CONTACTS BRIXTON MARKET Lambeth Archives Department HERITAGE WALKS Brixton Society HERITAGE Minet Library, 52 Knatchbull Road, SE5 9QY A 75-minute walk taking in the street markets, covered 020 7926 6076 arcades and high street of this vibrant area. Balham Society Starts 2.30pm from Brixton Station Road Cost £3 per person (includes book of the walk) WALKS IN John Rattray 020 8675 4854
[email protected] More information Brixton Society Booking
[email protected] Alan Piper 020 7207 0347 SOUTH BRIXTON WINDMILL Clapham Society HERITAGE WALKS Alyson Wilson 020 7622 6360 Friends of Windmill Gardens LONDON A 1½ hour walk with a Blue Badge Guide. See Brixton Hill through C19th eyes, hear history of the prison and Friends of West Norwood Cemetery waterworks, and learn about ‘visual telegraphy’ and Jill Dudman 020 8670 5456 about trams on Brixton Hill, in the days before either 2016 Friends of Windmill Gardens was electrified. Starts 1pm at the Windmill in Windmill Gardens at the west end of Blenheim Gardens, SW2 5EU. Lambethans Society Cost £5, concessions £3, children free. All proceeds to the Doreen Heath 020 8670 8924 refurbishment of the Windmill. London Mural Preservation Society The walk concludes back at Brixton Windmill where there is a tearoom, toilets and the opportunity to take a free tour of Brixton Windmill (last tour 4.40pm). Norwood Society
[email protected] WEST NORWOOD CEMETERY TOURS Peckham Society Friends of West Norwood Cemetery
[email protected] These two hour guided tours are held on the first Sunday of South London Botanical Institute the month.