Quality Ece Lifts Earnings, Boosts Health
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inspiring educators educationspring 2010 issue date Joy Cowley “Whose standards are these?” under pressure Dealing with stress support staff Quality eCe Key to change should lifts earnings, schools love The ICT boosts health revolution (and cuts crime) - news + views » are our standards slipping? » Kaiarahi i te reo » leadership » PPPs » the nightmare ‘vision’ » teacher masterchef » winning Kindergarten » Young members - networK » maori-medium standards » letter from australia » booK giveawaYs Aotearoa Extreme short-throw projector Optional double sided dry-erase board Hear Integrated Speakers See 22 18 ActivBoard included Optional laptop shelf contents News Features editorial 4 Lifelong benefits 10 Message from the president 4 Quality ece interact 27 5 Cook up a dream 14 nightmare vision Engage Motorised height-adjustable stand with control unit 7 teacher Masterchef Includes ActivInspire industrial round up 8 Professional Edition news 9 under pressure 16 Software Favourite ways to beat stress Extra technology 27 Teacher Pen Opinion Joy Cowley Optional drawer 18 For and against: the ICT Half-baked 34 What standards? revolution Hidden wheels for safety YMn on the ‘vision’ “Right Click” button are standards slipping? 20 the professionals 30 “Left Click” tip no, they’re not dunedin’s one day school + GST Student Pen Just $8995 Touch More kaia-rahi 22 Winning kindergarten Dual-User te reo Ma-ori functionality Reviews 32 support staff 24 Best new books Key features Key to change for kids and grown-ups Book giveaways Sturdy deSign High quality components built to last HeigHt adjuStable Easily raise and lower the ActivBoard for accessibility and easy movement between rooms dlP tecHnology No filter maintenance dramatically reduces costs long lamP life Industry first 6,000 hour lamp reduces replacement cost Optional storage drawer Optional shelf with lockable can be locked for security storage holds up to 17” laptop For more resources, video, blogs and news www.educationaotearoa.org.nz 3K For nZei HeLp call 0800 693 443 Follow ea on twitter: educationnZ ZZZDFWLYERDUGQ]FRP education aotearoa | spring 2010 | editoRiaL MessaGe fRoM tHe pResident inteRaCt New Zealand ranks higher Leadership Letters to the editor lobal warming, ometimes it takes a crisis to bring out the best in australian limited all the time by being technological change, people. Inspiring examples of leadership have league tables told to do things one way. From the archive G resource shortages, s emerged from the debris of the Christchurch Our family recently moved to The older kids all produce population explosion, financial earthquake. Similarly, National Standards and Australia where our primary the same ideas and work. THE CAMP AT STEWART ISLAND crisis and recession—no deep cuts to early childhood education funding age children are struggling We are looking at an wonder today’s parents are are producing new educational leaders to take up with standards and testing. alternative school but we About 300 teachers visited that enchanting holiday resort more anxious than ever. the challenge. These are people with a passionate I feel so lucky my children chose our present school – Stewart Island – and there for a week they found many Unfortunately, such fast- commitment to quality public education. had such a rich grounding because it was seen as the attractions in the fourth Summer School of the Southland changing times also create a Sadly, they are all too needed. We are clearly at school in Wellington. best public school due to its Branch of the New Zealand Educational Institute. The climate where opportunism and self-interest thrive moving away from a partnership model that They were encouraged to results and its reputation. majority of the visitors were from Southland, but every part on the politics of fear. saw ‘Big P’ politics mediated by the voice and be independent thinkers But it is sadly lacking. of the Dominion was represented. The site of the school Never is this more evident than in the ‘greater contribution of experts and practitioners. and they found so many Everything we know was an ideal one, and the list of lectures set down ensured accountability’ and ‘standards’ agenda being foisted Day after day, we hear glib phrases such as creative ways to express their about the future shows we that those so inclined received full measure of intellectual on public education systems around the world. ‘high standards’, ‘greater accountability’ and a knowledge rather than being need creative and discerning instruction. National Education, February 1, 1928 With this agenda, politicians stand to win votes drive for educators to become state servants. told how to think. We should learners who will take green by being ‘tough on teachers’, and individuals and Today, I read an e-newsletter sent to schools be striving for unique minds technologies beyond what we businesses make small fortunes by marketing the by Minister Anne Tolley. Apparently, she is not standardisation. can currently imagine. Drills latest whizz-bang solution to ‘educational failure’. inviting a number of sector groups (including Our year four daughter and testing won’t do it. by the Ministry of Education Think millions of dollars of professional development NZEI) to attend a National Standards Advisory Group now has a teacher who tests Alana Spragg, between 2007 and 2009 – the poll results* funding that our government is ‘releasing’ from universities meeting to give views on the implementation of National every day on maths and South Australia visit www.educationcounts. onto the open market. Standards and guidance for improving assessment practice. How would you describe your spelling, then on Friday govt.nz). work-related stress levels? In Australia, education funding is biased away from This is in response to urgent sector challenges around this issue’s there are three tests and a winning letter The 2006 assessments negligible public schools and towards private schools. League tables problems with the construction of the standards. monster bonus test. involved 57 countries, 13.8% are rampant. Performance pay was a feature of the election Educators, however, are not alone with this style of Sadly, all the time what failure? including all OECD manageable policies of both the Labor Party and the Coalition. ‘consultation’. The concerns of the medical profession that could be spent in the I am interested in members. Children in 36% Yet every day the evidence mounts that such strategies and the legal profession have also been ignored in recent pursuit of learning and knowing where I can the following numbers of tolerable don’t work. New Zealand already ranks much higher than legislative changes. These are professional groups who have real experiences to base access the PISA results that countries scored statistically 26.4% the US and the UK in studies of student achievement levels, for years worked harmoniously with governments. The knowledge on has no time in Professor Terry Crooks significantly higher than and higher than Australia on most measures. voice of the professionals is, by degrees, being marginalised. of concern this teacher’s schedule. mentioned in the winter those from New Zealand: 20.1% In New Zealand, the more enlightened side of human Informed opinion and expertise no longer appears to hold What I miss about our issue of Education Aotearoa. Mathematical literacy: nature was in evidence in the aftermath of the Christchurch value in the decision-making processes. intolerable Wellington school is the Terry cites the most 5 countries 3.8% earthquake. It was brilliant to see how communities can If the new education leaders become as significant as the positive nature and forward recent PISA results that Reading literacy: 3 countries overcome huge difficulties when people work together. challenges they face, they will be impressive indeed. *Results from a phone survey of 240 thinking – the idea that it show New Zealand in fifth Science literacy: 2 countries randomly selected nZei members was more important what place out of 59 countries for In regard to the claim that read more on stress on paul goulter Frances nelson they were thinking about educational achievement in New Zealand has lots of low pp14-15 national secretary president, te Manukura and how, rather than telling maths, science and reading performing students, here nZei te riu roa [email protected] them how or what to think. literacy. He also tells us are the percentages scoring Sadly, it seems that that “New Zealand’s tail in the lowest categories Australian teachers have of ‘underachievement’ is (Level 1 or below): Education Aotearoa to new found that basic drilling is 14-15 percent for primary Mathematical literacy: NZ support staff, explained it Managing editor stephanie Mills to advertise: call Maree selak, 09 589 1054, what they need to do to be education compared with the 14%, OECD average 21% is a professional magazine Editor Jane Blaikie www.hawkhurst.co.nz, or email [email protected] seen to be “succeeding” in OECD average of 21 percent.” Reading literacy: NZ 15%, from NZEI, and in some Feature writers diana clement, elizabeth Brown, to subscribe, email: [email protected] Bianca Zander, Heeni collins league tables. Richness and Brian Field OECD average 20% cases had to apologise for Design and production alice Bell, tangible Media to contribute, email: [email protected] creative uniqueness is being Tauranga Science literacy: NZ 14%, its content, since material Cover photo claire de Barr disclaimer: the views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those replaced by getting only one OECD average 19% appealing to support staff all rights reserved. address 12th Floor, education House, of nZei te riu roa or its members. education aotearoa is new Zealand’s result. Terry Crooks responds: was absent. West Building, 178 Willis st, Wellington 6140 foremost publication dedicated to celebrating and informing educators working Our older daughter is Here are the statistics from support staff This brought home to me Website: www.educationaotearoa.org.nz or www.nzei.org.nz in early childhood and primary education.