Innovation Ecosystems in the EU: Banking sector case study1 Ecosistemas de Innovación en la UE: el caso del sector de la Banca Renata KUBUS Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, España)
[email protected] Recepción: Abril 2018 Aceptación: Noviembre 2018 ABSTRACT Traditionally, it has been considered that the banking sector is quite conservative, from the innovative point of view, despite being part of the infrastructure of economic activity. However, especially due to the recent economy/banking sector crisis, digitalization and social and climate changes, there are several attempts in the search of innovation. Following the previously established framework for structural maturity study of the innovation ecosystems, the banking sector is studied from the perspectives of the EU architecture, economic agents, i.e. banks, scholars’ views and society, natural environment impacts. The emerging, overall picture is quite fragmented, there are several issues like the complexity of the banking sector functioning and the structural change subject little attractiveness to the general public. A conscious and orchestrated effort on all the dimensions is required in order to overcome the sub-optimal lock-ins. Key words: Innovation, innovation ecosystems, innovation helix, banking sector, banking innovation. JEL Classification: A13, B59, E42, E50, G20. 1 This document is a part of the Innovation Ecosystems in the EU, PhD thesis Revista Universitaria Europea Nº 30. Enero-Junio 2019: 23-54 ISSN: 1139 -5796 Kubus, R. RESUMEN Tradicionalmente, se ha considerado que el sector bancario es bastante conservador, desde el punto de vista innovador, a pesar de formar parte de la infraestructura de la actividad económica. Sin embargo, y debido a la reciente crisis económica/bancaria, la digitalización y los cambios sociales y climáticos, se observan varios intentos de búsquedas de la innovación.