History of Palatine, Illinois
The Palatine Herald. VOL L PALATINE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1873. NO. 13. PALATINE HERALD W. J. X.TTX.E <& CO., itnunu IBtTTBBS OF ALL KINDS 09 Every OPi-iciay, —AT— Palatine. Cook Coop ty, Illinois. GRAIN & PRODUCE, Osage Orauge Hedge Plants, U. E. Earlle, Editor. AND DEALERS LN Apple Trees, P. E. IIOLTON. Local Editor. EARL? RICHMOND CHERRY, 0. E. Bennett Authorized Agent. SHINGLES, Pears, Plums, K»th Number Contain* Home Interesting LUMBER, LATH. SASH, 111 cut ration. RASPBERRIES. DOORS & BLINDS, GRAPE TIKES, Two Dollars per Year, in Aflvance. G. E. EAJILIE A CO. Transcendent & Hyslop Crab, Coal, Lime, Cement, Stucco, Plastering Hair, EVERGREENS, AND A D. B. WOOD. General Nursery Stock FOR Adopts this method informing hie of Spring of 1873. old Friends and the Public that he CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. may still be found at his old stand, WILL BE SOLD AT where may be found a good assort- The Lowest Prices. ment of Bilktst laittt Wees Fill fir al Kills of Grill I Mr Call and See. ii Proprietors of the "Old Reliable Elevator." S. L. KEITH, OPPOSITE SOPOT. Proprietor. ,., a PALATINE, ILLINOIS. ... J. CHAPMAN, Sit DEALER IN H. SCH1RDING & CO., Saddles, Harass, Tmks, BRICIiES, _^ Dealer* In HALTERS, COLLARS, COMBS, fe. Boots & Shoes, Horse Blankets, cfcocw, a*., BUFFALO ROBES, SLEIGH BELLS, Carriage Trimming done to order All klodt of dry GOODS, GROCERIES, Jobbnig dODe to order. THE CELEBRATED AU of which he will sell at Bottom VACUUM OIL BLACKING Prices for Cash. Call am see us. Constantly on hand. - TENNANT & GEANNIS, BOOTS, PAIiATIUB.
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