I. IF<181 10 the eleven gronis di:'11/6/4tedz, rider Ihe Pithar0 17'018r OPPortt, nines Scheme and/ask- Con Ihe Deportment pleaseprovide, for each of Ihe grantrec;pienis. ' a. As"minaiyqftheprqjeciorst"dy, b. The budgeiqfiheprqjectorstz, dy, beyondthegrani c. Thereportingreq"lyemenisqftheprqj'ectorstz!dyond, ' d. The expected completion doleof'the prey'ectorst"dy?


a. b. c. d. Summary of project/study Budget beyond the grant Reporting requirements Expected completion date PWO - Balla Balla Water Reuse N/A N/A N/A Initiative Study Organisation: Aurox Resources (Atlas Iron) AUTOx resources undertook a feasibility study on the supply of 5GL/amurn of process water from BallaBalla mine site to Port Hedland from 2012, to provide a low cost watersupply option forthe Town of Port Hedland. Total project funding and status: $480,000 (The project did not proceed and return of funds is being pursued by the Department of Regional Develo merit(Dan)). PWO - Biodieseland Cattle Feed N/A N/A N/A Plants (project did not proceed) Organisation: CiticPacific (Pastoral Lands Management Pty Ltd)andDAFWA , .. Citic Pacific in collaboration with

. , DAFWA was to deliver field trials of the biodiesel and cattle feed plant using Moringa. The study was to detennine ifMoringawould grow in the climate and whether it would be suitable to replace Mesquite, arecognised weed of national significance. Total project funding and status: $0 (project funding declined by proponent) PWO - Decca Station Project $0 As perthesigned FAA Project acquitted 20/02/2012 Organisation: Ngarliyamdu (quarterly project BindirriAboriginal Corporation reporting obligations and final project report Ngarliyamdu BindirriAboriginal and audited financial Corporation engaged 10 Indigenous statement). inmates from Roeboume Regional Prison in a 'train to work' project specifically designed to implement water sensitive techniques for agriculture production in the Pilbara. The project has enabled Decoa Station to develop a fully functioning pilot garden and horticultural training facility for use by prisoners classified as low risk from Roeboume Regional Prison. Total project funding and status: $166,090 (project acquitted 20/02/2012) PWO - Development of Bio-Energy $0 As perthesigned Fan Project acquitted Economy using Natural Resources (quarterly project 22/06/2012 in the Pithara Region (Energy reporting obligations Island Project) and final project report and audited financial Organisation: AgGrowEnergy statement). Resources(AER) AgGrow established apilot project to illustrate how a collection of highly potential bio-energy fuel crops can produce high EROEl(Energy Return On Energy Invested) crops on marginal lands using poor quality water. During the trial research and development phase in the Camarvon site AgGrow Energy Resources (AER) and Consolidated Minerals (CML)joined forces and collaborated their respective trials to establish an expanded trailsite at the Woodie Woodie to refinethe AER outcomes. The Energy Island Project micro trial identified the planting, irrigation and nutrition protocols alead of the logisticalIy more difficult and remote site at Woodie Woodie. AER was able verified drip irrigation techniques for biomass production systems for two fuelstock options, namely various Sorghum cultivars andArundo Doriax (ADX). Total project funding and status: $225,000 (project acquitted 22/06/2012) PWO - Evaluation of the The project under As perthesigned FAA Project acquitted Feasibility of a Solomon expenditure of $70,014 (quarterly project 11/01/2012 Sustainable Water Scheme was approved for reporting obligations redirection to Global and final project report Organisation: FortescueMetals Groundwater for and audited financial Group, Worley Parsons, MWH additional pre-project statement). TheFMG, WorleyParsons and work for Woodie MHW project assessed the use of Woodie Pilbara excess water from Fortes cue Metals Hinterland Agriculture Group Ltd's(FMG) future Solomon Development Initiative operations both during dewatering (pHADl) Stage operation and as a potential water I(agriculture pilot storage and redraw supply scheme project). post mine closure. Total project funding and status: $445,000 (project acquitted 11/01/2012). The project under expenditure of $70,014 was approved for redirection to Global Groundwater for additional pre- project work for Woodie Woodie Pilbara Hinterland Agriculture Development Initiative (pHADl) Stage I(agriculture ilot roject). PWO - GroundwaterResource $0 As perthesigned Mou Project to be acquitted Appraisal (quarterly project by 31/03/2015 Organisation: Department of reporting obligations and final project report Water(Dow) and audited financial Dow undertook groundwater statement). sampling of the firstround of completed bores for hydrochemical and isotopic properties as part of a study to analyse interpret and understand the structure and sustainability of the West Canning aquifers. Total project funding and status: $155,000 (project in finalstage of acquittal) PWO -Integrated Mining & The original PWO As perthesigned FAA Project to be acquitted Irrigated Agriculture Water funding was (quarterly project by 31/03/2015 Management Scheme supplemented by reporting obligations $70,014 (15/02/2012) Organisation: Global Groundwater and final project report DAFWA - MWH with scope amended to and audited financial Global Groundwater, DAFWA and undertake pre-project statement). work associated MWH undertake a more detailed Woodie Woodie feasibility study on the agricultural- related recommendations from the PI{ADI Stage I agriculture pilot project) initial Pilbara Integrated Water from the PWO Woodie Supply Pre-feasibility Study Biofuels Project (Mum). The Studyundertaken provided an assessment of too identified irrigated agricultural developmentsites(north of Newman and Woodie Woodie)that could utilise surplus water generated from below water table mining operations and'or supplementary borefields. The Study was designed to assist government and/orthird parties in decision-making and provide to detail costs and benefits of these proposed developments. The driving principle was to integrate mining and agriculture in a manner that is consistent with the National Water Initiative (NWl) which indicated water should be used for it highest and best use.

The pHADI Woodie Woodie pilot project was proposed as a Soha centre pivotsite on Warrawagine Station and has grown to 350ha. The technology is being evaluated to deliver fodder production for cattle and biofuel crops with the view to establish a second stage of development of up to 2000ha's. Total project funding and status: $400,000 (originalPWO funding and supplemental funding of $70,014 was provided 15/02/2012) with scope amended to undertake pre- project work associated Woodie Woodie pHADI Stage I agriculture pilot project). The project is in final stage of acquittal. PWO - Mobile Pipe Machine $0 As perthesigned FAA Project acquitted (quarterly project 23/01/2012 Organisation: Civmectrading as reporting obligations West Australian Top Environmental Resource and final project report and audited financial The West Australian Top statement). Environmental Resource (WATER) projectinvolved the construction and testing of a scale pipe machine that could be further developed to reduce the overall cost of transport and construction of large diameter pipelines in remote locations of the Pilbara. The project established that a large diameter continuous pipe machine could significantly reduce the supply cost associated with large diameter pipelines. Total project funding and status: $50,000 (project acquitted 23/01/2012) PWO - Nameless Sustainable Completed, due to As perthe signed FAA Project to be acquitted Energy Project(and Garden in a additional funds within (quarterly project by 31/03/2015 Box) the PWO projects(Chic reporting obligations Pacific's funding Organisation: Ashburton and final project report decline) and a variation and audited financial Aboriginal Corporation (I\.,\. C) to the original FAA was statement). Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation entered into on forthe established a three (3) hectare "Garden in a Box" Moringa plantation in a gravel project. reserve on the Nameless Valley Road on the edge of Tom Price. The aim of the trial plantation was to provide the first data on seed/oil yields for Moringa in the Pilbara, conduct agronomic research, develop management practises for growing Moringa and provide training opportunities for indigenous people. It assessed the feasibility of growing oilseed crops forthe production of biodiesel within the Shire of Ashburton utilising mine dewatering and/or groundwater. The Garden in aBox project established a 1.6 hectare site in Warralong Community as a dedicated horticulture precinct to deliver a self-sustaining micro business for local food production and Moringa tree for fuel to oil outcomes. Total project funding and status: The Nameless Sustainable Energy Project($150,000) was completed, due to additional funds within the PWO projects from Citic Pacific's funding decline a variation to the original FAA was entered into on for $133,085 to establish the "Garden in a Box" project. The projects are in the final stage of acquittal. PWO - Pilbara Bottled Water $0 As perthesigned FAA Project acquitted Project (quarterly project 22/06/2012 reporting obligations Organisation: Leighton Contractors and final project report The Pilbara Bottle Water project and audited financial from Leighton Contractors was to statement). establish the viabinty, concept and management model forthe Pilbara Bottled Water(PBW) as a business opportunity for the Tom Price Traditional Owner group (Eastern Guruma). Leighton established a highly qualified team of industry specialists to research the establish a bottling water facility using excess dewatering and replacing plastic bottles with locally manufactured biodegradable bottles made from plant sugars. Total project cost and status: $425,000 (project acquitted 22/06/2012) PWO-Woodie Biofuels Project $0 As perthesigned FAA Project acquitted (quarterly project 12/04/2013 Organisation: Consolidated Minerals reporting obligations and final project report Consolidated Minerals used water and audited financial from mine dewatering as irrigation to statement). establish biofuel crops near the Woodie Woodie mine site. Four(4) different species of biofuel plants were grown, harvested and tested for the potential and respective yields per hectare. Processing technology of crops (to produce biofuel) was identified as a means to establish a prefeasibility of a commercially viable biofuel enterprise. Special dispensation was obtained to facilitate the project on a mining lease from the Department of Mines and Petroleum.

Total project cost and status: $250,000 (project acquitted 12/04/2013) STANDING COMMITTEE ONESTIMATESAND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS



2. 11<1er 10 !he eleven grants distributed Ifnder Ihe PI'Iboro Worer OPPoriz!rilli^s Scheme and/ask-

a. Whichqftherecjpientprq/'ectshco, ebeendeemedjt?OSI'ble? b. Whichqftherecjpieniprqjectshavebeendeemedt!1:1eosible? c. Whichof'therecjpieniprq/'ecisoreyetto bedeiermined/t?OSibleor ''d'80sible? of Which of Ihe ploy'ects or 8124dies Ihoireceived a granihove progressed beyondj??OSI'binty, sindies or mats? e. Haveanyprqjectproponenisexpressedodesire toexiendorprogresso ployecibeyond/;!OSibi/io) SIMdies or trials, and ifso, which ones?


a . Balla Balla Water Reuse Initiative Study . Decca Station Project . Development of Bio-Energy Economy using Natural Resources in the Pilbara Region (Energy Island Project) . Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Solomon Sustainable Water Scheme . GroundwaterResource Appraisal . Integrated Mining & Irrigated Agriculture Water Management Scheme . Mobile Pipe Machine . Nameless Sustainable Energy Project(and Garden in a Box) . Pilbara Bottled Water Project . Woodie Biofuels Project

b. Biodiesel and Cattle Feed Plants (The proponent Citic Pacific did not proceed). c. None

, , d. Decca Station Project: . The project has turned Decca Station into a fully functioning pilot garden and horticultural training facility for use by prisoners classified as low risk from Roebourne Regional Prison . Development of Bio-Energy Economy using Natural Resources in the Pilbara Region (Energy Island Project) o The project research on various crop types best suited to the Pilbara environment evolved and progressed substantially into the Woodie Woodie Pilbara Hinterland Agriculture Development Initiative (pHADl) Stage I (agriculture pilot project). . Integrated Mining and Irrigated Agriculture Water Management Study o The study identified two agricultural precincts, one North of BHP and Rio Tinto Iron Ore mines associated with Weeli Wolli, Mannana and Yandicoogina Creeks (Yandi) and the other adjacent to the Woodie Woodie mine, which is associated with the Oakover River. . Nameless Sustainable Energy Project(and Garden in a Box): o The project provided the skills and resources for Moringa to be assessed as part of the Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation trial; the Garden in a Box project at Warralong Community enabled the establishment of a dedicated horticulture precinct within the community with a possible self-sustaining micro business to deliver local food production and Moringa trees (fuelto oil). . Woodie Biofuels Project: o The project enabled Consolidated Minerals and AgGrow Energy Resources to use the research and implement crop trials to enable the best performing crop options to be stablished for the Woodie Woodie mine site. This was the first time the Department of Mines and Petroleum approved an agriculture project on a mining lease area which in turn has opened up other opportunities e. . AgGrow Energy Resources (AER) - Development of Bio-Energy Economy using Natural Resources in the Pilbara Region (Energy Island Project). . Global Groundwater Integrated Mining & Irrigated Agriculture Water Management Scheme. . Civmec - Mobile Pipe Machine. . Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation - Nameless Sustainable Energy Project (and Garden in a Box). . Leighton Contractors & Eastern Guruma - Pilbara Bottled Water Project.




3 1/4/'81 10 regional grants scheme ond/ask. . Benteen 2009 and2013 inclusive, con the Deporimenip/ease own^^e each Instance of agront "rider/he regionalgronisscheme being mode 10 apri'vate o116/7/7rq/norgani:soil'on. For 80ch instance, please outline Q. TheQinownigronted/ironyerred b. ThendineqftheprivoteeniiO) c. Adescrjpti'on of theprey'eci d. Then!SI;/icon'on/61thepri'voteentio)beingse/ected

Kiinberley Development Commission a b C d Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $50,000 Leaping Joey Pty Ltd Fitzroy Valley Men's Shed Community Project To build capacity and employment for Aboriginal Fitzroy Valley men through a series of initiatives. $200,000 Rewards Projects Limited Red Flesh Grapefruit Cold Agricultural industry Disinfestation Protocol diversification Verification Project comprised verification work to enhance biosecurity in preparation for export of pink grapefruit. Information provided to entire industry. Industry development initiative $143,269 Bunuba Films Ply Ltd landamarra Returns - Enhanced cross cultural Kiinberley Tour understanding and Aboriginal employment. Tour of anew production of landamarra, arenowned Bunuba Leader (Kiinberley). Cultural benefitR. egional Promotion. , I I $50,000 Stalker trading as Marrugeku Buru Cultural Production Social development and employment Project comprised development through to production of a new performance of Buru by the Broome based dance theatre company Marrugeku. Cultural benefit. $91,624 BirdwoodDowns Company Rural Operations Plus Project comprised 2010/2011 Kiinberley RGS refurbishment of an existing round building as accommodation for Kiinberley Training Institute students undertaking rural operations courses Regional Benefit.

Pilbara Development Commission a) b) c) d) Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $75,000 Aurox Resources Feasibility study into potential Opportunity for low cost (08-09) Limited for new watersupply from Balla water supply option forthe Balla to Port Hedland using Town of Port Hedland resource projectinfrastructure through supplying up to 5GL/annum of process water from Balla Balla. Adding value to resource infrastructure. $70,000 Managerial Resources Small businesstraining and Supporting sustainability of (08-09) Training development program the small business sector in the region during a period of high cost of living and staff shortages through the delivery of specific training and skills development $30,000 Drovers Rest Construction of ablution block at Consistent with aim of rodeo site Pithara Cities vision to support improvements to community infrastructure. $295,000 Red Dog Film Additional week of production Economic opportunities in in the Pithara to add high impact the Pilbara including cinematic shots to increase the promotion of the region as a exposure of the Pilbara, tourist destination and community and industry and location for film production marketing the Red Dog movie. Preserving Pilbara cultural heritage in capturing the Red Dog story on film.

2 $140,000 Pardoo Station Development of the 1'' Stage Economic diversification (40ha) of a proposed cattle through development of fodder production facility at agricultural opportunities in Pardoo Station comprising up to the Pilbara. 700ha of irrigated pasture under pivot $20,000 Revive Clinic Series of new health programs Improved outcomes in that aim to reduce the incidence community health and well- of chronic disease in Port being through the delivery Hedland. of preventative health programs.

Gascoyne Development Commission

a b C d Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $7,000 Loveapple Pty Ltd Business Plan development While Loveapple Pty Ltd is a to enable Loveapple to change private company it is run its traditional use of a along the lines as a co- subcontractor in to pre- operative with 19 members pack theirtomatoes for retail This project enabled the sale, to having the work expansion of their operations, completed locally including the employment of four additional employees and the potential for expansion that could create a further four positions.

Mid WestDevelopmemt Commission The Mid West Development Commission has managed NIL grant disbursements to a private or for-profit organisation under the Regional Grant Scheme between 2009 - 2013.

Goldfields-ESPerance Development Commission The Goldfields-ESPeranCG Development Commission (GEDC) has managed the Royalties for Regions Goldfields-ESPeranCG Regional Grants Scheme (GERGS) since the first round in 2009. The applications for GERGS funding listed in the table below have been identified as private or for-profit organisations according to the Australian Business Register (ABR). In Round One (1) of the GERGS there were two (2) applications approved by the GEDC Board for headworks that were later eligible for the 'Distribution Headworks Charges and Subsidy Scheme' As a result, Western Power reimbursed the organisations directly. These organisations were then required to reimburse GERGS funds to the GEDC as per their respective funding agreements. The full amount refunded by FE Daws & Sons was received 24 January 2011 and Tectonic Resources on 22 September 2010.

3 In Round Two (2) of the GERGS there was one (1) application approved to support a projectthat aimed to benefit the local arts community. The project involved IAS}<.,!\. working directly with the Cannery Arts Centre in ESPeranCG (a not-for-profit art centre)to build capacity within their organisation and the local arts community in the ESPeranCG region. The funding agreement was made with IAS}<. A (ABT*I 59 958 805 342) which is listed as an 'Other Trust' entity on the ABR. The GEDC received invoices for the two (2) instalments offUnding from International Art Space Pty Ltd (ABN 18 081 775 475) forthis project which is listed as an 'Australian Private Company' according to the ABR and has been registered as a charitable organisation on the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commissions (ACNC) register since 3 December 2012. However, payment to International Art Space Pty Ltd by the GEDC occurred 2 March 2011 and 28 February 2012.

a b C d Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $160,000 FEDaw& Sons Headworksto connectpower Round I - Headworks, to new IGA premises in however this was subjectto Ravensthorpe the Distribution Headworks Charges and Subsidy Scheme and funds were reimbursed $100,000 Tectonic Resources NL Headworksto connectthe Round I-Headworks, 100 inari camp within however this was subject to Ravensthorpe onto mains the Distribution Headworks power. Charges and Subsidy Scheme and funds were reimbursed. $ 7,000 TASK/\./International Art Spaced- art project- Arts Round 2 -Deemed a great Space Pty Ltd skills; management, liaison, opportunity forthe local arts curatorial, website community for minimal cost that would build the capacity of the Cannery Arts Centre in ESPeranCG and enable communities to expand social and economic opportunities.

Wheatbelt Development Commission a) b) c) d) Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $33,200 Darren & Lyn Smith Provision of power & water Providing headworks to to industrial land. unserviced blocks allowed Wagin businesses to expand. Applicant successfully negotiated with Western Power to reduce the cost as well as working closely with the Water Corporation.

4 $50,000 Wave Rock Enterprises Upgrade of the Wave Rock Increase capacity for airstrip forthe Hyden domestic and international community including a tourists to fly into one of the patienttransfer facility. states iconic tourist destinations. Improved facilities also provide greater access for emergency services for surrounding communities. $15,000 Rapid Ascent Pty Ltd A Multi Sport Challenge The Avon Valley has become involving individuals or relay more known for adventure teams of up to six people sports. This was one of the competing in a 'triathlon events that helped enhance style' course including this area's reputation forthis running, cycling, flat water type of sport. or white water paddling over a distance of Isshi, starting at Toodyay and finishing at Waters Edge Winery in Guildford. $100,000 Hutton and Northey Sales Develop & implement a A long standing issue of solution to provide a suitable Hutton & Northey not being water fire fighting supply to able to meetthe Fire and the MacKenzie Street Emergency Services Industrial Area in Merredin Authority water pressure to meetthe requirements of requirements due to incorrect the Building Code of planning advice and an Australia in relation to fire inability to supply adequate services. water pressure for the size of shed required for expansion. The resolution from discussions at an inter- ministerial level was that government assistance was the only option. Hutton and Northey have built large facilities to support agricultural machinery in Merredin and are a significant employer.

PeelDevelopment Commission The Development Commission has managed NIL grant disbursements to a private or for-profit organisation under the Regional Grant Scheme between 2009 - 2013.

5 South WestDevelopment Commission a) b) c) d Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $15,000 Rapid Ascent Pty Ltd. AnacondaAdventure Race Initial support for development of a major event. Decision based on potential return to the regional community in tourism expenditure. $7,150 Cornerstone Christian Extension of existing bus Improve safety for young College Limited (on behalf shelter in Grace Court, children. of the Busselton and Busselton Dunsborough Area School Bus Committee). $15,065 Goldbay Enterprises Pty Ltd. Fonty's PoolPower Expansion of employment Enhancement Project and tourism attractions at Manjimup. $15,000 Rapid Ascent Pty Ltd. anacondaAdventure Race Year 2 of support forthe 2010 establishment of Anaconda Adventure race in the Vasse region. $48,964 WestPembertonAvocados. Electricity Upgrade Employment outcomes. Application did not proceed. $828,752 World Wide Mind Films Pty Filming of the international Stimulation of the South Ltd. movie "Drift" on location in West film industry, regional the South West. promotion and marketing, regional employment outcomes.

Great Southern Development Commission a) b c) d) Amount Name of Private Entity Description Justification $4,000 Insideworld Imagine by Ltd Feasibility Plan for Giant Development of international Leap International Dance standard events bring wide Festival community and economic benefitto the region as Development of a Feasibility Plan for Australia's first demonstrated through the international dance festival in development of the Perth International Arts Festival AlbanyandDenmarkand participatory dance events in Great Southern program (now Great Southern Mt Barker, Katanning and Festival). Koionup. Project aligns with Royalties for Regions objective: Enable communities to expand social and economic opportunities, and GSDC strategic objective

6 Innovation in the delivery of; or enhancement of, community or industry infrastructure. $10,000 Denmark Rivermouth Caravan Park Project was provided Caravan Park Power Supply and headworks and switch gear Headworks funding of $107,100 due to the wider tourism benefitto Upgrading of power lines from the Denmark Centre to the region. $97,100 was returned due to a change in the park (800metres), headworks legislation inid- purchase of a back-up way through the project. generatorin case of power $10,000 for switch gear was outages and a new power transfomierto cater forthe retained by proponent Aligns with the Royalties for growing number of tourists Regions objective: Retain in the park. and build the benefits of regional communities, and the Great Southern Development Commission (GSDC) strategic objective: Increase in visitor numbers, and in the range of tourism products, by building on our region's assets $25,000 T. A, s. T. E. Pty Ltd French Black Truffles - Development of a niche Creation of New Down- industry and exposure of Stream Industries high Grid product from the Great Southern brings Distribution, marketing, economic benefitto the branding and product region. development of FrenchBlack Truffles. Project aligns with Royalties for Regions objective: Assist regional communities to prosper through increased employment opportunities, business and industry development opportunities, and improved localservices, and GSDC strategic objective: Diversification and strengthening of the economic and/or social base of the region.

7 $100,000 Moonies HillEnergy Pty Ltd 150MW Flat Rocks Wind Project addresses the long Farm in Koionup terni energy needs of the Great Southern region. Completion of the Project aligns with Royalties development approvals for the 150MWFlat Rocks Wind for Regions objective: Assist Farm and construction of the regional communities to prosper through increased largest renewable energy employment opportunities, power station in the Great business and industry Southern Region. development opportunities, and improved localservices, and GSDC strategic objective: Diversification and strengthening of the economic and/orsocial base of the region $2,500 Rapid Ascent Pty Ltd Adventure Race 2010 in Projectis a menor event with Denmark direct economic benefitto This project will conductthe the region and addresses a regional aspiration to Mountain Designs Adventure Race in October 2010. position the Great Southern as an adventure destination of choice. Event aligns with the Royalties for Regions objective: Enable communities to expand social and economic opportunities, and the GSDC strategic objective: Innovation in the delivery of, or enhancement of; community or industry infrastructure.