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-- - 1] : ~, T K < ITo .......-. iT. .H '11.:fiHnhm i.. ,1111 . fITUH ISTHERE INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE NEWS MEDIA? ne of the main reasons talk radio and a repressive government. These Lynn Smith, August 15 has become so enormously pop- verbal bomb-throwers encourage the Oular in recent years, not just for paranoid fantasies of the Una bomber on "29 Minutes" on Vince Foster's Death entertainment and conservative venting, the left and the Oklahoma City Perhaps the worst television "news" but as a major news source, is the dismal bombers on the right." reporting of the season was the hatchet state of the competition. "Mainstream" job CBS "60 Minutes" did on one of Art news reporting, particularly on the major "No Wonder She Embraced God: She's a Bell's recent guests, investigative jour- television networks, is hopelessly liberal, Ninth-Grade Dropout!" nalist Christopher Ruddy, the lone homogeneous, and increasingly obsessed When Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe" American journalist investigating the with the trivial and sensational. Some in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade abor- death and official probes into former recent examples: tion case) converted to Christianity White House lawyer Vince Foster. recently, after years as a veritable icon Ruddy laid out the many glaring Why "CBSThis Morning" is in Third Place for tpe abortion rights movement, here inconsistencies and contradictions in the Co-Host Harry Smith: "This morn- is how the liberal press dealt with her Foster case for four hours on "Coast to ing's Big Story: The Speaker of the stunning defection: "She was a ninth- Coast AM recently, only to be smeared House Newt Gingrich and the grade dropout thrust at random into the on the October 8 "60 Minutes." The Republican majority will take on headlights of a divisive social move- only problem with Mike Wallace's story, Medicare this week, hoping to cut the ment-but she was a powerful symbol.
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