Gender, Science and Wonder A postgraduate workshop sponsored by the ANU Gender Institute PROGRAM 11-12th February 2016 Seminar Room 1 Australian Centre on China in the World Australian National University Inquiries: Dr Rachel Morgain,
[email protected], School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific Dr Trang Ta,
[email protected], School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Social Sciences 1 Schedule Thursday 11th February 9.30am Welcome 10-11am Opening keynote: Professor Catherine Waldby, Director, RSSS, ANU The Duration of Fertility: oocytes, reproduction and deep time MorninG tea 11.30am- Panel discussion: Science, wonder and equity 12.30pm Sam Cheah (Founder ‘Engage’), Dr Sean Perera (Founder ‘OpeninG Doors’), and more Lunch 1.30-2.30pm The science and wonder of sex and the body Benjamin HeGarty, School of Archaeology and AnthropoloGy, ANU South Sea Wonders: Indonesia, the Science of Sex and the Malleable Self Trang Ta, School of ArchaeoloGy and AnthropoloGy, ANU The Wondrous Odour of Decomposition: Forensic Science and the (En)gendering of Organic Matter Afternoon tea 3pm-4pm Science, wondering ontologies and Pacific socialities Katherine Lepani, School of Culture, History and LanGuaGe, ANU Witches And Wonder: Turning to Science for Plausible Explication Jaap Timmer, Department of AnthropoloGy, ANU Numerical Correspondence and the History of the World in Malaita, Solomon Islands 5.30-7pm PuBlic keynote lecture: Dr Astrida Neimanis, University of Sydney Fishy Beginnings (We Are All Bodies of Water) Friday 12th February 9.30- Keynote presentation: Dr Anne-Sophie Dielen, BioloGist and Founder of the LeaGue of 10.30am Remarkable Women in Science The good, the bad and the wonder.