COGNITION AND , 2016 VOL. 30, NO. 7, 1304–1316

Realistic : The role of personality Michael Hoergera,b, Ben Chapmanb and Paul Dubersteinb aDepartments of , Psychiatry, and Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA; bDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA

ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Affective forecasting often drives decision-making. Although affective forecasting Received 3 September 2014 research has often focused on identifying sources of error at the event level, the Revised 7 May 2015 present investigation draws upon the “realistic paradigm” in seeking to identify Accepted 9 June 2015 fl factors that similarly in uence predicted and actual , explaining their KEYWORDS concordance across individuals. We hypothesised that the personality traits Affective forecasting; and extraversion would account for variation in both predicted and Personality; Individual actual emotional reactions to a wide array of stimuli and events (football games, an differences; Decision-making; election, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, happy/sad film clips, and an intrusive interview). Judgement As hypothesised, individuals who were more introverted and neurotic anticipated, correctly, that they would experience relatively more unpleasant emotional reactions, and those who were more extraverted and less neurotic anticipated, correctly, that they would experience relatively more pleasant emotional reactions. Personality explained 30% of the concordance between predicted and actual emotional reactions. Findings suggest three purported personality processes implicated in affective forecasting, highlight the importance of individual- differences research in this domain, and call for more research on realistic affective forecasts.

When making decisions, people often engage in affec- understanding of strengths and weaknesses in affec- tive forecasting, the process of predicting how future tive forecasting. events will influence their emotional well-being. This investigation provides an illustrative example of People tend to make bad decisions when their affec- the realistic paradigm in affective forecasting research tive forecasts are steeped in error, and good decisions by examining the extent to which personality dually when their forecasts are realistic (Dunn & Laham, 2006; explains predicted and actual reactions to a range of Hsee & Zhang, 2010; Wilson & Gilbert, 2005). The life events and laboratory stimuli, contributing to their Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 social-cognitive error paradigm, popular in this concordance. In particular, theoretical evidence (Gray, domain of research, has focused on identifying 1994;alsoCorr,2004, 2008) and empirical findings factors that differentially influence predicted versus (Canli et al., 2001;Costa&McCrae,1980;Gross, actual emotional reactions (Hoerger, Quirk, Lucas, & Sutton, & Ketelaar, 1998; Hoerger & Quirk, 2010; Telle- Carr, 2009, 2010; see also, Mathieu & Gosling, 2012), gen, 1985; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001) on dispositional thus resulting in discrepancies or error. In contrast, suggest that individuals who are more the “realistic paradigm” (Funder, 1995) seeks to ident- extraverted and less neurotic tend to experience ify factors that comparably explain both predicted and more pleasant emotional reactions. The present investi- actual emotional reactions, accounting for any degree gation builds on this body of by examining of congruence across individuals in terms of who pre- whether neuroticism and extraversion are also associ- dicts and experiences more positive or negative reac- ated with predicted emotional reactions. If so, personal- tions. Identifying factors that account for realistic ity could account for some of the relative match across affective forecasting could help to foster a balanced individuals’ predicted and actual reactions.

CONTACT Michael Hoerger [email protected] © 2015 Taylor & Francis COGNITION AND EMOTION 1305

A historical perspective: the error paradigm domains of judgement are provided in Table 1.Ineach as the prevailing zeitgeist domain, error research seeks to identify mechanisms that differentially predicted versus actual out- Judgement research has traditionally drawn from two comes. In the affective forecasting domain, for complementary perspectives, the realistic paradigm example, emotional regulation strategies can affect and the error paradigm (for reviews, see Funder, actual emotional reactions considerably but bear little 1987, 1995, 2012). In the first half of the twentieth on emotional predictions, resulting in error (Dillard, century, this research was dominated by the realistic Fagerlin, Dal Cin, Zikmund-Fisher, & Ubel, 2010;Gilbert, paradigm, which emphasises the ways in which judge- Pinel, Wilson, Blumberg, & Wheatley, 1998;Hoerger, ments are “good”,defined as concordant across raters, 2012). Relatedly, an attentional called focalism, stable, beneficial, or predictive of later behaviour which leads people to focus on the most salient (Dymond, 1949; Taft, 1955; Vernon, 1933). With the feature of an event, can affect predicted emotional reac- rise of social and cognitive psychology in the 1980s, tions considerably but in some studies has been found the error paradigm gained prominence (Funder, to play less of a role in actual reactions, also resulting 1995, 2012; Swann & Seyle, 2005), emphasising the inerror(Hoergeretal.,2009, 2010;Lench,Safer,& ways in which judgements are “bad”, or discordant Levine, 2011; Wilson, Wheatley, Meyers, Gilbert, & from objective measurements, informant reports, Axsom, 2000). These examples, focused on explaining actuarial data, or optimal reasoning. The prevailing differential variance in predicted versus actual reactions, focus on error is readily apparent in the emerging contrast with research from the realistic paradigm field of research on affective forecasting. For seeking to identify mechanisms that explain substantive example, consistent with the error paradigm, 66% of variance in both predicted and actual ratings simul- articles in two recent meta-analyses (Levine, Lench, taneously. For example, in the context of weather fore- Kaplan, & Safer, 2012; Mathieu & Gosling, 2012) had casting (see Table 1), geographic elevation affects titles that described affective forecasting using expli- regional variation in temperature, and because this infor- citly negative terms (e.g., error, bias, failure, ignorance, mation is widely documented, geographic elevation and emotional innumeracy1); no title described affec- similarly affects weather forecasts, contributing towards tive forecasting positively. them being realistic. Analogously, in the affective fore- Affective forecasting studies have proceeded at casting domain, some factors such as personality that two different levels of abstraction, increasingly shifting shape actual emotional reactions might also underlie from descriptive to mechanistic research. Namely, emotional predictions, contributing to realistic affective descriptive studies have focused on the general level forecasting in terms of the relative positivity or negativity of the emotional event, aiming to identify whether of reactions across individuals. Any particular forecast is forecasts are generally realistic versus error-prone. likely multidetermined by a combination of concor- The central conclusions have been that affective fore- -enabling mechanisms that foster realistic fore- casts can be prone to towards overestimating casts and discordance-enabling mechanisms that foster or underestimating the emotional intensity of future

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 erroneous forecasts. Although recent trends in psychol- events (Wilson & Gilbert, 2013), and simultaneously, ogy have favoured error research, understanding both rank-order concordance is often moderate to high realistic and error mechanisms is needed as these two (rs from .30 to .50; Mathieu & Gosling, 2012), complementary perspectives seek to answer different meaning that people can to some extent realistically questions about the nature of judgement, such as under- gauge whether their emotional reactions will be standing strengths versus weaknesses. more or less intense than the reactions of other indi- viduals. Studies have moved towards the more specific question of what mechanisms—situational Personality and affective forecasting or individual-difference factors—influence predicted accuracy and actual emotional reactions. Examples of mechanistic research from both the The realistic paradigm suggests new avenues for realistic and error paradigms across three common incorporating personality research into studies on

1The exhaustive list of other error-focused terms includes the following: cannot predict, contrary to affective forecasts, do not anticipate, do not learn, focalism, mispredict, misunderstand, more than imagined, , unaware, and underestimating. 1306 HOERGER, CHAPMAN AND DUBERSTEIN

Table 1. Hypothetical examples of the error paradigm and realistic paradigm in three forecasting contexts. Paradigm Weather forecasting Political forecasting Affective forecasting Error Goal: Identify sources of bias in Goal: Identify sources of bias in political polls Goal: Identify sources of bias in emotional paradigm weather forecasts (forecasts) predictions Examples: Wet bias (overprediction Examples: Landline bias (conservative bias in Examples: Immune neglect (bias towards of rain), climate bias (ignoring polling only landline phones), organisational overlooking coping strategies), focalism secular changes in climate) bias (bias favouring the polling (bias towards ignoring non-central life organisations’ views) events) Realistic Goal: Identify factors influencing Goal: Identify factors influencing both Goal: Identify factors influencing both paradigm both weather forecasts and election polls as well as election results, predicted and actual emotional reactions, observed weather, leading them to leading them to match leading them to match in terms of relative match Examples: Incumbency status, state of the ordering across individuals Examples: Geographic latitude, economy Examples: Neuroticism, extraversion geographic elevation, season

affective forecasting. We begin by outlining how per- consistent with this view (Corr, 2004, 2008; Gray, sonality could logically and statistically explain concor- 1994; Hoerger & Quirk, 2010; Quirk, Subramanian, & dance. Consider Figure 1. In this Venn diagram, Hoerger, 2007). As well, personality could simul- predicted emotional reactions are realistic to the taneously explain variance in predicted and actual extent that they overlap with actual emotional reac- reactions through two other distinct channels, one tions (Sections A and B), suggesting relative consist- involving “”, the capacity to imagine ency across individuals in terms of who predicts and one’s future (see Figure 1C), and another involving experiences more positive or negative reactions. Per- “experiential awareness” related to contemplating sonality could contribute to realistic affective forecast- one’s subjective experience (see Figure 1D). For ing in two ways. For one, personality could account for example, some theorising has emphasised the ways a portion of the shared variance in predicted and in which these two processes fundamentally differ actual emotional reactions (Section A), reflecting a (Dunn, Forrin, & Ashton-James, 2009; McConnell, general “dispositional emotionality” that influences Dunn, Austin, & Rawn, 2011; Robinson & Clore, 2002), both predicted and actual emotional reactions to suggesting that different elements of personality events or stimuli. Some theoretical evidence might be involved in prospection versus emotional suggesting a broad role of personality in , awareness. approach motivation, and emotional response is Prior research has provided robust evidence for the relationship between emotions and particular person- ality traits, especially neuroticism and extraversion. In particular, higher extraversion and lower neuroticism are associated with more pleasant actual emotional reactions to stimuli and life events (Canli et al., 2001;

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 Costa & McCrae, 1980; Gross et al., 1998; Mroczek & Almeida, 2004; Nettle, 2006; Tellegen, 1985; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001). Although those studies have documented the overlap between personality and actual emotions using experimental (Canli et al., 2001; Gross et al., 1998; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001)or longitudinal (Costa & McCrae, 1980; Mroczek & Almeida, 2004; Tellegen, 1985) designs, none exam- ined predicted emotional reactions to upcoming events or stimuli. To our knowledge, only three studies have directly Figure 1. Personality and realistic affective forecasting. Personality could account for realistic affective forecasting in terms of the relative examined the relationship between personality traits ordering of positive to negative predicted and actual reactions across and both predicted and actual reactions. In one individuals. Namely, personality could explain common variance in study (Hoerger & Quirk, 2010), US undergraduate par- both predicted and actual emotions (Section A), and simultaneously explain unique variance in predicted emotions (Section C) and actual ticipants completed an International Personality Item emotions (Section D). Pool (IPIP) measure (Goldberg, 1999) of the Big 5 COGNITION AND EMOTION 1307

personality traits—neuroticism, extraversion, open- clips, and an intrusive interview. Our primary aim ness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientious- was to examine whether personality was associated ness—and reported predicted and actual emotional with both predicted and actual emotional reactions. reactions to Valentine’s Day. Higher extraversion and Consistent with prior research (Canli et al., 2001; lower neuroticism were associated with more plea- Mellers & McGraw, 2001; Nettle, 2006; Smits & Boeck, sant predicted and actual emotional reactions, 2006; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001), we hypothesised that though that study did not partition variance in higher extraversion and lower neuroticism would be order to determine whether personality contributed associated with more pleasant predicted and actual to realistic forecasts via a general “dispositional emo- emotional reactions to these stimuli and events. Het- tionality” (see Figure 1A), separate processes involving erogeneity analyses examined whether effect sizes “prospection” (see Figure 1C) and “experiential aware- varied for neuroticism versus extraversion. As well, ness” (see Figure 1D), or all three. In a second study prior research has found, albeit inconsistently, that (Zelenski et al., 2013), US undergraduates completed findings can vary across the item content of personal- a brief adjective-based measure of extraversion ity surveys as well as for positive versus negative affect (Saucier, 1994) and reported predicted and actual ratings (Corr, 2004; Grucza & Goldberg, 2007). Thus, we reactions to small-group activities in the lab, such as also dichotomised personality items as more or less engaging in small talk or completing puzzles. As in relevant for affective forecasting (described in the Hoerger and Quirk (2010), they found that extraver- section “Methods”) to explore the influence of item sion was associated with more pleasant predicted content, and we conducted another set of heterogen- reactions. Surprisingly, personality was not related to eity analyses to explore whether forecasts of negative actual reactions to their lab tasks, contrary to much affect and positive affect are equally influenced by of the personality–emotion literature (Canli et al., personality. Our secondary aim was to examine 2001; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001). In a third study (Quoid- whether personality accounted for shared variance bach & Dunn, 2010), Belgian adults completed a neur- in predicted and actual emotional reactions (see oticism scale from the Big Five Inventory (John & Figure 1A), unique variance in predicted emotions Srivastava, 1999) and an measure (Scheier, and unique variance in actual emotions (see Figure Carver, & Bridges, 1994), and then reported predicted 1C and 1D), or some combination of each. and actual reactions to President Obama’s electoral victory. No relationship between personality and pre- Methods dicted reactions was found, though it was unclear whether the context—Belgian’s reactions to US poli- The investigation involved five samples of participants tics—was evocative and representative. Nonetheless, (N = 713). The studies included four real-world personality was related to actual emotional reactions, emotional events (Samples 1–4) and three emotionally reflecting its role in contemplating and reporting on evocative stimuli (Sample 5). The events and stimuli subjective experience (see Figure 1D). In summary, were intended to be relevant to the participants in

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 some research suggests that higher extraversion these studies and vary in affective . Some and lower neuroticism may be related to more plea- studies focused on immediate emotional reactions, sant predicted and actual emotional reactions, while others focused on the potentially more challen- though prior findings have been mixed, potentially ging task (Finkenauer, Gallucci, van Dijk, & Pollmann, affected by methodological limitations, and have 2007; Wilson et al., 2000) of predicting how one not distinguished dispositional emotionality from pro- would feel days or weeks after a target event occurred. spection and experiential awareness (see Figure 1). The studies also varied along a number of contextual dimensions (e.g., personal versus societal relevance, field versus lab setting), allowing us to examine the Present investigation effects of personality across scenarios. The former In the present investigation, we examined the role of three samples involved primary analyses of existing personality in affective forecasting across a range of data (Hoerger, Quirk, Chapman, & Duberstein, 2012; emotionally evocative stimuli and events. This Hoerger et al., 2009, 2010), and the latter two involved included primary analyses of new and existing data new data collection. The studies included measures of on affective forecasting for football games, an elec- extraversion (Sample 3), neuroticism (Sample 5), or tion, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, happy and sad film both (Samples 1, 2, and 4). 1308 HOERGER, CHAPMAN AND DUBERSTEIN

Sample 1: Football game Sample 3: Valentine’s Day Participants and procedures. Sample 1 (Hoerger et al., Participants and procedures. Sample 3 (Hoerger, Quirk, 2009) involved 180 students (67% women; mean et al., 2012) included 325 students (80% women; mean age = 19.6 years, SD = 2.7 years) at Michigan State Uni- age = 19.8 years, SD = 2.1 years) at Central Michigan versity (MSU). Participants completed a personality University (CMU) studied in 2007. Methods were measure at baseline and then provided predicted hap- similar to the 2006 Valentine’s Day study noted pre- piness ratings for one of nine home team college foot- viously (Hoerger & Quirk, 2010). In January, partici- ball games. At follow-up, they provided actual pants completed a personality measure and ratings for the corresponding game. Half predicted their reactions to Valentine’s Day and each of participants happened to experience a winning of two subsequent days (2/14, 2/15, and 2/16). In Feb- game, and half a loss. All football games were held ruary they provided actual ratings of current emotions on Saturdays. on each of those three days. Emotion ratings. Three days prior to the game, par- Emotion ratings. Using 9-point rating scales, predicted ticipants predicted how happy they would feel the fol- and actual emotional reactions were rated along six lowing Monday both in the event of a win and a loss dimensions: happiness, , , , gloom, (predicted ratings for the game outcome that did not and misery. Negative affects were reverse coded, and occur were discarded). Then, on the following ratings were averaged across emotions and days (2/14, Monday, they reported their actual current happiness. 2/15, and 2/16) to yield composite indicators of pre- Predicted and actual emotion ratings were made on a dicted and actual reactions (average α =.91). 9-point happiness scale used in prior forecasting Personality. As a proxy measure of extraversion, we studies (Gilbert et al., 1998). analysed data from the 18-item Temporal Experience Personality. Participants completed 10-item IPIP of Pleasure Scale (TEPS) (α = .85, Gard, Gard, Kring, & (Goldberg, 1999) measures of neuroticism (α = .87, e. John, 2006), which assesses trait differences in positive g., “I often feel blue”) and extraversion (α = .84, e.g., “I emotionality (e.g., “When something exciting is look at the bright side of life”). The IPIP scales have coming up in my life, I really look forward to it”). The shown evidence for reliability and convergent validity TEPS is a valid proxy as it has been shown in diverse with other personality measures (Goldberg, 1999). samples to be associated with several de facto indi- cators of extraversion, such as , interpersonal involvement, activation, and approach Sample 2: Election motivation (Buck & Lysaker, 2013; Ho, Cooper, Hall, & Smillie, 2015; Liu, Wang, Zhu, Li, & Chan, 2012). No Participants and procedures. Sample 2 (Hoerger et al., measure of neuroticism was included in the study. 2010) involved 57 MSU students (68% women; mean age = 19.5 years, SD = 1.3 years). At baseline, they Sample 4: Birthdays completed a personality measure and provided pre-

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 dicted happiness ratings for the 2004 US Presidential Participants and procedures. Participants (n = 55) were election; 65% of participants supported John Kerry CMU students (76% female; mean age = 20.5 years, and 35% supported George W. Bush. At follow-up SD = 3.3), who were selected to have birthdays after the election, participants reported their actual between late October and early December. At the happiness. start of the fall semester, participants predicted how Emotion ratings. In the two months leading up to they would feel the day after their birthday. Then, the election, participants predicted how happy they the day after their birthday, they reported their would feel two weeks after the election, both in the current emotional state and completed the personal- event Bush won and Kerry won (predicted ratings ity measure. We focused on the day after birthdays, for a Kerry win were discarded). Two weeks after the rather than birthdays themselves, to increase the chal- election, they reported on their actual current level lenge of the task as well as avoid potential pitfalls, of happiness. Emotion ratings were made using the such as some participants reporting actual reactions same 9-point happiness scale as in Sample 1. before their birthday had fully unfolded. Personality. Neuroticism (α = .86) and extraversion Emotion ratings. Using 5-point rating scales, pre- (α = .85) were assessed using the same scales as in dicted and actual emotional reactions were rated Sample 1. along four dimensions: happiness, satisfaction, COGNITION AND EMOTION 1309

sadness, and . Negative affects were emotional response. The intrusive interview consisted reverse coded and ratings averaged to yield compo- of eight highly personal questions (e.g., “How do you site indicators of predicted and actual reactions react to criticism and praise by others and what are (average α = .80). you criticised and praised for?”), which were designed Personality. Extraversion was assessed using the 6- to evoke temporary of (for a review of item sociability subscale (α = .69, e.g., “I can deal effec- this interview protocol, see Shean & Wais, 2000). tively with people”) from the TEIQue-SF (Petrides & Actual emotional reactions were reported immedi- Furnham, 2006), and neuroticism was assessed using ately after each of these three stimuli. The film clips the 6-item emotional well-being scale (α = .88, e.g., were presented in a counterbalanced order on a 15- “On the whole, I have a gloomy perspective on most in. PC monitor, followed by the interview. As a series things”) from the same instrument. The scales have of emotionally evocative stimuli were used, we fol- been found to correlate with other measures of extra- lowed existing recommendations (Rottenberg, Ray, & version and neuroticism in large, diverse samples (Pet- Gross, 2007) to include neutral stimuli—specifically, rides et al., 2010; Siegling, Saklofske, Vesely, & five-minute film clips depicting nature scenes— Nordstokke, 2012). immediately prior to the latter two emotionally evoca- tive stimuli. This reduces the risk that contrast effects could bias ratings. Sample 5: Emotional stimuli Emotion ratings. Predicted and actual emotional Overview. In contrast to the prior studies involving real- reactions were assessed using three self-report world emotional events, participants in this sample methods common for triangulating emotional were exposed to emotionally evocative stimuli response (Larsen & Prizmic-Larsen, 2006): subjective designed to trigger three broad domains of emotion: emotion ratings (like those used in Samples 1–4), happiness, sadness, and anxiety. Brief film clips are behavioural tendency ratings that indicate actions or commonly used to evoke happiness and sadness urges relevant to emotion, and open-ended responses (Gruber, Oveis, Keltner, & Johnson, 2008; Morrone-Stru- quantitatively coded by raters. In terms of open-ended pinsky & Depue, 2004). Anxiety is often triggered responses, participants described predicted and actual through interpersonal encounters; for example, reactions to each stimulus, for example, “I would feel several studies have used an intrusive interview of very sad and upset” (M = 16.2, SD = 11.4 words per highly personal questions to evoke anxiety (see Shean response). Six psychology graduate students coded &Wais,2000). In each of those studies, personality these responses using a 9-point emotion rating was associated with emotional reactivity, making the scale. Interrater reliability was excellent across 3456 stimuli appropriate for the current investigation. ratings (96 participants × 6 ratings × 6 raters), with an Participants and procedures. Participants were 96 average measures intraclass correlation coefficient of CMU students (67% women; mean age = 18.6 years, .97. Participants also rated predicted and actual reac- SD = 1.5 years). They provided predicted and actual tions via four context-specific ratings of behavioural “ Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 reactions to emotionally evocative laboratory stimuli, tendencies indicative of emotion (e.g., wanting to which included two film clips and an intrusive inter- cry”, “wanting to throw something out of ”); view. At baseline, participants completed a web- the specific item wording was customised for each based survey. This involved predicting their emotional stimulus, based on prior pilot testing, and participants reactions to each film clip based on descriptive narra- responded using a 9-point rating scale. Finally, partici- tives (119–153 words), predicting their reactions to an pants reported predicted and actual reactions for each intrusive interview based on the interview questions, stimulus by rating four subjective emotions (e.g., hap- and completing personality measures. Approximately piness, sadness), using a 9-point rating scale; the two months later, they attended a lab session where specific emotion words were customised by stimulus they experienced each of the stimuli and reported based on prior pilot testing. The behavioural tendency their actual emotional reactions. and subjective rating scales both demonstrated good Stimuli. The film clips, five minutes each, included internal consistency (average α = .81). The three types college antics in Old School (happy film clip) and a of emotion ratings demonstrated excellent conver- funeral scene from Garden State (sad film clip). These gent validity with an average intercorrelation of r specific film clips were chosen based on pilot testing = .58. Accordingly, they were averaged to yield com- demonstrating that they triggered the intended posite indicators of predicted reactions and actual 1310 HOERGER, CHAPMAN AND DUBERSTEIN

reactions for each of the three stimuli (average α and extraversion were measured in each sample. = .78); higher scores were coded to reflect more plea- Weighted averages were computed, first averaging sant (or less unpleasant) reactions. within Sample 5 and then averaging across studies. Personality. Participants also completed 28 items Steiger’s Z-test for dependent correlations was used assessing several indicators of neuroticism (α = .93). to examine whether personality correlated differen- The measure included the same 10-item IPIP tially with predicted versus actual emotional reactions, measure from Studies 1 and 2 (Goldberg, 1999), as and given the large sample size (N = 713), the study well as several related indicators, including a 9-item was powered to detect correlations that differed by measure of trait social anxiety (e.g., “I sometimes as little as .07 in the overall meta-analysis. In the avoid going to places where there will be many event of a significant Q statistic, we planned to people because I will get anxious”; Raine, 1991), a 5- conduct three sets of heterogeneity analyses. These item measure of negative affect intensity (e.g., “I get included examining the magnitude of findings upset easily”; Larsen & Diener, 1987), and a 4-item across positive versus negative affect ratings (only measure of positive-affect (e.g., “Expressing Samples 3–5 including both), neuroticism versus enjoyment about a fun activity you’re engaged in extraversion, and variation in findings across specific makes you a bad person”; Kaufman, 2004). These personality items. Personality items were classified as scales have shown evidence for reliability and validity more conceptually relevant to affective forecasting (i. in prior studies examining their relationships with e., those mentioning words or the future, 43 other measures of neuroticism (Goldberg, 1999; items, such as “I get upset easily” and “I get anxious Völter et al., 2012; Williams, 1989). No measure of when meeting people for the first time”) or less con- extraversion was included in the study. ceptually relevant to affective forecasting (25 items, such as “I believe I’m full of personal strengths” and “I would describe myself as a good negotiator”)by Statistical analyses two raters (93% agreement, κ = .85), with disagree- Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the ments resolved by consensus. extent to which affective forecasts were realistic or Our secondary aim was evaluated using a series of error-prone at the event level in each sample. Follow- hierarchical regression analyses (see, e.g., Seibold & ing prior procedures (Mathieu & Gosling, 2012), the McPhee, 1979; Zientek & Thompson, 2006). Within zero-order correlation (r) between predicted and each sample, we computed five variance estimates: actual emotion ratings was used to gauge whether the total variance in predicted emotions explained participants were realistic in terms of the relative by personality (Figure 1, Sections A + C), the total var- order of who had the most positive to most negative iance in actual emotions explained by personality

reactions. The average absolute deviation (|Mpredicted- (Sections A + D), the total incremental variance in pre- – Mactual|/SDactual) between predicted and actual reac- dicted emotions explained by personality over and tions was used as an omnibus indicator of overall error above that accounted for by actual emotions

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 (Dunn, Brackett, Ashton-James, Schneiderman, & (Section C), the total incremental variance in actual Salovey, 2007; Hoerger, Chapman, Epstein, & Duber- emotions explained by personality over and above stein, 2012), which represents the average number that accounted for by predicted emotions (Section of standard deviations that predicted emotion D), and the total common variance (Section A), com- ratings erred from actual emotion ratings. Effects puted by subtracting the fourth variance estimate were averaged within the sample (for Sample 5) and (Section D) from the second estimate (Sections A + then averaged across samples, weighted by sample D). F-tests were used to evaluate statistical signifi- size. cance, and findings were summarised with weighted Our primary aim was evaluated by examining the averages. extent that personality correlated with predicted and actual emotional reactions. All correlations were in the expected direction (positive for extraversion, Results negative for neuroticism), so in conducting meta-ana- Descriptive overview lyses, R-values were used to reflect the magnitude of the effect. In Samples 1, 2, and 4, the multiple R was The descriptive analyses provide evidence for the ways used to account for the fact that both neuroticism in which affective forecasting is realistic across COGNITION AND EMOTION 1311

Table 2. Personality, predicted emotional reactions, and actual emotional reactions. Concordance Personality correlates of between predicted predicted and actual and actual emotions emotions

Study Emotional stimulus/event N Dm r Personality trait(s) Predicted r Actual r 1 Football game 180 1.22*** .31*** Extraversion .37*** .20** Neuroticism −.11 −.23** 2 Election 57 1.02*** .33** Extraversion .31* .16 Neuroticism −.21 −.09 3 Valentine’s Day 325 0.75*** .65*** Extraversion .30*** .35*** 4 Birthday 55 0.78** .36** Extraversion .42** .38** Neuroticism −.49*** −.55*** 5.1 Sad film 96b 0.69** .64*** Neuroticism −.38*** −.34*** 5.2 Happy film 96 0.67** .51*** Neuroticism −.30** −.40*** 5.3 Intrusive interview 96 0.70*** .60*** Neuroticism −.51*** −.48*** Compositea 713 0.88*** .52*** .36*** .35***

Notes: Dm = the average absolute deviation (|Mpredicted − Mactual|/SDactual), or the average number of standard deviations that predicted emotion ratings erred from actual emotion ratings. r = the zero-order correlation between predicted emotion ratings and actual emotion ratings, reflect- ing the extent forecasts are realistic in terms of relative ordering across individuals. In all cases, higher values for predicted and actual emotion ratings reflect more pleasant emotions. aThe composite is a weighted average. Effects were averaged within sample for Studies 5.1–5.3 and then averaged across Studies 1–5, weighted by sample size. For the composite values in the latter two columns, R-values were used in order to make all values positive (each effect was in the hypothesised direction), and in Studies 1, 2, and 4, multiple R was used to account for the combined effects of neuroticism and extraversion. bThe same sample of participants completed Studies 5.1–5.3. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.

individuals and error-prone at the event level. On this effect ranged from |r| = .09 to .55. As well, the cor- average, predicted emotional reactions deviated from relations between personality and predicted emotions actual emotional reactions by 0.88 SD units, p < .001 (|r| = .33–.40) and actual emotions (|r| = .29–.41) were (see Table 2), ranging from 0.67 to 1.22 SD units. At comparable across the varying methodologies the same time, predicted and actual emotional reac- employed in Sample 5. tions correlated r = .52, p <.001,rangingfrom r =.31 For the composite estimate, personality was simi- to .65, and suggesting some relative consistency larly associated with predicted and actual emotional across individuals. Both the correlations and estimates reactions, Steiger’s Z = .30, p = .77. Although Steiger’s of error were statistically significant across all samples Z was also non-significant in each sample, there was and stimuli. In summary, predicted and actual significant variability in the magnitude of the differ- emotional reactions differ from perfect concordance, ence between correlations for predicted versus but are also significantly correlated. actual reactions (Q = 32.46, p < .001). However, the planned heterogeneity analyses did not account for fi Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 this cross-study variability. Speci cally, personality- Aim 1: Personality correlates of predicted and affect correlations were comparable for extraversion actual emotions (predicted |r| = .33, actual |r| = .31, Z = .54, p = .59) and Personality was hypothesised and found to correlate neuroticism (predicted |r| = .25, actual |r| = .28, Z with both predicted and actual emotional reactions = .63, p = .53). Consistent with that finding, individual (see Table 2). Overall, personality correlated R = .36, personality items correlated similarly with predicted p < .001, with predicted emotional reactions. As and actual emotional reactions regardless of expected, extraversion was associated with more plea- whether the items were defined a priori as more rel- sant predicted emotional reactions, and neuroticism evant to affective forecasting (predicted |r| = .18, was associated with more unpleasant predicted actual |r| = .19, Z = −.28, p = .78) or less relevant (pre- emotional reactions. The magnitude of the effect dicted |r| = .18, actual |r| = .18, Z = .14, p = .89). More- varied from |r| = .11 to .51. Overall, personality corre- over, personality scale scores correlated comparably lated comparably with actual emotional reactions, R with predicted and actual ratings for both positive = .35, p < .001. Again, extraversion was associated (predicted |r| = .32, actual |r| = .35, Z = −.72, p = .47) with more pleasant actual reactions, and neuroticism and negative (predicted |r| = .29, actual |r| = .32, Z = with more unpleasant reactions. The magnitude of −.79, p = .43) affects. 1312 HOERGER, CHAPMAN AND DUBERSTEIN

Table 3. Personality is associated with total, unique, and shared variance in predicted and actual emotional reactions. Venn diagram sectionc A+C A+D C D A Total variance in Unique variance in predicted Total variance in predicted Unique variance Shared variance in emotions actual emotions emotions in actual emotions predicted and actual Emotional explained by explained by explained by explained by emotions explained Study stimulus/event. N personality personality personality personality by personality 1 Football game 180 .15*** .06** .11*** .04* .02 2 Election 57 .10* .03 .07* .00 .03 3 Valentine’s Day 325 .09*** .12*** .00 .03** .09*** 4 Birthday 55 .25*** .30*** .12* .17** .13** 5.1 Sad film 96b .14** .19*** .00 .05* .14** 5.2 Happy film 96 .09*** .16*** .01 .08** .08** 5.3 Intrusive interview 96 .26*** .23*** .07** .04* .19*** Compositea 713 .13*** .12*** .05*** .04*** .08*** aThe composite is a weighted average. Effects were averaged within sample for Studies 5.1–5.3 and then averaged across Studies 1–5, weighted by sample size. bThe same sample of participants completed Studies 5.1–5.3. cSee Figure 1 for a visual representation of each column. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.

Aim 2: Hierarchical analyses of total, unique, consistent with prior research (Canli et al., 2001; and shared variance Mellers & McGraw, 2001; Smits & Boeck, 2006; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001) and theory (Corr, 2008; Funder, 1995; Hierarchical analyses showed that personality Gray, 1994; Robinson & Clore, 2002). In particular, indi- accounted for shared and unique variance in pre- viduals who were more introverted and neurotic were dicted and actual emotional reactions (see Table 3). realistic in predicting that they would experience In particular, neuroticism and extraversion explained more unpleasant emotional reactions than their 8% of the overlapping variance shared by predicted peers in response to these stimuli and events. Individ- and actual emotional reactions (equivalent to Figure uals who were more extraverted and less neurotic 1, Section A), an additional 5% of unique variance in were realistic in predicting that they would experience predicted emotional reactions (equivalent to Figure more pleasant emotional reactions, relative to their 1, Section C), and an additional 4% of unique variance peers. Personality accounted for realistic affective fore- in actual emotional reactions (equivalent to Figure 1, casting by explaining shared variance in predicted and Section D). This means that some personality pro- actual emotional reactions (see Figure 1A), and by sim- cesses directly account for the predicted–actual reac- ultaneously accounting for unique variance in both tion link, whereas other aspects of personality had predicted and actual emotions (see Figure 1C and

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 small independent effects on predicted or actual reac- 1D). These data have potential implications for tions. Each of these variance estimates differed across theory and future research on realistic affective samples and stimuli, including within-subject in forecasting. Sample 5 (see Table 3). Given the average correlation The present investigation highlights the impor- between predicted and actual emotions (r = .52 or R2 tance of individual-differences research aimed at = .27), neuroticism and extraversion can be estimated understanding realistic affective forecasting. Many to explain 30% of the direct correspondence, or rela- forecasting studies have focused on describing tive consistency across individuals, between predicted errors at the general event level (see Wilson & and actual emotions (.08/.27 = 30%). Gilbert, 2013), and studies aimed at identifying mech- anisms have often focused on contextual factors accounting for error, such as situational features Discussion affecting attentional focus (Lench et al., 2011; Wilson Personality was hypothesised and found to explain et al., 2000), social processes that facilitate rationalis- both predicted and actual emotional reactions to ation (Gilbert et al., 1998), or culture (Lam, Buehler, seven emotionally evocative stimuli and events, McFarland, Ross, & Cheung, 2005). The few COGNITION AND EMOTION 1313

individual-difference studies have also mainly focused simultaneously influence predicted and actual on explaining errors (Dunn et al., 2007; Hoerger, 2012; emotional reactions. As neuroticism and extraversion Hoerger, Chapman, et al., 2012; Quoidbach & Dunn, explained about 30% of the correspondence 2010; Zelenski et al., 2013). In building on prior empiri- between predicted and actual reactions, there is cal findings (Canli et al., 2001; Zelenski & Larsen, 2001), room for future research to examine other individ- our results make a theoretical contribution by showing ual-difference constructs that may account for that the traits extraversion and neuroticism are intri- additional variance in affective forecasting congru- cately related not just to the experience of emotion, ence. As our heterogeneity analyses were unable to but also to the relative concordance between experi- account for variability in observed effects, future enced and anticipated emotion. Consistent with studies could build on our findings by attempting to prior theorising, a single underlying personality elucidate the personality-related psychological pro- process could account for shared variance in motiv- cesses that may account for shared or unique variance ation, predicted emotions, and actual emotions, facil- in predicted and actual emotions. itating realistic affective forecasting and decision- The present research was balanced by several making (Corr, 2004, 2008; Hoerger & Quirk, 2010; strengths and weaknesses. To the best of our knowl- Quirk et al., 2007). In our investigation, neuroticism edge, this is the first study to replicate a finding on and extraversion explained about 30% of the direct individual differences in affective forecasting across link between predicted and actual reactions (see such a wide array of emotional evocative stimuli and Figure 1A), suggestive of a single underlying process. events. Other strengths included the relatively large What is this single process? It may reflect a very sample size, the diversity of the study procedures, general dispositional emotionality, simultaneously and the potential theoretical contribution of this related to actual emotions, predicted emotions, and research. However, the study samples were hom- perhaps other types of emotional reports (i.e., recol- ogenous, consisting of young adult college students. lected, hypothetical). Yet, that single putative Future studies aimed at understanding emotional pro- process only tells a partial story. cesses and their role in decision-making in samples Two auxiliary processes contributing to realistic more representative of the US population could forecasting can be inferred from our data. In particular, make an important contribution (Croyle, 2015). we found that personality accounted for unique var- Moreover, our findings are based on the aggregate iance in predicted reactions (5%; see Figure 1C) and of five specific studies. Point estimates for the person- in actual reactions (4%; see Figure 1D). These findings ality–emotion link varied across studies (see Table 2), lead us to speculate that two other personality pro- with stronger relationships observed for birthdays cesses, one related to prospection (projecting into and the intrusive interview than for the election. The the future) and one related to experiential awareness, overall findings also differed from two prior reports, are comparable in magnitude and may act in concert which found that personality was only related to pre- to facilitate realistic affective forecasts, in terms of the dicted reactions (Zelenski et al., 2013) or only related

Downloaded by [Tulane University] at 16:18 11 November 2017 relative ordering of positive to negative reactions to actual reactions (Quoidbach & Dunn, 2010). These across individuals. This speculation is consistent with differences could be due to the different types of theories emphasising that these two processes funda- stimuli (e.g., events that vary in valence or personal rel- mentally differ (Dunn et al., 2009; McConnell et al., evance, laboratory stimuli), differences in measure- 2011; Robinson & Clore, 2002). In summary, our find- ment (e.g., personality scales, emotion scales), or ings suggest that personality generally contributes differences in the time span between predictions to realistic affective forecasting in terms of who pre- and the emotional event. Thus, more research is dicts and experiences more positive or negative needed to account for cross-study variation in affec- emotional reactions, and our analyses lead us to tive forecasting research. hypothesise three personality processes underlying Finally, future research seeking to demonstrate that congruence: dispositional emotionality, prospection, affective forecasting research can improve decision- and experiential awareness. making would be particularly timely. A number of The ideas presented here suggest new avenues for studies have shown that affective forecasting is corre- research on affective forecasting drawing from the lated with decision-making (see Hoerger, Chapman, realistic paradigm. Namely, the present findings et al., 2012), and shown that experimental manipula- suggest the need to identify factors that tions of affective forecasting can augment decisions 1314 HOERGER, CHAPMAN AND DUBERSTEIN

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