Prepping for Parsva Difficulty Level: Intermediate (Luke Skywalker) Duration: 60 clear: both Lesson Plan Description:

A sequence to help you prepare to do Side Crow today or for another day down the road. :) clear: both Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Knees To Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands just below knees or hold Chest each shin with same hand or hold behind thighs. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Gently rock side-to-side for a spinal massage if you wish. .

Knees To Lie on back. Extend arms beside body, palms facing down. Bend knees. Bring knees into chest. Keep head on Chest Hold legs slightly below knees. Raise head, shoulders. Draw knees and nose together. Hold floor if have (core) Alternatives: Another option to try: Bring block or thicker book or rolled blanket between neck issues. thighs & squeeze thighs into your prop. Lift your feet. Lift head, shoulders and chest up, reaching arms and hands toward feet. Hold. Breathe! Sanskrit: Pavanamuktasana Benefits: Strengthens core. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Revolved Lie on back. Arms stretched out at shoulder height. Palms down. Bend knees and lift legs so Abdomen shins are parallel to the floor. Hug legs together best you can. Take an inhale, then exhale as you lower knees halfway down to the right. Inhale legs back up to center. Exhale lower legs halfway down to the left. Repeat each side 3-4x. Hug legs together the whole time and draw navel to spine entire time. Sanskrit: Benefits: Digestion. Circulation.

Eye Of Lie on back with knees bent. Soles of feet on floor. Hug left knee into chest. Cross left ankle Lift forehead Back or The over body and rest it on right thigh. Let left knee relax away from torso. Lift right foot off floor to meet knee. knee injury. Needle and thread left hand through legs so hands meet on back side of right thigh. (or clasp hands on front side of right shin). Using hands, gently draw right thigh toward chest. Keep both feet flexed. Keep both feet active by drawing toes toward shins and spreading toes best you can. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Knee To Chest. Sanskrit: Sucirandrasana Benefits: Warms up the hips.

Rock & Bring each hand on the back of each thigh. Start to rock and roll back and forth massaging the Back pain. Roll back muscles. Benefits: Massages back, buttocks & hips. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Boat Sit with knees bent and hands on mat behind you. Lean back slightly and lift feet off the floor Strap around Pregnancy. bringing shins parallel to mat and hugging legs together. Maybe try reaching arms alongside legs feet. toward front of the mat. You can also try to straighten your legs for full boat but not necessary. Draw navel to spine. Lift sternum up. Lengthen spine. Alternatives: Keep hands on mat behind you. Or try keeping feet down and reaching hands toward front of mat. Sanskrit: Benefits: Strengthens abs, hip flexors, spine.

Plank (on Lie face down on mat. Tuck the toes. Elbows under shoulders and forearms parallel to each Knees on Carpal forearms) other. Root down into forearms and hands & draw core in so much that you can lift your hips up floor. tunnel in line with shoulders. Then to move on, root down and draw core in even more that you can lift syndrome. your knees. tips of feet on mat. Keep rooting down into forearms, hands and feet. Hug leg Pregnancy. muscles onto bones. Engage core, zipping up low abs. Gaze is down. Hold for 2-5 breaths. Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs.

Sun 1) Mountain Pose. 2) Inhale, sweep arms out around and up. 3) Exhale Forward Fold. 4) Inhale, Lower to Salutations half way up. 5) Exhale step back into plank pose (top of a push-up) Inhale in Plank. 6) Exhale knees when A lower all the way down to the mat 7) Inhale to Low Cobra. 8) Exhale to Down Dog. 9) Inhale, lowering come high on your tip toes 10) Exhale walk feet to hands. 11) Inhale lift half way up 12) Exhale down to mat forward fold 13) Inhale, sweep arms out around and up 14) Exhale, lower arms to Mountain from plank Pose. Repeat 1-3x pose. Sanskrit: Surya Namaskar A Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Down From Downward Facing Dog lift one leg up and hold for a breath or two and then option to bend Pregnant. Dog (leg knee drawing heel toward buttock and opening knee and hip out the the same side. Repeat with HBP. up) other leg. Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana

Down Come into Downward Facing Dog. Step feet in, an inch or two. Lift left hand and reach it Hold outer Pregnant. Dog beneath torso and around to hold outer right shin. Allow waist and torso to twist open to the thigh instead High Blood (revolved) right. Turn head to look underneath right arm. Hold. To release un-twist and return left hand to of shin. Pressure. mat. Repeat on other side. Headache. Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana Benefits: Stretches spine, hamstrings, shoulders. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Lunge Stand in a with left leg in front and right knee raised off the floor. Gently twist to left side. Bring back Headache. Twist Keep right elbow on left thigh. Place hands in namaste (prayer). Root the back foot into knee down High or the ground. Gaze up. Hold. Repeat on other side (e.g. by going into Downward Facing Dog and for low lunge. low blood bringing right leg in front). Bring knees pressure. Sanskrit: Baddha down to switch sides instead of stepping forward from down dog. Keep head in line with chest if gazing up doesn't work for you. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Revolved Start in Mountain. Lift arms alongside ears. Bend knees, shift hips back and down like sitting As you twist, Headache. Chair into a chair. Weight in heels. Core engaged. Lengthen spine. Tailbone roots long toward floor. bring bottom Press palms together into Anjali Mudra (prayer) in front of heart. Inhale lengthen spine. Exhale hand to outer twist, hooking left elbow outside right thigh. Press palms together. Pull palms toward navel. thigh and Push top hand down to widen top collarbone and revolve chest deeper. Keep weight on heels. palm of top Draw left outer hip back to keep hips and knees even. Gently roll belly, chest, neck, and head hand to even more to the right, twisting deeper. Stay there or open arms wide into a straight line, sacrum or pressing left arm against right thigh, leveraging twist deeper. Press left hand down into mat low back outside right foot and reach right arm up. Twist and open your chest. Hold. Exhale and unwind. instead of Switch sides. prayer hands. Sanskrit: Parivrtta Benefits: Strengthens ankles, thighs, calves, hips, spine. Expands chest and spine.

Revolved From Down Dog, step your right foot forward. Step left foot in a little bit and place heel down Hand higher Back injury. Triangle with left toes pointing toward left front corner of mat. Align front heel to back heel or a little up leg. Hand wider for more balance help. Hands can come onto blocks or on floor under shoulders. Bring left on block. hand to outer right shin or on block on inside OR outside of right foot. Right hand comes to right Back heel hip. Inhale lengthen spine, then exhale and twist open to the right. Right hand can stay on hip, or against wall. bring palm on sacrum to feel if one hip is higher than the other or reach the right hand toward the sky. Breathe. Repeat on other side. Sanskrit: Parivrtta Benefits: Strengthens legs. Stretches legs, hips, spine. Opens chest. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Wide Leg Start in Mountain Pose facing the long edge of your mat. Step feet apart about a legs distance. Raise hands Low back Forward Hands on hips. Root down into outer heels as inner thighs hug toward each other. Inhale on block. injury. Bend lengthen spine. Exhale old forward hinging at the hips. Bring hands on blocks or mat under shoulders. Stay with spine lengthening or on next exhale fold more releasing crown of the head toward the floor. Hands can walk back between feet with elbows bent straight back. To release inhale half way up, exhale bring hands to hips, slightly bend knees, gather core in and on next inhale rise up letting sternum lead. Heel/Toe feet back to Mountain Pose. Feel and Breathe. Sanskrit: Benefits: Strengthens and stretches legs, spine. Tones abs.

Side Crow From Mountain Pose. Turn your entire body 45 degrees to the right to face right front corner of Blocks or Wrist or mat. Squat down with your heels lifted and and legs hugging together. Twist to left, placing bolsters to low back hands on mat with fingers pointing toward front of mat and hands shoulder distance apart and support outer injury. bend elbows straight back so arms come into 90 angle like setting up for chaturanga arms. Lift hips. Folded hips and lean left outer thigh and right arm together. Stay here working Side Crow Prep or start blankets as to lean a little forward, bringing weight into the hands and arms and float both feet up off the crash landing mat so legs are parallel to the floor. Gaze is forward and down. Legs hug together. Core pad. Lower engaged. Root into hands especially index finger and thumb mound. To exit, mindfully lower forehead onto feet to mat. Come back into Mountain Pose. Breathe and Feel. Repeat on other side. block as you Sanskrit: Parsva Bakasana lift feet off Benefits: Arm, wrists and shoulder strengthener. Tones core. Detoxifies. Improves balance. floor. Cultivates a playful curiosity. Brings you focused and into the Present moment. Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Rag Doll Stand in Mountain. Feet hip distance apart. Knees slightly bent. Slowly fold forward from the Loop fingers Back, knee, hips. Let upper body and head hang heavy between upper arms as you draw navel up to spine. around big hamstring You can hold opposite elbows and gently swing side to side. Breathe into hamstrings. Release toes. injuries. arms. Inhale half way lift. Exhale walk hands forward to plank and lower all the way down to mat. Sanskrit: Benefits: back, hamstrings.

Sphinx Lie on stomach Legs hip distance apart. Elbows under shoulders. Forearms on floor parallel to Back Pose each other. Press top of feet into the mat, knees lift off mat. Draw navel to spine. Lift upper torso Injury. and lift gaze gently. Broaden across the collar bones, lifting heart forward and up. Breathe. Headache. When ready, release down to mat and rest. Alternatives: Crocodile. Locust. Benefits: Stretches entire front body. Strengthen entire back body.

Lying Lie on back. Raise right leg up and roll it over to left side (foot touches floor). Put left hand on Can bend Twist right thigh for leverage. Hold for a couple breaths then switch sides. knees and stack them on top of each other for the twist.

Knees To Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands just below knees or hold Chest each shin with same hand or hold behind thighs. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Gently rock side-to-side for a spinal massage if you wish. . Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Corpse Lie on back with legs and arms apart. Palms up or you can place palms on the rib cage or let Legs bent. Pose arms relax overhead like cactus arms. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Blanket Feel heavy with each exhalation. Allow your body to rest and integrate all the work you have rolled under done in your practice. Rest for 5-10 minutes. knees. Alternatives: Meditative seat. Blanket under Sanskrit: Savasana head. Blanket Benefits: Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity. over pelvis for grounding.