 773 5,000 ITALY University of Salento 774 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Chungnam National University 775 5,000 INDIA PGIMER Chandigarh 776 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Keele University 777 5,000 INDIA University of Delhi 778 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 779 5,000 USA University of North Carolina Charlotte 780 5,000 LITHUANIA Vilnius University 781 5,000 USA University of Massachusetts Boston 782 5,000 USA University of New Hampshire 783 5,000 USA University of Nevada Reno 784 5,000

Página 16 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences - USA 785 5,000 ITALY Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 786 5,000 FRANCE Languedoc-Roussillon Universites (ComUE) 787 5,000 JAPAN Kanazawa University 788 5,000 USA William & Mary 789 5,000 USA Kent State University 790 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Essex 791 5,000 USA University of Wyoming 792 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade de Brasilia 793 5,000 HUNGARY University of Debrecen 794 5,000 POLAND Silesian University of Technology 795 5,000 JAPAN Shinshu University 796 5,000 GREECE University of Ioannina 797 5,000 PAKISTAN Aga Khan University 798 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha 799 5,000 ITALY University of Aquila 800 5,000 INDIA Banaras Hindu University 801 5,000 COLOMBIA Universidad Nacional de Colombia 802 5,000 SPAIN Universidade de Vigo 803 5,000 FRANCE College de France 804 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM City University London 805 5,000 TAIWAN Kaohsiung Medical University 806 5,000 AUSTRIA University of Graz 807 5,000 SWEDEN Orebro University 808 5,000 SAUDI ARABIA King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 809 5,000 CHINA South China Agricultural University 810 5,000 CYPRUS University of Cyprus 811 5,000 CHINA Shaanxi Normal University 812 5,000 TUNISIA Universite de Tunis-El-Manar 813 5,000 IRELAND University of Limerick 814 5,000 SPAIN Universitat de les Illes Balears 815 5,000 IRAN Mashhad University Medical Science 816 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Gachon University 817 5,000 ITALY Politecnico di Bari 818 5,000 RUSSIA Ural Federal University 819 5,000 USA Ohio University 820 5,000 JAPAN Kumamoto University 821 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of Canberra 822 5,000 USA University of Toledo 823 5,000 AUSTRALIA Australian Catholic University 824 5,000 AUSTRALIA Murdoch University 825 5,000 GERMANY Universitat Siegen 826 5,000 POLAND Medical University Gdansk 827 5,000 URUGUAY University of the Republic - Uruguay 828 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Sejong University 829 5,000 CHINA China Pharmaceutical University 830 5,000 FRANCE Normandie Universite 831 5,000 ROMANIA Babes Bolyai University from Cluj 832 5,000 NORWAY Norwegian University of Life Sciences 833 5,000

Página 17 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE ITALY University of Insubria 834 5,000 FRANCE CentraleSupelec 835 5,000 FRANCE Universite Paris-Est-Creteil-Val-de-Marne (UPEC) 836 5,000 IRAN Iran University Science & Technology 837 5,000 USA American University 838 5,000 GERMANY Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg 839 5,000 CHINA Ningbo University 840 5,000 QATAR Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar 841 5,000 SPAIN Universidade da Coruna 842 5,000 CHINA Southern University of Science & Technology 843 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Cordoba 844 5,000 USA East Carolina University 845 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Chungbuk National University 846 5,000 TURKEY Marmara University 847 5,000 FRANCE Universite Paris 13 848 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Kanpur 849 5,000 TURKEY Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa 850 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Aston University 851 5,000 JORDAN Jordan University of Science & Technology 852 5,000 SPAIN Universitat d'Alacant 853 5,000 CHINA South China Normal University 854 5,000 POLAND Wroclaw University of Science & Technology 855 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Alcala 856 5,000 IRAN Iran University of Medical Sciences 857 5,000 FRANCE Picardie Universites 858 5,000 ETHIOPIA Addis Ababa University 859 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Hradec Kralove 860 5,000 INDIA Jadavpur University 861 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Inje University 862 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Stirling 863 5,000 USA Colorado School of Mines 864 5,000 CHINA Medical University 865 5,000 INDIA Panjab University 866 5,000 GERMANY University Hohenheim 867 5,000 CANADA Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute 868 5,000 AUSTRALIA Charles Sturt University 869 5,000 CHINA Northwest University Xi'an 870 5,000 JAPAN Nippon Medical School 871 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Kangwon National University 872 5,000 GERMANY University of Bayreuth 873 5,000 TAIWAN National Taiwan University of Science & Technology 874 5,000 USA Rochester Institute of Technology 875 5,000 EGYPT Alexandria University 876 5,000 USA Old Dominion University 877 5,000 USA New York Medical College 878 5,000 JAPAN Nagasaki University 879 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Ulster University 880 5,000 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESKhalifa University of Science & Technology 881 5,000 AUSTRIA Paracelsus Private Medical University 882 5,000

Página 18 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Tokyo University of Science 883 5,000 BELGIUM Hasselt University 884 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Cranfield University 885 5,000 USA Southern Methodist University 886 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 887 5,000 USA City College of New York (CUNY) 888 5,000 CHINA Renmin University of China 889 5,000 TURKEY Gazi University 890 5,000 AUSTRALIA Victoria University 891 5,000 JAPAN Juntendo University 892 5,000 SPAIN CSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) 893 5,000 CHINA Taiyuan University of Technology 894 5,000 USA Northern Illinois University 895 5,000 UGANDA Makerere University 896 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Manchester Metropolitan University 897 5,000 CHINA Northeast Normal University - China 898 5,000 ITALY University of Sassari 899 5,000 USA Illinois Institute of Technology 900 5,000 CROATIA University of Split 901 5,000 IRAN University of Tabriz 902 5,000 SPAIN Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 903 5,000 CANADA Polytechnique Montreal 904 5,000 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Guwahati 905 5,000 QATAR Texas A&M University Qatar 906 5,000 CZECH REPUBLIC Brno University of Technology 907 5,000 FRANCE heSam Universite 908 5,000 TURKEY Ege University 909 5,000 CHINA University of Shanghai for Science & Technology 910 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Extremadura 911 5,000 USA Portland State University 912 5,000 USA University of Rhode Island 913 5,000 THAILAND Chiang Mai University 914 5,000 IRELAND Royal College of Surgeons - Ireland 915 5,000 GERMANY University of Wuppertal 916 5,000 AUSTRALIA Edith Cowan University 917 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Birkbeck University London 918 5,000 ITALY Parthenope University Naples 919 5,000 USA University of Idaho 920 5,000 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton 921 5,000 ITALY Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana 922 5,000 SPAIN Universitat Jaume I 923 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Hallym University 924 5,000 AUSTRIA University of Bodenkultur Wien 925 5,000 USA University of Maryland Baltimore County 926 5,000 SWEDEN Uppsala University Hospital 927 5,000 IRELAND Dublin City University 928 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Bangor University 929 5,000 JAPAN Jichi Medical University 930 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Dongguk University 931 5,000

Página 19 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE COLOMBIA University of the Andes Colombia 932 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Pelotas 933 5,000 FRANCE Institut Universitaire de France 934 5,000 IRAN Ferdowsi University Mashhad 935 5,000 USA University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 936 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos 937 5,000 CHINA Kunming University of Science & Technology 938 5,000 USA Hofstra University 939 5,000 USA University of Louisiana Lafayette 940 5,000 TAIWAN National Sun Yat Sen University 941 5,000 CHINA University 942 5,000 IRAN Tabriz University of Medical Science 943 5,000 IRAN Shiraz University 944 5,000 USA Lehigh University 945 5,000 TUNISIA Universite de Sfax 946 5,000 JAPAN Teikyo University 947 5,000 AUSTRIA Johannes Kepler University of Linz 948 5,000 ITALY University Hospital of Parma 949 5,000 POLAND Nicolaus Copernicus University 950 5,000 MOROCCO Mohammed V University 951 5,000 SWEDEN Lulea University of Technology 952 5,000 USA California State University Fullerton 953 5,000 ITALY Gran Sasso Scientific Institute 954 5,000 USA New Mexico State University 955 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 956 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Orleans 957 5,000 HUNGARY Budapest University of Technology & Economics 958 5,000 SPAIN Universidad de Valladolid 959 5,000 USA North Dakota State University Fargo 960 5,000 POLAND University of Wroclaw 961 5,000 FRANCE Universite de Tours 962 5,000 USA Missouri University of Science & Technology 963 5,000 USA Southern Illinois University 964 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM University of Hertfordshire 965 5,000 GERMANY University of Kaiserslautern 966 5,000 GREECE University of Thessaly 967 5,000 CHINA 968 5,000 BELARUS Belarusian State University 969 5,000 ITALY Luigi Sacco Hospital 970 5,000 TAIWAN National Chung Hsing University 971 5,000 CHINA Shandong Normal University 972 5,000 CHINA Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 973 5,000 CHINA 974 5,000 POLAND Poznan University of Technology 975 5,000 TURKEY Yildiz Technical University 976 5,000 USA University of Memphis 977 5,000 SOUTH AFRICA National Research Foundation - South Africa 978 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Gyeongsang National University 979 5,000 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Ceara 980 5,000

Página 20 Ranking Instituciones Académicas de Pregrado Extranjeras

PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Hunter College (CUNY) 981 5,000 UNITED KINGDOM Middlesex University 982 5,000 FINLAND Lappeenranta University of Technology 983 5,000 CHINA Nantong University 984 5,000 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Mexico 985 5,000 CHINA Henan University 986 5,000 CHINA Beijing Forestry University 987 5,000 ITALY Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona 988 5,000 SINGAPORE Singapore University of Technology & Design 989 5,000 CHINA 990 5,000 JAPAN Nihon University 991 5,000 INDIA Anna University 992 5,000 FRANCE Universite Jean Monnet 993 5,000 POLAND Poznan University of Medical Sciences 994 5,000 ITALY University of Basilicata 995 5,000 GERMANY Ernst Moritz Arndt Universitat Greifswald 996 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Soonchunhyang University 997 5,000 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center 998 5,000 CHINA Hangzhou Dianzi University 999 5,000 USA Northern Arizona University 1000 5,000 AUSTRALIA University of New England 1001 4,999 NIGERIA University of Ibadan 1002 4,999 ROMANIA Grigore T Popa University of Medicine & Pharmacy 1003 4,998 UNITED KINGDOM Nottingham Trent University 1004 4,997 UNITED KINGDOM Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics 1005 4,996 ITALY University of Urbino 1006 4,996 USA University of Akron 1007 4,995 CHINA ShanghaiTech University 1008 4,994 ITALY Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia Hospital 1009 4,993 INDONESIA University of Indonesia 1010 4,993 FRANCE Universite de Poitiers 1011 4,992 USA Albany Medical College 1012 4,991 CHINA Zhejiang Normal University 1013 4,990 UNITED KINGDOM University of West England 1014 4,990 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) 1015 4,989 USA Institute for Advanced Study - USA 1016 4,988 BRAZIL Universidade Federal da Bahia 1017 4,987 USA University of Denver 1018 4,987 USA Howard University 1019 4,986 JAPAN Tokyo Women's Medical University 1020 4,985 TURKEY Dokuz Eylul University 1021 4,984 POLAND Gdansk University of Technology 1022 4,984 UNITED KINGDOM Coventry University 1023 4,983 ARMENIA Yerevan Physics Institute 1024 4,982 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESUnited Arab Emirates University 1025 4,981 USA University of Alaska Fairbanks 1026 4,981 JAPAN University of Occupational & Environmental Health - Japan 1027 4,980 FRANCE Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI) 1028 4,979 IRELAND Maynooth University 1029 4,978

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Michigan Technological University 1030 4,978 CHINA Guangxi University 1031 4,977 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora 1032 4,976 JAPAN Tokai University 1033 4,975 USA Florida Atlantic University 1034 4,975 BELGIUM University of Mons 1035 4,974 POLAND Medical University Silesia 1036 4,973 IRAN Babol Noshirvani University of Technology 1037 4,972 SERBIA University of Novi Sad 1038 4,972 CHINA Guangzhou University 1039 4,971 SOUTH AFRICA University of the Western Cape 1040 4,970 ITALY University of Camerino 1041 4,969 SPAIN Universidad de Cadiz 1042 4,969 BRAZIL Universidade Federal Fluminense 1043 4,968 SOUTH KOREA Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) 1044 4,967 NEW ZEALAND University of Waikato 1045 4,966 USA Loma Linda University 1046 4,966 CHINA Dalian Medical University 1047 4,965 USA New Jersey Institute of Technology 1048 4,964 UNITED KINGDOM Bournemouth University 1049 4,963 MALAYSIA Universiti Teknologi Petronas 1050 4,963 USA University of Montana 1051 4,962 SLOVAKIA University of Zilina 1052 4,961 SRI LANKA University of Peradeniya 1053 4,960 ROMANIA University of Bucharest 1054 4,960 MALAYSIA International Islamic University Malaysia 1055 4,959 JAPAN Osaka City University 1056 4,958 JAPAN Graduate University for Advanced Studies - Japan 1057 4,957 CHINA University 1058 4,957 SPAIN Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche 1059 4,956 USA University of Maine 1060 4,955 USA State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center 1061 4,954 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 1062 4,954 FRANCE Montpellier SupAgro 1063 4,953 GERMANY Greifswald Medical School 1064 4,952 INDIA Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University 1065 4,951 ITALY Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna 1066 4,951 SPAIN Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 1067 4,950 ITALY Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro 1068 4,949 CHINA Fujian Medical University 1069 4,948 USA Colorado School of Public Health 1070 4,948 CHINA of Science & Technology 1071 4,947 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Vicosa 1072 4,946 FRANCE IFSTTAR 1073 4,945 TURKEY Cukurova University 1074 4,945 USA University of Massachusetts Lowell 1075 4,944 CZECH REPUBLIC Technical University of Ostrava 1076 4,943 SOUTH AFRICA University of the Free State 1077 4,942 FRANCE Universite de Franche-Comte 1078 4,942

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE EGYPT Assiut University 1079 4,941 JAPAN Kagoshima University 1080 4,940 HUNGARY University of Pecs 1081 4,940 IRAN Shiraz University of Medical Science 1082 4,939 INDIA Aligarh Muslim University 1083 4,938 INDIA Manipal University 1084 4,937 DENMARK Copenhagen Business School 1085 4,937 UNITED KINGDOM University of Central Lancashire 1086 4,936 UNITED KINGDOM Aberystwyth University 1087 4,935 FRANCE Telecom ParisTech 1088 4,934 ETHIOPIA Mekelle University 1089 4,934 USA University of North Carolina Greensboro 1090 4,933 GERMANY University of Paderborn 1091 4,932 ITALY University Campus Bio-Medico - Rome Italy 1092 4,931 CHINA Hangzhou Normal University 1093 4,931 INDIA National Institute of Technology Rourkela 1094 4,930 UNITED KINGDOM Anglia Ruskin University 1095 4,929 SPAIN Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) 1096 4,928 COLOMBIA Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 1097 4,928 IRAN Isfahan University Medical Science 1098 4,927 THAILAND Prince of Songkla University 1099 4,926 USA University of Maine Orono 1100 4,925 USA Texas A&M Health Science Center 1101 4,925 GERMANY University of Mannheim 1102 4,924 AUSTRIA University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna 1103 4,923 USA Nova Southeastern University 1104 4,922 SLOVENIA University of Maribor 1105 4,922 TURKEY Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University 1106 4,921 ETHIOPIA University of Gondar 1107 4,920 SOUTH KOREA Dankook University 1108 4,919 GHANA Kwame Nkrumah University Science & Technology 1109 4,919 CANADA Wilfrid Laurier University 1110 4,918 QATAR Qatar Foundation 1111 4,917 PAKISTAN National University of Sciences & Technology - Pakistan 1112 4,916 JAPAN Tokushima University 1113 4,916 USA Marshall University 1114 4,915 ITALY University of Sannio 1115 4,914 USA New York University Tandon School of Engineering 1116 4,913 SPAIN Universidad Pablo de Olavide 1117 4,913 CANADA University of Windsor 1118 4,912 USA Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1119 4,911 MEXICO Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla 1120 4,910 INDIA Anna University 1121 4,910 BULGARIA University of Sofia 1122 4,909 USA University of Texas El Paso 1123 4,908 CHINA Henan Normal University 1124 4,907 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad 1125 4,907 SPAIN Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1126 4,906 THAILAND Khon Kaen University 1127 4,905

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Kitasato University 1128 4,904 USA University of Texas School Public Health 1129 4,904 COLOMBIA Universidad de Antioquia 1130 4,903 USA Jackson State University 1131 4,902 CHINA Guangxi Medical University 1132 4,901 JAPAN Fujita Health University 1133 4,901 SOUTH AFRICA University of South Africa 1134 4,900 EGYPT Zagazig University 1135 4,899 GERMANY Universitat Kassel 1136 4,898 ARGENTINA National University of Cordoba 1137 4,898 FRANCE Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) 1138 4,897 CHINA Medical University 1139 4,896 JAPAN Kurume University 1140 4,895 SAUDI ARABIA King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences 1141 4,895 MOROCCO University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad 1142 4,894 FRANCE Universite Paul-Valery 1143 4,893 USA Children's Mercy Hospital 1144 4,892 ITALY University of Foggia 1145 4,892 CHINA Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University 1146 4,891 USA Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary 1147 4,890 FRANCE Ecole des Ponts ParisTech 1148 4,889 AUSTRALIA University of Southern Queensland 1149 4,889 JAPAN Jikei University 1150 4,888 CHINA Wuhan University of Science & Technology 1151 4,887 MACAU Macau University of Science & Technology 1152 4,886 CANADA Brock University 1153 4,886 JAPAN Saitama Medical University 1154 4,885 CHINA Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 1155 4,884 USA Villanova University 1156 4,883 UNITED KINGDOM Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 1157 4,883 CHINA Sichuan Agricultural University 1158 4,882 MOROCCO University of Casablanca Hassan 2 1159 4,881 CHINA Shantou University 1160 4,881 CHINA Capital Normal University 1161 4,880 MALAYSIA Universiti Malaysia Pahang 1162 4,879 SOUTH KOREA University of Seoul 1163 4,878 TURKEY Gaziantep University 1164 4,878 JAPAN Toho University 1165 4,877 INDIA Savitribai Phule Pune University 1166 4,876 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Manila 1167 4,875 JAPAN Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 1168 4,875 INDONESIA Institute Technology of Bandung 1169 4,874 MEXICO Tecnologico de Monterrey 1170 4,873 BRAZIL Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas 1171 4,872 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Goias 1172 4,872 TURKEY Ataturk University 1173 4,871 PAKISTAN University of Punjab 1174 4,870 JAPAN Gifu University 1175 4,869 IRAN Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences (BMSU) 1176 4,869

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) 1177 4,868 SPAIN Universitat de Lleida 1178 4,867 JAPAN Ehime University 1179 4,866 FRANCE IMT Atlantique 1180 4,866 PAKISTAN University of Agriculture Faisalabad 1181 4,865 ROMANIA Alexandru Ioan Cuza University 1182 4,864 GREECE Democritus University of Thrace 1183 4,863 ZAMBIA University of Zambia 1184 4,863 INDIA University of Calcutta 1185 4,862 TAIWAN National Taipei University of Technology 1186 4,861 JAPAN Tokyo Medical University 1187 4,860 USA Oakland University 1188 4,860 SINGAPORE Singapore Management University 1189 4,859 USA Fordham University 1190 4,858 USA Creighton University 1191 4,857 JAPAN Gunma University 1192 4,857 USA Montclair State University 1193 4,856 USA Wright State University Dayton 1194 4,855 CHINA Tianjin Polytechnic University 1195 4,854 CHINA Chang'an University 1196 4,854 GERMANY Technische Universitat Chemnitz 1197 4,853 JAPAN Ritsumeikan University 1198 4,852 USA Miami University 1199 4,851 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) 1200 4,851 TAIWAN National Taiwan Normal University 1201 4,850 INDIA Christian Medical College & Hospital (CMCH) Vellore 1202 4,849 CANADA University of New Brunswick 1203 4,848 POLAND University of Zielona Gora 1204 4,848 UNITED KINGDOM University of Lincoln 1205 4,847 CHINA 1206 4,846 INDIA Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology 1207 4,845 VIETNAM Ton Duc Thang University 1208 4,845 CZECH REPUBLIC Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 1209 4,844 JAPAN Osaka Prefecture University 1210 4,843 PORTUGAL Universidade da Beira Interior 1211 4,842 HONG KONG Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) 1212 4,842 UNITED KINGDOM Sheffield Hallam University 1213 4,841 JAPAN Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology 1214 4,840 UNITED KINGDOM Oxford Brookes University 1215 4,839 FRANCE Conservatoire National Arts & Metiers (CNAM) 1216 4,839 AUSTRALIA Charles Darwin University 1217 4,838 CANADA University of Regina 1218 4,837 ESTONIA Tallinn University of Technology 1219 4,836 USA University of North Dakota Grand Forks 1220 4,836 TURKEY Koc University 1221 4,835 GERMANY Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus 1222 4,834 TURKEY Erciyes University 1223 4,833 CANADA Ecole de Technologie Superieure - Canada 1224 4,833 USA University of Alabama Huntsville 1225 4,832

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Universite de Haute-Alsace (UHA) 1226 4,831 POLAND Lodz University of Technology 1227 4,830 USA Florida Institute of Technology 1228 4,830 UNITED KINGDOM University of West Scotland 1229 4,829 USA University of South Dakota 1230 4,828 CHINA Jiangsu Normal University 1231 4,827 JAPAN Nagoya City University 1232 4,827 UNITED KINGDOM University of Huddersfield 1233 4,826 FINLAND Abo Akademi University 1234 4,825 FRANCE Universite de Rouen Normandie 1235 4,824 POLAND University of Warmia & Mazury 1236 4,824 OMAN Sultan Qaboos University 1237 4,823 CHINA Changzhou University 1238 4,822 USA San Francisco State University 1239 4,822 ROMANIA Bucharest University of Economic Studies 1240 4,821 GHANA University of Ghana 1241 4,820 JAPAN Wakayama Medical University 1242 4,819 USA Pennington Biomedical Research Center 1243 4,819 CHINA Wuhan Institute of Technology 1244 4,818 ITALY Bocconi University 1245 4,817 CHINA Qilu University of Technology 1246 4,816 COLOMBIA Universidad de Cartagena 1247 4,816 MALTA University of Malta 1248 4,815 UNITED KINGDOM University of Salford 1249 4,814 SWEDEN Linnaeus University 1250 4,813 INDIA Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani (BITS Pilani) 1251 4,813 TAIWAN Asia University Taiwan 1252 4,812 JAPAN University of Toyama 1253 4,811 CHINA Nanjing Forestry University 1254 4,810 UNITED KINGDOM University of Westminster 1255 4,810 VIETNAM Duy Tan University 1256 4,809 AUSTRALIA University of the Sunshine Coast 1257 4,808 UNITED KINGDOM De Montfort University 1258 4,807 TAIWAN Chung Shan Medical University 1259 4,807 INDIA Jawaharlal Nehru University 1260 4,806 CAMEROON University of Yaounde I 1261 4,805 USA Texas State University San Marcos 1262 4,804 USA Ball State University 1263 4,804 ICELAND Reykjavik University 1264 4,803 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Porto 1265 4,802 CHINA Tianjin University of Technology 1266 4,801 IRAN K. N. Toosi University of Technology 1267 4,801 SOUTH KOREA Keimyung University 1268 4,800 CHINA Southwest Petroleum University 1269 4,799 BULGARIA Medical University Sofia 1270 4,798 SOUTH KOREA Pukyong National University 1271 4,798 MALAYSIA University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 1272 4,797 CHINA Dalian Maritime University 1273 4,796 EGYPT Suez Canal University 1274 4,795

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Yunnan University 1275 4,795 SWITZERLAND University of Neuchatel 1276 4,794 SPAIN Universidad de Jaen 1277 4,793 SOUTH AFRICA Rhodes University 1278 4,792 USA South Dakota State University 1279 4,792 CANADA Ontario Tech University 1280 4,791 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) 1281 4,790 LATVIA Riga Technical University 1282 4,789 PORTUGAL Universidade do Algarve 1283 4,789 ROMANIA Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine & Pharmacy 1284 4,788 CHINA Hubei University 1285 4,787 MALAYSIA University of Malaysia Perlis 1286 4,786 CZECH REPUBLIC University of South Bohemia Ceske Budejovice 1287 4,786 SOUTH KOREA Pochon Cha University 1288 4,785 IRAN University Kashan 1289 4,784 ITALY Tuscia University 1290 4,783 SERBIA University of Kragujevac 1291 4,783 RUSSIA Peoples Friendship University of Russia 1292 4,782 TURKEY Karadeniz Teknik University 1293 4,781 CHINA Academy of Mathematics & System Sciences, CAS 1294 4,780 JAPAN Showa University 1295 4,780 USA University of South Alabama 1296 4,779 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers (Arts et Metiers ParisTech) 1297 4,778 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Uberlandia 1298 4,777 SPAIN Universitat Ramon Llull 1299 4,777 CHINA Northeast Agricultural University - China 1300 4,776 USA Louisiana Technical University 1301 4,775 CHINA Huaqiao University 1302 4,774 ITALY Humanitas University 1303 4,774 JAPAN Yamaguchi University 1304 4,773 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi 1305 4,772 FRANCE Centrale Lille 1306 4,771 UNITED KINGDOM University of London Royal Veterinary College 1307 4,771 FRANCE Universite Perpignan Via Domitia 1308 4,770 CHINA Xi'an University of Technology 1309 4,769 ROMANIA West University of Timisoara 1310 4,768 COSTA RICA Universidad Costa Rica 1311 4,768 CHINA Fujian Normal University 1312 4,767 ETHIOPIA Bahir Dar Univeristy 1313 4,766 UNITED KINGDOM University of Greenwich 1314 4,765 POLAND University of Silesia in Katowice 1315 4,765 UNITED KINGDOM Leeds Beckett University 1316 4,764 USA Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans 1317 4,763 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Sergipe 1318 4,763 ROMANIA Victor Babes University of Medicine & Pharmacy, Timisoara 1319 4,762 USA California State University Fresno 1320 4,761 CHINA Shenyang Pharmaceutical University 1321 4,760 UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow Caledonian University 1322 4,760 AUSTRIA Danube University Krems 1323 4,759

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PALESTINIAN TERRITORIESBirzeit University 1324 4,758 UNITED KINGDOM Goldsmiths University London 1325 4,757 INDIA Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) - Kolkata 1326 4,757 JAPAN Yamagata University 1327 4,756 JAPAN Hyogo College of Medicine 1328 4,755 CHINA Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1329 4,754 CHINA Xuzhou Medical College 1330 4,754 USA University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez 1331 4,753 USA Wesleyan University 1332 4,752 EGYPT Tanta University 1333 4,751 POLAND Warsaw University of Life Sciences 1334 4,751 USA Texas Tech University Health Science Center 1335 4,750 POLAND University of Lodz 1336 4,749 CHINA Jiangsu University of Science & Technology 1337 4,748 JAPAN Mie University 1338 4,748 INDIA Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences 1339 4,747 NORWAY Universitetet i Stavanger 1340 4,746 SLOVAKIA Technical University Kosice 1341 4,745 UNITED KINGDOM University of Bradford 1342 4,745 ITALY University of Cassino 1343 4,744 IRAN Mazandaran University Medical Sciences 1344 4,743 TURKEY Firat University 1345 4,742 CHINA Shandong Agricultural University 1346 4,742 INDONESIA Gadjah Mada University 1347 4,741 INDIA Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) Pune 1348 4,740 SLOVAKIA Slovak University of Technology Bratislava 1349 4,739 TUNISIA Universite de Carthage 1350 4,739 KUWAIT Kuwait University 1351 4,738 JAPAN Nara Institute of Science & Technology 1352 4,737 TURKEY Selcuk University 1353 4,736 POLAND Technical University Czestochowa 1354 4,736 POLAND Medical University of Lublin 1355 4,735 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - 1356 4,734 IRAN University of Guilan 1357 4,733 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Sao Joao del-Rei 1358 4,733 CHINA of Technology 1359 4,732 CHINA Bohai University 1360 4,731 FRANCE Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) 1361 4,730 INDIA Amity University 1362 4,730 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo 1363 4,729 TURKEY Akdeniz University 1364 4,728 CYPRUS Cyprus University of Technology 1365 4,727 MOROCCO Universite Mohammed Premier 1366 4,727 FRANCE MINES ParisTech 1367 4,726 IRAN Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences 1368 4,725 GERMANY Leuphana University Luneburg 1369 4,724 USA Marquette University 1370 4,724 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT BHU) - Varanasi 1371 4,723 ITALY University Hospital Sapienza Rome 1372 4,722

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE SPAIN Universidad de Leon 1373 4,721 BRAZIL Universidade Federal da Paraiba 1374 4,721 GREECE University of Aegean 1375 4,720 JAPAN Kagawa University 1376 4,719 VIETNAM Vietnam National University Hochiminh City 1377 4,718 CHINA Shanghai Normal University 1378 4,718 THAILAND Kasetsart University 1379 4,717 ROMANIA Transylvania University of Brasov 1380 4,716 USA Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 1381 4,715 RUSSIA National University of Science & Technology (MISIS) 1382 4,715 PORTUGAL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa 1383 4,714 CHINA Jiangxi Normal University 1384 4,713 CHINA University 1385 4,712 TANZANIA Muhimbili University of Health & Allied Sciences 1386 4,712 FRANCE Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse 1387 4,711 NIGERIA Ahmadu Bello University 1388 4,710 ITALY European University Institute 1389 4,709 INDIA Visva Bharati University 1390 4,709 GERMANY University Osnabruck 1391 4,708 POLAND Warsaw University Observatory 1392 4,707 CHINA Northeast Forestry University - China 1393 4,706 ETHIOPIA Jimma University 1394 4,706 TURKEY Mersin University 1395 4,705 TURKEY Uludag University 1396 4,704 LATVIA University of Latvia 1397 4,704 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Maringa 1398 4,703 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Chemistry & Technology, Prague 1399 4,702 IRAN Payame Noor University 1400 4,701 POLAND Lublin University of Technology 1401 4,701 ITALY Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 1402 4,700 USA Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 1403 4,699 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIAIlia State University 1404 4,698 SOUTH KOREA Sogang University 1405 4,698 TURKEY TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji University 1406 4,697 JAPAN Saga University 1407 4,696 JAPAN Kansai Medical University 1408 4,695 FRANCE Universite de Limoges 1409 4,695 JORDAN University of Jordan 1410 4,694 CHINA Heilongjiang University 1411 4,693 POLAND University of Gdansk 1412 4,692 POLAND Medical University of Bialystok 1413 4,692 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul 1414 4,691 TAIWAN National Defense Medical Center 1415 4,690 AUSTRIA Salzburg University 1416 4,689 SWEDEN Dalarna University 1417 4,689 ITALY Universita Ca Foscari Venezia 1418 4,688 USA Eastern Virginia Medical School 1419 4,687 GERMANY Hamburg University of Technology 1420 4,686 USA Carleton College 1421 4,686

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PORTUGAL University of Tras-os-Montes & Alto Douro 1422 4,685 CHINA Hainan University 1423 4,684 USA Rowan University 1424 4,683 EGYPT Beni Suef University 1425 4,683 IRAN University of Isfahan 1426 4,682 TURKEY Izmir Institute of Technology 1427 4,681 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Para 1428 4,680 SAUDI ARABIA Alfaisal University 1429 4,680 CHINA Chongqing University of Posts & Telecommunications 1430 4,679 NORWAY Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) 1431 4,678 EGYPT Al Azhar University 1432 4,677 CHINA Northwest Normal University - China 1433 4,677 USA California State University Northridge 1434 4,676 CHINA Tianjin University Science & Technology 1435 4,675 RUSSIA Skolkovo Institute of Science & Technology 1436 4,674 GERMANY Technische Universitat Ilmenau 1437 4,674 NORWAY University of Agder 1438 4,673 USA Sonoma State University 1439 4,672 INDIA University of Hyderabad 1440 4,671 RUSSIA Southern Federal University 1441 4,671 JAPAN University of Electro-Communications - Japan 1442 4,670 JAPAN University of Yamanashi 1443 4,669 INDIA Bharathiar University 1444 4,668 USA Western Michigan University 1445 4,668 BAHRAIN Arabian Gulf University 1446 4,667 GERMANY Witten Herdecke University 1447 4,666 SPAIN Universidad Publica de Navarra 1448 4,665 FRANCE Universite de Caen Normandie 1449 4,665 UKRAINE Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy 1450 4,664 CHINA Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine 1451 4,663 ROMANIA GH Asachi Technical University 1452 4,662 TAIWAN Fu Jen Catholic University 1453 4,662 ROMANIA Polytechnic University of Timisoara 1454 4,661 MALAYSIA Monash University Sunway 1455 4,660 AUSTRALIA Bond University 1456 4,659 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Londrina 1457 4,659 TUNISIA Universite de Monastir 1458 4,658 CHINA Southwest University of Science & Technology - China 1459 4,657 KENYA University of Nairobi 1460 4,656 CHINA Henan Polytechnic University 1461 4,656 INDIA Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) 1462 4,655 RUSSIA Russian State Social University (RSSU) 1463 4,654 USA UT Institute of Agriculture 1464 4,653 GERMANY University of Augsburg 1465 4,653 PERU Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 1466 4,652 ETHIOPIA Haramaya University 1467 4,651 CHINA Shanghai Maritime University 1468 4,650 EGYPT Helwan University 1469 4,650 TURKEY Istanbul Aydin University 1470 4,649

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE SPAIN Universidad de Almeria 1471 4,648 SOUTH KOREA Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST) 1472 4,647 TURKEY Gaziosmanpasa University 1473 4,647 USA California State University Long Beach 1474 4,646 IRAN Semnan University 1475 4,645 USA Texas Christian University 1476 4,645 USA Catholic University of America 1477 4,644 ROMANIA Technical University of Cluj Napoca 1478 4,643 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Lavras 1479 4,642 USA Whitman College 1480 4,642 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Indore 1481 4,641 LITHUANIA Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1482 4,640 FRANCE Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne 1483 4,639 CHINA North China University of Science & Technology 1484 4,639 USA Boise State University 1485 4,638 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Ostrava 1486 4,637 CHINA Henan University of Science & Technology 1487 4,636 CHINA Hunan Agricultural University 1488 4,636 RUSSIA Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod 1489 4,635 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon 1490 4,634 ICELAND Landspitali National University Hospital 1491 4,633 USA Columbia University Teachers College 1492 4,633 JAPAN Fukuoka University 1493 4,632 QATAR Hamad Bin Khalifa University-Qatar 1494 4,631 SLOVAKIA University of Pavol Jozef Safarik Kosice 1495 4,630 PAKISTAN National Centre for Physics - Pakistan 1496 4,630 JAPAN Fukushima Medical University 1497 4,629 INDIA Sri Ramachandra University 1498 4,628 POLAND Pomeranian Medical University 1499 4,627 USA Central Michigan University 1500 4,627 ITALY Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria 1501 4,626 USA Stevens Institute of Technology 1502 4,625 CANADA Lakehead University 1503 4,624 USA California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo 1504 4,624 CHINA University of Science & Technology 1505 4,623 GERMANY University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation 1506 4,622 ITALY University of Molise 1507 4,621 CHINA Hebei University 1508 4,621 SWEDEN Malardalen University 1509 4,620 IRAN Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS) 1510 4,619 UNITED KINGDOM University of London School Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) 1511 4,618 RUSSIA Samara National Research University 1512 4,618 SLOVAKIA University of Trnava 1513 4,617 COLOMBIA Instituto Nacional de Salud (Colombia) 1514 4,616 AUSTRALIA Southern Cross University 1515 4,615 CROATIA University of Rijeka 1516 4,615 USA California State University Los Angeles 1517 4,614 CHINA Lanzhou University of Technology 1518 4,613 JAPAN Sapporo Medical University 1519 4,612

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE MALAWI University of Malawi 1520 4,612 USA Illinois State University 1521 4,611 CHINA Kunming Medical University 1522 4,610 FRANCE Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) 1523 4,609 CZECH REPUBLIC University of West Bohemia Pilsen 1524 4,609 RUSSIA Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 1525 4,608 UKRAINE Taras Shevchenko National University Kiev 1526 4,607 CHINA Shanghai Ocean University 1527 4,606 JAPAN Kyushu Institute of Technology 1528 4,606 SOUTH KOREA Dong A University 1529 4,605 USA San Jose State University 1530 4,604 TURKEY Adiyaman University 1531 4,603 JAPAN Hirosaki University 1532 4,603 CHINA Wenzhou University 1533 4,602 MALAYSIA International Medical University Malaysia 1534 4,601 SOUTH KOREA Jeju National University 1535 4,600 CHINA Guilin University of Electronic Technology 1536 4,600 POLAND Cracow University of Technology 1537 4,599 TURKEY Anadolu University 1538 4,598 ITALY AUSL di Bologna 1539 4,597 LITHUANIA Lithuanian University of Health Sciences 1540 4,597 INDIA Jamia Millia Islamia 1541 4,596 HUNGARY Central European University 1542 4,595 NORWAY Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 1543 4,594 USA Michigan State University College of Human Medicine 1544 4,594 TURKEY Ozyegin University 1545 4,593 COLOMBIA Universidad Antonio Narino 1546 4,592 USA Bowling Green State University 1547 4,591 FRANCE Universite de Toulon 1548 4,591 GERMANY Jacobs University 1549 4,590 SOUTH KOREA University of Science & Technology (UST) 1550 4,589 EGYPT Aswan University 1551 4,588 FRANCE Universite Paris-Dauphine 1552 4,588 MEXICO Universidad de Guadalajara 1553 4,587 BRAZIL Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana 1554 4,586 SOUTH KOREA Chosun University 1555 4,586 USA University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus 1556 4,585 USA Manhattan College 1557 4,584 CHINA China Jiliang University 1558 4,583 INDIA St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences 1559 4,583 USA DePaul University 1560 4,582 CHINA Anhui University of Technology 1561 4,581 FRANCE Universite de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis 1562 4,580 INDIA National Institute of Technology Karnataka 1563 4,580 PAKISTAN Health Services Academy 1564 4,579 INDIA Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) - Thiruvananthapuram 1565 4,578 CHINA Zhejiang A&F University 1566 4,577 FRANCE Universite d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne 1567 4,577 ALGERIA University Djillali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes 1568 4,576

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TURKEY Sabanci University 1569 4,575 ARGENTINA National University of Rosario 1570 4,574 TURKEY Erzincan University 1571 4,574 JAPAN Ochanomizu University 1572 4,573 TURKEY Kafkas University 1573 4,572 JAPAN Yokohama National University 1574 4,571 POLAND University of Bialystok 1575 4,571 CHINA Guangdong Medical University 1576 4,570 SOUTH AFRICA Tshwane University of Technology 1577 4,569 JAPAN Saint Marianna University 1578 4,568 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Ropar 1579 4,568 CANADA University Toronto Mississauga 1580 4,567 AUSTRALIA Central Queensland University 1581 4,566 IRAQ Salahaddin University 1582 4,565 USA Simmons College 1583 4,565 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Gandhinagar 1584 4,564 CZECH REPUBLIC Mendel University Brno 1585 4,563 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Civil Engineering 1586 4,562 THAILAND King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi 1587 4,562 INDIA National Institute Technology Tiruchirappalli 1588 4,561 DENMARK Roskilde University 1589 4,560 BELGIUM University of Namur 1590 4,559 USA Georgia Southern University 1591 4,559 ITALY Guglielmo Marconi University 1592 4,558 USA Southern University & A&M College 1593 4,557 CHINA Chengdu University of Technology 1594 4,556 TURKEY Istanbul Bilgi University 1595 4,556 FRANCE Universite de Technologie de Compiegne 1596 4,555 TURKEY Ondokuz Mayis University 1597 4,554 JAPAN Saitama University 1598 4,553 GERMANY Technical University Freiberg 1599 4,553 TAIWAN Feng Chia University 1600 4,552 POLAND Poznan University of Life Sciences 1601 4,551 PORTUGAL University of Evora 1602 4,550 SWITZERLAND University of St Gallen 1603 4,550 EGYPT Benha University 1604 4,549 CHINA Sichuan Normal University 1605 4,548 FRANCE Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay 1606 4,547 CHINA China Three Gorges University 1607 4,547 JAPAN Nagoya Institute of Technology 1608 4,546 JAPAN Shizuoka University 1609 4,545 GERMANY University of Koblenz & Landau 1610 4,544 CHINA Xinjiang University 1611 4,544 USA Queens College NY (CUNY) 1612 4,543 VIETNAM Hanoi Medical University 1613 4,542 TURKEY Eskisehir Osmangazi University 1614 4,541 JAPAN Nara Medical University 1615 4,541 CHINA Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 1616 4,540 JAPAN Tottori University 1617 4,539

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TAIWAN National Kaohsiung University of Science & Technology 1618 4,538 ALGERIA University Science & Technology Houari Boumediene 1619 4,538 INDIA Indian Statistical Institute 1620 4,537 KAZAKHSTAN Nazarbayev University 1621 4,536 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OFUniversite THE CONGO de Kinshasa 1622 4,535 FRANCE Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour 1623 4,535 CHINA 1624 4,534 AZERBAIJAN Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 1625 4,533 IRAN Kerman University of Medical Sciences 1626 4,532 UNITED KINGDOM Roehampton University 1627 4,532 JAPAN Shimane University 1628 4,531 IRAN Razi University 1629 4,530 ITALY University of Bergamo 1630 4,529 JAPAN Hiroshima Institute of Technology 1631 4,529 GERMANY Universitat Trier 1632 4,528 USA University of Southern Mississippi 1633 4,527 VIETNAM Vietnam National University Hanoi 1634 4,527 LITHUANIA Kaunas University of Technology 1635 4,526 SERBIA University of Nis 1636 4,525 IRAN Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences 1637 4,524 USA Cleveland State University 1638 4,524 POLAND Wroclaw University of Environmental & Life Sciences 1639 4,523 ISRAEL Ariel University 1640 4,522 USA Carolinas Medical Center 1641 4,521 CHINA Shanghai University of Electric Power 1642 4,521 USA Hampton University 1643 4,520 CHINA University of Nottingham Ningbo China 1644 4,519 PAKISTAN University of Peshawar 1645 4,518 EGYPT British University in Egypt 1646 4,518 NORWAY Western Norway University of Applied Sciences 1647 4,517 UNITED KINGDOM University of Wolverhampton 1648 4,516 JAPAN University of Miyazaki 1649 4,515 CHINA North University of China 1650 4,515 GREECE Harokopio University Athens 1651 4,514 USA Kenyon College 1652 4,513 TURKEY Kocaeli University 1653 4,512 EGYPT Fayoum University 1654 4,512 EGYPT Menofia University 1655 4,511 INDIA Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences 1656 4,510 SOUTH KOREA Incheon National University 1657 4,509 IRAN Bu Ali Sina University 1658 4,509 SWEDEN Karlstad University 1659 4,508 CHINA of Science & Technology 1660 4,507 GREECE Academy of Athens 1661 4,506 USA Haverford College 1662 4,506 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Economics - Prague 1663 4,505 CHINA Zhejiang Gongshang University 1664 4,504 AUSTRALIA Federation University Australia 1665 4,503 NORWAY University College of Southeast Norway 1666 4,503

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN University of Ryukyus 1667 4,502 AUSTRIA University of Leoben 1668 4,501 UNITED KINGDOM Kingston University 1669 4,500 INDIA St. John's Medical College 1670 4,500 CHINA Shihezi University 1671 4,499 TAIWAN Chung Yuan Christian University 1672 4,498 CHINA Xinjiang Medical University 1673 4,497 USA Clarkson University 1674 4,497 TUNISIA Universite de la Manouba 1675 4,496 INDIA National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra 1676 4,495 INDIA Guru Nanak Dev University 1677 4,494 PAKISTAN Government College University Faisalabad 1678 4,494 POLAND West Pomeranian University of Technology 1679 4,493 CHINA Qingdao Agricultural University 1680 4,492 CHINA Shaanxi University of Science & Technology 1681 4,491 CHINA University of South China 1682 4,491 SPAIN Universidad de Huelva 1683 4,490 IRAN Urmia University 1684 4,489 IRAN University of Yazd 1685 4,488 USA University of Dayton 1686 4,488 SWEDEN Malmo University 1687 4,487 GHANA University of Cape Coast 1688 4,486 SOUTH AFRICA Durban University of Technology 1689 4,485 INDIA JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research 1690 4,485 FRANCE Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1691 4,484 USA Andrews University 1692 4,483 CANADA Trent University 1693 4,482 INDIA Indian Institute of Engineering Science Technology Shibpur (IIEST) 1694 4,482 POLAND Military University of Technology in Warsaw 1695 4,481 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Georgian Technical University 1696 4,480 NIGERIA University of Lagos 1697 4,479 UKRAINE Sumy State University 1698 4,479 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESUniversity of Sharjah 1699 4,478 POLAND Maria Curie-Sklodowska University 1700 4,477 TURKEY Near East University 1701 4,476 INDIA Institute of Chemical Technology - Mumbai 1702 4,476 USA University of Missouri Saint Louis 1703 4,475 FRANCE Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM) 1704 4,474 CANADA University of Lethbridge 1705 4,473 CHINA Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 1706 4,473 USA Clark University 1707 4,472 USA University of Tulsa 1708 4,471 INDIA Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA) 1709 4,471 SAUDI ARABIA Taibah University 1710 4,470 IRAN Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (SBUK) 1711 4,469 MALAYSIA University of Nottingham Malaysia 1712 4,468 FRANCE Agrocampus Ouest 1713 4,468 GERMANY University of Passau 1714 4,467 USA Christ Hospital - Ohio 1715 4,466

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Universite de Toulouse - Jean Jaures 1716 4,465 TURKEY Sakarya University 1717 4,465 INDONESIA Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 1718 4,464 JAMAICA University of the West Indies 1719 4,463 USA Duquesne University 1720 4,462 AUSTRALIA University of Notre Dame Australia 1721 4,462 JAPAN Kyorin University 1722 4,461 USA Western Washington University 1723 4,460 AUSTRIA Vienna University of Economics & Business 1724 4,459 AUSTRIA University of Klagenfurt 1725 4,459 CHINA Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 1726 4,458 USA Appalachian State University 1727 4,457 IRAN Yasouj University 1728 4,456 CHINA PLA University of Science & Technology 1729 4,456 JAPAN Iwate Medical University 1730 4,455 SOUTH KOREA National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS) 1731 4,454 USA East Tennessee State University 1732 4,453 LEBANON Lebanese University 1733 4,453 CHINA Guangxi Normal University 1734 4,452 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica Do Rio Grande Do Sul 1735 4,451 EGYPT Minia University 1736 4,450 SAUDI ARABIA University Hail 1737 4,450 CHINA Shanxi Medical University 1738 4,449 JAPAN Hamamatsu University School of Medicine 1739 4,448 TAIWAN National Taiwan Ocean University 1740 4,447 CHINA Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology 1741 4,447 INDIA National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) 1742 4,446 THAILAND Thammasat University 1743 4,445 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar 1744 4,444 CHINA Anhui Agricultural University 1745 4,444 INDONESIA Diponegoro University 1746 4,443 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Rio Grande 1747 4,442 JAPAN Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology Graduate University 1748 4,441 TURKEY Necmettin Erbakan University 1749 4,441 USA Arkansas State University 1750 4,440 BANGLADESH Bangladesh University Engineering & Technology 1751 4,439 MALAYSIA University of Malaysia Sarawak 1752 4,438 POLAND Agricultural University Krakow 1753 4,438 COLOMBIA Universidad Industrial de Santander 1754 4,437 SOUTH KOREA Kwangwoon University 1755 4,436 TURKEY Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar University 1756 4,435 USA Saint John's University 1757 4,435 FRANCE Universite de La Rochelle 1758 4,434 CHINA Inner Mongolia University 1759 4,433 JAPAN Kyoto University of Education 1760 4,432 USA Santa Clara University 1761 4,432 EGYPT Sohag University 1762 4,431 CANADA Laurentian University 1763 4,430 JAPAN Kochi University 1764 4,429

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE NEW ZEALAND Lincoln University 1765 4,429 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Diliman 1766 4,428 TURKEY Cag University - Turkey 1767 4,427 USA University of Minnesota Duluth 1768 4,426 SOUTH KOREA Seoul National University of Science & Technology 1769 4,426 IRELAND Technological University Dublin 1770 4,425 SOUTH KOREA Soongsil University 1771 4,424 INDONESIA Sebelas Maret University 1772 4,423 IRAN Academic Center for Education, Culture & Research (ACECR) 1773 4,423 SOUTH KOREA Wonkwang University 1774 4,422 CHINA Southwestern University of Finance & Economics - China 1775 4,421 NETHERLANDS Open University Netherlands 1776 4,420 BULGARIA Medical University Varna 1777 4,420 CHINA 1778 4,419 CHINA South Central University for Nationalities 1779 4,418 FRANCE Universite d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse 1780 4,417 RUSSIA Bauman Moscow State Technical University 1781 4,417 TAIWAN National Chung Cheng University 1782 4,416 CHINA Henan Agricultural University 1783 4,415 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana 1784 4,414 TURKEY Cankaya University 1785 4,414 INDIA Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata 1786 4,413 CHINA Harbin University of Science & Technology 1787 4,412 SOUTH KOREA Catholic University of Daegu 1788 4,412 CANADA HEC Montreal 1789 4,411 USA Kennesaw State University 1790 4,410 POLAND University of Rzeszow 1791 4,409 JAPAN Kawasaki Medical School 1792 4,409 USA University of Arkansas Little Rock 1793 4,408 RUSSIA South Ural State University 1794 4,407 TURKEY Pamukkale University 1795 4,406 JAPAN Aichi Medical University 1796 4,406 MACEDONIA Saints Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje 1797 4,405 CHINA Yangtze University 1798 4,404 INDIA Annamalai University 1799 4,403 SWEDEN Stockholm School of Economics 1800 4,403 SOUTH KOREA Kookmin University 1801 4,402 GREECE Agricultural University of Athens 1802 4,401 FRANCE Chimie ParisTech 1803 4,400 CHINA Zhejiang Chinese Medical University 1804 4,400 JAPAN Chuo University 1805 4,399 MEXICO Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo 1806 4,398 SWEDEN Mid-Sweden University 1807 4,397 USA Baruch College (CUNY) 1808 4,397 TURKEY Suleyman Demirel University 1809 4,396 PAKISTAN Bahauddin Zakariya University 1810 4,395 TAIWAN Tzu Chi University 1811 4,394 CANADA University of Quebec Trois Rivieres 1812 4,394 TAIWAN Yuan Ze University 1813 4,393

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRAN University of Mazandaran 1814 4,392 INDONESIA Bogor Agricultural University 1815 4,391 FRANCE Institut d'Etudes Politiques Paris (SciencePo) 1816 4,391 CHINA Tianjin Normal University 1817 4,390 USA Walden University 1818 4,389 USA Chapman University 1819 4,388 FRANCE Universite Pantheon-Sorbonne 1820 4,388 INDIA Jaypee University of Information Technology 1821 4,387 SAUDI ARABIA Umm Al Qura University 1822 4,386 USA John H Stroger Junior Hospital Cook County 1823 4,385 VENEZUELA University of Central Venezuela 1824 4,385 INDIA King George's Medical University 1825 4,384 ETHIOPIA Arba Minch University 1826 4,383 INDIA Pondicherry University 1827 4,382 CHINA Lanzhou Jiaotong University 1828 4,382 TAIWAN Tamkang University 1829 4,381 CHINA Henan University of Technology 1830 4,380 CHINA Xinxiang Medical University 1831 4,379 SPAIN Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera 1832 4,379 ISRAEL VOLCANI INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 1833 4,378 TAIWAN I Shou University 1834 4,377 GREECE Technical University of Crete 1835 4,376 CHINA Guangdong Pharmaceutical University 1836 4,376 USA Towson University 1837 4,375 SPAIN UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 1838 4,374 INDIA Delhi Technological University 1839 4,373 IRAN Sahand University of Technology 1840 4,373 TURKEY Dicle University 1841 4,372 ZIMBABWE University of Zimbabwe 1842 4,371 JAPAN Dokkyo University 1843 4,370 SPAIN Universidad de La Rioja 1844 4,370 CHINA University 1845 4,369 USA University of Washington Bothell 1846 4,368 JAPAN Shiga University of Medical Science 1847 4,367 JAPAN Oita University 1848 4,367 NIGERIA University of Nigeria 1849 4,366 CHINA Shandong University of Technology 1850 4,365 EGYPT Kafrelsheikh University 1851 4,364 JAPAN Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (JAIST) 1852 4,364 USA Wellesley College 1853 4,363 INDIA Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 1854 4,362 RUSSIA Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1855 4,361 JAPAN University of Hyogo 1856 4,361 USA University of North Carolina Wilmington 1857 4,360 CHINA Air Force Engineering University 1858 4,359 SWEDEN Jonkoping University 1859 4,358 UNITED KINGDOM Edinburgh Napier University 1860 4,358 MALAYSIA Universiti Utara Malaysia 1861 4,357 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAUniversity of Sarajevo 1862 4,356

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University 1863 4,355 ITALY Universita Ecampus 1864 4,355 SAUDI ARABIA Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University 1865 4,354 ALGERIA Universite Ferhat Abbas Setif 1866 4,353 USA University of New Orleans 1867 4,353 INDIA University of Madras 1868 4,352 CHINA Jilin Agricultural University 1869 4,351 USA James Madison University 1870 4,350 INDONESIA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 1871 4,350 CHINA Chongqing Technology & Business University 1872 4,349 FRANCE VetAgro Sup 1873 4,348 TAIWAN National Chengchi University 1874 4,347 CHINA Ningxia Medical University 1875 4,347 ARGENTINA University Nacional Cuyo Mendoza 1876 4,346 TURKEY Bahcesehir University 1877 4,345 TURKEY Eastern Mediterranean University 1878 4,344 TAIWAN National Dong Hwa University 1879 4,344 NETHERLANDS Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN-KNAW) 1880 4,343 NORWAY BI Norwegian Business School 1881 4,342 CHINA Southwest Medical University 1882 4,341 SOUTH AFRICA Nelson Mandela University 1883 4,341 INDONESIA Universitas Sumatera Utara 1884 4,340 USA Fairfield University 1885 4,339 CHINA Shanghai Institute of Technology 1886 4,338 TURKEY Baskent University 1887 4,338 CHINA Nanchang Hangkong University 1888 4,337 TURKEY Dogus University 1889 4,336 BANGLADESH University of Dhaka 1890 4,335 ARGENTINA National University of the Littoral 1891 4,335 CHINA Duke Kunshan University 1892 4,334 INDIA National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences - India 1893 4,333 USA Utah Valley University 1894 4,332 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Pardubice 1895 4,332 FRANCE Universite de Cergy-Pontoise 1896 4,331 FRANCE Universite Paris Seine (ComUE) 1897 4,330 USA University of San Francisco 1898 4,329 RUSSIA Far Eastern Federal University 1899 4,329 POLAND Bialystok University of Technology 1900 4,328 INDIA National Institute of Technology Durgapur 1901 4,327 SOUTH KOREA Myongji University 1902 4,326 UNITED KINGDOM University of East London 1903 4,326 CHINA Changchun University of Science & Technology 1904 4,325 SPAIN Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena 1905 4,324 MEXICO Universidad de Guanajuato 1906 4,323 CHINA Guilin University of Technology 1907 4,323 IRAN Imam Khomeini International University 1908 4,322 INDIA KIIT University 1909 4,321 USA Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science 1910 4,320 VIETNAM Hanoi University of Science & Technology 1911 4,320

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CANADA Saint Marys University - Canada 1912 4,319 SAUDI ARABIA King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology 1913 4,318 SOUTH KOREA Eulji University 1914 4,317 CHINA Shanghai University of Finance & Economics 1915 4,317 NETHERLANDS IHE Delft Institute for Water Education 1916 4,316 GERMANY Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar 1917 4,315 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro 1918 4,314 CHINA Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 1919 4,314 USA University of West Florida 1920 4,313 EGYPT Zewail City of Science & Technology 1921 4,312 BRAZIL Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) 1922 4,311 CHINA Beijing Technology & Business University 1923 4,311 GERMANY Bundeswehr University Munich 1924 4,310 USA California State University Sacramento 1925 4,309 USA Wichita State University 1926 4,308 FRANCE Universite Toulouse 1 Capitole 1927 4,308 USA Idaho State University 1928 4,307 FRANCE Ecole Centrale de Nantes 1929 4,306 PAKISTAN University of Karachi 1930 4,305 USA University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 1931 4,305 ITALY Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste 1932 4,304 FRANCE AgroSup Dijon 1933 4,303 ROMANIA University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences & Technology of Targu Mures 1934 4,302 JAPAN International University of Health & Welfare 1935 4,302 SOUTH KOREA Hongik University 1936 4,301 TUNISIA Universite de Sousse 1937 4,300 USA College of Charleston 1938 4,299 USA South Dakota School Mines & Technology 1939 4,299 SPAIN European University of Madrid 1940 4,298 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto 1941 4,297 POLAND Rzeszow University of Technology 1942 4,296 CHINA Hubei University of Technology 1943 4,296 USA Brooklyn College (CUNY) 1944 4,295 TURKEY Inonu University 1945 4,294 PERU Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru 1946 4,294 INDIA Shivaji University 1947 4,293 CZECH REPUBLIC Tomas Bata University Zlin 1948 4,292 TURKEY Celal Bayar University 1949 4,291 INDIA Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) - Bhopal 1950 4,291 BRAZIL Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina 1951 4,290 CHINA Shanghai University of Engineering Science 1952 4,289 SPAIN Universidad de Burgos 1953 4,288 MALAYSIA University of Tenaga Nasional 1954 4,288 JAPAN National Defense Medical College - Japan 1955 4,287 INDIA Sri Venkateswara University 1956 4,286 UKRAINE Lviv Polytech National University 1957 4,285 INDIA Tezpur University 1958 4,285 USA University of Washington Tacoma 1959 4,284 SPAIN University of Deusto 1960 4,283

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE COLOMBIA Universidad del Valle 1961 4,282 USA Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) 1962 4,282 JAPAN Osaka Medical College 1963 4,281 THAILAND Suranaree University of Technology 1964 4,280 UNITED KINGDOM University of Teesside 1965 4,279 CHINA Xi'an University of Science & Technology 1966 4,279 USA Sam Houston State University 1967 4,278 CHINA Harbin Normal University 1968 4,277 CHINA China West Normal University 1969 4,276 CHINA Hunan University of Technology 1970 4,276 POLAND Kielce University of Technology 1971 4,275 JAPAN University of Fukui 1972 4,274 JAPAN Akita University 1973 4,273 INDIA National Institute of Technology Warangal 1974 4,273 ITALY Universita Kore di ENNA 1975 4,272 JAPAN Toyohashi University of Technology 1976 4,271 INDIA SRM Institute of Science & Technology 1977 4,270 CHINA Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics 1978 4,270 ARGENTINA National University of Mar del Plata 1979 4,269 THAILAND King Mongkuts Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 1980 4,268 JAPAN Rikkyo University 1981 4,267 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Braganca 1982 4,267 UNITED KINGDOM University of Bedfordshire 1983 4,266 RUSSIA Siberian Federal University 1984 4,265 MALAYSIA Universiti Malaysia Sabah 1985 4,264 MALAYSIA University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka 1986 4,264 USA University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras 1987 4,263 USA IU Kelley School of Business 1988 4,262 GERMANY Universitats Herzzentrum Freiburg 1989 4,261 USA University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 1990 4,261 JAPAN Doshisha University 1991 4,260 USA The New School 1992 4,259 TURKEY Gebze Technical University 1993 4,258 TURKEY Bezmialem Vakif University 1994 4,258 GREECE Hellenic Open University 1995 4,257 INDIA College of Engineering Pune 1996 4,256 INDIA Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur 1997 4,255 CHINA Liaoning University 1998 4,255 GERMANY German Sport University Cologne 1999 4,254 USA Midwestern University 2000 4,253 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Campina Grande 2001 4,252 FRANCE EURECOM 2002 4,252 USA North Carolina A&T State University 2003 4,251 UNITED KINGDOM Birmingham City University 2004 4,250 CHINA Beijing Academy of Agriculture & Forestry 2005 4,249 CHINA Central South University of Forestry & Technology 2006 4,249 INDIA Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology 2007 4,248 UNITED KINGDOM UHI Millennium Institute 2008 4,247 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso 2009 4,246

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE GREECE University of West Attica 2010 4,246 INDIA Bharathidasan University 2011 4,245 FRANCE Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) 2012 4,244 USA Meharry Medical College 2013 4,243 CROATIA University of JJ Strossmayer Osijek 2014 4,243 CHINA 2015 4,242 EGYPT American University Cairo 2016 4,241 TURKEY Yuzuncu Yil University 2017 4,240 SOUTH KOREA Kongju National University 2018 4,240 USA Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 2019 4,239 ROMANIA University of Agronomic Science & Veterinary Medicine - Bucharest 2020 4,238 IRAN University of Mohaghegh Ardabili 2021 4,237 MOROCCO Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fes 2022 4,237 SLOVAKIA Constantine Philosopher University Nitra 2023 4,236 BRUNEI University Brunei Darussalam 2024 4,235 NIGERIA Obafemi Awolowo University 2025 4,235 CHINA Central University of Finance & Economics 2026 4,234 PAPUA NEW GUINEA University of Papua New Guinea 2027 4,233 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina 2028 4,232 USA Naval Postgraduate School 2029 4,232 USA University of Richmond 2030 4,231 ROMANIA Dunarea De Jos University Galati 2031 4,230 FRANCE Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Rennes 2032 4,229 NETHERLANDS Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam 2033 4,229 CANADA Krembil Research Institute 2034 4,228 IRAN Shahrekord University 2035 4,227 CHINA Chongqing Normal University 2036 4,226 JAPAN Kyoto Institute of Technology 2037 4,226 USA Hillsdale College 2038 4,225 CHINA Liaoning University of Technology 2039 4,224 IRAQ University of Baghdad 2040 4,223 UNITED KINGDOM University of South Wales 2041 4,223 INDIA Osmania University 2042 4,222 INDIA Jamia Hamdard University 2043 4,221 USA State University of New York (SUNY) College of Environmental Science & Forestry 2044 4,220 USA University of North Florida 2045 4,220 CHINA Guizhou Medical University 2046 4,219 SLOVENIA University of Nova Gorica 2047 4,218 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Semarang 2048 4,217 TURKEY Piri Reis University 2049 4,217 JAPAN Nagaoka University of Technology 2050 4,216 CHINA Yunnan Normal University 2051 4,215 GREECE Athens University of Economics & Business 2052 4,214 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES American University of Sharjah 2053 4,214 UNITED KINGDOM Edge Hill University 2054 4,213 CHINA Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 2055 4,212 USA Claremont Graduate School 2056 4,211 PORTUGAL Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Saude Egas Moniz 2057 4,211 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Maranhao 2058 4,210

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Meiji University 2059 4,209 CHINA Northeast Petroleum University 2060 4,208 USA A.T. Still University of Health Sciences 2061 4,208 SWITZERLAND Zurich University of Applied Sciences 2062 4,207 USA College of Staten Island (CUNY) 2063 4,206 USA New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology 2064 4,205 RUSSIA Saratov State University 2065 4,205 SOUTH KOREA Hankuk University Foreign Studies 2066 4,204 BRAZIL Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia 2067 4,203 CHINA Shenyang Agricultural University 2068 4,202 ROMANIA University of Medicine & Pharmacy of Craiova 2069 4,202 MOZAMBIQUE Eduardo Mondlane University 2070 4,201 JAPAN Hosei University 2071 4,200 CHINA Medical University 2072 4,199 INDIA Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology 2073 4,199 UNITED KINGDOM University of Chester 2074 4,198 REUNION University of La Reunion 2075 4,197 USA Tennessee Technological University 2076 4,196 TURKEY Cumhuriyet University 2077 4,196 INDIA Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University 2078 4,195 UNITED KINGDOM University of Derby 2079 4,194 USA University of Alaska Anchorage 2080 4,193 FRANCE Montpellier Business School 2081 4,193 HUNGARY University of Pannonia 2082 4,192 CHINA 2083 4,191 USA UPMC Presbyterian 2084 4,190 SAUDI ARABIA University of Tabuk 2085 4,190 SAUDI ARABIA Jazan University 2086 4,189 EGYPT Suez University 2087 4,188 SLOVENIA National Institute of Chemistry - Slovenia 2088 4,187 SWITZERLAND University of Applied Sciences & Arts Western Switzerland 2089 4,187 USA Lincoln Laboratory 2090 4,186 USA Rosalind Franklin University Medical & Science 2091 4,185 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro 2092 4,184 USA Western Kentucky University 2093 4,184 JAPAN Kanazawa Medical University 2094 4,183 INDIA International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad 2095 4,182 USA Florida A&M University 2096 4,181 TURKEY Istanbul Medeniyet University 2097 4,181 INDIA National Institute of Technology Silchar 2098 4,180 SWEDEN Sodertorn University 2099 4,179 INDIA Birla Institute of Technology Mesra 2100 4,178 PORTUGAL Universidade Catolica Portuguesa 2101 4,178 CHINA Wuhan Textile University 2102 4,177 USA University of North Texas Health Science Center 2103 4,176 INDIA Homi Bhabha National Institute 2104 4,176 POLAND Opole University of Technology 2105 4,175 SAUDI ARABIA Taif University 2106 4,174 ISRAEL Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya 2107 4,173

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Bucknell University 2108 4,173 MALAYSIA University of Tunku Abdul Rahman 2109 4,172 RUSSIA Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University 2110 4,171 CANADA University of Winnipeg 2111 4,170 CHINA Dongguan University of Technology 2112 4,170 TURKEY Trakya University 2113 4,169 FRANCE INSEAD Business School 2114 4,168 USA Oberlin College 2115 4,167 BRAZIL Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) 2116 4,167 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Amazonas 2117 4,166 USA Lehman College (CUNY) 2118 4,165 NORWAY Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) 2119 4,164 GREECE University of Piraeus 2120 4,164 ESTONIA Estonian University of Life Sciences 2121 4,163 USA Idaho National Laboratory 2122 4,162 USA University of the Pacific 2123 4,161 ALGERIA Universite Badji Mokhtar - Annaba 2124 4,161 SOUTH KOREA Sookmyung Women's University 2125 4,160 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Alagoas 2126 4,159 POLAND UTP University of Science & Technology 2127 4,158 TUNISIA Universite de Tunis 2128 4,158 INDIA Madurai Kamaraj University 2129 4,157 INDIA Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal 2130 4,156 CHINA Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2131 4,155 USA California State Polytechnic University Pomona 2132 4,155 CANADA University of Prince Edward Island 2133 4,154 CHINA Chongqing University of Technology 2134 4,153 USA University of San Diego 2135 4,152 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Patna 2136 4,152 TURKEY Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University 2137 4,151 CHINA Yanbian University 2138 4,150 HUNGARY Szent Istvan University 2139 4,149 CHINA Xiamen University of Technology 2140 4,149 USA University Massachusetts Dartmouth 2141 4,148 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz State Medical Academy 2142 4,147 JAPAN Aoyama Gakuin University 2143 4,146 INDIA Alagappa University 2144 4,146 IRAN Shahrood University of Technology 2145 4,145 LEBANON Lebanese American University 2146 4,144 USA Pace University 2147 4,143 LEBANON University Balamand 2148 4,143 CHINA Shaoxing University 2149 4,142 MALAYSIA Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 2150 4,141 ITALY University Hospital of Udine 2151 4,140 ARGENTINA National University of the South 2152 4,140 PORTUGAL Universidade Aberta 2153 4,139 POLAND Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education - Poland 2154 4,138 USA Vanderbilt University Peabody College 2155 4,137 FRANCE Telecom SudParis 2156 4,137

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Novosibirsk State Technical University 2157 4,136 ITALY IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca 2158 4,135 THAILAND King Mongkuts University of Technology North Bangkok 2159 4,134 CHINA Hebei Agricultural University 2160 4,134 CHINA Jiangxi Agricultural University 2161 4,133 ROMANIA Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava 2162 4,132 CHINA 2163 4,131 IRAN Zahedan University of Medical Sciences 2164 4,131 USA Colgate University 2165 4,130 CHINA Huzhou University 2166 4,129 JAPAN Ibaraki University 2167 4,128 SPAIN Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) 2168 4,128 JAPAN Kwansei Gakuin University 2169 4,127 MALAYSIA Multimedia University 2170 4,126 EGYPT Southern Valley University 2171 4,125 PORTUGAL Universidade da Madeira 2172 4,125 GREECE University of Peloponnese 2173 4,124 CANADA Royal Military College - Canada 2174 4,123 INDIA Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi 2175 4,122 NIGERIA Covenant University 2176 4,122 ROMANIA Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu 2177 4,121 INDIA Utkal University 2178 4,120 NORWAY Nord University 2179 4,119 CHINA Zhejiang Ocean University 2180 4,119 UNITED KINGDOM London South Bank University 2181 4,118 ESTONIA Tartu University Institute of Ecology & Earth Sciences 2182 4,117 FRANCE Universite Paris Lumieres (ComUE) 2183 4,117 FRANCE Universite Paris-VIII 2184 4,116 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Mandi 2185 4,115 SPAIN San Pablo CEU University 2186 4,114 INDONESIA Brawijaya University 2187 4,114 SOUTH KOREA Daegu University 2188 4,113 TURKEY Yildirim Beyazit University 2189 4,112 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Piaui 2190 4,111 JAPAN Asahikawa Medical College 2191 4,111 COLOMBIA Universidad del Rosario 2192 4,110 AUSTRALIA Australian Defense Force Academy 2193 4,109 CHINA Suzhou University of Science & Technology 2194 4,108 CANADA Saint Francis Xavier University - Canada 2195 4,108 THAILAND Mae Fah Luang University 2196 4,107 FRANCE Universite Paris Nanterre 2197 4,106 TURKEY Giresun University 2198 4,105 FRANCE Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee 2199 4,105 POLAND University of Social Sciences & Humanities - Poland 2200 4,104 POLAND University of Life Sciences in Lublin 2201 4,103 SLOVAKIA Technical University Zvolen 2202 4,102 CHINA Jiangxi University of Science & Technology 2203 4,102 TURKEY Yeditepe University 2204 4,101 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos 2205 4,100

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Publique (EHESP) 2206 4,099 CHINA Xinyang Normal University 2207 4,099 CHINA Yancheng Institute of Technology 2208 4,098 CHINA Zunyi Medical University 2209 4,097 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry 2210 4,096 FRANCE Universite de Technologie de Troyes 2211 4,096 USA Morehouse College 2212 4,095 USA Middle Tennessee State University 2213 4,094 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa 2214 4,093 CHINA Chengdu University of Information Technology 2215 4,093 USA Virginia Institute of Marine Science 2216 4,092 CHINA Dalian Polytechnic University 2217 4,091 SENEGAL University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar 2218 4,090 SAUDI ARABIA Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University 2219 4,090 IRAN Shiraz University of Technology 2220 4,089 UNITED KINGDOM Cardiff Metropolitan University 2221 4,088 CANADA University of British Columbia Okanagan 2222 4,087 USA University of Northern Colorado 2223 4,087 SAUDI ARABIA King Khalid University 2224 4,086 JAPAN University of Aizu 2225 4,085 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon 2226 4,084 CHINA Anhui University of Science & Technology 2227 4,084 UNITED KINGDOM University of Winchester 2228 4,083 CHINA Huaibei Normal University 2229 4,082 UNITED KINGDOM University of London School of Pharmacy 2230 4,081 UNITED KINGDOM London Business School 2231 4,081 CHINA Hubei University of Medicine 2232 4,080 USA University of Illinois Peoria 2233 4,079 ESTONIA Tallinn University 2234 4,078 INDIA National Institute of Technology Calicut 2235 4,078 USA Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 2236 4,077 TURKEY Abant Izzet Baysal University 2237 4,076 CANADA University of North British Columbia 2238 4,075 SRI LANKA University of Colombo 2239 4,075 CHINA University of International Business & Economics 2240 4,074 POLAND Jan Kochanowski University 2241 4,073 USA Smith College 2242 4,072 JAPAN Chubu University 2243 4,072 GERMANY TU Clausthal 2244 4,071 CHINA Jiaxing University 2245 4,070 SOUTH KOREA Kangnung Wonju National University 2246 4,069 CHINA Yunnan Agricultural University 2247 4,069 INDIA Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology 2248 4,068 RUSSIA Tyumen industrial University 2249 4,067 PHILIPPINES Philippine Department Health 2250 4,066 CZECH REPUBLIC Technical University Liberec 2251 4,066 TAIWAN National Yunlin University Science & Technology 2252 4,065 JAPAN Kansai University 2253 4,064 INDIA Symbiosis International University 2254 4,063

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TAIWAN Mackay Medical College 2255 4,063 TURKEY Sinop University 2256 4,062 VIETNAM Hanoi School of Public Health 2257 4,061 INDIA Andhra University 2258 4,060 CHINA Jining Medical University 2259 4,060 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et d'Aerotechnique (ISAE-ENSMA) 2260 4,059 SPAIN Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) 2261 4,058 USA Grand Valley State University 2262 4,058 SWEDEN Halmstad University 2263 4,057 HUNGARY Corvinus University Budapest 2264 4,056 PAKISTAN Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Science 2265 4,055 SOUTH AFRICA Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2266 4,055 USA Morehouse School of Medicine 2267 4,054 GREECE University of Macedonia 2268 4,053 INDIA Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Hyderabad 2269 4,052 INDIA University of Allahabad 2270 4,052 SPAIN Escuela Superior de Administracion y Direccion de Empresas (ESADE) 2271 4,051 CHINA Huaiyin Normal University 2272 4,050 SLOVAKIA University of SS Cyril & Methodius Trnava 2273 4,049 CHINA Jinzhou Medical University 2274 4,049 CHINA Dalian University 2275 4,048 USA Mercer University 2276 4,047 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Baja California 2277 4,046 FRANCE Universite du Maine 2278 4,046 USA Lamar University 2279 4,045 TAIWAN National Pingtung University Science & Technology 2280 4,044 INDIA JNTUK University College of Engineering 2281 4,043 TURKEY Izmir Katip Celebi University 2282 4,043 SOUTH AFRICA University of Limpopo 2283 4,042 NAMIBIA University of Namibia 2284 4,041 PAKISTAN University of Sargodha 2285 4,040 JAPAN Iwate University 2286 4,040 CHINA Civil Aviation University of China 2287 4,039 INDIA Mahatma Gandhi University 2288 4,038 HONG KONG Lingnan University 2289 4,037 CHINA East China Jiaotong University 2290 4,037 UNITED KINGDOM Robert Gordon University 2291 4,036 TAIWAN National Changhua University of Education 2292 4,035 SOUTH KOREA Sunchon National University 2293 4,034 PHILIPPINES De La Salle University 2294 4,034 CHINA Nanyang Normal College 2295 4,033 CHINA Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture 2296 4,032 ESTONIA University of Tartu Institute of Physics 2297 4,031 CHINA Inner Mongolia Medical University 2298 4,031 JAPAN University of Shizuoka 2299 4,030 USA University Hawaii Hilo 2300 4,029 BRAZIL Getulio Vargas Foundation 2301 4,028 NIGERIA University of Ilorin 2302 4,028 JORDAN Al-Balqa Applied University 2303 4,027

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UKRAINE VN Karazin Kharkiv National University 2304 4,026 USA Chicago Medical School 2305 4,025 CHINA East China University of Technology 2306 4,025 CHINA North China University of Technology 2307 4,024 MALAYSIA Taylor's University 2308 4,023 THAILAND Asian Institute of Technology 2309 4,022 ETHIOPIA Hawassa University 2310 4,022 UNITED KINGDOM Staffordshire University 2311 4,021 ECUADOR Universidad de Cuenca 2312 4,020 ROMANIA University of Craiova 2313 4,019 MEXICO Universidad Veracruzana 2314 4,019 CHINA Qinghai University 2315 4,018 TURKEY Adnan Menderes University 2316 4,017 TURKEY Dumlupinar University 2317 4,016 FRANCE Ecole nationale superieure de chimie de Montpellier 2318 4,016 THAILAND Naresuan University 2319 4,015 CHINA Xi'an Medical University 2320 4,014 TURKEY Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University 2321 4,013 KENYA Egerton University 2322 4,013 UNITED KINGDOM Liverpool Hope University 2323 4,012 ISRAEL Open University Israel 2324 4,011 SWEDEN University of Skovde 2325 4,010 USA Loyola Marymount University 2326 4,010 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Ceara (IFCE) 2327 4,009 KAZAKHSTAN Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2328 4,008 SLOVAKIA Matej Bel University 2329 4,007 INDONESIA Universitas Padjadjaran 2330 4,007 TURKEY Mugla Sitki Kocman University 2331 4,006 USA Calvin College 2332 4,005 CHINA Hebei University of Science & Technology 2333 4,004 FRANCE Institut d'Optique Graduate School 2334 4,004 INDIA Maharaja Sayajirao University Baroda 2335 4,003 USA Morgan State University 2336 4,002 PHILIPPINES Ateneo de Manila University 2337 4,001 MONTENEGRO University of Montenegro 2338 4,001 JAPAN Meijo University 2339 4,000 CANADA University of Quebec Chicoutimi 2340 3,999 SWEDEN University of Gavle 2341 3,999 INDIA Cochin University Science & Technology 2342 3,998 JAPAN Shibaura Institute of Technology 2343 3,997 CHINA Shenyang Aerospace University 2344 3,996 CHINA Wuhan Polytechnic University 2345 3,996 CHINA Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics 2346 3,995 IRAQ University of Technology, Iraq 2347 3,994 TURKEY Bulent Ecevit University 2348 3,993 USA Rutgers State University Camden 2349 3,993 RUSSIA Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 2350 3,992 IRAN Alzahra University 2351 3,991 TURKEY Kirikkale University 2352 3,990

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Universite Lyon 2 2353 3,990 CHINA Changchun University of Technology 2354 3,989 UKRAINE Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 2355 3,988 USA Eastern Michigan University 2356 3,987 BRAZIL Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) 2357 3,987 USA Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) 2358 3,986 TAIWAN National Chiayi University 2359 3,985 CHINA Liaoning Normal University 2360 3,984 CHINA Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University 2361 3,984 TAIWAN Tunghai University 2362 3,983 CHINA Nanjing University of Finance & Economics 2363 3,982 JAPAN Kyoto Sangyo University 2364 3,981 GREECE Technology Education Institute Crete 2365 3,981 FRANCE Universite d'Artois 2366 3,980 CHINA Sichuan University of Science & Engineering 2367 3,979 PAKISTAN University of Lahore 2368 3,978 USA Swarthmore College 2369 3,978 CHINA Qingdao University of Technology 2370 3,977 USA Cooper Medical School of Rowan University 2371 3,976 INDIA Visvesvaraya Technological University 2372 3,975 PAKISTAN University of Engineering & Technology Lahore 2373 3,975 FRANCE Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et oceanographie spatiales 2374 3,974 TURKEY Duzce University 2375 3,973 HUNGARY Obuda University 2376 3,972 UNITED KINGDOM Canterbury Christ Church University 2377 3,972 INDIA University of Jammu 2378 3,971 CHINA Jianghan University 2379 3,970 SLOVENIA University of Primorska 2380 3,969 FRANCE Paris School of Economics 2381 3,969 IRELAND Cork Institute of Technology 2382 3,968 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Defence - Czech Republic 2383 3,967 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional de Tucuman 2384 3,966 COLOMBIA Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira 2385 3,966 SWEDEN University of Boras 2386 3,965 CHINA Shandong University of Finance & Economics 2387 3,964 USA University of St Thomas Minnesota 2388 3,963 CHINA Minzu University of China 2389 3,963 TAIWAN National Taipei University 2390 3,962 TURKEY Istanbul Medipol University 2391 3,961 SOUTH KOREA Catholic Kwandong University 2392 3,960 MAURITIUS University of Mauritius 2393 3,960 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico 2394 3,959 TAIWAN Ming Chi University of Technology 2395 3,958 IRELAND Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2396 3,957 FRANCE Kedge Business School 2397 3,957 TURKEY Balikesir University 2398 3,956 USA Southern Connecticut State University 2399 3,955 CHINA Jimei University 2400 3,954 USA Amherst College 2401 3,954

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TURKEY Bingol University 2402 3,953 POLAND Jan Dlugosz University 2403 3,952 RUSSIA Southwest State University - Russia 2404 3,951 CYPRUS University of Nicosia 2405 3,951 CHINA Ningxia University 2406 3,950 SLOVAKIA University of Economics Bratislava 2407 3,949 NORWAY Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 2408 3,948 BULGARIA Medical University Plovdiv 2409 3,948 JAPAN Kanagawa University 2410 3,947 TAIWAN Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science 2411 3,946 PAKISTAN Dow University of Health Sciences 2412 3,945 JAPAN Toyota Technological Institute 2413 3,945 INDONESIA Universitas Hasanuddin 2414 3,944 USA Tennessee State University 2415 3,943 CHINA Chongqing Jiaotong University 2416 3,942 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional del Comahue 2417 3,942 CHINA Weifang Medical University 2418 3,941 INDIA Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology 2419 3,940 CHINA 2420 3,940 INDIA University of Rajasthan 2421 3,939 POLAND University of Szczecin 2422 3,938 JAPAN Nara Womens University 2423 3,937 CHINA Anyang Normal University 2424 3,937 FRANCE Universite Bordeaux-Montaigne 2425 3,936 ARMENIA Yerevan State University 2426 3,935 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Surabaya 2427 3,934 CHINA Zhongnan University of Economics & Law 2428 3,934 CHINA Hainan Medical University 2429 3,933 USA Reed College - Oregon 2430 3,932 INDIA Punjabi University 2431 3,931 INDIA University of Kashmir 2432 3,931 USA Franklin & Marshall College 2433 3,930 JAPAN Sophia University 2434 3,929 CHINA University Science & Technology Liaoning 2435 3,928 USA Texas A&M University Kingsville 2436 3,928 INDIA SSN College of Engineering 2437 3,927 TUNISIA Universite de Gabes 2438 3,926 CHINA Chongqing University of Arts & Sciences 2439 3,925 USA Missouri State University 2440 3,925 SLOVAKIA University of Presov 2441 3,924 USA College of New Jersey 2442 3,923 INDIA Gauhati University 2443 3,922 USA Western University of Health Sciences 2444 3,922 USA Bowdoin College 2445 3,921 CHINA Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2446 3,920 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Zayed University 2447 3,919 PORTUGAL Universidade dos Acores 2448 3,919 KAZAKHSTAN Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University 2449 3,918 PAKISTAN Lahore University of Management Sciences 2450 3,917

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Taiyuan University of Science & Technology 2451 3,916 SOUTH KOREA Kyonggi University 2452 3,916 CHINA Hebei University of Engineering 2453 3,915 UNITED KINGDOM Queen Margaret University 2454 3,914 SOUTH KOREA Konyang University 2455 3,913 CHINA Dongbei University of Finance & Economics 2456 3,913 INDIA Lovely Professional University 2457 3,912 BRAZIL Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) 2458 3,911 INDIA GGS Indraprastha University 2459 3,910 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Pampa 2460 3,910 POLAND Kazimierz Wielki University 2461 3,909 JORDAN Hashemite University 2462 3,908 TANZANIA University of Dar es Salaam 2463 3,907 FRANCE ESIEE Paris 2464 3,907 INDIA Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management (GITAM) 2465 3,906 INDIA Kalyani University 2466 3,905 INDIA University of Mysore 2467 3,904 INDIA National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) 2468 3,904 SUDAN University of Khartoum 2469 3,903 CHINA Shandong Jianzhu University 2470 3,902 CHINA Shenyang University of Technology 2471 3,901 CHINA Chengdu University 2472 3,901 CANADA University of Moncton 2473 3,900 USA Seton Hall University 2474 3,899 TURKEY Karabuk University 2475 3,898 CHINA Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications 2476 3,898 SAUDI ARABIA Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University 2477 3,897 ALGERIA Universite de Bejaia 2478 3,896 USA SUNY Polytechnic Institute 2479 3,895 RUSSIA Belgorod State University 2480 3,895 CHINA Xihua University 2481 3,894 TURKEY Acibadem University 2482 3,893 ITALY Foro Italico University of Rome 2483 3,892 FRANCE ENSTA ParisTech 2484 3,892 CHINA Foshan University 2485 3,891 TURKEY Atilim University 2486 3,890 FIJI University of the South Pacific 2487 3,889 CHINA Jilin Normal University 2488 3,889 TAIWAN National Ilan University 2489 3,888 CHINA Beijing Information Science & Technology University 2490 3,887 USA Northern Kentucky University 2491 3,886 CHINA 2492 3,886 CHINA Luoyang Normal University 2493 3,885 USA California State University San Bernardino 2494 3,884 PAKISTAN Abdul Wali Khan University 2495 3,883 JAPAN Muroran Institute of Technology 2496 3,883 USA Occidental College 2497 3,882 PAKISTAN Arid Agriculture University 2498 3,881 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana 2499 3,881

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2500 3,880 NIGERIA Lagos State University 2501 3,879 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro 2502 3,878 POLAND Wroclaw University of Economics 2503 3,878 INDIA National Institute of Technology Raipur 2504 3,877 CZECH REPUBLIC Silesian University Opava 2505 3,876 IRAN Lorestan University of Medical Sciences 2506 3,875 USA Macalester College 2507 3,875 BRAZIL Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aeroespacial (CTA) 2508 3,874 IRAN Shahed University 2509 3,873 BRAZIL Universidade Fortaleza 2510 3,872 CHINA Xi'an Technological University 2511 3,872 ITALY Luiss Guido Carli University 2512 3,871 NIGERIA University of Benin 2513 3,870 BRAZIL Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA) 2514 3,869 INDIA Shoolini University 2515 3,869 INDIA ICAR - Indian Veterinary Research Institute 2516 3,868 USA University of Texas at Tyler 2517 3,867 MOLDOVA Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine & Pharmacy 2518 3,866 BRAZIL Universidade Nove de Julho 2519 3,866 TAIWAN National United University 2520 3,865 INDIA Madras Medical College & General Hospital 2521 3,864 USA SUNY New Paltz 2522 3,863 FRANCE Institut Superieur de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO) 2523 3,863 IRAN Allameh Tabataba'i University 2524 3,862 POLAND University of Opole 2525 3,861 KUWAIT Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 2526 3,860 CHINA Guilin Medical University 2527 3,860 USA Williams College 2528 3,859 SPAIN Universidad Catolica de Murcia 2529 3,858 EGYPT Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport 2530 3,857 MALAYSIA UCSI University 2531 3,857 PERU Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos 2532 3,856 JAPAN Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology 2533 3,855 INDIA Punjab Agricultural University 2534 3,854 TURKEY Namik Kemal University 2535 3,854 ITALY University of Teramo 2536 3,853 CHINA Guangdong Ocean University 2537 3,852 JAPAN Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences 2538 3,851 CHINA Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology 2539 3,851 CHINA Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2540 3,850 LATVIA Riga Stradins University 2541 3,849 INDIA Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) - Mohali 2542 3,848 INDIA Periyar University 2543 3,848 SLOVAKIA Slovak Medical University Bratislava 2544 3,847 UNITED KINGDOM Southampton Solent University 2545 3,846 MALAYSIA Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia 2546 3,845 UNITED KINGDOM University of Bolton 2547 3,845 SPAIN Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir 2548 3,844

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies 2549 3,843 USA Humboldt State University 2550 3,842 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort (ENVA) 2551 3,842 USA Adelphi University 2552 3,841 TAIWAN National University Kaohsiung 2553 3,840 CANADA Athabasca University 2554 3,839 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Veterinary & Pharmaceutical Sciences - Brno 2555 3,839 USA Indiana University South Bend 2556 3,838 BOTSWANA University of Botswana 2557 3,837 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre 2558 3,836 SOUTH KOREA Changwon National University 2559 3,836 INDIA Lucknow University 2560 3,835 SAUDI ARABIA Najran University 2561 3,834 FRANCE ESSEC Business School 2562 3,833 SOUTH KOREA Mokpo National University 2563 3,833 ALGERIA Universite Abou Bekr Belkaid 2564 3,832 GERMANY University of Erfurt 2565 3,831 TURKEY Bozok University 2566 3,830 TURKEY Recep Tayyip Erdogan University 2567 3,830 USA Mount Holyoke College 2568 3,829 TURKEY Omer Halis Demir University 2569 3,828 ITALY IUAV University Venice 2570 3,827 INDIA Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences 2571 3,827 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa 2572 3,826 INDIA University of Burdwan 2573 3,825 TURKEY Afyon Kocatepe University 2574 3,824 MEXICO Universidad de Sonora 2575 3,824 ROMANIA University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca 2576 3,823 CHINA Taizhou University 2577 3,822 BRAZIL Instituto Butantan 2578 3,822 USA Seattle University 2579 3,821 TURKEY Mustafa Kemal University 2580 3,820 FRANCE Universite du Littoral-Cote-d'Opale 2581 3,819 POLAND Pedagogical University of Cracow 2582 3,819 FRANCE Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Paris 2583 3,818 INDIA Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University 2584 3,817 INDONESIA Universitas Syiah Kuala 2585 3,816 ROMANIA University of Oradea 2586 3,816 USA Lafayette College 2587 3,815 MOROCCO Universite Moulay Ismail 2588 3,814 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional Rio Cuarto 2589 3,813 USA Colby College 2590 3,813 CHINA Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2591 3,812 EGYPT Damietta University 2592 3,811 TAIWAN Hungkuang University 2593 3,810 INDIA Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur 2594 3,810 TAIWAN Southern Taiwan University of Science & Technology 2595 3,809 PAKISTAN Government College University Lahore 2596 3,808 KENYA Moi University 2597 3,807

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UNITED KINGDOM University of Sunderland 2598 3,807 COLOMBIA Universidad ICESI 2599 3,806 UGANDA Mbarara University of Science & Technology 2600 3,805 INDIA Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology 2601 3,804 USA University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 2602 3,804 SLOVAKIA Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra 2603 3,803 SOUTH KOREA Hanbat National University 2604 3,802 CHINA Dalian Minzu University 2605 3,801 RUSSIA MIREA - Russian Technological University 2606 3,801 PARAGUAY Universidad Nacional de Asuncion 2607 3,800 RUSSIA Tyumen State University 2608 3,799 CHINA Hunan University of Chinese Medicine 2609 3,798 INDIA Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar 2610 3,798 TURKEY Beykent University 2611 3,797 IRAN Urmia University of Medical Sciences 2612 3,796 SERBIA Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts 2613 3,795 ALGERIA Universite de Mascara 2614 3,795 INDIA ICAR - National Dairy Research Institute 2615 3,794 INDIA King Edward Memorial Hospital & Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College 2616 3,793 INDIA Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology 2617 3,792 USA School of the Art Institute of Chicago 2618 3,792 INDIA University of Mumbai 2619 3,791 USA John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) 2620 3,790 PAKISTAN University of Engineering & Technology Taxila 2621 3,789 SPAIN IE University 2622 3,789 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Alfenas 2623 3,788 SOUTH AFRICA University of Venda 2624 3,787 CHINA Liaoning Shihua University 2625 3,786 CHINA North China University of Water Conservancy & Electric Power 2626 3,786 ECUADOR Escuela Politecnica Nacional Ecuador 2627 3,785 INDIA Gandhigram Rural Institute 2628 3,784 INDIA Rajasthan Technical University 2629 3,783 SOUTH AFRICA University of Fort Hare 2630 3,783 CANADA Acadia University 2631 3,782 TURKEY Aksaray University 2632 3,781 SINGAPORE Yale NUS College 2633 3,780 TAIWAN Chang Gung University of Science & Technology 2634 3,780 FRANCE Universite Catholique de Lille 2635 3,779 RUSSIA Kazan National Research Technical University - KAI 2636 3,778 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan 2637 3,777 COLOMBIA University Del Norte 2638 3,777 UNITED KINGDOM London Metropolitan University 2639 3,776 USA University of Central Arkansas 2640 3,775 USA University of Arizona Health Sciences 2641 3,774 TURKEY Harran University 2642 3,774 JAPAN Kochi University Technology 2643 3,773 SAUDI ARABIA Majmaah University 2644 3,772 RUSSIA Tomsk State Pedagogical University 2645 3,771 USA Elon University 2646 3,771

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Southwest University for Nationalities - China 2647 3,770 INDIA Jain University 2648 3,769 GERMANY Helmut Schmidt University 2649 3,768 UNITED KINGDOM University of Arts London 2650 3,768 CHINA Huaiyin Institute of Technology 2651 3,767 TURKEY Fatih University 2652 3,766 INDONESIA Airlangga University 2653 3,765 MOROCCO Abdelmalek Essaadi University 2654 3,765 FRANCE EMLYON Business School 2655 3,764 POLAND Gdynia Maritime University 2656 3,763 BULGARIA Technical University Sofia 2657 3,763 JAPAN Konan University 2658 3,762 RUSSIA North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov 2659 3,761 RWANDA University of Rwanda 2660 3,760 THAILAND Srinakharinwirot University 2661 3,760 SWITZERLAND European Society for Medical Oncology 2662 3,759 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo 2663 3,758 RUSSIA Omsk State Technical University 2664 3,757 CHINA 2665 3,757 CHINA Dalian Ocean University 2666 3,756 SWEDEN University West - Sweden 2667 3,755 CHINA Zhongyuan University of Technology 2668 3,754 SAUDI ARABIA Prince Sultan University 2669 3,754 USA Wake Forest University School of Medicine 2670 3,753 INDIA Vidyasagar University 2671 3,752 CHINA Chongqing University of Science & Technology 2672 3,751 SOUTH KOREA Kunsan National University 2673 3,751 TAIWAN Ming Chuan University 2674 3,750 IRELAND Waterford Institute of Technology 2675 3,749 CHINA Gansu Agricultural University 2676 3,748 ECUADOR Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral 2677 3,748 CHINA Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2678 3,747 CHINA Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute 2679 3,746 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Ceara 2680 3,745 TAIWAN Chinese Culture University 2681 3,745 SWITZERLAND University of 2682 3,744 USA Chicago State University 2683 3,743 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Itajuba 2684 3,742 INDIA Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) 2685 3,742 CHINA Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities 2686 3,741 INDIA Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 2687 3,740 GHANA Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research 2688 3,739 USA California State University San Marcos 2689 3,739 INDONESIA Universitas Telkom 2690 3,738 CANADA University Quebec Outaouais 2691 3,737 TURKEY Hitit University 2692 3,736 CHINA Hubei University for Nationalities 2693 3,736 VENEZUELA University of Los Andes Venezuela 2694 3,735 UNITED KINGDOM University of Worcester 2695 3,734

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE MOROCCO Universite Ibn Zohr Agadir 2696 3,733 POLAND Gdansk University of Physical Education & Sport 2697 3,733 SOUTH KOREA Dong-Eui University 2698 3,732 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAUniversity of Banja Luka (UNIBL) 2699 3,731 USA Vassar College 2700 3,730 USA Pomona College 2701 3,730 IRAN Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU) 2702 3,729 TAIWAN Chung Hua University 2703 3,728 MOROCCO Universite Ibn Tofail Kenitra 2704 3,727 CHINA Shanxi Agricultural University 2705 3,727 JAPAN Utsunomiya University 2706 3,726 THAILAND Silpakorn University 2707 3,725 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz 2708 3,724 CHINA Changshu Institute of Technology 2709 3,724 MALAYSIA Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris 2710 3,723 INDIA University of Kerala 2711 3,722 NIGERIA University of Port Harcourt 2712 3,721 CHINA Northeast Electric Power University 2713 3,721 PORTUGAL Institute of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - UNL 2714 3,720 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Formation Agronomique (ENSFEA) 2715 3,719 RUSSIA St Petersburg Academic University 2716 3,718 NORWAY University Centre Svalbard (UNIS) 2717 3,718 UNITED KINGDOM University of Gloucestershire 2718 3,717 CHINA Gannan Normal University 2719 3,716 CHINA Zhejiang University of Science & Technology 2720 3,715 FRANCE Universite Rennes 2 2721 3,715 FRANCE IPAG Business School 2722 3,714 USA Youngstown State University 2723 3,713 SAUDI ARABIA King Faisal University 2724 3,712 UNITED KINGDOM University of Northampton 2725 3,712 IRAN Shahrekord University Medical Sciences 2726 3,711 UNITED KINGDOM University of Abertay Dundee 2727 3,710 RUSSIA Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy & Public Administration 2728 3,709 USA Davidson College 2729 3,709 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne 2730 3,708 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros 2731 3,707 ALGERIA Universite Constantine 2732 3,706 USA Florida Gulf Coast University 2733 3,706 UKRAINE Ivan Franko National University Lviv 2734 3,705 FRANCE Toulouse School of Economics 2735 3,704 SAUDI ARABIA University of Jeddah 2736 3,704 CHINA Wuhan Naval University of Engineering 2737 3,703 CHINA Hubei Normal University 2738 3,702 CHINA Hubei University of Science & Technology 2739 3,701 USA Babson College 2740 3,701 GERMANY Fern University Hagen 2741 3,700 EGYPT City of Scientific Research & Technological Applications (SRTA-City) 2742 3,699 CHINA Anhui Polytechnic University 2743 3,698 CHINA Tianjin Chengjian University 2744 3,698

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Jodhpur 2745 3,697 CHINA Inner Mongolia University of Technology 2746 3,696 SPAIN Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) 2747 3,695 TANZANIA Sokoine University of Agriculture 2748 3,695 CHINA Shanghai University of Sport 2749 3,694 CHINA Dalian Jiaotong University 2750 3,693 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional de San Luis 2751 3,692 TAIWAN National Formosa University 2752 3,692 CANADA Mount Royal University 2753 3,691 JAPAN Tokyo University of Agriculture 2754 3,690 TAIWAN Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing & Management 2755 3,689 INDIA Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 2756 3,689 CHINA 2757 3,688 INDIA Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research 2758 3,687 CHINA Qiqihar University 2759 3,686 VENEZUELA Simon Bolivar University 2760 3,686 MALAYSIA University of Kuala Lumpur 2761 3,685 PAKISTAN Hazara University 2762 3,684 UNITED KINGDOM University of Chichester 2763 3,683 USA California State University Chico 2764 3,683 INDIA Banasthali Vidyapith 2765 3,682 FRANCE Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine 2766 3,681 CHINA Yunnan University of Finance & Economics 2767 3,680 USA Fisk University 2768 3,680 GREECE University of Western Macedonia 2769 3,679 CUBA Universidad de la Habana 2770 3,678 INDIA Loyola College - India 2771 3,677 CHINA Nanjing Institute of Technology 2772 3,677 CHINA Jiangsu University of Technology 2773 3,676 CHINA China Europe International Business School 2774 3,675 CHINA Henan Institute of Science & Technology 2775 3,674 INDONESIA Universitas Bina Nusantara 2776 3,674 RUSSIA Samara State Technical University 2777 3,673 CHINA MinNan Normal University 2778 3,672 ROMANIA Valahia University of Targoviste 2779 3,671 CHINA Xi'an Shiyou University 2780 3,671 USA Bryn Mawr College 2781 3,670 ALGERIA Universite Mohamed Khider Biskra 2782 3,669 INDIA National Institute of Technology Hamirpur 2783 3,668 EGYPT Damanhour University 2784 3,668 SOUTH KOREA Hoseo University 2785 3,667 INDIA Maharshi Dayanand University 2786 3,666 THAILAND Mahasarakham University 2787 3,665 USA DePauw University 2788 3,665 CHINA Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2789 3,664 CHINA Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology 2790 3,663 INDIA Karnatak University 2791 3,662 INDIA Bangalore University 2792 3,662 CHINA Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine 2793 3,661

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRAN Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (QUMS) 2794 3,660 BRAZIL Universidade da Regiao de Joinville 2795 3,659 CHINA Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology 2796 3,659 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense 2797 3,658 MEXICO El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) 2798 3,657 JAPAN Fukuoka Institute of Technology 2799 3,656 USA College of the Holy Cross 2800 3,656 CHINA Shenyang University of Chemical Technology 2801 3,655 USA Xavier University 2802 3,654 ECUADOR Escuela Politecnica Superior del Ejercito 2803 3,653 USA Central Washington University 2804 3,653 CROATIA University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture 2805 3,652 USA Willamette University 2806 3,651 INDIA National Institute of Technology Agartala 2807 3,650 EGYPT Port Said University 2808 3,650 BRAZIL Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados 2809 3,649 CANADA Mount Allison University 2810 3,648 TURKEY Kastamonu University 2811 3,647 SINGAPORE Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) 2812 3,647 INDIA Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University (BAMU) 2813 3,646 KAZAKHSTAN L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 2814 3,645 EGYPT German University in Cairo 2815 3,645 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) 2816 3,644 USA Indiana State University 2817 3,643 CHINA Ningbo University of Technology 2818 3,642 USA Indiana University of Pennsylvania 2819 3,642 IRAN Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz 2820 3,641 BRAZIL Escola de Pos-Graduacao em Economia (EPGE) 2821 3,640 PAKISTAN University of Veterinary & Animal Science - Pakistan 2822 3,639 LATVIA Latvia University of Life Sciences & Technologies 2823 3,639 BRAZIL Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) 2824 3,638 VIETNAM Can Tho University 2825 3,637 TURKEY Munzur University 2826 3,636 JAPAN Obihiro University of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine 2827 3,636 JAPAN Tokyo Denki University 2828 3,635 CHINA Guizhou Normal University 2829 3,634 UNITED KINGDOM St Mary's University Twickenham London 2830 3,633 INDIA Dr. Hari Singh Gour University 2831 3,633 KUWAIT Public Authority for Applied Education & Training (PAAET) - Kuwait 2832 3,632 INDIA North Eastern Hill University 2833 3,631 USA Texas Womans University 2834 3,630 RUSSIA Don State Technical University 2835 3,630 USA North Carolina Central University 2836 3,629 SOUTH KOREA Sang Myung University 2837 3,628 TAIWAN National University Tainan 2838 3,627 USA Kutztown University - Pennsylvania 2839 3,627 SOUTH AFRICA Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University 2840 3,626 MOROCCO University Chouaib Doukkali 2841 3,625 IRAN Persian Gulf University 2842 3,624

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Kogakuin University 2843 3,624 USA University of Northern Iowa 2844 3,623 INDIA Assam University 2845 3,622 TAIWAN Central Taiwan University Science & Technology 2846 3,621 USA University of Baltimore 2847 3,621 INDONESIA Universitas Jember 2848 3,620 CHINA Fujian University of Technology 2849 3,619 BRAZIL Faculdade de Medicina do ABC 2850 3,618 CHINA Shijiazhuang Tiedao University 2851 3,618 SOUTH KOREA Korea National University of Transportation 2852 3,617 USA Suffolk University 2853 3,616 SAUDI ARABIA Qassim University 2854 3,615 INDIA Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University 2855 3,615 ROMANIA Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 2856 3,614 CHINA Communication University of China 2857 3,613 JAPAN Chiba Institute of Technology 2858 3,612 INDIA Kurukshetra University 2859 3,612 USA Toyota Technological Institute - Chicago 2860 3,611 BRAZIL Instituto Adolfo Lutz 2861 3,610 USA University of New England - USA 2862 3,609 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESAbu Dhabi University 2863 3,609 JAPAN University Shiga Prefecture 2864 3,608 USA Skidmore College 2865 3,607 SOUTH KOREA Kumoh National University Technology 2866 3,606 INDIA Acharya University 2867 3,606 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Pelotas 2868 3,605 USA California State University East Bay 2869 3,604 EGYPT Nile University 2870 3,603 SPAIN Comillas Pontifical University 2871 3,603 ECUADOR Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja 2872 3,602 MEXICO Colegio de Postgraduados - Mexico 2873 3,601 CHINA Xuzhou University of Technology 2874 3,600 INDIA Charotar University of Science & Technology - Charusat 2875 3,600 BANGLADESH Bangladesh Agricultural University 2876 3,599 INDIA Ramaiah Institute of Technology 2877 3,598 ALGERIA Universite des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf 2878 3,597 INDIA I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University 2879 3,597 RUSSIA Moscow Power Engineering Institute 2880 3,596 ITALY IUSS PAVIA 2881 3,595 SAUDI ARABIA King Abdulaziz Medical City 2882 3,594 RUSSIA Bashkir State University 2883 3,594 GERMANY Otto Friedrich University Bamberg 2884 3,593 USA Western Illinois University 2885 3,592 BANGLADESH Jahangirnagar University 2886 3,591 ARGENTINA Instituto Balseiro 2887 3,591 JORDAN Yarmouk University 2888 3,590 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Los Banos 2889 3,589 CHINA Guangxi University of Nationalities 2890 3,588 USA Bellevue Hospital Center 2891 3,588

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Chengdu Medical College 2892 3,587 PHILIPPINES University of Santo Tomas 2893 3,586 TAIWAN Chaoyang University of Technology 2894 3,586 CZECH REPUBLIC Institute of Technology & Business, Ceske Budejovice 2895 3,585 JAPAN Aichi Gakuin University 2896 3,584 TAIWAN National Chi Nan University 2897 3,583 CHINA Nanjing Audit University 2898 3,583 INDIA TERI University 2899 3,582 TURKEY Ahi Evran University 2900 3,581 TAIWAN Da Yeh University 2901 3,580 INDIA Kalasalingam Academy of Research & Education 2902 3,580 RUSSIA Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology 2903 3,579 JAPAN Ryukoku University 2904 3,578 LITHUANIA Vytautas Magnus University 2905 3,577 CHINA Minjiang University 2906 3,577 USA Valparaiso University 2907 3,576 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional de San Juan 2908 3,575 TAIWAN Chang Jung Christian University 2909 3,574 INDIA University 2910 3,574 USA Greater Baltimore Medical Center 2911 3,573 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Malang 2912 3,572 BRAZIL Universidade de Passo Fundo 2913 3,571 USA Buffalo State College 2914 3,571 ROMANIA Ovidius University 2915 3,570 CHINA 2916 3,569 CHINA Hubei Engineering University 2917 3,568 CHINA Shenyang Normal University 2918 3,568 USA Albany State University 2919 3,567 USA Delaware State University 2920 3,566 TURKEY Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi 2921 3,565 CANADA Cape Breton University 2922 3,565 IRAQ Mustansiriya University 2923 3,564 CHINA Huaihai Institute of Technology 2924 3,563 CHINA North Sichuan Medical University 2925 3,562 CHINA Hainan Normal University 2926 3,562 FRANCE Grenoble Ecole Management 2927 3,561 USA Quinnipiac University 2928 3,560 BRAZIL Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN) 2929 3,559 RUSSIA Tomsk State University of Control Systems & Radioelectronics 2930 3,559 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg Mining University 2931 3,558 JAPAN Okayama University of Science 2932 3,557 INDIA PSG College Technology 2933 3,556 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana 2934 3,556 CHINA Nanchang Institute Technology 2935 3,555 USA Clark Atlanta University 2936 3,554 CYPRUS European University Cyprus 2937 3,553 CHINA Yunnan Minzu University 2938 3,553 SWEDEN Kristianstad University 2939 3,552 RUSSIA Voronezh State University 2940 3,551

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Southwest Forestry University - China 2941 3,550 INDIA University of Calicut 2942 3,550 CHINA 2943 3,549 ALGERIA Universite de M'hammed Bougara Boumerdes 2944 3,548 TURKEY Cankiri Karatekin University 2945 3,547 PAKISTAN University of Sindh 2946 3,547 USA Western Carolina University 2947 3,546 ITALY Niccolo Cusano Online University 2948 3,545 JAPAN Toyo University 2949 3,544 CANADA University Quebec Abitibi-Temiscamingue 2950 3,544 CHINA 2951 3,543 VIETNAM University of Danang 2952 3,542 HUNGARY University of Miskolc 2953 3,541 TAIWAN Providence University - Taiwan 2954 3,541 CANADA Nipissing University 2955 3,540 IRELAND Mary Immaculate College - University Limerick 2956 3,539 JAPAN Tokyo City University 2957 3,538 SOUTH KOREA Korea University of Technology & Education 2958 3,538 INDIA Goa University 2959 3,537 JAPAN Gifu Pharmaceutical University 2960 3,536 CHINA Northwest Minzu University 2961 3,535 JAPAN Iwate Prefectural University 2962 3,535 TAIWAN National Taichung University of Science & Technology 2963 3,534 PORTUGAL Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada (ISPA) 2964 3,533 USA Hope College 2965 3,532 CHINA Beijing Union University 2966 3,532 COLOMBIA Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2967 3,531 NIGERIA Bayero University 2968 3,530 USA College of Wooster 2969 3,529 INDIA Mangalore University 2970 3,529 RUSSIA Penza State Technological University 2971 3,528 RUSSIA North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk 2972 3,527 JAPAN Kyoto Prefectural University 2973 3,527 CHINA Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine 2974 3,526 KENYA Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology 2975 3,525 USA Claremont McKenna College 2976 3,524 INDIA Central University of Punjab 2977 3,524 ROMANIA Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB) 2978 3,523 SLOVENIA National Institute of Biology - Slovenia 2979 3,522 USA California State University Dominguez Hills 2980 3,521 BRAZIL Universidade de Caxias do Sul 2981 3,521 KENYA Kenyatta University 2982 3,520 ITALY Pegaso Online University 2983 3,519 USA West Chester University of Pennsylvania 2984 3,518 CYPRUS Open University of Cyprus 2985 3,518 INDIA Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (SLIET) 2986 3,517 ECUADOR Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador 2987 3,516 BULGARIA University of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy - Bulgaria 2988 3,515 TURKEY Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 2989 3,515

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Jiamusi University 2990 3,514 INDIA Nirma University 2991 3,513 INDIA Sardar Patel University 2992 3,512 FRANCE NEOMA Business School 2993 3,512 MALAYSIA Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia 2994 3,511 CHINA Huanggang Normal University 2995 3,510 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 2996 3,509 CHINA Yanan University 2997 3,509 JAPAN Tokyo University of Technology 2998 3,508 LITHUANIA Klaipeda University 2999 3,507 USA Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station 3000 3,506 RUSSIA Moscow State Technology University Stankin 3001 3,506 CHINA Tianjin University of Commerce 3002 3,505 MALAYSIA Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin 3003 3,504 ITALY University of Macerata 3004 3,503 CHINA Shanghai Polytechnic University 3005 3,503 VIETNAM Hue University 3006 3,502 RUSSIA Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University 3007 3,501 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan Medical University KSPH 3008 3,500 PAKISTAN University of Gujrat 3009 3,500 UKRAINE Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 3010 3,499 RUSSIA Irkutsk State University 3011 3,498 CHINA Yangtze Normal University 3012 3,497 MALI University of Science & Technology of Bamako 3013 3,497 RUSSIA Penza State University 3014 3,496 TURKEY Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University 3015 3,495 INDIA University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES) 3016 3,494 UNITED KINGDOM Royal College of Physicians 3017 3,494 CHINA Qiqihar Medical University 3018 3,493 INDIA Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences 3019 3,492 INDIA Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University 3020 3,491 SOUTH KOREA Andong National University 3021 3,491 RUSSIA Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia 3022 3,490 SOUTH KOREA Daegu Haany University 3023 3,489 INDIA Himachal Pradesh University 3024 3,488 USA Georgia Gwinnett College 3025 3,488 CHINA Neijiang Normal University 3026 3,487 JAPAN Azabu University 3027 3,486 CHINA Capital University of Economics & Business 3028 3,485 USA Western New England University 3029 3,485 LEBANON Notre Dame University Lebanon 3030 3,484 ALGERIA University of Batna 3031 3,483 USA Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences 3032 3,482 BAHRAIN University of Bahrain 3033 3,482 NIGERIA University of Jos 3034 3,481 SOUTH KOREA Sun Moon University 3035 3,480 POLAND Maritime University Szczecin 3036 3,479 CHINA Shenyang Jianzhu University 3037 3,479 SOUTH KOREA Korea Aerospace University 3038 3,478

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Central Connecticut State University 3039 3,477 EGYPT Misr University for Science & Technology 3040 3,476 UNITED KINGDOM Bath Spa University 3041 3,476 CHINA Beihua University 3042 3,475 INDONESIA Universitas Sriwijaya 3043 3,474 USA Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne 3044 3,473 JAPAN Tokyo Dental College 3045 3,473 TAIWAN Soochow University 3046 3,472 CHINA Harbin University of Commerce 3047 3,471 INDIA PES University 3048 3,471 POLAND Koszalin University of Technology 3049 3,470 FRANCE Toulouse Business School 3050 3,469 INDONESIA Universitas Islam Indonesia 3051 3,468 CHINA Baoji University of Arts & Sciences 3052 3,468 CHINA Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University 3053 3,467 NEPAL B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences 3054 3,466 USA University of Oklahoma - Tulsa 3055 3,465 TURKEY Yasar University 3056 3,465 CHINA Hubei University of Chinese Medicine 3057 3,464 OMAN University of Nizwa 3058 3,463 JAPAN Gakushuin University 3059 3,462 PORTUGAL Institute Superior Politecnico Viseu 3060 3,462 CHINA Anhui University of Chinese Medicine 3061 3,461 INDIA University College of Medical Sciences 3062 3,460 GHANA Ghana Health Service 3063 3,459 UNITED KINGDOM York Saint John University 3064 3,459 FRANCE IESEG School of Management 3065 3,458 CHINA Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3066 3,457 RUSSIA Volgograd State Technical University 3067 3,456 JAPAN Osaka Institute of Technology 3068 3,456 USA Bridgewater State College 3069 3,455 CHINA Chongqing Three Gorges University 3070 3,454 TAIWAN National Chin-Yi University of Technology 3071 3,453 RUSSIA Ufa State Aviation Technical University 3072 3,453 INDIA Shiv Nadar University 3073 3,452 TURKEY Abdullah Gul University 3074 3,451 IRAQ University of Babylon 3075 3,450 USA Harvey Mudd College 3076 3,450 JAPAN Tokushima Bunri University 3077 3,449 SINGAPORE Singapore Institute of Technology 3078 3,448 GERMANY Hochschule Angewandte Wissenschaft Hamburg 3079 3,447 USA Weber State University 3080 3,447 CHINA Hunan University of Arts & Science 3081 3,446 JORDAN German-Jordanian University 3082 3,445 CHINA Dali University 3083 3,444 ISRAEL Tel Hai Academy College 3084 3,444 USA Alabama A&M University 3085 3,443 NIGERIA Redeemers University 3086 3,442 SAUDI ARABIA Al Jouf University 3087 3,441

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE SOUTH KOREA Korea Maritime & Ocean University 3088 3,441 CHINA Normal University 3089 3,440 TURKEY Agri Ibrahim Cecen University 3090 3,439 USA Texas A&M University Corpus Christi 3091 3,438 INDIA Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) 3092 3,438 JAPAN Kitakyushu University 3093 3,437 RUSSIA Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University 3094 3,436 AZERBAIJAN Baku State University 3095 3,435 IRAN Kermanshah University of Technology 3096 3,435 ROMANIA University of Pitesti 3097 3,434 CHINA 3098 3,433 GREECE Western Greece University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Western Greece) 3099 3,432 INDIA Tumkur University 3100 3,432 SPAIN Mondragon Unibertsitatea 3101 3,431 JAPAN National Defence Academy - Japan 3102 3,430 RUSSIA Moscow Aviation Institute 3103 3,429 USA California State University Bakersfield 3104 3,429 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez 3105 3,428 USA University of Wisconsin Stevens Point 3106 3,427 TURKEY KTO Karatay University 3107 3,426 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) 3108 3,426 INDIA Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences - Deemed to be University 3109 3,425 SOUTH AFRICA University of Zululand 3110 3,424 TAIWAN National Taipei University of Nursing & Health Science (NTUNHS) 3111 3,423 CANADA Structural Genomics Consortium 3112 3,423 RUSSIA Chelyabinsk State University 3113 3,422 CHINA Xi'an Polytechnic University 3114 3,421 RUSSIA Privolzhsky Research Medical University 3115 3,420 USA Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Amarillo 3116 3,420 SOUTH KOREA Hannam University 3117 3,419 USA Manhattan Eye Ear & Throat Hospital 3118 3,418 INDIA BMS College of Engineering 3119 3,417 USA Mansfield University - Pennsylvania 3120 3,417 INDIA Thiagarajar College of Engineering 3121 3,416 RUSSIA Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov 3122 3,415 USA University of Hartford 3123 3,414 USA Saint Joseph's University 3124 3,414 POLAND Cracow University of Economics 3125 3,413 POLAND Warsaw School of Economics 3126 3,412 USA Metropolitan State University of Denver 3127 3,412 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad 3128 3,411 USA Hamilton College 3129 3,410 TURKEY Gumushane University 3130 3,409 RUSSIA Kazan National Research Technological University 3131 3,409 SLOVAKIA Alexander Dubcek University Trencin 3132 3,408 CHINA Shenyang Ligong University 3133 3,407 USA Murray State University 3134 3,406 CHINA Gannan Medical University 3135 3,406 IRAN Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University (SANRU) 3136 3,405

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRAN Semnan University of Medical Sciences 3137 3,404 INDIA Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University 3138 3,403 CHINA Yancheng Teachers University 3139 3,403 COSTA RICA Universidad Nacional Costa Rica 3140 3,402 INDONESIA Universitas Riau 3141 3,401 FIJI Fiji National University (FNU) 3142 3,400 CHINA Nanjing Xiaozhuang University 3143 3,400 CANADA Mount Saint Vincent University 3144 3,399 USA Bradley University 3145 3,398 JAPAN Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 3146 3,397 USA Minnesota State University Mankato 3147 3,397 INDIA Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 3148 3,396 USA Rochester General Hospital 3149 3,395 RUSSIA Volgograd State University (VOLSU) 3150 3,394 UNITED KINGDOM University of London School of Advanced Study 3151 3,394 CHINA Jiujiang University 3152 3,393 PAKISTAN Kohat University of Science & Technology 3153 3,392 BULGARIA Plovdiv University 3154 3,391 USA Monmouth University 3155 3,391 EGYPT Modern Sciences & Arts University (MSA) 3156 3,390 JAPAN Showa Pharmaceutical University 3157 3,389 LITHUANIA Mykolas Romeris University 3158 3,388 UNITED KINGDOM Royal College of Surgeons of England 3159 3,388 FRANCE SKEMA Business School 3160 3,387 USA American College of Cardiology 3161 3,386 POLAND Catholic University of Lublin 3162 3,385 USA Pepperdine University 3163 3,385 JAPAN Akita Prefectural University 3164 3,384 RUSSIA Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia 3165 3,383 INDIA Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya 3166 3,382 LEBANON Beirut Arab University 3167 3,382 POLAND Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 3168 3,381 INDIA Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture Technology 3169 3,380 RUSSIA Altai State University 3170 3,379 CHINA 3171 3,379 BANGLADESH University of Chittagong 3172 3,378 COLOMBIA Universidad de La Sabana 3173 3,377 USA University of Tampa 3174 3,376 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Brasilia 3175 3,376 USA Pennsylvania Presbyterian Medical Center 3176 3,375 CHINA Hubei University of Arts & Science 3177 3,374 INDIA Gujarat University 3178 3,373 BRAZIL Instituto Agronomico de Campinas (IAC) 3179 3,373 SAUDI ARABIA Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University 3180 3,372 INDIA Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Kakinada 3181 3,371 TAIWAN National Kaohsiung Normal University 3182 3,370 TAIWAN Nan Kai University Technology 3183 3,370 PAKISTAN University of Malakand 3184 3,369 USA Texas A&M University Commerce 3185 3,368

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City University Economics 3186 3,367 MALAYSIA Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia 3187 3,367 CHINA Changchun University of Chinese Medicine 3188 3,366 JAPAN Hitotsubashi University 3189 3,365 CHINA Tibet University 3190 3,364 USA University of North Carolina - Asheville 3191 3,364 CHINA Luoyang Institute of Science & Technology 3192 3,363 CHINA Quanzhou Normal University 3193 3,362 CHINA Anhui University of Finance & Economics 3194 3,361 BRAZIL Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido (UFERSA) 3195 3,361 USA Salisbury University 3196 3,360 INDIA Punjab Engineering College (Deemed University) 3197 3,359 RUSSIA Volgograd State Medical University 3198 3,358 INDIA Manipal University Jaipur 3199 3,358 UNITED KINGDOM University of London Heythrop College 3200 3,357 PORTUGAL Universidade Fernando Pessoa 3201 3,356 UNITED KINGDOM Glyndwr University 3202 3,355 TURKEY Yalova University 3203 3,355 TURKEY Ordu University 3204 3,354 JAPAN United Nations University 3205 3,353 BOLIVIA Universidad Mayor de San Andres 3206 3,353 USA Coastal Carolina University 3207 3,352 LITHUANIA Aleksandras Stulginskis University 3208 3,351 TURKEY Istanbul Bilim University 3209 3,350 PAKISTAN NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar 3210 3,350 INDIA Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research 3211 3,349 ALGERIA Universite de Jijel 3212 3,348 THAILAND Burapha University 3213 3,347 USA Santa Monica College 3214 3,347 USA Denison University 3215 3,346 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual da Paraiba 3216 3,345 IRAQ University of Basrah 3217 3,344 FRANCE IMT Mines Albi 3218 3,344 CHINA Beijing University of Agriculture 3219 3,343 COLOMBIA Universidade Eafit 3220 3,342 CHINA Shaanxi University of Technology 3221 3,341 MEXICO Universidad de Colima 3222 3,341 ALGERIA Universite Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou 3223 3,340 NEW ZEALAND Unitec NZ 3224 3,339 USA Trinity College 3225 3,338 INDIA Maharishi Markandeshwar University 3226 3,338 NORWAY Ostfold University College 3227 3,337 INDIA Jiwaji University 3228 3,336 USA Touro University California 3229 3,335 INDIA Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad 3230 3,335 CHINA Xinjiang Agricultural University 3231 3,334 CHINA Hunan University Of Commerce 3232 3,333 ROMANIA National University of Political Studies & Public Administration 3233 3,332 POLAND University of Economics in Katowice 3234 3,332

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon 3235 3,331 CHINA Jinggangshan University 3236 3,330 TAIWAN Cheng Shiu University 3237 3,329 USA Union College 3238 3,329 USA SUNY Maritime College 3239 3,328 USA University of Michigan Flint 3240 3,327 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso 3241 3,326 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Makassar 3242 3,326 USA Tuskegee University 3243 3,325 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture & Civil Engineering 3244 3,324 INDIA Devi Ahilya University 3245 3,323 IRAQ University of Mosul 3246 3,323 USA University of West Georgia 3247 3,322 RUSSIA Financial University Under the Government of Russian Federation 3248 3,321 PAKISTAN Mehran University Engineering & Technology 3249 3,320 MALAYSIA Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak 3250 3,320 USA Gettysburg College 3251 3,319 INDIA Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Anantapur 3252 3,318 USA State University of New York (SUNY) - Oswego 3253 3,317 RUSSIA Siberian State Medical University 3254 3,317 ROMANIA Banat University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine 3255 3,316 CHINA Heilongjiang University of Science & Technology 3256 3,315 INDIA National Institute of Technology Patna 3257 3,314 INDIA R.V. College of Engineering 3258 3,314 CHINA LingNan Normal University 3259 3,313 INDIA Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology 3260 3,312 PAKISTAN Gomal University 3261 3,311 USA Lawrence University 3262 3,311 GERMANY European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder 3263 3,310 EGYPT October 6 University (O6U) 3264 3,309 GERMANY Hochschule Bonn Rhein Sieg 3265 3,308 CHINA Hangzhou Medical College 3266 3,308 TURKEY Usak University 3267 3,307 INDIA LNM Institute of Information Technology 3268 3,306 BANGLADESH Khulna University 3269 3,305 PAKISTAN Ziauddin University 3270 3,305 SOUTH KOREA Hankyong National University 3271 3,304 CHINA Guangdong Polytech Normal University 3272 3,303 CHINA Guangxi Teachers Education University 3273 3,302 JAPAN Hoshi University 3274 3,302 CHINA Jining University 3275 3,301 TURKEY Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University 3276 3,300 ESTONIA Estonian Academy of Sciences 3277 3,299 SAUDI ARABIA Shaqra University 3278 3,299 USA Regis University 3279 3,298 ALGERIA Universite de M'sila 3280 3,297 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra (IPC) 3281 3,296 USA Alliant International University 3282 3,296 SAUDI ARABIA Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University 3283 3,295

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA WellStar Atlanta Medical Center 3284 3,294 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado do Amazonas 3285 3,294 TAIWAN Tatung University 3286 3,293 BRAZIL Instituto de Botanica - Sao Paulo 3287 3,292 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Reconcavo da Bahia 3288 3,291 CHINA Xuchang University 3289 3,291 TURKEY Bursa Technical University 3290 3,290 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais 3291 3,289 MONGOLIA National University of Mongolia 3292 3,288 TAIWAN Kun Shan University 3293 3,288 PAKISTAN Ned University of Engineering & Technology 3294 3,287 TURKEY Bartin University 3295 3,286 INDIA Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth Pune 3296 3,285 INDIA Chaudhary Charan Singh University 3297 3,285 TURKEY Okan University 3298 3,284 USA Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus 3299 3,283 COLOMBIA Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia (UPTC) 3300 3,282 USA SUNY Cortland 3301 3,282 MEXICO Universidad Americas Puebla (UDLAP) 3302 3,281 PAKISTAN University of Balochistan 3303 3,280 SOUTH KOREA Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology 3304 3,279 USA Xavier University of Louisiana 3305 3,279 CHINA Beifang University of Nationalities 3306 3,278 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Oeste do Para 3307 3,277 FRANCE Audencia 3308 3,276 SOUTH KOREA Dongseo University 3309 3,276 ALGERIA Universite 8 Mai 1945 de Guelma 3310 3,275 SPAIN Barcelona Graduate School of Economics 3311 3,274 INDIA Maulana Azad Medical College 3312 3,273 THAILAND Ubon Ratchathani University 3313 3,273 BRAZIL Universidade de Santo Amaro (UNISA) 3314 3,272 CHINA Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine 3315 3,271 INDIA Mepco Schlenk Engineering College 3316 3,270 NIGERIA University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 3317 3,270 SPAIN Centro de Tecnologia Biomedica (CTB) 3318 3,269 RUSSIA Stavropol State Agrarian University 3319 3,268 IRAQ University of Anbar 3320 3,267 CHINA Dezhou University 3321 3,267 JAPAN Sojo University 3322 3,266 JAPAN Nippon Dental University 3323 3,265 PAKISTAN NITEC University 3324 3,264 USA University of Houston Clear Lake 3325 3,264 USA Moss Landing Marine Laboratories 3326 3,263 BRAZIL Universidade Luterana do Brasil 3327 3,262 RUSSIA Perm National Research Polytechnic University 3328 3,261 INDIA Dayanand Medical College & Hospital 3329 3,261 MALAYSIA Curtin University Sarawak 3330 3,260 CHINA Taishan University 3331 3,259 ALGERIA Universite Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret 3332 3,258

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRAN Shahroud University Medical Sciences 3333 3,258 COLOMBIA Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas 3334 3,257 INDIA GLA University 3335 3,256 CHINA Binzhou University 3336 3,255 JAPAN Toyama Prefectural University 3337 3,255 SOUTH KOREA Seoul Women's University 3338 3,254 USA John Carroll University 3339 3,253 CHINA Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3340 3,252 TURKEY Turgut Ozal University 3341 3,252 JAPAN Miyagi University Education 3342 3,251 USA Dickinson College 3343 3,250 MEXICO Colegio de Mexico 3344 3,249 TAIWAN University of Taipei 3345 3,249 ROMANIA Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad 3346 3,248 PORTUGAL Universidade Catolica Portuguesa - Porto 3347 3,247 MOROCCO Universite Hassan I 3348 3,246 RUSSIA Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics 3349 3,246 INDIA B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology 3350 3,245 UKRAINE Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University 3351 3,244 BRAZIL Universidade Cidade de Sao Paulo 3352 3,243 LEBANON Saint Joseph University Beirut 3353 3,243 GERMANY University of Hildesheim 3354 3,242 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Tbilisi State Medical University 3355 3,241 RUSSIA Kazan State Medical University 3356 3,240 INDIA Indian School of Business (ISB) 3357 3,240 ETHIOPIA Dilla University 3358 3,239 POLAND University of Bielsko-Biala 3359 3,238 CHINA Zhongkai University of Agriculture & Engineering 3360 3,237 BRAZIL Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie 3361 3,237 CHINA Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology 3362 3,236 SPAIN CSIC - Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra Jaume Almera (ICTJA) 3363 3,235 INDIA ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior 3364 3,235 JAPAN Meiji Pharmaceutical University 3365 3,234 USA Gustavus Adolphus College 3366 3,233 NIGERIA University of Calabar 3367 3,232 INDIA Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University 3368 3,232 ESTONIA Estonian Marine Institute 3369 3,231 CHINA Shenyang University 3370 3,230 USA HealthPartners Institute for Education & Research 3371 3,229 SOUTH KOREA Cheongju University 3372 3,229 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas 3373 3,228 USA Saint Francis Hospital & Medical Center 3374 3,227 ALGERIA Universite Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef 3375 3,226 USA Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 3376 3,226 RUSSIA Petrozavodsk State University 3377 3,225 USA California State University Monterey Bay 3378 3,224 INDIA Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 3379 3,223 VIETNAM Hanoi National University of Education 3380 3,223 RUSSIA Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU) 3381 3,222

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDONESIA Universitas Udayana 3382 3,221 TURKEY Maltepe University 3383 3,220 MEXICO Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico 3384 3,220 EGYPT University of Sadat City 3385 3,219 CHINA Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology 3386 3,218 GERMANY Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences 3387 3,217 INDIA Sharda University 3388 3,217 UKRAINE VI Vernadsky Crimean Federal University 3389 3,216 RUSSIA North Caucasus Federal University 3390 3,215 INDIA National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur 3391 3,214 JAPAN Fukushima University 3392 3,214 SOUTH KOREA Daejeon University 3393 3,213 INDIA Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) 3394 3,212 INDIA Graph Era University 3395 3,211 GERMANY European Business School (EBS) University 3396 3,211 IRAQ University of Sulimanyah 3397 3,210 UKRAINE National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute 3398 3,209 INDONESIA Universitas Andalas 3399 3,208 USA Kettering University 3400 3,208 FRANCE EDHEC Business School 3401 3,207 UKRAINE National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute 3402 3,206 FRANCE Universite Le Havre Normandie 3403 3,205 ETHIOPIA Ambo University 3404 3,205 COSTA RICA CATIE - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza 3405 3,204 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Sao Paulo (IFSP) 3406 3,203 USA Rider University 3407 3,202 INDIA Siddaganga Institute of Technology 3408 3,202 SOUTH KOREA Sahmyook University 3409 3,201 CHINA Yulin Normal University 3410 3,200 CHINA Kunming University 3411 3,199 ITALY Universita LUMSA 3412 3,199 ROMANIA Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania 3413 3,198 INDIA The Northcap University 3414 3,197 INDONESIA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 3415 3,196 FRANCE Ecole Normale Superieure de Rennes (ENS Rennes) 3416 3,196 UKRAINE Vinnytsia National Technical University (VNTU) 3417 3,195 CHINA Wuyi University 3418 3,194 USA Colorado College 3419 3,193 UKRAINE Uzhgorod National University 3420 3,193 SPAIN Universidad Loyola Andalucia 3421 3,192 CHINA Hunan Institute of Science & Technology 3422 3,191 USA University of Louisiana Monroe 3423 3,190 POLAND Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum 3424 3,190 INDIA Presidency University, Kolkata 3425 3,189 KOSOVO Universiteti i Prishtines 3426 3,188 UKRAINE Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University 3427 3,187 USA Connecticut College 3428 3,187 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas 3429 3,186 RUSSIA Voronezh State Technical University 3430 3,185

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Hyderabad 3431 3,184 NORWAY Molde University College 3432 3,184 MONGOLIA Mongolian Academy of Sciences 3433 3,183 RUSSIA Russian State University for the Humanities 3434 3,182 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila 3435 3,181 CHINA Mudanjiang Medical University 3436 3,181 COLOMBIA Universidad del Cauca 3437 3,180 USA Tampa General Hospital 3438 3,179 BRAZIL Centro Universitario La Salle 3439 3,178 SINGAPORE Nanyang Polytechnic 3440 3,178 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco 3441 3,177 SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Aramco 3442 3,176 MALAYSIA Institute Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia 3443 3,176 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Espirito Santo (IFES) 3444 3,175 USA University of Southern Maine 3445 3,174 INDIA North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology 3446 3,173 ROMANIA Oil & Gas University of Ploiesti 3447 3,173 TURKEY Galatasaray University 3448 3,172 JAPAN Kitami Institute of Technology 3449 3,171 SOUTH KOREA Kyungnam University 3450 3,170 SOUTH KOREA Sungshin Women's University 3451 3,170 RUSSIA Vladimir State University 3452 3,169 PAKISTAN University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar 3453 3,168 INDIA Gautam Buddha University 3454 3,167 USA BronxCare Health System 3455 3,167 INDIA Central University of Tamil Nadu 3456 3,166 CHINA Shangqiu Normal University 3457 3,165 INDIA Institute of Information and Communication Technology 3458 3,164 LIBYA University of Benghazi 3459 3,164 USA University of Detroit Mercy 3460 3,163 JAPAN Toin University of Yokohama 3461 3,162 SAUDI ARABIA Northern Borders University 3462 3,161 INDIA Kumaun University 3463 3,161 SOUTH AFRICA Central University of Technology 3464 3,160 RUSSIA Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science & Technology 3465 3,159 CHINA Tianjin Agricultural University 3466 3,158 CANADA Universite du Quebec a Rimouski 3467 3,158 USA Sewanee: University of the South 3468 3,157 RUSSIA Kemerovo State University 3469 3,156 BRAZIL Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul 3470 3,155 UKRAINE National Aviation University - Ukraine 3471 3,155 SOUTH KOREA Sangji University 3472 3,154 INDIA Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies 3473 3,153 SOUTH KOREA Korea Polytechnic University 3474 3,152 CHINA Liaoning Technical University 3475 3,152 ALGERIA Universite Amar Telidji de Laghouat 3476 3,151 INDIA Srirama Chandra Bhanja Medical College & Hospital 3477 3,150 RUSSIA Perm State University 3478 3,149 INDIA Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology 3479 3,149

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TURKEY Istanbul Arel University 3480 3,148 PAKISTAN PCSIR Laboratories Complex 3481 3,147 GHANA Navrongo Health Research Center 3482 3,146 BRAZIL Universidade Paulista 3483 3,146 USA University of Scranton 3484 3,145 TURKEY Uskudar University 3485 3,144 USA Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine 3486 3,143 BRAZIL Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB) 3487 3,143 INDIA National Institute of Technology Meghalaya 3488 3,142 BANGLADESH Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 3489 3,141 TURKEY Adana Numune Training & Research Hospital 3490 3,140 HUNGARY University of Istvan Szechenyi 3491 3,140 SWEDEN Swedish School of Sport & Health Sciences 3492 3,139 FRANCE ENSTA Bretagne 3493 3,138 CUBA Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas 3494 3,137 PAKISTAN University of Health Science - Pakistan 3495 3,137 BRAZIL Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (INATEL) 3496 3,136 INDIA Integral University 3497 3,135 ECUADOR Universidad Central del Ecuador 3498 3,134 MEXICO Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo 3499 3,134 USA Widener University 3500 3,133 INDIA Zakir Husain College Of Engineering & Technology 3501 3,132 UNITED KINGDOM University of London Courtauld Institute of Art 3502 3,131 MALAYSIA Universiti Malaysia Kelantan 3503 3,131 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros Industriales 3504 3,130 INDIA Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering 3505 3,129 JAPAN Tokyo Gakugei University 3506 3,128 FRANCE Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3 3507 3,128 TURKEY Bilecik Seyh Edebali University 3508 3,127 CHINA Shandong Jiaotong University 3509 3,126 USA Campbell University 3510 3,125 INDIA Pondicherry Engineering College 3511 3,125 UNITED KINGDOM Newman University Birmingham 3512 3,124 TURKEY Adana Alparslan Turkes Science & Technology University 3513 3,123 IRAQ University of Kufa 3514 3,122 CHINA Xinjiang Normal University 3515 3,122 INDIA Tata Institute of Social Sciences 3516 3,121 UKRAINE Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 3517 3,120 CHINA Xijing University 3518 3,119 INDONESIA Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya 3519 3,119 INDIA Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engineering 3520 3,118 JAPAN Soka University 3521 3,117 CHINA Hunan City University 3522 3,117 USA Winona State University 3523 3,116 USA Ashland University 3524 3,115 TAIWAN Shih Chien University 3525 3,114 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Padang 3526 3,114 COLOMBIA Universidad de la Costa 3527 3,113 CHINA Qinghai Normal University 3528 3,112

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense 3529 3,111 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et des Microtechniques 3530 3,111 USA Eastern Washington University 3531 3,110 USA Troy University 3532 3,109 CHINA Lishui University 3533 3,108 INDIA Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) 3534 3,108 RUSSIA Innopolis University 3535 3,107 GERMANY European School of Management & Technology 3536 3,106 USA SUNY Geneseo 3537 3,105 CHINA Jilin Jianzhu University 3538 3,105 CHINA Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication 3539 3,104 INDIA Central University of Gujarat 3540 3,103 JAPAN National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 3541 3,102 TURKEY Batman University 3542 3,102 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAUniversity of Tuzla 3543 3,101 TAIWAN National Taichung University of Education 3544 3,100 USA Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology 3545 3,099 UNITED KINGDOM University of Wales Trinity St David 3546 3,099 GREECE Panteion University 3547 3,098 ROMANIA University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Iasi 3548 3,097 IRAQ University of Al-Qadisiyah 3549 3,096 INDIA Yogi Vemana University 3550 3,096 KAZAKHSTAN Satpayev University 3551 3,095 VIETNAM Hanoi University of Agriculture 3552 3,094 BRUNEI University of Technology Brunei 3553 3,093 RUSSIA Tomsk State University Architecture & Building 3554 3,093 SOUTH KOREA Suwon University 3555 3,092 CHINA Xinxiang University 3556 3,091 CHINA Xi'an University 3557 3,090 INDIA Dibrugarh University 3558 3,090 GERMANY Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences 3559 3,089 CHINA Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 3560 3,088 PAKISTAN Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology 3561 3,087 THAILAND Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University 3562 3,087 TURKEY Kadir Has University 3563 3,086 INDIA University of North Bengal 3564 3,085 INDIA Kakatiya University 3565 3,084 JAPAN Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International 3566 3,084 USA Prairie View A&M University 3567 3,083 NORWAY Westerdals Oslo School of Arts Communication & Technology 3568 3,082 JAPAN Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 3569 3,081 HONG KONG Open University of Hong Kong 3570 3,081 CHINA Zhejiang University City College 3571 3,080 USA University of Guam 3572 3,079 USA Indiana University Northwest 3573 3,078 INDIA Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science 3574 3,078 JAPAN Rakuno Gakuen University 3575 3,077 SOUTH KOREA Duksung Women's University 3576 3,076 ECUADOR Universidad de Las Americas - Ecuador 3577 3,075

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Saurashtra University 3578 3,075 RUSSIA Novosibirsk State Medical University 3579 3,074 USA Wilkes University 3580 3,073 CHINA Zhejiang Wanli University 3581 3,072 RUSSIA Ulyanovsk State University 3582 3,072 USA Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine 3583 3,071 SOUTH KOREA Kyungsung University 3584 3,070 THAILAND Walailak University 3585 3,069 SAUDI ARABIA Al Baha University 3586 3,069 COLOMBIA Universidad de Caldas 3587 3,068 INDIA Mizoram University 3588 3,067 CHINA Zaozhuang University 3589 3,066 USA Saint Olaf College 3590 3,066 USA SUNY Fredonia 3591 3,065 INDIA South Asian University (SAU) 3592 3,064 SOUTH AFRICA Vaal University of Technology (VUT) 3593 3,063 TURKEY Istanbul Kemerburgaz University 3594 3,063 INDIA Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli 3595 3,062 RUSSIA Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology 3596 3,061 RUSSIA Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University 3597 3,060 USA City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School 3598 3,060 USA California State University Channel Islands 3599 3,059 PHILIPPINES WHO Western Pacific Regional Office 3600 3,058 ROMANIA University of Bacau 3601 3,058 CHINA Hubei Polytechnic University 3602 3,057 CHINA Hefei University 3603 3,056 INDONESIA Universitas Halu Oleo 3604 3,055 INDIA Christ University 3605 3,055 ALGERIA Universite Saad Dahlab de Blida 3606 3,054 RUSSIA Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University 3607 3,053 CANADA Bishops University 3608 3,052 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo 3609 3,052 CHINA Hunan Institute Engineering 3610 3,051 USA Iona College 3611 3,050 CHINA Shaoguan University 3612 3,049 BRAZIL Universidade Tiradentes 3613 3,049 JAPAN Aichi University Education 3614 3,048 USA Georgia College & State University 3615 3,047 CHINA Shanghai International Studies University 3616 3,046 BRAZIL Universidade de Ribeirao Preto 3617 3,046 RUSSIA Krasnoyarsk State Medical University 3618 3,045 INDIA Tripura University 3619 3,044 PHILIPPINES University of San Carlos 3620 3,043 USA Gonzaga University 3621 3,043 INDONESIA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat 3622 3,042 POLAND Poznan University of Economics 3623 3,041 SOUTH AFRICA University 3624 3,040 INDIA Sikkim Manipal University 3625 3,040 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste 3626 3,039

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRELAND Galway Mayo Institute of Technology 3627 3,038 TURKEY Istanbul Sehir University 3628 3,037 USA Pittsburg State University 3629 3,037 TAIWAN Fooyin University 3630 3,036 RUSSIA Kursk State Medical University 3631 3,035 BULGARIA Military Medical Academy Sofia 3632 3,034 INDIA National Institute of Technology Srinagar 3633 3,034 TURKEY Bayburt University 3634 3,033 CHINA PLA Information Engineering University 3635 3,032 USA Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center 3636 3,031 USA SUNY Optometry 3637 3,031 MALAYSIA Malaysian Palm Oil Board 3638 3,030 INDIA Thiagarajar College 3639 3,029 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) 3640 3,028 ALGERIA Ecole Military Polytechnic 3641 3,028 LITHUANIA Lithuanian Sports University 3642 3,027 MEXICO Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco 3643 3,026 JAPAN Wakayama University 3644 3,025 USA Morehead State University 3645 3,025 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado do Para (UEPA) 3646 3,024 CROATIA University of Zadar 3647 3,023 INDIA ISF College of Pharmacy 3648 3,022 BRAZIL Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia (UFRA) 3649 3,022 SPAIN CSIC - Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio (ICV) 3650 3,021 INDONESIA Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 3651 3,020 USA University of the District of Columbia 3652 3,019 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado Bahia 3653 3,019 CHINA Inner Mongolia Normal University 3654 3,018 INDIA K.L.E. Academy of Higher Education & Research 3655 3,017 RUSSIA Gubkin Russian State University of Oil & Gas 3656 3,016 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Setubal 3657 3,016 CHINA Jinling Institute of Technology 3658 3,015 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 3659 3,014 GERMANY Hochschule Offenburg 3660 3,013 USA Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine 3661 3,013 TAIWAN National Defense University - Taiwan 3662 3,012 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Education 3663 3,011 THAILAND Maejo University 3664 3,010 INDIA Coimbatore Institute of Technology 3665 3,010 PERU Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco 3666 3,009 USA Rollins College 3667 3,008 INDIA Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology 3668 3,007 MOROCCO University Sultan Moulay Slimane 3669 3,007 CHINA Hefei Normal University 3670 3,006 INDIA Anna University of Technology Coimbatore 3671 3,005 CANADA Vancouver Island University 3672 3,004 RUSSIA Togliatti State University 3673 3,004 CANADA Brandon University 3674 3,003 USA Salem State College 3675 3,002

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PERU Universidad Cientifica del Sur (CIENTIFICA) 3676 3,001 CHINA Tianjin University of Finance & Economics 3677 3,001 USA Saint Cloud State University 3678 3,000 INDIA Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University 3679 2,999 INDIA Chandigarh University 3680 2,999 SLOVAKIA Catholic University Ruzomberok 3681 2,998 USA Keck Graduate Institute 3682 2,997 ALGERIA Universite Kasdi Merbah Ouargla 3683 2,996 TURKEY Siirt University 3684 2,996 CHINA Shenyang Medical College 3685 2,995 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Lucknow 3686 2,994 MEXICO Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango 3687 2,993 SPAIN Camilo Jose Cela University 3688 2,993 INDIA Gulbarga University 3689 2,992 ROMANIA Spiru Haret University 3690 2,991 IRAN North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences 3691 2,990 INDIA Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences 3692 2,990 JAPAN Seikei University 3693 2,989 BRAZIL Universidade do Vale do Paraiba 3694 2,988 CHINA of Finance & Economics 3695 2,987 CHINA Beijing Foreign Studies University 3696 2,987 USA Valdosta State University 3697 2,986 GERMANY Hochschule Darmstadt 3698 2,985 CHINA Jilin Medical University 3699 2,984 USA SUNY Plattsburgh 3700 2,984 ALGERIA Centre Universitaire de Relizane 3701 2,983 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology 3702 2,982 ITALY IULM International University Languages & Media 3703 2,981 RUSSIA Yaroslavl State University 3704 2,981 USA University of Bridgeport 3705 2,980 BRAZIL Universidade Regional do Cariri 3706 2,979 UKRAINE Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University 3707 2,978 PERU Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) 3708 2,978 CHINA Taiyuan Normal University 3709 2,977 USA Columbus State University 3710 2,976 BRAZIL Universidade do Grande Rio 3711 2,975 POLAND Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach 3712 2,975 INDIA Solapur University 3713 2,974 USA Southeastern Louisiana University 3714 2,973 SOUTH KOREA Hanseo University 3715 2,972 USA Shriners Hospitals Children Philadelphia 3716 2,972 BRAZIL Universidade Santa Cecilia 3717 2,971 INDIA Sri Krishnadevaraya University 3718 2,970 CHINA Guangxi University of Science & Technology 3719 2,969 UNITED KINGDOM University of Cumbria 3720 2,969 USA Midwestern University - Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 3721 2,968 USA SUNY Delhi 3722 2,967 INDIA Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology 3723 2,966 FRANCE ESC Rennes School of Business 3724 2,966

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PAKISTAN Nuclear Institute for Agriculture & Biology - Pakistan 3725 2,965 EGYPT Future University (FUE) 3726 2,964 POLAND Polsko-Japonska Akademia Technik Komputerowych 3727 2,963 INDIA ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Education 3728 2,963 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas 3729 2,962 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) 3730 2,961 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Rondonia 3731 2,960 USA Mitchell Hamline School of Law 3732 2,960 POLAND Akademia Leona Kozminskiego w Warszawie 3733 2,959 JAPAN Kobe Pharmaceutical University 3734 2,958 TANZANIA Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science & Technology 3735 2,957 INDIA Galgotias University 3736 2,957 TURKEY Iskenderun Technical University 3737 2,956 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Calcutta 3738 2,955 INDIA Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune 3739 2,954 CHINA 3740 2,954 USA Li Ka Shing Center 3741 2,953 USA Drew University 3742 2,952 RUSSIA Kuban State University 3743 2,951 TURKEY Kilis 7 Aralik University 3744 2,951 UNITED KINGDOM Royal College of Art - UK 3745 2,950 UKRAINE Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics of NASU 3746 2,949 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes 3747 2,948 USA Midwestern University - Chicago College of Pharmacy 3748 2,948 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia 3749 2,947 INDIA Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering 3750 2,946 ARGENTINA Catholic University of Cordoba 3751 2,945 IRAQ University of Karbala 3752 2,945 THAILAND Rangsit University 3753 2,944 TURKEY Amasya University 3754 2,943 IRELAND National College of Ireland 3755 2,942 GREECE Ionian University 3756 2,942 INDIA Haldia Institute of Technology 3757 2,941 JAPAN Asahi University 3758 2,940 RUSSIA Mordovian State University 3759 2,940 CHINA Guangdong University of Finance & Economics 3760 2,939 RUSSIA Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime & Inland Shipping 3761 2,938 TURKEY Mus Alparslan University 3762 2,937 FRANCE The American University of Paris 3763 2,937 POLAND University of Information Technology & Management Rzeszow 3764 2,936 UKRAINE Oles Honchar Dnipro National University 3765 2,935 IRAQ Al-Nahrain University 3766 2,934 MALAYSIA AIMST University 3767 2,934 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Leiria 3768 2,933 CHINA Yibin University 3769 2,932 GUATEMALA Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 3770 2,931 RUSSIA Ural State University of Economics 3771 2,931 ALBANIA Universiteti i Tiranes 3772 2,930 USA Lock Haven University 3773 2,929

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Kanazawa Institute of Technology 3774 2,928 USA University of Michigan Dearborn 3775 2,928 JORDAN Mutah University 3776 2,927 MOROCCO Al Akhawayn University 3777 2,926 RUSSIA Vyatka State University 3778 2,925 BRAZIL Faculdade de Medicina de Sao Jose do Rio Preto (FAMERP) 3779 2,925 USA Arkansas Tech University 3780 2,924 CHINA Changchun Normal University 3781 2,923 TURKEY Hasan Kalyoncu University 3782 2,922 INDIA Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University 3783 2,922 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul 3784 2,921 PAKISTAN Federal Urdu University of Arts Science & Technology 3785 2,920 INDIA West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences 3786 2,919 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo 3787 2,919 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 3788 2,918 VIETNAM Institute of Mathematics - Vietnam 3789 2,917 COLOMBIA Universidad del Tolima 3790 2,916 USA University of Nebraska Omaha 3791 2,916 INDIA Sri Sai Ram Engineering College 3792 2,915 CHINA Longyan University 3793 2,914 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Goiano 3794 2,913 JAPAN Setsunan University 3795 2,913 SOUTH KOREA Silla University 3796 2,912 IRELAND Institute of Technology Sligo 3797 2,911 ARGENTINA Austral University 3798 2,910 INDIA Gujarat Technological University 3799 2,910 USA California Lutheran University 3800 2,909 JAPAN International Christian University 3801 2,908 CHINA Normal University 3802 2,907 JAPAN Ishikawa Prefecture University 3803 2,907 CHINA Academy of Armored Forces Engineering - China 3804 2,906 JAPAN Kobe Gakuin University 3805 2,905 USA University of Central Oklahoma 3806 2,904 TURKEY Isik University 3807 2,904 JAPAN Nippon Veterinary & Life Science University 3808 2,903 INDIA College of Engineering, Trivandrum 3809 2,902 GUATEMALA Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 3810 2,901 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation 3811 2,901 TURKEY Yuksek Ihtisas University 3812 2,900 RUSSIA Moscow State Institute of International Relations 3813 2,899 JAPAN Mukogawa Women's University 3814 2,898 CHINA Chuzhou University 3815 2,898 JAPAN Fukuoka Dental College (FDC) 3816 2,897 USA Slippery Rock University - Pennsylvania 3817 2,896 CHINA Yuxi Normal University 3818 2,895 FRANCE Universite Paris 2 Pantheon-Assas 3819 2,895 USA University of Maryland Eastern Shore 3820 2,894 USA Rose Hulman Institute Technology 3821 2,893 CHINA Tarim University 3822 2,892

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PANAMA Universidad de Panama 3823 2,892 TURKEY Erzurum Technical University 3824 2,891 USA California State University Stanislaus 3825 2,890 USA University of Houston Downtown 3826 2,889 TURKEY Artvin Coruh University 3827 2,889 JAPAN Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3828 2,888 INDIA Central University of Kerala 3829 2,887 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Vila Velha 3830 2,886 INDIA Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College 3831 2,886 CHINA BEIBU GULF UNIVERSITY 3832 2,885 BULGARIA University of Ruse 3833 2,884 FRANCE ESCP Europe 3834 2,883 INDIA K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology 3835 2,883 RUSSIA European University at Saint Petersburg 3836 2,882 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 3837 2,881 COSTA RICA Instituto Tecnologico Costa Rica 3838 2,881 CHINA Beijing Normal University Zhuhai 3839 2,880 MACEDONIA Goce Delcev University of Stip 3840 2,879 SPAIN Instituto de Energia Solar 3841 2,878 CHINA Ningde Normal University 3842 2,878 INDONESIA Universitas Kristen Petra 3843 2,877 CHINA Changzhou Institute of Technology 3844 2,876 ALGERIA Universite d'Oran 3845 2,875 IRAQ Thi Qar University 3846 2,875 DENMARK Royal School of Library & Information Science 3847 2,874 JORDAN Al al-Bayt University 3848 2,873 INDIA Sukhadia University 3849 2,872 MOROCCO Mohammed VI Polytechnic University 3850 2,872 USA West Texas A&M University 3851 2,871 ROMANIA North University Centre of Baia Mare 3852 2,870 ALGERIA Universite de Skikda 3853 2,869 JAPAN Matsumoto Dental University 3854 2,869 EGYPT Pharos University in Alexandria 3855 2,868 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Parana 3856 2,867 USA Alfred University 3857 2,866 ALGERIA Universite Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem 3858 2,866 PORTUGAL Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco 3859 2,865 SPAIN Centro de Investigacion en Biotecnologia Genomica de Plantas (CBGP) 3860 2,864 TURKEY Osmaniye Korkut Ata University 3861 2,863 INDONESIA Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 3862 2,863 CHINA Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting & Finance 3863 2,862 KENYA Maseno University 3864 2,861 UNITED KINGDOM University of Buckingham 3865 2,860 UKRAINE Donetsk National Medical University 3866 2,860 BULGARIA South-West University - Bulgaria 3867 2,859 SPAIN Universidad San Jorge 3868 2,858 CHINA Shandong Technology & Business University 3869 2,857 IRAQ Soran University 3870 2,857 THAILAND Mahanakorn University of Technology 3871 2,856

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University 3872 2,855 CHINA Chongqing University of Education 3873 2,854 INDIA National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh 3874 2,854 CHINA Zhaoqing University 3875 2,853 CHINA Hanshan Normal University 3876 2,852 PERU University Nacional Agraria La Molina 3877 2,851 TURKEY Istanbul Kultur University 3878 2,851 FRANCE Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 3879 2,850 CHINA Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3880 2,849 INDIA Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) 3881 2,848 PORTUGAL Universidade Europeia 3882 2,848 CHINA Yulin University 3883 2,847 USA College of Saint Benedict & Saint Johns University 3884 2,846 INDIA National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) 3885 2,845 INDONESIA Universitas Lampung 3886 2,845 TURKEY Ted University 3887 2,844 PAKISTAN National Textile University - Pakistan 3888 2,843 SLOVAKIA University of Veterinary Medicine Kosice 3889 2,842 CHINA Shanghai University of International Business & Economics 3890 2,842 USA Saint Mary's College of California 3891 2,841 BRAZIL Universidade Potiguar 3892 2,840 CHINA Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology 3893 2,839 USA Stony Brook University Hospital 3894 2,839 JAPAN Josai University 3895 2,838 BRAZIL Universidade Guarulhos 3896 2,837 USA Austin Peay State University 3897 2,836 IRELAND Athlone Institute of Technology 3898 2,836 CHINA Yichun University 3899 2,835 USA Northern Michigan University 3900 2,834 USA Bowie State University 3901 2,833 INDONESIA Universitas Mataram 3902 2,833 CHINA Shanghai Dianji University 3903 2,832 INDIA S.A. Engineering College 3904 2,831 FRANCE Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) 3905 2,830 BRAZIL Fundacao Universidade Federal do Amapa 3906 2,830 INDIA Anand Agricultural University 3907 2,829 THAILAND Rajamangala University of Technology 3908 2,828 CHINA Hubei University of Automotive Technology 3909 2,827 USA Ohio Northern University 3910 2,827 BULGARIA New Bulgarian University 3911 2,826 USA Washburn University 3912 2,825 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS University of the Virgin Islands 3913 2,824 BRAZIL Universidade do Vale do Itajai 3914 2,824 INDIA NMAM Institute of Technology 3915 2,823 BULGARIA Trakia University 3916 2,822 INDIA SMS Medical College & Hospital 3917 2,822 USA Belmont University 3918 2,821 BULGARIA University of Forestry - Bulgaria 3919 2,820 VIETNAM Hochiminh City University of Medicine & Pharmacy 3920 2,819

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Moscow Region State University 3921 2,819 CHINA Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine 3922 2,818 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESAmerican University of Ras Al Khaimah 3923 2,817 USA Allegheny College 3924 2,816 JAPAN Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University 3925 2,816 MACAU Institute for Tourism Studies Macau 3926 2,815 PAKISTAN Sindh Agricultural University 3927 2,814 ALGERIA Universite de Tebessa 3928 2,813 SOUTH KOREA Kyungil University 3929 2,813 USA Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education 3930 2,812 UKRAINE Zaporizhia National Technical University 3931 2,811 BRAZIL Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas Santa Casa de Sao Paulo 3932 2,810 USA Frostburg State University 3933 2,810 CROATIA University North - Croatia 3934 2,809 USA University of Houston Victoria 3935 2,808 USA University of Minnesota Morris 3936 2,807 JAPAN Tsurumi University 3937 2,807 USA University of Illinois Springfield 3938 2,806 USA Pardee RAND Graduate School 3939 2,805 USA Minnesota State University Moorhead 3940 2,804 FRANCE ENSAE ParisTech 3941 2,804 INDIA Rajiv Gandhi Technological University 3942 2,803 PHILIPPINES Asian Development Bank 3943 2,802 INDIA Kumaraguru College of Technology 3944 2,801 TURKEY Istanbul Ticaret University 3945 2,801 SOUTH KOREA Sungkyul University 3946 2,800 PAKISTAN Iqra University 3947 2,799 CHINA Henan University of Urban Construction 3948 2,798 RUSSIA Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 3949 2,798 BRAZIL Faculdade Sao Leopoldo Mandic 3950 2,797 USA University of Wisconsin Stout 3951 2,796 PHILIPPINES Mapua University 3952 2,795 TURKEY Igdir University 3953 2,795 BRAZIL Universidad de Franca 3954 2,794 INDIA Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (KAHE) 3955 2,793 UKRAINE Bogomolets National Medical University 3956 2,792 SOUTH KOREA Woosong University 3957 2,792 ALGERIA Universite Yahia Fares Medea 3958 2,791 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Indore 3959 2,790 CHINA China University of Political Science & Law 3960 2,789 TURKEY Istanbul Gelisim University 3961 2,789 UGANDA Joint Clinic Research Center - United Arab Emirates 3962 2,788 CHINA Guizhou Institute of Technology 3963 2,787 UKRAINE National Pirogov Memorial Medical University 3964 2,786 USA Merrimack College 3965 2,786 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco (UCDB) 3966 2,785 UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow School of Art 3967 2,784 BRAZIL Universidade de Sorocaba 3968 2,783 JAPAN Nara University Education 3969 2,783

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE HONG KONG Hong Kong Shue Yan University 3970 2,782 USA Otterbein College 3971 2,781 INDIA Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University 3972 2,780 SOUTH KOREA Woosuk University 3973 2,780 ROMANIA Titu Maiorescu University 3974 2,779 USA Saint Lukes Episcopal Hospital 3975 2,778 TAIWAN Chien Hsin University of Science & Technology 3976 2,777 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESHigher Colleges of Technology - United Arab Emirates 3977 2,777 USA Saint Lawrence University 3978 2,776 MEXICO Universidad Panamericana - Ciudad de Mexico 3979 2,775 TAIWAN Aletheia University 3980 2,774 TAIWAN Chienkuo Technology University 3981 2,774 RUSSIA Orel State University 3982 2,773 RUSSIA Ural State Medical University 3983 2,772 POLAND Jozef Pilsudski University Physical Education in Warsaw 3984 2,771 USA Beloit College 3985 2,771 CHINA Honghe University 3986 2,770 RUSSIA Dubna State University 3987 2,769 INDIA Barkatullah University 3988 2,768 RUSSIA Northern Arctic Federal University 3989 2,768 CHINA Hubei University of Economics 3990 2,767 UNITED KINGDOM Buckinghamshire New University 3991 2,766 CHINA Changchun University 3992 2,765 CHINA East China University Political Science & Law 3993 2,765 BRAZIL Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul 3994 2,764 INDIA Ambedkar University Delhi 3995 2,763 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico do Cavado e do Ave - IPCA 3996 2,763 INDIA Central University of Jharkhand 3997 2,762 NORWAY VID Specialised University 3998 2,761 BRAZIL Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron (LNLS) 3999 2,760 INDIA National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand 4000 2,760 INDIA Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University 4001 2,759 MOROCCO Universite Internationale de Rabat 4002 2,758 THAILAND Bangkok University 4003 2,757 RUSSIA Kosygin State University of Russia 4004 2,757 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Goias 4005 2,756 USA Wheaton College 4006 2,755 USA Worcester State College 4007 2,754 OMAN Dhofar University 4008 2,754 MEXICO CIMAT - Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas 4009 2,753 USA Jersey Shore University Medical Center 4010 2,752 IRAQ University of Diyala 4011 2,751 NETHERLANDS Saxion University of Applied Sciences 4012 2,751 PAKISTAN University of Science & Technology Bannu 4013 2,750 IRAQ University of Tikrit 4014 2,749 INDIA DAV University, Jalandhar 4015 2,748 USA Armstrong Atlantic State University 4016 2,748 INDIA Ahmedabad University 4017 2,747 USA Savannah River Ecology Laboratory 4018 2,746

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE JAPAN Kanagawa Institute Technology 4019 2,745 MACAU Macau Polytechnic Institute 4020 2,745 RUSSIA Bashkir State Medical University 4021 2,744 VIETNAM DaNang University of Science and Technology 4022 2,743 JAPAN Japan Womens University 4023 2,742 BELARUS Belarusian State University of Informatics & Radioelectronics 4024 2,742 CANADA Algoma University 4025 2,741 INDONESIA Universitas Sam Ratulangi 4026 2,740 USA University of Wisconsin Parkside 4027 2,739 CHINA Huainan Normal University 4028 2,739 USA Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences 4029 2,738 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Psychology & Education 4030 2,737 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAUniversity of Mostar 4031 2,736 USA New Iberia Research Center 4032 2,736 JAPAN Osaka Electro-Communication University 4033 2,735 INDIA Armed Forces Medical College 4034 2,734 CROATIA University of Dubrovnik 4035 2,733 INDIA Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science 4036 2,733 CHINA 4037 2,732 JAPAN Okayama Prefectural University 4038 2,731 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Polytechnique - Algeria 4039 2,730 TURKEY Nisantasi University 4040 2,730 CANADA British Columbia Institute of Technology 4041 2,729 PERU Universidad de San Martin de Porres 4042 2,728 BRAZIL Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo 4043 2,727 PAKISTAN University of Central Punjab 4044 2,727 HUNGARY University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest 4045 2,726 CHINA North China Institute Science & Technology 4046 2,725 INDIA Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College 4047 2,724 UZBEKISTAN National University of Uzbekistan 4048 2,724 INDONESIA Universitas Bengkulu 4049 2,723 PAKISTAN University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir 4050 2,722 CHINA Heze University 4051 2,721 USA York College NY (CUNY) 4052 2,721 USA Virginia State University 4053 2,720 RUSSIA Tambov State Technical University 4054 2,719 BRAZIL Universidade do Sagrado Coracao 4055 2,718 TURKEY Yeni Yuzyil University 4056 2,718 THAILAND Chulabhorn Graduate Institute 4057 2,717 INDIA MGM Medical College Indore 4058 2,716 BELARUS Francisk Skorina Gomel State University 4059 2,715 TURKEY Uluslararasi Kibris University 4060 2,715 ARGENTINA Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina 4061 2,714 BRAZIL Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes 4062 2,713 SPAIN Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica del Deporte (INEF) 4063 2,712 COLOMBIA Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar 4064 2,712 INDIA NITTE (Deemed to be University) 4065 2,711 ALGERIA Universite de Saida 4066 2,710 INDIA Sambalpur University 4067 2,709

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Beijing Wuzi University 4068 2,709 JAPAN Kyushu Dental University 4069 2,708 FRANCE Universite de Nimes 4070 2,707 INDIA National Engineering College - India 4071 2,706 USA Keene State College 4072 2,706 TURKEY Canik Basari University 4073 2,705 INDIA Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology 4074 2,704 JAPAN Shiga University 4075 2,704 CHINA Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics 4076 2,703 INDIA Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering 4077 2,702 BELARUS Belarusian National Technical University 4078 2,701 USA Skidaway Institute of Oceanography 4079 2,701 TURKEY Turkish Air Force Academy 4080 2,700 JAPAN Kanto Gakuin University 4081 2,699 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas 4082 2,698 CHINA Lanzhou City University 4083 2,698 USA Augsburg University 4084 2,697 CHINA Baotou Medical College 4085 2,696 RUSSIA Yugra State University 4086 2,695 BRAZIL Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missoes (URI) 4087 2,695 RUSSIA Kursk State University 4088 2,694 BRAZIL Centro Universitario da FEI 4089 2,693 CHINA Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities 4090 2,692 VIETNAM Nong Lam University 4091 2,692 ITALY University of Naples L'Orientale 4092 2,691 CHINA Xizang Agriculture & Animal Husbandry College 4093 2,690 INDIA RVR & JC College of Engineering 4094 2,689 USA Black Hills State University 4095 2,689 NIGERIA Benue State University 4096 2,688 INDONESIA Universitas Mulawarman 4097 2,687 ROMANIA Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology 4098 2,686 LEBANON Beirut Medical Center 4099 2,686 JAPAN Future University Hakodate 4100 2,685 BRAZIL Universidade Feevale 4101 2,684 USA University of Illinois Rockford 4102 2,683 INDONESIA Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 4103 2,683 USA Texas Southern University 4104 2,682 BRAZIL Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana 4105 2,681 JAPAN Fukui Prefectural University 4106 2,680 SOUTH KOREA Seonam University 4107 2,680 CHINA Xiamen Institute of Technology, Huaqiao University 4108 2,679 INDIA GH Raisoni College of Engineering 4109 2,678 USA Framingham State College 4110 2,677 BRAZIL Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul 4111 2,677 INDIA University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore 4112 2,676 INDIA REVA University 4113 2,675 ITALY European University of Rome 4114 2,674 TURKEY Mevlana University 4115 2,674 INDONESIA Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) 4116 2,673

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE NAMIBIA Namibia University of Science & Technology 4117 2,672 GERMANY University of Applied Sciences Wildau 4118 2,671 CHINA Huizhou University 4119 2,671 UKRAINE Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University 4120 2,670 BULGARIA Agricultural Academy - Bulgaria 4121 2,669 CHINA Henan University of Economics & Law 4122 2,668 RUSSIA Udmurt State University 4123 2,668 TURKEY Lefke Avrupa University 4124 2,667 USA Sarah Lawrence College 4125 2,666 KAZAKHSTAN M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University 4126 2,665 GREECE ASPETE - School of Pedagogical & Technological Education 4127 2,665 JAPAN Chukyo University 4128 2,664 USA Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 4129 2,663 MALI University of Bamako 4130 2,662 PERU University Nacional de Ingenieria Lima 4131 2,662 USA New College Florida 4132 2,661 CHINA Yuncheng University 4133 2,660 RUSSIA Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University 4134 2,659 USA Webster University 4135 2,659 SOUTH KOREA Jungwon University 4136 2,658 TURKEY Antalya Bilim University 4137 2,657 SOUTH KOREA Pai Chai University 4138 2,656 SOUTH KOREA Dongduk Women's University 4139 2,656 TAIWAN National Taipei University of Business 4140 2,655 TAIWAN Shu-Te University 4141 2,654 RUSSIA Federal Center of Theoretical & Applied Sociology - FCTAS 4142 2,653 INDIA National Institute of Technology Goa 4143 2,653 BRAZIL Universidade Estacio de Sa 4144 2,652 HUNGARY Kaposvar University 4145 2,651 INDONESIA Universitas Tadulako 4146 2,650 COLOMBIA Universidad Militar Nueva Granada 4147 2,650 USA Saint Johns University Collegeville 4148 2,649 INDIA Central University of Himachal Pradesh 4149 2,648 CHINA Qilu Normal University 4150 2,647 UKRAINE I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 4151 2,647 SOUTH KOREA Semyung University 4152 2,646 INDIA Avinashilingam University for Women 4153 2,645 USA Scripps College 4154 2,645 TAIWAN National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism 4155 2,644 INDIA Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur 4156 2,643 CHINA Hexi University 4157 2,642 ALGERIA Universite d'Oum El Bouaghi 4158 2,642 INDIA Delhi School of Economics 4159 2,641 INDIA Government Degree College for Women 4160 2,640 INDIA SRKR Engineering College 4161 2,639 INDONESIA University Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya 4162 2,639 INDIA National Institute of Technology Manipur 4163 2,638 USA Plymouth State University 4164 2,637 SWITZERLAND International Institute for Management Development (IMD) 4165 2,636

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC) 4166 2,636 RUSSIA Polzunov Altai State Technical University 4167 2,635 USA Florida Polytechnical University 4168 2,634 CROATIA Croatian Academy of Sciences & Arts 4169 2,633 BRAZIL Insper 4170 2,633 BULGARIA Medical University Pleven 4171 2,632 JORDAN Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 4172 2,631 USA Metropolitan State University 4173 2,630 TURKEY Kirklareli University 4174 2,630 UKRAINE Ternopil National Economic University 4175 2,629 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Raipur 4176 2,628 INDIA Sri College of Engineering & Technology 4177 2,627 USA Millersville University of Pennsylvania 4178 2,627 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode 4179 2,626 INDIA Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM) 4180 2,625 ITALY Universita Carlo Cattaneo - Liuc 4181 2,624 CANADA Centre for Quality Improvement & Patient Safety 4182 2,624 USA Liberty University 4183 2,623 USA Western Oregon University 4184 2,622 USA Albion College 4185 2,621 USA Massachusetts College Liberal Arts 4186 2,621 USA Nicholls State University 4187 2,620 COLOMBIA University Externado Colombia 4188 2,619 TAIWAN Mingdao University 4189 2,618 INDIA Sikkim University 4190 2,618 INDIA Velammal Engineering College 4191 2,617 BRAZIL Universidade Ceuma 4192 2,616 USA University of La Verne 4193 2,615 USA Metropolitan Hospital Center 4194 2,615 RUSSIA Ivanovo State University 4195 2,614 CHINA Medical College 4196 2,613 RUSSIA Tula State University 4197 2,612 INDIA Rayalaseema University 4198 2,612 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Tomar 4199 2,611 BRAZIL University Norte Parana 4200 2,610 CANADA Women's College Research Institute 4201 2,609 JAPAN Osaka University of Education 4202 2,609 USA University of Alaska Southeastern 4203 2,608 RUSSIA Bryansk State Technical University 4204 2,607 TURKEY Ufuk University 4205 2,606 COLOMBIA Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca 4206 2,606 USA Southern Utah University 4207 2,605 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Maranhao 4208 2,604 CHINA Westlake University 4209 2,603 LIBYA Al Fateh University 4210 2,603 CHINA Hunan First Normal University 4211 2,602 INDIA Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya 4212 2,601 RUSSIA Kemerovo State Medical Academy 4213 2,600 BRAZIL Universidade Brasil 4214 2,600

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA University of Toledo Health Science Campus 4215 2,599 KENYA Pwani University 4216 2,598 RUSSIA Moscow Automobile & Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) 4217 2,597 EGYPT Misr International University 4218 2,597 RUSSIA Tambov State University 4219 2,596 ROMANIA National University of Physical Education & Sport 4220 2,595 THAILAND Ramkhamhaeng University 4221 2,594 USA Mount St. Joseph University 4222 2,594 INDIA KIET Group of Institutions 4223 2,593 TURKEY MEF Universitesi 4224 2,592 LATVIA Transport & Telecommunication Institute - Latvia 4225 2,591 BRAZIL Instituto Federal da Paraiba (IFPB) 4226 2,591 RUSSIA Moscow State Linguistic University 4227 2,590 TURKEY Zirve University 4228 2,589 INDIA DAV College 4229 2,588 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Jakarta 4230 2,588 CROATIA University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering 4231 2,587 MALAYSIA Help University 4232 2,586 INDONESIA Universitas Katolik Parahyangan 4233 2,586 INDIA Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies 4234 2,585 HONDURAS Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras 4235 2,584 INDIA West Bengal State University 4236 2,583 TURKEY Bitlis Eren University 4237 2,583 CZECH REPUBLIC College of Polytechnics Jihlava 4238 2,582 INDIA Indian Statistical Institute Delhi 4239 2,581 CHINA Changchun Institute Technology 4240 2,580 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Goias (IFG) 4241 2,580 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Piaui (UESPI) 4242 2,579 CHINA Gansu University of Chinese Medicine 4243 2,578 RUSSIA Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University 4244 2,577 PAKISTAN Pakistan Medical Research Council 4245 2,577 SOUTH KOREA Handong Global University 4246 2,576 INDONESIA Universitas Trisakti 4247 2,575 CHINA Beijing Sport University 4248 2,574 RUSSIA Belgorod State Technological University 4249 2,574 USA Eastern Connecticut State University 4250 2,573 LATVIA University of Daugavpils 4251 2,572 BRAZIL Universidade Salgado de Oliveira 4252 2,571 RUSSIA Rostov State Medical University 4253 2,571 INDIA Vardhaman College of Engineering 4254 2,570 USA University of Wisconsin Platteville 4255 2,569 USA Biola University 4256 2,568 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) 4257 2,568 ROMANIA University of Petrosani 4258 2,567 BRAZIL Universidade do Oeste Paulista 4259 2,566 CHINA University 4260 2,565 RUSSIA Buryat State University 4261 2,565 CHINA Wuyi University, Fujian 4262 2,564 CHINA 4263 2,563

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya 4264 2,562 USA Savannah State University 4265 2,562 CROATIA Institute of Physics Zagreb 4266 2,561 UKRAINE H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University 4267 2,560 KAZAKHSTAN Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University 4268 2,559 FINLAND Arcada University of Applied Sciences 4269 2,559 USA Ohio Wesleyan University 4270 2,558 RUSSIA South Ural State Medical University 4271 2,557 CHINA Tianshui Normal University 4272 2,556 NIGERIA Landmark University 4273 2,556 CHINA Mianyang Teachers' College 4274 2,555 BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Roraima 4275 2,554 USA Spelman College 4276 2,553 TURKEY Meliksah University 4277 2,553 INDIA Madhav Institute of Technology & Science 4278 2,552 PAKISTAN Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 4279 2,551 RUSSIA Baikal State University 4280 2,550 USA Earlham College 4281 2,550 JORDAN Zarqa University 4282 2,549 INDIA Assam Agricultural University 4283 2,548 CHINA University 4284 2,547 CHINA Putian University 4285 2,547 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG) 4286 2,546 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Catarinense 4287 2,545 KUWAIT Gulf University of Science & Technology 4288 2,544 ECUADOR Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo 4289 2,544 USA Linfield College 4290 2,543 MALAYSIA Institute Penyelidikan Dan Kemajuan Pertanian 4291 2,542 TURKEY Izmir University 4292 2,541 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Medan 4293 2,541 INDONESIA Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta 4294 2,540 INDIA University of Gorakhpur 4295 2,539 SPAIN UCM-ISCIII Center for Human Evolution & Behavior 4296 2,538 INDONESIA Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 4297 2,538 TURKEY Sifa University 4298 2,537 SPAIN Universidad Antonio de Nebrija 4299 2,536 TURKEY Biruni University 4300 2,535 CHINA Jilin University of Finance & Economics 4301 2,535 INDIA U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go 4302 2,534 BRAZIL Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) 4303 2,533 UNITED KINGDOM Edinburgh College of Art 4304 2,532 JAPAN Meikai University 4305 2,532 KAZAKHSTAN West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University 4306 2,531 THAILAND National Cancer Institute - Thailand 4307 2,530 INDIA Central University of Jammu 4308 2,529 USA D'Youville College 4309 2,529 INDONESIA Universitas Pelita Harapan 4310 2,528 INDIA Manipur University 4311 2,527 INDIA Bhilai Institute of Technology 4312 2,527

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Detroit Receiving Hospital & University Health Center 4313 2,526 BRAZIL Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS) 4314 2,525 RUSSIA Dostoevsky Omsk State University 4315 2,524 CHINA Nanyang Institute of Technology 4316 2,524 COLOMBIA Universidad de Medellin 4317 2,523 GERMANY Bremen University of Applied Sciences 4318 2,522 INDIA Central University of Haryana 4319 2,521 USA New England Baptist Hospital 4320 2,521 USA Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering 4321 2,520 INDIA Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute 4322 2,519 THAILAND Udon Thani Rajabhat University 4323 2,518 CHINA Hainan Tropical Ocean University 4324 2,518 URUGUAY University ORT Uruguay 4325 2,517 INDIA Maharaja Krishnakumar Sinhji Bhavnagar University 4326 2,516 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Beja 4327 2,515 CHINA Hebei University of Economics & Business 4328 2,515 IRAQ University of Duhok 4329 2,514 TURKEY Istinye University 4330 2,513 USA Angelo State University 4331 2,512 USA University of Tennessee Space Institute 4332 2,512 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional de Lujan 4333 2,511 USA Montana Tech of the University of Montana 4334 2,510 USA Springfield College 4335 2,509 CHINA Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power 4336 2,509 USA Pitzer College 4337 2,508 UNITED KINGDOM Royal College of Music - UK 4338 2,507 CHINA Beijing International Studies University 4339 2,506 RUSSIA Dagestan State University 4340 2,506 INDIA University of Gour Banga 4341 2,505 CHINA Sanming University 4342 2,504 INDIA Uttarakhand Technical University 4343 2,503 CANADA University of Fraser Valley 4344 2,503 INDIA Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College 4345 2,502 INDIA Ravenshaw University 4346 2,501 SOUTH KOREA Namseoul University 4347 2,500 INDIA Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology & Science 4348 2,500 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Maranhao 4349 2,499 FRANCE ESSCA Ecole de Management 4350 2,498 OMAN Sohar University 4351 2,497 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico da Guarda 4352 2,497 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL) 4353 2,496 USA Assumption College 4354 2,495 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Triangulo Mineiro (IFTM) 4355 2,494 COLOMBIA Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS) 4356 2,494 GHANA Kumasi Center for Collaborative Research 4357 2,493 CHINA Qinghai Nationalities University 4358 2,492 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 4359 2,491 CHINA Inner Mongolia University of Finance & Economics 4360 2,491 USA University of Wisconsin Oshkosh 4361 2,490

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Tver State University 4362 2,489 INDIA St. Peter's Institute of Higher Education & Research 4363 2,488 ITALY Universita degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza 4364 2,488 INDIA Gandhi Medical College & Hospital 4365 2,487 VIETNAM Thuyloi University 4366 2,486 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Palakkad 4367 2,485 INDIA PSG College of Arts & Science 4368 2,485 BULGARIA University of Architecture & Civil Engineering - Bulgaria 4369 2,484 RUSSIA Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy 4370 2,483 INDIA O.P. Jindal Global University 4371 2,482 CHINA Finance & Economics 4372 2,482 USA Texas A&M University San Antonio 4373 2,481 TURKEY Milli Savunma University 4374 2,480 JAPAN Meisei University 4375 2,479 MEXICO Universidad de Quintana Roo 4376 2,479 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Brasilia (UniCEUB) 4377 2,478 IRELAND Dundalk Institute of Technology 4378 2,477 FRANCE Centre Universitaire des Saints-Peres 4379 2,476 FINLAND University of the Arts Helsinki 4380 2,476 UKRAINE Kerch State Maritime Technological University 4381 2,475 SOUTH KOREA Dongshin University 4382 2,474 MALAYSIA Pusat Penyelidikan Hutan 4383 2,473 USA University of Findlay 4384 2,473 KAZAKHSTAN EA Buketov Karaganda State University 4385 2,472 CHINA Anshan Normal University 4386 2,471 CHINA Graduate School (GSCAAS) 4387 2,471 INDIA Babu Banarasi Das University 4388 2,470 ROMANIA Ion Mincu University of Architecture & Urbanism 4389 2,469 SOUTH KOREA Yongin University 4390 2,468 CHINA Chifeng University 4391 2,468 CHINA Tonghua Normal University 4392 2,467 INDIA Central University of South Bihar 4393 2,466 ALGERIA University Bachir El Ibrahimi 4394 2,465 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Udaipur (IMU) 4395 2,465 INDIA Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 4396 2,464 INDIA Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology 4397 2,463 BRAZIL Universidade do Vale do Taquari 4398 2,462 PERU Universidad del Pacifico Peru 4399 2,462 BRAZIL Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba 4400 2,461 AZERBAIJAN Khazar University 4401 2,460 JORDAN Philadelphia University Jordan 4402 2,459 CROATIA University of Juraj Dobrila Pula 4403 2,459 RUSSIA Russian University of Transport 4404 2,458 RUSSIA Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University 4405 2,457 VIETNAM Hanoi University of Pharmacy 4406 2,456 USA Kalamazoo College 4407 2,456 IRAN Shahid Beheshti University 4408 2,455 SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Electronic University 4409 2,454 USA University of Wisconsin Whitewater 4410 2,453

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE THAILAND Phramongkutklao College of Medicine 4411 2,453 INDIA Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology 4412 2,452 COLOMBIA Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano 4413 2,451 NORWAY Norwegian Police University College 4414 2,450 FRANCE Groupe Inseec 4415 2,450 CHINA Jiangsu Second Normal University 4416 2,449 CHINA Beijing Language & Culture University 4417 2,448 BRAZIL Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiai 4418 2,447 INDIA Sona College of Technology 4419 2,447 CHINA Anhui Xinhua University 4420 2,446 INDIA National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Bhopal 4421 2,445 INDONESIA Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya 4422 2,444 PAKISTAN Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences 4423 2,444 CHINA Changsha Medical University 4424 2,443 CHINA Xizang Minzu University 4425 2,442 USA University of Minnesota Rochester 4426 2,441 GERMANY Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences 4427 2,441 INDIA Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University 4428 2,440 CZECH REPUBLIC University of Finance & Administration - Czech Republic 4429 2,439 CHINA Panzhihua University 4430 2,438 SOUTH KOREA Tongmyong University 4431 2,438 INDONESIA Surya University 4432 2,437 SOUTH KOREA Korea National University of Education 4433 2,436 CHINA Wuhan Sports University 4434 2,435 UKRAINE National Pedagogical Dragomanov University 4435 2,435 INDIA KIET School of Engineering & Technology 4436 2,434 FINLAND Laurea University of Applied Sciences 4437 2,433 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Sertao Pernambucano 4438 2,432 INDIA Dharmsinh Desai University 4439 2,432 CHINA Xinzhou Teachers University 4440 2,431 BRAZIL Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA) 4441 2,430 CHINA Hunan Institute of Technology 4442 2,429 SLOVAKIA University of Selye Janos Komarno 4443 2,429 RUSSIA Volgograd State Pedagogical University 4444 2,428 INDIA PSNA College of Engineering & Technology 4445 2,427 MEXICO Colegio Frontera Norte 4446 2,426 SOUTH KOREA Joongbu University 4447 2,426 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia 4448 2,425 RUSSIA Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University 4449 2,424 INDIA University 4450 2,423 BELARUS Belarusian State Medical University 4451 2,423 INDIA M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences 4452 2,422 CHINA Yili Normal University 4453 2,421 INDIA Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 4454 2,420 PAKISTAN Hamdard University 4455 2,420 TURKEY Gediz University 4456 2,419 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia 4457 2,418 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Rohtak 4458 2,417 SIERRA LEONE Njala University 4459 2,417

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Samara State Medical University 4460 2,416 UKRAINE Lesya Ukrainka East European National University 4461 2,415 ROMANIA 1 Decembrie 1918 University Alba Iulia 4462 2,414 UNITED KINGDOM University for the Creative Arts - UK 4463 2,414 COLOMBIA Universidad del Magdalena 4464 2,413 CHINA Hunan University Of Humanities, Science & Technology 4465 2,412 BRAZIL Universidade de Taubate 4466 2,412 LITHUANIA Siauliai University 4467 2,411 IRAQ Middle Technical University 4468 2,410 CHINA Jiaying University 4469 2,409 MALAWI Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources 4470 2,409 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Open University 4471 2,408 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas Gerais 4472 2,407 ALGERIA Universite Mohand Akli Ouelhadj Bouira 4473 2,406 INDIA CCS Haryana Agricultural University 4474 2,406 TURKEY Hakkari University 4475 2,405 URUGUAY Universidad Catolica del Uruguay 4476 2,404 INDIA XLRI -Xavier School of Management 4477 2,403 SOUTH KOREA Korea National Open University 4478 2,403 INDIA Netaji Subhash Engineering College 4479 2,402 INDIA Easwari Engineering College 4480 2,401 INDONESIA State Polytechnic of Malang 4481 2,400 INDIA St. Xavier's College Kolkata 4482 2,400 IRELAND St Patrick's College Drumcondra 4483 2,399 INDIA National Institute of Technology Delhi 4484 2,398 ROMANIA Constanta Maritime University 4485 2,397 POLAND Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University 4486 2,397 JAPAN Nagasaki International University 4487 2,396 CHINA Leshan Normal University 4488 2,395 GERMANY HAWK University of Applied Sciences & Arts Hildesheim Holzminden Gottingen 4489 2,394 SOUTH KOREA Catholic University Pusan 4490 2,394 RUSSIA Mari State University 4491 2,393 INDIA Regional Centre for Biotechnology 4492 2,392 ARMENIA Yerevan State Medical University 4493 2,391 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (IFPE) 4494 2,391 MALAYSIA Perdana University 4495 2,390 INDONESIA Tarumanagara University 4496 2,389 USA University of Maryland University College 4497 2,388 INDIA Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore 4498 2,388 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre 4499 2,387 ITALY Universita Della Valle D'aosta 4500 2,386 UNITED KINGDOM Scottish Agricultural College 4501 2,385 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco 4502 2,385 UKRAINE Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University 4503 2,384 CHINA Shangrao Normal University 4504 2,383 PORTUGAL Instituto Universitario da Maia (ISMAI) 4505 2,382 PAKISTAN Karakoram International University 4506 2,382 CHINA Huanghuai University 4507 2,381 USA South Carolina State University 4508 2,380

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE VIETNAM University of Transport & Communications (UTC) 4509 2,379 USA Samuel Merritt University 4510 2,379 JAPAN Nippon Sport Science University 4511 2,378 INDIA ITM University, Gwalior 4512 2,377 USA Western Connecticut State University 4513 2,376 NORWAY Kristiania University College 4514 2,376 INDIA NIIT University, Rajasthan 4515 2,375 BULGARIA University of Shumen 4516 2,374 CHINA University 4517 2,373 BRAZIL Centro Universitario do Estado do Para (CESUPA) 4518 2,373 BRAZIL Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Publica 4519 2,372 PANAMA Universidad Tecnologica de Panama 4520 2,371 ALGERIA Universite de Djelfa 4521 2,370 CHINA Tianjin University of Sport 4522 2,370 INDONESIA Universitas Mercu Buana 4523 2,369 COLOMBIA University Sergio Arboleda 4524 2,368 MEXICO Universidad Anahuac 4525 2,367 CHINA Chizhou University 4526 2,367 ALGERIA Universite de Souk Ahras Mohammed Cherif Messaadia 4527 2,366 SOUTH KOREA Seowon University 4528 2,365 INDIA UKA Tarsadia University 4529 2,364 ZAMBIA Copperbelt University 4530 2,364 BULGARIA University of Food Technology - Bulgaria 4531 2,363 CHINA Guilin University of Aerospace Technology 4532 2,362 NORWAY NLA University College 4533 2,361 JORDAN Applied Science University - Jordan 4534 2,361 PHILIPPINES Mindanao State University 4535 2,360 CHINA Zhejiang Police College 4536 2,359 USA Oregon State University Cascades 4537 2,358 IRELAND Institute of Technology Tralee 4538 2,358 SOUTH KOREA Anyang University 4539 2,357 CHINA Bengbu University 4540 2,356 BULGARIA Higher School for Telecommunications & Posts 4541 2,355 RUSSIA New Economic School (NES) 4542 2,355 CHINA Xianyang Normal University 4543 2,354 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul) 4544 2,353 RUSSIA Astrakhan State University 4545 2,353 INDIA Mother Teresa Women's University 4546 2,352 PERU Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia 4547 2,351 ITALY Suor Orsola Benincasa University Naples 4548 2,350 INDONESIA Malikussaleh University 4549 2,350 BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Goias 4550 2,349 CHINA Hebei GEO University 4551 2,348 CUBA Universidad de Oriente Santiago de Cuba 4552 2,347 JORDAN Petra University 4553 2,347 MALAYSIA SIRIM Berhad 4554 2,346 USA University of Saint Thomas 4555 2,345 UKRAINE Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky 4556 2,344 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESAmerican University in Dubai (AUD) 4557 2,344

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE ROMANIA Eftimie Murgu University 4558 2,343 UKRAINE P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of 4559 2,342 BULGARIA Technical University Varna 4560 2,341 CHINA Zhejiang International Studies University 4561 2,341 PERU Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana 4562 2,340 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique 4563 2,339 ARMENIA American University of Armenia 4564 2,338 THAILAND National Institute of Development Administration - Thailand 4565 2,338 USA National Defense University - USA 4566 2,337 TAIWAN Shih Hsin University 4567 2,336 CHINA Baicheng Normal University 4568 2,335 PAKISTAN Baqai Medical University 4569 2,335 UKRAINE Kyiv National Linguistic University 4570 2,334 USA Michigan State University College Law 4571 2,333 USA California Baptist University 4572 2,332 CROATIA Institute of Economics Zagreb (EIZ) 4573 2,332 RUSSIA Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy 4574 2,331 VIETNAM National Economics University - Vietnam 4575 2,330 BRAZIL Universidade Positivo 4576 2,329 RUSSIA Kuban State Agrarian University 4577 2,329 USA Fitchburg State College 4578 2,328 RUSSIA Rostov State University of Economics 4579 2,327 Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of RUSSIA 4580 2,326 Sciences INDIA Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College 4581 2,326 USA Langston University 4582 2,325 IRELAND Institute of Technology Carlow 4583 2,324 USA Fort Valley State University 4584 2,323 ISRAEL College of Management Academic Studies 4585 2,323 COSTA RICA INCAE Business School 4586 2,322 CHINA Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4587 2,321 PORTUGAL Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique 4588 2,320 INDIA SJB Institute of Technology 4589 2,320 INDONESIA Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana 4590 2,319 JAPAN Kanagawa Dental College 4591 2,318 INDIA Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering 4592 2,317 INDIA Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology 4593 2,317 CHINA Quzhou University 4594 2,316 EGYPT Higher Technological Institute - Egypt 4595 2,315 INDIA ICAR - National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management 4596 2,314 LIBYA Omar Al Mukhtar University 4597 2,314 USA Akron General Medical Center 4598 2,313 RUSSIA Astrakhan State Technical University 4599 2,312 INDIA Indira Gandhi National Tribal University 4600 2,311 PHILIPPINES Philippine Heart Center 4601 2,311 UKRAINE National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy 4602 2,310 CHINA Xi'an International Studies University 4603 2,309 USA Midwestern University - College of Pharmacy - Glendale 4604 2,308 USA Rocky Mountain University Health Professions 4605 2,308 ALGERIA Universite Abbes Laghrour Khenchela 4606 2,307

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Westfield State College 4607 2,306 UKRAINE Pryazovskyi State Technical University 4608 2,305 UKRAINE Chernihiv National University of Technology 4609 2,305 CHINA Baise University 4610 2,304 JAPAN Saitama Institute Technology 4611 2,303 CHINA Longdong University 4612 2,302 USA University of Wisconsin La Crosse 4613 2,302 CANADA Saint Thomas University Canada 4614 2,301 HUNGARY University of Physical Education 4615 2,300 USA SUNY Old Westbury 4616 2,299 BRAZIL Universidade Comunitaria Regional de Chapeco 4617 2,299 CHINA Fujian Jiangxia University 4618 2,298 BELARUS Gomel State Medical University 4619 2,297 TAIWAN Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology 4620 2,296 JORDAN Tafila Technical University 4621 2,296 INDONESIA Universitas Jambi 4622 2,295 INDIA Marathwada Institute of Technology 4623 2,294 CHINA Shangluo University 4624 2,294 INDIA Berhampur University 4625 2,293 CHINA Pingxiang University 4626 2,292 POLAND University of Social Sciences 4627 2,291 INDIA Midnapore College 4628 2,291 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Para 4629 2,290 USA InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico 4630 2,289 FINLAND Novia University of Applied Sciences 4631 2,288 BRAZIL Faculdade de Medicina de Marilia 4632 2,288 CHINA School of Nursing - PUMC 4633 2,287 RUSSIA Samara State University of Social Sciences & Education 4634 2,286 INDONESIA Universitas Tanjungpura 4635 2,285 USA Milwaukee School Engineering 4636 2,285 UKRAINE Khmelnytskyi National University 4637 2,284 INDIA Doon University 4638 2,283 INDIA Andhra Loyola College 4639 2,282 BULGARIA University of Burgas 4640 2,282 INDONESIA Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 4641 2,281 INDIA Central University of Karnataka 4642 2,280 USA Illinois State Water Survey 4643 2,279 USA University Arkansas Pine Bluff 4644 2,279 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais 4645 2,278 FRANCE Ecole Superieure d'Agriculture d'Angers (ESA) 4646 2,277 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (IFMT) 4647 2,276 CHINA Sichuan University of Arts & Science 4648 2,276 THAILAND Thailand Institute of Science & Technological Research 4649 2,275 USA Clayton State University 4650 2,274 CHINA Shenyang Institute of Engineering 4651 2,273 TURKEY Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University 4652 2,273 Centro de Investigacion en Tecnologias Software Sistemas Multimedia para la SPAIN 4653 2,272 Sostenibilidad (CITSEM) USA York College Pennsylvania 4654 2,271 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Para 4655 2,270

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Heidelberg University USA 4656 2,270 GERMANY Luebeck University of Applied Sciences 4657 2,269 BRAZIL Universidade Sao Francisco 4658 2,268 INDIA CEPT University 4659 2,267 INDIA Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges 4660 2,267 COLOMBIA Universidad Autonoma de Occidente 4661 2,266 CHINA Ankang University 4662 2,265 INDONESIA Dian Nuswantoro University 4663 2,264 BRAZIL Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina 4664 2,264 HUNGARY University of West Hungary 4665 2,263 VIETNAM University of Hanoi 4666 2,262 ALGERIA Universite d'El-Oued 4667 2,261 USA Montana State University Billings 4668 2,261 ITALY University of Gastronomic Sciences 4669 2,260 BRAZIL Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai Cimatec 4670 2,259 TURKEY Konya Food & Agriculture University 4671 2,258 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Augusto Motta (UNISUAM) 4672 2,258 CHINA Ningbo University of Finance & Economics 4673 2,257 SOUTH KOREA Hansung University 4674 2,256 JAPAN Tohoku Institute Technology 4675 2,255 TURKEY Turk Hava Kurumu University 4676 2,255 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Medical University 4677 2,254 CHINA Civil Aviation Flight University of China 4678 2,253 INDIA Chaudhary Devi Lal University 4679 2,252 RUSSIA Pacific National University 4680 2,252 BELARUS Grodno State Medical University 4681 2,251 CHINA Xi'an University of Finance & Economics 4682 2,250 UKRAINE Zaporozhye State Medical University (ZSMU) 4683 2,249 BULGARIA Agrarian University 4684 2,249 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan State University of Oil & Industry (ASUOI) 4685 2,248 Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine & Biotechnology named after K.I. RUSSIA 4686 2,247 Skryabin ALGERIA Centre Universitaire Ain Temouchent 4687 2,246 KYRGYZSTAN American University of Central Asia 4688 2,246 USA Lewis University 4689 2,245 SAUDI ARABIA University of Bisha 4690 2,244 EL SALVADOR Universidad de El Salvador 4691 2,243 INDIA SNS College of Technology 4692 2,243 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Tirupati 4693 2,242 BRAZIL Universidade de Cuiaba 4694 2,241 USA Our Lady Lake Regional Medical Center 4695 2,240 INDIA Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute Of Technology 4696 2,240 VIETNAM Vietnam Maritime University (VMU / VIMARU) 4697 2,239 BULGARIA University of National & World Economics - Bulgaria 4698 2,238 USA Philadelphia University 4699 2,237 UKRAINE Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy 4700 2,237 USA Kentucky State University 4701 2,236 INDIA Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology 4702 2,235 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA International Black Sea University 4703 2,235 UKRAINE Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University 4704 2,234

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Volgograd State Agrarian University 4705 2,233 RUSSIA Novosibirsk State University of Economics & Management 4706 2,232 INDIA CSIR - Madras Complex 4707 2,232 USA West Virginia State University 4708 2,231 KENYA Strathmore University 4709 2,230 JAPAN Kyoto Tachibana University 4710 2,229 PHILIPPINES Makati Medical Center 4711 2,229 BRAZIL Universidade Paranaense 4712 2,228 TURKEY Halic University 4713 2,227 ROMANIA Constantin Brancusi University 4714 2,226 JAPAN Hokkai Gakuen University 4715 2,226 UKRAINE Ukrainian National Forestry University 4716 2,225 SOUTH KOREA Korea National Sport University 4717 2,224 RUSSIA Cherepovets State University 4718 2,223 QATAR Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence 4719 2,223 CHINA Tianjin Foreign Studies University 4720 2,222 INDIA Mody University of Science & Technology 4721 2,221 PHILIPPINES Visayas State University 4722 2,220 PERU Universidad Nacional de Trujillo 4723 2,220 ITALY American University Rome 4724 2,219 IRAQ Southern Technical University 4725 2,218 ROMANIA Apollonia University 4726 2,217 SOUTH KOREA Kyungdong University 4727 2,217 CHINA Xichang College 4728 2,216 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Ranchi 4729 2,215 RUSSIA Rostov State Transport University 4730 2,214 INDONESIA Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani 4731 2,214 UKRAINE Odessa National Polytechnic University 4732 2,213 CHINA Ordnance Engineering College - China 4733 2,212 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Norte do Parana (UENP) 4734 2,211 LITHUANIA Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences 4735 2,211 SPAIN Pontifical University of Salamanca 4736 2,210 RUSSIA Sevastopol State University 4737 2,209 INDIA Bengal College of Engineering & Technology 4738 2,208 USA Indiana University Kokomo 4739 2,208 CHINA Taiyuan Institute of Technology 4740 2,207 INDONESIA Universitas Pattimura 4741 2,206 BRAZIL Universidade Veiga de Almeida (UVA) 4742 2,205 BULGARIA Military Academy Vasil Levski 4743 2,205 RUSSIA Ural State Pedagogical University 4744 2,204 THAILAND University Thai Chamber Commerce 4745 2,203 CHINA Guangdong University of Finance 4746 2,202 USA Millsaps College 4747 2,202 TURKEY Ardahan University 4748 2,201 BRAZIL Universidade Sao Judas Tadeu 4749 2,200 INDIA National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Kolkata 4750 2,199 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Visayas 4751 2,199 CHINA 4752 2,198 SAUDI ARABIA Islamic University of Al Madinah 4753 2,197

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TURKEY Mardin Artuklu University 4754 2,196 INDIA Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry 4755 2,196 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University 4756 2,195 USA Walsh University 4757 2,194 SOUTH KOREA Baekseok University 4758 2,193 KENYA Technical University of Kenya 4759 2,193 INDONESIA Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 4760 2,192 ARMENIA Russian Armenian Slavonic University 4761 2,191 PAKISTAN Lahore School of Economics 4762 2,190 INDIA National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh 4763 2,190 INDIA K L University 4764 2,189 CHINA Weinan Normal University 4765 2,188 COLOMBIA Universidad de La Salle 4766 2,187 CHINA Chengdu Normal University 4767 2,187 CHINA Guangxi University of Finance & Economics 4768 2,186 GREECE International Hellenic University 4769 2,185 USA Capital University 4770 2,184 LEBANON American University of Science & Technology - Lebanon 4771 2,184 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Farroupilha 4772 2,183 RUSSIA Orenburg State Pedagogical University 4773 2,182 USA University of Puerto Rico at Cayey 4774 2,181 USA California University of Pennsylvania 4775 2,181 INDIA Syed Ammal Engineering College 4776 2,180 SOUTH KOREA Honam University 4777 2,179 BRAZIL Centro Universitario UNA 4778 2,178 BULGARIA Varna University of Management 4779 2,178 SOUTH AFRICA Mangosuthu University of Technology 4780 2,177 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) 4781 2,176 ZIMBABWE National University of Science & Technology - Zimbabwe 4782 2,176 CHINA Southwest University of Political Science & Law - China 4783 2,175 RUSSIA Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University 4784 2,174 UKRAINE Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University 4785 2,173 JAPAN Fukuyama University 4786 2,173 FINLAND Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences 4787 2,172 INDIA Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College 4788 2,171 USA Westminster College Pennsylvania 4789 2,170 FRANCE Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Brest (ENIB) 4790 2,170 INDIA Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies 4791 2,169 BRAZIL Escola Superior de Ciencias da Santa Casa de Misericordia de Vitoria 4792 2,168 CHINA China Foreign Affairs University 4793 2,167 JORDAN Al-Ahliyya Amman University 4794 2,167 GAMBIA University of the Gambia 4795 2,166 INDIA DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology 4796 2,165 INDIA Sri Padmavati Mahila Vishwavidyalayam 4797 2,164 TAIWAN Nanhua University 4798 2,164 PAKISTAN Virtual University of Pakistan 4799 2,163 UKRAINE Kharkiv National Automobile & Highway University 4800 2,162 INDIA Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology 4801 2,161 INDIA All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Patna 4802 2,161

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (IFNMG) 4803 2,160 RUSSIA Kuban State Technological University 4804 2,159 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh British Technical University 4805 2,158 UKRAINE Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering 4806 2,158 INDIA Alliance University 4807 2,157 INDIA RK University 4808 2,156 SOUTH KOREA KDI School of Public Policy & Management 4809 2,155 BRAZIL Universidade Federal do Cariri 4810 2,155 USA SUNY Empire State College 4811 2,154 ALGERIA Universite de Bechar 4812 2,153 BRAZIL Universidade Ibirapuera 4813 2,152 INDONESIA Universitas Terbuka 4814 2,152 UZBEKISTAN Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent 4815 2,151 INDIA Ganpat University 4816 2,150 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Medical Academy 4817 2,149 CHINA Ningxia Normal University 4818 2,149 BRAZIL Instituto de Ensino Superior e Pesquisa da Santa Casa 4819 2,148 LATVIA Liepaja University 4820 2,147 TURKEY Turkish Land Forces 4821 2,146 JAPAN Joetsu University Education 4822 2,146 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo 4823 2,145 USA Hiram College 4824 2,144 USA Bemidji State University 4825 2,143 USA Farmingdale State College 4826 2,143 CZECH REPUBLIC Metropolitan University Prague 4827 2,142 CHINA Xinyu University 4828 2,141 CHINA Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics 4829 2,140 USA Indiana University Southeast 4830 2,140 INDIA Government College of Engineering & Leather Technology 4831 2,139 RUSSIA Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery 4832 2,138 BRAZIL Universidade Anhanguera 4833 2,137 INDONESIA Bandung State Polytechnic 4834 2,137 PERU Universidad de Piura 4835 2,136 INDONESIA Universitas Palangka Raya (UPR) 4836 2,135 PHILIPPINES Our Lady of Fatima University 4837 2,134 INDIA Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College 4838 2,134 CHINA Henan University of Engineering 4839 2,133 MALAYSIA Lincoln University College 4840 2,132 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Baiano (IFBAIANO) 4841 2,131 KAZAKHSTAN Turan University 4842 2,131 KAZAKHSTAN Karaganda State Technical University 4843 2,130 USA Indiana University East 4844 2,129 PORTUGAL Instituto Politecnico de Santarem 4845 2,128 INDONESIA Universitas Nusa Cendana 4846 2,128 RUSSIA Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics & Law 4847 2,127 INDIA College of Engineering Guindy 4848 2,126 NORWAY MF Norwegian School Theology, Religion & Society 4849 2,125 TAIWAN Tung Fang Design University 4850 2,125 INDIA Yuvarajas College (Autonomous) 4851 2,124

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UKRAINE Donetsk National University 4852 2,123 RUSSIA Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University 4853 2,122 SPAIN Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC) 4854 2,122 LATVIA Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences 4855 2,121 INDIA Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology 4856 2,120 LATVIA Ventspils University College 4857 2,119 UKRAINE Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies 4858 2,119 INDIA DVR & Dr. HS MIC College of Technology 4859 2,118 NORWAY Lovisenberg Diaconal University College 4860 2,117 TAIWAN Huafan University 4861 2,117 MALAYSIA Institute Jantung Negara 4862 2,116 RUSSIA Tver State Technical University 4863 2,115 FRANCE Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information (ENSAI) 4864 2,114 UKRAINE Ukrainian Medical & Dental Academy 4865 2,114 NORWAY Volda University College 4866 2,113 TURKEY Ipek University 4867 2,112 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli 4868 2,111 CHINA Jilin Business & Technology College 4869 2,111 CYPRUS Cyprus International University 4870 2,110 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Estadual da Zona Oeste 4871 2,109 BELARUS Belarusian State Technological University 4872 2,108 CHINA Xi'an Aeronautical University 4873 2,108 SPAIN ESIC Business & Marketing School 4874 2,107 INDIA Centurion University of Technology & Management 4875 2,106 CHINA Daqing Normal University 4876 2,105 USA Southern University New Orleans 4877 2,105 INDIA Teerthanker Mahaveer University 4878 2,104 MALAYSIA Malaysian Rubber Board 4879 2,103 CHINA University of International Relations 4880 2,102 SOUTH KOREA Gwangju University 4881 2,102 INDONESIA Universitas Nasional Pionir Perubahan 4882 2,101 KENYA Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology 4883 2,100 INDONESIA Ganesha University of Education 4884 2,099 BRAZIL Universidade da Integracao Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB) 4885 2,099 UKRAINE Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil & Gas 4886 2,098 JAPAN Kagawa Nutrition University 4887 2,097 CHINA Liaoning Institute of Science & Technology 4888 2,096 RUSSIA Kuban State Medical University 4889 2,096 RUSSIA Bashkir State Pedagogical University 4890 2,095 PORTUGAL The Nursing College of Coimbra 4891 2,094 INDIA Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology 4892 2,093 INDONESIA Pancasila University 4893 2,093 INDIA Oxford College of Engineering 4894 2,092 USA Miami Valley Hospital 4895 2,091 KAZAKHSTAN KIMEP University 4896 2,090 ALGERIA Ecole Normale Superieure de Kouba 4897 2,090 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Food Production 4898 2,089 INDIA Bundelkhand University 4899 2,088 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure Veterinaire 4900 2,087

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PAKISTAN Shah Abdul Latif University 4901 2,087 USA University of Puerto Rico Humacao 4902 2,086 INDONESIA Universitas Trunojoyo Madura 4903 2,085 USA University Minnesota Crookston 4904 2,084 INDIA Rajiv Gandhi University 4905 2,084 BRAZIL Faculdade Campo Limpo Paulista 4906 2,083 INDIA Krishna University 4907 2,082 SWEDEN Swedish National Defence College 4908 2,081 BELGIUM University Saint-Louis - Bruxelles 4909 2,081 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma del Carmen 4910 2,080 KAZAKHSTAN Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University 4911 2,079 INDIA Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad 4912 2,078 INDONESIA Gunadarma University 4913 2,078 USA Jacksonville State University 4914 2,077 NEW ZEALAND Otago Polytechnic 4915 2,076 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca 4916 2,075 UKRAINE Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan 4917 2,075 KAZAKHSTAN D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University 4918 2,074 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering 4919 2,073 PAKISTAN Pakistan Science Foundation 4920 2,072 PAKISTAN National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology - Pakistan 4921 2,072 INDONESIA University of 19 November Kolaka 4922 2,071 CHINA Mudanjiang Normal University 4923 2,070 SAUDI ARABIA Al-Farabi College for Nursing & Dentistry 4924 2,069 SOUTH KOREA Ansan College 4925 2,069 SPAIN Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectronicos Microtecnologia (ISOM) 4926 2,068 USA University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 4927 2,067 POLAND University of Bydgoszcz 4928 2,066 UKRAINE Kherson National Technical University 4929 2,066 ETHIOPIA Adama Science & Technology University 4930 2,065 UKRAINE Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine & Biotechnologies Lviv 4931 2,064 UKRAINE National University of Pharmacy 4932 2,063 BRAZIL Universidade Anhembi Morumbi 4933 2,063 PERU Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa 4934 2,062 USA University Arkansas Monticello 4935 2,061 EGYPT Sinai University 4936 2,060 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Nilton Lins 4937 2,060 ITALY University Foreigners Perugia 4938 2,059 POLAND Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska 4939 2,058 USA Keck Graduate Institute School of Pharmacy 4940 2,058 JAMAICA University of Technology - Jamaica 4941 2,057 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau 4942 2,056 UKRAINE Sumy National Agrarian University 4943 2,055 USA Argosy University 4944 2,055 ESTONIA Estonian Academy of Arts 4945 2,054 TURKEY Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University 4946 2,053 INDIA Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam 4947 2,052 INDIA National Institute of Technology Nagaland 4948 2,052

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE FRANCE Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (EFEO) 4949 2,051 INDIA Govt. Vishwanath Yadav Tamskar P.G. Autonomous College 4950 2,050 KENYA Technical University of Mombasa 4951 2,049 INDIA National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 4952 2,049 TURKEY Maden Tetkik ve Arama (MTA) - Turkey 4953 2,048 IRAQ University of Kirkuk 4954 2,047 USA McNeese State University 4955 2,046 UKRAINE Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy 4956 2,046 USA Wayne State College 4957 2,045 NORWAY Oslo School of Architecture & Design 4958 2,044 PHILIPPINES National Museum of the Philippines 4959 2,043 FINLAND Centria University of Applied Sciences 4960 2,043 CHINA Shenyang Sport University 4961 2,042 INDIA Inderprastha Engineering College 4962 2,041 Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities & Social Sciences (NIAS- NETHERLANDS 4963 2,040 KNAW) RUSSIA Novosibirsk State University Of Architecture & Civil Engineering 4964 2,040 UKRAINE Bukovinian State Medical University 4965 2,039 INDIA Sanjay Ghodawat University 4966 2,038 PAKISTAN Shifa College of Medicine 4967 2,037 CHINA Changzhi University 4968 2,037 TURKEY Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University 4969 2,036 NEW ZEALAND Manukau Institute of Technology 4970 2,035 NEW ZEALAND Waikato Institute of Technology 4971 2,034 FINLAND South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences 4972 2,034 MYANMAR University of Yangon 4973 2,033 BULGARIA Veliko Tarnovo University 4974 2,032 FINLAND Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences 4975 2,031 SOUTH KOREA Daejin University 4976 2,031 FRANCE Burgundy School of Business 4977 2,030 TAIWAN Fo Guang University 4978 2,029 UKRAINE Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University 4979 2,028 UKRAINE Zhytomyr State Technological University 4980 2,028 UKRAINE National University Chernihiv Collegium Shevchenko 4981 2,027 INDIA National Institute of Technology Sikkim 4982 2,026 INDIA Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology 4983 2,025 RUSSIA Volga State University of Technology 4984 2,025 SOUTH KOREA International University Korea 4985 2,024 BRAZIL Universidade de Uberaba (Uniube) 4986 2,023 JAPAN Hokuriku University 4987 2,022 SPAIN Instituto de Investigacion del Automovil (INSIA) 4988 2,022 INDIA Gandhi Institute For Technological Advancement 4989 2,021 MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara 4990 2,020 USA Antioch University New England 4991 2,019 USA University of Maine School of Law 4992 2,019 CHINA Shandong University of Political Science and Law 4993 2,018 GERMANY Hochschule Coburg 4994 2,017 THAILAND Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University 4995 2,016 UKRAINE Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University 4996 2,016 CHINA Shanghai Business School 4997 2,015

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TAIWAN Hungkuo Delin University of Technology 4998 2,014 POLAND University of Finance & Management Warsaw 4999 2,013 CROATIA Polytechnic Rijeka 5000 2,013 USA Wittenberg University 5001 2,012 CHINA Institute of Disaster Prevention 5002 2,011 PAKISTAN Rawalpindi Medical College 5003 2,010 SOUTH KOREA Kangnam University 5004 2,010 USA National Louis University 5005 2,009 PAKISTAN Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission 5006 2,008 TURKEY Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University 5007 2,007 USA Baldwin Wallace University 5008 2,007 CHINA Eastern Liaoning University 5009 2,006 IRAQ Al Qasim Green University 5010 2,005 FINLAND Tampere University of Applied Sciences TAMK 5011 2,004 SOUTH KOREA Hanshin University 5012 2,004 MEXICO Colegio Michoacan 5013 2,003 FINLAND Hame University of Applied Sciences 5014 2,002 INDIA Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences 5015 2,001 INDONESIA Prima Indonesia University 5016 2,001 SPAIN Madrid Open University, UDIMA 5017 2,000 TURKEY Girne American University 5018 1,999 USA Defiance College 5019 1,999 INDIA Sumandeep Vidyapeeth 5020 1,998 PERU Universidad ESAN 5021 1,997 ROMANIA Ecological University of Bucharest 5022 1,996 USA State University of New York (SUNY) - College at Brockport 5023 1,996 RUSSIA Voronezh State University of Forestry & Technologies named after G.F. Morozov 5024 1,995 RUSSIA Ryazan State Medical University 5025 1,994 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Rondonia (IFRO) 5026 1,993 SPAIN ETS de Arquitectura 5027 1,993 TAIWAN Hsuan Chuang University 5028 1,992 USA University of Wisconsin Green Bay 5029 1,991 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Metodista - IPA 5030 1,990 RUSSIA Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University 5031 1,990 USA Dakota State University 5032 1,989 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE) 5033 1,988 INDIA Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University 5034 1,987 UKRAINE Odessa National A. S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications 5035 1,987 SOUTH KOREA Mokpo National Maritime University 5036 1,986 PAKISTAN Lasbela University of Agricultural Water & Marine Science 5037 1,985 BRAZIL Instituto Maua de Tecnologia 5038 1,984 INDIA CSIR - Open Source Drug Discovery 5039 1,984 INDONESIA University of Papua 5040 1,983 USA Cedarville University 5041 1,982 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Inga (UNINGA) 5042 1,981 USA Edinboro University 5043 1,981 KAZAKHSTAN Karaganda Medical University 5044 1,980 BRAZIL Universidade Jose do Rosario Vellano 5045 1,979

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA B. P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology 5046 1,978 INDONESIA YARSI University 5047 1,978 KAZAKHSTAN Astana Medical University 5048 1,977 BRAZIL Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) 5049 1,976 TURKEY Sirnak University 5050 1,975 INDIA Parul University 5051 1,975 JORDAN Middle East University 5052 1,974 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Herminio Ometto 5053 1,973 INDIA St Joseph Engineering College 5054 1,972 CHINA CAPITAL UNIVERSITY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS 5055 1,972 RUSSIA Vologda State University 5056 1,971 RUSSIA Shukshin Altai State University for Humanities & Pedagogy 5057 1,970 RUSSIA Kaliningrad State Technical University 5058 1,969 USA Nevada State College 5059 1,969 PAKISTAN Punjab Medical College 5060 1,968 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Amazonas (IFAM) 5061 1,967 CHINA Tianjin Vocational Institute 5062 1,966 PERU Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades 5063 1,966 USA University of Maine Farmington 5064 1,965 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Free University of Tbilisi 5065 1,964 NEW ZEALAND Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology 5066 1,963 INDIA Indian Institute of Management Kashipur 5067 1,963 CHINA Tongling University 5068 1,962 CHINA Jinzhong University 5069 1,961 INDIA Bharat Institute of Technology 5070 1,960 CHINA Hechi University 5071 1,960 TURKEY Adalet Bakanligi 5072 1,959 USA University of Mount Union 5073 1,958 KAZAKHSTAN Suleyman Demirel University - Kazakhstan 5074 1,957 CUBA University of Ciego de Avila 5075 1,957 UKRAINE Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding 5076 1,956 FINLAND Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 5077 1,955 USA University of Tennessee Martin 5078 1,954 NETHERLANDS SLO 5079 1,954 RUSSIA Transbaikal State University 5080 1,953 CHINA Shandong Sport University 5081 1,952 PAKISTAN Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences 5082 1,951 USA University of Arkansas Fort Smith 5083 1,951 UKRAINE Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University 5084 1,950 TURKEY Saglik Bilimleri University 5085 1,949 RUSSIA Surgut State University 5086 1,948 KAZAKHSTAN International Information Technology University 5087 1,948 KAZAKHSTAN Rudniy Industrial Institute 5088 1,947 INDIA Shri Shankaracharya Group Of Institutions 5089 1,946 INDONESIA National Institute of Technology - Indonesia 5090 1,945 FRANCE Institut d'Etudes Politiques Toulouse (SciencePo Toulouse) 5091 1,945 INDIA Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College 5092 1,944 SIERRA LEONE University of Makeni 5093 1,943 BRAZIL Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais 5094 1,942

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute 5095 1,942 BRAZIL Universidade do Vale do Sapucai (UNIVAS) 5096 1,941 CHINA Shanxi Institute of Technology 5097 1,940 JAPAN Aichi Shukutoku University 5098 1,940 RUSSIA Bashkir State Agrarian University 5099 1,939 PORTUGAL Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa (ESEL) 5100 1,938 SPAIN Indra 5101 1,937 INDIA Assam Don Bosco University 5102 1,937 INDONESIA Swiss German University 5103 1,936 RUSSIA East Siberia State University of Technology & Management 5104 1,935 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Baguio 5105 1,934 KAZAKHSTAN Baitursynov Kostanay State University 5106 1,934 INDIA Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology 5107 1,933 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University 5108 1,932 CHINA Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University 5109 1,931 FRANCE Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC) 5110 1,931 INDIA Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University 5111 1,930 PAKISTAN Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology 5112 1,929 TURKEY Deniz Harp Okulu Komutanligi 5113 1,928 UGANDA Uganda Martyrs University 5114 1,928 TURKEY Sanko University 5115 1,927 UKRAINE Kharkiv National University of Economics 5116 1,926 MEXICO Universidad Panamericana - Guadalajara 5117 1,925 POLAND The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz 5118 1,925 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Anapolis 5119 1,924 TURKEY Toros University 5120 1,923 ANGOLA University Agostinho Neto 5121 1,922 CHINA Nanchang Normal University 5122 1,922 CZECH REPUBLIC AMBIS College 5123 1,921 INDIA IEC University 5124 1,920 ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional de Chilecito (UNDEC) 5125 1,919 INDONESIA Universitas Kristen Maranatha 5126 1,919 INDONESIA Universitas Ma Chung 5127 1,918 INDIA ICAR - Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology 5128 1,917 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Piaui (IFPI) 5129 1,916 INDIA National Institute of Technology Puducherry 5130 1,916 MACEDONIA St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola 5131 1,915 IRAQ Basrah University College of Science and Technology 5132 1,914 NIGERIA African University of Science & Technology 5133 1,913 BULGARIA University for Library Studies & Information Technology 5134 1,913 UKRAINE Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University 5135 1,912 CHINA Lanzhou University of Finance & Economics 5136 1,911 USA Oklahoma State University - Tulsa 5137 1,910 IRELAND Letterkenny Institute of Technology 5138 1,910 PAKISTAN National Engineering & Scientific Commission - Pakistan 5139 1,909 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAUniversity of Zenica 5140 1,908 FINLAND Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences 5141 1,907 KAZAKHSTAN Taraz State University 5142 1,907 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh National Agrarian University 5143 1,906

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Belo Horizonte 5144 1,905 BELARUS Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno 5145 1,904 INDIA Trident Academy of Technology 5146 1,904 TURKEY Bursa Orhangazi University 5147 1,903 USA Muskingum University 5148 1,902 KAZAKHSTAN Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University 5149 1,901 LIBYA Sebha University 5150 1,901 POLAND Vistula University 5151 1,900 CUBA Universidad de Cienfuegos 5152 1,899 PERU Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola 5153 1,898 USA Wheeling University 5154 1,898 INDONESIA Kampus Unissula 5155 1,897 UKRAINE National University of Physical Education & Sport of Ukraine 5156 1,896 TURKEY Avrasya University 5157 1,895 INDIA GD Goenka University 5158 1,895 SOUTH KOREA Howon University 5159 1,894 BRAZIL Universidade do Contestado 5160 1,893 BOTSWANA Botswana College of Agriculture 5161 1,892 INDIA Gujarat Forensic Sciences University 5162 1,892 USA Northwestern State University of Louisiana 5163 1,891 SOUTH KOREA Nambu University 5164 1,890 PERU Universidad Ricardo Palma 5165 1,889 USA Saint Thomas Hospital 5166 1,889 UKRAINE Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University 5167 1,888 MEXICO Universidad del Papaloapan 5168 1,887 ROMANIA Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy 5169 1,886 INDONESIA Bung Hatta University 5170 1,886 INDIA Priyadarshini Engineering College 5171 1,885 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra 5172 1,884 INDIA Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology 5173 1,883 USA Columbus State Community College 5174 1,883 CHINA Lvliang University 5175 1,882 USA University of Puerto Rico at Ponce 5176 1,881 SOUTH KOREA Inha Technical College 5177 1,881 RUSSIA Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications & Informatics 5178 1,880 RUSSIA Perm State Medical University named after E. A. Wagner 5179 1,879 ALGERIA Universite de Khemis Miliana 5180 1,878 SPAIN Instituto de Fusion Nuclear 5181 1,878 USA Monmouth College 5182 1,877 JAPAN Kumamoto Health Science University 5183 1,876 INDIA Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies 5184 1,875 ESTONIA Estonian Business School 5185 1,875 MEXICO Universidad de Occidente 5186 1,874 INDIA Chitkara University, Punjab 5187 1,873 INDIA University of Kota 5188 1,872 FINLAND Savonia University of Applied Sciences 5189 1,872 INDIA Manav Bharti University 5190 1,871 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) 5191 1,870 INDIA Kaziranga University 5192 1,869

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL UniCesumar - Centro Universitario Cesumar 5193 1,869 UKRAINE Kyiv National University of Technologies & Design 5194 1,868 INDIA Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women 5195 1,867 RUSSIA Ural State Forest Engineering University 5196 1,866 MEXICO Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec 5197 1,866 INDIA Global College of Engineering & Technology 5198 1,865 BRAZIL Centro Universitario do Distrito Federal 5199 1,864 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Technical University 5200 1,863 KENYA United States International University Africa 5201 1,863 USA Baptist Memorial Hospital Memphis 5202 1,862 INDIA Sree Buddha College of Engineering 5203 1,861 LITHUANIA General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania 5204 1,860 INDIA Invertis University 5205 1,860 INDIA SVERI'S College Of Engineering 5206 1,859 TURKMENISTAN International Turkmen-Turkish University 5207 1,858 UKRAINE National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic 5208 1,857 NEW ZEALAND Open Polytechnic New Zealand 5209 1,857 KENYA Mount Kenya University 5210 1,856 INDIA Nagaland University 5211 1,855 BELARUS Pavel Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel 5212 1,854 USA Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City 5213 1,854 INDONESIA Bakrie University 5214 1,853 USA Midwestern University - College of Dental Medicine - Illinois 5215 1,852 INDONESIA Multimedia Nusantara University 5216 1,851 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) 5217 1,851 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Fieo 5218 1,850 RUSSIA Baltic State Technical University Voenmeh 5219 1,849 CHINA China Youth University of Political Studies 5220 1,848 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Santos 5221 1,848 BELARUS Belarusian State University of Transport 5222 1,847 BRAZIL Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI 5223 1,846 BRAZIL Escola Nacional de Ciencias Estatisticas (ENCE) 5224 1,845 CHINA Baoding University 5225 1,845 INDONESIA Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo 5226 1,844 KUWAIT Arab Open University 5227 1,843 USA Eastern Oregon University 5228 1,842 UKRAINE Ukrainian Catholic University 5229 1,842 RUSSIA Kostroma State University 5230 1,841 UKRAINE Zaporizhzhia National University 5231 1,840 KAZAKHSTAN Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications 5232 1,839 USA Midwestern University - College of Health Sciences - Illinois 5233 1,839 BULGARIA University of Economics Varna 5234 1,838 INDIA Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology 5235 1,837 INDONESIA Cenderawasih University 5236 1,836 INDIA Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering 5237 1,836 CHINA Shandong Agriculture & Engineering University 5238 1,835 USA University of Wisconsin Superior 5239 1,834 TURKEY Turkish National Police Academy 5240 1,833 INDIA CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR 4PI) 5241 1,833

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Salvador 5242 1,832 SAUDI ARABIA Dar Al Uloom University 5243 1,831 INDIA RVS Technical Campus 5244 1,830 INDIA Goswami Ganesh Dutta S. D. College 5245 1,830 USA Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital 5246 1,829 USA Franciscan University of Steubenville 5247 1,828 ALGERIA Universite d'Adrar 5248 1,827 POLAND Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II w Krakowie 5249 1,827 INDONESIA Jakarta State University 5250 1,826 INDONESIA Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. HAMKA 5251 1,825 SOUTH KOREA Kyungwoon University 5252 1,824 USA Dalton State College 5253 1,824 CZECH REPUBLIC Skoda Auto University 5254 1,823 ESTONIA Estonian Literary Museum 5255 1,822 INDIA Hindusthan College of Arts & Science 5256 1,822 CHINA Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine 5257 1,821 PANAMA Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui 5258 1,820 LITHUANIA ISM University of Management & Economics 5259 1,819 RUSSIA Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport & Tourism 5260 1,819 TAJIKISTAN Technological University of Tajikistan 5261 1,818 KAZAKHSTAN Semey State Medical University 5262 1,817 THAILAND Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna 5263 1,816 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Ciencias da Saude de Alagoas 5264 1,816 ALGERIA Centre Universitaire Tissemsilt 5265 1,815 BRAZIL Universidade de Marilia 5266 1,814 INDIA Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation 5267 1,813 INDIA Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University 5268 1,813 INDONESIA Economic Research Institute ASEAN & East Asia 5269 1,812 TURKEY Gedik University 5270 1,811 RUSSIA Voronezh State Medical University 5271 1,810 KAZAKHSTAN Zhubanov Aktobe State University 5272 1,810 CHINA Baotou Teachers College 5273 1,809 INDIA Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College 5274 1,808 INDIA KLE Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology 5275 1,807 INDIA Mahendra Arts & Science College 5276 1,807 INDONESIA Ujung Pandang State Polytechnics 5277 1,806 USA Antioch University Midwest 5278 1,805 TAJIKISTAN M.S.Osimi Tajik Technical University 5279 1,804 INDIA Sir Padampat Singhania University 5280 1,804 BRAZIL Universidade de Cruz Alta 5281 1,803 RUSSIA Saratov State Agrarian University 5282 1,802 INDIA National Institute of Technology Mizoram 5283 1,801 SOUTH KOREA Seokyeong University 5284 1,801 RUSSIA Kazan State Medical Academy 5285 1,800 UNITED KINGDOM University of West London 5286 1,799 FINLAND Humak University of Applied Sciences 5287 1,798 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales Puertos 5288 1,798 INDIA Ballari Institute Of Technology & Management 5289 1,797 COSTA RICA Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) 5290 1,796

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE RUSSIA Omsk State Medical University 5291 1,795 INDIA Shobhit University 5292 1,795 RUSSIA Omsk State Transport University 5293 1,794 BRAZIL Centro Universitario da Fundacao Educacional de Barretos 5294 1,793 RUSSIA Yaroslavl State Technical University 5295 1,792 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS) 5296 1,792 BRAZIL Universidade Tuiuti do Parana (UTP) 5297 1,791 USA American Public University 5298 1,790 KAZAKHSTAN Atyrau State University 5299 1,789 INDONESIA Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto 5300 1,789 UKRAINE Banking University 5301 1,788 PHILIPPINES Central Luzon State University 5302 1,787 EGYPT Heliopolis University 5303 1,786 UZBEKISTAN Samarkand State University 5304 1,786 USA Dixie State University 5305 1,785 KAZAKHSTAN Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts 5306 1,784 CHINA Chengdu Sport University 5307 1,783 CHINA Guangzhou Sport University 5308 1,783 NORWAY Sami University of Applied Sciences 5309 1,782 RUSSIA St Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies & Design 5310 1,781 PAKISTAN Nuclear Institute for Food & Agriculture - Pakistan 5311 1,780 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Cebu 5312 1,780 JAPAN Iwaki Meisei University 5313 1,779 USA Georgia Southwestern State University 5314 1,778 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Volta Redonda (UniFOA) 5315 1,777 INDIA People's University 5316 1,777 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Agronomie 5317 1,776 USA Lincoln University - Pennsylvania 5318 1,775 INDONESIA Universitas Negeri Gorontalo 5319 1,774 BULGARIA Technical University Gabrovo 5320 1,774 RUSSIA Kutafin Moscow State Law University 5321 1,773 RUSSIA Siberian State Automobile & Highway Academy 5322 1,772 INDIA Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology 5323 1,771 INDIA Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management Shillong 5324 1,771 ARMENIA Institute of Informatics & Automation Problems 5325 1,770 BRAZIL FUCAPE Business School 5326 1,769 INDIA C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology 5327 1,768 IRELAND Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) 5328 1,768 NEW ZEALAND Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology 5329 1,767 INDIA Erode Sengunthar Engineering College 5330 1,766 BULGARIA University of Mining & Geology - Bulgaria 5331 1,765 INDIA Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Kancheepuram 5332 1,765 INDIA Goa College Of Engineering 5333 1,764 PHILIPPINES Saint Lukes Medical Center - Philippines 5334 1,763 INDIA Vinoba Bhave University 5335 1,763 INDIA Lingaya's University 5336 1,762 POLAND Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wroclawiu 5337 1,761 RUSSIA North Ossetian State University 5338 1,760 INDIA Holy Cross College 5339 1,760

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Sichuan International Studies University 5340 1,759 JAPAN Fukuoka University Education 5341 1,758 UKRAINE O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv 5342 1,757 INDIA Model Institute of Engineering & Technology 5343 1,757 MEXICO FLACSO Mexico 5344 1,756 PHILIPPINES Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center 5345 1,755 ALBANIA European University of Tirana 5346 1,754 INDONESIA Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology 5347 1,754 BELARUS Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University 5348 1,753 UKRAINE Kherson State University 5349 1,752 INDIA Saintgits College of Engineering 5350 1,751 INDIA Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science & Commerce 5351 1,751 INDONESIA University of North Sumatra 5352 1,750 JAPAN Hachinohe Institute Technology 5353 1,749 INDIA Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University 5354 1,748 USA Clarion University of Pennsylvania 5355 1,748 INDONESIA Pasundan University 5356 1,747 INDIA Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology 5357 1,746 USA University of Wisconsin River Falls 5358 1,745 CHINA China Academy of Art 5359 1,745 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion 5360 1,744 INDIA St. Albert's College 5361 1,743 SOUTH KOREA Pyeongtaek University 5362 1,742 INDIA M.A.M. College Of Engineering & Technology 5363 1,742 INDIA Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya 5364 1,741 UKRAINE Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University 5365 1,740 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) 5366 1,739 INDIA Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology 5367 1,739 INDIA Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 5368 1,738 PERU Universidad Privada del Norte 5369 1,737 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena 5370 1,736 UKRAINE Lviv State University of Life Safety 5371 1,736 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) 5372 1,735 INDIA HMR Institute of Technology & Management 5373 1,734 UKRAINE Vinnytsia National Agrarian University 5374 1,733 RUSSIA State University of Management 5375 1,733 FINLAND Police University College 5376 1,732 PORTUGAL Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique 5377 1,731 PERU Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo 5378 1,730 USA Shawnee State University 5379 1,730 TURKEY Nuh Naci Yazgan University 5380 1,729 USA Northern State University 5381 1,728 SOUTH KOREA Pusan University Foreign Studies 5382 1,727 UKRAINE Lutsk National Technical University 5383 1,727 CHINA Naval Aviation University - China 5384 1,726 UKRAINE Kyiv School of Economics 5385 1,725 USA Coppin State University 5386 1,724 PERU Universidad Catolica de San Pablo 5387 1,724 TURKEY Istanbul Esenyurt University 5388 1,723

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UNITED KINGDOM Royal Northern College of Music - UK 5389 1,722 UNITED KINGDOM Swansea Metropolitan University 5390 1,721 INDIA Guru Kashi University 5391 1,721 PORTUGAL Escola Superior Educacao Coimbra 5392 1,720 RUSSIA Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies 5393 1,719 INDIA GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology Women 5394 1,718 RUSSIA Ivanovo State Power University 5395 1,718 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) 5396 1,717 PHILIPPINES University of the Philippines Mindanao 5397 1,716 UKRAINE Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University 5398 1,715 PHILIPPINES De La Salle College of Saint Benilde 5399 1,715 CHINA Dalian University of Foreign Languages 5400 1,714 INDONESIA University of Pembangunan National Veteran 5401 1,713 USA California Maritime Academy 5402 1,712 ITALY Lum Jean Monnet University 5403 1,712 UZBEKISTAN Westminster International University Tashkent 5404 1,711 USA Medgar Evers College 5405 1,710 USA Polytechnic University Puerto Rico 5406 1,709 INDIA Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus 5407 1,709 USA Ohio Dominican University 5408 1,708 CROATIA Agricultural Institute Osijek 5409 1,707 USA Brigham Young University - Hawaii 5410 1,706 USA Northern Vermont University 5411 1,706 MONGOLIA Health Sciences University of Mongolia 5412 1,705 BRAZIL Universidade da Amazonia (UNAMA) 5413 1,704 FINLAND Lahti University of Applied Sciences 5414 1,704 RUSSIA Stolypin Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University 5415 1,703 INDIA Mahendra Engineering College 5416 1,702 TAJIKISTAN Tajik State Medical University 5417 1,701 POLAND University of Applied Sciences in Nysa 5418 1,701 SPAIN Centro de Domotica Integral (CeDInt) 5419 1,700 INDIA CSIR - Unit for Research and Development of Information Products 5420 1,699 CHINA Shandong Youth University of Political Science 5421 1,698 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Dharwad 5422 1,698 INDIA Alpha College of Engineering & Technology 5423 1,697 TURKEY Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Universitesi 5424 1,696 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Joao Pessoa (UNIPE) 5425 1,695 INDIA Indian National Science Academy 5426 1,695 USA Grambling State University 5427 1,694 USA Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) 5428 1,693 USA Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 5429 1,692 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh-American University 5430 1,692 PERU Universidad de Lima 5431 1,691 ROMANIA Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy 5432 1,690 INDONESIA Merdeka Malang University 5433 1,689 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation 5434 1,689 RUSSIA Orel State University of Economics & Trade 5435 1,688 MEXICO Instituto Tecnologico de Leon 5436 1,687 UKRAINE Odessa State Environmental University 5437 1,686

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE BRAZIL Centro Universitario Sao Camilo 5438 1,686 USA Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences 5439 1,685 IRELAND St Angela's College 5440 1,684 USA Central State University 5441 1,683 PERU Universidad Nacional de Piura 5442 1,683 CHINA Taiyuan University 5443 1,682 UKRAINE Odessa State Medical University 5444 1,681 INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai 5445 1,680 INDIA Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College 5446 1,680 CHINA Northwest University of Political Science & Law 5447 1,679 FINLAND Kajaani University of Applied Sciences 5448 1,678 ARMENIA Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University 5449 1,677 INDIA Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Vivekananda College Of Science, Humanities & Commerce 5450 1,677 UKRAINE Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy 5451 1,676 LATVIA Rezekne Academy of Technologies 5452 1,675 VIETNAM DaNang University Education 5453 1,674 LATVIA Rigas Pedagogijas un izglitibas vadibas akademija 5454 1,674 PHILIPPINES Silliman University 5455 1,673 INDIA Fakir Mohan University 5456 1,672 INDIA BBK DAV College for Women 5457 1,671 ARGENTINA National University of Lomas de Zamora 5458 1,671 BRAZIL Universidade de Rio Verde Universidade Fesurv 5459 1,670 JAPAN Otaru University 5460 1,669 BRAZIL Centro Universitario UNIFAFIBE 5461 1,668 INDIA Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology 5462 1,668 FRANCE Ecole Nationale des Chartes 5463 1,667 INDIA Bengal Institute of Technology & Management 5464 1,666 CHINA Sanjiang University 5465 1,665 CHINA Shandong Management University 5466 1,665 KAZAKHSTAN Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz 5467 1,664 Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of RUSSIA 5468 1,663 Sciences INDONESIA Jakarta State Polytechnic 5469 1,662 USA University of Maine Presque Isle 5470 1,662 INDONESIA The Christian University of Indonesia 5471 1,661 SOUTH KOREA Korea National University Arts 5472 1,660 BRAZIL Faculdade Evangelica do Parana 5473 1,659 INDONESIA Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana 5474 1,659 INDIA Birsa Agricultural University 5475 1,658 TURKEY Suleyman Sah University 5476 1,657 RUSSIA Voronezh State Agrarian University 5477 1,656 RUSSIA Katanov Khakass State University 5478 1,656 ROMANIA Ioan Slavici University 5479 1,655 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria Aeronautica del Espacio 5480 1,654 INDIA Dr K N Modi University 5481 1,653 RUSSIA Ural State University of Railway Transport 5482 1,653 JAPAN Wakayama National College Technology 5483 1,652 PERU Universidad Nacional del Altiplano 5484 1,651 AZERBAIJAN Ganja State University 5485 1,650

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PERU Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal 5486 1,650 TURKEY Turk-Alman University 5487 1,649 IRAQ Erbil Polytechnic University 5488 1,648 NEW ZEALAND Wellington Institute of Technology 5489 1,647 BRAZIL Universidade Estadual de Roraima (UERR) 5490 1,647 PAKISTAN Pakistan Museum of Natural Historical 5491 1,646 INDONESIA Widyatama University 5492 1,645 INDIA Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities 5493 1,645 EGYPT Sadat Academy for Management Sciences (SAMS) 5494 1,644 INDONESIA Islamic University of Riau Indonesia 5495 1,643 UKRAINE Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (KHNTUA) 5496 1,642 BRAZIL Centro Universitario das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas 5497 1,642 MALAYSIA Institute Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia 5498 1,641 PERU Universidad Continental 5499 1,640 RUSSIA Academy of the FPS of Russia 5500 1,639 PHILIPPINES Angeles University Foundation 5501 1,639 BRAZIL Instituto Federal Fluminense 5502 1,638 USA University of Montana Western 5503 1,637 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Central Paulista 5504 1,636 KENYA Catholic University of Eastern Africa 5505 1,636 INDIA Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University (SKRAU) 5506 1,635 INDIA English & Foreign Languages University - India 5507 1,634 CHINA Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law 5508 1,633 INDIA Anna University of Technology Madurai 5509 1,633 UNITED KINGDOM University of London Royal Academy of Music 5510 1,632 INDIA AP Goyal Shimla University 5511 1,631 UKRAINE University of Customs and Finance 5512 1,630 INDONESIA University Budi Luhur 5513 1,630 PARAGUAY Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion 5514 1,629 INDIA Builders Engineering College 5515 1,628 RUSSIA Irkutsk State Transport University 5516 1,627 USA Marietta College 5517 1,627 INDIA Tula's Institute 5518 1,626 BRAZIL Faculdade Jesuita de Filosofia e Teologia 5519 1,625 PARAGUAY Universidad del Norte 5520 1,624 TURKEY Ibn Haldun University 5521 1,624 USA St. George's University 5522 1,623 USA SUNY Oneonta 5523 1,622 THAILAND Royal Forest Department - Thailand 5524 1,621 NIGERIA American University of Nigeria 5525 1,621 INDIA Arni University 5526 1,620 RUSSIA Novosibirsk State Agrarian University 5527 1,619 BRAZIL Universidade Gama Filho 5528 1,618 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Lusiada 5529 1,618 INDIA Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce 5530 1,617 INDIA University 5531 1,616 UKRAINE National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine 5532 1,615 UKRAINE Kryvyi Rih National University 5533 1,615 INDIA Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering 5534 1,614

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu 5535 1,613 BULGARIA University of Agribusiness & Rural Development 5536 1,612 BULGARIA Varna Free University 5537 1,612 KAZAKHSTAN National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5538 1,611 JAPAN National Institute of Technology Tokyo College 5539 1,610 UKRAINE Alfred Nobel University 5540 1,609 INDIA Indian National Academy of Engineering 5541 1,609 UKRAINE South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University Named After K. D. Ushynsky 5542 1,608 INDIA Aarupadai Veedu Institute Of Technology 5543 1,607 USA University of South Carolina Lancaster 5544 1,606 ALGERIA Universite d'El Tarf 5545 1,606 USA Texas A&M University Texarkana 5546 1,605 TURKMENISTAN Turkmen Agricultural University Named After S.A. Niyazov 5547 1,604 BULGARIA American University Bulgaria 5548 1,603 USA Iowa Methodist Medical Center 5549 1,603 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul 5550 1,602 IRELAND Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art & Design 5551 1,601 BANGLADESH Asian University for Women 5552 1,600 TURKEY Rize Training & Research Hospital 5553 1,600 INDIA Rama University 5554 1,599 RUSSIA Ural State Agrarian University 5555 1,598 FRANCE Reims Management School 5556 1,597 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros de Minas Energia 5557 1,597 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Brasilia 5558 1,596 INDIA Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science 5559 1,595 INDIA Natubhai V. Patel College of Pure & Applied Sciences 5560 1,594 INDIA ITM University 5561 1,594 UKRAINE Tavria State Agrotechnological University 5562 1,593 INDIA Institute of Technology 5563 1,592 RUSSIA Russian State University of Justice 5564 1,591 BULGARIA BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY 5565 1,591 UKRAINE Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University 5566 1,590 INDIA School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal 5567 1,589 CHINA Shandong Police College 5568 1,588 CZECH REPUBLIC Academy of Performing Arts Prague 5569 1,588 RUSSIA Russian Foreign Trade Academy 5570 1,587 RUSSIA Institute of Cellular & Intracellular Symbiosis 5571 1,586 FRANCE Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securite (INRETS) 5572 1,586 VIETNAM DaNang University of Foreign Language Studies 5573 1,585 CHINA Yingkou Institute of Technology 5574 1,584 INDIA Central University Of Kashmir 5575 1,583 RUSSIA Volga Region State University of Service 5576 1,583 PAKISTAN Pakistan Institute of Development Economics 5577 1,582 MEXICO Universidad Panamericana - Aguascalientes 5578 1,581 BRAZIL Universidade Severino Sombra 5579 1,580 BRAZIL Universidade de Itauna 5580 1,580 CANADA Capilano University 5581 1,579 KAZAKHSTAN Karaganda State Industrial University 5582 1,578 RUSSIA Adyghe State University 5583 1,577

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Toshniwal Arts Commerce & Science College 5584 1,577 AZERBAIJAN Baku Engineering University 5585 1,576 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PROFAMILIA 5586 1,575 RUSSIA Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University 5587 1,574 FRANCE University of London Institute in Paris 5588 1,574 INDIA Srinivas Group of Institutions 5589 1,573 BELARUS A.S. Pushkin Brest State University 5590 1,572 INDIA Sarguja University 5591 1,571 UKRAINE Lugansk State Medical University 5592 1,571 NORWAY Norwegian Defence University College 5593 1,570 INDIA Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology 5594 1,569 UKRAINE Zhytomyr National Agroecological University 5595 1,568 NEW ZEALAND Eastern Institute of Technology 5596 1,568 INDIA Desh Bhagat University 5597 1,567 BRUNEI Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University 5598 1,566 KAZAKHSTAN Narxoz University 5599 1,565 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Adventista de Sao Paulo 5600 1,565 UKRAINE Lviv State University of Internal Affairs 5601 1,564 KAZAKHSTAN Semey State University Shakarim 5602 1,563 USA SUNY Purchase College 5603 1,562 BELARUS Vitebsk State Technological University 5604 1,562 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieur d'Architecture de Toulouse 5605 1,561 UKRAINE Lviv State University of Physical Culture 5606 1,560 UKRAINE Cherkasy State Technological University 5607 1,559 PORTUGAL Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP) 5608 1,559 CAMBODIA Zaman University 5609 1,558 COLOMBIA Universidad Autonoma Latinoamericana 5610 1,557 PERU Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga 5611 1,556 INDIA K.S. School of Engineering & Management 5612 1,556 IRAQ University of Information Technology & Communication 5613 1,555 USA University of Puerto Rico at Utuado 5614 1,554 FRANCE Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche Jean-Francois Champollion 5615 1,553 PERU Universidad Catolica Santa Maria Arequipa 5616 1,553 RUSSIA Siberian Transport University 5617 1,552 USA Morrisville State College 5618 1,551 POLAND Uczelnia Lazarskiego w Warszawie 5619 1,550 USA Troy University Dothan 5620 1,550 INDIA St. Xavier's College Mumbai 5621 1,549 TURKEY Istanbul 29 Mayis University 5622 1,548 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh-Russian Medical University 5623 1,547 USA Peru State College 5624 1,547 USA William Woods University 5625 1,546 EGYPT Senghor University 5626 1,545 USA Ursuline College 5627 1,544 SPAIN Universitat Abat Oliba CEU 5628 1,544 CHINA Wuzhou University 5629 1,543 BULGARIA Todor Kableshkov University of Transport 5630 1,542 ARMENIA State Engineering University of Armenia 5631 1,541 CHINA Gansu Normal University Nationalities 5632 1,541

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Malone University 5633 1,540 INDIA Dravidian University 5634 1,539 SWITZERLAND Business School Lausanne 5635 1,538 UKRAINE Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy (ZSEA) 5636 1,538 USA University of Maine Machias 5637 1,537 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria Diseno Industrial 5638 1,536 INDIA School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi 5639 1,535 NICARAGUA Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua - Managua 5640 1,535 INDIA Malout Institute of Management & Information Technology 5641 1,534 NEW ZEALAND Bay of Plenty Polytechnic 5642 1,533 INDIA Shri Shankaracharya Mahavidyalaya 5643 1,532 UKRAINE Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture 5644 1,532 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Acre (IFAC) 5645 1,531 LIBYA Seventh of April University 5646 1,530 Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences de la Mer et Amenagement du Littoral ALGERIA 5647 1,529 (ENSSMAL) IRELAND National College of Art & Design 5648 1,529 INDIA Velalar College of Engineering & Technology 5649 1,528 KENYA Kenya Methodist University 5650 1,527 UKRAINE National University of Water & Environmental Engineering 5651 1,527 FRANCE Ecole d'Ingenieurs de l'Universite de Limoges (ENSIL-ENSCI) 5652 1,526 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University 5653 1,525 RUSSIA Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering & Computer Science 5654 1,524 PERU Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez De Mendoza De Amazonas 5655 1,524 UKRAINE Vadym Hetman Kiev National Economics University 5656 1,523 ROMANIA Henri Coanda Air Force Academy 5657 1,522 UKRAINE Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University 5658 1,521 RUSSIA Omsk State Agrarian University 5659 1,521 SOUTH KOREA Sehan University 5660 1,520 UNITED KINGDOM Writtle College 5661 1,519 BRAZIL Universidade Vale do Rio Verde 5662 1,518 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute 5663 1,518 USA Stark State College 5664 1,517 INDIA Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College 5665 1,516 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Senac 5666 1,515 GREECE Technical Educational Institute Kalamata 5667 1,515 INDIA SSBT'S College of Engineering & Technology 5668 1,514 RUSSIA Bunin Yelets State University 5669 1,513 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESThe Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management 5670 1,512 UKRAINE Odessa National Maritime University 5671 1,512 JAPAN Aomori University of Health & Welfare 5672 1,511 State Public Scientific & Technological Library of the Siberian Division of the Russian RUSSIA 5673 1,510 Academy of Sciences BRAZIL Faculdade Unida de Vitoria 5674 1,509 INDIA MATS University 5675 1,509 UKRAINE Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering & Architecture 5676 1,508 UZBEKISTAN INHA University Tashkent 5677 1,507 INDIA Regent Education & Research Foundation Group of Institutions 5678 1,506 USA University of Maine Fort Kent 5679 1,506 INDIA Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology 5680 1,505

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute 5681 1,504 USA Southern Agricultural Research & Extension Center 5682 1,503 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria de Montes Forestal del Medio Natural 5683 1,503 FINLAND Saimaa University of Applied Sciences 5684 1,502 MEXICO Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Juarez 5685 1,501 UKRAINE Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University 5686 1,500 UKRAINE Mariupol State University 5687 1,500 MALAYSIA Institute Penyelidikan Haiwan 5688 1,499 RUSSIA Chuvash State Agricultural Academy 5689 1,498 USA American Military University 5690 1,497 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan University of Architecture & Construction 5691 1,497 PAKISTAN Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) 5692 1,496 UKRAINE Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University 5693 1,495 UKRAINE Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering & Architecture 5694 1,494 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan University 5695 1,494 FRANCE Institut d'Etudes Politiques Rennes (SciencePo Rennes) 5696 1,493 AZERBAIJAN National Aviation Academy Azerbaijan 5697 1,492 FRANCE Institut Catholique d'Arts et Metiers de Toulouse 5698 1,491 INDIA Jagran Lakecity University 5699 1,491 USA College of Coastal Georgia 5700 1,490 JAPAN Nara National College Technology 5701 1,489 KAZAKHSTAN Kokshetau State University 5702 1,488 IRAQ Al-Karkh University of Science 5703 1,488 IRELAND Royal Irish Academy 5704 1,487 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent University of Information Technologies 5705 1,486 FINLAND Karelia University of Applied Sciences 5706 1,485 KAZAKHSTAN Baishev University Aktobe 5707 1,485 USA SUNY Cobleskill 5708 1,484 RUSSIA Don State Agrarian University 5709 1,483 IRAQ Islamic University College 5710 1,482 CHINA Harbin Sport University 5711 1,482 USA Georgia Perimeter College 5712 1,481 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University 5713 1,480 ROMANIA Emanuel University 5714 1,479 FRANCE International School of Management, Paris 5715 1,479 BRAZIL Universidade do Planalto Catarinense 5716 1,478 INDIA Ewing Christian College 5717 1,477 NORWAY Ansgar University College & Theological Seminary 5718 1,476 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University 5719 1,476 BRAZIL Universidade Bandeirante de Sao Paulo 5720 1,475 NEW ZEALAND Universal College of Learning - New Zealand 5721 1,474 BELARUS Vitebsk State University Named After PM Masherov 5722 1,473 UKRAINE Lviv University of Trade & Economics 5723 1,473 BRAZIL Universidade Presidente Antonio Carlos 5724 1,472 TAIWAN National Taiwan University of Arts 5725 1,471 CHINA Xi'an Physical Education University 5726 1,471 BRAZIL Faculdade Boa Viagem (FBV) 5727 1,470 UNITED KINGDOM Sotheby's Institute of Art 5728 1,469 BRAZIL Faculdade de Economia e Financas do Ibmec 5729 1,468

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE TURKEY Harita Genel Komutanligi 5730 1,468 PARAGUAY Universidad Autonoma del Paraguay 5731 1,467 USA Cuyahoga Community College 5732 1,466 PHILIPPINES Philippine Normal University 5733 1,465 INDONESIA Soegijapranata Catholic University 5734 1,465 SAUDI ARABIA College Nursing & Allied Health Science Saudi Arabia 5735 1,464 UKRAINE Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University 5736 1,463 KAZAKHSTAN Almaty Management University 5737 1,462 SOUTH KOREA Hansei University 5738 1,462 USA Sinclair Community College 5739 1,461 INDIA Muthayammal Engineering College 5740 1,460 BRAZIL Universidade Municipal de Sao Caetano do Sul 5741 1,459 TAJIKISTAN Tajik Agrarian University Named Shirinsho Shotemur 5742 1,459 INDIA Post Graduate Government College for Girls 5743 1,458 PERU Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego 5744 1,457 RUSSIA Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth & Tourism 5745 1,456 IRELAND Marino Institute of Education 5746 1,456 BELARUS Polessky State University 5747 1,455 RUSSIA Smolensk State University 5748 1,454 USA Troy University Montgomery 5749 1,453 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Akaki Tsereteli State University 5750 1,453 UKRAINE Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University 5751 1,452 USA Midwestern University - Arizona College of Optometry 5752 1,451 USA Savannah College of Art & Design 5753 1,450 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria Sistemas de Telecomunicacion 5754 1,450 UKRAINE Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (MNAU) 5755 1,449 BULGARIA National Veterinary Medical Institute - Bulgaria 5756 1,448 USA Louisiana State University at Alexandria 5757 1,447 USA University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla 5758 1,447 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Alvares Penteado 5759 1,446 KAZAKHSTAN Kyzylorda State University 5760 1,445 UKRAINE International Humanitarian University 5761 1,444 BRAZIL Centro de Ensino Superior de Juiz de Fora (CES/JF) 5762 1,444 KAZAKHSTAN Yessenov University 5763 1,443 ANGOLA Universidade Katyavala Bwila 5764 1,442 ALGERIA Ecole Normale Superieure de Constantine 5765 1,441 LITHUANIA Kazimieras Simonavicius University 5766 1,441 PERU Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez De Mayolo 5767 1,440 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Hydraulique Blida 5768 1,439 BRAZIL University Vale Rio Doce 5769 1,438 BRAZIL Collegio Pedro II 5770 1,438 INDIA Gujarat Vidyapith 5771 1,437 CYPRUS University of Kyrenia 5772 1,436 BRAZIL Escola Superior Dom Helder Camara 5773 1,435 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz National Agrarian University 5774 1,435 BAHRAIN Bahrain Polytechnic 5775 1,434 USA SUNY Canton 5776 1,433 BULGARIA University of Transport - Bulgaria 5777 1,432 USA Georgia Highlands College 5778 1,432

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CZECH REPUBLIC Academy of Fine Arts Prague 5779 1,431 PERU Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista 5780 1,430 INDIA IIMT College of Engineering 5781 1,429 NEW ZEALAND Waiariki Institute of Technology 5782 1,429 IRAQ Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University 5783 1,428 UKRAINE Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 5784 1,427 ALGERIA Centre Universitaire de Mila 5785 1,426 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh-German University 5786 1,426 INDIA Jaya Engineering College 5787 1,425 MEXICO IPADE Business School 5788 1,424 UKRAINE National University Ostroh Academy 5789 1,423 USA University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon 5790 1,423 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Rio Preto 5791 1,422 CROATIA Polytechnic Zagreb 5792 1,421 TURKEY Uluslararasi Final Universitesi 5793 1,420 COSTA RICA Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia (ULACIT) 5794 1,420 SPAIN Instituto de Microgravedad Ignacio Da Riva 5795 1,419 UNITED KINGDOM Harper Adams University College 5796 1,418 ARMENIA National Polytechnic University of Armenia 5797 1,417 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Institute of Irrigation & Agricultural Mechanization Engineers 5798 1,417 COLOMBIA Universidad La Gran Colombia 5799 1,416 USA Midwestern University - College of Dental Medicine - Arizona 5800 1,415 UNITED KINGDOM University College Birmingham 5801 1,414 UKRAINE Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs 5802 1,414 TAJIKISTAN Tajik National University 5803 1,413 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paulo 5804 1,412 UKRAINE Poltava State Agrarian Academy (PSAA) 5805 1,412 INDIA Kolhan University 5806 1,411 INDIA Guru Nanak College 5807 1,410 LITHUANIA Vilniaus University of Applied Sciences 5808 1,409 TURKEY Selahaddin Eyyubi University 5809 1,409 LITHUANIA University of Bialystok - Lithuania 5810 1,408 FINLAND Diaconia University of Applied Sciences 5811 1,407 KAZAKHSTAN Eurasian Humanities Institute 5812 1,406 SPAIN ETS de Edificacion 5813 1,406 UKRAINE V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University of Mykolayiv 5814 1,405 USA Chadron State College 5815 1,404 UKRAINE National University Odessa Maritime Academy 5816 1,403 UKRAINE Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University 5817 1,403 BULGARIA National Sports Academy - Bulgaria 5818 1,402 USA University of Puerto Rico at Carolina 5819 1,401 INDIA Aurora's Technological & Research Institute 5820 1,400 SAUDI ARABIA National Guard Health Affairs - Saudi Arabia 5821 1,400 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts (Beaux-Arts de Paris) 5822 1,399 TURKMENISTAN Turkmen State University 5823 1,398 CZECH REPUBLIC Police Academy Czech Republic 5824 1,397 BRAZIL Superior School of Theology (EST) 5825 1,397 PERU Universidad Nacional De Huancavelica 5826 1,396 USA Lake Erie College 5827 1,395

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Angadi Institute of Technology & Management 5828 1,394 INDIA Dr. C.V. Raman University 5829 1,394 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria Civil 5830 1,393 LATVIA Latvian Academy of Sciences 5831 1,392 UNITED KINGDOM University of Wales Newport 5832 1,391 UKRAINE Donbas State Machine-Building Academy 5833 1,391 UKRAINE Donbass State Engineering Academy 5834 1,390 RUSSIA Murmansk Arctic State University 5835 1,389 USA Truckee Meadows Community College 5836 1,388 PERU Universidad Nacional De Educacion Enrique Guzman Y Valle 5837 1,388 RUSSIA Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation 5838 1,387 IRAQ Al-Nisour University College 5839 1,386 ESTONIA Estonian Academy of Music & Theatre 5840 1,385 RUSSIA Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy 5841 1,385 KAZAKHSTAN Innovative Eurasian University 5842 1,384 INDIA Dunger College 5843 1,383 INDIA Yashwantrao Mohite College of Arts, Science & Commerce 5844 1,382 USA Mount Carmel College of Nursing 5845 1,382 INDIA Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College 5846 1,381 ARMENIA Armenian National Agrarian University 5847 1,380 TURKEY Sani Konukoglu Hospital 5848 1,379 KAZAKHSTAN Eurasian Technological University 5849 1,379 PERU Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas De Apurimac 5850 1,378 INDIA V.V. Vanniaperumal College For Women 5851 1,377 USA Tiffin University 5852 1,376 INDIA Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics 5853 1,376 UKRAINE Dniprovsk State Technical University 5854 1,375 RUSSIA Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University Named After V.M. Kokov 5855 1,374 INDIA Greater Noida Institute of Technology 5856 1,373 BULGARIA Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy 5857 1,373 PERU Universidad Nacional Amazonica De Madre De Dios 5858 1,372 USA Lourdes University 5859 1,371 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria Agronomica Alimentaria de Biosistemas 5860 1,370 KYRGYZSTAN Osh State University 5861 1,370 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Franciscano do Parana (UNIFAE) 5862 1,369 USA Indiana University - Purdue University Columbus 5863 1,368 VENEZUELA Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration (IESA) 5864 1,367 KYRGYZSTAN Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University 5865 1,367 USA Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico 5866 1,366 ROMANIA Romanian-German University of Sibiu 5867 1,365 USA Methodist Theological School in Ohio 5868 1,364 BENIN African School of Economics 5869 1,364 ROMANIA Petre Andrei University of Iasi 5870 1,363 KAZAKHSTAN Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University 5871 1,362 INDIA Government First Grade College Women 5872 1,361 INDONESIA Fisheries & Marine Sciences 5873 1,361 USA Wilmington College - Ohio 5874 1,360 RUSSIA Tula State Pedagogical University 5875 1,359 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Sokhumi State University 5876 1,358

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Utah State University College of Eastern Utah 5877 1,358 BULGARIA National Academy for Arts - Bulgaria 5878 1,357 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University 5879 1,356 TURKEY Kavram Meslek Yuksekokulu 5880 1,355 BELGIUM Limburg Catholic University College 5881 1,355 PERU Universidad Nacional De San Cristobal De Huamanga 5882 1,354 USA Massachusetts College Art & Design 5883 1,353 KENYA Daystar University 5884 1,353 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Municipal de Franca 5885 1,352 INDIA Gopalan College of Engineering & Management 5886 1,351 MEXICO Colegio San Luis 5887 1,350 UKRAINE Odessa National Economic University 5888 1,350 PORTUGAL Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE) 5889 1,349 PERU Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca 5890 1,348 UKRAINE Uman National University of Horticulture 5891 1,347 INDIA Aggarwal College 5892 1,347 RUSSIA Ingush State University 5893 1,346 ALGERIA Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme 5894 1,345 CHINA Harbin Institute of Petroleum 5895 1,344 USA North Georgia College & State University 5896 1,344 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State Technical University 5897 1,343 KAZAKHSTAN Kostanay State Pedagogical University 5898 1,342 USA Franklin University 5899 1,341 INDIA National University of Educational Planning & Administration - India 5900 1,341 BRAZIL Centro Universitario das Faculdades Associadas de Ensino 5901 1,340 KAZAKHSTAN Kunayev Eurasian Law Academy 5902 1,339 UKRAINE Poltava University of Economics & Trade 5903 1,338 UKRAINE Lviv National Agrarian University 5904 1,338 INDIA Rajagiri College of Social Sciences 5905 1,337 RUSSIA Moscow Architectural Institute 5906 1,336 RUSSIA Ural Federal Agrarian Scientific Research Centre 5907 1,335 NORWAY Queen Maud University College 5908 1,335 BRAZIL Centro Universitario de Votuporanga (UNIFEV) 5909 1,334 PERU Universidad Nacional de Tumbes 5910 1,333 INDIA Aurora's Engineering College 5911 1,332 PERU Universidad Catolica Sedes Sapientiae 5912 1,332 BRAZIL Universidade Catolica de Petropolis 5913 1,331 INDIA Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya 5914 1,330 UKRAINE Poltava National V.G. Korolenko Pedagogical University 5915 1,329 USA Cleveland Institute of Art 5916 1,329 PAKISTAN Agricultural University Peshawar 5917 1,328 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education 5918 1,327 UKRAINE Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University 5919 1,326 USA Union Institute 5920 1,326 BRAZIL Instituto Federal de Roraima (IFRR) 5921 1,325 INDIA Sri Vyasa NSS College 5922 1,324 INDIA Nehru Gram Bharti University 5923 1,323 INDONESIA Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta 5924 1,323 ETHIOPIA St. Mary's University - Ethiopia 5925 1,322

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PERU Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo 5926 1,321 POLAND State School of Higher Vocational Education in Skierniewice 5927 1,320 COLOMBIA Colombian Observatory of Science & Technology 5928 1,320 UKRAINE University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine 5929 1,319 PERU Universidad Nacional De Ucayali 5930 1,318 USA Brandman University 5931 1,317 INDIA KIET School of Pharmacy 5932 1,317 LITHUANIA Vilnius Academy of Arts 5933 1,316 JAPAN Kamakura Women's University 5934 1,315 INDIA Akkineni Nageswara Rao College 5935 1,314 ITALY University Foreigners Siena 5936 1,314 INDIA Chaudhary Mahadeo Prasad Degree College 5937 1,313 UKRAINE Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 5938 1,312 GREECE University of Central Greece 5939 1,311 LATVIA Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music 5940 1,311 TURKEY Avrupa Meslek Yuksekokulu 5941 1,310 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh National Conservatory 5942 1,309 KAZAKHSTAN Taraz State Pedagogical University 5943 1,308 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieria de Sistemas Informaticos 5944 1,308 UKRAINE Central Ukrainian National Technical University 5945 1,307 UKRAINE Ukrainian Academy of Printing 5946 1,306 KYRGYZSTAN Jasup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University 5947 1,305 INDIA Jagan Institute of Management Studies 5948 1,305 INDIA Nowgong College 5949 1,304 VIETNAM DaNang University of Technology and Education 5950 1,303 TURKEY Bakirkoy Children's & Maternity Hospital 5951 1,302 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros Navales 5952 1,302 USA Southern State Community College 5953 1,301 DENMARK Kolding School Design 5954 1,300 POLAND University of Podlasie 5955 1,299 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh University of International Relations & World Languages 5956 1,299 UZBEKISTAN University of World Economy & Diplomacy 5957 1,298 LITHUANIA LCC International University 5958 1,297 USA Lorain County Community College 5959 1,296 KAZAKHSTAN Kokshe Academy 5960 1,296 INDIA Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science 5961 1,295 ALGERIA ENSSEA 5962 1,294 INDIA Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Societys Group of Institutions 5963 1,294 POLAND Karkonosze College in Jelenia Gora 5964 1,293 KYRGYZSTAN Osh Technological University 5965 1,292 KYRGYZSTAN Jalalabad State University 5966 1,291 PERU Universidad Peruana Union 5967 1,291 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Financial Institute 5968 1,290 INDIA Sagar Institute of Science & Technology 5969 1,289 INDIA CSIR - Human Resource Development Centre 5970 1,288 LITHUANIA Vilnius College of Technologies & Design 5971 1,288 FRANCE Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Rennes 5972 1,287 INDIA Aditya College of Engineering 5973 1,286 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Euroamericano 5974 1,285

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE INDIA Amar Singh College 5975 1,285 INDIA Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT) Goa 5976 1,284 COLOMBIA CESA 5977 1,283 CZECH REPUBLIC Jan Amos Komensky University 5978 1,282 TURKEY Kara Harp Okulu Komutanligi 5979 1,282 NORWAY Oslo National Academy of the Arts 5980 1,281 USA Mount Vernon Nazarene University 5981 1,280 UKRAINE State Agrarian & Engineering University in Podilya 5982 1,279 VIETNAM DaNang University of Economics 5983 1,279 INDONESIA Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia 5984 1,278 POLAND Technical University Radom 5985 1,277 GERMANY Karl Marx University 5986 1,276 TAIWAN Kao Fong College of Digital Content 5987 1,276 USA Bluffton University 5988 1,275 INDIA G. Pullaiah College of Engineering & Technology 5989 1,274 LITHUANIA Siauliai State College 5990 1,273 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz-Uzbek University 5991 1,273 AZERBAIJAN Nakhchivan State University 5992 1,272 BULGARIA National Academy Fine Arts - Bulgaria 5993 1,271 PERU Universidad Privada De Tacna 5994 1,270 UKRAINE Rivne State University of Humanities 5995 1,270 USA Alfred State College 5996 1,269 KYRGYZSTAN Talas State University 5997 1,268 USA Notre Dame College 5998 1,267 BRAZIL Instituto Universitario de Pesqisas do Rio de Janeiro 5999 1,267 USA University of Maine Augusta 6000 1,266 RUSSIA Astrakhan State Medical University 6001 1,265 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Academy of Nutrition 6002 1,264 PERU Universidad Nacional de Callao 6003 1,264 USA Trinity Lutheran Seminary 6004 1,263 RUSSIA Krasnodar State Institute of Culture 6005 1,262 KAZAKHSTAN West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technology University 6006 1,261 NIGERIA Federal College of Agriculture, Akure 6007 1,261 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage (ENSP) 6008 1,260 UKRAINE Kharkiv State University of Food Technology & Trade 6009 1,259 USA Antioch College 6010 1,258 BRAZIL Faculdades Integradas de Pedro Leopoldo 6011 1,258 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh University of Economics, Finance & International Trade 6012 1,257 BRAZIL Faculdade de Estudos Administrativos de Minas Gerais 6013 1,256 PERU Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann 6014 1,255 PERU Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva 6015 1,255 BRAZIL Faculdade de Direito Milton Campus 6016 1,254 UKRAINE Kherson State Agrarian University 6017 1,253 ROMANIA Art & Design University of Cluj-Napoca 6018 1,252 IRAN Imam Reza International University 6019 1,252 KAZAKHSTAN Astana Financial Academy 6020 1,251 BRAZIL Centro Universitario do Sul de Minas 6021 1,250 USA Cheyney University of Pennsylvania 6022 1,249 CHINA Central Conservatory of Music 6023 1,249

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PAKISTAN Gomel State University 6024 1,248 RUSSIA Kazan State Agrarian University 6025 1,247 RUSSIA St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine 6026 1,246 CHINA Beijing Youth Politics College 6027 1,246 BRAZIL Faculdades Integradas do Brasil (UNIBRASIL) 6028 1,245 INDIA Miracle Educational Society Group Of Institutions 6029 1,244 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD) 6030 1,243 RUSSIA Kostroma State Agricultural Academy 6031 1,243 BRAZIL Universidades Alves Faria 6032 1,242 RUSSIA Voronezh Institute of High Technologies 6033 1,241 ALGERIA Ecole Preparatoire aux Sciences & Techniques d'Alger 6034 1,240 INDIA SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce 6035 1,240 POLAND The State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin 6036 1,239 INDIA Sangam University 6037 1,238 USA University of Rio Grande 6038 1,237 UKRAINE Odessa State Agrarian University 6039 1,237 USA Massachusetts Maritime Academy 6040 1,236 INDIA Gandhi Institute Technology 6041 1,235 BRAZIL Faculdade Santa Marcelina 6042 1,235 LITHUANIA International School of Law & Business - Lithuania 6043 1,234 SAUDI ARABIA Naif Arab University for Security Sciences 6044 1,233 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies 6045 1,232 INDIA Shri Ram College of Commerce 6046 1,232 UKRAINE Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine 6047 1,231 UZBEKISTAN Urgench State University 6048 1,230 ROMANIA Gheorghe Dima Music Academy 6049 1,229 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Campos de Andrade 6050 1,229 THAILAND St Theresa International College 6051 1,228 USA University of Great Falls 6052 1,227 POLAND Witelon University of Applied Science in Legnica 6053 1,226 UKRAINE Odessa Academy of Law 6054 1,226 USA Great Basin College 6055 1,225 UKRAINE Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy 6056 1,224 BULGARIA International Business School 6057 1,223 NORWAY Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy 6058 1,223 JAPAN Hokkaido University of Education 6059 1,222 BULGARIA Higher School for Structural Engineering & Architecture Lyuben Karavelov 6060 1,221 PERU Universidad Catolica Los Angeles De Chimbote 6061 1,220 TAJIKISTAN Tajik State Pedagogical University Named After Sadriddin Aini 6062 1,220 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan State Agricultural University 6063 1,219 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh-American Free University 6064 1,218 PHILIPPINES University of San Jose - Recoletos 6065 1,217 NORWAY Norwegian Academy Music 6066 1,217 CHINA Hunan Provincial Education Department 6067 1,216 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory 6068 1,215 KAZAKHSTAN Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University 6069 1,214 RUSSIA Russian New University 6070 1,214 BELARUS National Institute of Higher Education Belarus 6071 1,213 LITHUANIA Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences 6072 1,212

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRELAND Shannon College of Hotel Management 6073 1,211 INDIA Shri U.P. Arts, Smt M.G. Panchal Science & Shri V.L. Shah Commerce College 6074 1,211 BELARUS I.P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University 6075 1,210 COLOMBIA Universidad de La Guajira 6076 1,209 CHINA Shandong University of Arts 6077 1,208 NEW ZEALAND NorthTec - New Zealand 6078 1,208 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Curitiba 6079 1,207 INDIA Bahona College 6080 1,206 POLAND Maria Sklodowskiej-Curie Warsaw Academy 6081 1,205 FRANCE Converatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMD Paris) 6082 1,205 USA University of South Carolina Upstate 6083 1,204 LITHUANIA Klaipeda State College 6084 1,203 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan Academy of Preventive Medicine 6085 1,202 INDIA Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS) 6086 1,202 ALGERIA Centre Universitaire Tamanrasset 6087 1,201 PERU Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya 6088 1,200 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros Topografia Geodesia Cartografia 6089 1,199 PERU Universidad Andina del Cusco 6090 1,199 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure de Biotechnologie de Constantine 6091 1,198 UKRAINE Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University 6092 1,197 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State Law University 6093 1,196 LATVIA Art Academy of Latvia 6094 1,196 INDIA Institute of Engineering & Technology 6095 1,195 IRAQ Al-Maarif University 6096 1,194 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State Pedagogical University 6097 1,193 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Municipal de Sao Jose 6098 1,193 ALGERIA Ecole Superieure Algerienne des Affaires 6099 1,192 CHINA Shandong University of Art & Design 6100 1,191 INDIA Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology 6101 1,190 BULGARIA Higher School of Civil Engineering, Lyuben Karavelov 6102 1,190 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State University of Economics 6103 1,189 TUNISIA Academie Navale - Tunisie 6104 1,188 INDIA Accurate Institute of Management & Technology 6105 1,187 CHINA Shandong Womens University 6106 1,187 BRAZIL Centro Universitario do Leste de Minas Gerais (Unileste) 6107 1,186 UZBEKISTAN Lomonosov Moscow State University, Tashkent Branch 6108 1,185 USA Troy University Phenix City 6109 1,184 DENMARK Royal Dental College of Aarhus 6110 1,184 USA New Brunswick Laboratory 6111 1,183 IRELAND Church of Ireland College of Education 6112 1,182 COSTA RICA Universidad Tecnica Nacional - Costa Rica 6113 1,181 IRAQ University of Fallujah 6114 1,181 INDONESIA Telkom Institute of Technology 6115 1,180 ESTONIA Estonian Information Technology College 6116 1,179 TAIWAN Ching Yun University 6117 1,178 INDIA ITM Vocational University 6118 1,178 KAZAKHSTAN Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University 6119 1,177 CROATIA College of Information Technologies (VsiTE) 6120 1,176 TURKMENISTAN Turkmen State Institute of Architecture & Construction 6121 1,176

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE LITHUANIA European Humanities University 6122 1,175 USA Southern Oregon University 6123 1,174 BRAZIL Escola de Governo Paulo Neves de Carvalho 6124 1,173 INDIA Kanpur Institute of Technology 6125 1,173 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction & Maintenance of Automotive Roads 6126 1,172 UKRAINE Mukachevo State University 6127 1,171 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) 6128 1,170 SPAIN Centro Superior de Diseno Moda de Madrid 6129 1,170 INDIA Krishna Girls Engineering College 6130 1,169 KAZAKHSTAN Academy of Public Administration - Kazakhstan 6131 1,168 NEW ZEALAND Whitireia Community Polytechnic 6132 1,167 USA Cincinnati Christian University 6133 1,167 CANADA Viessmann European Research Centre 6134 1,166 USA Zane State College 6135 1,165 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Moura Lacerda (CUML) 6136 1,164 BRAZIL Centro Universitario para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajai 6137 1,164 USA Lakeland Community College 6138 1,163 PAKISTAN Institute of Space Technology 6139 1,162 KAZAKHSTAN Atyrau University of Oil & Gas 6140 1,161 UKRAINE Odessa State University of Internal Affairs 6141 1,161 USA Southwestern Minnesota State University 6142 1,160 LITHUANIA Lithuanian Academy of Music & Theatre 6143 1,159 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh-Russian International University 6144 1,158 BRAZIL Faculdade Novos Horizontes 6145 1,158 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language & Literature Named After Alisher Navoi 6146 1,157 RUSSIA Orel State Agrarian University (OSAU) 6147 1,156 USA Urbana University 6148 1,155 CHINA Beijing Film Academy 6149 1,155 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESEmirates Aviation College 6150 1,154 UNITED ARAB EMIRATESSkyline University College 6151 1,153 INDIA Pramukh Swami Science & H.D. Patel Arts College 6152 1,152 KYRGYZSTAN International University of Innovative Technologies 6153 1,152 RUSSIA Kurgan State Agricultural Academy 6154 1,151 INDIA Tinsukia College 6155 1,150 UKRAINE Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music 6156 1,149 PERU Universidad La Salle 6157 1,149 USA Cincinnati State Technical & Community College 6158 1,148 PERU Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo 6159 1,147 INDIA Nadar Mahajana Sangam Sermathai Vasan College for Women 6160 1,146 BRAZIL Instituto Federal do Amapa (IFAP) 6161 1,146 INDIA Derozio Memorial College 6162 1,145 PAKISTAN Jinnah Degree College for Women 6163 1,144 INDIA Krishna Institute of Technology 6164 1,143 INDIA Anna University of Technology Chennai 6165 1,143 INDIA Maharajah's Post Graduate College 6166 1,142 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Humanities & Law University 6167 1,141 PHILIPPINES University of the City of Manila 6168 1,140 INDIA Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli 6169 1,140

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE PERU Universidad Peruana Los Andes 6170 1,139 INDIA Bharata Mata College 6171 1,138 KAZAKHSTAN Karaganda Bolashak University 6172 1,137 TAJIKISTAN Khujand State University by Academician Bobojon Gafurov 6173 1,137 LITHUANIA Kauno Kolegija University of Applied Sciences 6174 1,136 TAJIKISTAN Nazarsoev Khorog State University 6175 1,135 USA College of Southern Nevada 6176 1,134 UKRAINE Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics & Humanities 6177 1,134 PERU Universidad Autonoma del Peru 6178 1,133 RUSSIA Volgograd State Physical Education Academy 6179 1,132 RUSSIA Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture 6180 1,131 IRELAND Mater Dei Institute of Education 6181 1,131 JAPAN International University Kagoshima 6182 1,130 USA Mercy College of Ohio 6183 1,129 RUSSIA Maykop State Technological University 6184 1,128 KAZAKHSTAN Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute 6185 1,128 USA Saint Seminary 6186 1,127 USA Western Nevada College 6187 1,126 RUSSIA Dagestan State Agrarian University 6188 1,125 INDIA LAD College 6189 1,125 INDIA Jagiroad College 6190 1,124 PERU Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan 6191 1,123 INDIA Martin Luther Christian University 6192 1,122 USA University Hawaii West O'ahu 6193 1,122 USA Central Ohio Technical College 6194 1,121 AZERBAIJAN Lankaran State University 6195 1,120 KYRGYZSTAN Asian Medical Institute 6196 1,119 UNITED KINGDOM Central School of Speech & Drama 6197 1,119 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Institute of Architecture & Construction 6198 1,118 PERU Universidad Alas Peruanas 6199 1,117 USA Clark State Community College 6200 1,117 UKRAINE Didorenko Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs 6201 1,116 LITHUANIA Lithuanian Maritime Academy 6202 1,115 USA Owens Community College 6203 1,114 BULGARIA European Polytechnical University 6204 1,114 USA Michael Reese Hospital & Medical Center 6205 1,113 University of Civil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of BELARUS 6206 1,112 Belarus LIBYA 7th October Misurata University 6207 1,111 TURKEY Ahmet Yesevi University 6208 1,111 BELARUS Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture 6209 1,110 ALGERIA Ecole Normale Superieure de Laghouat 6210 1,109 RUSSIA Moscow State Art & Cultural University (MGUKI) 6211 1,108 AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Technological University 6212 1,108 USA East Georgia State College 6213 1,107 BULGARIA Technical University Plovdiv 6214 1,106 INDIA Gandhi Memorial National College 6215 1,105 BRAZIL Centro Universitario Plinio Leite (UNIPLI) 6216 1,105 RWANDA Kigali Independent University 6217 1,104 SPAIN ETS de Ingenieros Informaticos 6218 1,103

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo 6219 1,102 NIGERIA Federal College of Agriculture, Ibadan 6220 1,102 USA New York City College of Technology 6221 1,101 USA Southern Polytechnic State University 6222 1,100 SOUTH KOREA Youngnam Theology College & Seminary 6223 1,099 USA Gordon State College 6224 1,099 BRAZIL Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Publico (IDP) 6225 1,098 NIGERIA Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu 6226 1,097 INDIA Shivalik College of Engineering 6227 1,096 MACEDONIA European University Macedonia 6228 1,096 NEW ZEALAND Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi 6229 1,095 TURKMENISTAN Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan 6230 1,094 KYRGYZSTAN International Ataturk-Alatoo University 6231 1,093 CHINA Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts 6232 1,093 KAZAKHSTAN Central Kazakhstan Academy 6233 1,092 PERU Universidad Nacional Tecnologica De Lima Sur 6234 1,091 PAKISTAN PCSIR Laboratory Complex 6235 1,090 TURKEY Plato Meslek Yuksekokulu 6236 1,090 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation & Architecture 6237 1,089 PERU Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo 6238 1,088 TURKEY Beykoz Lojistik Meslek Yuksekokulu 6239 1,087 USA University of South Carolina Salkehatchie 6240 1,087 USA Macon State College 6241 1,086 AZERBAIJAN Sumqayit State University (SSU) 6242 1,085 INDIA Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha - Tirupati 6243 1,084 RUSSIA Inter-Regional Open Social Institute 6244 1,084 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz Mining & Metallurgical Institute 6245 1,083 UKRAINE Interregional Academy of Personnel Management 6246 1,082 KAZAKHSTAN Academy of Civil Aviation 6247 1,081 KYRGYZSTAN Bishkek Humanities University 6248 1,081 INDIA Janata Mahavidyalaya 6249 1,080 RUSSIA Stavropol State University 6250 1,079 TURKEY Kanuni University 6251 1,078 ESTONIA Narva College 6252 1,078 INDIA Kongu Arts & Science College 6253 1,077 TURKMENISTAN Turkmen Medical Institute 6254 1,076 BRAZIL Faculdade de Sao Bento 6255 1,075 JAPAN Kyoto University of Art & Design 6256 1,075 USA Hocking College 6257 1,074 ALGERIA Universite de Ghardaia 6258 1,073 SWITZERLAND SBS Swiss Business School 6259 1,072 BRAZIL Instituto de Ensino Superior e Pesquisa 6260 1,072 INDIA Mahishadal Girls College 6261 1,071 BRAZIL Instituicao Toledo de Ensino 6262 1,070 SWEDEN Vaxjo University 6263 1,069 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute 6264 1,069 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan University of People's Friendship 6265 1,068 ESTONIA Tartu Art College 6266 1,067 KYRGYZSTAN International University of Kyrgyzstan 6267 1,066

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE UKRAINE Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics, NAS of Ukraine 6268 1,066 KAZAKHSTAN Zhezkazgan State University 6269 1,065 USA Atlanta Metropolitan State College 6270 1,064 BRAZIL Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas 6271 1,063 ALGERIA Ecole Preparatoire Science et Technique de Tlemcen 6272 1,063 UKRAINE Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports 6273 1,062 PERU Universidad Cientifica Del Peru 6274 1,061 INDIA Saint Stephens College Pathanapuram 6275 1,060 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakstan International Business Academy 6276 1,060 USA Ohio Christian University 6277 1,059 INDIA Harish Chandra Postgraduate College 6278 1,058 BRAZIL Faculdade Casper Libero 6279 1,058 UNITED KINGDOM Royal Agricultural College - UK 6280 1,057 CROATIA Polytechnic College Velika Gorica 6281 1,056 USA Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology 6282 1,055 RUSSIA Bryansk State Agrarian University 6283 1,055 CROATIA Polytechnic Karlovac 6284 1,054 CROATIA Polytechnic Varazdin 6285 1,053 KAZAKHSTAN Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University 6286 1,052 BULGARIA European Higher School of Economics & Management 6287 1,052 BRAZIL Instituto Superior Tupy 6288 1,051 BRAZIL Faculdade de Saude Ciencias Humanas e Tecnologicas do Piaui 6289 1,050 USA North Central State College 6290 1,049 DENMARK Royal Danish School of Pharmacy 6291 1,049 UKRAINE M. Glinka Dnipropetrovsk Academy of Music 6292 1,048 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Institute of Textile & Light Industry 6293 1,047 UNITED KINGDOM University College Falmouth 6294 1,046 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Leading Architectural & Civil Engineering Academy 6295 1,046 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Railway Engineering Institute 6296 1,045 RUSSIA Glinka Nizhniy Novgorod State Conservatoire 6297 1,044 GREECE Athens School of Fine Arts 6298 1,043 USA Columbus College of Art & Design 6299 1,043 SPAIN Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion (ICE) 6300 1,042 UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistan State University of World Languages 6301 1,041 AZERBAIJAN Baku Slavic University 6302 1,040 BULGARIA Tsenov Academy of Economics 6303 1,040 TURKEY Turkiye ve Orta Dogu Amme Idaresi Enstitusu (TODAIE) 6304 1,039 BRAZIL Faculdade Autonoma de Direito 6305 1,038 CHINA Tianjin Conservatory of Music 6306 1,037 CANADA Universite de Hearst 6307 1,037 KYRGYZSTAN Arabaev Kyrgyz State University 6308 1,036 USA Athenaeum of Ohio 6309 1,035 BRAZIL Faculdade de Direito de Vitoria 6310 1,034 UKRAINE Lviv National Music Academy Mykola Lysenko 6311 1,034 RUSSIA Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS) 6312 1,033 BULGARIA Academy of Music, Dance & Fine Arts - Plovdiv 6313 1,032 ALGERIA Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines et Metallurgie - Annaba 6314 1,031 KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Academy of Sport & Tourism 6315 1,031 FRANCE Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Versailles (ENSA-V) 6316 1,030

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PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE IRAQ Imam Jaa'far al-Sadiq University 6317 1,029 KAZAKHSTAN L. B. Goncharov Kazakh Road Academy 6318 1,028 USA University of Northwestern Ohio 6319 1,028 BELARUS Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine 6320 1,027 PAKISTAN Adamjee Governmental Science College 6321 1,026 IRAQ Al-Farabi University College 6322 1,025 USA Auburn University Montgomery 6323 1,025 BELARUS Belarusian Trade & Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives 6324 1,024 INDIA Gaya College 6325 1,023 BULGARIA National Academy for Music Professor Pancho Vladigerov 6326 1,022 UZBEKISTAN National Institute of Fine Arts & Design Named After K. Behzod 6327 1,022 TAIWAN National Taichung Nursing College (NTCNC) 6328 1,021 USA Purdue University North Central 6329 1,020 RUSSIA Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport & Tourism 6330 1,019 USA Terra State Community College 6331 1,019 SWEDEN University of Kalmar 6332 1,018 IRAQ Alkafeel University College 6333 1,017 BULGARIA Georgi Rakovski Military Academy 6334 1,016 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Georgian Aviation University 6335 1,016 USA Great Falls College 6336 1,015 USA Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research 6337 1,014 KYRGYZSTAN Issyk-Kul State University 6338 1,013 CHINA Jilin International Studies University 6339 1,013 KAZAKHSTAN Kainar University 6340 1,012 USA Marion Technical College 6341 1,011 USA Mitchell Community College 6342 1,010 BULGARIA National Academy of Theater & Film Arts - Bulgaria 6343 1,010 USA Northwest State Community College 6344 1,009 USA Purdue University Calumet 6345 1,008 USA Saint Mary Seminary & Graduate School of Theology 6346 1,007 KAZAKHSTAN Saparbayev South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute 6347 1,007 KAZAKHSTAN Shymkent University 6348 1,006 BELGIUM Sint Lukas School Brussels 6349 1,005 USA Southern University Shreveport 6350 1,004 USA SUNY Potsdam 6351 1,004 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Islamic University 6352 1,003 USA University of South Carolina Aiken 6353 1,002 UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts & Culture 6354 1,001 SOUTH AFRICA Vista University 6355 1,001 USA Washington State Community College 6356 1,000

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