New Developments in Conservation Biocontrol

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New Developments in Conservation Biocontrol New Developments in Conservation Biocontrol Felix Wäckers Types of Biological Control 1. Classical Biological Control Introduction of ecologically adapted natural enemies from the area of origin of the (invasive) target pest . 2. Augmentative Biological Control Releasing mass-reared natural enemies. 3. Conservation Biological Control Conservation of naturally occuring predators or parasitoid within their ecosystem using cultural practices or habitat management to support their population development or enhance their activity. Augmentative Biological Pest Control over Time Number of commercially available natural enemy species The Future of Biocontrol: more and more products? Continuing need for new natural enemies New approach: Smart tools and strategies to make biocontrol agents perform better This man is fast... This man is faster Resource Requirements - Alternative Prey - Non-Prey Food - Nectar - Pollen - Plant Sap - Oviposition Sites - Shelter - Overwintering Sites Resource Requirements - Alternative Prey - Non-Prey Food - Nectar - Pollen - Plant Sap - Oviposition Sites - Shelter - Overwintering Sites Methods to Provide Resources - Landscape Managements - Mechanical Application - Plant Breeding Many predators are nectar/pollen feeders Type Plant- Arthropod examples can be found within: Type of plant Reference feeding food utilised stage Life-history adult Neuroptera: Chrysopidae (green lacewings) nectar, pollen (Stelzl 1991) omnivory Diptera: Syrphidae (hoverflies) nectar, pollen (Hickman et al. 1995) Cecidomyiidae (gall midges) nectar (Opit 1997) Tachinidea (parasitoid flies) nectar (Gilbert and Jervis 1998) Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, nectar (Jervis 1998) a.o. (parasitoid wasps) nectar (Lewis 1998) Vespidae (social wasps) nectar, fruit (Cuautle and Rico-Gray 2003) Formicidae (ants) nectar (Beattie 1985) Coleoptera: Meloidae (blister beetles) nectar, pollen juvenile Heteroptera: Pentatomidae (stink bugs) plant-juice Temporal adult Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, nectar (Jervis 1998) omnivory a.o. (host feeding parasitoids) (Wackers 2003) Coleoptera: Cicindelidae (tiger beetles) seeds (Zerm and Adis 2001) juvenile Araneae: Araneidae (orb web spiders) pollen (Smith and Mommsen 1984) Permanent adult & Acari:Mesostigmat Phytoseiidae nectar (van Rijn and Tanigoshi 1999a) omnivory juvenile (predatory mites) pollen (van Rijn and Tanigoshi 1999b) Heteroptera: Pentatomidae (stink bugs) plant juice (Ruberson et al. 1986) Miridae (mirid bugs) plant juice (Gillespie and McGregor 2000) Geocorinae (big-eyed bugs) plant juice Eubanks & Styrsky, this vol. Anthocoridae (flower bugs) pollen Eubanks & Styrsky, this vol. Neuroptera: Chrysopa, Hemerobiidae nectar, pollen (Stelzl 1991) (brown lacewings) (McEwen et al. 1993) Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae, Phlaeothripidae leaves, pollen (Kirk 1997) Coccinellidae (ladybirds) nectar (Pemberton and Vandenberg Coleoptera: Carabidae (ground beetles) pollen 1993) seeds (Cottrell and Yeargan 1998) (Goldschmidt and Toft 1997) Resource Bottleneck: Lack of nectar and pollen in many cropping systems ConsumerThe impact benefits of nectar sources on biocontrol efficacy 30 Control 1 (N=6) 25 Control 2 (N=5) Nectar 1 (N=6) 20 Nectar 2 (N=6) 15 10 5 average number parasitized caterpillars parasitized number average 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 age wasp [days] Winkler et al., (2006) Landscape Management Agri Environment Schemes Agriculture Environment Focus on conservation Perceived Conflict Agri Environment Schemes Agriculture Environment Focus on ecosystem services €320 billion/year €90 billion/year (Constanza 1997) How to optimize services? Traditional paradigm: Enhance diversity (diversity = stability = services) Pimentel, D. (1961) Diversity-Stability hypothesis: The stability of a community increases with increasing biological diversity Does it work? Example biological pest control Andow D.A. (Ann. Rev. Entomol. 36: 561-586) Vegetational diversity and pest control Effects variable • 52% of published studies on agroecosystem diversification report reduced pest populations • 33% had no effect or variable effects • 15% resulted in increased pest populations. How to optimize services? Traditional paradigm: Enhance diversity Functional biodiversity: Selectively enhance diversity Focus on functional groups that provide ecosystem services Targeted landscape management Informed selection of non-crop plants as a multifunctional tool to optimize ecosystem services - Select plants that optimize biological pest control or pollination - Select plants that avoid stimulation of pests - Select plants that generate multiple ecosystem services (Wäckers, 1996, 2004) Accessible Inaccessible nectar nectar Attractive Aegopodium podagraria Vicia sativa Leucanthemum vulgare Galium mollugo Select to optimize BC benefits Daucus carota Trifolium pratense Medicago lupulina Trifolium repens attractive - Non Origanum vulgare Erigeron annuus Achillea millefolium (Wäckers and van Rijn, 2012) Select plants that optimize biological pest control Choice Longevity (AFLI) Floral Hoverfly Hoverfly Lacewing References parasitoids family species Nectar Parasitoids E. balteatus E. balteatus C. carnea (species) depth Apiaceae Ammi majus 0 + + + - Geneau et al., unpubl. (Microplitis mediator) Apiaceae Coriandrum sativum 0 + + +/- Vattala et al., 2006 (Microtonus hyperodae) Apiaceae Daucus carota 0 +/- + ++ + Winkler et al., 2009 (Cotesia glomerata) Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare 0 + + + Winkler et al., 2009 (Cotesia glomerata) Apiaceae Heracleum spondylium 0 +/- + +/- Winkler et al., 2009 (Cotesia glomerata) Apiaceae Pastinaca sativa 0 + + ++ +/- Foster & Ruessink, 1984 (Meteorus rubens) Polygonaceae Fagopyrum esculentum 0 + + + + Winkler et al., 2009 (Cotesia glomerata) Boraginaceae Borago officinalis 0 - + ++ - Nilsson et al., unpubl. (Trybliographa rapae) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus acris 0 + + - Kehrli & Bacher, 2008 (Minotetrastichus frontalis) Caryophyllaceae Gypsophila elegans 1 +/- + ++ Asteraceae Matricaria chamomilla 1 +/- + + - Nilsson et al., unpubl. (Trybliographa rapae) Asteraceae Achillea millefolium 1 +/- + +/- - Wäckers 2004 (Cotesia glomerata) Asteraceae L Cichorium intybus 1 - - + Asteraceae Chrysanthemum segetum 2 +/- + + Asteraceae Anthemis tinctoria 2 - +/- +/- Asteraceae Leucanthemum vulgare 2 +/- + - Wäckers 2004 (Cotesia glomerata) Asteraceae Tanacetum vulgare 2 - - +/- Asteraceae Calendula officinalis 3 - - Rahat et al., 2005 (Trissolcus basalis) Asteraceae Centaurea cyanus (+EFN) 3 +/- + ++ +/- Winkler et al., 2009 (Cotesia glomerata) Asteraceae Helianthus annuus (+EFN) 3 + + Asteraceae Cosmos bipinnatus 4 - - +/- + Rahat et al., 2005 (Trissolcus basalis) Malvaceae Malva sylvestris 4 - - - Boraginaceae Phacelia tanacetifolia 4 +/- +/- +/- - Irvin et al., 2007 (Gonatocerus spp.) Fabaceae Medicago sativa 4 - - - Kehrli & Bacher, 2008 (Minotetrastichus frontalis) Fabaceae Vicia sativa (+EFN) 4 - + ++ Geneau et al., unpubl. (Microplitis mediator) Fabaceae Lotus corniculatus 4 - - Selecting plants that avoid stimulation of pests (Winkler et al., 2009) 20 Pest 18 16 14 12 10 survival (days) survival Pieris rapae 8 Cotesia glomerata 6 4 Biological control agent 2 0 Medicago sp. Control (water) Daucus carota Centaurea jacae Origanum vulgareOrnithopus sativus Trifolium pratenseCentaurea cyanus Anethum graveolens Fagopyrum esculentum Selecting plants that generate multiple ecosystem services Pollination Biocontrol Pollinator mix Biocontrol mix Combination (Campbell, Biesmeijer Varma & W & Varma Biesmeijer (Campbell, ä ckers, 2012) ckers, Taking it to the Farmer FAB (Functional Agrobiodiversity) Large scale biodiversity project in the Hoekse Waard working with conventional growers. Addition of annual and perennial field margins to existing landscape features (polders, dikes, creeks, canal borders). Brussels Sprouts Cabbage aphids 80 Melige Koolluis Veld nabij akkerrandControl met: Cabbage aphids (aantal/plant) VetchBroad bean 60 Tuinboon Mixed flowers BloemenMixed flowers 40 20 0 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 week Three year trends in aphid and natural enemy populations at conventional farms aphids 7 8 farm 6 aphidsbladluizen bedrijf A aphids 6 A 5 B B 4 C 4 C 3 D D no./leaf 2 aantal/halm 2 1 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 1.0 0.4 predator/prey Predator/preyrover/luis 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 ratio 0.4 0.2 verhouding 0.1 0.0 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Potato Wheat Aphid peak: mid July mid June Optimizing Ecosystem Services in Terms of Agronomy and Conservation (ECOSTAC.CO.UK) Growing Wild Beneficial insects in field margins 300 June - Sept 2010 Insects observed in flowering field margin Insects observed in grassy margin 250 200 150 100 Mean insects observed insects Mean 50 0 Hoverflies Bumble bees Parasitoid w asps Ladybirds Beneficial insect group 250 June-Sept 2011 Insects observed in flowering field margin Insects observed in grassy field margin 200 150 100 Mean insects observed insects Mean 50 0 Hoverflies Bumble bees Parasitoid w asps Ladybirds Beneficial insect group Aphids in peas 0.8 70 Aphid % distribution 0.7 % parasitism 60 0.6 50 0.5 40 0.4 30 0.3 % parasitism % 20 0.2 Proportional aphidProportionaldistribution 0.1 10 0 0 08.06 15.06 22.06 29.06 06.07 08.06 15.06 22.06 29.06 06.07 08.06 15.06 22.06 29.06 06.07 CF1 - CF2 - CF3 Sample site and date The positive spiral More beneficials Fewer pests More biodiversity Fewer pesticides Yield impact? wheat (yield in tonnes/ha) 10 9 8 7 6 5 +12% 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 peas (yield in tonnes/ha) 7 6 5 4 +26% 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 carrots (yield in tonnes/ha) 9 8 7 6 +32% 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2
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