Chief Editor: Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of in Berlin / Germany Monthly Eddition - Issue 34 Albochari Habiballa The most important events and developments during the month of November 2019 Editor: Mortada Mahadi

Khartoum, Nov.14(SUNA)-The the ongoing peace talks Chairman of the Sovereign SC Chairman Discusses With US Envoy between the government and Council Lt. Gen. Abdul-FATTAH Relations Between The Two Countries the armed groups. Booth Al-Burhan met at the republican added that US would assist in palace Thursday with US Envoy pushing peace process in for Sudan Donald Booth. The Sudan , pointing out that the meeting was attended by the US Charge meeting discussed a number of dossiers d’Affaires, Brian Shukan and Foreign over which the two countries could Minister Asmaa Mohamed Abdalla. cooperate for success of the transitional The meeting debated over establishing period, democratic transformation , fruitful relations between Sudan and the writing the constitution and holding United States for supporting aspirations elections at the end of the transitional of Sudanese people for democratic period. transformation and success of the interim The American Envoy underscored his period. country’s desire to work with government The American Envoy said in a press of Sudan, saying he held a series of statement following the meeting that meetings with a number of executive held a constructive and important officials in this connection and that his meeting with the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereign country would work with Sudan’s international partners to Council tackled a host of issues of common interest including assist people of Sudan during the interim period. ab

Daglo Receives UN Sanctions Hamdok and EU Delegation Discuss Committee Eforts To Achieve Peace

Khartoum, Nov. 14 (SUNA) – Khartoum, Oct. 30 (SUNA) – Deputy Chairman of the Prime Minister, Dr. Abdalla Transitional Sovereignty Council, European Union Extends 466 Hamdok, Wednesday Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Million Euros In Support To Sudan evening received the visiting Daglo, Thursday evening delegation of the European received at his residence the Union, which was headed by visiting chairperson of the UN the EU Deputy Secretary Sanctions Committee for Darfur General for External Action, and the accompanying Jean Christophe. delegation. During the meeting, The meeting discussed Lt. Gen. Daglo stressed that the the cooperation between reasons for the sanctions Sudan and the European imposed on Sudan by the Union in different fields Security Council have now and ways of support to expired, and that Sudan has made great progress, especially the ongoing efforts of the Khartoum,5 Oct. 30 (SUNA) – The Foreign Minister, transitional gov- ern- after the political transformation Asma Mohamed Abdalla, Wednesday received a that has been achieved and the ment for cessa- tion delegation of the European Union and briefed them on of war and real- iz- start of the transitional civilian the priorities of the transitional government, which are government to its tasks. MO represented in the realization of peace and enhancing ing peace and the economic conditions, a matter that necessitate stability in the support from the international community, lifting the country. IF/ restrictions imposed on Sudan and removing Sudan MO from the list of states sponsoring terrorism, affirming the importance of the EU support to Sudan. The European Union delegation affirmed its support to Sudan, announcing that European Union countries will l Foreign Ministry Affirms .. More On Page 3 BOTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIK SUDAN - BERLIN ECONOMIC, POLITIC, CULTURE, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS NOVEMBER 2019/ 034

Minister of Defence Receives American Envoy He called on the United States to support peace, re- Khartoum, Nov. 13 (SUNA) – move the name of Sudan The Minister of Defence, Lt. from the list of countries Gen. Jamal-Eddin Omer Mo- sponsoring terrorism and to hamed, Wednesday received provide assistance to the Su- the US envoy to Sudan, Don- danese people to get out of ald Booth, in presence of the their economic crises. Charge d'Afaires and the The US envoy said that the Military Attaché at the relations between the two American Embassy. countries shall be based on The Minister of Defence transparency and that efforts presented a briefing on the will be exerted at all axes for transition that took place in restoration of the bilateral Sudan until the formation of relations and to extend sup- the transitional government, port to the Sudanese people which is currently working who were displaced by war, with the help of friends and adding that there are efforts the State of South Sudan to by the US to boost peace in achieve peace and to ad- Sudan in technical matters dress the economic prob- and to urge movements to lems in the country, espe- reach peace. cially the issues of the dis- He pointed to understand- placed persons at the war zones, as a priority for entery of ings and talks that would make a breakthrough in the bilateral humanitarian assistance to their camps. relations for the benefit of the Sudanese people. MH/MO

Journalists Rights During Transitional Coordination Set between Ministry of Production and ADB Period Are Important: British Ambassador Medani Nov 3 manager reviewed the bank (SUNA)-Manager General of plan set for expanding Ministry of Production and greenhouse projects and Economic Resources in Gezira establishing marketing State, Tawhida Babikir centers, announcing the bank Mohamed met at her office on readiness to finance all Sunday morning with the projects targeted youth in country’s Executive order to contribute in Manager for African agricultural Development Bank renaissance carried (ADB) Mr.Robile out throughout Joe and the the country. regional Likewise, Khartoum Nov 4(SUNA)-British guarantees freedom for all manager for Tawhida pointed Ambassador to Khartoum Mr. parties. youth out the Irfan Siddiq Obe, said rights of The British diplomat gave this d e v e l o p m e n t importance of journalists had to be a priority statement before a worship sector in the youth training for the Sudanese government launched Monday at holiday bank Mahmoud programs. particularly during the villa hotel entitled ‘’reviewing of Hussein, in the Furthermore, she transitional period. He polices and laws of media presence of the assures readiness of reminded that the sector in Sudan.’’ The workshop ministry’s coordinator her ministry to comprehensive constitutional was organized by the ministry for empowerment youth implement greenhouses, and democratic reforms had to of culture and information in program Dr. Medani Ahmed facilitates transactions and take place during the transition collaboration with the British Othman . going ahead towards period. He adds that the media Embassy in Sudan and UNSECO The meeting focused on the implementing the second forums in the country must office in Khartoum. ADB’s plans targeting youth stage of fishery project short reflect the diversity that The ambassador stressed the and fishery plantation project term plantation. characterized the Sudanese importance of designing a new at AL Gasir area of South As well she said her ministry society and have access to plan for all media professionals Gezira locality. also ready to support any transmission services in legal to practice their job in safety The project targeted 100 other projects that could and organized framework environment and component alumni at first stage. For his contribute in prompting youth governed by a law that way. AA part the bank’s executive category in the state. AA

Hundreds Hectars of Wheat Tageted Be Grown in Sudan At time she announces that Sudan is competent to Medani Nov 17(SUNA)-Agricultural Research Corporation compete (ARC) has embarked on preparing arrangements to surpass facing wheat challenges production in Sudan. ARC also aims at reducing gap between the needs and import besides solving the environmental problems at wheat production areas. ARC said it plans to achieve high yield of wheat production through growing 338 hectares instead of 295 grown during the last season. Coordinator of wheat production at(ARC) Dr. Amani Mohamed Idris reveals in statement to SUNA that more than 30 varieties of rain fed wheat were devised to coping with Sudan diferent environments. internationally on wheat production provided that an Amani announces that the Gezira and Northern states encouragement polices were adopted for growing wheat production of wheat recorded 6 and 8 tons per hectare besides implementation of modern agricultural technological respectively during the last season. packages. AA

SUDAN NEWS BULLETIN Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin * Tel.: 030 890 69 80 * Fax: 030 46995926 Page 2 BOTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIK SUDAN - BERLIN SCIENCE, POLITIC, CULTURE, SOZIAL,SPORT & ART NOVEMBER 2019/ 034

International forum on anti-money European Union Extends 55 Million Euros to Sudan laundering to be held Brussels, Nov. 12 (SUNA) - The Eurpean Union has extened 55 Millions euros to Sudan through the Humanitarian Aid Commission as humanitarian support. The UE pledged during the current visit of the Prime Minister, Dr. , to present humanitarian support to address the issues of displaced people ands the programs of the transitional government at both the political and economic levels. Dr. Hamdok has vowed to Khartoum, Nov. 12 (SUNA) - Ilham Center for give all facilities to ease Strategic Studies in cooperation with Al- the flow of the humanitarian aid inside Hakim Center for Press and Media Services is Sudan. due to organize a two-day international The European forum entitled "International Standards to Commission appreciated Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism the decision relating to Financing" at 9 am on Wednesday. facilitating arrival of the support to the affected The expert and legal advisor Dr. Abdel-Gadir people. TQ /MO Warsma is to give speech to the forum. BH/BH

Foreign Ministry Affirms Coordination with European Union Extends 466 African Union Million Euros in Support to Sudan enhance cooperation between Sudan and the Continued from Page 1, provide grants to Sudan African Union, expressing amounting to 200 million euros and will the serious desire of the followed by 141 million euros, as Well as 100 AU to contribute to the million euros and 25 million euros in the form of success of the transitional humanitarian aid. pointed out that they will period, its support for the study the needs of Sudan at the current stage ongoing peace negotiations in South and will coordinate the competent authorities to Sudan. On her part, the support development projects in the country, Assistant Undersecretary indicating that the European Union will praised the ambassador's coordinate with international financial concern, and the institutions to support Sudan to meet the urgent continued support needs and to support the Sudanese economy. provided by the The European Union urged the transitional Khartoum, Nov. 4 (SUNA) – The Chairperson of the AU government to exert efforts to boost Sudan Assistant Undersecretary of the Commission Mr. Moussa Faki to Sudan, praising the active role played by the reintegration into the international community Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to help removing Sudan from the US list of Ambassador Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed AU through its Special Envoy to reach Ahmed, received Monday, Ambassador the agreement during the last phase. state sponsors of terrorism, asserting its Mohamed Belaish, the Director of the She emphisized the Sudan's confidence assistance to normalize Sudan's relations with African Union Office in Khartoum. in the AU, pointing to the slogan of international financial and economic institutions Ambassador Belaish has praised the finding African solutions to the African to enable the transitional government to address positive political developments problems, stressing the need to tighten Sudan economic challenges. witnessed in Sudan, noting that the coordination for unifying efforts to support Sudan during the transitional The European Union has described as historic peace process in Sudan is progressing the political developments in Sudan, stating that well, indicating the need to mobilize period, and the role that the AU can the international community support in play in this regard. On the other hand, the Sudanese people’s peacefulness has become order to rebuild the country and it was agreed to continue enhancing a source of inspiration to other peoples in the address the situation of the cooperation and consultations with the world, therefore the European Union countries war-affected areas. He stressed the AU Office in Khartoum during the aim to support the civilian government and to importance of coordinating efforts to coming period. ta identify its current and future needs. MO

Khartoum Nov14 Germany Expand Its Opportunities Electricity Investment In Sudan part the (SUNA)- Minister German of Energy and Mining Enj. Adil Ali Ibrahim ambassador highlights the role of Germany has discussed with the German ambassador for encouraging its companies to invest in to Khartoum, Mr. Urich Kiuchenmen that Sudan particularly in energy sector and the Germany may possibly expand its electricity renewal energy. investment opportunities in sector. The ambassador cited implementation of The minister says the electricity is one of projects by German company in vital sectors and it has an importance role in constructing thermal power at Gayli and economic development for it increases Gari(3) stations northward of Khartoum production and maintains industrial besides another one at Post Sudan in Red expansion. The minister praises the Sea State. The ambassador predicts possible existence of Siemens company in Sudan entry of modern technology and training of calling other German companies to come the Sudanese cadres in the respective field and have investment in electricity sector. his through joint projects. AA

SUDAN NEWS BULLETIN Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin * Tel.: 030 890 69 80 * Fax: 030 46995926 Page 3 BOTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIK SUDAN - BERLIN ECONOMIC, POLITIC, CULTURE, SOZIAL,SPORT, STORY & INTERVIEWS NOVEMBER 2019/ 034

Sudan is Tourist Information resources for economic and The Red Seas, with the transparency of its one of the agricultural development.The water, the variety of its fish and the charm l a r g e s t capital Khartoum with its of its marine gardens and coral reefs, is countries in Africa, situated on the north Khartoum International airport is connected one of the Sudan’s main tourist eastern side of the continent at 4 & 21 by air to practically every part of the world. attractions. There are places like the busy North Latitude and 21 & 38 East longitude, Sudan airways fly to the main European port Sudan, Suakin famous during the comprising an area of 2.5 million km2. The cities and most of the Arabian airlines fly to ottoman era, the Arous Tourist Village, at Sudan is essentially a country of vast plains, Khartoum such as Egypt air, Royal thirty miles north of Port Sudan. Erkowit at such as the Amatong in the South and the Jordanian, Saudi airlines, Emirates, Qatar 1.200m above sea levelsituated in Eastern Red Sea hills in the East. The country is airlines, Syrian airlines, Yemenia, gulf air Sudan, and Jabal (mountain)Marra more bordered by nine countries: Egypt and Libya etc.. in addition to African airlines Ethiopian than 3.048 m. situated in western airlines, Kenyan airways, also Lufthansa is Sudan are two famous flying Khartoum several times a week. The holiday mountain connections within the country are provided resorts. by air, rail, and road services, beside Erkowit ofcourse the Nile. is The visitor to Sudan is friendly welcome by covered the Sudanese with smiling face who are with eager to know about the foreigners, he will find a wide variety of interests ranging from Pyramids, wildlife to archaeology in addition to folklore and handicrafts. Place of Interest in Sudan The Dinder national park (6.475 km2) is from the North, Chad and Central Africa one of the largest in the World. There are from the West, Zaire, Uganda, and Kenya lions, Giraffes, leopards, kudus, bushbuck evergreen vegetation and on jebel Marra from the South, Ethiopia and Eritrea from and antilope etc.. together with several there are waterfalls and volcanic lakes. It the south east.Sudan enjoys various tourist species of birds such as guinea fowl, is an area of outstanding scenic beauty. resources due to the availability of vultures, pelicans, stroks, king-fishers The Archaeological areas stretch along the enormous capabilities. It considered as one and the beatify crown cranes. High season two banks of the river Nile north of of the richest African countries in wild life, (December – April). Khartoum to Wadi Halfa. The Monuments and Nile natural scenery which encourages The Southern Region is characterized by of Bajrawiya, Naqa, Musawarat Es Sufra, tourism investment.The Nile the longest green forests, open parkland, water falls river in the World (6.671 km) and its and treeless swamps a bounding with El Kurru, Nuri, Jebel Barkel and Meroe are tributaries penetrate the country for about birds and wild animals and the almost among the most fascination ithe whole 1.700 km, and constitute the main natural extinct shoebill. area... More on Khartoum to host World Gum German Arabic Conference on January Ambassador Meets Khartoum University Vice- Chancellor Khartoum,Nov.5(SUNA)-Vice-Chance Vice- Chancellor welcomed the llor of Khartoum University, Professor German ambassador visit to the Fadwa Abdul-Rahman Ali Taha met university and affirmed strength of at his office Monday Ambassador of Sudan-Germany relations, indicating Germany to Sudan Ulrich that a number of the university Klockner. The meeting, which was lecturers have conducted their high attended by Director of studies at German universities Khartoum, Oct Khartoum on early Infloramtional and Public Relations Ambassador Klockner pledged to 30(SUNA)-The meeting January next year. Directorate, Dr Mamdoh Mohamed work for further understanding and between the Minister of The meeting held Al-Hassan, Director of External cooperation between Khartoum Trade and Industry, Wednesday at Ministry Relatiosn Directorate, Dr university and German universities Madani Abbas Madani premises has Abul-Qasim Al-Tayeb, Head of , especially in areas of scientific and the Executive underlined the German Language at Faculty of Arts , research and scholarships. Office of association of importance of good Mohamed Yousif and Samiha He also pledged to consider gum Arabic exporters preparation for the Isahaq , translator at German support of the university labs affirmed that the World conference that would embassy in Khartoum discussed which were affected during the Gum Arabic Conference held under the auspices aspects of joint cooperation. The sit-in breakup incidents. ab would be held in of UNCTAD. Sn

Atbara, Nov.17(SUNA)-A training Workshop on Protection of Cultural second of its kind and targets local Workshop on Protection of Cultural Heritage at Sabaloka Falls community with participation of Heritage was launched Sunday at trainers from federal and state Sabaloka Waterfalls within framework directorates of tourism . of efforts to prepare a file for registering She added that the closing day would see the area as a world heritage site, in a visit of a delegation from UNESCO schools process to be carried out by Sudan to recognize tourist sites at areas of National Committee for Education , Science Sabaloka, Bajrawia , Naga’a and Muswarat and Culture in collaboration with UNESCO and directorates of tourism in States of Speakers who addressed the opening Khartoum and River Nile. session agreed upon importance of registering the area as a world heritage site Director of Tourism at Shandi Locality, and cited advantages of Sabaloka area Kawthar Al-Khateeb explained that the and its different tourism faces and natural three-day training session was the and archeological components .

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