
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 02/15 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 347 - März 2015 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, weiß wovon wir sprechen. Grund ge- mit Dolby Atmos Tonspur präsentiert liebe Filmfreunde! nug für uns einmal genauer hinzu- wurden. Wir nutzten die Gelegenheit, schauen. Da trifft es sich gut, dass die nicht nur mit Sound-Designerin Nami Noch kaum ein Kino hierzulande ist Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg nur Strack, Regisseur Sascha Geddert so- damit ausgerüstet und schon sind die einen Katzensprung von unserem wie Mischtonmesiter Florian Dittrich zu ersten Blu-ray Discs mit Dolbys neue- Standort in Korntal entfernt leigt. Denn sprechen, sondern ließen uns auch vor stem Tonsystem verfügbar. Die Rede genau dort wurde in der hauseigenen Ort im Mischstudio der Filmakademie in ist von Dolby Atmos, jenem Ton- Filmtonmischung erst jüngst ein Dolby Ludwigsburg die neue Technik erläu- system, mit dem es endlich möglich ist, Atmos Tonsystem integriert, damit die tern. Entstanden ist dabei ein etwa Punktschallquellen frei im Raum zu Studenten ihre eigenen Filme im revo- halbstündiges Video, das wir in unse- platzieren und diese akustisch dreidi- lutionären neuen Tonformat abmischen ren Youtube-Kanal hochgeladen haben. mensional durch den Zuschauerraum können. Einen kleinen Vorgeschmack Schauen (oder besser: hören) Sie mal zu bewegen. Wer es schon selbst in darauf bekamen wir im Januar zu hören, rein. einem der wenigen Kinos gehört hat, als uns die ersten beiden Diplomfilme Ihr Laser Hotline Team

Von links nach rechts: Filmmischtonmeister Florian Dittrich (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg), Sound Designerin Nami Strack („Globosome“ & „Wrapped“) und Regisseur Sascha Geddert („Globosome“)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015

The Mystery of the Four Sherlocks

Es begann 2009. Ein gewisser Detektiv schlich landet, mit Millionen von passionierten, treuen sich in die Kinos und eroberte die Welt im Sturm. Fans weltweit. Diese Fans sind sowohl alt als Auf den Schwingen des Comebacks von Robert auch jung, männlich wie weiblich, Geeks und non- Downey, Jr. feierte die britische Spürnase ihre – Geeks. Alle vier Sherlocks werden auf sehr unter- wie immer gekonnte – eigene Wiederauf- schiedliche Weise porträtiert, aller vier haben ihre erstehung. Es folgte ein nicht minder erfolgrei- Anhänger gefunden. ches Sequel und dann … kam das Fernsehen. Die Wieso ist der Detektiv aus dem 19. Jahrhundert BBC produzierte Sherlock, mit Benedict plötzlich ein Kulturphänomen im 21.? Cumberbatch und , und hatte be- reits nach dem ersten Film eine Kultserie im Pro- Befragen wir die Fakten. Sherlock Holmes mit Ro- gramm. bert Downey, Jr. und Jude Law als Dr Watson war Einige Jahre später übte der berühmte Detektiv in ein rasantes Abenteuer, gewürzt mit schwarzem, New York sein Handwerk aus – in der CBS-Serie derbem britischen Humor sowie einer äußerst ge- Elementary. Nun steht eine Rückkehr ins Kino in lungenen Kameraführung und interessanten Ton- den Startlöchern, diesmal mit Sir Ian McKellen als technik. Die Neuerung hier, aber, war das Verhält- Mr Holmes. Die Befreiung vom Urheberrecht hat nis zwischen Detektiv und Doktor, das mitunter der Figur Arthur Conan Doyles eine völlig neue Di- spielerisch und frech homoerotisch anmutete. Der mension des Ruhmes verschafft. Superstar Downey, Jr. und der Kerl Law gaben sich zwanglos dieser undefinierten aber knistern- Woher kommt dieser weltweite, fulminante Erfolg? den Beziehung hin. Waren hier latente Sherlock Holmes ist über zweihundert Jahre alt. homophobische Ängste in der Normalbevölkerung Eine Fanbase, die sogenannten Holmesians, be- mithilfe von Humor und einer lässigen Selbstver- steht seit dem ersten Fall des Mannes, 1887. ständlichkeit in die Tonne getreten worden? Laws Doch nun ist der Geist aus der Flasche und er ist Watson verliebt sich trotzdem (“auch”?) in eine im (intelligenten) Mainstream-Entertainment ge-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015

Frau, ohne sein Verhältnis zu Holmes aufzugeben. den Kopf stellt. Aus Mrs Hudson eine Transexuelle Hatten Millionen von Menschen plötzlich ein Stück- zu machen und aus John Watson eine Joan ist chen mehr begriffen, dass Sexualität auf einem nicht nur ein hohler Trick, um sich interessanter Spektrum stattfindet, dass man sie nicht so ernst zu machen, sondern eine Ode an die Gleichbe- nehmen muss, ja, dass man sogar Spaß mit ihr rechtigung. Millers und Lius Holmes und Watson haben darf und dabei noch saucool aussehen beweisen, dass Mann und Frau gleichberechtigt kann? War der Erfolg der Filme vielleicht ein Sym- arbeiten und Freunde sein können, ohne dass dar- ptom von kollektiver Erleichterung, vom Entstau- aus eine Romanze entspringen muss. Ist der an- ben alter, überholter Prinzipien, vom Feiern der haltende Erfolg von Elementary ein Zeichen dafür, neuen Männlichkeit und neuen Männer? Der neuen dass wir im Kampf um Toleranz und Gleichstel- Männerfreundschaft, die mehr sein durfte als woh- lung auf dem richtigen Weg sind? lig grunzend Fußball zu gucken? Zu guter Letzt der alte Holmes von McKellen: Überwinden wir gerade den Jugendwahn, der un- Sherlock und Elementary bedienen meiner Theo- sere Kultur sonst so prägt? rie nach, zumindest primär, ein anderes Feld als das der Emotionen. In diesen Serien ist Holmes Vielleicht sind meine Theorien idealistisch, aber ein – wie er sich selbst beschreibt – hoch-funktio- wie schon ein gewisser Detektiv vor langer, und nierender Soziopath. Nur seine Arbeit interessiert doch nicht allzu langer, Zeit einmal sagte: “Wenn ihn, persönliche Kontakte, die diese nicht fördern, man das Unmögliche ausgeschlossen hat, dann erscheinen ihm zunächst überflüssig. Das Augen- ist das, was übrigbleibt, egal wie unwahrschein- merk beider Serien liegt auf dem Lösen der Fälle lich es erscheinen mag, die Wahrheit.” Was ist durch wissenschaftliche Methoden, allen voran Ihre Theorie dazu? natürlich die Deduktionskunst von Meister Holmes. In einer Gesellschaft, in der Glaubenskriege im Großen wie im Kleinen die Menschheit plagen, lechzen da die Zuschauer nach kalter Nüchtern- heit, nach einer Orientierung gen Fakten, nach handfesten Beweisen und unumstößlichen wis- senschaftlichen Erklärungen, die man verstehen kann und nicht, an die man glauben muss? Wie bereits in Arthur Conan Doyles Der Hund von Baskerville fordern beide Serien das Abstreifen von Aberglauben und Angst und fördern damit das Vertrauen in die moderne Wissenschaft. In einer Welt, in der ISIS wütet, in der Tiger und Nashörner aussterben weil ihnen die Chinesen sexuelle Ma- gie zuschreiben, in der auf Geldscheinen immer noch “In God we trust” steht – wer möchte sich da nicht an die Hoffnung klammern, dass einiges oder sogar alles erklärbar, belegbar ist? Anna freut sich über Feedback: Elementary ist darüber hinaus eine Serie, die mo- [email protected] dern ist und unsere altbackenen Vorstellungen auf

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 03. Februar 2015 Donnerstag, 05. Februar 2015 Alle sind orientierungslos Von Menschen und Schafen Tragikomisches aus Frankreich stand Heute mal wieder ein Wechselbad der heute auf dem Filmfahrplan Gefühle...echtes Kino eben.

ZU ENDE IST ALLES ERST AM STILL ALICE – MEIN LEBEN OHNE SCHLUSS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) GESTERN (1:1.85, 5.1) OT: Les Souvenirs OT: Still Alice Verleih: Neue Visionen Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Regie: Jean-Paul Rouve Regie: Richard Glatzer, Wash Darsteller: Michel Blanc, Annie Cordy, Westmoreland Mathieu Spinosi Darsteller: Julianne Moore, Kristen Kinostart: 26.03.2015 Stewart, Alec Baldwin Kinostart: 05.03.2015 Student Romain mag seine Großmutter Madeleine sehr. Für seinen Vater, den Alice ist hochbegabt und extrem er- stets unentschlossenen Michel, ist sie folgreich – sowohl im Beruf als auch im eine Last. Der jüngst in den Ruhestand Privatleben. Sie unterrichtet Linguistik Versetzte ist schließlich auch die trei- an der Uni, hat einen angesehenen For- bende Kraft, Oma endlich in eine be- scher zum Mann und drei gut geratene treute Wohnanlage abzuschieben. erwachsene Kinder. Doch sie merkt, Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2015 Doch sein Ruhestand bekommt dem dass etwas mit ihr nicht stimmt. Am Regie: Richard Starzack, Mark Burton häuslichen Frieden nicht. Derweil ver- Anfang fällt ihr nur ein Wort nicht ein, Kinostart: 19.03.2015 liebt sich Romain in ein Mädchen, das später verirrt sie sich beim Joggen in er nicht kennt und wohl nie wieder se- einem Gebiet, das sie wie ihre Westen- Es kommt so wie es kommen muss: weil hen wird. Als die Großmutter plötzlich tasche kennt. Der Befund des Neurolo- Shaun endlich mal eine Auszeit vom spurlos aus dem Heim verschwindet, gen trifft sie hart: die 50jährige leidet langweiligen Landleben nehmen möch- macht sich der junge Mann auf, seine an einer seltenen Art von Alzheimer. te, herrscht bald das blanke Chaos. Oma zu suchen – und findet sein Ein nicht zu gewinnender Kampf gegen Nicht nur liegt der Farmer plötzlich mit Glück... Jean-Paul Rouve präsentiert in das Vergessen beginnt... Einmal mehr Gedächtnisverlust im Krankenhaus, seinem tragikomischen Film drei Gene- darf Julianne Moore beweise, dass sie jetzt fährt auch noch die gesamte rationen, von denen jede mit einer ge- zu den besten ihres Fachs gehört. In Schafsherde mit dem Bus in die Stadt, wissen Orientierungslosigkeit zu kämp- der Rolle der Alice liefert die amerikani- um ihn zu suchen, weil sie nicht mehr fen hat. Großmutter Madeleine hängt sche Schauspielerin ein derart nuan- an ihr Futter kommen. Zu allem übel der Vergangenheit nach, Papa Michel ciertes Spiel ab, dass man ihr die an- heftet sich dann auch noch ein grimmi- findet sich mit dem Rentnerdasein fangs fassungslose, dann verängstigte ger Tierfänger an ihre weisse Wolle. Ob nicht zurecht, Mama Nathalie sehnt und am Ende in sich gekehrte Alice das ein gutes Ende nimmt? - Eigentlich sich nach einer neuen Liebe und Sohn uneingeschränkt abnimmt. In STILL war es ja nur eine Frage der Zeit bis die Romain hat das ganze Leben noch vor ALICE behandeln die Regisseure Ri- erfolgreiche TV-Serie SHAUN DAS sich und wartet auf die erste große chard Glatzer und Wash Westmoreland SCHAF der Aardman Studios auch das Liebe. Erinnerungen sind es, die sie das Thema Alzheimer mit all seinen Licht der großen Kinoleinwand er- alle bewegen. Leider hat sich der deut- Auswirkungen am Beispiel einer Fami- blickt. Jetzt also ist das listig-freche sche Filmverleiher zu einem vollkom- lie, deren Mutter mit 50 Jahren aus dem Schaf in seinem ersten Kinofilm zu be- men anderen Titel hinreissen lassen. bisherigen Leben gerissen wird und wundern. Und was für ein Film! Da ha- So wurde aus “Die Erinnerungen” alle Familienmitglieder vor große Her- ben die Knetexperten bei Aardman plötzlich “Zu Ende ist alles erst am ausforderungen stellt. Neben Moore herzallerliebst gearbeitet. Der Film von Schluss”. Regisseur Rouve verlässt überzeugen auch Alec Baldwin als Richard Starzack und Mark Burton ist sich in seinem Film auf ein Ensemble, Alices Ehemann sowie Kristen Stewart geradezu gespickt mit originellen und das seine Rollen gut ausfüllt. Hier als Lydia, Alices jüngste Tochter. Ein insbesondere witzigen Einfällen (wel- spielt sich niemand in den Vorder- Film ohne Happy End, der zum richti- cher Film kann schon von sich behaup- grund. Es ist ein Film der leisen Töne, gen Zeitpunkt abblendet. ten, gebündelte Toastscheiben als Be- manchmal ein bisschen witzig, manch- stechungsgeld einzusetzen!). Manches mal ein bisschen traurig, aber stets SHAUN DAS SCHAF – DER FILM geht so schnell, dass man den Film lebensbejahend. (1:1.85, DD 5.1) gerne noch ein zweites Mal anschaut OT: Shaun The Sheep Movie und dabei vollkommen neue Gags ent- Verleih: Studiocanal

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog deckt. Mein Geheimtipp für ein perfek- Martin Shorts Auftritt als Zahnarzt zu men versuchen die Filmemacher das tes Movie Date (sorry, aber einem eigenen Kabinettstückchen. Wer Gefühl zu vermitteln, mit dem Jugendli- kann einpacken). den Roman von Thomas Pynchon che Aufbruchsstimmung und kennt und seinen Humor mag, der dürf- Perspektivlosigkeit gleichermaßen erle- Freitag, 06. Februar 2015 te sich bei dieser Verfilmung de Buches ben. Hier ist Qurbanis Film zweifelsfrei Mord, Sex, Drogen köstlich amüsieren. Verwirrend aller- der Gewinner. Dresen setzt zwar auch Willkommen in den 1970er-Jahren – dings gerät die Vielzahl von Namen, die stampfende Musik ein, um die Freude zumindest in Paul Thomas Andersons während der 148 Minuten des Films der Freunde auszudrücken, doch ge- neuem Film, den es heute in der Presse auftauchen. Einmal kurz nicht lingt es ihm nicht, den Zuschauer so zu sehen gab aufgepasst und schon hat man den stark einzubinden wie das bei Qurbani Faden verloren. Das allerdings – so der Fall ist. Das liegt vor allem an der INHERENT VICE – NATÜRLICHE erfahren wir spätestens am Ende des Zerrissenheit von Dresens Film, die MÄNGEL (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Films – fällt auch nicht weiter ins Ge- sich durch den ständigen Zeiten- OT: Inherent Vice wicht. Ein durchgeknallter, ziemlich wechsel einstellt. Der Film wirkt da- Verleih: Warner schräger Film, der es sicherlich schwer durch episodenhaft, der Spannungs- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 haben wird, Publikum zu finden. Seine aufbau leidet. Immerhin kann Dresen Regie: zweite Chance bekommt der Film von mit einem exzellenten Cast punkten. Darsteller: Joaquin Phoenix, Josh mir auf jeden Fall – dann allerdings in Brolin, Owen Wilson, Katherine der 70mm-Fassung, die hoffentlich Be- SPONGEBOB SCHWAMMKOPF 3D Waterston, , standteil des diesjährigen Todd-AO- (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Benicio Del Toro Festivals in der Karlsruher Schauburg OT: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Kinostart: 12.02.2015 sein wird. Out Of Water Verleih: Paramount 1970: Doc, mehr Hippie als Privatdetek- Dienstag, 10.02.2015 Land/Jahr: USA 2015 tiv, bekommt ganz unverhofft Besuch Schwamm drüber! Regie: Paul Tibbitt von seiner Verflossenen. Und die er- Der heutige Tag hat mich in Sachen Darsteller: Antonio Banderas zählt ihm von einem Entführungsplan, Film eher enttäuscht als begeistert Kinostart: 19.02.2015 den die Gattin mitsamt dem Liebhaber plant. Das Opfer soll der Immobilienhai ALS WIR TRÄUMTEN (1:1.85, 5.1) Weil der böse und listige Plankton das werden, mit dem Docs Ex liiert ist. Doch Verleih: Pandora geheime Rezept für die extrem leckeren das ist erst der Anfang einer bizarren Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich Krabbenburger der geizigen Krabbe Mr. Geschichte, in der es um weit mehr als 2015 Krabs klaut, versucht SpongeBob mit- nur eine vermeintliche Entführung Regie: Andreas Dresen tels einer Zeitmaschine in die Vergan- geht: Mord, Sex, Korruption, Drogen Darsteller: Merlin Rose, Julius genheit zu reisen, um den Diebstahl zu und das gesamte verdammte Zeug... Nitschkoff, Joel Basman vereiteln... Mit einem Mix aus 2D- und Auch wenn mich der Inhalt des Films Kinostart: 26.02.2015 3D-Computeranimation sowie Real- nicht so sehr vom Hocker gerissen hat, sequenzen wird das zweite Kino- dann war es zumindest die Kamera- Als Dreizehnjährige drücken Dani, abenteuer des kleinen Schwamms arbeit von Robert Elswit, die mich be- Mark, Rico, Pitbull und Paul noch ge- SpongeBob präsentiert. Mehrere kleine geisterte. Sie dürfte zum Besten gehö- meinsam die Schulbank in der DDR. Als Episoden werden mittels der Real- ren, was man in letzter Zeit zu sehen sie 17 sind, ist die Mauer längst gefal- sequenzen miteinander verknüpft, so bekam. In seinen poppig-bunten Bil- len und jeder versucht, seine Träume dass der Eindruck entsteht, es handele dern lässt er die 1970er-Jahre wieder zu verwirklichen. Ob beim gemeinsamen sich um ein paar Episoden der TV-Serie. auferstehen und macht gleichzeitig Projekt einer Underground-Disco oder Die Action ist dabei gerade für Kinder deutlich, wie erfrischend es sein kann, alleine mit der ersten Liebe. Alles teilweise grenzwertig (es gibt Folterun- gegen den seit Jahren anhaltenden kommt aber anders als erhofft, trotzdem gen und Opferungen!) und findet ihren Trend der Regisseure zu schwimmen, ist es ihre schönste Zeit... Auf ver- fulminanten Höhepunkt leider erst ganz die möglichst viel Farbe aus ihren Fil- schiedenen Zeitebenen erzählt Andreas am Ende, wenn reale und computer- men entfernen. Joaquin Phoenix in der Dresen die Geschichte von fünf Schul- animierte Welt zusammengeführt wer- Rolle des Doc ist absolut grandios, freunden, die den Umbruch in der DDR den. Insgesamt erscheint der nasse eine Mischung aus dem “Dude” (aller- noch als Kinder erleben und nach dem Spaß überlang, was sich in Langeweile dings ohne Bademantel) und den Mauerfall zu Jugendlichen heranwach- niederschlägt. Interessant gestaltet schrägen Vögeln aus FEAR AND sen. Dabei weist Dresens Film, der sich die Tonspur des Films, die mit ei- LOATHING IN . Aber nach dem Roman von Clemens Meyer nem voll sinfonischen Score von John auch sonst ist Paul Thomas Andersons entstand, gewisse Parallelen zu Debney aufwartet und der mit vielen Film bis in kleinste Nebenrollen hervor- Burhan Qurbanis WIR SIND JUNG. Filmmusikzitaten gespickt ist. Sogar ragend besetzt. So gerät beispielsweise WIR SIND STARK. Auf. In beiden Fil- Maestro Ennio Morricones “The

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Exctasy of Gold” muss hier herhalten. Darstellung. Darüber hinaus versteht sorgen dafür, dass man als Zuschauer es Ava DuVernay hervorragend, ihren das Grauen nachvollziehen kann, dem Donnerstag, 12.02.2015 Film zwar ohne die typisch amerikani- Elser hier begegnete und das er eigent- Ein langer Weg sche Überdosis an Pathos, aber den- lich mit seiner Tat bekämpfen wollte. Der friedliche Marsch der unterdrück- noch sehr aufwühlend und bewegend Einmal mehr zeigt Kamerafrau Judith ten Farbigen von Selma nach zu inszenieren. Großen Anteil daran hat Kaufmann, dass sie das richtige Gespür Montgomery hat US-Geschichte ge- die Filmmusik von Jason Moran, der für Bilder hat, die nachhaltig wirken. schrieben. Jetzt bildet dieses Ereignis genau den richtigen Ton trifft. SELMA Motivwahl, Bildausschnitt und Farbge- den Hintergrund für ein Biopic über ist ein beeindruckendes Biopic über bung passen perfekt. Eine äußerst Martin Luther King. Mein Vormittag. einen wichtigen Abschnitt im kurzen sorgfältig eingesetzte Filmmusik setzt Leben des Martin Luther King sowie Akzente, spielt sich aber nie in den SELMA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) einem Ereignis, das in die Geschichte Vordergrund oder wird gar pathetisch. OT: Selma der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Christian Friedel mimt den Georg Elser, Verleih: Studiocanal eingegangen ist. jenen Mann, der das Richtige tun woll- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA 2014 te und dabei zugrunde ging. Seine Per- Regie: Ava DuVernay Freitag, 13.02.2015 formance überzeugt ebenso wie die Darsteller: David Oyelowo, Tom “Man muss das Richtige tun!” seiner beiden Widersacher, die von Wilkinson, Tim Roth Protagonist der heutigen Pressevor- Burghart Klaußner und Johann von Kinostart: 19.02.2015 führung war ein Mann, der posthum Bülow gespielt werden. zum Helden wurde, auch wenn seine Sommer 1965. Auch wenn die Diskrimi- Tat misslang Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015 nierung schwarzer Bürger in den USA Es war einmal... formal aufgehoben wurde, ist das noch ELSER – ER HÄTTE DIE WELT VER- Sogar am Faschingsdienstag kriegt man lange nicht Realität. Insbesondere im ÄNDERT (1:2.35, 5.1) ein Doppelprogramm angeboten. Süden werden Farbige nach wie vor Verleih: NFP (Tobis) diskriminiert. Jüngst mit dem Friedens- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 CINDERELLA (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) nobelpreis ausgezeichnet, macht sich Regie: Oliver Hirschbiegel OT: Cinderella Martin Luther King auf den Weg nach Darsteller: Christian Friedel, Katharina Verleih: Walt Disney Selma in Alabama, wo sich der Wider- Schüttler, Burghart Klaußner Land/Jahr: USA 2015 stand formt. Mit gewaltfreien Protesten Kinostart: 09.04.2015 Regie: Sir Kenneth Branagh will er die US-Regierung dazu bewegen, Darsteller: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Farbigen im ganzen Land das Wahl- 8. November 1939, Bürgerbräukeller in Richard Madden, Stellan Skarsgård, recht zuzugestehen. King wird dort München. Nur knapp entkommt der Holliday Grainger, Sophie McShera, aber nicht nur mit einem brutalen She- Führer einem Bombenattentat, als er Derek Jacobi, Helena Bonham Carter riff und einem uneinsichtigen Gouver- dort seine Jubiläumsrede hält. Der Kinostart: 12.03.2015 neur konfrontiert, auch das Verhältnis Schuldige ist schnell gefasst: Georg zum Präsidenten wird extrem strapa- Elser, ein Schreiner aus Königsbronn. Irgendwo in einem kleinen Königreich ziert. Bald schon schlägt Kings Kampf In ihrer Arroganz wollen die Nazis nicht erleidet die hübsche und immer fröhli- um Gleichberechtigung und Gerechtig- glauben, dass Elser ganz alleine gehan- che Ella ein schweres Schicksal: erst keit im ganzen Land Wellen... Wer delt hat. Während sie ihn grausamen stirbt ihre Mutter, viele Jahre später kraftvolles Schauspielerkino mag, der Folterungen unterziehen, brechen sich auch noch ihr Vater. Dumm nur, dass ist hier genau richtig. Ava DuVernays in Elser Erinnerungen an sein Leben der zuvor wieder geheiratet hat. Denn Film ist bis in kleinste Nebenrollen und seine große Liebe Bahn... ELSER jetzt ist Ella auf Gedeih und Verderb hochkarätig besetzt. Allen voran liefern gehört in die Kategorie von Filmen, bei ihrer Stiefmutter und deren beiden aber die Protagonisten hier exzellente denen ich am liebsten das Kino verlas- Töchter ausgeliefert. Und wird prompt Leistungen ab. In der Rolle des Martin sen hätte. Nicht etwa weil der Film so zur Hausmagd degradiert. Eines Tages Luther King liefert David Oyelowo eine schlecht wäre. Ganz im Gegenteil. lernt sie bei einem Ausritt einen char- oscarreife Leistung ab. Sein Porträt der Schlecht werden jedoch kann es einem manten jungen Mann kennen, der sich Bürgerrechts-Ikone ist sehr nuanciert beim Zuschauen schon, denn Regis- als Lehrling am Königshof ausgibt. und zeigt King nicht nur von dessen seur Oliver Hirschbiegel schildert sehr Noch ahnt sie nicht, dass es sich um starken Seite, sondern auch als einen konsequent und mit radikaler Härte die den Prinzen höchst persönlich handelt. ganz normalen Mann, der sich auch unmenschlichen Verhörmethoden der Auch Ella verschweigt ihm ihre Identi- Eheproblemen stellen muss und mit Nazis, denen Georg Elser hilflos ausge- tät. Die beiden trennen sich wieder. Selbstzweifeln zu kämpfen hat. Tom liefert war. Die gezeigten Bilder gehen Doch der Prinz kann Ella nicht verges- Wilkinson mimt seinen erbitterten Geg- bis an die Schmerzgrenze und sogar sen. Weil er von seinem Vater gedrängt ner, den US-Präsidenten Lyndon B. darüber hinaus. Dennoch stellen diese wird, sich endlich eine Frau zu suchen, Johnson, in einer sehr glaubwürdigen Bilder keinen Selbstzweck dar, sondern lädt er alle Mädchen des Landes zu

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gehalten wie der zuvor erwähnte Vor- künstlich und aufgesetzt, keine der bau. Auch in technischer Hinsicht ent- Figuren ist natürlich. Das Ende ist be- täuscht Branaghs CINDERELLA-Versi- reits am Anfang vorhersehbar. Aber on: das Bild hat allzu oft mit Unschär- genau das scheint auch das Kalkül zu fen zu kämpfen, die einkopierten Berge sein: ein Film, perfekt auf den Film- in der Ferne sehen tatsächlich aus wie konsum multiplexaffiner Kinogänger einkopierte Berge in der Ferne und die abgestimmt. Denn wenn man mal kurz- Tonqualität der englischen Original- zeitig den Saal verlässt, um Softdrinks dialoge lassen oft ausreichend Höhen oder Popcorn aufzufüllen, verpasst vermissen. Offensichtlich wurde hier man rein gar nichts. Dafür gibt es im unter enormem Zeitdruck mit der Film unheimlich viele “Pausen”, also heissen Nadel gestrickt. Immerhin gibt Stellen, in denen es keine Dialoge mehr es an der Besetzung nichts zu mäkeln. gibt, sondern nur noch einen Klang- Cate Blanchett gibt die gefühlskalte teppich aus Songs, die sich gut auf Stiefmutter mit großer Inbrunst und Tonträger vermarkten lassen und die Lily James gibt eine Cinderella, die man zum Nachschub holen bestens geeig- einfach mögen muss – ganz besonders net sind. Eigentlich könnte sich das in ihrem blauen Ballkleid. Gelungen Multiplex auch gleich das Werbe- auch die Trickaufnahmen mit den klei- programm vor dem Hauptfilm sparen, nen Mäusen, mit denen die titel- denn TRAUMFRAUEN ist nur so ge- gebende Heldin ständig spricht. Ein- spickt mit Product Placements! Eine fach putzig. Die Filmmusik von Patrick Zumutung, was hier dem zahlenden Doyle zieht alle Register orchestraler Kinozuschauer angeboten wird. Fairer einem Ball ins Schloss ein – natürlich Scores und verleiht dem Film seine wäre es, dem Zuschauer Geld zu zahlen, in der Hoffnung, seine Angebetete wie- emotionale Ebene. Fazit: kein Film, den dass er dieses Werbeprogramm in derzusehen. Doch als Ella, inzwischen man unbedingt sehen muss, aber der Spielfilmlänge tatsächlich anschaut. von ihrer neuen Familie in Cinderella auch nicht sonderlich wehtut. Deutsches Kino auf dem Tiefpunkt – umgetauft, am Ball teilnehmen will, das wird vermutlich die Kinokassen macht ihr ihre Stiefmutter einen Strich TRAUMFRAUEN (1:2.35, 5.1) kräftig klingeln lassen. durch die Rechnung. Aber es gibt ja Verleih: Warner noch die gute Fee... Die Geschichte Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015 von Cinderella ist ja eigentlich sattsam Regie: Anika Decker Depressionen, ein Mord und zwei Indianer bekannt (unlängst erst wurde sie Teil Darsteller: Hannah Herzsprung, Karoli- Der letzte Film entpuppte sich als klarer der Musicalverfilmung von INTO THE ne Herfurth, Palina Rojinski, Iris Favorit des heutigen Triple Features WOODS). So war hier die einzig span- Berben, Elyas M’Barek, Frederick Lau nende Frage, wie wohl der Shake- Kinostart: 19.02.2015 HEDI SCHNEIDER STECKT FEST speare-erprobte Kenneth Branagh die- (1:2.35, 5.1) sen Stoff für die Leinwand umsetzen Vier Frauen – ein Problem: die Männer! Verleih: Pandora wird. Da gibt es zunächst einmal einen Da ist Margaux, deren Mann sie für Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Norwegen längeren Vorbau, in dem Ellas Ge- eine Jüngere verlassen hat und die sich 2015 schichte erzählt wird, bevor sie zu just in dem Moment nach einem Neuen Regie: Sonja Heiss Cinderella wurde. Das ist weder son- umschaut, als der Alte wieder Interesse Darsteller: Laura Tonke, Hans Löw, Le- derlich spannend noch originell insze- zeigt. Tochter Hannah hat derweil Pro- ander Nitsche niert. Fahrt bekommt die ganze Sache bleme mit ihrem Kollegen, der eigent- Kinostart: 07.05.2015 erst mit Cinderellas Begegnung mit lich gar kein Interesse an ihr hat. Ihre ihrer guten Fee und der dann folgen- Schwester Leni startet gerade ihre Alles beginnt damit, dass Hedi plötz- den Umwandlung von Kürbis, Mäusen Depri-Phase, weil sie ihren Freund per lich eine Panikattacke erleidet. Zuse- und sonstigem Kleingetier in eine gol- Skype inflagranti erwischt hat. Ihre hends driftet die junge Mutter in eine dene Kutsche samt Personal. Mit gemeinsame Freundin Vivienne, Single schwere Depression ab und gefährdet Cinderellas Ankunft auf dem Ball im und glücklich, weiß da immer Rat. Und damit allmählich auch das Glück der Schloss erreicht der Film seinen insze- der führt stracks zu den nächsten Män- dreiköpfigen Familie... Unentschlos- natorischen Höhepunkt. Hier schwelgt nern und damit zu weiteren Herz- senheit ist das Zauberwort bei Sonja die Kamera in prächtigen Gewändern Schmerz-Problemen... Heiss‘ Film. Soll es nun eine Komödie und Panoramen. Mt dem obligatori- (ALP)TRAUMFRAUEN (was ein we- sein oder ein ernstes Drama? Beides schen Glockenschlag um 24 Uhr aller- sentlich besserer Titel wäre!) entpuppt zusammen jedenfalls will einfach nicht dings endet es mit der Opulenz. Was sich ziemlich schnell als ein Film aus funktionieren. Da kann sich die gute dann kommt ist leider genauso flach der Retorte. Hier wirkt alles extrem Besetzung auch noch so sehr abmü-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog hen. Außerdem geht das Drehbuch knecht, Armin Rohde sich lange schon meilenweit von ihrem etwas sorglos mit dem Thema Panik- Kinostart: 09.04.2015 verschlossenen und mit Ängsten le- attacken und Depression um: kein Arzt benden Morten entfernt. Gemeinsam wird einfach nur Pillen verschreiben bei Er nennt sich immer nur “Der Häupt- stützen sich die Jungen und kämpfen einem Fall, der eine Psychotherapie ling” und läuft stets in voller Feder- nach alter Indianerart gegen alle Wid- zwingend erforderlich macht! pracht herum: der zehnjährige Max rigkeiten dieser Welt. Auch fühlt sich zum Indianer berufen, seit besetzungstechnisch ist Erkaus Film DIE AUGEN DES ENGELS (1:2.35, 5.1) ihm sein Vater im zarten Kindesalter gelungen. Lorenzo Germeno und Tri- OT: The Face Of An Angel alle Tugenden eines großen und wei- stan Göbel können als das ungleiche Verleih: Concorde sen Kriegers gelehrt hat. Dass er so gar Freundespaar punkten, Alice Dwyer Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 nicht wie ein Indianer aussieht, son- und Christoph Letkowski überzeugen Regie: Michael Winterbottom dern eher in der korpulenten Liga als Max‘ Eltern. In einer köstlichen Ne- Darsteller: Daniel Brühl, Kate speilt, stört ihn überhaupt nicht. Da ist benrolle darf sich Uwe Ochsenknecht Beckinsale, Valerio Mastandrea der gleichaltrige Morten schon ganz komödiantisch austoben: in der Rolle Kinostart: 21.05.2015 anders drauf: mit Strickmütze, langen des Generals, der bei den Festspielen Haaren und schwarzer Kleidung macht das Sagen hat. Eigens aus kommt Film- er auf total cool. Die beiden lernen sich regisseur Thomas Lang ins italienische im Indianercamp kennen, in das Morten Freitag, 20. Februar 2015 Siena angereist, um einen Dokumentar- nur widerwillig geht. Als Max davon Von Breakdancern, Scharfschützen und film über einen spektakulären Mordfall Wind bekommt, dass die Rolle von Peitschenhieben zu drehen. Die attraktive amerikanische Winnetous Sohn bei den Karl May Letzter Pressetag der Woche – volles Studentin Jessica Fuller soll ihre Festspielen in Bad Segeberg neu be- Programm. Film ab! Zimmergenossin mit Hilfe ihres Freun- setzt werden soll und ein Casting ge- des erstochen haben. Der kontroverse macht wird, ist er Feuer und Flamme. DESSAU DANCERS (1:2.35, 5.1) Prozess wirft mehr Fragen als Antwor- Jetzt gilt es erst einmal die in Trennung Verleih: Senator ten auf. Angeregt durch Kokain verliert lebenden Eltern davon zu überzeugen, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 sich Lang beim Schreiben des Dreh- dass Bad Segeberg genau auf ihn war- Regie: Jan Martin Scharf buchs schon bald in Phantastereien tet und mehr noch – seinen neuen Darsteller: Sonja Gerhardt, Gordon und beginnt Wirklichkeit und Traum Freund Morten zu überreden, ihm bei Kämmerer, Oliver Konietzny, Wolfgang miteinander zu vermischen... Hier der Vorbereitung auf die Rolle zu hel- Stumph, Justus von Dohnányi herrscht totale Konfusion! Michael fen... WINNETOUS SOHN ist ein Film Kinostart: 16.04.2015 Winterbottoms Film, in Anlehnung an über Freundschaft und Träume, die es den aufsehenerregenden Fall der trotz zerrütteter Familienverhältnisse zu Es ist Sommer 1985. In der DDR elektri- Amanda Knox, lässt leider keine klare erhalten gilt. Aber auch ein Film dar- siert ein amerikanischer Tanzfilm die Linie erkennen. Ganz so, als hätte der über, dass es nicht auf Äußerlichkeiten Jugendlichen: BEAT STREET. Der Regisseur selbst gar nicht gewusst, in ankommt, sondern nur die inneren Wer- 18jährige Frank wird vom Breakdance- welche Richtung sich sein Film entwik- te zählen. André Erkau verpackt diesen Fieber gepackt und gründet mit seinen keln soll. Nicht unähnlich seinem Prot- komplexen Stoff auf sehr unterhaltsame Freunden die “Break Beaters”. Doch agonisten Daniel Brühl, der als Film- Weise in einen Film, der damit insbe- derlei Gehopse auf der Straße passt regisseur eigentlich einen Dokumentar- sondere Kinder anspricht. Schon der den Oberen nicht ins Regime und so film machen will, aber sich da bald Einstieg in den Film gestaltet sich ori- wird Sportlehrer Dietz damit beauftragt, nicht mehr so ganz sicher ist. Bleiben- ginell, weil er aussieht und sich auch die “Break Beaters” zu einer “akrobati- de Eindrücke hinterlässt anhört wie ein echter Karl May We- schen Schautanzgruppe” zu formen... Winterbottoms Mix aus Drama, Liebes- stern (allerdings ohne die Böttcher- Wie konnte denn das passieren! Aus- film und Thriller (mit einem Hauch Musik, dafür mit Italo-- gerechnet einem Film über Breakdance WENN DIE GONDELN TRAUER TRA- Feeling). So lange, bis die Kamera ihren fehlt es gehörig an Pfeffer! Die Ge- GEN) jedenfalls nicht und man sehnt Blickwinkel ändert und man die Kulis- schichte müht sich so über ihre 90 Mi- das Ende der Geschichte schon nach sen der Bad Segeberg’schen Freilicht- nuten hinweg, dass die sich anfühlen kurzer Zeit herbei. bühne sieht. Derlei Motive werden im- wie zwei Stunden. Das lässt sich auch mer wieder eingebaut, etwa wenn Max durch die akrobatischen Tanzeinlagen WINNETOUS SOHN (1:1.85 & 1:2.35, seinen Freund Morten vor ihn nicht mehr kaschieren. Zu allem 5.1) mobbenden Mädels schützt. Beide Überfluss gibt es dann noch eine Lie- Verleih: Weltkino Jungs kommen aus suboptimalen El- besszene, die eigentlich nur noch pein- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 ternhäuser. Max‘ Mutter hat einen Neu- lich ist, weil sie dramaturgisch über- Regie: André Erkau en, ohne dass Max es bemerkt. Da haupt nicht zum Rest des Films passt. Darsteller: Lorenzo Germeno, Tristan muss ihm schon Morten auf die Sprün- Schade. Göbel, Alice Dwyer, Uwe Ochsen- ge helfen. Und Mortens Eltern haben

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog AMERICAN SNIPER (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Möglichkeiten, um dem Zuschauer den deutsche Filmverleiher wollte seinen 7.1 + Atmos) harten Alltag seines Protagonisten so Kassenhit aus nicht näher benannten OT: American Sniper realistisch wie möglich vor Auge und Gründen der Fachpresse in Stuttgart Verleih: Warner Ohr zu führen. War man einmal als leider nicht zeigen, so dass ich mir das Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Scharfschütze im Kriegseinsatz im Irak, Werk in einer ganz regulären Kinovor- Regie: Clint Eastwood wird man sein Leben lang im Einsatz stellung meinem kritischen Blick unter- Darsteller: Bradley Cooper, Sienna bleiben. So sitzt Bradley Cooper in der zogen habe. Allerdings – das sollte Miller, Luke Grimes Rolle des Chris Kyle mit leerem Blick vielleicht noch erwähnt werden – habe Kinostart: 26.02.2015 vor dem Fernsehappart im Wohnzim- ich mir dafür weibliche Begleitung or- mer. Die Kamera zeigt ihn aus der Sicht ganisiert. Denn so ganz allein unter Als Amerika in den Irakkrieg zeiht, mel- des Fernsehers, Schüsse und Granat- Frauen macht ein einzelner Herr bei det sich Patriot Chris Kyle freiwillig bei einschläge sind zu hören. Er scheint einem solchen Film einen eher zwielich- den SEALS, der härtesten Truppe beim sich einen Kriegsfilm anzuschauen. tigen Eindruck. In der Tat bestand das Militär. Dort wird er zum Scharfschüt- Langsam bewegt sich die Kamera, bis Publikum vornehmlich aus jungen zen ausgebildet und in den Irak ge- sie hinter ihm positioniert ist un den Frauen, die vermutlich eben erst die 16 schickt. Schon bald nennt man ihn nur Blick auf den Monitor freigibt: kein Lenze vollendet hatten. Denn die benö- noch “Die Legende”, weil er mehr Fein- Bild, der Fernseher ist gar nicht an. tigt man laut Einschätzung der FSK, um de tötet als jeder andere Sniper und die Was wir hier hören ist die Hölle, die im diesen Film ohne schwerwiegende Aufständischen setzen sogar ein Kopf- Inneren des Chris Kyle tobt und die nie Traumata zu überstehen (man möge es geld auf ihn aus. Seine Kriegseinsätze wieder verstummen wird. Mit Bradley mir nachsehen – aber der Ironie-Modus nehmen immer mehr Besitz von ihm, Cooper hat Eastwood eine ideale Be- lässt sich offensichtlich doch nicht so was sich schließlich bei seinen Heimat- setzung gefunden, der im Laufe des leicht ausschalten!). Aber zurück zum urlauben negativ auf seine junge Fami- Films eine Wandlung vom witzigen Ty- Film. Was als erstes auffällt: die Che- lie auswirkt... AMERICAN SNIPER ist pen hin zum emotionalen Wrack sehr mie zwischen Dakota Johnson als stu- so etwas wie Clint Eastwoods Version überzeugend absolviert. Wer die Chan- dentisches Naivchen und Jamie Dornan von , der als Bester ce hat, den Film in einem Kino mit als sie angeblich einschüchternder Film des Jahres” 2008 mit dem Oscar Dolby Atmos Tonsystem zu sehen oder milliardenschwerer Unternehmer stimmt ausgezeichnet wurde. In beiden Filmen ihn gar in einer IMAX-Projektion erle- überhaupt nicht! Wieso nur verfällt wird die Traumatisierung der Soldaten ben kann, sollte die Gelegenheit dafür Anastasia diesem Typen, der Geld an- durch den Krieg thematisiert und beide nutzen. Es lohnt sich. stelle von Charisma besitzt? Leider Filme inszenieren dies in ähnlicher Art nicht nachvollziehbar. Auch ist es bei und Weise. Wie Bigelow so zieht auch FIFTY SHADES OF GREY (1:2.35, DD aller Liebe nur extrem schwer vorstell- Eastwood alle Register tontechnischer 5.1) bar, dass es eine derart naive Literatur- OT: Fifty Shades Of Grey studentin gibt. Ein Mädchen, das ganz Verleih: Universal genau weiß, was für schlimme Sachen Land/Jahr: USA 2015 der feine Herr Grey mit ihr in seinem Regie: Sam Taylor-Johnson Spielzimmer tun will (es ist ja alles im Darsteller: Dakota Johnson, Jamie Vertrag benannt!) und es erst dann Dornan, Luke Grimes glaubt, wenn er diese schlimme Sachen Kinostart: 12.02.2015 tatsächlich mit ihr macht. Und schwups steigt sie in den Fahrstuhl und der Film Die Literaturstudentin Anastasia Steele ist zu Ende. Ein “Hä?” brach sich an lässt sich auf eine Affäre mit dem Milli- dieser Stelle im Kinosaal Bahn und ardär Christian Grey ein. Der jedoch ist machte allen Anwesenden klar, dass die an Romantik nicht interessiert und ver- Sado-Maso-Geschichte in Serie geht. sucht stattdessen Anastasia dazu zu Wer auf derart substanzlose Ware ver- überreden, in einen Vertrag als seine zichten möchte, aber trotzdem ein Sex-Sklavin einzuwilligen... “Ich will bisschen SM-Luft schnappen will, dem nicht mit Dir schlafen. Ich will Dich seien GESCHICHTE DER O von Just ficken – und zwar hart!” – Welches Jaeckin oder noch besser Lars von Teenager-Mädel kann solchen Sprü- Triers NYMPHOMANIAC empfohlen. chen aus dem Mund eines noch ziem- Speziell in Letzterem wird die Sado- lich jungen Milliardärs schon widerste- Maso-Spielart nicht derart weich- hen! Aber lassen wir mal die Ironie bei- gespült, dass unbedarfte Teenies wo- seite. Gestern habe ich mir nun tatsäch- möglich feuchte Träume mit nach Hau- lich den momentan angesagtesten se nehmen. Blockbuster im Kino angeschaut. Der

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog 23. Februar 2015 Kinostart: 16.04.2015 welt angekommen ist. Fast könnte man Tierhorror und Frauenfreundschaft sagen, dass ALS der neue Krebs ist. Wieder mal typisch: da will man sich Als die Pianistin Kate an ALS erkrankt, Allerdings verzichtet der Film auf eine eigentlich die Oscar-Verleihung live versorgt sie ihr Ehemann Evan so gut Erklärung der Krankheit und ihres anschauen und sich die Nacht um die er kann. Doch ohne eine zusätzliche Verlaufes, so dass Unwissende etwas Ohren schlagen, werden prompt zwei Pflegekraft kann er die Aufgabe nicht verwirrt sein könnten. Pressevorführungen in aller Herrgotts- mehr stemmen. Umso erstaunter ist er, frühe angesetzt. Also Bye-bye als ihm Kate eröffnet, dass sie ihre Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015 Oscars... Pflegerin gekündigt hat, weil diese sie Schräg und schrill lediglich als Patientin behandelt hat. Irgend etwas muss man ja tun. Ich war UNDERDOG (1:2.35, 5.1) Zu Evans Entsetzen entscheidet sich im Kino. OT: White God / Fehér Isten Kate für die vollkommen chaotische Verleih: Delphi Dauerstudentin Bec als Ersatz für die TOD DEN HIPPIES!! ES LEBE DER Land/Jahr: Ungarn, Deutschland, Pflegekraft. Doch sind es gerade Becs PUNK! (1:1.85, 5.1) Schweden 2014 unkonventionelle Art und ihr uner- Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) Regie: Kornél Mundruczó schütterlicher Humor, die Kate beflü- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 Darsteller: Zsófia Psotta, Sándor geln – so sehr, dass sie an sich selbst Regie: Zsótér, Lili Monori vollkommen neue Seiten entdeckt... Darsteller: Tom Schilling, Wilson Kinostart: 23.04.2015 Einen belangloseren deutschen Titel Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Emilia Schüle hätte sich der deutsche Filmverleiher Als ihre Mutter zum Studium nach Au- kaum einfallen lassen können. Was im Kinostart: 26.03.2015 stralien geht, gibt sie ihre 13jährige Original in etwa “Du bist nicht Du” Tochter Lili mitsamt dem Hund Hagen heisst, endet nun in Beliebigkeit und Anfang der 1980er-Jahre bricht Robert in die Obhut des Vaters. Der ist aller- suggeriert dazu noch, dass es eine aus seinem bisherigen Leben aus, lässt dings vom Hund alles andere als begei- Nicholas Sparks Verfilmung sein könn- Freundin und Mutter weit hinter sich. stert und setzt ihn mitten in der Stadt te. Dabei ist George C. Wolfes Film Mit Irokesenfrisur ausgestattet stran- aus. Während sich Lili auf die Suche alles andere als das! Sein Film det er in West-, wo Sex, Drogen nach Hagen macht, wird der schon von thematisiert den Wunsch vieler unheil- und Punk regieren. In der Peep-Show einem skrupellosen Schinder zum barer Patienten, nicht ständig nur be- seines alten Kumpels Schwarz wird er Kampfhund umerzogen. Das aber wird mitleidet zu werden, sondern als die zum Mädchen für alles: Schrubben von sich schon sehr bald rächen... Tier- Person wahrgenommen zu werden, die Wichskabinen und Essen besorgen für Horror aus Ungarn – mal etwas ganz man tatsächlich ist. Eine Erkenntnis, die Girls. Mit einer der Tänzerinnen, Ungewöhnliches. Oder bezweckt Regis- die Kate (gespielt von Hilary Swank) Sanja, beginnt er eine Liebelei. Und seur Kornél Mundruczó etwas ganz erst durch das Zusammentreffen mit dann lockt da noch das viele Geld, das anderes mit seinem Film – vielleicht ein Bec (Emmy Rossum) gewinnt und die sein Vater als ehemaliger Kassenwart Plädoyer dafür, Hunde gut zu behan- für das ganze Leben gilt. Als Kates der RAF in Gewahrsam hat... Ganz deln? Oder gar eine Parabel auf die Beziehung zu ihrem Mann Evan auf- schön schrill bricht Oskar Roehlers gesellschaftlichen Missstände in der grund ihrer schweren Krankheit zer- neuester Film von der Leinwand über ganzen Welt, in der sich eine gedemü- bricht, wird ihr klar, dass sie immer nur seine Zuschauer herein. So schrill und tigte Spezies gegen ihre Peiniger auf- diejenige sein wollte, die ihr Mann in schräg, dass man das erst einmal ver- lehnt, so wie es das Presseheft sugge- ihr gesehen hat. Wolfe verzichtet dabei dauen muss. Ganz zu schweigen von riert. Am Ende des Films ist man jeden- in seiner Inszenierung weitestgehend ein paar richtig widerlichen Einlagen in falls genauso schlau wie am Anfang. auf typisch amerikanischen Edelkitsch, bester FEUCHTGEBIETE-Manier. Farbe Viel zur Verwirrung trägt auch der Sub- den er sich allerdings ganz am Schluss und Schwarzweiß wechseln sich stän- Plot bei, in dem ein Jugendorchester dann doch nicht verkneifen kann (Ta- dig ab: Farbe gibt es nur innen, den “Tannhäuser” probt und der brei- schentücher dürfen gezückt werden). Schwarzweiß nur draußen. Aber war- ten Raum im Film einnimmt. Aber man Etwas zu sehr schwarzweiß geraten um? Roehlers Liebeserklärung an das muss ja nicht alles verstehen. sind indes Kates Freundinnen sowie West-Berlin Anfang der 1980er-Jahre ihre Mutter, die sich zu wenig nicht ist eine ziemlich derbe Komödie gewor- DAS GLÜCK AN MEINER SEITE mitfühlend verhalten. Hier hätte der den, bei der man sich ständig fragt, (1:1.85, 5.1) Film etwas behutsamer vorgehen müs- wohin sie uns führen soll. Tom Schil- OT: You’re Not You sen. So aber wird natürlich die beson- ling glänzt als Punker Robert und Verleih: Koch Media dere Freundschaft zwischen den un- Frederick Lau mimt den richtig Land/Jahr: USA 2014 gleichen Frauen noch mehr unterstri- hässlichen schwulen Nazi Gries, der Regie: George C. Wolfe chen. DAS GLÜCK AN MEINER SEITE eigentlich von Nichts eine Ahnung hat, Darsteller: Hilary Swank, Emmy ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass ALS mit Bravour. Etwas fehl am Platz wirkt Rossum, Josh Duhamel inzwischen offensichtlich in der Film- Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, der in

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog der Rolle des Schwarz auffallend emoti- tes Leben gerät aus den Fugen. Nach onslos agiert. Ist das gewollt oder kann einem erfolglosen Suizid bricht er zu er nicht anders? Fazit: wer abgedreht neuen Ufern auf und versöhnt sich mag, dem könnte der Film gefallen. Mir sogar mit der Mutter des getöteten leider nicht. Kindes. Doch der Unfall wird ihn noch viele Jahre nicht loslassen... Jetzt zeigt Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015 uns also Altmeister Wim Wenders, wie Ich bin kein Gemüse 3D richtig geht. Denn alle anderen Re- Polnisches Kino gibt es nur selten bei gisseure, darunter auch Herr Scorsese uns zu sehen. Heute war es mal wieder mit seinem HUGO, haben nichts davon soweit verstanden! Nun, ich gebe ja freimütig zu, dass ich aufgrund eines Augenfeh- IN MEINEM KOPF EIN UNIVERSUM lers fast nichts dreidimensional sehen (1:2.35, DD 5.1) kann – zumindest nicht im Kino. Das OT: Chce Sie Zyc stört mich auch nicht weiter und ich Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) kann Wenders neuesten Film leider Land/Jahr: Polen 2013 nicht nach seiner bahnbrechenden Regie: Maciej Pieprzyca Dreidimensionalität beurteilen. Was Darsteller: Dawid Ogrodnik, Kamil mich allerdings nicht davon abhält den Tkacz, Dorota Kolak Meister zu schelten: warum in aller Kinostart: 09.04.2015 Welt muten Sie uns ein derart kontrast- Mateus ein ganzes Universum in sei- armes und dunkles Bild zu? Noch dazu Polen in den 1980er Jahren. Der kleine nem Kopf hat. Der Film schildert die ein Bild, das künstlich verkleinert wur- Mateus leidet schon immer an einer ersten 25 Jahre im Leben des Mateus, de, um die Untertitel in den dadurch zerebralen Bewegungsstörung. Er kann in Abschnitte gegliedert, die mit entstehenden schwarzen Balken um weder laufen noch reden. Von der Au- Schriftsymbolen eingeleitet werden unteren Bildrand zu packen? So etwas ßenwelt wird er sofort als geistig be- und die erst im Laufe des Films ihre löst bei mir unweigerlich Augenkrebs hindert eingestuft. Doch sein Geist ist Bedeutung offenbaren. In der Rolle des aus! Bei keinem anderen 3D-Film habe frisch und lebendig und wartet nur dar- Mateus absolviert Dawid Ogrodnik ein ich die 3D-Brille derart oft abgesetzt, auf, allen zu sagen: “Ich bin kein Ge- echte Tour-de-Force: keinen Augen- um überhaupt noch etwas zu erkennen. müse!”. Der Einzige, der ihn zu verste- blick zweifelt man daran, dass es sich Bei dem eingangs erwähnten HUGO hen scheint, ist sein Vater. Als der je- um den echten Mateus handeln muss. von Scorsese hatte ich diese Probleme doch stirbt und seine Mutter einen Erst der Abspann lehrt uns eines Bes- nicht. Wer nun also bei wem Nachhilfe- Unfall hat, kommt Mateus in ein Heim seren. An diese Rolle reicht selbst ein stunden nehmen sollte, überlasse ich für geistig Behinderte. Doch Mateus nicht heran. der Phantasie des Lesers. Aber lassen gibt nicht auf... Ein Mensch gefangen wir den technischen Schnickschnack im eigenen Körper. SCHMETTERLING Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015 und widmen uns dem Film selbst, zu- UND TAUCHERGLOCKE hatte die Schuld und Sühne mindest mit ein paar wenigen Worten: Thematik bereits eindrucksvoll nach Ein tödlicher Unfall und sexueller er ist zu lang! Das fast zweistündige einer wahren Geschichte in Szene ge- Missbrauch wurden heute in den Vor- Kammerspiel hätte gut um die Hälfte setzt. Ebenfalls auf einer wahren Ge- führungen thematisiert. gekürzt werden können. Stattdessen schichte beruht das polnische Drama übt sich Wenders im Mut zur Langsam- IN MEINEM KOPF EIN UNIVERSUM, EVERY THING WILL BE FINE (1:2.35, keit und legt eine an Bernard Herrmann das von Mateus erzählt, der aufgrund 3D, 5.1) erinnernde Filmmusik über seine dunk- seines körperlichen Gebrechens nach OT: Every Thing Will Be Fine len Bilder. Unheilschwanger würde man außen hin als geistig behindert wahr- Verleih: Warner das wohl nennen. Aber eben nur bis zu genommen wird, dies aber ganz und gar Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Kanada, einem gewissen Punkt. Ist der über- nicht ist. Regisseur Maciej Pieprzyca Schweden, Norwegen 2015 schritten (wie im vorliegenden Fall), lässt seinen Protagonisten aus dem Off Regie: Wim Wenders üben wir uns in Langeweile. Aber was erzählen, so als wäre er ein ganz norma- Darsteller: James Franco, Charlotte weiß ich schon. Vermutlich habe ich ler Mensch. Seine Gedanken, seine Gainsbourg, Rachel McAdams wieder grandiose Filmkunst komplett Wünsche, seine Bedürfnisse – als Zu- Kinostart: 02.04.2015 verkannt. schauer erfahren wir alles von Mateus. Doch weder seine Eltern noch seine Ein Schriftsteller mit Beziehungs- VERFEHLUNG (1:2.35, 5.1) Geschwister und schon gar nicht die problemen und Schreibblockade verur- Verleih: Camino Pflegekräfte im Heim für geistig Behin- sacht einen Unfall, bei dem ein kleiner Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 derte ahnen auch nur entfernt, dass Junge ums Leben kommt. Sein gesam- Regie: Gerd Schneider

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Darsteller: Sebastian Blomberg, Kai mehr vor die Tür gehen, seit es mit sei- fühlsleben zeigt sich in einer kleinen Schumann, Jan Messutat ner Freundin aus ist und er sein Medi- Animationsfigur, die schwerelos stets Kinostart: 26.03.2015 zinstudium geschmissen hat. Für die in Richtung von Wallace schwebt. Et- Party seines besten Kumpels Allan was nervig: die auf ziemlich hohem Pe- Seit Jahren arbeitet der katholische macht er eine Ausnahme – und die halt gel eingestreuten Songs, die zeitweise Priester Jakob Völz als Gefängnis- ungeahnte Folgen. Denn er lernt Allans die Dialoge erdrücken. Fazit: mit Ein- seelsorger. Neben seinem unerschütter- Cousine Chantry kennen, eine schränkungen als Date Movie brauch- lichen Glauben findet er stets Halt bei Trickfilmzeichnerin, die offensichtlich bar. seinen Priester-Kollegen Dominik und auf genau derselben Wellenlänge sen- Oliver. Während Oliver dabei ist, die det wie Wallace. Eigentlich sind die Samstag, 28. Februar 2015 Karriereleiter zu besteigen, kümmert beiden ein Traumpaar und wissen es Zwei Städte, viele Schicksale sich Dominik vor allem um die Jugend- insgeheim auch von der ersten Sekun- Zur Abwechslung gab es für mich heu- pflege. Als Dominik eines Tages plötz- de an – wäre da nicht dieser kleine te mal wieder Kost von der Silber- lich unter Verdacht steht, einen Schüler Schönheitsfleck mit dem Namen Ben, scheibe missbraucht zu haben, ist für Jakob seines Zeichens Chantrys Freund! und Oliver klar, dass es sich um eine Wallace und Chantry beschließen nur WILLKOMMEN AUF DEUTSCH unhaltbare Anschuldigung handelt. Je Freunde zu bleiben. Aber da hat freilich (1:1.85, 5.1) mehr sich jedoch Jakob mit dem Fall Amor auch noch ein Wörtchen mitzure- Verleih: Brown Sugar Films beschäftigt, desto größer werden seine den... Das berühmte “F”-Wort steht Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Zweifel und stürzen ihn schließlich in hier nicht etwa für das, wofür man es Regie: Hauke Wendler, Carsten Rau einen existentiellen Konflikt... Es war immer wieder gerne verwendet, sondern nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis die vielen für das Gegenteil: Freundschaft. Aller- Kinostart: 12.03.2015 Missbrauchsfälle durch Geistliche auch dings könnte man während dem Film in einen Spielfilm münden. Geschaffen ständig glauben, dass der Filmtitel Anhand des Beispiels zweier Gemein- hat ihn Gerd Schneider, ein studierter doch eher das F unterhalb der Gürtelli- den in Norddeutschland beleuchten die Theologe, der damit sein Kinodebüt nie meint. Denn viele der Dialoge, spe- beiden Dokumentarfilmer Hauke gibt. Und das ist auch weitgehend ge- ziell jene zwischen Wallace und Allan, Wendler und Carsten Rau die gegen- lungen. Zumindest was die Thematik sind ziemlich vulgär und zerstören den wärtige Asylpolitik der Bundesrepublik angeht. Der Konflikt zwischen dem an eigentlichen Romantik-Charakter dieser Deutschland. Das kleine Dorf Appel Gerechtigkeit glaubenden Priester und Komödie, die auf einem Theaterstück steht aus Sicht der Bürger vor einem der Institution der katholischen Kirche, basiert. Thematisiert wird das uralte riesigen Problem: das leerstehende Al- die solche Probleme aus marketing- Dilemma, in dem Freunde stecken, tenheim soll demnächst als Asylanten- technischen Gründen lieber “intern” wenn sie unterschiedlichen Ge- heim für 53 Schwarzafrikaner dienen. lösen möchte, wird gut herausgearbei- schlechts sind. Wie einst Harry und “Das ist alles andere als sozial- tet. Woran der Film leider scheitert sind Sally im gleichnamigen Film beweisen verträglich!” monieren die Einwohner, seine Bilder, die zwar in CinemaScope Wallace und Chantry, dass es keine Widerstand formiert sich. Ganz anders flimmern, aber trotzdem an Fernsehbil- Freundschaft zwischen Mann und Frau die Situation in Tespe. Dort wird das der erinnern. In Bezug auf die Darstel- geben kann, sondern diese immer in der ehemalige Haus der Sparkasse bereits ler sowie die Filmmusik ordentliches Liebe endet – auch wenn sich das bei- von Flüchtlingen bewohnt. Das obere Handwerk. de nicht eingestehen wollen. Daniel Stockwerk ist das augenblickliche Zu- Radcliffe tut zwar sein Bestes, um den hause einer fünfköpfigen Familie aus Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 schlagfertigen und manchmal zyni- Tschetschenien. Sie bangen jeden Tag Ziemlich verliebte Freunde schen Romantiker zu mimen, aber mit und hoffen, dass sie nicht abgescho- Zum Wochenausklang eine nette immer demselben Gesichtsausdruck ist ben werden. Die Mutter liegt mit psy- Romantikkomödie man nicht gewillt, ihm diese Rolle abzu- chischer Erkrankung im weit entfernten kaufen. Zu sehr ist Radcliffe mit dem Krankenhaus, die 21jährige Tochter THE F-WORD – VON WEGEN GUTE Fluch des Harry Potter beladen. Ganz Larisa muss ganz alleine den Haushalt FREUNDE! (1:2.35, DD 5.1) anders hingegen seine Partnerin Zoe schmeissen. Eine 80jährige Rentnerin OT: What If Kazan. Sie versteht sich hervorragend kümmert sich ehrenamtlich um das Verleih: Senator darauf, ihre romantische Seite zu offen- Wohlergehen der Familie und hilft wo Land/Jahr: Irland, Kanada 2014 baren und kann das innere Dilemma, in sie nur kann. Reiner Kaminski, der Lei- Regie: Michael Dowse dem sie steckt, auf ihr hübsches Ge- ter des Fachbereichs Soziales beim Darsteller: Daniel Radcliffe, , sicht projizieren. Abgesehen von zuvor Landkreis Harburg und damit zuständig Megan Park erwähnten verbalen Entgleisungen ma- für die Asylanten, sitzt zwischen allen Kinostart: 09.04.2015 chen die Rede- oder Wortduelle der Stühlen und ist überlastet. Der exzel- beiden Protagonisten durchaus Laune. lent fotografierte Dokumentarfilm, ent- Eigentlich wollte Wallace erst gar nicht Hübscher Einfall: Chantrys wahres Ge- standen in einem Zeitraum von einem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Jahr, stimmt nachdenklich. Einzel- Gleichzeitig findet er einen recht ver- und damit möglicherweise weniger Zu- schicksale von Flüchtlingen werden söhnlichen, wenn auch offenen schauer generieren. Abzulesen ist die- den Bedürfnissen der Gemeinden ge- Schluss für seinen Film, der vor allem ses wirtschaftliche Kalkül schon an der genübergestellt mit dem klaren Fazit: auch von verdrängter Schuld und ihrer Tatsache, dass es für jede der im Film das Asylgesetz muss dringend refor- Sühne erzählt. Ein Film, der es sicher- gezeigten Städte einen eigenen Trailer miert werden. WILLKOMMEN IN lich schwer haben wird, sein Publikum gibt! DEUTSCHLAND ist eine Bestandsauf- inmitten unserer Spaßgesellschaft zu nahme der derzeitigen Situation und finden. Dienstag, 03. März 2015 lädt zur Diskussion ein. Der alte Mann und der Fluss BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG VON OBEN Ein bildgewaltiges Epos aus Osteuropa Montag, 02. März 2015 (1:1.85, 5.1) und eine One-Man-Show aus Deutsch- Bulgarien von unten, Baden-Württemberg Verleih: Kinostar land gaben sich heute in der Presse die von oben Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 Klinke in die Hand Perspektivlosigkeit traf auf grenzenlose Regie: Dr. Peter Bardehle, Julia Zantl Perspektiven im heutigen Presse-Dop- DIE MAISINSEL (1:2.35, 5.1) pel Kinostart: 26.03.2015 OT: Simindis Kundzuli Verleih: Neue Visionen JUDGMENT – GRENZE DER HOFF- Dem Volk wird mal wieder auf den Kopf Land/Jahr: Georgien, Deutschland, NUNG (1:2.35, 5.1) geschaut. Doch der Gürtel wird jetzt ein Frankreich, Tschechien, Kasachstan OT: Sadilishteto wenig enger geschnallt. Nicht ganz 2014 Verleih: farbfilm Deutschland oder die komplette Nord- Regie: George Owaschwili Land/Jahr: Bulgarien, Deutschland, see wird mit dem technischen Meister- Darsteller: Ilyas Salman, Mariam Makedonien 2014 werk namens CineFlex eingefangen, Buturishvili, Irakli Samushia Regie: Stephan Komandarev sondern nur jener kleine Landstrich, Kinostart: 28.05.2015 Darsteller: Predrag Manojlovic, Assen der sich Baden-Württemberg nennt. Blatechki, Luran Ahmeti Man geht also jetzt ins Mikroskopi- Jedes Jahr entstehen im Fluss Enguri Kinostart: 23.04.2015 sche, wenn man so will. Ob Stuttgart, kleine Inseln aus fruchtbarem Boden, Ludwigsburg, Mannheim, Karlsruhe den der Fluss aus den Höhen des Kau- Als der Molkereibetrieb schließt, steht oder auch Heidelberg – aus der Luft kasus anschwemmt. Ein alter Mann Mityo ohne Job da. Einen anderen Job betrachtet eröffnen sich neue Perspek- beginnt damit, auf einer dieser Inseln zu finden ist an der bulgarisch-türki- tiven für die Schwaben und Badener – in mühevoller Arbeit ein Haus zu er- schen Grenze fast aussichtslos. Selbst und alle anderen natürlich auch. War- richten. Sein Plan ist es, auf dem Ak- seinen Milchtanker kann er nicht ver- um sich die Macher der “von oben”- kerboden Mais anzubauen, um das kaufen. So lässt er sich auf das Ange- Serie allerdings wieder nicht trauen, ihr Überleben seiner Familie zu sichern. bot eines ehemaligen und gut betuch- Werk endlich einmal kinogerecht zu Einzig seine 16jährige Enkelin unter- ten Armee-Captains an, Flüchtlinge aus präsentieren, gibt Anlass zur Verwun- stützt ihn dabei. Doch das Idyll wird Syrien über die nahe Grenze zur Türkei derung. Wieder kein CinemaScope. immer wieder durch patrouillierende in die EU zu schleusen. Ein höchst ris- Stattdessen nur eingeschränktes TV- Soldaten gestört. Eines Tages entdeckt kantes Unterfangen, das sogar dazu Format. Damit hält sich die Wirkung das Mädchen einen verwundeten Mann führt, dass sein Sohn ein streng gehü- der Bilder einmal mehr in engen Gren- inmitten des Maisfeldes... George tetes Geheimnis aus Mityos Vergan- zen. Apropos Bilder: was haben denn Owaschwili präsentiert in seinem Film genheit ans Tageslicht bringt... die ollen Schwarzweißbilder der Ameri- die wohl spektakulärsten Bilder seit JUDGMENT besitzt den gleichen kaner in diesem Film verloren, die zei- langer Zeit. Kameramann Elemer Grundtenor wie der russische gen, wie die Goldstadt Pforzheim 1945 Ragalyi zaubert kraftvolle und poetisch LEVIATHAN, der im März in die deut- von den Alliierten in Schutt und Asche anmutende Bilder zugleich für diese schen Kinos kommt: im Osten ist alles gebombt wird? An dieser Stelle wirkt Geschichte, die fast ohne Dialoge aus- heruntergewirtschaftet, die Menschen der Film wie Geschichtsunterricht a la kommt und trotzdem fesselt. Wir erfah- haben keine Chance. Wer eine Chance Guido Knopp. Die von der gebürtigen ren nicht viel über die Protagonisten, möchte, muss Illegales tun. So zeigt Stuttgarterin Nina Hoss eingesäuselten den alten Mann sowie seine Enkelin. uns Regisseur Stephan Komandarev Texte aus dem Off animieren zum baldi- Der Film erzählt und weder woher sie sein Bulgarien in düsteren Farben als gen Einschlafen, der Musikteppich kommen, noch wo ihre Familien leben. ein Land, in dem es eigentlich immer wirkt beliebig. Würde man den Film Aber es ist auch nicht wichtig für das nur regnet und sich dichte Nebelschlei- von seinen 95 Minuten Spielzeit auf Verständnis der Geschichte. Hier geht er in die Täler zwischen den Bergen TV-Format schraffen (also 45 Minuten), es um das Erwachsenwerden und um legen. In den Gesichtern seiner Dar- wäre der Rundflug bestimmt interes- Freiheit sowie das ewige Ringen mit steller spiegelt sich deren santer. Dann allerdings würde er weit der Natur. Ein Film, der im Gedächtnis Perspektivlosigkeit sehr deutlich wider. weniger Städte in den Fokus rücken bleibt.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog wird von ihren Klassenkameradinnen San Francisco Ende der 1950er Jahre. MÜLHEIM – TEXAS. HELGE SCHNEI- gemobbt. Zu allem Übel wird sie auch Eben erst ist die Kunstmalerin DER HIER UND DORT (1:2.35, 5.1) noch von antiken Visionen heimge- Margaret mitsamt ihrer kleinen Tochter Verleih: Piffl sucht. Dass ausgerechnet an Letzteren von ihrem Mann davongelaufen, als sie Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 etwas dran ist, merkt sie erst, als plötz- den Charmeur Walter kennenlernt, ei- Regie: Andrea Roggon lich ein kleiner Zweig mit ihr spricht nen Immobilienmakler, der sich selbst Darsteller: Helge Schneider und ihr erklärt, dass sie angeblich eine gerne als Kunstmaler versucht. Kinostart: 23.04.2015 Seherin ist. Sie wendet sich an Dr. Margarets Bilder von Kindern mit über- Reinhold Wessinger, dessen Spezialge- großen Augen begeistern Walter und er Die Außenseiterrolle, die er aufgrund biet germanische Mythologie ist und beginnt damit, sie zu vermarkten. Der seiner roten Haare als Teenager inne der ihr möglicherweise helfen könnte. kleine Haken dabei: er gibt sich als hatte, hat er kultiviert. Eine von nur Schon bald beginnen für beide aufre- Urheber der “Big Eyes”-Bilder aus. Mit ganz wenigen privaten Informationen, gende Abenteuer, die sie unmittelbar in sensationellem Erfolg. Er überzeugt die die Helge Schneider in dieser One- die Vergangenheit führen... Man hat sehr zurückhaltende Margaret davon, Man-Show von sich preisgibt. Die Re- fast den Eindruck, dass sich die Ma- dass es so das Beste für alle Beteilig- gisseurin dieses Porträts gibt sich zwar cher für die Realisierung dieses deut- ten sei und sie das kleine Geheimnis alle Mühe der Welt, in Schneiders in- schen Fantasy-Films einen Baukasten nie verraten dürfe. Nicht einmal ihre nersten Kern vorzudringen, aber der mit der Bezeichnung “Wir bauen uns Tochter Jane darf es wissen. Ein Leben Musikkomiker bleibt seiner Rolle treu einen Fantasy-Film” zugelegt haben. mit einer Lüge beginnt... Eigentlich ist und spielt und spielt und spielt. Das ist Denn abgedroschener und langweiliger die auf einer wahren Begebenheit beru- mitunter natürlich ziemlich witzig, wie dieses aus Versatzstücken gebore- hende Hochstaplergeschichte alles ebenso wie die witzigen Einlagen aus nen Werk kann Kino eigentlich nicht andere als das Sujet für einen Tim Helge Schneiders Bühnenauftritten, mehr sein. Teils unbeholfene Nach- Burton Film. Das Thema enthält keiner- doch enttäuscht es den Zuschauer. wuchsdarsteller (hier insbesondere das lei phantastische Elemente. Dennoch Dabei hätte man doch so gerne etwas blonde Dummchen, das Mara ständig hat sich Burton des Stoffes angenom- aus dem Privatleben dieses Multi- mobbt), eine grandios klingen wollende men und beweist damit, dass er eben talents erfahren. Eine Familie wird da Filmmusik (sie tut es nicht!), mehr kann als nur Fantasy! Mit Bra- zwar mal in einem Nebensatz erwähnt, suboptimale visuelle Effekte (über den vour hat er die Geschichte in Szene zu sehen gibt es die aber nicht. So Lindwurm aus der germanischen My- gesetzt. Einfach perfekt das Zeitkolorit, muss sich Andrea Roggon darauf be- thologie darf unfreiwillig, aber herzhaft das bis in kleinste Kleinigkeiten schränken, den Blödelbarden in all sei- gelacht werden!) und ein nerviges hin- stimmt. Sogar Lowell Thomas kommt ne Revieren bis hin ins entfernte Texas und her Gezappel zwischen realer Welt hier in einem kurzen Wochenschaufilm mit der Kamera zu begleiten. Nicht ein- und Fantasywelt soll mittels erzwungen zu Wort – und kurze Zeit später be- mal ein ganz normales Interview kann cool wirkenden Dialogen abgemildert zeichnet Margaret Keane das überdi- sie ihm abringen. Die Regisseurin hat werden. Das Experiment misslingt. Üb- mensionale Gemälde, das sie im Auftrag aber aus der Not eine Tugend gemacht rig bleibt eine leere Hülle, die vermut- ihres Gatten für den UNICEF-Pavillion und präsentiert jetzt einen Menschen, lich zur besten Sendezeit die RTL-Kli- bei der Weltaustellung in New York der sich hinter einer Clownsmaske ver- entel begeistern soll. Warum das anfertigt, als “Cinerama”-like. Einge- steckt. Für Fans des Komikers sehens- Machwerk überhaupt erst ins Kino fleischte Filmfans wissen natürlich, wert, für alle anderen nicht unbedingt. kommt bleibt ein Rätsel. dass Lowell Thomas die treibende Kraft hinter Cinerama war, jenem Breit- Mittwoch, 04. März 2015 Donnerstag, 05. März 2015 bildformat, mit dem die Kinoindustrie in Reise in die germanische Mythologie Der Hochstapler und der eine neue Dimension abhob. Die Per- Ein Fantasy-Film made in be- Liebespaarmörder fektion gilt auch für Burtons Protago- stimmte meinen Mittwochmorgen Ungewöhnliches von Tim Burton und nisten. Amy Adams überzeugt in ihrer Ungewöhnliches aus dem Slasher-Gen- Rolle als Maragaret, indem sie sich MARA UND DER FEUERBRINGER re begegneten mir heute im Kino vollkommen zurücknimmt und nie in (1:2.35, 5.1) den Vordergrund tritt. Christoph Waltz Verleih: Constantin BIG EYES (1:1.85, DD 5.1) hingegen kostet seine Dominanz als Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 OT: Big Eyes Walter Keane sogar soweit aus, dass er Regie: Tommy Krappweis Verleih: Studiocanal in einer Szene gleichzeitig Verteidiger Darsteller: Lilian Prent, Jan Josef Land/Jahr: USA 2014 und Zeuge vor Gericht mimt. Das ist Liefers, Esther Schweins Regie: Tim Burton einfach zu köstlich und passt damit Kinostart: 02.04.2015 Darsteller: Amy Adams, Christoph freilich in sein bisheriges Ouevre wie Waltz, Krysten Ritter die Faust aufs Auge. Wie immer heuer- Mara steckt mitten in der Pubertät, hat Kinostart: 23.04.2015 te Burton wieder Danny Elfman für die eine Mutter auf dem Esoterik-Trip und Filmmusik an. Und der hat wohl vor

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog dem “Komponieren” (es wird berichtet, nierte Kameraarbeit, die es versteht, dass Elfman keine Noten lesen oder gar durch ungewöhnliche Perspektiven schreiben kann) eine Überdosis Tho- und viel Kranarbeit die Bilder für den mas Newman gehört. Denn wüsste man Betrachter stets interessant zu gestal- nicht, dass Elfman als Komponist ver- ten. Fazit: für Genre-Fans durchaus antwortlich zeichnet, könnte man die brauchbare Horrorkost. (Es ist erstaun- Musik durchaus Thomas Newman zu- lich, dass der Film tatsächlich eine schreiben. Aber das nur als kleine Kinoauswertung in Deutschland erlebt. Randbemerkung für die filmmusikalisch Doch in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass interessierten Leser. Fazit: BIG EYES es sich beim Verleiher um das DVD- ist ein grandioser Film, den man sich Label Tiberius handelt, wird das Kalkül durchaus im Kino anschauen sollte. offensichtlich: ein Film verkauft sich auf DVD wesentlich besser, wenn er WARTE, BIS ES DUNKEL WIRD zuvor im Kino lief) (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Town That Dreaded Sundown Montag, 09. März 2015 Verleih: Tiberius Film (24 Bilder) Der Countdown läuft Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Zum Wochenbeginn gleich ein Regie: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Dokumentarfilmdoppel, das es in sich Darsteller: , Veronica hatte Cartwright, Travis Tope Kinostart: 09.04.2015 THE FORECASTER (1:2.35, 5.1) Protagonistin bei ihren Recherchen Verleih: farbfilm Eine brutale Mordserie schreckt die sogar mit dem Sohn von Charles B. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Einwohner des kleinen Städtchens Pierce zusammentreffen, der ihr wert- Regie: Marcus Vetter, Karin Steinberger Texarkana auf. Erinnerungen werden volle Hinweise gibt, die sein Vater sei- wach an eine ähnliche Mordserie, der nerzeit bei den Vorbereitungen für sei- Kinostart: 07.05.2015 Ende der 1940er Jahre mehrere Liebes- nen Film sammelte. So originell dieser paare zum Opfer fielen. Die junge Jamie Plot-Einfall auch ist, umso enttäu- “Am 1. Oktober 2015 kommt der große wird vom maskierten Mörder ver- schender allerdings gibt sich die Auflö- Kollaps in der Weltwirtschaft!” – Mit schont, ihr Freund Corey stirbt grau- sung. Damit jedoch steht Alfonso seinen Wirtschaftsprognosen verblüff- sam. Während die Polizei fieberhaft Gomez-Rejons Film in der Tradition te der Amerikaner Martin Armstrong ermittelt, stellt Jamie eigene Recher- jener Slasher-Filme, die in den 1970er- immer wieder. Mit dem von ihm Anfang chen an. Und schon geschieht der und 1980er-Jahren im Grunde genom- der 1980er Jahre entwickelten nächste Mord... Noch vor John men nach immer demselben Muster Computermodell sagte er alle großen Carpenters HALLOWEEN schuf abliefen und auch stets die merkwür- Ereignisse der Weltwirtschaft sehr ex- Charles B. Pierce 1976 den Slasher-Film digsten Plot-Auflösungen parat hatten. akt voraus. So lange, bis er auf dubiose THE TOWN THAT DREADED Man darf seinen Film hier durchaus als Art und Weise von amerikanischen SUNDOWN, der in Deutschland unter eine Verbeugung vor diesen Horror- Gerichten hinter Schloss und Riegel dem Titel DER UMLEGER ins Kino kam Thrillern verstehen. Das wird nicht verschwand. Erst 11 Jahre später und später als PHANTOMKILLER die zuletzt dadurch klar, dass sein Film mit tauchte er wieder als freier Mann auf Videotheken bereicherte. Pierces Film einem Verleihlogo beginnt, mit dem und nahm seine Tätigkeit als Wirt- beruhte auf einer wahren Geschichte, Filmfans aus jener Zeit bestens ver- schaftsexperte wieder auf. In seinem den sogenannten “Moonlight”-Mor- traut sind und das man seit Jahrzehn- Dokumentarfilm versucht Marcus Vet- den, die sich Ende der 1940er-Jahre in ten nicht mehr zu sehen bekam. Auch ter nicht nur dem Genius auf die Spur einem kleinen Grenzstädtchen zwischen was die Tötungssequenzen angeht zu kommen, sondern vor allem auch Arkansas und Texas ereigneten. Jetzt macht der Regisseur auf “Old School”: hinter die geheimnisvollen Machen- hat sich Regisseur Alfonso Gomez- der Film ist an diesen Stellen alles an- schaften zu gelangen, die zu Rejon erneut des Stoffes angenommen dere als detailverliebt und vieles bleibt Armstrongs Verhaftung führten. Ent- – und das auf eine originelle Weise: er im Verborgenen. Das freilich dürfte die standen ist dabei ein extrem spannen- macht den alten Film zum Teil des neu- heutige Generation von Horrorfans der Wirtschaftskrimi, der ebenso faszi- en! Sein Film spielt 2013 und basiert sicher nicht zufriedenstellen, sind die niert wie beängstigt. Vetter interviewte auf der Grundidee, dass jener alte Film doch inzwischen explizite Kost ge- nicht nur Armstrong und dessen Fami- von 1976 traditionell jedes Jahr in der wohnt. Nicht nur dadurch hebt sich lie für seinen Film, sondern auch viele Kleinstadt Texarkana zur Aufführung WARTE, BIS ES DUNKEL WIRD deut- der Weggefährten Armstrongs, der bis kommt. Gomez-Rejon geht sogar noch lich von neueren Slasher-Produktionen heute nicht sein raffiniertes Computer- einen Schritt weiter und lässt seine ab, sondern auch durch seine ambitio- programm freigelegt hat. Ob er mit sei-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nem streng geheimen Wirtschafts- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 modell Recht hat oder nicht, wird am 1. Regie: Miguel Arteta Mit ihrem großen Herz für alle mögli- Oktober dieses Jahres entschieden. Be Darsteller: Steve Carell, Jennifer chen Tiere bringt Fee Emily sich und prepared! Garner, Ed Oxenbould das gesamte Tal der Feen immer wieder Kinostart: 09.04.2015 an den Rand einer Katastrophe. Sie 10 MILLIARDEN – WIE WERDEN solle außer ihrem Hetzen auch ihren WIR ALLE SATT? (1:2.35, 5.1) Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Verstand walten lassen, rät ihr die Kö- Verleih: Prokino (24 Bilder) gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film nigin. Das aber ist leichter gesagt als Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2015 erst ab 06.04.2015 an dieser Stelle getan – und schon nimmt sich Emily Regie: Valentin Thurn eines neuen Lebewesens an: ein zotte- Kinostart: 16.04.2015 liges, riesiges Etwas mit großen Augen, WELCOME TO KARASTAN (1:2.35, das mit Gebrüll aus seinem langen Bis zum Jahre 2050 wird die Welt- 5.1) Schlaf erwacht ist und wie wild damit bevölkerung auf 10 Milliarden anwach- OT: Welcome To Karastan beginnt, Türme aus Stein zu bauen. sen. Höchste Zeit darüber nachzuden- Verleih: Piffl Heimlich nimmt sich Emily dieses We- ken, wie man die alle wohl satt bekom- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Georgien, sens an, nicht ahnend, dass es sich bei men könnte. Der Dokumentarfilmer Va- Deutschland, Russland 2014 Grummel, wie sie ihren neuen Freund lentin Thurn hat sich auf eine Weltreise Regie: Ben Hopkins nennt, um das NimmerBiest handelt, begeben, um die Nahrungskette zu ana- Darsteller: Matthew Macfadyen, Noah das der Legende nach schon sehr bald lysieren und die daraus resultierenden Taylor, MyAnna Buring das Feenreich auslöschen wird... Mit verschiedenen Ansätze der Kinostart: 14.05.2015 einer weiteren Geschichte aus dem Tal Lebensmittelproduktion zu verstehen. der Feen wendet sich der Disney-Kon- Das geht von Kunstdünger und gen- Als er sich mitten in einer Schaffens- zern einmal mehr an kleine Mädchen manipuliertem Gemüse, welches von krise befindet, ereilt einen bekannten und liefert so leider grenzwertige Un- der Lebensmittelindustrie favorisiert englischen Filmregisseur ein Angebot terhaltung. Denn das Frauenbild, das wird, über Legebatterien bis hin zu ein- aus einem fernen osteuropäischen dem unbedarften Zielpublikum hier zigartigen Modellen, bei denen Bürger Land: der Präsident von Karastan unverblümt vermittelt wird, sollte ei- die Sache selbst in die Hand nehmen. möchte von ihm ein Epos über den Na- gentlich längst überholt sein. Da ste- Thurns Film macht klar, dass der Weg tionalhelden des Landes drehen lassen. hen nach wie vor Äußerlichkeiten hoch der Konzerne nicht der richtige ist, Dass in dem abgelegenen Staat ganz im Kurs: makellose Haut und eine dass dadurch das steig wachsende Pro- eigene Regeln gelten, bemerkt der Fil- Wespentaille scheinen die Dinge zu blem der Nahrungsmittelknappheit memacher erst, als es schon zu spät sein, worauf es im Leben ankommt. überhaupt erst entstehen konnte. Und ist... Was denn nun – Komödie oder Männliche Feen gibt es so gut wie gar er zeigt auch einige Alternativen auf, Drama? Es ist wirklich frappierend, mit nicht und wenn, dann sind sie ziemlich sozusagen als Gegenentwurf zur Mas- welcher Konsequenz Ben Hopkins‘ dumm. Starke Feen (hier: die Wächte- senproduktion. Sein klares Fazit: ein Film seine Unentschlossenheit auslebt! rinnen des Feentals) sind zwar weib- jeder muss selbst tätig werden. Es er- Einerseits zieht der Film alle Register, lich, wirken aber kalt und androgyn. fordert natürlich ein großes Umdenken, um einen von A bis Z korrupten osteu- Ganz am Schluss wird dann auch noch nicht einfach nur ganz bequem in die ropäischen Staat durch den Kakao zu etwas Pädagogik angeklebt. Da geht es großen Lebensmittelmärkte zu pilgern, ziehen, andererseits wirken viele Sze- dann sinnbildlich ums Sterben, das sondern eigenverantwortlich für Nach- nen derart dramatisch, dass einem das süßlich verpackt wird als ein Jahrhun- schub beim täglichen Brot zu sorgen. Lachen im Halse stecken bleibt. Bei all derte andauernder Winterschlaf. Das Hierzu liefert Thurns Film ein paar der Konfusion vergisst das Drehbuch sind natürlich alles Feinheiten, die klei- nachahmenswerte Beispiele. dann schließlich, dass es gilt, ein Pu- ne Mädchen nie bewusst wahrnehmen, blikum zu unterhalten. Mit Langeweile gibt es doch bis dahin eine Menge Ac- Dienstag, 10. März 2015 lässt sich so etwas leider nicht errei- tion in überflüssigem 3D. Wie bei allen Ein langer Tag chen. TinkerBell Geschichten sind die Cha- Um eine amerikanische Familie, einen raktere sehr einfach gehalten, ihre Ge- britischen Filmregisseur und unzählige TINKERBELL UND DIE LEGENDE sichter haben weder Fett noch Falten, makellose Feen ging es im heutigen VOM NIMMERBIEST (1:1.85, 3D, DD sondern wirken wie Schaufensterpup- Triple Feature 5.1 + 7.1) pen. Bemerkung am Rande: irre ich OT: Tinker Bell And The Legend Of mich oder klang das NimmerBiest exakt DIE COOPERS – SCHLIMMER GEHT The NeverBeast so wie Chewbacca? Wundern würde es IMMER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Walt Disney mich nicht, da das Uni- OT: Alexander And The Terrible, Land/Jahr: USA 2014 versum inzwischen von Disney einver- Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Regie: Steve Loter leibt wurde... Fazit: Finger weg! Verleih: Walt Disney Kinostart: 30.04.2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 12. März 2015 gen Ausreißer Kishan Tiwari, der für Oh, ein lustiger und sensibler Außen- Whom you gonna call? sein Alter bereits extrem gewitzt und seiter, den niemand leiden kann. Als er Eine Kinderbuchverfilmung stand heu- schlagfertig ist und eine Karriere als eines Tages zufällig das Mädchen Tip te auf meinem Kinofahrplan Mafiaboss anstrebt – sagt er zumin- entdeckt, die sich der Internierung ent- dest; Mamta und Sonu, die ihren 3jäh- ziehen konnte und verzweifelt nach GESPENSTERJÄGER (1:2.35, 5.1) rigen Sohn Sandeep im Menschen- ihrer Mutter sucht. Oh will ihr helfen, Verleih: Warner gewirr verloren haben und verzweifelt sie zu finden. Auf ihrer gemeinsamen Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Österreich, nach ihm suchen; einen Yogi, der sich Reise entsteht eine Freundschaft zwi- Irland 2015 bereits der Welt entsagt hatte, aber schen den vollkommen unterschiedli- Regie: Tobi Baumann sich um ein ausgesetztes Kind kümmer- chen Wesen... Wäre HOME in den Darsteller: Anke Engelke, Christian te und damit wieder in die Welt zurück- 1970er oder 1980er Jahren entstanden, Tramitz, Milo Parker, Karoline Herfurth, kam; einen Asketen, der seine innere wäre er vermutlich ein Meisterwerk Christian Ulmen Ruhe durch den Genuss von Cannabis gewesen. In jener Zeit gab es kaum Kinostart: 02.04.2015 findet; zwei Sadhus, die sich voll und Animationsfilme. Seit es jedoch die ganz ihrer Spiritualität hingeben. Die Computeranimation gibt, produziert Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Bilder von den Menschenmassen, die Hollywood so viele Animationsfilme gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film sich auf der Kumbh Mela vergnügen, wie nie zuvor – es ist zur Fließbandar- erst ab 19.03.2015 an dieser Stelle wirken dabei leider eher abschreckend beit geworden. Da ist es nicht weiter als spirituell erleuchtend. Nalin zeigt verwunderlich, dass sich die Geschich- das ganze Ausmaß der Kult- ten und auch ihre Charaktere der ver- Freitag, 13. März 2015 veranstaltung. Das ist zwar durchaus schiedenen Filme oft ziemlich ähneln. Kumbh Mela und Boovs interessant, wird aber bei der Länge In HOME beispielsweise haben wir es Dokumentarisches und computer- von fast zwei Stunden ziemlich an- einmal mehr mit zwei Außenseitern zu animiertes bildeten für mich den strengend und man grübelt, was der tun, die am Schluss gemeinsam die Wochenabschluss Regisseur denn eigentlich mit seinen Welt retten. Und der Anführer der au- Geschichten bezwecken wollte. Viel- ßerirdischen Invasoren hat etwas vom AN DEN UFERN DER HEILIGEN leicht bringt es sein Vater mit einer la- verrückten König aus den FLÜSSE (1:1.78, 5.1) pidaren Bemerkung auf den Punkt, als MADAGASCAR-Filmen. Man hat das OT: Faith Connections ihm sein Sohn am Ende des Films die Gefühl, alles schon einmal gesehen zu Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Flasche heiligen Wassers übergibt: haben und weiß auch ganz genau, wo- Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Indien 2013 “Und das alles nur wegen dem hin sich die Geschichte bewegt. Immer- Regie: Pan Nalin bisschen Wasser?” hin: Protagonistin ist dieses Mal ein Kinostart: 30.04.2015 Mädchen mit kaffeebrauner Hautfarbe. HOME – EIN SMEKTAKULÄRER TRIP Was auf die Dauer ziemlich nervt ist Die Kumbh Mela ist das größte (1:1.85, 3D, Auro 11.1, DD 5.1 + 7.1 das verbogene Deutsch, das die Boovs Religionsfest der Hindus. Alle 12 Jahre +Atmos) in der deutschen Fassung reden. Und findet sie statt, am Zusammenfluss der OT: Home wenn wir gerade dabei sind: gibt es drei heiligen Flüsse: Ganges, Yamuna Verleih: Fox denn niemand anderen außer Bastian und dem mystischen wie unsichtbaren Land/Jahr: USA 2015 Pastewka, der Kuschelmonstern seine Saraswati. Das Bad im Fluss reinigt Regie: Tim Johnson Stimme leiht? HOME ist leider nur von allen Sünden, sagt man. Einmal im Kinostart: 26.03.2015 Durchschnitt und nach der Sichtung Leben möchte jeder Hindu daher im auch gleich wieder vergessen – es sei heiligen Wasser ein Bad nehmen. Fil- Die Boovs, eine außerirdische Spezies, denn, man hat in den letzten 20 Jahren memacher Pan Nalin nimmt den deren hervorragendste Eigenschaften keinen anderen Animationsfilm gese- Wunsch seines alten Vaters, das heili- das Weglaufen ist, fühlen sich auf ih- hen. ge Wasser zu spüren, zum Anlass, am rem Heimatplaneten nicht mehr sicher Kumbh Mela teilzunehmen, um ihm eine und erkoren die Erde als ihre neue Hei- Flasche des Wassers nach Hause zu mat aus. In Windeseile werden die bringen. Auf der Kumbh Mela trifft er Menschen in Internierungslagern zu- die unterschiedlichsten Menschen, alle sammengepfercht und die Boovs be- vereint im Glauben. Ein paar von ihnen völkern die Welt. Einer dieser Boovs ist stellt er in seinem Film vor: den 10jähri-

Filmkritiken immer tagesaktuell auf www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Trickfilm/Komödie 1998 79min. Boats - Elias und der Schatz des Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Meeres Animation Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Elias Og Kongeskipet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064702 Dir. Espen Fyksen, Lise I. Osvoll 3D Hits für Kids (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Baymax - Riesiges Robowabohu Wendecover Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007 74min. Big Hero 6 EuroVideo Medien 05.03.2015 Das magische Haus 3D / Sammys Aben- Dir. Don Hall, Chris Williams 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065066 teuer 3D / Sammys Abenteuer 2 3D Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 98min. Dir. Ben Stassen, Jeremie Degruson, (Germany) CarPlane - Das fliegende Renn- Vincent Kesteloot 11.06.2015 auto Featurettes, Musikvideo, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, tba BestellNr.: 20064697 Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Carplane Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010-2013 263min. Baymax - Riesiges Robowabohu Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008 40min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment justbridge entertainment GmbH 24.04.2015 Germany 02.04.2015 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20065249 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064674 ray) Big Hero 6 Clannad - Vol. 3 (2 Discs, Limited Ab durch die Hecke Dir. Don Hall, Chris Williams Steelbook Edition) Over The Hedge Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 102min. Clannad Dir. Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Tatsuya Ishihara, Noriyuki Kitanohara, Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 89min. 11.06.2015 Taichi Ishidate, Yasuhiro Takemoto, Tomoe Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20064724 Aratani, Ichirou Miyoshi, Noriko Takao, Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Mitsuyoshi Yoneda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064572 Baymax - Riesiges Robowabohu Taschentuch Drama 2007-2008 144min. Die Abenteuer des Pinocchio (Blu-ray) Big Hero 6 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Pinocchio Dir. Don Hall, Chris Williams 06.03.2015 Robert Naylor - Dir. Enzo d’Alò 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064642 Trailer Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 102min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 84min. Clannad - Vol. 3 (Limited Koch Media 23.04.2015 11.06.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064564 tba BestellNr.: 20064723 Steelbook Edition) (Blu-ray) Clannad Die Abenteuer des Pinocchio Bee Movie - Das Honigkomplott Dir. Tatsuya Ishihara, Noriyuki Kitanohara, (Blu-ray) Bee Movie Taichi Ishidate, Yasuhiro Takemoto, Tomoe Dir. Steve Hickner, Simon J. Smith Aratani, Ichirou Miyoshi, Noriko Takao, Pinocchio Trickfilm/Komödie 2007 87min. Mitsuyoshi Yoneda Robert Naylor - Dir. Enzo d’Alò Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Taschentuch Trailer Drama 2007-2008 150min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 87min. Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Koch Media 23.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064703 06.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064593 Bee Movie - Das Honigkomplott 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064659 Akuma no Riddle - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Coppelion 4 Akuma No Riddle Bee Movie Coppelion Dir. Keizo Kusakawa Dir. Steve Hickner, Simon J. Smith Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, Booklet, Postkarten Trickfilm/Komödie 2007 91min. Susumu Kudo Action/Trickfilm 2014 100min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Booklet Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Science Fiction/Action 2013 75min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065058 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064729 AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065060 Akuma no Riddle - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Bella Sara - Emma Roland und Akuma No Riddle ihr magisches Pferd Wings Coppelion 4 (Blu-ray) Dir. Keizo Kusakawa Booklet, Postkarten (Limited Edition) Coppelion Action/Trickfilm 2014 104min. Emma’s Wings: A Bella Sara Tale Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Dir. Brian Duchscherer Susumu Kudo 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065078 Crazy Loops Booklet Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 73min. Science Fiction/Action 2013 78min. Alles Trick 15 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 24.03.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065081 Dir. Marcell Jankovics, Attila Dargay, Miklós tba BestellNr.: 20064987 Temesi Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1964-1985 70min. Benjamin Blümchen - Bilderbuch ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 DVD: Jahreszeitengeschichten (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065181 Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Zdenko Gasparovic ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990-2003 50min. How To Train Your Dragon Alles Trick 16 KIDDINX Studios 06.03.2015 Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders Dir. Lechoslaw Marszalek, Józef Cwiertnia 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064964 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010 98min. Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1974-1982 86min. Black Butler - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Kuroshitsuji 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064733 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065180 Dir. Toshiya Shinohara Booklet Die Dschungelhelden 2 - Operati- Antz Trickfilm/Mystery 2008-2009 325min. on: Piratenschatz Antz AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Les As De La Jungle Dir. Eric Darnell, Tim Johnson, Lawrence 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065079 Dir. David Alaux, Eric Tosti Guterman Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 43min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065177 21.05.2015 Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064677 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064704 Julius Jr. - Piraten und Super- helden, Folge 2 Es war einmal... Der Weltraum Der gestiefelte Kater (Blu-ray 3D, Julius Jr. (alle 26 Folgen) (6 Discs) + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Paul Brown, Chris Labonte Il Etait Une Fois... L’Espace Puss In Boots Abenteuer/Trickfilm 50min. Dir. Albert Barillé Dir. Chris Miller Edel:Kids 10.04.2015 Booklet Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 91min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065178 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1982 650min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Studio Enterprises 13.03.2015 Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Kate and Mim-Mim, Vol. 1 - Der 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065120 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064732 Ballonbaum Fate/Stay Night / Holy Knight (2 Kate And Mim-Mim Der gestiefelte Kater (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Discs) Puss In Boots Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Gekijouban Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Dir. Chris Miller 07.05.2015 Blade Works / Holy Knight Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 91min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065099 Dir. Kenichi Takeshita, Jiro Fujimoto Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010-2012 165min. Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Kate and Mim-Mim, Vol. 2 - Die Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 24.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064731 bunten Kreidefelsen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064948 Große Haie - kleine Fische Kate And Mim-Mim Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Fate/Stay Night / Holy Knight (2 Shark Tale Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Eric „Bibo“ Bergeron, Vicky Jenson, Discs) (Blu-ray) 07.05.2015 Rob Letterman Gekijouban Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065100 Blade Works / Holy Knight Trickfilm/Komödie 2004 86min. Dir. Kenichi Takeshita, Jiro Fujimoto Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Der kleine Medicus - Bodynauten Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010-2012 165min. auf geheimer Mission im Körper Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 24.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064573 Dir. Peter Claridge 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064952 Hamatora - Vol. 1 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 75min. Feuerwehrmann Sam - In Hamatora Senator Home Entertainment 15.05.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065089 Pontypandy wird’s wild Dir. Seiji Kishi Action/Zeichentrick 2014 75min. Fireman Sam - The New Series AV Visionen(Kazé) 02.04.2015 Der kleine Medicus - Bodynauten Dir. Jerry Hibbert 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064700 auf geheimer Mission im Körper Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 50min. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Hamatora - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) 10.04.2015 Dir. Peter Claridge Hamatora 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065220 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 78min. Dir. Seiji Kishi Senator Home Entertainment 15.05.2015 Flutsch und weg Action/Zeichentrick 2014 78min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065105 AV Visionen(Kazé) 02.04.2015 Flushed Away 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064728 Dir. David Bowers, Sam Fell Kommando Störtebeker Dir. Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Toby Genkel Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 80min. Die Hüter des Lichts Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm 2001 76min. Rise Of The Guardians Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Concorde Home Entertainment 08.05.2015 Dir. Peter Ramsey 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064707 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 93min. Full Metal Panic! - Box 2 (2 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 (Blu-ray) Kung Fu Panda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064574 Dir. Mark Osborne, John Stevenson Full Metal Panic Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 88min. Dir. Koichi Chigira Die Hüter des Lichts (Blu-ray 3D, Bonus-DVD Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm 2001 312min. + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 24.04.2015 Rise Of The Guardians 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064708 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065082 Dir. Peter Ramsey Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 97min. Kung Fu Panda 2 Full Metal Panic! - Box 2 (3 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kung Fu Panda 2 Full Metal Panic Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Dir. Jennifer Nelson Dir. Koichi Chigira 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064675 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 90min. Bonus-DVD Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm 2001 300min. Die Hüter des Lichts (Blu-ray) Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 24.04.2015 Rise Of The Guardians 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064709 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065061 Dir. Peter Ramsey Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 97min. Stan Lee’s Mighty 7 Geschichten aus der Eiszeit Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Stan Lee’s Mighty 7 Abenteuer/Trickfilm 320min. Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Action/Zeichentrick 2014 66min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064599 Edel:Kids 10.04.2015 02.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065174 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065022 Julius Jr. - Der Traum vom Flie- gen, Folge 1 Die Legende der Prinzessin Der gestiefelte Kater Julius Jr. Kaguya Puss In Boots Dir. Paul Brown, Chris Labonte Kaguyahime No Monogatari Dir. Chris Miller Abenteuer/Trickfilm 50min. Dir. Isao Takahata Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 87min. Edel:Kids 10.04.2015 Trailer

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Trickfilm/Drama 2014 133min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mitte Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Peppa Pig Bunch Germany) 24.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064711 Dir. Neville Astley, Mark Baker 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064830 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004 50min. Monster und Aliens (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die Legende der Prinzessin Monsters Vs. Aliens 07.05.2015 Kaguya (Blu-ray) Dir. Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065096 Kaguyahime No Monogatari Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 95min. Dir. Isao Takahata Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Perix der Kater und die drei Trailer, Featurette, Storyboards Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Mausketiere Trickfilm/Drama 2014 138min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064737 Nagagutsu O Haita Neko Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Dir. Kimio Yabuki, Fred Ladd Bunch Germany) 24.04.2015 Nils Holgersson - DVD 01 (Folgen Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1969 76min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064858 1-6) Edel Germany(aberle-media) 27.02.2015 Dir. Hisajuki Toriumi 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064961 Die Legende der Prinzessin Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 149min. Kaguya (Special Edition, 2 Discs) Studio 100 Media 17.04.2015 Pettersson und Findus - Ein Feu- Kaguyahime No Monogatari 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064513 erwerk für den Fuchs Dir. Isao Takahata Pettson Och Findus Trailer, Featurette, Storyboards Nils Holgersson - Komplettbox (9 Dir. Albert Hanan Kaminski Trickfilm/Drama 2014 138min. Discs) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000-2006 45min. Dir. Hisajuki Toriumi Bunch Germany) 24.04.2015 Edel:Kids 20.03.2015 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 1291min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064831 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064759 Universum Film Home Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- Entertainment(Universum Kids) 17.04.2015 Pettersson und Findus - Eine Ge- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064514 pa (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- burtstagstorte für die Katze ray) One Week - Vol. 1 (2 Pettson Och Findus Dir. Albert Hanan Kaminski Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000-2006 45min. Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, Conrad One Week Friends Edel:Kids 20.03.2015 Vernon Dir. Taro Iwasaki 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064758 Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 94min. Booklet, Bonus-Clips Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Trickfilm 2014 150min. Der Prinz von Ägypten Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Prince Of Egypt 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064736 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065064 Dir. Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, Simon Magi: The Kingdom of Magic One Week Friends - Vol. 1 (Blu- Wells Trickfilm 1997-1998 95min. Staffel 2, Box 2 (2 Discs) ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic One Week Friends Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Dir. Kôji Masunari Dir. Taro Iwasaki 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064563 Postkarten Booklet, Bonus-Clips Trickfilm/Abenteuer 150min. Drama/Trickfilm 2014 156min. Q Pootle 5, Vol. 1 - Weltraum- AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065062 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065084 rennen Q Pootle 5 Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Origin - Spirits of the Past Dir. Gary Andrews Gin-Iro No Kami No Agito Bildergalerie Staffel 2, Box 2 (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Trickfilm 90min. Dir. Keiichi Sugiyama Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Universal Music Family Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2006 90min. Dir. Kôji Masunari Entertainment(Karussell) 27.02.2015 Universum Film Home Postkarten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064610 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 156min. Entertainment(Universum Animé) AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 22.05.2015 Q Pootle 5, Vol. 2 - Groobie auf 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065083 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064937 Rettungsflug Mecki und seine Abenteuer Origin - Spirits of the Past (Blu- Q Pootle 5 Dir. Ferdinand Diehl, Hermann Diehl ray) Dir. Gary Andrews Wendecover, Postkarten, Dokumentation, Interview, Hörspiel, Bildergalerie Trailer Gin-Iro No Kami No Agito Science Fiction/Trickfilm 90min. Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1941 92min. Dir. Keiichi Sugiyama Universal Music Family AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Tacker Featurettes, Trailer, Interviews, TV-Spots Entertainment(Karussell) 27.02.2015 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2006 94min. Film) 10.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064611 Universum Film Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065184 Entertainment(Universum Animé) Rurouni Kenshin Trilogy (3 Discs) Megamind 22.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064949 (Blu-ray) Megamind Rurouni Kenshin Dir. Tom McGrath Peppa Pig - Meine Geburtstags- Diverse, Booklet Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 92min. Trickfilm/Action 1997 407min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment party Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Germany(DreamWorks) 12.03.2015 Peppa Pig 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064997 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065086 Dir. Neville Astley, Mark Baker Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004 50min. Sailor Moon SuperS - 4. Staffel, Monster und Aliens Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Box 8 (5 Discs) 07.05.2015 Monsters Vs. Aliens Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn SuperS 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065095 Dir. Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 91min. Peppa Pig - Schweinchen in der Booklet, Sticker

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Trickfilm/Action 1995-1996 475min. Super Sonico - The Animation, (Limited Edition, 2 Discs) AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Vol. 1 Sword Art Online 2 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065113 Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Dir. Tomohiko Ito Dir. Kenichi Kawamura Bonus-Episoden Samurai Girls - Die komplette Trickfilm/Action 2014 150min. Komödie/Zeichentrick 96min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 24.04.2015 zweite Staffel (3 Discs) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065114 Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls 27.02.2015 Dir. Kobun 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064469 Trickfilm/Action 2010 320min. Tilly und ihre Freunde - Was für FilmConfect Home Entertainment Super Sonico - The Animation, ein schöner Tag 27.02.2015 Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Tilly And Friends 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064467 Dir. Niall Mooney Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012-2013 84min. Dir. Kenichi Kawamura Samurai Girls - Die komplette justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Komödie/Zeichentrick 100min. 10.04.2015 zweite Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065221 Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls 27.02.2015 Dir. Kobun 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064500 Trickfilm/Action 2010 333min. Tokyo Ghoul - Vol. 1 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Super Sonico - The Animation, Tokyo Ghoul Dir. Shuhei Morita 27.02.2015 Vol. 2 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064497 Booklet Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Horror/Trickfilm 2014 75min. Schweinchen Dick und seine Dir. Kenichi Kawamura AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Komödie/Zeichentrick 96min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065115 Freunde FilmConfect Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 175min. 27.02.2015 Tokyo Ghoul - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064470 Tokyo Ghoul 02.03.2015 Dir. Shuhei Morita 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065021 Super Sonico - The Animation, Booklet Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Horror/Trickfilm 2014 78min. - Die komplette Geschich- AV Visionen(Kazé) 24.04.2015 Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065132 te, Teil 1-4 (Blu-ray 3D, 4 Discs) Dir. Kenichi Kawamura (Blu-ray) Komödie/Zeichentrick 100min. Wallace & Gromit auf der Jagd Shrek / Shrek 2 / Shrek The Third / Shrek FilmConfect Home Entertainment Forever After 27.02.2015 nach dem Riesenkaninchen Trickfilm/Komödie 2001-2010 368min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064501 Wallace & Gromit - The Curse Of The Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Were-Rabbit Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Super Sonico - The Animation, Dir. Steve Box, Nick Park 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064600 Vol. 3 Trickfilm/Komödie 2005 77min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Sinbad - Der Herr der sieben Dir. Kenichi Kawamura 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064571 Meere Komödie/Zeichentrick 96min. Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas FilmConfect Home Entertainment Der Weg nach El Dorado Dir. Tim Johnson, Patrick Gilmore 27.02.2015 Road To El Dorado Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2003 82min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064471 Dir. Don Paul, Eric „Bibo“ Bergeron, Will Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Finn, David Silverman Germany(DreamWorks) 05.03.2015 Super Sonico - The Animation, Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2000 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064712 Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Spirit - Der wilde Mustang Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Dir. Kenichi Kawamura 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064565 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Komödie/Zeichentrick 100min. Dir. Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook FilmConfect Home Entertainment Weißt Du eigentlich, wie lieb ich Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2002 80min. 27.02.2015 Dich hab Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064502 Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Guess How Much I Love You 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064567 - Der Held (Classic Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 87min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Spirit - Der wilde Mustang (Blu- Cartoon Edition) 21.05.2015 Superman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065101 ray) Dir. Dave Fleischer Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Trickfilm 1941 60min. Werner - Gekotzt wird später! Dir. Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2002 83min. 02.02.2015 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Michael Schaack, Toby Genkel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064474 Making of, Video von der Premierenfeier, Brösel erklärt das Germany(DreamWorks) 26.02.2015 Oldsmobile 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064596 Sword Art Online 2 - Vol. 1 Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 80min. Highlight Communications SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) Sword Art Online 2 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.05.2015 SpongeBob Schwammkopf 8 Dir. Tomohiko Ito 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065071 Season DVD Collection (27 Discs) Bonus-Episoden Spongebob Squarepants Trickfilm/Action 2014 156min. The - 6. Staffel, Vol. 1 Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 4124min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 24.04.2015 The Winx Club - The Winx Club Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065131 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2004-2008 88min. 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064483 justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Sword Art Online 2 - Vol. 1 13.03.2015

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064493 6 Minutes Of Death 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065012 Dir. Joseph Ciminera Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2013 min. Die Abenteuer der Familie Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Robinson in der Wildnis (3 Discs) Film 24.04.2015 Die Abenteuer der Familie Robinson in 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064925 der Wildnis / Mountain Family Robinson / Weitere Abenteuer der Familie Robinson #Zeitgeist 6 Minutes of Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) in der Wildnis Men, Women & Children 6 Minutes Of Death Robert Logan, Susan Damante-Shaw, Ansel Elgort, , Jennifer Dir. Joseph Ciminera Hollye Holmes, Ham Larsen, George „Buck“ Garner, Judy Greer, Kaitlyn Dever, Dean Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2013 min. Flower, Jack Couffer - Dir. Stewart Raffill, Norris, Dennis Haysbert, Rosemarie DeWitt, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Frank Zuniga, Jack Couffer Katherine Hughes, Elena Kampouris, Shane 24.04.2015 Dokumentation Lynch, William Peltz, J.K. Simmons, Travis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064924 Abenteuer 1975-1979 306min. Tope, Timothee Chalamet, Olivia Crocicchia Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.03.2015 - Dir. ’71 - Hinter feindlichen Linien 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064888 Komödie/Drama 2014 115min. (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 30.04.2015 ‘71 Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064663 Jack O’Connell, Paul Anderson, Richard Klaus-Peter Thiele, Manfred Karge, Arno Dormer, Sean Harris, Barry Keoghan, Mar- Wyzniewski, Angelica Domröse, Günter #Zeitgeist (Blu-ray) tin McCann, Charlie Murphy, Sam Reid, Da- Junghans, Monika Woytowicz, Peter Men, Women & Children vid Wilmot, Killian Scott - Dir. Yann Reusse, Wolfgang Langhoff, Karla Ansel Elgort, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Demange Chadimová - Dir. Joachim Kunert Garner, Judy Greer, Kaitlyn Dever, Dean Drama/Kriegsfilm 2014 104min. Interview, Trailer Drama 1964 165min. Norris, Dennis Haysbert, Rosemarie DeWitt, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Katherine Hughes, Elena Kampouris, Shane 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064589 Lynch, William Peltz, J.K. Simmons, Travis tba BestellNr.: 20065175 Tope, Timothee Chalamet, Olivia Crocicchia 96 Hours - Taken 1-3 (3 Discs) Abraham Lincoln’s Zombie War - Dir. Jason Reitman Taken 1-3 Komödie/Drama 2014 120min. Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Leland Orser, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 30.04.2015 Jérémie Lippmann, Stéphanie Sokolinski, Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064670 Ania Bukstein, Forest Whitaker - Dir. Pierre Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman, Morel, Anne Weil, Philippe Kotlarski, Olivier David Alexander, Christopher Marrone, Don 1. Mai - Helden bei der Arbeit Megaton McGraw, Jason Hughley, Brennen Harper, Cemal Subasi, Oktay Özdemir, Peter Kurth, Thriller/Action 2008-2014 min. Debra Crittenden - Dir. Richard Schenkman Benjamin Höppner, Torsten Michaelis, Universum Film Home Entertainment Horror/Action 2012 93min. Hannah Herzsprung, Jacob Matschenz, 29.05.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Ludwig Trepte, Hans Löw, Dirk Borchardt - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064820 Dir. Sven Taddicken, Jakob Ziemnicki, Car- sten Ludwig, Jan-Christoph Glaser 96 Hours - Taken 1-3 (3 Discs) Abraham Lincoln’s Zombie War Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama/Episodenfilm 2008 94min. (Blu-ray) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies DCM 03.04.2015 Taken 1-3 Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064908 Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Leland Orser, Jérémie Lippmann, Stéphanie Sokolinski, David Alexander, Christopher Marrone, Don 100.000 Dollar für Ringo Ania Bukstein, Forest Whitaker - Dir. Pierre McGraw, Jason Hughley, Brennen Harper, Debra Crittenden - Dir. Richard Schenkman Centomila Dollari Per Ringo Morel, Anne Weil, Philippe Kotlarski, Olivier Horror/Action 2012 93min. Richard Harrison, Fernando Sancho, Luis Megaton Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Induni - Dir. Alberto de Martino Thriller/Action 2008-2014 min. Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerien Universum Film Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064819 Western 1965 94min. 29.05.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Wild 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065013 Abraham Lincoln’s Zombie War Coyote) 15.05.2015 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065203 96 Hours - Taken 3 (Extended Cut) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies Taken 3 Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman, 5 unter Verdacht Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie David Alexander, Christopher Marrone, Don Hans Nielsen, Dorothea Wieck, Friedrich Grace, Famke Janssen, Dougray Scott, Jon McGraw, Jason Hughley, Brennen Harper, Schoenfelder - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Gries, Leland Orser, Jonny Weston, Debra Crittenden - Dir. Richard Schenkman Booklet Andrew Howard - Dir. Olivier Megaton Horror/Action 2012 90min. Kriminalfilm 1950 83min. Entfallene Szene, Featurettes, Interviews Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.04.2015 Action/Thriller 2014 110min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064785 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065248 Universum Film Home Entertainment 29.05.2015 After 50 zu 1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065010 After 50 To 1 Steven Strait, Karolina Wydra, Sandra Madelyn Deutch, Todd Lowe, Calvin Borel, 96 Hours - Taken 3 (Extended Cut) Lafferty, Madison Lintz, Ric Reitz, Jackson Skeet Ulrich, Christian Kane, William (Blu-ray) Walker, Bob Penny, Chase Presley, April Devane, David Atkinson, Hugo Perez, Eloy Taken 3 Billingsley, Michael Dinardo, Tyrin Niles Casados, Jessi Badami - Dir. Jim Wilson Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie Wyche, Sabyn Mayfield - Dir. Ryan Smith Drama/Sport 2014 110min. Grace, Famke Janssen, Dougray Scott, Jon Trailer, Wendecover Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Gries, Leland Orser, Jonny Weston, Horror/Mystery 2012 90min. 30.04.2015 Andrew Howard - Dir. Olivier Megaton AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064524 Entfallene Szene, Featurettes, Interviews AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 24.04.2015 Action/Thriller 2014 115min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064664 6 Minutes of Death (Blu-ray 3D) Universum Film Home Entertainment (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 29.05.2015 After (Blu-ray)

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After 27.03.2015 Judge, Eric Allan Kramer, Raymond J. Steven Strait, Karolina Wydra, Sandra 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064824 Barry, Melina Lizette, David Lago, Christian Lafferty, Madison Lintz, Ric Reitz, Jackson Levatino - Dir. Michael John Sarna Walker, Bob Penny, Chase Presley, April Alien Shock (Uncut) (k.J.) Trailer Billingsley, Michael Dinardo, Tyrin Niles Without Warning Action/Drama 2014 80min. Wyche, Sabyn Mayfield - Dir. Ryan Smith Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Cameron Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Trailer, Wendecover Mitchell, Tarah Nutter, C. S. Nelson, Neville 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064838 Horror/Mystery 2012 90min. Brand, Sue Anne Langdon, Ralph Meeker, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Larry Storch, Kevin Peter Hall - Dir. Apokalypse (Blu-ray AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 24.04.2015 Greydon Clark 3D) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064671 Audiokommentar La Apocalypse Horror/Science Fiction 1980 93min. David Cade, Gina Holden, Christopher - Die komplette Serie (18 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Judge, Eric Allan Kramer, Raymond J. Discs) (Blu-ray) 27.03.2015 Barry, Melina Lizette, David Lago, Christian Airwolf 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064794 Levatino - Dir. Michael John Sarna Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Trailer Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- Alles Atze - Die komplette Serie Action/Drama 2014 83min. lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Bildergalerie Atze Schröder, Fatih Cevikkollu, Heike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064852 Action 1984-1987 3780min. Kloss, Jürgen Mikol, Norbert Heisterkamp Koch Media 23.04.2015 Komödie 2000-2007 1440min. Apokalypse Los Angeles (Blu-ray) 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064816 Turbine Medien 27.03.2015 La Apocalypse 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065077 David Cade, Gina Holden, Christopher Airwolf - Die komplette Serie (21 Judge, Eric Allan Kramer, Raymond J. Discs) Alles Klara - 1. Staffel (4 Discs) Barry, Melina Lizette, David Lago, Christian Airwolf Wolke Hegenbarth, Felix Eitner, Alexa Maria Levatino - Dir. Michael John Sarna Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Surholt, Christoph Hagen Dittmann, Jan Trailer Action/Drama 2014 83min. Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- Niklas Berg, Winnie Böwe, Stephan Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario Grossmann, Antonia Görner, Jörg 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064851 Bildergalerie Gudzuhn, Sönke Möhring, Susanne Szell, Action 1984-1987 3680min. Thorsten Wolf, Horst-Günter Marx - Dir. Arme Leute, Reiche Leute Koch Media 23.04.2015 Jakob Schäuffelen, Andi Niessner 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064777 Trailer Miseria E Nobiltà Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 768min. Sophia Loren, Totò, Dolores Palumbo, Fran- Alex - Eine Geschichte über ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 co Pastorino, Enzo Turco, Vera Nando - Dir. Freundschaft tba BestellNr.: 20064941 Mario Mattoli Komödie 1954 89min. About Alex VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 24.02.2015 Aubrey Plaza, Jane Levy, Jason Ritter - Dir. Almenrausch und Pulverschnee - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064616 Jesse Zwick Folge 1 & 2 Drama 2014 98min. Chris Roberts, Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Arsène Lupin, der Millionendieb Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ottfried Fischer, Max Grießer, Mia Martin, Les Aventures D’Arsène Lupin 09.04.2015 Ida Krottendorf - Dir. Franz Antel Robert Lamoureux, Liselotte Pulver, O. E. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064518 Komödie/Heimatfilm 1992 min. Hasse, Georges Chamarat, Huguette Hue, MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Renaud Mary, Sandra Milo, Paul Muller, Alex - Eine Geschichte über 06.03.2015 Henri Rollan - Dir. Jacques Becker 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064691 Freundschaft (Blu-ray) Komödie 1957 99min. About Alex Almenrausch und Pulverschnee - Great Movies GmbH 06.03.2015 Aubrey Plaza, Jane Levy, Jason Ritter - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064640 Jesse Zwick Folge 3 & 4 Drama 2014 102min. Chris Roberts, Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Arsène Lupin, der Millionendieb Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ottfried Fischer, Max Grießer, Mia Martin, (Blu-ray) 09.04.2015 Ida Krottendorf - Dir. Franz Antel Les Aventures D’Arsène Lupin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064533 Komödie/Heimatfilm 1992 min. Robert Lamoureux, Liselotte Pulver, O. E. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Hasse, Georges Chamarat, Huguette Hue, Das Alien aus der Tiefe 06.03.2015 Renaud Mary, Sandra Milo, Paul Muller, Alien Degli Abissi 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064692 Henri Rollan - Dir. Jacques Becker Daniel Bosch, Julia McKay, Robert Marius, Komödie 1957 103min. Allan Collins, Charles Napier - Dir. Anthony Am Fuß der blauen Berge - Vol. 5 Great Movies GmbH 06.03.2015 M. Dawson Laramie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064658 Science Fiction 1989 94min. Robert Fuller, John Smith, Dennis Holmes, Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Spring Byington, Stuart Randall, Robert Aschenblödel / Der Bürotrottel / 10.04.2015 Crawford jr., Hoagy Carmichael, Eddie C. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064793 Waller, Norman Leavitt, Ed Prentiss, James Der verrückte Professor (3 Discs) Anderson, Bartlett Robinson, John Pickard, Cinderfella / The Errand Boy / The Nutty Alien Shock (Uncut) (Blu-ray) L. Q. Jones, Robert Wilke, Harry Lauter - Professor (k.J.) Dir. William Witney, Lesley Selander, Jo- Jerry Lewis, , Ed Wynn, Brian Donlevy, Dick Wesson, Stella Without Warning seph Kane Stevens, Del Moore - Dir. Frank Tashlin, Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Cameron Booklet Western 1959-1963 140min. Jerry Lewis Mitchell, Tarah Nutter, C. S. Nelson, Neville Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.04.2015 Komödie 1959-1963 275min. Brand, Sue Anne Langdon, Ralph Meeker, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064494 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Larry Storch, Kevin Peter Hall - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065150 Greydon Clark Apokalypse Los Angeles Audiokommentar Horror/Science Fiction 1980 97min. La Apocalypse Aufbruch nach Westen - Wenn Edel Germany(New Vision Films) David Cade, Gina Holden, Christopher die Liebe siegt

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When Calls The Heart Andrew Scott, Hugh O’Conor, Amy Bonagura, Simona Mariani, Anna Maria Maggie Grace, Stephen Amell, Poppy Huberman, Peter McDonald, Brian Gleeson, Kanakis, Tiberio Murgia, Kathleen Quaye, Drayton, Daniel Sharman, Jean Smart, Michael Legge, Andrew Bennett, Marcella Giacomo Rosselli - Dir. Castellano & Pipolo Natasha Calis, Cherie Lunghi, Lee Williams, Plunkett - Dir. John Butler Komödie 1983 87min. Greg Lawson - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. Komödie 2013 94min. Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Drama/Lovestory 2013 85min. EuroVideo Medien 07.05.2015 27.03.2015 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065107 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064762 02.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065027 The Backpacker - Menschenjagd Bellissimo (Blu-ray) im Outback (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Segni Particolari: Bellissimo Auschwitz The Backpacker Adriano Celentano, Federica Moro, Gianni Maximilian Gärtner, Friedhelm Gärtner, Dr. Vincent Stone, Nathan Waring, Laura An- Bonagura, Simona Mariani, Anna Maria Uwe Boll, Arved Birnbaum, Nik Goldman, dersen - Dir. Dion Martin Boland Kanakis, Tiberio Murgia, Kathleen Quaye, Alexis Wawerka - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bonusfilm Giacomo Rosselli - Dir. Castellano & Pipolo Dokumentation, Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. Komödie 1983 90min. Drama 2011 73min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20.03.2015 27.03.2015 AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064722 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064810 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064530 The Backpacker - Menschenjagd Below Zero - Das Schlachthaus Auschwitz (Blu-ray) im Outback (k.J.) Below Zero Jason Field, Chris Torres, Kellsi Chischilly, The Backpacker Edward Furlong, Michael Berryman, Kristin Olivia Briggs, Jung Chong, Salvatore Vincent Stone, Nathan Waring, Laura An- Booth, Michael Eisner, Sadie Madu, Dee Perricone, Tracy Segal, Renzo Gracie - Dir. dersen - Dir. Dion Martin Boland Hanna - Dir. Justin Thomas Ostensen Gerson Sanginitto Trailer, Behind the Scenes Thriller/Horror 2011 94min. Dokumentation, Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2011 86min. MIG Film 07.05.2015 Action 2006 77min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064799 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20.03.2015 AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064695 Below Zero - Das Schlachthaus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064540 (Blu-ray) Das ausschweifende Leben des Bad Ass 3 Below Zero Bad Asses On The Bayou Marquis de Sade Edward Furlong, Michael Berryman, Kristin Danny Trejo, Danny Glover, John Amos, Booth, Michael Eisner, Sadie Madu, Dee Keir Dullea, Senta Berger, Sonja Ziemann, Loni Love, Jimmy Bennett, Jaqueline Fle- Hanna - Dir. Justin Thomas Ostensen Lilli Palmer, Uta Levka, John Huston - Dir. ming, Sammi Rotibi, Judd Lormand - Dir. Thriller/Horror 2011 98min. Cyril Endfield Craig Moss MIG Film 07.05.2015 Drama/Erotik 1969 100min. Behind the Scenes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064829 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Action 2015 81min. 19.05.2015 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Best of Me - Mein Weg zu dir 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064875 Germany 07.05.2015 The Best Of Me 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065172 Automata Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden, Liana Liberato, Luke Bracey, Gerald McRaney, Automata Bang Boom Bang Sebastian Arcelus, Robby Rasmussen, Antonio Banderas, Dylan McDermott, Mela- Oliver Korittke, Markus Knüfken, Ralf Rich- Sean Bridgers, Jon Tenney, Caroline nie Griffith, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Robert ter, Diether Krebs, Martin Semmelrogge, Goodall, Clarke Peters - Dir. Michael Forster, Tim McInnerny, Andy Nyman, David Heinrich Giskes, Christian Kahrmann, Alex- Hoffman Ryall, Andrew Tiernan - Dir. Gabe Ibáñez andra Neldel, Sabine Kaack, Til Schweiger, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Musikvideo Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 min. Hilmi Sözer, Willy Thomczyk, Jochen Nickel, Drama/Lovestory 2014 113min. EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Monica Nancy Wick, Detlef Bothe, Klaus Senator Home Entertainment 15.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064491 Stiglmeier, Brian Lentz, Wolfgang Dinslage, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065087 Dustin Semmelrogge, Max Richter, Peter Automata (Blu-ray) Ender, Martin Ontrop, Matthias Kniesbeck, The Best of Me - Mein Weg zu dir Automata Karl Thorwarth, Mark Zak, Björn Hebeler, (Blu-ray) Antonio Banderas, Dylan McDermott, Mela- Karin Rasenack, Katja Giammona, Katja The Best Of Me nie Griffith, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Robert Bechtolf, Ellen ten Damme, Karina Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden, Liana Forster, Tim McInnerny, Andy Nyman, David Krawczyk, Leon Ömer Simsek, Ingolf Lück, Liberato, Luke Bracey, Gerald McRaney, Ryall, Andrew Tiernan - Dir. Gabe Ibáñez Ralph Herforth, Hans Bayer, Wotan Wilke Sebastian Arcelus, Robby Rasmussen, Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 min. Möhring, Alfred Holighaus, Nicholas Sean Bridgers, Jon Tenney, Caroline EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Bodeux, Werner Karle jr., Jörg Wontorra, Goodall, Clarke Peters - Dir. Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064508 Peter Thorwarth - Dir. Peter Thorwarth Hoffman Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1999 108min. Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Musikvideo The Bachelor Weekend - Leben Turbine Medien 27.03.2015 Drama/Lovestory 2014 118min. lieber wild! tba BestellNr.: 20065057 Senator Home Entertainment 15.05.2015 The Stag 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065104 Andrew Scott, Hugh O’Conor, Amy Beauty and the Beast (Season 2) Huberman, Peter McDonald, Brian Gleeson, (6 Discs) bestefreunde Michael Legge, Andrew Bennett, Marcella Beauty And The Beast Katharina Wackernagel, Sebastian Plunkett - Dir. John Butler Featurette, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Entfalle- Schwarz, Niels Bormann, Tina Amon Komödie 2013 90min. ne Szenen Amonsen, Maria Matschke, Thelma Kriminalfilm/Mystery 2013 891min. EuroVideo Medien 07.05.2015 Buabeng, Robert Beyer, Helmut Moos- Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065091 hammer, Sabine Wackernagel, Robert 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065146 Glatzeder, Bjarne Mädel, Jochen Wenz - The Bachelor Weekend - Leben Bellissimo Dir. Jonas Grosch, Val lieber wild! (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview Segni Particolari: Bellissimo Komödie 2014 84min. The Stag Adriano Celentano, Federica Moro, Gianni Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Achtfeld)

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24.04.2015 (k.J.) 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064897 Biohazard: Patient Zero The Brandon Slagle, Amanda Phillips, Van Steve McQueen, Aneta Corseaut, Earl Die besten Edgar Wallace Krimis Quattro, Natalie Wilemon, Jackey Hall, Rowe, Olin Howlin, Steve Chase, John (3 Discs) Frederic Doss, Larry Jack Dotson, Carl Benson, Audrey Metcalf, Elinor Hammer, Der Doppelgänger / Der Hexer / Der Savering - Dir. Brian T. Jaynes Kieth Almoney - Dir. Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. Zinker Horror/Science Fiction 2012 73min. Booklet, Audiokommentar Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.04.2015 Science Fiction/Horror 1958 85min. Kriminalfilm 243min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064914 capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Spirit Media 27.03.2015 24.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064765 Biohazard - Patient Zero (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065212 Biohazard: Patient Zero Die besten Karl May Abenteuerfil- Brandon Slagle, Amanda Phillips, Van Blood Diner me (3 Discs) Quattro, Natalie Wilemon, Jackey Hall, Blood Diner Durch die Wüste / Die Sklavenkarawane / Frederic Doss, Larry Jack Dotson, Carl Rick Burks, Carl Crew, Roger Daver, Sheba Der Löwe von Babylon Savering - Dir. Brian T. Jaynes Jackson, Lisa Guggenheim - Dir. Jackie Helmut Schneider, Georg Thomalla, Fred Horror/Science Fiction 2012 70min. Kong Raupach, Heinz Evelt, Erich Haußmann, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.04.2015 Horror/Komödie 1987 84min. Gretl Wawra, Aruth Wartan, Katharina 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064871 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Berger, Herbert Gernot, Franz Klebusch, 27.03.2015 Bertold Reissig, Viktor Staal, Theo Lingen, Bipolar - Meine Mama ist anders 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064874 Fernando Sánchez, Julio Nunez, Angel Knetter Alvarez - Dir. Johannes Kai, Johannes Jesse Rinsma, Tom van Kessel, Carice van Blood Diner (Blu-ray) Alexander Hübler-Kahla, Georg Marischka Houten, Frieda Pittoors, Daan Schuurmans, Blood Diner Abenteuer 1934-1959 282min. Leny Breederveld, Edo Brunner - Dir. Martin Rick Burks, Carl Crew, Roger Daver, Sheba Spirit Media 10.04.2015 Koolhoven Jackson, Lisa Guggenheim - Dir. Jackie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065197 Kinderfilm/Komödie 2005 81min. Kong FilmConfect Home Entertainment Horror/Komödie 1987 88min. Der Besuch der alten Dame 27.03.2015 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Hans Mahnke, Rolf 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065056 27.03.2015 Wanka, Bum Krüger, Robert Taube, Anne- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064918 marie Schradiek, Katharina Kuiper von Bis zum Horizont und weiter Bülow, Werner Pochath - Dir. Ludwig Wolfgang Stumph, Corinna Harfouch, Nina Blue Ruin Cremer Petri, Gudrun Okras, Heinrich Schafmeister, Blue Ruin Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Making of Jörg Schüttauf, Sissi Perlinger - Dir. Peter Macon Blair, Devin Ratray, Amy Komödie/Drama 1959 87min. Kahane Hargreaves, Kevin Kolack, Plumb, Da- Universum Film Home Entertainment Drama/Komödie 1998 90min. vid W. Thompson, Brent Werzner, Stacy 12.02.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Rock - Dir. Jeremy Saulnier 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064606 tba BestellNr.: 20064942 Thriller/Drama 2013 90min. Falcom Investment AG 14.04.2015 Bettys Diagnose - Staffel 1 (3 Bismarck (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064836 Discs) Uwe Ochsenknecht, Gottfried Lackmann, Bettina Lamprecht, Maximilian Grill, Theresa Rudolf Donath, Ulli Philipp, Ulrich Pleitgen, Blue Ruin (Blu-ray) Underberg, Carolin Walter, Eric Klotzsch, Heikko Deutschmann, Franz Peter Wirth - Blue Ruin Sybille Schedwill, Patrick Kalupa - Dir. Mat- Dir. Tom Toelle Macon Blair, Devin Ratray, Amy thias Kiefersauer Wendecover Hargreaves, Kevin Kolack, Eve Plumb, Da- Drama/Komödie 2014 540min. Drama/Historienfilm 1990 180min. vid W. Thompson, Brent Werzner, Stacy Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.04.2015 Rock - Dir. Jeremy Saulnier 24.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065238 Thriller/Drama 2013 94min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064979 Falcom Investment AG 14.04.2015 Der blaue Vogel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064849 Bevor der Winter kommt The Blue Bird Avant L’Hiver Dame Elizabeth Taylor, , Ava Blut an den Lippen Daniel Auteuil, Kristin Scott Thomas, Leïla Gardner, , Robert Morley, Har- La Rouge Aux Lèvres Bekhti, Richard Berry, Vicky Krieps, Jérôme ry Andrews, Patsy Kensit, Todd Lookinland Delphine Seyrig, Andrea Rau, John Karlen, Varanfrain, Laure Killing, Anne Metzler, - Dir. George Cukor Paul Esser, Georges Jamin, Joris Collet, Laurent Claret, Jean-François Wolff - Dir. Trailer Fons Rademakers - Dir. Harry Kümel Musikfilm 1976 94min. Philippe Claudel Horror 1970 96min. Interview ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Bildstörung 27.03.2015 Drama 2013 98min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065183 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064580 polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064833 Blauwasserleben Blut an den Lippen (Blu-ray) Stefanie Stappenbeck, Marcus Mittermeier, La Rouge Aux Lèvres Bevor der Winter kommt (Blu-ray) Jean-Yves Berteloot, Fiona Coors, Michae- Delphine Seyrig, Andrea Rau, John Karlen, Avant L’Hiver la Rosen, Peter Prager, Martin Rapold, Paul Esser, Georges Jamin, Joris Collet, Daniel Auteuil, Kristin Scott Thomas, Leïla Marouo Bro Richmond, Annett Renneberg, Fons Rademakers - Dir. Harry Kümel Bekhti, Richard Berry, Vicky Krieps, Jérôme Christoph Tomanek, Stephan Schad - Dir. Horror 1970 100min. Varanfrain, Laure Killing, Anne Metzler, Judith Kennel Bildstörung 27.03.2015 Laurent Claret, Jean-François Wolff - Dir. Drama 2015 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064604 Philippe Claudel Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Interview 10.04.2015 Blutjunge Verführerinnen 2 Drama 2013 102min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065246 Dir. Michael Thomas polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 Erotik 1972 78min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064845 The Blob - Schrecken ohne Na- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 men (Limited Collector’s Edition, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064862 Biohazard - Patient Zero (Blu-ray)

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Blutjunge Verführerinnen 2 (Blu- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064623 an Soria, Julia Duffy, Tara Holt, Cory Mi- ray) chael Smith - Dir. Peter Sattler Brandung Drama 2014 113min. Dir. Michael Thomas Boom Koch Media 23.04.2015 Erotik 1972 80min. Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sir 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064566 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 Noel Coward, Joanna Shimkus, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064912 Dunn, Romolo Valli, Fernando Piazza, Camp X-Ray - Eine verbotene Lie- Bob, der Baggerführer (Blu-ray) Veronica Wells - Dir. Joseph Losey be (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Camp X-Ray (k.J.) Drama 1967 108min. Kristen Stewart, Payman Maadi, John Ralf Richter, Thomas Kercmar, Kelly Trump ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Carroll Lynch, Lane Garrison, Joseph Juli- - Dir. Jochen Taubert tba BestellNr.: 20064934 an Soria, Julia Duffy, Tara Holt, Cory Mi- Komödie/Horror 2013 77min. chael Smith - Dir. Peter Sattler daredo media(Lumen Productions) Buccaroo - Galgenvögel zwit- Drama 2014 118min. 20.03.2015 schern nicht Koch Media 23.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065009 Buckaroo, Il Winchester Che Non Perdona 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064594 Dean Reed, Monika Brugger - Dir. Aldelchi Bob, der Baggerführer (k.J.) Bianchi Catch .44 - Der ganz große Coup Ralf Richter, Thomas Kercmar, Kelly Trump Trailer, Bildergalerien Catch .44 - Dir. Jochen Taubert Western 1967 89min. Forest Whitaker, , Malin Komödie/Horror 2013 74min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Wild Akerman, Nikki Reed, Deborah Ann Woll, daredo media(Lumen Productions) Coyote) 15.05.2015 Shea Whigham, Brad Dourif, Michael 20.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065201 Rosenbaum - Dir. Aaron Harvey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065001 Audiokommentar The Butcher, the Chef and the Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 90min. Bobby und die Geisterjäger Swordsman Universum Film Home Entertainment Bobby En De Geestenjagers Dao Jian Xiao 12.02.2015 Hanna Obbeek, Nils Verkooijen, Bas van Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Masanobu Ando, You 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064605 Prooijen, Max van den Burg, Lotte Heijtenis, Benchang, Ashton Xu, Xiaoye Liu - Dir. Jelle Stout, Diana Dobbelman, Wil van der Wuershan Catch .44 - Der ganz große Coup Meer, Joke Tjalsma, Eva van der Gucht - Wendecover (Blu-ray) Dir. Martin Lagestee Action/Komödie 2010 92min. Catch .44 Fantasy 2013 82min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis, Malin justbridge entertainment GmbH 20.03.2015 View Film) 27.03.2015 Akerman, Nikki Reed, Deborah Ann Woll, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064678 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064529 Shea Whigham, Brad Dourif, Michael Bounty Hunters The Butcher, the Chef and the Rosenbaum - Dir. Aaron Harvey Audiokommentar Bounty Hunters Swordsman (Blu-ray) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 93min. Michael Dudikoff, Lisa Howard, Benjamin Dao Jian Xiao Universum Film Home Entertainment Ratner, Freddy Andreuici, Steve Makaj, Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Masanobu Ando, You 12.02.2015 Peter LaCroix, Ashanti Williams - Dir. Benchang, Ashton Xu, Xiaoye Liu - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064618 George Erschbamer Wuershan Action/Drama 1996 93min. Wendecover Cavemen VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 Action/Komödie 2010 96min. Cavemen 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064613 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Skylar Astin, Camilla Belle, Chad Michael View Film) 27.03.2015 Murray, Dayo Okeniyi, Alexis Knapp, Kenny Bounty Hunters (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064539 Wormald, Chasty Ballesteros, Jason Patric, Bounty Hunters Zuleyka Silver - Dir. Herschel Faber Michael Dudikoff, Lisa Howard, Benjamin Californication - The Complete Komödie/Drama 2014 88min. Ratner, Freddy Andreuici, Steve Makaj, Series (16 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 Peter LaCroix, Ashanti Williams - Dir. Californication 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064899 George Erschbamer David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Action/Drama 1996 97min. Madeleine Martin, Madeline Zima, Evan Cavemen (Blu-ray) VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 Handler Cavemen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064622 Diverse Skylar Astin, Camilla Belle, Chad Michael Drama/Satire 2007-2014 2380min. Murray, Dayo Okeniyi, Alexis Knapp, Kenny Bounty Hunters 2 - Hardball Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Wormald, Chasty Ballesteros, Jason Patric, Bounty Hunters II 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065160 Zuleyka Silver - Dir. Herschel Faber Michael Dudikoff, Steve Bacic, Lisa Komödie/Drama 2014 88min. Howard, Tony Curtis, Harvey Gold, Pablo Californication - The Complete Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 Coffey, Reese McBeth, April Telek, Dale Series (16 Discs) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064923 Wilson - Dir. George Erschbamer Californication Action/Komödie 1996 90min. David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Cedar Cove - Das Gesetz des Her- VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 Madeleine Martin, Madeline Zima, Evan zens: Die komplette erste Staffel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064614 Handler (4 Discs) Diverse Bounty Hunters 2 - Hardball (Blu- Drama/Satire 2007-2014 2281min. Cedar Cove ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Andie MacDowell, Dylan Neal, Teryl Rothery, Sarah Smyth, Bruce Boxleitner, Bounty Hunters II 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065147 Barbara Niven, Brennan Elliott, Corey Michael Dudikoff, Steve Bacic, Lisa Sevier, Paula Shaw - Dir. , Neill Howard, Tony Curtis, Harvey Gold, Pablo Camp X-Ray - Eine verbotene Lie- Fearnley, Michael Scott, Peter DeLuise, Coffey, Reese McBeth, April Telek, Dale be Andy Mikita Wilson - Dir. George Erschbamer Camp X-Ray Drama 630min. Action/Komödie 1996 94min. Kristen Stewart, Payman Maadi, John Studio Hamburg Enterprises 27.03.2015 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 Carroll Lynch, Lane Garrison, Joseph Juli- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064890

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Code 37 Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Chaostage - We Are Punks! (k.J.) , Marc Lauwrys, Gilles De Visier, Season Four, Part One Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Martin Schryver, Michael Pas, Carry Goossens, Law & Order: Criminal Intent Semmelrogge, Christoph Letkowski, Ralf Geert van Rampelberg, Ben Segers, Clara Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Richter, Ulrich Fassnacht, Stipe Erceg, Cleymans, Frederik Van de Moortel - Dir. Sheridan, Courtney B. Vance, Francie Henriette Müller, Christian Beuter, Oona von Jakob Verbruggen, Tim Mielants, Joël Swift, Tatum O’Neal, J.C. MacKenzie, Brian Maydell, Danny Deyer, Markus Bittmann, Vanhoebrouck, Jan Matthys Haley - Dir. Frank Prinzi, Jean de Miriam Walch, Erich Zander, Sabine von Kriminalfilm 2009-2012 590min. Segonzac, Alex Zakrzewski, Alex Chapple, Maydell, Rolf Zacher, Helge Schneider - Dir. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 03.04.2015 Kevin Dowling, Christopher Swartout, Rick Tarek Ehlail 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064771 Interviews, Featurettes Wallace, Bill L. Norton, Darnell Martin Drama/Episodenfilm 2008 91min. Coherence Kriminalfilm 2004-2005 506min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother Coherence 07.05.2015 Films) 12.02.2015 Emily Foxler, Maury Sterling, Nicholas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065102 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064552 Brendon, Elizabeth Gracen, Alex Manugian, Lauren Maher, Hugo Armstrong, Lorene Crossfighter - Zwei knallharte Charlie Chaplin - Slapstick Scafaria - Dir. James Ward Byrkit Collection Vol. 1 Trailer Profis (k.J.) Sir Charles Chaplin Thriller/Mystery 2013 84min. Cross Komödie 110min. Bildstörung 27.03.2015 Roland Giraud, Michel Sardou, Patrick BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 06.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064643 Bauchau, Marie-Anne Chazel, Stéphane 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065129 Jobert, Maxime Leroux - Dir. Philippe Set- Coherence (Blu-ray) bon Cheech and Chong’s Smoke Box Coherence Trailer Action/Thriller 1987 83min. (2 Discs) Emily Foxler, Maury Sterling, Nicholas Brendon, Elizabeth Gracen, Alex Manugian, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Cheech and Chong: Get Out of My Room / Lauren Maher, Hugo Armstrong, Lorene 02.02.2015 Born in East L.A. / Evil Bong / McHale’s Scafaria - Dir. James Ward Byrkit 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064480 Navy / A Million to Juan / Noch mehr Trailer Rauch um überhaupt nichts Thriller/Mystery 2013 88min. Crystal Skulls Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong Bildstörung 27.03.2015 Crystal Skulls Komödie 1980-2006 502min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064660 Dir. Todor Chapkanov Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 27.03.2015 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 84min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064769 Colossus - The Forbin Project EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064696 Der Clown - Die Serie, Staffel 1 (Widescreen Edition) The Forbin Project Sven Martinek, Diana Frank - Dir. Sigi Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, , Crystal Skulls (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) Rothemund, Hermann Joha William Schallert, Williard Sage, Leonid (Blu-ray) Thriller/Action 1998 600min. Rostoff - Dir. Joseph Sargent Crystal Skulls Universum Film Home Entertainment Science Fiction 1970 96min. Dir. Todor Chapkanov 12.02.2015 BROKEN SILENCE(Ostalgica) 06.03.2015 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064608 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065130 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 88min. EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Cobbler - Der Schuhmacher Coming In - Schwul oder nicht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064726 The Cobbler Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Dustin schwul? Das ist die Frage! Crystal Skulls (Blu-ray) Steffen Wink, Franka Potente, Helmut Hoffman, Dan Stevens, Melonie Diaz, Crystal Skulls Berger, Sebastian Rudolph - Dir. Thomas Sondra James - Dir. Thomas McCarthy Dir. Todor Chapkanov Komödie/Mystery 2014 90min. Bahmann Trailer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.05.2015 Komödie/Drama 1997 84min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065124 Turbine Medien(Diamant Video) 13.03.2015 EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064753 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064725 Cobbler - Der Schuhmacher (Blu- ray) Cosby - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Curtains - Wahn ohne Ende (Blu- Cosby The Cobbler ray) (k.J.) , Phylicia Rashad, , Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Dustin Curtains Doug E. Doug, T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh, Hoffman, Dan Stevens, Melonie Diaz, John Vernon, Samantha Eggar, Linda Darien Sills-Evans, Ranjit Chowdhry, Sondra James - Dir. Thomas McCarthy Thorson, Lynne Griffin, Michael Wincott, -Bell, Angelo Massagli, Komödie/Mystery 2014 94min. - Dir. Richard Ciupka Jurnee Smollett - Dir. Don Scardino, John Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.05.2015 Horror 1983 89min. Whitesell 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065141 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Komödie 1996-2000 528min. 24.04.2015 Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Code 37 - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065236 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064750 ray) Code 37 Crime Land Curtains - Wahn ohne Ende (k.J.) Curtains Veerle Baetens, Marc Lauwrys, Gilles De Shen Yong Shuang Xiang Pao John Vernon, Samantha Eggar, Linda Schryver, Michael Pas, Carry Goossens, Richard Ng, John Sham, Deannie Yip, Philip Thorson, Lynne Griffin, Michael Wincott, Geert van Rampelberg, Ben Segers, Clara Chan, Po Tai, Fat Chung, James Tien, Maury Chaykin - Dir. Richard Ciupka Cleymans, Frederik Van de Moortel - Dir. Jackie Chan, Lung Chan - Dir. Tung Cho Horror 1983 85min. Jakob Verbruggen, Tim Mielants, Joël ‘Joe’ Cheung Vanhoebrouck, Jan Matthys Bildergalerie, Trailer Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Kriminalfilm 2009-2012 614min. Action/Komödie 1984 91min. 24.04.2015 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 03.04.2015 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065227 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064812 02.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064476 The Cut Code 37 - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) The Cut

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Tahar Rahim, Simon Abkarian, Makram Dontoh, Allen Maldonado, Lauren Mae (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Khoury, Hindi Zahra, Kevork Malikyan, Shafer, Taylor Piedmonte, Grant Bowler, Disciples Bartu Küçükçaglayan, Zein Fakhoury, Dina Lance Reddick, Evalena Marie, Yvonne Tom Lodewyck, Tony Todd, Angus Scrimm - Fakhoury, Trine Dyrholm, Arsinée Khanjian, Yao, Morris Rong, Tai Bo - Dir. Howard J. Dir. Joe Hollow Akin Gazi, Shubham Saraf, George Ford, Jonathan Ford, Douglas Schulze, Trailer Georgiou, Arévik Martirossian, Lara Heller, Colin Theys, Joe Chien Horror 2014 87min. Moritz Bleibtreu - Dir. Fatih Akin Horror 2010-2012 369min. EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Making of,, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Wendecover AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064806 Drama/Historienfilm 2014 133min. AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.03.2015 Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064634 Disciples - Jünger des Satans 30.04.2015 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064638 The Dead Lands - Rache und Disciples The Cut (Blu-ray) Ehre der Krieger Tom Lodewyck, Tony Todd, Angus Scrimm - The Dead Lands Dir. Joe Hollow The Cut Xavier Horan, Raukura Turei, Rena Owen, Trailer Tahar Rahim, Simon Abkarian, Makram James Rolleston, Lawrence Makoare, Te Horror 2014 87min. Khoury, Hindi Zahra, Kevork Malikyan, Kohe Tuhaka - Dir. Toa Fraser EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Bartu Küçükçaglayan, Zein Fakhoury, Dina Abenteuer/Action 2014 108min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064805 Fakhoury, Trine Dyrholm, Arsinée Khanjian, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.04.2015 Akin Gazi, Shubham Saraf, George 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064560 Disciples - Jünger des Satans Georgiou, Arévik Martirossian, Lara Heller, (k.J.) Moritz Bleibtreu - Dir. Fatih Akin The Dead Lands - Rache und Making of, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Featurette, Disciples Trailer, Wendecover Ehre der Krieger (Blu-ray) Tom Lodewyck, Tony Todd, Angus Scrimm - Drama/Historienfilm 2014 139min. The Dead Lands Dir. Joe Hollow Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Xavier Horan, Raukura Turei, Rena Owen, Trailer Horror 2014 83min. 30.04.2015 James Rolleston, Lawrence Makoare, Te EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064657 Kohe Tuhaka - Dir. Toa Fraser 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064757 Abenteuer/Action 2014 112min. - Die komplette erste und Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.04.2015 - Siebter Doktor, zweite Staffel (7 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064590 Dallas Volume 3 (7 Discs) , Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray, Debug - Feindliches System Doctor Who Barbara Bel Geddes, Jim Davis, Victoria Debug Diverse Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1989 350min. Principal, Ken Kercheval, Charlene Tilton, Jeananne Goossen, Adrian Holmes, Jason Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Steve Kanaly Momoa - Dir. David Hewlett Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen Behind the Scenes, Trailer 24.04.2015 Drama 1978-1979 1350min. Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 82min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064968 Warner Home Video Germany 02.03.2015 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064954 14.04.2015 Domino - Live Fast, Die Young 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064559 (Blu-ray) Das grenzt an Liebe Domino And So It Goes Debug - Feindliches System (Blu- Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke, Édgar Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling ray) Ramírez, Rizwan Abessi, Ian Ziering, Brian Jerins, Annie Parisse, Michael Terra, Debug Austin Green, , Mena Sawyer Tanner Simpkins, Maxwell Simkins, Jeananne Goossen, Adrian Holmes, Jason Suvari, Jacqueline Bisset, Lucy Liu, Delroy Maurice Jones, Yaya DaCosta, Scott Momoa - Dir. David Hewlett Lindo, Mo’Nique, Macy Gray, Shondrella Shepherd, Andy Karl, , Behind the Scenes, Trailer Avery, Joseph Nuñez, Dabney Coleman, Frankie Valli, Luke Robertson, Meryl Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 86min. Stanley Kamel - Dir. Tony Scott Williams, David Aaron Baker - Dir. Rob Rei- Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Action/Thriller 2005 125min. ner 14.04.2015 Highlight Communications Komödie/Lovestory 2014 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064588 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.05.2015 Senator Home Entertainment 17.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065072 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064528 Demonic Woman (k.J.) Belcebú Don Carlos - Infant von Spanien Das grenzt an Liebe (Blu-ray) Oscar Pastor, Mapi Romero, Diego Rolf Boysen, Marita Marschall - Dir. Franz And So It Goes Braguinsky, Rubén Rodríguez - Dir. Sergio Peter Wirth Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling Blasco Drama 1984 175min. Jerins, Annie Parisse, Michael Terra, Trailer AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Sawyer Tanner Simpkins, Maxwell Simkins, Horror/Komödie 2005 71min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.04.2015 Maurice Jones, Yaya DaCosta, Scott Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065189 Shepherd, Andy Karl, Frances Sternhagen, 02.02.2015 Frankie Valli, Luke Robertson, Meryl 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064485 The Driller Killer (Uncut Version) Williams, David Aaron Baker - Dir. Rob Rei- Die überleben wollen (k.J.) (k.J.) ner The Driller Killer Apocalypse II: Revelation Komödie/Lovestory 2014 94min. Abel Ferrara, Carolyn Marz, Baybi Day, Jeff Fahey, Carol Alt, , Tony Senator Home Entertainment 17.04.2015 Harry Schultz, Alan Wynroth - Dir. Abel Nappo, Leigh Lewis, David Roddis - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064538 Ferrara Andre van Heerden Thriller/Horror 1979 96min. Dead Invasion - Ultimate Trailer Horror/Fantasy 1999 87min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.03.2015 Collection (Special Collector’s Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064869 Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 02.03.2015 The Dead / Mimesis - Night of the Living 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065017 Dritte Person Dead / Remains of the Walking Dead / Third Person Zombie World War Disciples - Jünger des Satans Liam Neeson, Maria Bello, Mila Kunis, Kim Rob Freeman, Prince David Oseia, David Basinger, Adrien Brody, Olivia Wilde, James

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Franco, Loan Chabanol, Oliver Crouch, Austin Kearney, Alison Kotila, Miley Stock- Vandervoort, Dustin Milligan, Devon Moran Atias, David Harewood, Caroline ton, Mike Hawkins, Kail Harbick, Tara Bostick, Ray Liotta, Tatiana Maslany, Goodall - Dir. Paul Haggis Brown, Joshua T. Hardcastle - Dir. Shane Stephen McHattie, John Bregar - Dir. Aaron Drama 2013 132min. Hawks Woodley Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Trailer Thriller/Drama 2011 96min. 09.04.2015 Drama 2011 82min. Maritim Pictures 19.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064519 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) tba BestellNr.: 20065139 02.03.2015 Dritte Person (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065023 Escape the Past Third Person The Veteran Liam Neeson, Maria Bello, Mila Kunis, Kim Das Ende der Geduld Ally Sheedy, Bobby Hosea, Michael Basinger, Adrien Brody, Olivia Wilde, James Martina Gedeck, Jörg Hartmann, Sascha Ironside, Casper Van Dien, Colin Glazer, Franco, Loan Chabanol, Oliver Crouch, Alexander Gersak, Sesede Terziyan, Sean Baek, Donald Burda, Joseph Griffin - Moran Atias, David Harewood, Caroline Mohamed Issa, Hassan Issa, Jörg Dir. Sidney J. Furie Goodall - Dir. Paul Haggis Gudzuhn, Lukas Miko, Marie Gruber, Mathil- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 88min. Drama 2013 137min. de Bundschuh, Anis Ramid, Raymond Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.04.2015 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Tarabay, Meriam Abbas, Rike Eckermann - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064786 09.04.2015 Dir. Christian Wagner 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064534 Drama 2014 89min. Escape the Past (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 The Veteran Dune - Der Wüstenplanet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064751 Ally Sheedy, Bobby Hosea, Michael Dune Ironside, Casper Van Dien, Colin Glazer, William Hurt, Saskia Reeves, Alec Newman, Die Entdeckung der Unendlich- Sean Baek, Donald Burda, Joseph Griffin - Giancarlo Giannini, Muriel Baumeister, Uwe keit Dir. Sidney J. Furie Ochsenknecht, Ian McNeice, Barbara The Theory Of Everything Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 91min. Kodetová, Julie Cox - Dir. John S. Harrison Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Charlie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.04.2015 Interview, Wendecover Cox, Emily Watson, Simon McBurney, David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064821 Science Fiction 2000 169min. Thewlis, Harry Lloyd, Adam Godley - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) James Marsh Everly - Die Waffen einer Frau 12.02.2015 Drama/Biographie 2014 118min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064546 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Everly 07.05.2015 Eagle Shadow Fist (k.J.) , Jennifer Blanc, Togo Igawa, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065092 Caroline Chikezie, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Ding Tian Li Di Gabriella Wright, Aisha Ayamah, Laura Wong Chung, Jackie Chan, Mu Zhu - Dir. Die Entdeckung der Unendlich- Cepeda - Dir. Joe Lynch Zhuo Wu, Mu Zhu keit (Blu-ray) Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Trailer Action/Eastern 1973 87min. The Theory Of Everything Action 2014 93min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Charlie Splendid Film 29.05.2015 02.02.2015 Cox, Emily Watson, Simon McBurney, David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064993 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064477 Thewlis, Harry Lloyd, Adam Godley - Dir. Everly - Die Waffen einer Frau Eat - Ich hab mich zum Fressen James Marsh Drama/Biographie 2014 123min. (k.J.) gern! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Everly Eat 07.05.2015 Salma Hayek, Jennifer Blanc, Togo Igawa, Meggie Maddock, Ali Francis, Maru Garcia, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065108 Caroline Chikezie, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Jeremy Make, Dakota Pike, Jeff Maez, Chri- Gabriella Wright, Aisha Ayamah, Laura stine Olyer, John Schmidt, Luke Sorge - Dir. Die Entführung der Achille Lauro Cepeda - Dir. Joe Lynch Jimmy Weber Il Sequestro Dell’Achille Lauro Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2013 91min. Burt Lancaster, , Robert Action 2014 89min. Mad Dimension GmbH 27.03.2015 Culp, Renzo Montagnani, Rebecca Splendid Film 29.05.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064503 Schaeffer, Brian Bloom, Dominique Sanda, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064977 Bernard Fresson, Joseph Nasser - Dir. Eat - Ich hab mich zum Fressen Alberto Negrin Excision (Blu-ray) (k.J.) gern! (k.J.) Booklet, Hintergrundinfo Excision Eat Drama 1990 180min. AnnaLynne McCord, Traci Lords, Ariel Win- Meggie Maddock, Ali Francis, Maru Garcia, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing ter, Roger Bart, Jeremy Sumpter, John Jeremy Make, Dakota Pike, Jeff Maez, Chri- AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 24.04.2015 Waters, Malcolm McDowell, Marlee Matlin, stine Olyer, John Schmidt, Luke Sorge - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064860 Matthew Gray Gubler, Ray Wise, Molly Jimmy Weber McCook, Natalie Dreyfuss - Dir. Richard Thriller/Horror 2013 87min. The Entitled - Ein „fast“ perfektes Bates Jr. Mad Dimension GmbH 27.03.2015 Opfer Trailer Horror/Satire 2012 81min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064472 The Entitled AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kevin Zegers, Victor Garber, Laura AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.03.2015 Die Eindringlinge Vandervoort, Dustin Milligan, Devon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064541 The Intruders Bostick, Ray Liotta, Tatiana Maslany, Miranda Cosgrove, Donal Logue, Tom Stephen McHattie, John Bregar - Dir. Aaron Excision (k.J.) Sizemore - Dir. Adam Massey Woodley Excision Thriller 2015 92min. Thriller/Drama 2011 91min. AnnaLynne McCord, Traci Lords, Ariel Win- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Maritim Pictures 19.05.2015 ter, Roger Bart, Jeremy Sumpter, John 30.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20065122 Waters, Malcolm McDowell, Marlee Matlin, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064525 The Entitled - Ein „fast“ perfektes Matthew Gray Gubler, Ray Wise, Molly Das einsame Pferd McCook, Natalie Dreyfuss - Dir. Richard Opfer (Blu-ray) Bates Jr. Saving Winston The Entitled Trailer Victoria Emmons, Meghan McCabe-Habrat, Kevin Zegers, Victor Garber, Laura Horror/Satire 2012 78min.

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AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Trailer, Featurette, Drehbuchauszüge Foxtrot - Tödliches Inselparadies Action/Thriller 1981 94min. AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.03.2015 Foxtrot cmv-Laservision 17.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064531 Peter O’Toole, Charlotte Rampling, Max von 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065211 Sydow - Dir. Arturo Ripstein Exodus: Götter und Könige Farewell to the King Drama 1975 90min. Exodus: Gods And Kings AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Christian Bale, , John (Remastered) AG(Exclusive Media) 20.03.2015 Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Farewell To The King 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064629 Sigourney Weaver, Sir Ben Kingsley, María , Nigel Havers, James Fox, Valverde, Dar Salim, Golshifteh Farahani, Marilyn Tokuda, Frank McRae, Aki Aleong - Frankensteins Tochter Indira Varma, Emun Elliott - Dir. Ridley Scott Dir. John Milius Frankenstein’s Daughter Drama 2014 144min. Action/Abenteuer 1988 114min. John Ashley, Sandra Knight, Donald Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Black Hill Pictures 27.03.2015 Murphy, Sally Todd, jr., Fritz Germany 07.05.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064761 Locher - Dir. Richard Cunha 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064905 Trailer, Bildergalerie Farewell to the King Horror/Thriller 1958 81min. Exodus: Götter und Könige (Blu- (Remastered) (Blu-ray) BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 20.02.2015 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Farewell To The King 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064879 Exodus: Gods And Kings Nick Nolte, Nigel Havers, James Fox, Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Marilyn Tokuda, Frank McRae, Aki Aleong - Franklin & Bash - Die komplette Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Dir. John Milius erste Season (3 Discs) Sigourney Weaver, Sir Ben Kingsley, María Action/Abenteuer 1988 118min. Franklin & Bash Valverde, Dar Salim, Golshifteh Farahani, Black Hill Pictures 27.03.2015 Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Indira Varma, Emun Elliott - Dir. Ridley Scott 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064809 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama 2014 151min. 09.04.2015 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fargo - Season 1 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064517 Germany 07.05.2015 Fargo 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064927 Billy Bob Thornton Frau Müller muss weg Drama 2014 min. Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Justus von Exodus: Götter und Könige (Blu- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dohnányi, Anke Engelke, Ken Duken, Mina ray) Germany 07.05.2015 Tander, Alwara Höfels, Rainer Galke, Jür- Exodus: Gods And Kings 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064739 gen Maurer, Dagmar Sachse - Dir. Sönke Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Wortmann Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Fargo - Season 1 (Blu-ray) Komödie 2014 min. Sigourney Weaver, Sir Ben Kingsley, María Fargo Highlight Communications Valverde, Dar Salim, Golshifteh Farahani, Billy Bob Thornton (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.07.2015 Indira Varma, Emun Elliott - Dir. Ridley Scott Drama 2014 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065025 Drama 2014 151min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 07.05.2015 Frau Müller muss weg (Blu-ray) Germany 07.05.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064741 Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Justus von 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064926 Dohnányi, Anke Engelke, Ken Duken, Mina Father Brown - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Tander, Alwara Höfels, Rainer Galke, Jür- F-117A Stealth-War (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Father Brown gen Maurer, Dagmar Sachse - Dir. Sönke Interceptor Mark Williams, Tom Chambers, Sorcha Wortmann Jürgen Prochnow, Andrew Divoff, Cusack, Nancy Carroll, Alex Price - Dir. Ian Komödie 2014 min. Elizabeth Morehead, J. Kenneth Campbell, Barber, Matt Carter, Dominic Keavey, Paul Highlight Communications Jon Cedar - Dir. Michael Cohn Gibson (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.07.2015 Action/Thriller 1992 93min. Kriminalfilm 2014 442min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065074 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 polyband Medien GmbH 13.05.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064715 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064969 Fräulein Julie Miss Julie F-117A Stealth-War (k.J.) Found - Mein Bruder ist ein Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, Samantha Interceptor Serienkiller (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Morton, Nora McMenamy - Dir. Liv Ullmann Jürgen Prochnow, Andrew Divoff, Found Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2014 129min. Elizabeth Morehead, J. Kenneth Campbell, Gavin Brown, Ethan Philbeck, Phyllis Alamode Film 15.05.2015 Jon Cedar - Dir. Michael Cohn Munro, Louie Lawless, Shane Beasley, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064639 Action/Thriller 1992 89min. Andy Alphonse, Alex Kogin, Dane Irwin - VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Dir. Scott Schirmer Friesland: Mörderische Gezeiten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064684 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2012 99min. / Familiengeheimnisse Ein Fall für Zwei - Das neue Er- Meteor Film 09.04.2015 Kriminalfilm 180min. mittlerduo (2 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064730 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) 20.03.2015 Antoine Monot, Jr., Wanja Mues, Christina Found - Mein Bruder ist ein 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064894 Hecke Serienkiller (k.J.) Kriminalfilm min. Das Geheimnis der Murmel-Gang MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Found Zipi Y Zape Y El Club De La Canica Products) 06.03.2015 Gavin Brown, Ethan Philbeck, Phyllis Javier Gutiérrez, Daniel Cerezo, Álex 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064681 Munro, Louie Lawless, Shane Beasley, Andy Alphonse, Alex Kogin, Dane Irwin - Angulo, Raúl Rivas, Joseba Apaolaza, Der Fan (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Scott Schirmer Claudia Vega, Marcos Ruiz, Fran García, Christian Mulas, Anibal Tártalo, Javier Désirée Nosbusch, Bodo Steiger, Simone Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2012 95min. Cifrián, Alberto López - Dir. Oskar Santos Brahmann, Joachim Fuchsberger, Jonas Meteor Film 09.04.2015 Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Vischer, Helga Tölle, Klaus Münster, Ian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064701 Abenteuer 2013 88min. Moorse, Thomas Fuchsberger - Dir. Eckhart capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Schmidt

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17.04.2015 Aaron Dean Eisenberg, J. Walter Holland, Taylor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065186 Liz Fenning, Jared Grey, Domiziano Komödie 1971-1973 224min. Arcangeli, Jeffrey Damnit, Hans Uder, Ford WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 24.04.2015 Das Geheimnis der Murmel-Gang Austin - Dir. Mauro Borrelli 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064966 (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2011 94min. Zipi Y Zape Y El Club De La Canica KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother Der große Trip - Wild Javier Gutiérrez, Daniel Cerezo, Álex Films) 12.02.2015 Wild Angulo, Raúl Rivas, Joseba Apaolaza, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064584 Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Thomas Claudia Vega, Marcos Ruiz, Fran García, Sadoski, Michiel Huisman, Gaby Hoffmann, Christian Mulas, Anibal Tártalo, Javier Goldenes Königreich Kevin Rankin, W. Earl Brown, Mo McRae, Cifrián, Alberto López - Dir. Oskar Santos Golden Kingdom Keene McRae - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Shine Htet Zaw, Ko Yin Saw Ri, Ko Yin Drama 2014 112min. Abenteuer 2013 92min. Than Maung, Ko Yin Maung Sein, Sein Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Sayadaw U Zaw Ti Ka - Dir. Brian Perkins Germany 21.05.2015 17.04.2015 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064906 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065210 Drama 2015 99min. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Der große Trip - Wild (Blu-ray) Gemeinderätin Schumann - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064839 Wild Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Thomas komplette 13-teilige Serie (2 Goldenes Königreich (Blu-ray) Discs) Sadoski, Michiel Huisman, Gaby Hoffmann, Golden Kingdom Kevin Rankin, W. Earl Brown, Mo McRae, Antje Hagen, Hartmut Reck, Astrid Boner, Shine Htet Zaw, Ko Yin Saw Ri, Ko Yin Keene McRae - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée Konrad Georg, Horst Michael Neutze - Dir. Than Maung, Ko Yin Maung Sein, Sein Drama 2014 116min. Helmut Kissel Sayadaw U Zaw Ti Ka - Dir. Brian Perkins Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 1973 321min. Trailer Germany 21.05.2015 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.04.2015 Drama 2015 103min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064928 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065118 Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064853 German Angst (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Großstadtrevier - Box 11, Folge Annika Strauss, Milton Welsh, Daniel Faust, The Good Lie - Der Preis der 164 bis 175 (4 Discs) Matthan Harris, David Masterson, Andreas Freiheit Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter Pape, Denis Lyons, Désirée Giorgetti - Dir. The Good Lie Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Jörg Buttgereit, Michal Kosakowski, Andre- Reese Witherspoon, Arnold Oceng, Ger Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike as Marschall Duany, Emmanuel Jal, Corey Stoll, Kuoth Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens Trailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Wiel, Femi Oguns, Sarah Baker - Dir. Horror/Episodenfilm 2015 119min. Münchow Philippe Falardeau Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 15.05.2015 Kriminalfilm/Drama 650min. Drama 2014 105min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065110 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Highlight Communications 02.03.2015 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.06.2015 German Angst (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064983 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065024 Annika Strauss, Milton Welsh, Daniel Faust, Matthan Harris, David Masterson, Andreas The Good Lie - Der Preis der Großstadtrevier - Box 20, Folge Pape, Denis Lyons, Désirée Giorgetti - Dir. Freiheit (Blu-ray) 295 bis 309 (4 Discs) Jörg Buttgereit, Michal Kosakowski, Andre- Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, The Good Lie as Marschall Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter Reese Witherspoon, Arnold Oceng, Ger Trailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Horror/Episodenfilm 2015 115min. Duany, Emmanuel Jal, Corey Stoll, Kuoth Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 15.05.2015 Wiel, Femi Oguns, Sarah Baker - Dir. Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065094 Philippe Falardeau Münchow Drama 2014 109min. Special Ein Geschenk der Götter Highlight Communications Kriminalfilm/Drama 750min. Katharina Marie Schubert, Adam (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.06.2015 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Bousdoukos, Marion Breckwoldt, Paul Faß- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065073 02.03.2015 nacht, Katharina Hauter, Rainer Furch, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064982 Canan Kir, Maik Solbach, Rick Okon, Eva Grauadler Löbau, Luise Heyer, Felix Knopp, Tini Grayeagle Großstadtrevier - Box 22, Folge Prüfert, Bernd Grawert - Dir. Oliver Haffner Ben Johnson, Alex Cord, Lana Wood, Iron 327 bis 342 (5 Discs) Komödie 2014 100min. Eyes Cody, Jack Elam, Paul Fix - Dir. Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, good!movies(Arsenal) 20.03.2015 Charles B. Pierce Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064747 Western/Abenteuer 1977 100min. Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.04.2015 Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike The Ghostmaker - Fürchte das 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064965 Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens Leben nach dem Tod Die große Box der Romanzen (2 Münchow Box Of Shadows Doku Aaron Dean Eisenberg, J. Walter Holland, Discs) Kriminalfilm/Drama 780min. Liz Fenning, Jared Grey, Domiziano Damals in / Penny Serenade Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Arcangeli, Jeffrey Damnit, Hans Uder, Ford Drama 250min. 02.03.2015 Austin - Dir. Mauro Borrelli Edel Germany(Inter-Pathé) 27.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064984 Horror/Mystery 2011 91min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064960 KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother Großstadtrevier - Box 23, Folge Films) 12.02.2015 Die große Fritz the Cat Box (3 343 bis 358 (4 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064551 Discs) Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, Fritz the Cat / Die neun Leben von Fritz Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter The Ghostmaker - Fürchte das the Cat / Starker Verkehr Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Leben nach dem Tod (Blu-ray) Joseph Kaufmann, Beverly Hope Atkinson, Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike Box Of Shadows Robert Easton - Dir. Ralph Bakshi, Robert Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens

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Münchow DVD) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 Kriminalfilm/Drama 780min. The Guest 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065235 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Dan Stevens, Maika Monroe, Brendan Mey- 02.03.2015 er, Sheila Kelley, Leland Orser, Lance Haunting in Salem (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064985 Reddick, Joel Moore, Candice Patton, A Haunting In Salem Chase Williamson - Dir. Adam Wingard Bill Oberst Jr., Courtney Abbiati, Jenna Großstadtrevier - Box 24, Folge Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Audiokommentar Stone, Ashley Barron, Nicholas Harsin, 359 bis 374 (4 Discs) Thriller 2014 100min. Sonny King, Catherine Lidstone, Josh Ro- Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, Splendid Film 24.04.2015 man, Carey Van Dyke, Gerald Webb - Dir. Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064848 Shane Van Dyke Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Bildergalerie,Trailer, Making of, Bloopers Horror 2011 83min. Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike The Guvnors Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens The Guvnors 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065234 Münchow Harley Sylvester, Doug Allen, Jay Simpson, Vas Blackwood, Tony Denham, Martin Kriminalfilm/Drama 780min. Haunting in Salem (k.J.) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Hancock, Charley Palmer Merkel, Richard A Haunting In Salem 10.04.2015 Blackwood, David Essex - Dir. Gabe Turner Bill Oberst Jr., Courtney Abbiati, Jenna 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064981 Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 95min. Maritim Pictures 14.04.2015 Stone, Ashley Barron, Nicholas Harsin, Großstadtrevier - Der Anfang: 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064837 Sonny King, Catherine Lidstone, Josh Ro- man, Carey Van Dyke, Gerald Webb - Dir. Folge 1 bis 36 (10 Discs) The Guvnors (Blu-ray) Shane Van Dyke Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder, The Guvnors Bildergalerie,Trailer, Making of, Bloopers Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter Horror 2011 80min. Harley Sylvester, Doug Allen, Jay Simpson, Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 Vas Blackwood, Tony Denham, Martin Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck, Mareike 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065226 Hancock, Charley Palmer Merkel, Richard Carrière, Kay Sabban, Saskia Fischer, Jens Blackwood, David Essex - Dir. Gabe Turner Münchow Heart of a Lion Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 99min. Doku über Jürgen Roland (45 Min), Jubiläumsspecial, Best of Leijonasydän Maritim Pictures 14.04.2015 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1800min. Peter Franzén, Laura Birn, Jasper 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064850 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Pääkkönen, Yusufa Sidibeh, Timo 02.03.2015 The Guyver (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) Lavikainen, Jussi Vatanen, Mikko 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064986 Neuvonen, Niko Vakkuri - Dir. Dome Guyver Karukoski Mark Hamill, Vivian Wu, Jack Armstrong, Grzimek Drama 2013 95min. Jimmie Walker, David Gale, Michael Ulrich Tukur, Barbara Auer, Katharina Mad Dimension GmbH 29.05.2015 Berryman, Peter Spellos, Spice Williams, Schüttler, Jan Lennart Krauter, Christian 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065195 Redl, Filip Peeters, Jerry Hofmann - Dir. Willard Pugh, Jeffrey Combs - Dir. Steve Roland Suso Richter Wang, Screaming Mad George Heart of a Lion (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Horror 1991 89min. Drama/Biographie 173min. Leijonasydän VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Universum Film Home Entertainment(ARD Peter Franzén, Laura Birn, Jasper 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064719 Video) 04.04.2015 Pääkkönen, Yusufa Sidibeh, Timo 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064679 Halo: Nightfall (Limited Special Lavikainen, Jussi Vatanen, Mikko Neuvonen, Niko Vakkuri - Dir. Dome Grzimek (Blu-ray) Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Karukoski Ulrich Tukur, Barbara Auer, Katharina Halo: Nightfall Drama 2013 99min. Schüttler, Jan Lennart Krauter, Christian , Steven Waddington, Christina Mad Dimension GmbH 29.05.2015 Redl, Filip Peeters, Jerry Hofmann - Dir. Chong, Christian Contreras, Luke Neal, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065216 Roland Suso Richter Alexander Bhat, Jennie Gruner, Eric Kofi- Drama/Biographie 173min. Abrefa, Alexis Rodney - Dir. Sergio Mimica- Heidi Universum Film Home Entertainment(ARD Gezzan Heidi Video) 04.04.2015 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Emma Bolger, Max von Sydow, Geraldine Science Fiction/Action 2014 98min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064680 Chaplin, Diana Rigg, Pauline McLynn, Sam polyband Medien GmbH 17.03.2015 Friend, Jessica Claridge, Del Synnott, Kellie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064586 The Guest (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Shirley, Robert Bathurst, Oliver Ford The Guest Die Halsband Affäre Davies, Caroline Pegg - Dir. Paul Marcus Dan Stevens, Maika Monroe, Brendan Mey- Kinderfilm/Drama 2005 104min. Cagliostro er, Sheila Kelley, Leland Orser, Lance FilmConfect Home Entertainment Bekim Fehmiu, Massimo Girotti, Curd Jür- Reddick, Joel Moore, Candice Patton, 27.03.2015 gens, Ida Galli, Anna Orso, Luigi Pistilli, Chase Williamson - Dir. Adam Wingard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065055 Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Audiokommentar Adolfo Lastretti, Luigi Montini, Rosanna Thriller 2014 100min. Schiaffino - Dir. Daniele Pettinari Die Heineken Entführung Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Drama 1974 100min. De Heineken Ontvoering 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064847 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.04.2015 Rutger Hauer, Reinout Scholten van 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064767 The Guest (k.J.) Aschat, Gijs Naber - Dir. Maarten Treurniet Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie The Guest Haunting in Salem (Blu-ray 3D) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 118min. Dan Stevens, Maika Monroe, Brendan Mey- (Blu-ray) (k.J.) KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 30.03.2015 er, Sheila Kelley, Leland Orser, Lance A Haunting In Salem 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064576 Reddick, Joel Moore, Candice Patton, Bill Oberst Jr., Courtney Abbiati, Jenna Chase Williamson - Dir. Adam Wingard Stone, Ashley Barron, Nicholas Harsin, Die Heineken Entführung (Blu- Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Audiokommentar Sonny King, Catherine Lidstone, Josh Ro- Thriller 2014 96min. ray) man, Carey Van Dyke, Gerald Webb - Dir. Splendid Film 24.04.2015 De Heineken Ontvoering Shane Van Dyke 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064835 Rutger Hauer, Reinout Scholten van Bildergalerie,Trailer, Making of, Bloopers Aschat, Gijs Naber - Dir. Maarten Treurniet Horror 2011 83min. The Guest (Limited Edition, + Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie

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Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 123min. Michael Rooker, Tom Towles, Tracy Arnold, Johannes Silberschneider, Michael Kranz, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 30.03.2015 Eric Young, David Katz, Rick Paul - Dir. Joachim Nimtz, Susanne Schroeder, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064601 John McNaughton Marcus Calvin, Jörg Witte, Marc Benjamin, Thriller/Drama 1986 79min. Ilja Roßbander, Thomas Gräßle, Moritz Fi- Heldt - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Bildstörung 27.03.2015 scher - Dir. Christian Bach Kai Schumann, Janine Kunze, Timo Dierkes, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064648 Making of, Interviews, Trailer Angelika Bartsch, Yunus Cumartpay, Felix Drama 2013 92min. Vörtler - Dir. Olaf Kreinsen, Gero Wein- Herz aus Stahl Movienet Film 10.04.2015 reuter, Buddy Giovinazzo Fury 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064882 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2013 270min. , Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal, Jason Isaacs, Der Hobbit - Die Spielfilm-Trilo- 30.04.2015 Scott Eastwood, Jim Parrack, Brad William gie (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065228 Henke, Kevin Vance - Dir. David Ayer Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Heere / Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 129min. Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise / Der Helen Dorn: Bis zum Anschlag Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde Anna Loos, Matthias Matschke, Joachim 07.05.2015 Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Król, Stephan Bissmeier, Barnaby tba BestellNr.: 20065156 Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir , Metschurat, Oliver Bröcker, Marek Harloff, Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Luna Marie Esteban Loos, Thomas Herz aus Stahl (2 Discs, Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Kautenburger, Michael Abendroth - Dir. Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Markus Imboden Fury Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, Kriminalfilm 2015 90min. Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal, Jason Isaacs, McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James 27.02.2015 Scott Eastwood, Jim Parrack, Brad William Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064652 Henke, Kevin Vance - Dir. David Ayer Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 134min. Fantasy 2012-2014 460min. Hell of Prison / Bloody Horror Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Trip (2 Discs) (k.J.) 07.05.2015 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065116 Hell of Prison / Bloody Horror Trip (2 tba BestellNr.: 20065163 Discs) Der Hobbit - Die Spielfilm-Trilo- Horror 195min. Herz aus Stahl (Blu-ray) gie (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Fury Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Heere / 02.02.2015 Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise / Der 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064481 Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal, Jason Isaacs, Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde Scott Eastwood, Jim Parrack, Brad William Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Hell on Wheels - Die komplette Henke, Kevin Vance - Dir. David Ayer Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, vierte Staffel (4 Discs) Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 134min. Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Hell On Wheels Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Robin 07.05.2015 Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark McLeavy - Dir. Neil LaBute tba BestellNr.: 20065162 Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, Western/Drama 2014 585min. William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Himmel und Hölle (2 Discs) McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James 24.04.2015 State Buoni... Se Potete Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064970 Johnny Dorelli, Philippe Leroy, Flora Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Carabella, Eurilla Del Bona, Franco Fantasy 2012-2014 500min. Hell on Wheels - Die komplette Iavarone, Mario Adorf - Dir. Luigi Magni Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Entfallene Szenen 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065133 vierte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama 1984 261min. Hell On Wheels Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.03.2015 Der Hobbit - Die Spielfilm-Trilo- Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Robin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064885 McLeavy - Dir. Neil LaBute gie (6 Discs, Steelbooks) (Blu-ray) Western/Drama 2014 585min. Eine himmlische Familie - Die Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Heere / Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise / Der WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) komplette 09. Staffel (5 Discs) 24.04.2015 Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde 7th Heaven 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064974 Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Drama/Familie 2004-2005 940min. Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Hanna Hellmann (2 Discs) Concorde Home Entertainment 21.05.2015 Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065002 Drama/Heimatfilm 2014-2015 180min. Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Eine himmlische Familie - Die 10.04.2015 Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065245 komplette 10. Staffel (5 Discs) William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret 7th Heaven McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James Henry - Portrait of a Serial Killer Drama/Familie 2006 940min. Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Concorde Home Entertainment 21.05.2015 Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065003 Bilbo’s Journal Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer Fantasy 2012-2014 500min. Michael Rooker, Tom Towles, Tracy Arnold, Eine himmlische Familie - Die Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Eric Young, David Katz, Rick Paul - Dir. 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065134 John McNaughton komplette 11. Staffel (5 Discs) Thriller/Drama 1986 82min. 7th Heaven Der Hobbit - Die Spielfilm-Trilo- Drama/Familie 2007 940min. Bildstörung 27.03.2015 gie (Blu-ray 3D, 12 Discs) (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064661 Concorde Home Entertainment 21.05.2015 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065004 ray) Henry - Portrait of a Serial Killer Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Heere / (k.J.) Hirngespinster Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise / Der Tobias Moretti, Stephanie Japp, Jonas Nay, Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer Hanna Plaß, Ella Frey, Stefan Hunstein, Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard

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Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Heere (Blu-ray) , Patrick Wilson, Jordana Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Brewster, Kevin McKidd, James Belushi, Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Armies A.J. Buckley, Bryce Johnson, Madison Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Wolfe, Yohance Myles - Dir. Anthony Burns Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, Armitage, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Komödie 2015 98min. William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Stott, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James James Nesbitt, Billy Connolly, Aidan Turner, 07.05.2015 Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, Robert Kazinsky, Graham McTavish, tba BestellNr.: 20065164 Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Mikael Fantasy 2012-2014 500min. Persbrandt, Sylvester McCoy, Peter The Homesman Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed The Homesman 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065135 Brophy, William Kircher, Stephen Hunter, Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary Swank, Miranda Adam R. Brown, Cate Blanchett - Dir. Peter Otto, Grace Gummer, Sonja Richter, Hailee Der Hobbit - Die Spielfilm-Trilo- Jackson Steinfeld, Meryl Streep, John Lithgow, gie (Blu-ray 3D, Steelbooks, 12 Featurettes, Musikvideo James Spader, Barry Corbin, , Discs) (Blu-ray) Fantasy 2014 144min. Tim Blake Nelson, William Fichtner, Jesse Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Plemons, Evan Jones, Caroline Lagerfelt, Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Heere / 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064994 Karen Jones - Dir. Tommy Lee Jones Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise / Der Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde Höhere Gewalt Western/Drama 2014 118min. Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Turist Universum Film Home Entertainment Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Johannes Kuhnke, Lisa Loven Kongsli, 17.04.2015 Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Clara Wettergren, Vincent Wettergren, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064832 Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Kristofer Hivju, Fanni Metelius - Dir. Ruben Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Östlund The Homesman (Blu-ray) Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, Making of, Interview, Trailer The Homesman William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Drama 2014 115min. Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary Swank, Miranda McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James Alamode Film 24.04.2015 Otto, Grace Gummer, Sonja Richter, Hailee Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064797 Steinfeld, Meryl Streep, John Lithgow, Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson James Spader, Barry Corbin, David Dencik, Bilbo’s Journal Höhere Gewalt (Blu-ray) Tim Blake Nelson, William Fichtner, Jesse Fantasy 2012-2014 500min. Turist Plemons, Evan Jones, Caroline Lagerfelt, Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 Johannes Kuhnke, Lisa Loven Kongsli, Karen Jones - Dir. Tommy Lee Jones 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065136 Clara Wettergren, Vincent Wettergren, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Western/Drama 2014 123min. Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Kristofer Hivju, Fanni Metelius - Dir. Ruben Östlund Universum Film Home Entertainment Heere Making of, Interview, Trailer 17.04.2015 The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Drama 2014 120min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064844 Armies Alamode Film 24.04.2015 Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064827 Hope Lost (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Armitage, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Hope Lost Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Stott, Die Höhlenkinder - Die komplette Mischa Barton, Michael Madsen, Daniel James Nesbitt, Billy Connolly, Aidan Turner, 10-teilige Serie (2 Discs) Baldwin - Dir. David Petrucci Robert Kazinsky, Graham McTavish, I Ragazzi Della Valle Misteriosa Drama/Thriller 2015 94min. Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Mikael Kim Rossi Stuart, Veronica Logan, Mad Dimension GmbH 22.05.2015 Persbrandt, Sylvester McCoy, Peter Alessandro Haber - Dir. Marcello Aliprandi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064950 Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Abenteuer/Drama 1984 250min. Brophy, William Kircher, Stephen Hunter, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Hope Lost (k.J.) Adam R. Brown, Cate Blanchett - Dir. Peter 17.04.2015 Hope Lost Jackson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065229 Mischa Barton, Michael Madsen, Daniel Featurette Baldwin - Dir. David Petrucci Fantasy 2014 139min. Das Höllentor der Shaolin Drama/Thriller 2015 91min. Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 (Ungeschnittene Fassung) Mad Dimension GmbH 22.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064978 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064946 Nan Shao Lin Yu Bei Shao Lin Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Sun Chieng, Lu Feng, Lo Meng, Chiang Horsehead - Wach auf, wenn du Heere (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Sheng, Philip Kwok, Pai Wei, Lung Wei Wang - Dir. Chang Cheh kannst... (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Trailer, Artworkgalerie, Doku Horsehead Armies Action/Eastern 1979 99min. Catriona MacColl, Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux, Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Philippe Nahon, Murray Head, Gala Besson, Armitage, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke 02.02.2015 Fu’ad Aït Aattou, Vernon Dobtcheff, Joe Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Stott, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064478 Sheridan - Dir. Romain Basset James Nesbitt, Billy Connolly, Aidan Turner, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Robert Kazinsky, Graham McTavish, Home Sweet Hell Horror/Mystery 2014 93min. Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Mikael Home Sweet Hell Donau Film 29.05.2015 Persbrandt, Sylvester McCoy, Peter Katherine Heigl, Patrick Wilson, Jordana 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065085 Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Brewster, Kevin McKidd, James Belushi, Brophy, William Kircher, Stephen Hunter, A.J. Buckley, Bryce Johnson, Madison Horsehead - Wach auf, wenn du Adam R. Brown, Cate Blanchett - Dir. Peter Wolfe, Yohance Myles - Dir. Anthony Burns kannst... (k.J.) Jackson Komödie 2015 94min. Horsehead Featurettes, Musikvideo Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Catriona MacColl, Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux, Fantasy 2014 144min. 07.05.2015 Philippe Nahon, Murray Head, Gala Besson, Warner Home Video Germany 23.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20065157 Fu’ad Aït Aattou, Vernon Dobtcheff, Joe 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064995 Sheridan - Dir. Romain Basset Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der fünf Home Sweet Hell (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Home Sweet Hell Horror/Mystery 2014 89min.

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Donau Film 29.05.2015 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Pollard, Yann Collette, Derrick Brenner, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065065 Pictures) 14.04.2015 Olivier Achard, Corinne Jaber, Joe 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064915 Sheridan, Jaquelyn Toman, Jean-Louis Hotel Noir Trintignant - Dir. Enki Bilal Hotel Noir Im Labyrinth des Schweigens O-Card mit zwei exklusiven Sammelkarten Carla Gugino, Danny DeVito, Rufus Sewell, Alexander Fehling, André Szymanski, Frie- Science Fiction 2004 103min. Malin Akerman, Robert Forster, Rosario derike Becht, Johannes Krisch, Hansi Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Dawson, Kevin Connolly, Mandy Moore - Jochmann, Johann von Bülow, Robert Hun- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064803 Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez ger-Bühler, Lukas Miko, Gert Voss, Lisa Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 93min. Martinek, Robert Mika, Tim Williams, Thomas In Liebe eine Eins Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Hessdörfer, Hartmut Volle, Mathis Anna Loos, Heiner Lauterbach, Leo 02.03.2015 Reinhardt, Udo Suchan, Fritz Scheuer- Natalis, Thomas Schmauser, Susanne 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065015 mann, Werner Wölbern - Dir. Giulio Lüning, Rosel Zech, Ute Willing, Katharina Ricciarelli Müller-Elmau, Thorsten Merten, Christoph Hotel Noir (Blu-ray) Drama 2014 118min. Glaubacker, Günter Kurze, Urs Affolter, Hotel Noir Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wolfgang Boos, Karl Alexander Seidel, Carla Gugino, Danny DeVito, Rufus Sewell, 21.05.2015 Kerstin Reimann, Ann-Kathrin Gummich, Malin Akerman, Robert Forster, Rosario 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065097 Dietmar Burkhard, Gilbert von Sohlern, Dawson, Kevin Connolly, Mandy Moore - Felix Böhmert, Anette Hellwig - Dir. Hartmut Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Im Labyrinth des Schweigens Griesmayr Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 96min. (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2005 89min. ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Alexander Fehling, André Szymanski, Frie- tba BestellNr.: 20064940 02.03.2015 derike Becht, Johannes Krisch, Hansi 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065067 Jochmann, Johann von Bülow, Robert Hun- In stürmischen Zeiten ger-Bühler, Lukas Miko, Gert Voss, Lisa The Man Who Cried House on Haunted Hill (k.J.) Martinek, Robert Mika, Tim Williams, Thomas Christina Ricci, Cate Blanchett, John House On Haunted Hill Hessdörfer, Hartmut Volle, Mathis Turturro, , Harry Dean Vincent Price, Carolyn Craig, Richard Long, Reinhardt, Udo Suchan, Fritz Scheuer- Stanton, Claudia Lander-Duke, Oleg Elisha Cook Jr., Carol Ohmart, Alan mann, Werner Wölbern - Dir. Giulio Jankowski - Dir. Sally Potter Marshal, Julie Mitchum, Leona Anderson, Ricciarelli Drama 2000 96min. Howard Hoffman - Dir. Drama 2014 123min. EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Filmografie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Horror 1959 75min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064705 21.05.2015 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065111 02.03.2015 In the Blood 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065016 Im Land der langen Schatten (Di- In The Blood Gina Carano, Cam Gigandet, Danny Trejo, Ich liebe Dich, solange ich lebe - gital Remastered) Stephen Lang, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Luis Na Tum Jaano Na Hum Ombre Bianche Guzmán (Chief Ramón Garza), Treat , Yoko Tani, Carlo Giustini, Na Tum Jaano Na Hum Williams, Amaury Nolasco, Yvette Yates, Marie Yang, Peter O’Toole, Andy Ho, Kaida Saif Ali Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Esha Deol, Ben Bray, Pablo Cunqueiro, Hannah Horiuchi - Dir. Nicholas Ray, Baccio Bandini Alok Nath, Smita Jaykar, Anang Desai - Dir. Cowley - Dir. John Stockwell Booklet, Trailer Action/Thriller 2014 103min. Arjun Sablok Abenteuer 1959 107min. EuroVideo Medien 07.05.2015 Interview, Clips Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.04.2015 Drama/Komödie 2002 159min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064873 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064866 Bubblegum Movie AG 15.05.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064892 Immortal In the Blood (Blu-ray) In The Blood Immortel (Ad Vitam) Ich liebe Dich, solange ich lebe - Gina Carano, Cam Gigandet, Danny Trejo, Linda Hardy, Thomas Kretschmann, Char- Stephen Lang, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Luis Na Tum Jaano Na Hum (Blu-ray) lotte Rampling, Frédéric Pierrot, Thomas Guzmán (Chief Ramón Garza), Treat Na Tum Jaano Na Hum Pollard, Yann Collette, Derrick Brenner, Williams, Amaury Nolasco, Yvette Yates, Saif Ali Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Esha Deol, Olivier Achard, Corinne Jaber, Joe Ben Bray, Pablo Cunqueiro, Hannah Alok Nath, Smita Jaykar, Anang Desai - Dir. Sheridan, Jaquelyn Toman, Jean-Louis Cowley - Dir. John Stockwell Arjun Sablok Trintignant - Dir. Enki Bilal Interview, Clips O-Card mit exklusiven Sammelkarten Action/Thriller 2014 107min. Drama/Komödie 2002 165min. Science Fiction 2004 99min. EuroVideo Medien 07.05.2015 Bubblegum Movie AG 15.05.2015 Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064916 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064921 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064752 In the Heat of New Orleans (k.J.) Iconoclast - Krieger der dunklen Immortal (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Cypress Edge Göttin Immortel (Ad Vitam) Damian Chapa, Rod Steiger, Ashley Iconoclast Linda Hardy, Thomas Kretschmann, Char- Laurence, Brad Dourif, Charles Napier, Sean-Michael Argo, Matthew Barrie, David lotte Rampling, Frédéric Pierrot, Thomas Kool Moe Dee - Dir. Serge Rodnunsky Baskeyfield - Dir. Sean-Michael Argo Pollard, Yann Collette, Derrick Brenner, Thriller/Action 1999 87min. Fantasy 2012 109min. Olivier Achard, Corinne Jaber, Joe Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Sheridan, Jaquelyn Toman, Jean-Louis 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064791 Pictures) 14.04.2015 Trintignant - Dir. Enki Bilal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064867 O-Card mit zwei exklusiven Sammelkarten Die innere Zone Science Fiction 2004 103min. Jeanette Hain, Lili Fichtner, Dietmar Iconoclast - Krieger der dunklen Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Mössmer, Nikolai Kinski, Heinrich Rolfing, Göttin (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064804 Bernhard Marsch, Basil Felder, Juri Abramowitsch, Boris Abrmowitsch, Loris Iconoclast Immortal (Blu-ray) Arpone, Elia Kaegi, Luca Bonzani, Egon Sean-Michael Argo, Matthew Barrie, David Immortel (Ad Vitam) Calabresi, Dominic Leuthardt, Dominik Her- Baskeyfield - Dir. Sean-Michael Argo Linda Hardy, Thomas Kretschmann, Char- zog, Rocco Rampazzi - Dir. Fosco Dubini Fantasy 2012 114min. lotte Rampling, Frédéric Pierrot, Thomas Motivsuche

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Science Fiction 2013 90min. Emeric Pressburger Sarah Mac, Ben Loyd-Holmes, Neil good!movies(RealFiction) 13.03.2015 Featurette, Originaltrailer, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien, Newbon, Daniel Caren, Ernesto Cantu, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064746 Behind the Scenes Simon Burbage, Dolores Reynals, Ross Fantasy/Drama 1946 100min. O’Hennessey - Dir. Adam Spinks Media AG 14.04.2015 Into the West (4 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064917 Into The West Abenteuer/Horror 2014 104min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 18.05.2015 Matthew Settle, Josh Brolin, Tonantzin Der Jäger von Fall - Die Gangho- Carmelo, Gary Busey, Michael Spears, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065142 Zahn McClarnon, Skeet Ulrich, Will Patton, fer Verfilmungen, Sammelbox 2 John Terry, Christian Kane, Sage Galesi, Der Jäger von Fall / Der Jäger von Fall / Ein Katzensprung Rachael Leigh Cook, Gordon Tootoosis, Der Jäger von Fall Walter Plathe, Jörg Panknin - Dir. Claus Tyler Christopher, Alan Tudyk, Daniel Rudolf Lenz, Traute Wassler, Heinrich Dobberke Gillies, Keri Russell, Sheila Tousey, Simon Hauser, Gerlinde Döberl, Alexander Ste- Kriegsfilm 1976 78min. Baker, Gil Birmingham, Jessica Capshaw, phan, Siegfried Rauch, Paul Richter, Marie ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Keith Carradine, Graham Greene, Serge Sera - Dir. Gustav Ucicky, Harald Reinl, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065182 Houde, Matthew Modine, Craig Sheffer, Hans Deppe Lance Henriksen, Balthazar Getty, Joanna Making of, Trailer, Booklet Keine gute Tat Drama/Heimatfilm 1936-1974 245min. Going, Eric Schweig, Jonathan Scarfe, No Good Deed AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Emily Holmes, Rebecca Jenkins, Judge Taraji P. Henson, Idris Elba, Leslie Bibb, AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.03.2015 Reinhold, , Sean Astin, Tom Kate Del Castillo, Henry Simmons, Frank 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064647 Berenger, John Pyper-Ferguson, Wes Brennan, Wilbur Fitzgerald, Mark Rhino Smith - Dir. Sam Miller Studi, Clayton Rohner, David Paymer, Derek Jakob, der Lügner de Lint, Geno Silva, George Aguilar, Joshua Thriller 2014 81min. Vlastímil Brodsky, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Er- Bryant, Shaun Johnston, Kwesi Ameyaw, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) win Geschonneck, Manuela Simon, Henry Nathaniel Arcand, Francesco Quinn, Raoul 09.04.2015 Hübchen, Blanche Kommerell, Hermann Trujillo, Sean Blakemore, Christian Bocher, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064520 Beyer, Margit Bara - Dir. Frank Beyer Chris Enright, Garrett Wang, Jay Tavare, Interview, Bonusfilm, Trailer Keine gute Tat (Blu-ray) Chaske Spencer, Eddie Spears, Richard Drama 1974 96min. No Good Deed Speight Jr., Steve Reevis, George Leach, ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Taraji P. Henson, Idris Elba, Leslie Bibb, Arron Shiver, Rod Rondeaux, Ryan tba BestellNr.: 20065176 Robbins, Myrton Running Wolf, Chloe Kate Del Castillo, Henry Simmons, Frank Russell, Kalani Queypo, Robert Moloney, Jedes Kartenhaus zerbricht Brennan, Wilbur Fitzgerald, Mark Rhino Smith - Dir. Sam Miller Billy Merasty, Christopher Heyerdahl, Tyler House Of Cards Thriller 2014 84min. Labine, Scott Heindl, Gabriel Folse, Stewart George Peppard, Inger Stevens, Orson Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Finlay-McLennan, David Richmond-Peck, Welles, Keith Michell, Perrette Pradier, 09.04.2015 Darcy Laurie, Dylan Kenin - Dir. Robert Geneviève Cluny, Maxine Audley, Ralph 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064535 Dornhelm, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, Jeremy Michael, Barnaby Shaw - Dir. John Podeswa, Timothy Van Patten, Michael Guillermin Shah Rukh Khan - XXL (2 Discs) Watkins, Simon Wincer Bio- und Filmografien Making of, Hintergrundinfos, Promo-Material, Musikvideo, Thriller/Drama 1968 101min. Shah Rukh Khan Bildergalerie ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Musikfilm 530min. Western/Abenteuer 2005 524min. tba BestellNr.: 20064935 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Paramount Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064768 (DreamWorks) 02.04.2015 John Klings Abenteuer (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065148 Hellmut Lange, Uwe Friedrichsen - Dir. Kickboxer XXL (2 Discs) (k.J.) Barrio Brawler / The Circuit / The Circuit Invasion - Alien Attack (k.J.) Hans-Georg Thiemt, Franz Marischka, Kurt Ulrich 2: Final Punch / Mercenaries / Regenera- Interceptors Kriminalfilm 1965-1969 600min. tor / Bloodfist 2050 Mark Adair-Rios, Holly Fields, Olivier Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Action 508min. Gruner, Brad Dourif, Ernie Hudson - Dir. 27.03.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 Phillip J. Roth 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064980 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065198 Action/Science Fiction 1999 84min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 Joint Security Area (Blu-ray) Kidnapping Freddy Heineken 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065199 Gong Dong Gyeongbi Guyeok Jsa (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Irrtum im Jenseits Lee Yeong-ae, Lee Byeong-heon, Song ray) Kang-ho, Kim Tae-woo, Shin Ha-kyun - Dir. A Matter Of Life And Death Kidnapping Mr. Heineken Park Chan-wook David Niven, Kim Hunter, Robert Coote, Sam Worthington, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jim Wendecover, Making of, Trailer, Booklet Sturgess - Dir. Daniel Alfredson Kathleen Byron, Lord Richard Drama 2000 min. Attenborough, Bonar Colleano, Roger B-roll, Interviews, Originaltrailer Rapid Eye Movies HE 10.04.2015 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2015 95min. Livesey, Marius Goring, Raymond Massey, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064676 Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Abraham Sofaer - Dir. Michael Powell, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064742 Emeric Pressburger Jurassic Island - Primeval Empire Featurette, Originaltrailer, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien, Behind the Scenes Extinction Kids Collection Fantasy/Drama 1946 96min. Sarah Mac, Ben Loyd-Holmes, Neil Mein Freund Shadow / Die Pferde des epiX Media AG 14.04.2015 Newbon, Daniel Caren, Ernesto Cantu, Si- Himmels 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064872 mon Burbage, Dolores Reynals, Ross Abenteuer 187min. O’Hennessey - Dir. Adam Spinks KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 Irrtum im Jenseits (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065218 Abenteuer/Horror 2014 100min. A Matter Of Life And Death KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 18.05.2015 David Niven, Kim Hunter, Robert Coote, Kill Kate 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065125 Kathleen Byron, Lord Richard Deep Cover Attenborough, Bonar Colleano, Roger Jurassic Island - Primeval Empire Cynthia Rothrock, Stephen Nichols, Wil Livesey, Marius Goring, Raymond Massey, Shriner, Patrick Wayne, Tom Reilly, Alex Abraham Sofaer - Dir. Michael Powell, (Blu-ray) Hyde-White, Jesse Vint, Brandie Smith - Extinction

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Dir. Nicholas Celozzi Eddie Macon’s Run Leben und sterben in God’s Action 1996 97min. Kirk Douglas, John Schneider, Lee Purcell, Pocket Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Leah Ayres, Lisa Dunsheath, Tom Noonan, God’s Pocket 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064790 J.C. Quinn, Gil Rogers - Dir. Jeff Kanew Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, Kill the Boss 2 Action 1983 91min. Christina Hendricks, John Turturro, Caleb Landry Jones, Eddie Marsan, Domenick Horrible Bosses 2 ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Lombardozzi, Lenny Venito - Dir. John Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason tba BestellNr.: 20064933 Slattery Sudeikis, , , Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 100min. Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz, Kevin Spacey, Der Kuss des Raben (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kelly Stables, Keeley Hazell - Dir. Sean The Raven’s Kiss 28.05.2015 Anders Tane McClure, Monique Parent, Steven 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065093 Komödie 2014 104min. Tietsort, Robert Arron, Richard Conti, Bill Trillo, James E. Martin, Gary Dean Orona - Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Leben und sterben in God’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064569 Dir. Gary Dean Orona Erotik 1995 95min. Pocket (Blu-ray) Kill the Boss 2 (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.04.2015 God’s Pocket Horrible Bosses 2 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064766 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Christina Hendricks, John Turturro, Caleb Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, Lady Henrietta Landry Jones, Eddie Marsan, Domenick Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz, Kevin Spacey, Under Capricorn Lombardozzi, Lenny Venito - Dir. John Kelly Stables, Keeley Hazell - Dir. Sean Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Michael Slattery Anders Wilding, , Cecil Parker, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 104min. Komödie 2014 108min. Denis O’Dea, Jack Watting - Dir. Alfred Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Hitchcock 28.05.2015 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064597 Thriller/Drama 1949 112min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065109 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) King of Queens - Superbox (18 02.02.2015 Lederstrumpf Discs) (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064473 Pathfinder Kevin Dillon, Graham Greene, Laurie Hol- The King Of Queens Land Ho! den, Jaimz Woolvett, Stacy Keach, Russell Kevin James, Leah Remini, Victor Williams, Land Ho! Means - Dir. Donald Shebib Patton Oswalt, Larry Romano - Dir. Pamela Paul Eenhoorn, Earl Lynn Nelson, Karrie Western 1994 104min. Fryman Serienrückblick, Über die Autoren, Thanks to the Fans, Feier Crouse, Elizabeth McKee, Alice Olivia SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 26.02.2015 der 200. Episode, Biografien, 120-seitiges Buch Clarke, Emmsjé Gauti, Guðjónsdóttir 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064555 Komödie 1998-2006 4736min. Halldóra, Christina Jennings, Benjamin Koch Media 26.03.2015 Kasulke - Dir. Aaron Katz, Martha Stephens Der Lehrer - Die komplette 3. 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065103 Komödie 2014 91min. Staffel (3 Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hendrik Duryn, Jessica Ginkel, Ulrich Kiss Me Deadly - Codename: Del- 30.04.2015 Gebauer, Rainer Piwek, Nadine Wrietz, phi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064510 Matthias Klimsa, Antje Lewald - Dir. Peter Kiss Me Deadly Gersina, Nico Zingelmann Robert Grant, Shannen Doherty, Fraser Die langen hellen Tage Komödie min. Brown, John Rhys-Davies, Nathan Grzeli Nateli Dgeebi Universal Music Family Whitaker, Katherine Kennard - Dir. Ron Lika Babluani, Mariam Bokeria, Zurab Entertainment(Karussell) 27.03.2015 Oliver Gogaladze, Data Zakareishvili, Ana 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064896 Making of, Trailer Nijaradze, Maiko Ninua, Tamar Thriller/Action 2008 78min. Bukhnikashvili, Temiko Chichinadze, Berta Leon (2 Discs, + 2 DVDs) (Blu-ray) daredo media(White Pearl Movies) Khapava, Sandro Shanshiashvili, Endi (k.J.) 10.04.2015 Dzidzava, Zaza Salia, Giorgi Aladashvili, A.W.O.L. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064999 Gia Shonia, Marina Janashia - Dir. Nana Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß Rennard, Harrison Page, Lisa Pelikan, Kiss Me Deadly - Codename: Del- Drama 2013 96min. Ashley Johnson, Brian Thompson, Christo- absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 13.03.2015 phi (Blu-ray) pher M. Brown - Dir. Sheldon Lettich 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064617 Kiss Me Deadly Action 1990 105min. Robert Grant, Shannen Doherty, Fraser The Last Mark - Die letzte Chance VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Brown, John Rhys-Davies, Nathan 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064717 Whitaker, Katherine Kennard - Dir. Ron The Last Mark Oliver Dir. Bo Brinkman Let’s Be Cops - Die Party Bullen Trailer, Wendecover Making of, Trailer Let’s Be Cops Thriller/Action 2008 82min. Drama 2012 96min. Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob daredo media(White Pearl Movies) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Riggle, Nina Dobrev, James D’Arcy, Andy 10.04.2015 View Film) 24.04.2015 Garcia, Keegan-Michael Key, Jonathan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065006 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064887 Lajoie - Dir. Luke Greenfield Eine lausige Hexe - Die komplet- Featurette, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Der kleine Herr Friedemann Action/Komödie 2014 101min. Ulrich Mühe, Maria von Bismarck, Dieter te erste Staffel Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mann, Inge Keller, Christine Schorn, Jenny The Worst Witch Germany 21.05.2015 Gröllmann, Carmen-Maja Antoni - Dir. Peter Kate Duchêne, Georgina Sherrington, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064953 Vogel Emma Brown, Claire Porter, Jessica Fox, Drama 1990 94min. Holly Rivers, Felicity Jones - Dir. Andrew Let’s Be Cops - Die Party Bullen Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR TV-Ar- Morgan, Stefan Pleszczynski (Blu-ray) chiv) 13.03.2015 Fantasy 1998 325min. Let’s Be Cops 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064895 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.04.2015 Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065242 Kopfjagd Riggle, Nina Dobrev, James D’Arcy, Andy

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Garcia, Keegan-Michael Key, Jonathan Fritsch, Georg Einerdinger, Helga König - Snétberger, Daniela Bette, Philipp Sonntag, Lajoie - Dir. Luke Greenfield Dir. Gunter Otto Irene Fischer, Jacqueline Svilarov, Philipp Action/Komödie 2014 105min. Erotik/Komödie 1976 min. Neubauer, Sarah Masuch, Julia Beerhold, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Valentin Schreyer, Anna Sophie Claus, Germany 21.05.2015 06.03.2015 Lilian Büchner, Greta Short, Ludwig Haas, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064929 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064689 Horst D. Scheel, Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Claus Vinçon, Dominique Kusche, Ute Die letzte Schlacht der Samurai Die Liebesschule der Josefine Mora, Annemarie Wendl, Thorsten Nindel, Ten To Chi To Mutzenbacher (k.J.) Marcus Off, Franz Rampelmann, Marianne Takaaki Enoki, Masahiko Tsugawa, Atsuko Desiree Bernardy, Stacy Donovan, Jeanny Rogée, Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Liz Asano, Tsunehiko Watase, Naomi Zaizen - Pepper, Jill Oliver - Dir. Hans Billian Baffoe, Margret van Munster, Willi Herren, Dir. Haruki Kadokawa Trailer Costas Papanastasiou, Sigo Lorfeo, Ulrike Drama 1990 100min. Erotik 1986 90min. C. Tscharre, Wolfgang Grönebaum, Christi- EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Musketier Media 24.04.2015 an Kahrmann, Tilli Breidenbach, Dagmar 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064755 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064967 Hessenland, Ines Lutz, Raimund Gensel, Jeremy Mockridge, Heinz Marecek, Anna Leuchtfeuer Das Lied der Balalaika Nowak, Johannes Scheit, Birgitta Leonhard Ritter, Horst Naumann, Jochen Ivan Rebroff, Noëlle Adam, Sydney Chaplin, Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Klaus Thomas, Friedrich Gnaß, Hans Klering, Kurt , Henri Génès, Germaine Nierhoff, Anja Antonowicz, Susanna Oligmüller, Waltraut Kramm, Maria Wendt - Montero, Jean Parédès, Ivy Mareva - Dir. Capurso, Wookie Mayer, Michael Baral, Dir. Wolfgang Staudte Jean Claude Dague Jennifer Steffens, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Booklet Drama/Musikfilm 1970 80min. Frehse, Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Drama 1954 95min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Arnfried Lerche, Markus Anton, Urs AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 06.03.2015 Villiger, Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Til AG(Filmjuwelen) 24.04.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064687 Schweiger, Bernd Tauber, Monika 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064891 Woytowicz, Tilmar Kuhn, Tim Knauer, Su- Lightning Bug sanne Gannott, Stefanie Mühle, Herbert Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - Lightning Bug Steinmetz, Fritz Bachschmidt, Selma Die zweite Staffel (5 Discs) Bret Harrison, Laura Prepon, Ashley Baldursson, Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. The Virginian Laurence - Dir. Robert Hall Grimm, Cetin Ipekkaya, Dietrich Siegl, Clau- James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Musikvideo, Outtakes, Wende- dia Pielmann, Franz Braunshausen, Ursula Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, cover Ludwig, Philipp Brammer, Siir Eloglu - Dir. Drama/Thriller 2004 92min. John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Mad Dimension GmbH 24.04.2015 McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064630 Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Western 1962-1971 1425min. Lightning Bug (Blu-ray) Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Mammut Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz Lightning Bug 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064784 Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Ker Bret Harrison, Laura Prepon, Ashley Audiokommentare, Kreditkarten-Hülle Liebe geht seltsame Wege Laurence - Dir. Robert Hall Drama 1985-2014 1560min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Musikvideo, Outtakes, Wende- Love Is Strange cover MORE Music and Media (More Brands and John Lithgow, Alfred Molina, Marisa Tomei, Drama/Thriller 2004 96min. Products) 27.03.2015 Darren Burrows, Cheyenne Jackson, Char- Mad Dimension GmbH 24.04.2015 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065219 lie Tahan, Manny Perez, Tatyana 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064635 Zbirovskaya, Olya Zueva - Dir. Ira Sachs Line of Duty - Cops unter Ver- Drama 2014 91min. Lilyhammer - Die komplette 3. dacht, Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Staffel Line Of Duty 30.04.2015 Lilyhammer Martin Compston, Vicky McClure, Adrian 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064527 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 356min. Dunbar - Dir. Douglas Mackinnon STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Kriminalfilm 300min. Liebe will gelernt sein Germany 16.04.2015 justbridge entertainment GmbH 02.04.2015 Martin Held, Barbara Rütting, Götz George, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064665 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065171 Loni von Friedl, Grit Boettcher, Margarete Haagen, Ralf Wolter - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Lilyhammer - Die komplette 3. Line of Duty - Cops unter Ver- Biografien dacht, Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie 1962 88min. Staffel (Blu-ray) Line Of Duty ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Lilyhammer Martin Compston, Vicky McClure, Adrian tba BestellNr.: 20064939 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 370min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dunbar - Dir. Douglas Mackinnon Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose Germany 16.04.2015 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 312min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064672 justbridge entertainment GmbH 02.04.2015 4. Teil - Die versaute Hochzeits- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065205 nacht (k.J.) Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette Peter Steiner, Erich Kleiber, Franz 28. Jahr, Folgen 1353-1404 The Little Shop of Horrors Muxeneder, Rosl Mayr, Renate Kasché, The Little Shop Of Horrors Georg Einerdinger, Judith Fritsch, Jean (Collector’s Box Limited Editi- Jack Nicholson, Jonathan Haze, Mel Droze - Dir. Gunter Otto on,10 Discs) Welles, Jackie Joseph, Dick Miller, Myrtle Erotik/Komödie 1977 95min. Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Vail, Leola Wendorff - Dir. Roger Corman MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Georg Uecker, Her- Farbversion, Bonusfilm 06.03.2015 mes Hodolides, Domna Adamopoulou, Horror/Komödie 1960 72min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064690 Sybille Waury, Andrea Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.04.2015 Joris Gratwohl, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065224 Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose, Knut Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Julia Stark, Sontje 3. Teil (k.J.) Peplow, Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara The Little Shop of Horrors (Blu- Peter Steiner, Franz Muxeneder, Erich Klei- Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Giselle Vesco, ray) ber, Rosl Mayr, Renate Kasché, Judith Cosima Viola, Gunnar Solka, Toni The Little Shop Of Horrors

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Jack Nicholson, Jonathan Haze, Mel Keegan-Michael Key, Annie Mumolo - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2013 97min. Welles, Jackie Joseph, Dick Miller, Myrtle Jill Soloway Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 29.05.2015 Vail, Leola Wendorff - Dir. Roger Corman Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20065137 Farbversion, Bonusfilm Drama/Komödie 2013 97min. Horror/Komödie 1960 75min. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Mad Jack - Travelling Forbidden Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064856 Dimensions (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065232 Low Winter Sun - Die komplette (k.J.) London Falling Serie (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 2035 - Forbidden Dimensions Kyle Morris, Carl Crew, Jamie Katonic, He Who Dares Low Winter Sun Brittany O’Neil, Mark McGarrey, Kalise Tom Benedict Knight, Simon Phillips, Christi- Mark Strong, Lennie James, James Wallace, Sean Stearley, Christopher James na Bellavia, Ewan Ross, Zara Phythian, Ransone, Sprague Grayden, Athena Miller, Al Ridenour, Brian Hendrick - Dir. Ben Loyd-Holmes, Lorraine Stanley, Kye Karkanis, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, David Loren, Grant Huggair - Dir. Paul Tanter Christopher James Miller Costabile, Billy Lush, Alon Aboutboul, Trailer Trailer Nickola Shreli, Trevor Long, Mickey Action/Thriller 2013 79min. Science Fiction/Action 2013 88min. Sumner, L. Scott Caldwell, Kimberly J. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 Brown, James Martinez, Erika Alexander, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064840 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065231 Michael McGrady, Sherman Augustus, London Falling (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Jennifer Ehle, Ron Cephas Jones, Richard Mad Jack - Travelling Forbidden Goteri, Marc Grapey, Cedric Young, Mark Dimensions (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ray) Colson, Joshua Elijah Reese, Steve 2035 - Forbidden Dimensions He Who Dares O’Connell, Wallace Bridges, Barton Bund - Kyle Morris, Carl Crew, Jamie Katonic, Tom Benedict Knight, Simon Phillips, Christi- Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson, Sam Miller, Brittany O’Neil, Mark McGarrey, Kalise na Bellavia, Ewan Ross, Zara Phythian, Andrew Bernstein, Adam Davidson, Wallace, Sean Stearley, Christopher James Ben Loyd-Holmes, Lorraine Stanley, Kye Catherine Hardwicke, Anthony Hemingway, Miller, Al Ridenour, Brian Hendrick - Dir. Loren, Grant Huggair - Dir. Paul Tanter Rosemary Rodriguez, Stefan Schwartz Christopher James Miller Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 468min. Action/Thriller 2013 83min. Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDFneo) Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Science Fiction/Action 2013 88min. 10.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064855 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065252 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065230 London Falling (Blu-ray) Low Winter Sun - Die komplette He Who Dares Mad Jack - Travelling Forbidden Tom Benedict Knight, Simon Phillips, Christi- Serie (3 Discs) Dimensions (k.J.) na Bellavia, Ewan Ross, Zara Phythian, Low Winter Sun 2035 - Forbidden Dimensions Ben Loyd-Holmes, Lorraine Stanley, Kye Mark Strong, Lennie James, James Kyle Morris, Carl Crew, Jamie Katonic, Loren, Grant Huggair - Dir. Paul Tanter Ransone, Sprague Grayden, Athena Brittany O’Neil, Mark McGarrey, Kalise Trailer Karkanis, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, David Wallace, Sean Stearley, Christopher James Action/Thriller 2013 83min. Costabile, Billy Lush, Alon Aboutboul, Miller, Al Ridenour, Brian Hendrick - Dir. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Nickola Shreli, Trevor Long, Mickey Christopher James Miller 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064854 Sumner, L. Scott Caldwell, Kimberly J. Trailer Brown, James Martinez, Erika Alexander, Science Fiction/Action 2013 84min. The Lookalike Michael McGrady, Sherman Augustus, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 The Lookalike Jennifer Ehle, Ron Cephas Jones, Richard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065223 Justin Long, Jerry O’Connell, Gillian Jacobs Goteri, Marc Grapey, Cedric Young, Mark - Dir. Richard Gray Colson, Joshua Elijah Reese, Steve Mädchenjahre einer Königin Trailer, Bildergalerie O’Connell, Wallace Bridges, Barton Bund - Jenny Jugo, Olga Limburg - Dir. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 96min. Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson, Sam Miller, Booklet, Trailer KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.04.2015 Andrew Bernstein, Adam Davidson, Drama/Melodram 1936 103min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064577 Catherine Hardwicke, Anthony Hemingway, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Rosemary Rodriguez, Stefan Schwartz AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.03.2015 The Lookalike (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 450min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064627 The Lookalike Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDFneo) Justin Long, Jerry O’Connell, Gillian Jacobs 10.04.2015 Magic in the Moonlight - Dir. Richard Gray 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065243 Magic In The Moonlight Trailer, Bildergalerie , Emma Stone, Simon McBurney, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 100min. Lucky Them - Auf der Suche nach Dame , Jacki Weaver, Hamish KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.04.2015 Matthew Smith Linklater, Marcia Gay Harden, Erica 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064602 Leerhsen, Catherine McCormack, Jeremy Lucky Them Shamos, Ute Lemper, Alisa Lepselter - Dir. , , Oliver Love. Sex. Life Platt, Ryan Eggold, Nina Arianda, Ahna Afternoon Delight Komödie/Lovestory 2014 94min. O’Reilly, Johnny Depp, Amy Seimetz, Lynn Kathryn Hahn, Juno Temple, Jane Lynch, Warner Home Video Germany 16.04.2015 Shelton - Dir. Megan Griffiths Josh Radnor, Jessica St. Clair, Michaela 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064843 Watkins, Josh Stamberg, John Kapelos, Making of Drama/Komödie 2013 93min. Keegan-Michael Key, Annie Mumolo - Dir. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 29.05.2015 Magic in the Moonlight (Blu-ray) Jill Soloway tba BestellNr.: 20065117 Magic In The Moonlight Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Trailer Colin Firth, Emma Stone, Simon McBurney, Drama/Komödie 2013 93min. Dame Eileen Atkins, Jacki Weaver, Hamish Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Lucky Them - Auf der Suche nach Linklater, Marcia Gay Harden, Erica 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064841 Matthew Smith (Blu-ray) Leerhsen, Catherine McCormack, Jeremy Lucky Them Shamos, Ute Lemper, Alisa Lepselter - Dir. Love. Sex. Life (Blu-ray) Toni Collette, Thomas Haden Church, Oliver Woody Allen Afternoon Delight Platt, Ryan Eggold, Nina Arianda, Ahna Komödie/Lovestory 2014 98min. Kathryn Hahn, Juno Temple, Jane Lynch, O’Reilly, Johnny Depp, Amy Seimetz, Lynn Warner Home Video Germany 16.04.2015 Josh Radnor, Jessica St. Clair, Michaela Shelton - Dir. Megan Griffiths 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064859 Watkins, Josh Stamberg, John Kapelos, Making of

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Magic Puppy Sergio Martino Whedon () A Halloween Puppy Western 1977 101min. Thriller/Science Fiction min. Evan Crooks, Stephanie Shemanski, Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC Kristine DeBell, Eric Roberts, Susan Olsen, 24.04.2015 Studios) 16.04.2015 Lucas Adams, Ryan Greco - Dir. David 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065214 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064727 DeCoteau Komödie 2012 80min. Männerwirtschaft - Die dritte Matlock - Die zweite Season (7 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Season (4 Discs) Discs) 12.02.2015 The Odd Couple Matlock 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064548 Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro, Drama/Komödie 1987 1150min. Penny Marshall, Elinor Donahue, Janis Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Make My Heart Fly - Verliebt in Hansen, Garry Walberg - Dir. Jerry Paris, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064669 Edinburgh Jack Donohue, Hal Cooper, Mel Ferber Sunshine On Leith Komödie 1972-1973 570min. Megapiranha (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Jason Flemyng, Peter Mullan, Antonia Tho- Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 ray) mas, George MacKay, Freya Mavor, Jane 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065149 Mega Piranha Horrocks, Paul Brannigan, Daniela Nardini - Paul Logan, Tiffany Renee Darwisch, Barry Dir. Dexter Fletcher The Manster Williams, David Labiosa, Jude Gerard, Entfallene Szenen The Manster Jesse Daly, Cooper Harris, William Morse - Musical/Komödie 2013 95min. Peter Dyneley, Jane Hylton, Tetsuya Dir. Eric Forsberg Senator Home Entertainment 03.04.2015 Nakamura, Terri Zimmern, Norman van Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064495 Hawley, Jerry Ito, Toyoko Takechi, Kenzo Horror/Action 2010 93min. Kuroki, Alan Tarlton, Shinpei Takagi - Dir. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Make My Heart Fly - Verliebt in George Breakston, Kenneth G. Crane 02.03.2015 Edinburgh (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065068 Science Fiction 1959 73min. Sunshine On Leith BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 20.02.2015 Jason Flemyng, Peter Mullan, Antonia Tho- Mein Freund das Wildpferd 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064880 mas, George MacKay, Freya Mavor, Jane Sylvester Melissa Gilbert, Richard Farnsworth, Mi- Horrocks, Paul Brannigan, Daniela Nardini - Märchenperlen - Das kalte Herz Dir. Dexter Fletcher chael Schoeffling - Dir. Tim Hunter Entfallene Szenen Rafael Gareisen, Laura Louisa Garde, Ma- Drama 1985 101min. Musical/Komödie 2013 99min. rie Gruber, Thomas Thieme, Tilo Prückner, KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Senator Home Entertainment 03.04.2015 August Schmölzer, Wolfgang Menardi, Mi- 12.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064509 chael Schenk, Rüdiger Klink, Frank 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064543 Jacobsen, Benjamin Stoll, Axel Neumann, Malcolm mittendrin - Die kom- Johanna Eiworth - Dir. Marc-Andreas Memento plette Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Bochert Memento Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2014 82min. Malcolm In The Middle Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe justbridge entertainment GmbH(ZDF) Bryan Cranston, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Pantoliano, Mark Boone jr., Stephen 27.03.2015 Sullivan, Frankie Muniz, Jane Kaczmarek, Tobolowsky, , Callum 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064959 Christopher Masterson, Craig Lamar Keith Rennie, Russ Fega, Kimberly Campbell, Larry Holden - Dir. Christopher Traylor, David Anthony Higgins - Dir. Todd The Marine 4 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Holland, Jeffrey Melman, Ken Kwapis, Da- Nolan The Marine 4: Moving Target vid D’Ovidio, Peter Lauer Featurette, Interview Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, Paul McGillion, Me- Thriller 2000 109min. Komödie 2000-2006 494min. lissa Roxburgh - Dir. William Kaufman EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Turbine Medien 13.03.2015 Featurettes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064706 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064754 Action 2015 90min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Malizia 2000 Memento (Blu-ray) Germany 07.05.2015 Memento Malizia 2000 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065209 Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Laura Antonelli - Dir. Salvatore Samperi Pantoliano, Mark Boone jr., Stephen Bildergalerie, Trailer The Marine 4 (k.J.) Komödie 1991 98min. Tobolowsky, Harriet Sansom Harris, Callum The Marine 4: Moving Target cmv-Laservision 17.04.2015 Keith Rennie, Russ Fega, Kimberly Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, Paul McGillion, Me- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065187 Campbell, Larry Holden - Dir. Christopher lissa Roxburgh - Dir. William Kaufman Nolan Mannaja - Das Beil des Todes Featurettes Audiokommentar, Making Of, Interview, Biografien, u.a. Action 2015 86min. Thriller 2000 113min. Mannaja Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Maurizio Merli, John Steiner, Sonja Germany 07.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064734 Jeannine, Donald O’Brien, Salvatore 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065173 Puntillo, Antonio Casale, Rik Battaglia, Die menschliche Bombe Philippe Leroy, Martine Brochard - Dir. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Human Bomb Sergio Martino Die komplette erste Staffel (5 Jürgen Prochnow, Patsy Kensit, Robert Western 1977 97min. Spitz, Dorian Healy, Nicholas Day, Kate Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Discs) (Blu-ray) Harper - Dir. Anthony Page 24.04.2015 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Action/Thriller 1998 93min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065192 Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Ming- VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Mannaja - Das Beil des Todes Na Wen, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064686 (Blu-ray) Caestecker, BJ Britt, J. August Richards, David Conrad, Bill Paxton, Ruth Negga, Methodic (Ungeschnittene Fas- Mannaja Saffron Burrows - Dir. Vincent Misiano, sung) (k.J.) Maurizio Merli, John Steiner, Sonja Bobby Roth, Jesse Bochco, Milan Cheylov, Methodic Jeannine, Donald O’Brien, Salvatore Holly Dale, Roxann Dawson, Bill Gierhart, Brandon Slagle, Rachael Robbins, Niki Puntillo, Antonio Casale, Rik Battaglia, David Straiton, Jonathan Frakes, Joss Notarile, Tony Dadika, Stephen Muzzonigro, Philippe Leroy, Martine Brochard - Dir.

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Charles Cyphers, Dan Werzinger, Christine Thomas King, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Moontrap (Blu-ray) Allanach - Dir. Chris R. Notarile Nicholas Jones, Robert Portal - Dir. Mike Moontrap Thriller/Horror 2007 96min. Leigh Walter Koenig, Bruce Campbell, Leigh Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.04.2015 Booklet, 4 Kunst-Postkarten Lombardi, Robert Kurcz, John J. Saunders, Drama/Biographie 2014 150min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064788 Reavis Graham - Dir. Robert Dyke Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.04.2015 Science Fiction 1989 92min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064507 Mexican - Eine heiße Liebe VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 The Mexican 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064713 Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini, Mr. Turner - Meister des Lichts Bob Balaban, J.K. Simmons, David (Limited Edition) Mord mit Aussicht - 1. Staffel (4 Krumholtz, Richard Coca, Michael Cerveris, Mr. Turner Discs) Sherman Augustus, Castulo Guerra, Gene Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Marion Bailey, Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Hackman - Dir. Gore Verbinski Dorothy Atkinson, Ruth Sheen, Patrick Droste, Petra Kleinert, Hans-Peter Hall- Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews Godfrey, Leo Bill, Lesley Manville, Martin wachs, Michael Hanemann, Max Gertsch, Komödie/Thriller 2001 118min. Savage, Joshua McGuire, Tom Edden, Mark Arnd Klawitter - Dir. Torsten Wacker, Jo- EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Stanley, Niall Buggy, Fred Pearson, Jamie seph Orr 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064710 Thomas King, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2010 605min. Nicholas Jones, Robert Portal - Dir. Mike ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Mexican - Eine heiße Liebe (Blu- Leigh tba BestellNr.: 20064945 ray) Booklet, 4 Kunst-Postkarten Drama/Biographie 2014 144min. The Mexican Mord mit Aussicht - 2. Staffel (4 Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.04.2015 Bob Balaban, J.K. Simmons, David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064490 Discs) Krumholtz, Richard Coca, Michael Cerveris, Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Sherman Augustus, Castulo Guerra, Gene Mister Twister - Eine Klasse Droste, Petra Kleinert, Hans-Peter Hall- Hackman - Dir. Gore Verbinski macht Camping wachs, Karina Krawczyk, Michael Audiokommentar, Making Of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews Mees Kees Op Kamp Hanemann, Max Gertsch, Arnd Klawitter, Komödie/Thriller 2001 123min. Willem Voogd, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Felix Patrick Heyn - Dir. Lars Jessen, Christoph EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Osinga, Brent Thomassen, Hannah Schnee, Torsten Wacker 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064735 Hoekstra, Marieke de Kleine, Raymonde de Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 650min. Kuyper, Mara van Vlijmen, Leah Dean, ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Miss Fishers mysteriöse Mordfälle Remon van Dijk, Whitney Franker, Caitlyn tba BestellNr.: 20064944 - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Geerlings, Cas Jansen, Donnetie Stern, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Yfke Wegman - Dir. Barbara Bredero Mord mit Aussicht - Die komplette Essie Davies, Nathan Page Komödie/Jugend 2013 73min. 1. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Making of Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 728min. dia) 14.04.2015 Droste, Petra Kleinert, Hans-Peter Hall- polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064865 wachs, Michael Hanemann, Max Gertsch, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064976 Arnd Klawitter - Dir. Torsten Wacker, Jo- - Die komplette seph Orr Miss Fishers mysteriöse Mordfälle Season 4 (3 Discs) Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2010 650min. - Staffel 1 (5 Discs) Modern Family KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes 03.03.2015 Essie Davies, Nathan Page Komödie 2013 min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064620 Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Making of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 728min. Germany 07.05.2015 Mord mit Aussicht - Die komplette polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065165 1. Staffel (4 Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064972 Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Monster des Grauens greifen an Miss Potter Droste, Petra Kleinert, Hans-Peter Hall- Nankai No Daikaiju wachs, Michael Hanemann, Max Gertsch, Miss Potter Akira Kubo, Atsuko Takahashi, Silvie Arnd Klawitter - Dir. Torsten Wacker, Jo- Renée Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Emily Blondé, Kenji Sahara, Yoshio Tsuchiya - seph Orr Watson, Barbara Flynn, Bill Paterson, Dir. Inoshiro Honda Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2010 650min. Matyelok Gibbs - Dir. Chris Noonan Wendecover KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) Drama 2006 89min. Fantasy 1970 80min. 03.03.2015 EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064609 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064745 Entertainment) 20.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064625 Miss Potter (Blu-ray) Morden im Norden - Staffel 3 (4 Miss Potter Monster des Schreckens Discs) Renée Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Emily Die Bestie des Grauens / The Munster / Sven Martinek, Ingo Naujoks, Tessa Watson, Barbara Flynn, Bill Paterson, Das Vermächtnis des Prof. Bondi Mittelstaedt, Marie-Luise Schramm, Veit Matyelok Gibbs - Dir. Chris Noonan Trailer, Bildergalerie, Super 8 Fassung Stübner, Christoph Tomanek, Jürgen Uter - Drama 2006 89min. Horror 220min. Dir. Holger T. Schmidt, Holger Barthel, EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 BROKEN SILENCE(Ostalgica) 20.02.2015 Torsten Wacker, Tom Zenker, Matthias Kopp 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064807 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064878 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 768min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Das Erste) Mr. Turner - Meister des Lichts Moontrap 27.02.2015 (Blu-ray) Moontrap 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064645 Walter Koenig, Bruce Campbell, Leigh Mr. Turner Lombardi, Robert Kurcz, John J. Saunders, The Mule - Nur die inneren Werte Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Marion Bailey, Reavis Graham - Dir. Robert Dyke Dorothy Atkinson, Ruth Sheen, Patrick zählen Science Fiction 1989 88min. Godfrey, Leo Bill, Lesley Manville, Martin The Mule VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Savage, Joshua McGuire, Tom Edden, Mark , Angus Sampson, Leigh 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064682 Stanley, Niall Buggy, Fred Pearson, Jamie Whannell, Ewen Leslie, Geoff Morrell, Georgina Haig, , John No-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 43 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ble, Chris Pang - Dir. Angus Sampson, Tony 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064561 Universum Film Home Entertainment(ARD Mahony Video) 02.04.2015 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 103min. My Old Lady - Eine Erbschaft in 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065018 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 05.05.2015 Paris (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064558 My Old Lady Nackt unter Wölfen Kevin Kline, , Kristin Scott Erwin Geschonneck, Armin Mueller-Stahl, The Mule - Nur die inneren Werte Thomas, Dominique Pinon, Noémie Lvovsky, Krystyn Wojcik, Fred Delmare, Viktor zählen (Blu-ray) Stéphane Freiss, Stéphane De Groodt, Chri- Awdjuschko, Gerry Wolff - Dir. Frank The Mule stian Rauth, Delphine Lanson, Nathalie Beyer Hugo Weaving, Angus Sampson, Leigh Newman, Jocelyne Vignon, Gillian Horovitz Bonusfilm, Trailer Drama 1962 119min. Whannell, Ewen Leslie, Geoff Morrell, - Dir. Horovitz ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Georgina Haig, Noni Hazlehurst, John No- Komödie/Drama 2014 107min. tba BestellNr.: 20065179 ble, Chris Pang - Dir. Angus Sampson, Tony Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.05.2015 Mahony 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064591 Nackt unter Wölfen (Blu-ray) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 103min. Florian Stetter, Peter Schneider, Sylvester MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 05.05.2015 Die Nacht hat tausend Augen Groth, Sabin Tambrea, Robert Gallinowski, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064587 Night Has A Thousand Eyes Booklet, Bildergalerie Rainer Bock, Rafael Stachowiak, Thorsten The Mummy Resurrected Thriller 1948 78min. Merten, Torsten Michaelis, Robert Mika, Matthias Bundschuh, Ulrich Brandhoff, The Mummy Resurrected Koch Media 23.04.2015 Thorsten Ranft, Andreas Lust, Marko Stuart Rigby, Lauren Bronleewe, Bailey 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064782 Mandic, Janusz Cichocki, Max Hegewald, Gaddis - Dir. Patrick McManus Leonard Carow, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Horror/Abenteuer 2014 77min. Nachts im Museum - Das geheim- Vojta Vomácka - Dir. Philipp Kadelbach Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.04.2015 nisvolle Grabmal Drama 2014 104min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064787 : Secret Of The Universum Film Home Entertainment(ARD Tomb Video) 02.04.2015 The Mummy Resurrected (Blu-ray Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065069 3D) (Blu-ray) Dan Stevens, Sir Ben Kingsley, Steve The Mummy Resurrected Coogan, Ricky Gervais, Rebel Wilson, Napoleon 1812 - Krieg, Liebe, Skyler Gisondo, Rami Malek, Patrick Stuart Rigby, Lauren Bronleewe, Bailey Verrat Gaddis - Dir. Patrick McManus Gallagher, Mizuo Peck, Dick van Dyke, Vasilisa Horror/Abenteuer 2014 80min. Rachael Harris, Mickey Rooney - Dir. Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jérôme Cusin Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.04.2015 Shawn Levy Kriegsfilm 2014 104min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064823 Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Komödie/Fantasy 2014 95min. The Mummy Resurrected (Blu- Pictures) 21.04.2015 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064861 ray) Germany 30.04.2015 The Mummy Resurrected 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064738 Naturkatastrophen Box (3 Discs) Stuart Rigby, Lauren Bronleewe, Bailey Hypercane / Collision Course / 100° Below Gaddis - Dir. Patrick McManus Nachts im Museum - Das geheim- Zero Horror/Abenteuer 2014 80min. nisvolle Grabmal (Blu-ray) Drama 258min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.04.2015 Night At The Museum: Secret Of The SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064822 Tomb 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064550 Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Murggs, a fränggischer Grimi Dan Stevens, Sir Ben Kingsley, Steve NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 5.1 (3 Volker Heißmann, Andrea Lipka, Martin Coogan, Ricky Gervais, Rebel Wilson, Discs) Rassau, Oliver Tissot, Bernd Händel, Karl Skyler Gisondo, Rami Malek, Patrick NCIS: Los Angeles Heilmann, Michl Müller - Dir. Rüdiger Bau- Gallagher, Mizuo Peck, Dick van Dyke, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette mann Rachael Harris, Mickey Rooney - Dir. Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 492min. Komödie 2013 min. Shawn Levy Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 da music(Funtasy Records) 06.02.2015 Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065152 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064496 Making of, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Komödie/Fantasy 2014 99min. NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 5.2 (3 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment My Girl - Meine erste Liebe Discs) My Girl Germany 30.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064740 NCIS: Los Angeles Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, Macaulay Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Culkin, Anna Chlumsky, Griffin Dunne - Dir. Nachtschicht: Das tote Mädchen / Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 494min. Howard Zieff Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Komödie/Drama 1991 102min. Wir sind die Polizei 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065153 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2009-2010 180min. 09.04.2015 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Neben der Spur: Adrenalin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064521 27.02.2015 Ulrich Noethen, Juergen Maurer, Nikolai 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064649 Kinski, Petra van de Voort, Lilly Liefers, My Old Lady - Eine Erbschaft in Marie Leuenberger, August Zirner, Laura Paris Nackt unter Wölfen Tonke, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Kailas My Old Lady Florian Stetter, Peter Schneider, Sylvester Mahadevan, Katrin Pollitt - Dir. Cyrill Boss, Kevin Kline, Maggie Smith, Kristin Scott Groth, Sabin Tambrea, Robert Gallinowski, Philipp Stennert Thomas, Dominique Pinon, Noémie Lvovsky, Rainer Bock, Rafael Stachowiak, Thorsten Thriller 2014 90min. Stéphane Freiss, Stéphane De Groodt, Chri- Merten, Torsten Michaelis, Robert Mika, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) stian Rauth, Delphine Lanson, Nathalie Matthias Bundschuh, Ulrich Brandhoff, 27.03.2015 Newman, Jocelyne Vignon, Gillian Horovitz Thorsten Ranft, Andreas Lust, Marko 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064884 - Dir. Israel Horovitz Mandic, Janusz Cichocki, Max Hegewald, Komödie/Drama 2014 103min. Leonard Carow, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Nemesis (+ 3 DVDs, + Audio-CD) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.05.2015 Vojta Vomácka - Dir. Philipp Kadelbach (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 2014 104min.

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Nemesis Herrschaftskind Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Olivier Gruner, Tim Thomerson, Brion Heidi Kabel, Werner Riepel, Jürgen Pooch - 02.03.2015 James, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Merle Ken- Dir. Günther Siegmund 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065036 nedy, Yuji Okumoto, Marjorie Monaghan, Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1972 Nicholas Guest, Vincent Klyn, Thom 107min. Ohnsorg Theater: Die Venus vom Mathews, Marjean Holden, Deborah Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Müggensack Shelton, Tom Janes, Jackie Earle Haley - 02.03.2015 Heidi Kabel, Werner Riepel, Jürgen Pooch, Dir. Albert Pyun 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065033 Heidi Mahler, Edgar Bessen - Dir. Alfred Science Fiction/Action 1992 96min. Johst VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Ohnsorg Theater: Das Hörrohr Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1977 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064718 Hans Jensen, Jochen Schenk, Christa Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Wehling - Dir. Ilo von Janko 02.03.2015 New Genesis Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065034 Twilight Of The Dogs Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1973 Tim Sullivan, Ralph Bluemke, Gage 91min. Ohnsorg Theater: Ein Mann mit Sheridan, Ellen Hart, Barry Sigismondi, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Charakter John H. Brennan, James H. Housely, Collin 02.03.2015 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 90min. McKinstrie, Andrew Martineau, Donna Ab- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065035 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) rahms, Stephanie Clark, Chuck Young, 02.03.2015 Randall Shepperd - Dir. John R. Ellis Ohnsorg Theater: Der 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065032 Science Fiction 1995 114min. Bürgermeisterstuhl Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.04.2015 Heidi Kabel, Henry Vahl - Dir. Hans Mahler Ohnsorg Theater: Frau Pieper 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064789 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1969 lebt gefährlich Night of the Vampires (k.J.) 88min. Heidi Kabel, Fritz Hollenbeck, Rolf Death Hunter: Werewolves Vs. Vampires Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Bohnsack, Heidi Mahler - Dir. Jochen Sam McConkey, Shari Wiedmann, Paulino 02.03.2015 Schenck Hemmer, Mike Lawler, James Ryan, Rich 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065050 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1975 Williams, Mark Alderson, Robert Jensen - 111min. Dir. Dustin Rikert Ohnsorg Theater: Der möblierte Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Horror/Action 2010 90min. Herr 02.03.2015 Delta Music & Entertainment(SJ Werner Riepel, Heidi Kabel, Hedy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065042 Entertainment) 02.03.2015 Schlossark - Dir. Günther Siegmund 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065019 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Ohnsorg Theater: Für die Katz Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1971 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 108min. Nightmare Camera (k.J.) 91min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Nightmare / Star Vehicle / El trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 02.03.2015 asesino 02.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065041 Horror 258min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065054 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Ohnsorg Theater: In Luv und Lee 02.02.2015 Ohnsorg Theater: Der schönste 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064482 Mann von der Reeperbahn die Liebe Hans Mahler, Heinz Lanker, Jochen Jürgen Pooch, Heidi Kabel, Heidi Mahler - Schenck, Walter Scherau, Erna Raupach- Nord Nord Mord (2 Discs) Dir. Jochen Schenck Nord Nord Mord / Nord Nord Mord: Clüver Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts Petersen, Auth Rastedt und die fremde Frau / Nord Nord Mord: Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1972 Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 95min. Clüvers Geheimnis 109min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2001-2015 270min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 02.03.2015 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) 02.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065031 10.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065030 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064988 Ohnsorg Theater: Der Weiberhof Ohnsorg Theater: Kein Auskom- Notruf Hafenkante 9, Folge 105- Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 93min. men mit dem Einkommen 117 (4 Discs) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Henry Vahl, Edgar Bessen, Heidi Kabel - Dir. Heini Kaufeld Thomas Scharff, Marie-Lou Sellem, Sanna 02.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065043 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Englund, Rhea Harder, Frank Vockroth, Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1966 Peer Jäger, André Willmund, Fabian Harloff, Ohnsorg Theater: Die 125min. Maike Bollow, Petra Kleinert, Harald Maack, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Marten Kemm, Dieter Montag - Dir. Bern- Kartenlegerin 02.03.2015 hard Stephan, Jörg Schneider, Gero Wein- Heidi Kabel, Otto Lüthje, Willy Millowitsch, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065051 reuter, Erwin Keusch, Bodo Schwarz, Ste- Edgar Bessen, Henry Vahl, Freddy Quinn - phan Meyer, Rolf Wellingerhof Dir. Hans Mahler Ohnsorg Theater: Mein Mann, der Kriminalfilm/Drama 585min. Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes fährt zur See Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1967 Werner Riepel, Christa Wehling, Otto Lüthje 10.04.2015 125min. - Dir. Günther Siegmund 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065244 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 02.03.2015 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1971 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065052 Ohnsorg Theater: Brand-Stiftung 105min. Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 98min. Ohnsorg Theater: Die Königin 02.03.2015 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) von Honolulu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065053 02.03.2015 Dir. Günther Siegmund 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065029 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Ohnsorg Theater: Meister Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1977 Ohnsorg Theater: Das 103min. Anecker Henry Vahl, Heini Kaufeld, Jochen Schenck

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- Dir. Hans Mahler Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1968 Booklet, Bildergalerie Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 112min. Thriller 1950 80min. Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1965 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Koch Media 23.04.2015 85min. 02.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064781 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065047 02.03.2015 Orange Is the New Black - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065048 Ohnsorg Theater: Wenn der Hahn komplette erste Season (4 Discs) Ohnsorg Theater: Opa wird ver- kräht (Blu-ray) Karl-Heinz Kreienbaum, Hilde Sicks, Uwe Orange Is The New Black kauft Dallmeier, Heidi Mahler, Heidi Kabel, Jürgen Drama/Komödie 2013 min. Heinz Lanker, Edgar Bessen, Henry Vahl, Pooch - Dir. Günther Siegmund STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Karl-Heinz Kreienbaum, Erna Raupach- Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Germany 18.06.2015 Petersen - Dir. Günther Siegmund Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1976 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064814 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 96min. Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1961 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Orange Is the New Black - Die 118min. 02.03.2015 komplette erste Season (5 Discs) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065038 02.03.2015 Orange Is The New Black 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065046 Ohnsorg Theater: Willems Ver- Drama/Komödie 2013 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ohnsorg Theater: Rund um Kap mächtnis Germany 18.06.2015 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 95min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064774 Hoorn Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Dir. Jochen Schenck 02.03.2015 OSS 117 - Keine Rosen für OSS Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065044 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1973 117 109min. Ohnsorg Theater: Zitronenjette Niente Rose Per OSS 117 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) John Gavin, Curd Jürgens, Margaret Lee, Henry Vahl 02.03.2015 Nachdruck eines Original- Programmheftes aus der Spielzeit Luciana Paluzzi, Robert Hossein, Rosalba 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065039 1974/75 Neri, George Eastman, Guido Alberti - Dir. Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1974 André Hunebelle, Renzo Cerrato, Jean- Ohnsorg Theater: Schneider 90min. Pierre Desagnat Nörig Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Trailer Action/Thriller 1968 100min. Henry Vahl, Werner Riepel, Heidi Kabel - 02.03.2015 POLAR Film + Medien 12.03.2015 Dir. Hans Mahler 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065028 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064963 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1982 Onkel Bräsig - Staffel 2 100min. Fritz Hollenbeck, Gottfried Kramer, Robert Out of the Dark Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Zimmerling, Christiane Stolte, Eva-Maria Aguas Rojas 02.03.2015 Bauer, Alexander Radzun, Marietta Schupp, Julia Stiles, Scott Speedman, Stephen Rea, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065049 Joachim Wolff, Helga Feddersen - Dir. Vol- Pixie Davies, Alejandro Furth, Guillermo ker Vogeler, Stanislav Barabas Morales Vitola - Dir. Lluís Quílez Ohnsorg Theater: Söbenteihn Drama/Heimatfilm 1978-1980 350min. Horror/Mystery 2014 92min. Sack Kaffee (op Platt) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) 29.05.2015 Dir. Hans Mahler 10.04.2015 Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064990 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065128 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1967 88min. The Open Road Out of the Dark (Blu-ray) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) The Open Road Aguas Rojas 02.03.2015 Justin Timberlake, Jeff Bridges, Kate Mara, Julia Stiles, Scott Speedman, Stephen Rea, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065037 Mary Steenburgen, Harry Dean Stanton, Pixie Davies, Alejandro Furth, Guillermo Lyle Lovett, Loyd Catlett, Douglas M. Morales Vitola - Dir. Lluís Quílez Ohnsorg Theater: Tratsch im Griffin - Dir. Michael Meredith Horror/Mystery 2014 96min. Treppenhaus Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Drama/Komödie 2009 87min. 29.05.2015 Heidi Kabel, Henry Vahl - Dir. Hans Mahler Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065145 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1966 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065193 98min. Outcast - Die letzten Tempelritter Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) The Open Road (Blu-ray) Outcast 02.03.2015 The Open Road , Hayden Christensen, Yifei 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065045 Justin Timberlake, Jeff Bridges, Kate Mara, Liu, Andy On, Bill Su Jiahang, Anoja Dias Mary Steenburgen, Harry Dean Stanton, Bolt, Jike Junyi, Ron Smoorenburg - Dir. Ohnsorg Theater: Vater Philipp Lyle Lovett, Loyd Catlett, Douglas M. Nick Powell Heidi Kabel, Henry Vahl, Edgar Bessen, Griffin - Dir. Michael Meredith Making of, B-Roll, Interviews Abenteuer/Action 2014 95min. Gisela Wessel, Heinz Lanker - Dir. Hans Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentare, Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2009 91min. Universum Film Home Mahler Nachdruck des Original-Programmheftes Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.05.2015 Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.04.2015 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1963 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065215 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064468 113min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Opfer der Unterwelt - D.O.A. Outcast - Die letzten Tempelritter 02.03.2015 (OmU) (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065040 D.O.A. Outcast Edmond O’Brien, Pamela Britton, Luther Nicolas Cage, Hayden Christensen, Yifei Ohnsorg Theater: Verteufelte Zei- Adler, Beverly Garland, Lynn Baggett, Liu, Andy On, Bill Su Jiahang, Anoja Dias ten William Ching, Henry Hart, Neville Brand, Bolt, Jike Junyi, Ron Smoorenburg - Dir. Edgar Bessen, Henry Vahl, Heidi Kabel - Laurette Luez, Jess Kirkpatrick, Cay Nick Powell Dir. Hans Mahler Forrester, Frank Jaquet - Dir. Rudolph Maté Making of, B-Roll, Interviews

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Abenteuer/Action 2014 99min. Drama/Thriller 2014 100min. Preuss, Jeff Burrell, Nikola Kastner, Max Universum Film Home Falcom Investment AG 24.04.2015 Hopp, Megan Gay, Kirsten Block, Frank Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064631 Seppeler, Daniela Holtz, Kathrin Wehlisch, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064499 Michael Wenninger, Claudia Geisler - Dir. Perfect (Blu-ray) Christian Petzold Outcast - Die letzten Tempelritter Perfect Sisters Audiodeskription, Making Of, Interviews, Kinotrailer, Booklet (Blu-ray) Abigail Breslin, Georgie Henley, Mira Drama 2014 94min. good!movies(Piffl) 27.03.2015 Outcast Sorvino, James Russo, Rusty Schwimmer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064956 Nicolas Cage, Hayden Christensen, Yifei Zoë Belkin, Jeffrey Ballard, Jonathan Ma- len, - Dir. Stanley M. Brooks Liu, Andy On, Bill Su Jiahang, Anoja Dias Phoenix (Blu-ray) Bolt, Jike Junyi, Ron Smoorenburg - Dir. Trailer Drama/Thriller 2014 104min. Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nina Nick Powell Making of, B-Roll, Interviews Falcom Investment AG 24.04.2015 Kunzendorf, Trystan Pütter, Michael Abenteuer/Action 2014 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064636 Maertens, Imogen Kogge, Felix Römer, Uwe Universum Film Home Preuss, Jeff Burrell, Nikola Kastner, Max Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.04.2015 Die perfekte Erpressung Hopp, Megan Gay, Kirsten Block, Frank 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064498 Fabio Testi - Dir. Sergio Sollima, Oliver Seppeler, Daniela Holtz, Kathrin Wehlisch, Reed Michael Wenninger, Claudia Geisler - Dir. The Outlaw - Geächtet (Digital Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Christian Petzold Action 1973 110min. Audiodeskription, Making Of, Interviews, Kinotrailer, Booklet Remastered) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama 2014 98min. The Outlaw AG(Colosseo Film) 24.04.2015 good!movies(Piffl) 27.03.2015 Jack Beutel, Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065188 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064973 Walter Huston, Mimi Aguglia, Joe Sawyer, Gene Rizzi, Frank Darien, Pat West, Carl Pesthauch des Dschungels (Blu- Der Pirat - Legende - Held - Kavi- Stockdale - Dir. Howard Hughes, Howard ray) ar-König Hawks Original schwarz-weiß Fassung La Mort En Ce Jardin O Theos Agapaei To Haviari Western 1940-1943 112min. Simone Signoret, Charles Vanel, Georges Sebastian Koch, Evgeniy Stychkin, Juan Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Marchal, Michèle Girardon, Michel Piccoli, Diego Botto - Dir. Yannis Smaragdis 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064778 Tito Junco, Raúl Ramirez (Álvaro), Alberto Trailer, Bildergalerie Pedret, Luis Aceves Castañeda - Dir. Luis Drama/Historienfilm 2012 98min. Paddington Buñuel KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064578 Paddington Drama 1956 140min. Delta Music & Entertainment(SJ Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Nicole Der Pirat - Legende - Held - Kavi- Kidman, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Entertainment) 02.03.2015 Capaldi, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065070 ar-König (Blu-ray) Matt Lucas, Kayvan Novak, Tim Downie - O Theos Agapaei To Haviari Dir. Paul King Phantom Kommando (Director’s Sebastian Koch, Evgeniy Stychkin, Juan Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Cut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Diego Botto - Dir. Yannis Smaragdis Komödie 2014 91min. Commando Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Historienfilm 2012 102min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment , Rae Dawn KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.04.2015 Germany 04.04.2015 Chong, Dan Hedaya, Alyssa Milano, Vernon 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064603 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064624 Wells, James Olson, David Patrick Kelly, Bill Duke - Dir. Mark L. Lester Polizeihauptmeister Krause - Alle Paddington (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergale- Paddington rien 4 Krause-Filme (4 Discs) Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Nicole Action 1985 min. Krauses Braut / Krauses Fest / Krauses Kidman, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Geheimnis / Krauses Kur Capaldi, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, Germany 07.05.2015 Horst Krause - Dir. Bernd Böhlich Matt Lucas, Kayvan Novak, Tim Downie - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065206 Komödie 2007-2014 354min. Dir. Paul King good!movies(Neue Visionen) 20.03.2015 Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Das Philadelphia Experiment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064955 Komödie 2014 95min. The Philadelphia Experiment STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Michael Paré, Nancy Allen, Miles Polizeiinspektion 1 - Die komplet- Germany 04.04.2015 McNamara, Eric Christmas, Bobby DiCicco, te Serie (30 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064633 Louise Latham, Debra Toyer, Rene Holliday, Walter Sedlmayr, Elmar Wepper, Max Pamela Brull - Dir. Stewart Raffill Grießer, Bruni Löbel, Uschi Glas, Dieter A Perfect Getaway Science Fiction 1984 97min. Eppler, Philipp Seiser, Rosl Mayr - Dir. Dr. A Perfect Getaway VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Michael Braun, Zbynek Brynych Steve Zahn, Timothy Olyphant, Milla 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064685 Original Polizeiinspektion 1-Bierglas Jovovich, Kiele Sanchez, Marley Shelton, Kriminalfilm/Drama 1977-1988 3211min. Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Ruivivar, Dale Das Philadelphia Experiment Koch Media 09.04.2015 Dickey - Dir. David Twohy (Blu-ray) 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064776 Making of, B-Roll, Interviews, The Philadelphia Experiment Thriller/Abenteuer 2009 93min. Michael Paré, Nancy Allen, Miles Population Zero Universum Film Home Entertainment McNamara, Eric Christmas, Bobby DiCicco, Katja Hellinger, Sascha Striebel, Melanie 12.02.2015 Louise Latham, Debra Toyer, Rene Holliday, Munzel - Dir. Michael Hehn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064556 Pamela Brull - Dir. Stewart Raffill Horror 2015 86min. Perfect Sisters Science Fiction 1984 101min. KNM Home Entertainment(MAE VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Entertainment) 12.02.2015 Perfect Sisters 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064716 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064542 Abigail Breslin, Georgie Henley, Mira Sorvino, James Russo, Rusty Schwimmer, Phoenix Power Rangers Samurai - Zoë Belkin, Jeffrey Ballard, Jonathan Ma- Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nina len, Stephan James - Dir. Stanley M. Brooks Complete Season (3 Discs) (Blu- Kunzendorf, Trystan Pütter, Michael Trailer ray) Maertens, Imogen Kogge, Felix Römer, Uwe

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Power Rangers - Samurai R Weaver (211 Folgen: Deputy Chester B. Action/Fantasy 2011-2012 440min. Pilou Asbæk, Dulfi Al-Jabouri, Roland Møller Goode), Buck Taylor (115 Folgen: Newly justbridge entertainment GmbH 17.04.2015 - Dir. Tobias Lindholm, Michael Noer O’Brian), Glenn Strange (204 Folgen: Sam tba BestellNr.: 20065251 Trailer Noonan), , Jack Elam, Claude Drama/Action 2010 104min. Akins, Harry Dean Stanton, George Kenne- Power Rangers Samurai - MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA X) 19.05.2015 dy, Leonard Nimoy, James Whitmore, Ri- Complete Season (4 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065138 chard Jaeckel, Jodie Foster, Jon Voight, Charles Bronson, Kurt Russell, John Drew Power Rangers - Samurai R - Gnadenlos hinter Gittern (k.J.) Action/Fantasy 2011-2012 440min. Barrymore, Robert Vaughn, Harrison Ford, R justbridge entertainment GmbH 17.04.2015 - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen, Pilou Asbæk, Dulfi Al-Jabouri, Roland Møller tba BestellNr.: 20065237 Harry Harris, Ted Post, Bernard McEveety, - Dir. Tobias Lindholm, Michael Noer Vincent McEveety Trailer Western 1955-1975 1040min. Power Rangers Samurai - Der Drama/Action 2010 100min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Traumfänger, Vol. 1 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA X) 19.05.2015 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065154 Power Rangers - Samurai 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065121 Action/Fantasy 2011-2012 138min. Raw 3: Die Offenbarung der justbridge entertainment GmbH 17.04.2015 Raining Blood - Run for Your Life! tba BestellNr.: 20065250 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Grete Müller Nina Fischer, Christian Stock, Annika Raivu Strauss, Leoni Lee, Witalij Kühne, David Puppet Master (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Yuki Yamada, Ito Ohno, Asami, Mitsuki Buk, Isabelle Fitzgerald, Johanna Olbrich - Puppet Master Koga, Yoshiyuki Morishita, Mari Iriki, Taro Dir. Marcel Walz Jimmy F. Skaggs, Kathryn O’Reilly, Marya Suwa, Suzuka Morita - Dir. Noboru Iguchi Horror 2015 74min. Small, Paul Le Mat, Irene Miracle, Matt Roe Action/Horror 2014 105min. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 - Dir. David Schmoeller Mad Dimension GmbH 24.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065126 Horror/Thriller 1989 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064826 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) 24.04.2015 Raining Blood - Run for Your Life! Raw 3: Die Offenbarung der 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065233 (k.J.) Grete Müller (Blu-ray) Nina Fischer, Christian Stock, Annika Raivu Puppet Master (k.J.) Strauss, Leoni Lee, Witalij Kühne, David Yuki Yamada, Ito Ohno, Asami, Mitsuki Puppet Master Buk, Isabelle Fitzgerald, Johanna Olbrich - Koga, Yoshiyuki Morishita, Mari Iriki, Taro Jimmy F. Skaggs, Kathryn O’Reilly, Marya Dir. Marcel Walz Suwa, Suzuka Morita - Dir. Noboru Iguchi Small, Paul Le Mat, Irene Miracle, Matt Roe Horror 2015 77min. Action/Horror 2014 101min. - Dir. David Schmoeller Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Mad Dimension GmbH 24.04.2015 Horror/Thriller 1989 86min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065143 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064796 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) 24.04.2015 The Rambler - Abgründe in die Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065225 Dunkelheit Staffel 4, Teil 1 (4 Discs) Rawhide The Rambler The Queen / Diana (2 Discs) Clint Eastwood, Eric Fleming, Jim Murdock, Dermot Mulroney, Lindsay Pulsipher, The Queen / Diana Paul Brinegar, Steve Raines, Natasha Lyonne - Dir. Calvin Reeder Helen Mirren, , Alex Shahan, Sheb Wooley, Robert Cabal - Dir. Jennings, Naomi Watts, Naveen Andrews, Kurzfilme, Trailer Thriller/Mystery 2013 95min. Ted Post, Charles Marquis Warren, Perry Douglas Hodge - Dir. Stephen Frears, Oliver Koch Media 23.04.2015 Lafferty, George Templeton, Anton Leader, Hirschbiegel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064568 Robert L. Friend, Jus Addiss, Sobey Martin, Drama 2006-2013 min. Tay Garnett Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde The Rambler - Abgründe in die Trailer, Bildergalerie Home Edition) 09.04.2015 Drama 1961-1962 750min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064694 Dunkelheit (Blu-ray) Explosive Media 29.05.2015 The Rambler 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065168 The Queen / Diana (2 Discs) (Blu- Dermot Mulroney, Lindsay Pulsipher, ray) Natasha Lyonne - Dir. Calvin Reeder Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, Kurzfilme, Trailer The Queen / Diana Thriller/Mystery 2013 99min. Staffel 4, Teil 2 (4 Discs) Helen Mirren, James Cromwell, Alex Koch Media 23.04.2015 Rawhide Jennings, Naomi Watts, Naveen Andrews, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064595 Clint Eastwood, Eric Fleming, Jim Murdock, Douglas Hodge - Dir. Stephen Frears, Oliver Paul Brinegar, Steve Raines, Rocky Hirschbiegel Die Räuberin Shahan, Sheb Wooley, Robert Cabal - Dir. Drama 2006-2013 min. Birge Schade, Daniel Michel, Kai Ivo Ted Post, Charles Marquis Warren, Perry Concorde Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 Baulitz, Anna Stieblich, Jens Schäfer, Imke Lafferty, George Templeton, Anton Leader, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064721 Büchel, Eric Golub, Till Huster, Andreas Robert L. Friend, Jus Addiss, Sobey Martin, Kallauch, Burkhard Schmeer - Dir. Markus Tay Garnett Quentin Durward - Die komplette Busch Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 1961-1962 750min. 13-teilige Serie (2 Discs) Drama 2011 90min. Explosive Media 29.05.2015 Amadeus August, Marie- Boyer, Silvercine 24.04.2015 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065169 Michel Vitold, André Oumansky, Clarisse 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064902 Deudon, Guy Kerner, William Sabatier - Dir. Ready 2 Die - World War 3 in den Gilles Grangier Rauchende Colts - Volume Vier (6 Wendecover Discs) Straßen von L.A. Abenteuer/Historienfilm 1970 325min. Ready 2 Die Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.04.2015 Pablo Hernandez, Jacob Martinez, John James Arness (616 Folgen: Marshal Matt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065240 Azpilicueta - Dir. John Azpilicueta Dillon), Milburn Stone (424 Folgen: Dr. Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 76min. Galen „Doc“ Adams), Amanda Blake (390 R - Gnadenlos hinter Gittern (Blu- EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Folgen: Kitty Russell), Ken Curtis (245 Fol- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064743 ray) (k.J.) gen: Deputy Festus Haggen), Dennis

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Ready 2 Die - World War 3 in den (k.J.) da music(Laser Paradise) 06.02.2015 Straßen von L.A. (Blu-ray 3D + The Redwood Massacre 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064557 2D) (Blu-ray) Lisa Cameron, Mark Wood, Lisa Livingstone, Rebecca Wilkie, Adam Coutts, The Ring Ready 2 Die Benjamin Selway, Lee Hutcheon, Cheryl The Ring Pablo Hernandez, Jacob Martinez, John Bernard - Dir. David Ryan Keith Carl Brisson, Lillian Hall-Davis, Ian Hunter, Azpilicueta - Dir. John Azpilicueta Trailer Forrester Harvey, Harry Terry, Gordon Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 79min. Thriller/Horror 2014 100min. Harker - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Maritim Pictures 24.04.2015 Drama 1927 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064801 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064637 BROKEN SILENCE(The Archive) 27.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064962 Ready 2 Die - World War 3 in den The Redwood Massacre (k.J.) Straßen von L.A. (Blu-ray) The Redwood Massacre Rio Lobo / True Grit - Der Marshal Ready 2 Die Lisa Cameron, Mark Wood, Lisa / Man nennt mich Hondo (3 Discs) Pablo Hernandez, Jacob Martinez, John Livingstone, Rebecca Wilkie, Adam Coutts, Rio Lobo / True Grit / Hondo Azpilicueta - Dir. John Azpilicueta Benjamin Selway, Lee Hutcheon, Cheryl , Jorge Rivero, Jennifer O’Neill, Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 79min. Bernard - Dir. David Ryan Keith Glen Campbell, Kim Darby, Geraldine Page, EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Trailer Ward Bond - Dir. Howard Hawks, Henry Thriller/Horror 2014 95min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064800 Hathaway, John Farrow Maritim Pictures 24.04.2015 Western 1953-1970 314min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064632 Reclaim - Auf eigenes Risiko Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Reclaim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065151 John Cusack, Ryan Phillippe, Rachelle ReGenesis - Season 2 (3 Discs) Lefevre, Jacki Weaver, Luis Guzmán, (Blu-ray) Road House (Blu-ray) Briana Roy, Jandres Burgos, Liz Veronica Regenesis Road House Foo, Alex Cintrón - Dir. Alan White Peter Outerbridge, Mayko Nguyen, Conrad Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott, Kelly Lynch, Behind the Scenes Pla, Greg Bryk, Maxim Roy, Dmitri Ben Gazzara, Marshall Teague, Red West, Thriller 2014 92min. Chepovetsky, Sarah Strange, Ellen Page, Jeff Healey - Dir. Rowdy Herrington Universum Film Home Rosemary Dunsmore, Mishu Vellani, Micha- Trailer Entertainment(SquareOne) 15.05.2015 el Seater, Darren Boyd, Marc Strange, Action 1989 114min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065090 Vincent Walsh, Maurice Dean Wint, Mark Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rendall, Kristin Booth, Tatum Knight, Hugh Germany(MGM/UA) 07.05.2015 Reclaim - Auf eigenes Risiko Dillon, Kenneth Welsh, Thomas Mitchell, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065207 (Blu-ray) Christopher Wiggins, Deanna Dezmari, Reclaim Stephen Amell - Dir. John L’Ecuyer, Jerry Roar - Die Löwen sind los John Cusack, Ryan Phillippe, Rachelle Ciccoritti, Ken Girotti, Bruce McDonald, Don Roar Lefevre, Jacki Weaver, Luis Guzmán, McBrearty, Ron Murphy Noel Marshall, Kyalo Mativo, Tippi Hedren, Briana Roy, Jandres Burgos, Liz Veronica Science Fiction/Thriller 2004-2008 620min. John Marshall, Jerry Marshall, Melanie Foo, Alex Cintrón - Dir. Alan White justbridge entertainment GmbH 27.03.2015 Griffith - Dir. Noel Marshall Behind the Scenes 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064825 Abenteuer 1970-1981 91min. Thriller 2014 96min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Universum Film Home ReGenesis - Season 2 (4 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064683 Entertainment(SquareOne) 15.05.2015 Regenesis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065106 Peter Outerbridge, Mayko Nguyen, Conrad Roar - Die Löwen sind los (Blu- Pla, Greg Bryk, Maxim Roy, Dmitri Red Tears (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ray) Chepovetsky, Sarah Strange, Ellen Page, Roar Red Tears - Kôrui Rosemary Dunsmore, Mishu Vellani, Micha- Noel Marshall, Kyalo Mativo, Tippi Hedren, Yuma Ishigaki, Yasuaki Kurata, Natsuki el Seater, Darren Boyd, Marc Strange, John Marshall, Jerry Marshall, Melanie Kato, Ayaka Morita, Masahiro Nagai, Kôji Vincent Walsh, Maurice Dean Wint, Mark Griffith - Dir. Noel Marshall Nakamura, Yôju Takashima, Karin Rendall, Kristin Booth, Tatum Knight, Hugh Abenteuer 1970-1981 95min. Yamaguchi - Dir. Takanori Tsujimoto Dillon, Kenneth Welsh, Thomas Mitchell, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 14.04.2015 Trailer, Bildergalerie Christopher Wiggins, Deanna Dezmari, Thriller/Horror 2011 87min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064714 Stephen Amell - Dir. John L’Ecuyer, Jerry Musketier Media(8-Films) 05.05.2015 Ciccoritti, Ken Girotti, Bruce McDonald, Don 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064920 Rob-B-Hood (Dragon Edition) McBrearty, Ron Murphy Bo Bui Gai Wak Red Tears (k.J.) Science Fiction/Thriller 2004-2008 597min. Jackie Chan, Louis Koo, Yuanyuan Gao, justbridge entertainment GmbH 27.03.2015 Red Tears - Kôrui Michael Hui, Teresa Carpio, Charlene Choi - 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064795 Yuma Ishigaki, Yasuaki Kurata, Natsuki Dir. Benny Chan Action/Komödie 2006 121min. Kato, Ayaka Morita, Masahiro Nagai, Kôji The Remaining Nakamura, Yôju Takashima, Karin Splendid Film(Amazia) 24.04.2015 The Remaining Yamaguchi - Dir. Takanori Tsujimoto 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064989 Trailer, Bildergalerie Alexa Vega, Shaun Sipos, Johnny Pacar, Thriller/Horror 2011 84min. Italia Ricci, Bryan Dechart, John Pyper- Rob-B-Hood (Dragon Edition) Musketier Media(8-Films) 05.05.2015 Ferguson, Liz E. Morgan, Kim Pacheco, Erin (Blu-ray) Murphy - Dir. Casey La Scala 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064876 Bo Bui Gai Wak Thriller/Mystery 2014 84min. Jackie Chan, Louis Koo, Yuanyuan Gao, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Robert Redford - 3-Movie-Edition Michael Hui, Teresa Carpio, Charlene Choi - 30.04.2015 (3 Discs) Dir. Benny Chan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064511 Ein unmoralisches Angebot / Der große Action/Komödie 2006 126min. Gatsby / Barfuss im Park Richy Guitar (2 Discs) Splendid Film(Amazia) 24.04.2015 Drama/Komödie 1966-1993 352min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064996 Farin Urlaub, Bela B., Ingrid van Bergen, Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Nena, Kristina Raschen, Horst Pinnow, Dan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065155 Das rote Zelt van Husen - Dir. Michael Laux The Red Tent Musikfilm 1985 91min. The Redwood Massacre (Blu-ray) Sir Sean Connery, Claudia Cardinale, Hardy

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Krüger, Peter Finch - Dir. Mikhail Kalatozov Morgan, Joel Bishop, Jeff Johnson, Allan Vincent Price, Debra Paget, Lon Chaney jr., Bildergalerie, Bildergalerien Groves - Dir. Ryan Little Frank Maxwell, Leo Gordon, Elisha Cook Abenteuer/Drama 1969 117min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2014 98min. Jr., John Dierkes, Milton Parsons, Cathy ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Merchant - Dir. Roger Corman tba BestellNr.: 20064943 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064808 Horror 1963 84min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Ruby - Im Netz der Mafia Sandokan - Der Tiger von Malay- dia) 14.04.2015 Ruby sia (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064864 Danny Aiello, Sherilyn Fenn, Arliss Howard, Sandokan - Il Tigre Tobin Bell, David Duchovny, Richard C. Kabir Bedi, Philippe Leroy, Carole André, Das Schloss des Grauens (Blu- Sarafian, Joe Cortese, Marc Lawrence - Hans Caninenberg, Andrea Giordana - Dir. ray) Dir. John Mackenzie Sergio Sollima The Haunted Palace Thriller/Drama 1991 108min. Original Kinotrailer, Original Dokumentation mit Interview von Vincent Price, Debra Paget, Lon Chaney jr., Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.04.2015 Sergio Sollima, Bildergalerie Frank Maxwell, Leo Gordon, Elisha Cook 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064870 Abenteuer 1976 360min. Jr., John Dierkes, Milton Parsons, Cathy Koch Media 23.04.2015 Merchant - Dir. Roger Corman Rückfälle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064818 Horror 1963 87min. Günter Lamprecht, Veronika Bayer, Johan- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- na Hofer, Ulrich Matschoss, Ilsemarie Satanische Spiele dia) 14.04.2015 Schnering, Anna Anders, Tana Schanzara, Games 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064913 Dieter Schaad - Dir. Peter Beauvais Simone Signoret, James Caan, Katharine Drama 1976 104min. Ross, Don Stroud, Kent Smith, Estelle Schloss Hubertus - Die Ganghofer Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.03.2015 Winwood, Marjorie Bennett, Ian Wolfe - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064886 Curtis Harrington Verfilmungen, Sammelbox 1 (3 Bio- und Filmografien Discs) Rumpelstilzchen / Der gestiefelte Thriller 1967 97min. Schloss Hubertus / Schloss Hubertus / Kater (2 Discs) ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Schloss Hubertus tba BestellNr.: 20064936 Werner Krüger, Liane Croon, Wilhelm Hansi Knoteck, Paul Richter, Friedrich Ul- mer, Friedrich Domin, Marianne Koch, Lil Groothe, Margitta Sonke, Harry Wüsten- Der Schattenmann (5 Discs) hagen, Günter Hertel - Dir. Herbert B. Dagover, Robert Hoffmann, Karlheinz Stefan Kurt, Mario Adorf, Heinz Hoenig, Fredersdorf Böhm, Karl Lange - Dir. Hans Deppe, Hel- Biografie, Hintergrundinfo, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wende- Heiner Lauterbach, Günter Strack, Julia mut Weiss, Harald Reinl cover Stemberger, Jennifer Nitsch, Maja Making of, Trailer, Booklet Fantasy 1955 138min. Maranow, Constanze Engelbrecht, Hans- Drama/Heimatfilm 1934-1973 261min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jörg Assmann, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Germany 02.04.2015 Alexander Radszun, Florian Martens, Chri- AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064667 stine Reinhart, Jürgen Hentsch, Hans 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064646 Häckermann, Marek Harloff, Astrid Meyer- St. Vincent Gossler, Mechthild Hönmann, Giuseppe Schlußakkord St. Vincent Pambieri, Michael Mendl, Axel Milberg, Mi- Eleonora Rossi-Drago, Viktor de Kowa, Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, chael Wittenborn, Elert Bode, Thomas Hu- Christian Wolff, Christian Marquand, Marion Chris O’Dowd, Terrence Howard, Jaeden ber, Gerd Preusche, Henry Hübchen, Michael - Dir. Wolfgang Liebeneiner Lieberher, Katharina Damm, Nate Corddry, Ronnie Janot, Armin Rohde, Martin Benrath, Drama/Musikfilm 1960 min. Kimberly Quinn - Dir. Theodore Melfi Louise Martini, Fritz Lichtenhahn, Maren MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Gilzer, Wolf von Lojewski, 06.03.2015 Komödie/Drama 2014 99min. Renzi, Michael Hanemann, Stefan Reck, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064688 polyband Medien GmbH 29.05.2015 Petra Einhoff, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Isa 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065127 Haller, Heinz W. Krückeberg, Walter Renn- Schmerzensgeld - Wer reich sein eisen, Hans Diehl, Judith Engel, Hildegard St. Vincent (Blu-ray) will muss leiden Metzner, Justus Fritzsche, Matthias The Brass Teapot St. Vincent Gratkowski, Judith von Radetzky, Nicola Michael Angarano, Juno Temple, Alia Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Kress, Gregori Winkowski - Dir. Dr. Dieter Shawkat, Alexis Bledel, Matt Walsh, Lucy Chris O’Dowd, Terrence Howard, Jaeden Wedel Walters, Billy Magnussen, Thomas Lieberher, Katharina Damm, Nate Corddry, Making Ofs, Inerviews Middleditch, Bobby Moynihan, Ben Kimberly Quinn - Dir. Theodore Melfi Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1996 580min. Rappaport - Dir. Ramaa Mosley Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises (ZDF Video) Komödie/Drama 2014 103min. Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Trailer 13.02.2015 Komödie/Mystery 2012 102min. polyband Medien GmbH 29.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064653 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065144 05.05.2015 Der Schatz der weißen Falken tba BestellNr.: 20065123 Saints and Soldiers 3 - Battle of David Bode, Kevin Köppe, Tamino-Turgay the Tanks zum Felde, Viktoria Scherer, Jannis Schmerzensgeld - Wer reich sein Saints And Soldiers: The Void Niewöhner, Christian Wimmer, Cornelia will muss leiden (Blu-ray) K. Danor Gerald, Matthew Meese, Adam Schmaus, Brigitte Beyeler, Thomas The Brass Teapot Gregory, Michael Todd Behrens, David Sarbacher, Sybille Schedwill, Wotan Wilke Michael Angarano, Juno Temple, Alia Morgan, Joel Bishop, Jeff Johnson, Allan Möhring, Carolin Imcke, Horst Mendroch, Shawkat, Alexis Bledel, Matt Walsh, Lucy Groves - Dir. Ryan Little Oliver Bäßler, Milan Jack Mulzer, Hannes Walters, Billy Magnussen, Thomas Drama/Kriegsfilm 2014 95min. Decher, Alexander Held - Dir. Christian Middleditch, Bobby Moynihan, Ben EuroVideo Medien 28.04.2015 Zübert Rappaport - Dir. Ramaa Mosley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064760 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2005 89min. Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Trailer Komödie/Mystery 2012 106min. Falcom Investment AG 20.03.2015 Saints and Soldiers 3 - Battle of Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064628 the Tanks (Blu-ray) 05.05.2015 Saints And Soldiers: The Void Das Schloss des Grauens tba BestellNr.: 20065140 K. Danor Gerald, Matthew Meese, Adam The Haunted Palace Gregory, Michael Todd Behrens, David Schönefeld Boulevard

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Julia Jendroßek, Daniel Sträßer, Ramona Schwerter des Königs - Die letzte Mission Skolimowski Libnow, Uwe Preuss, Jani Volanen, Kyra Jason Statham, LeeLee Sobieski, Burt Horror 1978 83min. Sophia Kahre, Yung Ngo, Judith Engel, Reynolds, Dolph Lundgren, Natassia Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Horst-Günter Marx, Sanne Schnapp, Gro Malthe, Lochlyn Munro, Dominic Purcell, 17.04.2015 Swantje Kohlhof - Dir. Sylke Enders Ralitsa Paskaleva, Bashar Rahal - Dir. Dr. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065194 Drama/Komödie 2014 98min. Uwe Boll Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes Sibel & Max - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 24.04.2015 Fantasy/Action 2006-2013 331min. Idil Üner, Marc Oliver Schulze, Salah 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064900 Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Massoud, Katherina Unger, Yolande 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064998 Andrae, Claes Bang, Nina Petri, Sandra Der schwarze Prinz Borgmann, Gerhard Garbers, Oliver Her- Dark Avenger Die sechs Frauen Heinrichs VIII (3 mann, Mike Hoffmann, Pauline Rénevier, Interview, Trailer Discs) Torsten Hammann, Cem-Ali Gültekin, Marian Abenteuer 1955 81min. The Six Wives Of Henry VIII Meder, Willi Gerk, Katharina Kaali - Dir. Koch Media 09.04.2015 Keith Mitchell, Patrick Troughton, Bernard Felix Herzogenrath, Holger T. Schmidt, Ulri- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064783 Hepton, Sheila Burrell, Basil Dignam, Wolfe ke Hamacher Morris, Angela Pleasence, Anne Drama/Familie 540min. Die schwarze Tulpe Stallybrass, Dorothy Tutin - Dir. Naomi Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) La Tulipe Noire Capon, John Glenister 24.04.2015 Alain Delon, Virna Lisi, Dawn Addams, Drama/Historienfilm 1970 540min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064893 Akim Tamiroff, Francis Blanche, Robert Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.04.2015 Manuel, Adolfo Marsillach, Laura 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064575 Sie leben (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Valenzuela, Georges Rigaud - Dir. Christi- They Live an-Jaque Anna Seghers - Acht Roman- Roddy „Rowdy“ Piper, Keith David, Meg Abenteuer 1963 106min. verfilmungen 1974-1988 (4 Discs) Foster, George „Buck“ Flower, Peter Jason, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Der Aufstand der Fischer von St. Barbara / Susan Barnes, Raymond St. Jacques - Dir. Classic Selection) 09.04.2015 Die Emser Depesche / Józia - Die Tochter John Carpenter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064693 Interviews, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Clips, der Delegierten / Der Mann und sein Name TV-Spots, Wendecover Die schwarze Tulpe (Blu-ray) / Das Obdach / Das Schilfrohr / Überfahrt Science Fiction/Action 1988 95min. / Das wirkliche Blau La Tulipe Noire STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 2005 655min. Alain Delon, Virna Lisi, Dawn Addams, Germany 16.04.2015 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR TV-Ar- Akim Tamiroff, Francis Blanche, Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064673 chiv) 17.04.2015 Manuel, Adolfo Marsillach, Laura 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065241 Valenzuela, Georges Rigaud - Dir. Christi- Sie leben (Digital Remastered) an-Jaque Sein Steckbrief ist kein Heiligen- (k.J.) Abenteuer 1963 110min. They Live Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde bild Roddy „Rowdy“ Piper, Keith David, Meg Classic Selection) 09.04.2015 El Hombre Que Mató A Billy El Niño Foster, George „Buck“ Flower, Peter Jason, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064720 Peter Lee Lawrence - Dir. Julio Buchs Susan Barnes, Raymond St. Jacques - Dir. Trailer, Bildergalerien John Carpenter Western 1967 85min. Das Schweigen im Walde - Die Interviews, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Clips, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Wild TV-Spots, Wendecover Ganghofer Verfilmungen, Coyote) 15.05.2015 Science Fiction/Action 1988 91min. Sammelbox 3 (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065202 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Das Schweigen des Waldes / Das Schwei- Germany 16.04.2015 gen im Walde / Das Schweigen im Walde Der Serienkiller - Du kannst ihm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064666 Hansi Knoteck, Paul Richter, Rudolf Lenz, nicht entkommen (k.J.) Sonja Sutter, Angelika Hauff, Alexander Fate Silence - Stimmen aus der Fin- Stephan, Belinda Mayne, Evelyn Opela - Dir. Michael Paré, Lee Majors, Philip Michael sternis (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hans Deppe, Helmut Weiss, Alfred Vohrer Thomas, Tamie Sheffield, Cruz, Of Silence Making of, Behind the Scenes, Booklet Angelique Mechel, Jermaine Jackson, Jeremiah Sayys, Masiela Lusha, Muse Drama 1937-1976 255min. Dwayne Boyd - Dir. Ace Cruz Watson, Ashlee Gillespie, Matthew AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Thriller/Drama 2003 94min. Lawrence, Suzanne Ford, Najarra AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.03.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.03.2015 Townsend, Paul Cuneo - Dir. Jeremiah 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064650 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064792 Sayys Trailer Schwerter des Königs - Die Trilo- Short Order - Das Leben ist ein Horror/Mystery 2014 93min. gie (3 Discs) Buffet (OmU) daredo media(White Pearl Films) Schwerter des Königs - Dungeon Siege / 27.03.2015 Short Order Schwerter des Königs - Zwei Welten / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065008 Emma de Caunes, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Schwerter des Königs - Die letzte Mission Vanessa Redgrave, Jack Dee, John Hurt, Jason Statham, LeeLee Sobieski, Burt Silence - Stimmen aus der Fin- Jon Polito, Rade Serbedzija, Paschal Friel, Reynolds, Dolph Lundgren, Natassia Vincent Fegan, Tatiana Ouliankina, Paul sternis (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Malthe, Lochlyn Munro, Dominic Purcell, Kaye - Dir. Anthony Byrne Of Silence Ralitsa Paskaleva, Bashar Rahal - Dir. Dr. Trailer Jeremiah Sayys, Masiela Lusha, Muse Uwe Boll Drama/Abenteuer 2005 101min. Watson, Ashlee Gillespie, Matthew Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Silvercine) Lawrence, Suzanne Ford, Najarra Fantasy/Action 2006-2013 331min. 20.03.2015 Townsend, Paul Cuneo - Dir. Jeremiah Splendid Film 24.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064699 Sayys 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064991 Trailer Horror/Mystery 2014 93min. Schwerter des Königs - Die Trilo- The Shout - Der Todesschrei The Shout daredo media(White Pearl Films) gie (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Alan Bates, John Hurt, Susannah York, Tim 27.03.2015 Schwerter des Königs - Dungeon Siege / Curry, Julian Hough, Susan Wooldridge, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065007 Schwerter des Königs - Zwei Welten / Nick Stringer, Robert Stephens - Dir. Jerzy

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Silence - Stimmen aus der Fin- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Robert Wise sternis (k.J.) Germany 21.05.2015 Musikfilm/Musical 1965 167min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065166 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Of Silence Germany 12.03.2015 Jeremiah Sayys, Masiela Lusha, Muse Son of a Gun - Jeder kriegt das 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064958 Watson, Ashlee Gillespie, Matthew was er verdient Lawrence, Suzanne Ford, Najarra Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Townsend, Paul Cuneo - Dir. Jeremiah Son Of A Gun Sayys Brenton Thwaites, Ewan McGregor, Alicia 10er Haudegen Box (10 Discs) Trailer Vikander - Dir. Julius Avery (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2014 89min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 108min. Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli / Banana daredo media(White Pearl Films) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 Joe / Django und die Bande der Gehenk- 27.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064562 ten / Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd / Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065000 rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels / Son of a Gun - Jeder kriegt das Der Supercop / Vier Fäuste für ein Silk - Roben aus Seide, Staffel 2 was er verdient (Blu-ray) Hallelujah / Zwei Asse trumpfen auf / Zwei (2 Discs) Son Of A Gun Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle Silk Brenton Thwaites, Ewan McGregor, Alicia Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Drama 2014 300min. Vikander - Dir. Julius Avery Komödie/Action 1000min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 112min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 27.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064903 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065005 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064592 Singapore Sling (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Spielfilm Box 2. Weltkrieg (2 Singapore Sling: O Anthropos Pou The Song Discs) Agapise Ena Ptoma The Song Eichmann / La legione dei dannati / Panagiotis Thanasoulis, Michele Valley, Alan Powell, Ali Faulkner, Caitlin Nicol-Tho- Sutjeska / Zwischen den Fronten - The Meredyth Herold - Dir. Nikos Nikolaidis mas, Danny Vinson, Aaron Benward, Poet / - Flucht in die Freiheit Drama/Thriller 1990 111min. Kenda Benward, Jude Ramsey, Gary Kriegsfilm/Drama 540min. Bildstörung 27.03.2015 Jenkins, Landon Marshall - Dir. Richard Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064662 Ramsey 02.02.2015 Musikfilm/Lovestory 2014 117min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064479 Singapore Sling (k.J.) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Singapore Sling: O Anthropos Pou 30.04.2015 Split Second (2 Discs) Agapise Ena Ptoma 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064526 Split Second Panagiotis Thanasoulis, Michele Valley, Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall, Neil Duncan, Meredyth Herold - Dir. Nikos Nikolaidis Sonnenallee Michael J. Pollard, Alun Armstrong, Ian Dury Drama/Thriller 1990 107min. Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Ka- - Dir. Tony Maylam Bildstörung 27.03.2015 tharina Thalbach, Henry Hübchen, Detlev Action/Science Fiction 1992 87min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064654 Buck, Teresa Weißbach, Elena Meißner, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 Robert Stadlober, David Müller, Martin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064612 Skeeter - Invasion des Grauens Moeller, Patrick Güldenberg, Annika Kuhl, Skeeter Ignaz Kirchner, Benno Frevert, Andreas Split Second (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tracy Griffith, Charles Napier, Michael J. Pietschmann, Margit Carstensen, Traute Split Second Pollard, Jim Youngs - Dir. Clark Brandon Hoess, Thorsten Ranft, Winfried Glatzeder Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall, Neil Duncan, Trailer, Bildergalerie - Dir. Leander Haußmann Michael J. Pollard, Alun Armstrong, Ian Dury Horror 1991 91min. Making of, Musikclip, Interviews, Teaser, Kurzfilm - Dir. Tony Maylam cmv-Laservision 27.03.2015 Komödie 1999 87min. Action/Science Fiction 1992 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064883 DCM 17.04.2015 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 17.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064907 The Skeleton Twins 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064621 The Skeleton Twins Sonnenallee (Blu-ray) Die Sprache des Herzens Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Ka- Marie Heurtin Burrell, Boyd Holbrook, Joanna Gleason, tharina Thalbach, Henry Hübchen, Detlev Isabelle Carré, Ariana Rivoire, Brigitte Kathleen Rose Perkins, Ian Hyland, Jennifer Buck, Teresa Weißbach, Elena Meißner, Catillon, Noemie Churlet, Gilles Treton, Lafleur - Dir. Craig Johnson Robert Stadlober, David Müller, Martin Laure Duthilleul, Martine Gautier, Patricia Drama 2014 89min. Moeller, Patrick Güldenberg, Annika Kuhl, Legrand, Sonia Laroze, Valerie Leroux, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ignaz Kirchner, Benno Frevert, Andreas Fany Buy, Noemie Bianco, Eline De Lorenzi, 30.04.2015 Pietschmann, Margit Carstensen, Traute Sandrine Schwartz, Dimitri Radochevitch, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064512 Hoess, Thorsten Ranft, Winfried Glatzeder Christophe Tourrette, Stephane Margot - - Dir. Leander Haußmann Dir. Jean-Pierre Améris The Skeleton Twins (Blu-ray) Making of, Musikclip, Interviews Drama 2014 90min. The Skeleton Twins Komödie 1999 90min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty DCM 17.04.2015 Home Entertainment) 21.05.2015 Burrell, Boyd Holbrook, Joanna Gleason, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064930 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065059 Kathleen Rose Perkins, Ian Hyland, Jennifer The Sound of Music - Meine Lie- Lafleur - Dir. Craig Johnson Die Sprache des Herzens (Blu- Drama 2014 93min. der, Meine Träume Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Sound Of Music ray) 30.04.2015 Dame Julie Andrews, , Marie Heurtin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064532 Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn, Peggy Isabelle Carré, Ariana Rivoire, Brigitte Wood, Charmian Carr, Heather Menzies, Catillon, Noemie Churlet, Gilles Treton, Sleepy Hollow - Die komplette Nicholas Hammond, Duane Chase, Angela Laure Duthilleul, Martine Gautier, Patricia Season 1 (4 Discs) Cartwright, Debbie Turner, Kym Karath, Legrand, Sonia Laroze, Valerie Leroux, Fany Buy, Noemie Bianco, Eline De Lorenzi, Sleepy Hollow Anna Lee, Portia Nelson, Ben Wright, Dani- Diverse el Truhitte, Norma Varden, Gilchrist Stuart, Sandrine Schwartz, Dimitri Radochevitch, Horror/Fantasy 2013 min. Marnie Nixon, Evadne Baker, Doris Lloyd - Christophe Tourrette, Stephane Margot -

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Dir. Jean-Pierre Améris Cheyenne Rushing, Luk Piyes, Özay Fecht, Drama 2014 94min. René Ifrah - Dir. Harald Holzenleiter Tanz der Hexen (k.J.) Concorde Home Entertainment 21.05.2015 Drama 2005 81min. Wicked Lake 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065080 Delta Music & Entertainment(Life Time) Carlee Baker, Michael Esparza, Eryn 02.02.2015 Joslyn, Frank Birney, Will Keenan, Eve Star Trek - The Next Generation: 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064475 Mauro, Marc Senter, Robin Sydney - Dir. The Full Journey (41 Discs) (Blu- Zach Passero ray) Strange Days (20th Anniversary Trailer Edition, + DVD) (Blu-ray) Horror 2008 83min. Star Trek - The Next Generation Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Strange Days Diverse 02.02.2015 Science Fiction 1987-1994 8079min. Ralph Fiennes, , Juliette 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064484 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.04.2015 Lewis, Tom Sizemore, Michael Wincott, 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065161 Vincent D’Onofrio, Glenn Plummer, Brigitte The Team (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Bako, Richard Edson, William Fichtner, Jo- The Team Starry Eyes - Träume erfordern sef Sommer - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Lars Mikkelsen, Jasmin Gerat, Veerle Opfer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Interviews, Trailer Baetens, Carlos Leal, Nicholas Ofczarek, Starry Eyes Action/Thriller 1995 145min. Sunnyi Melles, André Hennicke, Miriam Alex Essoe, Noah Segan, Amanda Fuller, Koch Media 23.04.2015 Stein, Marc Benjamin, Ole Boisen, Ida Eng- Louis Dezseran, Fabianne Therese, Pat 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064815 voll, Lisbeth Wulff, Hilde van Mieghem, Healy, Marc Senter, Maria Olsen, Shane Koen de Bouw, Nadeshda Brennicke, Filip Coffey, Natalie Castillo, Nick Simmons - Dir. Strange Days (20th Anniversary Peeters, Jella Haase, Alexandra Rapaport, Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer Edition, 2 Discs) Andreas Pietschmann, Sebastian Grüne- Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Strange Days wald, Sophie Pfennigstorf, Christian Horror 2014 100min. Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Juliette Hoening, Enno Kalisch - Dir. Kathrine Wind- Turbine Medien 03.04.2015 Lewis, Tom Sizemore, Michael Wincott, feld, Kasper Gaardsøe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064582 Vincent D’Onofrio, Glenn Plummer, Brigitte Booklet, Making of, Kurzportraits Kriminalfilm 2014 523min. Bako, Richard Edson, William Fichtner, Jo- Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 27.03.2015 Starry Eyes - Träume erfordern sef Sommer - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064813 Opfer (k.J.) Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Musik- video, Trailer Starry Eyes Action/Thriller 1995 139min. The Team (4 Discs) Alex Essoe, Noah Segan, Amanda Fuller, Koch Media 23.04.2015 The Team Louis Dezseran, Fabianne Therese, Pat 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064775 Lars Mikkelsen, Jasmin Gerat, Veerle Healy, Marc Senter, Maria Olsen, Shane Baetens, Carlos Leal, Nicholas Ofczarek, Coffey, Natalie Castillo, Nick Simmons - Dir. Stromberg Box - Staffel 1-5 & der Sunnyi Melles, André Hennicke, Miriam Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer Kinofilm (11 Discs) Stein, Marc Benjamin, Ole Boisen, Ida Eng- Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne Mädel, Oli- voll, Lisbeth Wulff, Hilde van Mieghem, Horror 2014 96min. ver K. Wnuk, Diana Staehly - Dir. Arne Koen de Bouw, Nadeshda Brennicke, Filip Turbine Medien 03.04.2015 Feldhusen (Folge 1-6), Franziska Meletzky Peeters, Jella Haase, Alexandra Rapaport, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064547 (Folge 7-10) Andreas Pietschmann, Sebastian Grüne- Komödie/Satire 2004-2011 min. wald, Sophie Pfennigstorf, Christian Still Life (OmU) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Hoening, Enno Kalisch - Dir. Kathrine Wind- Sanxia Haoren Division(Spassgesellschaft) 27.03.2015 feld, Kasper Gaardsøe Zhao Tao, Han Sanming, Wang Hong-wei, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065119 Booklet, Making of, Kurzportraits Kriminalfilm 2014 503min. Li Zhubin, Xiang Haiyu, Lin Zhou, Ma Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 27.03.2015 Lizhen - Dir. Jia Zhang-ke Super Cop In L.A. (k.J.) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064772 Bonusfilm, Bildergalerie, Trailer Redemption Drama 2006 108min. Don „The Dragon“ Wilson, Chris Penn, Die Teenager Box (2 Discs) (k.J.) DCM 03.04.2015 James Russo, Sam J. Jones, Cynthia Kesse Teens / Teenager lieben heiß 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064910 Rothrock, Richard Norton - Dir. Art Erotik/Komödie 258min. Camacho VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 24.02.2015 Stilles Tal Action/Thriller 2002 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064615 Wolfgang Stumph, Robert Atzorn, Ulrike Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.04.2015 Krumbiegel, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Sa- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065222 rah Alles, Tom Wlaschiha, Jens Atzorn, Terminator (Blu-ray) Karl-Fred Müller - Dir. Marcus O. Rosen- Der Tank The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, müller Tank Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield, Lance Trailer James Garner, Shirley Jones, C. Thomas Drama 2011 88min. Henriksen, Rick Rossovich, Bess Motta, Howell, Mark Herrier, Sandy Ward, Jenilee ICESTORM Entertainment 27.02.2015 Earl Boen, Dick Miller, Shawn Schepps, Harrison, James Cromwell, G. D. Spradlin - tba BestellNr.: 20064938 Bruce M. Kerner, Franco Columbu - Dir. Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky Abenteuer/Komödie 1983 108min. Stingray Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfo, Storyboard, Visuelle Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.03.2015 Stingray Effekte und Filmmusik 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064770 Action/Science Fiction 1984 107min. Bert Henchmann, Bill Watson, Christopher Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mitchum, Les Lannom, Cliff Emmich, Sherry Der Tank (Blu-ray) Germany(MGM/UA) 07.05.2015 Jackson, Richard Cosentino - Dir. Richard Tank 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065208 Taylor Bildergalerie, Original Verleihbilder zum Ausdrucken James Garner, Shirley Jones, C. Thomas Action 1979 86min. Howell, Mark Herrier, Sandy Ward, Jenilee Tiefe Wunden Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.04.2015 Harrison, James Cromwell, G. D. Spradlin - Tim Bergmann, Felicitas Woll, Nicole 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064863 Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky Heesters, Kai Scheve, Michael Schenk, Bildergalerien, Trailer Manfred Zapatka, Ernst Stötzner, Kyra The Stoning Abenteuer/Komödie 1983 113min. Mladeck, Uwe Bohm, Barnaby Metschurat, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.03.2015 The Stoning Charlotte Bohning, Dieter Hallervorden, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064811 Gudrun Landgrebe, Dieter Schaad, Eva

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Zeidler, Michaela Schaffrath - Dir. Marcus Hon - Dir. Hu Ting-Miu Kretschmann, Sir Ben Kingsley, Andrius O. Rosenmüller Action/Eastern 1971 82min. Paulavicius, Alfredas Butkevicius - Dir. Making of Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 10.04.2015 Brad Anderson Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2014 90min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064868 Interviews, Making of, Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 110min. 27.02.2015 Tomie: Unlimited (k.J.) Universum Film Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064651 Tomie: Anrimiteddo 12.02.2015 Miu Nakamura, Moe Arai, Maiko Kawakami, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064585 Tiefer als der Ozean Aika Ohta, Kensuke Ohwada, Kôichi Ôhori The Deep Blue Sea - Dir. Noboru Iguchi Tribute des Throns Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Adormidera Russell Beale, Ann Mitchell, Jolyon Coy, Horror 2011 82min. Andrei Claude, Audrey Harrison, Henry Karl Johnson, Harry Hadden-Paton, Sarah Musketier Media(8-Films) 21.04.2015 Zammit Cordina, Lori MacFadyen, Joseph Kants - Dir. Terence Davies 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064877 Calleja, Barry Calvert, Larissa Bonaci, Julia Making of, Trailer, Interview, Audiokommentar Calvert - Dir. Raymond Mizzi Drama 2011 98min. Tommy (Remasterd, 2 Discs, Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 90min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 OmU) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065191 Tommy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064898 Tiefer als der Ozean (Blu-ray) Oliver Reed, Ann-Margret, Roger Daltrey, Sir Elton John, Eric Clapton, John Entwistle, Tribute des Throns (Blu-ray) The Deep Blue Sea Keith Moon, Paul Nicholas, Jack Nicholson, Adormidera Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Robert Powell, Pete Townshend, Tina Tur- Andrei Claude, Audrey Harrison, Henry Russell Beale, Ann Mitchell, Jolyon Coy, ner, Arthur Brown, Victoria Russell, Ben Zammit Cordina, Lori MacFadyen, Joseph Karl Johnson, Harry Hadden-Paton, Sarah Aris, Mary Holland, Ken Russell - Dir. Ken Calleja, Barry Calvert, Larissa Bonaci, Julia Kants - Dir. Terence Davies Russell Calvert - Dir. Raymond Mizzi Making of, Trailer, Interview, Audiokommentar Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 90min. Drama 2011 102min. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes Musical 1974 106min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.04.2015 Universum Film Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064922 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065213 12.02.2015 To Write Love on Her Arms 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064607 The Tunnel - Mord kennt keine Grenzen (2 Discs) To Write Love On Her Arms Tommy (Remasterd, OmU) (Blu- Kat Dennings, Chad Michael Murray, Rupert The Tunnel Friend - Dir. Nathan Frankowski ray) Kriminalfilm 2011 450min. Drama 2014 98min. Tommy Studio Hamburg Enterprises 08.05.2015 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Oliver Reed, Ann-Margret, Roger Daltrey, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064756 09.04.2015 Sir Elton John, Eric Clapton, John Entwistle, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064515 Keith Moon, Paul Nicholas, Jack Nicholson, Tusk Robert Powell, Pete Townshend, Tina Tur- Tusk Töchter ner, Arthur Brown, Victoria Russell, Ben Michael Parks, Justin Long, Haley Joel Corinna Kirchhoff, Kathleen Morgeneyer, Aris, Mary Holland, Ken Russell - Dir. Ken Osment, Genesis Rodriguez, Harley Hermann Beyer, Lars Mikkelsen, Hans- Russell Morenstein, Ralph Garman, Kevin M. Conte, Jochen Wagner, Fabian Hinrichs, Peter Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes Bill Bennett, Paula Jilling - Dir. Kevin Smith Musical 1974 110min. Kurth, Matthias Matschke, Hiroki Mano, Irina Horror 2014 97min. Universum Film Home Entertainment Potapenko, Djamilja Sjöström, Philippe Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 12.02.2015 Graber, Pit Bukowski, Judith Engel, Maria 07.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064619 Matschke, Yung Ngo, Michael Sideris, Axel tba BestellNr.: 20065158 Werner - Dir. Maria Speth Die Toten vom Bodensee: Trailer The Twilight Zone - Die gesamte Drama 2014 87min. Familiengeheimnis vierte Staffel (6 Discs) Filmgalerie 451 13.03.2015 Matthias Koeberlin, Nora von Waldstätten, The Twilight Zone 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064655 Maria Simon, Simon Hatzl, Hary Prinz, Inez Rod Serling, Jack Klugman, Robert McCord, Bjørg David, Tatjana Alexander, Thomas Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor, James Die Todesgruft des Dr. Jekyll Mraz, Werner Asam, Therese Affolter, Ste- Turley Daughter Of Dr. Jekyll fan Pohl - Dir. Andreas Linke Audiokommentare, Hörspielfassungen, Interviews, Entfallene John Agar, Gloria Talbott, Arthur Shields, Thriller 2015 90min. Szenen John Dierkes, Martha Wentworth, Mollie Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Science Fiction/Mystery 1959-1964 McCart - Dir. Edgar G. Ulmer 17.04.2015 898min. Trailer, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065247 Koch Media 23.04.2015 Science Fiction/Horror 1957 73min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064779 BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 20.02.2015 Transsiberian 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064881 Transsiberian The Twilight Zone - Die gesamte Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Kate vierte Staffel (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tödliche Ekstase (k.J.) Mara, Eduardo Noriega, Thomas The Twilight Zone Summer Temptations Kretschmann, Sir Ben Kingsley, Andrius Rod Serling, Jack Klugman, Robert McCord, Shauna O’Brien, Gabriella Hall, Jarod Carey Paulavicius, Alfredas Butkevicius - Dir. Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor, James - Dir. J. Edie Martin Brad Anderson Turley Erotik 2000 92min. Interviews, Making of, Trailer Audiokommentare, Hörspielfassungen, Interviews, Entfallene Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 107min. Szenen 02.02.2015 Universum Film Home Entertainment Science Fiction/Mystery 1959-1964 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064486 12.02.2015 936min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064554 Koch Media 23.04.2015 Der tödliche Fächer des Kao 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064817 Transsiberian (Blu-ray) Ming (FSK 18) Um Himmels Willen - Staffel 11 Wan Li Xiong Hua Transsiberian Janina Hartwig, Fritz Wepper, Gaby Dohm, Tien Peng, Kao Ming, Polly Shang Kuan, Sit Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Kate Mara, Eduardo Noriega, Thomas Karin Gregorek, Emanuela von Franken-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 54 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD berg, Denise M’Baye, Julia Heinze, Andrea Emil Chow, Jen Hsien-chi, Elaine Jin, Chen Action/Eastern 2013 135min. Sihler, Horst Sachtleben, Andrea Wildner, Sung-yung, Bradley James Allan - Dir. Warner Home Video Germany 02.04.2015 Lars Weström, Wolfgang Müller, Markus Vincent Kok 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064598 Hering, Michael Vogtmann, Konstantin Action/Komödie 1999 95min. Moreth, Julia von Juni, Andreas Wimberger, Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Unter Gaunern - Die 1. Staffel (2 Liane Forestieri, Christian Thöny, Daniel 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064971 Discs) Urban, Georg Marin, Joscha Kiefer, Grit Cristina do Rego, Jophi Ries, Julia Jäger, Boettcher, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Christian Under Control (Dragon Edition) Peter Franke, Moritz von Zeddelmann, Kaya Aumer, Michaela Heigenhauser, Cécile (Blu-ray) Möller, Barbara Magdalena Ahren, Tristan Bagieu, Peter Hugo, Christof Arnold, Daniel Bolei Cheun Seith, Matthias Weidenhöfer - Dir. Sophie Friedrich, Ingo Naujoks, Angelika Bender - Jackie Chan, Qi Shu, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Allet-Coche, Andreas Menck Dir. Ulrich König (Folge 131-137) Emil Chow, Jen Hsien-chi, Elaine Jin, Chen Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 384min. Komödie 2011 625min. Sung-yung, Bradley James Allan - Dir. Universum Film Home Entertainment Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Vincent Kok 27.03.2015 13.03.2015 Action/Komödie 1999 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064545 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064992 Splendid Film 24.04.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064975 Die Vampirschwestern 2 - Fleder- Umsonst mäuse im Bauch Céci Chuh, Elliot McKee, Vivian Daniel, Undisputed III: Redemption Marta Martín, Laura Antonia Roge, Christia- Seyneb Saleh, Imri Kahn, Pascale Schiller, Undisputed 3: Redemption ne Paul, Stipe Erceg, Michael Kessler, Tim Nik Geene, Mathis Schulze, Chloe Lewer - Scott Adkins, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Mark Oliver Schultz, Diana Amft, Richy Müller, Dir. Stephan Geene Ivanir, Hristo Shopov, Marko Zaror, Robert Georg Friedrich, Jamie Bick, Jonas Interviews, Original-Kinoflyer, Trailer Costanzo, Michael Baral, Vernon Doku-Drama 2014 95min. Holdenrieder, Jeremias Meyer, Ilse Dobtcheff, Esteban Cueto, Lateef Crowder, Filmgalerie 451 13.03.2015 Strambowski - Dir. Wolfgang Groos Valentin Ganev, Velislav Pavlov - Dir. Isaac 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064656 Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2014 90min. Florentine Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes 16.04.2015 Unbroken Action 2010 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064522 Unbroken EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Miyavi, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064748 Finn Wittrock, Garrett Hedlund, Jai Die Vampirschwestern 2 - Fleder- Courtney, C.J. Valleroy, Alex Russell, John Undisputed III: Redemption (Blu- mäuse im Bauch (Blu-ray) Magaro, Luke Treadaway, John D’Leo, ray) (k.J.) Marta Martín, Laura Antonia Roge, Christia- Stephen Stanton, Shinji Ikefuji, Louis ne Paul, Stipe Erceg, Michael Kessler, Tim Undisputed 3: Redemption McIntosh, Ross Anderson, Spencer Oliver Schultz, Diana Amft, Richy Müller, Scott Adkins, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Mark Lofranco, Yutaka Izumihara, Ken Georg Friedrich, Jamie Bick, Jonas Ivanir, Hristo Shopov, Marko Zaror, Robert Watanabe, Jordan Patrick Smith, Ryan Holdenrieder, Jeremias Meyer, Ilse Costanzo, Michael Baral, Vernon Ahern, Michael Whalley - Dir. Angelina Jolie Strambowski - Dir. Wolfgang Groos Dobtcheff, Esteban Cueto, Lateef Crowder, Drama 2014 132min. Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2014 94min. Valentin Ganev, Velislav Pavlov - Dir. Isaac Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Florentine 28.05.2015 Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes 16.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065098 Action 2010 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064536 EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 Unbroken (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064802 VANish (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Unbroken VANish Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Miyavi, Undisputed III: Redemption (k.J.) Maiara Walsh, Tony Todd, Danny Trejo, Finn Wittrock, Garrett Hedlund, Jai Undisputed 3: Redemption Austin Abke, Denise Dorado, Bryan Courtney, C.J. Valleroy, Alex Russell, John Scott Adkins, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Mark Bockbrader, Adam Guthrie, Hope Diaz - Dir. Magaro, Luke Treadaway, John D’Leo, Ivanir, Hristo Shopov, Marko Zaror, Robert Bryan Bockbrader Stephen Stanton, Shinji Ikefuji, Louis Costanzo, Michael Baral, Vernon Alternative Szenen, Outtakes, Kurzfilm „Trip“, McIntosh, Ross Anderson, Spencer Audiokommentar, Trailer Dobtcheff, Esteban Cueto, Lateef Crowder, Thriller 2015 81min. Lofranco, Yutaka Izumihara, Ken Valentin Ganev, Velislav Pavlov - Dir. Isaac Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 24.04.2015 Watanabe, Jordan Patrick Smith, Ryan Florentine 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064828 Ahern, Michael Whalley - Dir. Angelina Jolie Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Drama 2014 137min. Action 2010 92min. VANish (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2015 VANish 28.05.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064749 Maiara Walsh, Tony Todd, Danny Trejo, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065112 The Unforgiven Austin Abke, Denise Dorado, Bryan Bockbrader, Adam Guthrie, Hope Diaz - Dir. Und erlöse uns nicht von dem Yurusarezaru Mono Bryan Bockbrader Bösen (OmU) Akira Emoto, Yuuya Yagira, Shiori Kutsuna, Alternative Szenen, Outtakes, Kurzfilm „Trip“, Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas Du Mal Eiko Koike, Yoshimasa Kondo, Ken Audiokommentar, Trailer Jeanne Goupil, Catherine Wagener, Gérard Watanabe, Jun Kunimura, Kenichi Takitoh, Thriller 2015 79min. Darrieu, Bernard Dhéran, Marc Dudicourt, Yukiyoshi Ozawa, Takahiro Miura, Koichi Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 24.04.2015 Michel Robin, Henri Poirier, Véronique Sato - Dir. Lee Sang-Il 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064798 Silver, Jean-Pierre Helbert, Nicole Mérouze, Action/Eastern 2013 130min. Serge Frédéric, René Berthier - Dir. Joël Warner Home Video Germany 02.04.2015 Verdammt nochmal!... Wo bleibt Séria 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064570 die Zärtlichkeit? Horror 1971 102min. Et La Tendresse?... Bordel!... Bildstörung 27.03.2015 The Unforgiven (Blu-ray) Jean-Luc Bideau, Marie-Catherine Conti, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064644 Yurusarezaru Mono Bernard Giraudeau, Evelyne Dress, Regis Akira Emoto, Yuuya Yagira, Shiori Kutsuna, Porte, Anne-Marie Philipe - Dir. Patrick Under Control (Dragon Edition) Eiko Koike, Yoshimasa Kondo, Ken Schulmann Bolei Cheun Watanabe, Jun Kunimura, Kenichi Takitoh, Komödie 1978 95min. Jackie Chan, Qi Shu, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Yukiyoshi Ozawa, Takahiro Miura, Koichi Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Sato - Dir. Lee Sang-Il

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03.04.2015 Brad Johnson, Chelsea Field, James Shoshannah Stern, Remy Auberjonois, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064763 Naughton, Tippi Hedren, Jan Rubes, Ste- Maulik Pancholy, Eden Sher, Meital Dohan, phanie Milford, Megan Gallagher, Sylvia Tracii Show, Tyrone M. Mitchell, Tressa Verdammt nochmal... Wo bleibt Harman - Dir. Rick Rosenthal DiFiglia, Becky Thyre, Shawn Schepps, die Zärtlichkeit?, Teil 2 Trailer, Bildergalerie Ron Canada, Arthur Darbinyan, Page Ken- Horror 1993 83min. Zig Zag Story nedy, Vincent Laresca, Zooey Deschanel, KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 16.03.2015 Diane Bellego, Christian Francoise, Fabrice Robert Allen Mukes, Bob Rumnock, Jeffrey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065217 Luchini, Ronny Coutteure, Philippe Dean Morgan - Dir. Craig Zisk, Tucker Gates, Lev L. Spiro, Brian Dannelly, Lee Khorsand - Dir. Patrick Schulmann Walking Zombie Box XXL (2 Komödie 1983 95min. Rose, Burr Steers cmv-Laservision 03.04.2015 Discs) (k.J.) Komödie/Drama 2005-2012 345min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064764 Zombie Apocalypse / Invisible Zombie / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Zombie War /Zombie Cheerleading Camp 07.05.2015 Vergiss mein Ich / Zombie Invasion War / Zombie Outbreak tba BestellNr.: 20065159 Maria Schrader, Johannes Krisch, Ronald Horror 498min. Zehrfeld, Sandra Hüller, Paul Herwig, Great Movies GmbH 20.03.2015 Weeds - Kleine Deals unter Nach- Jeffrey Zach, Judith Wolf, Martin Reinke, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064698 barn, Season Four (3 Discs) Peter Prager, Valerie Koch, Sylvana Weeds Krappatsch - Dir. Jan Schomburg Was nicht passt wird passend ge- Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins, Drama 2014 95min. macht (Blu-ray) Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, Hunter good!movies(RealFiction) 27.03.2015 Willy Thomczyk, Dietmar Bär, Ralf Richter, Parrish, Andy Milder, Alexander Gould, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064957 Hilmi Sözer, Peter Thorwarth, Alexandra Justin Kirk, Tonye Patano, Allie Grant, Indi- Maria Lara, Armin Dillenberger, Crescentia go, Renee Victor, Martin Donovan, Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 301- Dünßer, Nicholas Bodeux, Michael Shoshannah Stern, Remy Auberjonois, 330 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) Brandner, Patrizia Moresco, Tana Maulik Pancholy, Eden Sher, Meital Dohan, Alexandra Neldel, Mathis Künzler, Tim Schanzara, Birgit Stojanov, Udo Heiland, Tracii Show, Tyrone M. Mitchell, Tressa Sander, Laura Osswald, Volker Herold, Johannes Rotter, Jürgen Mikol, Heinrich DiFiglia, Becky Thyre, Shawn Schepps, Ulrike Mai, Oliver Bokern, Karim Köster, Giskes, David Heinzel, Matthias Dinter, Jörn Ron Canada, Arthur Darbinyan, Page Ken- Bianca Hein, Gabrielle Scharnitzky, Matthi- Pollex, Heinrich Schafmeister, Hans-Martin nedy, Vincent Laresca, Zooey Deschanel, as Gall, Nina Gnädig, Alexander Sternberg, Stier, Stefan Jürgens, Karl Thorwarth, Wer- Robert Allen Mukes, Bob Rumnock, Jeffrey Hubertus Regout, Stefanie Höner, Matthias ner Karle jr. - Dir. Peter Thorwarth Dean Morgan - Dir. Craig Zisk, Tucker Dietrich, Lara-Isabelle Rentinck, Wilhelm Komödie 2002 108min. Gates, Lev L. Spiro, Brian Dannelly, Lee Manske, Olivia Pascal, Susanne Szell, Turbine Medien 27.03.2015 Rose, Burr Steers Clayton Nemrow, Shai Hoffmann, Susanne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065076 Komödie/Drama 2005-2012 min. Berckhemer, Bärbel Schleker, Matthias Rott, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Julia Malik, Thorsten Feller, Igor Jeftic, Water War (k.J.) 09.04.2015 Alexandra Seefisch, Anja Thiemann, Daniel Watership Warrior 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064516 Roesner, Dirk Schoedon, Björn Harras, Brigitte Nielsen, Matthias Hues, Darren Mirjam Heimann, Yvonne Hornack, Roberto Shahlavi, Rochelle Swanson, Christopher Welcome to Happy Valley Guerra, Maike Jüttendonk - Dir. Hans-Hen- Kriesa - Dir. David A. Prior Welcome To Happy Valley ning Borgelt, Joris Hermans, Marcus Filmografien Brooke Coleman, Merri Jamison, Dan Action 1998 85min. Ulbricht, Peter Zimmermann, Ralph Bridle, Bamonte - Dir. Tony Goss Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.04.2015 Andreas Morell, Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Trailer, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065200 Drama/Familie 2013 112min. Landgraeber, Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.04.2015 Zschiechow, Cornelia Dohrn, Markus The Watermen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064579 Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried Bonengel The Watermen Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Jason Mewes, Luke Guldan, Tara Heston, Weltraumbestien Spirit Media 27.03.2015 Richard Riehle, Floyd Abel, Joy Glass, Tyler Chikyu Boeigun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064773 Johnson, Ashley Myers, Gordon Price - Dir. Kenji Sahara, Yumi Shirakawa, Momoko Jules Verne Premium Collection Matt L. Lockhart Kochi, Akihiko Hirata, Takashi Shimura, Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Susumu Fujita, Hisaya Ito, Fuyuki Murakami, (3 Discs) KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother Minosuke Yamada - Dir. Inoshiro Honda Dir. Ludvík Ráza) Films) 12.02.2015 Wendecover Trailer, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064583 Science Fiction 1957 82min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 1948-2010 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock 760min. The Watermen (k.J.) Entertainment) 20.03.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing The Watermen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064626 AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 24.04.2015 Jason Mewes, Luke Guldan, Tara Heston, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064889 Richard Riehle, Floyd Abel, Joy Glass, Tyler Who Am I - Kein System ist sicher Tom Schilling, Elyas M’Barek, Hannah Herz- Das Verschwinden der Eleanor Johnson, Ashley Myers, Gordon Price - Dir. Matt L. Lockhart sprung, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Antoine Rigby Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Monot, Jr., Trine Dyrholm, Stephan The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby: KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother Kampwirth - Dir. Baran bo Odar Them Films) 12.02.2015 Thriller 2014 102min. Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, William 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064549 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hurt, Isabelle Huppert, Jess Weixler, Ciarán 16.04.2015 Hinds, Bill Hader, , Nina Arianda, Weeds - Kleine Deals unter Nach- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064523 Nikki M. James - Dir. Ned Benson barn, Season Five (3 Discs) Interviews, Trailer Who Am I - Kein System ist sicher Weeds Drama/Lovestory 2014 118min. (Blu-ray) Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 07.05.2015 Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Schilling, Elyas M’Barek, Hannah Herz- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065063 Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, Hunter Parrish, Andy Milder, Alexander Gould, sprung, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Antoine Die Vögel II - Die Rückkehr Justin Kirk, Tonye Patano, Allie Grant, Indi- Monot, Jr., Trine Dyrholm, Stephan Kampwirth - Dir. Baran bo Odar The Birds II: Land’s End go, Renee Victor, Martin Donovan,

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Thriller 2014 106min. Gerhard Wittmann, Ferdinand Hofer, Tho- Step Dogs Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) mas Kügel, Maria Peschek, Monika Gruber, Emilie Ullerup, Dylan Schmid, Jeff Pangman, 16.04.2015 Dirk Stermann - Dir. Ed Herzog Eliana Jones, Joris Jarsky, Ryan Belleville, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064537 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 96min. Shannon Jardine, Ryland Alexander - Dir. EuroVideo Medien(Constantin) 28.04.2015 Geoff Anderson Wholetrain 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064506 Komödie 2013 86min. Wholetrain justbridge entertainment GmbH 13.03.2015 Mike Adler, Florian Renner, Elyas M’Barek, The Wrong Mans - Falsche Zeit, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064492 Jacob Matschenz, Vincenzo Rosso, Naomi falscher Ort (2 Discs) Knopf, Kristina Karst, Karina Fallenstein, The Wrong Mans Die Zwillingsschwestern (2 Discs) David Mayonga, Talin Lopez, Sergej Lubic, Mathew Baynton, Deceptions Alexander Held, Patrick von Blume - Dir. Behind the scenes, Audiokommentar Stefanie Powers, , Jeremy Florian Gaag Thriller 2013 180min. Brett, James Faulkner, Sam Wanamaker, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, polyband Medien GmbH 07.04.2015 Fabio Testi, John Woodvine, Joan Sims, Trailer, Booklet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064947 Fairuza Balk, Brenda Vaccaro, Gina Drama 2006 89min. Lollobrigida, Jeremy Miller, Christopher KNM Home Entertainment(Little Brother The Wrong Mans - Falsche Zeit, Rozycki, Peter Woodward, Tracey Childs - Films) 12.02.2015 Dir. Melville Shavelson, Robert Chenault 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064553 falscher Ort (Blu-ray) The Wrong Mans Thriller 1985 180min. Wildes Verlangen - Pleasure or Mathew Baynton, James Corden Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.04.2015 Behind the scenes, Audiokommentar 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065239 Pain Thriller 2013 180min. Pleasure Or Pain polyband Medien GmbH 07.04.2015 Malena Morgan, Christos Vasilopoulos, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064951 Kayla Jane, Nataliya Joy Prieto, Daniel Music Sobieray, Hayden Hawkens, Stephanie The Young Tiger Danielson, Aubrey Addams - Dir. Zalman Xiao Lao Hu King Meng Fei, Maggie Lee, Jackie Chan, Dean Metallica - Through the Never Trailer Shek - Dir. Wu Ma Drama/Erotik 2013 96min. (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Action/Eastern 1973 87min. Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 Metallica - Through The Never Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064842 Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, 02.03.2015 Kirk Hammett, Roberto Trujillo - Dir. Nimród Wildes Verlangen - Pleasure or 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065020 Antal Pain (Blu-ray) Musikfilm 2013 93min. Zeit der Störche / Der Traum vom Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.04.2015 Pleasure Or Pain Elch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064919 Malena Morgan, Christos Vasilopoulos, Katrin Sass, Marie Gruber, Christian Steyer, Kayla Jane, Nataliya Joy Prieto, Daniel Detlef Heintze, Klaus Piontek, Werner Sobieray, Hayden Hawkens, Stephanie Dissel, Dagmar Manzel - Dir. Siegfried Kühn Danielson, Aubrey Addams - Dir. Zalman Booklet, Interview Special Interest King Drama 1970-1986 174min. Trailer ICESTORM Entertainment 01.04.2015 Drama/Erotik 2013 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065185 Tiberius Film 07.05.2015 7 Tage im September 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064857 Sebastian Haag, Benedikt Böhm, Silvio Zombie Toxin (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Modinelli, Rémy Lécluse - Dir. Karsten Will & Grace - Staffel 4 (4 DVDs) ray) (k.J.) Scheuren Will & Grace Toxin Interviews Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2013 80min. Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Douglas Chapman, Kyra Zagorsky, Philip good!movies(Zorro) 20.03.2015 Mullally, Sean Patrick Hayes, Shelley Granger - Dir. Tom Raycove 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064744 Morrison, Michael Angarano, Gary Grubbs - Trailer Horror/Action 2014 75min. Dir. James Burrows Achtzehn - Wagnis Leben Outtakes, Featurettes daredo media(True Grit Pictures) Komödie 1998-2006 595min. 27.02.2015 Dir. Cornelia Grünberg Koch Media 23.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064581 Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2014 96min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064780 Zombie Toxin (k.J.) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Winterkartoffelknödel Toxin AG(Kinostar) 22.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065190 Sebastian Bezzel, Simon Schwarz, Lisa Douglas Chapman, Kyra Zagorsky, Philip Granger - Dir. Tom Raycove Maria Potthoff, Enzi Fuchs, Eisi Gulp, Sigi Afrika - Das magische Königreich Zimmerschied, Jeanette Hain, Sascha Alex- Trailer Horror/Action 2014 72min. Enchanted Kingdom ander Gersak, Moritz Katzmair, Daniel daredo media(True Grit Pictures) Dir. Patrick Morris, Neil Nightingale Christensen, Stephan Zinner, Max Schmidt, 27.02.2015 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 min. Gerhard Wittmann, Ferdinand Hofer, Tho- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064544 Highlight Communications mas Kügel, Maria Peschek, Monika Gruber, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.08.2015 Dirk Stermann - Dir. Ed Herzog Zwei auf krummer Tour 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065026 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 92min. Your Three Minutes Are Up EuroVideo Medien(Constantin) 28.04.2015 Ron Leibman, Beau Bridges, Janet Afrika - Das magische Königreich 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064489 Margolin, Kathleen Freeman, David (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Winterkartoffelknödel (Blu-ray) Ketchum, Stu Nisbet - Dir. Douglas Enchanted Kingdom Schwartz Sebastian Bezzel, Simon Schwarz, Lisa Dir. Patrick Morris, Neil Nightingale Komödie 1973 88min. Maria Potthoff, Enzi Fuchs, Eisi Gulp, Sigi Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.04.2015 Zimmerschied, Jeanette Hain, Sascha Alex- Highlight Communications 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065196 ander Gersak, Moritz Katzmair, Daniel (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.08.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065075 Christensen, Stephan Zinner, Max Schmidt, Zwei Helden auf acht Pfoten

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Amma & Appa - Eine deutsch-in- Porträt/Biographie 2014 102min. Was bin ich wert? (tlw. OmU) dische Liebe EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.04.2015 Dir. Peter Scharf, Oliver Held (Co-Regie) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064487 Dir. Franziska Schönenberger, Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2014 97min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) Jayakrishnan Subramanian Nowitzki. Der perfekte Wurf (tlw. Dokumentarfilm 2014 90min. 24.04.2015 good!movies(Zorro) 06.03.2015 OmU) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064901 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064641 Dirk Nowitzki, Holger Geschwindner - Dir. Sebastian Dehnhardt Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (OmU) Dieses schöne Scheißleben Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Porträt/Biographie 2014 106min. (OmU) Ai Weiwei, Dan Ai, Yunchang He, Lao Ai, EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.04.2015 Tehching Hsieh, Huang Hung, Danqing Estrallas de Jalisco - Dir. Doris Dörrie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064504 Entfallene Szenen Chen, Qing Lu, Ethan Cohen, RongRong, Boyi Feng, Fen Wang, Ying Gao, Hongtu Dokumentarfilm/Kultur 2014 87min. Planet Deutschland - 300 Millio- Senator Home Entertainment 15.05.2015 Zhang, Changwei Gu, Zuzhou Zuoxiao - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065088 nen Jahre Dir. Alison Klayman Dir. Stefan Schneider Interview, Trailer The Green Prince (OmU) Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 89min. Porträt/Biographie 2012 86min. DCM 03.04.2015 The Green Prince polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064909 Mosab Hassan Yousef, Gonen Ben Yitzhak 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064834 - Dir. Nadav Schirman Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (OmU) Entfallene Szenen, Storyboards, Trailer, Wendecover Planet Deutschland - 300 Millio- Dokumentarfilm 2013 97min. nen Jahre (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.04.2015 Dir. Stefan Schneider Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064668 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 93min. Ai Weiwei, Dan Ai, Yunchang He, Lao Ai, polyband Medien GmbH 24.04.2015 Tehching Hsieh, Huang Hung, Danqing Im Krieg - Der 1. Weltkrieg in 3D 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064846 Chen, Qing Lu, Ethan Cohen, RongRong, (2D-Fassung) Boyi Feng, Fen Wang, Ying Gao, Hongtu Dir. Nikolai Vialkowitsch Das Salz der Erde (Limited Editi- Zhang, Changwei Gu, Zuzhou Zuoxiao - Dokumentarfilm/Geschichte 2014 99min. on, tlw. OmU) Dir. Alison Klayman good!movies(Neue Visionen) 03.04.2015 Interview, Trailer The Salt Of The Earth Porträt/Biographie 2012 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065170 Sebastião Salgado - Dir. Wim Wenders, DCM 03.04.2015 Juliano Ribeiro Salgado 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064931 Im Krieg - Der 1. Weltkrieg in 3D 3 Postkarten, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Musikvideo, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2014 106min. Whores’ Glory - Ein Triptychon Dir. Nikolai Vialkowitsch EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.04.2015 (OmU) Dokumentarfilm/Geschichte 2014 103min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064488 Dir. Michael Glawogger good!movies(Neue Visionen) 03.04.2015 Interview 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20065204 Das Salz der Erde (Limited Editi- Dokumentarfilm 2011 113min. on, tlw. OmU) (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Delphi) National Gallery (OmU) 03.04.2015 The Salt Of The Earth National Gallery 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064911 Dir. Frederick Wiseman Sebastião Salgado - Dir. Wim Wenders, Dokumentarfilm 2014 180min. Juliano Ribeiro Salgado Whores’ Glory - Ein Triptychon good!movies(Kool) 01.05.2015 3 Postkarten, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Musikvideo, Trailer (OmU) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064904 Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2014 110min. Dir. Michael Glawogger EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.04.2015 Interview Nowitzki. Der perfekte Wurf (tlw. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064505 Dokumentarfilm 2011 118min. OmU) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Delphi) Dirk Nowitzki, Holger Geschwindner - Dir. 03.04.2015 Sebastian Dehnhardt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064932 Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer


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LASER HOTLINE Seite 59 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126353 Freezing Vibration: Complete Animation Series (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Children’s Classics Collection Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- 7 Animated Movies with Beloved Children’s Characters for nal TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Televisi- .hack//Legend Of The Twilight: the Price of 1! In The World of Strawberry Shortcake, Strawberry Shortcake and her friends Huckleberry Pie, on 2013 300min. Complete Series Blueberry Muffin, Raspberry Tart and Plum Pudding celebrate Funimation 21.04.2015 Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, her sixth birthday. While preparations for her party are underway, a villain called the Peculiar Purple Pieman plots to 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126455 Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction 300min. steal the berries from Strawberry’s home in order to make his Funimation 07.04.2015 pies. Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City sees her Jungle Shuffle (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126311 compete with the Peculiar Purple Pieman in a televised bake- off. Puff The Magic Dragon / In the Land of Living Lies / Puff ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and the Incredible Mr. Nobody: Based on the famous Rob Schneider, Tom Arnold, Alicia Armitage: Movie Collection - character from the acclaimed song by Peter, Paul, and Mary, Puff the Magic Dragon comes to life in these three stories of Silverstone, Drake Bell, Jessica DiCicco, Armitage III, Classic 2 friendship, courage, caring, and fantasy. Peter and the Magic Chris Gardner, Eric Lopez, Michael Action, Animation, Anime, Femme Fatales, Egg: Peter Paas lives with a family on a farm that is about to be repossessed by the greedy Tobias Tin Whiskers who has McConnohie Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Robots / bought the whole village and renamed it Tin Town. The family It’s a jungle out there... Manu and Sacha are two young coatis Androids, Science Fiction, Spies & Secret has no money to save their farm, but Peter has a plan! Dorothy living in the Mexican rainforest. They are deeply in love with in the Land of Oz: Kids everywhere are welcomed back to Oz each other! The only problem is that Sacha is the daughter of Agents min. the coati tribe’s king and Manu is a bit of a troublemaker. Funimation 24.03.2015 Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, When Manu’s escapades leave the tribe’s most worshipped 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126214 Friendships, Television 169min. statue destroyed, the King exiles Manu to live on his own in 05.05.2015 the jungle. A year later the fumbling youngster has turned into 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126105 a strapping young male but one thing hasn’t changed: Manu is Batman Unlimited: Animal still in love with Sacha. When Sacha gets captured by human poachers, Manu sets out on a thrilling adventure to save the Instincts Chuggington: Fire Patrol Rescue coati princess and redeem himself with the tribe. When Gotham City is plagued by a rash of bizarre crimes Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, committed by the animal-inspired villain squad, the Animilitia (DVD + Toy Train Combo) Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Friendships, (made up of Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and Man-Bat), In this latest collection of Chuggington adventures, Wilson Batman swings into action to investigate. But could the sets out on fire patrol duty with his new friend Asher and Movies 2014 85min. Animilita be working for powerful businessman Oswald learns to use a fire hose in a rescue! Also, there is a friendly Cinedigm 10.03.2015 Cobblepot aka The Penguin? How does Cobblepot’s new contest of Chug Patrol versus Speed Fleet; Hodge find 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126340 invention of robotic Cyber Animals fit into the mix? In the end, himself in a high-rise jam; and all the Chuggers practice it’ll take the combined forces of Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, emergency drills at the roundhouse. In these 6 exciting Nightwing and Red Robin to fight off these „Animal Instincts.“ episodes - plus New Chugger Spotlights, a Bonus Badge : The Complete Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Quest Episode, and coloring sheets - Wilson, Asher, mation, Based On Comic Book, Children’s, Brewster and the others discover the importance of community Ninth Season Superheroes, Television 66min. service and working together. Animation, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family, Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Warner Bros. 12.05.2015 Fox, Television 2004 min. Family, Friendships, Special Editions, Tele- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126120 Olive Films 07.04.2015 vision 62min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126297 / Anchor Bay 31.03.2015 Batman Unlimited: Animal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126035 Instincts (Blu-ray + DVD + King Of The Hill: The Complete UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Curious George 3: Back To The Tenth Season Animation, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family, When Gotham City is plagued by a rash of bizarre crimes Jungle committed by the animal-inspired villain squad, the Animilitia Fox, Television 2005 min. (made up of Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and Man-Bat), Jeff Bennett, Alexander Polinsky, Frank Olive Films 07.04.2015 Batman swings into action to investigate. But could the Welker, John Goodman, Angela Bassett - Animilita be working for powerful businessman Oswald 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126298 Cobblepot aka The Penguin? How does Cobblepot’s new Dir. Phil Weinstein invention of robotic Cyber Animals fit into the mix? In the end, When Curious George is offered a special space mission, Ted Let’s Learn S.T.E.M. it’ll take the combined forces of Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, (The Man in the Yellow Hat) can’t deny his little friend this Nightwing and Red Robin to fight off these „Animal Instincts.“ exciting journey, especially after Curious George completes Nick Jr. introduces preschoolers to the exciting curriculum of the training. But when he crash-lands in Africa, a worried Ted Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) that is Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- goes searching, expecting the worst, only to have it turn out a hot topic for parents and educators! Join your favorite Nick mation, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, to be the best. Jr. friends from Paw Patrol, Bubbles Guppies and more for Children’s, Superheroes, Television 66min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, exciting adventures and lessons in problem-solving and everyday technologies - perfect for jump-starting young Warner Bros. 12.05.2015 Book-To-Film, Children’s, Family, Movies, imaginations and developing inquisitive minds! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126132 Preschool 80min. Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Universal Studios 23.06.2015 Educational, Family, , Black Butler: Complete First 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126270 Preschool, Television 138min. Season Nickelodeon 28.04.2015 Animation, Anime, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Curious George: The Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126102 Japanese 600min. First Season Funimation 07.04.2015 Curious George encourages inquiry and curiosity, promotes Looney Tunes Musical hands-on exploration and shows parents and caregivers how 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126310 to inspire kids to explore science, math and engineering in the Masterpieces world around them. Prepare for a musical experience as only Looney Tunes can Bleach: Box Set 25 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, deliver! From the brilliant minds of maestro Carl Stalling and animation legends including Friz Freleng and Chuck Jones, A year has passed since Ichigo lost his Soul Reaper powers Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, comes 18 musical treasures. Join the likes of Bugs Bunny, and resumed the life of a normal teenager. But those ordinary Friendships, Preschool, Television 355min. Elmer Fudd, and Porky Pig in classics including Corny days come to an end when Ichigo meets a mysterious man Universal Studios 26.05.2015 Concerto, What’s Opera, Doc? and Rabbit of Seville. Dive named Kugo Ginjo, who offers to help him get his Soul Reaper deeper into the vaults with gems like Three Little Bops, I Love powers back - and gives him only a day to decide! Ichigo is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126371 to Singa and Rhapsody in Rivets. Let’s go to the symphony dead set against it, until Uryu is injured by an unknown with this must-own collection of Musical Masterpieces! attacker. Ichigo, powerless to help, turns to Ginjo and is introduced to the group Xcution, whose Fullbring powers Freezing Vibration: Complete Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Ichigo must face in battle if he ever hopes to get strong again! Series - Limited Edition (Blu-ray Comedy, Family, Music, Musical, Television Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 126min. Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Devils And + DVD) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 26.05.2015 Demons, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, High Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126067 School, International, International TV, nal TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Televisi- Japanese, Supernatural & Paranormal, on 2013 300min. Marvel Knights: Wolverine Versus Swordfighting, Television, Thrillers min. Funimation 21.04.2015 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126454 Sabretooth - Reborn Viz Entertainment 23.06.2015 Superstars Jeph Loeb (TV’s Heroes) and Simone Bianchi

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

(Astonishing X-Men) team up for the biggest, best and, quite 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126233 Tom And Jerry Double Feature: possibly, last battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth! These sworn foes have been locked in an endless grudge The Magic Ring / The Movie match that goes back longer than either can remember-or even Scholastic Storybook Treasures: imagine. The key to victory is eons old, and it’s certain to Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, rock their world. Think you’ve seen Marvel’s fiercest go toe- 20 Stories For Spring Comedy, Double Features, Family, Fantasy, to-toe before? Those were just warm-ups! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Friendships, Magic, Television 146min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Book-To-Film, Children’s, Children’s / Warner Bros. 17.03.2015 Comic Book, Science Fiction, Superheroes Educational, Collections, Family, Fantasy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126069 60min. 215min. Cinedigm 24.03.2015 Scholastic 10.02.2015 Tom And Jerry: Gene Deitch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126081 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126048 Collection Celebrate the most enduring team in animation history with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: School Rumble: The Complete collection fans will want to chase and catch! This highly Minnie’s Pet Salon anticipated release includes all 13 of the Gene Deitch First Season / OVAs - SAVE produced shorts that fans and collectors will surely want to Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, own! Disney, Family, Friendships, Preschool, Romance, Television 675min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Television 120min. Funimation 24.03.2015 Collections, Comedy, Family, Friendships, Disney / Buena Vista 19.05.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126215 Television min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126283 Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 School Rumble: The Complete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126084 Naruto Shippuden: Volume 22 Second Season / SAVE Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Unbreakable Machine Doll: Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Based On Comic Book, , Romance, Television 610min. Complete Series - Limited Edition Fantasy, Foreign, Friendships, International Funimation 24.03.2015 (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Televisi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126216 From the director of Queen’s Blade: The Exiled Virgin comes on, War min. a thrilling combo of action and fantasy featuring six never Viz Entertainment 31.03.2015 before seen OVAs. Raishin Akabane and his beautiful Scooby Doo And Scrappy Doo: companion Yaya enroll at Walpurgis Royal Academy to study 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126209 Machinart: a dangerous blend of magic and technology. The Complete First Season Raishin is a puppeteer capable of using magic to power up Noir: Complete Series (Blu-ray) Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. Gang for more Yaya, his automaton, for ruthless battles no mere human could jitter-inducing mysteries! Along for the ride is Scooby-Doo’s survive. In the wrong hands, Yaya is a deadly weapon, but the Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama nephew - the one and only, ever-fearless Scrappy-Doo! Will honorable Raishin, despite his mysterious quest for 650min. the pint-sized pup help the gang overcome all manner of vengeance, takes no pleasure in killing for sport. Instead, he supernatural creeps and crawlies? Tune in to these 16 joins forces with a harem of gorgeous classmates to unmask Funimation 14.04.2015 hijinks-filled episodes to find out! Collected for the first time those responsible for a rash of heinous human 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126388 on DVD, the Complete Season 1 is a treasure trove of classic experimentation. If new enemies and terrible grades don’t Scooby-Doo. Get some Scooby Snacks and dig in for some spell doom for Raishin, he and Yaya might live long enough to Puppy Powered fun! conquer the school where magic meets machine! One Piece: Collection Twelve Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Children’s, Comedy, Family, Mystery, International TV, Japanese, Science mation, Anime, Assassins & Hitmen, Supernatural & Paranormal, Television Fiction, Television 300min. Comedy, Foreign, International TV, 352min. Well Go USA 03.03.2015 Japanese, Pirates, Television 600min. Warner Bros. 28.04.2015 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126339 Funimation 21.04.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126379 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126438 Wallykazam! Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Best Wally Trollman and his pet dragon Norville live in a mythical One Piece: Season Six - Fourth forest among giants, goblins, ogres, sprites, and fantastical In Show creatures of every shape and size. But Wally has a power Voyage Join Strawberry Shortcake and some new furry friends in like no other; using his magic stick, he can make any word Adventure, Animation, Anime, Foreign, In- these delightful „tails“ about being yourself and encouraging spring to life! Wally uses these words to play with and others to do the same. During his road trip to find homes for transform the world around him. Wally also uses his magic to ternational TV, Japanese, Television min. his orphan puppies, Huckleberry Pie and his four-legged solve problems, help friends, and overcome the antics of the Funimation 07.04.2015 crew get stranded in Berry Bitty City. Luckily, Strawberry and forest’s resident troublemaker, Bobgoblin. Wally’s magic stick 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126309 her berry best pals decide to help out with the strays in „A ALWAYS helps kids learn new words and the basics of Boy and His Dog’s“ Blueberry Muffin and Huck become reading with each exciting, hilarious adventure. „Partners in Crime“ when they try to write a mystery story Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Ranma 1/2: Set 6 together... with surprising results. And the fur is sure to fly when the girls try to help Huck start a dog shelter in „The Children’s / Educational, Friendships, Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Mystery of the Disappearing Dog Show.“ It’s a howling good Magic, Monsters, Nickelodeon, Television Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- time with sweet doggy delights for everyone! 92min. tional, International TV, Japanese, Martial Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon 28.04.2015 Arts, Television min. Friendships, Preschool, Television 67min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126103 Viz Entertainment 02.06.2015 20th Century Fox 05.05.2015 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126191 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126476 The Wolfy Incredible Secret Ranma 1/2: Set 6 Limited Edition Tokyo Ravens: Season 1, Part 1 - (Loulou, L’incroyable Secret) Paul Bandey, Stephane Debac, Anais (Blu-ray) Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD) Demoustier, Carlo Brandt, Malik Zidi, Mari- Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- (Blu-ray) anne Basler - Dir. Eric Omond ray, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Wolfy is a wolf. Tom is a rabbit. Though it may seem International, International TV, Japanese, surprising, they’ve been inseparable since childhood. Wolfy, Japanese 300min. who thought he was an orphan, learns from a gipsy that his Martial Arts, Television min. Funimation 07.04.2015 mother is still alive. So the two friends set out to find her in Viz Entertainment 02.06.2015 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126332 the principality of Wolfenberg, the Land of the Wolves. They 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126217 arrive right in the middle of the Arne Festival, an annual gathering of the world’s most renowned carnivores. Will Tokyo Ravens: Season 1, Part 1 Wolfy and Tom’s friendship survive in this land where Sankarea: Complete Series (Blu- herbivores inevitable end up as the day’s main dish du jour? (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) What incredible secret lies behind Wolfy’s birth? ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, Japanese 300min. Family, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Funimation 07.04.2015 80min. sion 300min. 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126331 Cinedigm 17.03.2015 Funimation 31.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126285

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

P.J. Byrne, Mason Cook, Analeigh Tipton, paying client! Crunch had hired Ford to track down a mysterious groupie named Zuzu Petals - a search which Yu-Gi-Oh! Collection: Volume 1 Stephanie Szostak, Randall Park - Dir. Jay quickly finds Ford tangled up, and trading insults, with a With his world crumbling into chaos, a masked menace known Roach, Peter Segal, John Requa, Glenn ruthless record executive (Wayne Newton) and a merciless as Paradox travels into the past to eliminate the source for his Ficarra, Don Scardino hit man (Robert Englund). world s destruction the Duel Monsters card game! Standing in Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, his way are three legendary duelists who will do whatever it Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love takes to save what s on the line their friends, their family and Triangles, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Blu-ray, Comedy, Detectives, Movies, the game they love. For the first time ever, Yugi, Jaden and Magic, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance, Murder Mysteries, Music, Mystery, Rock ‘N’ Yusei will team together and battle with all their hearts in a Roll 1990 102min. duel that will decide the past, present and future! Also Spies & Secret Agents, Terrorism, Thrillers available in this collection sample each of the Yu-Gi-Oh! min. Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Seasons, featuring episodes from Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Warner Bros. 17.03.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126464 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126260 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, After Dark Originals: Bedlam Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Television 2008 226min. 50 To 1 (DVD + UltraViolet) Cinedigm 10.03.2015 Christian Kane, William Devane, Skeet Ul- Peter McAllum, Johnny Boxer, Guy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126286 rich Edmonds - Dir. Chew Barker Drama, Movies min. George is haunted by the demons of his family’s past and tortured by the voices inside his head. He makes one last Sony Pictures Home Entertainment attempt at recovery by contacting his dead mother’s doctor. 28.04.2015 The doctor’s orders; that he attend Bedlam hospital for a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126305 guaranteed recovery. As George checks in, he’s confronted Film by a world of society’s unwanted, unloved and unstable. Soon, he will discover that all is not as it seems. The hospital Accidental Love hides a dark secret. Welcome to Bedlam... treatment begins. 108 Stitches Jessica Biel, Tracy Morgan, Jake Devils And Demons, Horror, Mad Scientists Erin Cahill, Bruce Davison, Kate Vernon Gyllenhaal, James Marsden, Catherine & Deadly Doctors, Mental Illness, Movies, Bruce Davison (X-Men) leads a group of comedy innovators Thrillers 92min. in the hilarious 108 Stitches. Co-starring two winners of Last Keener, James Brolin - Dir. David O. Russell Comic Standing Josh Blue and Dat Phan as well as Larry Alice’s (Jessica Biel) perfect life is turned upside down when 28.04.2015 Thomas („’s Soup Nazi“) this College Baseball a freak accident leaves a nail lodged in her head, causing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126235 Romantic Comedy hits a home run. With baseball being the erratic (and erotic) behavior. After her fiance ( thing on these player’s minds, and dealing with one of the Marsden) call off the engagement, Alice sets off in a search of longest losing streaks in college history, the team of misfits a cure and falls into the arms of Howard Bidwell (Jake Alice’s Restaurant comes to the realization that the school, led by the corrupt and Gyllenhaal), a sexy senator who champions her cause. A draft-dodging folk singer visits hippie friends in his VW unethical President of the University, has plans to disband the Caught up in a love triangle held together by a nail, will Alice microbus and is jailed for littering. entire program. Hilarity ensues as they have one afternoon to to her head or her heart? Comedy, Drama, Movies 1969 90min. Comedy, Movies, Politics, Romance 2015 execute a plan to fill the stadium, sign the top recruit on the Olive Films 31.03.2015 planet, and help send their coach out with a bang. 97min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126143 Baseball, College Life, Comedy, Movies, Millennium Entertainment 28.04.2015 Romance, Sports 2014 118min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126369 Anderson Merchandisers 07.04.2015 Alice’s Restaurant (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126399 Accidental Love (Blu-ray) Patricia Quinn, Pete Seeger, James Broderick, Arlo Guthrie - Dir. Arthur Penn Jessica Biel, Tracy Morgan, Jake 1941 (Blu-ray) A draft-dodging folk singer visits hippie friends in his VW Gyllenhaal, James Marsden, Catherine microbus and is jailed for littering. Lorraine Gary, Treat Williams, Ned Beatty, Keener, James Brolin - Dir. David O. Russell Comedy, Drama, Movies 1969 90min. Christopher Lee, John Candy, Dan Aykroyd, Alice’s (Jessica Biel) perfect life is turned upside down when Olive Films 31.03.2015 John Belushi - Dir. Steven Spielberg a freak accident leaves a nail lodged in her head, causing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126170 Hysterical Californians prepare for a Japanese invasion in erratic (and erotic) behavior. After her fiance (James the days after Pearl Harbor. Marsden) call off the engagement, Alice sets off in a search of a cure and falls into the arms of Howard Bidwell (Jake Allan Quatermain And The Lost Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Gyllenhaal), a sexy senator who champions her cause. Movies, War, World War II 1979 119min. Caught up in a love triangle held together by a nail, will Alice City Of Gold Universal Studios 05.05.2015 to her head or her heart? An explorer, his archaeologist girlfriend and a Zulu warrior 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126112 Comedy, Movies, Politics, Romance 2015 find a jungle city. 97min. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies 1987 3 Nights In The Desert Millennium Entertainment 28.04.2015 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126363 Olive Films 31.03.2015 Vincent Piazza, Amber Tamblyn, Wes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126147 Bentley What could have been? What might have been? Reunions can The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane be exciting, frustrating, exhilarating, nostalgic, a life given Priscilla Presley, Andrew Dice Clay, Wayne Allan Quatermain And The Lost over to practicality while another chases lost dreams. Set against the majestic landscape of the desert, three estranged Newton, Lauren Holly - Dir. Renny Harlin City Of Gold (Blu-ray) friends and former bandmates „celebrate“ turning 30, carrying In this hilarious, high-octane whodunit, rock ‘n’ roll detective James Earl Jones, Sharon Stone - Dir. Gary their hopes and unresolved wounds, their intertwined Ford Fairlane (Andrew Dice Clay) is stunned when the king romantic baggage, in this funny and poignant look at lost of shock-jocks, Johnny Crunch (Gilbert Gottfried), is Nelson loves, forgotten dreams and missed opportunity. electrocuted on the . After all, the victim was his only An explorer, his archaeologist girlfriend and a Zulu warrior Drama, Movies min. paying client! Crunch had hired Ford to track down a find a jungle city. mysterious groupie named Zuzu Petals - a search which Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Monterey Home Video 31.03.2015 quickly finds Ford tangled up, and trading insults, with a Movies 1987 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126299 ruthless record executive (Wayne Newton) and a merciless hit man (Robert Englund). Olive Films 31.03.2015 Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126174 4 Film Favorites: Steve Carell Comedy, Detectives, Movies, Murder Collection Mysteries, Music, Mystery, Rock ‘N’ Roll Altar Terence Stamp, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei, 1990 102min. Olivia Williams, Matthew Modine, Rebecca James Gandolfini, Jay Mohr, Kevin Bacon, Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Calder, Jonathan Jaynes, Howard Lee, Bill Murray, Julianne Moore, Jim Carrey, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126456 Adam Thomas Wright, Antonia Clarke, James Caan, Steve Buscemi, Bruce Steve Oram, Richard Dillane - Dir. Nick Greenwood, Ron Livingston, Paul Rudd, The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane Willing John Carroll Lynch, Anne Hathaway, Brad (Blu-ray) British, Foreign, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Garrett, Zach Galifianakis, , Priscilla Presley, Andrew Dice Clay, Wayne Horror, International TV, Movies, Mystery, David Copperfield, Jemaine Clement, Steve Newton, Lauren Holly - Dir. Renny Harlin Television 2014 94min. Carell, David Koechner, Lucy Punch, Jonah In this hilarious, high-octane whodunit, rock ‘n’ roll detective Cinedigm 17.02.2015 Bobo, David Walliams, Terry Crews, Olivia Ford Fairlane (Andrew Dice Clay) is stunned when the king 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126097 Wilde, Masi Oka, Kristen Schaal, Emma of shock-jocks, Johnny Crunch (Gilbert Gottfried), is Stone, Nick Kroll, Beth Littleford, Joey King, electrocuted on the air. After all, the victim was his only

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Always (Blu-ray) medicate him. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 93min. Keith David, , Brad Annie (Blu-ray + DVD + Cinedigm 14.04.2015 Johnson, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126315 Richard Dreyfuss, Audrey Hepburn - Dir. Quvenzhane Wallis, Rose Byrne, Bobby Steven Spielberg Cannavale, David Zayas, Jamie Foxx, A story about life, love and loss, Steven Spielberg directs The Babadook (Blu-ray) Always, a heart-warming romantic adventure that USA Today - Dir. Will Gluck Six years after the violent death of her husband, Amelia calls „a winner“. After sacrificing himself to save a friend Academy Award nominee Quvenzhane Wallis (Beasts of the (Essie Davis) is at a loss. She struggles to discipline her ‘out (John Goodman), a daredevil firefighting pilot (Richard Southern Wild) stars as Annie, a young, happy foster kid of control’ 6 year-old, Samuel (Noah Wiseman), a son she Dreyfuss) returns to earth to help his surviving girlfriend who’s also tough enough to make her way on the streets of finds impossible to love. Samuel’s dreams are plagued by a (Holly Hunter) move on with her life. Breathtaking New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby monster he believes is coming to kill them both. When a cinematography and exhilarating aerial choreography with the promise that they’d be back for her someday, it’s been disturbing storybook called The Babadook turns up at their highlight this compelling adventure that features a special a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss house, Samuel is convinced that the Babadook is the creature appearance by Audrey Hepburn. Hannigan (Cameron Diaz). But everything’s about to change he’s been dreaming about. His hallucinations spiral out of Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate control, he becomes more unpredictable and violent. Amelia, Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx) - advised by his brilliant VP, Grace genuinely frightened by her son’s behaviour, is forced to Fantasy, Ghosts, Movies, Romance 1989 (Rose Byrne) and his shrewd and scheming campaign medicate him. 123min. advisor, Guy (Bobby Cannavale) - makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he’s her Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 93min. Universal Studios 05.05.2015 guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and bright, Cinedigm 14.04.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126125 sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126337 it’s the other way around. An American Girl: Grace Stirs Up Comedy, Family, Movies 2014 93min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment The Babadook (Special Edition) Success 17.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Eloise Webb, Olivia Rodrigo, Caitlin 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126091 Six years after the violent death of her husband, Amelia Carmichael - Dir. Vince Marcello (Essie Davis) is at a loss. She struggles to discipline her ‘out Grace has a real talent for baking and a passion for making of control’ 6 year-old, Samuel (Noah Wiseman), a son she delicious dreams come true. When her mom announces a trip Antarctica: A Year On Ice (Blu- finds impossible to love. Samuel’s dreams are plagued by a to visit relatives in Paris, Grace isn’t so sure about leaving ray) monster he believes is coming to kill them both. When a her friends and their cupcake business. That is, until she disturbing storybook called The Babadook turns up at their discovers she’ll get to work with her uncle and cousin in a Antarctica: A Year On Ice is a visually stunning journey to the house, Samuel is convinced that the Babadook is the creature real French pastry shop! But nothing goes as planned and her end of the world with the hardy and devoted people who live he’s been dreaming about. His hallucinations spiral out of attempts to help out end in disaster. Grace is determined to there year-round. The research stations scattered throughout control, he becomes more unpredictable and violent. Amelia, make things better and with some help from her family and a the continent host a close-knit international population of genuinely frightened by her son’s behaviour, is forced to little pup named Bonbon, she turns her vacation around. But scientists, technicians and craftsmen. Isolated from the rest of medicate him. when Grace returns home, she discovers a new problem - her the world, enduring months of unending darkness followed by Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. grandparents’ bakery is in trouble. With their dreams on the periods when never sets, Antarctic residents Cinedigm 14.04.2015 line, can Grace find the winning recipe for success? experience firsthand the beauty and brutality of the most severe environment on Earth. Capturing epic battles against 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126338 Adventure, Family, Food & Cooking, Movies hellacious storms, quiet reveries of nature’s grandeur, and 92min. everyday moments of work and laughter, this unique Universal Studios 23.06.2015 documentary shows a steadfast community thriving in a land Bad Asses On The Bayou few humans have experienced. Using specially modified Loni Love, Danny Trejo, John Amos, Danny 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126273 cameras and spectacular time-lapse photography, filmmaker Anthony Powell captures the splendor of the region like no Glover - Dir. Craig Moss An American Girl: Grace Stirs Up film before. Antarctica: A Year On Ice gives testament to the Bad Asses On The Bayou reunites the dynamic duo, Frank planet’s natural wonders, humanity’s thirst for adventure, and Vega (Danny Trejo) and Bernie Pope (Danny Glover), as they Success (Blu-ray + DVD + the emotional extremes that accompany a year within the last travel to Louisiana to attend the wedding of their dear friend pristine wilderness on the planet. Carmen Gutierrez (Loni Love). What was pictured as a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) wedding weekend escape to the south turns violently ugly as Adventure, Animals & Nature, madness and mayhem ensue, pressing our senior to Eloise Webb, Olivia Rodrigo, Caitlin Documentary, Educational, Movies, once again serve justice. Carmichael - Dir. Vince Marcello Science, Special Interest, Wilderness Action, Comedy, Kidnapping, Movies 2015 Grace has a real talent for baking and a passion for making delicious dreams come true. When her mom announces a trip 92min. 85min. to visit relatives in Paris, Grace isn’t so sure about leaving Music Box Films 24.03.2015 20th Century Fox 07.04.2015 her friends and their cupcake business. That is, until she 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126230 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126133 discovers she’ll get to work with her uncle and cousin in a real French pastry shop! But nothing goes as planned and her attempts to help out end in disaster. Grace is determined to Assassin’s Game (DVD + Bark Ranger (DVD + UltraViolet) make things better and with some help from her family and a little pup named Bonbon, she turns her vacation around. But UltraViolet) Ari Cohen, Jason Blicker, Jon Lovitz - Dir. when Grace returns home, she discovers a new problem - her Vivica A. Fox, Tom Sizemore, Bai Ling Duncan Christie grandparents’ bakery is in trouble. With their dreams on the Legendary hit man Vet Jones never expected to accept Two kids and their trusty dog, Barkley (Jon Lovitz), stumble line, can Grace find the winning recipe for success? another mission. But when his son fails to assassinate an across a treasure map while playing in an abandoned ranger Adventure, Blu-ray, Family, Food & important target, a powerful crime boss gives Jones an station. They set out on the adventure of a lifetime in search Cooking, Movies 92min. ultimatum: finish the job or his son dies. . .and Jones has no of a forgotten gold mine, but things take a turn for the worst choice but to accept. After realizing the target is innocent, when they come across a pair of bumbling crooks hiding out Universal Studios 23.06.2015 Jones tries to change his mission in order to protect the target from the police. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126277 - but can he save her life as well as the life of his son? Adventure, Animals & Nature, Family, Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Movies 2015 Movies 82min. Annie (2014) (DVD + UltraViolet) 83min. Lionsgate 14.04.2015 Quvenzhane Wallis, Rose Byrne, Bobby Lionsgate 19.05.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126050 Cannavale, David Zayas, Jamie Foxx, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126367 Cameron Diaz - Dir. Will Gluck Batman: The Complete Television Academy Award nominee Quvenzhane Wallis (Beasts of the At War With The Army Series (Repackage) Southern Wild) stars as Annie, a young, happy foster kid An insurance sleuth probes a small-town suicide, senses who’s also tough enough to make her way on the streets of hostility and suspects murder. Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, Frank Gorshin, New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby Don Barry, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, with the promise that they’d be back for her someday, it’s been Comedy, Military, Movies, War 1949 82min. a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Kino Video 24.03.2015 Neil Hamilton, Victor Buono, Adam West, Hannigan (Cameron Diaz). But everything’s about to change 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126160 Cesar Romero, David Wayne, Burgess when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Meredith, Madge Blake, Alan Napier Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx) - advised by his brilliant VP, Grace TV’s iconic Dynamic Duo has been captured, along with a (Rose Byrne) and his shrewd and scheming campaign The Babadook legion of abominable archenemies in a POW-erful numbered advisor, Guy (Bobby Cannavale) - makes a thinly-veiled Six years after the violent death of her husband, Amelia limited-edition collection. Featuring ALL 120 original campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he’s her (Essie Davis) is at a loss. She struggles to discipline her ‘out broadcast episodes, ever popular guest stars like Julie guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and bright, of control’ 6 year-old, Samuel (Noah Wiseman), a son she Newmar and Cesar Romero, The Adam West Scrapbook, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean finds impossible to love. Samuel’s dreams are plagued by a complete episode guide - and exploding with over 3 hours of it’s the other way around. monster he believes is coming to kill them both. When a all new extras - you can bring home all the crime fighting Comedy, Family, Movies 2014 93min. disturbing storybook called The Babadook turns up at their action that won generations of fans! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment house, Samuel is convinced that the Babadook is the creature Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, he’s been dreaming about. His hallucinations spiral out of 17.03.2015 control, he becomes more unpredictable and violent. Amelia, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / TV, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126078 genuinely frightened by her son’s behaviour, is forced to Family, Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction,

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Superheroes, Television 3019min. A police sergeant and his partner search West Coast coffee Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 houses for a beatnik rapist. Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1959 95min. Best Seller (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 40126354 Olive Films 31.03.2015 Victoria Tennant, Brian Dennehy, James 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126182 Woods Batman: The Complete Television A former hit man for a corporate big shot wants a police detective/novelist to write about his life. Series (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Beauty And The Beast: The Se- Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies 1987 Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, Frank Gorshin, cond Season 91min. Don Barry, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Nina Lisandrello, Kristen Kreuk, Jay Ryan, Olive Films 24.03.2015 Neil Hamilton, Victor Buono, Adam West, Austin Basis, Sendhil Ramamurthy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126181 Cesar Romero, David Wayne, Burgess After unlocking the secrets of Vincent Keller’s beastly nature Meredith, Madge Blake, Alan Napier and yet opening her heart to him, detective Cat Chandler saw Big Eyes TV’s iconic Dynamic Duo has been captured, along with a him ripped from her by dark forces. Now reunited, she finds legion of abominable archenemies in a POW-erful numbered him mysteriously different... missing his scar, memory wiped, Krysten Ritter, Christoph Waltz, Amy limited-edition collection. Featuring ALL 120 original more powerful than ever, and clearly on a mission. In order to Adams, Danny Huston, Jason broadcast episodes, ever popular guest stars like Julie reach the Vincent she loves, Cat must unravel the of Newmar and Cesar Romero, The Adam West Scrapbook, what exactly happened during his abduction and who - or Schwartzman, Terence Stamp - Dir. Tim complete episode guide - and exploding with over 3 hours of what - he has become. With the help of J.T., Tess and Burton all new extras - you can bring home all the crime fighting Assistant D.A. Lowan, Cat will stop at nothing to break From the Academy Award winning team that brought you Ed action that won generations of fans! through to her soulmate and recover his true identity and their Woods, Big Eyes focuses on the artistic coupling of Margaret Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, true love. (Amy Adams) and Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz). Walter Cops, Detectives, Drama, Fantasy, Keane became a worldwide celebrity and talk show fixture in Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film the 1950s after he pioneered the mass production of prints of / TV, Family, Fantasy, Mystery, Science Mystery, Romance, Television, The CW, big-eyed kids, and used his marketing savvy to sell them Fiction, Superheroes, Television 3019min. Thrillers 925min. cheaply in hardware stores and gas stations across the Paramount Pictures 19.05.2015 country. Unfortunately, he claimed to be the artist. That role Warner Bros. 31.03.2015 was played by Margaret, his shy wife. She generated the 352,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126361 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126292 paintings from their basement and Walter’s contribution was adding his signature to the bottom. The ruse broke up their Beethoven / Beethoven’s 2nd / marriage and led to a divorce and a dramatic courtroom battle Battlestar Galactica: The Definiti- to prove authorship of the paintings. ve Collection (Blu-ray) Beethoven’s 3rd Biography, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Noah Hathaway, Terry Carter, Kent Julia Sweeney, Frank Gorshin, Oliver Platt, Marriage Woes, Movies, Photography/Art McCord, Ed Begley Jr., Lew Ayres, Dirk Stanley Tucci, Judge Reinhold, Debi Mazar, 2014 105min. Benedict, Richard Hatch, Robyn Douglass, Maury Chaykin, Charles Grodin, David Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 Ray Milland, John Colicos, Jane Seymour, Duchovny, Dean Jones, Bonnie Hunt, Mi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126248 Rick Springfield, Lorne Greene, Maren chaela Gallo, Jamie Marsh, Joe Pichler, Jensen, Barry Van Dyke - Dir. Richard A. Michael Ciccolini, Danielle Wiener, Christo- Big Eyes (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Colla pher Penn, Danny Masterson, Patricia (Blu-ray) Heaton, Nicholle Tom, Christopher Castile - Included in this collection are Battlestar Galactica: The Krysten Ritter, Christoph Waltz, Amy Original Series and Galatica 1980: The Complete Series! Also Dir. Brian Levant, Rod Daniel, David Mickey Adams, Danny Huston, Jason included is Battlestar Galactica, the theatrical cut of the Evans series premiere, „Saga of a Star World.“ Enjoy both classic Schwartzman, Terence Stamp - Dir. Tim Adventure, Animals & Nature, Comedy, series are in 4:3 full frame, as they were originally televised! Burton This is the most complete, ultimate Blu-ray collection of the Family, Movies, Triple Feature 275min. saga that launched one of the most beloved science fiction From the Academy Award winning team that brought you Ed franchises of all time! Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Woods, Big Eyes focuses on the artistic coupling of Margaret 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126135 (Amy Adams) and Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz). Walter Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Keane became a worldwide celebrity and talk show fixture in Collections, Drama, End Of The World, In the 1950s after he pioneered the mass production of prints of The Future..., Intergalactic War, Killer Behind Enemy Lines big-eyed kids, and used his marketing savvy to sell them A former Marine returns to Vietnam to rescue a comrade and cheaply in hardware stores and gas stations across the Technology, Robots / Androids, Science country. Unfortunately, he claimed to be the artist. That role Fiction, Space, Television, War min. retrieve nuclear triggers. Action, Drama, Movies, War min. was played by Margaret, his shy wife. She generated the Universal Studios 12.05.2015 paintings from their basement and Walter’s contribution was Olive Films 31.03.2015 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126044 adding his signature to the bottom. The ruse broke up their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126148 marriage and led to a divorce and a dramatic courtroom battle to prove authorship of the paintings. Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Battlestar Galactica: The Behind Enemy Lines (Blu-ray) Remastered Collection (Blu-ray) Issues, Marriage Woes, Movies, A former Marine returns to Vietnam to rescue a comrade and Photography/Art 2014 105min. Barry Van Dyke, Lorne Greene, Kent retrieve nuclear triggers. Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 McCord, Dirk Benedict, Richard Hatch, Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, War min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126253 Robyn Douglass, John Colicos Olive Films 31.03.2015 Experience Battlestar Galactica: The Original Series and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126175 Galactica 1980: The Complete Series on Blu-ray, newly Billy Madison / Happy Gilmore remastered in 16:9 widescreen presentation for the very first time! It’s the saga that launched one of the most beloved Beside Still Waters Double Feature (Blu-ray) science fiction franchises of all time! Brett Dalton Theresa Merritt, Norm MacDonald, Ben Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Mourning the sudden death of his parents, Daniel invites his Stiller, Dennis Dugan, Bradley Whitford, Collections, Drama, End Of The World, In childhood friends up to their lake house in an attempt to relive the glory days of their youth — whether they like it or not. Richard Kiel, Christopher McDonald, Julie The Future..., Intergalactic War, Killer Things take a turn for the worse when it becomes clear that Bowen, Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin, Technology, Robots / Androids, Science none of his friends share his nostalgia for the good old days Carl Weathers, Josh Mostel, Frances Bay, Fiction, Space, Television, War min. — and his ex-girlfriend shows up with a new fianc. But as the night progresses, secrets are confessed, romances are Larry Hankin, Joe Flaherty, Allen Covert, Universal Studios 12.05.2015 rekindled, and a particularly epic game of Whiskey Slaps is Bob Barker - Dir. Dennis Dugan, Tamra 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126045 played. Davis Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, The Beat Generation 76min. Golf, High School, Movies, Romance, James Mitchum, Ray Danton, Mamie Van Cinedigm 14.04.2015 Sports 182min. Doren, Steve Cochran 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126313 Universal Studios 19.05.2015 A police sergeant and his partner search West Coast coffee 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126320 houses for a beatnik rapist. Best Seller Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1959 95min. A former hit man for a corporate big shot wants a police Bio-Dome Olive Films 31.03.2015 detective/novelist to write about his life. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126136 Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 1987 91min. Kylie Minogue, Kevin West, Denise Dowse, Olive Films 24.03.2015 Teresa Hill, Joey Lauren Adams, Dara The Beat Generation (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126154 Tomanovich, William Atherton - Dir. Jason Bloom

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Shore and Baldwin are best buddies and partners in sloth, rumored to be lost in the depths of the Black Sea. As greed Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. Bud and Doyle: two slackers who would rather waste time and desperation take control onboard their claustrophobic than clean waste — and Earth Day is no exception. When vessel, the increasing uncertainty of the mission causes the Universal Studios 28.04.2015 their ecologically conscious girlfriends trick them into driving men to turn on each other to fight for their own survival. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126384 into the Arizona desert, they stumble on what appears to be Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. the opening of an ultra-modern shopping mall and duck in.Too late, they discover that they’ve comprised an experimentally Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Boy Next Door (Blu-ray + DVD + controlled scientific community called Bio-Dome. Worse yet, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126417 Digital HD) (Blu-ray) they are sealed in for a solid year. The head of the project, Dr. Noah Faulkner is appalled and outraged... so are Bud and Ryan Guzman, Jennifer Lopez Doyle when they discover that a life without pollutants means Black Sea (Blu-ray + DVD + Lopez stars as Claire Peterson, a high-school literature a life without MTV, cigarettes, and fast food. But when they UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) teacher struggling to get back in the dating game after notice two of the Domers are ‘babes’ and figure, when in separating from her cheating husband while raising her Dome... Jodie Whittaker, Scoot McNairy, Ben adolescent son. When handsome and charismatic 19-year-old Comedy, Environmental, Movies 1996 Mendelsohn, Jude Law - Dir. Kevin Noah (Ryan Guzman, Step Up series, ) moves in next door, Claire has a moment of weakness that 120min. MacDonald leads to an intimate night together. Noah’s attraction quickly Olive Films 21.04.2015 A suspenseful adventure thriller directed by Academy Award turns into a violent obsession, threatening to tear apart winner Kevin Macdonald, centering on a rogue submarine Claire’s world and endanger the people she loves. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126435 captain (two-time Academy Award nominee Jude Law) who pulls together a misfit crew to go after a sunken treasure Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. Bio-Dome (Blu-ray) rumored to be lost in the depths of the Black Sea. As greed Universal Studios 28.04.2015 and desperation take control onboard their claustrophobic 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126393 Kylie Minogue, Kevin West, Denise Dowse, vessel, the increasing uncertainty of the mission causes the Teresa Hill, Joey Lauren Adams, Dara men to turn on each other to fight for their own survival. Tomanovich, William Atherton - Dir. Jason Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2014 The Breakfast Club: 30th Bloom min. Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + Shore and Baldwin are best buddies and partners in sloth, Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Digital HD) (Blu-ray) Bud and Doyle: two slackers who would rather waste time 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126441 than clean waste — and Earth Day is no exception. When Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, their ecologically conscious girlfriends trick them into driving Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Ally Sheedy, into the Arizona desert, they stumble on what appears to be Blue Sky the opening of an ultra-modern shopping mall and duck in.Too Judd Nelson - Dir. John Hughes late, they discover that they’ve comprised an experimentally Carrie Snodgress, Amy Locane, Powers From writer/director John Hughes (Sixteen Candles, Weird controlled scientific community called Bio-Dome. Worse yet, Boothe, , Tommy Lee Jones - Science), The Breakfast Club is an iconic portrait of 1980s they are sealed in for a solid year. The head of the project, American high school life. When Saturday detention started, Dir. Tony Richardson they were simply the Jock, the Princess, the Brain, the Dr. Noah Faulkner is appalled and outraged... so are Bud and The sexy, blond wife of an Army scientist cannot conform to Doyle when they discover that a life without pollutants means Criminal and the Basket Case, but by that afternoon they had life at a 1960s base in Alabama. Best actress Oscar for become closer than any of them could have imagined. a life without MTV, cigarettes, and fast food. But when they Lange. notice two of the Domers are ‘babes’ and figure, when in Featuring an all-star ’80s cast including Emilio Estevez, Dome... Drama, Movies, Romance 1994 120min. Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Comedy, Environmental, Movies 1996 Olive Films 21.04.2015 Sheedy, this warm-hearted coming-of-age comedy helped 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126436 define an entire generation! 120min. Comedy, Drama, Friendships, High School, Olive Films 21.04.2015 Movies, Romance, Troubled Youth 1985 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126451 Blue Sky (Blu-ray) 97min. Carrie Snodgress, Amy Locane, Powers Universal Studios 10.03.2015 Black Or White Boothe, Jessica Lange, Tommy Lee Jones - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126409 , Andre Holland, Gillian Dir. Tony Richardson The sexy, blond wife of an Army scientist cannot conform to Jacobs, Bill Burr, Anthony Mackie, Mpho life at a 1960s base in Alabama. Best actress Oscar for Breakin’ / Breakin’ 2: Electric Koaho, Kevin Costner, Jennifer Ehle - Dir. Lange. Boogaloo (Blu-ray) Mike Binder Drama, Movies, Romance 1994 120min. Action, Blu-ray, Dancing, Drama, Movies Oscar winners Kevin Costner and Octavia Spencer co-star in Olive Films 21.04.2015 99min. this touching comedy-drama based on real events. When two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126452 grandparents, Elliott (Costner) and Rowena (Spencer), Cinedigm 21.04.2015 engage in a heated custody dispute over their beloved 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126407 granddaughter, the ensuing legal battle forces them to : The Official Eighth confront their true feelings on race and forgiveness. Can people from two seemingly different worlds find common Season - Volume One Breathless (Blu-ray) ground when nothing is as simple as black or white? Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Drama, Movies 2014 121min. Valerie Kaprisky, Richard Gere Landon A French coed flees with a West Coast car thief who lives by 20th Century Fox 05.05.2015 Ride Right with the Cartwrights! The most popular television comic books and Jerry Lee Lewis music. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126475 series in the - and arguably on the planet - Drama, Movies 1983 236min. returns for a monumental season of outstanding adventures featuring the legendary Cartwrights of the Ponderosa (Lorne Cinedigm 07.04.2015 Black Or White (Blu-ray + Greene, Dan Blocker and Michael Landon) for the first time 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126228 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) on DVD. From light-hearted comedy to serious social issues, Bonanza: The Official Eighth Season - Volume One contains Octavia Spencer, Andre Holland, Gillian 18 digitally re-mastered gems from original 35mm film The Burning Dead Jacobs, Bill Burr, Anthony Mackie, Mpho elements, including the spectacular scenery of Lone Pine in Horror, Movies, Zombies 2015 83min. the thought provoking, feature length drama, „The Pursued,“ Koaho, Kevin Costner, Jennifer Ehle - Dir. the troubled troubadours in „Ballad of the Ponderosa“ and „A Peace Arch Entertainment 07.04.2015 Mike Binder Christmas Story,“ and swindlers trying to pass off a „Horse of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126296 Oscar winners Kevin Costner and Octavia Spencer co-star in a Different Hue.“ „A Real Nice, Friendly Little Town“ is this touching comedy-drama based on real events. When two anything but for Hoss, Little Joe takes „Credit For a Kill,“ and grandparents, Elliott (Costner) and Rowena (Spencer), once again talks his big brother into a big deal and the result Cahill, U.S. Marshall (Blu-ray) engage in a heated custody dispute over their beloved is a „Ponderosa Explosion.“ Bring home these classics today! Neville Brand, Gary Grimes, Royal Dano, granddaughter, the ensuing legal battle forces them to Adventure, Classics, Television, Western confront their true feelings on race and forgiveness. Can Dan Vadis, Jackie Coogan, Denver Pyle, people from two seemingly different worlds find common 911min. Marie Windsor, Harry Carey Jr., John ground when nothing is as simple as black or white? Paramount Pictures 26.05.2015 Wayne, George Kennedy, Rayford Barnes, Drama, Movies 2014 121min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126481 Dan Kemp - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen 20th Century Fox 05.05.2015 Lawman J.D. Cahill can stand alone against a bad-guy army. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126483 Boy Next Door But as a widower father, he’s on insecure footing raising two sons. Particularly when he suspects his boys are involved in Ryan Guzman, Jennifer Lopez a bank robbery... and two killings. Filmed on location in the Black Sea Lopez stars as Claire Peterson, a high-school literature high desert of Durango, New Mexico, this suspenseful saga teacher struggling to get back in the dating game after offers a hearty helping of the stoic charisma that made John Jodie Whittaker, Scoot McNairy, Ben separating from her cheating husband while raising her Wayne a long-time box-office champion. Mendelsohn, Jude Law - Dir. Kevin adolescent son. When handsome and charismatic 19-year-old Classics, Cops, Crime, Drama, MacDonald Noah (Ryan Guzman, Step Up series, Pretty Little Liars) Dysfunctional Families, Movies, Western A suspenseful adventure thriller directed by Academy Award moves in next door, Claire has a moment of weakness that winner Kevin Macdonald, centering on a rogue submarine leads to an intimate night together. Noah’s attraction quickly 1973 103min. captain (two-time Academy Award nominee Jude Law) who turns into a violent obsession, threatening to tear apart Universal Studios 02.06.2015 pulls together a misfit crew to go after a sunken treasure Claire’s world and endanger the people she loves. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126131

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555min. Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 Cake BBC Home Video 19.05.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126046 Anna Kendrick, Chris Messina, Mamie 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126317 Gummer, Camille Guaty, Lucy Punch, Convicts , Sam Worthington, Ashley Carrie / The Rage: Carrie 2 A boy works with convicts on a senile Civil War veteran’s sugar-cane plantation in 1902 Texas. From the Horton Foote Crow, Paula Cale, Jennifer Aniston, William (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) play. H. Macy, Britt Robertson, Adriana Barraza, . Drama, Movies, Western 1991 min. Allen Maldonado - Dir. Daniel Barnz Book-To-Film, Double Features, Horror, Olive Films 24.03.2015 Cake takes us into the darkly funny world of Claire Bennett Movies, Stephen King min. (Jennifer Aniston) who initiates a dubious relationship with a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126152 widower (Sam Worthington) while confronting fantastical Cinedigm 14.04.2015 hallucinations of his dead wife (Anna Kendrick). With her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126334 Convicts (Blu-ray) feisty housekeeper-cum-caretaker (Adriana Barraza) ever at her side, Claire searches for human connection and self- Gary Swanson, Robert Duvall, James Earl forgiveness in this tale of personal redemption. Chasing Ghosts Jones - Dir. Peter Masterson Drama, Movies 2014 102min. W. Earl Brown, Robyn Lively, Tim A boy works with convicts on a senile Civil War veteran’s 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 Meadows, sugar-cane plantation in 1902 Texas. From the Horton Foote 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126278 Children’s, Drama, Family, Movies 2014 play. Drama, Movies, Western 1991 min. 92min. Olive Films 24.03.2015 First Look 21.04.2015 Cake (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126179 ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126426 Anna Kendrick, Chris Messina, Mamie Cooley High Gummer, Camille Guaty, Lucy Punch, Chattahoochee A disturbed Korean War hero is placed in a barbaric Florida Glynn Turman, Cynthia Davis, Garrett Felicity Huffman, Sam Worthington, Ashley hospital for the criminally insane. Morris - Dir. Michael Schultz Crow, Paula Cale, Jennifer Aniston, William Drama, Movies 1989 min. Two high-school pals hang out, face a teacher and flee the H. Macy, Britt Robertson, Adriana Barraza, Olive Films 24.03.2015 police in 1964 urban . Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1975 Allen Maldonado - Dir. Daniel Barnz 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126153 Cake takes us into the darkly funny world of Claire Bennett 120min. (Jennifer Aniston) who initiates a dubious relationship with a Kino Video 21.04.2015 widower (Sam Worthington) while confronting fantastical Chattahoochee (Blu-ray) hallucinations of his dead wife (Anna Kendrick). With her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126437 feisty housekeeper-cum-caretaker (Adriana Barraza) ever at Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman her side, Claire searches for human connection and self- A disturbed Korean War hero is placed in a barbaric Florida Cooley High (Blu-ray) forgiveness in this tale of personal redemption. hospital for the criminally insane. Drama, Movies 2014 102min. Drama, Movies 1989 min. Glynn Turman, Cynthia Davis, Garrett 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 Olive Films 24.03.2015 Morris - Dir. Michael Schultz 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126180 Two high-school pals hang out, face a teacher and flee the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126287 police in 1964 urban Chicago. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1975 Call The Midwife: Season Four Cheers: The Complete Series 120min. Cliff Parisi, Stephen McGann, Laura Main, Mega Pack Kino Video 21.04.2015 Helen George, Judy Parfitt, , Shelley Long, John Ratzenberger, Kelsey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126453 Vanessa Redgrave, Pam Ferris Grammer, Kirstie Alley, Ted Danson, Woody The nurses, midwives and nuns of Nonnatus House invite you Harrelson, Rhea Perlman, George Wendt The Coven to join them again as they try to give the best possible care to Wander in... pull up a stool... and make yourself at home the poorest women in London’s Poplar neighborhood. Now „where everybody knows your name“ with Cheers: The Howard Lee, Mark Harris, Dexter Fletcher nearing the 1960s, the community enters a new time of social Complete Series Mega Pack, featuring all 270 episodes from British, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Movies change, while stories of birth, life and death continue to touch 11 seasons, plus a host of exciting featurettes on 45 discs - 2015 85min. your heart. Will live-wire Nurse Trixie marry her young with vivid picture and sound quality. Ted Danson stars as Sam curate? What new project calls for a heart as big as Malone, former relief-pitcher for the Boston Red Sox turned First Look 21.04.2015 Chummy’s? How will Sister Evangelina react to two new sober saloon owner of a popular neighborhood spot. Add a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126428 nurses? And why does Sister Julienne appear so unsettled by colorful cast of co-stars (Shelley Long, Kirstie Alley, Rhea a mystery benefactor? Jenny Agutter (MI-5, The Railway Perlman, George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Nicholas Cola- Children), Pam Ferris (Little Dorrit, Rosemary and Thyme) santo, Woody Harrelson, and Kelsey Grammer) and you’re all Cover Up and (Miranda, Magicians) star in the award- set to raise a glass to the legendary, 28-time Emmy Award - winning series, inspired by the memoirs of nurse Jennifer Doro Merande, Ann E. Todd, Art Baker, winning series GQ Magazine calls „pretty much perfect.“ Virginia Christine, Barbara Britton, William Worth. Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, girl power, Bendix Television 6626min. International, International TV, Nurses & An insurance sleuth probes a small-town suicide, senses Paramount Pictures 05.05.2015 Doctors, On The Job, Television 555min. hostility and suspects murder. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126104 Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1949 82min. BBC Home Video 19.05.2015 Kino Video 24.03.2015 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126190 Clash Of The Titans / Clash Of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126159 Call The Midwife: Season Four The Titans (1981) / Wrath Of The Titans (2012) (Blu-ray) Covert Affairs: Season Five (Blu-ray) Christopher Gorham, Piper Perabo, Hill Bill Nighy, Susan Fleetwood, Jason Cliff Parisi, Stephen McGann, Laura Main, Harper, Peter Gallagher Helen George, Judy Parfitt, Jenny Agutter, Flemyng, Ralph Fiennes, Liam Cunningham, An inexperienced CIA trainee with top-notch linguistic skills Vanessa Redgrave, Pam Ferris Laurence Olivier, Maggie Smith, Ursula becomes a field operative under mysterious circumstances. The nurses, midwives and nuns of Nonnatus House invite you Andress, Claire Bloom, Liam Neeson, Action, Crime, Drama, girl power, Mystery, to join them again as they try to give the best possible care to Burgess Meredith, Danny Huston, Judi Spies & Secret Agents, Television, Thrillers, the poorest women in London’s Poplar neighborhood. Now nearing the 1960s, the community enters a new time of social Bowker, Izabella Miko, Harry Hamlin, John USA Network 680min. change, while stories of birth, life and death continue to touch Bell, Rosamund Pike, Mads Mikkelsen, Sam Universal Studios 28.04.2015 your heart. Will live-wire Nurse Trixie marry her young Worthington, Alexa Davalos, Edgar 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126061 curate? What new project calls for a heart as big as Chummy’s? How will Sister Evangelina react to two new Ramirez, Toby Kebbell, Pat Roach, Gemma nurses? And why does Sister Julienne appear so unsettled by Arterton, Luke Evans, Lily James - Dir. Creepin With The Deacon a mystery benefactor? Jenny Agutter (MI-5, The Railway Desmond Davis, Jonathan Liebesman, Lou- Children), Pam Ferris (Little Dorrit, Rosemary and Thyme) Comedy, Movies 90min. and Miranda Hart (Miranda, Magicians) star in the award- is Leterrier First Look 31.03.2015 winning series, inspired by the memoirs of nurse Jennifer Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126194 Worth. Blu-ray, Family, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, Foreign, girl Kidnapping, Monsters, Movies, Myths & Cries And Whispers: The power, International, International TV, Legends, Revenge, Triple Feature, War Nurses & Doctors, On The Job, Television min. Criterion Collection Two women visit their dying spinster sister in her circa-1900

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Swedish manor. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 100min. dares to go Digging Up The Marrow. Art House, Classics, Criterion Collection, Cinedigm 21.04.2015 Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies 88min. Foreign, Movies, Swedish 1972 116min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126400 Image Ent. 24.03.2015 Criterion 31.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126225 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126308 Deep In The Darkness (Blu-ray) Sean Patrick Thomas, Dean Stockwell Dixie Ray Hollywood Star Cries And Whispers: The Dr. Michael Cayle thought leaving the chaotic lifestyle of Juliet Anderson Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) behind for the quiet, small town of Ashborough Private investigator Nick Popodopolis (John Leslie) has a would bring his family closer together. Soon after arriving, problem: there’s a corpse of a beautiful woman (Juliet Two women visit their dying spinster sister in her circa-1900 however, he discovers the town’s deepest secret: a terrifying Anderson) on the floor of his office. As he explains his case Swedish manor. - and controlling - race of creatures that live amongst the to an alcoholic lieutenant (Cameron Mitchell), a strange story Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion darkness in the woods behind his home. of blackmail, mystery and murder unfolds, all centered on an Collection, Foreign, Movies, Swedish 1972 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 100min. enigmatic movie star, Dixie Ray (Lisa Deleeuw). Anthony Spinelli’s big budget WWII era set noir ranks as one of his 116min. Cinedigm 21.04.2015 most ambitious films ever made. With an all star cast that also Criterion 31.03.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126405 features Kelly Nichols, Veronica Hart, and Samantha Fox, the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126330 film was released in two different versions (Dixie Ray Holly- wood Star & It’s Called Murder Baby), both of which are Demon presented here, fully restored from their original 35mm negati- Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Eleven A New York police lieutenant ties mayhem to a cult and its ves. David Royle , Warren Clarke, Colin half-man, half-alien leader. Classics, Erotica, Movies, Murder Aliens, Horror, Movies 1979 min. Buchanan Mysteries, Mystery 1983 101min. The blunt-talking, politically incorrect Andy Dalziel once Cinedigm 05.05.2015 CAV 10.03.2015 again pairs up with his younger, fast-tracked sidekick, Peter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126420 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126074 Pascoe, for a crime-solving marriage of opportunities. Season eleven sees the endearing duo investigate more difficult cases including the 20-year-old murder of a woman whose mummified The Demon Doctor Who: The Cybermen remains emerge from the water during a cave rescue A steel-clawed midnight caller stalks small-town women. Aliens, British, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, operation, an inquiry which rocks their world to its core; and Horror, Movies min. Foreign, International, International TV, the death of an up and coming jockey at the race-track, which Cinedigm 07.04.2015 forces them to examine the dark underbelly of horse-racing in Monsters, Science Fiction, Television, Time 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126205 a rural setting that is anything but idyllic. Travel 370min. British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, BBC Home Video 19.05.2015 Foreign, International, International TV, Detroit Rock City (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126259 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television Emmanuelle Chriqui, Edward Furlong 500min. It’s 1978:bell -bottoms, Day-Glo, lava lamps and rock-n-roll BBC Home Video 05.05.2015 define the generation. What’s a high-school rock band from The Drownsman 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126066 Cleveland got on their mind? Getting out and hitting the city: Ry Barrett, Michelle Mylett - Dir. Chad Ar- Detroit Rock City! chibald Comedy, Movies, Rock ‘N’ Roll 1999 min. After almost drowning in a lake accident, Madison (Michelle Dance with Me, Henry New Line Home Entertainment 07.04.2015 Mylett, Antisocial) develops hydrophobia: an abnormal fear of Lou Costello, Bud Abbott - Dir. Charles 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126323 water. After shutting the world and her friends out for over a year, her friends attempt an intervention. But, instead of Barton curbing Madison’s fear, they unknowingly unleash something Children help an amusement-park owner and his buddy get out Diamond Heist (Magic Boys) far worse: The vision of serial killer turned supernatural of trouble with gangsters. psychopath Sebastian Donner - known as The Drownsman - Comedy, Movies, Slapstick 1956 80min. Vinnie Jones, Michael Madsen, Gyozo who begins to stalk the women one by one, dragging them into Olive Films 21.04.2015 Szabo, Tamer Hassan, Csaba Pindroch, a lair of submerged torment from which there is no escape. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126434 Jamelia, Robert Koltai - Dir. Eva Gardos, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Robert Koltai 86min. Dance with Me, Henry (Blu-ray) When two dancers mysteriously disappear from outside his Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2015 London club, Terence (Michael Madsen) a notorious diamond 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126463 Lou Costello, Bud Abbott - Dir. Charles smuggler, needs to find some replacements fast. His old Barton colleague and former diamond man Jack Varga (Vinnie Jones) offers up his own recruits, but Varga has ulterior motives. The Drownsman (Blu-ray) Children help an amusement-park owner and his buddy get out Diamond Heist is action-packed with unremitting twists and of trouble with gangsters. turns. Ry Barrett, Michelle Mylett - Dir. Chad Ar- Classics, Comedy, Movies, Slapstick 1956 Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies, chibald 80min. Thieves 2012 94min. After almost drowning in a lake accident, Madison (Michelle Olive Films 21.04.2015 Mylett, Antisocial) develops hydrophobia: an abnormal fear of Cinedigm 24.03.2015 water. After shutting the world and her friends out for over a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126450 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126284 year, her friends attempt an intervention. But, instead of curbing Madison’s fear, they unknowingly unleash something Deadly Mission / Fatal Mission far worse: The vision of serial killer turned supernatural Digging Up The Marrow psychopath Sebastian Donner - known as The Drownsman - (Double Feature) What if the ghastly images and abominations haunting our who begins to stalk the women one by one, dragging them into Action, Double Features, Movies, War collective nightmares actually exist? Writer/director Adam a lair of submerged torment from which there is no escape. Green (Hatchet) sets out to make a documentary exploring Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 90min. this tantalizing premise after being contacted by a mysterious 86min. Olive Films 31.03.2015 man named William Dekker (Ray Wise). Dekker claims he Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126142 can prove that „monsters are real“ and insists these grotesque creatures are forgotten, hideously deformed humanoids 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126473 inhabiting a vast, underground metropolis of the damned. Deadly Mission / Fatal Mission Determined to expose the truth, Green embarks on a bone- chilling odyssey and gets more than he bargains for when he Duel (Blu-ray) (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) dares to go Digging Up The Marrow. Jacqueline Scott, Dennis Weaver, Eddie Action, Horror, Movies 88min. Erik Estrada, Telly Savalas, Ernest Firestone - Dir. Steven Spielberg Borgnine Image Ent. 24.03.2015 In Steven Spielberg’s first full-length movie, Duel, a traveling Action, Blu-ray, Double Features, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126161 salesman (Dennis Weaver) is harassed by a menacing 40-ton truck on a remote desert highway. Brilliant in its simplicity, the War 90min. cult favorite takes road rage to a dangerous level as the Olive Films 31.03.2015 Digging Up The Marrow (Blu-ray) traveler and the mysterious truck-driver are pitted against 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126169 Adam Green - Dir. Adam Green one another in a motorized duel to the death. Gripping with What if the ghastly images and abominations haunting our psychological tension, this desperate battle for survival is collective nightmares actually exist? Writer/director Adam hailed by critics as a film that „belongs on the classics shelf Deep In The Darkness Green (Hatchet) sets out to make a documentary exploring reserved for top suspensers“ (Daily Variety). Sean Patrick Thomas, Dean Stockwell this tantalizing premise after being contacted by a mysterious Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Dr. Michael Cayle thought leaving the chaotic lifestyle of man named William Dekker (Ray Wise). Dekker claims he Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1971 90min. New York City behind for the quiet, small town of Ashborough can prove that „monsters are real“ and insists these grotesque Universal Studios 05.05.2015 would bring his family closer together. Soon after arriving, creatures are forgotten, hideously deformed humanoids however, he discovers the town’s deepest secret: a terrifying inhabiting a vast, underground metropolis of the damned. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126126 - and controlling - race of creatures that live amongst the Determined to expose the truth, Green embarks on a bone- darkness in the woods behind his home. chilling odyssey and gets more than he bargains for when he

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Dust Of War 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126408 Action, Movies, Science Fiction 94min. The End Of The Violence Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 Pullman stars as Mike Max, a hugely successful Hollywood Everly producer whose films are state-of-the-art, violent thrillers. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126199 Violence has made Mike a rich man and given his wife Paige Jennifer Blanc, Salma Hayek - Dir. Joe (McDowell) a lifestyle any woman would die for. Gabriel Lynch Clint Eastwood: The Universal Byrne is Ray Bering, a surveillance expert engaged in a top Salma Hayek takes no prisoners in this action packed thriller secret government project. Ray’s project could cut police as a femme fatale unleashing the ultimate vengeance against a Pictures 7-Movie Collection response time by 200 percent using a network of hidden sadistic mob boss and his army of assassins. cameras to constantly view Los Angeles. In short, this project Action, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. Clint Eastwood is meant to bring an end to violence. Each man traffics in Cool, tough and always classic, Clint Eastwood is a true images of violence buy when Ray’s cameras record Mike’s Starz / Anchor Bay tba American icon whose career has spanned more than seven brutal abduction, their opposite but strangely similar lives tba BestellNr.: 40126415 decades. No decade impacted his growth more as an actor, converge. This scenario turns into a conspiracy and a director and legend than the pivotal years he spent at Univer- mystery and confronts violence through many avenues of its sal Pictures between 1968 and 1975 when he made seven cast of characters. Everly (Blu-ray) movies that laid the foundation for his superstardom. Clint Eastwood: The Universal Pictures 7-Movie Collection Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1997 122min. Jennifer Blanc, Salma Hayek - Dir. Joe includes a selection of action-packed westerns (Two Mules Olive Films 24.03.2015 Lynch for Sister Sara, Joe Kidd and High Plains Drifter) and edge- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126150 Salma Hayek takes no prisoners in this action packed thriller of-your-seat thrillers (Coogan’s Bluff, The Beguiled, Play as a femme fatale unleashing the ultimate vengeance against a Misty For Me and The Eiger Sanction) that make up this sadistic mob boss and his army of assassins. important chapter of one of Hollywood’s most unforgettable The End Of The Violence (Blu- Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. entertainers. Starz / Anchor Bay tba Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Classics, ray) tba BestellNr.: 40126439 Collections, Comedy, Cops, Movies, Thril- Rosalind Chao, Nicole Ari Parker, Chris lers, War, Western 738min. Douridas, Traci Lind, Andie MacDowell, Bill Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Pullman, Gabriel Byrne - Dir. Wim Wenders The Facts Of Life Pullman stars as Mike Max, a hugely successful Hollywood Bob Hope (The Road To ) and Lucille Ball 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126118 producer whose films are state-of-the-art, violent thrillers. (~Yours, Mine and Ours~~) are teamed in The Facts of Life, Violence has made Mike a rich man and given his wife Paige a comedy with dramatic twists. When their spouses are Clint Eastwood: The Universal (McDowell) a lifestyle any woman would die for. Gabriel unable to join them on a planned group trip, longtime friends, Byrne is Ray Bering, a surveillance expert engaged in a top Larry Gilbert (Hope) and Kitty Weaver (Ball) find themselves Pictures 7-Movie Collection (Blu- secret government project. Ray’s project could cut police thrown together and falling in love under the sun in beautiful response time by 200 percent using a network of hidden Acapulco. With their vacation coming to an end, both Larry ray) cameras to constantly view Los Angeles. In short, this project and Kitty find themselves torn between feeling guilty about the Clint Eastwood is meant to bring an end to violence. Each man traffics in affair and whether or not to end it. Cool, tough and always classic, Clint Eastwood is a true images of violence buy when Ray’s cameras record Mike’s Comedy, Movies min. American icon whose career has spanned more than seven brutal abduction, their opposite but strangely similar lives Olive Films 31.03.2015 decades. No decade impacted his growth more as an actor, converge. This scenario turns into a conspiracy and a director and legend than the pivotal years he spent at Univer- mystery and confronts violence through many avenues of its 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126145 sal Pictures between 1968 and 1975 when he made seven cast of characters. movies that laid the foundation for his superstardom. Clint Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1997 122min. The Facts Of Life (Blu-ray) Eastwood: The Universal Pictures 7-Movie Collection Olive Films 24.03.2015 Don Defore, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Ruth includes a selection of action-packed westerns (Two Mules 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126177 for Sister Sara, Joe Kidd and High Plains Drifter) and edge- Hussey - Dir. Melvin Frank of-your-seat thrillers (Coogan’s Bluff, The Beguiled, Play Bob Hope (The Road To Hong Kong) and Lucille Ball Misty For Me and The Eiger Sanction) that make up this Enter The Dangerous Mind (~Yours, Mine and Ours~~) are teamed in The Facts of Life, important chapter of one of Hollywood’s most unforgettable a comedy with dramatic twists. When their spouses are entertainers. Gina Rodriguez, Thomas Dekker, Jake unable to join them on a planned group trip, longtime friends, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Hoffman, Noel Gugliemi, Nikki Reed, Jason Larry Gilbert (Hope) and Kitty Weaver (Ball) find themselves Classics, Collections, Comedy, Cops, Priestley, Scott Bakula thrown together and falling in love under the sun in beautiful Acapulco. With their vacation coming to an end, both Larry Movies, Thrillers, War, Western 738min. Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. and Kitty find themselves torn between feeling guilty about the Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Well Go USA 14.04.2015 affair and whether or not to end it. 127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126124 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126397 Comedy, Movies 1960 min. Olive Films 31.03.2015 Echoes Enter The Dangerous Mind (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126172 Steve Hanks, Kate French, Steven Brand, ray) Billy Wirth - Dir. Nils Timm Gina Rodriguez, Thomas Dekker, Jake Falling Skies: The Complete Struggling with horrifying, sleep-paralysis induced visions, a Fourth Season young writer retreats with her boyfriend to an isolated desert Hoffman, Noel Gugliemi, Nikki Reed, Jason house. As the visions intensify, she finds herself on the verge Priestley, Scott Bakula Maxim Knight, Drew Roy, Moon Bloodgood, of losing her mind...or uncovering a life-threatening secret. Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. Noah Wyle, Will Patton Drama, Horror, Mental Illness, Movies, Thril- Well Go USA 14.04.2015 The pressure continues to mount for survivors as they try to lers 2014 88min. regain control of earth. Keeping up their fight in the war is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126404 becoming increasingly difficult as their hopes of life after the Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 alien destruction become more of a distant reality. With the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126249 The Equalizer: Season Four new capitol in Charleston, the 2nd Mass could end up revisiting old territory. Luis Guzman, Melissa Joan Hart, Tony Echoes (Blu-ray) Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Apocalyptic Shalhoub, Bradley Whitford, Edward Future, End Of The World, Military, Science Steve Hanks, Kate French, Steven Brand, Woodward Fiction, Television, Thrillers, War 528min. Billy Wirth - Dir. Nils Timm Action, CBS, Detectives, Drama, Television Struggling with horrifying, sleep-paralysis induced visions, a Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 young writer retreats with her boyfriend to an isolated desert 1989 1114min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126267 house. As the visions intensify, she finds herself on the verge Peace Arch Entertainment 21.04.2015 of losing her mind...or uncovering a life-threatening secret. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126429 Drama, Horror, Mental Illness, Movies, Thril- Falling Skies: The Complete lers 2014 88min. Escape From New York: Fourth Season (Blu-ray + Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 Collectors Edition (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126254 Maxim Knight, Drew Roy, Moon Bloodgood, Donald Pleasence, Season Hubley, Harry Noah Wyle, Will Patton Dean Stanton, Isaac Hayes, Adrienne Bar- Eddie And The Cruisers / Eddie The pressure continues to mount for survivors as they try to beau, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Kurt regain control of earth. Keeping up their fight in the war is And The Cruisers II: Eddie Lives Russell becoming increasingly difficult as their hopes of life after the (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) The police send a convict to rescue the president from a 1997 alien destruction become more of a distant reality. With the new capitol in Charleston, the 2nd Mass could end up Double Features, Movies, Music, Mystery, no man’s land. Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Cult revisiting old territory. Rock ‘N’ Roll, Thrillers 270min. Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Apocalyptic Film / TV, Exploitation, Gangs, Movies, Cinedigm 14.04.2015 Future, Blu-ray, End Of The World, Military, Prison, Science Fiction 1981 99min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126335 Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers, War Cinedigm 21.04.2015

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528min. before Stegner can be indicted, his top scientist with the Wright Penn, Paul Newman, Michael Jeter, evidence is murdered. Adele Tasca (Sophia Loren, Two Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 Women, Blood Feud), the murdered man’s widow, suggests Tyler Hoechlin, Margo Moorer - Dir. Robert 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126275 Stegner’s kidnapping to the Justice Department. She Zemeckis, Frank Darabont, Sam Mendes recommends Jerry Fanon (James Coburn, Cross Of Iron, In Assassins & Hitmen, Book-To-Film, Crime, Like Flint), her former lover and professional bounty hunter, Fast Times At Ridgemont High / to catch her husband’s killer and bring him back to face Drama, Fantasy, Mobsters & The Mafia, Dazed And Confused Double Fea- justice. Fanon and Adele enlist the aid of Catlett (O J Movies, Mystery, Prison, Revenge, Simpson, Killer Force, The Naked Gun), a powerful, profes- Romance, Stephen King, Thrillers, Triple ture (Blu-ray) sional thief and together they embark on the deadly mission. The top-notch supporting cast includes Eli Wallach (The Feature min. Ray Walston, Vincent Schiavelli, Judge Good, The Bad And The Ugly), Tony Franciosa (Tenebre), Warner Bros. 10.03.2015 Reinhold, Shawn Andrews, Jason London, George Grizzard (Advise And Consent), Vincent Gardenia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126041 Jennifer Jason Leigh, Milla Jovovich, (Death Wish), Billy Barty (Foul Play) and a special guest Forest Whitaker, Phoebe Cates, Matthew appearance by Victor Mature ( Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thrillers From The Dark McConaughey, Sean Penn, Anthony Rapp, 1979 95min. Horror, Monsters, Movies 2014 92min. Kelli Maroney, Joey Lauren Adams, Brian Kino Video 10.03.2015 MPI 14.04.2015 Backer, Robert Romanus, Rory Cochrane, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126092 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126300 Michelle Burke, Christine Harnos, Amanda Wyss, Cole Hauser, Adam Goldberg, Sasha Jenson, Scott Thomson, Marissa Ribisi, Firewalker From The Dark (Blu-ray) Deena Martin, Wiley Wiggins, D.W. Brown - Will Sampson, Chuck Norris, Sonny Horror, Monsters, Movies 2014 92min. Dir. Amy Heckerling, Richard Linklater Landham, Melody Anderson - Dir. J. Lee MPI 14.04.2015 Book-To-Film, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / Thompson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126324 Two guys and a girl brave jungle hazards to find an Aztec TV, Double Features, Drama, Drugs & Dea- temple filled with gold. lers, Friendships, High School, Movies, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies 1986 The Fugitive: The Complete Rock ‘N’ Roll, Romance 193min. 120min. Series Mega Pack Universal Studios 19.05.2015 Olive Films 21.04.2015 Bill Raisch, Barry Morse, William Conrad, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126321 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126433 David Janssen Catch the Emmy-winning hit series The Fugitive from its A Few Best Men pulse-pounding start to its epic finale. David Janssen stars Firewalker (Blu-ray) as Dr. Richard Kimble, the dedicated doctor falsely accused Rebel Wilson, Xavier Samuel , Tim Draxl, Will Sampson, Chuck Norris, Sonny and convicted of killing his wife. While being transported to Kris Marshall, Kevin Bishop - Dir. Stephan Death Row, a freak train accident allows him to break free Landham, Melody Anderson - Dir. J. Lee from the custody of Lt. Philip Gerard (Barry Morse). Starting Elliott Thompson now, the hunt is on! While Gerard chases down Kimble, the When David unexpectedly gets engaged during a whirlwind Two guys and a girl brave jungle hazards to find an Aztec good doctor is on a quest to find his wife’s real killer - the vacation, his best friends are determined to send him off into temple filled with gold. one-armed man whom Kimble witnessed fleeing the scene of married life in signature style. But when they arrive in Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, the crime. Switching identities while helping strangers in Australia, the nuptial plans go from bad to worse as the guys need along the way, Kimble’s life is constantly on the move... discover that unpredictable relatives, a cross-dressing sheep Movies 1986 120min. but he will not stop until justice is found. and a deranged drug dealer don’t necessarily equate to a Olive Films 21.04.2015 Adventure, Boxed Sets, Classics, Cops, match made in heaven. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126449 Australian, Comedy, Drugs & Dealers, Crime, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Murder Foreign, Movies, Romance 2011 97min. Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Universal Studios 05.05.2015 For The Boys 6168min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126117 , George Segal, James Caan - Paramount Pictures 05.05.2015 Dir. Mark Rydell 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126107 Bette Midler gives the brassiest, sassiest performance of her Fire Power career as Dixie Leonard, a USO singer whose electrifying George Grizzard, , Eli stage presence, and flair for outrageous comedy, captivates The Gambler troops and civilians alike. Teamed up with America’s beloved , Jessica Lange - Dir. Rupert Wallach, Vincent Gardenia, O.J. Simpson, song-and-dance man, Eddie Sparks (James Caan), the whole Sophia Loren, James Coburn - Dir. Michael world becomes Dixie’s stage through three very different Wyatt Winner wars, and 50 years of music and memories, laughter and Jim Bennett (Academy Award-nominee Mark Wahlberg) is a tears. risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes An explosive plot to kidnap a corrupt billionaire set against gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster New York, Miami, Washington, and the Caribbean... when you Classics, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music, (Michael Kenneth Williams) and offers his own life as have International superstar Sophia Loren involved, this is War, World War II 1991 146min. collateral. Always one step ahead, Bennett pits his creditor one Firepower!. Carl Stegner (George Touliatos) is wanted Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2015 against the operator of a gambling ring (Alvin Ing) and leaves by the US government for fraud, bribery and corruption. But his dysfunctional relationship with his wealthy mother before Stegner can be indicted, his top scientist with the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126250 (Academy Award-winner Jessica Lange) in his wake. He evidence is murdered. Adele Tasca (Sophia Loren, Two plays both sides, immersing himself in an illicit, underground Women, Blood Feud), the murdered man’s widow, suggests For The Boys (Blu-ray) world while garnering the attention of Frank (John Goodman), Stegner’s kidnapping to the Justice Department. She a loan shark with a paternal interest in Bennett’s future. As recommends Jerry Fanon (James Coburn, Cross Of Iron, In Bette Midler, George Segal, James Caan - his relationship with a student (Brie Larson) deepens, Bennett Like Flint), her former lover and professional bounty hunter, must take the ultimate risk for a second chance. to catch her husband’s killer and bring him back to face Dir. Mark Rydell justice. Fanon and Adele enlist the aid of Catlett (O J Bette Midler gives the brassiest, sassiest performance of her Crime, Drama, Gambling, Mobsters & The Simpson, Killer Force, The Naked Gun), a powerful, profes- career as Dixie Leonard, a USO singer whose electrifying Mafia, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. sional thief and together they embark on the deadly mission. stage presence, and flair for outrageous comedy, captivates Paramount Pictures 28.04.2015 The top-notch supporting cast includes Eli Wallach (The troops and civilians alike. Teamed up with America’s beloved Good, The Bad And The Ugly), Tony Franciosa (Tenebre), song-and-dance man, Eddie Sparks (James Caan), the whole 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126432 George Grizzard (Advise And Consent), Vincent Gardenia world becomes Dixie’s stage through three very different (Death Wish), Billy Barty (Foul Play) and a special guest wars, and 50 years of music and memories, laughter and The Gambler (Blu-ray + DVD + appearance by Victor Mature ( tears. Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1979 Classics, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 95min. War, World War II 1991 146min. Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Lange - Dir. Rupert Kino Video 10.03.2015 Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2015 Wyatt 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126083 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126255 Jim Bennett (Academy Award-nominee Mark Wahlberg) is a risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster Fire Power (Blu-ray) Forrest Gump / The Green Mile / (Michael Kenneth Williams) and offers his own life as Road To Perdition collateral. Always one step ahead, Bennett pits his creditor George Grizzard, Anthony Franciosa, Eli against the operator of a gambling ring (Alvin Ing) and leaves Wallach, Vincent Gardenia, O.J. Simpson, David Morse, James Cromwell, Mykelti his dysfunctional relationship with his wealthy mother Sophia Loren, James Coburn - Dir. Michael Williamson, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, (Academy Award-winner Jessica Lange) in his wake. He plays both sides, immersing himself in an illicit, underground Winner Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sally Field, Jeffrey world while garnering the attention of Frank (John Goodman), An explosive plot to kidnap a corrupt billionaire set against DeMunn, Gary Sinise, Tom Hanks, Bonnie a loan shark with a paternal interest in Bennett’s future. As New York, Miami, Washington, and the Caribbean... when you his relationship with a student (Brie Larson) deepens, Bennett have International superstar Sophia Loren involved, this is Hunt, Harry Dean Stanton, Sam Anderson, Barry Pepper, Ciaran Hinds, Michael Clarke must take the ultimate risk for a second chance. one Firepower!. Carl Stegner (George Touliatos) is wanted Crime, Drama, Gambling, Mobsters & The by the US government for fraud, bribery and corruption. But Duncan, Doug Hutchison, Liam Aiken, Robin

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Mafia, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. Bible’s Greatest Stories - Volume something, someone else has invented something that does Paramount Pictures 28.04.2015 exactly the same thing, but better, cheaper and faster. Halt One and Catch Fire thrives on the spirit of innovation and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126448 Roger Kern, Eve Plumb, Robert Emhardt, explores what it’s like stand at AMC, Blu-ray, Drama, Technology, Televisi- Jeff Corey, John Dehner, Ted Cassidy, Lew on 2014 435min. Ghost Story: The Turn Of The Ayres, Daniel J. Travanti, Ed Lauter, Rita Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Screw Gam - Dir. James L. Conway A hauntingly atmospheric and star-studded adaptation of Follow the word of God and witness the most legendary 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126465 Henry James’ classic gothic horror story. A young, heroes and stories of the Bible. In The Ten Commandments, inexperienced governess is hired to look after two small join Moses as he crosses the Red Sea and leads his people Harlock: Space Pirate children abandoned by their uncle, following the death of their to the Promised Land. Witness the awe-inspiring story of parents, at his grand country house. Unsettled by glimpses of Samson & Delilah and the ultimate betrayal by his lady love. Action, Children’s, Movies, Science Fiction ghostly figures that only she can see, she quickly believes In David & Goliath, watch a young man with a strong faith in 115min. that something malevolent is stalking the children in her care. God take on the Philistine giant. Follow The Story of Noah as She learns that her predecessor and her sinister lover both he builds his massive ark and repopulates the world. The Anderson Merchandisers 31.03.2015 died under curious circumstances and prior to their death, Bible’s Greatest Stories are sure to both guide and entertain 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126197 they spent most of their time with Flora and Miles. Could they the whole family. be the figures appearing to the new governess? But are Adventure, Drama, Educational, Family, He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not appearances everything they seem to be? Are these Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, apparitions truly supernatural or simply products of her (A La Folie... Pas Du Tout) overactive imagination ? James’ novel is brilliantly brought to Mini-Series, Religion/Spirituality, Special life in this evocative drama - full of ambiguity, eeriness and Interest, Television, TV Movies 1979 Clement Sibony, Isabelle Carre, Eric Savin, menace. 196min. Audrey Tautou, Samuel Le Bihan, Sophie BBC, Book-To-Film, British, Drama, Foreign, Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Guillemin, Elodie Navarre - Dir. Laetitia Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126047 Colombani Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Supernatural & Art student Angelique (Audrey Tautou) is madly in love with Paranormal, Thrillers, TV Movies 90min. Loic, a married cardiologist. Halfway through, this black BBC Home Video 28.04.2015 Halo: Nightfall comedy reverses perspective, showing the preceding events Action, Movies, Science Fiction 90min. from Loic’s (wildly different) point-of-view. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126071 Foreign, French, Movies, Romance, Thril- Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 lers 2002 92min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126195 Ghoulies / Ghoulies II (Blu-ray) First Run Features 14.04.2015 Horror, Monsters, Movies 170min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126423 Cinedigm 21.04.2015 Halo: Nightfall (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126406 Steven Waddington Hello Ladies: The Complete First Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction Season & Movie Gift Horse 90min. Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 Christine Woods, Stephen Merchant, Jenny Children’s, Drama, Family, Movies 92min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126222 Slate, David Hornsby, Kevin Weisman, First Look 14.04.2015 Crista Flanagan, Nate Torrence, Sean Wing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126378 Halt And Catch Fire: The Comedy, HBO, Romance, Television 2013 240min. God Help The Girl Complete First Season HBO Home Video 26.05.2015 Olly Alexander, Hannah Murray, Emily , Kerry Bishe, Scoot tba BestellNr.: 40126119 Browning - Dir. Stuart Murdoch McNairy, Lee Pace, Toby Huss Eve (Emily Browning of Sucker Punch and Lemony Snicket’s Halt and Catch Fire captures the rise of the PC era in the Hit By Lightning A Series Of Unfortunate Events) starts writing songs during a early 1980s, during which an unlikely trio - a visionary, an stay in a mental health clinic, then runs away to Glasgow, engineer and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks Stephanie Szostak, Will Sasso, Jon Cryer - where she meets singer-guitarist James (Olly Alexander of in the race to build a computer that will change the world as they know it. While charting the changing culture of Texas’ Dir. Ricky Blitt the band Years and Years) and his music student Cassie Loser Ricky (Jon Cryer) has given up on love, until he meets (Hannah Murray of Skins and ). The three Silicon Prairie, tensions build within the group as they attempt to navigate the thin line between visionary and fraud, genius mysterious Danita (Stephanie Szostak) through an online decide to form a band and spend a summer living the songs dating site. Charming, funny, and stunningly beautiful, there’s they’re writing. Experience the „completely charming“ and and delusion, and as their drive to do something that matters runs up against their ability to truly innovate. Inspired by real only one catch. Ricky starts to wonder - can homicide lead to „refreshingly unconventional“ () new pop happily ever after? musical from the producer of The Royal Tenenbaums, events of the time, Halt and Catch Fire takes place roughly Rushmore and Bridesmaids, written, directed and featuring one year after IBM all but corners the market with the release Comedy, Crime, Movies, Romance 2014 songs by Stuart Murdoch of Belle & Sebastian. of its first major product - the IBM PC. It is also the same min. year people realize the IBM PC’s fatal flaw, which quickly Drama, Movies, Musical, Romance 2014 makes personal computing anyone’s game. This is an industry Starz / Anchor Bay tba 112min. founded on a singular concept: as soon as you invent tba BestellNr.: 40126414 Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 something, someone else has invented something that does exactly the same thing, but better, cheaper and faster. Halt 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126037 and Catch Fire thrives on the spirit of innovation and The Hobbit : The Battle Of The explores what it’s like stand at Five Armies - Special Edition AMC, Drama, Technology, Television 2014 Gone With The Pope (Blu-ray + Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin 435min. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Jim LoBianco, Peter MIlo, Lorenzo Dardado, ter Jackson 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126457 - Dir. Duke Mitchell The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies brings to an epic Lost for over 30 years, Gone With The Pope stars famed conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin nightclub performer Duke Mitchell as Paul, a paroled Halt And Catch Fire: The Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. Having reclaimed gangster with an unholy scheme: to kidnap the Pope and their homeland from the Dragon Smaug, the Company has charge a dollar from every Catholic in the world as the Complete First Season (Blu-ray + unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, ransom. Shot in 1975, Gone With The Pope was unfinished at UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, the time of Duke Mitchell’s death in 1981. Sage Stallone and women and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else of Grindhouse Releasing rediscovered Gone Mackenzie Davis, Kerry Bishe, Scoot with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and With The Pope in 1995 and vowed to save it from obscurity. McNairy, Lee Pace, Toby Huss honor to hoard it as Bilbo’s frantic attempts to make him see Academy Award-winning film editor Murawski (The Hurt reason drive the Hobbit towards a desperate and dangerous Halt and Catch Fire captures the rise of the PC era in the choice. But there are even greater dangers ahead. Unseen by Locker, Army Of Darkness) spent 15 years completing Gone early 1980s, during which an unlikely trio - a visionary, an With The Pope from the surviving film elements. Grindhouse any but the Wizard Gandalf, the great enemy Sauron has sent engineer and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Releasing proudly presents the Holy Grail of exploitation in the race to build a computer that will change the world as cinema! Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, they know it. While charting the changing culture of Texas’ the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide - unite or Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Classics, Silicon Prairie, tensions build within the group as they attempt be destroyed. Bilbo finds himself fighting for his life and the Crime, Cult Film / TV, Kidnapping, Mobsters to navigate the thin line between visionary and fraud, genius lives of his friends in the epic Battle of the Five Armies, as and delusion, and as their drive to do something that matters the future of Middle-earth hangs in the balance. & The Mafia, Movies, Prison, Religion/ runs up against their ability to truly innovate. Inspired by real Spirituality, Revenge, Thrillers 1976 83min. events of the time, Halt and Catch Fire takes place roughly Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Family, CAV 24.03.2015 one year after IBM all but corners the market with the release Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, Monsters, of its first major product - the IBM PC. It is also the same Movies, Myths & Legends, Swordfighting, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126218 year people realize the IBM PC’s fatal flaw, which quickly makes personal computing anyone’s game. This is an industry Swords & Sworcery 2014 min. Greatest Heroes Of The Bible: founded on a singular concept: as soon as you invent Warner Bros. 24.03.2015

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126086 Trilogy (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) House: Season Seven The Hobbit : The Battle Of The Mark Hadlow, Aidan Turner, Graham (Repackage) Five Armies (Blu-ray + DVD + McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin Olivia Wilde, Jesse Spencer, Peter UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Freeman, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Ian Jacobson, , Omar Epps, Hugh Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin McKellen - Dir. Peter Jackson Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Book-To- He’s sarcastic, incorrigible, bitter and in a relationship? Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- Hugh Laurie returns in all 23 Season Seven episodes of ter Jackson Film, Collections, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, House, the role that earned him 5 Primetime Emmy Award The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies brings to an epic Magic, Monsters, Movies, Swordfighting, nominations and 2 Golden Globe wins. Dr. Gregory House conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Swords & Sworcery, Triple Feature, War has spent his career taking on seemingly hopeless cases, but Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. Having reclaimed when his rapport with Dr. Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) their homeland from the Dragon Smaug, the Company has min. changes, he finds himself facing new - and very different - unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 challenges. His team at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126274 Hospital (Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Robert women and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else Sean Leonard, Amber Tamblyn and Olivia Wilde) also with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and continues to blaze trails as they investigate baffling medical honor to hoard it as Bilbo’s frantic attempts to make him see The Hobbit: Part 1-3 Theatrical cases involving a religious zealot, a professional bull rider reason drive the Hobbit towards a desperate and dangerous and possibly even smallpox. Featuring phenomenal guest choice. But there are even greater dangers ahead. Unseen by Trilogy (DVD + UltraViolet) stars, including Candice Bergen (), Jennifer any but the Wizard Gandalf, the great enemy Sauron has sent Mark Hadlow, Aidan Turner, Graham Grey (Dirty Dancing), Jack Coleman (Heroes), Michael forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Gladis (), and more, it’s the addictive hit series that Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin continues to surprise and captivate audiences. the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide - unite or Freeman, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Ian Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, be destroyed. Bilbo finds himself fighting for his life and the McKellen - Dir. Peter Jackson lives of his friends in the epic Battle of the Five Armies, as Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. the future of Middle-earth hangs in the balance. Adventure, Book-To-Film, Collections, Universal Studios 26.05.2015 Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, Monsters, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126372 Family, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, Movies, Swordfighting, Swords & Monsters, Movies, Myths & Legends, Sworcery, Triple Feature, War min. How To Beat The High Cost Of Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Swordfighting, Swords & Sworcery 2014 Living min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126341 Fred Willard, , Dabney Coleman, Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Home Sweet Hell Jessica Lange tba BestellNr.: 40126094 Three women plan to rob a plastic bubble full of cash on Patrick Wilson, Katherine Heigl display in a shopping mall. The Hobbit : The Battle Of The A seductive and scheming new hire causes dangerous Comedy, Crime, Movies 1980 95min. problems for a businessman (Patrick Wilson) who is married Olive Films 31.03.2015 Five Armies (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray to a bi-polar, obsessive-compulsive woman (Katherine Heigl). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126137 + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Movies 2015 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin 07.04.2015 How To Beat The High Cost Of Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126306 ter Jackson Living (Blu-ray) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies brings to an epic Susan Saint James, Fred Willard, Jane conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Home Sweet Hell (Blu-ray) Curtin, Dabney Coleman, Jessica Lange Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. Having reclaimed Patrick Wilson, Katherine Heigl Three women plan to rob a plastic bubble full of cash on their homeland from the Dragon Smaug, the Company has display in a shopping mall. unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, A seductive and scheming new hire causes dangerous Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, problems for a businessman (Patrick Wilson) who is married Comedy, Crime, Movies 1980 95min. women and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else to a bi-polar, obsessive-compulsive woman (Katherine Heigl). Olive Films 31.03.2015 with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and Comedy, Drama, Movies 2015 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126164 honor to hoard it as Bilbo’s frantic attempts to make him see Sony Pictures Home Entertainment reason drive the Hobbit towards a desperate and dangerous 07.04.2015 choice. But there are even greater dangers ahead. Unseen by I Love Lucy: I Heart Mom Edition any but the Wizard Gandalf, the great enemy Sauron has sent 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126328 forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Lucille Ball, Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, Desi Arnaz the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide - unite or The Hotwives Of Orlando For all moms...The gift of Lucy... As a mom! 4 I Love Lucy be destroyed. Bilbo finds himself fighting for his life and the Sterling Knight, Casey Wilson, Kristen „Mom“ Episodes and a Built-In Greeting Card! This special lives of his friends in the epic Battle of the Five Armies, as collection includes Lucy Is Enceinte, where Lucy first learns the future of Middle-earth hangs in the balance. Schaal, Angela Kinsey, Jerry Minor, Paul she is pregnant; the classic delivery episode Lucy Goes to Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Scheer, Andrea Savage, Matt Besser, the Hospital; No Children Allowed as the Arnaz family deals Family, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, Stephen Tobolowsky, Seth Morrison with their new arrival; and Nursery School where Lucy has to The Hotwives of Orlando is a comedy series that takes us finally send Little Ricky to school. Monsters, Movies, Myths & Legends, deep into the 97th most glamorous city in the world, Orlando, CBS, Classics, Comedy, Family, Special Swordfighting, Swords & Sworcery 2014 and the ladies who live there. Watch as these drunk, horny, Editions, Television 102min. min. rich, horrible women fight, gossip, cheat, backstab and Paramount Pictures 28.04.2015 Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 weave-pull their way into your hearts. Comedy, Television 157min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126101 tba BestellNr.: 40126095 Paramount Pictures 12.05.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126279 I Really Hate My Ex (DVD + The Hobbit: Part 1-3 Theatrical UltraViolet) Trilogy (Blu-ray + DVD + House: Season Eight (Repackage) Curt Bailey, Troy Byer, Darrin Dewitt UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Omar Henson, Leon Robinson, Daphnee Duplaix, Mark Hadlow, Aidan Turner, Graham Epps, Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard Shari Headley, Chris Spencer - Dir. Troy McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin Two-time Golden Globe winner Hugh Laurie is back one last Byer Freeman, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Ian time as TV’s favorite misanthrope Dr. Gregory House in the How far would you go to get over your ex? After recent bad hit series’ eighth and final season. When House returns to relationships with men, best friends Brea, Wendy, and McKellen - Dir. Peter Jackson Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital after an Jessica want answers - so they decide to kidnap their exes Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, unconventional release from his prison sentence, he finds and hold them hostage until they get them! After the Collections, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, himself under a surprising new chain of command and dealing kidnappers share their story in an internet chat room, they with personnel changes to his staff. Together, House and his become a worldwide sensation, as millions cheer on their Magic, Monsters, Movies, Swordfighting, new team take on the most baffling medical cases yet and face battle of the exes in this screamingly funny comedy of Swords & Sworcery, Triple Feature, War challenges of both the mind and heart as this television seduction and abduction. phenomenon comes to a close with these final 22 gripping min. episodes from this beloved and brilliant show. African Americans, Comedy, Kidnapping, Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Movies, Rocky Relationships, Romance 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126356 Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. 2015 88min. Universal Studios 26.05.2015 Lionsgate 14.04.2015 The Hobbit: Part 1-3 Theatrical 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126373 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126052

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Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Cult Film The Imitation Game The Invited / TV, Dinosaurs, Epics, Hunting, Movies, Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley Megan Ward, , Pam Science, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1993 In The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Alan Grier 127min. Turing, the genius British mathematician, logician, cryptologist Universal Studios 12.05.2015 and computer scientist who led the charge to crack the Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. German Enigma Code that helped the Allies win WWII. Turing Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126238 went on to assist with the development of computers at the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126201 University of Manchester after the war, but was prosecuted Jurassic Park Collection by the UK government in 1952 for homosexual acts which the country deemed illegal. Island Of Lemurs: Madagascar Joseph Mazzello, Alessandro Nivola, Arliss Drama, Historical / Period Piece, History & (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Howard, , Tea Leoni, William Events, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. H. Macy, Wayne Knight, Richard Schiff, Starz / Anchor Bay 31.03.2015 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Samuel L. Jackson, Julianne Moore, Pete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126202 Hantanirina Rasamimanana, Patricia Wright Postlethwaite, B.D. Wong, Peter Stormare, - Dir. David Douglas Vince Vaughn, Richard Attenborough, Lau- Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman narrates Island of The Imitation Game (Blu-ray + Lemurs: Madagascar, the incredible true story of nature’s ra Dern, Miguel Sandoval, John Diehl, Bob UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) greatest explorers - lemurs. Captured with IMAX 3D cameras, Peck, Trevor Morgan, Ariana Richards, the film takes audiences on a spectacular journey to the Martin Ferrero, Harvey Jason, Sam Neill, Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley remote and wondrous world of Madagascar. Lemurs arrived in In The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Alan Madagascar as castaways millions of years ago and evolved Michael Jeter, Bruce A. Young - Dir. Joe Turing, the genius British mathematician, logician, cryptologist into hundreds of diverse species but are now highly Johnston, Steven Spielberg and computer scientist who led the charge to crack the endangered. Join trailblazing scientist Patricia Wright on her Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, German Enigma Code that helped the Allies win WWII. Turing lifelong mission to help these strange and adorable creatures went on to assist with the development of computers at the survive in the modern world. Directed by David Douglas and Collections, Cult Film / TV, Dinosaurs, University of Manchester after the war, but was prosecuted written and produced by Drew Fellman, Island of Lemurs: Epics, Fantasy, Movies, Science, Science by the UK government in 1952 for homosexual acts which the Madagascar is a presentation of Warner Bros. Pictures and Fiction, Thrillers, Triple Feature 349min. country deemed illegal. IMAX Entertainment. Universal Studios 12.05.2015 Drama, Historical / Period Piece, History & Adventure, Animals & Nature, Biography, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126236 Events, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, Starz / Anchor Bay 31.03.2015 Educational, Family, IMAX, Movies, Science, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126224 Short Film Collections, Special Interest Jurassic Park Collection (Blu-ray 2014 min. + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Immigrant Warner Bros. 31.03.2015 Joseph Mazzello, Alessandro Nivola, Arliss Angela Sarafyan, Marion Cotillard, Yelena 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126065 Howard, Jeff Goldblum, Tea Leoni, William Solovey, Dagmara Dominczyk, Jeremy Ren- H. Macy, Wayne Knight, Richard Schiff, ner, Ilia Volok, Joaquin Phoenix - Dir. James Jack Reacher Samuel L. Jackson, Julianne Moore, Pete Gray Jai Courtney, Alexia Fast, Dylan Kussman, Postlethwaite, B.D. Wong, Peter Stormare, Ewa Cybulski (Marion Cotillard) and her sister sail to New David Oyelowo, Rosamund Pike, Richard Vince Vaughn, Richard Attenborough, Lau- York from their native in search of a new start and the ra Dern, Miguel Sandoval, John Diehl, Bob American . When they reach Ellis Island, doctors Jenkins, Werner Herzog, Robert Duvall, discover that Magda (Angela Sarafyan) is ill, and the two Tom Cruise - Dir. Christopher McQuarrie Peck, Trevor Morgan, Ariana Richards, women are separated. Ewa is released onto the mean streets Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Book-To-Film, Martin Ferrero, Harvey Jason, Sam Neill, of Manhattan while her sister is quarantined. Alone, with Michael Jeter, Bruce A. Young - Dir. Joe nowhere to turn and desperate to reunite with Magda, Ewa Cops, Crime, Lawyers / Legal Issues, quickly falls prey to Bruno (Joaquin Phoenix), a charming but Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- Johnston, Steven Spielberg wicked man who takes her in and forces her into prostitution. lers 2012 130min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, The arrival of Orlando (Jeremy Renner) - a dashing stage Collections, Cult Film / TV, Dinosaurs, magician who is also Bruno’s cousin - restores her self-belief Warner Bros. 16.03.2015 and hopes for a brighter future, becoming her only chance to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126088 Epics, Fantasy, Movies, Science, Science escape the nightmare in which she finds herself. Fiction, Thrillers, Triple Feature 349min. Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance 2013 Jack Reacher (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 12.05.2015 120min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126237 Jai Courtney, Alexia Fast, Dylan Kussman, Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2015 David Oyelowo, Rosamund Pike, Richard 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126251 Jenkins, Werner Herzog, Robert Duvall, Jurassic Park III (Blu-ray + Tom Cruise - Dir. Christopher McQuarrie UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Immigrant (Blu-ray) Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Book- Bruce A. Young, Michael Jeter, Sam Neill, Angela Sarafyan, Marion Cotillard, Yelena To-Film, Cops, Crime, Lawyers / Legal Trevor Morgan, John Diehl, Laura Dern, Solovey, Dagmara Dominczyk, Jeremy Ren- Issues, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Alessandro Nivola, Tea Leoni, William H. ner, Ilia Volok, Joaquin Phoenix - Dir. James Thrillers 2012 130min. Macy - Dir. Joe Johnson Gray Warner Bros. 16.03.2015 Return to the action-packed world of prehistoric dinosaurs in Ewa Cybulski (Marion Cotillard) and her sister sail to New Jurassic Park III where man is up against dangerous York from their native Poland in search of a new start and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126096 predators in the ultimate battle for survival. Adventure runs American dream. When they reach Ellis Island, doctors wild when renowned paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant (Sam discover that Magda (Angela Sarafyan) is ill, and the two Jurassic Park (Blu-ray + Neill) agrees to accompany a wealthy couple (William H. women are separated. Ewa is released onto the mean streets Macy and Tea Leoni) on an aerial tour of Isla Sorna, InGen’s of Manhattan while her sister is quarantined. Alone, with UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) former breeding ground for prehistoric creatures. After they nowhere to turn and desperate to reunite with Magda, Ewa are terrifyingly stranded, Dr. Grant soon discovers that his quickly falls prey to Bruno (Joaquin Phoenix), a charming but Martin Ferrero, Ariana Richards, Bob Peck, hosts are not what they seem and the island’s native wicked man who takes her in and forces her into prostitution. Miguel Sandoval, Laura Dern, Richard inhabitants are smarter, faster, fiercer and more brutal than he The arrival of Orlando (Jeremy Renner) - a dashing stage Attenborough, B.D. Wong, Joseph ever imagined. Executive produced by Steven Spielberg, this magician who is also Bruno’s cousin - restores her self-belief visually stunning blockbuster features all-new dinosaurs and and hopes for a brighter future, becoming her only chance to Mazzello, Jeff Goldblum, Wayne Knight, special effects that you need to see to believe. escape the nightmare in which she finds herself. Samuel L. Jackson, Sam Neill - Dir. Steven Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance 2013 Spielberg Dinosaurs, Drama, Movies, Odd Couples, 120min. Experience one of the biggest films in motion picture history with director Steven Spielberg’s ultimate thrill ride, Jurassic Science, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2001 Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2015 Park. Featuring Academy Award winning visual effects and 93min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126256 groundbreaking filmmaking that has been hailed as „a triumph Universal Studios 12.05.2015 of special effects artistry“ (, Chicago Sun- Times), this epic film is sheer movie-making magic that was 65 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126239 Invaders From Mars (Blu-ray + million years in the making. Jurassic Park takes you to an DVD) (Blu-ray) amazing theme park on a remote island where dinosaurs once The Key Man again roam the earth and five people must battle to survive A boy sees his parents and neighbors act like zombies after a among the prehistoric predators. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Jack Davenport, Hugo Weaving, Judy flying saucer lands in his back yard. Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough, discover the Greer, Brian Cox - Dir. Peter Himmelstein Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 236min. breathtaking adventure you will want to experience again and In a desperate attempt to support his family, Bobby Scheinman Cinedigm 07.04.2015 again. strikes a deal with two gangsters and quickly finds himself 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126189 Academy Award Winners, Action, caught up in a dangerous con.

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Crime, Movies, Thrillers 80min. sent to Paris to carry out a top-secret mission only to Fiction, Television, Thrillers 440min. encounter government espionage at the highest level. Falsely Screen Media 17.03.2015 accused of murder, he must team up with a seductive call girl Warner Bros. 09.06.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126193 (Bridget Fonda) to save himself and her! „Kiss of the Dragon 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126342 is not merely a thriller but a shocker.“ (San Francisco Chronicle) Kidnapping Mr. Heineken Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Crooked The Last Ship: The Complete Jemima West, Jim Sturgess, Sam Worthing- Cops, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Martial Arts, First Season (Blu-ray + ton, Anthony Hopkins - Dir. Daniel Movies, Thrillers 2001 87min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Alfredson Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Based on crime journalist Peter R. de Vriess account of what Marissa Neitling, Eric Dane, Adam Baldwin, has been called „the most notorious kidnapping of the 20th 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126466 Rhona Mitra Century,“ Kidnapping Mr. Heineken explores the abduction of The Last Ship opens with a global catastrophe that nearly Dutch brewery magnate Freddy Heineken (Anthony Hopkins) LA Apocalypse decimates the world’s population. Because of its positioning, and his chauffeur, Ab Doderer, who were kidnapped in 1983 the Navy destroyer U.S.S. Nathan James avoids falling victim and held for what was the largest ransom at the time. David Cade, Gina Holden, Eric Allan Kramer, to the tragedy. Now the crew and captain must confront the Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Kamar De Los Reyes, Christopher Judge, reality of their new existence in a world where they may be ry, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, Raymond J. Barry among the few remaining survivors. Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- Thieves 2015 95min. When a catastrophic earthquake hits Los Angeles, freeways ray, Drama, End Of The World, Illness & Millennium Entertainment 14.04.2015 crumble, skyscrapers explode and rivers of lava surge. But this is only the beginning: The planet’s core has destabilized. Disease, Killer Viruses, Mystery, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126262 Escaped prisoners rule the streets. Anarchy has been unleashed. Can one man (David Cade of Big Time Rush) now Fiction, Television, Thrillers 440min. battle his way across a still-collapsing city to rescue his Warner Bros. 09.06.2015 Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (Blu- trapped fiance (Gina Holden of ), or will a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126357 ray) danger more deadly than nature trigger a total L.A. doomsday? Christopher Judge (Stargate SG-1), Kamar de los Reyes Jemima West, Jim Sturgess, Sam Worthing- (One Life To Live) and Raymond J. Barry (Justified) co-star Late For Dinner (Blu-ray) ton, Anthony Hopkins - Dir. Daniel in this earth-shaking Syfy Original from the producers of Stonehenge Apocalypse, Seeds Of Destruction and Mongolian Brian Wimmer, Peter Berg, Marcia Gay Alfredson Death Worm. Harden, Peter Gallagher, Ross Malinger - Based on crime journalist Peter R. de Vriess account of what has been called „the most notorious kidnapping of the 20th Animals & Nature, Apocalyptic Future, Dir. W.D. Richter Century,“ Kidnapping Mr. Heineken explores the abduction of Movies, Science Fiction 2014 83min. Deep-frozen with his brother-in-law in 1962, a man wakes up Dutch brewery magnate Freddy Heineken (Anthony Hopkins) Starz / Anchor Bay 24.03.2015 in 1991 to a grown daughter and a 50-ish wife. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Science Fiction and his chauffeur, Ab Doderer, who were kidnapped in 1983 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126036 and held for what was the largest ransom at the time. 1991 99min. Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Kino Video 14.04.2015 ry, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, The Lady From Shanghai (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126445 Movies, Thieves 2015 95min. ray) Millennium Entertainment 14.04.2015 Glenn Anders, Everett Sloane, Rita Law & Order: The Eighteenth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126266 Hayworth, Orson Welles, Ted De Corsia - Year Dir. Orson Welles Alana De La Garza, S. Epatha Merkerson, Kill, Granny, Kill! An Irish sailor is framed for murder by a rich lawyer and his Anthony Anderson, Jesse L. Martin, Linus Kayla Perkins, Jason Crowe - Dir. Jacob seductive wife. Directed by Welles. Classics, Femme Fatales, , Love Roache, Jeremy Sisto, Sam Waterston Ennis Gone Bad, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. The eighteenth year of Law & Order brings drastic changes to Horror, Movies 2014 70min. Mill Creek Entertainment 17.03.2015 television’s longest running crime series. Detectives Cyrus E1 Entertainment 21.04.2015 Lupo (Jeremy Sisto) and Kevin Bernard (Anthony Anderson) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126221 become the newest additions to the 27th Precinct, and Micha- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126425 el Cutter (Linus Roache) joins the team as Executive Assistant District Attorney after the appointment of Jack King Of Masks Lady In Black McCoy (Sam Waterston) to the New York County District Horror, Movies 2014 112min. Attorney seat. The changes continue when, following his A master of the ancient art of the mask must impart his indictment and trial, Detective Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) knowledge upon an apprentice that is more than they appear. Peace Arch Entertainment 07.04.2015 resigns - even though all charges have been dropped. Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Movies min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126295 Through it all, Executive Producer Dick Wolf, regular cast First Run Features 14.04.2015 members S. Epatha Merkerson and Alana de la Garza and guest stars January Jones (Mad Men), Lara Flynn Boyle (The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126422 Last Of The Summer Wine: Practice), Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings) and Melissa Leo Vintage 2004 (The Fighter) deliver 18 compelling and thought-provoking Kiss Of The Dragon episodes indelible to the Law & Order legacy. Tom Owen, Jane Freeman, Peter Sallis, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Cyril Raffaelli, Max Ryan, Ric Young, Burt Frank Thornton Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder Kwouk, Tcheky Karyo, Bridget Fonda, Jet Never distracted by sanity or logic, senior delinquents Truly, Mysteries, Mystery, NBC, Television, Thril- Li - Dir. Chris Nahon Clegg and Billy rise to higher than ever heights of hilarity in Martial arts master Jet Li explodes onto the screen with the 26th season of the world’s longest running sitcom. How lers 777min. pulse-pounding action not seen since Bruce Lee. „Li’s action will the octogenarian trio dispose of an unwanted dinosaur, a Universal Studios 05.05.2015 sequences are like an oil fire, spilling from one room into the gold-digger and Truly’s ex-wife? What to do when a parade- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126245 next and lighting up the interiors with heat and wreckage!“ bound effigy loses its head, and Robin Hood reappears in the (The New York Times) China’s top secret agent (Jet Li) is Yorkshire Dales? Will Alvin ever convince Nora Batty to take sent to Paris to carry out a top-secret mission only to a romantic ride in his bicycle and sidecar? Laugh yourself Law & Order: The Eighth Year encounter government espionage at the highest level. Falsely silly with comedy kings Peter Sallis, Frank Thornton and Tom accused of murder, he must team up with a seductive call girl Owen, and a golden-oldie cast of British sitcom stars. (Repackage) (Bridget Fonda) to save himself and her! „Kiss of the Dragon BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, Internatio- Benjamin Bratt, S. Epatha Merkerson, is not merely a thriller but a shocker.“ (San Francisco nal, International TV, Television 330min. Carey Lowell, Sam Waterston, Jerry Chronicle) BBC Home Video 02.06.2015 Action, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Cult Orbach 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126344 The groundbreaking series honored with more than 52 Film / TV, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies, Thril- Primetime Emmy Award nominations since its inception lers 2001 87min. continues with Law & Order: The Eighth Year. Jerry Orbach, Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 The Last Ship: The Complete Benjamin Bratt, Sam Waterston, Carey Lowell and S. Epatha First Season Merkerson return for riveting cases of military corruption, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126458 drive-by shootings, a killer infected with the AIDS virus and Marissa Neitling, Eric Dane, Adam Baldwin, an issue that hits close to home: abuse of power in the Kiss Of The Dragon (Blu-ray) Rhona Mitra District Attorney’s office. This 5-disc set contains all 24 The Last Ship opens with a global catastrophe that nearly compelling episodes, including „Tabloid,“ co-written by Oscar Cyril Raffaelli, Max Ryan, Ric Young, Burt decimates the world’s population. Because of its positioning, nominee Alec Baldwin, „Stalker,“ winner of a Primetime Emmy Kwouk, Tcheky Karyo, Bridget Fonda, Jet the Navy destroyer U.S.S. Nathan James avoids falling victim Award for Outstanding Cinematography, and the crossover to the tragedy. Now the crew and captain must confront the episode „Baby It’s You, Part 2" from Homicide: Life on the Li - Dir. Chris Nahon Street. Featuring guest stars Kate Walsh (Private Practice) Martial arts master Jet Li explodes onto the screen with reality of their new existence in a world where they may be among the few remaining survivors. and (The Sopranos), Law & Order: The Eighth pulse-pounding action not seen since Bruce Lee. „Li’s action Year delivers the intelligent and gripping entertainment that sequences are like an oil fire, spilling from one room into the Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, has become synonymous with creator Dick Wolf’s legacy and next and lighting up the interiors with heat and wreckage!“ Drama, End Of The World, Illness & made the show the longest-running crime series in the history (The New York Times) China’s top secret agent (Jet Li) is Disease, Killer Viruses, Mystery, Science of television.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 74 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, lers 1090min. Kiberlain and Andr Dussollier. Resnais shoots the film on artificial-looking sets, setting off actors against cross- Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, NBC, Tele- Universal Studios 26.05.2015 hatched backgrounds as if inside of a candy-colored comic vision, Thrillers 1062min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126242 strip. The film is a beautifully realized, improbably upbeat Universal Studios 26.05.2015 confrontation with mortality, and a fitting capstone to a monu- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126244 mental career. Law & Order: The Twentieth Year Comedy, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 Alana De La Garza, S. Epatha Merkerson, 90min. Law & Order: The Nineteenth Anthony Anderson, Linus Roache, Jeremy Kino Video 10.03.2015 Year Sisto, Sam Waterston 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126093 Be there for every last moment of gripping, ripped-from-the- Alana De La Garza, S. Epatha Merkerson, headlines drama as Dick Wolf’s iconic series, Law & Order, Anthony Anderson, Linus Roache, Jeremy reaches its twentieth and final season. The award-winning Lingerie: Season One Sisto, Sam Waterston series changed the face of primetime viewing with its aptitude Jennifer Korbin, Michael Scratch - Dir. John Dick Wolf’s iconic series returns with a vengeance during its to depict the issues that audiences care about most and explosive Nineteenth Year as a chain of ripped-from-the- introduced a compelling structure that launched a globally Quinn headlines cases brings both violent crime and political successful brand. Cast members Jeremy Sisto, Anthony Erotica, Television 2014 390min. corruption to the forefront. Cast members Jeremy Sisto, Anderson, S. Epatha Merkerson, Sam Waterston, Alana de la Alexander Institute 20.02.2015 Anthony Anderson, S. Epatha Merkerson, Sam Waterston, Garza and Linus Roache are joined by such illustrious guest Alana de la Garza and Linus Roache are joined by such stars as Benjamin Bratt (returning as Detective Rey Curtis), tba BestellNr.: 40126396 phenomenal guest stars as Vivica A. Fox (Kill Bill: Volume 1), Elliot Gould (Ocean’s Eleven), Jim Gaffigan (My Boys), J.K. Ned Beatty (Homicide: Life on the Street), Christopher Simmons (Spiderman), Doug E. Doug (Cosby) and Ernie Little Accidents McDonald (Happy Gilmore) and Rue McClanahan (The Hudson (Oz) in 23 episodes that reinforce Law & Order’s Golden Girls) in 22 gripping episodes where the truth is power and place in history as TV’s longest-running crime Jacob Lofland, Boyd Holbrook, Elizabeth anything but black-and-white. Polygamous cults, terrorism series ever. Indelibly inscribed on the American psyche, Banks, Josh Lucas, Chloe Sevigny - Dir. statutes, literary hoaxes, child slavery - nothing is taboo for these cases reflect what fans have known all along: Law & New York’s toughest investigative and legal teams. Be there Order is irresistible entertainment. Sara Colangelo for every hard-hitting moment of drama as the longest running Cops, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Drama, When a teenage boy goes missing in a small town already crime series on television proves it never slows down with devastated by a fatal mining accident, three strangers find Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, themselves drawn together in a tangle of secrets, lies, and the age. Mystery, NBC, Television, Thrillers 992min. Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, collective grief of the community. Reeling from the Universal Studios 05.05.2015 disappearance of her son, Diane (Elizabeth Banks) finds Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126247 herself drifting away from her husband (Josh Lucas), a mining Mysteries, Mystery, NBC, Television, Thril- company executive whose role in the accident has made her lers 949min. family the prime target for the town’s anger. When she forms a Life Inside Out dangerous bond with the sole survivor of the disaster (Boyd Universal Studios 05.05.2015 Holbrook), truths will be uncovered that threaten to tear apart 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126246 A stressed-out mother unexpectedly bonds with her offbeat the few remaining threads holding the town together in this son through music and open-mic nights at the local dive. intense drama from writer-director Sara Colangelo. Together they struggle through disappointments and broken Drama, Marriage Woes, Movies, Mystery Law & Order: The Seventh Year hearts to unearth their dreams and develop stronger connections to the rest of their loved ones. 2014 105min. (Repackage) Drama, Family, Movies, Music 2013 102min. Starz / Anchor Bay 21.04.2015 Benjamin Bratt, Carey Lowell, Sam Monarch Home Video 21.04.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126038 Waterston, Jerry Orbach 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126355 Unrelenting, powerful and full of twists, Law & Order remains Little House On The Prairie: TV’s longest-running crime series of all time. Honored with 11 consecutive Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Life Of Riley Season 5 - Collector’s Editon Outstanding Drama Series and an amazing 52 Primetime Emmy Sandrine Kiberlain, Michel Vuillermoz, Sabi- (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Award nominations since its inception, this acclaimed and ne Azema, Hippolyte Girardot, Andre intelligent series continues to captivate audiences with its Leo Penn, Victor French, Alf Kjellin, Micha- Dussollier, Caroline Sihol - Dir. Alain provocative storylines ripped from news headlines. Watch all el Landon, Michael Landon, Kent McCray, 23 groundbreaking episodes from the seventh year as Carey Resnais Lowell joins returning stars Benjamin Bratt, Sam Waterston Life of Riley (Aimer, boire et chanter) is the joyous, life- John Hawkins and Jerry Orbach as they take on new cases that deal with affirming final film by French New Wave legend Follow your favorite frontier family as they move from Walnut everything from explosive race relations to poisonous blood (Last Year at Marienbad). Resnais’ third adaptation of an Grove to be closer to Mary’s school for the blind, and relations. Also featuring guest stars Taye Diggs, Edie Falco, Alan Ayckbourn play (after Smoking/No Smoking and Private experience every exciting adventure from season five of this Lauren Graham, Felicity Huffman, Jennifer Esposito and more, Fears in Public Places), Life of Riley circles around the much-loved TV series. Relive the heartwarming moments it’s hard-hitting viewing that sets the bar for every other legal absent George Riley, who has been diagnosed with terminal when orphan Albert wins Charles’ heart, when Mary drama ever made. cancer. Three couples react to the news with various degrees conquers doubts about becoming a wife and mother, when the Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, of emotion. The women are each separately invited to a townspeople return to and restore Walnut Grove, and when Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder seaside resort by Riley, and hidden resentments and Laura and Albert help a dying friend realize his dream. All 24 insecurities in each relationship bubble to the surface, uncut episodes are restored and remastered for premium Mysteries, Mystery, NBC, Television, Thril- causing a re-evaluation of each couple’s love. Life of Riley picture and sound to capture hearts once again! lers 1080min. features an exuberant cast of Sabine Azma, Hippolyte Adventure, Americana, Blu-ray, Classics, Universal Studios 26.05.2015 Girardot, Caroline Silhol, Michel Vuillermoz, Sandrine Drama, Family, Romance, Special Editions, Kiberlain and Andr Dussollier. Resnais shoots the film on 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126243 artificial-looking sets, setting off actors against cross- Television, Western 1260min. hatched backgrounds as if inside of a candy-colored comic Lionsgate 14.04.2015 Law & Order: The Sixth Year strip. The film is a beautifully realized, improbably upbeat 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126064 confrontation with mortality, and a fitting capstone to a monu- (Repackage) mental career. Benjamin Bratt, Jill Hennessy, Sam Comedy, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 Little House On The Prairie: Waterston, Jerry Orbach 90min. Season 5 - Collector’s Editon The iconic show that earned 11 consecutive Primetime Emmy Kino Video 10.03.2015 (DVD + UltraViolet) Award nominations for Outstanding Drama Series continues 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126085 with Law & Order: The Sixth Year. Benjamin Bratt hits the Leo Penn, Victor French, Alf Kjellin, Micha- streets with New York’s Finest as Detective Rey Curtis, and el Landon, Michael Landon, Kent McCray, joins returning stars Sam Waterston, Jerry Orbach and Jill Life Of Riley (Blu-ray) Hennessey in 23 gripping episodes ripped from the headlines. John Hawkins Also on the case are compelling guest stars, including Ri- Sandrine Kiberlain, Michel Vuillermoz, Sabi- Follow your favorite frontier family as they move from Walnut chard Belzer (Law & Order: Special Vitims Unit ), Andre ne Azema, Hippolyte Girardot, Andre Grove to be closer to Mary’s school for the blind, and Braugher (The Mist), Michael Imperioli (The Sopranos), Dussollier, Caroline Sihol - Dir. Alain experience every exciting adventure from season five of this Peter Sarsgaard (Rendition) and (The much-loved TV series. Relive the heartwarming moments Kingdom). This must-own 5-disc collection of the entire sixth Resnais when orphan Albert wins Charles’ heart, when Mary season includes the crossover episode „For God and Country Life of Riley (Aimer, boire et chanter) is the joyous, life- conquers doubts about becoming a wife and mother, when the ‘from the Primetime Emmy Award and Peabody Award winning affirming final film by French New Wave legend Alain Resnais townspeople return to and restore Walnut Grove, and when show Homicide: Life on the Street. Renowned creator Dick (Last Year at Marienbad). Resnais’ third adaptation of an Laura and Albert help a dying friend realize his dream. All 24 Wolf brings you television’s longest-running crime series, Alan Ayckbourn play (after Smoking/No Smoking and Private uncut episodes are restored and remastered for premium which has been honored by more than 50 Primetime Emmy Fears in Public Places), Life of Riley circles around the picture and sound to capture hearts once again! Award nominations. Captivating and powerful, Law & Order: absent George Riley, who has been diagnosed with terminal Adventure, Americana, Classics, Drama, The Sixth Year will have you following the clues again and cancer. Three couples react to the news with various degrees of emotion. The women are each separately invited to a Family, Romance, Special Editions, Televisi- again! on, Western 1260min. Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, seaside resort by Riley, and hidden resentments and insecurities in each relationship bubble to the surface, Lionsgate 14.04.2015 Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder causing a re-evaluation of each couple’s love. Life of Riley 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126054 Mysteries, Mystery, NBC, Television, Thril- features an exuberant cast of Sabine Azma, Hippolyte Girardot, Caroline Silhol, Michel Vuillermoz, Sandrine

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Little Miss Innocence / Teenage against time that will determine the fate of the remote island’s Marisa Mell, Beah Richards, , prehistoric inhabitants. Featuring an all-star cast including Nina Foch, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Seductress Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn and Pete Postlethwaite, this action-packed thrill ride will leave you on Perkins - Dir. Berry Gordy Terri Johnson, Sondra Currie, Sandy the edge of your seat...again! After her acclaimed film debut in Lady Sings The Blues, Diana Dempsey, John Alderman - Dir. Chris Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Ross created another powerful characterization as Warfield Dinosaurs, Movies, Science, Science Mahogany, and ambitious young secretary who becomes a Prolific producer and director Chris Warfield carved out a high fashion model and world famous designer. This dramatic reputation as one of the most daring filmmakers on the Fiction, Thrillers 1997 129min. love story filmed in Chicago and Rome also stars Billy Dee exploitation scene. These two early features represent the Universal Studios 12.05.2015 Williams, her electric co-star in Lady Sings The Blues, as the most hard hitting and shocking films from his extensive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126240 Chicago politician who falls in love with her. Anthony Perkins career. Little Miss Innocence Two beautiful teenage is at his best portraying a malevolent fashion photographer hitchhikers are picked up by a wealthy older man and brought who masterminds, then tries to sabotage, Mahogany’s career. to his mansion, with lustful intentions. However, his erotic Love, Rosie Classics, Drama, Fashion, Movies, dream soon turns into a horrifying nightmare as the seemingly Romance, Special Editions 1975 108min. innocent girls begin to reveal their own deadly intentions... Jamie Beamish, Sam Claflin, Tamsin Eger- Starring Sandy Dempsey in a career performance. Teenage ton, Christian Cooke, Lily Collins, Jaime Paramount Pictures 05.05.2015 Seductress Sondra Currie stars as Terry, a young woman Winstone, Ger Ryan, Lorcan Cranitch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126106 determined to find her estranged father, who abandoned her Based on the bestselling novel and from the writer of PS I as a child. After arriving in the small New Mexico town where Love You, Love, Rosie is a heart-warming, modern and Major Crimes: The Complete he lives, Terry sets about planning her revenge: seducing her romantic comedy-of-errors. Since the age 5, Rosie and Alex loving father. have been best friends, facing the highs and lows of growing Third Season Classics, Double Features, Erotica, Movies, up side by side. A fleeting shared moment, one missed Graham Patrick Martin, Kearran Giovanni, Revenge, Thrillers 155min. opportunity, and the decisions that follow send their lives in Michael Paul Chan, Tony Denison, Raymond CAV 14.04.2015 completely different directions. As each navigates the complexities of life, love, and everything in between, they Cruz, Mary McDonnell, G.W. Bailey 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126411 always find their way back to each other - but is it just Television’s favorite squad of detectives is back on the case friendship, or something more? in the thrilling third season of Major Crimes, the powerful Lo Que La Vida Me Robo (What Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 102min. crime drama that ranks as one of basic cable’s Top 10 original Paramount Pictures 05.05.2015 series. The elite team is back, headed by two-time Oscar Life Took From Me) nominee Mary McDonnell as Los Angeles Police Captain 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126479 Sharon Raydor, along with G.W. Bailey as Lieutenant Gabriela Rivero, Luis Roberto Guzman, Provenza, Tony Denison as Lieutenant Andy Flynn, Michael Alejandro Avila, Angelique Boyer, Sergio Low Down Paul Chan as Lieutenant Mike Tao, Raymond Cruz as Sendel, Sebastian Rulli, Rogelio Guerra, Detective Julio Sanchez, Kearran Giovanni as Detective Amy Taryn Manning, Elle Fanning, Peter Ana Bertha Espin, Osvaldo Benavides, Eric Sykes, Phillip P. Keene as tech expert Buzz Watson, Dinklage, Rain Phoenix, Lena Headey, Jonathan Del Arco as Dr. Morales and Robert Gossett as Del Castillo, Daniela Castro, Grettell Valdez, Assistant Chief Russell Taylor. Plus, Graham Patrick Martin returns as Rusty Beck, the homeless teen and material Ferdinando Valencia, Margarita Magana Based on the memoir by Amy-Jo Albany, Low Down is a Monserrat is an attractive young woman with a good social witness taken in by Captain Raydor. The hit series shows compassionate, tender look at the complex relationship law enforcement officers and prosecutors working together to status who lives in a bed of roses. However, she is between Amy-Jo (Elle Fanning) and her father Joe (John constantly under Gracielas control, her mother, who is only score a conviction, with the team diving into some of the most Hawkes), a man torn between his musical ambition, his captivating crimes. interested in appearances and wont let her social status to devotion to his teenage daughter, and his suffocating heroin change no matter what, and despite her husband Lauro addiction. Set against a sensuously textured 1970s Holly- Based On TV Show, Cops, Crime, Mendoza has lost everything he had. wood, the film beautifully evokes a colorful, seedy world of Detectives, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Foreign, International TV, Mexican, struggling musicians, artists, and vagabonds, in which Joe Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Televi- Romance, Soap Opera, Spanish, Television and Amy-Jo strive to live the lives they want against sion 828min. 2013 925min. seemingly insurmountable odds. Biography, Drama, Movies, Music 114min. Warner Bros. 26.05.2015 Cinedigm 10.03.2015 Oscilloscope Laboratories 10.03.2015 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126347 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126264 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126204 Maps To The Stars Long Weekend (Blu-ray) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Mia Wasikowska, Robert Pattinson, John Mike McEwen, Briony Behets, John (Blu-ray) Cusack, Julianne Moore Hargreaves - Dir. Colin Eggleston Meet the Weiss family, who are making their way in Holly- Attempting to resurrect their failing marriage, Peter (John Kjell Nilsson, Vernon Wells, William Zappa, wood rife with money, fame, envy, and relentless hauntings. Hargreaves, The Odd Angry Shot) and Marcia (Briony Virginia Hey, Max Phipps, Michael Preston, Stafford Weiss (John Cusack) is a famed TV self-help Behets) set out on a camping trip to a deserted stretch of the therapist with an A-list celebrity clientele. Meanwhile, Australian coastline hoping a long weekend in the sunshine Bruce Spence, Mel Gibson - Dir. George Cristina Weiss (Olivia Williams) has her work cut out will help them patch their differences. They are a careless Miller managing the career of their disaffected child-star son, Benjie couple, littering the countryside with garbage, shooting guns Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, (Evan Bird), a fresh graduate of rehab at age 13. Yet and even driving away after wounding a kangaroo with their unbeknownst to them, another member of the Weiss family has automobile. Their callous disregard for the environment soon Australian, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, arrived in town - mysteriously scarred and tormented Agatha becomes apparent when the animals start to seek vengeance. Gangs, In The Future..., Movies, Thrillers (Mia Wasikowska), just released from a ward and Marcia and Peter have proven themselves to be destroyers of 1981 94min. ready to start again. She soon works her way into a nature. Will the animals allow them to leave or will they too be friendship with a limo driver (Robert Pattinson) and becomes destroyed? From the writer of Road Games and Razorback Warner Bros. 28.04.2015 personal assistant to unraveling actress Havana Segrand comes this „spooky little gem“ (Premiere Magazine), 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126391 (Julianne Moore), who is beset by the ghost of her legendary presented in a high-definition transfer from original vault mother, Clarice (Sarah Gadon). But Agatha is on a quest for materials with a re-mastered DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround redemption - and even in this realm of the artificial, and the soundtrack created by Synapse Films. Madman (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) unearthly, she’s determined to find it, no matter what it takes. Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Classics, (Blu-ray) Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 112min. Dysfunctional Families, Horror, Marriage Tony Fish, Paul Ehlers, Gaylen Ross - Dir. Universal Studios 14.04.2015 Woes, Movies, Mystery, Revenge, Thrillers Joe Giannone 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126210 1978 95min. Years ago, Madman Marz violently murdered his family only to CAV 14.04.2015 escape before his execution could be Maps To The Stars (Blu-ray) completed. Legend has it that anyone who calls his name can 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126042 summon him back to continue his bloody rampage. But teenage Mia Wasikowska, Robert Pattinson, John Richie, away at camp, doesn’t believe the old legend and calls Cusack, Julianne Moore The Lost World: Jurassic Park his name. As night falls, strange things start happening at at Meet the Weiss family, who are making their way in Holly- camp and soon Madman Marz is back, axe in hand, to finish wood rife with money, fame, envy, and relentless hauntings. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the killing spree he started decades ago. One of the true Stafford Weiss (John Cusack) is a famed TV self-help Harvey Jason, Ariana Richards, Richard classics of 80’s slasher cinema, Vinegar Syndrome proudly therapist with an A-list celebrity clientele. Meanwhile, presents Madman on Blu-ray for the first time, newly restored Cristina Weiss (Olivia Williams) has her work cut out Attenborough, Vince Vaughn, Peter in 4K from the camera negative! managing the career of their disaffected child-star son, Benjie Stormare, Joseph Mazzello, Arliss Howard, Classics, Horror, Movies, Myths & (Evan Bird), a fresh graduate of rehab at age 13. Yet Jeff Goldblum, Richard Schiff, Julianne Legends, Slasher, Thrillers 1981 88min. unbeknownst to them, another member of the Weiss family has arrived in town - mysteriously scarred and tormented Agatha Moore, Pete Postlethwaite - Dir. Steven CAV 12.05.2015 (Mia Wasikowska), just released from a psych ward and Spielberg 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126471 ready to start again. She soon works her way into a Director Steven Spielberg takes us back to the scene of friendship with a limo driver (Robert Pattinson) and becomes Jurassic Park in The Lost World: Jurassic Park, the personal assistant to unraveling actress Havana Segrand blockbuster sequel with even more dinosaurs, action and Mahogany: 40th Anniversary Edi- (Julianne Moore), who is beset by the ghost of her legendary Academy Award nominated visual effects. Four years since tion mother, Clarice (Sarah Gadon). But Agatha is on a quest for the disaster at Jurassic Park, two groups are in a race redemption - and even in this realm of the artificial, and the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA unearthly, she’s determined to find it, no matter what it takes. (Blu-ray) exhaustive search fractures his relationship with his wife, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 112min. Emily (played by Frances O’Connor of Mr. Selfridg and A.I.: Charles Napier, Fred Ward, Jennifer Jason Universal Studios 14.04.2015 Artificial Intelligence), and threatens to destroy his life. Told Leigh, Alec Baldwin through a complex narrative, The Missing unfolds over two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126229 A killer steals a detective’s badge and gun, moves in with a time frames simultaneously. hooker and goes on a crime spree. Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Marriage Woes, The Marine 4: Moving Target Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mini-Series, Mystery, Television 2014 Melissa Roxburgh, Mike Mizanin, Paul Movies, Thrillers 1990 97min. 472min. McGillion - Dir. William Kaufman Cinedigm 28.04.2015 Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 WWE superstar Mike „The Miz“ Mizanin is back as American 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126444 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126043 hero Jake Carter in an all-new, thrill-packed Marine adventure! Now in the private sector, Carter is assigned to protect a beautiful whistleblower from deadly mercenaries Miss Marple: Volume Three Mommy (DVD + UltraViolet) hired to kill her. Co-starring WWE diva Summer Rae in her A Pocketful of Rye An old nursery rhyme comes true in a Suzanne Clement, Anne Dorval - Dir. Xavier feature film debut, The Marine 4: Moving Target is locked and grotesque double murder. Only Miss Marple sees the loaded with explosive action from start to finish! connection and that the next victim will be an old Dolan Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Movies 2015 acquaintance - unless she can uncover the murderer in time. Award-winning writer/director weaves the They Do It with Mirrors Miss Marple must solve a crime in a „brilliant“ () story of a passionate widowed 91min. rambling country mansion being used for the rehabilitation of single mom (Anne Dorval), who finds herself burdened with 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 young criminals. Sleeping Murder A couple’s new dream home the full-time custody of her unpredictable 15-year-old ADHD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126268 becomes a nightmare when the young wife sees a vision of a son (Antoine Olivier Pilon). As they struggle to make ends strangled woman in the hall. Was she murdered or is she yet meet, Kyla (Suzanne Clement), the peculiar new neighbor to be killed? Nemesis A friend asks Miss Marple to across the street, offers her help. Together, they strive for a The Marine 4: Moving Target investigate a crime. Instead of giving any clues, he books her new sense of balance. on a coach tour of historic homes. Murder is on the itinerary. Canadian, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) BBC, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Foreign, Mental Illness, Movies, Troubled Melissa Roxburgh, Mike Mizanin, Paul national, International TV, Murder Youth 2014 139min. McGillion - Dir. William Kaufman Mysteries, Mystery, Television 423min. Lionsgate 28.04.2015 WWE superstar Mike „The Miz“ Mizanin is back as American hero Jake Carter in an all-new, thrill-packed Marine BBC Home Video 02.06.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126477 adventure! Now in the private sector, Carter is assigned to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126343 protect a beautiful whistleblower from deadly mercenaries Mom’s Day Away hired to kill her. Co-starring WWE diva Summer Rae in her feature film debut, The Marine 4: Moving Target is locked and Miss Marple: Volume Three (Blu- James Tupper, Bonnie Somerville, Ona loaded with explosive action from start to finish! ray) Grauer Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, A Pocketful of Rye An old nursery rhyme comes true in a Stay-at-home mom Laura Miller (Bonnie Somerville) chose Movies 2015 91min. grotesque double murder. Only Miss Marple sees the family life over a glamorous career. Her husband Michael 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 connection and that the next victim will be an old (James Tupper), a workaholic realtor, eternally conducts acquaintance - unless she can uncover the murderer in time. business on his cell phone while her 17-year-old son (Iain 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126276 They Do It with Mirrors Miss Marple must solve a crime in a Belcher) and 12-year-old daughter (Kaitlyn Bernard) are rambling country mansion being used for the rehabilitation of absorbed in their young life dramas. It’s Mother’s Day Meet The Parents: The Whole young criminals. Sleeping Murder A couple’s new dream home weekend and still nobody is paying attention to Laura’s needs. becomes a nightmare when the young wife sees a vision of a Excitement is injected into Laura’s life when her dazzling and Focker Collection (Blu-ray) strangled woman in the hall. Was she murdered or is she yet affluent BFF Trish (Ona Grauer) shows up and whisks her off to be killed? Nemesis A friend asks Miss Marple to on an adventure-filled trip to a lavish resort. Over this Jon Abrahams, Alanna Ubach, Shelley investigate a crime. Instead of giving any clues, he books her Mother’s Day weekend, Laura has an awakening, making up Berman, Laura Dern, Owen Wilson, Ben on a coach tour of historic homes. Murder is on the itinerary. for lost time by overindulging in the resort’s luxurious offerings and rekindling her career aspirations. As Trish Stiller, Barbra Streisand, James Rebhorn, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Crime, Drama, begins to reassess her own life choices during their time , Harvey Keitel, Dustin Foreign, International, International TV, away, Laura considers that living her dreams won’t bring true Hoffman, Tim Blake Nelson, Jessica Alba, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television happiness unless her family is along for the adventure. Teri Polo, Robert De Niro, Kevin Hart, Nicole 423min. Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, DeHuff, Ray Santiago, Thomas McCarthy, BBC Home Video 02.06.2015 Family, Movies 2014 82min. Yul Vazquez - Dir. Jay Roach, Paul Weitz 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126358 Cinedigm 14.04.2015 Collections, Comedy, Dysfunctional 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126312 Families, Family, Movies, Nurses & Doctors, The Missing Romance, Spies & Secret Agents, Triple James Nesbitt, Tcheky Karyo, Jason A Most Violent Year (Blu-ray + Feature 322min. Flemyng - Dir. Tom Shankland UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 19.05.2015 When five year-old Oliver Hughes disappears while on Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126322 holiday in France, it sets off a nearly decade-long search for his whereabouts. The Missing, a STARZ Limited Series, is a Oyelowo, Albert Brooks, Alessandro Nivola dramatic thriller that takes you inside the mind of a father, - Dir. J.C. Chandor Metal Hurlant Chronicles: Tony (played by James Nesbitt of The Hobbit trilogy and Writer/director J.C. Chandor weaves the tale of an immigrant Jekyll), desperate to locate his lost son. With help from a and his family trying to live the American Dream and expand Complete Series legendary detective (played by Tcheky Karyo of Goldeneye their business amidst rampant violence, urban decay, and Embark on a unique journey beyond space, time and known and The Patriot), Tony embarks on an obsessive quest to find corrupt city officials during one of the most dangerous years worlds. The last fragment of a living planet, reduced to dust his son and those responsible for his disappearance. A in the city’s history. by the destructive madness of its habitants, is condemned to gripping puzzle with twists and turns at every stage, Tony’s Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, roam the universe for eternity, bringing suffering and exhaustive search fractures his relationship with his wife, deception to those who cross her path. That damned Emily (played by Frances O’Connor of Mr. Selfridg and A.I.: Thrillers 2014 125min. messenger is called: The Metal Hurlant. Artificial Intelligence), and threatens to destroy his life. Told Lionsgate 07.04.2015 Action, Science Fiction, Television 270min. through a complex narrative, The Missing unfolds over two 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126109 Cinedigm 14.04.2015 time frames simultaneously. Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Marriage Woes, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126314 Mini-Series, Mystery, Television 2014 A Most Violent Year (DVD + 472min. UltraViolet) Metal Hurlant Chronicles: Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David Complete Series (Blu-ray) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126039 Oyelowo, Albert Brooks, Alessandro Nivola Embark on a unique journey beyond space, time and known - Dir. J.C. Chandor worlds. The last fragment of a living planet, reduced to dust The Missing (Blu-ray) Writer/director J.C. Chandor weaves the tale of an immigrant by the destructive madness of its habitants, is condemned to and his family trying to live the American Dream and expand roam the universe for eternity, bringing suffering and James Nesbitt, Tcheky Karyo, Jason their business amidst rampant violence, urban decay, and deception to those who cross her path. That damned corrupt city officials during one of the most dangerous years messenger is called: The Metal Hurlant. Flemyng - Dir. Tom Shankland When five year-old Oliver Hughes disappears while on in the city’s history. Action, Blu-ray, Science Fiction, Television holiday in France, it sets off a nearly decade-long search for Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 270min. his whereabouts. The Missing, a STARZ Limited Series, is a 2014 125min. Cinedigm 14.04.2015 dramatic thriller that takes you inside the mind of a father, Tony (played by James Nesbitt of The Hobbit trilogy and Lionsgate 07.04.2015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126336 Jekyll), desperate to locate his lost son. With help from a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126098 legendary detective (played by Tcheky Karyo of Goldeneye Miami Blues: Collector’s Edition and The Patriot), Tony embarks on an obsessive quest to find his son and those responsible for his disappearance. A (Blu-ray) gripping puzzle with twists and turns at every stage, Tony’s

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Amos Lavi, Hanns Zischler, Mathieu Musketeers. committed in her past sends her to an all-women’s prison with Adventure, Blu-ray, British, Drama, an unforgettable and irreverent group of fellow inmates. Amalric, Moritz Bleibtreu, Ciaran Hinds, Shocking revelations and new arrivals shake up the lives and Yvan Attal, Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, Michael Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Interna- relationships of Litchfield’s prisoners in this highly Lonsdale, Geoffrey Rush, Mathieu tional, International TV, Swordfighting, Te- anticipated second season. Kassovitz, Meret Becker, Lynn Cohen, levision 600min. Book-To-Film, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, , , BBC Home Video 21.04.2015 Drama, Prison, Television 779min. Moshe Ivgy, Ayelet Zurer, Ami Weinberg - 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126089 Lionsgate 19.05.2015 Dir. Steven Spielberg 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126362 Inspired by real events, Munich reveals the intense story of The Muthers the secret Israeli squad assigned to track down and Orange Is The New Black: assassinate the 11 Palestinians believed to have planned the Jeannie Bell, Jayne Kennedy, Rosanne 1972 Munich massacre of 11 Israeli athletes - and the Katon - Dir. Cirio Santiago Season Two (DVD + UltraViolet) personal toll this mission of revenge takes on the team and the Climb aboard with The Muthers. The meanest, toughest and man who led it. Hailed as „tremendously exciting“ (Peter most action packed pirate crew in the pacific. Join Jayne Taylor Schilling, Taryn Manning, Jason Travers, Rolling Stone), Steven Spielberg’s explosive Kennedy, Rosanne Katon, Jeannie Bell and their crew on a Biggs, Kate Mulgrew, Laura Prepon, suspense thriller garnered five Academy Award nominations, daring rescue mission to save one of their own from the Natasha Lyonne including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay. clutches of vicious white slavers. Nominated for 12 Primetime Emmys and 4 Golden Globes, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Action, Adventure, Classics, girl power, Orange is the New Black is a fierce and funny series that History & Events, Movies, Terrorism, Thril- Movies, Pirates 1976 83min. follows Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) when a crime she committed in her past sends her to an all-women’s prison with lers 2005 164min. CAV 10.03.2015 an unforgettable and irreverent group of fellow inmates. Universal Studios 05.05.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126073 Shocking revelations and new arrivals shake up the lives and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126113 relationships of Litchfield’s prisoners in this highly anticipated second season. Mystery Science Theater 3000: Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, Murder In The First: The XXXII Prison, Television 779min. Complete First Season Comedy, , Cult Film / TV, Lionsgate 19.05.2015 Tom Felton, Ian Anthony Dale, Lombardo Science Fiction, Television 240min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126366 Boyar, Nicole Ari Parker, Emmanuelle Shout Factory 24.03.2015 Chriqui, Kathleen Robertson, Raphael 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126080 Orgazmo (Blu-ray) Sbarge, Taye Diggs, James Cromwell, Ron Jeremy Steven Weber, Richard Schiff Night Game Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Religion/ From Emmy-winner comes Murder in the First, A Galveston, Texas, detective finds a link between a pitcher’s the crime drama following the investigation and trial of a high- Spirituality, Superheroes 1997 93min. strikeouts and a throat slasher. Universal Studios 12.05.2015 profile murder case. Starring Taye Diggs and Kathleen Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1989 min. Robertson as the two detectives who investigate the murder 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126318 of a drug addict, they discover the victim’s connection to a Olive Films 31.03.2015 brash, young CEO of a Silicon Valley tech firm, played by Tom 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126149 Felton. The mystery continues when one of the CEO’s The Osterman Weekend employees, a woman with whom he was having a secret tryst, Burt Lancaster, Meg Foster, Dennis Hopper, is also found dead. Murder in the First: The Complete First Night Game (Blu-ray) Craig T. Nelson, John Hurt, Rutger Hauer - Season is full of endless twists and turns will keep viewers Richard Bradford, Paul Gleason, Karen guessing and on the edge of their seats. Dir. Sam Peckinpah Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Drugs & Young, - Dir. Peter Masterson What would you do if a total stranger proved to you that your Dealers, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder A Galveston, Texas, detective finds a link between a pitcher’s three closest friends are enemy agents? For investigative TV strikeouts and a throat slasher. host John Tanner (Rutger Hauer), the news comes on the eve Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2014 Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1989 min. of a reunion weekend at his home where the traitors (Craig T. 440min. Olive Films 31.03.2015 Nelson, Dennis Hopper and ) are all placed Warner Bros. 12.05.2015 under intense surveillance by a mysterious CIA operative 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126176 (John Hurt). But as the get-together turns deadly, are Tanner 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126062 and his family being set up for the most shocking betrayal of Odd Man Out: The Criterion all? From its stinging look at media manipulation to its The Musketeers: Season Two stunning final twist, the ultimate conspiracy will be uncovered Collection by whoever survives The Osterman Weekend. Burt Lanca- Luke Pasqualino , Santiago Cabrera, Tom Robert Newton, Cyril Cusack, James ster, Helen Shaver and Meg Foster co-star in this action- Burke packed suspense thriller from legendary director Sam En garde! Prepare for more pulse-pounding thrills, more Mason - Dir. Carol Reed Peckinpah (The Wild Bunch, Straws Dogs) adapted from the breathtaking action and more high-stakes heroism. The Belfast police conduct a door-to-door manhunt for an IRA best-selling novel by Robert Ludlum (The Bourne Identity). gallivanting royal bodyguards for King Louis XIII - Athos (Tom gunman wounded in a daring robbery. Directed by Carol Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Book-To-Film, Burke, The Hour), Aramis (Santiago Cabrera, Heroes), Reed. Classics, Movies, Politics, Spies & Secret British, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Porthos (Howard Charles, &Me) and d’Artagnan (Luke Agents, Thrillers 1983 102min. Pasqualino, Skins) - are back for love, honor and adventure. Film Noir, Foreign, Movies 1947 116min. Starz / Anchor Bay 19.05.2015 Together, the inseparable Musketeers employ their bravery Criterion 14.04.2015 and skill to track down a missing Musketeer; become 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126474 embroiled in a full-scale riot orchestrated by a notorious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126418 criminal mastermind; and embark on a dangerous mission to Le Havre. It’s all for one in the non-stop second season of The Odd Man Out: The Criterion The Osterman Weekend (Blu-ray) Musketeers. Burt Lancaster, Meg Foster, Dennis Hopper, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign, Collection (Blu-ray) Craig T. Nelson, John Hurt, Rutger Hauer - Historical / Period Piece, International, In- Robert Newton, Cyril Cusack, James Dir. Sam Peckinpah ternational TV, Swordfighting, Television Mason - Dir. Carol Reed What would you do if a total stranger proved to you that your 600min. Belfast police conduct a door-to-door manhunt for an IRA three closest friends are enemy agents? For investigative TV BBC Home Video 21.04.2015 gunman wounded in a daring robbery. Directed by Carol host John Tanner (Rutger Hauer), the news comes on the eve 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126068 Reed. of a reunion weekend at his home where the traitors (Craig T. British, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Nelson, Dennis Hopper and Chris Sarandon) are all placed Film Noir, Foreign, Movies 1947 116min. under intense surveillance by a mysterious CIA operative The Musketeers: Season Two (John Hurt). But as the get-together turns deadly, are Tanner Criterion 14.04.2015 and his family being set up for the most shocking betrayal of (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126442 all? From its stinging look at media manipulation to its stunning final twist, the ultimate conspiracy will be uncovered Luke Pasqualino , Santiago Cabrera, Tom by whoever survives The Osterman Weekend. Burt Lanca- Burke Orange Is The New Black: ster, Helen Shaver and Meg Foster co-star in this action- En garde! Prepare for more pulse-pounding thrills, more packed suspense thriller from legendary director Sam breathtaking action and more high-stakes heroism. The Season Two (Blu-ray + Peckinpah (The Wild Bunch, Straws Dogs) adapted from the gallivanting royal bodyguards for King Louis XIII - Athos (Tom UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) best-selling novel by Robert Ludlum (The Bourne Identity). Burke, The Hour), Aramis (Santiago Cabrera, Heroes), Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Book- Taylor Schilling, Taryn Manning, Jason Porthos (Howard Charles, &Me) and d’Artagnan (Luke To-Film, Classics, Drama, Movies, Politics, Pasqualino, Skins) - are back for love, honor and adventure. Biggs, Kate Mulgrew, Laura Prepon, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 1983 Together, the inseparable Musketeers employ their bravery Natasha Lyonne and skill to track down a missing Musketeer; become 102min. embroiled in a full-scale riot orchestrated by a notorious Nominated for 12 Primetime Emmys and 4 Golden Globes, criminal mastermind; and embark on a dangerous mission to Le Orange is the New Black is a fierce and funny series that Starz / Anchor Bay 19.05.2015 Havre. It’s all for one in the non-stop second season of The follows Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) when a crime she 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126482

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music competitions. Pitch Perfect is an outrageously hilarious laugh-out-loud comedy that also stars Anna Camp (The Help), Out Of The Dark Parks And Recreation: Season Brittany Snow () and Rebel Wilson (Bridesmaids). Scott Speedman, Julia Stiles Seven Book-To-Film, College Life, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 92min. Aubrey Plaza, Aziz Ansari, Rashida Jones, Friendships, girl power, Movies, Music, Anderson Merchandisers 31.03.2015 Chris Pratt, , Nick Offerman, Romance, Special Editions 2012 112min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126304 Adam Scott Universal Studios 05.05.2015 The year is 2017, and Leslie Knope’s life has changed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126123 Outcast dramatically: she’s now the mother of triplets and works for the National Parks Department but - most shockingly - has When the heir of the Imperial throne becomes the target of an become sworn enemies with her former friend and mentor, Ron Power Rangers Super Megaforce: assassination by his despised older brother, the young prince Swanson. Join Leslie’s final acts of determination (and The Perfect Storm (DVD + must flee the kingdom and seek protection. His only hope for sometimes desperation) to make Pawnee „the greatest town in survival is a reluctant war-weary crusader named Jacob, who America“ even better. UltraViolet) must overcome his own personal demons and rally the assistance of a mythical outlaw known as The White Ghost. Comedy, NBC, On The Job, Politics, Televi- As the Power Rangers officially welcome Orion, the Silver Together they must fight side by side in an epic battle to sion min. Ranger, to the Super Megaforce team, Prince Vekar return the prince to his rightful place on the throne. unleashes a new gang of attacking aliens! Troy, Noah, Emma, Universal Studios 02.06.2015 Gia, Jake, and Orion’s teamwork will be tested as they battle Action, Adventure, Movies 98min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126271 the energy-draining Skeltox, Commander Sirjinkor’s power E1 Entertainment 31.03.2015 prism, the jealous Invidious, the happiness-stealing Desolar, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126162 and body-swapping Tranceferer! And when Orion discovers Parks And Recreation: The how to combine the power of every legendary sixth Ranger Complete Series throughout history, he will unlock the awesome Super Mega Outcast (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Gold Mode! When the heir of the Imperial throne becomes the target of an Aubrey Plaza, Aziz Ansari, Rashida Jones, Action, Adventure, Children’s, Family, assassination by his despised older brother, the young prince Chris Pratt, Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman, Fantasy, Friendships, Giant Monsters!, must flee the kingdom and seek protection. His only hope for Adam Scott, Rob Lowe Martial Arts, Monsters, Television 115min. survival is a reluctant war-weary crusader named Jacob, who Join small-town civil servant Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) for must overcome his own personal demons and rally the every awkward strategy meeting, kooky idea and delicious Lionsgate 14.04.2015 assistance of a mythical outlaw known as The White Ghost. bite of waffle as she strives to make City Hall a better place. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126057 Together they must fight side by side in an epic battle to By her side are her beloved, if quirky, colleagues - the return the prince to his rightful place on the throne. deadpan Ron Swanson (and his mustache), apathetic April Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies 98min. (Aubrey Plaza), rock star-in-his-own-mind Andy (Chris Power: The Complete First E1 Entertainment 31.03.2015 Pratt), trendsetter, best friend Ann (Rashida Jones) and Season smart-mouthed Donna (Retta). Oh, and Jerry...or is it „Larry?“ 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126187 (Jim O’Heir). J.R. Ramirez, Naturi Naughton, Shane Boxed Sets, Comedy, NBC, On The Job, Johnson, Luis Antonio Ramos, La La Parenthood: Season 6 Politics, Romance, Television min. Vasquez, Adam Huss, , 50 Dax Shepard, Sarah Ramos, Joy Bryant, Universal Studios 02.06.2015 Cent Erika Christensen, Peter Krause, Ray 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126272 From Executive Producer Curtis „50 Cent“ Jackson and show creator Courtney Kemp Agboh () comes Power, Romano, Lauren Graham, Monica Potter, a visionary crime drama set in two different worlds: the Mae Whitman, Bonnie Bedelia, Craig T. Nel- The Physician glamorous New York club scene and the brutal streets of the son, Sam Jaeger, Savannah Paige Rae, drug trade. James „Ghost“ St. Patrick has it all: a beautiful Emma Rigby, Tom Payne, Olivier Martinez, wife, a gorgeous Manhattan penthouse, and the hottest, up- Max Burkholder, Miles Heizer, Tyree Brown Stellan Skarsgard, Ben Kingsley and-coming new nightclub in New York. His club, Truth, Get ready to say goodbye to the Braverman family in the sixth Action, Adventure, Movies 115min. caters to the elite: the famous and infamous boldface names and final season of Parenthood, the gripping series lauded by that run the city that never sleeps. As its success grows, so critics and beloved by viewers. The tightknit siblings turn to Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 do Ghost’s plans to build an empire. However, Truth hides an each other as they face uncertain futures: Sarah considers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126198 ugly reality. It’s a front for Ghost’s criminal underworld; a her relationship with Hank, Adam and Crosby struggle to keep lucrative drug network, serving only the wealthy and The Luncheonette afloat, and Julia and Joel ponder powerful. As Ghost is seduced by the prospect of a legitimate reconciliation. But the greatest concern for everyone is the Pitch Perfect: Sing-Along Aca- life, everything precious to him becomes unknowingly health of Zeek, the adored and booming patriarch who has Awesome Edition threatened. Once you’re in, can you ever get out? always led their clan with vigor... until now. From executive Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Television producers Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, and Jason Katims Skylar Astin, Rebel Wilson, Adam DeVine, 2014 460min. come the final episodes filled with the laughter, wit, and tears Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, Brittany Snow, that has made the show an indelible part of television history, Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2015 Elizabeth Banks, John Michael Higgins - Dir. now available back-to-back and uninterrupted! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126459 Comedy, Drama, Family, NBC, Television Jason Moore 559min. Arriving at her new college, Beca (Anna Kendrick) finds herself not right for any clique but somehow is muscled into Power: The Complete First Universal Studios 05.05.2015 one that she never would have picked on her own: alongside 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126116 mean girls, sweet girls and weird girls whose only thing in Season (Blu-ray) common is how good they sound when they sing together. J.R. Ramirez, Naturi Naughton, Shane When Beca leads this a cappella singing group out of their Parenthood: The Complete traditional arrangements and perfect harmonies into all-new Johnson, Luis Antonio Ramos, La La Series mash-ups, they fight to climb their way to the top of college Vasquez, Adam Huss, Omari Hardwick, 50 music competitions. Pitch Perfect is an outrageously hilarious Cent Sarah Ramos, Joy Bryant, Erika Christen- laugh-out-loud comedy that also stars Anna Camp (The Help), From Executive Producer Curtis „50 Cent“ Jackson and show sen, Peter Krause, Ray Romano, John Brittany Snow (Hairspray) and Rebel Wilson (Bridesmaids). creator Courtney Kemp Agboh (The Good Wife) comes Power, Corbett, Lauren Graham, Monica Potter, College Life, Comedy, Friendships, girl a visionary crime drama set in two different worlds: the power, Movies, Music, Romance, Special glamorous New York club scene and the brutal streets of the Mae Whitman, Bonnie Bedelia, Craig T. Nel- drug trade. James „Ghost“ St. Patrick has it all: a beautiful son, Dax Shepard, Minka Kelly, Sam Editions 2012 112min. wife, a gorgeous Manhattan penthouse, and the hottest, up- Jaeger, Savannah Paige Rae, Max Universal Studios 05.05.2015 and-coming new nightclub in New York. His club, Truth, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126114 caters to the elite: the famous and infamous boldface names Burkholder, Miles Heizer, Tyree Brown that run the city that never sleeps. As its success grows, so Family always comes first with the Bravermans in this do Ghost’s plans to build an empire. However, Truth hides an stunning collection that captures every wise, warm and witty Pitch Perfect: Sing-Along Aca- ugly reality. It’s a front for Ghost’s criminal underworld; a moment from the critically lauded series. From executive lucrative drug network, serving only the wealthy and producers Ron Howard, Brian Grazer and Jason Katims Awesome Edition (Blu-ray + powerful. As Ghost is seduced by the prospect of a legitimate comes all six seasons of Parenthood, the dramatic series that UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) life, everything precious to him becomes unknowingly touches on all the rewarding and real aspects of being a threatened. Once you’re in, can you ever get out? parent, child or sibling. Join an all-star cast, including Peter Skylar Astin, Rebel Wilson, Adam DeVine, Krause, Lauren Graham, Dax Shepard and Erika Christensen, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Television as they take on raising babies, toddlers, tweens, teens and Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, Brittany Snow, 2014 460min. even older parents in this „heartbreaking and heartwarming“ Elizabeth Banks, John Michael Higgins - Dir. Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2015 collection (Tierney Bricker, E! Online). It’s 103 episodes that Jason Moore 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126467 prove every family is perfect in its own imperfect way, now Arriving at her new college, Beca (Anna Kendrick) finds available for you and your family to watch, back-to-back and herself not right for any clique but somehow is muscled into uninterrupted! one that she never would have picked on her own: alongside Pretty Little Liars: The Complete Boxed Sets, Comedy, Drama, Family, NBC, mean girls, sweet girls and weird girls whose only thing in Television min. common is how good they sound when they sing together. Fifth Season When Beca leads this a cappella singing group out of their Troian Bellisario, , Ian Universal Studios 05.05.2015 traditional arrangements and perfect harmonies into all-new 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126115 mash-ups, they fight to climb their way to the top of college Harding, , , Laura

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Leighton Ray Donovan: Season Two Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander starring in this chart- Season five of Pretty Little Liars begins in the moments busting, suspenseful series as Jane Rizzoli, a tough-as-nails following the epic season four finale, in which Ezra was shot, Devon Bagby, Paula Malcomson, Eddie Boston police detective, and Maura Isles, a smart, impeccably among other shocking revelations. Plus, Alison is alive, and Marsan, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight dressed medical examiner from a privileged background. everyone is affected by her return. Caleb also returns, but is Ray Donovan (Golden Globe-nominated Liev Schreiber), Despite being complete opposites, the two women share an he the same? With more questions than ever and familiar Boston bouncer turned Hollywood crisis fixer, can protect offbeat chemistry, an authentic friendship and a unique faces back in Rosewood, it’s sure to be another season of just about anything except the unity of his family. As his working relationship that helps them solve Boston’s most emotion, intrigue, twists and thrills. estranged ex-con father (Golden Globe winner Jon Voight) complex murders. Based on a book series by best-selling ABC, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, dodges the law, Ray’s lonely wife Abby finds herself drawn to crime writer Tess Gerritsen, Rizzoli & Isles also stars Bruce a cop. Son Conor may be too close to home while daughter McGill as the seasoned and lovable Detective Vince Korsak; Friendships, High School, Murder Bridget is slipping away. Can he hold the pieces of his family Jordan Bridges as Frankie Rizzoli Jr., Jane’s younger Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers together while going to bat for celebrities in crisis? In this brother who now follows in her detective footsteps; and sharp, edgy second season, Ray finds that what he wants the Lorraine Bracco as their nosy but well-meaning mother, min. Angela Rizzoli, who works at the BPD cafe. Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 most is the hardest thing to fix. Crime, Drama, Showtime, Television Cops, Crime, Detectives, Doctors & 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126261 636min. Medicine, Drama, Friendships, girl power, Paramount Pictures 26.05.2015 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television The (Blu-ray + 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126480 792min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 09.06.2015 James Buckley, Ashley Hinshaw - Dir. Ray Donovan: Season Two (Blu- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126352 Gregory Levasseur ray) The age-old wonders of the world have long cursed explorers The Road Warrior / Mad Max: who’ve dared to unlock their mysteries. But a team of Devon Bagby, Paula Malcomson, Eddie archaeologists gets more than they bargained for when they Marsan, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight Beyond Thunderdome discover a lost pyramid unlike any other in the Egyptian Ray Donovan (Golden Globe-nominated Liev Schreiber), All roads lead to excitement for Mel Gibson’s Mad Max! In a desert. As they begin to uncover its horrifying secrets, they Boston bouncer turned Hollywood crisis fixer, can protect world destroyed by the ravages of nuclear war, gasoline is a realize they’re being relentlessly hunted by an ancient evil just about anything except the unity of his family. As his currency of the realm. Enter Max, champion of underdog more nightmarish than anything they could have imagined. estranged ex-con father (Golden Globe winner Jon Voight) survivors living in a fuel-depot camp. Make way for him and From producer Alexandre Aja, director of The Hills Have dodges the law, Ray’s lonely wife Abby finds herself drawn to The Road Warrior [Side A], the Apocalypse on wheels that Eyes, comes a pulse-pounding journey into true terror. a cop. Son Conor may be too close to home while daughter put Gibson on the Hollywood map for keeps and ranks as one Adventure, Blu-ray, Horror, Monsters, Bridget is slipping away. Can he hold the pieces of his family of the most mind-blowing stunt movies ever made. Our hero Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 89min. together while going to bat for celebrities in crisis? In this returns for more astonishing adventures in Mad Max: Beyond sharp, edgy second season, Ray finds that what he wants the Thunderdome [Side B]. This time, Max defends the future - a 20th Century Fox 05.05.2015 most is the hardest thing to fix. group of abandoned children - and enters the gladiatorial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126252 maces-and-chainsaws combat inside Thunderdome arena. Crime, Drama, Showtime, Television Awesome! 636min. Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, The Pyramid (DVD + UltraViolet) Paramount Pictures 26.05.2015 Classics, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, James Buckley, Ashley Hinshaw - Dir. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126485 Gangs, In The Future..., Movies, Nuclear Gregory Levasseur Holocaust, Thrillers min. The age-old wonders of the world have long cursed explorers Ride The Pink Horse: The who’ve dared to unlock their mysteries. But a team of Warner Bros. 28.04.2015 archaeologists gets more than they bargained for when they Criterion Collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126383 discover a lost pyramid unlike any other in the Egyptian A shady ex-GI leads the FBI to a mobster he tries to blackmail desert. As they begin to uncover its horrifying secrets, they in a New Mexico town. Roadside realize they’re being relentlessly hunted by an ancient evil Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies more nightmarish than anything they could have imagined. Katie Stegeman, Eric , Ace Marrero From producer Alexandre Aja, director of The Hills Have 1947 171min. Eyes, comes a pulse-pounding journey into true terror. - Dir. Eric England Criterion 17.03.2015 Dan and Mindy Summers are on a road trip along a desolate Adventure, Horror, Monsters, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126157 mountain highway when Dan is forced to exit the SUV to Mystery, Thrillers 2014 89min. remove a dead tree blocking their path. Before he can get 20th Century Fox 05.05.2015 Ride The Pink Horse: The back inside, he and Mindy find themselves held hostage on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126241 the side of the road, trapped in their car by a mysterious Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) gunman. They must fight for their lives in a sadistic game of cat and mouse set against a backdrop of numbing cold, pitch The Quiet Gun A shady ex-GI leads the FBI to a mobster he tries to blackmail darkness and raw terror. in a New Mexico town. Drama, Horror, Movies, Mystery 2013 Rumors drive a rancher to murder and get him hanged by a Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies 81min. lynch mob; a sheriff finds their source. 1947 171min. Movies, Western 1957 90min. Image Ent. 14.04.2015 Criterion 17.03.2015 Olive Films 31.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126421 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126185 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126140 Roommate Wanted (DVD + The Quiet Gun (Blu-ray) Rio Bravo (Blu-ray) Estelita Rodriguez, John Russell, Claude UltraViolet) Jim Davis, Mara Corday, Forrest Tucker - Akins, Angie Dickinson, Ricky Nelson, Har- Bryan Dechart, Spencer Grammer, Richard Dir. William Claxton Riehle, Kathryn Morris, Alexa Vega, Rumors drive a rancher to murder and get him hanged by a ry Carey Jr., Walter Brennan, Ward Bond, lynch mob; a sheriff finds their source. , John Wayne, Malcolm Jennifer Lyons Janie is an ambitious student who dreams of a better life. Dee Movies, Western 1957 90min. Atterbury - Dir. Howard Hawks is a gorgeous socialite who dreams of a rich husband. Olive Films 31.03.2015 On one side is an army of gunmen dead-set on springing a They’re already not the best of friends...or the best of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126167 murderous cohort from jail. On the other is Sheriff John T. roommates. But when Janie gets the opportunity of a lifetime, Chance and two deputies: a recovering drunkard and a Dee becomes the roommate from hell as she desperately tries crippled codger. Also in their ragtag ranks are a trigger- to destroy Janie’s life. It’s an all out girl-war leaving a Rawhide: The Complete Series happy youth and a woman with a past - and her eye on Chan- Roommate Wanted. ce. Director Howard Hawks lifted the Western to new heights Movies, Thrillers 2014 85min. (Repackage) with Red River. Capturing the legendary West with a stellar Lionsgate 19.05.2015 Paul Brinegar, Eric Fleming, Charles Gray, cast in peak form, he does it again here. Classics, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Western 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126478 Clint Eastwood, John Ireland Saddle up for thrills! When the going gets tough, the tough 141min. gets going in the Golden Globe-nominated series, Rawhide, Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 Royal Pains: Season Six starring Eric Fleming as trail boss Gil Favor and Clint 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126128 Eastwood in his breakout role as Rowdy Yates. Don’t miss the Paulo Costanzo, Mark Feuerstein fire and thrills packed into every adventure of this 217 Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Tele- episode, 59-disc set that proves again and again that Rizzoli & Isles: The Complete vision, USA Network 558min. Rawhide is one of television’s most legendary westerns. Universal Studios 28.04.2015 Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Classics, Fifth Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126060 Television, Western 11163min. Jordan Belfi, Erin Chambers, Brian Paramount Pictures 12.05.2015 Goodman, David Kaufmann, Jordan 245,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126290 Bridges, Angie Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Sesame Street: Elmo The Musical Lorraine Bracco, Bruce McGill 2 Rizzoli & Isles continues for a fifth exciting season with Come imagine, sing and learn along with Elmo in his very own

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There are many more adventures to First Season (Blu-ray + enjoy in this monster sized DVD, including musicals where UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Spaceballs (Repackage) Elmo imagines himself as a bird, an explorer, a pilot, a repair Sal Viscuso, Ronny Graham, George monster and a mountain climber. Then, imagine even more with Kumail Nanjiani, Zach Woods, Thomas Wyner, Joan Rivers, Dick Van Patten, Daph- Elmo and his friends in a special full length bonus, „Play With Middleditch, , T.J. Miller, Mar- Me Sesame: Imagine With Me“. Dance with Grover, bake ne Zuniga, Mel Brooks, Rick Moranis, John make believe cookies with Prairie Dawn and Cookie Monster, tin Starr, Matt Ross and help Bert scare away monsters in Ernie’s bedroom. Two From the offbeat mind of Mike Judge (Office Space, Beavis Hurt, Bill Pullman, John Candy, Michael hours of music, adventure, math, friendship and fun! and Butt-head) comes a new HBO half-hour comedy that takes Winslow, Jim J. Bullock, Leslie Bevis - Dir. Adventure, Children’s, Children’s / viewers inside the world of tech start-ups - and the socially Mel Brooks Educational, Family, Friendships, Music, awkward underdogs who try to navigate its lucrative The laughs come at „ludicrous speed“ in Mel Brooks’ potential. Starring a talented ensemble of young comic actors outrageous sci-fi spoof that takes you to a galaxy far, far Musical, Preschool, Sesame Street, Televi- and veterans, Silicon Valley charts the rising fortunes of funnier than you ever imagined. When ruthless President sion 95min. Richard, an introverted computer programmer who lives in a Skroob (Brooks) plots to steal the air supply from neighboring Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 „Hacker Hostel“ start-up incubator along with his friends Big planet Druida, it’s up to hero-for-hire Lone Starr (Bill Head, Gilfoyle, and Dinesh. These social misfits live under Pullman) and his man-dog sidekick Barf (John Candy) to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126258 the watch of Erlich, a dotcom millionaire who lets them stay in rescue a spoiled Druish princess (Daphne Zuniga) from the his house for free - as long as he gets a 10% stake in their clutches of Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis). Along the way, they The Shanghai Story projects. Stuck working part-time at a large tech company meet the wise Yogurt (Brooks again!), who teaches them the called Hooli, Richard’s obscure website, Pied Piper, is going mystical secrets of „The Schwartz“... and the almighty power A Red colonel’s girlfriend helps a U.S. doctor and other nowhere fast. But when a mid-level Hooli executive named of movie merchandising! Westerners under hotel house arrest. Jared is apprised of the value of the site’s novel compression Action, Adventure, Classics, Comedy, Cult Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1954 algorithm, Richard finds himself caught in the middle of an Film / TV, Fantasy, Kidnapping, Movies, 90min. extreme bidding war between Hooli founder Gavin Belson and independent billionaire venture capitalist Peter Gregory. Parody, Science Fiction 1987 97min. Olive Films 31.03.2015 Comedy, HBO, Technology, Television min. 20th Century Fox 28.04.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126141 HBO Home Video 31.03.2015 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126349 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126232 The Shanghai Story (Blu-ray) Spyfall Ruth Roman - Dir. Frank Lloyd Soft Skin: The Criterion A Red colonel’s girlfriend helps a U.S. doctor and other Lawrence Evenchick, Christine Emes, Mark Westerners under hotel house arrest. Collection Courneyea - Dir. Brett Kelly Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thrillers A French magazine editor’s wife ends his affair with a Comedy, Femme Fatales, Movies, Parody, 1954 90min. stewardess. Spies & Secret Agents 2014 88min. Criterion Collection, Movies, Romance 1964 Olive Films 31.03.2015 E1 Entertainment 21.04.2015 171min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126168 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126424 Criterion 17.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126158 Signed Sealed Delivered: Stay As You Are Complete Series Soft Skin: The Criterion Marcello Mastroianni, Nastassja Kinski - Geoff Gustafson, Crystal Lowe, Kristin Dir. Alberto Lattuada Collection (Blu-ray) Stay As You Are directed by Alberto Lattuada, is an erotic Booth, Eric Mabius A French magazine editor’s wife ends his affair with a drama about the impossible love between an older man and a Signed, Sealed, Delivered is a wonderful combination of stewardess. young girl. It tells the controversial story of an architect, romance, comedy and drama that follows the lives of four Criterion Collection, Movies, Romance 1964 Roue Giulio Marengo (Marcello Mastroianni), who is postal detectives who transform themselves into a team of unhappy in his marriage, and starts a romance with the young detectives to track down intended recipients of undeliverable 171min. and beautiful girl Florentine (Nastassja Kinski.) When he mail. Their missions take them out of the office and into an Criterion 17.03.2015 finds out through his wife that she may be his daughter, he unpredictable world where redirected letters and packages 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126186 has to make a decision. Stay As You Are (original title Cosi: can save lives, solve crimes, reunite old loves and change Come Sei) was the first major film for Nastassja Kinski, one futures by arriving late but somehow always on time. The team year before her breakthrough with Polanski’s „Tess.“ Cult includes charming Oliver O’Toole (Eric Mabius), a genius Something Wicked Epics is proud to present for the first time ever on DVD Stay postal detective and the group’s leader; new team member, Something Wicked is a current day action thriller set in a mid- As You Are, an unforgettable classic. Featuring an original Shane McInerney (Kristin Booth), a technophile who brings Score by Ennio Morricone. 21st century sensibility to the group; free-spirited, „girl next size American community (Eugene, Oregon) in the Pacific door“ Rita Haywith (Crystal Lowe) who has a photographic Northwest. Christine and her boyfriend James have just Affairs & Love Triangles, Classics, Cult memory; and lovable Norman Dorman (Geoff Gustafson), a graduated from Highland High School and are looking forward Film / TV, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian, master in conventional research methods. to enjoying their future together. Everything appears to be going well until Christine and James realize that she is being Marriage Woes, Romance 1978 105min. Comedy, Drama, Mini-Series, Romance, stalked by a psychologically tormented and obsessed young CAV 12.05.2015 Television 427min. man, who in the end, will stop at nothing to be with her. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126462 Cinedigm 21.04.2015 Action, Movies, Mystery 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126402 Anderson Merchandisers 17.03.2015 Stay As You Are (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126196 Marcello Mastroianni, Nastassja Kinski - Silicon Valley: The Complete Dir. Alberto Lattuada First Season Spaceballs (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Stay As You Are directed by Alberto Lattuada, is an erotic (Repackage) (Blu-ray) drama about the impossible love between an older man and a Kumail Nanjiani, Zach Woods, Thomas young girl. It tells the controversial story of an architect, Middleditch, Amanda Crew, T.J. Miller, Mar- Sal Viscuso, Ronny Graham, George Roue Giulio Marengo (Marcello Mastroianni), who is tin Starr, Matt Ross Wyner, Joan Rivers, Dick Van Patten, Daph- unhappy in his marriage, and starts a romance with the young From the offbeat mind of Mike Judge (Office Space, Beavis ne Zuniga, Mel Brooks, Rick Moranis, John and beautiful girl Florentine (Nastassja Kinski.) When he and Butt-head) comes a new HBO half-hour comedy that takes finds out through his wife that she may be his daughter, he viewers inside the world of tech start-ups - and the socially Hurt, Bill Pullman, John Candy, Michael has to make a decision. Stay As You Are (original title Cosi: awkward underdogs who try to navigate its lucrative Winslow, Jim J. Bullock, Leslie Bevis - Dir. Come Sei) was the first major film for Nastassja Kinski, one potential. Starring a talented ensemble of young comic actors year before her breakthrough with Polanski’s „Tess.“ Cult Mel Brooks Epics is proud to present for the first time ever on DVD Stay and veterans, Silicon Valley charts the rising fortunes of The laughs come at „ludicrous speed“ in Mel Brooks’ Richard, an introverted computer programmer who lives in a As You Are, an unforgettable classic. Featuring an original outrageous sci-fi spoof that takes you to a galaxy far, far Score by Ennio Morricone. „Hacker Hostel“ start-up incubator along with his friends Big funnier than you ever imagined. When ruthless President Head, Gilfoyle, and Dinesh. These social misfits live under Skroob (Brooks) plots to steal the air supply from neighboring Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Cult Film the watch of Erlich, a dotcom millionaire who lets them stay in planet Druida, it’s up to hero-for-hire Lone Starr (Bill / TV, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian, his house for free - as long as he gets a 10% stake in their Pullman) and his man-dog sidekick Barf (John Candy) to Marriage Woes, Romance 1978 105min. projects. Stuck working part-time at a large tech company rescue a spoiled Druish princess (Daphne Zuniga) from the called Hooli, Richard’s obscure website, Pied Piper, is going clutches of Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis). Along the way, they CAV 12.05.2015 nowhere fast. But when a mid-level Hooli executive named meet the wise Yogurt (Brooks again!), who teaches them the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126470 Jared is apprised of the value of the site’s novel compression mystical secrets of „The Schwartz“... and the almighty power algorithm, Richard finds himself caught in the middle of an of movie merchandising! extreme bidding war between Hooli founder Gavin Belson and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, The Strange Affair Of Uncle Harry independent billionaire venture capitalist Peter Gregory. Mad Harry poisons his bad sister’s cocoa; his good sister Comedy, HBO, Technology, Television min. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Kidnap- drinks it.

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Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1945 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126419 Tully (Joe Anderson, A Single Shot, Hercules) just got paroled. But his first night out could be his last. He just killed Olive Films 31.03.2015 a cop. He’s on the run. And no one’s going to listen to an ex- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126138 Sullivan’s Travels: The Criterion con with the Aryan Nation. His leader (Anson Mount) just cut him loose, and as the police close in, Tully and his girlfriend Collection (Blu-ray) (Dawn Olivieri) add home invasion and hostages to the body The Strange Affair Of Uncle Harry Margaret Hayes, Robert Warwick, Veronica count. But no one counted on Mr. Walker (Danny Glover), an (Blu-ray) ex-con himself, to fight back - using his understanding of the Lake, Joel McCrea, William Demarest - Dir. racist mind to turn the tables on a desperate and violent man. Sara Allgood, Ella Raines, George Sanders, Preston Sturges Will it be enough to keep his family alive? Geraldine Fitzgerald - Dir. Robert Siodmak A Hollywood director poses as a hobo for his next work, a Drama, Movies 2014 104min. Mad Harry poisons his bad sister’s cocoa; his good sister serious social epic. Well Go USA 21.04.2015 Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Criterion drinks it. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126416 Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1945 95min. Collection, Drama, Movies 1941 116min. Olive Films 31.03.2015 Criterion 14.04.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126165 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126443 Supremacy (Blu-ray) Mahershala Ali, Dawn Olivieri, Evan Ross, Stranger At My Door Supercross Derek Luke, Joe Anderson, Julie Benz, Lela A preacher with a wife and son tries to change an outlaw who Rochon, Nick Chinlund Channing Tatum, Steve Howey, Sophia Tully (Joe Anderson, A Single Shot, Hercules) just got seeks refuge on his farm. Bush, Cameron Richardson, Mike Vogel, Action, Drama, Movies 95min. paroled. But his first night out could be his last. He just killed Carolina Garcia, Aaron Carter, Robert a cop. He’s on the run. And no one’s going to listen to an ex- Olive Films 31.03.2015 Carradine, Robert Patrick - Dir. Steve con with the Aryan Nation. His leader (Anson Mount) just cut 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126139 him loose, and as the police close in, Tully and his girlfriend Boyum (Dawn Olivieri) add home invasion and hostages to the body Welcome to the high-intensity, high-octane world of super- count. But no one counted on Mr. Walker (Danny Glover), an Stranger At My Door (Blu-ray) cross, the extreme sport where gravity knows no limits. ex-con himself, to fight back - using his understanding of the A preacher with a wife and son tries to change an outlaw who Brothers KC and Trip Carlyle are up-and-coming motorcycle racist mind to turn the tables on a desperate and violent man. seeks refuge on his farm. racers with limited opportunities, unlimited potential, and Will it be enough to keep his family alive? dreams of becoming champions. When KC’s big break comes Drama, Movies 2014 104min. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 95min. in the form of a lucrative, corporate „factory“ sponsorship, the Olive Films 31.03.2015 brothers are torn apart, becoming bitter rivals both on and off Well Go USA 21.04.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126166 the track. But when a tragic accident threatens their super- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126440 cross dreams, the brothers must cast aside their differences - and fear itself - to defy the odds and take the checkered flag! A Stranger In Paradise Action, Cars & Motorcycles, Drama, Extre- Taken 3 Sonia Couling, Colin Egglesfield, Catalina me Sports, Family, Movies, Romance, David Warshofsky, Andrew Borba, Jon Sandino Moreno, Stuart Townsend, Byron Sports 2005 80min. Gries, Maggie Grace, Don Harvey, Dylan Mann, Gary Daniels, Jay Acovone Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Bruno, Leland Orser, Dougray Scott, Forest Action, Movies, Thrillers 85min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126460 Whitaker, Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Anderson Merchandisers 24.03.2015 Sam Spruell, Jonny Weston - Dir. Olivier 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126200 Supercross (Blu-ray) Megaton The hunter becomes the hunted when Liam Neeson returns as Channing Tatum, Steve Howey, Sophia former CIA operative Bryan Mills, who finds himself framed The Sugarland Express (Blu-ray) Bush, Cameron Richardson, Mike Vogel, for the brutal murder of his ex-wife (Famke Janssen). Consumed with rage, and pursued by a savvy police inspector Goldie Hawn, Louise Latham, Gregory Carolina Garcia, Aaron Carter, Robert (Forest Whitaker), Mills must rely on his „particular set of Walcott, Ben Johnson, William Atherton, Carradine, Robert Patrick - Dir. Steve skills“ one last time to find killers, clear his name, Michael Sacks - Dir. Steven Spielberg Boyum and protect the only thing that matters to him now - his The Sugarland Express, a gripping drama co-written and Welcome to the high-intensity, high-octane world of super- daughter (Maggie Grace). directed by a 26-year-old Steven Spielberg, makes its mark cross, the extreme sport where gravity knows no limits. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Cops, FBI, as the director’s first theatrical film debut. Based on a true Brothers KC and Trip Carlyle are up-and-coming motorcycle Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, story, a desperate mother (Goldie Hawn) attempts to reunite racers with limited opportunities, unlimited potential, and her family by any means necessary including helping her dreams of becoming champions. When KC’s big break comes Revenge, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers husband escape prison, kidnapping a Texas state trooper and in the form of a lucrative, corporate „factory“ sponsorship, the 2014 109min. leading the police on a wild chase across the state in an effort brothers are torn apart, becoming bitter rivals both on and off 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 to save her son from adoption. Winning the hearts of many the track. But when a tragic accident threatens their super- fans that followed her story on the news, this film conveys the cross dreams, the brothers must cast aside their differences - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126348 true story of a girl who took on all of Texas... and almost won. and fear itself - to defy the odds and take the checkered flag! Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Action, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, Dra- Taken 3 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) ry, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Cops, Crime, ma, Extreme Sports, Family, Movies, (Blu-ray) Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Kid- Romance, Sports 2005 80min. David Warshofsky, Andrew Borba, Jon napping, Movies, Prison 1974 110min. Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 Gries, Maggie Grace, Don Harvey, Dylan Universal Studios 05.05.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126468 Bruno, Leland Orser, Dougray Scott, Forest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126127 Whitaker, Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Supersoul Brother Sam Spruell, Jonny Weston - Dir. Olivier Suits: Season Four Benny Latimore, Jocelyn Norris, Wildman Megaton Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, Gina Steve - Dir. Rene Martinez The hunter becomes the hunted when Liam Neeson returns as Torres, Gabriel Macht When a duo of criminals pay an evil doctor to create a serum former CIA operative Bryan Mills, who finds himself framed At last, Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman) is gaining the leverage that gives people superhuman strength, they fool a naive wino for the brutal murder of his ex-wife (Famke Janssen). needed to achieve his ultimate goal - becoming a partner of named Steve (Wildman Steve) into getting an injection to help Consumed with rage, and pursued by a savvy police inspector the firm. Meanwhile, the team at Pearson Specter is dealing them pull off a jewel heist. When Steve discovers that the (Forest Whitaker), Mills must rely on his „particular set of with the major fallout of Louis learning Mike’s secret. serum kills whoever takes it within a few days of its skills“ one last time to find the real killers, clear his name, ingestion, he hides the stolen jewels and begins a frantic and protect the only thing that matters to him now - his Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, quest to create an antidote as the thieving masterminds are in daughter (Maggie Grace). Television, USA Network min. hot pursuit! Part low-rent comedy/crime caper, part sci-fi Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Cops, Universal Studios 28.04.2015 weirdness, and all Miami shot regional filmmaking insanity, Rene Martinez’ Supersoul Brother blasts onto home video in FBI, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126059 its first ever authorized DVD release! Revenge, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Classics, Comedy, Crime, Mad Scientists & 2014 109min. Sullivan’s Travels: The Criterion Deadly Doctors, Movies, Science Fiction, 20th Century Fox 21.04.2015 Collection Supernatural & Paranormal 1978 74min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126359 Margaret Hayes, Robert Warwick, Veronica CAV 14.04.2015 Lake, Joel McCrea, William Demarest - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126412 Tales Of Terror (Blu-ray) Preston Sturges Joyce Jameson, Maggie Pierce, Leona A Hollywood director poses as a hobo for his next work, a Supremacy Gage, Basil Rathbone, Debra Paget, Peter serious social epic. Mahershala Ali, Dawn Olivieri, Evan Ross, Lorre, Vincent Price - Dir. Roger Corman Adventure, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Derek Luke, Joe Anderson, Julie Benz, Lela Three tales from Edgar Allan Poe feature a ghostly wife, Drama, Movies 1941 116min. Rochon, Nick Chinlund premature burial, rotting flesh. Directed by Roger Corman. Criterion 14.04.2015 Comedy, Horror, Movies, Mystery 1962

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108min. MGM / UA 05.05.2015 Comedy, Movies, Romance 92min. Kino Video 14.04.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126469 Monarch Home Video 24.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126447 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126208 The Terminator (Repackage) TCM Greatest Classic Films: Dick Miller, Rick Rossovich, Paul Winfield, Thunder Road (Blu-ray + DVD) Debbie Reynolds Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn, Earl Boen, (Blu-ray) Debbie Reynolds Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, A Korean War veteran hot-rods his family’s Kentucky Classics, Collections, Movies min. Bill Paxton - Dir. James Cameron moonshine past a T-man and mobster to Memphis. Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies min. Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as the most fierce and relentless killing machine ever to threaten the survival of Cinedigm 07.04.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126121 mankind! An indestructible cyborg - a Terminator (Schwarzenegger) - is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126188 (Linda Hamilton), the woman whose unborn son will become TCM Greatest Classic Films: humanity’s only hope in a future war against machines. This Tracers (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Maureen O’Hara legendary sci-fi thriller from pioneering writer/director James Cameron, written with Gale Anne Hurd, fires an arsenal of (Blu-ray) Classics, Collections, Movies min. action and heart-stopping suspense that never lets up! Marie Avgeropoulos, Rafi Gavron, Adam Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 Action, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Epics, In Rayner, Taylor Lautner - Dir. Daniel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126122 The Future..., Killer Technology, Movies, Benmayor Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Bicycle messenger Cam (Taylor Lautner) is in heavy debt to a Teeth & Blood Technology, Time Travel, War 1984 108min. violent organized-crime gang. Hoping to get out of debt, he MGM / UA 05.05.2015 joins a crew that uses parkour to pull off heists. As the stakes Danielle Vega, Marshal Hilton, Jacqui Hol- get higher, and the heists more dangerous, the payouts get land, Michelle Van Der Water, Glenn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126461 bigger. With mob enforcers breathing down his neck, Cam Plummer - Dir. Pamela J. Richardson must use every ounce of his skill to stay alive. A beautiful diva is murdered on the set of horror director Territory 8 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Mobsters & The Vincent Augustine’s latest film Chapel Blood. Somewhere Mafia, Movies 2015 112min. between the crime scene and the coroner’s van, the body Corey Taylor - Dir. Kelly Schwarze mysteriously disappears. Meanwhile, the city’s supply of Drama, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Lionsgate 12.05.2015 donated blood is being dangerously depleted. Suspecting a 2013 81min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126265 connection between the events, detectives Mike Hung and Sasha Colfax go undercover at the studio to investigate. Their Peace Arch Entertainment 21.04.2015 attempt to crack the case quickly turns into a desperate battle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126431 Tracers (DVD + UltraViolet) for survival when they uncover an age-old war between rival Marie Avgeropoulos, Rafi Gavron, Adam vampire covens that threatens to consume humanity in a final, grisly assault of Teeth & Blood! Texas Rangers (DVD + Rayner, Taylor Lautner - Dir. Daniel Horror, Movies 2014 102min. UltraViolet) Benmayor Bicycle messenger Cam (Taylor Lautner) is in heavy debt to a Image Ent. 10.03.2015 Usher Raymond IV, Ashton Kutcher, violent organized-crime gang. Hoping to get out of debt, he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126079 Rachael Leigh Cook, James Van Der Beek, joins a crew that uses parkour to pull off heists. As the stakes get higher, and the heists more dangerous, the payouts get Dylan McDermott - Dir. Steve Miner bigger. With mob enforcers breathing down his neck, Cam Terminator 2: Judgement Day - After the Civil War, Texas is at the mercy of murderous must use every ounce of his skill to stay alive. bandits. From the chaos emerges a group of young cowboys Skynet Edition (Blu-ray + summoned to reform the Texas Rangers and restore order. Action, Crime, Mobsters & The Mafia, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Under the fearless leadership of Leander McNelly, the new Movies 2015 112min. Rangers find themselves severely outmanned and outgunned, Lionsgate 12.05.2015 Robert Patrick, Edward Furlong, Linda but unmatched for courage and determination. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126257 Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger - Dir. Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, James Cameron Movies, Thrillers, Western 2001 90min. Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as The Terminator in this Lionsgate 12.05.2015 The Train Robbers (Blu-ray) explosive action-adventure spectacle. Now he’s one of the Jerry Gatlin, Bobby Vinton, Ricardo good guys, sent back in time to protect John Connor, the boy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126364 destined to lead the freedom fighters of the future. Linda Montalban, Rod Taylor, Ben Johnson, Chri- Hamilton reprises her role as Sarah Connor, John’s mother, a That Man From Rio / Up To His stopher George, John Wayne - Dir. Burt quintessential survivor who has been institutionalized for her Kennedy warning of the nuclear holocaust she knows is inevitable. Ears (Double Feature) Three Civil War veterans team up with a train robber’s widow Together, the threesome must find a way to stop the ultimate Double Features, Foreign, French, Movies to recover a cool half-million in hidden gold. The widow (Ann- enemy - the T-1000, the most lethal Terminator ever created. Margret), the kind who „sticks out in all the right places,“ Co- written, produced and directed by James Cameron (The 216min. wants to clear her husband’s name. The three friends (John Terminator, Aliens, Titanic), this visual tour de force is also a E1 Entertainment 14.04.2015 Wayne, Rod Taylor, Ben Johnson) want the $50,000 reward. touching human story of survival. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126376 But the dead man’s ex-partners just want the gold - and will Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- kill to get it. ray, Cult Film / TV, End Of The World, In Classics, Crime, Movies, Western 1973 The Future..., Movies, Robots / Androids, That Man From Rio / Up To His 92min. Science Fiction, Special Editions, Ears (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 Technology, Time Travel, War 1991 152min. Double Features, Foreign, French, Movies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126129 Lionsgate 19.05.2015 216min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126484 E1 Entertainment 14.04.2015 : The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126387 Complete Twelfth And Final The Terminator (Blu-ray + Three Night Stand Season UltraViolet) (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Ashton Kutcher, Jon Cryer Dick Miller, Rick Rossovich, Paul Winfield, Meaghan Rath, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sam Walden Schmidt and Alan Harper (Ashton Kutcher and Jon Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn, Earl Boen, Huntington, James Woods Cryer) have spent another year searching for the ideal life in In this romantic comedy with a twist, Carl (Sam Huntington, their Malibu beach house. In the 12th and final season, Alan Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Veronica Mars, Fanboys) has a great life. He’s recently and Walden will continue their search for true love, Bill Paxton - Dir. James Cameron married to the beautiful and smart Sue (Meaghan Rath, contentment and the meaning of life. And they may actually find Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as the most fierce and Cyberbully), and has a good job as a video game designer at a couple of those things! relentless killing machine ever to threaten the survival of a prestigious company. But Carl’s not satisfied - he CBS, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Tele- mankind! An indestructible cyborg - a Terminator desperately wants a promotion, and more importantly, a (Schwarzenegger) - is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor marriage with greater excitement and inspiration. In an attempt vision min. (Linda Hamilton), the woman whose unborn son will become to reconnect with Sue, Carl organizes a weekend trip to a ski Warner Bros. 16.06.2015 humanity’s only hope in a future war against machines. This lodge with high hopes for relaxation, exercise, and sexual 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126346 legendary sci-fi thriller from pioneering writer/director James adventure. But this isn’t Carl’s first trip to the B&B. He Cameron, written with Gale Anne Hurd, fires an arsenal of doesn’t tell Sue he actually spent many passionate weekends action and heart-stopping suspense that never lets up! at the very same place with his sexy ex-girlfriend Robyn Two-Lane Blacktop: The Criterion Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, (Emmanuelle Chriqui, Entourage) - a woman he is still Collection Epics, In The Future..., Killer Technology, secretly obsessed with. Carl and Sue’s world is turned upside down when they arrive to find Robyn, still beautiful Laurie Bird, James Taylor, Dennis Wilson, Movies, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, and enigmatic, running the lodge. Now Carl will have to face the greatest temptation of his life - the one who got away. Warren Oates - Dir. Monte Hellman Technology, Time Travel, War 1984 108min. Drag racing east from L.A. in a souped-up ’55 Chevy are the

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 85 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA wayward Driver and Mechanic (singer-songwriter James brilliance at achieving mesmerizing atmosphere and austere, Thrillers 2014 103min. Taylor and the Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson, in their only profoundly unsettling imagery (as in The Passion of Joan of acting roles), accompanied by the tagalong Girl (Laurie Bird). Arc and Day of Wrath) was for once applied to the horror Lionsgate 07.04.2015 Along the way, they meet Warren Oates’s Pontiac GTO- genre. Yet the result-concerning an occult student assailed by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126110 driving wanderer and challenge him to a cross-country race - various supernatural haunts and local evildoers at an inn at stake: their cars’ pink slips. Yet no summary can do justice outside Paris-is nearly unclassifiable, a host of stunning to the existential punch of Two-Lane Blacktop. Maverick camera and editing tricks and densely layered sounds The Voices (DVD + UltraViolet) director Monte Hellman’s stripped-down narrative, gorgeous creating a mood of dreamlike terror. With its roiling fogs, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick, Ryan widescreen compositions, and sophisticated look at American ominous scythes, and foreboding echoes, Vampyr is one of male obsession make this one of the artistic high points of cinema’s great nightmares. Reynolds - Dir. Marjane Satrapi 1970s cinema, and possibly the greatest road movie ever Jerry () is that chipper guy clocking the nine- Art House, Criterion Collection, Fantasy, to-five at a bathtub factory, with the offbeat charm of anyone made. Foreign, German, Horror, Movies, Vampires Cars & Motorcycles, Criterion Collection, who could use a few friends. With the help of his court- 1932 73min. appointed psychiatrist, he pursues his office crush (Gemma Drama, Movies, National Film Registry, Criterion 10.03.2015 Arterton). However, the relationship takes a sudden, Racing, Road Trips 1971 103min. murderous turn after she stands him up for a date. Guided by 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126077 his evil talking cat and benevolent talking dog, Jerry must Criterion 10.03.2015 decide whether to keep striving for normalcy, or indulge in a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126076 much more sinister path. Veep: The Complete Third Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Mental Unbroken Season Illness, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, Domhnall Gleeson, Finn Wittrock, Garrett Sufe Bradshaw, Timothy Simons, Reid Thrillers 2014 103min. Hedlund - Dir. Angelina Jolie Scott, , Matt Walsh, Kathy Najimy, Lionsgate 07.04.2015 Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie directs and produces Gary Cole, Anna Chlumsky 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126099 this epic drama that follows the incredible life of Olympian and Comedy, girl power, HBO, On The Job, war hero Louis „Louie“ Zamperini (Jack O’Connell) who, along with two other crewmen, survived on a raft for 47 days Politics, Television 268min. Walker, Texas Ranger: The after a near-fatal plane crash in WWII - only to be caught by HBO Home Video 31.03.2015 Complete Collection (Repackage) the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126213 Adapted from Laura Hillenbrand’s (Seabiscuit: An American Sheree J. Wilson, Chuck Norris, Noble Legend) enormously popular book, it’s the inspiring true story Willingham about the resilient power of the human spirit. Veep: The Complete Third Action superstar Chuck Norris battles bad guys, lowlifes, and Biography, Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) evil criminal masterminds in all eight thrill-packed, butt- Olympics, Prison, Sports, War, World War II kicking seasons of Walker, Texas Ranger! A modern-day (Blu-ray) peace officer with a Wild West sense of resolve, Ranger 2014 138min. Cordell Walker (Norris) is ably assisted by fellow Ranger Universal Studios 24.03.2015 Sufe Bradshaw, Timothy Simons, Reid James Trivette (Clarence Gilyard), Assistant District 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126203 Scott, Tony Hale, Matt Walsh, Kathy Najimy, Attorney Alexandra Cahill (Sheree J. Wilson), and retired ex- Gary Cole, Kevin Dunn, Anna Chlumsky partner CD Parker (Noble Willingham). This tough-minded Comedy, girl power, HBO, On The Job, team attempts to maintain law and order in a tumultuous world. Unbroken (Blu-ray + DVD + But when the going gets tough... the tough guys get their lights Politics, Television 300min. punched out! From drug lords and rogue assassins to escaped UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) HBO Home Video 31.03.2015 cons and troubled teens, join Walker, Texas Ranger for 198 Domhnall Gleeson, Finn Wittrock, Garrett episodes of pulse-pounding, fist-flying action as Walker 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126231 settles the score with his own personal brand of frontier Hedlund - Dir. Angelina Jolie justice! Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie directs and produces this epic drama that follows the incredible life of Olympian and Vengeance Of An Assassin Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Cops, war hero Louis „Louie“ Zamperini (Jack O’Connell) who, Action, Foreign, Movies, Thai 2014 93min. Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Television along with two other crewmen, survived on a raft for 47 days 9235min. after a near-fatal plane crash in WWII - only to be caught by Well Go USA 14.04.2015 the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126395 Paramount Pictures 12.05.2015 Adapted from Laura Hillenbrand’s (Seabiscuit: An American 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126291 Legend) enormously popular book, it’s the inspiring true story about the resilient power of the human spirit. Vengeance Of An Assassin (Blu- Biography, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, ray) Walter Leven Rambin, Justin Kirk, Milo Ventimiglia, Movies, Olympics, Prison, Sports, War, Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Movies, Thai 2014 Jim Gaffigan, Peter Facinelli, Virginia World War II 2014 138min. 93min. Universal Studios 24.03.2015 Madsen, William H. Macy, Neve Campbell Well Go USA 14.04.2015 Walter, a mild mannered ticket-taker at a movie theater 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126223 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126403 believes himself to be the son of God with the responsibility to judge whether people will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Unforgettable: The Third Season When a ghost stuck in purgatory interrupts Walter’s daily Vincent And Theo routine his world is turned upside down forcing him to Tawny Cypress, Dallas Roberts, Jane Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh goes mad with his helpless reassess the meaning of his life. Curtin, Poppy Montgomery, Dylan Walsh patron/brother, Theo. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2015 88min. In the third season of Unforgettable, join Detective Carrie Drama, Foreign, Movies 1990 min. Peace Arch Entertainment 21.04.2015 Wells (Poppy Montgomery) as she works high-profile cases Olive Films 24.02.2015 in the NYPD Major Crimes Department while using her unique 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126430 skill - a perfect memory that lets her remember every detail of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126151 her life - to help solve the crimes. She’s committed to Wartime Comedies 8-Movie protecting Manhattan, along with her ex-boyfriend-turned- Vincent And Theo (Blu-ray) partner, Lieutenant Al Burns (Dylan Walsh), and team, Collection including Detective Jay Lee (James Hiroyuki Liao), Detective Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh goes mad with his helpless Cherie Rollins-Murray (Tawny Cypress), Dr. Joanne patron/brother, Theo. Linda Cristal, Bing Crosby, Alan Curtis, Lee Webster (Jane Curtin), and Captain Eliot Delson (Dallas Drama, Foreign, Movies 1990 min. Bowman, Janet Leigh, Dorothy Lamour, Roberts). The third season finds Carrie and Al dealing with a Olive Films 24.03.2015 Bob Hope, Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, dangerously illegal underground poker ring, a murdered high- profile television star, and the death of a college dropout who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126178 Charlton Heston, William Demarest, Julie lived in an abandoned island community. However, the biggest Adams, Ann Doran, Dick Powell, Claire challenge occurs when Carrie’s life and memory are put on The Voices (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Dodd, Dick Foran, Marcel Dalio, Shemp the line by a crazed assassin. In its 13 suspenseful episodes, Howard, Ella Raines, Betty Hutton, Unforgettable proves itself to be a drama worth remembering. (Blu-ray) Raymond Walburn, Troy Donahue, Franklin CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick, Ryan Pangborn, , Sonny Tufts, Les Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television Reynolds - Dir. Marjane Satrapi 551min. Jerry (Ryan Reynolds) is that chipper guy clocking the nine- Tremayne, Eddie Bracken, Anabel Shaw, Paramount Pictures 12.05.2015 to-five at a bathtub factory, with the offbeat charm of anyone Julia Adams, Elizabeth Patterson, Tony who could use a few friends. With the help of his court- Curtis, Keenan Wynn, catherine craig, Noel 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126281 appointed psychiatrist, he pursues his office crush (Gemma Arterton). However, the relationship takes a sudden, Neill, Bill Edwards - Dir. Blake Edwards, Vampyr: The Criterion Collection murderous turn after she stands him up for a date. Guided by Arthur Lubin, David Butler, Mark Sandrich, his evil talking cat and benevolent talking dog, Jerry must Preston Sturges, Jerry Hopper Rena Mandel, Maurice Schutz, Sybille decide whether to keep striving for normalcy, or indulge in a Classics, Collections, Comedy, Family, Schmitz, Jan Hieronimko, Henriette Gerard, much more sinister path. Movies, Musical, Romance, War min. Julian West - Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Mental With Vampyr, Danish filmmaker Carl Theodor Dreyer’s Illness, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, Universal Studios 19.05.2015

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126294 fame and fortune. Golden Globe winner and Academy Award Angarano, Max Casella, Jason Statham, nominee Angela Bassett makes her directorial debut in this special two-hour movie featuring Yaya DaCosta (Lee Daniels’ Stanley Tucci, Anne Heche, Jason Alexan- John Wayne Western Collection The Butler) in the lead role and Arlen Escarpeta (Final der - Dir. Simon West Destination 5) as Bobby Brown. Music includes Brown’s Nick Wild (Jason Statham) is a Las Vegas bodyguard with (Blu-ray) „Every Little Step,“ as well as Houston hits „The Greatest lethal professional skills and a personal gambling problem. John Wayne Love of All,“ „I’m Your Baby Tonight,“ „I’m Every Woman,“ and When a friend is beaten by a sadistic thug, Nick strikes back, „I Will Always Love You,“ sung by Grammy-nominated, multi- only to find out the thug is the son of a powerful mob boss. Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Movies, platinum entertainer Deborah Cox. Suddenly Nick is plunged into the criminal underworld, Western min. Biography, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, chased by enforcers and wanted by the mob. Having raised Warner Bros. 02.06.2015 Marriage Woes, Movies, Music, TV Movies the stakes, Nick has one last play to change his fortunes... 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126130 and this time, it’s all or nothing. 2015 92min. Action, Book-To-Film, Crime, Drama, Lionsgate 14.04.2015 Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge, Wet Hot American Summer (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126053 Thrillers 2015 111min. ray) Lionsgate 31.03.2015 Elizabeth Banks, Bradley Cooper, Amy Wild 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126049 Poehler, Marguerite Moreau, Michael Thomas Sadoski, Nick Eversman, Mo Showalter, Michael Ian Black, Christopher McRae, Michiel Huisman, Kevin Rankin, Cliff The Wild One (Blu-ray) Meloni, Paul Rudd, David Hyde Pierce, Molly De Young, W. Earl Brown, Brian Van Holt, Jay C. Flippen, , Mary Shannon, , Judah Gaby Hoffmann, Laura Dern, Reese Murphy, Lee Marvin, Robert Keith - Dir. Friedlander - Dir. David Wain Witherspoon Laslo Benedek Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Comedy, Academy Award Winner Reese Witherspoon stars in this A motorcycle outlaw in a black leather jacket takes over a inspirational true story from the director of Dallas Buyers town with his gang. Movies, Romance 2001 97min. Club and based on the best-selling book by Cheryl Strayed. Universal Studios 12.05.2015 After years of reckless behavior and being haunted by Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Gangs, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126319 memories of her mother Bobbi (Academy Award Nominee Movies, Music, Troubled Youth 1954 min. Laura Dern), Cheryl (Witherspoon) makes a rash decision to Mill Creek Entertainment 17.03.2015 embark on a challenging trek across the Pacific Crest Trail. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126220 What Did You Do In The War With absolutely no experience, she sets out to hike more than a thousand miles all on her own - in what becomes a Daddy? remarkable journey of self-discovery and redemption that The : The An Italian captain will surrender a town to GIs, after the strengthens and ultimately heals her. annual wine festival. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Based-On-A- Complete Series (Repackage) Comedy, Movies, War 1966 min. True-Story, Biography, Drama, girl power, Roy Engel, Ross Martin, Charles Aidman, Olive Films 31.03.2015 Movies, Wilderness 2014 115min. Michael Dunn, Robert Conrad 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126146 20th Century Fox 31.03.2015 Relive the heroic adventures of 1870s Secret Service Agents and celebrate one of TV’s most popular and imaginative 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126108 series. takes you on the most dangerous, What Did You Do In The War top-secret assignments, given to TV’s first 007s of the Daddy? (Blu-ray) Wild (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- frontier. Fight alongside the ever-resourceful ladies’ man, Federal Agent James West (Robert Conrad) and his colorful Sergio Fantoni, Aldo Ray, Dick Shawn, ray) sidekick Agent Artemus Gordon (Ross Martin). Crisscross Harry Morgan, James Coburn - Dir. Blake the country in a high tech railroad car, executing impossible Thomas Sadoski, Nick Eversman, Mo missions assigned to them directly from President Grant. Edwards McRae, Michiel Huisman, Kevin Rankin, Cliff These professional troubleshooters risk life and limb to An Italian captain will surrender a town to GIs, after the protect the security of the United States by unraveling wicked annual wine festival. De Young, W. Earl Brown, Brian Van Holt, Gaby Hoffmann, Laura Dern, Reese schemes devised by an array of criminal masterminds. Comedy, Movies, War 1966 min. Action, Adventure, Classics, Science Olive Films 31.03.2015 Witherspoon Academy Award Winner Reese Witherspoon stars in this Fiction, Spies & Secret Agents, Television, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126173 inspirational true story from the director of Dallas Buyers Western 5186min. Club and based on the best-selling book by Cheryl Strayed. Paramount Pictures 12.05.2015 What The Peeper Saw After years of reckless behavior and being haunted by memories of her mother Bobbi (Academy Award Nominee 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126280 Harry Andrews, Britt Ekland, Hardy Kruger, Laura Dern), Cheryl (Witherspoon) makes a rash decision to Lilli Palmer, Mark Lester embark on a challenging trek across the Pacific Crest Trail. Wingman Inc. (DVD + UltraViolet) A wicked boy develops an unhealthy attitude toward his With absolutely no experience, she sets out to hike more than stepmother in their mansion in rural Spain. a thousand miles all on her own - in what becomes a Reid Ewing, Erin Cahill, Andrea Bogart, Movies, Thrillers 2015 95min. remarkable journey of self-discovery and redemption that Kristopher Turner - Dir. Choice Skinner strengthens and ultimately heals her. After an unexpected breakup, Bobby’s friends convince him to Cinedigm 07.04.2015 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Based-On-A- get out of his rut by leveraging his prowess with the ladies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126206 True-Story, Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, girl into a business as a wingman for hire. Meanwhile, Kristy - who also just went through a breakup - finds therapy and power, Movies, Wilderness 2014 115min. monetary success in defending women from sleazy male Where’s The Love? 20th Century Fox 31.03.2015 advances. When Kristy and Bobby take a sudden interest in Trina Braxton, Denise Boutte, David Ban- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126111 each other, it’s only a matter of time before one of them finds ner, Nicole Eggert - Dir. Trey Haley out that they’re working for the competition. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 88min. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 min. Wild Card (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Lionsgate 21.04.2015 First Look 21.04.2015 (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126100 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126427 Milo Ventimiglia, Sofia Vergara, Michael Angarano, Max Casella, Jason Statham, White Line Fever: 40th Without A Clue Stanley Tucci, Anne Heche, Jason Alexan- Brilliant sleuth Dr. Watson solves a royal case with a third- Anniversary Series der - Dir. Simon West rate actor paid to be Sherlock Holmes. An independent trucker with a pregnant wife fights cargo Nick Wild (Jason Statham) is a Las Vegas bodyguard with Comedy, Crime, Movies, Mystery 1988 min. crooks and the big shot they work for. lethal professional skills and a personal gambling problem. Olive Films 31.03.2015 Action, Movies min. When a friend is beaten by a sadistic thug, Nick strikes back, only to find out the thug is the son of a powerful mob boss. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126144 Mill Creek Entertainment 17.03.2015 Suddenly Nick is plunged into the criminal underworld, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126192 chased by enforcers and wanted by the mob. Having raised Without A Clue (Blu-ray) the stakes, Nick has one last play to change his fortunes... and this time, it’s all or nothing. Lysette Anthony, Paul Freeman, Jeffrey Whitney (DVD + UltraViolet) Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Crime, Dra- Jones, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley - Dir. Yaya Dacosta, Arlen Escarpeta, Suzzanne ma, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thom Eberhardt Douglas, Yolanda Ross, Mark Rolston - Dir. Revenge, Thrillers 2015 111min. Brilliant sleuth Dr. Watson solves a royal case with a third- Angela Bassett Lionsgate 31.03.2015 rate actor paid to be Sherlock Holmes. Comedy, Crime, Movies, Mystery 1988 min. Whitney chronicles the headline-making relationship between 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126063 iconic singer, actress, producer, model and Olive Films 31.03.2015 singer- songwriter Bobby Brown, from the time they first met 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126171 at the very height of their celebrity to their courtship and Wild Card (DVD + UltraViolet) tumultuous marriage. This biopic is a testament to love, triumph, and the overwhelming rewards and deadly cost of Milo Ventimiglia, Sofia Vergara, Michael

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 87 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Woman In Black 2: The Angel Of Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Troubled Youth buying power rising from its current astonishing African Americans, Documentary, Music, Death 2015 94min. Cinedigm 31.03.2015 Special Interest min. Phoebe Fox, Jeremy Irvine, Helen McCrory 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126410 Cinedigm 21.04.2015 - Dir. Tom Harper 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126401 The supernatural terror returns and unspeakable evil sets its sight on new prey when a group of orphaned children are You’re Not You forced to move into the abandoned Eel Marsh House with their Academy Award winner Hilary Swank (Conviction, Million This Aint No Mouse Music caretakers, Eve and Jean. As the children begin to Dollar Baby) and rapidly rising star Emmy Rossum Roots music icon Chris Strachwitz is a detective of sounds, mysteriously disappear, Eve makes a shocking discovery... it (Shameless)intertwine in You’re Not You, a surprisingly an archaeologist of deep American music, the antithesis of the may not be a coincidence that she has come to reside in a funny, defiantly unsentimental and starkly moving portrait of a corporate „mouse music“ that dominates the American ear. place inhabited by the murderous Woman in Black. high-stakes friendship between two women - one literally in Born a German count, Strachwitz fled his homeland after Drama, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, need of a voice, the other discovering the full power of hers. WWII at 16. In the United States he discovered, and shared, a Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- Kate (Swank) is a suave, successful classical pianist just musical landscape that most Americans missed. For the last diagnosed with ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s fifty years, he has carried his tape recorder from sharecrop lers 2014 98min. Disease). Bec (Rossum) is a brash college student and shacks to roadside honkytonks, from cantina dives to wild 20th Century Fox 14.04.2015 would-be rock singer who can barely keep her wildly chaotic Blues clubs. His recordings on his indy label, Arhoolie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126134 affairs, romantic and otherwise, together. Yet, when Bec takes Records, brought Cajun music out of Louisiana, Tex-Mex out a job assisting Kate, just as Kate’s marriage to Evan (Josh of Texas, Blues out of the country and into the living rooms of Duhamel) hits the skids, both women come to rely on what the world. These recordings revolutionized the sound of Woman In Black 2: The Angel Of becomes an unconventional, sometimes confrontational and music around the world. In This Ain’t No Mouse Music! fiercely honest bond. As meticulous, willful Kate begins to rub filmmakers Chris Simon and Maureen Gosling join Strachwitz Death (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- off on whirlwind, spontaneous Bec - and vice versa - both for a hip-shaking stomp from New Orleans to Texas, Cajun ray) women find themselves facing down regrets, exploring new country to Appalachia, as he continues his passionate quest territory and expanding their ideas of who they want to be. for the musical soul of America. Phoebe Fox, Jeremy Irvine, Helen McCrory Drama, Friendships, Illness & Disease, Documentary, Music, Special Interest 2013 - Dir. Tom Harper Movies min. 92min. The supernatural terror returns and unspeakable evil sets its sight on new prey when a group of orphaned children are E1 Entertainment 14.04.2015 Kino Video 10.03.2015 forced to move into the abandoned Eel Marsh House with their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126377 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126082 caretakers, Eve and Jean. As the children begin to mysteriously disappear, Eve makes a shocking discovery... it may not be a coincidence that she has come to reside in a Zoey To The Max place inhabited by the murderous Woman in Black. Grant Bowler, Amy Smart, Cassidy Mack, Drama, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, Boyd Kestner - Dir. Jim Valdez Special Interest Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- Zoey, a thirteen year old foster child, watches her foster lers 2014 98min. family s dog get stolen while she s in charge! The criminals, a pair of Home Alone-like thugs, are after the mutt because he Tracy Anderson: Method Express 20th Century Fox 14.04.2015 is a famous show dog. Zoey runs away from the desert on a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126163 cross-country adventure with her techy new friend in order to Tracy Anderson track down the dog and save the relationship with her foster Fitness icon Tracy Anderson has transformed the bodies of family. Throughout the film, Zoey must dig-in and fight for the countless people across the globe. She has rocked the bodies Woman Of Straw (Blu-ray) life she’s always wanted, undergoing sudden personal growth of many of your favorite celebrities and, now she wants to in the process. move with you. Now is your time to connect with Tracy and Alexander Knox, Johnny Sekka, Ralph experience the life changing results you deserve! Tracy will Richardson, Gina Lollobrigida, Sean Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, guide you through 6 super-efficient, effective 10-minute Connery - Dir. Basil Dearden Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Family, Movies workouts. Some of the workouts target one specific area like An old English tycoon is found dead after his nephew hires a 2014 86min. arms and shoulders, legs, abs or butt. Others will help tighten gorgeous nurse to lure him into marriage. and tone multiple muscle zones like the upper body and lower Cinedigm 24.02.2015 body. The workouts can be used individually or combined - it Blues, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1964 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126234 is up to you! Start today - and let Tracy help you achieve your 97min. best body! Optional equipment: a set of 3-5 pound dumbbells, a Kino Video 14.04.2015 Zombie Killers: Elephant’s set of 1.5-2.5 pound ankle weights and a yoga mat. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126446 Fitness, Health, Special Interest 2015 Graveyard (Blu-ray) 61min. Wonder Woman: The Complete Gabrielle Stone, Brian Gallagher, Brian Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2015 Anthony Wilson, Dee Wallace, Felissa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126075 First Season (Repackage) Rose, Mischa Barton, Billy Zane - Dir. Lynda Carter, Lyle Waggoner Harrison Smith Quartet Antarctica: A Year On Ice With the strength of Hercules, the wisdom of Athena, the The rural town of Elwood has become a „bubble“ against the speed of Mercury and the beauty of Aphrodite, she’s Wonder Antarctica: A Year On Ice is a visually stunning journey to the backdrop of a global infection where humans don’t die, but end of the world with the hardy and devoted people who live Woman. Beautiful princess Wonder Woman (Lynda instead roam the land looking to spread the sickness, in a Carter) travels to 1940s America disguised as Diana Prince, there year-round. The research stations scattered throughout grisly, horrific way. The „Zombie Killers,“ a small band of the continent host a close-knit international population of assistant to handsome but trouble-prone Major Steve Trevor young adults, trained by military vet, Seiler (Billy Zane); have (Lyle Waggoner). Using her golden belt, which imbues her scientists, technicians and craftsmen. Isolated from the rest of sworn to protect the town and aim for the head if anything the world, enduring months of unending darkness followed by with astonishing strength, her bullet-deflecting bracelets, a threatens Elwood’s last survivors.“ golden lasso that dispels dishonesty and an invisible periods when the sun never sets, Antarctic residents supersonic plane, Wonder Woman combats evil. Based on Horror, Movies, Zombies 2015 104min. experience firsthand the beauty and brutality of the most Charles Moulton’s comic book character known to millions of Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2015 severe environment on Earth. Capturing epic battles against fans throughout the world, this exciting series brings the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126472 hellacious storms, quiet reveries of nature’s grandeur, and strong and sexy goddess to life - Wonder Woman. everyday moments of work and laughter, this unique documentary shows a steadfast community thriving in a land Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, few humans have experienced. Using specially modified Classics, Cult Film / TV, Family, Fantasy, cameras and spectacular time-lapse photography, filmmaker girl power, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Anthony Powell captures the splendor of the region like no film before. Antarctica: A Year On Ice gives testament to the Television 725min. Music planet’s natural wonders, humanity’s thirst for adventure, and Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 the emotional extremes that accompany a year within the last 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126072 Bleaching Black Culture pristine wilderness on the planet. From the birth of jazz to the evolution of hip hop; the advents Adventure, Animals & Nature, WWJD: The Journey Continues of urban trends to transformative advances in technology, Documentary, Educational, Science, Special African Americans have played an integral role in molding Interest, Wilderness 92min. John Schneider, Lorenzo Lamas, Ruby American culture. Unfortunately, they tend not be the Music Box Films 24.03.2015 Elise, Raquel Elizabeth Ames, Brady beneficiaries of their own innovation. Bleaching Black Culture examines the continuum of America’s black cultural 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126211 Hender, Mike C. Manning, Peter Sebastian appropriation and effects on the African American community. Wrobell, Joseph Nasser - Dir. Gabriel The imprint of cultural theft has a long legacy, and this power Sabloff of influence in music, sports, fashion and art translates into Bar Rescue: Toughest Rescues Bound by a promise he made to his mother on her deathbed, a millions of dollars for our country. Cultural branding has not A well-run bar can be a money making machine, but a poorly pastor seeks to lead his wayward ex-con brother to Christ as only helped to exploit the hiphop community along with other run one can be an owner’s worst nightmare. Bar Rescue is a they work together to renovate a dilapidated church. But when forms of black art; it’s managed to monetize black reality series featuring veteran nightlife expert Jon Taffer as a desperate man robs the church at gunpoint, one brother’s marginalization. Currently, the Rhythm and Blues Billboard he seeks to revamp and rescue bars on the brink. Taffer and sacrifice sets events into motion that lead the pastor, the chart, a genre developed for the African American voice, is his dream team of industry experts understand the science gunman, and the community on an improbable journey of faith dominated with the likes of Robin Thicke, Justin Bieber, and behind a bar’s success and spare no details in their rescues; and redemption. Adele. Perhaps it’s easier to sell black art when it’s masked tackling everything from the perfect pour, to the height of the in „white face.“ Yet the argument with the latter comes from the bar stools. Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family, 2013 African American consumer report. It shows black

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 88 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

On The Job, Reality, Special Interest, Tele- Documentary, Special Interest 2015 min. groundbreaking Walking With... series send zoologist Nigel Marvin back in time. Our intrepid explorer dives into the vision 168min. Cinedigm 07.04.2015 world’s most dangerous depths. In seven different seas in Paramount Pictures 19.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126207 seven different eras, Nigel meets scary sea scorpions, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126282 terrifying giant squid, massive armored fish, and the vicious sixty-foot Mosasaur! Girls Gone Wild: Mardi Gras 2015! Adventure, Animals & Nature, BBC, British, The Book Of Negroes Babes, beads and the SEXIEST bodies EVER! Mardi Gras 2015 HERE-WE-COME! This year we hit New Orleans to Educational, Foreign, International, Interna- Documentary, Mini-Series, Special Interest, find the wildest girls and the best party! Kali, Virginia, Hailey, tional TV, Television 90min. Television min. and Brooke will make Girls Gone Wild: Mardi Gras 2015! a BBC Home Video 12.05.2015 E1 Entertainment 07.04.2015 night to remember. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126375 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126302 Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. GGW 05.05.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126350 Mad As Hell The Butterfly Girl Mad As Hell documents the tumultuous, at times hilarious and At first glance, it is not obvious that Abbie Evans lives with a altogether astonishing trajectory of Cenk Uygur, The Young life-threatening skin disease. She is a typical teenager: Girls Gone Wild: My Daughter’s Turks’ main host and founder, as he traverses from unknown moody, rebellious, irreverent, and is also strikingly beautiful. Public Access TV host to internet sensation. When he But her life is the antithesis of normal. Abbie grew up in BFF ventures into television and lands on MSNBC, Cenk’s hospitals, cared for by her protective mother. She then came It’s graduation day! Moms Julia and Veronica give their hot uncensored brand of journalism is compromised as he into her own in honky-tonks, selling merchandise for her 18-year-old daughter’s Angelica and Gabriella the graduation becomes a thorn in the side of traditional news media; his father’s band. But just like any other 18 year-old, Abbie gift of a lifetime. Julia knows exactly what buttons to push all unwavering dedication to speaking the truth puts him at the yearns for an identity of her own. Butterfly Girl charts Abbies on Girls Gone Wild: My Daughter’s BFF! very nexus of the battle between new and old media, and journey towards a new understanding of how she must Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. makes Mad As Hell not only entertaining, but incredibly timely balance her past with her future, her parents with her GGW 03.02.2015 as well. independence and her disease with her desires. But what Documentary, Special Interest 82min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126056 price must she pay for that freedom? Oscilloscope Laboratories 07.04.2015 Documentary, Special Interest 2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126385 Indican Pictures 21.04.2015 Girls Gone Wild: Real Girls Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126368 Beverly HIlls Mad As Hell (Blu-ray) Stop till you drop. That’s the motto of Beverly Hills babes and Mad As Hell documents the tumultuous, at times hilarious and COPS: Wildest Chases BFF’s Amber, Alyssa, Erika and Victoria. This awesome altogether astonishing trajectory of Cenk Uygur, The Young COPS, the seminal reality ride-along show that forever foursome invited Girls Gone Wild back to Amber’s swanky Turks’ main host and founder, as he traverses from unknown changed the TV landscape, has moved to its new „beat“ on 90210 crib for some fun. See how it all goes down in Girls Public Access TV host to internet sensation. When he Spike. This groundbreaking, raw, and realistic series Gone Wild: Real Girls of Beverly Hills! ventures into television and lands on MSNBC, Cenk’s provides unprecedented access into the daily lives and work Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. uncensored brand of journalism is compromised as he of police officers, constables, and sheriff’s deputies from GGW 03.02.2015 becomes a thorn in the side of traditional news media; his around the country. COPS is one of the longest-running unwavering dedication to speaking the truth puts him at the television programs in broadcast history. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126055 very nexus of the battle between new and old media, and Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, On The Job, makes Mad As Hell not only entertaining, but incredibly timely Reality, Television 154min. Girls Gone Wild: Wet & Wild Sex as well. Documentary, Special Interest 82min. Paramount Pictures 19.05.2015 Spa Oscilloscope Laboratories 07.04.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126293 Soothing hands caressing BEAUTIFUL bodies... see how those hands inch their way closer and closer to the client’s 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126394 most sensitive places! This is how a full body massage is The End Of The Civil War supposed to be in Girls Gone Wild: Wet & Wild Sex Spa. Manny History delivers four exciting specials in this collection Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. highlighting the final trials and tragedies in The End Of The World Champion. Congressman. Father. Manny Pacquiao Civil War. General William Tecumseh Sherman, known as GGW 05.05.2015 fights any obstacle that comes his way. As his home country of „Uncle Billy“ to the North and as a brutal war criminal to the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126351 100 million people watches his every move, the question now South, wages a vicious five-week campaign of terror through is: what bridge is too far for Manny? Georgia in „Sherman’s March.“ „April 1865,“ based on Jay Documentary, Fighting, Special Interest, Winik’s best-seller April 1865: The Month That Saved Hoop Dreams: The Criterion Sports min. America, chronicles the last 30 days of the bloody battle from Collection the fall of Richmond to Lincoln’s assassination. In „The Hunt Starz / Anchor Bay 14.04.2015 for John Wilkes Booth,“ a team of 10,000 federal troops, Art House, Basketball, Criterion Collection, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126398 detectives, and police officers set out on a vast 12-day Documentary, National Film Registry, pursuit to find the president’s killer. While Lincoln’s body was repeatedly exhumed and his coffin frequently opened, Special Interest, Sports 1994 min. Monkey Warriors nothing compares to the $200,000 ransom plot in 1876 devised Criterion 31.03.2015 We’re part of an extraordinary family. We have hundreds of by a group of counterfeiters in „Stealing Lincoln’s Body.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126307 bizarre and colorful relatives who live fascinating lives in American Civil War, Educational, Historical / exotic locations. Yet most of us know almost nothing about Period Piece, History & Events, History them. Let us introduce you to your closest animal cousins: the Hoop Dreams: The Criterion primates. We’ll show you their amazing behaviors, their Channel, Special Interest, Television, War extraordinary diversity and reveal just what makes our animal 270min. Collection (Blu-ray) family so special. A&E 14.04.2015 Art House, Basketball, Blu-ray, Criterion Animals & Nature, BBC, British, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126051 Collection, Documentary, National Film Educational, Foreign, International, Interna- Registry, Special Interest, Sports 1994 min. tional TV, Science, Television 150min. Gates Of Heaven / Vernon Flori- Criterion 31.03.2015 BBC Home Video 07.04.2015 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126329 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126288 da: The Criterion Collection (Double Feature) IMAX: Island Of Lemurs - Nazi Hunters: Heroes Who Criterion Collection, Documentary, Double Madagascar (Blu-ray 3D + DVD + Defeated Hitler Features, Special Interest 116min. BBC, British, Documentary, Educational, Criterion 24.03.2015 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, History & 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126156 Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman (Million Dollar Baby) narrates the IMAX 3D documentary „Island of Lemurs: Events, International, International TV, Tele- Madagascar,“ the incredible true story of nature’s greatest vision, War, World War II 100min. Gates Of Heaven / Vernon Flori- explorers-lemurs. The film reunites Freeman with Drew Fellman, who also wrote and produced the 2011 IMAX 3D Warner Bros. 14.04.2015 da: The Criterion Collection documentary Born to Be Wild 3D, and director David 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126087 Douglas, who served as director of photography on that film. (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Animals & Nature, Blu-ray 3D, Criterion Collection, Documentary, Double Documentary, IMAX, Special Interest min. Penton: The John Penton Story Features, Special Interest 116min. The John Penton Story is an American story about family, Warner Bros. 31.03.2015 competition, ingenuity and business that will tug at hearts of Criterion 24.03.2015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126219 everyone who sees it. John Penton is a motorcycle icon and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126184 pioneer whose life on a farm in Ohio led to a long list of motorcycling accomplishments and global notoriety. What Jurassic: Monsters Of The Deep began with a humble motorcycle shop, turned into international Genius Leaves The Hood You’ll be on the edge of your seat when the creators of the off-road racing career leading him to the discovery of the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 89 Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) März 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA need for a smaller machine, which he was soon selling in the on, Western 270min. Special Interest, Sports, Sports U.S. With his innovative Penton motorcycles he introduced riding to a new generation of riders around the world. A&E 12.05.2015 Entertainment, Television, UFC, Wrestling & Narrated by Grammy Winner, Lyle Lovett. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126365 Fighting 490min. Biography, Cars & Motorcycles, Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2015 Documentary, Movies, Special Interest The Thin Blue Line: The Criterion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126058 135min. Collection Passion River 14.04.2015 Filmmaker Errol Morris studies the 1976 slaying of a Dallas UFC: Best Of 2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126269 policeman, from different points of view. Music by Philip With upsets, blowouts, submissions, a new weight class and Glass. one spinning-elbow , UFC: Best of 2014 recaps the Planet Dinosaur (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Cops, Criterion Collection, Documentary, year in 90 spellbinding minutes. Look back at defining Special Interest 1988 116min. moments from dominant titleholders including Jon Jones and ray) Ronda Rousey, newly crowned champions including Carla Criterion 24.03.2015 Esparza and T.J. Dillashaw and white-hot stars on the rise Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, Special Interest, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126155 like Conor McGregor. Plus, nearly four hours of bonus fights Television min. bring you all the action from signature performances by stars Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 such as Johny Hendricks, Robbie Lawler, Chris Weidman, The Thin Blue Line: The Criterion Dan Henderson and more. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126326 Collection (Blu-ray) Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Filmmaker Errol Morris studies the 1976 slaying of a Dallas Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Tele- Remote Area Medical policeman, from different points of view. Music by Philip vision, UFC, Wrestling & Fighting 2014 During the U.S. debate about healthcare reform, the media- Glass. 324min. reporters and news crews and filmmakers-failed to put a Cops, Criterion Collection, Documentary, human face on what it means to not have access to healthcare. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.03.2015 Remote Area Medical fills that gap-it is a film about people, Special Interest 1988 116min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126034 not policy. Focusing on a single three-day clinic held in the Criterion 24.03.2015 Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee, Remote Area Medical 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126183 affords us an insider’s perspective on the ebb and flow of the Katt Williams: Triple Play event-from the tense 3:30 a.m. ticket distribution that Katt Williams determines who gets seen to the routine check-ups that take Tiny Giants (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) dramatic turns for the worse, to the risky means to which Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 226min. some patients resort for pain relief. We meet a doctor who Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, Special Interest E1 Entertainment 07.04.2015 also drives an 18-wheeler, a denture maker who moonlights 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126301 as a jeweler, and the organization’s founder, Stan Brock, who Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 first imagined Remote Area Medical while living as a cowboy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126327 in the Amazon rainforest, hundreds of miles from the nearest Wings 3D (Blu-ray) doctor. But it is the extraordinary stories of the patients, This feature-length RealD 3D experience was filmed with desperate for medical attention, that create a lasting Top Gear 22 revolutionary aerial devices and techniques to fly right impression about the state of modern health care in America. alongside birds. This breath-taking journey will take viewers Doctors & Medicine, Documentary, Health, James May, Richard Hammond, Jeremy across the world’s most iconic landscapes to the heart of the Politics, Special Interest 2013 80min. Clarkson greatest animal spectacles on Earth: snow geese dash Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig through Monument Valley and New York City, vultures ascend Docurama 10.03.2015 are back in the all-new 22nd series of the world’s favourite miles above the earth then dive down to huge wildebeest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126263 car show. In this specially extended series, the presenters herds below, scarlet macaws race at breakneck speed race each other across St Petersburg, embark on an ambitious through the rainforest. Using unique, state-of-the-art 3D project to build better ambulances, find the perfect classic cameras in barely accessible and highly dangerous places, Ruby’s Quest convertibles for an English summer, celebrate the world’s the audience has never before been so close to the drama and The forests of Central and South America can be downright most indecisive car company, and pay perilous tribute to the beauty of nature until now. noisy places! Amid the whistles, howls, and chirps no animal Land Rover Defender. Plus, there are sensational road trips, Animals & Nature, BBC, Blu-ray, Blu-ray can hold a candle to the gregarious howler monkey. With a tyre-smoking track tests, top celebrity guests, the ultimate call that can travel up to three miles, these primates are not face-off between the world’s greatest hypercars and an epic 3D, British, International, International TV, shy about making themselves known. However, with their end-of-series special across one of the most remote and Science, Television 90min. habitat shrinking, they are running out of space... and running spectacular places on the planet. BBC Home Video 07.04.2015 into humans. Howler Monkeys follows the story of a young BBC, British, Cars & Motorcycles, Comedy, howler named Ruby who finds herself injured and lost, far 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126316 away from her family. But with the help of a few human and Foreign, International, International TV, Talk animal friends at the risk of perishing alone she begins her Shows, Television 600min. WWE: Daniel Bryan - Just Say Yes journey home. Will Ruby reunite with her family? BBC Home Video 02.06.2015 Adventure, Animals & Nature, BBC, British, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126345 Yes Yes Foreign, International, International TV, Daniel Bryan Television 80min. Follow the improbable journey culminated by winning the Troublesome Creek WWE Championship at WrestleMania 30. This compilation BBC Home Video 07.04.2015 High Noon, Gunsmoke — Westerns, where bad guys features the best matches of this underdog superstar who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126289 threatened but never prevailed. Troublesome Creek, a continues to defy the odds. Midwestern, is the Oscar-nominated story of the Jordan Documentary, Special Interest, Sports, family’s gamble to save their Iowa farm. From fighting the San Andreas: The Next Mega- Crooked Creek Gang in 1867 to fighting off the bank today, a Sports Entertainment, Television, Wrestling quake Sundance Grand Jury Prize winning cliffhanger about history, & Fighting, WWE 540min. humor and the settling and unsettling of America. The West Coast of America has long been ready for ‘The Big WWE Home Video 02.06.2015 One’: the moment when the San Andreas Fault springs to life. Documentary, History & Events, Movies, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126381 But what if defenses have been pointing in the wrong Special Interest, Western 88min. direction? What if a far bigger earthquake is on its way - one Passion River 05.05.2015 WWE: Daniel Bryan - Just Say Yes that could submerge and destroy Seattle and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126413 Portland by unleashing a string of re-ignited volcanoes, Yes Yes (Blu-ray) landslides and tsunamis? Welcome to the world of the ‘megathrust’ quake - ten times bigger than anything San UFC 180 / 181 Daniel Bryan Andreas can deliver. Have the beginnings of a tremor already Follow the improbable journey culminated by winning the begun? December 6, 2014 - Las Vegas, Nevada: A stacked Las Vegas WWE Championship at WrestleMania 30. This compilation fight card is topped by two title bouts starring four of the features the best matches of this underdog superstar who Animals & Nature, Television 80min. toughest men in mixed martial arts. Welterweight champion BBC Home Video 12.05.2015 continues to defy the odds. Johny Hendricks puts his belt on the line against Robbie WWE Home Video, Documentary, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126374 Lawler in a rematch of their razor-close March 2014 title fight. In the co-main event, lightweight champion Anthony Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Tele- „Showtime“ Pettis tests his creative kickboxing against former vision, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 540min. Texas Rangers: The Real Stories Strikeforce champion Gilbert Melendez. Plus, the main card WWE Home Video 02.06.2015 Known to „ride like a Mexican, trail like an Indian, shoot like boasts two brawls in Travis Browne vs Brendan a Tennessean, and fight like the very devil,“ the Texas Ran- Schaub and Todd Duffee vs Anthony Hamilton. January 3, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126389 gers wore their badge with pride - a symbol of a crime- 2015 - Las Vegas, Nevada: Pound-for-pound great and fighting force like no other. Follow the sagas of Governor Sam reigning light heavyweight champion Jon „Bones“ Jones kicks WWE: Extreme Rules 2015 Houston and Stephen Austin, state founders and leaders in off the new year with the toughest test of his career, taking on the American revolt against Mexico. See the real story as the undefeated Olympic wrestler Daniel Cormier. After months of With the rulebook thrown out the window, things are about to Texas Rangers act as the enforcers to track down some of the trash talk, pointed barbs and near-blows between the two get Extreme. WWE Superstars and Divas take their Old West’s most vicious criminals across the Lone Star bitter rivals, far more than a UFC belt is on the line. Plus, intensified WrestleMania rivalries to new heights as State’s unforgiving, wide-open terrain. lightweight Donald „Cowboy“ Cerrone aims to maintain his stipulations are added, dangerous elements are thrown into Crime, Educational, History & Events, momentum against undefeated up-and-comer Myles Jury. the mix, and the opportunity for revenge makes each Fighting, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, showdown personal. History Channel, Special Interest, Televisi-

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Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 180min. Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & WWE Home Video 26.05.2015 Fighting, WWE 540min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126380 WWE Home Video 14.04.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126370 Telefonische WWE: It’s Good To Be The King - Bestellannahme: Jerry Lawler Story WWE: Ultimate Warrior - Always Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Jerry Lawler Believe (Blu-ray) An in-depth look at wrestling royalty with one of the most Following his triumphant return to WWE after an 18-year Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr iconic men to grace the squared circle. Spotlighting his sabbatical, Warrior tragically passed away days after Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr infamous rivalry with Andy Kaufman that brought Professional headlining the Hall of Fame class from WrestleMania30. Wrestling to the front of pop-culture. Experience his story, the full story of how Jim Helwig went Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Documentary, Special Interest, Sports, form chiropractor school to becoming a super-hero for millions of fans. und Feiertags (Baden- Sports Entertainment, Television, Wrestling WWE Home Video, Special Interest, Sports, Württemberg) bleibt unser & Fighting, WWE 540min. Sports Entertainment, Television, Wrestling Verkauf geschlossen. WWE Home Video 19.05.2015 & Fighting, WWE 540min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126382 WWE Home Video 14.04.2015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126386 WWE: It’s Good To Be The King - Jerry Lawler Story (Blu-ray) WWE: Wrestlemania XXXI Jerry Lawler All roads lead to the grandest spectacle in all of entertainment An in-depth look at wrestling royalty with one of the most as WWE heads to the Gold Coast from the 31st edition of iconic men to grace the squared circle. Spotlighting his WrestleMania ! WrestleMania has held the distinction as the infamous rivalry with Andy Kaufman that brought Professional preeminent event to perform on, in front of an excess of 60 Wrestling to the front of pop-culture. thousand screaming fans and millions watching around the WWE Home Video, Documentary, Special world. All of WWE’s biggest superstars get set to do battle in the biggest matchups of the year. This year, in the brand new Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Tele- Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, who will add their name to the vision, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 540min. history books by walking out of WrestleMania 31 with the WWE Home Video 19.05.2015 WWE Championship held high? John Cena, , big Show, Triple H, and several major Superstars strive to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126390 cement their and create moments that will own a permanent place in WWE lore. Featuring exclusive backstage WWE: The Rock VS. Cena footage, the 2015 Hall of Fame Induction, and much more! Drama, Special Interest, Sports, Sports John Cena Newsletter 02/15 (Nr. 347) Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & This is a once in a lifetime story of two transcendent Super- ISSN 1610-2606 stars divided by polar opposite backgrounds, yet magnetized Fighting, WWE 540min. Credits by equally larger-than-life personas. The Rock returns to the WWE Home Video 05.05.2015 land he once electrified ready to lay „Boots to Asses,“ while Redaktion: John Cena, the blue-collar face of the modern WWE is reso- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126070 lute to defend his turf. Their fourteen month collision was a Wolfram Hannemann seismic culture clash between two eras that ultimately set the WWE: Wrestlemania XXXI (Blu- Design & Layout: stage for an epic confrontation. This revealing and brand new Wolfram Hannemann documentary traces their individual rises to fame and provides ray) an unprecedented inside look into their bitter rivalry on both All roads lead to the grandest spectacle in all of entertainment Assistenz: sides of the curtain leading up to the biggest match in WWE as WWE heads to the Gold Coast from the 31st edition of Beate Hannemann history. WrestleMania ! WrestleMania has held the distinction as the Special Interest, Sports, Sports preeminent event to perform on, in front of an excess of 60 Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & thousand screaming fans and millions watching around the Anna Rudschies world. All of WWE’s biggest superstars get set to do battle in Fighting, WWE 180min. the biggest matchups of the year. This year, in the brand new © (2015) by WWE Home Video 26.05.2015 Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, who will add their name to the LASER HOTLINE 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126040 history books by walking out of WrestleMania 31 with the WWE Championship held high? John Cena, Brock Lesnar, big ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Show, Triple H, and several major Superstars strive to nur in Verbindung mit einem WWE: Ultimate Warrior - Always cement their legacies and create moments that will own a permanent place in WWE lore. Featuring exclusive backstage „Persönlichen Import- Believe footage, the 2015 Hall of Fame Induction, and much more! service“-Vertrag und be- Following his triumphant return to WWE after an 18-year WWE Home Video, Drama, Special Interest, inhaltet den Warenpreis sabbatical, Warrior tragically passed away days after Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, headlining the Hall of Fame class from WrestleMania30. sowie alle anfallenden Experience his story, the full story of how Jim Helwig went Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 540min. form chiropractor school to becoming a super-hero for millions WWE Home Video 05.05.2015 Importkosten inkl. unserer of fans. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126090 Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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