Canadian Golfer, April , 1916
CANADIAN) | GOLFER APRIL 1916 (5)fe)G5)2) (5)ped C5) fed C5) feCS) fTES] elGye een a JFeatures in This Number: 5El S| Public Golf al Mr. S. P. Germain, Toledo =| a Lord Northcliffe fF Che Editor fj a n Gy The Art of Placciing‘ = al Mr. T. G. Gray, Ottawa al Rule 25 Gi al Mr. W, H. Webling ie PREAHaHeeaaa April, 1916 CANADIAN GOLFER mayOle Now 12 Make Your Bitne k About I EY Thin yforur Spring Fishing Trip The Grand Trunk Railway System Reaches all the resorts in the Highlands of Ontario where big game fish are assured. The kind you catch and where they are caught Muskoka Lakes—Black Bass, Pickerel, Salmon Trout Timagami—Black Bass, Lake Trout, Speckled Kawartha Lakes—Speckled Trout, Black Bass, Trout. and Maskinonge Lake Nipissing—Black Bass, Maskinonge, Pic Lake of PBays—Speckled Trout, Salmon Trout, pee Pi and Black Bass. kerel, Pike. Algonquin Park—Speckled Trout, Black Bass Georgian Bay—Black Bass, Salmon Trout, and Salmon Trout. Lake Trout, Pickerel, Trout. OP*t¥N SEASONS Black Bass—June 16th to December 31st. Pickerel—May16th to April 14th the following : year. Speckled Trout—May 1st to September 14th. gajmon Trout and Lake Trout—November 6th Maskinonge—June 16th to December 31st. to October 4th following vear. Write to the following Agents for full particulars — How to get there, maps, rates, etc. C. E. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. J. QUINLAN, Bonaventure Station, Montreal, Que. G. T. BELL W. 8S, COOKSON Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal, Que. General Passenger Agent, Montreal, Que.
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