30(1)109Hoshinah Et Al.Pdf
El、・tra, T(okyo, 30 (1 ): 109-110, June 30, 2002 New Record of the Genus and Species, Cyrtusa antennana DAFFNER (Coleoptera,Leiodidae)inKorea HidetoHosHINA1),Sun-JaePARK2)and Kee-JeongAHN3) 1) D e part ment of Regional Environment, Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, FukuiUniversity,Fukui,910-8507Japan 2-1) Department of Biology, ChungnamNational University, DaejeonCity,305-764RepublicofKorea Th e gen u s Cy rtus a belonging to the tribe Leiodini of the family Leiodidae was described by ER1 cH so N(184 2). In Korea,only two species of the tribe Leiodini (Leiodes obesa (SCHMIDT, 1841 ) an d Z eado1opus chaos icus DAFFNER, 1983) have been known t o oc cur. In 1999-2001, we collected many leiodid beetles by flight intercept traps in Koreaand ob- ta ine d Cyr tusa sp ec imens. Af ter care ful examinations, we identi f ied them wi th C antennar ia DA FFNER , 1989 , which had been known to be distributed in only Shikoku, Japan (DAFFNER, m o 19 8 9; H osHINA, 1998). In this repor t, we record the genus Cyrtusa for the first t ime Korea. fr We are ve ry grateful to Pro f. Stewart B. PECK (Carleton University, Canada) who kindly loanedusa paratypeof Cyrtusaantennaria. CyrtusaantennariaDAFFNER,1989 Cy , t t l sa an ten,Ia ta,・ DAFFNER, 1989, 26 (Japan: Shi koku). - HOSHINA, 1998. 4. zs t r10 uf1o n . Korea and Japan (Shikoku). specimens examined. Paratype: 1 ,0mogoVeay,0ll mogoaVEgle,lihmieP,o.r2f5- viII_1g80,J & s.PECKleg.(preservedinthecollectionofCarletonUniversity,Canada).Gen- era l spe cim ens (al l col lected by flight intercept traps in Korea): l , Baektansa Area, Mt.
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