2/F renovations nearing completion DABOU After a big final push the 2nd floor renovation was N T completed in time for the 2010 Comedy Festival. The last stage was the installation of the three air conditioning units U O B T that were installed in record time thanks to Adrian Huber

H and his team. The venue was well received by the Comedy R U Festival who was able to accommodate up to 155 people

L E which is much more than the 120 people they used to be



able to seat. There is also the potential to put up more seats

W S I S next year as the air conditioning was able to cope with the extra capacity easily. The new look floor has so far been very well received by everyone who has seen it. The extra storage space has been especially welcomed by the committee and the various sub groups who have started moving their possession back into their allocated cupboards. The last stage that still needs to be finalised is the kitchen. Once all quotes have been obtained it should be moving forward again swiftly. We are also still awaiting delivery of the chairs and tables. I would like to thank my fellow 2/F Renovation Sub Committee members Barbara and Derrick who worked tirelessly to obtain a great result for the Swiss Club of Victoria and its members. I also like to acknowledge the support of the full Committee and the Members for putting considerable faith in us. I know the result will continue to benefit the Swiss Club for many years to come and I encourage all members to promote and use the space as much as possible. Antony Anderson - Building Management

Second Floor Opening Celebration Dinner Dance Saturday, 3 July Mark this date in your diary. Details mailed out soon!

89 Flinders Lane • Melbourne 3000 • Victoria • Australia • SWISS CLUB OF VICTORIA SWISS CLUB SUB-GROUPS Pro Founded in 1899 President: Claude Rossi Swiss Folk Dance Group Alpenrose 5 Falls Road, Hoddles Creek Vic 3139 89 Flinders Lane, Melbourne Vic 3000 President: Sylvia Hochuli T: (03) 5967 4542 T: (03) 9650 1196, F: (03) 9650 3104 T: (03) 9531 6575 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] W: Swiss Yodel Choir Matterhorn Swiss Companion Singers President: Marco Unternährer Club Opening Hours Convenor: Heidy Giger 3 Bluegum Court, Upwey Vic 3158 Lunch - Monday to Friday from 12noon T: (03) 9889 9321 T: (03) 9388 8777, (03) 9752 6996 (H) Dinner - Wednesday, Thursday & Friday E: [email protected] from 6pm. W: Bookings T: (03) 9650 1196 Ladies Luncheons Swiss-Australian Chamber of Swiss Club Catering Convenor: Heidy Giger Commerce and Industry (SACCI) For Weddings, Corporate, Seminars, For bookings T: (03) 9650 1196 General Manager: Marcel Svatos Parties, Private Functions contact Chef For information: T: (03) 9889 9321 Level 5, 23-25 O’Connell Street & Catering Manager Roger Moullet E: [email protected] Sydney NSW 2000 T: (03) 9650 1196, F: (03) 9650 3104 T: (02) 9223 7222, F: (02) 9223 7211 Saturday Morning Swiss School M: 0409 040 249 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Convenor: Andrea Pinch W: T: (03) 5331 6762 E: [email protected] Swiss-Australian Academic COMMITTEE W: Network (SAAN) E: [email protected] Barbara Kündig Swiss Playgroup W: President Ingrid Preston T: (03) 9772 0516 T/F (H): (03) 9813 8843 Chantal Imbach T: (03) 8407 3766 Honorary Consul of M: 0402 018 363 W: (Victoria): Erika Kimpton E: [email protected] 697 Toorak Road, Kooyong Vic 3144 The Swiss Diners Club Rolf Huber T: (03) 9824 7527, M: 0413 042 728 Convenor: Amy Bohren E: [email protected] Immediate Past President M: 0410 037 095 T/F (H): (03) 9807 0282 E: [email protected] Organisation of the Swiss Abroad M (B): 0425 805 854 (Auslandschweizer-Organisation) E: [email protected] Swiss Festival Council Delegate: Roland Isler Gerda Probst Chairman: Rolf Huber Contact details: see below under Editor Secretary T/F (H): (03) 9807 0282 W: M: 0439 936 313 M (B): 0425 805 854 W: E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Urs Derrick Wildi Treasurer SWISS COMMUNITY T/F (H): (03) 9824 7930 ORGANISATIONS M: 0403 040 930 E: [email protected] Swiss Society of Victoria (Benevolent Society) Impressum Sigrid de Castella President: Franz Schnellmann News and Views published by the Membership Relations T: (03) 9449 2245, M: 0412 203 893 M: 0416 088 000 Swiss Club of Victoria. ‘Edelweiss’ E: [email protected] E: [email protected] appears quarterly in March, June, September and December. Antony Anderson Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruess Circulation 500. Australian/Swiss Cultural Society Building Management For all enquiries contact: M: 0416 069 666 President: Sylvia Hochuli Roland Isler, Editor E: [email protected] T: (03) 9531 6575 E: [email protected] T/F: (03) 9558 3877 (H) Patrick Rychner T: (03) 9524 6335 (B) Corporate Communications/ Groupe Romand du Victoria M: 0412 935 565 Web Administrator President: Marianne Puccinelli E: [email protected] M: 0404 657 886 7 Eric Court, Wheelers Hill Vic 3150 67 St Georges Crescent E: [email protected] T: (03) 9561 9595 Heatherton Vic 3202 W: Damian Schaller Event Manager M: 0410 461 364 Unless otherwise stated, postal address for all is: 89 Flinders Lane, Melbourne Vic 3000 E: [email protected] 3 President’s Message

Dear members and friends Roger is organising a dinner dance in the restaurant on of the Swiss Club, Saturday, 31 July. On Sunday, the actual National Day, we are holding our traditional National Day Lantern Procession to I hope you are enjoying make our presence felt in the heart of Melbourne! So whatever the beautiful autumn days. you decide to do, either hold your own party with your family However, winter and the cold and/or friends or catch up with fellow Swiss at an organised are approaching fast – time function, have a good time celebrating & toasting to beautiful to rug up and get together in Switzerland! a cosy ambiance and enjoy some hearty and delicious Swiss dishes – where else but at the You all know that our club is only as much fun as the members Swiss Club Restaurant! contributing to it. The present committee, all volunteers with busy work lives and young families, can only do so much. The AGM in March was well attended and the members Committee life is not eternal…there has to be change and present had an opportunity to get a fi rst glimpse of our new renewal. We always need new people, who bring new energy 2/F function room. It is still not 100% fi nished, we are awaiting and ideas to the club life. I understand that individuals like the tables and chairs, the kitchen still needs to be fi nalised and to be asked to join a committee, but if you have just a bit of some bits are missing here and there. However, the comments interest or are curious to know more, please don’t be shy, do so far have been encouraging. The interest groups have moved approach us and let us know if you would have the time and back in and can enjoy meetings in a fresh and welcoming interest in becoming more involved – we need you! room. Are you looking for a function place for your business or private event? – Well now you know where to inquire fi rst! Enjoy the colder season, keep healthy, and we all look forward Please contact the committee for any details. to seeing you at the club restaurant or at one of our functions. The Swiss Festival in March was a fun and successful event. Barbara Kündig, President We were once again lucky with the weather. Many thanks go to the organising committee as well as to the many volunteers and performers across the Swiss community for their time and help. It is great to see all Swiss Groups working together. Liebe Barbara, In March, the elevator suddenly broke down and we had to Gestern fanden wir ‘Edelweiss’ im Briefkasten, ein Grund, replace the valve at a cost of $12,000 – that wasn’t easy. Dir und dem Club wieder einmal zu sagen, wie sehr wir es We have repaired it, and I am very pleased to report that schätzen, das Vereinsorgan immer zu erhalten, und auch the elevator ride is now a pleasure and very smooth! No wie gerne wir ‘Edelweiss’ immer lesen, und zwar von A-Z. more bumpy, scary rides – what a difference a valve makes! So sind wir nicht nur auf dem Laufenden, was im Club However, the cost was quite substantial and a drain on our so geht (was uns immer interessiert), sondern fühlen uns fi nances, especially as it was not budgeted. auch weiterhin als dazu gehörend. Ein schönes Gefühl, denn in Melbourne waren wir von allen Orten, wo wir im The committee and the subgroups have again planned many Verlauf der Karriere eingesetzt waren, am besten ‘zuhause’ different functions during autumn and winter. We hope we can (sogar zweimal!), fühlten wir uns sozusagen wie der Fisch entice you to join us at some of them. Swiss National Day will im Wasser. Also vielen Dank, dass Ihr dieses Gefühl für of course be a special day for any Swiss living anywhere in uns aufrecht erhaltet. Ein grosses Kompliment gebührt Victoria. natürlich auch Roland für die hervorragende Gestaltung Our National Day is for all Swiss and will be celebrated in all des ‘Edelweiss’ – ansprechend in der Form, informativ im forms and shapes! Wonderful that there are choices available Inhalt, wie beispielsweise der Artikel über die romanische in various locations and at various times. Sprache oder auch Damian’s Websurf. Besonders beeindruckt haben uns dieses Mal der Bericht über die Renovation des 2. Stocks und die grosse New group! See page 20 Professionalität, mit welcher der Vorstand das Projekt den Mitgliedern am Half-Yearly Meeting vorgestellt hat. Wir wünschen Euch viel Glück mit der Fertigstellung dieses Umbaus, und wir hoffen natürlich, dass wir das ‘Resultat’ irgendwann persönlich begutachten werden können. Mit nochmaligem herzlichen Dank und allen guten Wünschen an das ganze Committee Rosmarie und Werner Ballmer Consul General 1998-2003

4 Swiss Club of Victoria as well as receiving a Research Excellence Award from the Faculty of Business and Enterprise at Swinburne University. Congratulations also to Dr Dieter Hochuli (Sylvia and Fritz’s son) who has become the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision from the University of Sydney.

Birthday Celebrations Welcome to our new members 80 years: Theophil Surbeck, Rene Gehrig, Fred Ruegg, We welcome John Magor, Arthur Naoumidis and Emil Hannelore Hauser. Underberg. We are looking forward to meeting you at one of 90 years & over: Trudi Fanger commemorated 91 years in our forthcoming functions. February and Alice Fueglistaler celebrated 94 years in March. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you all Congratulations and wish you good health in many years to come. Our warmest congratulations go to Yvonne and Tony Erb who were celebrating their diamond (65th) wedding Get well anniversary on 2 March. We wish Barbara Purtschert a speedy recovery from a On 25 June, Rita and Herbert Schwärzler celebrated their recent hip-replacement operation. golden (50th) wedding anniversary. Congratulations from all of us! Former treasurer Ruth Plagge had a serious riding accident. We wish her all the best and hope we’ll soon see you at the At the AGM on 17 March, Nola Mauerhofer and club again. Madeleine Poole received an Honorary Life Membership. We thank you for your club loyalty! The last farewell Congratulations to Dr John Ortner (Barbara Kündig’s It is with great sadness we report that Maureen Huber husband) on being awarded Doctor of Business Administration passed away in January. Our deepest sympaties go to her husband Dolf and family. ‘Edelweiss’ Deadlines 2010 We were further saddened to hear that Joan Dumar passed away in March. Our sincerest condolences to her husband Fred September Issue: Covering Sept/Oct/ Nov and family. Editorial Deadline: Monday, 9 August Packing: Wednesday, 25 August Dear members, if your partner, your friends or fellow members December Issue: Covering Dec 09/Jan/Feb 2010 have a reason to celebrate, are unwell or have left for a better Editorial Deadline: Monday, 1 November place, please let us know so that others know too. Please Packing: Wednesday, 17 November contact Sigrid de Castella (Committee) or the Editor.

WINTER SPECIALS: Black Forest Cakes in all Sizes, Assorted Patisseries Chocolate or Vanilla-Srawberry Cakes Kirsch Gâteaux, Original Bündner Walnut Cakes Best Vanilla Slices in Australia! Open Tuesday to Sunday 232 Blackburn Road, Syndal 3150 ☎ 9802 7265 5 The Swiss Festival - a celebration of Swiss culture

Another successful Swiss Festival has For the fi rst time this year Swiss red and was very well received. Alex who come and gone. On Sunday, 21 March and white wine (Dôle & Fendant), lived in Chur, Graubünden until recently the Swiss met at the beautiful grounds Feldschlösschen Bier and Schnapps were working as a teacher and performer, of the Austrian Club in Heidelberg West on offer which was directly imported has Swiss/Australian dual citizenship. to celebrate Swiss culture and heritage. from Switzerland sponsored by Fracht AG Our ‘own’ celebrated Swiss entertainers, Australia. The interest was enormous and the Companion Singers, the Folk Dance Over a thousand visitors fl ocked to the by 1pm the beer and most of the wine Group Alpenrose, the Yodel Choir open air event in Melbourne’s North was sold. A new culinary delight on the Matterhorn, Irma Thalmann (Alphorn), despite a cool and wet weather forecast. menu was meatloaf with wedges which Chris Thalmann (Swiss Accordion) and But as often experienced Melbourne found an enthusiastic clientele and Tom Webb (Flag/Singing Saw) added put on a smile and it turned out to be a our all time favorites of Bratwurst with their own brand of Swissness. windy but sunny day. bread and Raclette were also very much To give parents a stress free day, kids The dynamic Swiss Festival committee appreciated. Even Betty Bossi cookbooks need to be entertained as well and with worked very had to organise a fantastic were on sale for those who wanted to a jumping castle, free fl oss, an day for the enjoyment of Swiss and indulge even further into Swiss style animal farm (sponsored by Credit Suisse) friends of Switzerland, a day fi lled cooking. and a magician, fun for our youngest with harmony and friendship. It is the A fi rst at the Swiss Festival was also the was guaranteed. In addition Globi books, committee’s aim to present an authentic Alex Cole Salon Trio which entertained Switzerland’s Mickey Mouse, were on Swiss style ‘Volksfest’ and try new and the visitors with violin, piano and cello sale in German and English. interesting features.

Pictures from this year’s Swiss Festival can be downloaded courtesy of the SF committee. For more information visit

6 Swiss Club of Victoria Our guest of honor was Ernst Hofstetter, outgoing Deputy Consul General The Swiss Festival committee acknowledges of Switzerland based in Sydney. He represented the offi cial Switzerland the generous support of the Swiss and was farewelled with a gift. For the second time in a row the Embassy Community Groups, our sponsors and the of Switzerland in Canberra agreed to be a major Austrian Club Melbourne. sponsor and we thank the Ambassador Dr. Daniel Woker for his personal involvement as the patron of Participating Swiss Community Groups: the Swiss Festival. • Swiss Club of Victoria The committee is happy to report a profi t which • Groupe Romand du Victoria will be equally distributed to SF Groups. • Pro Ticino • The Swiss Diners Club We intend to organise another Swiss Festival in • Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruess March 2011 with an exact date to be advised – so • Ladies Luncheons watch this space. Erika Kimpton, Honorary Consul • Swiss Companion Singers of Switzerland and Amy Bohren, convenor of the • Swiss Folk Dance Group ‘Alpenrose’ Swiss Diners Club have decided to retire from the • Swiss Playgroup committee. I would like to thank both of them for • Saturday Morning Swiss School their three years of perseverance and enthusiasm • Swiss Yodel Choir ‘Matterhorn’ and wish them well for the future. Two positions • Organisation of the Swiss Abroad have now become available, we need people with new ideas. If you are • Swiss-Australian Chamber of Commerce interested in joining please contact one of the committee members listed and Industry below. • Swiss-Australian Academic Network I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my fellow committee members for their fantastic work, all volunteers and entertainers. Sponsors: I look forward to seeing you at the next Swiss Festival in 2011! • Austrian Airlines Yours sincerely, • Credit Suisse • Crown Rolf Huber, Chairman Swiss Festival Committee • DKSH • Embassy of Switzerland in Australia Members of the Swiss Festival Committee • Fracht AG Australia 2010: • Fromart Rolf Huber (sponsorship/chair) • Georg Fischer Amy Bohren (secretary, entertainment coordinator) • Harvey World Travel Dandenong - retired • Henkell Brothers Bruno Giger (treasurer & deputy chair) • King Island Dairy Chantal Imbach (liaison offi cer, volunteers) • Lindt & Sprüngli Damian Schaller (marketing/ website coordinator) • Océ Erika Kimpton (food & beverage coordinator) - • Ormond Meat & Smallgoods retired • Schaller Consulting • SBS • SGS • SIC • Swiss Club Restaurant • Swissinfo • Victorian Multicultural Commission • Victorinox • Walma’s Continental Butcher 7 Advertisement pension planning and wealth and inheritance advice, property In March 2010, Credit Suisse Private Banking was a and margin loans for investment purposes – services that are proud sponsor of the Swiss community of Victoria’s all tailored to individual needs. The goal of Private Banking is to annual Swiss Festival. With their common Swiss heritage determine whether our clients have the appropriate investment and strong links to the Victorian community, there are mix and to advise them on how to establish realistic signifi cant synergies between the Swiss Club of Victoria investment objectives. Although the requirements of our clients and Credit Suisse who is supportive of the Club’s efforts and successive generations may be very different, we always to preserve the and nurture aim to bring new perspectives to their wealth management. connections with people in the community. Corporate Advisory Solutions (CAS) Global reach CAS is a dedicated specialist team within Credit Suisse Private Banking Australia, working particularly in the small to mid-cap Credit Suisse AG is one of the world’s leading fi nancial services market space. The services CAS offers complement the Private providers and is part of the Credit Suisse group of companies Banking offering and includes business sales, mergers and (referred to here as ‘Credit Suisse’). Headquartered in Zurich, acquisitions of businesses (M&A), obtaining debt or equity from we operate in over 50 countries worldwide and the group third party capital providers, and general corporate advisory employs approximately 48,300 people. As an integrated bank, services. Their clients include private businesses, entrepreneurs Credit Suisse offers clients its combined expertise in the areas and mid-cap listed companies. Currently, CAS is working on of private banking, investment banking and asset management. transactions across Australia, utilising the support of the wider Private Banking in Australia Credit Suisse global network where required. Credit Suisse has been in Private Banking for more than 150 Credit Suisse Private Banking Australia is strongly focused on years. We launched our domestic private banking business developing customised solutions. We strive to understand what in Australia in October 2007. With offi ces in Sydney and success means to our clients, to deliver what really matters to Melbourne, we have a large team of dedicated staff servicing them and to help them thrive. the needs of families, entrepreneurs, executives and private Please contact Credit Suisse Private Banking in Melbourne individuals. (03) 9280 1808 or Sydney (02) 8205 4888, or visit our website Our Private Banking services include comprehensive advice We look forward to discussing and a broad range of wealth management solutions including your personal needs.

8 Swiss Club of Victoria Unterhaltungsabend Saturday, 8 May The Dance Group was delighted to welcome special The Unterhaltungsabend was a fun night. ‘Kapelle Grüezi visitors from Switzerland, Rosmarie and Viktor Schilter. Mitenand’ under the leadership of John Wanner entertained Rosemarie is the regional leader of the and the guests with popular tunes and singalongs. Many thanks to costume commission of the eastern part of Switzerland. John and the band for sharing their enthusiasm and energy. We Dear friends for many years, Rosmarie and Viktor were privileged to have live music for our performance. I like to generously gave up a day of their holidays and teach us thank John for his efforts in arranging the music for the dances. several new Swiss The special performance by Chris and Tom found great folk dances. Rosmarie applause. has put together a CD with famous Congratulations to Roger and his team for a most delicious folklore bands for meal and excellent service. A very big thank-you to everyone the dances. The who so generously donated prizes towards our Tombola. There group embraced the were lots of winners and happy faces. To everyone, many opportunity to learn thanks for being part in making the night a big success. the new dances. Every I also would like to say thank-you to Consul General Mr. Meli member enjoyed this and his family for being part of the evening. experience and worked hard. The day ended with a well A big thank-you to the committee of the Swiss Club and Roger deserved barbeque. for their continued support. The dances will be performed next year at the National Sylvia Hochuli Volkstanzfest. It will take place in Sydney over Easter. Founding member Gwen Eckhardt is at present in the Canberra Hospital. We wish Gwen a speedy recovery. Sylvia Hochuli

It’s your Club. Get involved

The Companion Singers are still practicing on the second and third Thursday of the month at the Club. If you like to sing and enjoy good fellowship come along and join us. We are coming up to our 20 year Anniversary next year and would love to welcome some new members. For more information phone our Convenor Heidy Giger on 9889 9321. 9 2010 Australian Jass Championship in Brisbane The 2010 Jass Championship was held in Brisbane on ANZAC Day, 25 April. A record 44 players from all over Australia competed. The 6-player-contingent from Melbourne consisted 2nd Jass Night Results – 20 March of Roger Moullet, Martin Hörnlimann, Doris Conrad, Hans Keller and Trudi & Marcel Theiler. held at the Swiss Club Although the ladies were in the minority, they did manage to Singles 1. Lucia Blochlinger ...... 2881 show their skills as Madeleine Wager (an ex-Melbourne girl) 2. Monti ...... 2829 won the day and Trudi Theiler fi nished an excellent 9th. 3. Ida McDonald ...... 2776 2nd and 3rd were Hans Heer and Willy Felder, both former champions. Just missing out on a bronze medal, and best Doubles 1. Lucia & Louis Blochlinger ...... 5536 Melburnian was Roger Moullet who came in 4th place. Congratulations on this great achievement! 2. Sylvia & Fritz Hochuli ...... 5228 3. Ida McDonald & Benni Hurlimann ...... 5206 The best round of the day, 844, appropriately was scored by the top two players of the day: Madeleine Wager and Hans Heer. Upcoming Jass Nights - 2010 There was an added prize category this year to recognise players ‘in the middle’, so they can either celebrate with the 4th 5 June Swiss Club winners or commiserate with the rest. The prize was awarded 5th 10 July Swiss Club to the player closest to the average score. It was won by Ruedi 6th 7 August Matterhorn Schwegeler who scored the exact average score of the day. 7th & Final 4 September Swiss Club Other prizes were also awarded randomly to recognise all players’ efforts. Information supplied by Paul Eisenegger 9544 4681 Congratulations to the Swiss Society of Queensland who organised this event. A great day was had by all and the many Support those that support your Club. Consider our Advertisers helpers and volunteers deserve a big thank-you!

Ladies, mark the two dates below in your diary. Come and join us at 12 noon at the Swiss Club for good food, good company and interesting guest speakers. • Wednesday, 7 July Guest speaker: Christian Fröhlicher (Heritage) • Wednesday, 1 September Guest speaker to be announced Price $22 pp for members, $25 pp for non- members. Includes 2-course meal, wine, soft drinks and coffee. A Swiss farmer was in his fi eld digging up potatoes, when Non-members are also welcome, bring a friend or two. For an American tourist walks past. He looks over the fence and information and bookings ring me on 9889 9321or Roger at says: “In Texas we grow potatoes 5 times larger than that!” the Club on 9650 1196. Bookings are essential! The Swiss replies: “Jo Sie säget! We just grow them for our Heidy Giger own mouths”.

10 Swiss Club of Victoria 11 Change at the helm of the Swiss Society of Victoria

At the Annual General Franz: Absolutely. The Swiss Club was born out of the SSV Meeting of the Swiss twenty years later in 1899. Society of Victoria held Editor: Is it known who the men were that founded the SSV? on Wednesday, 10 March, Franz Schnellmann was Franz: We are lucky that we have an extensive archive of elected President. I caught documentation of the SSV, mostly minutes of meetings. So up with Franz for a chat: we can confi dently say that the original committee included President, G. De Pury; Vice President, G.T.A. Lavatar; Secretary, Editor: Franz, congratulations J. Scherer; Vice Secretary, ED. Seitz; Treasurer, A. Schlaepfer and on becoming President of the Librarian, J. Duescher. Swiss Society of Victoria! You are, of course, no stranger to Editor: And who are the current committee members? the members of the Swiss Club Franz: The Committee comprises of me as the President and as you were President of the the Treasurer, Basil Jenkins. In addition we have the Trustees club from 1994 to 1999. What motivated you to get involved and the Assistance Committee, made up of Walter Purtschert, again and take on the leadership of the SSV? Marcel Muntwyler, Adrian Huber, Urs Marfurt and yourself. Franz: Thank you very much. To get nominated by peers whom Editor: We know that the SSV is a benevolent society, I highly regard, has given me enough incentive to serve as founded with the purpose to helping newly arrived or needy President. It is a honour to work with such a dedicated team countrymen. Has anything changed from those early days? and for such a good cause. Franz: Paragraph 2 of the ‘Rules of the SSV’ stipulates the Editor: We recently celebrated the 130th anniversary of the following: SSV. That is a very proud achievement for any organisation. It (the SSV) is established for the following purposes:- Could you tell us how it all started? a) To give advice and information to those of Swiss Nationality Franz: The history of the Swiss Society of Victoria offi cially newly arrived, and to assist any Swiss in Victoria in want of starts when it was founded in 1879. But the foundations were help, and found worthy to receive assistance. laid many years before that, so let me briefl y talk about the b) To promote a national spirit and feeling of good fellowship years leading up to 1879. amongst the Swiss residents of Victoria. The fi rst wave of Swiss migration to Victoria started only fi ve And Paragraph 25 regarding the use of funds says: The funds years after the foundation of the fi rst permanent settlement in of the Society shall be used for the relief of the needy, for the Victoria in 1834. It was initiated by the appointment of Charles payment of funeral expenses of Swiss who die destitute, and Joseph La Trobe as superintendent for the Port Phillip District, for working expenses only. No funds shall be spent for the as Victoria was called before 1850. La Trobe was married to social advantage of members. Sophie de Montmollin. The de Montmollin family belonged to Neuchâtel’s aristocratic élite. Through this connection, over Our constitution is strictly adhered to and any payment has to 100 winegrowers from Neuchâtel and adjacent districts were be approved in a joint sitting with the Assistance Committee. encouraged to migrate and establish and work in the colonial These rules were established right from the start and nothing wine industry. has changed since then. The second wave was initiated by the discovery of gold in the Editor: Can you give us examples of how the SSV has, or, is, 1850s. It prompted an exodus from the poverty-stricken Valle fulfi lling this mission? Maggia, Val Verzasca and other parts of Ticino and southern Franz: Our main objective will not change. We have assisted Grison. Between 1854 and 1856 almost 2000 Ticinesi and various Swiss in need, including a seriously ill person unable to Poschiavini had left for the famous Jim Crow goldfi elds, which continue running his business, a pensioner needing assistance is today’s Daylesford/Hepburn Springs. to purchase an electric wheelchair and contribution towards Solidarity was strong amongst the now considerable number the Swiss School if required and other people in need. Every of Swiss living in the district. Many of them had fallen on hard request will be judged on its merit and urgency. times because the promise of fi nding gold and fortune came true for only a few, and so, it did not take long until the fi rst Editor: It obviously needs the necessary fi nancial means to benevolent society was founded. This was usually done by support such causes, which, based on the examples you just wealthy businessmen and tradesmen committing themselves to mentioned, must be quite considerable. How does the SSV helping newly arrived or needy countrymen. And thus, on the managed this? 17th of April 1879, the Swiss Society of Victoria was founded. Franz: The SSV is in a healthy fi nancial position, this is mainly There were 21 founding members and within six years the due to the great work by our previous committees, past membership climbed to a record 136, a number that until today Presidents and our gratitude must go to our long serving remains unsurpassed. former Treasurer & Secretary Hanspeter Frei and his successor Editor: Up to that point, it really is a shared history with the Basil Jenkins. At this point of time I wish to thank our Auditor Swiss Club, is it not? Paul Kerss for his Honorary audit services.

12 Swiss Club of Victoria Editor: What is it that you want to be able to achieve during your time as President? Franz: Continue the good will and work of the previous committee and at the same time maintain a healthy fi nancial position, to give the Society the ability to continue with assistance to worthy recipients in the future. It would be helpful if the Swiss Society could attract bequests to enable it to expand its benevolent activities in the future. Editor: Thank you Franz, and best of luck.

Test your Swiss Knowledge Test your Swiss Knowledge

1 2







9 10


© G & M Probst

Across Across Want a taste of Switzerland? Visit the Swiss Club Restaurant 4. With what country does Switzerland share its longest border? 4.5. Born With in Neuchatel what CH country in 1896, this doesperson was Switzerland famous as an expert share in developmental its longest psychology. 6. Name of the German Author holding a book reading at the club on 22 May. 7. Headborder? of Department of Foreign Affairs in the Swiss Federal Council 8. Roman archaeological site and open air museum east of 11. Who (1484-1531) founded the Swiss Evangelic Reformed Church and planted the seeds of Swiss 5. Democracy? Born in Neuchâtel in 1896, this person was famous as an expert in developmental psychology. From a 1952 Tourist Map of Switzerland 6. Name of the German Author holding a book reading at the club on 22 May. 7. Head of Department of Foreign Affairs in the Swiss Federal Council. 8. Roman archaeological site and open air museum east of Basel. 11. Who (1484-1531) founded the Swiss Evangelic Reformed Church? Down 1. Name of Switzerland in Romansh. 2. Name of the newly formed family event, held monthly at the club. 3. Third-most taught foreign language in the English- speaking world. 9. In the Swiss counting, what fi nger is #1? 10. Last name of the Swiss born person (1743-1793), best known as a leader of the French Revolution For answers go to page 16 13 Lampionumzug – Lantern Procession

Celebrate Swiss National Day 2010 with your children and other Swiss Families.

Afternoon Tea followed by Lantern Procession to Federation Square.

It’s a Sunday this year! A great opportunity to enjoy Complimentary for Members Must RSVP by a day exploring the city with Non members $5.00/child. Wed, 28 July, 2010. your family. Then joins us For more information & RSVP, and other Swiss Families at Bring your own lantern (bought or please ring Barbara the club for afternoon tea to homemade), flags, bells etc. st 9005 4937 or email to celebrate 1 August. (Lanterns with candles or batteries only, no From there we will go on our flammable liquids) [email protected] traditional Lantern

Procession. Catering We meet first at the club this provided for the children. We look forward to celebrating year NOT Federation Square!!! Coffee, Tea and cakes for Swiss National Day with you! parents at bar prices.

Please note that parents are responsible for the supervision and safety of their own children at all times during the event. Personal Insurance is the responsibility of participants 14 Swiss Club of Victoria National Day Family Picnic National Day Celebration Gembrook Sports Ground - Melway map 312 F9 Sunday, 1 August at the Club from 11.00am to 4.00pm Saturday, 31 July, 7pm Admission Free – Plenty of Shelter Get into the swing with our famous Come and enjoy the traditional Swiss family picnic to celebrate ‘Kapelle Grüezi Mitenand’! this special day! 3 course menu with Coffee & Tea Grilled Sausages – Nussgipfel – Glühwein Members - $35.00 per person Children’s Games – Bonfi re – Yodelling & Folkloristic Music Non-members - $40.00 per person Children bring your Lampions! Drinks at bar prices Organised by the Matterhorn Society Reservations essential. Book early with Roger or Corinne on 9650 1196

Celebrate Switzerland’s 719th birthday! National Day Did you know… Senior Members’ Luncheon …that since the federal treaty (Bundesbrief) was signed at the beginning of August 1291, the Swiss Confederation remained Monday, 9 August, 12 noon de facto independent for 357 years! It was not until 24 October 1648 when at the Peace of Westphalia*, the Swiss delegation, For Swiss Club Members born 1940 and earlier represented by Johann Rudolf Wettstein, burgomaster of Basel, The Committee of the Swiss Club of Victoria has much pleasure was granted formal recognition of the Confederacy as an in inviting you to celebrate Swiss National Day 2010 with a independent state, separate from the Holy , and Luncheon at the Swiss Club. Habsburg renunciation of all claims to Swiss territory. Please fi ll in the form below and mail to the Swiss Club, *The term Peace of Westphalia denotes the two peace treaties 89 Flinders Lane, Melbourne Vic 3000 no later than 2 August. of Osnabrück (15 May 1648) and Münster (24 October For Information, please ring: 1648) that ended the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) in the Sylvia Hochuli: 9531 6575 or Barbara Kündig: 9005 4937 Holy Roman Empire, and the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648) between Spain and the Republic of the Seven United Cost: Complimentary for members, non-members $35.00 Netherlands. Payment to be enclosed with application. The Peace of Westphalia treaties involved the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III (Habsburg), the Kingdoms of Spain, Yes, I would like to attend the Swiss Club France, Sweden, the Dutch Republic and their allies, the Princes National Day Senior Members’ Luncheon 2010 of the Holy Roman Empire, and sovereigns of the Free imperial cities. SCV Membership Card number(s): The treaties that resulted from this fi rst modern diplomatic congress, initiated a new political order in central Europe and ended the reformation wars. Name(s):




Payment: ______x $35.00 = $______Complimentary for Swiss Club Members Ratifi cation of the peace treaty at the city hall in Münster, 1648 15 The Swiss Cookbook Publisher: Betty Bossi Verlag with editorial content produced jointly with the Swiss national tourism board ‘MySwitzerland’ ISBN: 761-2-64327-048-6 Published: 2009 Language: English This recipe, taken from the book featured on this page, is Binding: 312-pages, marked ‘New using fresh Swiss ingredients.’ ring-bound Price: CHF 36.90 + postage Trout fi llets fl ambéed with It is not too long ago when it was totally absinthe impossible to fi nd a book on Swiss cuisine written in English. Now it seems, there is one hitting the bookshelves every year! Could it be that anglophones all of a sudden have discovered how great Swiss food is? Preparation time: approx. 30 minutes. Serves 4. The latest addition is by legendary Swiss culinary publisher Preheat oven to 60°C, put serving dish and plates to warm. Betty Bossi, a household name in Swiss kitchens since 1956! Clarifi ed butter for frying heat in a non-stick frying pan This new publication is a recipe book that passes on traditional 600g trout fi llets fry in batches for approx. 2 min. Swiss recipes from all around the country but also provides on each side, return all fi llets to something for those who fear the traditional recipes might the pan be too heavy or calorie-laden. (Calories per person and other information about fat, protein and carbohydrates are 4 tbsp absinthe add to pan, set alight, fl ambé listed with each recipe.) There are many how-to-do tips and (Warning: do not fl ambé under everything is written with such commendable, easy-to-follow rangehood while it is running!) simplicity that even unexperienced cooks (like me) will have no ¼ tsp salt season, transfer fi llets & absinthe trouble following the recipes. to serving dish & return dish to Recipes are organised by region: - Solothurn, Bern oven to keep warm. Wipe pan and Valais - Northern and Eastern Switzerland - Central with kitchen paper Switzerland, Graubünden and Ticino. They are marked ‘Swiss ½ tbsp clarifi ed butter melt in the same pan classic’, ‘New interpretation of Swiss classic’ and ‘New Swiss cuisine using fresh Swiss ingredients.’ Capuns (chard parcels) 150g frozen peas and Älplermagronen (Alpine macaroni with apple wedges) are 150g leeks, cut into examples of classics; sushi made with Emmental meatloaf and thin rings asparagus samosas are examples of the second category; trout 150g carrots, cut into fi llets fl ambéed with absinthe and Appenzell-style charlotte matchsticks sweat slowly for approx. 2 min. russe exemplify the third. 200ml double cream pour over vegetables, bring to There are recipes for snacks, soups, starters, main dishes, boil, cook over medium heat for side dishes, and desserts and confectionery. Like traditional approx. 10 min. until sauce Swiss cooking, these recipes are good home-style cooking thickens with gourmet touches in the newer versions, but certainly not ½ tsp salt, a little pepper season, serve fi sh fi llets with gastronomic as in haute cuisine. sauce The book also contains short profi les of each region and some Bon appetite! highly interesting product information. Do you know what a girolle device is? What is vin cuit? A Türgaribel? How about Test your Swiss Knowledge - Answers Damascino? Bet you never tasted Belper Knolle or a Cardinal Across: 4. ; 5. JeanPiaget; 6. SabineNielsen; 7. Micheline Schiner casserole, much less Cholera Pie! CalmyRey; 8. Augusta Raurica; 11. HuldrychZwingly The book is available online from or Down: 1. Svizra; 2. Familienplausch; 3. German; 9. Thumb; 10. Marat

16 Swiss Club of Victoria was either overlooked Absinthe, the green fairy or ignored; the murders President’s Message were blamed solely Absinthe is an anise-fl avoured and highly alcoholic (from 45% on absinthe. This was Dear members and friends facilities. As a result proper marketing and promotion would up to 90% ABV) distilled beverage, traditionally produced from the last straw, and a of the Swiss Club, be required. Another idea is to modernise the existing area as the herbs wormwood (Wermut) anise and fennel and others petition to ban absinthe a multipurpose room i.e. members can use the upstairs and depending on recipe. AbsintheThe traditionally future looks has bright a natural for the green in Switzerland was meetings could be held as well. What do members want a colour but can also be colourless.Swiss It Club,is commonly we have referred an increased to in subsequently signed place for in the city? Perhaps a place for celebrations (birthday historical literature as ‘la fée verte’number (the of greenattendees fairy). at Absinthe our is by more than 82,000 parties, weddings etc.) perhaps a club lounge, a gym, a movie unusual among spirits in that functions,it is bottled good at a patronage very high proofof people. The prohibition theatre? Dear member, tell us what you have in mind! We but is normally diluted with waterthe club when restaurant, consumed. a dedicated of absinthe was then would like to hear from you! As a medicinal beverage, absinthecommittee originated and rentalin the incomeVal de written into the Swiss Traversfrom both in cantonRoger Moulletof Neuchâtel. and Terra It achieved Rossa, the great newly popularity opened On another note the many Swiss groupsconstitution of Victoria inhave 1907. been restaurant on the ground floor. The secret of our success and regularly meeting at the club for building closer relationships as an alcoholic drink in late 19th- and early 20th-century in A revival of absinthe the continued existence is based on the combined effort of all and not to loose sight of each other after the brick and mortar Switzerland and particularly in France. Absinthe’s popularity began in the 1990s, the volunteers who work tirelessly for the good of the club. We Swiss Consulate in Melbourne closed its doors last year. In the grew steadily through the 1840s, when it was given to French when countries in the will basically have a club as long as there are members and course of these meetings the idea was born of a joint event troops as a malaria treatment. The returning troops brought European Union began to reauthorise its manufacture and sale. volunteers. My heartfelt thanks goes out to all of you and to of Swiss Victorian groups in 2008. It was decided to use the their taste for absinthe with them. It became so popular in As of 1 March 2005 absinthe is again legal in Switzerland. bars,those bistros, who have cafés built and up cabarets this club. that, Long by livethe the1860s, Swiss the Club hour of of Volksfest as the most promising model for success. To realise Victoria! this project the Swiss Club has again applied for a grant with 5pm was called ‘l’heure verte’ (the green hour). Absinthe was the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC). The date for favouredHowever bywe all cannot social rest classes, on our from laurels the wealthyas a standstill bourgeoisie equals to next year’s Volksfest will be the 6 April 2008 which will take toregress. poor artistsAs a club and we ordinary have to working-class go forward and people. look Manyto the well future. place at the Austrian Club. I suggest you put it in your agenda knownThe committee artists such is putting as Henri steps de Toulouse-Lautrec,into place to rejuvenate Camille and now so you will not forget! Pissaro,prepare Vincenta gradual van handover Gogh, Ernest from Hemingwayone generation and to Oscar the next. Wilde wereAs part all of notorious the process ‘bad we men’ have of introducedthat day who a new were masthead (or were Also please note that the club restaurant closes for the period thought(see lead to story) be) devotees and a new of logothe ‘green and are fairy’. progressively By the 1880s, working Friday, 21 December after lunch and reopens for business on productionon returning had benefits caused for the our price members. of absinthe Another to droplong sharply.term By Monday,I look forward7 January seeing 2008 everyone for a well on deserved Friday, 25break. June for the 1910,project the will French be the were enhancement drinking 36 of million the Swiss litres Club of itwebsite, per year. Asbattle this is ofthe the forth Bernard and last Sandoz edition Trophyof the ‘Edelweiss’. in 2007 drafting of a new constitution and the redevelopment of the Owing in part to on behalf of the committee I would like to take this opportunity second floor. We as a club have the opportunity to create Come along, bring your friends and enjoy a happy Friday its association with to thank all of our readers and members for their support and something new and exciting. The upstairs in my view is evening. Cost $15 per person including dinner. Start is bohemian culture, continued involvement with the club! Wishing you all a happy the playground for members and we need to find the right 7.30pm. absinthe was Festive Season and good health for the New Year! See you at balance between commercial and social aspects. From a opposed by social theBookings club in 2008! are essential. Please ring Roger (Swiss Club) commercial point of view it would make sense to renovate conservatives and or Louis on 9439 7593 or 0418 645 313. If you have any the second floor and turn it into a meeting room with modern Rolf Huber, President prohibitionists. queries or suggestions do not hesitate to contact me. Spurred by the Hope to see yours all in June temperance movement and Louis Schneider notably the Any Suggestions? winemakers’ associations, The committee would like to absinthe was introduce a new communication publicly associated tool – a virtual suggestion box on our website! Wewith love violent to hear crimes from you, your ideas, andsuggestions social disorder or comments! Rulesand are portrayed very simple, as tell us what you think about the club, functions,a dangerously the menu etc. just click on suggestions and fire away. Quickaddictive and easy! psychoactive drug.To give The you chemical an example ‘thujone’, if somebody present (memberin small quantities, or non-member wasfor this singled purpose) out and has blamedplans for for holding its alleged Swiss harmful German effects. language Althoughclasses at absinthethe club, waswrite vilifi us ed,a little no evidencenote and hasexplain shown how that this it iscould any workmore thendangerous post it thanin the ordinary suggestion spirits. box. Its psychoactive properties,Generally speaking apart from we those encourage of alcohol, people have with been good much ideas to exaggerated.organise the eventIn 1905, and it see was it reportedthrough thatfrom Jean the beginningLanfray, a to vigneronthe end. Iffrom assistance Commugny is needed in the the canton committee of Vaud, is heremurdered to help! hisThank family you! and tried to kill himself after drinking absinthe. The fact that Lanfray was an alcoholic who had consumed much moreHere isthan the hislink: usual two glasses of absinthe in the morning Swiss Club of Victoria17 Martin Probst – chef, author and educator

Editor: Martin, Swiss Club members to work as a hotel receptionist know you as the husband of Club during our years of travelling. Funnily Secretary Gerda, dad of a most enough, she ended up working at gorgeous girl called Nadja, and since Crown Melbourne as well, where she the last edition of the ‘Edelweiss’, we still is in the capacity of Executive also know that you are a chef, author Assistant to the Chief Operating and an educator. I hope that you are Offi cer of Gaming. Since 2006 we able to tell us a little more about are proud parents of Nadja and both yourself and I’d like to start by asking of us work part-time to enable us about your childhood. Where did you to spend as much time with her as grow up? possible. Martin: I grew up in a little village Editor: When did the idea of writing called Finsterhennen, in the ‘’ a book fi rst develop and what region in Switzerland, which is well inspired you to do it? known for its healthy vegetables. I Martin: About fi ve years ago, I have an older brother and my father used to have a bicycle and transitioned from being a chef to educator. Amongst other ‘Töffl i’ store. He was known as the ‘Velo Päulu’ in the close details, I needed proof that my Swiss apprenticeship is knit community. Everybody knew everybody, and this has not equivalent to the Australian Certifi cate lll in Commercial changed to this day. I attend Kindergarten and then primary Cookery. I discovered throughout this process, that 20 years school in Finsterhennen with some other 15 pupils up to grade down the track, Swiss vocational schools still deliver the 4! For the secondary school we all needed to go to Ins, a town same contents in hospitality. Subjects in commercial cookery about 8 kilometres away. This kept us very fi t, since we went and hospitality operations are strictly based on technical there by bicycle mornings, lunchtime home and back, and once knowledge, but hardly anything is taught in regards to more home at night. employability skills such as customer service, communication, Editor: When did you fi rst realise that you wanted to become a teamwork, motivation etc. chef, and why? Editor: How did you go about it, I mean, you can’t just sit Martin: I always had to help my mother in the kitchen. That down one day and start typing? along with the fresh produce of the region (my dad was Martin: It was a very lengthy process, indeed. At fi rst I only sometimes being paid with vegetables) ignited the passion talked about the importance of writing such a book, because for food in early years. I was trained as a chef the traditional I felt that my 20 years of hospitality experience could be a Swiss apprenticeship way, with 1½ days per week at vocational great asset to the industry. After a while, action was required school in Biel and the rest at a local restaurant, specialising in and talking was no longer good enough. I started during the fi sh dishes. During summer I made way too many ice-cream summer holidays, wrote for a few weeks, then virtually nothing desserts. Remember the Coupe Danemark, the Banana Split, for the rest of that year. During the following summer holidays, the Eiskaffee and the Coupe Romanoff? I sat down again but then kept at it, week after week. There Editor: I certainly do, it’s still showing to this day! How did were times when it all seemed just too hard together with your career path progress after you qualifi ed as a chef? the job, family and other commitments. But I stayed focussed Martin: I wanted to see and learn more than I could by staying and the originally scarce script grew and grew. At fi rst I wrote in the Lake Bienne region. So in the years to follow I worked down episodes, sayings, contents etc. that I wanted to include. at various world leading hotels and in different countries, such Then I structured them into the main ‘menus’ (chapters) you as Suvretta House in St Moritz, Gstaad Palace Hotel, Bellevue see today. Over time, I added in more information, deleted Palace in Bern, Arosa Kulm Hotel, luxurious cruise liners some insignifi cant parts, got a graphic designer to convert my with Seabourn and Silversea, Southampton Princess Hotel in cartoon ideas and to come up with a catching cover. Finding a Bermuda, Olympic Stadium in etc. suitable publisher in the German speaking countries was also a challenge. Editor: When and why did you come to Australia? Editor: In my work as Editor, I got to know Gerda as a most Martin: Following my years of travel, I returned to Switzerland effi cient and conscientious Club Secretary…and a great proof ‘for good’ and worked at the Seedamm Plaza in Pfäffi kon SZ. reader. Was she able to support you in the same way? But after a couple of years, my feet got itchy again. In 2001 Crown Melbourne offered me a job as Chef de Cuisine which Martin: You are spot on with your assumption. She was in I could not refuse, especially because working and living in charge of the proof reading and formatting, which was not Australia was always my dream. an easy task, given that we have been living in an English speaking country for almost a decade. Actually, she was a Editor: You and Gerda both work in the hospitality industry. big support, but at the same time my probably most critical Did you meet here in Australia or back in Switzerland? customer so far. Martin: Gerda and I actually met back in 1990 when we met Editor: Now that the book is on the market, what is it that you through one of my cousins. We have been a couple for almost want to achieve with it – apart of course from selling lots and as long. Gerda originally has a banking background, but started lots of them and becoming fi lthy rich?

18 Swiss Club of Victoria Martin: As a matter of fact, my biggest motivator was not the money but my passion for the hospitality industry. My ultimate goal is for the book to be used as an educational resource. I hope the book will bring a positive change in the hospitality SWISS CLUB MOVIE industry, for the employees as well as for the customers. Editor: What feedback have you received for the book so far? A Classic Swiss Comedy - still relevant Martin: It is actually quite overwhelming. Most of the major today! The most successful Swiss Film hospitality newspapers and online sites have published very ever! positive comments about the book. I also opened a Facebook site which has attracted over 1,000 fans within the fi rst three months and countless interactions every day. My book will ‘Die Schweizermacher’ be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Swiss Wednesday, 14 July 2010, 8pm Hospitality Teachers Association in May. I have also been Swiss Club, 2nd fl oor interviewed by Ursula Schäppi from SBS Radio (to be aired on Sunday, 16 May). There is always something in the pipeline. CH 1978, Comedy. Directed by Rolf Lyssy. With Editor: That is fantastic news, well done and congratulations! Emil Steinberger, Walther Luond, Beatrice Kessler. Has success inspired you to embark on another book project? Duration: 104 minutes, Swiss German/English Subtitles Martin: First things fi rst. At the moment, I am concentrating on marketing ‘Die etwas andere Menüplanung…’, however it Foreigners who apply to become Swiss citizens have no might be translated into English down the track. easy task - especially when the police lets Bodmer loose Editor: How do you and Gerda see the future? Do you want to to check upon their background, their integration in the see Nadja growing up here in Australia or do you have plans to society, and the possible danger they represent to the return to Switzerland one day? orderliness and cleanliness of the country. Bodmer gets a Martin: Although we always enjoy visiting our families in new assistant to help him corner unsuitable applicants. Switzerland, we have no plans to return. We love this country Very soon, a couple of conformist German physicians, a which provides us as a young family with great opportunities pretty Eastern European dancer, and the inevitable (and and a unique lifestyle. If we miss the Swissness, we go to the politically troublesome) Italian immigrant and his family Swiss Club! start shooting themselves in the foot in their attempts to Editor: Martin, I thank you very much for this interview and I get the red passport with a white cross. wish you, your family and of course your book every success! Free for members, non-members gold coin donation. Enjoy dinner at the club, before or after the movie. Martin’s book ‘Die etwas andere Menüplanung…’is available directly from the author via email probstbooks@ Please book with the restaurant on 9650 1196. or online book stores. See March edition of the ‘Edelweiss’ for details. The Swiss Club Restaurant. It’s where you meet your friends.

On April 1, 1957 the British news show ‘Panorama’ broadcast a three-minute segment about a bumper spaghetti harvest in southern Switzerland. The success of the crop was attributed both to an unusually mild winter and to the virtual disappearance of the spaghetti weevil. The audience heard Richard Dimbleby, the shows highly respected presenter, discussing the details of the spaghetti crop as they watched fi lm footage of a Swiss family pulling pasta off spaghetti trees and placing it into baskets. The segment concluded with the assurance that, “for those who love this dish, theres nothing like real, home-grown spaghetti!” The ‘Swiss Spaghetti Harvest’ hoax generated an enormous response. Hundreds of people phoned the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To A modest organ in the Valère basilica, a fortifi ed church this query the BBC diplomatically replied, “place a sprig of on a hill overlooking Sion, claims a proud record: that of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.” the oldest organ in the world still in continuous use. It is believed to have been built between 1430 and 1440. It has To this day the ‘Panorama’ broadcast remains one of the most famous and popular April Fools Day hoaxes of all barely three octaves, and the keys are much smaller than time. It is also believed to be the fi rst time the medium of those on a modern instrument. Many of the pipes and much television was used to stage an April Fools Day hoax. of the mechanism is original dating from the . 19 The Saturday Morning Swiss School has a more than 30 year tradition to bringing Swiss heritage and the Swiss closer to school age children with a Swiss family background. In a playful way the children learn about Switzerland, its culture, heritage, language and traditions. New Group: Familienplausch With a lack of teacher and participating families the school has come to a standstill. We would like to keep the long Schweizerdeutscher Kulturtreff für tradition going and to continue to offer the opportunity Eltern und Kinder to children to learn about Switzerland and Swiss German. The School is running fortnightly (except school holidays) The ‘Familienplausch’ is a new opportunity for families on Saturdays and to suit family life better we changed the to socialise with the aim to promote the Swiss culture and time to the afternoon (1-4 pm). New families are welcome practise and converse in Swiss German. The whole family is at any time and the school fees are very modest ($50 per invited to participate. The ‘Familienplausch’ will provide the family per year for Swiss Club members, $100 for non- chance to catch up with other families and have a chat and members) due to the support of the Swiss Club and the a laugh. However, the meetings will also have a Swiss theme Swiss Society. such as games, baking, dancing, Swiss movies, Fasnacht, As mentioned we are also looking for teachers. We prefer a Grittibänz etc to celebrate the Swiss culture. These meetings qualifi ed teacher, but would welcome interest from people will be held monthly with the next afternoon happening on: who enjoy working with children so that we can provide Saturday, 19 June, 1pm – 4pm playful and educational activities to make the Swiss School at the Swiss Club (2nd fl oor) fun and exciting for the children. We offer remuneration according to qualifi cation. Free for Swiss Club members; $5 per family for non-members. Please contact the convenor if you would like more Please RSVP to Andrea Pinch information, if you are interested in your children Phone 5331 6762, [email protected] participating or if you are interested in the teacher’s Come along and have a great afternoon; remember that the position: aim is to promote Swiss German, so please leave your English Andrea Pinch, Convener at home. Phone 5331 6762, [email protected] Mark the dates for the Familienplausch for the reminder of the Do not be discouraged from expressing your interest by year in your calendar: the fact that the school is on idle at the moment; the Saturday Morning Swiss School will be integrated in the 17 July, 14 August, 11 September, 16 October, 13 November. ‘Familienplausch’ (see related article this page) until we have a suffi cient number of children again to run the school by itself.

Part of German Language program on Melbourne 93.1fm

Tune into news, information and entertainment about everything that is Swiss in Switzerland and downunder. Ursula Schappi presents an informative half-hour program in Swiss-German. Every Sunday from 8:30 to 9pm on 93.1fm To listen online visit: To contact Ursula: leave a message on (02) 9955 7628 or ring 0407 995 578

20 Swiss Club of Victoria Successful Winter Olympics Soccer World Cup action at for Swiss and Aussies the club Switzerland Join us to watch and Ski Jumping (Large Hill) – Simon Ammann – Gold support the Swiss and Ski Jumping (Normal Hill) – Simon Ammann – Gold Australian Soccer team’s Men’s Giant Slalom – Michael Schmid – Gold matches on the big Men’s Ski Cross – Carlo Janka – Gold screen at the Swiss Club Men’s Cross-Country Skiing – Dario Cologna – Gold Men’s Downhill – Didier Defago – Gold Restaurant Men’s – Bronze Times show Melbourne time. Please Men’s Super Combined – Silvan Zurbriggen – Bronze check for correct show times closer to the event by ringing the Ladies’ Snowboard Cross – Olivia Nobs – Bronze club. Australia If we make it to the next round…more matches will be shown. Ladies’ Snowboard Halfpipe – Torah Bright – Gold Switzerland Ladies’ Aerials – Lydia Lassila – Gold Men’s Moguls – Dale Begg-Smith – Silver 17/06 00:00 Switzerland vs Spain 22/06 00:00 Switzerland vs Chile 26/06 04:30 Switzerland vs Honduras Australia 13/6 04:30 Australia vs Germany 19/6 00:00 Australia vs Ghana 23/06 04:30 Australia vs Serbia

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A Swiss Menu and a German Family Saga from the Island of Föhr Enjoy dinner at the club while listening to a German book reading Die Stimmen der Villa Blanke Hans by the Author Sabine Nielsen “A missing mother, a father who will not talk about his past and ghostly voices in an abandoned villa…secrets confront Annie Jensen when she returns home to the island of Föhr after 35 years in Australia. With the aid of her neighbours Willa and Ruth she discovers a trace…which leads to Switzerland and Australia.” After ‘Ebbe, Flut und Tod’ and ‘Die Frau des Marschbauern’ the third part of the Family Saga describes lovingly the life on the island of Föhr. At the same time a dark chapter of Germany’s past is reopened – and refl ections are made about the powers of ideology and dictatorship. A three course dinner and book reading: $40* per person ($45* for non-members) *Drinks not included. Vegetarian meals upon request

Saturday, 22 May, 6.30pm ‘Die Stimmen der Villa Blanke Hans’ Schardt Verlag, Oldenburg, Essential! Book with Club on 9650 1196 ISBN 978-3-89841-416-6. Available from Continental Bookshop, Language International und Foreign Language Bookshop 21 Queen of the alphorn: between pop and funk

Eliana Burki melodically represents Switzerland in both decided in favour traditional and non-traditional fashion. Her alphorn is of of a professional carbon, her alpine prayer pop and she distances herself career in the music from traditional costume. However, in the meanwhile business. However, to step in contact with the public, vocal the alphorn is regarded a primordial and integral part of numbers were a must – and let’s not underestimate the tricky Switzerland. combination of playing the alphorn and voiced sound – singing requires a completely different set of muscles! Early unwavering determination apparently paved the way to Switzerland’s national instrument: “When I was 6, my mother, A light and folding alphorn a piano teacher, wanted me to commence with piano lessons”, Today’s alphorn is no longer made of wood but composed of recalls the youthful Eliana Burki. “But I stuck my neck out, numerous feather-light telescopic carbon pieces (synthetic because I was interested in the alphorn not the piano – and material) which are slotted together and fi nd room in a sports my musical parents who had bought us up with classical music back-pack. The horn necessitates being assembled and newly were naturally aghast!” tuned before every performance. The alpine prayer instigates change An alphorn has fi ve octaves – the higher the octave, the more The second major decision in Eliana’s young musical life took powerful the tone is. Due to the diffi culties in the transmission place at the age of only 9. “At a Swiss yodeling celebration of natural tones, musical arrangements for blues, jazz and funk I was forced to appear in front of a row of old men and play with the alphorn require a rewrite. the alpine prayer in traditional costume – that really took the Chinese and Americans biscuit!” “The Chinese together with Americans are the most Jazz and Blues for the sake of motivation appreciative audience” reports Eliana enthusiastically. That’s Eliana’s alphorn teacher Jürg Sommer was easily persuaded. why she particularly enjoys performing for a Chinese audience. Because deep down he knew that his one-and-only alphorn In 1999 Eliana musically represented Switzerland for the fi rst student would soon lose interest if he continued to teach along time at a world congress in Paris and since then often serves the traditional lines of Swiss folk music. her country as musical ambassador. These days, her tours take her all over the world. Eliana’s alphorn sound soon drifted in the direction of jazz and blues – much to the astonishment and disapproval of a few See: music fundamentalists, who wrote Eliana’s parents nasty letters accusing their child of ‘messing-up’ Switzerland’s national instrument. “Many others found it great – including folklore enthusiasts”, says Eliana looking back. European travels with mother and alphorn Very soon numerous European trips followed – faithfully accompanied by her mother on the piano. “Our alphorn- piano duo was conceived to be ultra-modern”, recalls Eliana. Following a performance at the Basel Jazz and Blues Festival, her mind was then made up. And at only 18 she

22 Swiss Club of Victoria Maestro Mario Venzago back in town Renowned Swiss conductor Mario Venzago delighted Melbourne audiences two years ago, when he led the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in a concert that included Berlioz’ Overture ‘Le Corsaire’, Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20, Schönberg’s Variations for Orchestra and the ever popular Bolero by Ravel. Mario Venzago was born in 1948 in Zürich. He began playing piano at age fi ve, attended the conservatory and the university in Zürich and later continued his studies in Vienna. For 10 years he toured and recorded extensively as a concert pianist and accompanist. He began his career on the podium in 1978 as principal conductor of the City Orchestra. He later led the Luzern Opera House and served as principal conductor for the broadcast recordings of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande in until 1986. Since then, his distinguished conducting career has included engagements with the most prestigious orchestras in Europe, America, Asia and, of course, with our own MSO. Visit www. for more details. Maestro Venzago will once again be performing with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on: • Friday, 25 June, 8.00pm. Deakin University, Geelong • Saturday, 26 June, 2.00pm. Hamer Hall, Melbourne • Monday, 28 June, 6.30pm. Hamer Hall, Melbourne Daniel Hope, who has been described as ‘the most exciting British string player since Jacqueline du Pré,’ is soloist in the glorious violin concerto by Brahms. Ravel‘s orchestral spectacular ‘La Valse’, fi nds a pre-echo in Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No. 1, before we say ‘uf widerluege’ with Haydn’s Farewell Symphony No. 45. To fi nd out more visit: Chalandamarz bids noisy Advance Notice: farewell to winter Chasing away evil winter spirits is the idea behind this annual Swiss custom. Boys in the Lower Engadine region of eastern Switzerland drive away the spirits with their bells, whips and rattles, so that ‘the grass will grow better’. Chalandamarz, here in the village of Ardez, takes place on 1 March (chalanda = fi rst day of the month, marz = Kaffeeklatsch March). We would like to extend an invitation to all our Senior Citizens (over sixty) to a wonderful afternoon of Coffee, Cakes and a Chat = Kaffeeklatsch, at the Swiss Club. Sunday, 12 September, 2pm There is no charge for this cosy afternoon, however our Group is thankful for any donations. Please reserve a place by ringing or leaving a message with Marlies Krummenacher H. 9503 9921 or B. 9578 504 or Rosmarie Oswald 9583 9048. RSVP no later than Monday, 6 September. 23 dimensions Finally! Jubilation at CERN! about which we hope to Scientists using the “Big Bang” machine deep in the learn. But it ground near Geneva have successfully smashed proton is possible beams together infused with record-breaking energy that we will levels. fi nd some Researchers from the European Organisation for Nuclear unknown Research (CERN) say the world’s biggest atom smasher may unknowns generate its fi rst scientifi c breakthroughs later this year when which could Anxious moments in the control room as scientists they hope it can unlock secrets of modern such as dark watch the experiment unfold. And then, relief and be hugely matter. joyous applause as success prevails. important for Tension was palpable early in the morning on Tuesday, 30 mankind. With March in the main CERN control room as two technical the LHC, we problems with the proton beams fi red at close to the speed of have the tool light around the 27-kilometre tunnel 100 metres beneath the that we need.” Swiss-French border delayed the experiment. Astronomers But these hiccups were soon forgotten as the energy of the and physicists two proton beams was again slowly ramped up to a record- say that only breaking seven trillion electron volts (TeV) – three times the 5% of the earlier record set in November. universe is Then at 12.58pm the beams whizzing 11,000 times a second currently in opposite directions around the (LHC) known, and that the invisible remainder consists of dark were smashed together in four bus-sized detector chambers. matter and dark energy, which make up some 25% and 75% respectively. The complex, landmark experiment, which was described as being akin to ‘fi ring two needles across the Atlantic and getting Another widely publicised aim of the LHC is to try to fi nd the them to collide half way’, was met with loud applause and elusive theoretical particle – the – that gave mass champagne by the emotional scientists. to matter that emerged after the primeval explosion – the Big Bang – 13.7 billion years ago. “It took us a few attempts, but I think it worked out beautifully,” Vivek Sharma, a physics professor from California But scientists say the data gathered will take time to analyse, University, said. “This is a very special moment. It’s taken us 25 and the public should not expect the fi rst interesting results years to build; this is what it’s for. Finally the baby is delivered. before the end of 2011 at the earliest. Now it has to grow.” “Major discoveries will happen only when we are able to The collisions, the high point of the SFr10 billion experiment, collect billions of events and identify among them the very which will continue for years, were hailed as a real Star Trek rare events that could present a new state of matter or new moment. particles,” said Guido Tonelli, a spokesman for the CMS detector at the LHC. “We are going into new territory where no man has gone before,” said Jean-Pierre Revol, senior analyst for heavy Staying focused ion collisions at the Alice experiment detector. “Today is an The LHC was launched with great fanfare on 10 September, important step.” 2008, but broke down nine days later when a badly soldered “It just shows what we can do in pushing knowledge forward electrical splice overheated, causing extensive damage to on where we came from, how the early universe evolved,” the massive magnets and other parts of the collider deep echoed CERN director-general Rolf Heuer. underground. Step into the unknown It cost $40 million to repair and improve the machine so that it could be used again at the end of November. The multiple underground collisions each created mini Big Bangs, producing data to be analysed by thousands of Since then the collider has performed almost fl awlessly, giving scientists at CERN and in laboratories around the world linked scientists valuable data in the four-week run before Christmas. by a computer network known as the Grid. It quickly eclipsed the next largest accelerator, the Tevatron at near Chicago. By crashing such high-energy beams of protons into each other, the scientists hope to gain key insights into the make-up of The plan is to now run the LHC continuously at 7 Tev for 18-24 matter and the creation of the universe billions of years ago in months while steadily increasing the proton density in each the moments after the Big Bang. beam until the end of 2011. It will then be shut down for a year of maintenance and upgrading to prepare it for years of “This is a step into the unknown. We are doing something that experiments at full power – 14 TeV. So watch this space! no one has done before. We hope we fi nd things that are really new,” said CERN research director Sergio Bertolucci. “There are known unknowns out there, like dark matter and new Be informed. Read the Edelweiss

24 Swiss Club of Victoria regards to openness to the world and its connection to Swiss citizens world-wide: “It cannot be that our country is withdrawing from the rest of the world” he said, and adding: “The axing of swissinfo must be averted. It is in the hands of the parliament to prevent this from happening. The proposed budget program can not be adopted if the Council of the Swiss Abroad members of the federal councils refuse to change the Radio and Telecommunication law.” He appealed to the councillors Report to say ‘no’ to these budget cuts and reminded them of the government’s obligation to serve as an information service At the spring session the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) provider to the Swiss Abroad. After the closure of Swiss Radio held on Saturday, 27 March, 80 council delegates from around International, swissinfo remains the only world-wide media the word gathered in the Swiss capital to represent their Swiss showcasing Switzerland in all national languages as well as community abroad and to ensure that their voice is heard. The the major world languages. swissinfo is Switzerland’s virtual main agenda items were: window to the world and provides an essential information The ‘Fifth Switzerland’ wants a law of its own service to Swiss Abroad. We appreciate very much the The Swiss Abroad contribute a lot to the political life and to the support we have received from members of the local country as a whole. Their experiences provide new impulses Swiss community in our quest to save swissinfo! by adding an enriching international dimension to the political The CSA has two demands: a return to 6 Swiss Review editions debate. This is the core message of National Councillor Thérèse per year from 2011, and the maintaining of federal funding for Meyer-Kaelin (CVP/FR) in her summary of the report by the swissinfo. ‘Groupe de Réfl exion’. This group was formed in autumn 2008 following an initiative by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad Support for Education (OSA). The group’s task was to identify the best possible Regrettably budget cuts are also looming for the preparatory political representation of the Swiss Abroad and the existing courses for young Swiss Abroad who wish to enter higher institutions. Concluding this report the CSA members called education studies in Switzerland. Without adequate funding for a change in the election procedures in favour of a direct these courses will have to be abandoned. The CSA supports the election of the council delegates by the Swiss Abroad. Up to Association for the promotion of Education for young Swiss now this is done by the various registered Swiss institutions Abroad (AJAS) in its negotiations with the federal government and umbrella organisations abroad. This measure would and the eight university cantons to support this important strengthen the role of the CSA as the defender of the interests service and not limit access to higher education for the around of all Swiss Abroad. However, this will only be possible after 100 young Swiss Abroad that partake in these courses every year. the introduction of e-voting for Swiss Abroad. Address details of Swiss Abroad, which are essential for a direct election, are New internet platform to link Swiss Abroad confi dential and are managed by the Federal Department of The OSA announced the creation of a new internet platform Foreign Affairs (FDFA). The use of this data for other means SwissCommunity. This global network will be a bit like requires the permission of the federal government. This is the Facebook, Xing oder Linked-in, and yet still different. reason why the creation of a law for Swiss Abroad is necessary. SwissCommunity is going to be an exclusive communication Such a law would provide the government with a clear policy platform, specifi cally designed with the needs of Swiss Abroad and political direction concerning the 700,000 Swiss citizen in mind. It is to encourage contact among Swiss living abroad living abroad. To pass and include such a bill in the federal and facilitate communication with Switzerland and their constitution would be a positive signal for those Swiss living cantons of origin. With the creation of SwissCommunity the abroad that wish to engage in the political life of the country. OSA is fulfi lling an important need of Swiss citizens world- OSA President, Jacques-Simon Eggly emphasised in his Annual wide. SwissCommunity will be offi cially launched on 21 August Report, that the support for the creation of such a law received at the 88th Congress of the Swiss Abroad held in St.Gallen. by the Head of the FDFA, Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy- Roland Isler - Delegate, Council of the Swiss Abroad Rey is very pleasing. ‘No’ to the dismantling of information services After the Swiss Review was reduced from 6 to 4 editions in 2009, the federal government announced on 25 February 2010 that it intends to discontinue its fi nancial contribution to swissinfo as part of its budget program for 2011-2013. This would almost certainly mean that without the government subsidy the Swiss Broadcasting Cooperation would also withdraw its fi nancial support immediately, which would spell the certain end of the multimedia news and information platform swissinfo. Jacques-Simon Eggly posed the question which communication strategy Switzerland is perusing with The OSA taking part at the Swiss Festival for the fi rst time 25 Swiss Events & Functions

Please note that that this calendar also lists events other than those organised by the Swiss Club of Victoria and its subgroups. Please book all Swiss Club functions (bold entries) with Roger, phone 9650 1196 or fax 9650 3104 and check website for latest information and details of upcoming events. For all other events please contact the relevant organisation (see page 3 for contact details).

MAY Saturday 22 German book reading by author Sabine Nielsen Saturday 29 SAAN Trivia Evening

JUNE Thursday 03 Kapelle Grüezi Mitenand entertains Saturday 05 Jass Night - Swiss Club Saturday 19 Familienplausch Friday 25 Billiard Competition - Bernard Sandoz Trophy

JULY Thursday 01 Kapelle Grüezi Mitenand entertains Saturday 03 2/F Opening Celebrations Dinner Dance (Invitations will be mailed) Wednesday 07 Ladies’ Luncheon Saturday 10 Jass Night - Swiss Club Wednesday 14 Swiss Movie Night - ‘Die Schweizermacher’ Saturday 17 Familienplausch Saturday 31 National Day Celebration Dinner at the Club

AUGUST Sunday 01 National Day Afternoon Tea & Lantern Procession Sunday 01 National Day Family Picnic in Gembrook - Matterhorn Thursday 05 Kapelle Grüezi Mitenand entertains Saturday 07 Jass Night - Matterhorn Monday 09 National Day Senior Members Luncheon Saturday 14 Familienplausch

SEPTEMBER Wednesday 01 Ladies’ Luncheon Thursday 02 Kapelle Grüezi Mitenand entertains Saturday 04 Jass Night - Swiss Club (Finals) Wednesday 08 Swiss Movie Night Saturday 11 Familienplausch Sunday 12 Kaffeeklatsch - Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruess Wednesday 15 Half-Yearly General Meeting

OTHER REGULAR SWISS CLUB MEETINGS: Committee Meetings: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month Swiss Folk Dance Group Alpenrose: Practice every Tuesday evening at 8.15pm Swiss Companion Singers: Practice and social gathering every 2nd and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8pm Saturday Morning Swiss School: Every second Saturday except school holidays, from 1pm to 4pm Swiss German Playgroup: Meets every 1st Thursday of each month from 11am to 2pm The Swiss Diners Club: Dates for get-together can be found on or on our Yahoo group group/YoungSwissMelbourne/

26 Swiss Club of Victoria 2/F renovations nearing completion DABOU N T U





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Happy Second Floor faces at the Swiss Festival Opening Celebration Dinner Dance Saturday, 3 July