Transcortin: A -binding of Plasma. VII. Half-Life in Normal and -treated Subjects

Avery A. Sandberg, … , S. Nienhouse, W. R. Slaunwhite Jr.

J Clin Invest. 1964;43(3):461-466.

Research Article

Find the latest version: Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 43, No. 3, 1964

Transcortin: A Corticosteroid-binding Protein of Plasma. VII. Half-Life in Normal and Estrogen-treated Subjects * AVERY A. SANDBERG, M. WOODRUFF, H. ROSENTHAL, S. NIENHOUSE, AND W. R. SLAUNWHITE, JR. (From the Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.)

In 1959 we described elevated plasma concen- The present study was undertaken to deter- trations of transcortin during pregnancy and after mine whether the elevated transcortin levels fol- the administration of (1, 2). Since lowing estrogen therapy are due 1) to increased then, a number of investigations utilizing a va- synthesis of the protein or 2) to decreased turn- riety of methodologies to ascertain the binding over and, hence, prolonged half-life of transcortin. of to transcortin have confirmed our ob- This study has been made feasible through the servations (3-8). The different techniques used isolation by Seal and Doe (9, 10) of a highly and the diverse arithmetic approaches employed purified and well-characterized preparation of all indicate that the plasma concentration of trans- transcortin, making possible the injection of la- cortin rises about threefold during pregnancy or beled transcortin free from any significant pro- after estrogen therapy. These findings (3-8) tein contaminants. Another important advance are in essential agreement with our original, less that encouraged us to undertake the study has sophisticated observations and calculations. An been the feasibility of utilizing labeled important contribution has been the isolation by in the study of their half-lives and the demon- Seal and Doe (9, 10) of a highly purified plasma stration that the introduction of a small number transcortin preparation, making it possible to as- of iodine atoms into a protein appears not to certain the composition of the protein change its biological behavior (11-15). and many of its physical properties. They have shown that transcortin has one for Materials and Methods cortisol and a molecular weight of approximately The transcortin used in this study was isolated ac- 45,000 (9, 10). More recently, these workers cording to the method of Seal and Doe (9, 10).1 The have demonstrated, by means of isolation studies, protein was iodinated according to the technique of that the plasma transcortin concentration is ap- Pressman and Eisen (16) as modified by Day, Planinsek, 100 ml in normal sub- Korngold, and Pressman (17). The iodination proce- proximately 2.5 mg per dures described below were standardized many times jects and 7.5 mg per 100 ml in estrogen-treated in our laboratory utilizing various proteins (17). The subjects (7). These and other values for nor- iodination of the transcortin was carried out on the morn- mal, estrogen-treated, and pregnant subjects (3-8) ing when the subjects were injected. Since we did not are higher than our original calculations (1). know the length of time during which the plasma would can have to be sampled, I"25 was chosen because its half-life Our low values be attributed to the crudeness is greater than that of 181. The results indicate that of the early techniques and the less critical theo- I1" could have served as well. retical physicochemical approaches utilized. The The iodide in 266 ,uc of ,KIJu (carrier free) and 80 methods used in our laboratory now obviate these A1l of 0.0025 M KI was oxidized by the addition of 0.1 shortcomings and yield values similar to those ob- ml of 1 N HCl and 0.05 ml of 0.02 M NaNO,. The tained other workers. pH was immediately made slightly alkaline by adding by 0.5 ml of a 1: 4 (vol/vol) mixture of 1 N NaOH and M * 0.167 borate buffer (pH 7.9) in 0.133 M NaCl. The Submitted for publication September 19, 1963; ac- alkaline iodine solution was added to 3.0 mg of trans- cepted November 14, 1963. cortin dissolved in 0.6 ml of water. The reaction mix- This study has been supported in part by grant A-1240 from the National Institute of Metabolic and 1The transcortin was kindly supplied by Dr. U.. S. Endocrine Disorders, U. S. Public Health Service. Seal. 461 462 SANDBERG, WOODRUFF, ROSENTHAL, NIENHOUSE, AND SLAUNWHITE ture was immediately passed through a 4- X 40-mm col- dogenous transcortin. Radioactive iodine and carbon umn of Amberlite IR-4B (OH) anion exchange resin were assayed simultaneously in a dual chainel liquid (analytical grade) to remove iodide ion. At this step, scintillation spectrometer in a dioxane-ethoxyethanol 22% of the I'2' reacted with transcortin. After passage solvent (20). The degree of correlation of the two through another column of IR-4B resin to ensure com- isotopes was taken as a measure of the identity of ex- plete removal of iodide, the iodination yield was 16%, ogenous I126-transcortin with the endogenous protein. which was equivalent to 0.4 atoms of iodine per mole The chromatography was performed at 4° as follows. of transcortin. This solution was diluted to 250 ml with Approximately 30 ml of plasma was dialyzed overnight physiological saline. against 10 vol of distilled water. The pH of the plasma Treatment of two patients with carcinoma of the was adjusted to 5.0, and the plasma was centrifuged. prostate with (15 mg per day) was The supernatant liquid was applied to a 2- X 30-cm initiated 2 weeks before the injection of 1125-transcortin column of DEAEC equilibrated with buffer, which was and continued throughout the experimental period. 0.025 M in NaCl and 0.015 M in NaH.PO at pH 5.0. Three male laboratory personnel served as untreated After the plasma had percolated into the resin, 0.1 Ac of controls. Just before the injection of IY5-transcortin, 4-C4-cortisol(_0 ,uc per mg) in buffer was added. 30 ml of blood was drawn in heparin. The saline solu- Elution with the same buffer was commenced and con- tion of I'-transcortin (50 ml) was injected intrave- tinued until the optical density at 280 mA of the effluent nously over a period of 1 to 3 minutes. At periodic in- was between 0.2 and 0.6. At this point most of the al- tervals small (10-ml) samples of blood from an oppo- bumin and its associated yellow pigment had been eluted, site arm vein were withdrawn for assay of radioactivity. but the blue band due to was at the top of At 1 hour and at 9 days after injection, 50-ml samples the column. A gradient in ionic strength at a con- of blood were drawn, and chromatography of the plasma stant pH of 5.0 was started, using 800 ml of the initial from these samples was performed. buffer in a mixing chamber and dropping inito it a buffer Determination of traniscortin concentration. Plasma consisting of 1: 9 (vol/vol) 0.2 M NaH?PO: 0.09 M cortisol determinations were performed according to NaCl at pH 5.0. Fractions of 30 ml in volume were col- the method of Plager, Cushman, and Chase (18) on lected at a flow rate of less than 1 ml per minute until the preinjection sample of plasma. Equilibrium dialyses the blue band had passed out of the column. were performed at various concentrations of cortisol The protein concentration of each fraction was de- as previously described (1), both before and after heat- termined by comparison with an standard ing at 60° for 20 minutes (4). The protein concen- using the absorption band at 280 m,u. The amount of tration was determined with a Scatchard type plot (19), I125 and C4 in 1 ml of every other fraction was deter- plotting the ratio of the percentage of unbound versus mined in a dual channel liquid scintillation spectrometer. the concentration of bound cortisol. Our experience The high voltage and discriminator were set so that (1), as well as that of others (5, 10), has shown that 90% of the I125 counts appeared in the lower channel and the equilibrium constant of association does not change 42.5% in the upper channel. Under these conditions the with estrogen stimulation, that is, estrogen stimulation efficiency of counting (using both channels) of J125 was produces more transcortin rather than a different pro- 78%o; that of C4 was 86%. Binding of C14-cortisol was tein. Our data, after subtraction of binding performed by equilibrium dialysis (1) on a suitably of cortisol, yield a value of 1 x 10'M' for the equi- diluted sample so that the percentage bound fell between librium constant of association. Using this value, and 40 and 60. The percentage bound per milligram of pro- a molecular weight of 45,000 for the corticosteroid- tein was then calculated. Unless all determinations are binding protein, the concentration of transcortin binding brought to the same end-point (not necessarily this one), sites was calculated for each plasma. Since Seal and comparisons are invalid (19). Doe (9, 10) have shown that there is only one binding site on transcortin for cortisol, this value is also the Results concentration of transcortin. Determination of the half-life of transcortint. From All the subjects were injected between 10 a.m. each specimen, 1 or 2 ml of whole blood was removed and 12 noon and (except normal subject R.E.) for counting. The remainder was centrifuged and the were in fasting condition. In each case the 50 ml volume of plasma and erythrocytes measured. The of solution containing the I125-labeled transcortin erythrocytes were washed three times with saline, and into an antecubital vein 1 or 2 ml of plasma and of washed erythrocytes was was injected intravenously assayed for radioactivity in a well-type scintillation over a period of 2 to 3 minutes, care being taken counter using a 2-inch crystal and a spectrometer. The to insure that no extravascular extravasation of efficiency of counting was 11.3%. the material occurred. The clearance of the Evidence of identity of PI-transcortin. with enzdoge- plasma was followed for 15 days. In Figure 1 are ntous transcortin. Selected samples of plasma were clearances of the labeled transcortin chromatographed (for details, see below) on the anion- shown the exchange resin, diethylaminoethyl cellulose (DEAEC). from the plasma of the subjects studied. Extrap- C4-cortisol was added to each specimen to label the en- olation of the slower clearance curve to zero TRANSCORTIN: A CORTICOSTEROID-BINDING PROTEIN 463 ples obtained during the first postinjection day, to 0 and no measurable radioactivity was associated

x with the red blood cells after that day. x'~50 T 1l/2 Normal subject R. S. and patient J.R. had 0 40 their thyroid areas monitored by special equip- o,\-o E.S. 4.7 DAYS ¢ 30 J.R. 4.6 ment 24 hours after injection. Only negligible 8-_-. L.N. 6.0 activity was detected. 20" *--- R.S. 6.0 are and trans- CD .---.R.E. 5.3. In Table I shown the cortisol cortin concentrations in the plasmas of the two estrogen-treated subjects with cancer of the pros- O S 1l tate and the values in the three normal subjects. The cortisol values are greatly elevated in the 0. cancer patients. Normal subject R.E. had a cor- tisol value (21 ug per 100 ml) at the upper limit 0 for normal subjects, but he was postprandial. The transcortin concentrations are greatly ele- vated in the cancer subjects treated with diethyl- stilbestrol, being 10 mg per 100 ml (2.23 ,uM) and 12.6 mg per 100 ml (2.85 pMM) for subjects E.S. and J.R., respectively, which agrees with previously published values in similarly treated patients (4-8). The transcortin values in the t)AYS normal subjects (average, 3.7 mg per 100 ml FIG. 1. CLEARANCE OF I"5-LABELED TRANSCORTIN FROM or 0.82 ,uM) are also in agreement with values THE PLASMAS OF 3 NORMAL SUBJECTS (L.N., R.S., AND published in the past (3-8). R.E. ) AND 2 ESTROGEN-TREATED PATIENTS WITH CANCER Studies on the stability and nature of the trans- OF THE PROSTATE (E.S., J.R.). In normal subject R.E., cortin injected were performed by adding a small the radioactivity in the plasma rose for 2 days and then decreased similarly to that in the other subjects studied. part of the iodinated transcortin to plasma from This may be the result of extravascular leakage of the one of the estrogen-treated subjects and process- labeled protein, although at the time of injection no evi- ing through the chromatography procedure de- dence could be found to indicate that the material had scribed above. In addition, plasma samples ob- not been injected intravenously. tained 1 hour and 5 days after injection of the time allows the determination of half-lives of labeled transcortin were processed similarly. In transcortin in the of the These these latter samples no exogenous iodinated trans- plasma subjects. cortin was added; the radioactivity followed was half-lives range from 4.7 to 6.0 days. The amount of associated with that of the injected protein. radioactivity The coincidence of the I125 and C14 peaks in the was in the blood sam- erythrocytes negligible Figure 2 is taken as presumptive evidence of TABLEI identity of the iodinated transcortin and endoge- Plasma cortisol and transcortin concentrations in nous transcortin. Since qualitatively the same pat- estrogen-treated and normal subjects tern existed at 1 hour and 5 days after injection, these chromatograms are not shown. No other Trans- Subject Diagnosis Wt Cortisol cortin* areas of I125 radioactivity emerged from the col- kg pg/100 ml pMt umn, but because of instrumental aberrations the E.S. Prostate carcinoma 57 44 2.23 precise recovery of radioactivity cannot be stated. J.R. Prostate carcinoma 82 51 2.85 L.N. Normal 82 13 0.70 That the binding activity shows a peak in a dif- R.S. Normal 86 7 0.77 ferent area is very interesting. At the present R.E. Normal 69 21 0.99 time we cannot say whether this represents a * K was 1 X 109M-1 for all subjects. single cortisol-binding protein that is most pure t Concentration inl undiluted plasma. -on the -trailing edge of the protein peak or 464 SANDBERG, WOODRUFF, ROSENTHAL, NIENHOUSE, AND SLAUNWHITE

KEY mgm/ml _"A a mgm/ml protein cpm/ml 1.60 400 t.*a % bound /mgm protein a 375 1.50 o__o I125 cpm/ml 14 1 AO = c cpm/ml 350 1.30 325 boundL 1.20- -300 mgnn 10 1.10- _275 100 1.00-d 0'V _250 90 .90- _225 80 .80- 200 70 .70- 1 75 Ib 60 .60- _I1O 50 .50- 125 40 .O- 100 30 .30- 75 20 .20- 50 10 .10- 25 .0 o I I II I1 I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 TUBE NUMBER FIG. 2. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS AFTER CHROMATOG- RAPHY OF PLASMA FOR THE PURIFICATION, IDENTIFICATION, AND LOCALIZATION OF TRANSCORTIN. The figure depicts the protein concentration, cortisol- binding, and distribution of I'-labeled transcortin and added C4-cortisol exhibited by the fractions collected. whether there are two transcortins involved. This of association of C14-cortisol, with transcortin is, however, a consistent finding in all plasmas have been observed in many plasmas, both from processed to date in our laboratory. This re- normal and estrogen-treated subjects, processed in sult does not conflict with those of Seal and Doe our laboratory. did (9, 10), since they not routinely do binding Discussion determinations as we did. The exchange resin may also be imputed. A change in the physical There is considerable evidence in the literature characteristics of transcortin may occur on the that iodination of a protein to a small extent does IR-4B (OH) column, thus accounting for the not change its properties. The behavior of plasma results shown in Figure 2. Another explanation proteins, labeled with a small amount of, iodinel31, may be related to the association of cortisol with in the circulation of animals has been shown to transcortin. The second; smaller peak may repre- correspond with that of the same proteins bio- sent transcortin free of cortisol, either as a re- synthetically labeled with C14 (12, 13). More- sult of the chromatography or unsaturation of over, the specific activity of I13l-albumin (0.8 the transcortin with cortisol, which then behaves atom iodine per mole) injected into two anal- differently on the DEAEC column as compared buminemic subjects did not change over a period to transcortin associated with cortisol. We of 7 weeks (14). De Zoeten and Havinga, in an should state, parenthetically, that similar results, elegant study, have investigated the kinetics of i.e., a double peak of binding with a single peak iodination of the tyrosyl residues in insulin (21, TRANSCORTIN: A CORTICOSTEROID-BINDING PROTEIN 465 22) and have shown that the introduction of 0.8 in lymph fluid, joint fluids, and possibly in tis- atom of iodine per mole does not significantly sues. The binding of cortisol by tissues has change its biological effectiveness (15). Al- been reported by Levin, Daughaday, and Bremer though we have no experimental evidence that (23). transcortin behaves similarly, the assumption that In a previous study we reported that transcortin it does so seems reasonable. levels which have been elevated by the adminis- Based on present knowledge, the total plasma tration of estrogen have returned to the pre- pool of transcortin is approximately 75 mg and treatment levels within 7 to 10 days after cessa- 225 mg in normal and estrogen-treated subjects, tion of therapy (24). These findings are in close respectively. Since each of the subjects in the agreement with the results reported in the pres- present study was injected with less than 1 mg ent paper. The elevated transcortin levels in preg- of transcortin, the total plasma pool of this pro- nant women returned to normal postpartum (24) tein was not changed significantly, and the results within the time limits indicated by both studies should reflect the turnover rate of the endogenous referred to above. transcortin. From the data presented, the half- life of the transcortin pool is 6 days or less in the Summary three normal subjects studied and less than 5 days in the two estrogen-treated subjects. Thus, it 1125-labeled transcortin has been injected in- appears that the elevated transcortin concentra- travenously into two estrogen-treated patients tions induced by estrogen administration cannot with carcinoma of the prostate and three normal be ascribed to slower turnover of the cortisol- subjects. The clearance from the plasma indi- binding protein. The increased concentration of cated a half-life of approximately five days in the transcortin is most likely due to increased syn- subjects studied. No difference was demon- thesis of the protein as a result of the estrogen strated in the clearance of transcortin between administered. the normal subjects and the estrogen-treated sub- In four of the subjects the clearance of the jects. On the basis of the experiments presented, 1125-labeled protein from the plasma had an ini- the elevated transcortin levels induced by estro- tial steeper rate followed by the slower rate of gen are apparently due to increased synthesis of clearance after 1 to 2 days. This is not uncom- the protein. mon with other injected labeled proteins (14) and Acknowledgments other substances. Whether this initial rapid clear- We wish to thank Mrs. Anne Agacz, Miss Joyce ance is due to equilibration of the labeled pro- Romano, and Mr. Elek Karsay for valuable technical tein with a nonplasma pool or to clearance of non- assistance. We are grateful to Dr. Oliver Roholt of transcortin J125 is difficult to state. That the Roswell Park Memorial Institute for advice regarding clearance may be due to the former rather than the process of iodination of proteins. the latter is indicated by our inability to find any significant radioactivity over the thyroid area in References two of the subjects studied. 1. Slaunwhite, W. R., Jr., and A. A. Sandberg. Trans- Extrapolation of the clearance curves of the cortin: a corticosteroid-binding protein of plasma. I125-labeled transcortin to zero time indicated that, J. clin. Invest. 1959, 38, 384. on the average, of the in- 2. Sandberg, A. A., and W. R. 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