ACT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST The Echo • Volume 35 #19 • Wednesday, October 21, 2020 • 5G protests in Byron, while Best market councillors sit on fence Paul Bibby Ndiaye, reads, ‘Council… recognises recognised that the low impact facility complies ‘When one leg’s on one side of the with the current Australian govern- fence and the other leg is on the ment regulations in relation to emis- other side, you end up sitting on it.’ sion of electromagnetic energy’. This comment from Byron Council also requested a Councillor Michael Lyon aptly ‘commitment by a state or federal summarised the Council’s response government body to do a compre- to Telstra’s plans for a 5G upgrade hensive review of the cumulative close to two daycare centres in the impacts of the 5G technology’ and Arts and Industry Estate. asked who held responsibility for The proposed upgrade to the monitoring any such impacts. tower at 8 Acacia Street has drawn Finally, the Council indicated its strong objections from many locals ‘preference’ for fibre optic cable as living and working nearby, as well a ‘more equitable’ and less intrusive as 5G opponents across the Shire. technology for internet provision. But Byron Council’s feedback to Though the eight councillors Telstra on the issue was more about present at the meeting voted for fence-sitting than fighting for a cause. the motion, it did not appear to There were stark divisions align with the stated positions of among councillors during a lengthy any of them. debate at last week’s Council planning meeting, and in the end Mayor supports 5G they unanimously avoided taking Earlier, Labor councillor Paul Congrats to the Mullum Farmers Market, who have won the Delicious Magazine national award for ’s a position on whether or not the Spooner unsuccessfully moved Best Farmers Market. Pictured is North Byron Farmers Market manager, Allie Godfrey, with Mullum Farmers upgrade should go ahead. a motion off ering unqualified Market president, and owner of Summit Organics, Rod Bruin (left ), and Jumping Red Ant stall holder, John A motion, put by Cr Michael Lyon, support for the 5G upgrade. Atkins. The Mullum Farmers Market are held every Friday morning at the Showgrounds on Main Arm Road. and seconded by Greens Cr Sarah ▶ Continued on page 3 Photo Jeff ‘On And Off The Market Since 1986’ Dawson Unauthorised dwelling policy extended Rail trails for parts of become law Public exhibition of a contentious policy that seeks to formalise the Railway tracks between Casino and advocates as a boost to local jobs commercial leases – if indeed they Shire’s unauthorised dwellings has been extended by one week, says Bentley, and Crabbes Creek and and tourism, elected local MP can even break those leases, and Council’s media spokesperson. Condong, will soon be removed for Member for Ballina Tamara Smith there is nothing in law that says they Available at Council’s website, the policy has attracted concern from rail trails aft er the Transport Admin- told The Echo, ‘As it stands, there is have a right to rip up the Rail Trail Main Arm residents, aft er they were sent roboletters, demanding they reply istration Amendment (Closures of nothing in this law to prevent Tweed infrastructure to make way for a train. by October 5 to unsubstantiated claims of unapproved development. Railway Lines in Northern Rivers) Bill or Richmond Valley Council off er- ‘I am a huge fan of cycle tourism, The policy, at just five pages, outlines three brief pathways to compli- 2020 was passed in the NSW upper ing 99 year leases to commercial and I’m passionate about deliver- ance. It does not address historical developments built prior to Council’s house last week. tourism operators to lease sections ing meaningful public transport in records and planning instruments, such as the LEP 1988. Instead, the The controversial decision, of the rail corridor for anything the Northern Rivers – but it’s never policy threatens ‘Orders to demolish/restore to previously approved use tabled by locally based Nationals recreational or tourist focused’. been an either or scenario’. as appropriate. Orders may be subject to appeal in the Land and Environ- MLC Ben Franklin, was supported ‘What that means in reality is ‘It’s extremely disappointing that ment Court’. The Echo asked Council staff why a longer extension was by NSW Labor, who took the trains that if either community wants to the Greens amendments that would refused, given the public concern about the lack of details and planning off the tracks in 2004. return rail to the corridor they face have prevented long leases and clarity, but there was no reply by deadline. ▶ See related stories on page 8 While touted by rail trail paying legal compensation to break ▶ Continued on page 3 Byron High Year 12 A secret meeting and BUILDING DREAMS students speak of learning that $78m funding – a guide for first home buyers in the in COVID-19 times ▶ p4–5 application ▶ p10 Northern Rivers ▶ lift out centre pages

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2 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News ǢEĪſĕĕżſşƐĕƆƐĕſƆƐëŊĕşŕ ƷſşŕżſşżşƆëō ▶ Continued from page 1 ‘I want to speak as a student of science who’s interested in what’s really best for our community’, Cr Spooner said. ‘Mobile technology is a non-ionising form of technol- ogy. Mobile technologies are trying to do good in our com- NOW OPEN munity by doing things like delivering E-health services. ‘I really think we should General Family Practice providing: be supporting these eff orts in our community, rather than just listening to the • Skin Checks fears in our community that • Women’s Health Services are reflecting some pretty nefarious sources’. • Men’s Health Services Greens Mayor Simon Around 200 peaceful protesters (with a large police presence) gathered on Tuesday morning • Mental Health Services Richardson, and Alan Hunter to reject a 5G tower upgrade proposal in the Arts & Industry Estate. They marched past the supported this motion, but mechanical business of landowner Warren Simmons, to where the tower is proposed at his • GP Management Plans the others opposed it. 8 Acacia Street property. Photo Jeff ‘Absorbed by Rays Since 1986’ Dawson • Visiting Specialists Receiving somewhat more • Cosmetic Injectables support, but also ultimately there’, Cr Ndiaye said. ARPANSA advice Earlier, the meeting being defeated, was a motion She also pointed out that heard from local mother and from fellow Green Sarah the Australian Radiation Pro- ‘If you go onto ARPANSA’s investor Claire Alexander- MERCATO MEDICAL CENTRE Ndiaye opposing the plan. tection and Nuclear Safety website, they say we are not Johnston who said current Level 1, 108-114 Jonson St, (above Woolworths) ‘We’re here to represent Agency’s (ARPANSA) state- a health body, and that they internet speeds were 02 5629 7888 • [email protected] don’t take responsibility for our community, and I think it’s ments that 5G technology ‘absolutely adequate’ for clear that there is considerable was safe, were accompanied the advice they provide’, Cr tech-based companies in the opposition to this plan out by a significant qualification. Ndiaye said. Arts & Industrial estate. Rail trails for parts of Northern Rivers become law ▶ Continued from page 1 invest in public transport for I see a board being created, singled out for closure while strengthened community the Northern Rivers?’ with sub committees and this other areas are left alone? control over what happens Mr Franklin did say his will include Council and rail ‘This is not a decision that in the corridor, were not sup- government, ‘has not yet trail reps. This has to make its helps the people of this com- ported by Labor or the LNP’. decided on the most eff ec- own money in the end’. munity, and it is not one they Nationals MLC, Ben tive and supportive owner- Mr Grier says a rail trail will want… a 10,000 signiture Franklin, in reply said that the ship model for the rail trail’. ‘provide facilities along the petition was simply ignored’. proposed amendments were But Pat Grier, from the corridor for local people, with Dr Marcus O’Meara B.D.S, Rachel Andersson B.O.H. ‘restrictive and prescriptive Northern Rivers Rail Trail bike paths and walking trails. !şƆƐȒćĕŕĕǕƐëŕëōƷƆĶƆ Dr Louise Barr B.D.S, Caitlin Wilkie B.O.H. and constrain how the govern- lobby group, who were There’s already one in Bal- One Nation MLC Mark ment can deal with the land to instrumental in securing the lina, which is very popular’. Latham told NSW Parliment give eff ect to the rail trail’. railway’s off icial closure, said, Beth Shelley from the during debate, ‘I asked the He did not answer the ‘That won’t be a problem’. Northern Rivers Railway government for its cost-ben- question, ‘Why did your gov- ‘We have 18 months to Action Group said, ‘Why efit analysis, its economic This is a carbon positive practice. ernment support opening two years to sort that out. is this area, with a rapidly justification for the bill. I was 59/1 Porter Street, Byron Bay, NSW 2481 up historic public assets for ‘The government will want growing population, and told it did not exist and that it 02 6694 3083 private financial gain and not to be involved in the process. huge tourist industry, being was an election promise’. Fern Textiles From Conventional to Organic

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4 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News

PARALYSIS TICKS ARE HERE! for exams in COVID-19 times HAVE YOU GOT TICK ‘Now I feel uncertain end of the world?” to give, since I know very ‘It was such a hard transi- PREVENTION about my plans for the future. ‘And for some reason my little. But one thing that has tion, but everyone adapted ON YOUR PET? I don’t feel ready to commit mum said, “Ok that’s done”, been very easing for me is so well. I think school to anything yet, because and she deleted Facebook knowing that things like this mentors played a huge role everything is so up in the air. and turned off the news and have happened before. For in maintaining a connection ‘Nevertheless, I feel among then COVID-19 disappeared, example, the Black Plague. If with school. students there has been a for a bit. it has happened before, and ‘I remember our English Byron Bay 6685 6899 lot of support. Mental health ‘At first I enjoyed the the world has recovered, I feel Zoom sessions, and how has been crazy. I have a lot freedom of lockdown, but that we are smarter now and beautiful they were, seeing of friends who have been I remember at some point better at dealing with things everyone in their gardens. really struggling, and so it’s aft er about two or three like this and life will go on’. It felt like we all grew closer YOU DON’T PAY ME… dependent on everyone to weeks, the loneliness set in. Mia Thom because we were all going THE LENDER DOES make sure they are checking ‘As an extroverted person through this collective JJaniceanice RyanRyan in on people. It’s important I was used to going out and ‘Before COVID-19 trauma, and we had no that we’re there for each talking to strangers because unfolded, I felt pretty opti- choice but to unite and Mortgage Broker other and realise that every- that’s a hobby of mine, and mistic about Year 12. I had a mobilise together. Diploma of Financial Services one has been struggling. I couldn’t do that. It was just clear idea of where I wanted ‘I would encourage people 3300 years’years’ lendinglending experienceexperience EE:: [email protected] ‘What I’ve learnt this year me and my mum. Sure I could to head post school and I was to listen to the younger MM:: 00400400 336464 772323 is that everything shift s, and connect with my friends familiar with what lay ahead. generation and to legitimise ww:: to take opportunities when online and through Zoom, ‘When COVID-19 came, I their voice in terms of the they come. Be open to new but I could feel I was missing neglected school for a while environment, for example, things and try and support authentic connections. because it consumed my and education. each other’. ‘I hadn’t made someone psyche, but as I realised ‘There’s this fear, because laugh in real life in two weeks the longevity of it all, and there are so many diff erent Drayko Medlyn and that really hurt me. the unlikelihood of us ever issues like crippling climate ‘Me and my family ‘Having no public librar- returning to ‘normal’, I pulled anxiety combined with never watch the news, but ies open was very hard, back a little. I think COVID-19 the pandemic and police there came this certain because I like to catch a bus has highlighted a lot of the brutality, but you have to let tipping point when COVID-19 to Mullum library and when inequalities, corruption and it keep fuelling you to keep became a “real” thing. I realised I couldn’t, it was a faults in our system, which challenging the system. I ‘For example, when the bit of a shock. can be a good thing in terms have so much hope in our US brought in travel bans, ‘At least my teachers were of reconfiguring. generation’. when it became a part of the all making wonderful well ‘During lockdown, I was legislature. Then we followed structured lessons, checking in really impressed with how Q Article prepared by the news closely for about with Zoom meetings and keep- supportive the school com- Matcham Caine and Sarah two weeks and it was like ing the content train running. munity was, and how they McGregor from Byron Bay “Is this dystopian? Is this the ‘Advice for others is hard rallied behind the Year 12s. High School.


This month in Parliament • Thanked our frontline workers during Covid-19 • Raised the issue of 4WDs on our beaches • Called for Rails and Trails on our train tracks • Highlighted community concerns about the Dunoon Dam, and • Named and shamed corruption in NSW State politics. WATCH MY SPEECHES ON @TAMARASMITHMP Did you know that Tamara recognises in Parliament individuals and organisations in our community who are doing great things? WHO IS YOUR LOCAL HERO? Send us an email at [email protected] SVGEPPSYVSJƤGISR02 6686 7522.

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Authorised by Tamara Smith Member for Ballina. Produced using parliamentary entitlements. Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 5 Korff-Byron Echo-178x129-011020-CV4-outlines.indd 1 1/10/20 12:00 pm Local News For North Coast news online visit Bruns River cleanup sees 760kg of trash removed Dane Marx

The Byron Shire Echo The Brunswick River is renowned for Volume 35 #19 • October 21, 2020 its crystal clear water and diversity of Established 1986 • 24,000 copies every week marine life, yet recent eff orts reflect that all may not be as it seems. A community survey by kayak Phone: 02 6684 1777 recently took place between local Editorial/news: [email protected] non-profit organisation Positive Change Advertising: [email protected] for Marine Life (PCFML), Byron Bay Eco Off ice: Village Way, Stuart Street, Cruises and Kayaks, and more than 50 Mullumbimby NSW 2482 passionate volunteers. They cleared General Manager Simon Haslam over 760kg of rubbish from the water- Editor Hans Lovejoy ways, and are now urging the local Photographer Jeff Dawson Nicholas Shand community members, business and Advertising Manager Angela Harris 1948–1996 other stakeholders to take action. Vollies recently collected rubbish from the Brunswick River. Photo supplied Production Manager Ziggi Browning Founding Editor The Brunswick River weaves its way The Echo acknowledges the people of the Bundjalung nation as the traditional from its headwaters in Mount Jerusa- The surveys included removing, sort- protecting our rivers, which serve as the custodians of this land and extends respect to elders past, present and future. lem National Park, through Main Arm ing and recording every individual piece lifeblood of our ocean. The Echo Disclaimer: is committed to providing a voice for our whole and Mullumbimby, entering the sea in collected, in order to understand trends Fortunately, there are a range of community. The views of advertisers, letter writers, and opinion writers are not necessarily those of the owners or staff of this publication. Brunswick Heads. and sources of the pollution. incredible champions in the Byron Shire ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the aff licted and As one of the major waterways of the Plastic and polystyrene, which are who have stepped up to help us improve Northern Rivers, it plays a critical role are especially troublesome, were the the health of the Brunswick River. aff lict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 in land and ocean ecosystems, forming most common items found (71 per Southern Cross Credit Union is a © 2020 Echo Publications Pty Ltd – ABN 86 004 000 239 Reg. by Aust. Post Pub. No. NBF9237 part of the Cape Byron Marine Park. cent), followed by glass (22 per cent). business partner with PCFML on this Back in 2017, following a call from Oft en unseen, plastic and polystyrene project. The group is now focused on local partners that litter and debris are eaten or absorbed by aquatic life and phase II of the project, which will survey were building up throughout the river, accumulate, making their way into the a greater length of the river to build a Op Shop PCFML arranged public-driven surveys food we eat, even in plants! Over 90 per more holistic, ecological understanding Cnr Tweed St & Booyun St | Next to IGA Supermarket to assess the lower reaches of the river. cent of seabird species have been found of the health of the river. This phase Their River Warriors project was born, to consume plastic, which just shows of the project was made possible Open with restricted and in 2019/20 the first iteration of the how serious a global issue this is. with funding from partners, including hours and with social distancing in place. project took place on the Bruns River. As an ocean-focused organisation, Patagonia, Byron Shire Council, The Mon to Fri 10am–4pm Over 11 months, PCFML hosted four we are increasingly seeing waterways Byron Bay Brewery and the Australian kayak-based cleanup-surveys with more and estuaries suff ering from a range of Government. Sat 9am–1pm than 50 local volunteers helping to negative impacts, including pollution To view PCFML’s State of Marine ALL CLOTHES $2 remove over 5,600 pieces of debris from from a variety of sources. There is a very Debris report, visit the river, which covered the stretch real, urgent need for local communities • Ph 0447 927 600 from Mullum to Brunswick Heads. to band together and work towards Q Dane Marx is from PCFML.

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6 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Advertisement LINNAEUS – Council betrays community ‘Right to Know’ Should the community know if a major land zoning change is made, especially when it impacts highly significant and rare coastal biodiversity?

After extensive research and a Formal Complaint, it’s now apparent Byron This doesn’t stack up, and the department advice should’ve been Shire Council staff made a planning decision for a zone change without reported to Council and the community. The Planning Department ensuring that councillors and the community were informed. Without Gateway Direction (the formal document) didn’t specify the label change information, the community can’t comment, oppose and advocate. to ‘Mixed Use Development’, it just stated that it wouldn’t accept the other zoning label, ‘Private Education Facility’. The department did make a After being respectfully patient via the confidential complaints suggestion for ‘Mixed Use’, but that doesn’t discount the responsibility of process, it’s time the community were informed. As a former mayor and staff to advise councillors and the community. If it had been reported, I’m NSW MLC, this is the one of the most disturbing planning outcomes confident the community would’ve given it the scrutiny it deserved and I’ve encountered. perhaps rejected the change. The label is obviously too broad.

Council’s disregard for the community’s right to know is a betrayal of trust In response to my complaint, Council ironically say they had to comply and fair process. with the department’s ‘advice’. This is erroneous, as recently Council defied the planning department’s advice in relation to the Business, Industrial BBriefrief historyhistory ofof LLinnaeusinnaeus Lands Strategy (BILS). This was at least advised to Council, and the community, via a report. Since the 1980s, the 111 ha Broken Head land parcel known as the Linnaeus Estate has been the subject of controversial development proposals, including Broken Head Coastal Foundation and The Academy. This ‘‘FundamentalFundamental eerror’rror’ amazing site is located near the Broken Head and adjoins In July 2019, a proposal to allow Community Title (residential use) for 33 a wild beach. It’s biodiversity values include Vulnerable and Endangered lots was exhibited; it had previously been supported in the Byron Rural species with wetlands and Littoral Rainforest. Since the eighties it’s been Land Use Strategy in 2016. I did submissions opposing both proposals, zoned specifically for education. including the risk of putting lots in the coastal zone. Council has Community activism since the 1980s to protect the precious site has been now recognised that the new coastal zone lots are not a responsible successful, thanks to the Broken Head Protection Committee, BEACON, planning decision. and Fast Buck$ opposing the various inappropriate proposals, and Earlier this year, a proposal for a tourism development was made public, winning in court. The development of this significant site is in the Public it presented a transfer of rights over 11 accommodation cabins to allow Interest, a point the court has also identified. 33 tourist cabins.

In 1998 a court approval for a Private Education Facility was granted. In April 2020, a Council report admitted that there was a ‘fundamental This included a main building, 21 small accommodation cabins and an eight error’ with the relabelling of the site to ‘Mixed Use Development’. They person camping site all with a site limit of 72 people. Many applications to didn’t realise that it would allow Community Title and also allow tourism modify eventually led to an increase to 112 people and the cabins enlarged. without any further public input. All approvals have been for education, and the court has determined that the accommodation is ancillary to the primary education use. GGoodood governance?governance? In February 2015, the applicants requested a zoning change to Community Title (CT) and parts as Environmental Living. They also The planning process is stacked against the environment and community. claimed that the zone label, ‘Education Facility’ didn’t represent the While it favours developers, that doesn’t deter the Byron Shire community. approved use of ‘Private Education Facility’. Council didn’t support the We have a right to engage, and sometimes we win, but we need to know. rezoning requests but agreed to a zone label change. Byron Shire is an outstanding example of community participation and activism to protect and preserve what’s precious. In September 2015, a Council report detailed a ‘LEP housekeeping’ amendment that included a Draft Linnaeus Planning Proposal, with a Council is now proceeding with the ‘fundamental error’ and my zone label change from ‘Education Facility’ to ‘Private Education Facility’. questioning of the process has been ‘explained’ away as ‘staff complying Housekeeping amendments are supposed to be minor to correct errors with a state planning requirement’. and inconsistencies, not deliver enhanced development rights. BBetrayaletrayal ofof trusttrust SStafftaff c hchangeange z ozoningning My complaint was advised to the General Manager and all councillors. Yet when it went on public exhibition, only for 14 days, in June 2016, the Not one councillor has contacted me about it and I’m not sure they Linnaeus zoning was inexplicably changed to ‘Mixed Use Development’ understand the betrayal that has occurred. I don’t know if an explanation in the exhibited document, without a report to Council and no public has been provided or they just dismiss my concerns. notification. No submissions were received because no-one knew. The I do wonder how many other circumstances there could be where post exhibition report to Council in August failed to mention the changes decisions have been made that don’t meet the ‘open and transparent’ and that had occurred and it was adopted but was also changed again ‘public participation’ model that Council purports to represent. As this is without any notification to allow tourism before gazettal. historical there are no legal rights to challenge. In June 2020, I lodged a formal complaint with BSC for maladministration It appears Council no longer respects the values that are ‘Byron’; for ‘open about this issue and other compliance inconsistencies for the site. and transparent’ processes and the community’s right to know, so we can I received responses last month. activate and comment. Council’s response, via lawyers, has imposed confidentiality under legal professional privilege, so I’ve been advised not to make the documents Disclaimer: Broken Head is my home and I’ve spent decades trying to public. It’s unclear why council is unwilling to be open and transparent. protect it, I’ve been doing submissions on this development for 22 years. It’s a significant place and deserves protection, not commercial exploitation. In reply, Council’s lawyers proposed that staff had changed the zoning It’s in the Public Interest to protect and preserve. under State Planning Department instructions. Jan Barham

Authorised and paid for by Jan Barham in Byron Shire’s Public Interest. Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 7 Local News For North Coast news online visit

—ĕƆĶĎĕŕƐīſşƖżƆƆżōĶƐşưĕſƖŕëƖƐIJşſĶƆĕĎĎƱĕōōĶŕīżşōĶĈƷ Smart water options needed, Aslan Shand says there is a big split in the these should be given an community over it. ‘We’ve amnesty. Essentially, that With Council extending public had hours of debate on this any dwelling prior to 1988, ŕşƐȞŕĕƱĎëŔƆǽƆëƷŕĕƱīſşƖż submissions by one week for issue at CABS meetings in the when the first Byron LEP A new alliance, WATER North- of Australia (WSAA) describes Productivity Commission landowners to respond to the last two months. There is no (1988) was gazetted, should ern Rivers, has launched its dams as high-risk invest- released a green paper which draft Unauthorised Dwelling consensus on it within CABS be given an amnesty. The inaugural campaign for smart ments, because they rely on recommended ‘all options Policy, resident groups appear as some groups think it is a focus should be on all build- water options, as opposed rainfall in a changing climate. on the table,’ including new to be divided on the issue. good policy, and some don’t,’ ings built since 1988’. to the construction of the The WSAA says a mix of (non-dam) water sources, ‘The policy will be appli- Mr O’Reilly told The Echo. proposed Dunoon Dam. strategies are needed for and that we improve water cable to every dwelling in ‘On the one hand, there lëŊĕëƆƖćŔĶƆƆĶşŕ The launch at the Lennox water security, including system eff iciency. the Shire, rural and urban’, is the inability of the current Councillor Michael Lyon Head Cultural Centre water eff iciency. Members of WATER councillor Michael Lyon told rate base to meet the infra- meanwhile said, ‘I would coincides with the start of They say that for resil- Northern Rivers say that with The Echo. structure maintenance and urge residents from all areas National Water Week, with ience in drought, it’s better if water experts stressing that Resident and progress development costs. There is in the Shire who wish to its message ‘Let’s re-imagine new supply is independent we need all options on the associations across Byron a feeling among some groups have input into the policy our water future’. of rainfall, such as water table, they are launching their Shire’s urban areas say that that if a lot of unauthorised to submit their comments, The alliance says that recycling or desalination. campaign to promote smart there has not been much, developments had paid feedback and suggestions in the dam proposal is out of WATER Northern Rivers water options for our region. if any, interest or concern their development fees, then time for Council to consider touch with advice from water say it’s not just the WSAA They say the Dunoon Dam expressed by residents maybe a lot of the infrastruc- them as part of the formula- experts. report that points to the need is last century’s thinking and regarding the policy. ture backlogs, like bad roads tion of the policy’. A recent report called All to get past last century’s will destroy precious and Yet Matthew O’Reilly, etc, would not be as bad. While the focus has been Options On The Table from outdated ‘big dam’ thinking. rare Big Scrub rainforest and President of Community ‘There is a sense that on the potential impact Water Services Association In August, the NSW Aboriginal heritage. Action Byron Shire (CABS), some unauthorised dwell- of the policy in Main Arm ings, not all of them, are as a result of Council staff taking advantage of the com- sending out 34 roboletters munity by not paying their to landowners in that area, development contributions. president of Main Arm ‘On the other hand, there Rural Resident Association is a legitimate argument that (MARRA) Duncan Dey said, ‘I where there are dwellings urge dwellers in all areas to that have been in place since look at the 70s and mid-1980s that for advice on submissions’. ®ŕëƖƐIJşſĶƆĕĎĎƱĕōōĶŕīëĎưĶĈĕ żſşưĶĎĕĎćƷ!şƖŕĈĶōƆƐëǔ Paul Bibby Council’s Director of Sustainable Environment Byron Council has provided a and Economy, Shannon degree of clarity on the ques- Burt, said Byron Council had tion of how its unauthorised developed its own planning dwellings policy will apply to scheme in the 1960s. the many buildings built in ‘In order to determine the Shire before formal plan- whether a use was lawfully ning laws were introduced. commenced, a landowner, The policy generated or Council, needs to look at considerable controversy precisely what were the first last month, when 34 Main planning controls that were Arm landowners received in place for a particular area; a curt ‘show cause’ letter when and where they were informing them that their in place’, Ms Burt said. homes or secondary dwell- ‘Where a use predates the ings were ‘unauthorised earliest planning scheme developments’. for an area, it’s likely there One source of the was no form of approval consternation was the fact required to commence or that some of the dwellings establish that use. in question were built prior to the introduction of formal 0ưĶĎĕŕĈĕſĕžƖĶſĕĎşĪ planning schemes, meaning ĈşŕƐĶŕƖĶƐƷşĪƖƆĕ that there was no opportu- nity for approval at the time ‘A landowner in these of construction. circumstances – and this is As the issue continues to the case we find in the Shire boil away in the hinterland, – needs to provide evidence Main Arm Rural Residents of continuity of use or inten- Association (MARRA) member tion to continue the use by Matthew Lambourne sought way of a statutory declara- clarity on this question at tion from someone with last week’s planning and direct knowledge of the facts development meeting. of the particular building. ‘What legislation, if any, ‘That could be a required Council approval neighbouring landowner, for rural dwellings built prior an existing landowner, or to 1968, what form did such someone who previously approval take, and what owned the property. Again, it records does Council have depends on the time that the of any such approvals?’ Mr development commenced. Lambourne asked during the That will vary. And it will vary public access section of the with what level of information meeting. we’ll require’. 8 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News ǔĕĈƐĕĎżſĕƆĈIJşşōëōōćƖƐĶīŕşſĕĎĶŕōëſīĕlƖōōƖŔ'ĎĕĈĶƆĶşŕ Paul Bibby It is the location of the in the sand play area on the application as planned, Ivan Holland, said. žşşŕĕſëżżſşưĕĎǽ roadway that has most other side of the fence,’ Ms you do so with full personal The meeting also heard Significant amendments angered the Mullumbimby Davison said. knowledge of the risks to the that, in order for a car to ƐIJĕćĕƐƐĕſǽƆëƷƆ to an aff ordable housing Community Preschool, She also said there was children’, Ms Davison said. accidentally drive into the EſĕĕŕƆ!şƖŕĈĶōōşſ development in Mullum- which says it will create a risk of a car accidentally However, when the matter preschool, it would have bimby have been approved health and safety issues for coming through the fence came up for debate by coun- to drive over a wheel stop, ‘We’ve been in an aff ord- by Byron Council, despite children and staff . and hitting a child or a staff cillors, the meeting heard that through newly planted trees ability crisis for a long time, vehement opposition from a In a statement read out member. ‘All of these issues moving the driveway would and a fence. but it seems to be getting neighbouring preschool. during the public access can be mitigated by moving require major changes to the Greens councillor Sarah worse, so the sooner we have The changes, passed section of the meeting, the the access road over to the entire proposal. Ndiaye said, ‘It seems from this [development] the better. unanimously at last Thurs- preschool’s director, Diane Council car park.’ ‘If they were to move the looking at the plans that ‘With those added walls day’s planning meeting, will Davison, said the close access closer to Council’s car [moving the roadway closer and safety measures, it does nearly double the number of proximity of the driveway to —ĶƆŊƆƐşĈIJĶōĎſĕŕ park, it would require a com- to the Council car park] seem that it will ameliorate parking spaces at the 25-unit the preschool’s playground ‘If Council and council plete rewrite’, the planner would require significant a lot of the safety issues that housing development, would subject the children off icers proceed with the with carriage of the matter, changes to be made’. were raised’. which is located next to the to carcinogenic diesel Byron Council off ices on fumes. Station Street. ‘Diesel fumes, which have The amendments also been identified as a Group involve the repositioning of 1 carcinogen, will be emit- the main roadway into the ted just centimetres from development. children’s heads as they sit !ōëſŊĕƆ ĕëĈIJƐşćĕƆëŕĎćëīīĕĎ ‘Temporary coastal protection for the Byron Bay Beach works’ will be undertaken at Cafe, until its operation on Clarkes Beach at Byron Bay, Crown land at the site can say the NSW Department be reconfigured to provide a of Planning, Industry and longer-term solution, includ- Environment. ing a phased retreat from the A press release says, current advancing coastal ‘Dependent on conditions erosion if required. including the tide, the works ‘The Department is work- THE will commence the week of ing closely with Byron Shire October 19 and take up to Council, the cafe lease- three weeks to complete’. holder, and other authori- ties, to ensure public safety ¨ĕŔżşſëſƷǼ'ĕżƐ is maintained and that the The Department contin- environmental and heritage ued, ‘The sandbagging will values of this important site ECONOMIC provide temporary protection are protected’. žżşſƐĕưĕŕƐşſīëŕĶƆĕſƆǕŕĕĎ ȡǢǽǝǝǝĪşſ!wÈP'ȒǞǦćſĕëĈIJĕƆ RECOVERY Police say they issued 20 concerned about the increas- Penalty Infringement Notices ing crowd numbers’. (PINs) following a number of ‘Police observed that alleged breaches of Ministerial people were not being Directions under the Public counted as they entered the Health Act across the state ground and aft er it was esti- last weekend. mated that more than 1,000 PLAN Locally, off icers from Rich- were in attendance, event This year hasn’t been easy. And recovery will take time. mond Police District say they organisers were directed to were ‘conducting duties’ at a reduce the crowd size’. But this is Australia. We will come back. sports ground at Ballina on Police added a $5,000 PIN Saturday, when they ‘became was then issued. THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT HAS A PLAN FOR OUR ECONOMY. WEDDING AND SCHOOL FORMAL SPECIALISTS Suit up in style with Wallaces A PLAN FOR EVERYONE. 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Now available | Now accepting ZIP Pay Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 9 Local News For North Coast news online visit A secret meeting and that $78m funding application Hans Lovejoy and ignore transparent pro- improper or unethical. cesses, the community that Staff are also required to Answers to questions raised employs him and the elected ‘act lawfully and honestly, by Cr Basil Cameron regard- body that is tasked with and exercise a reasonable ing a secret meeting and a making decisions regarding degree of care and diligence $78m funding application the future direction of the in carrying out your func- by staff to a federal agency community’. tions under the LGA or any to upgrade the M1 highway The Echo asked, ‘Given other Act. (section 439)’. interchange at Byron Bay the general manager Mark have been answered by Arnold and Mr Holloway have !ſ!ëŔĕſşŕǼƆƐëǔ Council’s Director Infrastruc- clearly breached the trust of reply lacks clarity ture Services, Phil Holloway. Council’s General Manager Council’s Director of Ben Franklin MLC (Nationals) the community that employs Yet, as to be expected, his (GM), Mark Arnold Infrastructure Services, lost the Ballina seat in 2019 to them, what will the GM do Independent councillor answer raises more ques- Phil Holloway incument Tamara Smith MP to ensure that this doesn’t Basil Cameron told The tions than were answered. happen again?’ Echo of Mr Holloway’s reply, Mr Holloway’s lengthy questions from Councillors which I am always happy contained the latest data ‘Will the GM apologise to ‘Lengthy answers were pro- reply is included in the min- that address this issue’. to do for any Council in the available to Council, and as the community for this? This vided on discussions within utes of Council’s October 15 There also appears to be a region to support projects a result, its data was used for follows on from other bun- Council about Ewingsdale planning meeting, which are planning inconsistency sur- that they believe are impor- the Business Cost Analysis’. gling of major infrastructure Road, going back to 2012; available online. rounding the decision, with it tant for the local community’. projects, including the Byron however, answers regard- As recently reported, being made without adopted Mr Franklin did not GM delegation Bay Bypass’. ing the recent application Cr Basil Cameron told The polices in place. answer the questions: ‘Are Asked by Cr Cameron A reply from Council’s focussed on the Pacific Echo that an application For example, the Draft you concerned that Council what resolution of Council media spokesperson reads, Highway interchange lacked to Infrastructure Australia Byron Shire Transport staff are ignoring elected authorises the preparation ‘All staff, including the Gen- clarity.’ (IA) was made by executive Strategy is currently with community representatives, and submission of the appli- eral Manager, are required ‘It is a concern that staff without the knowledge Transport for NSW, and is have engaged in background cation to IA, Mr Holloway to adhere to the Code of Mr Franklin’s letter was of Council’s Transport and ‘not inconsistent with the political lobbying, and replied, ‘The General Man- Conduct. Your assertions addressed to the Deputy Infrastructure Advisory expression of interest to ignored transparent pro- ager of Byron Shire Council concerning the conduct of Prime Minister for an Committee. The implications Infrastructure Australia’. cesses with regards to major possesses the delegation the General Manager and application to Infrastructure – and its cost to taxpayers Yet Mr Holloway also infrastructure funding?’ to authorise a stage one the Director Infrastructure Australia, a body that is sup- – are enormous, as it seeks admits in the same sentence: And, ‘Were you aware this submission’. Services are rejected in their posed to be independent. to lock funding into a traffic ‘there is no presently meeting was to the exclu- entirety’. ‘Given the price tag on solution without seeking all adopted Transport Strategy’. sion of elected community Echo question of According to the Code the application, one thing transport outcomes. representatives?’ apology rejected of Conduct Staff Policy 2019 is clear: park and ride and Cr Cameron says it comes August meeting Meanwhile, Cr Cameron (General Conduct Obliga- multi-use of the rail corridor at a cost that is similar to According to Mr Hollo- asked, in one of his ques- The Echo put it to the gen- tions), ‘You must not conduct must be part of a financially Council’s annual budget. way’s reply, general manager tions to Mr Holloway, ‘Why eral manager that the reply yourself in a manner that: a) and environmentally sustain- ‘$78 million is a lot to Mark Arnold met with Ben has Byron Shire Council from Director Infrastructure is likely to bring the council able solution. It is time for spend on a proposal so Franklin MLC (Nationals) in endorsed a proposal largely Services, Phil Holloway, ‘indi- or other council officials into all local and state repre- poorly supported by data… August with to discuss traffic driven by a TfNSW study, cates that the general man- disrepute, b) is contrary to sentatives to acknowledge We need to transition to sus- congestion at the M1 and with a limited study area and ager has a free rein, through statutory requirements or community aspirations, and tainable transport systems MR545 interchange. no analysis of what this will delegation, to engage in the council’s administrative get involved in making this that meet the needs of our Mr Franklin, who is not the mean for Byron Bay and the secret political lobbying requirements or policies, c) is vision a reality’. community’. elected local MP, confirmed Ewingsdale corridor beyond with The Echo, ‘Council the study area? Why was no Transport Strategy raised the traffic congestion independent assessment Byron rail trail vote this Thursday yet to be adopted issue with me and advised undertaken?’ that they were making the Mr Holloway replied, A push for the Bayshore existing public access along funding. It may be achievable, Mr Holloway’s reply submission’. ‘As part of the stage one Drive to Tyagarah section of Quarry Lane to the rail cor- but no-one is likely to fund or admits, ‘There is no single It is still unclear why submission to Infrastructure Byron Shire’s disused railway ridor, to Bayshore Drive and invest in something they don’t specific resolution’ relating Council staff did not invite Australia, Council was to become a wildlife corridor back to Ewingsdale’. believe will deliver a worth- to staff secretly pursuing the elected local member, required to quantify the and rail trail will be voted While Tweed and Rich- while benefit. We didn’t have the road upgrade funding; Greens MP Tamara Smith, to problem to demonstrate that upon at this Thursday’s mond Valley Councils are enough passengers or freight however, he justifies not the meeting. Ms Smith is on it is nationally significant Council meeting. forging ahead with removing using the train to justify it informing the public of the the Transport and Infrastruc- (the current definition of a Nationals-aligned council- rail for rail trails, Byron 16 years ago, and that is not application owing to ‘multi- ture Advisory Committee. problem of national signifi- lor, Alan Hunter, says of his councillors are exploring likely to have changed’. ple reports, resolutions, stra- Subsequently, Mr Franklin cance is a threshold value of Notice of Motion, ‘This section multi-use (light rail and rail The comments come tegic planning workshops, told The Echo he, ‘offered $30 million per annum). The could be made a valuable link trail) options. despite the Northern Rivers and email responses to to write a letter of support, study provided by TfNSW for wildlife from west to east Cr Hunter says, ‘While we Railway Action Group point- and provide an appealing continue to include the train ing to a 10,000-strong petition 10km walking circuit for visi- component in the corridor, calling for the return of rail. tors and residents using the we will find difficulty with ▶ See page one story Luxury Talofa cabins approved by councillors Paul Bibby Greens Mayor, Simon just generally soften things.’ Richardson, said, ‘I think mini- As part of the project, A holiday cabin development mising car parking is a good the developer has agreed in Talofa will go ahead with thing – I’m a bit sick of putting to implement a vegetation half the number of park- parking spaces at the front management plan involving ing spaces the developer and centre of every develop- restoration of the Byron Creek requested, after Byron ment that comes before us’. riparian corridor through the Council granted conditional ‘If I go to any Reflections centre of the property. approval last week. holiday caravan park, I get To ensure the restoration Talofa Palms – on 533 one car spot, and if there’s work is actually carried out, Road – will now an extra person with me who a condition from last week’s involve six cabins (not eight), has a car, then they park in a meeting states that the pri- each with two bedrooms, a visitor space. mary elements of it must be kitchen, a bathroom and a ‘It means you can land- completed prior to the issue plunge pool. scape more effectively, and of an occupation certificate. 10 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily VÄĽ§oăĖĦ§¶òÄyĦĬ½ÝăăĖ1Ė§úúŁ0ò§Ħ ÒăĖ§½½ÝĦÝăú§ò§··ăùùă½§ĦÝăúăĖĖÄúĦ§òÝú·ăùÄƛ ,QYHVWLQDPRGXODUKRPHQRZIRUDPD]LQJVDYLQJVDQGDJUHDWUHWXUQ








%  0  ( LQIR#H[SDQGDEOHOLYLQJFRPDX : ZZZH[SDQGDEOHOLYLQJFRPDX Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 11 Comment For North Coast news online visit Gladys: a portrait in failing the pub test

he most remarkable thing about public life. She was aware – she must regret – but no admission that she has The Byron Shire Echo the revelation of Gladys Bere- have been aware – that her lover was a actually done anything wrong, or that T jiklian’s love life was that it was chancer and a ‘wide boy’, long before he there is a need for restraint and reform. Volume 35 #19 • October 21, 2020 remarkable at all. was sprung by the Commission. But she So presumably there won’t be any. It is quite incredible that every chose to ignore the reality, even aft er it She has no intention of resigning, and person in the Macquarie Street became devastatingly public. her Liberal colleagues are too cowed Why we should spare that tree bubble – government, opposition, staff , to do anything more than mumble in journalists, lobbyists, innocent bystand- She is not Saint backrooms. Maguire will bluster his way Measures to protect koala habitat have been diluted by ers – was completely oblivious to the Gladys, some kind through the ICAC and Berejiklian will the NSW government following a National Party campaign fact that once the day’s work was over, of immaculate bluster her way through the parliament. backed mainly by developers fearing the impact of tree the premier and her paramour would And the long-suff ering public will preservation on their profits. regularly go off for a bit of bonking in conception, as wonder anew why there always seem to Erysichthon, son of King Triopas of Thessaly, was no the background. her over-the-top be diff erent rules, diff erent standards, respecter of the gods. The only thing he respected was The parliament is a supporters are now between the elite and the rest of us. money, and for money he had not just respect, but what seething cesspit of rumour and gossip, trying to portray her The smarties don’t take the law seemed to his fellows to be an insatiable hunger. constantly skimmed in the hope of find- seriously – it is a game to be played One day, while out hunting, he came across a magnificent ing even a breath of scandal that can Mungo MacCallum with lawyers and loopholes, the aim of oak tree. It stood twice as tall and wide as the other trees in the provide material for political advantage which is to win at all costs, none of the forest and it was sacred to the goddess Demeter. Her dryads or just to make a good story in the Such was her self-assurance – her namby pamby nonsense of waiting for would dance, so it was said, in the clearing beside the oak, dining room or the bar. ego, her arrogance – that she believed the captain to smite contestants on the and her human devotees had hung garlands on its branches Secrecy is a non-starter, discretion that she could remain aloof from his shoulder and remind them to ‘Play up! in honour of the wishes Demeter had fulfilled for them. unheard of. And yet apparently there was shenanigans, although he constantly Play up! and play the game!’ What Erysichthon saw, however, was a splendid place to not even a hint that this sexiest of yarns paraded them in front of her. Whatever Maguire was blatantly corrupt and build a banqueting hall. The clearing could be enlarged by was all but being hand-delivered to the she precisely meant by the disclaimer he knew it – the excruciating details cutting down the oak, and its timber could be used for the hundreds who walked past it every day. ‘I don’t need to know about that bit’ it being teased out at the ICAC make that building. In his experience trees were oft en in the way of his And while the press gallery was unin- could hardly be taken as a declaration horribly clear. But he had no compunc- plans, but they could be resources for them too, so Demeter’s terested, others at least had a suspicion of Maguire’s probity and innocence. tion in pushing past the limits. Who oak would save him money twice over. The extra space would that something was going on. And this is where she fails the pub test. needs ethics & co when you have pro- also give him room to house his horses and chariots. In Daryl Maguire’s electorate of No one is accusing her of anything more tection at the highest level of govern- When he brought a crew of axemen to the oak, people Wagga Wagga some of his constituents than insouciance – there is no suggestion ment? Maguire was quite literally in bed were so upset they formed a protective circle around the tree speculated that their local member that she got herself further involved with the premier. From his perspective, with their bodies. The axemen hesitated to start their work might be getting a bit on the side during than listening to his delusional boasting. that made him invulnerable. but Erysichthon grabbed an axe and swung it at Demeter’s his trips to Sydney, although they never But she could have, and should have, And while Berejiklian was deter- supporters. When they gave way he took the blade to the dreamt he was going all the way to the stopped him. Even if she was unwilling to mined to keep herself at arm’s length, trunk of the oak and ordered his workers to do the same. top, and how intense it had become. report him to the ICAC, encouraging him to turn a blind eye, she could not avoid When the tree fell with a great rending roar the forest This was not a one night stand, a – continuing the close personal relation- being drawn into what is delicately became lighter for a moment as the canopy was broken. quick grab at a bit of rough trade aft er a ship – was simply unacceptable. called a climate conducive to corrup- Then it became darker as the figure of Demeter collected in hard day at the off ice, it was, as Berejik- And it is clear that Maguire thought tion. Whether she admits it or not, the air and towered over Erysichthon. lian and the Independent Commission there was still potential profit in keep- she was irrevocably entangled in the ‘For this deed I condemn you to perpetual hunger,’ said Against Corruption agreed to call it, a ing her on the hook – introducing her net. Maguire and his cronies obviously the goddess, summoning the scrawny hag who sits in men’s close personal relationship – but not an to shysters and spivs, handing out her believed that if they pushed hard bellies when the harvest fails, and who sucks the flesh from intimate one, not a partnership; because private contacts to his clients, trying to enough, favours would fall their way. women and children in time of famine. Obeying her antithe- that would have embroiled the premier pique her interest in his dodgy enter- As far as we know they didn’t. And sis, the bounteous Demeter, Hunger crept down Erysichthon’s in her own code of conduct. Even there prises. And the besotted premier never thanks to the ICAC, there is no risk of throat like a locust. she was being watchful and cautious. told him to just shut up and piss off . them doing so. The ICAC does not, and Immediately he felt ravenous and returned to his palace But obviously not cautious enough Berejiklian is a successful politician, should not, make and enforce laws; for a feast. But no matter how much Erysichthon ate he could once the two of them got together in a competent premier; Scott Morrison that is for the elected politicians. Its role not assuage his hunger. He went from three, to five, to nine what they hoped was privacy. While the called her his gold standard, which is is to expose corruption, and in this case meals a day but it didn’t help. Soon he was consuming food media missed the long-standing aff air probably fair enough given the bin full it has been spectacularly successful. continuously from morning till night, and then throughout for more than five years, the ICAC uncov- of cardboard cutouts he has to work Tough on Gladys Berejiklian, whose the night without sleep. He squandered all his wealth and ered it with speed and eff iciency; Bere- with in his own ministry. But she is not reputation – if not her career – has suf- used up all his credit, but still his need for food increased. jiklian was not only raunchy but rash, Saint Gladys, some kind of immaculate fered collateral damage. When there was no money left in the royal exchequer, not only embracing Daryl Maguire’s conception, as her over-the-top sup- But undeniably in the public interest. Erysichthon took to the streets like a beggar and haunted the body, but tolerating, if not encouraging, porters are now trying to portray her. Which is why Scott Morrison and his town’s middens and refuse tips, cramming all kinds of filth his highly questionable morals. She has stuff ed up, and not just coterie are so unwilling to allow any into his insatiable stomach. The last time the people of Thes- And seeing as no one knew – or at in her choice of lovers. Her political such body within arm’s length of the saly saw him, he had gnawed off one of his arms and was least wanted to know – there was no one judgement has frankly been appalling. federal government. squatting on a dung heap chewing at his feet. to warn her that she was walking the And worse, she is utterly unrepentant. The national interest seldom coin- David Lovejoy, Echo co-founder finest of lines between her personal and A cursory apology, a brief expression of cides with their own.

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12 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Letters

Dredging for beaches able to limit cash withdraw- Resort when the train service Changes in inshore currents, als to $10,000, meaning that from Sunrise to Byron was more water, high tides and you won’t be able to rescue established. This was a per- rough seas have had a dam- your own money by taking it fect opportunity to trial Park aging eff ect on some of our out of your account. and Ride without too much beaches. Beaches have been Hate to frighten you all, expense to ratepayers, but scoured out, up and down but this scares the pants off Council could not even mani- the east coast. The northern me! fest an appropriate parking sides of points, especially in Since the Global Financial area for those wishing to the corners like at Clarkes Crisis this legislation has use the service, or provide Beach or Broken Head already gone through in signs indicating where and have really copped it. The other countries, such as how to use Park and Ride, or foredunes and trees on them Greece, where people have manage a workable arrange- have been washed into the had half their life savings ment with Elements Resort. sea. It’s a complicated thing stolen out of their accounts – Secondly, though I under- involving many variables. legally – by the banks. stand that it is reasonable When they decided to You can help this legisla- to expect that they would dredge sand from the Tweed tion to be voted out in Aus- be informed about the Bar and drop it below Pt tralia by signing the petition plan, Tamara Smith’s and, Danger, it drift ed around to at particularly, Basil Cameron’s Snapper and onwards creat- The petition also calls for a comments clearly bagging ing the Super Bank as a by- safeguarded savings bank, the road upgrade seems to product! Those beaches are Cartoon Gary Cavanagh – Instagram: @gary_cavanagh just like in the good ole days answer the question of why quite stable now aft er years of the Commonwealth Bank they weren’t asked. Gyan Moyes of adjusting the amounts of submissions for the Discus- reported submission from created their own mythology, of Australia. sand being pumped accord- sion Paper “Short Term Fire and Rescue NSW that but the story of origin is the This dreadful legislation Tyagarah ing to the conditions. I’m Rental Accommodation A was critical of the proposed one underlying the zodiac is being presented to Parlia- not going to suggest we do New Regulatory Framework” Fire Safety standard in the (search and see). Someone ment in November, so your Sewage treatment anything on that scale! closed on 11 September, policy. suggested this story begins signature on this petition I can understand Alan Our beaches are beautiful 2019. These submissions Is this another example of at Virgo (virgin), because now is vital. Dickens frustration with the and valuable assets and have not been publicly a lack of transparency from the Sphinx has the head of a You can also write to your failings of the operations there’s a lot of valuable released. the NSW government? woman and points due east, local Member of Parliament of the multi-million dollar infrastructure and busi- ‘On page 4 of this Discus- Doug Luke and, that it ends with Leo, as Tamara Smith, MP at: bal- Sewage Treatment Plants nesses aff ected by the beach sion Paper it states “All VOHL the Sphinx has the body of [email protected]. (STPs). I suspect that he erosion as well. Surely it’s submissions will be made a lion. Sphinx means ‘bind Ann Carter knows more about how to ridiculous for us just let it publicly available. Govern- Astronomy & zodiac together’ or ‘squeeze’. Mullumbimby operate these new STPs all go! Rock walls, sandbag ment is required by law to Geographically, the naming Maybe the stars aren’t eff ectively than the manage- walls, and erosion control release that information”. of clusters of stars helped about us, but someone awe- Secret roads ment experts responsible for structures spoil beaches ‘Further, it states “It is also humans to navigate at night, some, kind, and infinite? I was interested to read in these plants. and oft en have a deleterious a statutory requirement that and also locate an individual Peter Duke The Echo (7 October) about Council could do a lot eff ect on other beaches all submissions are provided star in a certain part of the Suff olk Park the Council staff approach to worse than seek his proven further along. to the Legislative Review sky. Infrastructure Australia for expertise based on his I’m suggesting a small- Committee of Parliament”. The twelve star clusters Stolen money funding to upgrade Ewings- eff ective operation of the old scale experimental dredging Has this legislative require- on the ecliptic, which is If banking legislation gets dale Road. I was particularly overloaded ‘battleship’ STPs operation. It’s possible to ment been undertaken? the path our sun appears the ‘Yes’ vote this November interested in Cr Basil Cam- for over 26 years working for drill a pipeline from the cliff ‘Submissions to the first to follow, are known as the in Australia, the banks will eron’s and State Member Council, especially the old base of the Cape below the public exhibition “Explana- zodiac. Zodiac is a Greek be able to steal your money, Tamara Smith’s comments South Byron STP. He was lighthouse and run it to Wat- tion of Intended Eff ect STRA word, however, one of the legally, out of your account and opinions on preference transferred there by the then egos. Sand dredged a little Planning Framework” closed earliest zodiacs is at Den- and use your money to prop for Park and Ride schemes, executive works and services way out from the Cape could on 16 November, 2018. dera, Egypt, recorded over themselves up, and support and on their being left out of engineer, Keith Disher to be pumped to the outlet at Submissions were made 4,000 years ago. In Hebrew their risky financial practices. the planning discussions. solve the ammonia exceed- Wategos. If this was done public within two months of the zodiac is called Maz- Your money will no longer Firstly, I feel, on Park ances which were, at that sensitively and turned off this date. zaroth, which is mentioned be safe in any bank in Aus- and Ride that Council lost stage, breaching EPA licence when not needed, we could ‘I am seeking an explana- in Job, the earliest book in tralia, if this legislation gets credibility on such a scheme requirements. Alan solved stabilise our beaches and tion as to why there has been the Bible. approved. when they failed to interact that problem for Council, we may even see the turtles an inordinate delay in publi- Incredibly, in almost all In addition, banks will be positively with Elements ▶ Continued on next page who used to nest here return cation of these submissions cultures, the zodiac is the again. and the future date that this same (how on Earth did Some folk may object oversight will be corrected.’ that happen?). Most of us 86 JONSON ST, BYRON BAY AND THE FAMOUS because the little inner reefs At the time of writing this know the signs; Sagittarius 6685 7662 would be covered with sand, letter, submissions have still is the archer, Cancer the RAILS kitchen but if the sand pumping not been published. Neither crab, Gemini the twins, etc. wasn’t overdone it should be Mr Stokes, nor his ministerial However, if you look at the possible to get these beaches staff have responded to night sky, it’s impossible to back to normal – as they the query. Department of see these pictures by looking Thursday 22 octoBER were when I was a kid. Food Planning staff confirmed that at each constellation (try and Jon J Bradley for thought anyway. the submissions had been see). Warwick Anderson sent to Mr Stokes some time So where did these pic- Friday 23 octoBER Suff olk Park previously. tures come from (note: this Southwall VOHL is perplexed about is not astrology but astron- Silence stokes fears why the submissions have omy)? Did they come from a Saturday 24 octoBER More than one month ago not been published, as story? Each star has a name Pink Zinc required by law. Publica- and a meaning (according to Victims of Holiday Letting Sunday 25 octoBER (VOHL) made a written query tion should not have been their brightness), forming a to NSW Planning Minister, Mr delayed by the pandemic. story. The pictures may have Leigh James Rob Stokes. Could it be that the NSW been mnemonics to help us Monday 26 octoBER An extract: ‘It has been government is concealing remember. more than one year since something? Perhaps it is the Ancient cultures have Slim Pickens Tuesday 27 octoBER Letters to the Editor Jamie Ashforth Send to Letters Editor Aslan Shand, fax: 6684 1719 email: [email protected] Deadline: Noon, Friday. Wednesday 28 octoBER Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. Letters already published in other papers will not be Jason Delphin considered. Please include your full name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 13 Letters For North Coast news online visit BYRON BAY PORK & 5G – a ‘giant leap’ or just the way of the future? MEATS BUTCHERY Q For Helena Norberg- to proceed without answer- catching flu this year), this regarding what the 5G Hodge, rejecting 5G is a ing that question? prompted a sudden and problems may be or indeed Come in and see our friendly ‘no brainer’ (14 October). If no one is accountable, mass shift ing of business any benefits of 5G. Or any staff for a choice of local, grass Apparently, 5G is a techno- that’d be grounds for halt- activity to home off ice opera- quote from the World Health fed, organic & free-range meats. logical ‘giant leap’ aimed at ing any project. Assuming tion and, at the same time, Organisation or the 50 coun- All antibiotic and hormone free. speeding things up, taking folks are worried for no cloud-based IT activity, and tries using 5G. our jobs, and enhancing the reason and you reveal the has resulted in a huge extra Or better still, from 7–5pm Mon to Fri | 8–12pm Sat dominance of the one per entity accountable, which volume of traff ic which the anybody around the pres- 70 Dalley St, Mullumbimby | 6684 2137 cent. insurance company covers present systems were clearly ently operating 5G tower in But what, I wonder, is an them for damages to their not prepared for. Byron’s Arts and Industry appropriate level of technol- health? If it’s as safe as their It’s also worth reminding Estate who live and work ogy? And how might we marketing claims, insurance the passionate opponents of there, about and 5G-caused unscramble the egg? These companies would be lining the 5G rollout that the area health issues. are complex dilemmas, not up to take their money. we are currently discussing is The quote from Telstra ‘no brainers’. If 5G allows downloads an INDUSTRIAL Estate – not a that 5G is similar to 3 and Is the 4G network, of HD films in two seconds, residential/commercial pre- 4G, and that Telstra takes through which I just accessed does that mean cyber attack- cinct. Our developing liveli- community health seri- her Local Futures website ers can download the con- hood as a growing, vibrant, ously seems to disappear (via, heaven forbid, the tents of your PC in 15? How centre of IT and commercial in the opinions of the internet), okay? What about will this consultation aff ect activity (much of which has complainants. 3G? 2G? outcomes? Just asking... been priced out of the Byron Clare, ‘mother of four’, has Perhaps another Luddite Sometimes a small town CBD by exorbitant rents) is a husband who says that, rebellion will unite us. We’ll just wants to be a little town. potentially threatened by a ‘We didn’t ask for it and we tear digital society down, Michael Stav lack of the sort of connectiv- don’t need it,’ a rationale revert to analogue, and Mullumbimby ity the Telstra expansion that could be applied to Helena can disseminate her off ers. the invention of the car, views via fax. That’s fine, I Q The Luddites are back. Graham Mathews aeroplane, or the internet. have a bicycle, a few cassette I read, with a distinct lack Possum Creek Clare says the ‘towers can tapes and a bit of vinyl. of enthusiasm, comments have potentially catastrophic Dave Lisle attributed to Richard, Trip Q I was mildly amused health outcomes for us, Goonengerry A Deal CEO, who points out by The Echo’s front page and the entire ecosystem,’ that ‘our internet already headline on October 14, providing an emotive, gener- Q Doesn’t the word ‘con- works fine here...’ (14 ‘Byron’s turn to fight Telstra’s alised opinion with no facts; Natural, drug-free headache and migraine approach sultation’ imply a two-way October). Hardly surprising 5G plans.’ What? Everybody perhaps even encompassing street – or is it just a one-way since, as I understand it, his in Byron Shire is fighting? the known universe. Ph: trip to the rubbish bin? No organisation has a dedicated I looked for the ‘balanced I say the towers look ugly 0475 75 75 10 one answers the phone or fibre optic connection via reporting’ to read comments but perform a necessary + Advanced head, neck and jaw assessment, email when invited to con- which they remain in contact from the Byron person who function for these times – like treatment and management. sult re 5G in the Shire. with the rest of the universe! likes the idea of 5G but didn’t roads, sewers, and cities. This leaves unanswered Less fortunate is my see it. I am concerned at the Phone for an immediate, obligation-free questions: If 5G can’t pen- business activity and those This week the headline number of diesel vehicles phone consultation. etrate human skin, how does of many others in the Shire reads, ‘5G-free activists step emitting particulate, and Let us help it penetrate the walls of a who live with a motley mix of up pressure on Telstra.’ The petrol cars emitting carbon you gain a house? Can you really have it Telstra 4G, NBN wireless, and first sentence is ‘Strong monoxide and other poison- better quality both ways? How many native string-and-can connections, resistance is growing from ous gasses near schools tHeadache and Migraine of life... trees must be cut to enable etc and, in my case, a long the business community’ where young children spend 5G transmissions? copper wire connecting me near a 5G upgrade, yet the their days. tJaw pain – locking – clicking – grinding What would it take to from a hill above Possum last paragraph indicates this I suggest the ‘activists’ t Vestibular – dizziness – vertigo leave Mullumbimby 5G free? Creek to the world outside. came from a poll conducted do something about the If people suff er proven dam- Without reprising remarks by an organisation saying poisoning of our air, and stop 72 Byron Street, Bangalow – opposite the Public School ages from this installation, made in my previous letter to the businesses ‘did not sup- banging on about 5G. who is then legally account- you, this pandemic (yes it’s port 5G.’ Raphael Lee Cass able? Surely it’s irresponsible not just a few extra people There is no comment Byron Bay

▶ Continued from page 13 Financial Crisis. that, under Labor, Australia (7 October). Add the $24m which was inadequate aera- Albo delivered an would become more self- cost of the Byron bypass, tion, that no Council sewer outstanding budget reply suff icient in manufacturing, which bypasses the train engineer had been able to speech, pointing out all the ensure lower income families station in town, and the OL NO identify. usual marketing spin by are not continually left $5.7m roundabout, and the ENR W Time for Council to bite the PM: the usual heavily behind – by promising to fix cost so far to try and keep the bullet, fix the inflow weighted tax cuts towards expensive childcare for good, the traff ic flowing into Byron infiltration problem, stop the wealthy that almost com- and address the appalling – not reduce it – is a massive forcing these STPs to treat pletely ignored older workers understaff ing of aged care $107.5m spent on just six TERM 4 stormwater, and stop pollut- due to coalition underfund- kilometres of road. STARTS and, most of all, women ing our aquifer. in the workforce. Analysis ing and mismanagement. A Repairing three kilome- SERVICE NSW CIRCUS FOR VOUCHERS Jim Mangleson from the National Centre long overdue plan for Aus- tres of train line running Ocean Shores for Social and Economic tralia’s transition to renew- alongside this road cost less EVERYONE ACCEPTED modelling in Canberra, on able energy by updating the than $2m for a train service. Albo’s outstanding Morrison’s budget, show that national electricity grid was Which means the remaining In reply to a great letter from high-income households will also laid out. 9 kilometres of line into Mul- OCTOBER Helen Cust (7 October), she receive up to 10 times more Alan Veacock lumbimby could be repaired, must have had an insight in tax cuts than low-income Cumbalum and trains running, for less SP AGHETTICIRCUS.COM into Albo’s budget reply households. than $6m. speech, when he highlighted Not just prepared to Rum Corp runs NSW The state government and the appalling misrepresenta- criticise Morrison’s recession It’s planned to spend $78m their dodgy spin doctors, tion, (and outright lies) the and economic mishandling, of taxpayers’ money to with their equally dodgy coalition has been perpetrat- resulting in record debt and move the traff ic congestion, ‘studies’, keep telling people ing about Kevin Rudd’s Labor deficit, Albo went to great dangerously banking up at that getting trains running government’s successful lengths to outline a real plan the Byron Bay exit of the M1 on 132km of the Casino to fiscal handling of the Global for Australia. He outlined further up Ewingsdale Road ▶ Continued on page 20 14 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily SUMMER STOCK HAS ARRIVED ENHANCE YOUR LIVING AREA, READY FOR SUMMER ENTERTAINING WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF BEAUTIFUL PIECES THAT HAVE ARRIVED IN STORE


15 Sheather Street Ballina NSW 2478 | (02) 6686 8802 Mon to Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm | Sun 10am–2pm W: @enspirefurniture Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 15 Articles For North Coast news online visit 0ǔōƖĕŕƐĪşſ ĕōşŕīĶō!ſĕĕŊşſëƆƖƆƐëĶŕëćōĕćōƖĕżſĶŕƐĪşſ ĕōşŕīĶōſĕĈşưĕſƷȃ David Pont ten megalitres. How much is affected by acid sulfate soils. a megalitre? Imagine a tank —ĕĎƖĈĶŕī! 'ǖşşĎƆ The remaining 400 hectares he Belongil Estuary of water ten metres wide by This restoration project are agricultural, used for discussion, to date, ten metres high. would not only rehabilitate grazing cattle for about 3–4 T has raised questions The discussion can be what is essentially a large months of the year. At that about what happens next as derailed by speculation and contaminated site, using earlier time the average we move towards a decision misinterpretation where highly treated effluent in value of poor agricultural in the next year or two on there’s a lack of clarity. My an intermittent application land was about $10,000 per replacing or upgrading the aim here is to provide an cycle to regenerate the hectare, meaning an up-front sewage treatment plant evidence-based explanation wetlands and absorb most purchase cost of about $4m (STP), and how to manage to help in achieving a sustain- of the effluent, but also to buy the proposed 400 the treated effluent after able solution with the least reduce Byron Bay’s flood risk hectares outright. I think 2025. The major issue with amount of conflict. The main considerably. Many times most of the landholders the effluent is the increasing source of information comes An environmental nightmare: drains full of soupy red I’ve seen the runoff from the would have accepted it, quantity, the daily load of from the development of water with nothing alive except mozzies, indicating western catchment drains considering this large water via Byron Bay’s popu- the current strategy twenty acid sulfate soil. Photo supplied pushing floodwaters back up contaminated site is virtually lation, and its impact on a years ago, with the addition towards town. Regenerating worthless for agriculture, and relatively small waterway of recent studies. Not much The need for stinks with the off-gassing of the wetlands, using a site it’s unlikely these low-lying classed as an ‘intermittently of this is new, except that the sulfides as the bacterial reac- like the proposed West Byron contaminated areas will ever closed and open lagoon/ current Council and the EPA rehabilitation tions gain momentum. site, would return them to be developed. We know a lot about the lake’ (ICOLL). appear to have abandoned The wetlands regenera- As the water level falls, their function as a giant pre-history of the Belongil the Belongil to its fate by their tion proposal is primarily a the extensive drains start to natural sponge, holding from several excellent stud- Ocean outfall – current pursuit of sending the catchment rehabilitation discharge, and the poison the floodwaters in, treating ies of ancient pollen. The effluent load via open drains project focused on bringing completely fills the estuary. them, then letting them seep what locals want? lowlands once featured a mix in the Byron Arts and Industry the severe ASS pollution Everything begins to die, right out gradually, supplying life-giving natural nutrients of wetland species following Council is currently Estate to the Belongil Creek under control by re-using down to the entrance. Fish to the estuary. the infilling of the old estuary implementing a project that and the ocean. treated effluent. ASS are gasping, dead prawns as soil washed down onto the will further ignore the reuse In that earlier phase runoff works this way; float to the surface, yabbies floodplain. Melaleuca forest, option and drain effluent the dumping options were smaller rainfalls cause the die in their burrows and mud Rejected by rushes and sedges and bil- down a shorter flowpath to rejected quickly. Farm reuse acid-generated pollutants crabs climb up the banks landholders labongs shifted around over the Belongil, in spite of the was supported, but turned to collect in black ooze seeking air. These events The science around how the centuries in response to legally binding Effluent Man- out not to be practical at sediments in the drains and aren’t just ‘fish kills’. The all this works is well estab- drier or wetter periods. agement Strategy, current that time. Potable reuse the closed estuary. At a lower entire estuary is wiped out, lished, but has been rejected until 2025, that has a primary didn’t make it into serious temporary opening depth of usually until the dry spring, by landholders. It should Stabilise the ASS principle of ‘sewage or consideration, but recent 1.0 metre under the Estuary then the whole process starts be understood that there’s I argue for a re-creation of effluent disposal to natural developments suggest it Plan, the water flowed out at again. Research has also a fundamental conflict this ecosystem using known waterways or to the ocean might be looked at again. much lower velocity without found perhaps 25 per cent between the landholders’ principles of sustainable veg- shall be considered only as a picking up all the black ooze, of surviving fish are affected desire for dry soil in the graz- etation, soil and water man- last resort’. Wetland regen and it deoxygenated the by Red-Spot Disease, as the ing season, and the need to agement, in accord with what How often the Belongil This article examines water (this idea was opposed acid and metals eat away wet the soil to control acid we know about the Belongil’s entrance was open before the wetlands regeneration later by consultant scientists protective skin slimes. Some generation. history. The encouragement modern times, is a very uncer- option. The idea began with who considered there wasn’t have no mouths, no tails or I carried out much of the of native aquatic plants tain thing to define but it is the increasing realisation enough evidence). backbones. consultation with landholders and wetland conditions will critical in deciding at what that the fish kills were over- We can only look at the This is why reducing the for several years. I followed stabilise the acid soils. These point the quantity of effluent whelmingly the result of acid results over many years, not opening height was effective an empathetic and common ecosystems can be regener- becomes problematic. My sulfate soil runoff (ASS), not just fish kills, but this oppos- in preventing these events sense approach, always ated through informed water sense of it is that it depended effluent, stormwater or farm ing view would have caused for many years. With the stating ‘nobody should be management rather than on long-term weather pat- chemicals or other popular some confusion in Council. opening depth recently disadvantaged’ in the adjust- high cost plantings. terns, with the ocean wave explanations. As I’ve previously written, we returning towards a higher ments in land use that were The questions around climate and sand movement. In 1998 I was recom- now have a chance to see 1.2 metres there’s ten times clearly necessary. Many times how much will it cost, and One certainty for me is that mended by Southern Cross what happens; as the open- as much water which runs we were able to bring inde- who’ll pay, need to be framed the estuary should not be University to do the field ing height has risen again out at higher velocity, mobi- pendent specialist scientists in the context of comparing artificially opened just to let work for the Byron Bay Fate under a new strategy. lising the sediment, while in to do research. We would it with the costs of the other effluent out, especially in of Effluent Study, sampling larger floods are also held in dig up the dark soil, with effluent options. Also, with the dry season, but Council’s 27 groundwater bores, plus lşſĕƐIJëŕëǕƆIJŊĶōō longer and turn septic. landholders watching, and the profound question: present drain plan makes that surface water sites. Consult- In some years the Belongil often it would turn red right what’s the value of an estu- virtually certain. It’s already ants did the reporting. is affected by major floods Decoupling the in front of our eyes. ‘Oh, that’s ary full of fish? been reported the effluent is After a couple of months as rain depressions dump why the drains are red!’. ‘Oh! A new STP, after Council heavy falls, usually following catchment keeping the entrance open it became clear the effluent That’s why the Belongil turns had bought the land, could longer because of increasing wasn’t polluting the ground- the hot dry spring-summer. In concert with the interim red and all the fish die’. be approximately $80m. volumes over the last few water, so I was tasked with Over several days the floods opening at a lower depth, The Belongil-Cumbebin Farm reuse should be years with no increase in finding out just where it was spread out across the the Estuary Management Wetlands Restoration examined, but is likely to be reuse. going. I worked upstream low-lying floodplain. Salty Plan and every document Strategy (2005), a Catchment a challenge as well. Council Exploration of the issue from the lower catchment, estuarine water lapped in since has defined the need Management Authority docu- is spending one-and-a-half has listed the main options wearing waders and carrying these zones 6,000 years ago, to ‘decouple’ the catchment ment (I was co-author), laid million dollars on the ‘dump for the next twenty-five year snake bandages. I actually and have left their sulfur from the estuary. Decoupling out a plan for rehabilitating it in the Belongil’ option. strategy as: increased reuse, needed a suit of armour signature. More recent pas- means a fundamental the catchment, with practical The costs of setting up the dumping in the estuary or against the mosquitoes that ture grasses, and metals like change in the drainage net- suggestions about where the wetland regeneration system the ocean, or ‘potable reuse’, love these drains. I found an iron and aluminium washed work on the 1,000 hectares of money would come from. I suggest are roughly $2,500 i.e. reuse back into houses. environmental nightmare: down from the catchment’s drained Belongil-Cumbebin That Strategy, with its $45k per hectare for the 400 hec- This is the normal assess- drains full of soupy red water volcanic soils, combine in a wetlands, such that the soils seed funding, was rejected tares; meaning about a mil- ment approach. They’re all with nothing alive except cocktail that drags oxygen are kept moist or wet, and by the Barham Council, with lion dollars, including project difficult propositions. Much mozzies, indicating ASS. out of the water. floods are retained in the no explanation, but remains design, drainage changes, depends as well on whether Then I came upon two small A series of chemical mid-upper catchment, as in today the most valid blue- approvals, and revegetation. the community agrees with flowpaths with clear water, phenomena ensue as the still the natural situation. It can print for the job. The land values constitute the proposed increase in small native fish, mullet and waters warm up and interact be done with drain blocks, About 600 hectares of the the biggest uncertainty in development. The 2025 eels. That was the effluent. with the underlying soils. or preferably by filling the lowlands are under SEPP the proposed regeneration effluent load will be about I followed it to the STP wet- Acid and dissolved metals drains, and keeping shallow 14 or other legal protection, project. I recommend outright seven megalitres per day, but lands. It was, and probably rise into the floodwaters, and floodways near developed but almost every SEPP 14 acquisition and dedication with the proposed increase still is, the best quality water bacteria quickly break down areas to allow big floods wetland has a drain either as public land. The money of housing, that would rise to in the catchment. the pasture grasses. It also safely out. through it or around it, and is ▶ continued opposite 16 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Articles NSW Liberals betray koalas and back down to National Party Aslan Shand on private land, according to populations are crashing, hypocrisy for Byron Greens MP and Chair of the with climate change induced Bay-based National Party The changes that the Inquiry into Koala Popula- droughts and fires decimat- representative on the koala National Party have tions and their Habitat, Cate ing survivors, and predictions inquiry, Ben Franklin, to find demanded to the Koala SEPP Faehrmann. of extinction in the wild by [as part of the Inquiry] that will ensure that koalas are ‘This bill isn’t a 2050, it is reprehensible that “the regulatory framework extinct in the wild by 2050, ‘compromise’ on the new the Berejiklian government is for private native forestry say experts in the field. koala policy. It takes koala changing the rules to remove does not protect koala The Inquiry into Koala protections back 25 years, protection for core koala habitat on private land” Populations and their at a time when we need to habitat so as to allow it to and that it is “unacceptable Habitat in New South be strengthening laws to be logged and cleared indis- that land identified as core Wales recognised that the protect koala habitat. We criminately,’ says Mr Pugh. koala habitat can be cleared 1994 SEPP had failed to lost maybe 10,000 koalas in ‘The National Party because of departmental adequately protect koalas NSW in the Black Summer This koala didn’t survive the Black Summer fire in stopped north coast councils delays” in approving koala and their habitat and ‘that fires. If this bill passes, the Ellangowan State Forest. from rezoning land for plans, to now to claim in the regulatory framework for government may as well sign environmental protection parliament that there is no private native forestry does their death warrant,’ said Ms Nature Conservation consents, with their dura- in 2012, they stopped the need to protect core koala not protect koala habitat on Faehrmann. Council Chief Executive, Chris tions doubled from 15 to 30 Byron and Tweed Coastal habitat from logging and private land’. ‘The updated Koala Gambian, points out that, years. Koala Plans of Management clearing. Ben Franklin needs Before the Black Summer SEPP has been years in the ‘Nothing in this bill helps ‘Aft er making a great song being approved in 2015, and to be held to account. fires in 2019/20 northern making, but now all that hard ensure koalas survive beyond and dance about standing up now National Party MP Ben ‘Conversely his colleague NSW koala numbers had work has been scrapped to 2050. But it does mean to the Nationals, it seems the Franklin has promised the in the koala inquiry, Ballina- declined by 50 per cent over appease the National Party property developers could NSW Liberals have backed Shooters [and Fishers] that based Liberal, Catherine the previous 20 years. The and the powerful timber and bulldoze koala trees without down completely,’ said “e-zones will not be created Cusack, needs to be sup- Black Summer fires burnt farming lobbies.’ needing an approval.’ Evan Quartermain, head of in relation to any koala plans ported in her stance against approximately 30 per cent of NEFA spokesperson, Analysis of the bill by the programs at Humane Society of management”. National Party bullying and ‘likely koala habitat’ accord- Dailan Pugh, says that Environmental Defenders International (HSI). ‘Thanks to the Nationals, encouraged to vote down ing to North East Forest the ‘NSW government has Off ice has found that the councils are not allowed to these draconian measures Alliance (NEFA). introduced a bill which, if bill allows for: unregulated Accountable MPs? protect koalas or protect intended to reverse protec- Yet the NSW Liberal Party enacted, will condemn the land clearing of koala habitat All members of parlia- anywhere from logging. tions for koalas and hasten have put forward the Local koala, and many other spe- not already identified in ment are being called on ‘It is the height of their extinction.’ Land Services Amendment cies, to extinction. rural areas; the prevention to use their conscience and (Miscellaneous) bill 2020 ‘These proposed changes of expanded koala habitat vote the bill down. that is not only a massive are clearly intended to make protection on private farm- ‘We need to try to con- step backwards for koala the Koala SEPP ineff ective land into the future; and the vince our local parliamentar- protection in NSW, but also and remove most of the few exemption of Private Native ians to vote against it (or at removes many other critical hard won gains made over Forestry operations from least abstain),’ said Mr Pugh. environmental protections the past 25 years.’ important development ‘At a time when koala

THE ONLY DATION GUIDE TO transfer to community about the tea-tree water. It ACCOMMO WHAT’S ON - BYRON THE VISITOR GUIDE 2020 VERS NSW & NORTHERN RI Where to with the Belongil? ownership under a fair and inspired me to research what 2019/20 BYRON just process. The Act includes is actually in this complex AND Beyond ▶ from previous page lowland areas. This option is provision for both voluntary water, and to understand could be sourced in a number being implemented in Tweed and non-voluntary transfer. that it’s full of life-giving of ways: developer charges, Shire right now in relation to Land values are calculated by natural nutrients. local contributions from flood-prone land in an urban the Valuer General. We don’t have to be www.byronan i eyond.c sewer rates, and state govern- area. Carbon sequestration Last, I quote for spiritual stuck in this antiquated www.byronandb ment grants that would also will also become more authority, the Byron land failed system with primitive attract federal funding – as relevant as the penny drops custodians – the Arakwal mosquito-ridden drains, did the first Rehabilitation about how much carbon people, from the National saddled with acid and metals Project twenty years ago. wetlands can store. Park Plan: ‘Let the creek run and dead estuaries; but it In the Restoration Strategy My view today is that the out into the ocean and make will take an energised com- we also suggested ‘develop- next Council should consider it clean, running, teatree munity doing some thinking, ment off sets’ used in similar moving directly to invoking water...’ During the years coming to a conclusion, talk- projects elsewhere, such as a the NSW Just Terms Compen- I was writing estuary and ing with councillors, followed landholder might be granted sation Act, an excellent piece other management plans by a concerted eff ort – with for a small-scale develop- of legislation designed for just and consulting ‘stakeholders’ good scientific advice that is ment right for land above the this kind of situation where a I was struck by the number understandable and makes floodplain, in exchange for demonstrated overwhelming of First Nations people I met sense to everyone. ‘…Clean, surrendering title or use over public interest indicates who understood and talked running, teatree water’.

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Christobel Munson about its driving range or all aspects of EV adoption, Cafe from EVolution, based charging methods, not to from charging, driving range, in Melbourne. re you intrigued by mention the cost? Where can converting combustion ‘EVolution is Australia’s electric vehicles – you find reliable, trustworthy vehicles, and other types only dedicated electric A whether cars, bikes, advice? of electric transport,’ says vehicle workshop specialis- buses, scooters or even PTVs Not-for-profit group Zero co-coordinator of The EV ing in conversions, repairs (personal transport vehicles) Emissions Byron is running a Revolution webinar series, and servicing,’ Russ said. and lawnmowers? Perhaps series of monthly one-hour Bridie Schmidt. ‘The Electric Car Cafe team you are contemplating webinars on the Zoom Bridie’s day job is lead are focused on advancing buying an EV, but are worried platform ‘designed to cover writer for; put- conversion technology, ting her in the driving seat to knowledge and processes to CHESS by Ian Rogers title. A fortnight ago Rausis entered a rapid tournament in invite relevant industry lead- enable at-scale repurposing The reappearance of banned Valka under the name Isa Kasimi ers to discuss the emerging of older cars to electric drive.’ ex-Grandmaster Igors Rausis at but just before the third round industry in this informative His team works closely a tournament in Latvia earlier was confronted by one of Latvia’s webinar series. with Alex, whose business this month, playing under a new top players Arthurs Neiksans. name, has been explained by the Rausis withdrew from the ‘Electric vehicles are a converts classic cars, VW 59-year-old in the words, ‘I can- tournament immediately and relatively new technology Kombi vans, and Beetles not live without chess.’ since then has tried to explain that, like Smart TVs, will be to all-electric, with a range He had been caught with a his side of the story. He claims bought by early adopters and of up to 320km on a single mobile phone on multiple occa- he’s suffered from prostate cancer sions, yet his excuses had always since 2003 and therefore needs to then be taken up more and charge. been accepted by tournament visit the toilet frequently during more by the broader popula- To sign up for this free arbiters. In July 2019, frustrated games (implying that he was not tion,’ Ms Schmidt says. webinar, please visit zero- by official inaction, Rausis was using those many visits to consult Considering herself where photographed by some young his phone). players in Strasbourg sitting in a Most of all, Rausis says, he ‘fortunate’ to work in a role links to the YouTube record- toilet booth analysing his current cannot live without chess. ‘Chess that gives her the opportu- Alex Bosin, owner of EV Classic in Byron’s A & I Estate. ings of each webinar in the game on a mobile phone. is a very addictive sport. This is nity to speak with people series can also be found. Rausis had been cheating in a game that makes people both EV Conversions is the by Mick O’Regan, and the this way for more than five years, happy and unhappy. Yet I per- on the cutting edge of keeping mostly to low profile fectly understand my colleagues, transforming our transport topic for the next webinar speakers that night will be Q Zero Emissions Byron tournaments. He raced up the to whom I am disgusting.’ industry to clean energy, in The EV Revolution series, Alex Bosin, owner of EV Clas- seeks to educate, promote ranking list from nowhere to just However, Rausis also frequent- she says that Australia may being held from 6–7pm on sic in Byron’s Arts & Industry and encourage people to outside the world’s top 50. ly used the Lance Armstrong Despite him being called out by defence that lots of other players be considered a ‘laggard’ in Tuesday, 3 November. The Estate, and Russ Shepherd, reduce carbon emissions to amateurs and professionals alike, were cheating as well as himself. EV adoption. popular series is chaired cofounder of the Electric zero by 2025. the world body FIDE avoided In a brief statement, FIDE said taking action until their hand that their ban did not extend was forced by the toilet photo and to local tournaments and Rausis Rausis’s subsequent confession. could compete if he wished. Short-form basketball lands in Lismore before Olympics Last December he was banned Whether his peers will be will- from FIDE events for six years ing to play alongside or against A hundred players across ‘Few people are aware mens and U/15 boys and stripped of his Grandmaster Rausis is another matter. Winners 28 teams took part in that 3x3 basketball is now categories. Lismore’s first 3x3 basketball an Olympic sport,’ said Ben Lismore teams dominated Byron Bay’s Bricklayers the competition with the tournament organised by Ireland, founder of The U won the U/15 boys category. Storm winning the senior not-for-profit The U League, League. in collaboration with Lismore men’s category (on a last ‘The event presented About 3x3 Storm over the weekend of second buzzer beater), the an exciting opportunity to 3x3 is an offshoot of tradi- October 9–10. Flames winning the U/18 girls tional basketball and shares Lismore, Ballina and Byron introduce this fast-growing category, the Awesome4some Bay teams competed across global sport to the commu- winning the U/13 boys and a lot of similarities with the five categories (U/13 girls, U/13 nity here in Lismore, and we the Basketeers winning the original. 3x3 is a shorter, boys, U/15 boys, U/18 girls and are looking to run more 3x3 U/13 girls category. sharper version of traditional senior men) at the Lismore tournaments in the area in Ballina teams finished basketball and is played in a Basketball Stadium. the future? second, both in the senior half-court environment.

▶ Continued from page 14 Council were obliged to pay right-wing, led by the Council compassionate leave and line would be a few thousand dollars to staff, tried to take advantage Lyon was in the chair; being too expensive, and we may independent consultants of COVID-19 fears by having far more flexible and open as well dig it up for a bike to investigate, revealed Simon Richardson installed that Simon had been. track, which will cost well no surprises when it was as generalissimo. What’s changed? Every- over $100m and not take one found there were no code They asked elected thing, of course. The Greens car off the roads. of conduct breaches at councillors to give Simon the failed recently to endorse Talk about allowing luna- all. Participation in public delegated authority to take either Ndiaye or Lyon as their tics to run the asylum! debate is better exercised over their role for six months Mayoral candidate, with Louise Doran and gets better results when so that Simon would make Lyon doing far worse that his Ocean Shores constructively working all the development and self-belief could countenance. with people on the issues other decisions, meaning that He blamed the voting system Citizen rights rather than as a platform for councillors wouldn’t even rather than his own short- You may have caught sight self-aggrandisement. have to attend. This move comings, and quit the party. recently of John Anderson’s, Perhaps Mr Anderson was enthusiastically backed Things are getting nasty, I (aka Fast Buck$), continuing could reflect on this and by Council’s National Party note that Simon hasn’t been deterioration in the form consider reimbursing Council rep Cr Alan Hunter. However, involved with the last three of lodging code of conduct for the costs incurred? Wast- they miscalculated. Cr Coorey Greens meetings, so maybe complaints against several ing our time in public access moved an amendment to he’s trying to avoid the grill- councillors, myself included. is one thing, but wasting give the Mayor only the ing he deserves. Meanwhile I would ask him to refrain Council’s money – well we power to look after specific, the Greens had better decide from wasting Council’s just don’t have enough of it. COVID-related measures, for whether they too seek obliv- resources in future with Cr Michael Lyon three months, and Cr Ndiaye ion, they need to formally these spurious complaints, The Pocket seconded that move. distance themselves from which are really about hurt At one stage last year Simon’s shenanigans, which ego (the main content of All together now! I believed Cr Lyon had will probably get a lot worse several complaints was that Last April a Council event potential, if he could only be as the election approaches. OH SURE, EVERYTHING’S FUN AND GAMES we weren’t listening to him). took place that was unap- weaned away from Simon’s Fast Buck$ LSDUNTIL SOMEBODY PISSES OFF THE PANCAKES. The latest round, which proved at the time. The influence. Simon was on Coorabell 20 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily L





Federal and state governments have been making lots of announcements about support for the building industry ˔ˡ˗Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˥˘˖˘ˡ˧˟ˬʟ˔˦˧˛˘ˬ˔˧˧˘ˠˣ˧˧ˢ˦˧˔˩˘ off a COVID-19 related economic collapse. So what does it ˔˟˟ˠ˘˔ˡ˙ˢ˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˜ˡ˧˛˘ˁˢ˥˧˛˘˥ˡ˅˜˩˘˥˦ʲ

FIRST HOME LOAN have 15% deposit by only charging them Zain Peart believes this extra building $1 mortgage insurance fee. You would ˚˥˔ˡ˧˜˦ϝ˩˘˥ˬ˗˜˙Ё˖˨˟˧Ϟ˧ˢˡ˔˩˜˚˔˧˘ʡϝʴ DEPOSIT SCHEME normally need 20% to waive this fee.’ lot of lenders, until recently, haven’t even used it to help support the The most recent government Miss Clarkson said that with FHLDS, loan. So basically you got a 25 grand announcement added an additional buyers need to sit on a waiting bonus but it didn’t help you get the 10,000 places to the First Home Loan list, then get a placement, then ˟ˢ˔ˡˢ˥˚˘˧Ёˡ˔ˡ˖˘ˢ˥˔ˡˬ˧˛˜ˡ˚˘˟˦˘ʟϞ Deposit Scheme (FHLDS), which allows immediately look for a property, at the he said. people to purchase property with a ˥˜˦˞ˢ˙ˡˢ˧Ёˡ˗˜ˡ˚˔ˡˬ˧˛˜ˡ˚˦˨˜˧˔˕˟˘ʟˢ˥ deposit of only 5%. in the right price range. To be eligible for this tax-free scheme, ˊ˛˘ˡ˧˛˘˦˖˛˘ˠ˘˪˔˦Ё˥˦˧ applicants need to enter a building Lennox Head mortgage broker Zain announced earlier this year, half of contract before the end of 2020. Peart suggests that the First Home ˧˛˘ʤʣʟʣʣʣˣ˟˔˖˘˦˪˘˥˘Ё˟˟˘˗˔˟ˠˢ˦˧ Numbers of grants are not capped. Loan Deposit Scheme doesn’t really immediately. suit the Northern Rivers, apart from The FHLDS guarantees the loans of certain areas, like Lismore; ’It’s only WHAT ABOUT STAMP DUTY? ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘˪˛ˢ˕˨ˬ˧˛˘˜˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˦ˢˡ for construction, and it’s hard to get a Mr Peart would like to see a greater small deposits, eliminating the need property built for the price that they’re focus on stamp duty concessions, for expensive lender’s mortgage saying.’ noting that for most properties in insurance. the Northern Rivers this amounts There are different price caps in TOO MANY ACRONYMS to ‘Thirty or forty grand, just to get back in the market. Stamp duty’s the different areas, with houses worth up ARE BARELY ENOUGH to $950,000 in Sydney covered by the biggest hurdle to home ownership scheme. In the Northern Rivers though, In NSW, there’s also the First Home for sure.’ there is a limit of $450,000. Owner’s Grant (FHOG, originally While NSW has taken action to introduced in 2000 to offset the GST) curb stamp duty (in certain cases) HOW USEFUL IS IT? ˙ˢ˥ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘˕˨ˬ˜ˡ˚ˢ˥˕˨˜˟˗˜ˡ˚˔Ё˥˦˧ recently, such as with the First home. The FHOG offers $10,000 and Home Buyers Assistance Scheme, Byron Bay senior mortgage broker assistance with transfer duty for the problem with many of these Sharon Clarkson said, ‘Due to the ˘˟˜˚˜˕˟˘Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ʡ initiatives is that they drive property limited places the government has prices higher in an already stretched provided for FHLDS, the borrowers HomeBuilder is a new scheme, complementing the FHOG and stamp market, potentially wiping out gains have a time limit to buy, so it’s a panic ˙ˢ˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ʡ just to grab a home, suitable or not, in duty concessions. This grant is for order to utilise this guarantee and not $25,000 to assist with new homes or The current offerings may be a mixed incur mortgage insurance. substantially renovate existing homes. bag for newcomers to the property Details are available at the Revenue market, but one clear winner is the ‘Some lenders have actually come up NSW website [ local construction industry, which is with a better option in my view. They au/news-media-releases/covid-19-tax- booming again as it emerges from ˔˥˘˥˘˪˔˥˗˜ˡ˚Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˪˛ˢ relief-measures/homebuilder-program]. the restrictions of COVID-19.

USEFUL ONLINE REFERENCES NSW Government ˡ˦˪ʡ˚ˢ˩ʡ˔˨ʢ˟˜˩˜ˡ˚ʠˡ˦˪ʢ˛ˢ˨˦˜ˡ˚ʠ˔ˡ˗ʠˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧ˬʢЁ˥˦˧ʠ˛ˢˠ˘ʠ˕˨ˬ˘˥ʠ˚˥˔ˡ˧ʠ˔ˡ˗ʠ˔˦˦˜˦˧˔ˡ˖˘ ˥˘˩˘ˡ˨˘ʡˡ˦˪ʡ˚ˢ˩ʡ˔˨ʢ˚˥˔ˡ˧˦ʠ˦˖˛˘ˠ˘˦ʢЁ˥˦˧ʠ˛ˢˠ˘ʠ˕˨ˬ˘˥ ˦˘˥˩˜˖˘ʡˡ˦˪ʡ˚ˢ˩ʡ˔˨ʢ˧˥˔ˡ˦˔˖˧˜ˢˡʢ˔ˣˣ˟ˬʠЁ˥˦˧ʠ˛ˢˠ˘ʠ˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ʠ˔˦˦˜˦˧˔ˡ˖˘ʠ˦˖˛˘ˠ˘ ˡ˦˪ʡ˚ˢ˩ʡ˔˨ʢˡ˘˪˦ʢЁˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ʠ˕ˢˢ˦˧ʠ˙ˢ˥ʠЁ˥˦˧ʠ˛ˢˠ˘ʠ˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ Federal Government


DOES SIZE MATTER? Wherever you're building, environmental concerns need to be at the forefront of When it comes to building, most “ thinking as we all seek to continue Australians seem to agree that it does, sustainably sharing our common but beyond that it gets complicated. McMansions and Tiny Houses each planetary home. have their enthusiasts and detractors, and there's a wide spectrum between these extremes. ” associated costs and environmental DESIGN Statistically, Australian houses impacts accumulating over time. have more than doubled in size, on IS YOUR average, since 1950. The homes which ʵ˘˖˔˨˦˘˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬ˘˙Ё˖˜˘ˡ˖ˬ˥˘˚˨˟˔˧˜ˢˡ˦ FRIEND today's children are growing up in don't account for embodied energy are markedly different to the homes (or house size in many cases), You don't have to go all the way to their parents and grandparents standards can be misleading. the Tiny House end of the spectrum to knew. Once upon a time, it was ʸ˫ˣ˥˘˦˦˜ˡ˚ˢˡ˚ˢ˜ˡ˚˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬ˘˙Ё˖˜˘ˡ˖ˬ Ёˡ˗˧˛˘˔˗˩˔ˡ˧˔˚˘˦˔˦˦ˢ˖˜˔˧˘˗˪˜˧˛ commonplace for many kids to share per square metre favours larger living in a beautifully designed smaller rooms, and sometimes with their houses, even though these require space. parents and extended family too. more energy overall. One popular approach with smaller While houses have grown, back yards ˛ˢ˨˦˘˗˘˦˜˚ˡ˦˜˦˧ˢˢˣ˘ˡ˨ˣ˧˛˘Ђˢˢ˥ have shrunk. Are massive internal PEAK McMANSION? plan, connecting common areas and using light to make spaces feel larger. ˦ˣ˔˖˘˦˪ˢ˥˧˛˧˛˘˦˔˖˥˜Ё˖˘ʲ According to the Australian Bureau of High ceilings are another design Statistics, the most common house Strangely, while Australian houses feature that make buildings with small ˖ˢˡЁ˚˨˥˔˧˜ˢˡ˜ˡʴ˨˦˧˥˔˟˜˔˜˦˧˛˥˘˘ have got bigger, the average number Ђˢˢ˥ˣ˟˔ˡ˦˙˘˘˟˘˫ˣ˔ˡ˦˜˩˘ʡʶ˟˘˩˘˥ bedrooms, but it appears we may of people living in households has shelving and fold-away storage have hit peak-McMansion in 2009, been declining. It could be argued that spaces maximise space and minimise when the average house size was this has contributed to the weakening clutter. of familial bonds, though plenty of ʥʧʪ˦ˤ˨˔˥˘ˠ˘˧˥˘˦ʡˇ˛˔˧Ё˚˨˥˘˜˦ˡˢ˪ teenagers would disagree with that! below 230 square metres. With working from home increasingly common, it's important By global standards, this is still very to have enough space to separate HOW MUCH ROOM DO large. Australia has the biggest houses the different parts of your life, but in the world after the USA. (Following YOU NEED? good design always beats throwing us in the big house stakes are New ˠˢˡ˘ˬ˔ˡ˗Ђˢˢ˥˔˥˘˔˔˧˧˛˘ While home-owners sometimes Zealand, Turkey and Norway.) choose big houses so that friends and problem. If apartments are considered as well, relatives can visit, having a lot of empty The fact is that ‘keeping up With the average dwelling size in Australia space 'just in case' can be a problem the Joneses’ probably fuelled the ˜˦ʤʫʬ˦ˤ˨˔˥˘ˠ˘˧˥˘˦ʟ˕˨˧˧˛˜˦Ё˚˨˥˘ as people get older, stuff accumulates McMansion boom as much as is distorted by the fact that many and stairs need to be negotiated. anything. Now that sustainability is more apartments are being built and the new black, smaller and smarter Beyond the social aspects, big occupied these days, suggesting is the best way to impress the houses use more energy, both in the that many of the houses that are still neighbours, especially in the Northern embodied form (energy used for being constructed are unnecessarily Rivers of NSW. source materials and in construction), large. and in terms of ongoing energy costs. Wherever you're building, Good design means that smaller environmental concerns need to be at According to University of Melbourne houses can actually be more liveable, the forefront of thinking as we all seek research, as houses grow, the energy while also using less energy and being to continue sustainably sharing our used in building and maintaining the easier to maintain. Marie Antoinette common planetary home. house grows faster than the energy preferred living in a smaller building used by the occupants in operating in the garden than the Palace of Beyond solar panels and solar the house. Versailles, and many owners of large hot water, insulation, composting Water, carbon emissions, ˛ˢ˨˦˘˦Ёˡ˗˧˛˘ˠ˦˘˟˩˘˦˦˜ˠ˜˟˔˥˟ˬ toilets, recycled building materials materials and energy living mainly in one or two rooms, and water tanks, one of the most usage all multiply particularly after children leave home, environmentally sound things each of quickly as extra rooms ˪˜˧˛ˢ˧˛˘˥˦ˣ˔˖˘˦˚˥˔˗˨˔˟˟ˬЁ˟˟˜ˡ˚˨ˣ us can do is to not build bigger than are added, with the with junk. we need.

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The cost of a new home hurts! We were ˣ˥ˢ˩˜˗˘˗˨˦ʟ˗˔ˬ˜ˡ˔ˡ˗˗˔ˬˢ˨˧ʡ stressed with a new baby, one income ˊ˜˧˛˖ˢ˨ˡ˖˜˟˥˔˧˘˦ʟ˪˔˧˘˥˔ˡ˗˘˟˘˖˧˥˜˖˜˧ˬ ˔ˡ˗˔Ё˥˦˧˧˜ˠ˘˕˨˜˟˗ˢˡˢ˨˥˛˔ˡ˗˦ʡˊ˛˔˧˔ ˕˜˟˟˦˦˘˘ˠ˜ˡ˚˟˜˞˘˧˛˘ˬ˔˥˘˔˟˪˔ˬ˦˗˨˘˔ˡ˗ ˟ˢˡ˚˗˥˔˪ˡˢ˨˧ˣ˥ˢ˖˘˦˦˜˧˪˔˦ʟ˔ˡ˗ˢ˛˛ˢ˪ ˘˫˖˘˘˗˜ˡ˚ʗʦʟʨʣʣˣʡ˔ʡ˪˘˗˘˖˜˗˘˗˧ˢ˚˘˧ʫʫʫ ˪˘˗˜˦˖ˢ˩˘˥˘˗˔˟˟˧˛˘ˣ˜˧˙˔˟˟˦ˢˡˢ˨˥˪˔ˬ ˆˢ˟˔˥ˇ˘˞˧ˢ˗˘˦˜˚ˡ˔ˡ˗˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˔˟˔˥˚˘˥˚˥˜˗ ˧˛˥ˢ˨˚˛ʡ ˖ˢˡˡ˘˖˧˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˧ˢˢ˙˙˦˘˧˧˛˘˦˘˖ˢ˦˧˦ϛ ʻ˔˜˥ˣ˨˟˟˜ˡ˚˥˔˚˘˔˦˧˛˘ˬ˦˧˨˙˙˘˗˨ˣ˧˛˘ˣ˟˔ˡ˦ ˔ˡ˗ˢ˛ʟ˛ˢ˪˚ˢˢ˗˜˧Ϟ˦˕˘˘ˡʔ ˢ˩˘˥˔ˡ˗ˢ˩˘˥˔˚˔˜ˡʡʿ˔˦˧ˠ˜ˡ˨˧˘ʶˢ˨ˡ˖˜˟ ˥˔ˡ˦ˢˠ˦˙ˢ˥˧˛˘˖ˢˡ˦˧˥˨˖˧˜ˢˡ˖˘˥˧˜Ё˖˔˧˘ʟ ˊ˘˙ˢ˥˞˘˗ˢ˨˧˙ˢ˥˔ʤʣ˞ˊ˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠʟ˦ˣ˟˜˧ ˔ˡ˗˧˛˘˩˔˥˜˔˧˜ˢˡ˦ˢˡ˩˔˥˜˔˧˜ˢˡ˦˕˘˖ˢˠ˜ˡ˚ across the north and western sides of the ˖ˢˡ˩ˢ˟˨˧˘˗˔ˡ˗˖ˢˡ˙˨˦˜ˡ˚ϛ˔˟˟˪˛˜˟˘ˢ˨˥˥˘ˡ˧ ˥ˢˢ˙˧ˢˠ˔˜ˡ˧˔˜ˡ˔˖ˢˡ˦˧˔ˡ˧ʨ˞ˊ˘˫ˣˢ˥˧˧ˢ ˔ˡ˗˛ˢ˟˗˜ˡ˚˖ˢ˦˧˦˦˧˘˔˗˜˟ˬ˜ˡ˖˥˘˔˦˘˗ʡ ˧˛˘˚˥˜˗ʟ˪˛˜˖˛˚˘ˡ˘˥˔˧˘˦ʗʧʟʣʣʣ˜ˡ˦˔˩˜ˡ˚˦ ˣ˘˥ˬ˘˔˥ʡˇ˛˘˗˘˦˜˚ˡ˛˔˦˔˟˟ˢ˪˘˗˨˦˧ˢ˥˨ˡ ˔ˡ˗ʟ˔˚˔˜ˡ˛˔˩˜ˡ˚˔˗˗˘˗˧˛˘˦˘˖ˢ˦˧˦˧ˢˢ˨˥ ˊ˘˦ˣ˘ˡ˧˪˘˘˞˘ˡ˗˦˦ˡˢˢˣ˜ˡ˚˧˛˥ˢ˨˚˛ˢ˨˥ ˢ˨˥˟˔˥˚˘˘˫ˣ˘ˡ˦˜˩˘˔˜˥ʠ˖ˢˡ˗˜˧˜ˢˡ˘˥ʟˡ˘˪ ˛ˢˠ˘˟ˢ˔ˡ˪ˢ˨˟˗˛˔˩˘˔˟˟ˢ˪˘˗˨˦˧ˢ˔˗˗˔ ˦ˢˢˡʠ˧ˢʠ˕˘ˡ˘˜˚˛˕ˢ˨˥˛ˢˢ˗ʟ˘ˡ˩˜ˢ˨˦˟ˬ˦ˣˬ˜ˡ˚ ˗˥ˬ˘˥˔ˡ˗˔˟˟˧˛˘ˢ˧˛˘˥˔ˣˣ˟˜˔ˡ˖˘˦˚˨˜˟˧˙˥˘˘ʟ ˦ˢ˟˔˥˕˔˧˧˘˥ˬ˔˦˪˘˟˟ʡ ˢˡ˧˛˘˖ˢˠˣ˟˘˧˘˗˛ˢˠ˘˦˪˜˧˛˧˛˘˜˥ˡ˘˪ ˪˛˜˟˘˦˧˜˟˟˥˘˖˘˜˩˜ˡ˚˔ʗʨʣʣ˖˥˘˗˜˧ˢˡˢ˨˥ ˗˥˜˩˘˪˔ˬ˦ʟ˟˘˧˧˘˥˕ˢ˫˘˦˔ˡ˗˦˟˘˘˞˦ˢ˟˔˥ˣ˔ˡ˘˟˦ ˘˟˘˖˧˥˜˖˜˧ˬ˕˜˟˟˘˔˖˛ˤ˨˔˥˧˘˥ʡ˂ˡ˖˘˔ˬ˘˔˥˪˘ ˂˨˥ˣ˔ˬ˕˔˖˞ˣ˘˥˜ˢ˗ˢˡ˧˛˘˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˜˦ ˛˔˗˨˦˘˔˚˘˥˟ˬ˔ˡ˧˜˖˜ˣ˔˧˜ˡ˚ˢ˨˥ˠˢ˩˘ʠ˜ˡ ˪˜˟˟˖˔˦˛ˢ˨˧ˢ˨˥ʗʥʟʣʣʣ˔˖˖˨ˠ˨˟˔˧˘˗˖˥˘˗˜˧ ˢˡ˟ˬʦˬ˘˔˥˦ʟ˔ˡ˗˪˜˧˛ʤʣ˞ˊˢ˙ˣˢ˪˘˥ˢˡ˧˛˘ ˗˔˧˘ʡʵ˨˧ˡˢˡ˘ˢ˙˧˛˔˧ˣ˥˘ˣ˔˥˘˗˨˦˙ˢ˥˧˛˘ ˧ˢ˖ˢ˩˘˥˧˛˘˥˔˧˘˦˔ˡ˗˪˔˧˘˥˕˜˟˟˦ʡ ˥ˢˢ˙˪˘˔˥˘˪˘˟˟˦˘˧˨ˣ˧ˢ˔˗˗˔ˡ˘˪ʸ˟˘˖˧˥˜˖ ˥˘˔˟˖ˢ˦˧˧ˢˣˢ˟˜˦˛ˢ˨˥˛ˢ˨˦˘˜ˡ˧ˢ˔˛ˢˠ˘ʡ ˩˘˛˜˖˟˘˧ˢˢ˨˥˛ˢˠ˘˜ˡ˧˛˘˖ˢˠ˜ˡ˚ˬ˘˔˥˦ʡ ˊ˔˧˖˛˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬ˥ˢ˟˟˜ˡˢˡ˧˛˘ ʼ˙ʼ˖ˢ˨˟˗˗ˢ˜˧ˢ˩˘˥˔˚˔˜ˡʟʼ˪ˢ˨˟˗˖˛˔ˡ˚˘˔ ˠˢˡ˜˧ˢ˥˜ˡ˚˔ˣˣ˔ˡ˗˛˔˩˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˙˥˘˘˗ˢˠ˧ˢ ʼ˙ˬˢ˨˔˥˘˦˧˔˥˧˜ˡ˚ˢ˨˧ˢˡˬˢ˨˥ˡ˘˪˕˨˜˟˗ ˟ˢ˧ˢ˙˧˛˜ˡ˚˦ʡ run whatever we want without the burden ˝ˢ˨˥ˡ˘ˬʟ˧˥˨˦˧ˠ˘ϛˠ˔˞˘˧˛˘˦ˠ˔˥˧ˠˢ˩˘ ʺ˘˧˧˜ˡ˚˔ˡ˘˪˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˜ˡ˖˟˨˗˘˗˜ˡ˧˛˘ ˢ˥˦˧˥˘˦˦ˢ˙˞ˡˢ˪˜ˡ˚˜˧Ϟ˦˕˟ˢ˪˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˕˨˗˚˘˧ ˔ˡ˗˚˘˧˔˟˔˥˚˘˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˗˘˦˜˚ˡ˘˗˔ˡ˗ ˛ˢˠ˘˟ˢ˔ˡʟ˔˟ˢˡ˚˪˜˧˛˔˗˥˜˩˘˪˔ˬʟ˙˘ˡ˖˜ˡ˚ʟ ˛˔˦ˠ˔˗˘˟˜˙˘˜ˡˢ˨˥ˡ˘˪˛ˢˠ˘˦˨˖˛˔ˡ ˜ˡ˖˟˨˗˘˗˜ˡˬˢ˨˥˕˨˜˟˗˘˔˥˟ˬ˜ˡ˧˛˘ˣ˥ˢ˖˘˦˦ʡ ˥˘˧˔˜ˡ˜ˡ˚˔ˡ˗˟˔ˡ˗˦˖˔ˣ˜ˡ˚˪ˢ˨˟˗˕˘˥˜˚˛˧ ˘ˡ˝ˢˬ˔˕˟˘˘˫ˣ˘˥˜˘ˡ˖˘ʡ ʼ˧Ϟ˦˧˛˘ˢˡ˘˧˛˜ˡ˚ˬˢ˨˖˔ˡ˔˗˗˧˛˔˧˪˜˟˟˥˘˔˟˟ˬ ˨ˣ˧˛˘˥˘ˢˡ˧˛˘ϝˠ˨˦˧˜ˡ˖˟˨˗˘Ϟ˟˜˦˧ʟ˕˨˧˧ˢ ˠ˔˞˘˧˛˘˗˜˙˙˘˥˘ˡ˖˘ʡ ˛ˢˡ˘˦˧ʟ˧˛˘ˢˡ˘˧˛˜ˡ˚˧˛˔˧˛˔˦ˠ˔˗˘˧˛˘ ˆˢˠ˘˧˛˜ˡ˚˦˪˘˦˛ˢ˨˟˗˛˔˩˘˗ˢˡ˘˪ˢ˨˟˗ ˕˜˚˚˘˦˧˗˜˙˙˘˥˘ˡ˖˘˜˦˧˛˘˜ˠˣ˔˖˧ˢ˙˧˛˘ˡ˘˪ ˛˔˩˘˕˘˘ˡ˧ˢ˛˔˩˘˧˛˘˦ˢ˟˔˥˖˔˕˟˜ˡ˚ ˦ˢ˟˔˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˔ˡ˗˧˛˘ˣ˘˔˖˘ˢ˙ˠ˜ˡ˗˜˧˛˔˦ ˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˘˗˗˨˥˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˕˨˜˟˗˙ˢ˥˔ˡ˘˔˧˘˥Ёˡ˜˦˛ 02 6688 4480

dŚĞsZĞǀŽůƵƚŝŽŶŝƐ,ĞƌĞ͊ zŽƵƌ^ŽůĂƌŝƐtŽƌƚŚDŽƌĞŝŶ ĂŶLJŽƵĐŚĂƌŐĞLJŽƵƌĐĂƌĨŽƌĨƌĞĞŽŶLJŽƵƌŚŽŵĞ͍ zŽƵƌĂƌdŚĂŶzŽƵƌ,ŽƵƐĞ YƵŝĞƚ͕ůĞĂŶĂŶĚ/ŶĞdžƉĞŶƐŝǀĞ ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐĂƌĞŵĂŬŝŶŐĂ ĂůƐŽƐƵƉƉůLJŽĨĨŐƌŝĚŽƌŽŶŐƌŝĚƐŽůĂƌ ĨŽƌƚƵŶĞĂƚŽƵƌĞdžƉĞŶƐĞ͕ĂŶĚLJĞƚƚŚĞLJ ĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶƐƐŽLJŽƵŶĞǀĞƌŚĂǀĞ /ƚŝƐŶŽǁƉŽƐƐŝďůĞƚŽŚĂǀĞnjĞƌŽŶĞƚƚĞŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐĨƌŽŵĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJ ƉĂLJƵƐĂƉŝƚƚĂŶĐĞĨŽƌƚŚĞƐŽůĂƌƉŽǁĞƌ ƚŽƵƐĞĨŽƐƐŝůĨƵĞůƐĂŐĂŝŶ͘ ĂŶĚǀĞŚŝĐůĞƵƐĞ͕ǁŝƚŚƚƌĞŵĞŶĚŽƵƐƐĂǀŝŶŐƐĨŽƌLJŽƵƌŚŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚ͘ ǁĞƐĞŶĚďĂĐŬƚŽƚŚĞŐƌŝĚ͘LJƌĞƉůĂĐŝŶŐ zŽƵƌ^ŽůĂƌĂŶĚsƉĂƌƚŶĞƌ͕ϴϴϴ^ŽůĂƌdĞŬ͕ŽĨĨĞƌƐĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ dŚĞĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĞŶŐŝŶĞŽĨƚŚĞ>ĞĂĨŚĂƐĂ ƉĞƚƌŽůǁŝƚŚƐŽůĂƌƉŽǁĞƌŝŶĂŶĂůůĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐ ǀĞŚŝĐůĞĂŶĚƐŽůĂƌƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶƐ͕ǁŝƚŚůŽǁŬŵ͕ŶĞĂƌŶĞǁEŝƐƐĂŶ ŝŶĐƌĞĚŝďůĞƚŽƌƋƵĞĂŶĚĞƌŽ EŝƐƐĂŶ>ĞĂĨ͕ĞǀĞƌLJŬt,ŽĨLJŽƵƌƐŽůĂƌ >ĞĂĨƐĂƚŚĂůĨƚŚĞŶĞǁƉƌŝĐĞ͘dĂŬĞĂƚĞƐƚĚƌŝǀĞĂŶĚLJŽƵǁŝůůďĞ ŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐ͘tŚLJƉĂLJĂĨŽƌƚƵŶĞĨŽƌĂ ƉŽǁĞƌǁŝůůĞĂƌŶLJŽƵϲϳĐĞŶƚƐ͘ ĂŵĂnjĞĚďLJƚŚĞƋƵŝĞƚ͕njŝƉƉLJĨĞĞůĂŶĚǁĞůůͲĂƉƉŽŝŶƚĞĚĨĞĂƚƵƌĞƐŽĨ ŐĂƐŐƵnjnjůĞƌǁŚĞŶLJŽƵĐĂŶŚĂǀĞĨƌĞĞ ƚŚĞƐĞƌĞŵĂƌŬĂďůĞĐĂƌƐ͘ dŚŝƐŵĞĂŶƐƚŚĂƚLJŽƵĐĂŶƉĂLJĨŽƌLJŽƵƌ ĞŶĞƌŐLJĂŶĚƚŚĞůŽǁĞƐƚƌƵŶŶŝŶŐĐŽƐƚƐ ĂƐŶĞǁEŝƐƐĂŶ>ĞĂĨĂŶĚƐŽůĂƌŝŶĂƐůŝƚƚůĞ ĞǀĞƌ͘ :ŽŝŶƚŚĞ>ĞĂĨZĞǀŽůƵƚŝŽŶ ^ŵĂƌƚ^ŽůĂƌ,ŽŵĞŚĂƌŐŝŶŐKƉƚŝŽŶƐ ĂƐĨŝǀĞLJĞĂƌƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƐĂǀŝŶŐƐLJŽƵǁŝůů dŚĞEŝƐƐĂŶ>ĞĂĨŝƐƚŚĞůĞĂĚŝŶŐ /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐĞĚŝŶϮϬϭϬĂƐƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚΖƐĨŝƌƐƚŵĂƐƐͲŵĂƌŬĞƚĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐ /ĨLJŽƵŚĂǀĞĂŶĞdžŝƐƚŝŶŐƐŽůĂƌƐLJƐƚĞŵƚŚĞĂƉƉŝĐŚĂƌŐĞƌ ŵĂŬĞĨƌŽŵŶŽƚďƵLJŝŶŐŐƌŝĚͲƉŽǁĞƌŽƌ ĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĐĂƌŝŶƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂĂŶĚǁĞŚĂǀĞ ǀĞŚŝĐůĞ͕ƚŚĞEŝƐƐĂŶ>&ŚĂƐůĞĚƚŚĞǁĂLJŝŶŵĂŬŝŶŐƚŚĞ ŚĂƐƐƉĞĐŝĂůĞĐŽĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐŵŽĚĞƐǁŚŝĐŚǁŝůůďĞŶĞĨŝƚ ƉĞƚƌŽů͘ ĂŐƌĞĂƚƐƵƉƉůLJŽĨůĂƚĞŵŽĚĞůEŝƐƐĂŶ ĞdžĐŝƚĞŵĞŶƚĂŶĚĐŽŶǀĞŶŝĞŶĐĞŽĨĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĚƌŝǀŝŶŐĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďůĞƚŽ ŚŽŵĞŽǁŶĞƌƐǁŝƚŚŐƌŝĚͲƚŝĞĚƐŽůĂƌŐĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ͘ŚĂƌŐŝŶŐ tŚĂƚĂƌĞzŽƵtĂŝƚŝŶŐ&Žƌ͍ >ĞĂĨΖƐŝŶŐƌĞĂƚĐŽŶĚŝƚŝŽŶĂĞƐƚŚĞƚŝĐĂůůLJ ŶŽŶͲůƵdžƵƌLJďƵLJĞƌƐ͘dĞŶLJĞĂƌƐůĂƚĞƌ͕ƚŚĞŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞĚƌĂŶŐĞĂŶĚ ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚŝƐĂƵƚŽŵĂƚŝĐĂůůLJĂŶĚĐŽŶƚŝŶƵĂůůLJĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚŝŶ ĂŶĚŵĞĐŚĂŶŝĐĂůůLJĨƌŽŵΨϮϭ͕ϴϴϴ͘ ŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐƚŽƚŚĞĐĂƌƐŚĂƐůĞĚĂůĂŶĚƐůŝĚĞŵŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ tĞŚĂǀĞƌĞĂĐŚĞĚĂƚŝƉƉŝŶŐƉŽŝŶƚŝŶƚŚĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐĞƚŽŽŶͲƐŝƚĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚĨŽƌƚŚĞƌĞƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚŽĨƉĞƚƌŽůĂŶĚĚŝĞƐĞůͲ ŐůŽďĂůsƌĞǀŽůƵƚŝŽŶ͘/ƚŵĂŬĞƐƉĞƌĨĞĐƚ tĞĂůƐŽ^ƵƉƉůLJĂŶĚ&ŝƚƚŚĞůĂƚĞƐƚs ĂŶĚŚŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚƉŽǁĞƌ ƉŽǁĞƌĞĚĐĂƌƐŝŶƚŚĞŶĞdžƚĚĞĐĂĚĞ͘ ƐĞŶƐĞĞĐŽŶŽŵŝĐĂůůLJĂŶĚ ĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJĨƌŽŵ^ŽůĂƌĚŐĞ ĐŽŶƐƵŵƉƚŝŽŶƚŽƵƐĞŽŶůLJĞdžĐĞƐƐ ĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůůLJƚŽƐǁŝƚĐŚƚŽsΖƐŶŽǁ͘ ĂŶĚDLJĞŶĞƌŐŝ͘ /ŶEŽƌǁĂLJŝŶϮϬϭϳ͕ϱϮйŽĨĂůůŶĞǁĐĂƌƐĂůĞƐǁĞƌĞĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐ ŐĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶƚŚĂƚǁŽƵůĚ ǀĞŚŝĐůĞƐ͘ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŝƐŚĂŵƉĞƌĞĚďLJůĂĐŬŽĨƉŽůŝƚŝĐĂůƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĨŽƌ ŽƚŚĞƌǁŝƐĞďĞƐŽůĚĐŚĞĂƉůLJƚŽ ϴϴϴ^ŽůĂƌdĞŬŚĂƐĂĐŽŶƚŝŶƵŽƵƐƐƵƉƉůLJ &ƌĞĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶƐĨŽƌĂůůLJŽƵƌƐŽůĂƌ sΖƐǁŝƚŚĨŽƐƐŝůĨƵĞůĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐĚŽŶĂƚŝŶŐΨϭ͕ϴϵϳ͕ϯϳϵƚŽƚŚĞ>W͕ ƚŚĞŐƌŝĚ͘/Ŷ&^dĐŚĂƌŐĞŵŽĚĞ͕ ŽĨŶĞĂƌŶĞǁ͕:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞďƵŝůƚEŝƐƐĂŶ ĂŶĚsŶĞĞĚƐ͘ĂůůsŝŶĐĞŶƚŶŽǁŽŶ >ŝďĞƌĂůĂŶĚEĂƚŝŽŶĂůƉĂƌƚŝĞƐŝŶϮϬϭϳͲϭϴ͘^ŝŶĐĞƚŚĞŶǁĞŚĂǀĞ ĂƉƉŝĂůƐŽŽƉĞƌĂƚĞƐůŝŬĞĂŶ >ĞĂĨƐĂƚŽƵƌ^ŽůĂƌWŽǁĞƌĞĚŽĨĨŝĐĞŝŶ ϬϮϲϲϴϴϰϰϴϬƚŽŬĂƚĞƐƚĚƌŝǀĞ ƐĞĞŶŵĂƐƐŝǀĞŶĞǁƐƵďƐŝĚŝĞƐŐŽŝŶŐŝŶƚŽƚŚĞĨŽƐƐŝůĨƵĞůŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĞƐ ŽƌĚŝŶĂƌLJsĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐƐƚĂƚŝŽŶ͘ &ĞĚĞƌĂů͕ƐŽŬĂƚĞƐƚĚƌŝǀĞƚŽĚĂLJ͘tĞ ƚŽĚĂLJ͘ ĂŶĚĂǁĂLJĨƌŽŵĐůĞĂŶĞƌƐŽůĂƌĂŶĚǁŝŶĚƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͕ĚĞƐƉŝƚĞĂ ŐůŽďĂůŝŵƉĞƌĂƚŝǀĞƚŽƌĞĚƵĐĞŐƌĞĞŶŚŽƵƐĞŐĂƐĞŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐ͘ /ĨLJŽƵĚŽŶŽƚŚĂǀĞƐŽůĂƌŶŽǁ͕^ŽůĂƌĚŐĞƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĂ Ϯ&ZWĂŶĞůƐͲKĐƚŽďĞƌKŶůLJ͊ ƉƌĞŵŝƵŵƋƵĂůŝƚLJƐŽůĂƌsĐŚĂƌŐĞƌĂŶĚŝŶǀĞƌƚĞƌƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ dŚĞ/D&ƐĂLJƐĨŽƐƐŝůĨƵĞůƐƵďƐŝĚŝĞƐŝŶƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂĂŵŽƵŶƚƚŽ ϲ͘ϲŬtͲϭϴƉĂŶĞůƐĨŽƌƚŚĞƉƌŝĐĞŽĨϭϲ͊ ^ƵŶŐƌŽǁ'ĞŶϯƌLJƐƚĂů ŶĞĂƌůLJΨϭ͕ϮϬϬƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶ͕ŽƌĂƚŽƚĂůŽĨΨϮϵďŝůůŝŽŶůĂƐƚLJĞĂƌ͘ /ƚĐŽŵĞƐǁŝƚŚĂƐŵĂƌƚŚŽŵĞŽǁŶĞƌƐĂƉƐŽLJŽƵĐĂŶ ϱŬtWƌĞŵŝƵŵ/ŶǀĞƌƚĞƌ ƐĐŚĞĚƵůĞĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŐƌŝĚĚƵƌŝŶŐŽĨĨͲƉĞĂŬŚŽƵƌƐŽƌ ^ĞƌĂƉŚŝŵůĂĚĞϯϳϬt^ƉůŝƚĞůůWĂŶĞůƐ ZĂŶŐĞĂŶĚŚĂƌŐŝŶŐKƉƚŝŽŶƐ ĨƌŽŵƉƵƌĞůLJƐŽůĂƌĞŶĞƌŐLJ͘zŽƵĐĂŶĐŽŶƚƌŽůŚŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚ DŽƐƚƉĞŽƉůĞŚĂǀĞĂŶŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƚŚĂƚůĞĐƚƌŝĐĐĂƌƐĚŽŶŽƚŚĂǀĞ ĞŶĞƌŐLJƵƐĂŐĞŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐWs͕s͕ĂŶĚŐƌŝĚĐŽŶƐƵŵƉƚŝŽŶ ĞŶŽƵŐŚďĂƚƚĞƌLJƌĂŶŐĞĂŶĚƚŚĞLJǁŝůůƌƵŶŽƵƚŽĨƉŽǁĞƌĂŶĚŐĞƚ ĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŝƌƐŵĂƌƚƉŚŽŶĞĂŶĚĞĂƐŝůLJŵĂŶĂŐĞƚŚĞŝƌs ϯϳϬt͊ ƐƚƌĂŶĚĞĚ͘tŚŝůĞƚŚŝƐŵĂLJŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶƚƌƵĞLJĞĂƌƐĂŐŽ͕ƚŽĚĂLJΖƐ ĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐǀŝĂƚŚĞŵŽďŝůĞĂƉƉ͘ DŽƌĞWŽǁĞƌ н sΖƐŚĂǀĞůĂƌŐĞƌďĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐĂŶĚŵŽƌĞĂŶĚŵŽƌĞĨĂƐƚĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐ ŝŶůĞƐƐƐƉĂĐĞ ƐƚĂƚŝŽŶƐĂƌĞƉŽƉƉŝŶŐƵƉĂƚĚĞƐƚŝŶĂƚŝŽŶƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚƚŚĞ ĐŽƵŶƚƌLJ͘EŽƚŵĂŶLJƉĞŽƉůĞǁŚŽĚƌŝǀĞƉĞƚƌŽůĨƵĞůůĞĚĐĂƌƐŚĂǀĞ sŝŶĐĞŶƚĐŚĂƌŐŝŶŐĂƚdŚĞ&ĂƌŵǁŝŶŐƐĚĂůĞ KŶůLJΨϰ͕ϲϴϴΎ ŽŝůǁĞůůƐŝŶƚŚĞŝƌďĂĐŬLJĂƌĚƐ͕ďƵƚĂŶLJsŽǁŶĞƌĐĂŶŚĂǀĞĂĨƌĞĞ ZĞůĂdžǁŝƚŚϴϴϴ^ŽůĂƌdĞŬ͛ƐϭϬzĞĂƌ 3ULFHIRUVLQJOHVWRU\WLQURRIDQGGRHVQRW ƐŽůĂƌƉŽǁĞƌƐƚĂƚŝŽŶŽŶƚŚĞŝƌƌŽŽĨ͘ LQFOXGHH[SRUWFRQWURORUVLWHFRVWV/LPLWHG tŚŽůĞŽĨ^LJƐƚĞŵtĂƌƌĂŶƚLJ RIIHUWLOVW2FW6XEMHFWWRVLWHLQVSHFWLRQ dŚĞEZDŚĂƐŝŶƐƚĂůůĞĚϰϮsĨĂƐƚĐŚĂƌŐĞƌƐĂĐƌŽƐƐƌĞŐŝŽŶĂů dŚĞĞƐƚdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJŝŶ^ŽůĂƌWŽǁĞƌ͕ E^tĂůŽŶŐŵŽƐƚŵĂũŽƌŚŝŐŚǁĂLJƐŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐƚŚĞ,ƵŵĞ͕EĞǁĞůů͕ KĨĨ'ƌŝĚ͕ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚŝĂůΘƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ^ƚƵƌƚĂŶĚKdžůĞLJ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJƐ͕ĂƐǁĞůůĂƐƚŚĞDŝƚĐŚĞůů͕WĂĐŝĨŝĐ͕ ϴϴϴ KůLJŵƉŝĐĂŶĚ'ƌĞĂƚtĞƐƚĞƌŶ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJƐ͘sŵŽƚŽƌŝƐƚƐǁŝůůŶŽǁ ĂůůsŝŶĐĞŶƚ^ĞůůĞĐŬ ďĞĂďůĞƚŽĐŽŶĨŝĚĞŶƚůLJƚŽƵƌƚŚĞĞŶƚŝƌĞƚLJŽĨE^tĂŶĚd͘ ĨŽƌĂ&ƌĞĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶ ZĞĐĞŶƚůLJ͕ƚŚĞEZDŚĂƐƉĂƌƚŶĞƌĞĚǁŝƚŚdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĨŽƌEĞǁ ^ŽƵƚŚtĂůĞƐƚŽŚĞůƉĚĞůŝǀĞƌĂƚůĞĂƐƚϮϬĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐ ǁǁǁ͘ϴϴϴƐŽůĂƌƚĞŬ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ ǀĞŚŝĐůĞĨĂƐƚĐŚĂƌŐĞƌƐŝŶƌĞŐŝŽŶĂůůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘ /LF1R& WŚϬϮϲϲϴϴϰϰϴϬ 4 BUILDING DREAMS October 2020 BUILDING DREAMS EASTWOOD, and the developers, (McCloy seating… it will be a great Group) have built a stunning addition for families. area in Goonellabah, that I GOONELLABAH’S ‘Eastwood’s location offers ˞ˡˢ˪ˠˬ˙˔ˠ˜˟ˬ˔ˡ˗˘˩˘˥ˬˢˡ˘ plenty of opportunity for the ˘˟˦˘˪˛ˢ˔˥˘ˡˢ˪˕˟ˢ˖˞ˢ˪ˡ˘˥˦ community, it is close by can’t wait to build and move NEW COMMUNITY! schools and shops plus it is ˜ˡʔˊ˘˛˔˩˘˔˟˥˘˔˗ˬ˦˧˔˥˧˘˗ just 35 minutes to the beaches ˣ˟˔ˡˡ˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˦˧˥˘˘˧ˣ˔˥˧˜˘˦ʔϞ of Ballina, and 8 minutes to Searching for your piece of real of the product to be rolled out The McCloy Group are now ˪ˢ˥˞ˢˣˣˢ˥˧˨ˡ˜˧˜˘˦˜ˡ˧˛˘ estate in Goonellabah? The over the 6 stages at Eastwood’ moving ahead with the Lismore CBD. We’ve aimed to award-winning property group, advised Sam Rowe, Project construction of future stages deliver something unique to McCloy Group are forging Director. and are nearing completion ˧˛˘ˠ˔˥˞˘˧˪˜˧˛ʸ˔˦˧˪ˢˢ˗ʟ ahead with the development of The initial launch saw 12 of the state-of-the-art whilst maintaining housing ʸ˔˦˧˪ˢˢ˗ʟ˧˛˘˜˥Ё˥˦˧˥˘˦˜˗˘ˡ˧˜˔˟ homesites under deposit on playground, including public affordability, Goonellabah has community in the Northern ˗˔ˬʤʟ˦ˢˠ˘˞˘˘ˡˣ˨˥˖˛˔˦˘˥˦ ˔˥˧ʟ˖˟˜ˠ˕˘˥˦ʟ˦˪˜ˡ˚˦˔ˡ˗ˠˢ˥˘ʔ proved a great mix for this’ said Rivers Region. even camping the night before Mr Rowe. ˇ˛˘ˡ˘˪˛ˢˠ˘˦˜˧˘˦ʟ˞ˡˢ˪ˡ˔˦ Set on 21 hectares off to ensure they secured their the Elm Release, are currently For more information on Invercauld Road, Eastwood ˕˟ˢ˖˞ʔˇ˛˘ˣˢˣ˨˟˔˥˜˧ˬˢ˙˧˛˘ ˢˡ˧˛˘ˠ˔˥˞˘˧ʟ˕˨˧˪˜˧˛ˢ˩˘˥ Eastwood, as well as land ˪˔˦Ё˥˦˧˟˔˨ˡ˖˛˘˗˧ˢˠ˔˥˞˘˧ development proved strong – 60% already under deposit, availability, the purchase in November of 2019, with the with groups again camping out ˧˛˜˦˜˦ˢˡ˘˧ˢ˔˖˧ˤ˨˜˖˞˟ˬˢˡʔ process and the new McCloy Group building Stage to secure land in stage 2 and Homesites can be secured via community, contact Clint 1 inclusive of 23 homesites, ʦ˥˘˟˘˔˦˘˦ʔˇ˛˘ˀ˖ʶ˟ˢˬʺ˥ˢ˨ˣ ʿʽʻˢˢ˞˘˥˪˜˧˛˔ʗʤʣʣʣ˛ˢ˟˗˜ˡ˚ McCarthy on 0423 727 648 or an impressive entry feature, were pleased to share that the deposit and 5% to exchange. visit statement public art and homesites had predominantly infrastructure leading into the been purchased by local ‘Those in the site, ahead of the initial release. ˙˔ˠ˜˟˜˘˦˦˘˘˞˜ˡ˚˧ˢ˕˨˜˟˗˧˛˘˜˥ ˛ˢ˨˦˜ˡ˚ˠ˔˥˞˘˧˖˔ˡ dream homes. ϝˊ˜˧˛ʸ˔˦˧˪ˢˢ˗˕˘˜ˡ˚˧˛˘Ё˥˦˧ expect the same McCloy Community in the Future residents, Lauren and level of quality in Northern Rivers Region we Daniel Damon had nothing future stages that wanted to showcase the quality but praise for the estate and we’ve produced we bring to our communities, by service they received during with stages 1 & 2. completing construction ahead their purchase ‘Clint was always The playground ˢ˙˧˛˘Ё˥˦˧˥˘˟˘˔˦˘˪˘˪˘˥˘˔˕˟˘ ˖˛˘˖˞˜ˡ˚˜ˡ˧ˢ˦˘˘˛ˢ˪˪˘˪˘˥˘ will feature various to bring locals to the site to see going and seeing if there was children’s play the unique and diverse offering anything he could do to help. equipment, swings, for themselves and get a sense ˊ˘˖˔ˡϞ˧˧˛˔ˡ˞˛˜ˠ˘ˡˢ˨˚˛ʟ ˦˞ˬ˖˟˜ˠ˕˘˥˔ˡ˗










How did you start in the solar business? modules we are currently using which produce I started in the solar industry back in late 400 watts in a standard 2009 with one of the early bulk buys for format. We have worked Rezeko. We helped a lot of customers get with LG for many years some great systems, I was working at Bond and have been impressed University, in their School of Sustainable Built with their commitment Environment, and I thought solar might be a to high performance and big thing one day. Once the business model manufacturing quality. switched to lower quality systems, I decided the time was right to start out on my own, And inverters? Why Juno? We work closely with our installers and have Juno was a Roman goddess. Juno Lucina in recently started specifying particular refers to her role as the Roman Enphase micro-inverters Goddess of Light. Luckily I had some good in the majority of our advice re a business name early on, we quite installations. We see like it, and the colours. Pretty simple, blue sky, inverters as a weak point orange for energy, in a solar system. Micro-inverters remove the need for a central inverter and allow So on solar how do you go about selecting for greater safety, reliability, and higher equipment? performance. We do have a philosophy of using minimal Anything else? materials wherever possible to get the job done. Mostly this is focused on high output Solar is on track to be the world’s most Mb: 0425 256 802 modules which use less materials in their available energy source. We look forward to Ph: 02 6687 2569 construction and have longer, stronger continuing to be part of this transition that warranties. An example is the Sunpower gives energy back to the people. Electrical Licence 255292C

Not all solar systems are created equal.

We build solar and battery systems that will go the distance using the highest quality equipment from leading brands including LG, Sunpower, Enphase, and Tesla.

• Juno Energy is Byron Shire’s own solar company and we have been completing high quality solar installations in Byron Shire since 2010.

• Juno Energy officially represents LG Solar locally giving you a little extra confidence in your choice.

• Juno Energy offers a small selected range of batteries including Tesla and LG. Office 26, 20-1 Porter St, Byron Bay Patrick, 0425 256 802 • Finance available for residential, commercial, and Electrical Contractor Licence 255292C community installations.

6 BUILDING DREAMS October 2020 During our meeting, they learnt the following: A SENSIBLE APPROACH • Each lender has their own loan assessment rate, normally 3-5% higher than actual TO LENDING FOR FIRST market rates. • JobKeeper payments were HOME BUYERS creating a lending issue and reduced the annual salary First Home Buyers represent irregular spending habits, having that could be used to show a savvy group of purchasers, higher credit card limits than affordability. but there is still a lot of necessary, and regular savings • They would have to go on a misinformation handed down patterns can all be addressed. waiting list for the First Home from older friends, or parents, If the borrower is educated on Loan Deposit Scheme, of which what is acceptable to the lender who borrowed years ago. The they are not guaranteed a lending landscape has changed then a loan approval will be place, so more savings would so much in recent times – more likely. be needed to purchase the especially since The Banking As a Senior Mortgage Broker, property. Royal Commission, COVID-19 my process is to sit with the First plus ever-changing government A guide was given to the client; Home Buyer and have them that they needed to compromise grants. • Three months personal bank ˖ˢˠˣ˟˘˧˘˔ˣ˘˥˦ˢˡ˔˟˙˔˖˧Ёˡ˗ʟ with a lower purchase price if account statements, showing If you are thinking about buying ˔ˡ˗ˣ˥ˢ˩˜˗˘˗˘˧˔˜˟˘˗Ёˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟ they wanted to buy immediately, ˬˢ˨˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ʟ˜˧ʚ˦˜ˡˬˢ˨˥ information. The objective salary credits and acceptable or work on a few things to best interest to engage your is to review their current spending habits. achieve the higher amount they Mortgage Broker or Lender a circumstances to give them a • One month of your most initially thought was achievable. little earlier than when you think maximum loan amount and recent statement for all Lending is in fact even more you are ready. Using an online ˣ˨˥˖˛˔˦˘ˣ˥˜˖˘ʟ˔ˡ˗Ёˡ˗˧˛˘ˠ other liabilities, also proving complicated, and there are too mortgage calculator that shows ˔˦˨˜˧˔˕˟˘˛ˢˠ˘˟ˢ˔ˡ˧˛˔˧Ё˧˦ excellent account conduct. many things to list here. a minimum monthly repayment their circumstances, and advise that is equivalent to your current them regarding what grants and If you fall outside of the above, My advice is always; be rent, and a minimum 5% deposit exemptions they can apply for. sitting with your specialist prepared, be educated around ˜˦˘˩˘ˡˠˢ˥˘˕˘ˡ˘Ё˖˜˔˟˔˦ your current circumstances, and doesn’t mean you are ready to A simple First Home Buyer a constructive plan can be if the initial outcome doesn’t borrow or will be guaranteed a lending checklist should look like implemented to get you on track align with your goals, hopes or loan approval. the following: for a more positive outcome. dreams, at the very least have a Each borrower has their • Minimum of three months full Example: a client wanting proper plan in place to achieve individual set of circumstances the end result (laid out for you time employment. to purchase a property for and in most loan applications by someone who specialises $370,000 had been on an online these small differences • Minimum of 12 months casual in lending). Please call me for repayment calculator and a determine who will lend to you, employment. expert lending advice. monthly loan repayment of how much you can borrow and • Minimum of two years self $1,300 came out. They initially Sharon Clarkson at what interest rate. employed or ABN registration. thought they could afford this, so 53 Julian Rocks Drive Byron Bay By speaking with an expert • Minimum of 5% deposit, plus they wanted to make an offer on 0400 609 916 beforehand, any issues such as associated costs. the property. [email protected]

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Having worked in the solar industry since FirstSunSolar Sponsors: the early days of 2010, Jeremy started his Mullumbimby Music Festival, Northern Rivers own company in 2018 in the Northern Rivers. Football Academy (Formerly Liverpool Football Two and half years later this homegrown Academy) and other local community company has expanded its operations to projects. South East Queensland, Sydney, Melbourne, “FirstSunSolar’s support has been invaluable Adelaide and Perth. Before the year is out for Corem’s community installations.” Dave FirstSunSolar will have installed its three millionth watt of solar power.... equivalent to Rawlins, COREM 500 household solar systems or 10,000 panels. “Jeremy from FirstSunSolar has been Enough to power Mullumbimby. supporting the Mullum Music Festival for Despite the phenomenal growth of the a number of years now, and has been a business it is sticking to its hometown and participant and sponsor at our yearly Mothers’ ecological roots. According to managing Day tree planting, What impressed me is he director Jeremy Ball ‘I started the business actively searched out opportunities to support because I am passionate about the his local community and then did so.” Glenn environment and want to do my bit to create ˊ˥˜˚˛˧ʟʷ˜˥˘˖˧ˢ˥ˀ˨˟˟˨ˠˀ˨˦˜˖ʹ˘˦˧˜˩˔˟ Ϡˡˢ˪˪˘ʚ˩˘˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˘˗ʟ˚ˢˢ˗˕ˬ˘ϡʡˊ˘˔˥˘˛˘˥˘˧ˢ a brighter and greener future. Unexpectedly FirstSunSolar Customers: support your renewable future.’ what I have enjoyed just as much is the “We are so happy with our experience with Ёˡ˔ˡ˖˜˔˟˟˜˕˘˥˔˧˜ˢˡ˜˧˕˥˜ˡ˚˦˧ˢ˙˔ˠ˜˟˜˘˦˔ˡ˗ Jeremy, who gained a BSc in Environmental your company and would like to thank you small businesses. A good quality system will Chemistry from the University of Bristol in ˔ˡ˗ˬˢ˨˥˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˔˧˜ˢˡ˧˘˔ˠʡʹ˥ˢˠ˦˧˔˥˧˧ˢЁˡ˜˦˛ pay for itself in just two years and provide free England, said ‘After all the effort my parents everything went smoothly with a minimum of power for two to three decades to come.’ went to, to put me through uni, I'm glad to be fuss.” Geoff & Sandy Ёˡ˔˟˟ˬˣ˨˧˧˜ˡ˚˜˧˧ˢ˚ˢˢ˗˨˦˘ʡʼˠˢ˩˘˗˧ˢ˧˛˘ The business has installed more than 200 solar “We have had a wonderful experience working ˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˦˜ˡ˧˛˘ˁˢ˥˧˛˘˥ˡ˅˜˩˘˥˦ʟ˙˥ˢˠˇ˘ˡ˧˘˥Ё˘˟˗ Northern Rivers inspired by the conscious with FirstSunSolar to install the solar system community being created here and have down to Coffs and up to Tweed. Some notable at our farm. Jeremy and the team were there recent installations have been St John's been inspired by rubbing shoulders with the every step of the way.” Tina School, Mullumbimby; Broken Head Holiday many great minds who make the Shire home." Park; Paseyo and Empire Cafe in Mullumbimby. “I’m a very happy customer.” Paul It is FirstSunSolar's mission to continue to ˂˙Ё˖˘ˠ˔ˡ˔˚˘˥ʽ˔ˡ˘˧ʽˢ˛ˡ˦ˢˡ˦˔˜˗ϝˊ˘ˣ˥˜˗˘ provide high quality, affordable renewable ˪˪˪ʡЁ˥˦˧˦˨ˡ˦ˢ˟˔˥ʡ˖ˢˠʡ˔˨ ourselves on our customer service and going energy solutions with the highest service 1800 88 68 77 the extra mile for customers, it's not a case of imaginable. ˔˗ˠ˜ˡʳЁ˥˦˧˦˨ˡ˦ˢ˟˔˥ʡ˖ˢˠʡ˔˨

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Unprecedented demand has Kimberley. ‘We have a fabulous further led to the early release of mix of residents from the Byron parks with some of Banyan Hill’s most Shire. Some of our earliest playgrounds, prestigious land. Located purchasers were from Byron’. barbecues, at Cumbalum just north of seating and With panoramic views Ballina, Banyan Hill has been shelters. toward the ocean and the captivating purchasers from Nightcap Range to the north, Thirty-three hectares of Homes and G.J. Gardner, all corners of our country the 1.4 hectare Hilltop Park lowland rainforest and twelve sharing the latest in innovative with its sweeping ocean and will become a centrepiece, hectares of swamp sclerophyll coastal living. hinterland views. with community gardens, a forest within the Banyan Twelve benched home sites A sizeable portion of the community centre, barbecues, Hill site are the subject of have just been released, community is already under lawns and a large playground. extensive rehabilitation works located adjacent to some construction, so the quality ϝˇ˛˘˟˔˥˚˘ˠ˔˧˨˥˘Ё˚˧˥˘˘˦ being undertaken on behalf of Banyan Hill’s established ˔ˡ˗ˠ˔˚ˡ˜Ё˖˘ˡ˧˟ˢ˖˔˧˜ˢˡ˖˔ˡ have been celebrated through of the developer Intrapac homes. Lot sizes range from be readily appreciated. And the neighbourhood design, Property. Cumbalum Farm, 476m2 to 668m2. at just twenty minutes from BP including one taking pride established next door to Ozigo on Ewingsdale Road, or of place in the Hilltop Park’ Banyan Hill, ensures a steady Visit Robert at the Banyan 28 minutes from the Byron Bay outlined Landscape Architect, and high-quality supply of Hill Sales Centre on Ballina ˃ˢ˦˧˂˙Ё˖˘ʟʵ˔ˡˬ˔ˡʻ˜˟˟˜˦˔ˡ Darren Taitoko. native and endemic trees and Heights Drive, Cumbalum. Open easy commute. plants. 10.00am–5.00pm Monday to Other community facilities Wednesday and 10.00am– ‘This is one of those places include the 4.4 hectare Banyan The Banyan Hill Display Village, 1.00pm weekends. Or contact where you really have to put Hill Sports and Recreation the largest in the region, him on 1300 326197 or info@ your feet on the ground and Precinct which will bring showcases seven diverse take in the 360 degree views’ ˣ˟˔ˬ˜ˡ˚Ё˘˟˗˦ʟ˖ˢ˨˥˧˦˔ˡ˗ homes from Metricon, Stroud said Banyan Hill’s Robert a sports pavilion and three Homes, Perry Homes, Coral

FHB Stroud - Aspect Stamp Duty Perry Homes - Cosmo Display Village Exemptions Now Open On homes up to $800k* 7 homes by 5 of Australia’s best builders

The Banyan Hill Display Village is the ideal place to start your journey towards owning your fi rst home. Be inspired by 7 new home designs built by some of Australia's best builders. Set against our Metricon -Vantage Wembley Coral Homes - Milan beautiful estate with ocean views and rolling hills, these homes showcase the latest in innovative, modern coastal living.

Display Village Lawrence Rise, Cumbalum. Display homes opening times vary, please visit our website for individual builder opening hours.

* Terms and conditions apply, stamp duty exemptions are available to eligible fi rst home buyers only. For more details see: living-nsw/housing-and-property/fi rst-home-buyer-grant-and-assistance Perry Homes - Allure Coral Homes - Noosaville GJ Gardner - Parkview 1300 326 197 Developed by


LOCAL WITH BYRON 'I'm a big supporter of the new Because BYRONBUILT specialises ˚ˢ˩˘˥ˡˠ˘ˡ˧˜ˡ˜˧˜˔˧˜˩˘˦˧ˢ˛˘˟ˣЁ˥˦˧ in environmentally friendly home buyers, and of the other work, Josh and his team are BUILT DESIGN AND lifelines that have been thrown ˖ˢˡЁ˗˘ˡ˧˧˛˔˧˘ˡ˩˜˥ˢˡˠ˘ˡ˧˔˟˔ˡ˗ out,' he said. residential needs can both be 'If we didn't have JobKeeper this looked after. ˬ˘˔˥ʟ˪˘˗˘Ёˡ˜˧˘˟ˬ˪ˢ˨˟˗˛˔˩˘ CONSTRUCTION 'Yes exactly,' said Josh. 'We're struggled a lot more than we not looking to put up four storey Josh Perry from BYRONBUILT ʼˡ˔ˣ˘˥˙˘˖˧Ё˧˙ˢ˥˧˛˘ˁˢ˥˧˛˘˥ˡ did. What the government are design + construction is a local Rivers, sustainability is at the ˗ˢ˜ˡ˚˜˦˗˘Ёˡ˜˧˘˟ˬ˪ˢ˥˞˜ˡ˚˙˥ˢˠ buildings or build a mass amount who completely understands the heart of everything BYRONBUILT a building perspective at the of things in one spot. We're trying lure of the Northern Rivers. will be doing. Josh explained that moment, for sure.' to do it ethically, so it suits the building clients will be offered a He and his team were formerly environment.' choice of environmentally sound He's witnessed the sharp with construction company offerings. residential growth of the region, If you want to keep your Backspace Living. Their exciting and the resulting business construction local, and new venture BYRONBUILT is about ‘In the design process, there's opportunities. ˦˨˦˧˔˜ˡ˔˕˟˘ʟˬˢ˨˖˔ˡЁˡ˗ˢ˨˧ to make a big splash in Byron Bay going to be a whole lot of more about BYRONBUILT design + and beyond. products, as a package, that 'There seems to be a never- construction at @byronbuilt on you can choose from, to go the ending trend of people wanting 'We're all local,' said Josh. 'We've facebook and instagram or ring healthy alternative,' he said. to move to this area,' he said. 'As a lived here for a long time now, Josh Perry and his team on resident, I'd like it to slow down a and everything stays in the area. 'They'll be sustainable, petro- (02) 5624 5020 or email We're a 100% locally owned and chemical free and Australian- ˕˜˧ʟ˕˨˧˙ˢ˥˕˨˦˜ˡ˘˦˦˜˧ʚ˦˗˘Ёˡ˜˧˘˟ˬ˔ [email protected] operated company.' made. That's a big push for us.' good thing.' Their focus so far has been Offering a lot more than granny on secondary dwellings, but Ђ˔˧˦˔ˡ˗˦˧˨˗˜ˢ˦˨˜˧˘˦ʟʽˢ˦˛ BYRONBUILT has bigger plans Perry doesn't see BYRONBUILT going forward, particularly for as only part of the Tiny House people thinking about off the movement. 'We specialise in grid living. 'That's going to be a secondary dwellings, but we really big focus of ours,' said Josh. are also looking at doing larger dwellings with a focus on off-grid 'We've got a three bedroom, and healthy lifestyles.' completely off the grid house that we're building in Burringbar,' Josh is full of praise for the he said. ‘We’ve also just started a government initiatives that have project for three cabins that we're helped keep the building sector going to take fully off the grid.' alive in 2020.



‘So much more than just a Granny Flat’.

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When it comes to buying a Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne property, it is fair to say it is who are taking advantage of going to be one of the biggest working remotely. decisions you will ever make. ‘The property market is moving For this reason, you should gain very quickly, even in such as much knowledge as you can unprecedented times, and before you sign on the dotted buyers should be prepared to line. The best way to do this is to make well-informed, logical engage a local, knowledgeable decisions in a short period of and experienced solicitor. time’ says Neil.

Neil Hendriks, Principal Solicitor CMJ Legal is using technology ϝʼ˧˖˔ˡ˕˘˘˫˧˥˘ˠ˘˟ˬ˗˜˙Ё˖˨˟˧ and help you to avoid making at CMJ Legal, says, and innovation to speed up navigating these different costly mistakes. ‘Our dedicated team at CMJ the process for their clients, schemes on your own; the Legal can help guide buyers enabling their clients to have CMJ Legal will handle every lengthy application forms and through the complex, and an advantage over their detail of your property the varying eligibility criteria…’ often stressful, journey towards ˖ˢˠˣ˘˧˜˧ˢ˥˦˔ˡ˗˕˘˧˛˘Ё˥˦˧ transaction and will be there to owning their own home. We ˢˡ˘˦˧ˢ˖˥ˢ˦˦˧˛˘Ёˡ˜˦˛˟˜ˡ˘ʡ says Neil, ‘but with the right keep you updated at all times. have assisted many people advice, and a smiling face along Talk to their friendly team to It is also an attractive time to achieve their dreams over the the way, you can guarantee discuss how they can meet your buy a property, with a number needs and arrange an obligation years and pride ourselves on yourself a great outcome, of grants and assistance free consultation today. providing a comprehensive, which could literally save you programs currently on offer, cost effective and personalised thousands of dollars.’ ‘Good luck and speak to you including the First Home service for our clients.’ soon…’ says Neil. Buyers Assistance scheme, ʸ˩˘ˡ˜˙ˬˢ˨˔˥˘ˡˢ˧˔Ё˥˦˧ Neil has noticed an increasingly First Home Owner’s Grant home buyer, or you are selling 16 Byron Street, Bangalow competitive market, particularly scheme, First Home Loan your home, it makes sense to (02) 6687 0660 here in the Northern Rivers, with Deposit scheme and the Home surround yourself with experts ˢ˙Ё˖˘ʳ˖ˠ˝˟˘˚˔˟ʡ˖ˢˠʡ˔˨ a large number of buyers from Builder Grant. who can simplify the process ˪˪˪ʡ˖ˠ˝˟˘˚˔˟ʡ˖ˢˠʡ˔˨

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an exemption or reduction in the The change to the thresholds FIRST HOME BUYERS ˔ˠˢ˨ˡ˧ˢ˙˗˨˧ˬˣ˔ˬ˔˕˟˘ˬˢ˨˪˜˟˟ ˪˜˟˟ˢˡ˟ˬ˔ˣˣ˟ˬ˧ˢˡ˘˪˟ˬ˕˨˜˟˧ ˡ˘˘˗˧ˢ˕˘˔Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥ homes and vacant land, not to who purchases a new home, or existing homes, and will last for AND CONSTRUCTION a vacant block of land, on which a 12-month period, commencing ˬˢ˨˜ˡ˧˘ˡ˗˧ˢ˕˨˜˟˗˔ˡ˘˪˛ˢˠ˘ʡ on 1 August, 2020. INDUSTRY THE BIG ʹˢ˥˧˛˘˙˨˟˟˘˫˘ˠˣ˧˜ˢˡ˧ˢ˔ˣˣ˟ˬʟ Other purchasers will continue to the value of the new home must ˕˘ˡ˘Ё˧˙˥ˢˠ˘˫˜˦˧˜ˡ˚˦˖˛˘ˠ˘˦ʡ be no more than $800,000 and the value of a vacant block of The government calculates the WINNERS ˖˛˔ˡ˚˘˦˖ˢ˨˟˗˦˔˩˘Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ residential land must be no more ˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˦˧˔ˠˣ˗˨˧ˬˢ˙˨ˣ˧ˢ ʹ˜˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˔ˡ˗˧˛˘ than $400,000. A concessional Julie-Ann Manahan, Principal/ $31,335 on a new $800,000 home. Licensee of Raine and Horne ˖ˢˡ˦˧˥˨˖˧˜ˢˡ˜ˡ˗˨˦˧˥ˬ˪˜˟˟˕˘˧˛˘ ˥˔˧˘ˢ˙˗˨˧ˬ˪˜˟˟˔ˣˣ˟ˬ˧ˢ˛ˢˠ˘˦ Ocean Shores/Brunswick Heads/ big winners under a targeted valued at more than $800,000 The NSW Government will also Murwillumbah shared this boost, which will eliminate stamp but less than $1million and for continue to offer a $10,000 First ˜ˡ˙ˢ˥ˠ˔˧˜ˢˡ˙ˢ˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ ˗˨˧ˬˢˡˡ˘˪˟ˬ˕˨˜˟˧˛ˢˠ˘˦˕˘˟ˢ˪ a vacant block of land valued Home Owner Grant, which is ˥˘˚˔˥˗˜ˡ˚˧˛˘ˡ˘˪˦˧˔ˠˣ˗˨˧ˬ $800,000 and slash thousands at more than $400,000 and less ˔˩˔˜˟˔˕˟˘˧ˢˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘˕˨ˬ˜ˡ˚˔ exemptions: of dollars in fees for properties than $500,000. ˡ˘˪Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ʟ˪ˢ˥˧˛ˡˢˠˢ˥˘ up to $1million. To be eligible for Under the changes, the ˧˛˔ˡʗʩʣʣʟʣʣʣʟˢ˥˕˨ˬ˜ˡ˚˟˔ˡ˗ threshold above which stamp ˔ˡ˗˕˨˜˟˗˜ˡ˚˔ˡ˘˪Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ ˗˨˧ˬ˜˦˖˛˔˥˚˘˗ˢˡˡ˘˪ worth no more than $750,000 in ˛ˢˠ˘˦˙ˢ˥Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ total. will increase from $650,000 to The changes are part of the $800,000, with the concession NSW Government’s COVID-19 reducing on higher values ˅˘˖ˢ˩˘˥ˬ˃˟˔ˡ˔ˡ˗˪˜˟˟˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧ before phasing out at $1million. ˧˛˘ˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧ˬ˔ˡ˗˖ˢˡ˦˧˥˨˖˧˜ˢˡ The government forecasts more ˜ˡ˗˨˦˧˥ˬʟ˪˛˜˖˛˘ˠˣ˟ˢˬ˦ˢˡ˘ ˧˛˔ˡʩʟʣʣʣЁ˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ in four people in NSW and is ˪˜˟˟˕˘ˡ˘Ё˧˙˥ˢˠ˧˛˘˖˛˔ˡ˚˘˦ʟ essential to keeping jobs and ˦˔˩˜ˡ˚˘˟˜˚˜˕˟˘Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ investment in the state. thousands of dollars. 6680 5000 Under the changes, the stamp Shop 1, Tavern Arcade, ˗˨˧ˬ˧˛˥˘˦˛ˢ˟˗ˢˡ˩˔˖˔ˡ˧˟˔ˡ˗ 78 Rajah Rd, Ocean Shores will rise from $350,000 to $400,000 and will phase out at $500,000. oceanshores


Stage 1 of Pinnacle Estate is almost sold out! With Stage 2 completed and Registered, now is the perfect time to purchase your premium dream land at an aff ordable price. Just 12 blocks will be off ered for sale, so you’ll need to be quick. (6 Now Sold) Pinnacle Estate, which is certainly the best quality land available in the area, is elevated with gorgeous views across local farmland, the nearby valley and beyond. Get ready to live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted in this brand new estate close to shops, schools and recreational facilities. The estate off ers plenty of level building options and lovely wide cul- de-sac streets, which are fully streetscaped. You can’t beat the location, close to two shopping centres, which include Woolworths and Coles plus a range of specialty stores, the indoor acquatic centre and gym. Several local primary and high schools are located nearby, plus sporting fi elds. With such an amazing opportunity to purchase here, you can see why these blocks are selling fast, with only 12 lots being off ered in Stage 2. Your new home will be under 30 minutes’ drive from Ballina, with its sandy beaches, surfi ng, fi shing and Ballina/Byron Gateway Airport. ALL REMAINING LOTS REDUCED TO $250K Byron Bay is less than 40 minutes’ drive and Gold Coast Airport for all your national and international transport connections, is only 75 minutes’ drive North.

Be among the lucky few who choose to build on these premium lots, which are selling quickly. Call on for further details today. Agent Jason Di mar 0477 222 452 (02) 6680 5000



Sharon Clarkson is a senior mortgage ʚˇ˛˘ʹʻʿʷˆ˛˔˦˖˥˘˔˧˘˗˔ˡ˜ˡЂ˨˫ˢ˙ RENT OR BUY? ˕˥ˢ˞˘˥˜ˡʵˬ˥ˢˡʵ˔ˬʡˆ˛˘˦˔˜˗˧˛˘Ё˥˦˧ buyers and there is limited stock, so you home buyers she's seen recently are a can understand the end result; these Byron Bay broker Sharon Clarkson said total mix, ranging from couples in their ˣˢˢ˥˞˜˗˦˔˥˘ˡˢ˪ˣ˔ˬ˜ˡ˚ʗʨʣʠʗʪʣʾ the biggest local issue is that the local late 40s with high disposable incomes more for something they otherwise rental market is so expensive that for on permanent resident visas, to older wouldn’t,' she said. many younger people, deposits are single people, to couples in their 30s simply not able to be saved. who were born overseas, to young 'The younger generation of locals either singles struggling to buy something ˥˘ˠ˔˜ˡ˟˜˩˜ˡ˚˔˧˛ˢˠ˘ʟˢ˥˕˨ˡ˞˪˜˧˛Ё˩˘ with the assistance of their parents and friends to accommodate the rental government grants. ...seeing many more market here,' she said. Miss Clarkson said, 'Our area is ˬˢ˨ˡ˚Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ʠ 'So I do get a lot of calls asking about becoming a hotspot for visa holders ˕˨ˬ˘˥˦˟ˢˢ˞˜ˡ˚˔˧ loan guarantors, parents prepared to who decide to stay, become building on unoccupied put up properties to cover not having a permanent residents, and then comply ˟˔ˡ˗ʟˣ˔˥˧˜˖˨˟˔˥˟ˬˢ˙˙ deposit. with the FHOG [First Home Owner “ Grant] requirements. The local kids ˧˛˘ˣ˟˔ˡʟ˥˔˧˛˘˥˧˛˔ˡ 'If you are not a couple here earning who work in lower income employment ˕˨ˬ˜ˡ˚˘˦˧˔˕˟˜˦˛˘˗ ˚ˢˢ˗˗ˢ˟˟˔˥˦ʟˬˢ˨˪˜˟˟Ёˡ˗˜˧˛˔˥˗˧ˢ˕˨ˬʟʚ struggle simply on the price of real ˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧˜˘˦ʡϡ said Miss Clarkson. estate here.' 'Its unfortunate but it’s the truth. I Lennox Head mortgage broker Zain moved here from Sydney, and the Peart said he's also seeing many older prices are equivalent. So I don’t envy the Zain Peart said there are a lot of people Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ʡʚˊ˘˛˔˩˘˔˟ˢ˧ˢ˙ ʥʣʠ˦ˢˠ˘˧˛˜ˡ˚˦˟ˢˢ˞˜ˡ˚˧ˢ˙ˢ˟˟ˢ˪˜ˡ˧˛˘˜˥ who've lost hope of ever entering the people who haven't bought in this area parent’s footsteps in owning a home.' local housing market, and other older for a long time because of prices, and ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘˪˛ˢЁˡ˗˜˧ˣˢ˦˦˜˕˟˘˧ˢ˕˨ˬ now they're trying to get in because because of an inheritance, or because rent is so expensive.' they've saved for many years. GROWTH PAINS Bangalow solicitor Neil Hendriks, from CMJ Legal, says he's been seeing Although it's not without challenges, Mr ˠ˔ˡˬˠˢ˥˘ˬˢ˨ˡ˚Ё˥˦˧˛ˢˠ˘ʠ˕˨ˬ˘˥˦ Peart sees the growth of the region as a looking at building on unoccupied land, positive overall. particularly off the plan, rather than 'A lot of people are now able to buying established properties. stay here and work, rather than ˧˛˘˧˥˔˗˜˧˜ˢˡ˔˟˟ˬ˟˔˥˚˘Ђˬʠ˜ˡЂˬʠˢ˨˧ CHANGES WITH COVID contingent of people in the area. The For buyers coming from the city, place is more of a destination.' especially since COVID, the dream Personally, Mr Peart says, things have of being able to buy rural land is still been 'crazy'. possible here. ʚˊ˘ʚ˩˘˕˘˘ˡ˥˘˔˟˟ˬ˥˘˔˟˟ˬ˕˨˦ˬʡʼʚ˩˘ Mortgage broker Mr Peart said, 'I can probably never been busier,' he said. ˧˛˜ˡ˞ˢ˙Ё˩˘˖˟˜˘ˡ˧˦˥˜˚˛˧ˡˢ˪˧˛˔˧˛˔˩˘ moved up here because of COVID and Sharon Clarkson explained that decided, let's just stay! because postcode 2481 and surrounds ˜˦˖˟˔˦˦˜Ё˘˗˔˦˥˘˚˜ˢˡ˔˟ˁˆˊʟ˧˛˘ʹʻʿʷˆ 'It's such a nice area, and there's the (First Home Loan Deposit Scheme) is support with the two airports here, limited to property sales of $450,000 or people are moving out of Sydney, and ˟˘˦˦˟ˢ˖˔˟˟ˬʟ˪˛˜˖˛˜˦ˠ˔˞˜ˡ˚˜˧˗˜˙Ё˖˨˟˧ coming out with change, and buying for young people to enter the market. a $1.5 million house up here. That's certainly pushing prices up a bit. 'Honestly what can you get [around here] for that?' Miss Clarkson wonders. 'It has He said he's seeing 'people from all created an issue that properties that walks of life moving up here, not just ˪ˢ˨˟˗˦˘˟˟˙ˢ˥ʗʦʨʣʠʗʦʬʣʟʣʣʣˡˢ˥ˠ˔˟˟ˬ those getting ready to wind down and are now selling for $420,000 plus. slow down.'



ˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠ˦ˢ˟˔˥˪ˢ˨˟˗Ё˥˦˧˟ˬ˟˜˞˘ ˜ˡ˗˨˦˧˥ˬʟ˪˛˜˖˛˗˜˟˨˧˘˦˔˗˘ˤ˨˔˧˘ ˧ˢ˧˛˔ˡ˞˧˛˘ˠ˔ˡˬ˖˨˦˧ˢˠ˘˥˦ ˣ˥ˢ˧˘˖˧˜ˢˡ˦˙ˢ˥˖˨˦˧ˢˠ˘˥˦˔ˡ˗ ˪˛ˢ˛˔˩˘˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧˘˗˨˦ˢ˩˘˥˧˛˘ ˪ˢ˥˞˘˥˦˔˟˜˞˘ʡˊ˘˖˨˥˥˘ˡ˧˟ˬ˛˔˩˘ ˟˔˦˧ʥʥˬ˘˔˥˦ʡ ˧˛˥˘˘ˤ˨˔˟˜Ё˘˗˘˟˘˖˧˥˜˖˜˔ˡ˦˔ˡ˗ ˢˡ˘˧˛˜˥˗ʠˬ˘˔˥˔ˣˣ˥˘ˡ˧˜˖˘ʡˊ˘ ˇ˛˘ˆˢ˟˔˥˜ˡ˗˨˦˧˥ˬ˛˔˦˚˥ˢ˪ˡ ˔˥˘˔˖˖˥˘˗˜˧˘˗˜ˡ˔˟˟˟˘˩˘˟˦ˢ˙ ˙˥ˢˠ˦˧˥˘ˡ˚˧˛˧ˢ˦˧˥˘ˡ˚˧˛˔ˡ˗ ˥˘ˡ˘˪˔˕˟˘˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬ˙˥ˢˠʺ˥˜˗ ˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠˆˢ˟˔˥˛˔˦˕˘˘ˡ˧˛˘˥˘ ʼˡ˧˘˥˔˖˧ʟ˂˙˙ʺ˥˜˗ʟʻˬ˕˥˜˗ʵ˔˧˧˘˥ˬʟ ˦˜ˡ˖˘˧˛˘˕˘˚˜ˡˡ˜ˡ˚˪˜˧˛ˢ˥˜˚˜ˡ˦ ˦ˢ˟˔˥ˣ˨ˠˣ˜ˡ˚˔ˡ˗˧˛˘ˇ˘˦˟˔ ˗˔˧˜ˡ˚˕˔˖˞˧ˢʤʬʫʧ˜ˡˢ˙˙˚˥˜˗ ˃ˢ˪˘˥˪˔˟˟ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ʡ ˦ˢ˟˔˥ʡ ˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠ˦ˢ˟˔˥ˣ˥ˢˠˢ˧˘˦ ˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠˆˢ˟˔˥˜˦˔˟ˢ˖˔˟˙˔ˠ˜˟ˬʠ ˢ˪ˡ˘˗ʠ˔ˡ˗ʠ˥˨ˡ˕˨˦˜ˡ˘˦˦˧˛˔˧ ˦˨ˣ˘˥˜ˢ˥ʴ˨˦˧˥˔˟˜˔ˡˠ˔˗˘ ˠ˔˗˘˜ˡˀ˘˟˕ˢ˨˥ˡ˘ʡˊ˘˦˧ˢ˖˞ ˧˛˘˛˜˚˛˘˦˧˚˥˔˗˘ˈˉ˦˧˔˕˜˟˜˦˘˗ ˛˔˦˕˘˘ˡ˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˜ˡ˚˜ˡ˧˛˘ˇ˪˘˘˗ ˦ˢ˟˔˥ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦˪˛˘˥˘˪˘˖˔ˡʡ ˔ˡ˗˨˦˘ʴ˨˦˧˥˔˟˜˔ˡˠ˔˗˘ ˖ˢˡ˗˨˜˧˦˔ˡ˗˖˔˕˟˘˦ʟ˦˧˔˜ˡ˟˘˦˦ ˔ˡ˗ʵˬ˥ˢˡ˦˛˜˥˘˦˦˜ˡ˖˘ʤʬʬʫʡ˂˨˥ ʷ˨˥˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˖ˢ˩˜˗˟ˢ˖˞˗ˢ˪ˡ˪˘ ˃˟˔˦ˠ˔˧˥ˢˡ˜˖˦ˢ˟˔˥˖ˢˡ˧˥ˢ˟˟˘˥˦ ˦˧˘˘˟˦˔˗˗˟˘˦˔ˡ˗˖˟˜ˣ˦ʟˁ˂ˇ ˂˙Ё˖˘˪ˢ˥˞˦˛ˢˣ˔ˡ˗˛ˢˠ˘˦ ˪˘˥˘˔˕˟˘˧ˢ˦ˢ˨˥˖˘ˣ˔˥˧˦˔ˡ˗ ˔ˡ˗ʿ˔˧˥ˢˡ˜˖˜ˡ˩˘˥˧˘˥˦˔˦˪˘˟˟ʡ ˥˨˦˧ˬˍ˜ˡ˖ʟ˔ˡ˗˚˘ˡ˨˜ˡ˘ˠ˨˟˧˜ ˔˥˘˔˟˟ˢ˙˙˚˥˜˗ʟ˜ˡ˞˘˘ˣ˜ˡ˚˪˜˧˛ ˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧ˢ˨˥˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˦˜ˡ˧˛˘Ё˘˟˗ʡ ˖ˢˡ˧˔˖˧˖ˢˡˡ˘˖˧ˢ˥˦ˡˢ˧˜ˡ˙˘˥˜ˢ˥ ˢ˨˥ˣ˥˜ˡ˖˜ˣ˟˘˦˔ˡ˗ˣ˛˜˟ˢ˦ˢˣ˛˜˘˦ ˊ˘˛˔˩˘˔ˣ˥ˢ˙˘˦˦˜ˢˡ˔˟˗˘˦˜˚ˡ ˇ˛˘ʴ˨˦˧˥˔˟˜˔ˡˠ˔˗˘ˆ˘˟˘˖˧˥ˢˡ˜˖ ʶ˛˜ˡ˘˦˘˖ˢˣ˜˘˦ʡ ˧˛˔˧˛˔˩˘˦˧˘˘˥˘˗˨˦˧˛˥ˢ˨˚˛ ˆ˃˜ˡ˩˘˥˧˘˥˦˔˥˘˧˛˘˕˘˦˧ ˣ˥ˢ˖˘˦˦˪˜˧˛ˢˡ˦˜˧˘ˠ˘˔˦˨˥˘ ˔˗˜˙Ё˖˨˟˧˔ˡ˗ˢ˙˧˘ˡ˖˛˔ˡ˚˜ˡ˚ ˜ˡ˩˘˥˧˘˥˦˜ˡ˧˛˘˪ˢ˥˟˗ʟ˕˔˥ˡˢˡ˘ʟ ˔ˡ˗ˤ˨ˢ˧˘ʟˁ˂ˇ˔˚ˢˢ˚˟˘˘˔˥˧˛ ʼ˙ˬˢ˨˔˥˘˕˨˜˟˗˜ˡ˚ˢ˥ ˠ˔˥˞˘˧ˢ˩˘˥˧˛˜˦˧˜ˠ˘ʡˊ˘˛˔˩˘ ˥˔˧˘˗˔˧˔ˡʴ˨˦˦˜˘ʧʣ˗˘˚˥˘˘˦ ˘˦˧˜ˠ˔˧˜ˢˡʡ ˥˘˧˥ˢЁ˧˧˜ˡ˚˦ˢ˟˔˥˗ˢˠ˘˦˧˜˖˔˟˟ˬ ˜ˡ˦˧˔˟˟˘˗˧˛ˢ˨˦˔ˡ˗˦ˢ˙˦ˢ˟˔˥ ˖˘˟˦˜˨˦˪˜˧˛ʼ˃ʩʫ˘ˡ˩˜˥ˢˡˠ˘ˡ˧˔˟ ˢ˥˖ˢˠˠ˘˥˖˜˔˟˟ˬ˔ˡ˗ˡ˘˘˗ ˊ˘˛˔˩˘ˠ˔ˡˬ˕˘˦ˣˢ˞˘˔ˡ˗ ˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˦˜ˡ˧˛˘˗˜˦˧˥˜˖˧˔ˡ˗ ˣ˥ˢ˧˘˖˧˜ˢˡʡˇ˛˜˦˜ˡ˩˘˥˧˘˥˖˔ˡ ˣ˥ˢ˙˘˦˦˜ˢˡ˔˟˔˗˩˜˖˘˪˜˧˛ ˖˨˦˧ˢˠ˔˪˔˥˗ʠ˪˜ˡˡ˜ˡ˚˗˘˦˜˚ˡ˘˗ ˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧˘˗˖˨˦˧ˢˠ˘˥˦˪˜˧˛ ˞˘˘ˣˬˢ˨˥˛ˢ˨˦˘˥˨ˡˡ˜ˡ˚ˡˢ ˚˨˔˥˔ˡ˧˘˘˗˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠˣ˘˥˙ˢ˥ˠ˔ˡ˖˘ ˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˦˕˨˜˟˧˕ˬˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠˢ˩˘˥ ˪˔˥˥˔ˡ˧˜˘˦˔ˡ˗˕˔˖˞˨ˣ˦˘˥˩˜˖˘ʡ ˠ˔˧˧˘˥˛ˢ˪˟ˢˡ˚˧˛˘ˠ˔˜ˡ˦ ˢ˨˧˖ˢˠ˘˦˧˛˘ˡˆ˨ˡ˕˘˔ˠˆˢ˟˔˥˜˦ ˧˛˘ˬ˘˔˥˦˙ˢ˥ˢ˪ˡ˘˥˕˨˜˟˗˘˥˦ʟ ˀ˔ˡˬ˦ˢ˟˔˥˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡ˜˘˦˛˔˩˘ ˣˢ˪˘˥ˢ˨˧˔˚˘ʟ˔˦˜˧˛˔˦˧˛˘ ˬˢ˨˥ˡ˨ˠ˕˘˥ˢˡ˘˖˛ˢ˜˖˘ʡʶ˔˟˟ˆˬ˗ ˕˨˜˟˗˜ˡ˚˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡ˜˘˦˔ˡ˗ ˖ˢˠ˘˔ˡ˗˚ˢˡ˘˔˦˦ˢˢˡ˔˦ ˔˕˜˟˜˧ˬ˧ˢ˖˛˔˥˚˘˕˔˧˧˘˥˜˘˦˙˥ˢˠ ˢ˥˅ˢ˘˟˧ˢ˗˜˦˖˨˦˦ˬˢ˨˥˥˘ˡ˘˪˔˕˟˘ ˔˥˖˛˜˧˘˖˧˦ʡ˅˔ˡ˚˜ˡ˚˜ˡ˦˜˭˘˙˥ˢˠ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˪˔˥˥˔ˡ˧˜˘˦˔˥˘˗˨˘ʟ ˦ˢ˟˔˥˪˜˧˛ˢ˨˧ˠ˔˜ˡ˦˕˘˜ˡ˚ ˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬˡ˘˘˗˦ʡ ˟˘˔˩˜ˡ˚˖˟˜˘ˡ˧˦˛˜˚˛˔ˡ˗˗˥ˬʡ ʣʡʨ˞ˊ˧ˢʨʣ˞ˊʡ ˣ˥˘˦˘ˡ˧ʟ˪˛˜˖˛˜˦ˡˢ˧ˣˢ˦˦˜˕˟˘ ʸ˟˘˖˧˥˜˖˔˟ʿ˜˖˘ˡ˖˘ˁˆˊʤʥʧʩʣʣʶʟ ˂˨˥˘ˠˣ˟ˢˬ˘˘˦˔˥˘˟˜˖˘ˡ˦˘˗ ˪˜˧˛ˠˢ˦˧˜ˡ˩˘˥˧˘˥˦ʡˊ˘˔˟˦ˢ˨˦˘ ˊ˘ˢ˙˙˘˥ˢˡ˟ˬ˧˛˘˕˘˦˧ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ ˄ʿʷʶʥʬʧʤʫʟʶʸʶʴ˖˖˥˘˗˜˧˔˧˜ˢˡ ˘˟˘˖˧˥˜˖˜˔ˡ˦˔ˡ˗˘ˠˣ˟ˢˬ˘˗ ˧˛˘˘˫˖˘˟˟˘ˡ˧ʴ˨˦˧˥˔˟˜˔ˡˠ˔˗˘ ˪˜˧˛˧˘ˡˬ˘˔˥˦ˣ˟˨˦˪˔˥˥˔ˡ˧˜˘˦ ʴʦʪʪʤʬʧʬʡ ˕ˬ˨˦ʟ˪˘˔˥˘ˡˢ˧˔ˣˬ˥˔ˠ˜˗ ʶ˘ˡ˧˨˥ˬˬ˨˔˦˔˕˔˧˧˘˥ˬʟˠ˔˗˘ ˕˘˜ˡ˚˧˛˘˕˘ˡ˖˛ˠ˔˥˞ʡ˂˨˥ 02 66797228 ˦˨˕˖ˢˡ˧˥˔˖˧ˢ˥˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡˬ˔˦ ˜ˡʼˣ˦˪˜˖˛ʟ˔ˡ˗˧˛˘˃ˢ˪˘˥˃˟˨˦ ˕˔˟˔ˡ˖˘ˢ˙˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠ˖ˢˠˣˢˡ˘ˡ˧˦ [email protected] ˜˦˕˘˖ˢˠ˜ˡ˚˧˛˘ˡˢ˥ˠ˜ˡ˧˛˘ ˟˜˧˛˜˨ˠ˜ˢˡ˦˧˔˖˞˔˕˟˘˕˔˧˧˘˥ˬ ˔˥˘˔˟˦ˢ˦˨ˣ˘˥˜ˢ˥˔˦˪˘ˢˡ˟ˬ˨˦˘

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October 2020 BUILDING DREAMS 15 7 steps to buying your first home

Summerland Credit Union’s Bangalow Branch Manager, Brenda Reyes, breaks down the journey to buying your first home

What are your choices Get inspections done Celebrate your new home Work out what you’re looking for in a Depending on your property, get Now you’ve got the keys, start 1 home. Talking to friends, family and 4 building, pest, electricity and strata 7 thinking about removalists, plus a Lending Specialist can help you inspections done. It’s also worth home and contents insurance. plan for the future. getting a land/property survey as Don’t forget to pop the bubbly first, well. though!

Learn how much you can borrow Time to settle What sets us apart from the big banks is most of Book an appointment with a Lending Talk to a solicitor/conveyancer to the verifications on your application are done 2 Specialist to get the most from your 5 organise the legal settlement of your prior to purchase, right here in the home loan. We offer fast new home and the exchanging of Northern Rivers. pre-approval, with decisions often contracts. within 48 hours.

Find a home and make an offer Sign your home loan contract Once you have pre-approval, Your Lending Specialist will 3 research and view a range of homes. 6 send your home loan contract When you’re ready to make an offer electronically or ask you to come in talk to the real estate agent. to 4*0-branch to finalise this. Kaylene Butler Brenda Reyes 0428 268 619 0447 267 154

Looking to buy your first home? Book an appointment with the Bangalow Team today This is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situation and needs. Before making a decision based on this information, you should assess your own circumstances or consult a financial planner. Loans from Summerland are subject to eligibility criteria. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. buying your first home? talk to us about a home loan % % .97 P.A. .40 P.A. 2 variable rate 3 comparison rate | 1300 802 222 Principal and interest repayments only, owner occupier loans only, residentially secured loans only. Minimum loan amount $250,000. Maximum LVR 80%. Available only for new loans to Summerland and loan must be funded within 3 months of approval date. Lending criteria apply. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. All information is correct as at 01/09/20 and is subject to change. Full details including Home Loan Key Facts Sheet available on application, at, and in branches. Summerland Credit Union ABN 23 087 650 806. AFSL 239 238 Australian Credit Licence 239 238. Comparison rate calculated on a $150,000 secured loan over a 25 year term. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Cnr Station & Byron Streets, Bangalow

16 BUILDING DREAMS October 2020 The Good Life Jingi Walla – welcome to

walk while learning about my country significant places and hearing Eve Jeff ery local history and traditional stories. During the tour, guests oft en see an abundance of Local Arakwal woman, Delta Kay, is excited to be sharing her wildlife, such as dolphins, culture and her country as she leads Aboriginal tours exploring wallabies and Fairy Wrens Cape Byron and Broken Head. to name a few. From coastal Delta Kay, well known and respected in the Byron Shire, is rainforest to crashing waves passionate about sharing Aboriginal culture – her ancestors have and rocky cliff s, the views lived in the area surrounding Byron Bay for thousands of years on this tour are truly special. and Arakwal customs, knowledge, ceremonies and stories have Bring binoculars, especially in been passed down to her for safe keeping. winter and spring as there are Delta says that when she is doing tours, she is practising her great opportunities to spot culture. ‘Every day I observe country and feel in awe of her. I migrating whales. want people to leave my tours with a deeper understanding of The Broken Head tour is how my family have always cared for the land and are still caring a moderate 1.6 km two hour Arakwal woman, Delta Kay, VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE FOOD AVAILABLE for it. I believe this understanding leads to a stronger feeling of tour where guests oft en see wants to share with you the belonging for our locals and a deeper respect from visitors who pods of dolphins and white- beauty and culture of her want to connect with Indigenous people and learn about this bellied sea eagles. indian country. incredible place we call Byron.’ There is a maximum Photo Tree Faerie. billi Delta says the Aboriginal tours, that are for locals and visitors group size of ten people and FAMILY FRIENDLY MENU alike, are a must-do so that cultural protocols are understood organisers off er a free pick-up and drop-off service for guests Billi Indian and are followed. ‘Byron Shire has many sacred sites that we within 6km of the Byron Bay CBD. want protected for future generations – we need people who are Delta says it’s about respect for country. ‘We walk soft ly Authentic not Indigenous to this country to support us and avoid certain on country. Locals and visitors alike can empower Indigenous areas to protect them. Or, if you’re visiting a sensitive area then to communities to speak for country, work on country and live Indian Restaurant behave appropriately, refrain from splashing it up on Instagram – culture – [it’s important for visitors to] follow cultural protocols just enjoy the moment!’ and ensure that they use genuine Indigenous tours, not non- NowNow ttakingaking bbookingsookings fforor During the tours, guests can expect to hear about Aboriginal Indigenous people telling our stories and culture. ChristmasChristmas & eendnd ooff yyearear ppartiesarties existence before colonisation, including how Arakwal Bundjalung ‘Our art has been appropriated internationally, our flag has people cared for and preserved the land. Delta also explains been stolen, our stories, at the very least, must remain with us – Takeaway and delivery the devastating impact of settlement and displacement on not with non-Indigenous tourism operators. Open Tuesday till Sunday 4.30 – 8.30pm Aboriginal people. She teaches some Bundjalung language and ‘I respectfully ask tour operators to ensure they have an provides information about bushfood, natural medicine, tools, Indigenous person from their traditional country doing cultural 8 Wilfred St, Billinudgel weapons and artefacts. interpretations. Indigenous tourism must be led by Aboriginal The Cape Byron tour is a moderate 1.5km, two hour return 02 6680 3352 people.’ Instagram @billis.indian Variety is the spice of life! If you are looking for a little inspiration for cocktail. Just one of those cherries will “It’s not just a Blueberry, a unique culinary experience then a visit give you your daily vitamin C dose, says to Picone Exotics– it’s an experience not John. it’s a Tallogum Blueberry!” to be missed! The shahtoots, a 5-6cm long mulberry, John has over 400 diff erent varieties have a flavour similar to port, and the of fruit tree on his farm – so to say it’s a nopalitos are the soft pads to the prickly passion is an understatement. pear that, when barbequed, give a citrus Not only will you be thrilled by the tang. weird and wonderful, he has endless tips And you can’t pass up an awesome Chris Wallace and father-in-law John on how to grow, eat, or drink these fruits dessert of black sapote, known as the Picone, and some of the vast variety of too. chocolate pudding fruit, it’s very tasty fruits at the Picone Exotics stall. This family owned blueberry For starters, the Torch Ginger flowers just on its own – but if you whizz up the farm is just down the road, not only look stunning in a vase but you flesh with coconut cream, vanilla bean that you’ve probably never tasted before. supplying local shops and can eat them – just finely shred the petals and cacao, then refrigerate for a few So make sure you pay him a visit, and farmers markets, to ensure a sustainable footprint. and add them to tom yum soup. hours and you’ll have nature’s chocolate have a chat – as he will no doubt have a The Brazilian cherries are delicious mousse. list of exciting ways to consume them. Find us on Instagram: whizzed up with some ice and mixed With the stonefruit coming through John is at the Mullum Farmers Market @tallogumberries with soda and gin for a thirst-quenching you’ll find many varieties on John’s stall every Friday from 7–11am.

Dining at loft

Casual, relaxed dining perfect for intimate dinners, groups and special occasions. Menu by Head Chef, Craig Mcfarland.

Our new ‘set menu’ option is perfect for groups - enjoy our chef’s selection of dishes. Set Menus View our menu online.

Open every day from 4pm - Late - Loft favorites - - Loft dining - 7 dishes 9 dishes $39 pp $49 pp @loftbyronbay for groups of 4+ The Byron Shire Echo 37 Loft-Echo-Ad-XL_260x88mm_V25.indd 1 Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ 2/9/20 4:49 p. m . The Good Life Good Taste

BALLINA Sneaky Bucha of Byron – Wharf Bar & We are thrilled to announce that Wharf Restaurant restaurant is now open to the public! It is important to us that we support the community Ballina as best we can, and do our best to uplift spirits with a win in a tin delicious seafood and welcoming customer service. FB/Insta: wharfbarballina As part of our reopening, we have also launched a In a world first, Bucha of 12–24 Fawcett St, Ballina 6686 5259 new restaurant and takeaway menu! Byron are blending their Book now while tables are still available kombucha with a range of beer styles. BANGALOW Bucha of Byron have launched in the local area Bowlo Kitchen Family friendly, tradies’ local, restaurant quality, and have also been picked up The Bowlo, Bangalow Wednesday to Friday happy hour, midweek specials, 6687 2741 excellent wines, foodies delight, creative cocktails, nationally by BWS and Dan local produce, massive kids’ space, welcoming staff , Open Wed–Fri 12–2.30pm & 5–8.30pm; Murphy’s – quite a big deal for Sat 12–8.30pm; Sun 12–7pm. and CovidSafe. a small local company. Club open Wed–Sun from 12 noon Come along to the Bangalow Bowlo The Sneaky Bucha of and fi nd out. bangalowbowlo @thebowlo Byron is not only a new drink but a whole new category that combines the goodness BYRON BAY of kombucha with the The new Bucha range, delicious kombucha with a dash of Chupacabra Fresh authentic Mexican in a relaxed atmosphere. greatness of beer. sneaky. Eat in or take out. This is food made with love, all produce sourced locally. Produced by the Margaritas and tacos all night long! Shop 12A, 3 Cliff ord St, Kombucha Brewing Co. and demand for low-calorie, Cam says people are Suff olk Park Family friendly, totally GF menu. in partnership with Stone high-quality products that looking for products that they 6685 3059 DINNER 5pm – 9pm WED – SAT & Wood, The Sneaky Bucha can be enjoyed without the can enjoy and also feel a little blends a range of beer styles guilt. The Sneaky Bucha of better about themselves. @chupabyron Book via Resy with the Original Bucha of Byron will complement The ‘We’re really excited to bring Byron kombucha to create a Bucha of Byron’s existing the Sneaky Bucha of Byron to Forest Byron Bay Set next to a lush rainforest oasis, Forest celebrates full-strength, lower carb beer portfolio of brands, including Aussie drinkers. With lower sustainability working hand-in-hand with local farmers, 77-97 Broken Head Rd, growers and artisans. (at least 25% lower carb than the Dirty Bucha of Byron that carbs we think of it as a little Suff olk Park Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and just-drinks… regular full-strength beers). blends premium spirits with win in a tin.’ 6685 4969 the perfect place to feed your soul. According to the producers kombucha. The Sneaky Bucha comes www.crystalbrookcollection. Stay a while. com/byron/forest As a Byron Bay Crystalbrook Local you get to enjoy 15% off it’s easy drinking, and very Co-founders Paul Tansley in 330ml cans in three @forestbyronbay food and drinks when you sign up online. sessionable, with everything and Cam MacFarlane couldn’t beer styles: XPA, Lager and you like about kombucha be happier with the product. Summer. The XPA for the Legend Pizza FRESH PIZZA BYRON STYLE mixed with everything you ‘There’s a lot of hype around craft ier in-the-know beer Open 7 days Check us out on 9am till after midnight love about beer – reminiscent alcoholic seltzers coming drinkers, a more mainstream of a beer or shandy taste, into this summer,’ says Paul. easy-drinking Lager, and a Shop 1 Woolworths Plaza 90-96 Jonson Street Scan code for our menu! but with a kombucha kick. At ‘The Sneaky Bucha appeals refreshing summer wheat 6685 5700 BYO 4% ABV there’s one standard to the same unisex, health- beer. Home delivery 7 days Established 1992 drink per can. conscious crowd being Q For more info, visit www. The Sneaky Bucha satisfies lower carb, but does it with the growing consumer something we know Aussie sneaky-bucha. drinkers love – beer,’ Mr Gorillah’s mad skills on the cheese grills What was once a food truck ‘I spent the last seven months operation is now a great searching all over southeast gourmet toastie and coff ee Qld and northern NSW for bar in the middle of Byron Bay. the right location. The Byron Opening just over a month Bay space was perfect and Mr ago, Mr Gorillah is a hole- Gorillah was launched.’ in-the-wall space providing Darren wants to make Mr TOGETHER an amazing array of toasted Gorillah the new local ‘go to’ as WE CAN GO sandwiches, specialty coff ee, it off ers a quick takeaway style PLASTIC FREE! epic shakes, and grab-and-go menu at a great price point. snacks. ‘Now they get the chance to Mr Gorillah is not just about experience a new food and BIOPAK 5% the toasties – they are also a beverage off ering in the town. DISCOUNT OFFER coff ee bar using an amazing I’m not being biased – many blend from specialty coff ee have said we make the best for new members of roasters Social Espresso toasties in town – we have to Make the Switch and they off er a range of agree!’ alternative milks. ‘It’s the Darren says the philosophy perfect combination for a of the business is simple. Join Plastic Free Byron's quick takeaway breakfast or ‘We wanted to off er a well Make the Switch program (it's free) and for the first 3 lunch option, for an aft er-surf known, nostalgic food item, Darren Sharman and Mr Gorillah, and that ever present cheesy grin that comes from an months enjoy a 5% discount snack, or when you’re wanting done extremely well. Add in awesome toastie. Photo Tree Faerie on BioPak purchases. to satisfy your nostalgic a place filled with epic vibes hunger feels; a toasted and cheesy grins, and that’s anything, the smile says it bread is sourced using only Darren says this is his first Make the Switch works sandwich with a gourmet the concept that lovers of all all, that makes me happy. organic and/or sustainable concept store. ‘My original with food retailers in Byron touch.’ things toasties and coff ee can We source and use quality ingredients.’ I also love the dreams and goals are to see it to help them switch away The idea of finding a expect.’ products throughout our social aspect of getting to thrive allowing me to expand from single-use plastics. permanent space was Darren says he loves it menu. We use a range of meet new people every day into other communities and always the initial plan for when people try one of his local Australian cheeses as and interact and have a good towns.’ Find out more & join at: owner Darren Sharman, who toasties and coff ee. ‘They well premium international chat, even if it is for only a brief Q Find Mr Gorillah at 3a/1 was living on the Gold Coast. don’t even have to say cheeses and our sourdough moment.’ Byron Street, Byron Bay.

38 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Good Taste Eateries Guide

BYRON BAY continued BYRON BAY continued Main Street Loft Byron Bay Incredible cocktails, locals beers & all-day snacks and Gourmet burgers created by chefs food to share with ocean views. Open 7 days Happy Hour 11.30am until late 4 Jonson Street, | Every day 4-6pm Cocktails, wine and beers served all damn day. Byron Bay Call to make a reservation $6 Loft Lager or Wine, $10 Aperol Spritz, $14 Margarita Group bookings available, please email 6680 9183 or for takeaway orders Espresso Martini Nights | Every day 9-11pm [email protected] Book online: 2 for $25 Classic Espresso Martini 18 Jonson Street for reservations. 6680 8832 Open every day from 4pm till late.

Open 7 Days St Elmo Dining Targa Modern European Breakfast & Lunch St Elmo is a place where you can enjoy great Cafe • Restaurant • Bar Room & Bar Thursday – Sunday company, fi rst-class food, sophisticated cocktails 11 Marvell Street Open Thursday – Sunday Tapas 2.30pm, Dinner 5.30pm and an extensive wine list. St Elmo is plating up Byron Bay 5 – 10pm Aperitivo happy hour 3–5.30pm & Cheese/wine special Cnr Fletcher St and Lawson modern Spanish cuisine to be enjoyed amongst 6680 9960 Single cheese plate & 2 glass wine $30 Lane, Byron Bay friends and family. Our menus change regularly Double cheese plate & 2 glass wine $35 6680 7426 [email protected] Indoor & outdoor seating (puppies welcome) and feature daily specials. La Cuisine Deli Shop by Byron Bay Olive Co French deli shop that off ers all products LENNOX HEAD by Byron Bay Olive Co and amazing options 2/29 Brigantine Street for breakfast and lunch. Sandwiches, salads, soups Krill Bar Open Thursday 5pm–10pm, Friday 12pm–3pm & 5pm–10pm 0431 842 340 and Mediterranean style products such as Saturday 5pm–10pm, Sunday 11:30am–4:30pm Amazing cocktails, fabulous local food, a la carte and bar BYRONBAYOLIVECO olives, dips, cured meats and French cheeses. Lennox Head menus all with super friendly service. Mon – Fri 9am–3.30pm 47 Ballina St, [email protected] Head Chef Minh Le was a fi nalist for Australian Chef of the Year in Lennox Head 2016 and has owned multiple hatted restaurants. Our Rocking New Brunch Menu Come in and experience his fi ne food in the stylish decor. The Rocks 6685 5538 Happy Hour Thursday – Saturday 5–6pm Come and join us at the Rocks for some light brunch options @ Aquarius KRILLBARANDRESTAURANT Online booking preferred or hearty breakfasts. We off er a range of home-made, locally Brunch sourced produce at aff ordable prices, including our delicious 7am–12 noon Mon–Fri new loaded halloumi or chorizo tacos, vegan nasi goreng MULLUMBIMBY 7am–1pm Sat & Sun and our signature Rocks Big Brekky which will keep you 16 Lawson St, Byron Bay going for hours! Fresh juices, Byron Bay coff ees and healthy 6685 7663 – Menus at smoothies available too. The Rocks is registered as The Empire The Empire is where it’s at! COVID Safe, and is practicing all NSW health guidelines. 20 Burringbar St, Something for all tastes from epic burgers to vegan Mullum delights. Enjoy delectable treats and good vibes at 6684 2306 this Mullum icon. Tues–Fri 8.30am–2.30pm Sat, Sun 9am–2pm Takeaways and lots of grab-and-go goodies FB/Insta: EmpireMullum available. Phone orders welcome – call ahead and avoid the queue. Yaman Mullumbimby Coff ee, Malawach Rolls, Pita Pockets, Falafel, 62 Stuart St, Mullumbimby Traditional Yemenite spices and all your 6684 3778 favourites always freshly made. Open 7 days Drop in for an authentic atmosphere, from 9am–8pm Dine-In or Takeaway . Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Fishheads We are thrilled to announce that Fishheads restaurant is now open to the public! NEWRYBAR Byron Bay It is important to us that we support the community as best we can, and do our best to uplift spirits with Harvest HARVEST RESTAURANT, DELI + BAKERY 1 Jonson Street, delicious seafood and welcoming customer service. Lunch: Wed – Sun 12–3pm Byron Bay As part of our reopening, we have also launched a 18-22 Old Pacifi c Highway Dinner: Thurs – Sat from 5.30pm 6680 7632 new restaurant and take away menu! Newrybar NSW 2479 3 courses from the wood-fi red oven in the historic bakery Book now while tables are still available. 02 6687 2644 FISHHEADSBYRON Sat + Sun 8–12pm: Baked goods at Sourdough Weekends Success Thai Sunday 3–5pm: Chook Night All your favourites every lunch and dinner Mon-Fri lunch & dinner @harvestnewrybar Deli hours are 8am–4pm closed Sundays Experienced Thai chefs cooking fresh delicious Lunch 12 noon–3pm Thai food for you. Dinner from 5–8.30pm BYO only ALCOHOL SUPPLIERS 3/31 Lawson St, Byron Bay Welcome for lunch, dinner and takeaway. Sun Bistro Bottleshop At the Sun Bistro Bottle Shop you will fi nd pages/Success-Thai- Menus available on Facebook Food/237359826303469 and Home Delivery a hand curated range of quality wines, Barrio 61 Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay spirits and beers. Barrio’s canteen takes its inspiration from locally 02 6685 6500 RARE AND NATURAL WINE • CRAFT BEER sourced produce with Moorish cuisine. 7am–3pm Mon–Thu • HANDCRAFTED SPIRITS • TEQUILA AND MEZCAL 7am–7pm Fri Off ering daily bakes, breakfast cakes, classic sandwiches, vibrant salads, smoked fi sh, grilled meats. deliveries • HOME DELIVERY 1 Porter St, North Byron Aperitif Hours Friday 5–7pm: $10 plates + drinks [email protected] Open 7 Days 10am – 8pm Monday to Sunday Booking via our website Private Dining: Now taking private party enquiries for lunch and dinner with your closest friends: Walk in tables available [email protected] CATERING Lord Byron CELLAR DOOR – TASTINGS & TOURS Celebrations Handcrafted spirits using locally sourced ingredients. CCELEBRATIONSELEBRATIONS Catering By Distillery Naturally Better! Open Tuesday–Saturday Liz Jackson Free from added artifi cial fl avours and colours. E: [email protected] 12 noon – 5pm MAKE YOUR OWN BOTTLE OF GIN Celebration cakes P: 0414 895 441 7, 4 Banksia Drive, - book online. Gin Making Gift Vouchers available. Personal catering services Byron Bay LORDBYRON.COM.AU Event co-ordination and 8646 4901 LordByronDistillery BBYY LLIZIZ JJACKSONACKSON management Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 39 Issue# 35.19 October 21,–27, 2020 ENTERTAINMENT Editor: Mandy Nolan Editorial/gigs: [email protected] Copy deadline: 5pm each Friday MANDY NOLAN’S Advertising: [email protected] P: 02 6684 1777 SOAPBOX W: WHEN GLADYS MET DARYL

Gladys sure can pick ‘em! It’s not her politics that are going to bring her down, it’s not her choice in policies – it’s her choice in men. Namely, her bad boyfriend, Daryl. How could BIG SURPRISE AT BIG GIG! WOMEN LIKE US she have known? I mean, what happens in Wagga stays in Wagga! Unless of course you’re using your pillow talk to get HIT ! This month there’s a surprise guest performing at The Big Gig. the inside goss to convince federal oil and gas lobby groups This is a high profile comic who everyone is going to love. We to help sell your Chinese mining technology. ‘Frack Me Daryl!’ Ellen Briggs and Mandy just can’t tell you who it is. What we can tell you is that you Nolan perform their all new Poor Gladys – the man she loved turned out to be a Dirty won’t be disappointed – and the next day everyone who didn’t Women Like Us show at the John. How could she have known? Daryl is one of the most go, is going to say, ‘Damn! I was going to go!’ Hosted by Mandy Kyogle Bowlo this Saturday. innocuous names around. Daryl is the perfect name for Nolan, the show is FREE – limited tickets available (because The girls have used the covid a good straight boring man. I don’t think there’s a single of COVID-19 you must register for a ticket! You can’t just rock downtime to record a podcast Daryl in the history of Daryls who have ever done anything up and get in!). Thursday 29 October. Ballina RSL at 8pm. remarkable. Daryl Braithwaite – he’s as good as a Daryl gets. and reimagine their successful Daryls don’t rock the boat. Daryls aren’t ever serial killers SINGING STRAIGHT touring show, which is now on or terrorists. Daryls are reliable. You should be able to trust its 150th plus show. a Daryl. Daryl will come over and help you move furniture. Bringing the house down Mark Trevorrow, the creator of Bob Downe, continues the Daryl loves a beer and a pokie at the RSL. Daryl reads the wherever they go – tickets from musical journey he began when he performed as himself on Telegraph. Daryl doesn’t help heirs to a racing fortune sell or at the Good News Week and continued with his 2004 ABC album land near the proposed Western Sydney airport. venue. Show starts at 8pm. It’s About Time — singing pop, jazz and show standards, from Apologies to the Daryls out there – but it’s just not a sexy Bacharach and Lennon-McCartney to Sondheim and Coward, name. I’ll show you why. Start moaning in a building ARTISTS INVITING YOU IN in the smoothly melodious style you’ll never hear from Bob! orgasmic crescendo and scream out ‘Daryl! Daryl! Oh Daryl!’ A relaxed and funny evening of great music and stories, with It’s quite the cold spoon on the climax. I once dated a guy music director, Bev Kennedy, on piano. Have you ever walked into an art gallery and wondered ‘How called Daryl. He changed his name to Richard. When I found do they do that? How does the artist get that eff ect, that Mark Trevorrow is singing straight at the Brunswick out his actual name was Daryl, I left him. Poor Gladys hit the colour, that sculptural curve?’ Well, now you can find out! Picture House on Friday and Saturday at 7pm. bottom of the barrel with Daryl. (Barrel was the only word I For the third year running, Open Studios Ballina, Byron Tix from could find to rhyme with Daryl… oh, and apparel). & Beyond is your opportunity to meet the artists in their But Gladys is not alone. THE COVID COWBOY studios and discover their secrets! A rare treat off ered over We girls love a bloke with problems, or a dark secret, or two weekends, with 34 local artists in a wide variety of artistic a conman. Does it for us every time. Bad blokes have a genres opening their working studios to the public. The Space Cowboy returns to the Picture House for his first powerful charisma that nice blokes don’t have. Your friends So mark the diary: 28–29 Nov and 5–6 Dec. performance in seven months and his last show of this kind for can see it – they have a special name for the charisma of Visit for details of participating studios. your bad boyfriend, they call it: ‘arsehole’. You don’t have 2020. His record-breaking stunts have astonished audiences to be into anal to love an arsehole. The more narcissistic, from Helsinki to Hobart, and made headlines around the THE POETRY AFTERGLOW! manipulative and duplicitous the better. It’s an aphrodisiac. globe. One of the most innovative sideshow artists alive today, Especially for smart high achieving women. Nice guys just The Space Cowboy currently holds over 50 Guinness World Dangerously Poetic celebrates Aft erglow, Laura Jan Shore’s can’t compete. I mean who would want to be in a supportive Records – ranging from sword swallowing, unicycling and long-awaited third collection, published by Interactive Press, and nurturing relationship with a healthy man? If you weren’t juggling through to blindfolded arrow catching, blowtorch Brisbane. This free event will be held in the iconic Burringbar trying to change him, or save him, then what would you do flame swallowing and many more! School of Arts Hall, Burringbar. The talented singer/songwriter, on weekends? Be amazed at the Brunswick Picture House on Saturday. Emma Lees will perform musical interludes. Kathryn Boorman Tix from I can imagine that Gladys’ friends probably pulled her aside will be the MC. President of Dangerously Poetic Press, Laura has and whispered ‘you’re the Premier of NSW Gladys – you facilitated readings, co-edited twelve poetry collections, and can do better than Daryl. Jamie Packer’s single. And he’s off ered poetry workshops in the area since 1996. got a casino. Doesn’t matter what you say in the bedroom, See for more information. apparently he doesn’t remember anything.’ GIRLS LIGHT UP Book launch, Sunday at 3pm. Signed books $25. I think Gladys knew. Not what Daryl was up to, just that Daryl FOR BAYFM BENEFIT was probably not the best choice for a boyfriend. We women ▶ CONTINUED ON PAGE 42 have an intuition for that sort of thing. Sadly we rarely listen to it. That’s why she kept him secret. Her secret Daryl. I feel sorry for Gladys. I look at the photos of her in the LUCIE THORNE paper and she looks really ashamed. She looks heartbroken. “Some of the most WHAT’S ON You can see the pain on her face. And although she’s a bit simple and beautiful dodgy on the details of when they started their relationship, songs you will hear” A NIGHT IN WITH MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY she’s openly admitted she’s made a mistake. Something The Age ONLINE EVENT Wednesday 21 October, 7pm politicians rarely do. Book + Show $55 | Show only $25 You can’t help who you love. Love is illogical. It’s sometimes dangerous. It’s compelling, especially, when it’s wrong. And SARA TINDLEY LOVEYS ACTUALLY LIVE THEATRE EVENT Daryl was wrong. Daryl was Glady’s heroin. Gladys clearly “A Lucinda Williams- Wednesday 21 October, 7pm loved Daryl. And now it has ruined her. She’d been doing a esque sound that’s $43.80 good job in her public off ice. But now, that doesn’t matter. about as sweet as She got held over a Daryl. anything” BBFF 2020 - SPOTLIGHT ON BYRON LIVE CINEMA EVENT Everyone thought that Gladys had no personal life. That Time Off Saturday 24 October, 7.30pm she lived an ascetic life. That she went home to her empty $21.90 house, with her empty fruit bowl, and cried quietly – on Join us to celebrate Australian female song the inside. We liked her like that. It made her seem tough writing with two of our favourite performers BBFF 2020 - IN CONVERSATION WITH JACK THOMPSON & WAYNE BLAIR and invulnerable. and help raise vital funds for the Shire’s own, Sunday 25 October, 5pm and only, community radio station. OCTOBER But she had her secret Daryl. It actually makes me like her $26.90 and I’ve never voted Liberal in my life. She’s vulnerable. She’s human, she’s made a mistake in her personal life that’s going ONE SHOW ONLY! BBFF 2020 - SURF FILM SESSION LIVE CINEMA EVENT to totally smash her career. I’ve been embarrassed by some SUN 1 NOV / Doors 7pm / On stage 7:30pm Friday 30 October, 7.30pm of my bad choices in men, imagine how Gladys must feel! For Indoor Seats / Garden Seats $21.90 a very private person it must be excruciating to have ICAC trawl through your undie drawer. It seems cruel to be held Arrive early and enjoy a drink at the Theatre Bar accountable for the behaviour of your bad boyfriend. But such is the requirement of public off ice. Byron Theatre & Community Centre Gladys got pork Daryled. 69 Jonson Street, Byron Bay @byrontheatre

40 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily ENTERTAINMENT

DANCING OUT DREAMS In a world that’s not built for you, can you dare to dream of life, love and a rightful place within it all? Choreographer Michael Hennessy spoke with The Echo about the upcoming show Oh How I Dreamt of Things Impossibl e at NORPA SELLING this week. FAST It looks like Sprung!! has really evolved into a very exciting dance troupe – how have you navigated the process – how much do the dancers inform the journey? I have treated the company as I would in working with any dance company; through training and creating works with the company. The training has been very important as it is with all dancers. A dancer has to have the physical stamina, technique and agility to be able to perform the choreography. We train two days a week as a group, and I work with some of the dancers one-on-one. The dancers are integral to the process. We share our stories, and our ideas, through dance – they are the inspiration. When I first started thinking about this project it was called ‘Wonderland’ and I thought of it as a highly stylised piece, where I described it as Tim Burton meets Ballet. I even started choreographing it; it wasn’t bad, but I’ve been working with the company for seven years now and I am still moved and astounded by their work. So this new work came from a simple question ‘Where does all this stuff come from?’. Our dancers have such a rich movement vocabulary, and they are such unique individuals, and I said to myself ‘People have to see this!’. How did you work this into the choreography and the music? Fred Cole is the composer and Fred has composed an original full-length score for this work. It is stunning! Fred has worked with the company before and he wanted to create all the music for this piece. Fred and I had also worked together in the early years of NORPA. In a section called ‘Windows’, Fred has created a score for each individual dancer based on them and their musical interests. ‘Windows’ was created online when we were all Zooming. They were in their living rooms and bedrooms creating dance while we were watching them through their little Zoom windows; it’s an insight to [the dedication of] our dancers. Dance Is a medium for expressing dreams – dance is primarily visceral and visual, so dreams are oft en a source for inspiration. I asked the dancers what some of their common dreams were, and then asked how they would present them in movement… not an easy task. Again we were on Zoom and they dropped into it like they were in their dreams, it was amazing! And it is included in the work as ‘Dreamscape’. How do each of the dancers make their contribution? Do they get to choreograph or come up with the concept or feeling for their piece? The work is very much about the dancers and their stories. Tara’s solo is about growing from a young person to an adult, using the growth of a plant as an analogy, and the importance of her family and friends. Zac’s piece is called ‘Metal Man’, he identifies with his strength and power. Alice’s is ‘Things Seemingly Unattainable’ where she dances with a balloon as metaphor for things just out of reach. Max’s work is ‘Man in the Moon’ where he asks ‘Will I be in a relationship, will I find love?’. Kane, as a young boy was hospitalised a lot and had many surgeries. He talks about lying in bed and not being able to move, so he had to make himself move and think about getting better. Tallula was born deaf, but now has cochlear implants. I asked her how she related/responded to music and she placed her hand on the speaker and began following the pitch of the music and then performed the most beautiful dance; it’s about embracing her deafness. Sinead’s piece is about identity and who you are. She says ‘it doesn’t matter if you have a disability or not – I dance it out’. Why should people go to watch this performance? We are a local dance company with seven extraordinary dancers who will share aspects of their lives with you. The work is uplifting and moving with high level production; this is a professional show expressing the difference between the body we see, and what lies inside. Thursday– Saturday at Lismore City Hall. Tix are $20–$49 from Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 41 ENTERTAINMENT

ALL ABOUT YOU CONTINUED Club Trading Hours Sunday to Wednesday 9am to 10pm HEART ON HER SLEEVE Thursday to Saturday 9am to 12am Local folk-roots singer-songwriter, Christina Giorgio, Ballina RSL is proudly will be bringing her show Heart on My Sleeve to The Covid-19 Safe Certified Brunswick Picture House on Thursday 29 October. Often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and always unflinchingly honest, it’s an evening of stories and songs about love, loss and getting wiser – the hard way. Christina will be joined by Steve Dixon Join us for lunch or dinner on drums (Cold Chisel, Mental as Anything, Marcia overlooking the beautiful Hines, Jonny O’Keefe, Brian Cadd) and Bobbe Thornton on bass (Stevie Wright, Phil Emmanuel). 7 days Tix from Lunch 12pm to 2pm CHAMPAGNE IN LENNOX DInner 6pm to 8pm

Live music is hitting the stage at Park Lane Theatre for the first time in almost a year – when Daniel Champagne performs this Saturday. Described as ‘the finest guitar player of his generation’, young virtuoso Daniel Champagne fuses the strong traditions of blues, folk and other roots music with his pop showmanship, poignant lyrics and beautifully crafted melodies. Numbers are limited to comply with COVID-19 safety requirements. To book your tickets, visit www.communityspaces. and follow the links. CINEMA

Session Times: Thu 22 Oct - Wed 28 Oct NFT = No Free Tickets “Every

FOR BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL THE SECRET GARDEN (PG) HONEST THIEF (M) PROGRAM PLEASE VISIT: Thu, Tue, Wed: 12:30, 2:00, 6:40 Daily except Fri, Sun: time I go WWW.BBFF.COM.AU Fri, Mon: 12:30, 2:00PM 11:50AM, 5:00, 7:15PM Sat: 12:30, 2:50, 6:40PM Fri: 11:50AM, 5:00, 8:40PM RETRO SCREENINGS Sun: 12:30, 2:30, 6:40PM Sun: 11:50AM, 2:00, 7:15PM ALIENS (M) Fri: 6:45PM IRRESISTIBLE (M) NFT to a movie, STRANGE DAYS (R18+) BABY DONE (CTC) Daily except Sat, Sun: Mon: 6:45PM Thu: 12:00, 2:00, 7:15PM 11:40AM, 2:30PM Fri: 12:00, 2:00, 6:00PM Sat, Sun: 2:30PM STUDIO GHIBLI: Sat, Mon, Tue: LUCKY GRANDMA (M) it’s magic, SPIRITED AWAY (PG) 12:00, 2:40, 7:15PM Daily except Sat, Sun: 1:45PM Thu: 6:30PM Sat: 2:00PM Sun: 12:00, 4:40, 7:15PM Sat: 1:50PM Wed: 11:30AM, 2:40, 7:15PM NEVER TOO LATE (M) NFT SPECIAL EVENTS CITY OF LIES (MA15+) NFT Thu, Mon, Tue, Wed: RAMS (PG) Adv Screenings Daily except Fri: 4:45, 7:15PM 12:15, 2:15, 4:30, 6:30PM no matter Fri: 11:00AM, 4:30, 6:15PM Fri: 4:45PM Fri: 12:15, 2:15, 3:50, 6:00PM STEVIE NICKS: CORPUS CHRISTI (MA15+) NFT Sat, Sun: 12:15, 2:15, 24 KARAT GOLD Daily except Fri: 4:15, 6:30PM THE CONCERT (CTC) 11:50AM, 2:30, 4:30, 7:00PM ON THE ROCKS (M) what the Sun: 3:00PM Fri: 11:50AM, 2:30, 4:30, 8:00PM Thu, Mon, Tue, Wed: THREE TENORS: DIRT MUSIC (M) 12:15, 2:30, 4:40, 6:45PM VOICES FOR ETERNITY (CTC) Thu, Mon, Tue, Wed: Fri: 12:15, 2:00, 4:10, 8:00PM Sat, Sun: 1:00PM 2:00, 4:10, 7:10PM Sat: 11:50AM, 5:00, 7:10PM movie’s Fri: 1:30PM Sun: 11:30AM, 4:30, 6:00PM FAMILY FILMS Sat, Sun: 2:00, 7:10PM Sat, Sun: 4:30PM TROLLS WORLD TOUR (G) HOPE GAP (M) NFT TENET (M) Thu, Fri: 4:00PM Daily except Fri: 12:00, 4:50PM Daily except Thu, Fri: 12:00PM Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed: 3:45PM about.” Fri: 11:30AM, 4:50PM Thu, Fri: 2:40, 3:45PM Sun: 1:30PM 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay Book online now at - Steven Spielberg PLEASE NOTE: Due to Covid-19 restrictions strict Admission Prices: entry and exit conditions to this show apply. Adults: $14 Wednesday BALLINA FAIR CINEMAS Tel: (02) 6686 9600 Stud/Conc: $12 All tickets Senior: $11 Please see our website for full terms and conditions. Child: $10 $10 Thursday October 22 to Wednesday October 28

OCTOBER THU 22nd FRI 23rd SAT 24th SUN 25th MON 26th TUE 27th WED 28th ANDRÉ RIEU’S MAGICAL MAASTRICHT: 10:40 AM 10:40 AM P. 02 6681 9500 TOGETHER IN MUSIC E 140 MIN All Tickets $20 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM DIRT MUSIC 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM M 105 MIN 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM ballinarsl HONEST THIEF 2:00 PM 4:10 PM 4:10 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM M 98 MIN 4:10 PM 4:10 PM 7:45 PM 7:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:10 PM 4:10 PM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM HOPE GAP M 100 MIN 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 4:40 PM 5:40 PM 5:40 PM 5:40 PM 4:40 PM 4:40 PM 4:40 PM I AM WOMAN (ROTARY FUNDRAISER) M 116 MIN All Tickets $20 6:45 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM IRRESISTIBLE 4:40 PM 4:40 PM M 102 MIN 3:55 PM 4:40 PM 3:55 PM 3:55 PM 3:55 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 12:35 PM 12:35 PM 12:35 PM RAMS ADVANCED SCREENINGS 3:35 PM PG 119 MIN 7:30 PM 3:35 PM 7:30 PM THE HIGH NOTE M 113 MIN 12:40 PM 12:40 PM THE SECRET GARDEN PG 100 MIN 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM TROLLS WORLD TOUR G 91 MIN 6:00 PM 1:55 PM 1:55 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM

42 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily ENTERTAINMENT

THE SOUND OF EGYPT THE SULTAN IN TOWN After the international success of the first Power Of Sound Brunswick Picture House is thrilled GIG Africa, local producers Mark Robertson and Chris Liddell to be hosting the incredible Dan bring their epic journey into the mysteries and peoples Sultan for two intimate shows in of ancient Egypt to the screen at The Byron Theatre October. Ever since Sultan delivered Homemade Biscuits GUIDE this month. his debut album, , Deep-diving past the veneers of translation and in 2006 at the age of 22, music lovers WEDNESDAY 21 interpretation, The Power Of Sound Egypt off ers insight and from all walks of life have found revelation direct from the wisdom-keepers and indigenous a home in his ability to bare his Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, DAVE DEBRECEN peoples of the Giza Plateau, Nile Valley and Nubian lands, longings and his wounds; his rich Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM COMEDY AT THE and soulful voice spilling all sorts of BEACHY – RASH RYDER & ELLEN BRIGGS – MC along with Khemetian researchers, Sufi mystic musicians, MANDY NOLAN ADAM BROWN guts and glory over memorable rock, , 9PM Egyptologists and sound healing practitioners. Watch Q BYRON THEATRE 7PM THE LOVEYS this new episode of the home-grown, award-winning roots and blues hooks. documentary series at Byron Theatre, Saturday, 31 These will be the only Northern Rivers gigs for the multi-award THURSDAY 22 October. Tickets $22 from The Byron Theatre box off ice winner – Tuesday and Wednesday 27–28 October at 7pm. RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, JON J BRADLEY or Q Tix from Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 5PM ADAM HARPAZ, 8PM PHIL & TILLEY Q OCEAN SHORES COUNTRY CLUB 6.30PM TRIVIA With the Sun and retro Q SLIPWAY TAVERN, BALLINA, 7PM JOSH HAMILTON Mercury in Scorpio, this Q BALLINA RSL, 8PM, THE BIG GIG WITH MANDY week talk turns from trivial NOLAN AND VERY SPECIAL GUEST to deep – though truff ling Q MARY G’S, LISMORE, 9PM KARAOKE STARS Q LISMORE CITY HALL 7.30PM OH HOW I DREAMT OF for the truth inevitably THINGS IMPOSSIBLE BY LILITH ruff les some feathers… Q SALTBAR, KINGSCLIFF, 7PM THE RADIATORS FRIDAY 23 ARIES: If people seem to be LIBRA: This week could be THE withholding information, they a pretty intense one for you Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, SOUTHWALL have their reasons, but rather Venusians. If you’re feeling Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 3PM MYKAELA JAY, than getting steamed up, think fired-up, but not in a good way, 5.30PM LEIGH JAMES, 8PM SCOTT DAY VEE TRIO laterally and look for what you make a list of all the things Q PALACE CINEMAS, BYRON BAY, 6.50PM BYRON BAY BANGARRA STORY want elsewhere. Ditto when you’re grateful for and the FILM FESTIVAL 2020 – RED CARPET OPENING NIGHT coming up against control people you appreciate – about issues: step sideways, off er fift y of each should take your Q LISMORE CITY HALL 7.30PM OH HOW I DREAMT OF The Byron Bay Film Festival is one of the first major constructive alternatives, and if mind off venting, which isn’t THINGS IMPOSSIBLE they’re not accepted, don’t get usually a good look. Q SLIPWAY TAVERN, BALLINA, 7PM PAINTED CROW events to make its way back onto the social calendar, in a snit. Stay positive, move on. KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL 7PM JOCK BARNES SCORPIO: Happy birthday Q MARK BONO opening on Friday at The Palace with a sold out session TAURUS: With plenty Scorpio tribe! This week sees Q COOLANGATTA HOTEL 5PM , 9.30PM SHAWN MARKHAM of Firestarter. There will be other screenings over the of passionate planetary you taking the lead, and you energy intensifying Taurean enjoy that. While Mercury partnerships, plus Venus in SATURDAY 24 festival, as it is a film that everyone should see. Director in your sign is fine, being your house of fun, this could The Echo retrograde is more of a mixed PINK ZINC Wayne Blair shared some of his story with . be a week of alchemical Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, blessing. There’s plenty of connections wilder than Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 1PM FERNANDO What was it about Bangarra that inspired you to make a research to show that people AREGONES THIS IS LIVING HARRY & your usual norm. A Saturnian , 4.30PM , 8PM documentary? don’t usually give their best by SPIKE reality check brings unblinking being criticised, so try looking Q BYRON THEATRE 7.30PM BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL Nel Minchin, the film’s co-director, and Ivan O’Mahoney, our producer, clarity to outdated hopes and 2020 – SPOTLIGHT ON BYRON asked me to co-direct and I said ‘Yes’. I thought Firestarter was a story wishes that you can now ditch for points to praise. SAGITTARIUS: Q WEMOVE STUDIO, MULLUMBIMBY, 6PM, VOICE that needed to be told, and also I had worked for the company back in in favour of what’s actually, If it’s hard to ALCHEMY CONCERT AND WORKSHOP WITH 2000 with a show called Skin and I have worked with Stephen Page in currently workable. get a clear commitment or SOPHIA TUV GEMINI straightforward answer this many forms; film, dance and theatre. : Someone getting on Q BRUNSWICK HEADS PICTURE HOUSE 4.30PM, 6PM, your nerves, which are likely to week, don’t let that lure you 7.30PM, 9PM SPACE COWBOY Were you worried that you’d be able to encapsulate the story in a into over sharing, because be pricklier than usual? With Q WANDANA BREWING CO, MULLUMBIMBY, 4PM DJ way that did it justice? Mercury retrograde, rather TMI could attract unsettling TAZ, 6.15PM DJ LORD SUT feedback. On the upside, it’s Yes – it’s very hard to tell a story of over thirty years. I wish we had than critiquing, focusing on the Q PARK ANE THEATRE, LENNOX HEAD, 7PM, DANIEL positives will get you through a good news week for solo CHAMPAGNE another hour up our sleeves! research and sussing out this week’s rough patches. Q DUNOON SPORTS CLUB, 5PM, ACOUSTIC JAM I am interested, as a filmmaker that you manage to navigate the Don’t over-think things, and try info on your own, and don’t Q LISMORE CITY HALL 7.30PM SLIPWAY TAVERN, painful and sensitive areas of the story – especially the deaths of to avoid making any course- overlook nonverbal clues BALLINA, 7PM NEIL MCCANN altering decisions for another and cues. David and Stephen? Q MARY G’S, LISMORE, 7.30PM SCOTT DAY VEE couple of weeks. CAPRICORN: Nel, Karen and I, and Nick – one of our editors – were very respectful of Romantic date Q KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL 7PM HARRY NICHOLS CANCER:Forget small talk and alert! Single or coupled, late the balance of these moments in the film. Always careful communicating Q COOLANGATTA HOTEL 3PM MICK EVANS, casual convos, this week dives week moon in Capricorn’s 9.30PM LOCKY about how to best translate the time and experience. Collaboration was in the deep end. You might be definitely a peak get-together key with people of experience and heart. We shared the film with family emotionally volatile and easily opportunity for a bit of sexy SUNDAY 25 members and company members as well for feedback and changes. unsettled, but with Mercury sizzle. For the rest of the week, LEIGH JAMES How did you approach telling this story? in the sign of the stinging resist letting retrograde Mars Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, tongue, don’t be tempted and Mercury’s hair-trigger Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 1PM ALISHA TOD, As we began filming the story three years sgo, on and off mind you, into the verbal crab nip. Just tempers tempt you into lashing 4.30PM JOCK BARNES DUO, 8PM THE 4’20 SOUND because of the schedule, the story started to tell us how to tell it. The keep a low profi le – your best out – no need to sew more Q BYRON THEATRE 5PM BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL heart became apparent, and the story of how the company began and work will be done behind the seeds of suff ering in our already 2020 – IN CONVERSATION WITH JACK THOMPSON & WAYNE BLAIR where the company is today. scenes anyway. frazzled world. BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL LEO: Yes, it’s hard to make Q CINEMAS, BYRON BAY, What archival footage did you manage to find to tell the story of the AQUARIUS: Aquarius is a fixed 2020 clear arrangements, but no sign, which this determined beginnings? need to get your knickers in Q WANDANA BREWING CO, MULLUMBIMBY, week makes even more SARAH GRANT a twist if you don’t get what 4PM We had access to personal Page family archives, archival material from stubborn, so while the flow you want this week. And you Q BURRINGBAR SCHOOL OF ARTS HALL, 3PM, news sources from Australia and the world and from the Bangarra Dance mightn’t be all that easy to go probably won’t. Accept that DANGEROUSLY POETIC, 3PM BALLINA RSL PIANO Theatre. with, do your best to flex and BAR 2PM NARELLE HARRIS some things are admirable, stay fluid. Another phrase to THE JACKS What do you think, in the telling of this story, underpins the power of but not presently feasible, Q KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL 3PM delete from your vocabulary is Bangarra? What can dance do sometimes that talking can’t? steer clear of drama queens, Q COOLANGATTA HOTEL 3PM LATE FOR WOODSTOCK and don’t be a diva yourself. ‘ought to’… Try it for at least a Dance is an art form that educates and inspires like no other. week and watch what changes. TUESDAY 26 VIRGO: With your planet It can cross cultures and be performed by anyone. Dance is as old as time PISCES: Sorry to say, but ruler Mercury in reverse, Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, SLIM PICKENS this could be a week of itself. Dance is my culture so it’s very important when you are born to it, cracks could start appearing HAYLEY GRACE crankypants, niggles and Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 5PM , when you travel to the other side. in collaborations with people 8PM JORDAN MAC who seem overbearing and general edginess. If it’s How do you want people to leave this film? What do you want them Q CINEMAS, BYRON BAY, BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL under-delivering, except diff icult to get consensus, 2020 to take back into their worlds? for their Pandemie-worthy focus on common ground Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, JASON DELPHIN performances. But taking your and mutual goals; if that fails, It is a story about dance, family, culture and human connection and how JAY FRANCIS turn to lose it won’t be pretty, then agree to disagree for Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 5PM , that is important to us all. 8PM HARRY NICHOLS and definitely not in your the time being. A friend or DAN For the program and screening details of all films over the festival colleague could provide the Q BRUNSWICK HEADS PICTURE HOUSE 7PM best interests. If you’re feeling SULTAN (starting Friday 1 Nov) go to bbff furious, do a debrief with perspective or advice you’re Q CINEMAS, BYRON BAY, BYRON BAY FILM FESTIVAL someone you trust. looking for – just ask. 2020 Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 43 Luxurious Townhouse in Byron Bay Stunning Character Home in Mullumbimby

3 2 2 4 3 1

• “Vue” is one of the most luxurious townhouse developments in the area • Charming 1940’s cottage with original design features • Spectacular ocean and bushland views • 3 separate dwellings – Main house, studio and second dwelling • Beautiful, spacious, premium finished 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home • Second dwelling is fully approved and self-contained with private street access • Large second living/media room or an ideal home office space • Property uses the entire block, with both front and rear lane access • Access to the neighbouring resort facilities - heated pool, spa, sauna & tennis court • 3 x 6m salt water, glass-framed, fibreglass pool with internal sundeck and lounge • Short walk through National Park to Tallow Beach • Fabulous income opportunity • Easy 20-minute stroll to Byron town centre • 10-minute drive to Brunswick Heads and 20 minutes to Byron Bay

Address: 4/22 Mahogoany Drive, Byron Bay Address: 56 New City Road, Mullumbimby

Price: Contact Agent Auction: Forthcoming Auction Guide $1.050 – $1.15m

Open: Saturday, 24th October 11.00am – 11.30am Open: Contact Agent

Enquiries: Su Reynolds 0428 888 660, Luke Elwin 0421 375 635 Enquiries: Tara Torkkola 0423 519 698, Vanessa Coles 0433 836 755

Stylish Coastal Living in This Near New Bespoke Residence Rare Vacant Land on the Outskirts of Mullumbimby

3 2 2 855M2 4.6 HA (11.5 ACRES) • Near new bespoke home set on a 855m block with northerly aspect • Approx. 4.6ha (11.5 acres) of vacant land zoned RU1 – Primary Production • Walking distance to town, cafes, beach and schools • Ample space to construct your dream home • Large open plan relaxed living space featuring stylish kitchen • This amazing property has been held by the one family for several generations • Huge undercover deck, low maintenance fenced level yard, room for pool • 2.5km to Mullumbimby town centre and 18 minutes to Byron Bay • Master suite with walk in robe, ensuite and bespoke artisan finishes • Upstairs are 2 double rooms with built ins plus a home office • Creek, beautiful ancient fig trees and space to accommodate horses • Beautiful home finished to superior standards in quiet, elevated location • An amazing network of walking and riding trails for your enjoyment in the area

Address: 2/24 Mahogany Drive, Byron Bay Address: 1247 Myocum Road, Mullumbimby

Price: Contact Agent Auction: Forthcoming

Open: Saturday, 24th October 10.00am – 10.30am Open: Saturday, 24th October 2.00pm – 2.30pm

Enquiries: Su Reynolds 0428 888 660, Luke Elwin 0421 375 635 Enquiries: Su Reynolds 0428 888 660, Luke Elwin 0421 375 635

35 FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 [email protected] PH: O2 6685 8466 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU

44 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Idyllic Small Acreage Farmlet with Rustic Cottage European Masterpiece in Byron Bay

2 1 2 2.43 HA 4 5 2 885M2 • Stunning, private, 6 acre hobby farm with endless possibilities • Two self-contained buildings, private plunge pool / spa and lounge deck • Panoramic Possum Creek views in dress circle location • Sliding glass doors open to fantastic and atmospheric internal courtyard • Wide open decks that flow seamlessly from open plan living spaces • Outdoor kitchen with full inbuilt barbeque and sink • Inground pool with plenty of privacy and shade • Large open plan kitchen, living & dining with butler’s pantry • Just a few minutes easy drive to Byron’s beaches and Bangalow Village • Large separate laundry/mud room • Location location in Sleepy Creek Valley • Solid masonry construction with hand crafted finishes throughout

Address: 212 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow Address: 69 Lilli Pilli Drive, Byron Bay Auction: Saturday, 24th October 10.30am Auction: Saturday, 31st October 3.30pm Open: Wednesday, 21th October 1.00pm – 1.30pm Open: Wednesday, 21th October 12.00pm – 12.30pm Saturday, 24th October 10.00am – 10.30am Saturday, 24th October 12.00pm – 12.30pm Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500 Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500

Central Byron Luxury at its Finest Development Dream in Brunswick Heads

4 2 2 5 4 2

• ‘The Cedrics” at 4 Kingsley Lane, Byron Bay, is a newly built and superbly crafted home, • Ideally positioned within an easy stroll to beach river, schools and shopping offering relaxed and sophisticated luxury • Over 520m2 of stable usable land • 800m from Main Beach and the centre of town with cafes, restaurants and shops • 20m2 street frontage for profitable development • French Oak floorboards, Travertine tiles, Cedar frames and large scale glazing • Enjoying a B4 Mixed Use Zoning for a variety of opportunities • Dual access from Kingsley Lane and Street with outdoor hot and cold showers at both • Ducted and zoned air conditioning throughout • Divided into 4 leased flats on a stable level site • Covered northern patio with built-in Artusi barbecue • Currently achieving a combined rental return of $3,000 plus per month

Address: 4B Kingsley Lane, Byron Bay Address: 17 Booyun Street, Brunswick Heads Auction: Saturday, 21st November 10.00am Price: Contact Agent Open: Wednesday, 21th October 3.30pm – 4.00pm Open: Saturday, 24th October 12.00pm – 12.30pm Saturday, 24th October 2.30pm – 3.00pm Enquiries: Su Reynolds 0428 888 660, Luke Elwin 0421 375 635 Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500

35 FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 [email protected] PH: O2 6685 8466 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 45 Property For North Coast news online visit

Spectacular Hinterland Parcel

• Over 120 acres of rich open pasture and dense rainforest APPROX. 120 ACRES • Long frontage to stunning Wilsons River with deep swimming holes Address: Lot 21, 510 Goonengerry Road, Montecollum • Character expanded dwellings with several autonomous living spaces Price: Contact Agent • Huge machine shed with power, water and septic Open: Wednesday, 21th October 2.00pm – 2.30pm • Numerous out buildings/studios for added recreational pursuits Saturday, 24th October 1.30pm – 2.00pm • Amazing wilderness country so so close to Byron/Brunswick beaches Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500

35 FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 [email protected] PH: O2 6685 8466 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU

coastal & hinterland sales

BYRON BAY + Large industrial block plus sheds, shops & a unit NEW BRIGHTON + Architecturally designed beachfront home, level block 6 Grevillea Street + Caretaker unit plus plans for additional warehouse 22 River Street %ODFNEXWWÀRRUVVSRWWHGJXPKLJKFHLOLQJVDLUFRQ + 1463sqm of existing buildings including 3 shops 4XDOLW\¿WWLQJVJDVVWRYHGLVKZDVKHUQDWXUDOOLJKW $4.95M + Ewingsdale Road exposure. Easy motorway access $2.95M + North & east facing decks, outdoor showers + Prime location. Move your business straight in + Private beach access. Walk to the river & shops 2 2 21 3110m2 3 2 2

Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 or Christopher Plim 0467 000 222 Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 or Christopher Plim 0467 000 222

Katrina and her team were highly knowledgeable and professional through all stages of the sales process. It’s no wonder we not only sold the property within 2 weeks of listing but even got more than our original asking price.

“ - Andrew Neale Katrina Beohm Christopher Plim Rachael Jenkins Gail Beohm Lily Hewitt Director Sales Agent Sales Manager Sales Support Sales Admin

0459 066 087 8 PORTER STREET BYRON BAY” 46 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Pimlico 319 Hermans Lane 4.9 Acre 4 2 8

Magnificent Home - Ideal Location Inspect by appointment 7 days Price contact agent When a fantastic opportunity presents itself you have to be ready to take full advantage. This 4.9 acre property off ers a fantastic Shane Tasker opportunity to astute purchasers off ering a relaxed rural and M P riverside lifestyle in beautiful Pimlico. 0431 191 323 6686 1100 [email protected]

Harcourts Northern Rivers

Cumbalum 33 Highfield Terrace 931m2 4 122

Grand designer home Inspect by appointment 7 days Price Guide with sweeping views to the coast $1,050,000–$1,100,000

2 Situated on a large 931m block sits this magnificently finished family Aiden Wilcox entertainer with sweeping 180 degree views out to the pristine M 0423 596 683 P 6686 1100 Ballina coastline is sure to impress the most discerning buyer. [email protected]

Harcourts Northern Rivers Aiden Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 47 Property Business Directory


BUYING and SELLING REAL ESTATE You need an alternative legal specialist OONLYNLY UUSESE TTHEHE BBESTEST STILL OPEN! TTOO SELLSELL YYOUROUR PPROPERTYROPERTY NP CONVEYANCING We are here to help AND we’ll save you money NPC PHONE 6685 7436 FOR A QUOTE 2/75 Jonson Street Byron Bay 2481 Fax: (02) 6685 7221 Lic No 1041865

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Professional and results-driven with extensive marketing knowledge. *DU\%UD]HQRU Servicing the Byron Shire and beyond. 1HJRWLDWLQJVWURQJ Call Paul for an appointment today. UHVXOWVIRUP\VHOOHUV IRURYHU\HDUV 0418 324 297  [email protected] JDU\#E\URQVKLUHUHDOHVWDWHFRPDX 6685 8466 |

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48 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Open for Inspection

Byron & Beyond Real Estate LJ Hooker Brunswick Heads New Listings • 2/3 Newberry Parade, Brunswick Heads. Sat Elegant Beach House • 15 O’Rourke Street, Cumbalum. Sat 10–10.30am Byron Bay First National Real Estate Byron Bay First National Real Estate 10–10.30am • 38 Yamble Drive, Ocean Shores. Sat 11–11.30am • 17 Booyun Street, Brunswick Heads 135 Broken Head Reserve Road, Broken Head 124–128 Station Street, Mullumbimby. Wed • • 25 Peter St, South Golden Beach. Thu • 54 Duncan Road, Numulgi 10–10.30am 11–11.30am; Sat 11–11.30am 3 3 2 $2,500,000 • 18 Rush Court, Mullumbimby. Wed 11–11.30am Raine & Horne Ocean Shores/ • 25 Booyun St, Brunswick Heads. Sat 12–12.30pm Brunswick Heads • 69 Lilli Pilli Drive, Byron Bay. Wed 12–12.30pm • 16 Tongarra Drive, Ocean Shores. Sat • 212 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow. Wed 1–1.30pm 12–12.30pm • 39 Yamble Drive, Ocean Shores • Lot 21, 510 Goonengerry Road, Montecollum. McGrath Byron Bay • 17 Philip Street, South Golden Beach Wed 2–2.30pm 1 Uki Street, Murwillumbah 22 Shelley Drive, Byron Bay. Sat 10–10.30am • • 17 Booyun St, Brunswick Heads. Wed 3.30–4pm • 152 Shara Boulevard, Ocean Shores. Sat • 41 Massinger, Byron Bay. Sat 9.30–10am • Auction 10–10.30am • 124–128 Station St, Mullumbimby. Sat 69 Brushbox Drive, Mullumbimby Creek. Sat Byron Bay First National Real Estate 10–10.30am • 10.30–11am • 212 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow. Sat 10–10.30am • 212 Fowlers Lane, Bangalow. 24 October • 37 Browning Street, Byron Bay. Sat 11–11.30am • 2/24 Mahogany Dr, Byron Bay. Sat 10–10.30am 10.30am • 20 Roses Road, Federal. Sat 11.30am–12pm • 18 Rush Court, Mullumbimby. Sat 11–11.30am • 4 Pacific Vista Dr, Byron Bay. Forthcoming • 1/27 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Mullumbimby. Sat 4/22 Mahogany Dr, Byron Bay. Sat 11–11.30am Auction • 11.30am–12pm • 48 Myocum Ridge Rd, Myocum. Sat 11–11.30am • 69 Lilli Pilli Drive, Byron Bay. Saturday 31 • 17 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby. Sat 12.30–1pm October 3.30pm • 69 Lilli Pilli Drive, Byron Bay. Sat 12–12.30pm Privately located among Raine & Horne Ocean Shores/ • 124-128 Station St, Mullumbimby. Forthcoming • 4B Kingsley Lane, Byron Bay. Sat 12–12.30pm the pavilions of Barefoot, Brunswick Heads Auction • 54 Duncan Road, Numulgi. Sat 12–12.30pm Broken Head is this • 1247 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby. Forthcoming • Lot 21, 510 Goonengerry Road, Montecollum. • 39 Yamble Drive, Ocean Shores. Wed quality master built Auction Sat 1–1.30pm 4–4.30pm; Sat 10.30–11am modern beach house. 56 New City Rd, Mullumbimby. Forthcoming • 1247 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby. Sat 2–2.30pm • 69 Argyle Street, Mullumbimby. Wed 5.30–6pm; • Only metres to the surf Auction • 17 Booyun St, Brunswick Heads. Sat 2.30–3pm Sat 1–1.30pm of Broken Head, just • 9 Banool Circuit, Ocean Shores. Sat 9–9.30am • 17 Booyun St, Brunswick Heads. Saturday 21 Elders Brunswick Valley minutes to relaxed Byron • Pinnacle Estate, Ramsay Close, Goonellabah. November 10am Bay and a short drive from • 22 Tweed St, Brunswick Heads. Thu 4–4.30pm Sat 9–10am Ballina and Gold Coast • 22 Garden Ave, Mullumbimby. Sat 9–9.30am • 1 Uki Street, Murwillumbah. Sat 9.30–10am airports. Light and airy throughout. Capturing the gentle sea breezes; • 2/48 Rajah Rd, Ocean Shores. Sat 10–10.30am • 16/2 Rajah Road, Ocean Shores. Sat 9.30–10am modern open-plan living with tiled and timber fl oors and high • 22 Tweed St, Brunswick Heads. Sat 11–11.30am • 12 Borton Street, Ballina. Sat 10–10.30am ceilings throughout. Spacious master bedroom, privately located with Harcourts Northern Rivers • 1 Hunter Street, Burringbar. Sat 11–11.30am an ensuite. Second bedroom with access to second bathroom. Th ird bedroom with access to third bathroom. Lounge, dining and kitchen • 17 Rainbow Ave, West Ballina. Wed 9–9.30am; • 1/4 Roundhouse Place, Ocean Shores. Sat Sat 9–9.30am 11–11.30am each open with bifolding doors to a covered and screened deck. Accommodation for two cars with automatic doors. Private fenced • 8 George Pl, Ballina. Wed 9–9.30am; Sat • 17 Philip Street, South Golden Beach. Sat 10–10.30am 11.30am–12pm backyard with outside hot and cold showers to wash down in aft er a day in the saltwater waves. Enjoy beautiful rainforest walks, protected • 33 Highfield Ter, Cumbalum. Sat 11–11.30am • 120 Balemo Drive, Ocean Shores. Sat 12–12.30pm headlands and the sun, sand and surf of the stunning Broken Head • 6 Highfield Ter, Cumbalum. Sat 11.30am–12pm • 1 Elanora Ave, Pottsville. Sat 12.30–1pm Beach, patrolled during the holiday season. Enjoy drives through the 319 Hermans Lane, Pimlico. Wed 12–12.30pm; • Byron Bay hinterlands. Agent declares interest. Sat 12–12.30pm Real Estate of Distinction View: Inspection by appointment • 21 Waterford Parade, Skennars Head. Sat • 9 Mcleans St, Skennars Heads. Wed 11am–12pm Contact 1.30–2pm • 1787 Kyogle Rd, Uki. Sat 1.30–2pm : Chris Plim 0467 000 222 Katrina Beohm Real Estate

Bringing you the good oil since 1986 Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 49 Service Directory For North Coast news online visit


DEADLINE: For additions and changes to the Service Directory is 12pm Friday. • DEPT OF FAIR TRADING:A licence is required for all residential building work where the reason- LINE ADS: $99 for 3 months or $340 for 1 year prepaid. able market cost of the work to be done (labour and materials) exceeds $5000 (including GST). For line Service Directory ads email classifi [email protected]. • RELIABLE TRADESMAN DISPLAY ADS: $68 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid. 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 Please supply display ads 85mm wide, 28mm high. New display ads will be placed at end of section. • DECKS & PERGOLAS Digital TV Friendly • TIMBER SCREENS & DOORS For display Service Directory ads email [email protected]. ALL Antenna Reliable The Echo Service Directory is online in Echonetdaily – Installations & Repairs Prompt • GARAGE CONVERSIONS ALL Electrical Work Local LICENCE NUMBER 344531C ACCOUNTS & BOOKINGS: 6684 1777 SERVICING THE BYRON SHIRE IWIRE • New digital CALL BRETT 0414 542 019 INDEX AANTENNASNTENNAS antennas * • Reception NO FIX NO CHARGE problems Accountants & Bookkeepers ...... 50 Hire ...... 51 For fast service call • Extra TV outlets ALL CARPENTRY WORK Acupuncture ...... 50 Kitchens ...... 52 FULLY INSURED Air Conditioning & Refrigeration ....50 Landscape Design ...... 52 0402 022 111 • Floor installations David Levine Antennas & Installation ...... 50 Landscape Supplies ...... 52 *conditions apply • Door & Window installations Antiques/Restoration ...... 50 Landscaping ...... 52 JP DIGITAL ANTENNAS Reception problems, new antennas, extra TV points, all areas .....0432 289705 • Decks & Pergolas NSW Lic. 83568c 0488 950 638 Appliance Repair ...... 50 Locksmith ...... 52 ANTENNAS PLUS. TV, WiFi, Electrical. Reliable. Call Norm ...... 0422 668582 Qld BSA 1238105 [email protected] • Alterations Architects ...... 50 Osteopathy ...... 52 ANTIQUES/RESTORATION Automotive ...... 50 Painting ...... 52 FURNITURE RESTORATION Old/antique. 40+ yrs exp. 0412 528454 Blinds, Awnings, Curtains, Shutters 50 Pest Control ...... 52 Bricklaying ...... 50 Photography ...... 52 APPLIANCE REPAIR Building Trades ...... 50 Physiotherapy ...... 52 COFFEE MACHINE SERVICE & REPAIR coff Phone Stuart ...... 0407 395263 Bush Regen & Weed Control ...... 50 Picture Framing ...... 52 Carpet Cleaning ...... 50 Picture Hanging ...... 52 ARCHITECTS Chimney Sweeps ...... 50 Plastering ...... 52 OCEANARC ARCHITECTS Reg. 6042 ...... 66855001 Chiropractic ...... 50 Plumbers ...... 52 Lic: 317362C Licensed builder, Cleaning ...... 50 AUTOMOTIVE Pools ...... 52 specialising in Computer Services ...... 51 Removalists ...... 52 Bathroom renovations. Concreting & Paving ...... 51 Roofi ng ...... 52 Quality workmanship, and Counselling ...... 51 Rubbish Removal ...... 52 0417 654 888 reliable and personalised service. Decks, Patios & Extensions ...... 51 Self Storage ...... 53 Dentists ...... 51 Septic Systems ...... 53 • Tyres • Batteries • Wheel Alignments Design & Drafting...... 51 LEGENDARY Solar Installation ...... 53 MULLUMBIMBY TYRE SERVICE Driveway Maintenance ...... 51 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby 6684 2016 OFFROAD TYRES Complete Home Earthmoving & Excavation...... 51 Television Services ...... 53 Tiling ...... 53 Maintenance Solutions Electricians ...... 51 Mobile Panel, Paint & Bumper Repairs FREE QUOTES Tree Services ...... 53 Bathroom and Kitchen Renovations • General Carpentry Fencing ...... 51 Lic. 266174C Tuition ...... 53 • Scratch & Dent Repairs Floor Sanding & Polishing...... 51 • Rust Repairs • Pre Sales Tidy Ups • Timber Decks • Home Maintenance Flooring ...... 51 Upholstery ...... 53 • Car Park Dents • Accident Damage RAY GOUGH 0477 005 144 [email protected] Funeral Services ...... 51 Valuers ...... 53 We come to you. Fully qualifi ed, fully insured and all work is guaranteed. Veterinary Surgeons ...... 53 Lic No: MVTC157416 Garden & Property Maintenance ....51 | PROJECTS LARGE & SMALL Garden Design ...... 51 Water Filters ...... 53 Bumper to Bumper Repairs Cory 0403 918 831 Gas Suppliers ...... 51 Water Supplies ...... 53 CLARKE CONSTRUCTIONS QUALITY BUILDING & CARPENTRY SERVICES Graphic Design ...... 51 Wedding Services ...... 53 Welding ...... 53 CASH PAID FOR New builds, renovations & extensions, decks & pergolas, door & window Guttering ...... 51 installs. Bathrooms, concreting, fences & gates, weather damaged repairs. Handypersons ...... 51 Window Cleaning ...... 53 UNWANTED CARS ABN: 67443309529 [email protected] | 0415 152 487 Lc no: 1075512 Health ...... 51 Window Tinting ...... 53 6684 5296 DINGO DEMOLITIONS & ASBESTOS REMOVAL ...... 66834008 or 0407 728998 ACCOUNTANTS & BOOKKEEPERS BUILDER – JOHN McGAURAN Personalised Service. 20 yrs exp. Lic 170208C ...... 0415 793242 BUILDER Renovations, maintenance, 30yrs exp. Lic 29792C ....0408 663420 BAYSIDE RADIATORS Windscreens & air-con. Billinudgel. AU29498 ...... 66802444 ACCOUNTANT Paul Mayberry ...... 66847415 HAVEN BUILDING All aspects of building. Lic 326616C ...... 0432 565060 BOOKKEEPER Local and reliable ...... 0402 118649 BLINDS, AWNINGS, CURTAINS, SHUTTERS FABRICA JOINERY Quality kitchens/timber doors/windows. Lic 244652C ...... 66808162 TAX AGENT Graeme Toohill [email protected] ...... 66874746 CARPENTER HANDYMAN FB Greg’s Handyman Services Byron Bay Lic No 1039897 ....0414 109595 BECK THE BOOKKEEPER All platforms, BAS & Payroll. ....02 66084372 LOCAL SHOWCASE DEALER SHOWROOM SUNSCREENS LELAND CARPENTRY All carpentry – small renovation specialist (under $5K) Jesse ...0458 968290 ACUPUNCTURE SASH WINDOW REPAIRS Sash cords & balances, jammed sashes etc Ph John ...... 0498 340879

ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE M Collis ...... 66842559 BUSH REGENERATION & WEED CONTROL MARLENE FARRY Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine ...... 66842400 WEED CONTROL SPECIALIST Lawns – bindii weeds – Army worms – grass grubs .....0418 110714 CURTAINS ACUPUNCTURE & acupressure massage. Ph Dr. Derek Doran ...... 0414 478787 1/84 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay EAST COAST BUSH REGENERATION Tree planting, weed control. Call Rossco Faithfull .0409 157695 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION 6680 8862 CARPET CLEANING FREE MEASURE QUOTE PLANTATION SHUTTERS ˘˗ ˘˞˛ ˌ˘˖˙˕ˎ˝ˎ ˛ˊ˗ːˎ ˘ˏ FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! ˒˗˝ˎ˛˒˘˛ ϻ ˎˡ˝ˎ˛˒˘˛ Green & Clean Carpet and upholstery cleaning, urine ˠ˒˗ˍ˘ˠ ˝˛ˎˊ˝˖ˎ˗˝˜ extraction, rust removal, heavy traffi c SPECIALISTS IN HOME AUTOMATION AWNINGS areas, deodorising and sanitation. ZZZEOLQGGHVLJQE\URQED\FRPDX ROLL BLINDS Cleans deeply, Far North Coast NSW John & Teresa dries in 1-2 hours 0408 232 066 COMPASS 23 years and going strong! Commercial / Domestic / Insurance AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Custom made curtains, CURTAINS blinds and decor items CHIMNEY SWEEPING We come to you, wherever BLACKS CHIMNEY SWEEPING & REPAIRS AHHA member, insured. 3rd generation .....66771905 PLEASE CALL 6680 9394 Barbara Wilson you are: Byron, Lismore, The Clarence and beyond… CHIROPRACTIC 0435 954 212 [email protected] BAY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Peter Wuehr 17 Bangalow Rd Byron Bay ...... 66855282 AU 37088 Lic 246545C YOUR LOCAL BLIND MAN at North Byron Blinds ...... Amos 0404 421518 WAVE OF LIFE NETWORK CHIRO (lowforce) 8/9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay. Andrew Badman ...66858553 BRICKLAYING – Sales – Installation – Repairs CLEANING Mullumbimby – All Commercial Refrigeration Refrigeration & – Residential & Commercial Airconditioning Airconditioning Highly skilled experts in high end ACTION WINDOW & Services – Coolroom Design & Construction residential and commercial – Freezer Rooms brick and block laying. PRESSURE CLEANING 45 Manns Road, Mullumbimby [email protected] Contact Blake on 0412 785 055 Lic: 299433C ARC: AU40492 6684 2783 • House washing • High pressure or soft wash • Window cleaning Pty Ltd Lc no: 308231C E: [email protected] • Driveways, paths & roofs • Gutters & fl yscreens • Water effi cient • Free quotes COOLMAN AIR CONDITIONING23 years experience. Lic 178464C AU30147 ...... 0412 641753 0409 207 646 0412 495750 RAINBOW REGION AIR CONDITIONING ARC AU36141. Lic No. 264313C ...... 0487 264137 BRICK/BLOCK LAYING Contractors. Lic 291958C. Phone Mark ...... 0409 444268 Phone Joe or Helen or 50 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Service Directory

Byron Bay 5.5 TONNE EXCAVATOR , 5 Stars POSITRACK & TIPPER HIRE Specialising in road works, land CLEANING SERVICE clearing, retaining walls and CLEANS: Holiday, Residential, Bond, Commercial, Spring general earthworks. 0409 009 024 Augers and rock grab available. Phone Mick EXPERIENCED OPERATORS | FREE QUOTES 0432 299 283 Email: [email protected] DETAILED CLEANER/GUEST HOUSE MANAGER All natural products 4.8 Stayz rated ..0410 723601 NORTHERN RIVERS TRENCHING 65hp chain trencher, mini excavator, cable locating .0402 716857 BEYOND CLEANING GROUP Quality focused. Brunswick to Ballina from $39.60ph .....0451 102239 THE BYRON BAY GARDEN & EXCAVATOR & TIPPER HIRE 300mm, 450mm augers & concreting Lic#143161C. Steve . 0431 678130 PROFESSIONAL LOCAL CLEANER excellent references, good rates. Shire wide. Ph Krissy ..0410 860330 LANDSCAPING COMPANY ALWAYS AVAILABLE ALL AREAS ALOHA! 5A rated window cleaner! Ph John ...... 0411 842117 ELECTRICIANS Structural Landscaping • Paving • Stonework • Timber work • Retaining wall • Garden maintenance COMPUTER SERVICES • Planting • Turfi ng • Mulching 24 HOUR • Hedging • Lawns RENT-A-GEEK Mobile PC Repair (Byron Shire) ...... 66844335 SERVICE 0434 329 111 BETTER CALL SAUL The Mac Doctor. Repairs. Upgrades. Used Macs ...... 0411 562111 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 CONCRETING & PAVING Don’t waste your weekends cleaning your gutters! Domestic All Jobs Let us take care of them for you! Small or • Wet/dry Vacuum cleaning • Professional & friendly service Commercial Large Lic: 154293c • Safety trained & fully insured SALISBURY Call Phil & Rheu 0480 286 276 or 1300 654 253 CONCRETING ELECTRICAL SECURITY, DATA, TV Steve Nicholls Tim Nicholls DARYL 0418 234 302 ph: 0455 445 343 ph: 0468 384 203 [email protected]. Ride-on, large lawns & acreage. Ph Peter ...... 0423 756394 Over 25 yrs local experience. All forms of concreting. lic: EC28753 lic: 000102498 GUTTERS CLEANED Solar panel cleaning, all areas, free quotes, fully insured ... 66841778 or 0405 922839

Residential • Civil • Industrial Lic.136717c A-Z Lawns & acreage, trees & hedges, clean ups & tip runs, all gutters ...... 0405 625697 ALL AROUND [email protected] A.C.E. LAWNMOWING & GARDENING Best rates, reliable, guaranteed. Ph Sam ...... 0438 655763 LEAF IT TO US Specialists in acreage mowing, garden, tree maintenance ...... 0402 487213 CONCRETING     PAUL’S MOWING Local & reliable. Mullum, Bruns, O. Shores, Byron & Bangalow ...... 0422 958791          A GREEN EARTH Garden restoration, maintenance, tree & rubbish removal ...... 0405 716552 Free Call Daniel 0424 876 155          TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVALS 4m3 trailer...... 0408 210772 Lic No. 337066C Lic No. Quotes  BRUSHCUTTING Rubbish, Property Maintenance, Lawns ...... 0412 469109        PLATINUM CRETE CONCRETING Lic 225874C. 20 years exp. Free quotes. Justin ...... 0458 773788 RICK’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mowing, brushcutting, gardening, pool service ...0424 805660             FLANAGAN CONCRETING & EXCAVATIONS. Lic 155456C. Ph Andrew...... 0401 968173 GREEN DINGO for all your mowing and gardening needs. Ph Michael ...... 0497 842442 COUNSELLING GW GARDEN MAINTENANCE Mowing, brushcutting, trees & hedges, trailer ...... 0408 244820 A1 RUBBISH REMOVAL AND TIP RUNS. 9m3 trailer. Same day service. Best rates .....0413 289443 COUNSELLING & LIFE COACHING Get unstuck & reclaim life purpose. .. 0437 174804 Electrical Contractor LAWN MOWING rubbish removal, hedge trimming. Mullum, Bruns, Ocean Shores. Mark ..0437 343348 ŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůΘZĞƐŝĚĞŶƟĂů DECKS, PATIOS & EXTENSIONS LIC#222635C GARDEN DESIGN THE DECK DOCTOR Sanding & refi nishing, cable balustrading. Free quotes. Richard ...0407 821690 Power – Phone – Data FENG SHUI / GARDEN DESIGN ...... Lyn 0428 884329 SPECIALIST DECK SANDER (raised nail heads no prob), deck oiling, etc by FCR ...... 0419 789600 DK͗ϬϰϭϯϱϰϭϮϭϰ͗ďŝůůĞŶŐůĞĮĞůĚΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ GAS SUPPLIERS DENTISTS COUGHRAN ELECTRICAL 24 hour service, Lic 154293C ...... 0439 624945 or 66804173

LITTLE LANE DENTAL, MULLUMBIMBY ...... 66842816 RONNIE SPINKS Everything electrical. Lic 27673 ...... 0429 802355 BRUNSWICK HOLISTIC DENTAL CENTRE ...... 66851264 JP ELECTRICAL All electrical. Level 2 ASP. Solar, data + TV. Lic 133082C ...... 0432 289705 Free Delivery Locally Owned DESIGN & DRAFTING JIM LABELLE ELECTRICAL O.Shores, Mullum, Byron, Brunswick. Lic 176417C ...... 0415 126028 No Rental Est 18 years SPINKS ELECTRICAL Lic 284939C...... Call Mitch 0421 843477 Reliable BAREFOOT BUILDING DESIGN ...... Bob Acton 0407 787993 BLUE BEE ELECTRICAL 25 years experience. Lic 189508C. Call Dave ...... 0429 033801 DAVID ROBINSON DESIGN DRAFTING All Council & construction requirements ...... 0419 880048 BYRON ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN & DRAFTING ...... 0423 531448 BEN FORSYTH, Electrician. Lic:240691C. Ocean Shores & surrounds. No job too small ...0422 136408 6680 1575 or 0408 760 609 FENG SHUI DESIGN CONSULTANT Lizzie Bodenham Ph .0431 678608 CIRCUITS PLUS. For everything electrical in Byron Shire. Lic 201844c ...... 0422 668582 GRAPHIC DESIGN BORRELL DESIGN Drafting & design. Commercial, retail, residential, shop fi t-outs .....0412 043463 E4 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Lic 116621c. Solutions made E4 EASY! Phone Jamie ...... 0410 502060 DRIVEWAY MAINTENANCE FENCING BYRON & BEYOND FENCING Any fence, any time, prompt quotes ...... 66804766 or 0422 207299 Coast to Country EDL FENCING Installations & repairs. Prompt service...... 0432 107262 FLOW FENCING Pool fencing, timber/colourbond, local, professional and reliable ...... 0416 424256 DESIGN SSpecialisingpecialising iinn AAsphaltsphalt Print | Branding | Social Media | Websites | Graphic Design • Asphalt Driveways • Sub-divisions • Earthworks • Carparks • and all Maintenance! FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING GUTTERING For a Free Quote Call Now 0467 482 948 THE FLOOR SANDER New & old fl oors, decks, non-toxic fi nishes, special eff ects, free quotes..0407 821690 SPOTLESS GUTTERS. Gutter Guard Specialists. Ph ...... 0405 922839 ast A t Co sph ALL ASPECTS OF ASPHALT FLOORING as al E t & BITUMEN SERVICES HANDYPERSONS 6677 1859 A.S.A.P. All renos, carpentry, plastering, painting, studios & bathrooms ...... 0405 625697 SERVICING THE EAST COAST OF HANDY ANDY Carpentry, plastering, welding ...... 66884324 or 0476 600956 & THE NSW NORTHERN RIVERS CO ING AWESOME REPAIRS Professional, commercial & domestic. Wayne ...... 0423 218417 NCRETE EDG Burringbar THE TIMBER FLOORING SPECIALISTS THE HANDYMAN CAN All home maintenance, repairs, painting, odd jobs etc ...... 0427 110953 NEW DISPLAY 10 Dudgeons lane, Bangalow GOOD NEWS HANDYMAN Carpentry, home renovations/repairs etc. Jesse ...... 0458 968290 EARTHMOVING & EXCAVATION | T 6687 2483 M 0410 406 334 ABSOLUTE HANDYMAN. Repairs, renovation, maintenance, painting. Call Mark ...... 0402 281638 FUNERAL SERVICES HIGHPOINT Repairs & handyman services. Painting, plastering & tiling. Michael ...... 0421 896796 TINY EARTHWOR HEALTH Philip Toovey NORTHERN RIVERS DIRECT CREMATIONS Personal service, female-led exceptional care 24 hours. All-inclusive and local. $2100 ...... 1300 585778 • OTHER HEALTH RELATED SECTIONS IN THIS SERVICE DIRECTORY: Acupuncture, 0409 799 909 Chiropractic, Counselling, Dentists, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy various implements available for limited access projects GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ACUPUNCTURE & COSMETIC MEDICINE Dr Adam Osborne ...... 66857366 MULLUMBIMBY HERBALS Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Massage, Herbs...... 66843002 WILSONS Excavation & Plant Hire Acreage & Residential Mowing | Gardening EAST COAST PILATES STUDIO Brunswick Heads Ph Judy ...... 0408 110006 Specialising in Driveway Construction & Maintenance Fire Hazard Reduction | Landscaping | Turfing REMEDIAL MASSAGE: Deep tissue, sports, relaxation. HICAPS avail. Aaron Ovens ...... 0408 707304 • Tip Trucks 3 to 12 Tonne • Excavators 5 & 21 Tonne • Posi Track Loader • Driveways • Roads Brush Cutting | Tip Runs | Fully Insured • Cleaning • Civil Works • House Pads • Drainage • Carparks • Bush Rocks • Rock Walls • Water Truck CRANIOSACRAL BALANCING to relax and energise. Byron Bay Ph...... 0499 235755 Training & Assessment: Earthmoving Plant & Forklift 0430 297 101 / 6684 5437 Nationally Recognised Qualifi cations HIRE [email protected] 0427 663 678 0452 400 565 Byron Bay or MULLUM HIRE Builders, party and much more ...... 66843003 Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨ,ǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 51 Service Directory For North Coast news online visit

KITCHENS PEST CONTROL JARRAH DAVIDSON Plumbing, draining, gas fi tting & roofi ng. Lic 187712C ...... 0438 668025 BILL CONNORS All plumbing/draining. Lic #1051 ...... 66801403 or 0414 801403 D HINGED Kitchens & Joinery. Lic 283553C. ...... Dave 0409 843689 MARK STRATTON All plumbing & emergency. Sewer drain camera/locator. Lic 57803C ....0419 019035 LANDSCAPE DESIGN ADM PLUMBING SERVICES…(NO JOB TOO SMALL)… Lic 234528C...... Call Adam 0466 992483

BEAU JARDIN Landscape plans & horticultural consultations. ...... 0417 054443 Professional Property Protection you can Trust • Targeted treatments for all pests with “no spray” cockroach treatments POOLS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Garden Design & Property Planning. Andrew Pawsey ...... 0478 519804 • If you have found live termites, do not disturb them and call us for advice! No cost for quoting on active termites Relax, when safety, reputation and experience matters, we are the experts LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 6685 4490 or AH on 0414 769 018 ATTENTION POOL OWNERS • All pool requirements • Professional advice • Water testing • Friendly service • Pool servicing 02 6681 6555 73 Station St, Mullumbimby • Sand • Soils • Gravels (opp. Council chambers) • Pots & statues • Lots, lots more  Free quotes on active termites  Environmentally safe 6684 3003 1176 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby (just past golf course) YOUR PEST & TERMITE SPECIALISTS 6684 2323 / 0418 663 983 REMOVALISTS LANDSCAPING THE PEST MAN EXTRAORDINAIRE Second opinion / alternative views. 50 yrs exp .....0418 110714 BRUNSWICK BYRON PEST CONTROL ...... 66842018 Andy’s Move & More PHOTOGRAPHY Small & Medium Moves, Pianos, Artworks, Tip Runs, 1 or 2 Men at Low Prices to Most Areas Based from Byron Bay & Mullumbimby Tree Faerie Fotos Calls always returned 0429149 533 Est 2006 Professional • Commercial • Personal 30+ years experience in commercial photography and photojournalism SHIRE REMOVALS & FREIGHT CO • 0417 427 518 From Middle Pocket to Middle Earth – just give us a ring SShaunhaun SSavageavage LLandscapesandscapes • Freight services to Brisbane weekly Established 2008 ~ Lic No: 247282c PHYSIOTHERAPY • Carriers of fi ne art • Furniture removal Specialising in: • Retaining Walls • Pool Surrounds • E-bay pick up & delivery • Block Work • Paving • Turfi ng • Stonework NICK EDMOND Physiotherapy & Acupuncture. Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 0409 917646 466 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby ...... 66845288 20 Years Experience 00405405 594594 228888 ANTHONY D’ORSOGNA Physiotherapy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy Suff olk Park 1 Bryce St ... 66853511 LEMONTREELANDSCAPES.COM.AU Liam. Lic No 277154C ...... 0423 700853 OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, dry needling, custom orthotics, LEAPFROG REMOVALS ALL ASPECTS landscaping, green waste & tree removal. Lic #143161C. Ph Phil ...... 0499 359702 shock wave therapy, real time ultrasound. Nigel Pitman, Ilse V Oostenbrugge...... 66803499 BYRON BAY’S LOCAL REMOVALIST PETRA KARNI PHYSIOTHERAPY & Craniosacral, Manual Therapy, TMJ. Suff olk Park. Ph ...0403 226858 MOVING THE SHIRE FOR OVER 10 YEARS LOCKSMITH 0432 334 200 02 6680 8170 Brendan Duggan Locksmith. Automotive car keys and lock installation/repair ...... 0412 764148 PICTURE FRAMING [email protected] OSTEOPATHY MULLUM PICTURE FRAMERS Stuart St rear lane behind Mitre 10 ...... 0403 734791 ‡ /RFDO NORTH COAST OSTEOPATHY Jodie Jacobs. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri ...... 66857517 PICTURE HANGING ‡ &RXQWU\ PAINTING PROFESSIONAL PICTURE HANGING, also display of art and objects. Phone Lenny ....0407 031294 ‡ ,QWHUVWDWH /2&$/‡6<'1(<‡*2/'&2$67‡%5,6%$1(‡0(/%2851( • DEPARTMENT OF FAIR TRADING INFO:When dealing with home owners, painters are required PLASTERING to quote a licence number only for external work valued over $5000. 02 6684 2198 PLASTERING CONTRACTOR TXHULHV#PXOOXPELPE\UHPRYDOVFRPDX ALL-WAYS PAINTING DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MAN WITH A VAN/TRUCK Reasonable rates. Phone Don ...... 0414 282813 BYRON BAY C. A. Warwick Lic. No. 114578C BENNY CAN MOVE IT! ...... 0402 199999 • Domestic & Commercial • Servicing all areas ‡)UHHTXRWHV‡*\SURFNÀ[LQJ VHWWLQJ MAN WITH A TALL VAN Furniture removal services. $60 an hour. Call Evan ...... 0410 120777 • Workmanship guaranteed • Attention to detail &UDLJ0413 451 186 LOCAL BUDGET MOVES Byron Shire and beyond. 7 days ...... 0413 289443 0438 784 226 • 6685 4154 DQQHPZDUZLFN#JPDLOFRP Lic No 189144C SUNRISE PLASTERING. No job too small. Renovations + patchworks. Gtd sat. Free quote ....0418 992001 ROOFING J. RAY PLASTERING 30 years experience. Quality workmanship. Ph John ...... 0467 598038 DOMESTIC • INDUSTRIAL PLUMBERS COMMERCIAL

Metal Roofi ng Installations • Guttering MONTYS METAL Downpipes • Fascia • Skylights • Whirlybird NEED A PLUMBER? Patios • Repairs • Leaf Guard DRAINER? GASFITTER? ROOFING Craig Montgomery – 0418 870 362 Licence NSW: 30715C Email: montysmetalroofi [email protected] Chay 0429 805 081 Licence QLD: 1227049 www.montysmetalroofi YVES DE WILDE QUALITY PAINTING SERVICES 20 YEARS LOCAL SERVICE Licence No. 207479C XFINALIST OF THE MASTER PAINTERS OF RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL AUSTRALIA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE NEW ROOFS / RE-ROOFS XENVIRO FRIENDLY PAINTING INSULATED ROOF PANELS FASCIA & GUTTERS X 66680680 77573573 00415415 995252 449494 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE LIC 114372C 0411683003 | [email protected] | LIC 223489C

  I PAINT ROOFS ZZZJMJSDLQWLQJFRPDXJDU\#JMJSDLQWLQJFRPDX 30 years experience Lic 167371C 4XDOL¿HG±,QVXUHG±/RFDO4XDOLILHG± ,QVXUHG /RFDO Blocked drain specialists 30 years experience | Semi-retired Free Quotes)UHH4XRWHV – 33 years \HDUV([SHULHQFHexperience Everything plumbing, drainage & gasfi tting Phone Paul: 0499 373 117 ABN 48867459605 Lic 33995C [email protected] SHANE WWWW.ENERGYJETTING.COM.AUWW.ENERGYJETTING.COM.AU ALL ROOF CLEANING & PAINTING by Full Circle Refi nishing. Ph Oliver ...... 0419 789600 00400400 852852 141141 WWW.ENERGYPLUMBING.COM.AU PAINTER RUBBISH REMOVAL NEIL A McINTOSH INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • PLASTER REPAIRS • WALLPAPERING New Builds OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialists ...... 0412 161564 or 66841232 CLEAN & TIDY • ALWAYS ON TIME • ALL AREAS Hot Water Mobile: 0421 938 104 – 465 Uralba Road, Uralba TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVAL 4m3 trailer ...... 0408 210772 PLUMBERS • DRAINERS • GASFITTERS Renovations 3 AD PAINTING by John Hand. Lic 13246C ...... 0413 185399 or 66841249 A1 RUBBISH REMOVAL AND TIP RUNS. 9m trailer. Same day service. Best rates .....0413 289443 Maintenance BYRONBAYPAINTINGSERVICES.COM.AU – Reliable. Quality work. Ph ...... 1300 255 724 license no 322340C MAN WITH UTE. RETHINK REUSE RECYCLE. Ph Mark ...... 0411 113300 ALL WAYS PAINTING NORTHERN RIVERS. Qualifi ed, insured, clean. 0413 401907 or 66805015 THIS IS RUBBISH Tipper truck for hire. Call or text Jono ...... 0412 871438 52 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Service Directory

SELF STORAGE B B S S BYRON BAY Find Mon to Fri 9am–5pm SELF STORAGE The Echo Self storage with security. Largest choice of sizes. 8-10 Tasman Way, Byron Arts & Industrial Estate | 6685 8349 | [email protected] Service

SEPTIC SYSTEMS PRUNING ~ REMOVALS ~ STUMP GRINDING Directory • 20 years local knowledge and experience • Fully insured / free quotes • 19 inch chipper • Bobcat • Cherry picker • Crane truck  Home sewage solutions online  Commercial 0427 347 380 wastewater treatment anytime at  Rainwater tanks Lic 312643C concrete and plastic • Professional Tree Removal,  Sales  Installation  Service Surgery & Maintenance Northern Rivers Pty Ltd • [email protected] • Stump Grinding • Weed Control 0418 754 149 • 07 5523 9930 • 1300 Taylex • ALL AREAS OF • Arborist Reporting & Consultancy THE NORTHERN RIVERS & • EWP Cherry Picker Hire TRINE SOLUTIONS Local sewerage specialists. Plumbers, drainers & gas fi tters. Lic 138031C . 0407 439805 SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND • Mulching of Green Waste service-directory • 24 Hour Emergency Call-Out NEWT wastewater treatment. Septic design, upgrades, maint & intall. Lic 207479C ...... 0429 805081 0401 208 797 • Professional, Reliable Service SOLAR INSTALLATION Mungo’s Crossword N357   12345 678 Pioneers of the solar industry             Serving Northern NSW since 1998            Call us on 6679 7228     !    " 910 Your local, qualified team. #       $  Specialists in standalone & m 0428 320 262 11 e [email protected] grid interact system designs.  Electric Lic 124600c    12

SUMMERLAND TREE SERVICES ...... Call Tim 66813140 or 0417 698227 13

PETER GRAY Grad. Cert. Arb. AQF8. Consulting arborist ...... 0414 186161 14 15 &ŝŶĚŽƵƚŚŽǁLJŽƵĐĂŶĞƌŽLJŽƵƌƉŽǁĞƌŝůůǁŝƚŚ&ƌĞĞƐŽůĂƌĞŶĞƌŐLJ ǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ'ŽŽĚŝŶ^ŽůĂƌ͕ĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐ BYRON TREE SERVICES Qualifi ed, insured. Call Alex ...... 0402 364852 16  Θ^ŽůĂƌ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ MARTINO TREE SERVICES ...... Martino 0435 019524 17 18 19 20 ĂůůsŝŶĐĞŶƚ^ĞůůĞĐŬ LEAF IT TO US 4x4 truck/chipper + crane truck. Local, qualifi ed, insured. Free quotes ...... 0402 487213 21 ĨŽƌĂ&ƌĞĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶ 22 WŚϬϮϲϲϴϴϰϰϴϬ A VERY HANDY MAN TREE SERVICES...... Happy to help. Andrew ..0412 558890 ǁǁǁ͘ϴϴϴƐŽůĂƌƚĞŬ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ PROBLEM CAMPHORS and woody weeds removed. No fuss-green waste, lantana too! ..0478 779650 23

24 25 Life’s Good with Solar UPHOLSTERY Juno Energy is your local authorised LG energy specialist BANGALOW UPHOLSTERY Now at Billinudgel. Re-covering specialists ...... 66805255 26 27 off ering solar and battery Patrick - 0425 256 802 solutions for your business & home VALUERS Cryptic Clues Quick Clues ACROSS ACROSS licence number: 255292C BYRON BAY VALUERS NSW & QLD reg’d. Chartered Valuers ...... 0431 245460 or 66857010 1. Spanner job for dentures (10) 1. Fixing false teeth (10) 6. Mountain in Tasmania, a very big 6. Mountain in Greece, also Tasmania SIMPSON PROPERTY GROUP - Valuation, Advisory & Asset M/ment. Specialists in: Residential, • Best Price Promise state (4) (4) • Highest Quality Products Rural, Commercial & Industrial. ...... 0400 134562 or 0427 220976 9. Those in the backblocks light in the 9. Those living beyond the normal • 10 Year Installation Workmanship Guarantee cheap parts of sports grounds (10) boundaries (10) • 5 Year Annual Onsite Cleaning and 10. Strong Australian Republican 10. Rural property (4) Maintenance included VETERINARY SURGEONS Movement found in rural property (4) 12. Fate, inevitability (14) Your Local Solar Experts 12. Parents’ edition pulped – a fate 14. Remove from offi ce (6) MULLUM VET CLINIC: Richard Gregory, Bec Willis, Mark Sebastian – After hours avail ...66843818 that cannot be avoided (14) 1800 88 68 77 15. Lacking action words (8) 14. Tunes a distraction – remove from 268 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay NORTH COAST VETERINARY SERVICES Dr Lauren Archer ...... 66840735 17. System of public health insurance offi ce (6) (8) 15. No action words – loosely, no 19 Set fi re to (6) words at all! (8) Solar designed by Electricians NOT Salesmen WATER FILTERS 22. Throwing things out of windows 17. I object – 99 in challenge! Health (14) No Money Down Finance Options. protection required (8) 24. Very long periods of time (4) 10 Year Workmanship Guarantee 19. Two individuals and a worried gent 25. Put into words, speak clearly (10) Mullumbimby & The Northern Rivers The Water Filter arranged light (6) 26. Naked (4) 0424 652208 | [email protected] Experts 22. Friend to senate thrown out – out for home, commercial the window (14) 27. Levee, protection from river (10) Visit to get a free energy assessment DOWN and rural properties 24. Wrong ones for the ages (4) 25. Not cold in Arctic you say? Dead? 1. Heavy footwear (4) 6680 8200 or TELEVISION SERVICES Speak clearly! (10) 2. Learners in positions, often in 0418 108 181 26. Bare, windswept dune (4) hospitals (7) 3. Serious robbery or theft (5,7) DIGITAL ELECTRONICS REPAIR & SERVICE TV. Audio. Antennas ...... 66843575 or 0414 922786 27. I object over Westpac and Middle Eastern territory levee (10) 4. Least narrow (6) WATER SUPPLIES DOWN 5. Lifted again (8) TILING 1. Sack for footwear? (4) 7. Near the ocean (7) TRIDENT WATER Remote access delivery, 4WD water truck. Northern Rivers & surrounds ..0412 580 564 2. Popular birds – they work in 8. Manage, supervise (10) FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! hospitals (7) 11. Vehicle collecting household TILE & GROUT WEDDING SERVICES 3. Nan holds broken cradle – but it’s rubbish (7,5) CLEANING theft! (5,7) 13. Surly person, grouch (10) 4. Extra road is the least narrow (6) Servicing the Far North Coast for 20 years. WILD WEDDINGS BYRON BAY. Life Celebrant, Jeni Gonzalez ...... 0407 629770 16. Lawrence Sterne’s hero Shandy (8) Free quotes. Experienced local technicians. 5. Gets up over a long time – then 18. Made explicit (7) ChemDry’s patented cleaning systems. gets up again! (8) Far North Coast NSW WELDING 20. Exile, keep separate (7) John & Teresa WINTER SPECIAL: 7. Raging disease at the coast (7) 21. Three horse Russian carriage (6) 2 0408 232 066 Every 5th m FREE 8. Time drains carefully – the principal job 23. Finest, nonpareil (4) of a member of the government! (10) WELDING & FABRICATION Structural, General, Repairs: Steel, Aluminium & Stainless ..0408 410545 Last week’s solution N356 TILER/STONEMASON/WATERPROOFER Lic 24418C. Phone Karl ...... 0439 232434 11. Ragbag tucker? Rubbish – and a vehicle to take it away (7,5) SOUTHERLYBUSTER WINDOW CLEANING HRAOENEA TREE SERVICES 13. Mungo cured! Surprise! But he’s ORGANISES DOSES still grumpy (10) REDEAETH CLEAN VIEW Prompt, professional, insured. Phone David ...... 0421 906460 16. Shandy creates stir over public THRUST I NCREASE transport! (8) ETDMR CHOPPY CHOP TREE SERVICES WINDOW TINTING NECTAR KNI CKERS 18. Made terms explicit – penalty ENDORN The Fully Insured Professionals revoked! (7) CHANDLER SEPT I C SUNRISE W. T. 3/19-21 Centennial Cct, Byron. Cars, homes, offi ces, etc. High quality ..0412 158478 20. Setter so tardy – exclude from AS C S O • Stump Grinding • Bobcat • Cherrypicker society! (7) SNEAKERS I CEMAN • Crane Truck • 18” Chipper TFAEPEOI SURFWAGON - Car/Home/Offi ce tint. Lifetime Warranty. W/sale price ...... 0434 875009 21. A thousand in wild riot over a OS I ER PLA I NT I FF Mark Linder Qualifi ed Arborist Russian carriage (6) FRMILDSE FREMANTLEDOCTOR 0408 202 184 [email protected] 23. Overcome the fi nest (4) Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨ,ǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 53 Classifieds For North Coast news online visit

WANTED Qualifi ed remedial massage FOR SALE PROPERTY WANTED therapist or myotherapist for well established clinic with great conditions, in ECHO CLASSIFIEDS – 6684 1777 ACREAGE PROPERTY between 5–100 115L BLACK BAR FRIDGE Brand new, Byron Bay. Must have insurance & health unused. $295. Mullumbimby. 0412843177 acres. Pref 10 mins from Mullum. No fund rebates. [email protected] building entitlement okay. Ready to buy or telephone 0414320575 CLASSIFIED AD BOOKINGS DEADLINE TUES 12PM HEARING AIDS 0402487213 PHONE ADS Publication day is Wednesday, booking Phonak V-312 in VGC with accessories, TO LET ADMINISTRATION (P/T): 3–5 mornings deadlines are the day before publication. manual, etc $950. Ph 0438493005. pw. Byron CBD law migration offi ce. Must Ads may be taken by phone on 6684 1777 be computer and systems savvy, with admin exp. and legal aptitude. Apply with MIELE WASHERS AT THE ECHO HEAD OFFICE RATES & PAYMENT LOCAL REMOVAL CV to [email protected] LINE ADS: Dryers and dishwashers available at & backloads to Brisbane. Friendly, Ads can be lodged in person at the Mullum Echo offi ce: Bridglands Mullumbimby. 66842511 with 10 years local exp. 0409917646 EXPERIENCED PAINTERS needed for immediate start. Must be reliable, no $17.00 for the fi rst two lines DAVID LOVEJOY’S BOOKS Summerland Storage Bangalow Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby equipment needed, local to Northern Available from The Echo reception: From $105 to $290 per month $5.00 for each extra line Rivers area. Full time/casual. 0427088838 Between Dark and Dark, a memoir; Call GNF Bangalow 66872833 EMAIL ADS $17 for two lines is the minimum charge. Moral Victories, the biography of a chess LOOKING TO RENT A HOME in a WARNING Display classies (box ads): [email protected] DISPLAY ADS (with a border): player; Heresy, an historical novel. safe, quiet environment, close to town The Department of Fair Trading Line classies: classifi [email protected] $12.50 per column centimetre ALL JUST $10 each. centre. Inspect this home today at Glen has warned people to be very careful Villa Resort, 80 Butler Street, Byron Bay. about responding to advertisements Ad bookings only taken during business hours: Monday to These prices include GST. ARCHIBALD’S CHEAP $595pw, conditions apply. offering work at home. Readers should Cash, cheque, Mastercard or Visa be wary if asked to pay money upfront Friday, 9am–5pm. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. for employment opportunities and never Account enquiries phone 6684 1777. Prepayment is required for all ads. QUARRY PRODUCTS Road base, gravel, blue metal and metal send money to a post offi ce box dust. ALL SIZE DELIVERIES. DISCLAIMER HALLS FOR HIRE Phone 66845517, 0418481617 RESIDENTIAL CAFE SUPERVISOR BYRON TWILIGHT DESIGNER LOUNGES x 2 Classic Mullumbimby Barista. Locals only. COORABELL HALL Advertisements placed in The Byron 2-seater lounges. Pair. Like new. Driftwood Office space 4-5 shifts, 30+ hours. If you Shire Echo do not refl ect the views or MARKET WEDDINGS, GIGS, CLASSES in colour. Can supply a photo. Length 66871307 Middle Pocket are an energetic, experienced, opinions of the editorial staff. 196cm. Will sell separately. $2,000 each The Byron Shire Echo does not This Friday 3 bed 2 bth $770 or $3,800 the pair. Call or text Linda on hospitality professional with make any representations as to the 4 – 9 pm TRADEWORK Nth Ocean Shores excellent coffee skills, and love accuracy or suitability of any content 0411160214. RAILWAY PARK, 5 bed 3 bth $790 working in a busy, fast-paced or information contained in advertising BAR STOOLS x 4 Leather. Pale oatmeal. material nor does publication constitute Ocean Shores cafe please see BYRON BAY 3EPTIC7ASTE2EMOVAL Fully upholstered and very comfortable. in any way an endorsement by The 4 bed 2 bth $850 Byron Shire Echo of the content or 3UMMERLAND Curved back and chrome foot bar. 53cm representations contained therein. wide. Height at back 105cm. Can supply a L.J. Hooker Brunswick Heads The Byron Shire Echo does not accept %NVIRONMENTAL photo. $2,000 for the 4. Call or text Linda 6685 0177 any liability for the representations or HEALTH 4HE,IQUID7ASTE3PECIALISTS on 0411160214. 5/16 The Terrace, Brunswick Heads promises made in paid advertisements or for any loss or damage arising BEAUTIFUL RELAXING s3EPTICTANKCLEANING BARGAINS! Free: king single bed, solid s'REASETRAPSERVICING KENNARDS from reliance on such content, DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE construction, great as a daybed. 2-piece s/ILY,IQUIDS WANTED TO RENT representations or promises. Treat Yourself. Call now 0410395368 leather lounge chaise, cream colour $200. s0ORTABLETOILETHIRE Bench-top, glass, cake fridge, works fi ne HIRE sHOURSERVICE COUPLE & small housetrained female $200. Bench-top cake cabinet, custom HYPNOSIS & EFT  dog looking for a new home. As we are AGMs made, glass/timber $100. Screen-printing CASUAL POSITION Simple and effective solutions both working, we would like a place to Anxiety, Cravings, Fears & Trauma. carousel, 4-colour, 4-station, good quality relax and recharge in and enjoy a quiet, AVAILABLE IN BYRON BYRON SHIRE RESPITE SERVICE INC very solid steel construction $400. AGM will take place at 4pm on Tuesday Maureen Bracken 0402205352 clean and active lifestyle. Min 1 bedroom. WITH HIRE COMPANY. TREE SERVICES 0432683738 17 October 2020 at the Brunswick Valley Anywhere between Mullumbimby and Lismore. Ph 0405323082 3-4 days p/week. Community Centre, 42 South Beach KINESIOLOGY LEAF IT TO US 4x4 truck/chipper plus Road, Brunswick Heads NSW 2483. Drivers license essential. Clear subconscious sabotages. crane truck. Local, qualifi ed, insured, free YOUNG PROF. fem working F/T, looking All members welcome. For more No travellers please. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. quotes. 0402487213 for ens. room in quiet house share to information, please email Karen at Restore vibrancy and $250pw. N/S, local family. txt 0481700871 [email protected]. physical health. De-stress. Call Steve au or telephone 6685 1619. Ph 0403125506 A VERY HANDY MAN HOUSE SWAP 0448 876 228. SANDRA DAVEY , Reg. Pract. FIREWOOD WILSONS CREEK HUONBROOK TREE SERVICES LANDCARE AGM at Wilsons Creek Hall, • Fence posts • Poles DOH HOUSE SWAP Beautiful 2bdr appt 6.00pm, Wed 11 November. PURA VIDA Covering all aspects of tree work and • Sleepers • Sawn timber in Glebe near Sydney Uni & RPAH. Want WELLNESS CENTRE tree stump removal (stump grinding) Kings Creek, Mullumbimby a 2bdr place on North Coast. 0423405056 Delivery RED DEVILS RLFC AGM Brunswick Heads Experienced climber • Insured • Licensed Mark 0427 490 038 6pm, Monday 2 November, at the Club. COLON HYDROTHERAPY FREE QUOTES HAPPY TO HELP Mon-Wed, by appointment WANTED TO LEASE HYPERBARIC OXYGEN  Thurs/Fri 8am to 4pm | Sat, 8am to 3pm Driver FAR INFRARED SAUNA Call Andrew Wilson Byron Youth Service ACCESS TO ACREAGE , dwelling or not. REMEDIAL MASSAGE 0412 558 890   Prefer 2x2 or 3x3 or similar. Substantial Are you a mature driver, + more 66850498 AGM 2020 After hours & emergency service available GARAGE SALES security deposit OK. Pls call 0423218417 who enjoys giving great BEETU FULL BODY MASSAGE OCEAN SHORES LOOKING TO LEASE private consulting customer service? The Board of BYS invite the A divine exp: Therapeutic, sensuous, 17 Walgooan Way. Sat & artist space. 2–4 days pw. Byron area. Byron Shire Community nurturing. 28 yrs exp. Lucy 0427917960 not before 8am. Moving house. All goes! If so, then Sol Breads has a Email [email protected] casual position available: ƚŽĂƩĞŶĚŽƵƌ 7 ELMA PL, BAYSIDE, BRUNS. Furn, ŶŶƵĂů'ĞŶĞƌĂůDĞĞƟŶŐ͘ clothes, bric-a-brac. Sat 8am–12. POSITIONS VACANT • Mon and Tuesdays 5am – 10am approx TWO WINGS • FULLY INSURED dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJϭϮEŽǀĂƚϱ͘ϰϱƉŵ͘ • Needs to be flexible to cover • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE holidays on other days. LJƌŽŶzŽƵƚŚĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ PSYCHOLOGY JOIN THE ADVENTURE as an adult • FREE QUOTES leader of Scouts and Cubs at Brunswick Duties include; picking up orders, Centre, 1 Gilmore Cres, …feel the difference Tip Runs & Heads. Receive great training and outdoor loading and delivering. LJƌŽŶĂLJ͘ 66684684 44421421 certification in kayaking, abseiling, Must be local, have a current LR truck EĞǁĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶŵĞŵďĞƌƐ Rubbish orienteering etc.. Assist young people licence, fit and enjoys manual work. SUZANNESUZANNE to reach their goals. Other volunteering ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ͘WůĞĂƐĞũŽŝŶƵƐĨŽƌĂ BOURCHIERBOURCHIER 00402402 336464 885252 Please contact Suzanne on ůŝŐŚƚĚŝŶŶĞƌĂŌĞƌƚŚĞ'D͘ positions also avail. A WWCC is a psychologistpsychologist Removal requirement. Ph Cherie about starting 0413 886 184 your adventure on 0407855273 or email or [email protected] 0202 66685685 56705670 0408 210 772 [email protected]

HYPNOSIS & NLP 20 years local experience PROF. SERVICES 30 years exp. • 19 inch chipper • Stump grinding CARAVANS Helping you to create • Cherry picker • Crane truck • Bob Cat DENTURES positive changes. Fully insured • Free quotes CARAVANS LOOK GOOD We buy, sell & consign. FEEL GOOD Call Wendy today! 0427 347 380 All makes & models. Courses starting soon... Free consultation. SANDRO 66805002 0497 090 233 0408 758 688 PUBLIC NOTICES MOTOR VEHICLES Tue 3rd Nov • Tourism Marketing • Psychic Development and • Music, Meditation & Flow Healing - Online Class Sat 7th Nov Beginners Courses Wed 4th Nov • Building a Tiny House WANTED! • Lomi Lomi - Level 2 • Social Media Marketing HYPATIA’S Yoga Yogalates • AArboristrborist • 115”5” WWoodood GOOD, • Paths To Self-Publishing - Online Class LEGACY Bangalow CChipperhipper • SStumptump GGrinderrinder • Bring Your Speech To Life • Blogging Bootcamp Mon 6–7pm Hatha slow flow • FFullyully IInsurednsured CLEAN CARS • Stand Up Comedy • Natural Dyeing and Sat 8.15–9.30am Yogalates BByronyron BBayay & SSurroundingurrounding AAreasreas Thu 5th Nov Shibori Wed 6–7.15pm YIn Rejuv Yoga FOR • Free Advertising And Sun 8th Nov Suffolk Park 66681681 33140140 $$ CASH $$ Organic Traffic Using • Intro To Natural Building David Lovejoy MMobileobile 00417417 698698 227227 People may not be time-travellers, Mon 10–11.30am Yogalates Social Media but books are. A dangerous book Wed 6–7pm Yin Yang Yoga BARGAINS • Healthy Mind, Happy Life - Online Class from ancient Alexandria arrives in Special book in for a month @ WANTED the present. US$15 + postage from: $95.00 either or try all classes 16 ENDEAVOUR CLOSE, BALLINA LP RECORDS: good condition, no op 0432 047 221 Ballina Car Centre DLN 19950 Limited places - don’t miss out! hypatia-s-legacy shop crap! Ph Matt 0401955052 6686 5586 / 0418 676 274 02 6684 3374 54 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Classifieds Community at Work

ADMIN PART TIME Adobe IN MEMORIAM On The Horizon Suggested hours: Tues, Wed, Thu 9am to 3pm. $30 per hour. Qualities: Initial Job Description: DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY • Intelligent and practical • Data entry and admin Tutoring • A natural problem solver • Phone, email and counter enquiries Email copy marked ‘On The Horizon’ to [email protected]. • An ability to see and sketch • Basic quoting and invoicing Experienced • Basic computer skills • Checking job progress Professional Trainer Share the Dignity Ex-service members You will undergo training and work in a well organised office • Photoshop • Indesign CWA Bangalow is collecting donations Byron Bay RSL Sub-Branch wish to next to a large workshop. • Illustrator of sanitary and personal care goods collate the names of ex-service members (e.g. dental and hair care, hand who have served overseas in combat/ METAL FABRICATOR FULL TIME [email protected] sanitiser, insect repellent) for Share the peace keeping roles in conflicts including Dignity. This program supports girls Korea and post Vietnam, including Structural welding and general engineering experience preferred. and women in difficult or vulnerable Somalio, Namibia, Timor Leste (East) Ability to fabricate in all types of metal and welding processes situations. Donations can be left Timor, Bouganville, Iraq & Afghanistan. an advantage. Pay according to experience and ability. MUSICAL NOTES 12–27 October at the Byron Library, Ex-service members and their families Must be able to work in a team environment. Bangalow Newsagent and CWA rooms from the Byron Shire area who wish to QUALITY PIANOS for sale, and expert in Bangalow, in boxes clearly marked be included in this list, and on a planned ABOUT BYRON STEEL: piano tuning. Ph Fred Cole 0412216019 ROSS ANTHONY PEPPER ‘Share the Dignity’. CWA makes up bags honour board, should send their details Join a happy team of seven in a well-established business in the GUITARS, RECORDS, HI-FI 1965–2013 of these goods for distribution through to Jim Rogers. Phone 0412679870 or Byron Industrial estate. Byron Steel is a general engineering and WE BUY AND SELL 66851005 Once someone special touches your local neighbourhood and community email [email protected]. heart, the fi ngerprints will last forever. centres. fabrication workshop in all metals. Missed and loved by all your family. Enquiries / send resume to: [email protected] BIRTHDAYS Chemical Free Landcare Tax Help Byron Shire Chemical Free Landcare BYRON STEEL Tax Help is now running at the Byron next working bee will be on Saturday, Happy 21st Birthday Vivian Alderton Community Centre every Friday 17 October, 8am–12pm, at the Ruby Jean 03/08/1935 - 22/10/2017 from 1pm. Please phone through Brunswick Crown Land site, just south CAPE BYRON RUDOLF STEINER SCHOOL xxx to reception on 6685 6807 with of the Surf Club. Meet at the fire trail your contact details to make an gate. Call 0478 272 300 if you can’t Full Time Primary appointment. find us. School Teacher Commencing 2021 Are you a dynamic, creative and I thought of you today Regular As Clockwork experienced Steiner Teacher? We are But that is nothing new I thought about you DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY looking for a skilled teacher to take our yesterday beautiful 2021 Class 1 cohort all the way through to Class 6. I think of you in silence Please note that, owing to space restrictions, not all entries may be I often speak your name included each week. Email copy marked ‘Regular As Clockwork’ to CBRSS is a K-12 school dedicated to the educational All I have are memories [email protected]. principles inspired by Rudolf Steiner. Applications are DEATH NOTICES And your picture in a frame Your memory is a keepsake available Thursdays & Fridays sought for a suitably qualified and experienced Primary From which I’ll never part Mullumbimby District AILSA JUDITH WEIR (nee LEE) Financial Counselling: free service School Teacher. The position commences January 2021. God has you in his arms 31/07/1940–19/09/2020 Neighbourhood Centre funded by the government, offering I have you in my heart Passed away in Brisbane. MDNC services that are running advocacy & assistance to find options The successful applicant will hold a current NSW Working Always in our hearts, Mother to Anita Watts and Dean Weir include: to address debts. with Children Check and be registered with the NSW with love and grandmother to four. Daughter of the Community support/emergency Information, referral and advocacy. Your wife Margaret, Institute of Teachers. late George and Doris Lee, stepdaughter relief: Food parcels, meals, assistance To enquire about accessing any of daughters Vicki and Linda of the late Pearl Lee. Sister to Vernon with electricity and Telstra bills. these services call 6684 1286 or fill out and family. Applications close 4pm Monday 2nd November 2020. (Curly) Lee of Myocum, Shirley Porter of Listening Space: free counselling. an online enquiry form. Position Description and application process available Byron Bay, Delma Black Mackay (dec), Staying Home, Leaving Violence Ivan, Evelyn, Bernard, and Dianne and program. Byron Community auntie to their children. Integrated Domestic & Family Sadly Missed. Rest in Peace. Centre Violence program. Homeless Breakfast: 7:30–9am Financial Counselling: outreach GREY, ALICE ROGERS Wednesday. Homeless Showers: 03/04/1925–14/10/2020 Monday and Wednesday 10am–12pm Passed away peacefully at Coolamon (book in at breakfasts). Women’s Aged Care Mullumbimby. Beloved wife of PETS Support and Counselling: Friday Norman (dec). Loving mother of Malcolm 1–3pm, Community Cabin Carlyle St. ® REST . RELAX . RESTORE (dec), Alan, Margaret, Robyn. Beloved Free Phone Counselling: Call 0415 322 iko u grandmother & great grandmother to Selena is currently 064 10am–2pm. Seniors Computer - RETAIL SALES ASSISTANT - many. Loved by all. progressing Club: Friday 9am–11am, Community steadily in foster Private service held at Summerland Farm, Cabin Carlyle St. Seniors drumming, - iKOU BYRON BAY SKINCARE STORE - care and is ZZeuseus Alstonville, 10am Sunday 1 November. Zeus is a 3 yoga, ukulele, art and drama: Contact Alan 0478571686 happily growing in Do you want to love coming to work? confidence. She is year old 66856807 for booking and time details. Do you find joy in giving a memorable and a gorgeous brown, desexed male Volunteer Hub referral service: Call American caring retail experience? grey and black 66856807. Byron Community Pantry: Vilma (Billie) tabby who needs to Staffy. He free food box delivery to locals who iKOU is seeking an experienced sales assistant transition straight loves people are financially or physically unable to as all staffies into a forever shop. Call/text your order to 0482 787 with a passion for retail to work in our Fay James home. Selena Selena do, but not so beautiful Byron sanctuary. 11/04/1930 – 13/10/2020 needs a home which is patient, much other 552. For more info call 66856807 or loving and willing to keep her dogs, so he’s visit Feel great knowing you are inspiring all to enjoy Beloved wife of Geoff (dec). moving confidently forward as best as the the wellness benefits of self-care rituals to Dearly loved mother and she is now beginning to thrive. only dog – and To arrange to meet Selena, with older “rest, relax, restore” with our organic and mother-in-law of Suzanne, please call AWL on 0436 845 542 children ONLY ADULTS Australian-made home spa ranges. John & Kay and Judy & Lon. To meet our other cats & kittens, Treasured “Nan” of please visit the Cat Adoption ideally. Microchip No 991002000572239. ABN 83 126 Email resume, cover letter and nine grandchildren and Centre at 124 Dalley Street, EXQUISITE Mullumbimby. 970 338. If you can give Zeus a dream hours ATT Marissa Cashman: 15 great-grandchildren. Be impressed with my hot body and OPEN: Tues 2.30–4.30pm permanent, loving home please warm hands. Tweed area. 0438573677 [email protected] In accordance with Billie’s wishes Thurs 3–5pm, Sat 10am–12 noon contact Pam on 0421 017 461. Applications close Mon 26th Oct. a private cremation has been held. Call AWL 0436 845 542. FULL BODY RESTORATION Visit to view Fill your tanks & heal through pleasure Like us on Facebook! other dogs and cats looking for a home. AWL NSW Rehoming Organisation or 0425347477 Number: R251000222 ABN 83 126 970 338 BALLINA EXCLUSIVE LADIES WANTED, MUST BE 18+ Casual EXPERIENCED BARISTA. Mullumbimby 34 Piper Dr. Open 7 days 10am till late. or permanent work available in busy adult fast-paced cafe. Minimum 3 years barista Ben & Emma Little 1300 678 443 Byron Dog Rescue (CAWI) ETHAN In & Out Calls. 66816038. Ladies wanted parlour. 66816038 for details. experience. Mon, Wed, Thu. Locals only. is a very Find us on Facebook and Twitter! Email [email protected] Diddy is an striking COVID SAFE EROTIC MASSAGE STAFF reliable TIMPERLEY, 8-year-10- long haired and friendly for Gentlemen’s Relaxation AN OPPORTUNITY EXISTS to join a month-old tabby who Centre 18+. Tweed. Grace 0418185791 team manufacturing timber products. MAY GLADYS de-sexed came to us Situated at Byron. Applicant needs basic male Kelpie x from the CONTRACT SCREEN DOOR mechanical knowledge and can work 10.05.1930 – 18.10.2020 Dingo. INSTALLER. Own vehicle, ABN, tools, pound. He unsupervised. Experience with timber not After months etc. Good rates. Ph 0438436702 Long-term resident of Byron Bay, was quite essential. Forklift licence an advantage. in care, Diddy Suit any age or person. Ph 0429608224 passed away peacefully with her DIDDY terrified when he arrived, but LOCAL AND INTERSTATE REMOVAL children by her side. Cherished no longer now he is mellow, easy going cowers in fear Devoted to Pleasure DRIVER Must have furniture removal WORK WANTED wife of Graeme (dec). Much loved and sociable. A lovely young experience. Seeking experienced of humans and is a gentleman mother of Roslyn, Kim, Gary and boy with an unknown past, Ɔ Couples, Men & Women Ɔ removals driver for local and interstate runs AND a philosopher until he hits desperately looking for a home. between Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, WORDPRESS SETUP/TRAIN/MAINT Mark and their families. Loving the beach where he turns into a Reas rates [email protected] It is a delight to stroke his Cairns. MUST HAVE minimum 1 year sister of Betty (dec), Marj, Nan, Sue, hilarious hooligan. beautiful soft fur, soothing for 0407 013 347 furniture removal experience, MR license, TUITION John (dec) and Wendy. He’s gentle and tolerant with the stroker and for Ethan who experience loading. CV and references A private family service will take place. children, house-trained and gets loves to be petted. to [email protected] on well with other dogs. He will SOCIAL ESCORTS FRENCH • ITALIAN • GERMAN White Lady Funerals, require a fenced yard. All cats are desexed, OFFSIDER FOR LOCAL FURNITURE Eva 0403224842 Northern Rivers, 02 6680 7090 vaccinated and Diddy is one cool, chilled dude microchipped. REMOVAL BUSINESS Minimum 1 LOTS OF GORGEOUS LADIES available No: 953010004574911 year furniture removal and professional who deserves a loving home with for your pleasure nearby. Spoil yourself. packing experience. CV and references SPANISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH & MORE! people who will adore him. Please Please make an appointment In & out. 7 days. Ladies always wanted. to [email protected] phone Shell on 0458 461 935. 0403 533 589 • Billinudgel 0266816038. COVID SAFE MC: 982000163669389 Byron Shire Echo archives wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 55 Backlash

With the annual performance review of Council’s General Manager on the agenda for this week’s Council meeting, now might be the time for councillors to finally find their spine and direct Mark Arnold to act in the interests of trans- parency and accountability (see pages 10, 7). However, the public will never see the GM’s performance report, or know the outcome; staff suggest councillors discuss and vote on it in confidential session, claiming that if we all knew what the report said, it would be ‘contrary to the public interest’. Why wouldn’t this be in the public’s interest?’ Q Q Q Q Ten of the region’s best new films will be showcased at the Byron Theatre on Saturday Almost 350,000 people October 24, as part of The Byron Bay Film Festival. Pictured are local filmmakers Rhys have signed a petition for Jones, Ashley McLeod, Jahvis Loveday, Karenza Ebejer and Joy Ben Hur. For more info visit a Royal Commission into www.bbff Photo Jeff ‘Sand In The Lens Since 1986’ Dawson News Corporation (founded by Fox News billionaire Remember when right wing for a $5m development deal. Great News!! Woo hoo.’ Imag- Rupert Murdoch). Its aim think tank, the PIA, said Gladys replied at the time, ine what a federal ICAC could is to investigate threats to Melbourne’s lockdown should according to ICAC, ‘Congrats!!! uncover. See pages 12 and 40. media diversity, and recom- have ended on April 3? As mend policies to ensure Sweden finally moves to lock- PROUD TO optimal diversity across all down aft er its herd immunity 30%#)!,)34 BE LOCAL platforms to help guarantee gambit failed, ABC’s Dr our nation’s democratic Norman Swan calls Victoria’s ,%'!,,¬ future. To make your voice reduction of COVID–19 infec- heard, visit tions a ‘world record’. ADVICE petition_list?id=EN1938. Q Q Q Q DURING A RELATIONSHIP Q Q Q Q German Ambassador to the BREAKDOWN Congrats to Jacinda Ardern US, Emily Harber, tweeted on for not only winning the NZ October 14: ‘Hannah Arendt, a Family Law Solutions provides TQFDJBMJTU legal election again, but increasing German Jew, political theorist advice and assistance for people during times her margin. It’s easy to be dis- and philosopher, was born on of marital or relationship crisis. pirited by people in govern- this day in 1906. One of her VISIT OUR DISPLAY HOMES ment (PIGs), who are mostly many legacies: Totalitarian- ChristopherChristopher McDevitt McDevitt egoic empty vessels owned ism can flourish where people Accredited Specialist OPEN EVERY TUESDAY Accredited Specialist by corporate lobbyists, but at systematically refuse to in Familyin Family Law Law 1PM – 6PM least Ardern is one good egg engage with reality, and are in the global omelette. ready to replace reason with [email protected] 20 Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay, Q Q Q Q ideology and outright fiction’. Cnr of Bangalow Rd and Constellation Close. Tweet by @AriaaJaeger on Q Q Q Q (02) 56 24 50 20 the 45th president and US The former lover to the election: ‘I moved on him like NSW premier can’t even do ‘So much more than just a a bitch. I just started voting. I criminality well. Disgraced Granny Flat’ didn’t even wait. I just voted. MP, Daryl Maguire, bragged Suite 2, Level 1 ‘Seamark’ 26-54 River Street, Ballina to Gladys via text about an And when you’re registered, 6686 6899 WWW.BYRONBUILT.COM they let you do it’. appalling return on invest-

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56 The Byron Shire Echo wĈƐşćĕſǩǨǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily