MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 59 Biol Res 39: 59-66, 2006 BR Translational control of ceruloplasmin expression: Beyond the IRE


1Department of Biology, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, 2Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, and 3Department of Cell Biology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA


Translational control is a common regulatory mechanism for the expression of iron-related . For example, three involved in erythrocyte development are regulated by three different control mechanisms: globin synthesis is modulated by heme-regulated translational inhibitor; erythroid 5- aminolevulinate synthase translation is inhibited by binding of the iron regulatory to the iron response element in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR); and 15-lipoxygenase is regulated by specific proteins binding to the 3’-UTR. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is a multi-functional, protein made primarily by the liver and by activated macrophages. Cp has important roles in iron homeostasis and in . Its role in iron was originally proposed because of its activity and because of its ability to stimulate iron loading into apo- and iron efflux from liver. We have shown that Cp mRNA is induced by interferon (IFN)-γ in U937 monocytic cells, but synthesis of Cp protein is halted by translational silencing. The silencing mechanism requires binding of a cytosolic inhibitor complex, IFN-Gamma-Activated Inhibitor of Translation (GAIT), to a specific GAIT element in the Cp 3’-UTR. Here, we describe our studies that define and characterize the GAIT element and elucidate the specific trans-acting proteins that bind the GAIT element. Our experiments describe a new mechanism of translational control of an iron-related protein and may shed light on the role that macrophage-derived Cp plays at the intersection of iron homeostasis and inflammation.

Key terms: Translational control, ceruloplasmin, iron homeostasis, GAIT element, inflammation

Translational control of expression of control mechanisms of two types: global proteins of iron metabolism control in which synthesis of many or most proteins is regulated and transcript-selective Actively translating mRNAs usually consist control in which the synthesis of one (or of (starting from the 5’-end) an m7GpppN several) protein(s) is regulated. Global cap, a 5’-UTR, the coding region, a 3’-UTR, protein synthesis is commonly inhibited by and a poly(A) tail. Translation is initiated by phosphorylation and reversible inactivation a sequence of events initiated by binding of of a critical translation factor, eukaryotic a cap-binding complex, recruitment of the translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α). Four 43S pre-initiation complex (containing the regulatable kinases are known to 40S ribosomal subunit), scanning of the 43S phosphorylate eIF2α and inhibit global complex to the AUG initiation codon, and protein synthesis: heme-regulated joining of the 60S large ribosomal subunit to translational inhibitor (HRI), which is form a translation-competent 80S ribosome activated by heme or iron deficiency; (Gebauer and Hentze, 2004). The rate of double-stranded RNA-regulated protein translation may be regulated by secondary kinase (PKR), which is activated by viral

Correspondence: Paul L. Fox, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Medicine, Department of Cell Biology / NC10, The Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA, Tel.: (1-216) 444-8053, Fax: (1-216) 444-9404, E-mail: [email protected] Received: March 31, 2005. Accepted: April 17, 2005. 60 MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 infection or double-stranded RNA; PKR-like this translational control has been (ER) kinase (PERK), investigated in detail. Iron deficiency which is activated by unfolded proteins in induces the binding of an iron regulatory the ER; and GCN2, which is activated by protein (IRP) to an iron-responsive element amino acid deficiency (Dever, 2002). In (IRE) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) most cases of transcript-selective regulation, of the mRNA. The IRE is a small stem-loop translational control is dictated by binding of structure that lacks the thermodynamic an RNA-binding protein to a cis-acting stability on its own to block translation but, structural element in the 5’- or 3’-UTR of in conjunction with the IRP, blocks the the target transcript. In eukaryotic cells, association of the 43S translation pre- initiation is the usual regulated step, and initiation complex (which contains the protein/mRNA interactions generally small ribosomal subunit) to the IRE- repress, rather than activate, translation containing target mRNA (Gray and Hentze, (Standart and Jackson, 1994). 1994). Control of expression at the level of Control of 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX) translation is a pervasive feature of - expression represents the third distinct containing and metal-related proteins. In fact, translational control mechanism involving several major mechanisms of translational erythrocyte homeostasis. 15-LOX is control were discovered in studies of these responsible for red cell mitochondrial proteins. Iron deficiency has long been known membrane breakdown, and its translation is to inhibit total (global) protein synthesis inhibited specifically in erythroid precursor specifically in reticulocytes. This event is cells. The silencing mechanism involves partly responsible for the hypochromic binding of a complex of heterogeneous (hemoglobin-deficient) erythrocytes in iron- nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNP) K and deficiency in humans. As mentioned above, E1 to the differentiation control element protein synthesis is blocked by activation of (DICE) in the 3’-UTR of 15-LOX (Ostareck HRI, a heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (Crosby et al., 1997). Interaction of the regulatory et al., 1994). Phosphorylation of eIF2α blocks complex with the 3’-UTR prevents joining of the formation of the ternary complex (eIF2, the 60S ribosomal subunit at the AUG codon GTP, and the charged initiator tRNA Met- near the distant 5’-UTR of the transcript Met tRNAi ) required for initiation of protein (Ostareck et al., 2001). hnRNP K is activated synthesis in all eukaryotic cells. The cell by ERK-mediated phosphorylation, which specificity of the inhibition results from the results in cytoplasmic accumulation and relatively specific localization of HRI in inhibition of 15-LOX translation (Habelhah et reticulocytes. Since globin mRNA is the al., 2001). hnRNP K is inactivated by src- major transcript in these cells, global mediated phosphorylation, which then inhibition of protein synthesis causes a permits 15-LOX translation and breakdown dramatic decrease in globin synthesis and of mitochondrial (and other) membranes hemoglobin formation, the hallmark of iron- required during late stages of reticulocyte deficiency anemia. maturation (Ostareck-Lederer et al., 2002). In the best-studied example of transcript-specific translational control, Ceruloplasmin and its Role in Iron synthesis of multiple proteins of iron Homeostasis and Inflammation metabolism is regulated at the level of translation (Klausner et al., 1993). Included Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is an acute-phase plasma among these proteins are erythroid 5- protein made by liver hepatocytes and by aminolevulinate synthase (eLAS), the rate- activated monocyte/macrophages. It is a 132 limiting in heme biosynthesis; kDa monomer with amino acid sequence and divalent metal transporter 1 homology to Factors V and VIII of the (DMT1), two key iron transporters; and coagulation cascade and to , a , the cellular iron storage protein and recently discovered copper protein involved the original protein in the family in intestinal iron absorption (Vulpe et al., (Pantopoulos, 2004). The mechanism of 1999). Cp contains 6-7 copper atoms per MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 61 molecule and accounts for 95% of the major source of Cp in inflammatory sites. circulating copper in healthy adults. The In our laboratory, we have investigated the mean, unevoked concentration in human “all-or-none” induction of Cp mRNA and serum is approximately 300 µg/ml. The protein by interferon (IFN)-γ in human physiological function of Cp is uncertain, monocytic U937 cells (Mazumder et al., but roles in bactericidal activity, 1997). Surprisingly, Cp protein synthesis coagulation, iron homeostasis, vascular stopped abruptly and almost completely relaxation, defense against oxidant stress, after about 16 h of IFN-γ treatment, even in and lipoprotein oxidation have been the presence of abundant transcript, a result proposed (see Musci, 2001, for review). An consistent with translational silencing elevated level of plasma Cp has been shown (Mazumder et al., 1997). Regulation at the to be a risk factor for cardiovascular level of translation was confirmed by pulse- diseases, including atherosclerosis and labeling experiments and by IFN-g- myocardial infarction (Fox et al., 2000). mediated release of ribosomes from the Cp Cp is an important regulator of iron transcript, the latter finding consistent with metabolism in vitro and in vivo. It is the an inhibition of translation-initiation principal plasma enzyme that catalyzes iron (Mazumder and Fox, 1999). IFN-γ did not oxidation, and is required for efficient iron inhibit total protein synthesis indicating a loading into apo-transferrin. The specific specific (or at least selective) inhibition of role of Cp in normal and pathological iron Cp translation. Translational silencing of metabolism is not understood, but it can Cp was cell type-specific and observed in facilitate both cellular iron uptake (Attieh et multiple monocytic cell lines and in human al., 1999; Qian et al., 2001) or release peripheral blood monocytes but not in (Harris et al., 1999; Sarkar et al., 2003). HepG2 cells or other cells investigated The important role of Cp in iron (Mazumder and Fox, 1999); silencing of homeostasis in vivo has been confirmed by GPI-linked Cp expressed by brain glial the discovery of debilitating cells (Patel and David, 1997; Salzer et al., in patients with (i.e., 1998) has not been studied to date. Initial hereditary Cp deficiency), an autosomal, studies showed that in vitro translation of recessive disorder caused by mutations in Cp in a reticulocyte lysate was blocked by a the coding region of the Cp gene that lead protein or complex (termed IFN-Gamma- to complete absence of expressed protein Activated Inhibitor of Translation, or (Xu et al., 2004). Massive iron overload in GAIT) in the cytosolic lysate prepared from patients causes severe organ damage to the cells treated with IFN-g for 24 h (but not brain, retina, and other tissues. The for 8 h). Translational silencing was important function of Cp in iron myeloid cell-specific, since cytosol from metabolism has been verified in mice with a IFN-g-treated human peripheral blood targeted Cp gene deletion that also exhibit monocytes inhibited Cp translation, but iron overload (Harris et al., 1999). lysates from non-myeloid cells were ineffective. RNA electrophoretic mobility Translational control of ceruloplasmin shift assay (EMSA) studies directly showed expression in monocyte/macrophages specific binding of GAIT to a radio-labeled probe consisting of the 256-nt Cp 3’-UTR. Hepatocytes are the principal source of plasma Cp, but about 10 to 15% of Identification of the GAIT translational circulating monocytes express Cp mRNA, control element in the Cp 3’-UTR as well (Yang et al., 1986). Several laboratories have shown that inflammatory The GAIT-binding element in the Cp 3’- mediators, e.g., tumor necrosis factor-α and UTR has been mapped by a series of yeast cell wall fragments, induce Cp mRNA progressive deletions from both ends. The and protein (Ehrenwald and Fox, 1996; minimal element that permitted GAIT Fleming et al., 1991). Thus, activated binding in an RNA EMSA was a 29-nt monocyte/macrophages are likely to be a element located between positions 78 and 62 MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66

106 in the Cp 3’-UTR (Sampath et al., may be found in the 3’-UTR of other human 2003). Folding analysis (by mFold) of the transcripts (Sampath et al., 2003), but GAIT- Cp 3’-UTR suggested that the Cp GAIT mediated translational silencing of other element contained a 5-nt apical loop, an mRNAs has not yet been shown. Hephaestin, asymmetric internal bulge consisting of 4- a Cp paralog also involved in iron and 2-nt loops, and two helical stems (Fig. 1, metabolism (but not inflammation) does not left). The principal features of this stem-loop appear to contain the GAIT element. structure were confirmed by mutational Superficially, the GAIT element bears some analysis; nucleotide substitutions that resemblance to other elements involved in disrupted the putative stems inactivated the metal metabolism (Fig. 1). It is slightly element, but covariant substitutions that smaller than the minimal IRE, but about half restored complementarity also restored the size of the selenocysteine insertion activity. The loop nucleotides were mutated sequence (SECIS) element required for one-by-one and tested by competition translational recoding of the UGA stop EMSA. Only two nucleotides (A84 and U87) codon into selenocysteine insertion were essential for binding activity, (Copeland and Driscoll, 2001). Interestingly, indicating that the structure of the element, all three elements consist of pairs of stem- not the sequence, is of critical importance in loops, and all contain an invariant nucleotide imparting specificity. A pattern analysis in the central loop where it forms a suggested that the GAIT structural element “shoulder” with the distal stem.

Figure 1. Comparison of structural RNA elements that regulate translation of proteins involved in metal homeostasis. MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 63

The function of the GAIT element was from cells treated with IFN-g for 24 h confirmed by the translational silencing of a blocked translation of this construct but did heterologous reporter transcript containing not inhibit the same construct without a the luciferase open reading frame followed poly(A) tail (Mazumder et al., 2001). The by the minimal 29-nt Cp 3’-UTR GAIT result suggests that the 2nd mechanism is element and ending with a poly (A) tail operative, since removal of the poly(A) tail, (Luc-GAIT element-poly(A)). Cytosol from which disrupts transcript circularization, cells treated with IFN-γ for 24 h completely inhibits Cp translational silencing without inhibited translation of this construct but inhibiting basal translation. This mechanism not a similar construct with the inactivating was supported by other disruptions of U87C mutation (Sampath et al., 2003). The transcript circularization, e.g., depletion of chimeric construct showed that same PABP or inhibition of eIF4G/PABP sensitivity to inhibition as a construct interaction, which also blocked translational containing the entire Cp 3’-UTR, indicating silencing of Cp. These results indicate that that the GAIT element is sufficient for the translational silencing of Cp mRNA requires maximal response. A similar reporter interactions between three essential elements construct driven by the CMV promoter was of mRNA circularization: poly(A) tail, transfected into U937 cells, and its PABP, and eIF4G. According to one expression was inhibited after 24 h of IFN-γ plausible mechanism, these interactions treatment, thus providing evidence for bring the inhibitory 3’-UTR binding protein GAIT element function in cells. into the vicinity of the translation-initiation site. Here, GAIT could interfere with Mechanism of translational silencing of Cp initiation, possibly by competitive Expression interactions with initiation factors or by blocking assembly of the 60S and 40S Understanding how 3’-UTR-binding ribosomal subunits into a translation- proteins regulate translation at the distant competent 80S ribosome. It is possible, even 5’-terminus has long perplexed likely, that a closed-loop requirement for investigators. An important clue came from translational control is common to other studies suggesting a “closed-loop” or transcripts and control mechanisms; “circular” model of mRNA (Tarun and however, other examples have not been Sachs, 1995). Biochemical evidence for this reported (Mazumder et al., 2003b). model was provided by the discovery in yeast that poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) Identification of the protein components of binds simultaneously to the 3’-located GAIT poly(A) tail and to the 5’-translation- initiation factor eIF4G, which interacts with Using genetic and biochemical approaches cap-binding protein eIF4E, effectively (Mazumder et al., 2003a; Sampath et al., circularizing the mRNA via end-to-end 2004), we have identified four proteins in complex formation (Tarun and Sachs, the GAIT complex: ribosomal protein L13a, 1995). The most compelling evidence for glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EPRS), this model is its in vitro reconstitution and NS1-associated protein-1 (NSAP1), and visualization by atomic force microscopy glyceraldehyde 3- dehydrogenase (Wells et al., 1998). (GAPDH). Assembly of the GAIT complex We tested two mechanisms of occurs in two temporally distinct stages translational silencing of Cp: i) binding of (Fig. 2). During the early stage, which is GAIT to the GAIT element blocks mRNA complete within 4 h, EPRS is circularization thereby inhibiting translation; phosphorylated and released from its and ii) inhibition of translation by GAIT residence in the aminoacyl-tRNA requires mRNA circularization. To multisynthetase complex (Sampath et al., distinguish between these mechanisms, a 2004). Phosphorylated EPRS interacts with chimeric reporter Luc-Cp 3’-UTR-poly(A) NSAP1 to form a non-functional, pre-GAIT was subjected to in vitro translation. Cytosol complex that does not bind the GAIT 64 MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 element. About 12-14 h later, L13a is have evolved to limit macrophage phosphorylated and released from the large expression of Cp and other inflammatory ribosomal subunit (Mazumder et al., proteins. Interestingly, several mechanisms 2003a). Released ribosomal protein L13a of inflammation-termination involve joins GAPDH and the pre-GAIT complex to translational control. As an example, long- form the functional GAIT complex that term activation by IFN-γ may have adverse binds the 3’-UTR GAIT element of Cp consequences on the cellular environment, mRNA and blocks its translation. Together, and thus, IFN-γ mRNA autoregulates its these results suggest a new paradigm in translation by formation of an RNA which ordinary housekeeping proteins, pseudoknot (Ben-Asouli et al., 2002). some mobilized from macromolecular Likewise, we speculate that macrophage parent complexes, assemble into products of IFN-γ activation, e.g. Cp, may extraordinary multisubunit structures with have injurious consequences and require novel functions, in this case, inflammation- down-regulation. We further speculate that responsive translational control. defects in any of the processes in GAIT The function of delayed translational complex formation could exacerbate silencing of Cp is not known. An attractive macrophage production of Cp and delay or possibility is suggested by the finding that prevent the normal resolution of Cp bactericidal activity is effective only in inflammation. a narrow concentration range (Klebanoff, 1992). In this situation, overproduction of Cp could permit bacterial growth, possibly ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS through adverse effects on iron homeostasis in the macrophage microenvironment. This work was supported by National Alternatively, uncontrolled accumulation of Institutes of Health grants P01 HL29582, Cp in inflammatory sites may have R01 HL67725, P01 HL76491 (to PLF), and injurious consequences consistent with R01 HL079164 (to BM), and by a Graduate the ability of Cp copper to oxidize Student Fellowship Award from the lipoproteins (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1997). American Heart Association, Ohio Valley The translational silencing mechanism may (to PS).

Figure 2. Schematic showing two-stage formation of GAIT complex and binding to GAIT element. MAZUMDER ET AL. Biol Res 39, 2006, 59-66 65

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