Welcome to issue VII of Cosmic Masque. Yes it’s hot on the heels of issue VI—kind of like the old saying about buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along right afer each other. This gets Cosmic Masque onto its new schedule, with three issues throughout 2019, in March, June and September, with the Annual due De- cember/January. Celestal Toyroom contnues monthly of course. COSMIC MASQUE 1 1977 Inside this issue we have a nice selec- Our facsimile of the original Cosmic ton of reviews and fcton not to men- Masque from 1977 is available to buy ton an exclusive interview with Re- from our eBay site—click here to view Generaton Who conventon organiser Oni Durrant. The cover is a excellent piece of artwork by Marshall Tankers- ley. If you get the chance to check out his stuf, please do. I’m very grateful for the pieces he has submited to us here at DWAS. If there’s anything you’d like to send in, whether it be artwork, fcton or feedback you can get in touch by email to:
[email protected] or even by post. We love hearing from you. Grant and Ian have got to have a litle break for this issue, lucky fellas! Hope- fully they don’t mind me hijacking their publicaton for a bit. Enjoy this issue. Rik 1 2 There are four variants of issue one to concur and couldn’t have said it beter collect, with covers by Alice X Zhang, myself. The issue is absolutely gor- Will Brooks, Christopher Jones and Si- geous.