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Year: 2013

A report on six cases of -associated gastric impaction in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.)

Krzyszczyk, E ; Kopps, A M ; Bacher, K ; Smith, H ; Stephens, N ; Meighan, N A ; Mann, J

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-7692.2012.00579.x

Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-63291 Journal Article Accepted Version

Originally published at: Krzyszczyk, E; Kopps, A M; Bacher, K; Smith, H; Stephens, N; Meighan, N A; Mann, J (2013). A report on six cases of seagrass-associated gastric impaction in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). Marine Mammal Science, 29(3):548-554. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-7692.2012.00579.x 1 A report on six cases of seagrass-associated gastric impaction in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops

2 sp).

3 Krzyszczyk, E.1, Kopps, A.M.2,3, Bacher, K.3,4, Smith, H.5, Stephens, N.6, Meighan, N.A.7 and

4 Mann, J1.


6 (1) Department of Biology, 406 Reiss Science Building, Georgetown University, 37th and

7 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, USA. (2) Evolution and Ecology Research Centre,

8 School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South

9 Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. (3) Anthropological Institute and Museum,

10 University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, Zurich 8057, Switzerland. (4) Centro de

11 Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), Carrer Accés Cala St. Francesc 14,

12 Blanes 17300, Spain. (5) Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit, School of

13 Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Perth 6150, Western Australia. (6)

14 Department of Anatomic Pathology, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences,

15 Murdoch University, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia. (7) Department of

16 Environment and Conservation, Shark Bay District Office, 89 Knight Terrace,

17 Denham, 6537, Western Australia.

18 E-mail: [email protected]



21 Marine debris such as plastic and other foreign objects (e.g., nylon fishing line, cigarette

22 wrappers, metal bottle caps) are commonly found in odontocete stomachs (Walker and Coe

23 1990), but due to the often small amounts and diversity of the debris, the impact on animal health


24 is unclear (Walker and Coe 1990, Laist 1997, Baird and Hooker 2000). Small quantities can

25 however, have large effects if they are capable of intermittently or consistently blocking the

26 pyloric outflow tract (e.g., Tarpley and Marwitz 1993, Stamper et al. 2006, Jacobsen et al. 2010)

27 causing long-term malnutrition and death (Gomerčić et al. 2006); either directly due to acute

28 gastric rupture or complete pyloric obstruction, or indirectly as a result of chronic malnutrition

29 due to partial/intermittent pyloric obstruction. Kastelein and Lavaleije (1992) documented the

30 persistence of undigested algae in the forestomach of a harbor porpoise for at least 3 days.

31 Several other odontocete species (e.g., bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, e.g., McBride

32 1940), northern right whale dolphins (Lissodelphus borealis, Walker and Coe 1990), and spinner

33 dolphins (Stenella longirostris, Trianni and Kessler 2002)) have been found to ingest marine

34 , such as kelp (Egregia sp., Macrocystic pyrifera), seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) or seagrass

35 (Enhalus acroides, Haldule uninervis). However, death due to gastric impaction by marine plants

36 (high densities of intertwined marine (s) preventing efficacious pyloric emptying and gastric

37 evacuation (Santos et al. 2001)) is rarely reported (see McBride 1940, Trianni and Kessler 2002).

38 Here, we report the results of necropsies of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) with

39 gastric impaction due to seagrass ingestion. Descriptions of the stomach contents in cetaceans

40 help us to determine diet and assess anthropogenic impacts (e.g., if dolphins are ingesting debris,

41 stealing bait, or changing prey due to depletion of favored prey species) and therefore direct

42 conservation and management efforts. Although there are a number of biases associated with

43 analysis of stomach contents for determination of diet (e.g., differential prey digestion and

44 retention, dead animals and stranding cases not being representative of whole populations), our

45 central interest is in relative differences in seagrass content as a function of dolphin age.

46 Specifically, we focus on mortality associated with ingestion of large amounts of seagrass, a rare


47 occurrence. We examined stomach contents of 40 dead bottlenose dolphins opportunistically

48 found at two sites, Shark Bay and Bunbury, in Western Australia.

49 Shark Bay (SB: 25° S. 113° E) is a large (22,000 km2), semi-enclosed bay with two

50 shallow embayments (< 16 m), 850 km north of Perth. Shark Bay has extensive shallow seagrass

51 banks and is the site of long-term dolphin research, where the study population includes over

52 2,000 individually recognized bottlenose dolphins sighted since 1984. The main study site covers

53 300 km2 in the eastern gulf and 250 km2 in the western gulf. The Bunbury (BB: 33° S. 115° E)

54 study site, 180 km south of Perth, covers 120 km2 (maximum water depth is ~10 m) along 65 km

55 of coast exposed to wave action with no barriers or islands for protection. The benthic habitat

56 includes seagrass, limestone reef, macroalgae communities and sand (Hillman et al. 2000). The

57 study population includes 259 individually recognized bottlenose dolphins identified between

58 2007 and 2010 (Smith, personal communication).

59 The of SB and BB bottlenose dolphins is unresolved. The mitochondrial DNA

60 haplotypes based on the control region of SB Tursiops are characteristic of both T. aduncus and

61 T. truncatus (Krützen et al. 2004). Therefore, we refer to SB and BB dolphins as Tursiops sp.,

62 although in SB their speckling patterns are similar to those in T. aduncus (Ross and Cockcroft

63 1990, Krzyszczyk and Mann 2012); BB dolphins do not speckle with age (Smith, personal

64 communication) and genetic investigations are underway.

65 The age of dead dolphins was estimated by known birth year or determined from thin

66 sections of postnatal dentine observed in the teeth following Hohn et al. (1989). When birth year

67 or a tooth was not available for aging, age was estimated by the degree of ventral speckling

68 (Krzyszczyk and Mann 2012) and/or body size and length. Dolphins were placed in one of three

69 categories: calf (0 to 4 yr), juvenile (sexually immature, 5 to 10 yr), and adult (mature, >10 yr)


70 (Mann et al. 2000, Krzyszczyk and Mann 2012). In our sample, 3 calves were approximately 4

71 yr old and could have been recently weaned (Mann et al. 2000). Sampling was opportunistic,

72 with assistance from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) in carcass

73 collection and necropsies. Standard morphometric measurements were recorded from stranded

74 carcasses during necropsies with supporting information including location, sex, degree of

75 ventral speckling, external wounds and scars, and date of stranding for each dolphin.

76 Of the 40 dead bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) found, 30 were in SB (1992-2010), and

77 10 in BB (2007-2010). Over half (52.5%) were calves or juveniles, 30% were adults, and 17.5%

78 were of unknown age. Of the 40 dead dolphins, 27 complete or partial necropsies were

79 performed by veterinarians and researchers (see Table S1 for details). Eight stomachs contained

80 seagrass (Table 1); one adult (ID: 99-10) and 7 calves (ID’s: 09-665 to 03-15). Six of the 8

81 stomachs were impacted with seagrass (Fig. 1). All individuals with seagrass-associated gastric

82 impaction were emaciated. The data suggest that all dolphins with gastric impaction were quite

83 young, but with a small sample size, the pattern is not statistically significant (Fisher Exact Test,

84 P=0.136).

85 Various reasons for cetacean debris ingestion have been proposed. For example dolphins

86 might confuse debris with prey (e.g., Derraik 2002), but given delphinid echolocation

87 capabilities, this seems unlikely (Walker and Coe 1990). Here we focus on why dolphins might

88 ingest large quantities of seagrass.

89 Dolphins commonly hunt in seagrass beds (Grigg and Markowitz 1997, Barros and Wells

90 1998, Mann and Sargeant 2003), and immature dolphins play with detached seagrass floating at

91 the surface (Mann and Smuts 1999). Thus seagrass could be incidentally ingested when hunting

92 or playing with seagrass (McBride 1940). For the adult (ID: 99-10) and calf (ID: 03-15) that had


93 only small amounts of seagrass in their stomachs, incidental ingestion during hunting or playing

94 seems likely. However, mistaken or accidental ingestion does not explain the vast amount of

95 seagrass in the engorged and impacted stomachs of the six affected calves (ID’s: 09-665 to 92-1).

96 Walker and Coe (1990) suggested that debris ingestion in stranded cetaceans may be part

97 of the stranding syndrome, and that naturally occurring disease factors may predispose an

98 individual to ingest abnormal objects. Similarly, Kastelein and Lavaleije (1992) suggested that

99 an individual weakened by lung parasites (or arguably any incapacitating chronic disease), might

100 be rendered incapable of catching enough fish, and as a substitute, may start to eat whatever

101 material it encounters. This may result in a false sensation of satiation for the animal, which

102 would subsequently reduce the dolphin’s appetite and meal size. Long-term, this could

103 compromise the ability to form/maintain adequate blubber adipose stores; with chronic

104 malnutrition potentially adversely affecting the health of the animal and subsequently (albeit

105 indirectly), leading to its death. However, given that all of the dolphins with seagrass-associated

106 gastric impaction were young, separation from the mother seems another likely cause of seagrass

107 ingestion, leading to emaciation secondary to chronic malnutrition and eventually, death.

108 The sheer quantity of seagrass present combined with the fact that there were no obvious

109 signs of milk in the stomachs of most of the calves affected by seagrass-associated gastric

110 impaction suggests that their mothers were absent for hours to days prior to their death. Learning

111 to hunt is a slow process, with calves successfully catching fish in their 4th month of life, but

112 continuing to nurse for up to 8 years (Mann and Sargeant 2003; Mann et al. 2000). However,

113 dolphins are precocious, often separating from their mothers for brief periods soon after birth

114 (Mann and Smuts 1999) and continuing to do so until weaned (Gibson and Mann 2008, Stanton

115 et al. 2011). Temporary separations entail risk of permanent separation. SB calves occasionally


116 appear to lose track of their mothers during long distance separations and it can take 2-3 hours

117 before becoming reunited (Mann, personal communication).

118 We therefore suggest that maternal loss by either separation or death was the main factor

119 causing calves to ingest seagrass, perhaps to feel sated because their hunting skills were not

120 adequately developed. The result underscores the importance of the calf period for developing

121 hunting skills (Sargeant and Mann 2009, Mann et al. 2007) and helps explain why bottlenose

122 dolphin calves have some of the longest periods of dependence documented to date (Mann et al.

123 2000).


125 Acknowledgments

126 We thank our many collaborators and assistants that have contributed data and support to the

127 Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project for nearly three decades and to all who volunteered for the

128 Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit and Dolphin Discovery Centre. Logistical support

129 was provided generously by the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) in

130 Western Australia, the Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort, Shark Bay Resources, Bunbury South West

131 Marine Research Programs partners, Dolphin Discovery Centre, Bunbury Port Authority, City of

132 Bunbury, Cristal Globe, IIuka, Bemax, Millard Marine, Naturaliste Charters, South West

133 Development Commission, WAPRES, Worsley Alumina, The University of Western Australia

134 and Georgetown University. All research was approved and permitted through DEC, the

135 Murdoch University’s Animal Ethics Committee, and the Georgetown University and UNSW

136 Animal Care and Ethics Committees. Funding was provided to JM by Georgetown University

137 and NSF grants No. 0316800, No. 0941487 No. 0918308, No. 0847922, No. 0820722, No.

138 9753044; and to Michael Krützen, Lars Bejder and William Sherwin by Sea World Research and


139 Rescue Foundation, National Geographic Society, Claraz-Schenkung, A.-H. Schultz Stiftung and

140 Julius-Klaus Stiftung.


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212 Figures

213 Figure 1. Seagrass associated impacted forestomach of dolphin calf 06-18.


215 Tables

216 Table S1. Information on dolphins reported in this study. Location, age, age class, sex data and

217 whether stomachs contained seagrass for 27 individuals on which necropsies were performed

218 (BB = Bunbury, SB = Shark Bay).











228 Table 1. Summary of the 8 individuals with seagrass found in their stomachs (BB = Bunbury, SB = Shark Bay).

Body condition/ Potential cause of ID Location Sex Age Weaned Stomach content Stomach condition other illness death Phytebezoar with Extremely emaciated, Respiratory failure large amounts of Seagrass ( external epidermal lesions, due to nematode‐ clay‐like mud in 09‐665 BB M 4 yr Yes sp.), fine clay‐like internal parasitism, associated forestomach (weight mud, fish otoliths contained Nematode sp. and bronchopneumonia, = 4.9kg; dimensions = Trematode sp. poor body condition 36 x 23 x 12cm)

Phytebezoar 3‐4 Full of Seagrass 09‐1 SB F No (dimensions = 12 x Emaciated Maternal loss wks (Posidonia australis) 9cm)

Full of Seagrass Phytebezoar, 4‐6 06‐17 SB F No (Amphibolis inflamed pyloric Extremely emaciated Maternal loss mo antarctica) stomach

4‐6 Full of Seagrass Phytebezoar in 06‐18 SB F No Emaciated Maternal loss mo (Posidonia sp.) forestomach

Full of seagrass (Cymodocea Phytebezoar in 08‐21 SB M 6 mo No Emaciated Maternal loss argustata and 3 forestomach other sp.)

~1.5 92‐1 SB F No Full of Seagrass Phytebezoar Extremely emaciated Maternal loss yr


Hepatic fracture and Residue of milk, No overt gastric hemorrhage with overlying 03‐15 SB M 2 yr No small bundle of impaction or Blunt trauma subcutaneous and seagrass pathology intramuscular hemorrhage

Respiratory failure Some strands of No overt gastric due to nematode‐ ~30 99‐10 SB M Yes seagrass, lots of impaction or Extremely emaciated associated yr small fish and bones pathology pneumonia, poor body condition