The American Legion Monthly [Volume 10, No. 6 (June 1931)]

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The American Legion Monthly [Volume 10, No. 6 (June 1931)] MERICAN EGION OHonthli/ mm m. PETER B. KYNE - ALEXANDER SPRUNT, JR. SAMUEL MCROBERTS - FREDERICK PALMER t j\Tore tanks are Filled ~* Ethyl than with any othergasoline N every highway in the country, gasoline pumps are telling this story: Ethyl Gasoline is now the biggest-selling motor fuel. - For instance: On the Lincoln Highway ' <U3> . ) \ between New York City and Philadelphia, a recent count showed 655 gasoline pumps, of which 203, or 31%, were Ethyl pumps. The simple reason is that Ethyl is more than gas- oline. It is good gasoline plus Ethyl fluid, which means: gasoline plus combustion control. Inside the engine the Ethyl fluid prevents the uneven explosions of gasoline that cause power- waste, "knock" and over-heating. It holds com- bustion to the steady, powerful smoothness that develops the best performance of your car. Ninety-five leading oil refiners testify to the The Ethyl emblem on any pump importance of controlled combustion. They spent stands for tested gasoline of Ethyl quality. Constant in- millions to equip plants to mix Ethyl fluid with spection of gasoline from Ethyl gasoline and install pumps in filling stations to pumps throughout the country sell Ethyl Gasoline. guards this standard. Ethyl Gasoline is always colored red. Stop at any Ethyl pump and see how controlled combustion helps your motor. Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, New York City. ETHYL GASOLINE + e4yl _ FLUID MB The actlvt ingreditnt used in Ethjl fluid if lead. ® E. G. C. 19)1 1 — Why Trained Accountants Command High Salaries —and how ambitious men are qualifying by the La Salle Problem Method GET this straight. For example — one man was a month—moved up quickly to $3000, By "accountancy" we do not mean plumber, 32 years old, with only an to $5000, and then to a highly profit- "bookkeeping." For accountancy be- eleventh grade education. Today he able accounting business of his own gins where bookkeeping leaves off. is auditor for a large bank and his which nets him better than $10,000 The skilled accountant takes the income is 325 per cent larger. a year. figures handed him by the book- Another was a drug clerk at $30 a And What It Means to You keeper, and analyzes and interprets week. Now he heads his own very them. successful accounting firm with an Why let the other fellow walk away He knows how a new business income many times as large. with the better job, when right in under a given set of conditions—can A woman bookkeeper—buried in your own home you can equip your- best be financed; how an old business details of a small job— is now auditor self for a splendid future in this can most readily attract new capital. of a great hotel, and her salary profitable profession? He knows how much the costs in mounted in proportion to her work. Are you really determined to get the various departments should A credit manager—earning $200 a ahead? If so, you can start at once amount to, how they may be lowered. to acquire—by the LaSalle Problem He knows what profits should be Method— a thorough understanding expected from a given enterprise, Business Through of Higher Accountancy, master its how they may be increased. Control Accountancy fundamental principles, become ex- He knows, in a given business, pert in the practical application of what per cent of one's working capital those principles—this without losing can safely be tied up in merchandise an hour from work or a dollar of pay. on hand, what per cent is safe and Your training will be under the adequate for sales promotion. And direct supervision of William B. these, by the way, are but two of Castenholz, A. M., C. P. A., former scores of percentage-figures where- comptroller and instructor, Uni- with he points the way to successful versity of Illinois, member of the operation. American Institute of Accountants, He knows the intricacies of gov- and a director of the National Associ- ernment taxation. ation of Cost Accountants. He is He knows how to survey the trans- assisted by a staff of legal, organiza- actions of a business over a given tion and management specialists, period; how to show in cold, hard business efficiency engineers and figures the progress it has made and Certified Public Accountants. where it is going. He knows how to Preliminary knowledge of bookkeep- use these findings as a basis for con- ing is unnecessary. You will be given structive policies. whatever training, instruction or re- In short, the trained accountant is view on the subject of bookkeeping the controlling engineer of business you may personally need—and without the one man business cannot any extra expense to you. Out- do without. free book on the accountancy Small wonder that he com- LaSalle Extension University profession fully explains how we mands a salary five to ten times The World's Largest Business Training Institution train you from the ground up, DEPT. 6361 H CHICAGO as great as that of the book- according to your individual Opportunities in Accountancy— Check below and we will keeper. Indeed, as an indepen- s .-nd you copy of "Accountancy, the Profession that Pays." needs, from the simplest book- also copy of "Ten Years' Promotion in One," all without dent operator (head of his own obligation. keeping principles to the most Higher Accountancy: accounting firm) he often earns f~l advanced accounting problems. Other LaSalle Opportunities: If more interested in one as much as the president of the of the other fields of business indicated below, check here: If you are dissatisfied with Business Management Banking and Finance big and influential bank in his D Modern Salesmanship Modern Foremanship your present equipment— if you Traffic Management Personnel Manage- community, or the operating Railway Station Mgmt. ment recognize the opportunities that Law: Degreeof LL.B. Expert Bookkeeping manager of a great railroad. Commercial Law C. P. A. Coaching lie ahead of you through home- Industrial Management Business English Business Corre- Commercial Spanish study training you will do well spondence Effective Speaking — Some Examples Credit and Collection Telegraphy to send at once for full particu- Correspondence Railway Accounting Small wonder that accountancy lars. The coupon will bring them Name to you without obligation, also offers the trained man such fine opportunities — opportunities Present Position details of LaSalle's convenient plan. well illustrated by the success Address payment of thousands of LaSalle accoun- Check, sign and mail the tancy students.* *Names available on request. coupon NOW. JUNE, 193 i ; ( (fforQodandcountry , we associate ourselves togetherjor thejollowiny purposes: Do uphold and defend the Constitution- ofthe "ZJnitedStates ofAmerica; to maintain law and order; tofosterandperpetuate a one hundredpercent !7lmericanisrn to preserve the memories and incidents ofour association in the (freatTWar; to inculcate a sense ofIndiiddual obligation to the com- munity,stale andnation; to combat the autocracy ofboth the classes andthe masses; to make right the master ofmight; to promote peace andgood will on earth ; to safeguardand transmit to posterity the principles ofjustice.Jreedom and democracy ; to conse- crate andsanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfdness.— Preamble to the Constitution ofThe American Legion. June, 193 i MERI CAN Vol. 10, No. 6 43EGION Monthly In This Issue <iAnnouncement Cover Design: Six Months Out by V. E. Pyles Will Be Made Outlawed by Peter B. Kyne Illustrations by Ernest Banmann in the July Issue Two Miles High and a Good Risk by William B. Smith, M.D. 10 a Suffering Snakes by Alexander Sprunt 12 of Illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull What Makes a Good Bank? by General Samuel McRoberts 14 2000 Prize Toward the Perfect Diet by Dr. E. V. McCollum 16 Cartoons by John Cassel Contest The Shots You Miss by Erwin Rudolph 18 Open to Every Reader When Mr. Baker Made War: Part Eight by Frederick Palmer 20 Pershing Tells the World A Review by T. H. Thomas 26 of If You're Suing Uncle Sam by Raymond C. Parker 2*7 The AMERICAN LEGION Go, Gophers, Go! by Philip Von Blon 28 MONTHLY, Then and Now by John J. Noll J- with a First Prize $joo, Tobogganing on the Air by Charles Phelps Cushing 34 of — and thirty-five Additional Ready, Aim by. Frank J. Schneller 36 Awards ranging from White Collar 38 $25 <6 to $230 The Unfinished Battle 64 THE STARS IN THE FLAG ARIZONA: The 48th and last State, admitted to the Union Feb. Rank among States 1920 (U. S. Census), 46th in population, 5th in - 14, iqi2. The Spanish first settled there in 1598. Mexico won it area, 45th in density. Capital, Phoenix (1930 U. S. Census), 48,118. in its war of independence. The United States, Mar. 1, Three largest cities (1930 U. S. Census), Phoenix; Tucson, 1845, in annexing Texas, claimed the portion east of the 32,506; Douglas, 9,828. Estimated wealth (1923 U. S. Rio Grande, and by the peace treaty with Mexico in 1848 Census), $1,314,291,000. The principal sources of wealth: and also by the terms of the Gadsden Purchase, 1853, smelted copper (1923 U. S. Census), $95,945,565; mineral acquired the remainder. After Texas, Sept. 9, 1850, output (1925), $114,202,670 including copper ore (the first transferred her claim to the United States, it was included state), fiold, silver and lead; livestock (1922) valued at in New Mexico Territory. Congress organized Arizona $57,658,000. Arizona had 12,470 men and women in Territory on Feb. 24, 1863. Arizona has 32,989 Indians service during the World War. State motto adopted on reservations, mostly Apaches, Navajos and Hopis.
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