ALLYSHIP TOOLKIT Guidelines to Teaching an Effective Workshop Prepared by: JESSICA HUANG SARAH TSEGGAY CRAIG CONSIDINE Copyright @2019, Rice Allyship Movement Direct questions about this report to: Dr. Craig Considine
[email protected] Rice University 713-534-7770 To obtain a copy of this report or to offer comments or feedback, please write to
[email protected] and include the subject "Racial Allyship Toolkit." This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Design and layout by Jessica Huang and Sarah Tseggay. TABLE OF CONTENTS Project History 4 Project Timeline 5 Why is this Toolkit Necessary? 6 Racial Inequalities in the U.S. 7 Ally Workshop 8 Workshop Trials 18 Glossary of Key Terms 22 Glossary of Key Figures 27 Glossary of Key Organizations 32 Acknowledgments 37 The Team 38 References 39 PROJECT HISTORY In the fall of 2017, a group of undergraduate students at Rice University constructed a qualitative research project analyzing how undergraduates felt about and engaged in interracial dating, marriage, and hookups within and outside the university as part of the course SOCI 381: Research Methods taught by Dr. Craig Considine. Inspired by The Princeton Review designating Rice University as the top university in the nation for ‘lots of race/class interaction’ in 2016, 2017, and 2018, this group aimed to explore the role race plays in students’ interactions, particularly romantic ones.