Fiorello's Flute
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Ijorello' s 1Iule January 1979 The Official Student Newspaper of LaGuardia Community College 4 sections 60 pages Flut, uraphlcby WIIII.rn H.,•• 2A • FIORELLO'S FLUTE . JANUARY t i n LAURIE BROCKWAY - Edllo,·,n·Ch'.' 1iorello'$ lIufe P. J. SANDERS STAFF EUGENE CALAMARI, JR, Au"IIn,Edllor WRITERS Fiorello'. Flul. '11M ollicial lIudenl MWl9f,pef 01 LIIGuardla Community GENE LUTTEN8ERG CoI.,lIla pubUIMd monthly by an IncI.penclent sludent lIa" and Unlinced by Contrlbutmg" manl.. Irom 1Il.Kfen1 Icllylty lunds. Oplnlonl upr.. sed In tn. paper ...-e rKlt SANDRA SCHUBERT necftUtlly thoM of tn. Cotlege admlnlltratlon, 'acutty, Of the lIudenl body St.IRepa,'er ? EdllOflal opinion 'xpressed het"n II delermlned by I lNI}ot"lIy YOle 01 the Flure lIelf. NOI respons'ble tOt unsolicited mileria'i INIterili sul)jecllo editing ROBERT McVEIGH WIL.LlAM HEISE Tn. Flure ollkM .... Iocated In lhe $1;1 ..111. Bulldlno, In the IMIck ot Ihe SIi.lden1 FaCulty AdYl,Ot Aft"t ClfeterJa. et LIIGuardll CommunllyCotlege, ll-10Thomson "'Yenue, Long Is!lnd CIty, N.. 'fork 11101. Telephone {21~ 78''''1_ Composition and ptlnllng by 1Jtoo'/ytI WedIa, 28 Coun SlrMl, &oc:MUyn, New 'fork. T~ (212) 834·t350. Democracy Is Not Just A Spectator Sport Worth The Price II It's true what they say about people making the world go tound, then It's During the fall quarter of 19n. LaGuardia students w..-e glvetlthe opportunity to especially true of the 12 elected student members of LaGuardIa's Student Council. YOte in a chapter of NYPIRG at the College. There was a relerendum on the ballot This goyernlng body, along with the Student·Faculty AssocIatIon (which Is com during Student Council elections. Though NYPIRG had actually won by majority rule posed of appointed students and faculty), Is the linanclal stronghold prImarily (a margin of 591 to 90), the Chapter was OYerrUled by an adminIstrative loophOle which responsible for distributing student monies. 'four $20 student activity feel prevented the Chapter from being established ••• the two thirds rule. Much controversy resulted from this. Harsh feelings were Inlenslfled when NYPIAG The policies that these 12 IndlYlduals make as a collectiye affect all 01 us - eyen the Ignorant. Ignorant by way of Indillerence. Ingoranlln lhe sense that you sued lhe College against this out·moded by· law. do not bother to look beyOnd Salsouls free disco hour or your 9:20 class, to see Many College officials were concerned about the one dollar refundable donatIon what else Is going on around you. It's time to stop bitching about having to pay thai NYPIAG requests from Its members to support the contlnuation of the organlza twenty dollars every quarter. U's tIme to slart being concerned about why you do tion's consumer projects. haye to pay It and what It's being used for. 11 you don't care, what's the sense In Now NYPIAG is back with petitions mounting to 800 slgna!ures, signed by LaGuar· haYing 12 studenl Council members fighting 10 make sure that that $20 Is used In dla students In lavor of the NYPIAG Chapter-regardless of lhe additional $1 fee. your beSl IntereSl? We are In agreement with these det81'mlned students and leellhal one elltra dollar per quart81' Is well worth the price f~ political and legal representation. NYPtAG has You are given the actiye choice to elect a student goyernment and Its Is your much of whal weare lacking In spirit. They are a responsible and active organizatIon. responslblHty to vote. And, your Student Council should In some way reflect your And, NVPlRG has invaluable resources, which we just can'l alford to let slip through feelings and Ideas In their leadership. Howeyer, It Is again your responsibility to let our lingers (again) on a mere technicality and a one dollar bill, them know what you think. The people In M 122 should know who you ate, Get In· Yolvedl U's the first step to gelling more 01.11 of college than lust an acedemlc education and a degree. Be Cool When You Cross The future be9lns here. P81'haps a wave 01 awareness at laGuardia will not clean All of uS-Sludents, faculty, administrators and stalf-are guilty of crossing In the stums, end corruption or stop racism, but It's a be9lnnlng. If we don't do anything the mlddte 01 Thomson Avenue without waitIng for the light. With literally hundreds 01 people trying to weaye through dozens of moving cars and trucks. we f~ our fulure right now, we haven't got much to lOOk forward to, To be heard Is to speak, to be lalrly represenled Is to yote - and II's all In yoorhands. hays the potenllallor tragedy. lndeed, last month a woman who works In one ollne " Democtacy Is not Just a spectator sportl" Vote In the Siudent Council elections nearby lactorles was run down and seflously Injured while trying to fun across on Monday, Noyember 13 through FrIday, Noyember 17. Thomson Avenue without waiting for the light. Aeglster and Yote In the New York City gublnatorlal elections on Noyember 8, We have been exceedingly fortunate during the last seyen years that no one from the College community has been hit while crOSSing the slreet. One of the first projects undertaken when the College was opened In 1971 was to haye a tfallic Support For Sepulveda light constructed In Iront of the Main Building. It took many months of lighting bureaucracy and red tape but the light was finally Installed Regrettably, loday it Is Raul SeputYeda Is, according to all the students whO use his services, one 01 the not being used. best cOl,.lnseiors at laGuardia. He Is also one 01 the only Bilingual counsetOfS on We urge allmembers 01 this community to use the light when moving back and campus. Why then has the College P81'sonnel and Budge! Committee told him that forth across Thomson Avenue. The salety of all membe,s 01 the College he will no longer be wor1tlng a1 laGuardia. as of September 19791 community Is worth taking an elltra minute or two by going to the corner and None 01 the llYe members thai head lhe College P & B seem to want to discuss the waitIng lor the light. Let us not wait until a tragedy occurs before we all begin to decision to not reappoint Sepulyeda. Ttloogh he has approached each member cross the street In a sale manner. Irldlyldually, each one has Iold him this, says Sepulyeda: ''That I'm not strlylng for excellence In my department and con!ributions 10 the College_" Bye-Bye, Bill The members of the College P & B are Dean of Student Services, Jeffery Kllenb81'g, Assistant Dean of Student Services, Jerolyn Minter; Director of Counseling, Winston In June of 1978. William Hamilton, long·tlme Dean 01 Student Services, resigned DaYls; Director 01 Siudant Acllvlties, Leo Newball and Extended Day Counselor, from his position. Though not publlcally, Hamilton had announced his decision to Joan Edmonds. do so in the June 01 1977. Speculation flew around the College all wlnler and Jeff Kllenberg and Leo Newball were asked 10 comment on the sltuallon. bul both whispers of Hamllton's resignation were about Around February, 1978, he'd made said they were not at liberty to dlscu5lMt. This, lhey a policy of the P & B. an unsuccessful try for the e .U.N,'f. Vice Chancellorship of Special Programs, which Sepulveda Is yery upset and confused about I,'ls decision - as are the students ended In a rather unpleasant episode that made the New York Times But nolhlng whO contacted this newapaper and oltered support. He Is trying to appeal the was official until June, declslon and says, " Maybe somewhere along Ihe tine. nt get reasons," Though Bill Hamilton's reslgnalion did not quite come as a sup,lse, it was It all seems yery s!range, since evaluations of SepulYeda thaI were submitted by somewhat of a disappointment, (Of course, !his Is nOlto say thai his successor, Jeff Klienberg and Wjnston Davis. (respecItYe!y on November I , 19n and Novem Dean Jeffery Kllenberg, Is nOl a very wise and competent choice lor Ihe poslUon.) ber 3, 1978) wete Y8f)' favorable. Both supervIsors praised his work with students. Preylously the Director of Siudent ACllyllies as New York elly Community Col And now, no one can seem to explain just why they leel his work at LaGuardia Is not lege, Hamilton had been Dean 01 Students at LaGuardia almost Since the be9lnn up to par. Ing. A~ Dean, he Implemented a number 01 new programs, Including the referen Sepulveda, who Is still trying to maintain his cheerful outlook on things, has this dum which requites that 10% 01 all student fees be alotted to the Flut• • He was 10 say about II all: "I think It was Just an InJust action, based on no pr..,ious warning concerned that tha newspaper function with sulJiclent funding and supported 01 either wrong doing or negligence of duties-and I really teel that It's going 10 be freedom of the college press. He 81so wOf1t.ed closely with studen! leaders. He was straightened oul.lnJustice cannot preyall. but justice will." the chalrpet"son of the Student·Faculty AssociatIon and was inyolved In variOUS The Flute supports SepulYeda In hIs fight to remain at L.aGuardia. We feel that the projects within and outside of the College. students need him. We certainly hOpe that the P81'sonnel and Budget Committee Will Though Bill Hamilton has resigned aa Dean of Students, he had remained 81 reconsider their decision.