The original documents are located in Box 28, folder “State Visits - Emperor (3)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 28 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library




His Majesty the Her Majesty the Empress of Japan His Excellency Takeo Fukuda Deputy Prime Minister His Excellency Takeshi Yasukawa Ambassador of Japan to the United States Mrs. Yasukawa His Excellency Takeshi Usami Grand Steward, Imperial Household Agency His Excellency Sukemasa· Irie Grand Chamberlain to His Majesty the Emperor His Excellency Morio Yukawa Grand Master of Ceremonies to His Majesty the Emperor His Excellency Naraichi Fujiyama Ambassador, Press Secretary to His Majesty the Emperor The Honorable Yoshihiro Tokugawa Vice-Grand Chamber1ain to His Majesty the Emperor Mrs. Sachiko Kitashirakawa Chief Lady-in-vJaiting to Her Majesty the Empress His.Excellency Hiroshi Uchida Ambassador, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Delegation -1- MEMBERS OF THE OFFICIAL JAPANESE PARTY (CONT 1 D) The Honorable Shigetaka Nishino Chief Physician to His Majesty the Emperor His Excellency Hideki Masaki Interpreter to His Majesty th~=> Emneror MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING JAPANESE PARTY

Mr. Yoshiro Yasui Vice-Grand Master of Ceremonies to His Majesty the Emperor Mr. Naoru Tanaka Chamberlain to His Majesty the Emperor Mr. Takashi Kosaka Director, General Affairs , Imperial Household Agency Mr. Iwao Yamamoto Chamberlain to His Majesty the Emperor Mr. Yasuo Nakamura Counselor of the Security Bureau, National Police Agency Mrs. Kikue Ichimura Lady-in-Waiting to Her Majesty the Empress Mr. Hiroaki Fuiii Director, First North America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Kimiko Kubo Lady-in~Waiting to Her Majesty the Empress Mr. Jutaro Sakamoto Director, Press Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Shoji Katsuta Director, Escort Division, Imperial Guard Mrs. Setsuko Suyama Lady-in-Waiting to Her Majesty the Empress


Mr. Ikuo Yokote Private Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Hiroshi Yasuda Counselor to the Prime Minister's Office Consul General of Japan Wife of Consul General of Japan

* * *

Mr. Toraichi Kodama Official, Finance Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kyosaburo Morioka Official, Board of the Chamberlains, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Akira Hayashi Official, Ministry of Foreign Affa·irs Mr. Kisaku Anzai Official, Personal Staff, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Hideo Goto Official, Board of the Chamberlains, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Masayuki Nakaya Official, Board of tbe Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency Mr. :Jaisuke Honda Official, Board of the Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency }1r. Katsue Hirasawa Imperial Guard, Escort Division Miss Matsuno Hashimoto Official, Personal Staff, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Akiyoshi Oshitani Official, Accounting Division, Imperial Household Agency Delegation -3- MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING JAPANESE PARTY (CONT'D)

Mr. Makoto Abe Official, Pharmacist, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Morisuke Makino Official, Personal Staff, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Shiro Ikeda Official, Board of the Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency Mr. Seiichi Tsuchiya Official, Board of the Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency Mrs. Kiyoko Aihara Hair Dresser Mr. Tatsuo Ota Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Moriyama Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yabunaka Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MEMBERS OF THE EMBASSY OF JAPAN ACCOMPANYING PARTY Mr. Mitsuro Donowaki Counselor, Embassy of Japan Mr. Masao tachibana First Secretary, Embassy of Japan Mr. Ryuichiro Yamazaki Second Secretary, Embassy of Japan

Delegation -4- MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING AMERICAN PARTY The Honorable Henry E. Catto, Jr. Chief of Protocol of the United States Mrs. Catto The Honorable James D. Hodgson American Ambassador to Japan Mrs. Hodgson Mr. J. Owen Zurhellen, Jr. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Mrs. Zurhellen

Mr. William R. Codus Assistant Chief of Protocol

Mr. James J. Wickel Press Officer, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Mr. Warren Magruder Press Officer, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Mr. Roger W. Wallace Protocol Officer Miss Cynthia Wayland Press Officer_, Office of Press Relations Mr. Joseph Pinto Official Photographer, United States Information Agency Miss Mary Masser1ni Protocol Press Assistant Miss Judy D. Knowles Protocol Secretary Mr. James T. Payne Protocol logistics Officer

Delegation -5- SUMMARY SCHEDULE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1975 10: 40am Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan arrive Patrick Henry International Airport, Newport News, Virginia via a Special Imperial Flight. 10:50am DEPART airfield enroute Colonial Williamsburg. 11 : 15am ARRIVE Colonial Williamsburg. noon Private lunch at Williamsburg Inn. Free afternoon. pm Private dinner at Williamsburg Inn. Overnight: Williamsburg Inn

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975 Free day.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1975 9:00am DEPART Colonial Williamsburg enroute Patrick Henry International Airport. 9:25am ARRIVE Patrick Henry International Airport. 9:30am DEPART Patrick Henry International Airport via Special Imperial Flight enroute Washington, D~ C. Flying time: 35 minutes 10 :05am ARRIVE Andrews Air Force Base and DEPART immediately enroute White House. lO:lOam Official Party members depart via U.S. Helicopter enroute Ellipse. 10:15am Welcoming Committee arrives White House, via Southwest Gate.

Summary Schedule -1- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, lf!75 10:23am Members of the OfficiJl Party arrive Ellipse. l0:25am Members of the Official Party arrive White House via Southwest Gate and proceed to their assigned places on the South Lawn. 10: 28am President and Mrs. Ford proceed to platform area. 10: 29am Their Majesties arrive White House and are greeted by President and Mrs. Ford. 10: 30am White House Arrival Ceremony. 11 :20am DEPART White House enroute Blair House. (approx.) l1:23am ARRIVE Blair House .. (approx.) 12:20pm DEPART Blair House enroute Embassy of Japan Residence, 2516 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 12:30pm ARRIVE Residence. 12:40om Informal lunch at the Residence. 2:00pm DEPART Embassy of Japan enroute Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Constitution Avenue at lOth Street, N.W. 2:1Opm ARRIVE National Museum of Natural History. 2:11pm Her Majesty proceeds to Freer Gallery of Art, 12th and Jefferson Drive, S.W. 3:25pm Her Majesty returns to National Museum of Natural History. 3:30pm DEPART National Museum of Natural History enroute Blair House. 3:35pm ARRIVE Blair House.

Summary Schedule -2- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1975 7:40pm Members of the Official Party depart Blair House enroute White House via Southwest Gate. 7:59pm DEPART Blair House enroute White House. 8:00pm President and Mrs. Ford give a dinner in honor of Their Majesties. Dress: White Tie lltOOpm DEPART White House enroute Blair House. Overnight: Blair House

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1975 9:52am DEPART Blair House enroute Arlington National Cemetery. lO:OOam Wreathlaying ceremony at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 10:20am DEPART Arlington National Cemetery enroute American National Red Cross, 17th Street between D and E Streets. 10:27am ARRIVE American National Red Cross. 10:47am DEPART American National Red Cross enroute Blair House~ 10:50am ARRIVE Blair House. 11:55am DEPART Blair House for sightseeing of Washington, D.C. enroute "Sequoia", Washington Navy Yard. 12:45pm ARRIVE "Sequoia". 1:00pm Informal luncheon on the Presidential Yacht "Sequoia" cruising down the Potomac River to Mount Vernon. 2:45pm ARRIVE Mount Vernon. 3:40pm DEPART Mount Vernon enroute Blair House.

Summary Schedule -3- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1975 4:05pm ARRIVE Blair House. 5:15pm DEPART Blair House enroute Embassy of Japan Residence, 251£ Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 5:30pm ARRIVE Embassy of Japan Residence. Reception at the Embassy of Japan Residence. Dress: Business Suit 6:00pm DEPART Embassy of Japan enroute Blair House. 6: lOpm ARRIVE Blair House. 7:10pm Members of the Official Party depart Blair House enroute Smithsonian Castle, 1000 Jefferson Drive, S.W. 7:40pm DEPART Blair House enroute Smithsonian Castle. 7:50pm ARRIVE Smithsonian Castle, East Entrance. 7:59pm President and Mrs. Ford arrive, East Entrance. 8:00pm Their Majesties give a dinner in honor of President and Mrs. Ford at Smithsonian Castle, 11 Commons 11 room. Dress: White Tie 11 :OOpm President and Mrs. Ford depart Smithsonian Castle, North Entrance. 11 :02pm DEPART Smithsonian Castle enroute Blair House. 11 :07pm ARRIVE Blair House. Overnight: Blair House

Summary Schedule -4- 12:1 Opm .DEPART Blair House enroute Andrews Air Force Base. 12:25pm ARRIVE Andrews Air Force Base. 12:30prr DEPART Andrews Air Force Base via USAF VC-9 Flight enroute Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts. Flying time: 1 hour 5 winutes l: 35pm ARRIVE Otis Air Force Base. 1:40pm DEPART airfield enroute Woods Hole. 1:40pm Her Majesty departs airfield enroute Sandwich. 2:06pm ARRIVE Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2:00pm Her Majesty arrives Sandwich Glass Museum. 2:30pm Her Majesty departs Sandwich Glass Museum enroute Daniel Webster Inn. 2:32pm Arrive Daniel Webster Inn. 2:55pm DEPART Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution enroute Marine Biological Laboratory. 3:00pm Her Majesty departs Daniel Webster Inn enroute Falmouth. 3:30pm Her Majesty arrives Falmouth Artists' Guild, Inc. 4:00pm Her Majesty departs Falmouth Artists' Guild, Inc. enroute Otis Air Force Base. 2:57pm ARRIVE Marine Biological Laboratory. 4:06pm DEPART Marine Biological Laboratory enroute Otis Air Force Base. 4:26pm Her Majesty arrives Otis AFB.

4:32pm ARRIVE Otis Air Force Base.

Summary Schedule -5- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1975 4:40pm DEPART Otis Air Force Base via USAF VC Flight enroute New York. Flying time: 50 minutes. 5:30pm ARRIVE New York, LaGuardia Airport. 5:40pm DEPART airfield enroute Waldorf Towers. 6:02pm ARRIVE Waldorf Towers. Private dinner. Overnight: Waldorf Towers

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1975 lO:OOam DEPART Waldorf Towers for sightseeing of New York City and Hudson River Valley enroute Pocantico Hills, New York. 10:55am ARRIVE Pocantico Hills (Japanese House). Vice President and Mrs. Rockefeller escort Their Majesties on tour of Japanese House. . . . . 11: 30am DEPART Japanese House enroute Fieldwood Farm. 11 :41am ARRIVE Fiel dwood Farm. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller III give an informal luncheon in honor of Their Majesties. 1:40pm DEPART Fieldwood Farm enroute Shea Stadium. 2:45pm ARRIVE Shea Stadium.

{~~~~~x.) DEPART Shea Stadium enroute Waldorf Towers. 3:45pm ARRIVE Waldorf Towers. 7:26pm DEPART Waldorf Towers enroute Residence of the Consul General of Japan, 4 tast 67th Street.

Surrmary Schedule -6- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1975 7:30pm ARRIVE Residence of Consul General. Informal Dinner. 9:00pm DEPART Residence of Consul General enroute Waldorf Towers. 9:04pm ARRIVE Waldorf Towers. Overnight: Waldorf Towers

MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1975 9:27am DEPART Waldorf Towers enroute United Nations. 9:35am ARRIVE United Nations. Meeting with Secretary-General and Mrs. Waldheim. 9:55am Tour of United Nations Building. 10: 15am DEPART United Nations enroute New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx. 10:45am ARRIVE New York Botanical Gardens. Tour of Gardens. 11 : 15am DEPART New York Botanical Gardens. l1 :45am ARRIVE Waldorf Towers. 12:50pm DEPART Waldorf Towers enroute Gracie Mansion. 1:00pm Mayor and Mrs. Beame give a luncheon in honor of Their Majesties. 3:00pm DEPART Gracie Mansion enroute Waldorf Towers.

Summary Schedule -7- f!C·i!DAY, OCTOBER 6, 1975

L1: S4pm DEPART Waldorf Towers enroute the Jopan House, 333 East 47th Street. 5:00pm ARRIVE the Japan House. 5:25pm DEPART the Japan House enroute Waldorf Astoria. 5:30pm ARRIVE Waldorf Astoria, Grand Ballroom. 5:40pm Reception in honor of Their Majesties given by representatives of Japanese­ Americans and Japanese in New York. 6:05pm DEPART Grand Ballroom enroute Waldorf Towers. ARRIVE suite. Private dinner. Overnight: Waldorf Towers

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1975 9:05am DEPART Waldorf Towers enroute JFK International Airport. 9:40am ARRIVE JFK International Airport. 9:50am DEPART New York via Special Imperial Flight enroute Chicago. Flying time: 1 hour 50 minutes 11: OOam ARRIVE Chicago, O'Hare International Airport. 11: 05am DEPART airfield enroute Drake Hotel. 11 :45am ARRIVE Drake Hotel.

12: l5pm DEPART Drake Hotel enroute Conrad Hilton Hotel. 12:30pm ARRIVE Conrad Hilton Hotel.

Summary Schedule -8- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 197~

12:30pm Mayor and ~ir-s. Da 1ey give a 1 uncheon in honor of Their Majesties at Conrad Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom. 2:20pm DEPART Conrad Hilton Hotel enroute Drake Hotel. 2:27pm ARRIVE Drake Hotel. 3:00pm DEPART Drake Hotel enroute Joliet, Illinois. 3:10pm Her Majesty departs Drake Hotel enroute Wyler Childrens 1 Hospital~ 950 E. 59th Street. 3:40pm Her Majesty arrives Wyler Childrens' Hospital. 4:05pm Her Majesty departs Wyler Childrens' Hospital enroute Art Institute of Chicago, Michigan and Adams Street. 4:20pm Her Majesty arrives Art Institute of Chicago. 4:20pm ARRIVE Baltz Farm, Joliet, Illinois. 5:10pm Her Majesty departs Art Institute of Chicago enroute Drake Hotel. 5:20pm DEPART Baltz Farm enroute Drake Hotel. 5:25pm Her Majesty arrives Drake Hotel. 6:40pm ARRIVE Drake Hotel. 7:1Opm Reception in honor of Their Majesties by representatives of Japanese-Americans and Japanese in Chicago in Parkside 'Room, Drake Hotel. 7:20pm DEPART reception enroute suite. Private dinner. Overnight: Drake Hotel Su11111ary Schedule -9- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 197~ 8:15am DEPART Drake Hotel enroute O'Hare International Airport. 8:55am ARRIVE O'Hare International Airport. 9:00am DEPART Chicago via Special Imperial Flight enroute Los Angeles. Flying time: 4 hours 5 minutes 11 :05am ARRIVE Los Angeles International Airport, FAA Termi na 1 . 11: 15am DEPART airfield enroute Los Angeles Music Center, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. 11 :45am ARRIVE Los Angeles Music Center, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and proceed to "Founders." 12:l5pm Presentation of key to city followed by welcoming acknowledgement to community from baJconv. accomoanied by Mayor and Mrs. Bradley. 12:35pm Mayor and Mrs. Bradley give a luncheon in honor of Their Majesties in the Grand Hall. 2:00pm DEPART Grand Hall and proceed to "Founders." 2:40pm DEPART Los Angeles Music Center enroute Disneyland. 3:20pm ARRIVE Disneyland. Tour of Disneyland. 4:30pm DEPART Disneyland enroute Beverly Wilshire Hotel. 5:40pm ARRIVE Beverly Wilshire Hotel. 6:40pm Reception in honor of Their Majesties by representatives of Japanese-Americans and Japanese in Los Angeles at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 7:00pm DEPART reception and return to suite. Private dinner. Overnight: Beverly Wilshire Summary Schedule -10- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1975 9:25am DEPART hotel enroute Los Angeles International Airport. 9:55am ARRIVE Los Angeles International Airport. lO:OOam DEPART Los Angeles via Special Imperial Flight enroute San Diego. Flying time: 35 minutes 10:35am ARRIVE San Diego Airport. l0:40am DEPART airfield enroute San Diego National Zoo. 10:48am ARRIVE San Diego National Zoo. Tour of Zoe. 11:30am DEPART San Diego National Zoo enroute Sea Lodge Hotel, La Jolla. 11:47am ARRIVE Sea Lodge Hotel. Private lunch. 1:05pm DEPART Sea Lodge Hotel enroute Scripps Institution of 01-eanography. NOTE: Her Majesty remains at hotel for rest. 1:07pm ARRIVE Scripps Institution. 3:05pm DEPART Scripps Institution enroute Sea Lodge Hotel. 3:07pm ARRIVE Sea Lodge Hotel . 3:42pm DEPART Sea Lodge Hotel enroute San Diego Airport. 4:00pm ARRIVE San Diego Airport. 4:05pm DEPART San Diego via Special Imperial Flight enroute San Francisco. Flying time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Summary Schedule -11- THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1975 5:25pm ARRIVE San Francisco Airport. 5:35pm DEPART airfield enroute St. Francis Hotel, Union Square. 6:00pm ARRIVE St. Francis Hotel. Private dinner. Overnight: St. Francis Hotel

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1975 lO:OOam DEPART St. Francis Hotel enroute Strybing Arboretum, Golden Gate Park, passing by Japan Center. 10:20am ARRIVE Strybing Arboretum. Reception in honor of Their Majesties by the representatives of Japanese­ Americans and Japanese in San Francisco. 10:50am DEPART Strybing Arboretum enroute Kanrin Maru Monument, passing by Lincoln Park. 11 :OOam ARRIVE Kanrin Maru Monument. 11:1 Oam DEPART Kanrin Maru Monument enroute Vista Point of Golden Gate Bridge. 11 :20am ARRIVE Vista Point. 11 :35am DEPART Vista Point enroute St. Francis Hotel. 11: 55am ARRIVE St. Francis Hotel. 1:OOpm Mayor and Mrs. Alioto give a luncheon in honor of Their Majesties at the St. Francis Hotel, Grand Ballroom. 2:45pm DEPART Grand Ballroom and return to suite. 3:25pm DEPART St. Francis Hotel enroute San Francisco Airport.

Summary Schedule -12- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1975 . 3:50pm ARRIVE San Francisco Airport. 4:00pm DEPART San Francisco via Special Imperial Flight enroute Honolulu, Hawaii. Flying time: 4 hours 15 minutes (Dinner will be served during flight.) 6:15pm ARRIVE Honolulu International Airport. 6:25pm DEPART airfield enroute Kahala Hilton Hotel. 6:50pm ARRIVE Kahala Hilton Hotel. Overnight: Kahala Hilton Hotel SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1975 10:45am DEPART Kahala Hilton Hotel enroute Honolulu International Center Hall. 11: OOam ARRIVE Honolulu International Center Hall. Welcoming program by the citizens of Honolulu. 11:40am DEPART Honolulu International Center Hall enroute Residence of Governor and Mrs. Ariyoshi.

11:45am · ARRIVE Residence of Governor and Mrs. Ariyoshi. 12:00noon Governor and Mrs. Ariyoshi give a luncheon in honor of Their Majesties at the Residence. 1:45pm DEPART Residence enroute Kahala Hilton Hotel. 2:00pm ARRIVE Kahala Hilton Hotel. 3:15pm DEPART Kahala Hilton Hotel enroute Bishop Museum. 3:30pm ARRIVE Bishop Museum. Tour of Museum.

Summary Schedule -13- 5~TURDAY, OCTOBER 11 I 1975 4:05pm DEPART Bishop Museum enroute Residence of Consul General Of Japan,

4:25pm ARRIVE Residence of Consul General. Reception in honor of Their Majesties by representatives of Japanese-Americans and Japanese of Hawaii. 5:20pm DEPART Residence of Consul General enroute Kahala Hilton Hotel, passing along Waikiki. 5:50pm ARRIVE Kahala Hilton Hotel. 6:50pm DEPART Kahala Hilton Hotel enroute Honolulu International Airport. 7:15pm ARRIVE Honolulu International Airport. 7:25pm DEPART Honolulu via Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 aircraft enroute Kona. Flying time: 30 minutes 7:55pm ARRIVE Kona Airport. 8:00pm DEPART airfield enroute Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. 8:42pm ARRIVE Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. Private dinner. Overnight: Mauna Kea Beach Hotel SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1975 Rest. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1975 10 :43arr. DEPART Mauna Kea Beach Hotel enroute Kona Airport.

11: 25am ARRIVE Kona Airport~

Summary Schedule -14- MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19·]5 11 :30am DEPART Kona via Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 aircraft enroute Honolulu. Flying time: 30 minutes l2:00noon ARRIVE Honolulu International Airport. 12:55pm DEPART the United States via Special Imperial Flight enroute .


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