NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority
No. 204 4781 THE - NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 1984 CORRIGENDUM State Forest Land Set Apart as State Forest Park for Addition to Pirongia State Forest Park-Auckland Conservancy Declaring Land in South Auckland Land District, Vested in the Hamilton Education Board as a Site for a Public School, to be Vested in Her Majesty the Queen. DAVID BEATTIE, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to section 63B (I) of the Forests Act 1949 (as substituted IN the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand by section 19 of the Forests Amendment Act 1976), I, The Gazette, 11 October 1984, No. 182, page 4218,for the Minister of Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor-General of New Lands please read "K. T. Wetere". Zealand, hereby set apart the State forest land described in the Schedule hereto as State forest park, which shall hereby form part (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1236; D.O. 3/3058, 38/41) of the Pirongia State Forest Park. 3/1 SCHEDULE SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-OTOROHANGA DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land described as follows: Area Declaring Land to be Crown Land ha Being 241.7996 Part Section 9, Block XIII, Pirongia Survey District. All New Zealand Gazette 1935, page 581. S.O. Plan 27050. DAVID BEATTIE, Governor:.General 205.7674 Part Section 10, Block XIII, Pirongia Survey District. All New Zealand Gazette 1935, page 581. S.O. Plan 27050. A PROCLAMATION 244.8348 Section 11, Block XIII, Pirongia Survey District. All New PURSUANT to section 265 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, the Zealand Gazette 1935, page 581.
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