Tnfc rUKlMHU MAI LI 1'KtSS, MISCELLANEOUS I and art as MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. well as iu politics, and bas a mas- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE PRESS. ! sive eloquence which has made him very ef- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., fective on the stump in this State and else- YOUNG MEN AND SATURDAY 27. AT 109 Exqhahoi St., 1'obtlakd. INVESTORS READ I MORNING, ΝΟΥ. where and has drawn to him the wide admira- PROF. tion of Tun : Eight Dollar· a Tear. To mall snbecrlb- EDISON'S men. But the condition of thing ere Seven Dollar* a Tear, 11 paid In advanoe. We do not read BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS. "reduction in prices anonymous letters and communi- which confronts Mr. Reed is that be 19 Repre cations. The name and the press address of the writer are in sentativo-elct from a district which would μαοεΊϊτλτε all cases not ΤΓΙΕ indispensable, necessarily for publica- certainly be doabtful with anybody else for f every Thursday Morning At $2 50 ft tion but as a of published POLYFORM. « guaranty good faith. and his year, If paid in advance at $2.00 a year. candidate, withdrawal from the House After much persuasion, Prof. Edison has been A'e cannot undertake to return or preserve com- might Imperil Republican ascendancy there. Rates of Advertising : One inch of epace, the prevailed upon to give to the world his truly wonder- munications Wat are not used. So he meets length of column, constitutes a "square." ul for promptly the obligation which the MUTUAL LIFE discovery alleviating pain. For years he suffer- per first 75 cen«* IMRANCE $1.50 square, dally week; per situation ed from pains, unable to find imposes upon him by sacrificing his week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- COMPANY, neuralgic any remedy EvKitr regular attaché of the Press Is furuisned um other after first 60 cents. among the hundreds which he tried that chances for the Senatorship by every day week, OF would give Λ-ltb a Canl certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, withdrawing Half square, three insertions or less, 75 him from the cents; permanent ease. Finally he became con /inced Editor. All canvass. This action disappointe one week, $1.00: 60 cents per week after. railway, steamboat and hotel managers ORGANIZED IN 1843. that he muet become his own and many of his friends who are not so im- 8peclal Notices, one-third additional. physician seek, will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials much Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction of for the desired relief. Reduction Stock. by experiments, He had with its of every ρ<$βοη claiming to represent our journal. pressed nec3ssity as Mr. Reed while Sales," $2.00 per square per three inser- week; taken all the well known sedatives, which gave only cannot tions or less, $1.60. ASSETS: IOETÏ MILLION DOLLARS. they help recognizing and approving Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State tempory relief, and produced nervousness, loss of the honorable motives which have led him to a STATE CONVENTION Press" (which has large circulation in every part i It is not the Life Insurance appetite, &c. lie now sought for a combination of the conclusion. They console themselves with of the for for first ! only largest Company, but State), $1.00 per square — the rejection that he a insertion, such remedies as would, by outward application, OF — is young and growing and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- man, and that his lime for tion. cure him of his distress and at the same time not be advancement will yet come. The withdrawal of Mr. Reed Address all communications to OVERCOATS, to his Reform Olutos. leavei injurious system. the contest between the Hon. PORTLAND PUBLISHING Trials and substantially 00. THE GRANDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD ! experiments followed this determina- The Serai-Annual Convention of the Reform Clubs Eugene Hale and the Hon. William P. Frye. tion until he at last a of the of produced compound which State Maine, will hold its session at Ruth these gentlemen are so well known from Its assets than being more the Combined Capital of all the Banks in Kew York by application, entirely subdued all pain and al- their long Congressional service that descrip- or more than the Bank of DECEMBER 1st tion ENTERTAINMENTS. City, England. lowed his system to recuperate, and throw oft' the BRUNSWICK, AND seems unnecessary. Roth are highly »al- It is ued a Purely Hutual Company, conducted solelv In the interest of its policy·hold- ULSTERS, disease. 2d, 1880. by tbe Republicans of Maine, and are ers, to whom the eut re assets. There no deemed wortliv of all tbe honors to which belong being Stockholders, (as in some To his discovery Prof. £dison gave the name they Club should make New Portland Theatre. other companies,) ALL ITS PROFITS are divided the insured. Every extra exertion to be rep- may aspire. Some circumstances seem spec- among as it is evident that Its investments are of the resented, the interest in our ially favorable to Mr. Hale's and FRANK CURTIS.. LESSEE AND MANAGER. very-higliest grade of security. It has no premium work of moral suasion is candidacy, flagging, and we will exercise a potential influence. His defeat notes, and hence nothing to deduct from the when no railroad stocks must take some measures to wake our brothers. policy settled; up in the Fifth District two the or bonds, nor any speculative property in any form. BUSINESS POLYFORM. have been made with the Railroads years ago by ~NOV. '80. SUITS, as strange of the SATURDAY, 27, follows: Grand Trunk, one fare for the round uprising Greenback supentition left him Gratified with the result upon himself, he tested trip; Maine Central, one fare for the round trip; out of public life and deprived Maine Two Farewell Performances Portland & one fare for the round of a very valuable at Its Rates are Reduced 15 cent his discovery upon others who suffered from nerv- Ogdensburg, representative Washing· per trip. ton. This giveshim some in tbe race by the popular Artists, ous pain, and in every case the relief was perfect. advantage G. UL LEFAVOB, President. with Mr, Frye, who is still in the House, and BELOW OTIIEB COMPANIES, WITH ANNUAL· DIVIDENDS BESIDES. DRESS The cures performed by his gifts of be- Polyfotm would be succeeded in his district a much John and Grace ► SUITS, by Murray came so Cartland, celebrated and the demand up^n his time weaker man. By choice of Mr. Hale Maine would and attention so great, Prof £dison finally yielded have the services of both in the national supported by the Paid to The Leg- $150,000,000 to the solicitation of those who knew the merits of Governorship. islature. Furthermore, in the trying scenes of Policy-Holders last Winter's Dramatic SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION. his preparation and allowed a to be formed The attempted count-out at Âugusta, Shelby Company. Marked Down. company Bangor Whig takes issue with ihe Mr. Alike was a for Hale, who member of the State the manufacture and sale of Polyiorru under hie I'ltEss DAN'L SHELBY aud Of ONE-THIRD was for death claim* and argues that there has been no House of Proprietor Manager. thin, ami matured endow- supervision. Representatives, stood as the leader ment* to wil: $ SO election of of the and the i 55.871,434 Governor by the Republicans, good outcome of Cirand Family Matinee at 2.30 the over Τ WO-THIRDS viin returned Ac ιο number people. p. m.; (in dividend*, ), wil: $ 94,13l,5'£9 S7 The of remarkable cures, and the suffer •uaii «/au uuamcen was uuo m eonsiaeraDie welcome nlav That may be. But It is certain that »» "■ « measure to H'"··""·· n^nvnj ucir ihu ■ iutcpi 1 IUUI WUC DUllIirCU KO lire IIIIU11l'Cfl ingPolyform has saved, attest the wisdom and bis courr.ge, ability and parliamen- with Maine dollar· per year absolute Nccuriiy and a fair return of interest ?»' ALLEN <& philantrophy of this "course. voters intended to make Gen. Plaisted tary experience. He time won the confidence EAST CO., Governor and affection of who (eel J-YMNE. No higher testimony could be adduced than the and believed that the proposed con- Republicans, very The following policies illustrating the value of insurance in this Company, fully an- much disposed to reward him (or his eminent Εν ii:i,g at 8 o'clock. Positively our last appear· swer this certificate of Prof. Eiliaon, who authorize· the stitutional amendment in question· pub regard to choice serTiccs by the deserved honor of the Senator- an υ. lication of the following: by plurality would if adopted take effect ship. Still farther, it is urged that the lo· of Chus Dlcken* ΓΗ A 15 issued the Fourth afterpiece: year Endowment, Apr'1, 15th, 186$, to ADL\A B. HALL, Ronton. MENLO PARK. N. J. and Fifth Districts leaves no Re- Amount of I CERTIFY THAT THK PREPARATION this year. It is not a question of Policy $10,0110.00 CLOTHIERS, magnan- publican Representative in Congress east of olivjbr. twist Dividend A diii«»ns KNOWN AS EDISON'S POLYTOKM IS MADE 5,171 £4 imity, as the Whig assumes, but of the Penobscot river, and but one—Senator Total paid at maturity ACCORDING TO FORMULA DEVISED AND justice. OR, LONDON BV NIGHT. $15,171.24 Hamlin—east of tbe Kennebec. with «11 ITlulting nearly 5 per ct. Compound Interest realized. USED BY MYSELF. As the court said in the opinion ivared Still, these Mr. Hale's election cannot Usual prices. Seats 011 sal ο at Box Office. THOMAS A. KDISON. last advantages, For other winter, full effect should be .ven to be as certain. Life issued to CYRUS W. of New many complainte boside Neuralgia, fairly regarded Mr. Frye is a Policy FIEL·®, York. such of aa Rbrumnliam, H>adRchn, Sciatica, the natural and obvious ■ ro- very formidable and has a Amount Policy — S10,000.00 229 Middle and 6 meaning the antagonist, great Goat, fa» in Sack or Side, or wherever pain and enthusiastic force of Dividend Additions $ 14,595*00 Temple Streets, are supporters. He is an exists, whithout abrasion of the tums. not to be β! skin, Polylorm "They angled by able and popular man, and will show will give prompt relief. large Roller Rink. Amount of Policy and Additions $24,595.00 idle technicalities, nor is their meaning strength in the Legislature. Skating Annual Premium Cash Thero will be a few votes for 9198. Dividend, 1880, 8335.ΙΟ. Price $1.00 per Bottle. to be distorted and crit- given others by carping captious than theso two. f.r Ike Neaion The last Ca«h Dividend is over 169 cent Several gentlemen are men- Opening 1SSO-S1, per of the annual Premium· PREPARED BY icism." They "should be received with tioned The Cash by themselves or their friends as can- Dividends for whole time average over 98 per cent. didates. Thanksgiving Afternoon, Nov. 25, The Menlo Park Co. favor and corrected with liberality," and so Among them are the lion. Lot M. Manufacturing Morrill; Gov. Davis, Gen. interpreted as "to sustain rather than to Chamberlain, Capt. Music by Collins' Full Portland Band. The following are policies issued to Portland Men: NbW YORK CITY. Boutelle, tne Hon. F. A. Pike, and one or two defeat the will of the That is all others. None of these Amount of Poliey $ Ρ,ΟΟΟ.ΟΟ. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. people." seems likely to have The management take pleas π re in announcing to L-A-D-I-E-S ! much but Dividend Additions oct9 6niSTu&Tb the Pit ess asks. the stiength, they may divert tUeir old and the in 10,810.00. Believing that people possibly patrons, public general, that enough votes to prevent the choice o( either of the liink will he open for the popular recreation of intended to elect a Governor Present Value $18,810.00. by plurality the two leading candidates. In this case some Roller Skating, every Tuesday, Thursday and Annual We have received a vote it thinks that effect should be to people think the venerable Senator Saturday, Afteruoon and Evetiug, during the win- premium, 8217.50; Cash dividend, 18SO, $£**0.46, being 135 per cent of the Special Consignment from tbe manufacturers of given Hamlin, who declines to be an ter months. The skates to be used this season are annual premium, the cash dividends averaging 85 per cent for the whole time. that intent. active candidate (or his Samuel Winslow's Improved "Vi eyard Holler," own succession, a probable compromise candi- Amount of and are entirely new. Extensive repairs have been PoHcy $3,500 OO. date. It is assumed that he will accept the made to the surface and Dividend Additions The Senator-elect from seems to skating building through- 5,714.00. position offered him, though no utterance or and no aine will be to make Kina SEVENTY-FIVE out, spared the be an sort of a act of his indicates such a Present Value JUST RECEIVED ! taking independent position disposition. On the most enojyable to all. $9 314 OO. it for one not a whole, seems highly that either SNiion· and Prices will be Annual Cash who is carpet-bagger and is probable premium, $98.35; dividend, l*»SO, $17013. being 173 per cent of the Mr. Hale or Mr. Frye will be chosen on the annual premium and 96 per cent for the whole time. sent as a of a Afternoon—from 2 to 4.30. Evening—from 7.45 to averaging A large invoice of the celebrated representative Southern State. first ballot, with the chances somewhat in fa- 10. —from 7.45 to 10.30. Saturday Evenings Amount of Mr. Brown declares that he cut loose from vor of Mr. Hale. Admission— Day 15cts. Eveniug 25 cts. Pack- Policy $10.000.00. Dividend additions 16 ago Ti kets of 5, $1.00. Skate checks 10 cts. 330.00. CHILDREN'S KILT the Democratic party in 186S because its Recent Juvenile Sessions Saturday Afternoons,—Admission SUITS, Publications. denounced 10 cts, skate checks 5 cts. All clothing checked Total Policy and Additions $26,336.00. platform the amendments as null free. will be for the Weber Evening prices charged open- Annual premium. $380.00; Cash dividend, I<^80« $513.13, 135 per cent of the In to 6 we aud and because it called on the Près afternoon. being Ages front S 1-2 years, which shall olfer to our customers a void, ing Thanksgiving annual premium, und averaging 86 per cent fer the whole time. The nov24d3t ident to treat them as null and void that he Boy's King Arthur, being Sir Thomas EUGENE LALIME, Manager. No premiums have been paid on tbi« Pol*cy >ince 18 3. it being kept in force by the ; dividend!·. It will be seen ALL Malory's History of King Arthur and his that THESE POLICIES ARE MORE THAN came back into the party in 1872 because by SEL F-SUST ΑΙ ΛIIÎG. Knights of the Round Table, edited for "CITY HALL. Kranich&Bach its platform nd the nomination of Mr. Gree- boyi by Sidney Lanier, and illustrated by Alfred No other has ever it the and adds Nov. 30th 1st & Company shown such results.- $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4. ley accepted amendments, is 29th, and Dec. 2d, AND Kappes, published in elegant style Charles that by There is not a Suit in this lot lint "there is a class of people in this State vill be presented tinder the auspices of single cost nearly double the pr'ce Scribner's Sons, Mew York, and is sent in by No Tontine's Issued this we ask. The are whosfe fathers a or two by Company. goods simply conslgued to us with instructions to generation back pos- Loring, Short & Harmon. Mr. Lanier has BOS WOBTH NO. A. * POST, 8,G. R. sell at some price, as the owners are overloaded. sessed either wealth or ÎTOUNO MEN WILL SO WELL TO KNQIIIBE, AND INMITBE WITH THIS CO. distinction. They, certainly again chosen well in taking the the thrilling and exciting Military Allegory and or Wheelock their descendants, were slave-hold- three volumes o( old romance con- Dram* entitled large, Malory's to Other Policies el< iitg just as favorable results will be shown on application, ers, aud they were usually classed as the ar- dense into one (or tbe delectation of modern personally or by letter, to DRUMMER ROY. FOR INSPECTION istocracy of the South. They are sometimes boys. Although Master Nicholas, in Don Appropriate Scenery, Beautiful Tableaux, Fine termed by the common people 'the kid- Quixote, pronounce· Amadis de Gaal to be Music. \ocal We have made u in our the best o( we W. D. General special display large upper window and de- glove aristocracy.' Either fortunately or its kind, cannot take the same GBO. W. (the as LITTLE, sire to call parents' particular attention to the and Prices. 'nterest in the HEATH, original) Agent, Styles unfortunately for me, I never belonged to supernatural events o( that Harry Wallinsfsrd OFFICE 31 EXCHANGE MAINE. A VT> TRI chronicle which we find in the ALICE CARLE aa May Walliagford STREET, PORTLAND, that class." more simple TOIfl BIHBFB a· Prie We and natural history o( King Arthur. The W. E. BUCKNAm aa Col. DeLorue Guarantee tlie Prices to be 50 per cent In AGENTS WANTED, with whom advantageous terms will be made on noticing the possibility of Republican same may be saido( Boyardo's Innamorato and CHANDLER'S FULL ORCHESTRA. applica- tion to the (General Agent. below the control of the next Senate a Washington Ariosto's Furioeo, and only in Froissart and in This is the of the Drummer no22 dtf Lowest. SMITH AM. ORGANS ! Original Play Boy correspondent of the New York Sun says: the Chronicle o( Little Jehan de Saintré do we that drew such immense audiences in City Hall in 1870 and and the of the "It will be no misfortune to some find a pieture of so truthful and so 1872, larger part cnarac- Also a fall line of have of Chivalry ters will be sustained the same persons. The by the Committees of re- charming. Tennyson has done some admira- Poet will no labor or to make tbis present the Senate spare expense ble work with the Arthurian presentation of the Drummer Boy the best ever constructed, for they have fallen far below legends, and his given in this city. C. D. B. FISK & picture o( Lancelot, is unequalled: Tickets 25 Reserved seats 35 cents. For CO., Covers & Instruction Books. the public expectation in the work of re- cents; Stools, His broad, clear brow In sale at Stockbridge's, 156 Exchange street, for the trenchment and to whlc'.i the snn'tght glow'd; floor, aud at J. E. & reform, Demo, On burnished hooves his war-horse Sturgis Co.'s, junction Congress We bave the largest stock, lowest prices and easi- trode; ? uio From underneath his helmet dow'd υι<ιν«νσ, nanti) Under Preble Street. est terms ot ciatic party was pledged, not only by its House, Congress payment. His coal-black curls as on he no20 dtf Tuned and &c. rode, C^-Pianos Repaired, Rented, platforms, but by the personal assurance* As he rode down to Camelot. GILBERT'S GANCING ACADEMY. From the bank and from the river -» of Senators who, when intrusted with that tr- u».n — « MALAGA GRAPES duty, utterly failed to perform it." "Tlrra lirra," by the river Class in Plain and Fancy dancing, commences Ladies Look! W.M.Furbush&Son Sang Sir Launcelot. TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 23d. » I.v every couuty ill Soutk Carolina, Bat has taken Terms for twelve OUT except Tennyson almost inexcusable Gents Ladies CLOSING lessons, $5.00, Beaufort aud have the $3.00. Farriiigton Block, Portland. Georgetown, Repub- liberties with bis originals and done great in- Assemblies every THURSDAY EVENING. Ladies Call! ηον2δ dtf lican candidates been counted out, and in justice to Launcelot and Gaenevere in nov!8 dtf pictur- all as and examine the fine assortment of Far Trim- We must make Room for but two instances—the Haut's Gap box, ing Arthur perfect. All the legends agree, now being offered at extremely ming* in which 1,03ΰ Republican and 40 Demo- and the manners of the time assure us that EDUCATIONAL low prices. Holiday Goods. cratic votes were transformed into Ι,ΟδΙ Scott was correct in speaking cf the valiant Carodac: Fur Trimmings Cut Any Width Democratic and 19 Republican ballots, and PROFESSOR M. SAUCIER, since but of the Black Oak box, which contained 393 Yet, one tbat fair Court IPianiet and Organist. Very from selected skins. Was true to wedlock's Cheap shrine, SO Gross Buttons β cts doz Fancy Republican the Board of Brand him who will with the "Conservatoire of Paris," recently " " " » « majority—has base report, 50 ia A BRAVE LADY! He shall be free from mine. from will take a few to teach FROM Montreal, pupils " " ·' » " Piano, by the method followed by the Conservatoire BROWN AND SILVER, loo 18 CONY, BLACK, Lanier has of Paris. 500 doz Neck duelling; dozen managers of the polls. been wiser. He has adhered For rices and the best can find in the She Cndures the Pain of a Severe other particulars, apply at No. 24 you city. 300 Fine JLace Ed|;e faithfully to his original yet has eliminated all Winter Street. yds Ruching 13 cts Surgical Operation Without Alexander H. Stephens says he does the stuff and Protee-o l>»tucier will accept engagements to play per yard grosser given only the pure chiv- at 200 laisse 25c uot think there will be an extra session of "Pian Solo* Concerts, and will take charge of yds Crepe Ruchin;; Taking Chloroform alry. This leaves many puzzling questions of an organ at any place. nev24ul w AT One Box Remnants 'Ham- He BUFFALO aid WOLF R RES large Congress. says he will vote to pay the motive in the mind of the but at to elose out AT reader, hardly burgs prices of election. more than MAINE WESLEYAN SEMINARY, the best stock to select from ONCE. (From the Courier.) supervisors They did their does the irregular grouping of the ii> the City. work and should their If the stories in Malory. It is that he haa AND FKJIAI.i; COLLEGE. Piece Black Silk Velvet, 90c of get pay. possible " Mrs. Schooninaker, Greek Locks, Ulster Co. " " " in preserved too much of the obsolete $1.25 Ν. bad the misfortune to loose the Democrats, acquiesciag Stephens's posi- language BLont'a Me. Robes in Great " " " " Y., entirely sight Hill, Lap Variety, 1.50 vote the it is to interest young lads, but can " of one of her eyes, an and en tion, supervisors' pay, very un- they scarcely 11. P. D. Prcnideui through accident, Τ·Β«Ε¥, I»., LL.D., Fancy Stripe Velvet 2.00 fail to follow the narrative at lot dured painful inflammatory action therein for two likely there will be an extra session further sparkling a fair Colored Silk Velvets 1.50 distance. It is The Winter term of this i«Btitutfon wii' commence " " long years:—the other eye Anally becoming sympa- than the executive session of certainly desirable that our Dec. and continue thirteen weeks. Plush 50c customary the Monday, <>th, thetically affected, her general health seriously suif- ; youth should change their for the F. a. ROBINSON, Secretary. of all kinds; Plymouth Buck, 5 pieces Extra Quality Silk Senate. aspirations W. she was a mere a L. a Wilson of to & Go's ering; lite that R. W. SOULE, Steward. tiucd and unlined Oil and Chenille Fringe $I.OO yd indeed, wreck, walking pirate of a knight errant, Kent's Hill, Nov. 17, 1880. no22d2w skeleton. In this terrible she consulted Tan, Cantor lined About lOO dozen Towels at very strait, Dr. G ex. Mahone, United States Senator- and it is a sign of a healthy growth in the pub- and unlined. low David Kennedy, of Rondout, New York, who told taste EATON prices. elect from Tirginia, thinks the recent elec- lic that it is being led back to these FAMILY SCHOOL, Kid lined and unlined. her at once that the injured eye must be removed. tion should teach the Southern that original founts of literature. FOB KOV3, She quietly but firmly said : "All right Doctor, but people Kappes' illustrations are fair. The don't ι.io chloroform. Let husband sit the Northern the In the frontis- At in all Colors. give my by men, conquerors NORIDftmVOCK, ΙΤΙΑ INF. Cloth Gloves piece, Sir Turquine bearing Sir Ector out of my side during the operation, and I will neither cry War of the Rebellion, neyer intend to permit ESTABLISHED Moore & h 13 I860. Co. is and so out or stir." The work was and the saddle, spirited is the of Owen,iiovl8 done, pjor the Government to iifto the winning dtf pass hands of Δ pleasant home with 'ho ough and practical iu- Ε. N. woman kept her word. Talk of soldierly courage! Excalibur. The Dolorus Stroke is simply fan- ■truction. ^ddreeg, PERRY, the conquered, and Mr. Mahone is correct This showed greater pluck than it takes to face a tastic and untrue, for Balln did not strike him nOTUSdlm» tl. F. Corner and Federal Sts. EATON, 1'rlnclpal. hundred To restore her in his opinion. Exchange 245 Middle guns. general health and in the throat; as Malory says he Street.. lay manj nov23 eodtf no vie eodtjanl Instruction in English and Class- give tone and strength to the system, Dr. Kennedy years sore wounded until CHRISTMAS CARDS. Τπε London Echo hopes that Mr. Walt Galahad healed than the "Favorite gave Remedy," which cleansed him. The of the ical Studies. Whitman's on Knight Black Lawns i· the blood and imparted new life to the long suffer- promise'! essay English poets good, and so is the Sousine of 8ir Given to private pupils by the subscriber. We are now prepared to show ering woman. She rapidly gained health and will be written in prose. No apprehension Dagonet, and the Harper singing before our large assortment of strength, and now well. The "Favorite Remedy" need be felt. Mr. Whitman has never King Mark. Galahad brought to the Perilous is a priceless blessing to woman. No family should written Siege anything but prose, and it is not at is J. W. be without it. Your druggist has it. If not send to altogether bad. The Round Table will seat COLCORD, all that he will now break from Dr. David Kennedy, Rondout, New York. likely away but a dozen, as represented; Launcelot looks Patterns, the habits of a life-time. CHRISTMAS nov6 a 143 Pearl Street. Slipper CARDS ThT&Slm&wlm like Jew, and Galahad like a middle-aged jan24 dtf man instead of a GRAND TUMBLE According to Quartermaster-General youth. Even the inscription nn the chair is in Koman instead of in Black MISS BROWN. OTTOMAN comprising the choicest designs of Meigs, in the eighty rational cemeteries PATTERNS, letter Launcelot at the Castle of the Holy there are buried the bodies of 147,495 men Teacher of Grail is very good; likewise the Tournament whose names are still unknown. Of the L. PRANG & CO., at Camelot. Queen Guenever's Peril make* FROM FORMER PRICES ! CALL and SEE known there are 170,997, and therefore near- French and German, Foot Rests, the Queen look very ugly. The Cembat of DE LA RUE and half these are of men of ly graves whose Mordred and Arthur is strong and and Will receive Pupils at ' good, TOWEL· RACKS, MARCUS WARD. identity every trace is gone. so is Bedevere bearing Arthur to the Water- 643 Street. side, although we doubt the of mak- Congress Decker Bros Mr. Mallock of "Is Life Worth propriety octll dtf AND Living" Pianos, ing the scene so rocky and barren. In the ito- notoriety, has turned to novel-writing and ry we read that "even fast by the bank hoved PORTLAND ACADEMY, FRANK B. CLARK, will soon publish "A Romance of the Nine- $10.00 Fancy Striped Cassimsre Suit MM to $5.00. BRACKETS. Indorsed by ANNIE LOUISE CARY. a little barge." The same remark will applj teenth It is to In Motley Blocli. Century." supposed deal to the bleak hills about the lake where Arthur 515 St. Also a choice stock of first-class Fall Term 1880. Congress with the Morey letter. the sword. begin· Aug. 30tb, Pupils All no22 d2m got It was "a fair water and a uf both sexes received at time the Shades of Worsted THD any during and Merlin lor broad," and the King "tied their term. Special attention given to fitting pupils Tue New York World brings the awful the High School. Private pupils received as usual. horses to two trees." PIANOS AND ORGANS. accusation Mademoiselle Sarah For further particulars apply to the Principal, For ΓΜ1 POSITIVELY GOING against It does not follow that where Κ I TA A. ]irg dark deeds are FILE8, CASSIMERE VUUV UUV SACK SUIT REDUCED TO 3510.00. UV1UUU1UU 1IUC UlVib $16.00 UlAi HO L ilaij aul4ovUf No. 43 Bnewn Ntrrd. done the scene must be desolate. War ever -TO- heart. But that is she is why so great an blasts the fairest fields, and Moore sings of H. I. NELSW & actress. no24 CO.dlw Samuel Thurston, "how man has cursed what heaven made so glorious." Artists who undertake to illustrate Close ! Hancock carried only four counties of ! 3 Free St. Block, PORTLAND. fine books should study their subjects. We STAMPING Union UpJBusiness Iowa over Garfield. $1.50 Cassimere dtf .Curiously enough they eep29 want more work and Pant, 1 shall commence Tills to sell good less "broad treat- Morning: were named Jackson, Johnson, Lee ai;d article lu stock ment." s. B. every my large regardless Davis. of am all cost. I determined to close ont of the lined, Reduced to PRIZE MONEY One most charming and unique gift- so for $1.00. everything before Christmas. Having many calls Stamp- books for the season is Miss Best Worsted 12 cts. a fall oz. The Cincinnati Commercial would pre- holiday Roslna ing Designs for Screens, Table for capture of New Orleans. Zephyr Yarn 10 a Presidential term of two Emmet's illustration# of Pretty and Covers, Lambrequins, Tidies, Second quality Germantown fer years to one Peggy BOUNTY MONEY, ft sk« in* other Ballade. Tho Curtains, &<·.., &c.. I have been cents FINE SHOES. of six years. delicate, old-fashioned induced 10 procure a full assort' for capture and destruction of enemy's vessels by Trimmings, Buttons, Handkerchiefs, charm of these drawings, with their soft and l·arragut's fleet on the in collect- at ment of handsome and unique Mississippi 1862, Ribbons, Laces, Hamburgs, Ac., &c., We have the and best assort· [New York faded tints, are in perfect keeping with the ed by about largest Times.] Desigus for this purpose, and in Winter half price. ment of Shoes and Rubbers to be which $5,00 Overcoat, Regular Size, Reduced to $3.00. Ζ. K. HARMON, Centennial Block, Boots, The Maine Senatorship. songs they accompany—songe that onr Ladies come and see for and connection with my Feltings, yourselves fouudinlhe State. Call and examine in their no22 O.'J Exehniiçe ftireet. d3w&w save I mean what 1 grandmother! sang young days to the Fringes, &c., will stamp any De· money. say. our Newark, N. J. goods, made for us by purr of the spinning wheel, or tho silvery, thin sign at the celebrated makers, Button & Bliss. Present Aspects of the Contest-Mr. Hale Cheese! Cheese! tinkle of the There is an We have also a flue line of Ladies' Mis- harpsichord. an old- and ..Jr. Fry θ the Candidates. 300 Boxes, Xortli Livermore CARLTON-KIMBALL, ses' and Children's Feb. Goat and Kid, time fragrance hovering about these ballads BOSTON PRICES. dices··. The best in the State. in the latest Also make to meas- and pictures as of flowers that withered fifty For sale Brown. styles. Men's All Wool Pants by Congress Street, corner ure any style of boot or shoe desired at years ago, and "rosemary for remembrance." Reduced to $2.50. uo24 Wlh&S Portland, Nov. 23.—Since the excitement reasonable prices. It is not the least merit ot the present fancy for SMITH, GAGE & of the November election hae a little subsided CO., REMOVAL ! ancient fashions, that it revives so clearly the For B. F. WHITNEY & tlie Senatorial question is attracting more at- $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12,00 No. 92 Commercial Street. CO., details of the bright youth of those that we have G. M. BOSWORTH, tention and a survey of the field indicates a novC d3w CORKER UNION and MIDDLE, known only in their latter age, and gives to VVc Display ail Immense Assortment of William S. marked change wrought by that election. The Lowell, l'.iler Falmouth nr. the present tho sympathy—without which.there F1UME AND llotrl, Portlnud, small Republican majority chosen to the next 591 St. CLIPIER iiov23 dtf is no perfect understanding—with the Congress National Houso of Representatives potently past. nol7 dtf Peggy is charmingly and A Beautiful affects oue ot the Senatorial aspirnts.who until Pretty illustrated, MEN'S WINTER WEDDING MUG CARD the pictures that tell the story ot the maiden OVERCOATS. f that time hadjbeen a very prominent candi- at wholesale and who begged to "stay a little at the POPPING COENT retail by NEW ARTIST'S PROOF ETCHING OF date. This is the Hon. Thomas B. Reed longer" PLATE ball, are arch and dainty. These two ballade Leaders we Have ENGRAVER, Representative from the First District. Mr. None, Followers IJIany. SARAH BERNHARDT. are evidently more fitted to Miss Emmet'* 200 bbls. Choice Kendall & has removed to Reed is a young man of large promise, and Popping Corn, Whitney. manner than the others of the volume—to Portland, Novl9,1880. n®v20eod4w OYRUSF.DAVIS, his achievements in our State Legislature, as AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY which her illustrations, spirited 513 Street, 693 CONGRESS STREET. Attorney-General of the State, and in Con- though quite Fire, JVlarinc & Life Insurance. Congress aud well colored—lack somewhat of the point Special attention to Artistic Framing for all claes gress have been such as to awaken great & By Hatubnig-Bremen cash afeets, (With Robert B. Swift, Jeweller.) es of and of the former sketches. Kendall Whitney. $1,256,530. no25 dtf pictures. nov4eodtf grace (New York; Bv Providence Washington lu*. Co. pride in him among the Republicans of Portland. Ν no20dl\v C.D.B.FISK&CO., 665,747 : 9,1880. Meriden Dodd & Mead ; Portland Loring, Short Sc. By Klre Ins. (Γι. 423,838 M line Eclectic Medical Society will hold it· Maine, and particularly among the By New York < itv lui. Co. 4o< A Good Rent. semi-annual meeting at tbe Maine Eclectio Til© >,000 THE men. hero of him as Harmon.) Found. Clotliiers, By Equitable Fire ft M. In» Co. 382,638 six room·, gas. Sebagojtfurnace, &e. West Medical Infirmary, in the City of Lewiston, on the young People speak By Ine. Co. corner Hanover St*. Also first in at 10 o'clock Four of \l Λ I.I. en m of money which the owner can Security 381,727 OF Cumberland (and Wednesday December, 1880, fit successor to William Pitt Fessenden, who Centuries English Letter·. Edit·* By New England Mutual Life Co. six rooms at No. 6 Hanover Sit., brick home, first A. M. All liberal are invited. A have by applying at No. 78 Perris St., prov- U^DER PREBLE 14,019,496 physicians cordially was bis friend. He W, Scoonea. York: 10v2O * CONGRESS STREET. Portland Office 166 Fore Street. and furnace. WM, H. JEKKIS. Per Order J. L. early and constant ie a by Baptiste (New Harper ing property and paying charge·. nov26a8t* HOUSE, floor, gae, Sebago, WKlGHT, Bov6eod8m JOHN W. MUNGEK & CO., Agenti. nov24 dlw» n®vl7d2w* Secretary. gentleman of education and culture in books & Bros.; Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon.) STORM AND WRECK. THE Memphis, Nov. 26.—Cotton active; Middling up- :iver for do; Robert Β Smith, Moloney, for Bo·ton; SATURDAY MORNING, NOT. 27. The Governorship. DOMINION. lands 11 vac; held higher. usan, Stanley, do for do; James Henry, Rhodes, FINANCIAL. BY TELEGRAM. ο for Waldoboro; Ida Hudson, Paterrfon (from iew York) for Newmarket; Speedwell, Wbitten, Serious Disasters on the Honors to Hanlan at Toronto, finnpeu Market». The interest iu the daily manners and social Two Views of the Situation. New- ο for Boston. Toronto, Not. 26.—The Hanlan Reception Bv Telegraph.) BOSTON—Ar 24th, icbe Lexington. Nutter. CaT- details of the was never more on the alert SAD DISASTER. foundland Nov. 26 12.3U P. M.—American securi- SAMUEL past Coast. London, 18; Abner and Lizzie HANSON, Committee recommend a Taylor, Dodge, Poor, Dickey, torchlight procession ties—United States bonds 4 115. the ten 4s, 116^; Vis, Pendleton, do; S W Brown, M«»'- than during period of the last years. PBESIDKXT CHENEY'S COURSE APPROVED. >n the arrival of the champion to escort him to langor; Raven, Liverpool, Nov. 26—12.30 P. M.—Flonr 9s 9d® ocks. Rockland: Belle. Harrington, Westport; is a new more he Horticultural the Teuth It renaissance of less pretension, Nov. 1880. Gardent, Royals 12s Winter Wheat at 3d; Spring Wheat mith Barter, Wiscasset. Banker Westbrook, 25th, Loss of a Bath Vessel at Cape Hat- rWENTY-ONE VESSELS REPORTED knd to I 10s@10s Tuttle, & Broker, less theatrical Queen's Own Rirles and tire brigades at 8s California 9s 3d£10s; Club Ar Ocean Pearl, genuine and healthy feeling and To the Editor the Press: lOdalOs; average 25tb, barque Henley, Hoboken; of LOST. ioiu in the march. He is to have the treedoin do at 10s@10s 8d; Corn at 6s lOV&d. Peas at 7s. Chas Dennis, Connacber, fm Baltimore; sclis C it does not at all lack ite Pre- terae. rig posing—though The wise words of President Cheney in your >f the city presented him at the gardens by Provisions, Ac.,—Pork at 68s: Beef at 57s: Cheese I anrahan. Whitmore, and Geo V .Jordan, Duncan, I 4 Middle Street. at 6d. Tallow at cieittcs Ridicules, one must admit—than the issue of this morning should receive the un- ;ho Mayor. He will also be presented with a 67s; Lard 46s i)d; Bacon 41s@43s 'biladelphia; Natnan ("leaves, At wood, Nassau, NP; 36s 6d, at London 38s 9d. Dun ton. Batb. of and deliberate classicism qualified of every Republican voter, N. Not. 26.—A iteam ferry boat to carry passengers between assanoa, epochs determined approval MASTER ANI» ALL BUT ONE OF St. Johns, F., gale has been Ar sen Alma, .Johnson, Port Johnson. however humble his sphere. The constitution- THE he city and his hotel ou the island. A com· Liverpool,Nov. 26—12.30 P.M.—Cotton maiket 26th, that have arisen. We of our raging four days. Twenty-one vessels SALEM—Ar scb Rockland for occasionally day al for the reported nittee was to out the firm; Middling uplands 6 ll-19d; Orleans 6 15-16; 23d, Idaho, Farr, Government First Class amendment providing election of THE CREW lost. The schooner Blink Bonnie was appointed carry necessary Bonds, ottr DROWNED. dashed sale» 20,000 bales; speculation and export 1,000. Newport. are interested to know how very great Governor a of the votes «rangements. by plurality thrown, to pieces in King's cove. In Bona Vista harbor GLOUCESTER—Ar 24th, sobs Mary Fletcher, Dank carried such a in Securities, Stock, &c., grandfathers spoke, and wrote their familiar by sweeping majority Sep- fourteen vessels were destroyed. Of this fleet Burned to Deatli. loombf*, Bangor for Marblehead; Chas Coot er. Gray tember was a measure of the NOTICî R.—For the bast thirty three years ο for Boston; D Β Newconib, Hickev. Eastport lor letters, and amused themselves, and had their Republican party, Nov. 26.—The the names of Peace, Paragon, Pert, Penguin, St. John, N. B., Nov. 2(i.—The barn of J, bouzht and sold. Orders at New and a and wise the Washington, signal corps "CONGRESS" Yeast Powder has been extensively o; Lottie Hopkins, Hopkins, Vinalhaven fordo; perhaps just oue: but of the Ocean and James Charles have Patterson at with 30 head of cattle, loves and hates-all at one as well «s the station at Hatteras Pride Sussex, sold. It has always been made pure aud ) A Howe, Boston for Batb: Empire, Km· now; scheme of making it apply to an election that Cape reports, under date these vessels Cutting, York and Boston Stock Exchanges t>eeu given. Must of were either produce, implements, etc., was burned this he*lthv, and is to-day without a rival. rson, do for Bluehill; Pavilion, Smith, and Japon, fashion of their garments or the rules of their should take before it could be ascertained of the that the schooner L. place 25th, D. Fisk of laden with cargo awaiting norning. A young man, Geo. was E^yslade's English Mustard and Congress Yeast tetson, do for do: Radiaht, Hardy, and Franklin Λ COO· tbe Itarbor in the gale of tlie 8th ult. tlinnsand »non or** thi-mnn Ant λ# Schooner from Labrador for St. DEATHS. the stately Martha Washington and concluding I notice an article in your paper of Novem- Accidentally and Fatally Shot. Belle, Johns, Government ran on to the rocks and sank. Crew of Bonds, ber 21st entitled "A Plain 1 fifteen SPECIAL NOTICES. the series of historic portraits with the spirited Duty." hope yon WATEB.VILLE, Nov. 25.—Davin Downey, of do not intend, by the aforesaid article, to inti- saved. In this city, Nov. 25, Josie, youngest child of Wil- CITY AND TOWN KONDS, and charming face of Mrs. Much si- was a fence A vessel on the 9lh a 3 4 months. Hayes. mate that there was even a probability that Wiuslow, aged 18, to-day climbing inst. picked up bottle FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL liam and Maria Welch, aged years a of on fFuneral this afternoon at 2 lent influence is exerted upon the political the majority of the with a gun on his shoulder, when he fell head- containing piece paper, which the fol- Saturday o'clock, WËÔFFËR incoming Legislature Portland Wholesale IHurlcei. at residence. No. 38 Pleasant street. BANK STOCK, 4C. would do otherwise than what to lowing was written: Duiiy course of an administiatiou by the women of appeared the In this Nov. John son of John long, gun being flung forward, bringing PORTLAND. NOV. 26. city, 26. Frederick, be their "plain duty" in the matter. "On board St. Lawrence, near Murray Bay, Wed- 2 8 months 26 the Presidential family; and the nation has the muzzle against his somacb, and the entire and Mary Bryan, aged years days. And while every member of the ma- nesday, June 30, 1880. Gone down iu deep vnter. Com, bag lots, advanced lc to-day. Sugar is iirm In Westbrook, Nov. 24, Daniel W. Small, aged 73 Street been fortunate ill the worth and of the Ten lives mate. Time 2.20 in." No. 32 Exchange dignity j nity of said Legislature may desire to contents of the gun were discharged, blowing lost, including p. and higher at 10c for granulated and 93/ec for Ex- years 7 months. > In Nov. 19. Mr. John lames wno nave presided at tue White tLouse. d what is his "plain duly," yet be have a of his his He Schooner Ranger was lost at Ship Bock, tra C. is lower. Brunswick, Toothaker, aged EBONITED may part clothing through body. Poultry quoted .HAINE* 73 years. PORTLAND, doubts as to what tbat duty is. It is not to be- Harrow har'ior, on the 1st inst. The «odtf The engravings are excellent, after portraits | lingered an hour. Deceased was a very prom- following are to-day's quotations of Flour, In Brunswick, Nov. 21, James R. Barker, Jr., *n2K that because members of a former Schooner Archibald, Labrador for St. Johns, and and presumed G rah), Provisions. &c. aged 29 years 7 months. photographe, letterpress, paper and man. was legislature erred and failed to just ising young lost at Squam Island. Crew saved. In Nov. Martha 92 accomplish Flour. dram. Berwick, 13, Worster. aged type are of corresponding quality. It is a vol- what they intended, or even attempted to dc Maine's Official Vote. Riveh Dû Nov. 26.—The Loup, fine steamer Superfine 4 25TLA 75 Tallow Com, years. ume to that which was illegal tbat the lh Lancaster, Ν. H., Nov. 20, Mrs. Charles Bel- interesting every citizen of the United incoming legis- Beaver is ashore ou Howe Island. Crew and Extra 50®5 75: oar lota 09 BRACKETS, Nov. 26.—The official vote of the Spring..5 lature would in any manner be bouud their Augusta, XX " lows. und useful and valuable as a of by and passengers saved. Spring....β 50^6 76 Η. M. G8 States, study " ROBES. illegal acts, or to assume tbat their acts had State of Maine has been decided as follows: Patent Spring Oats 48 a choice selection, inlaid with tho social side of The Ladies of the Montreal, Nov. 26.—A telegram to-night politics. auy binding force. The "plain duly" of mem- Garfield Electors 74,039 Wheats 8 00g9 25 Sacked Bran 23 50 ΟΕΡΑΒΤΓΒΕ OF OCEAN β TE ΑΛΕ B9 of announces the loss of steamer Bristolian, laden Michigan Win- White House is published by Bradley & Co. of bers the incoming legislature is to do their Hancock hlectora ....65,171 Mids... @V5 OU FROM FOB DATE. with phosphate from this port, on the island of ter β 55 NAME duty" without regard to what any for- Weaver Electors 4,480 best 25@6 Corn, bag lots.. 68 Philadelphia. Tuis will be canvassed for ■'plain Anticosta. Four of crew were " Nov 26 Silk Painted, Silk Outline and Silk city the frozen to Lot* Grade .. 65 Lake .Liverpool mer have Dow Electors 92 Meal, Winnipeg....Portland... legislature may done. They aie in " Nov 27 00 .. Peruvian .Liverpool the sale of the volume by a whom the Scattering » 127 death. Michigan....5 £0@6 Oats, 50 Quebec]... ROBES. lady no manner .bound by auy illegal acts, or " Atlas Boston Ν ov 27 by any Severe Gale on the Scotch Coast. SU Louis Win- Bran, .. 25 Liverpool.... Pates takes in to amend over all is Embroidered Figures. to the auoriive the constitution ol Garfield's 4,169. ... 6 New York..London Nov 27 pleasure commending attempts majority ter fair 25@6 50 Mid'ngs,14 .. 26 00 Elysia our no matter London, Nov. 26.—A great storm prevails " Britanic New Nov 27 courteous rt of its readers. State, what their motivts might Winter good..6 f»(>g.6 i>7 Bye, .. lit York..Liverpool ceptlon A Hallowell Man Killed by a Train. on the Scotch coast. A number of vessels in New York..Aspinwall....Nov 30 have been. The "plain duty" is to de- Winter best.. .7 00^7 25 Provision*. Accapuico We have but few of these goods, and ask an early simply the anchors. It is feared there Govino Portland—London Dec 1 termine what bas been done, and not what was Boston, Nov. 26.—As the 7.30 a. m. train Clyde dragged Produce. .MessBeof.. 9 50@10 OC inspection of the same before the rush of Christ- Mess.. A New York.. Liverpool.... Dec 1 ROBES. Messrs. T. K. Funk add to the treasures of intended. The has been loss of life. The ship Yandick of Turkeys 14® 16 i Ex 10 75® 11 Oil Igeria mas week. simple questions to be an- was into on the rail- .Dec 2 coming Chelsea Eastern is ashore. Bark John A. Har. New Chicxens ll.al2V2 Plate 0C Baltic ,New York..Liverpool... their Standard Series a second volume of the swered are : Is the constitution so amended Quebec ie, 1130|l2 York. .Havana Dec 2 the struck and run over Fowl @10 Ex Plate..l2 5C Saratoga New that a shall determine road, engine Henry York for Dablin, went ashore and became a J 00@12 brillinnt and fascinating salon of Mme. Neck- plurality the election of R;»es 24 25 [Fresh Beef, Silesia New York.. Hamburg Dec 2 a instead of a as of Me. He sustained a com- total wreck. A life boat has gone to the rescue. Portland... 3 Governor, majority hereto- Mayo Hallowell, Potatoes, ... .bush5k was miles west- " Dec 4 by fore? And if so, does the amendment fracture of both dislocation of the large reported eighteen Sweet .Iersev3 2δ<α3 50' Fore Qu. .5@5V2@6c Samaria Boston Liverpool applj pound legs, soutbwest of Pine with fare Cimbria New Dec 4 vi.le, wherein the manners of the period are to the election by the people held on the Cape Wednesday Norfolk 2 75@3 00 Pork— York..Hamburg SHORT k HARMON. a bad wound. shoulder, and very scalp He and mainmasts to its deck. She had no bbl.4 00.a4 25' Backs.. PC Bolevia New York..Glasgow Dec 4 LORING,no25 sne«xl w 13th of last September? No one gone Onions, ..20 Oo@20 WOLF painted with wonderful and among the of Berlin New 4 vivacity color; will was taken to the Massachusetts General signals of distress Hying. It is thought crate....@1601 31ear 19 OC City York..Liverpool....Dec "plain people" contend that it is the dut] Hospi- they 50@20 New York.. 7 Goldsmith's satirical Letter from a Citizen of were a mast. There was a Cmberries, ψ bbl Mess 17 00@17 5C Abyssinia Liverpool—Dec of the Legislature to declare tbat any mai tal. His injuries are considered fatal. rigging jury gale Pereire New York. .Havre Dec 8 and sea at the time. Maine, 4 00@4 50 funs 10@12 $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $15.00. the World to his friends in the East; a trans- has been elected to that heavy New York.. Li ver Dec 8 very responsible posi Fires in St. CapeCod,6 50 cg7 00 Lard. Scytuia pool Stephen. York.. Li ver 8 lation of the Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus tion by tbe people, unless it is m> m fact. Th< Round H.ogs...Vfe6v&7 iTub, ^ lb 9ν3^ 9% Erin New pool—Dec did or did of New York.. New York.. Liverpool.... Dec 9 Aarelius edited Mr. people they not elect a Governor oi Calais, Nov. 26.—Early this morning a coal THE fhecoe. Tierces, lb S*..93/8@ 9Va City CIVIL .... Antoninus, by George said If no SERVICE. Maine 13215 Pail Lake Manitoba Portland.. ..Liverpool.... Dec 10 day. individual received a shed and over 100 tons of to 11%$11% ANNUAL SALE. majoiit] coal, Portland ... Dec 17 Rev. Charles tales of the was belonging Vermont 135)15 Ontario Liverpool.... Long; Kingsley's of votes, any one elected? Did anvbodi Kegs .Dec 18 the New Brunewick & Canada were tî. Y. 13α>15 Bean·. City of Richmond..New York. .Liverpool... olden of which the manner is so fine receive a If so, was he elected? ] railroad, Factory Hermit·;, plurality? Skim 1 If Lake Nepigon Portland ...Liverpool Dec 24 think and I burned at St. Ν. B. Loss Δη Address to the President-elect. Cheese....5@8 Pea 90@2 Next Nov. and the matter so not, give my reasons (or so think Stephen, $800. Lake Dec Friday, 26th, learned and curious; Pulpit Fruil Mediums .... .^1 75ÎS1 8C Champlain..,.Portland ...Glasgow 2? BUFFALO It will be seen an examination the of ing. by of Sec This afternoon a barn belonging to Ν. T. Oranfjes. Yellow Eye».·! 87(^2 OC we shall begin our Annual Sale of surplus stock of Table-Talk, by Dean Edinburgh; as Laconj 2, article X., amended in 1876, that the Leg Palermos ^bx 6 50@7 00 Bnuer. DRY AND FANCY <;OOD*. Below are a $10 to $16. of Greathead, cashier of the above road, was GEN- GARFIELD IN FAVOR MINIATURE ALMANAC... .NOVEMBER 27. $1.50, $6.50, $8.50, • volume sententious reflections by Rev. C. islature can only "propose amendments," an< OF A FIXED few of the goods we shall closc : ami All Kinds of Fa«cy Robe·. burned at St. Both fires are Son rises 7.12 I High water 7.04 C. Col of an whatever amendment is the Stephen. sup· vemont ton, King's College, England; proposed by Leg TENURE OF OFFICB. vilepcia^OO®*.) sets. 4.24 Mood rises 1.52 islature must be submitted Son I 15 cent Half Wool Dress Goods at lOVii cents to the peuple a ; posed to have been incendiary. " amusing and gossipy series of sketches which , "4 00@4 I $1.00 & $1.12 fire all wool Dress Goods 75 "their next annual in the 60!& " meetings mouth o: 25 cent all wool Flannel Hress Goods at. 19 their author, Mr. G. A. Sala, names America to in tbeir Saw Mill Burned. S September, give voles on the ques Washington, Nov. 26.—A delegation from and Medium Greys.) R V and Mr. John tion whether such amendment shall be M^RIlNTE 1STEW8. (Light " sited; Spurgton's Plough- made ; Norway, Nov. 26.—Pattie's saw mill in Al- the New York Independent A*so- Peanut'· Heavy all wool Scarlet Flannel 25 and if it shall that Republican œ«^^W.8Wre'-VïW7.1 appear the of .n valu-* at 35 man's Pictures and The Bible and the News- majority bany, owned by A. S. Bean of West ciation to-day presented an address to Gen. Wilmington. 60@1 (Good cents.) habitants on the Bethel, 1 62 .1 5( 25 cent Silk Handkerchiefs 21 cents for two COE are in Virginia 50@1 Pippins voting question favo Garfield. The document to 2ô@l~ latter work does little credit to and to be Isaac was alludes Gen. Gar- 1 35""-' VF PORTLAND. paper—which of such it shall become a operated by Morrill, ... 20(^1 Dried Western 4^@ 5 PORT than half price.) amendment, part ο field's record on the civil service to (Less e:thor of the authorities referred to. tbe constitution." question, Gastana, ψ lb. 10@11 c do Eastern.. 4@ 5 Fine all wool 48 inch Black Cashmeres at 75 cents No amendment is 1 burned yesterday morning. Bean's loss ·' adoptei the danger threatened our institutions by the Walnuts, 14@16«' Warranted Black Silks at 99c, 1.26,1.37.1 5θ, 1.62 can show a very Large and *ine Assortment of the until the has been " Sugar. question submitted to thi > is §2,000; Morrill's loss only an engine. Cause system, and expresses the belief that Filbert, 12® 14c Granulated.... THURSDAY, Nov. 2o. £xtra bargains in Shawls, Cloaks Ulsters, Dol- above Goods. no "spoils" @10 and proposed amendment become 1 e tor Ladies or Children. Farm Homes. In-doors and Out-doors. By people, unknown. No insurance. in the present state of public opinion Gen. 13@14c Extra Ο @ 9^t Arrived. mans and all garments part of the constitution until "it tba Ε. H. Leland. York: appears Garfield, as President, may safely establish Sch Teaser, Littlejohh, New York—coal to Maine (New Orange Jndd a of the inhabitants on and Fatal majority voting thi A Singular Accident. rules for appointment of Cent RR. are in government employes Foreign Company). This bright and sensible lit- question favor of such amendment." Thi on Exporta. New York- coal to i^a Eastport, Nov. 26.—A accident tbe sole test of merit and to secure them Sch Elva Ε Pettengill, York, tle amendment proposed the las siiigular MATANZAS. Brig F H Jennings—1965 shook! & RINESBROS. volume of hints (or and by Legislature from snmmary dismissal the accession to S Bounds Son, housebuilding Winter is as occurred here last A Bailor named upon and heads. 3250 box 475 b»ls 331 for sndtf follows: Two-third I night. a shooks, potatoes, Sch Helen Marr, Hendersan, Sullivan NYork, no25 COE and "Resolved, power of new political house-furnishing, housekeeping in the both of party. packages fish. struck a sunken rock near of branches the Legislature of the schooner Annie on Gen. Garfield in leaking badly, having i concurring Laugbton, Frye, go- reply, after discussing the and knocked off forefoot and started couutry. t is a practical and pleasant work, tbat the constitution of this State shall h Green Island for a drink of water foutad a small cask civil service question, said he to have Domentic has a of which will have to full of in the third section of ing hoped Daily Receipt·· keel, -*he cargo stone, sells Ladles' Derby Hat) for 91 .ΦΦ. good hints for comfort and amended, the first par the of in a enable her to enter the dock economy, and water into it co-operatioif Congress establishing Bv water bush Cornmea) to G be discharged to dry of article five, by striking out the word pump frozen, poured boiling basis for all conveyance—1000 Boys' Winter Cups, 30 vents. and will be as useful as it is attractive. Its 'major legal routine appointments, so it TroA Λ Oo. for repairs. " whenever it occurs and to suck a drink from the cask, W. Men's Winter 40 ity' therein, and insertini ; attempted should not be iu the of not Sch Union, Dix, Calais for Boston. Caps tasteful fits it to be a and ac- power any body, " binding pretty in the place thereof the word : t Sch Hiram, Calais for New York. ticnis' Ati 'plurality,' and He inhaled steam and died in a few minutes. even the President, to remove any capable ard of Maine Cenrnl. Boyd, Driving CUoves, to of the votes cast Receipt· Sch Hutchins, Millbridge for New York. " ceptable holiday gift housekeepers; and plurality and returned fo faithful apointee during his term of office, be Caroline, Largest Dye Heuse in Maine. Fur Trimuilnir, 30 at the annual Winter of Revenue Vessels. Portland. Nov. 24. Sch Velma, Osmore, Addison for New York. whoever it to or Governor September election fo Cruising term or gives mother, wife sister may the long short. For Portland, 28 cars miscellaneous merchandise Sch Albert Goldthwaite, Wiscasset for the year hundred and Dailey, Tailor's Pressman to eighteen eighty sbal I Washington. Nov. the revenue for roads, 81 cars miscellaneous mer Employed. confidently expect reap the benefit in the determine the election 26.—Among connecting Norfolk. for the years eighieei ehandise Robins >n, for Boston. comforts ornaments vessels to cruise the winter Sch Valparaiso. Bangor Paît* and Teste cltnaaed or many and which will be, hundred and and two." appointed during MARINE STATISTICS. r for New York. Coat·, dyed eighty-one Sch Charter Oak. Oram. Bang, and to cn»tem how much of for the relief of distressed are the follow* Boston H lock market. for pre»»ed, equal work, by at its suggestion, added to the hume. Now, the foregoing did th , craft, Sch George & Albert, Bryant, Bangor Bridge- Legislature intend to propose as an amend Steamers McCulloeh, stationed at East- tSa\es of the Broker's Board, Nov. 26.J port. TRUNKS ing: Silver Hall. Thomas ton for New York. ment to the Constitution? Simply to strik Annual Report of the Register of the First Call. Soh Spray, New numbers of Messrs. port, from Bobbinston to the mouth of the Eastern Railroad Seh Black Swan, Morrill. Rockport for Boeton. Harper's Franklin oui the word "majority" wherever it occured $4000 4MîS 99Vi "ÎosteTsTorêst city dye house, stationed at from Treasury. 1 Boston & Maine Railroad 149 Not. 26. We have a tine Assortment of Trunks and Travellnf Series Short and insert in its the word ; Kennebec; Dallas, Portland, FRIDAY, Ilonae, Square (Portland: Lnrinp, & Har- place plurality. Th 40 Eastern Railroad 33% 13 PBBBLE ST., opposite Preble Bags. clause to votes cast and to Mass. Arrived. mon) are Cast up by the Sea, a for relating returned fo r West Quoddy Cape Ann, ; Gallatin, Second Call. story boys, at Dying and cleauiic of all description· Governor the September election, was uc t at from Portsmouth i 5 Boston & Maine Railroad 148 Sch Rebecca Florence, Crowell, Boeton via Booth- written Sir Samuel and as stationed Boston, to Washington, Nov. 26.—The annual doae in a anperior manner nt abort notice· by Baker, full of as an amendment and report to load for Was blown off in the proposed was not in of the of the states bay. Philadelphia. alventure and Holmes' Baxter, stationed at Register Treasury that the 24th. Kid c!enn»ed every day, price ΙΟ marvellous as a tended or submitted as the « Hole; Newport· glove· experiences appears by folio total of the one gale to L. tonnage country exhibits a de- New York Ntock and [VI ν market. Sch Jerusha Baker, Chase, Macbias. cent* per pair. dime novel—while it be cntnmf nded in ing "Resolved that the aldermen of sc from Holmes' Hole Wbitestone, I., in- may cities, crease of 111,5 ï6 toi s, enrolled tonnage hav Sch Exact. Kimball, North Boothbay. Handle· mail or receive tect men of towns, and the assessors of m u τ„ι Λ iBy Telegraph.) by ezprem SILK HATS. and moral plante increased tons, while Nww literary tone; Horace McLean, a in ing 37,751 registered York. Nov. 26—Evening.—Money market Sch Astoria, Mad-iox, Southport. prompt attention. linns this State, are hereby empowered an Oliver, Bath. eodsntf quite and tonnage has d icr< a-ed 138.723 tons, and lio tns- stringent, closing t; prime mercantile paper 4H(? I Sch Mary Snowman, octl9 "We charge only $3.00 in Exchange, others 93.50 powerful pleasant story by Alice directed to notify the inhabitants of their π weak al a480 l^ewis R French. Newman, ed under 20 tons 50i tous. Steam tonnage has 6. sterling Exchange 47'Wt forlonj Sch North|Boothbay. for same 11ate. ti nrliistV» «!ιτλο els, tonnage The ship recently by Try it and you will be convinced like thousand* Ο made out the aldermen of The were the ο HATTER Reed. by cities, selectme Gould 40,028. In 1880, 174 vessels, with a tonnage of following closing quotations A R Reed & Co, bas been named Emily She who nave used it and now testily to its value. of and of Jay Badly Squeezed. «♦ο»»κ« : turce of the social life of a German towns, assessors plantations, an 38.408. Of this amount 90 cent, registers 1564 tons and is to be commanded by Capt Aek for Schlatter beck'* Corn and War) village. New Nov. common nearly per be- Island... by them, and attested the clerk York, 26.—It is talk on Rock 104fy Oscar I> Sheldon. Solvent and take a· ether. sale signed by to New Bedford. 1 197 Middle Street. (For by Hoyt, Fogg & Donham.) Wall street that Gould has suffered longs 'inois < Antral 121 I of late of and returned to the office of tbo ( Jay terri- Capt Sam Keene, Rockland, barque nov23 sudtf novl3 eodtf Secretary Chicago & Alton 138 Williams, has the new barque on State within thirty days afier the electioc bly by the continued advance iu the stock mar- Ephm purchased ket that the 'hicago « Alton prefeired 140 the stocks in Cottrell's yard, Belfast. She will re- A of Fate. Rev. E. P. And the Governor and Council shall ei aud differences foot up iu the EUROPE. Day By Roe. (New open, Γ, Β. fcQuincy 168V about 700 tons aud will be rigged and made amine and count the same millions. Vork gister To the Ladies York: D.dd & Portland: immediately afte Yew Central 144^ readv for sea on the stocks. Skates Skates Skates Skates and Mead; Loring, Short the of Especially expiration said thirty days; and if i Lak'· Sbore 122V Ship Chandos, Capt Emery, has been chartered to Best assortment at & Harmon) is a and lively quite entertaining shall appear that a majority of the votes caf LABOR TROUBLES. xir-higan Central 1133/ load grain at Portland, Oregon, at 70s if to Liver- Coercion in Ireland Krie 47^ or «tory, of average literary merit, and by no and returned off the question is in favor Abandoned pool, or 71s 3d if to Havre, 72s 6d if to Queens- tlie General. for the fCrie preferred 80^ town for orders, or 77s 6d if to continent. 6· L. BAILEY'S moans as eiid amendment, it shall then be a of th Present. Skates Skates Publie_ip ambitiously sensational in as part North western 122 style constitution and the Sch John S Case, of Rockland, has been chartered 48 St· 1 would call their attention to a Button that will Governor shall mak The Fall Blver Weavers Denounce the Northwestern 145^ Exchange tbe title might lead the reader to expect. The preferred for three round trips from Galveston to Cuba, with not cause them nay more trouble in known the fact by his proclamation." for Their Milwaukee to St. Paul giving away novel Employers Ignoring Secretary. 109^ cattle, at $1900 each trip. at the shank. It is is written with good feeling, and with a From an examination of the LAWLESSNESS STILL UNABATED. St. Paul 121V foregoing r< Flal Nov. 26.—The weavers' preferred Skates Skates Skates Skates of skill in tbe s lives it will be seen that all the River, Mass., New Jersey Central 81V UlEiniOBJllVDA. degree poitraying homely and amendmen was attended about 400. no24 endlw was meeting to-night by Union Pacific 100»/ life of a proposed to insert in said secti η th ashore at Vancouver's peaceful family of Friends, with their The resolution was Western Union Tel. Co. Ship Gatherer, recently word in of the word following passed: 96^ has made repairs at Port Blake- ESTABLI BED 1837. FERNALD'S visitors—tbe latter "plurality" place "majoi That, the refusal of the manufac- London, Nov. 25.—The British cabinet bai Island, temporary supplying the romantic ele- wherever it and Resolved, and left for San Francisco, where she is to be ity", occurred, this was a declared that coercive measures in Ireland are ly ment tbe turers, collectively or individually, to recog- Dsmeetic market·. for of story. that was submitted to the Thi at docked thorough repairs. people. nize our the authorized unnecessary present, consequently an from St for Liver- PURE WHIT LEAD. amendment became no of the secretary, representa- early iBv TelegraDh.Î Ship Jamestown, John, NB, part Constitu tive of the weavers of this is to session of Parliament is deemed which back to Deer Island had The Hoar will Come. From tion till it that it city, contrary unnecessary. Nfw Yokk. Nov. 26 -Evening—Fleur—Receipl pool. put 20th, If would house with the tbe German of appeared was adopted by th The London Times broken. you paint your best, all recognized busiuess principles and a direct says: 42,538 bble: exports 7861 bbls: opened strong an windlass Patent Shank Bntton Wilhelinine von Hillern. votes of the inhabitants of the State. It di fear while at purchase only By Clara Bell. (New insult to the weavers, and will iu the future be We that Fi.ster was unable yeEterday to in some instances shade higher;clostd dull, scarcel Sch Frank Norton, loading granite Spruce not so appear till the votes were counted b on a and knookea out rudder York: W. S. resented as such the weavers of Fall River. encourage his colleagues with the that firm shippers hoi 'ir.g off; saies 17,000 bbls; No 2 8 Head, grounded ledge They cost no more than the same Button without Gottsberger: Portland: the and by report keel. was towed to Rockland for The ''Plioenix Brand" Loring, Governor Council. Therefore Icon lawlessness is abated in 3 f)0ct4 20; Superfine Western and State at 4 00(< and started She the fetmnk. One trixl '"ill them Short & A The question of ad vance of wages was re- Ireland. It is too plain give the preference Harmon). somewhat tend on the 13th of last th 4 extra Western and State 5 OO'SS good t over are powerful, day September ferred back to the that the most detestable outrages 50; 3C; repairs, all otben». They suitable for ladir·' of our committee who have had daily occur, choice do at 5 White Wheat Wester Sch A Κ Woodward, Gordon, from Hoboken, with but exceedingly of an Al- Constitution State was not amended f and that 35^6 75; PURE WHITE Dr*·*»* and Clunk», fcSeat*' disagreeable story the matter in with to act as unparalleled terrorism is imposed at 5 at Belfast 22d with fore- LEAD, OvercMie, that a of charge, power extra 15Φ5 50: fancy do at 5 GO®6 75: ei coal, arrived galley stove, I ntieriooi· and Venin. 'Lake no but It has plurality votes cast f( upon three Irish counties. The law is and MANUFACTURED BÏ others, pine monastery. some picturesque pas- they think best. Special measures were almost tra Ohio at 5 30 à>6 50; extra St. Louis at 5 00(j gaff broken, foresail torn, vessel badly iced up. call for Governor would elect. On that to and a of day intecded to the union and powerless prevent these crimes or to punish 6 75: patent Minnesota extra at β 50®7 25: choic She was all under water at one time and the crew sages degree dramatic force, but is was and if adopted, strengthen THE OLD DUTCH PROCESS, majority necessary; so, tli the weavers. the criminals. Tho authorities have made to double extra at 7 30®8 50, including 1000 bbl expected to go to bottom. of more not orgauize Three representatives productive pain than pleasure to the did elect a Governor. The inrort effort to '^itv Mills extra at β 1300 bbls No 2 8 Sch Brunette dabbidge, from Portland, arrived at Fernald's Patent Shank. people were to the union at a every protect life aud property by em- 10@6 25; the only true method to make the beet lead; and, ai lug have a appointed represent 3 50®4 encassed in ice and sails reader. Legislature simply ministerial dut but 20; 800 bbls Superfine at 4 00 5 4 50; 2 Belfast 22d, completely we make purr lead cunnuiner; to meeting of all trades to be held in this ploying ordinary force, the conspiracy is perfectly only, perform to ascertain whether city 300 bbls low extra at 5 Οίνδ/5 6200 bbls Wintc frozen stiff. can on its They can be found at thefollowiug firms: any person r next too strong and subtle to be restrained. The ut- 25; always rely quality. ceived a of Monday evening. Wheat extra at 5 00®8 4900 bbls Minnesot Sch Chanticleer, of Boston, struck on Leadbetter Messrs. J. & Co. of New York majority votes cast tor Governor, most that can be done 50; Fitzgerald effectually at present is extra at 5 0«V®8 50. Southern flou Penobscot Bay, last week, and filled with ECKSTEIN,DILLS & Co., Cincinnati,Ο EtSTnm RRON. A- RAIM'ROFT, not, the Constitution provides what shall t to closing heavy. Isiand, iu tho and defend a few persons who are threatened. sales 900 extra at 5 d water. She was sold for $400 to in Belfast, • H«DHOIIBN A- pcblieb cheap convenient Humboldt done. * firm; bbls; 40@5 90; choce parties Agent., W. W. WHIPPLii Λ CO., KENDALL, BANK TAXATION. Some 80 Irish gentlemen are under oro 5 95@7 25. Rye Flour and a who have since floated her off. She registers 36 II. I. ΝΠ,ΝΟΝ A Library series Professor Pietro Blaserna's ad- police steady unchanged Portland, Me. tectiou. The legal enforcement of contracts 5 65®6 00 for Superfine Buck Wheat flour is du. tonri, and is but little damaged. Α, Λ. NM KKRMOPI. mirable at Boston from Nas- oct2 ST&Tin2m treatise upon tbe Theory of Sound in relating to land is at an end in most of at 2~10®2 30, mainly 2 15@2 20. Corn ifleal i Sch Nathan Cleaves, Atwood, J. M. OVER Ac CO., METEOROLOGICAL parts NW from Hatteras A. iti Relation to Munster and and more active and firm. Wheat—repeints 376,08 sau, NP, reports strong gales E. tVKHB, Music—a volume in An Important Decision by the U. S. Cir- Connaught, the lawlessness λ which, INDICATIONS FOB TBS NKXT TWRNTY-FOO of the bush: exnorts 97.031 bush: heavy and 2α3c lowe and lost ana split sails. niLLEIT LITTLE, in peasantry and masses in the towns seek- « * another edition, has been reviewed at con- HOURS. cuit Court. with better export demand; sales 2,157.000 busl A ΕRNALO, ing and these facts continues to cause poem. A. siderable in New Nov. 26.—An decis- spreading including 272,000 bush on spot;ungraded Spring 8 DoniBBTic OWEN. IIIOURR CO., length these columns. York, important great fo the authorities New W Η 1 — NewYork & Line KOIILING. War anxiety of and No 2 do 1 Dbp't, Office Chief Signal ion was rendered in the 0. Ireland, 18; 20; ungraded K*d at 1 21 @1 31 SAN FRANCISCO Ar 17th, barque Western ) S. Circuit Court in we conclude that No 3 do 1 Phijad6lphiB ΠΙΛ ΜΗΚΗΙ.Π A- the Officer, Washington. D. > may cabinet has not yet 20®1 21Vfe:No 2 do 1 24^1 27H:Mixe Fish, Cardiff via Columbia River. HO.HMTED, C., a suit of the National Bank of Al- Belle, I>. K. Exchange resolved to set aside their views even for a Winter at 1 2t Vfe-.ungraded White at 1 I 24% Loretto Cork. I'OKNMH, Messrs. Funk also a Nov. 27, 2 short 9^1 Sid 17 th, ship Fish, Hodgman, Bound Brook publish biography of A.M.J bany against the receiver of taxes of Corn market shade lower and actirc Route. KIKE» HRIIS., For Albany time without much hesitation and moderately PENSACOLA—Ar 22d, sch Wm Frederick, Ames, Rev. Wil'iam H. New England, to restrain the collection of taxes on misgiving, receipts 313.200 sale BETWEEN F. Λ ΝΙΙΙΤΗ, Spurgeon by Yarrow. imposed but that the decision has been adepted bush; exports 101,209 bush; Baltimore. Lower shares of the bank for 1879. The Court partly 571,000 bush, including 147,000 bush on the spol sch F «V. F. NTCDLEV, barometer, falling followed by st; decid- ou faith aud hope which spring eternal in the FEKNANDINA-Sld 20th, Nellie Sawyer, & or ed iu ou No 3 at No 2 d New Tork, Trenton tiomry higher temperature, wint favor of th bank, the ground that the ministerial breast. ungraded 55@61%c: 58@58V4c; Bunker, Boston. Philadelphia. westerly at 6iy2(®*l84 : No 2 White 61 low Mixed a ALSO OP THE Books Received. to or act of 1866 is iuvalid and furnished no authori- Vac; CHARLESTON—Cld 25th, ech Bcs le Ε Dickin- shifting easterly southerly, clear or pait] 6 Southern Yellow at No 2 for Nc to New York, Nov. 26.—A London *Ac: 62Vfec; son. Standish. Fernanaina. Aa Egyptian Priacea·. cloudy weather. ty the assessors to assess bank shares because despatch at 61 STATION IN NEW YORK By Georg Ebets says: vember yaf®61%c; do for December 61%(ί SAVANNAH—Ar 24th, sch Annie Bliss, from AfiSS-fc. Author of do at Oa«s bel "I'arda," etc. From the German, Mr. Foster bis 62Vec; January «2H@62%c. Vi Philadelphia. Host Central Station in by to deduct their debts from assessments. The pressed of immediate receipts sales No Philadelphia Eluuior Grove. In two policy ter; 38,250 bush; 228,000 bush; Cld 24th, brig Ellen H Munroe, Whitaker, Phila- FERNALD BUTTON CO Volumes, Paper, 322 and THE Post that coercion so strongly and raised such a storm of at White FINANCES. says the banks in this cit; will prob- 43ya@*4c;do 44^@44%c; No 2 at 44»/ delphia. Philadelphia & Heading Κ. K. 3H8 40 conte a volume. New opposition that Mr. Gladstone ο pp., York: William ably immediately take proceedings to secure a became thor- (aABVéc; do White 46^@47c; L at 45@45i>4( Sid 24th, brig Liberty, Devereux, Baltimore; sch alarmed at do White at Mixed Western at 43® Whit NINTH AND (jRKKN STREETS, .237 middle St. S. Uotaberger. Portland: Short Har full benefit of this decision. The amonnt oughly the of before 49c; 45c; Irene Κ for Brunswick. Loring, & of prospect going Meservcy, liolK <11 w Parliament with a Western at 45.®52%c; White State at 51c. inclut] NC—Ar sch Ε H Drum- m"n. Secretary Sherman will taxes upon bank shares in New York wrangling ministry at his WILMINGTON, 22d, AND THIRD AND BERKS STS. Recommend tb imposed to ing 35,000 No 2 for November 44»4c: bas] York. is more heels, and avoid a split an of 30,000 mond. New Paru Retirement of tha araonhooi» city §1,500,000. adjournment December at 50,00 » do c Hwtt·; In-T)oor* and Out-Door*. the cabinet was takeu. 4fic; January 46^(^461^1 Cld 22d, sch Charlie Bucki, French, New Yoxk. New Nov. M h «2 π Uriner and in good demand: fair to refinin sch from LADIES Π Κ. H. Lelaud. 204 York, 26.—It is reported toda Thr Irish Laud RICHMOND—Ar 22d, Huntress, Nash, Double Stone Ballast Cloth, pp., illustrated, that Commission, appointed by quoted at 7 Mj 7 11-16; prime 7% @7% ; refined i Do»tVi imhnv Express Trains, Track, New Secretary Sherman will not recnti THE Parliament to consider Be sure t· ticket, railroad or (team- price $1.60. York: Orange Judd & Co only MOREY FORGERS.. the relations between stronger with good inquiry: standard A 9Vi; pew NORFOLK—Ar sch of John- bay (at any mend the 22d, City Augusta,J boat office in New via From I he Publieuers. demonetizing legal tender notes bt t laudlord and tenant, will report in favor of dered 10c granulated at 9%@9%c. iflolasue» i * Kennebec. England) also that be of son, 0I1ADB01KN & they gradually cancelled and di >" fixity tenure. quiet and firm: Orleans 4(%55c. Petroleum i * FORTRESS MONROE—Passed ont 24th, barque KENDALL, BmIIimI». or It.ib) By Uno. Illustrated stroyed funded into bonds. weak; united at 92 Via ; crude in bbls at > by Osear Several Strange Witnesses Before the Dublin, Nov, 26.—The at 6Vfe@7% Q M Stan wood, (from Baltimore) for Savannah. Pleatch. camp Lough Mask refined at O. Tallow steadv and fairl ν activ* Will this a Paper, 80 pp., pricj 60 cents. Boston: be BALTIMORE— Ar 24tb, sch Emma Arey, Hall, opru daf, Grand Jury. will evacuated The troops and Ul- in moderate ; l.ee & to-day. Pork export demand at unchange* 1 New York. Shepard. Portland: Frank B. Clark. THIS stermen will at PUBLIC DEBT. New Yoke, Not. 26.—The grand jury today sleep Billinrobe to-night. Fa- rices; 250 bblsvness on spot at 14 50; quoted a I Old 24th, barque Mary I Baker, Sproul, Dublin. ther John has issued 4 nominal. I^nrd a ou b — Little Songm. By Mr Eliza Lee Pollen, with were still considering the Morey Chinese let- O'Malley the following ? 50^15 0";otpions opened PHILADELPHIA Cld 24th, brig Cascatelle, : 17V2 better and closed with advance lost new illustration» ter and the circumstances tbe for- proclamation partly ï Jackson, Portland; sch Gertrude Ε Smith, Jameson, New York and Philadelphia by MissL. B. attending sales 10BO steam on at 9 Humphrey. Paper, Δ Decrease of "Men of Mavo: In the name of the T.nn»t> prime spot 20; to arriv 5 Charleston. {'ISS OF 76 pp.. price 5 cente. $2,000,000 In Novembe: gery. They had before them some witnesses 9 275 for November 9 Boston: Lee & Sbepard. ftlasK teuants and for at 10; 12 Vs@9 30; 3150 fo NEW YORK—Ar 24th, brig J Η Lane, Shute, Not. 26.—It whose names and the nature of whose testi- the sake of the cause 9 ; Portland: Frank B. Clarn. ■Washington, is not expect© , December at 12 Vs@9 25; 1000 tes year at 9 1 > Montevideo 60 days; schs F A Pike, Noble, Calais; NEW EKtiLAND AOKIVCF, that the could not be learned. The they are so manfully upholding, you are earn- public debt statement for Novemb» mony gentlemen (3.9 25. Batter quiet and firm. Cheent; dull an 1 H L Newman. Newman, Beverly; Mary Shields, Boston. rfcw ior liiiue will estly entreated to the 210 Washington Street bod|n reoplp, By Mary E. show a decrease of more than who have heretofore acted as counsel in Philp's permit Orangemen and unchanged. Linscott, Providence. An 32,000,(XX the to take themselves to Liverpool VVTieat steam H. P. ierson, illustrated by LizzU Β Pa case are now actively engaged in sifting the English army away out Freights dull; 7%@78/i Ar 26th. brig Charlotte, Briggs, Turks Island; sch BALDWIN, CLOAKINCS Humphrey, of your mhagdly Gen. Paw Agent C. K. R. of N. J. per, 119 disclosures made the with outraged country unharmed and un- Ohi ago. Nov. 26.-Flour in demand at fu] I Albert H Walte, Dodge, Pensacola. ρμ price 50 cents. Boston: Lee & Killed a during proceedings good AND Shop by Snow Slide. a view noticed." Winter at 5 0 )®6 double extra Cld brigs Clytie, Dow, Caibarien; ard. Portland: Frank B. of tracing the originators of the Morey prices; 2"»; Spring 24th, Kossack, Clark. 4 75ά;5 7f>; extra 4 75. an Charleston; schs Minna A Cheyenne, Nov. 26.—A party of fl ve mil letter ami the accessories to its publication. Bismarck Not Seriously 111. 25^4 Wbeat unsettled I Hulse, Reed, Nash, Para; A ors from lower;No 2 Red Winter at 1 No 2 Chi Olark, Jacksonville. 01,11 10 B«e: Novel. By Harry v. French, Author of going Georgetown, Ool., to Nort Ii Nut. generally JO; Eugene, London, 26"—A. dispatch from Berlin I 10% 10% for cash; 1 llVs fo r Sid 24th, barque Sarah Hobart, for Zanzibar. "Germs of Park, werj precipitated in an cago Spring @1 ULSTER Genius," Art and Artists iu Connecti- immense snot says: is known here of the December; 1 12% for 1 13% Passed the Gate 24th, schs Maggie Todd, Norwood CLOTHS. slide on the Continental Indiana's Electoral Vote', Nothing rep irted January: February ; $5.50 8ep27 d'Jrao cut." Cloth, 2oS pp., price Divide. Two wei serious illness of Prince No 3 Chicago Spring at 95% q)98%c; rejected 7<>(ϊ 5 fron Hoboken for Boston; Damon, Port Johnson $1.00. Boston: Lee killed and ihe others Nov. Bismarck, who is & injnred. The party lia j Indianapolis, 26.—The State canvass- from 82c. < 'onι active and lower at 42% c for cash am ί for do; A R Weeks, Littlefield, do for Salem; Frank Sliepard. Portia d: Frank B. Clark. in the merely suffering rheumatism. NOW READY FOR been storm five days and were almoi t ing officers will permit the correction of the re- bid December; 43%fô43%c for January; 477/sCt } Maria, Alley, Amboy for do; Pierce, Lord, do for Wiadona vf € famished Foreign Notes. m. Fy the Author of when the accident occurred. turns in the case of farker (elector) which will 48c for May; rejected at 39%@4Cc. Oats stead; f Providence. NEW A rich and in fair demand at c for cash and bid r Passed the Gate schs from Hobo- YORK, the Schonberg-Cotfi C make entire tbe delegatson for Garfield. deposit of copper ore has beon discov- 32% fo 25th. Trenton, *14 Family. lotto, 331 pp., $1. for do for Ν J Mil- CHRISTMAS! New York: ered not far from the city of St. N. F. December; 33Vsc January; 37%c May: rejectee l ken for Boston; Express, Newport; Djo-J, Mead & Co. Portland: Lor- Bumored Murder at Johns, 30c. and at 91c. 1er. do for Norwich. Hartwellvllle, Vt. The owners are negotiating with an Kye strong higher Bariey stron, \ A FINK LINK OF ii'g Short & ilarmon. American and at 1 03%. Fork unsettled and lower a t PROVIDENCE—Sid sch Louisa North Adams, Nov. Δ Boy Hanged for Murder. and to higher 24th, Wilson, Portland & Worcester Line Mass., 26.—A gentli company, expect effect arrangements 13 00 cash: 12 45 for New York. man from 00.0/14 40@12 November ; Alley, — A2ÏD — ART Aboard (be Marie. Hartwell, Vt.. stares that terribi 0 Phoenix. Arizona, Nov. 26.—Dementris Do- and commence in the GOODS Γ»y Rielurd Markham. operations spring. 12 45^12 50 for December: 14 02%fol5<0 fo r FALL RIVER—Ar 21st, schs Vandalia, Alley, 240 tight occurred some two was for tbe The Boards, pp., $1.50. S·** York : days ago betwee u minguez, aged 17, hanged to-day London News, the Panama January. Lar I unsettled and an I Ellsworth; D Ellis, Torrey, Rockland. JUST HM'EIVKD. JJodd, Mead Kdson Fuller of that discussing generally higher & Co. place and a town r murder of Mr. Thomas. This is the first canal, says an increase of trade in active 8 70 cash and 8 7< > αγ 22d, M3b Albert Jameson. New York. Portland: luring, r>liort & Harmon. paupi legal America very |Dect-mber; 72%(a8 Candage, Norwich Line Steamers. VELVET Λ !VD FANCY named Witham; that Witliam smashed execution in tbe may he reckoned but for January. Bulk Meats steady—shouldets at 4 76 BRISTOL—Ar 23d, sch Abigail Haynes, Mazrell, FRAMES, Fu l_ territory, though probably upon, au increase of ; Train leaves Portland at 1.25 p. m., Poreriua. Translated from the Fr< ler'a skull with a fifteen have been short rib at 7 15: sbort clear 7 4θ. Eliza bethport. Express the finest line ill the cily. nch by Mme. heavy crutch, killing liin persons lynched. competition seems certain, and political jeal- connecting at New London tame evening with the La princesse U. Remitters have started for ousies rteoeiptt-—18,COO hbls nour. 85,000 bush whca< Sid 24th, sch Essex, Drinkwatcr, New York. Special attention paid to Arti.t Mnpplie·. CautHCnzen«»-AliierJ. Hartwellvilli may induce the United States to cat a fiiet steamer· of the Norwich Une, arrlTlng at Paper, wh ch is 12 44 000 bus» corn, 47,000 bush oats. 4.000 busJ SOMERSET—Ar 24th, sch Olive Elizabeth, Dins- 205 pp, 3θ cts. New York: miles from here and isolated froi 1 waterway the contiuent New Tork next morning at β o'clock. D. Appleton & Co. of South Carolina. thiough by the Nica- bush more. New York. rai.road and Population rye 24,000 barley. Ticket* and State Kooms secured in advance at Portland : Hoyt, and telegraphic communication. ragua route. Shptu«nts-14,«'00 bblt» flour, 42.000 bush wheal NEW BEDFORD—Ar sch John James, Mc- STIJBBS Fogg Oonham. Washington Nov. 26.—The of 24th, Rollins Λ 32 and at the BROS., population The Peruvian legation at New York bush com. 44 000 bush bus] Bristol. Adams', Exchange Street, I'urlr Reuiuo. South Carolina was in 57,000 oats, 3,300 Intyre. A BTI NTS' (OlOHtlKH A*D DEAL- By Jot-1 Chandler Harris. Cloth: is 995,706; females, 505,195; formed via 20,000 bufh VINKYARD-HAVEN—Ar schs C Ε Depots. Two Persons Killed Thni-gday, Panama, thai after the rye. bariey. 23d, Moody, J. W. PETEHS, Gen. Ticket Agent. ERS IN i n h ART 2M pp. York: L>. by a Train. whiles, 391,258. Gonalves for Ella Pressey, and COODR, Appleton & Co. Port- delegates irom Peru, Bolivia and Chili had St Louis. Nov. 26.-Flour unchanged. Whep Hoilgkiiis, Boston; GEO. P. WE8C0TT. Supt. oclBdtf Lake Wood, N. Nov. Northern Rondout for Billow, Richmond 16 land. Hoyt, Fogg & Donbam. J., 26.—The carriaf e met to discuss the terms of peace the declined; No 2 Ked Fall closed at 1 0f*% for cash Light, do; Temple Street, Portland, Me. of James John a through fordo; Geo fordo; Forest so", wealthy resident, whi 6 mediation of the United States. 1 10 December; No 3 do at 1 06%; No 4 at 99c Walker, Philadelphia OFFN KVBBT EVK.HKe. no23edlent. Chili de- and Minnie Κ Port Johnson for do; El- By W. Haslvm. crossing the track was struck a train au ^ manded the Corn lower 43 %c for cash; 431/· fa,43Ve Decembei City Look, by concession of a large portiou of len Morrison, for Jos W Fish, Hoboken M. Cloih, 3 8 pp. New York: D. Mr. Johnson ami Washington, Nov. 26.—It is stated that Oats firmer 34g)34%c cash: 343/«c for Decembei Amboy do; WM. MARKS, Appleton & Co. daughter-in-law probably fi territory, which Peru refused to aud for do; Pavilion, do for do for The Commodore Sbufeldt reports a commercial give up, Kye firmer at 89%«* bid. Pork dull: jobbing \ 4 Oi do; Hyeua, Beverly; SKATES Portland: Hoyt, Fojdg Ai Donham. tally injured. burses were killed and ca thus the fell A H do for Ariel, do for SKATES! with Corea will not be negotiations through. L trd tirin and Active at 8 60@8 «>2 % ; held Hodgman, Newburyport; riage demolished. treaty advantageous to higher Odell, Hoboken for !_ In the Iialiau Charles Merchant*' Legal Guide. Chamber of Deputies Thurs- Keceipte—8.0O0 bbls nour. 77.000 busn wuoai Ellsworth; Thompson, AND Compiled under this country. ! Allie Β fm Virginia for LADIES' GENTS' SKATES. day, Premier iu to an 105.OOO bush corn. 15,000 bush oats, bns! Portland; Dyer, Paiae, do; direction of Cairoli, 2,000 and Job — Douglass and M in reply interpella- — ton, Atty's of the oush Alaska, Hamilton, Rondout for do; Loduskia. Ron- Card, Printer, ALSO Decides to said that in Book, Not Contest. tion, accord with other rye. 15,000 barley. Law and Collection powers the dout for Yreka. for Sa- department of the mercan- Coal Prices for December. had used Shipments 17.000 bbls flour, 3.000 bush wheal Danversport; Elizabethport Printers' Exchange, GIRLS' AND BOYS' SWINGS. Richmond, Nov. 26.—John L. Wise wi ij government efforts to guard its Ital- L Β do for Castine; Port John- tile agency of Dun, Wiman & Co. 6,000 bush corn, 1,000 bush oats, 0,000 bus! | lem; Sargent, Ann, Cloth, 106 to-morrow a card Nov. 26.—No in ian interests in Peru, and had demanded son for publish explaining how h θ Philadelphia, change the guar- barley, 0,000 bush rye. Sullivan. DAY pp. New York: I>. Appleton & Co. was antees for in Wm C. & Portland: defeated by D. Wise for ! price of coal lor December will be maue the recompense the event of detri- schs C H Morse, Penn, and Onward. 111 Me. JR., CO., George Congres by Detroit, Nov. 26.—Wheat No 1 Whit * Sailed, Exchange St., Portland, Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. that and ment to those interests. In answer to steady; Ar 24th, schs S D Hart. Philadelphia for 1&7 MIDULE STKEET. announcing bo has no intention of coi ,1 .Lehigh Schuylkill companies. another at 1 07%; t Ο714 for November; 1 for Dc Belfast; tho question he stated that the 07% Wm D Cargill, Hoboken for Portsmouth; Chatta- nov24 dlw esting latter's seat. general situation in ce m be r; 1 09% for January; 112 for February Tunis is but there nooga. Bangor for New York; Nettio Β Dobbin, fm difficult, is no present No 2 White at 1 03 V2; No 2 Red 1 09%. Fannie F The tug siUKiiiau Uuh ij while her P. T, Barnum Recovering. cause for Hilleboro tor do; Hall, Bangor for do. Fine Job Printing a Specially. making apprehension. New Nov. 20.- Cotton is and nomi Si sch Hattie Ε way ihrouuii ι he ice at liiclunond Δ New Democratic T. York, quiet 1, King. Tuesday Organ. New Yoke, Nov. 26.—"hineas Barnum'· 12c. EDGARTOWN-Ar 23d schs C Β "poultry. bur.st her oiler nal; Middling uplands Wood, Stanley, Orders by mail or in person promptly attended to. morning when near Heed s Columbus, No half β health is much we a lot »t interest in tli to-day reported improved. There are 900 boats laid up in the Brie canal, SavanïïNov 26 —f which contaiu grain. The ice is liz upands ai ll5/sc; held bedec Snow, do Searsport; Fleetwing, Maddox, Txfrkeyn. Chicken*, Ac., mains «tuck fast in the ice. higher. Market there, Thompson, of ihe Nation! Ί inches thick. < and Seventy Six, Robinson, do for Boston. price. lergeaut-at-arme Chas. Buaergan, in attempting to board a new iKjLBANs, Nov. 26.—Cotton unsettled an N. G. Treat an House of J η port 23d inst, schs Lord, Beak and old and respected citizen of Representatives, who intends mal at Two held 11 Abby Wasson, Particular atteati·· paid I· late train Gloucester, Thursday night, got meu were killed and three in- higher; Middling upland! %c. from New York for John Η H. & J. C. Btiugor, died of ing the paper tae central organ of the Ohi 0 severely Boston; Kennedy, T. SMALL, suddenly Thursday apoplexy. his foot caught uuder a car wheel, injuring it jured by the falling of a in New Mobile, Nov. 26 —Cotton excited and unsettled Keen, Fall River for do; Robert Pamphlet Printing. •i conmsBi'iAL stbeet. Hie age was 74 years and 8 months. Democracy. scaffolding Foster, Leighioii, BO severely that amputation will be necessary. York yesterday. Middling uplands at 11% 0. New York for do; Caroline Knight, Smith, Raritan jylO TnTbStf nom d3V « * Sunday Services. THANKSGIVING. PICKED TEAM. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. THE Xames. PRESS. Abyssinian Church.—Rev. J. O. Wilson, pas- Total NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tor. Preaching at 3 p. m. Evening meeting at 7. MISCELLANEOUS Davis Bethel Church.—Services a. 3 and Its Celebration in Portland. Capt. 1' 10% m., 7V» " SHELBY'S DRAMATIC COMPANY. SATURDAY HORNING, NOT. 27. p. m.; also Monday and at Winslow 2< Thursday evenings 1< 1 p. m. All from sea and land are invited. Seats free. Sergt. Knight and Priv. Dow 1! Thanksgiving day evening, Shelby's Reading rooms open to Seamen regular. every day The favorite New ; pass Curtis i: dramatic Christ's England holiday Sergt. company appealed at New Portland CITY AND VICINITY. Faith Church, Corner Congress and Priv. 1< off in this ! There was a " Hogau Theatre, in YOUR Chapel Streets.—Rev. S. P. Gos- quietly city. slig Constable Hook, and the Ladies' Pearson, pastor. Pierce 1' piece Temperance at " was not HEW ADVBBTXSEMBNTS TO-DAY. pel meeting every evening 7%. flurry of snow the night previous, covering tl Milliken li only well played but was received Sunday services—Prayer meeting 9 a. m. Sunday " Narrow Feet and a to the ot 1Î089 It with the Long, Slim, Fitted. School at 10 V2 a. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. Season ground, giving wintry aspect " strongest evidence of satisfaction on Perfectly ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. Plaisted li of song at 7 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting at side world. The air was clear and crisp t] the part of the aadience. Last New Portland Theatre—Constable Hook Co. 7V2 D· m· All are welcome. evening they latter of the but in the tl 16( essayed the drama of Winter day, "The Last Man" and MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. Chestnut St. M. E. Rev. C. J. Clark, part morning the Church, a beautiful of weather was There was 1 The H igh School Cadets had prhe shooi play "Pygmalion and Galatea." Merry—5. pastor. Preaching at IOV2 a. m. by Rev. Bishop threatening. very This NarroW in in at Jesse T. and at 3 m. the afternoon, at the city range Veering afternoon, the "East GoodS Coe—5. Peck, p. by Rev. F. K. tie and the streets were matinee, Lynne," Stratton of Boston. riding, comparative under command of T. G. Dis and for the Owen, Moore & Co. —3. Young people's meeting at 6. Sergt. Rogers evening performance "Olivei Prayer meeting 7. deserted for entertainments iu-doors and tl tance 100 yards; off-hand. In the first clasi Twist." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A 8PECIALT the was a which waswon Y. Cloaks Congress St. M. E. Ciiurcii, Rev. A. S. Ladd new skating rink in the Oaks. prize gold badge, bj THE DHL MM EE BOY. Robes—Merry. pastor No morning service. Union service at he 22 out of a possible Your—Brown. Sergt. Kogers, making Our readers will bear in mind that ivhesnut St. Preaching at 3 by the pastor. THE CHURCHES. 25. Other soores in this class were asfollows the tick- Diamonds Atwood & Sunday Wentwortli. school at IV2. Social at 6 and 71,4. the ets for reserved seats to the Wanted—W. J. Holland. meeting At First Parish, Rev. Dr. Hill was a Corp. Ton, 18; Corp. Johnson, 5; private "Drummer Boy" Ferry Village M. E. to be Church.—Rev. S. F. sisted by Rev. Mr. Wills. The sermon was < l ynch, 5. private Soars, 15. are procured at Stockbridge's, and the Wetherbee, pastor. Sunday School at 10.30 si. m. In the second class the was83.25 in <> the "Vastness of and the text w prize at We BOOTS Hand Made Worsted at 2.30 and 30' p. m. General Thought," gallery Sturgis's. hear that new Jackets'63c., SI, S1.25, Preaching prayer which was won Kiowlton many meeting immediately taken from Nahuin III, 9: "Ethiopia at] cash, by private and beautiful following evening preaching. a Th( features will be in- j2 and $2.50. Children's and Ladies' Ilcods, were her and it was with a score of 18 out of possible 23. introduced, AND & First Baptist Church, Egypt strength, infinite mnfbros. Congress St., opi>o8ite other contestants scored as follows: cluding some âne Let our Miitcns. Loggins and Nubias. H. I. Nelson &, Lincoln Park.—Rev. T. D. The speaker referred to the frequency wit Sergt singing. readers re" Anderson, Jr., pastor. Sergt. Woodman, 12: Corp member 441 aad 443 Sunday School at 1.45 p.m. Prccliine at3. which people used the strongest expressions < Carpenter, 17; also, that by investing in a ticket Co., Congress street. nov24-3t Cobb, King, 13; Jost, 10 not they Prayer meetings, Sunday at 7 p. m.; Tuesday and trivial occasions. Infinite has a certain Axe 15; private private only give themselves an evening of pleas- Friday at 7.3υ p. m. It is not private Smith, 10; privateTryon, 17. ure but will aid in Wolf and Buffalo the lowest. meaning. something ouly with they making the widows Robes, Coe. First and orphans of our BANCROFT fixed but boundless. The of ROLLEK 8RATING. SHOES. LutheranJChurch, (Scandinavian,) Elm bounds, eye tl brave defenders able to St.—Rev IC. G. F meet the of a legre.pastor. Preaching at 10 Va eagle is keen to detect its prey, and the dog The roller skating season opened at Lancav rigor severe winter. Hale's Ho&ey or Hoahiioumd and Tab a. m. Sunday school at 12 Va m. (English,) p. sagacious enough to track its master, but it ter Hall in the a numbei NOTES. the most troub tsome afternoon, with large For overpowers cough with- First Free Baptist corner of left to man trace effect to Wide, Full Feet. Society, Cum- to up cause; it is le her of skaters on the who seemed to en Mr. M. B. Thick, iu forty-eight hours. berland and Casco St.—Rev. J. M. floor, Curtis, the well known ire now Lowden, Pastor. to him to think, and yet man cannot look int the much. In the thi comedian, in at m. joy sport very evening brother of Mr. Frank offering, Pike's enre Preaching 3 p. School at 1.30 m. Curtis, will star in Tootbaiiia Drops in one minute. Sunday p. the infinite but when the soul falls back sati hall was at 7 crowded, and there was as many, i "Samuel of or nov27 Prayer meeting Sunday evening Va, Young Peo- Posen," the adventures of a d6t fied that if"fan go no further, it also is satisfit* not more than there were last their ple's Meeting Friday evening at 7 V2. year. commercial drummer, to the spacious Cloak that it h ι that it was created t The new introducing pub- Max's Winter and at High St. Church.—Rev. W. H. immortality; Winslow skate is a great additio lic a new Cap», 40c, Boys' 25c, Fenn, pastor. to a of His own Til comedy characterization, and will LADIES' God be part eternity to the and we think it excels the Coe's. Preaching service at 10.30 a. m. Sunday School at sport, Plimp- open at the Park, Dec. 13. an ablest of those who have devoted their lives < ton Boston, The play Rooms, immense 12 m. Prayer meeting at 7 p. m. at every point. It is a better runniig was especially written for him. the study of mathematics and of the physici skate, does not make so much and thtre We still continue to sell the men's and India St. Universalist Church.—Rev. C. A. noise, The Times and Fine Oil Ct. Button Boots for Street have but a little way. The lal is no of an Tribune seem to think that Wear, Hayden, pastor. Services at 3 and 7 p. m. sciences, gone danger accident from the wheels the stock of Ladies' Win- boys' scarlet, all-wool Shirts and Drawers for Professor Pe rce onee said to the th; off. In Sphinx is a play in which Mile. Bern- Ivnightville M. E. Church, Rev. Β F. speaker, coming all, we think, with this sktte, bardt's 51.00. 2t Este?, i' sent the blood to his veins to even think ( the part is beneath her talents. New Β and C. Owkn, Moore Si Co. pastor. No morning service. Sunday school at IV2 patrons will find their sport made much Boyd's York, AA, A, 1 ter so wlu consist- p. m.; preaching at 2 Va p. m.; praise at 7 mathematics, because he knew well easier than last season. Garments, Ladies' fine Seal Furs. Cos. meeting Accidents. p. m.; social meeting at 7 Mi p. m.; Tuesday evening remarkable discoveries are yet to be mad The manager, Mr. Eugene Lalime, has gone at 7Va; class at there. In scieuce of ver a Miss of of meeting Friday evening 7Va. the chemistry, the to great expense in making his rink a pleas- Crosby Cape Elizabeth, fell on the ing Ulsters, Have- Despair not, neither man nor some or maid, New Jerusalem Church, New High Street.— elementary substances, sixty sevent ure to those who seek that kind of enjoyment, icy pavement on street. Rev. J. K. Congress Thanksgiv- iuuuvu uas pastor. Divine Services at 10Va in with all their combiin and we his .30 and 7 o'clock. approbation slavery. Slavery denial give Maine Light SILK HAT $3.50 AND EXCHANGE—entire New Stock. fects of his aid. There was little Artillery, testator—his title being fiduciary and Rev. E. S. Tead of Cumberland Mills will Dreach in of the dignity of the soul, wrought into oar in- comparatively indepen- The second an dent platoon of the First Maine not beneficial. So executor may pledge the per- the morning, and the pastor in the even-ing. Sub- stitutions. When Christianity came into the thinking in medicine then, and originali- Light sonal of his 1st property testator for the general pur- ject: "What shall 1 do with this Jesus." world was as as the ty of thought or deed was discountenanced. Artillery, Lieut. Seth L. Larrabee com- of the If the slavery respectable family. poses wilL person such a Tbo contrast was in a Dolmans. receiving Williston Church, Congregational, corner From time immemorial captives taken in given picture of medical manding officer, and R. T. pie Ige has, at the time, knowledge or that McLellan second notice, Fhomas and Carroll Streets.—Rev. Frank E. Clark battle had been enslaved by their captors, and practice as it is to-day, when every invention the executor intends to misapply the money, or is, lieutenant, elected line officers as follows pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m., the custom a is afforded to the work of the last $6.50 will bay a neat Black in the very transaction, it to his own by pastor. the had had great influence in improve profes- applying pri- Sabbath school at 3p. m. at sion. The vate use, the is not valid. An executor Prayer meeting the leading of the world. greatest advance of the century was evening: Jnion Beaver with modest trim- pledge 7 p. m. moulding nation^ pledge ! certain corporation nock, belonging to the The people of Athens would not have attained the discovery of ether for inhalation, and by it Orderly Sergeant—A. A. Kendall. t?-» 1 $60.00 the finest estate, to the defendant bank to secure his note for Young Men's Christian Association, Con or Then mention Sfiftond SftPffAQnt—ΠΚβο 1W MERRY lings, French their marvellous culture had they not been destroying preventing pain. loaned In faith the bank rress corner at 0 a. m. and money good by and upon Street, Elm.—Meetings able to commit all the of life to their was made of the growth of such as Third 8. Banks. trimmed. At the affirmation of the 7 also on and at drudgery specialties, Sergeant—W. (earer, elegantly executor that the money was p. m., Wednesday Saturday 7V2 those which treat the and the First wanted for the m. helots. The slaves who tilled the grain fiel Is eye ear, joints, Corporal—Fred W. Thompson. tie of from settlement of the estate. Held— p. lie popular prices $12.00 that the Is miscellaneous. of Italy left Rome free to gather the armies spine, the genito-urinary organs, and the Second Corporal—John H. Russell. pledge valid. Plaintiff non suit. ο $25.00 our assortment eannot which the world. the mor- diseases pertaining to women. There has been Third Corporal—A. S. Gilson. Derry Mills vs. Burke and Trustee. ByThe Disciples of Christ meet every Lord's conquered To-day THE in the of Fourth Day at Block, to attend to the fellow- ai sense οι lue ejnrisuau worm cannot; loieraie great progress methods detecting and Corporal—Ε. H. Waterhouso. e Reicnot by Barrows, ·!.—It was decided this Farrihgton HATTER, surpassed. by ship, to the of anl the at treating disease aud iu the more accurate use Court in Collins ν». Chase and trustee, not re- breaking bread, prayers, slavery. yet 3 o'clock. ree. of remedies. is almoot Saccarappa. that a creditor has Seats A second feature of modern life in which Nowadays blood-letting of tire (fold ported, who procured the deten- nevar uud vUo etuU imc ullOWBtl tiO (ΙΓΪΙΙΚ Rev. C. J. 2S7 Middle Street, Hat. tion Mrs. Hunt the influence nf th!» at.«ioi»au troth on ti»« Clark, of Sign of a lanorer's wages in the ha ds of his ty Morgan will pretcli on Sunday, cold water Portland, delivered ail nov27 dit employ- the world Is seen, ts the recog- in fever. er by the first s rvice ->f a trustee cannot, Kov. 28, In the Bradley Church at 3 p. m., and ft1-"»"* plainly interesting process by — lecture, subject, Ν aeon's Corner at — nition of h the Iu surgery the improvements in mechanical "Conscience and making a second service after the lapse of a mouth, 7 p. m. personal rights y government; ΓΗΕ aids to diagnosis aud treatment were Courage," at the Methodist HAVELOCK. deprive the laborer of the exemutlon of some uur- [yA. Martin, Evangelist Κ New England for of the leading nations. When the gospel car- spoken of, church Wednes- won or α such as the for is wages grantea in K. s. c. «·*, § 65. The the Church of Christ fffll preach Sunday morning ried to men the doctrine of the dignity of man. aspirator, plaster-of-paris splints day evening. κ and iu provision in R. S. chap, ·>, »i, a fur- itl£L3*> o'cl·»**; the evening at 7 o'clock, it also to them a new fractures aud spiual disease. Then the mar- The usual s a new Garment this season, and § authorizing "" hood, brought conception services were ΑΤΓΓΕΤΓΠβΕΜΕΝΤ». AUCTION sales. ther *ervi ·β trustees nseme in .he "The of religions held by the NEW upon may have its full and fiw*- morning: presence Uod." of the eacredness of human rights. vels of reparation surgery were mentioned, α α (rroaf qiiapûcq Wû ovo qViaw. effect without ic to c;i.-*es in yriiMr-ttm gar- rheme in the even ng. '"The of tri Is." united societies at the Methodist church' ob applvi-ig ministry Look at the Christian nations and see if sucli such as skin-grafting and the restoration of the nibhee'e indebtmoni would have begn «ecurely held Preaching every evening commencing Nov. 30, at in a not built into their Thanksgiving Work was F. Ο. B AI LE V Λ CO., »(ζ the Garment variety of bv the flret »>r*uv< h Li· »~i~«rtripeeially exempt- their ha 1 in Pairing on Block. All are invited to recognition is institutions morning. suspended ed from attachment by another section of the same Which of them nut the ol ing to the plan of Lister, was eulogized. at the different from ittend these meetings. Seats free. does recognize right manufactories and nearly all of Auctioneers and Commission Merchants •loths, costing $12.00 to statute. Statute provisions, unl-ss absolutely man to God in his own Brief reference were made to tlie better By Dr. Carruthers will preach at the every worship way- the stores were closed a of 125.00. are to be cous; rued so as to make Abysinlan made Con- large part the day. conflicting, Church tomorrow at 3 o'ciocK p. m. In the even- Russia, which has made the Greek church itf drugs used,—their being palatable, Halnrnn IS Exchange Si. them operate harmonious y -sa whole, each In the the Weber giving ing there will be a Thanksgiving service. established is said to have the leasl centrated, and that the idea is to use them in evening Club, assisted by its appropriate effect —η ·ι using one section to religion, τ. o. hailkv. c. 1 even there men are al the abstract rather than the concrete. In the Miss Bartlett and Mrs. evade or abrogate another. Exceptions sustained. religious freedom, yet Pratt, gave a concert at lowed to God in a which the department of obstetrics particular reference Trustee discharged. Brief worship way the Congregational church. This was the Regular sale of Furniture and General Meroha Jottings. was mide to the more of the for- third priest calls heresy. frequent use dise every Saturday, commenoing at 10 o'eloek a. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Fine 11° at sun- entertainment in the lecture day yesterday. Mercury see how the nations ceps for delivery, and facts given to prove the Saccarappa and Consignments solicited. oeSdt James Larrabee vs. Again fully recognize concert Ulsters. John S. Walker and M. P. coursa, and it attracted a rise, 27° at noon, 15° at 8 p. m.; wind west, that to hold the of The instrument a friend rather than an enemy to large audi- Frank, trustee. So Trustee right wages iudustry. ence. The excellent rescript. discharged forced womau. rendering by the Weber OXFORD COUNTY. northwest. days when kings gifts from their sub- Club of their or torture are over. Set Finally the statement was made that there is selections, "Comrades in arms," Margaret Williamson vs. John Williamson. The temperance meeting at Preble jects by imprisonment "Hark! the and We have in chapel also what recognition domestic rights have not as much sickness to-day as ther« was sixty merry drum," others gave Specialties Svmonds, J.—The has a clear evidence of earnest fine CARPETS, Rescript by plaintiff to-morrow evening will be conducted by tbe secured. The cruel days when the home ol years ago, because the physician is doing better practice, cultivation FURNITURE, &C., hese that are not found title under her husband's will to the twelve acre better aud because and close training, and won merited encore BY AUCTION. for the act of ladies. There will be and the defenceless citizen might be invaded hj work, through training, DIAMONDS! lot, the defendant in speaking, reading except wrongful is taken from disease. and applause. The solos, as sung Miss η in his inter st therein as to a king or noble bringing injury worse than deatf mystery being away by any other store town assigning mortgagee music. Bartlett, Mrs. Pratt and Mr. were strauger, after he had once released it to the are The has the nation tc Τiiat his labor is appreciated was shown by the Watts, ap- plain- of the in gone. gospel taught and SATTBDAY. Nov. at 10 o'clock A. tiff's to warrant and def-nd The Age Medici Florence is the too words of the Bancroft: "No class of preciated heartily applauded by the audi- 27tb, M. devisor, covenanting guard the home. See how fast the right tc historian, at salesroom 18 Street: Black all under him. ence. Mr. Geo. A. ON Ex«hang^ Wal- against persons claiming The de- of Kev. Mr. Dalton's lecture in St. education is na- men, in the regular discharge of incur Quinby's accompaniments subject obtaining recognition among duty, were rondered nut Chamber et, Parlor >uit in B. W. and Raw fendant cannot claim that his grantee,the plaintiff's more often than the honest in his usual excellent manner. church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. tions. dinger physician. Silk, Hat Tree. Chairs, Lounges. M. Top devisor, should have recorded his deed, in order to Stephen's A few weeks since Mr. J. P. ran a Easy The world has learned from the ε His vocation is among the sick aud dying; he Libby Tables. Brussels and Carpets, and against a subsequent transfer of the Messrs. and gospel into Tapestry China, ORIENTS MADE TO ORDER. guard wrongful Mapes Morgan gave one of tbeir is the familiar friend of those who are splinter his finger and took cold in the H 1/ited Crockery and Glace, Mat- same title to an »ther the deten lant himself. He second truth, the brotherhood of man. Tliii sinking To those who intend to Ware, Stoves, by art to wound inflammation anil Ki clien * c. With an of οτβΓ cannot a defense which starts with entertainments tbe boys at the Reform the Bible teaches when it bids one line under infectious disease; and he never shrinks produciug erysipelas, tresses, Furniture, &c., experience twenty urge his own every and on make selections for from Monday last lie was obliged to have the any F. BAILEY Λ Auctioneers. ears, and with our increased facilities violation of the rights of his grantee, under whose School yesterday afternoon. in Christ's life an ex-imple which he shou'.c observing it under all its aspects. The Co., will the and includes no other ele- shuns but such as the finger amputated. Since this operation he has Christmas we will : nov25 dtd »r manufacturing, we are confident we plaintiff claims, The Co. and give his* neighbor. Tlis doctrine of huiuat physician every danger say ment that and the results which flowed from Androscoggin Pulp D. White of his been recovering. an except Brotherhood was one of the most startling uov glory profession commands him to eofy." Tou will find it much more otter inducements in this branch of it. The doctrine of applies. The defend- & Sons their with AaNiacuee'* Sale of Vewcli. estoppel presented employes fine elties which the gospel contained. The ancien! The board of officers was elected ur business which cannot be found ant ha t notice of the pendency of the real action following Board of to do s<» now OF turkeys for Thanksgiving. world was built upon a directly opposite thto Agriculture. satisfactory INSOI.VINCT, lsewhere. brought by Wiley against the present plaintiff, and for the enduing year; COURT York County, Jlninr. of each man to use his fellow than to wait until the was cite* in under his covenant but refused to de- The freight trains were taken off the Maine ry,—the right Tl«e State Board of Agriculture will hold a very President—Dr. Chas. Hutchinson. Notice is hereby given, that virtue of my fend. The costs of that suit, the expense to which man for his own advantage. Devotiou to mai last by Central Good for Vice President—Dr. A. P. farmers' institute at North on moment. authority as iu of the estates of the plaintiff was subjected in it, with in- Thanksgiving. Superinten- as man was a which found no Topliff. Kennebunk, assignee insolvency defending thought lodg William L. Thompson and bin h of terest from the time of and the at dent Tucker. Treasurer—Dr. J. A. Dec. and the same at We have an as- Joseph Titcoinb, payment, value, ment in (lie mind of the world. Call this be Spalding. Tuesday, 7, repeat Lim- elegant the town of in said of as the date of eviction with interest therefrom, of the Chas. A. Kennebunk, county York, The City of Richmond started for the east- said of modern society? We need not go lai Secretary—Dr. King. erick on Thursday, Dec. 9. Lectures will be sortment of Ear co-partners and individually, insolvent debtors, as land which the plaintiff has lost by the injurious Business Committee—Dr. C. A. ex Drops, for facts to show tiiat men are to some extern Ring, of- and read G. M. well y s pursuant to the ord rs of the of said a^t of the defendant in the breach of his ward but encountered a given by Gowell, presi- Lace Three Judge esulting Wednesday night Dr. t\ H. Gerrish, Dr. H. N. Small, Dr. papers Pins, S'ngle, ruder date of March and Nov. to are the elements of dam- under the influence of Christ's doctrine. Oui ficia, dent of the board, on butter Prof. court, 3,188U, 18, CLOAKINGS, warranty defend, legal dairying; snow storm, put back and left last Ε. E. Holt, Dr. P. Warren. and 1880,1 will sell at auction on WEDNES- age. Defendant defaulted. Damages assessed at again h'*pi<»ls furnish an and the varioui Stanley W. H. Jordan, of the State on soil Stone Cluster Rings, public example College, DEC. 1880. at 12 o'clock M., at the sales- $173.27, with inter est from Mav 31st, 1878. The a harbor here charitable societies. fertilization; Granville of the State we DAY, 1, night. Cambridge sought Fernald, &cM which shall be room of FRANCIS HENSHAW & CO., 51 State liie third truth which the world is Twenty-Flftb Anniversary. Pomological on orchard Municipal Court. also. learning Society, culture; and (leased to show you and street, in the city of Boston, the foil >wing property, from Christianity is the majesty and law o: The anniversary of the settle- Dr. Α. Β Lincoln, on winter dairying. A part of the separate estate of said MINGS AND A crew of men have been twenty-fifth being Thompson, TRIMMINGS BRFORE JUDGE KNIGHT. at work under the God. The day of piratical wars is over be- full attendance is desired. Z. A. 1ay aside anything you viz: Vsof the SHIP -TITAN" or Boston. 1,220 Friday.—Thomas dirclion of Ν. O. ment of Very Rev. John O'Donntll, formerlj Gilbert, Mellody and Michael O'Neal. Cram, at Libby's Corner, in cause the nations have begun to recognize the 40-000 tons, built in 1869, and now lying in said Intoxication. Fined $3 each and costs. of the church of the Secretary. may select. of cleaning out and the old canal basin outrageous wickedness of such wars. Auolh of Portland, as pastor port Boston. Annie Mason.Intoxication—2d offence Fined $10 draining Further i· formation of sart of the separate estate of said rivers. or we are living in his light. O'Brien of Lowell as ponds of the S \ MK Mr. Frank Morgan, who was fo badly hurt it. not, and Father acted Thompson. and»Ve SHIP, being part At St. Luke's Bishop Neely preached a ser Several persons have been arrested and held of the separat- estate of said Titcomb. mi m deacons of and Rev. Win. Blenkin. in Minneapolis lately, but supposed to be im- The committee on the Garfield honor, her as to this be and Arthur mon appropriate to the day. for trial for illegally fishing in Songo and Fur information ship may had of plusb, of Rev. J. Β. H. V. Milette Meesrs. S. Winslow & her or proving, is dead. Glee Club dance will meet at the At Chestnut street there was an sop Boston, oj Crooked rivers. J. Co., ship's husband, Loyal League interesting of union service of the Methodist Nashua and Father Powers of deacons 50$ CONGRESS STREET. the assignee. Mr. Giles O. Bailey, of the Sunday Times, rooms at 7λ- o'clock this churches, pre Exeter, HANCOCK COUNTY. O. BAILEY" & M and evening. eodtf (F. CO., Auctioneers.) $9, $12.50 over Elder nov27 sided by Jacques. and sub-deacons. Fathers Orr of The above sales will be of the entire was married on Thanksgiving evening to Mrs. At the meeting of the Citizens' Relief Soci- Cambridge Tuesday afternoon, at about é o'clock, Frank proportions At Williston church there was a praye of said ships as above stated, or in smaller shares, McDonald and Chevalier of Manchester, Fon a man Abbie M. Kimball, by Rev. Dr. "Weston: ety last evening, ten new members were ad- meeting in the morning, another at the Cascc Kingsbury, young living in Ellsworth 23 years of was found tbc $15.75 per Ex-U. S. Marshal S. S. Marble was in the mitted and several street Baptist church in the evening aud ser tain of Nashua, Houlahan of Keene, and age, hanging by sale. yard. applications presented to neck in one of vices at the all well attended the outbuildings on his grand· Kennebunk, Nov. 22,1880. come for ballot Gospel Mission, Buckley of Peterboro were assistants, and city yesterday. up at the annual meeting in mother's (Mrs. Samuel D. Greeley) premises! nov24 did JOS DANE, Assignee as aforesaid. Senator Blaine and family have gone to December. THE TARGET SHOOTING Father Bradley of Manchester master of cere No cause is known for the act at present. Ht was at a. Bordese's Mass in F seen on the street a few minutes before Administrator's Sale of Washington for the winter. This is said to be the coldest weather, for At the city range, 9 m., the Portlam 1 monies. The choir sang Furni- held a shoot. In the firs t committing the fatal deed. The deceased wa; At the annual graduation of the medical de- this season, since 1875. Light Infantry prize Miss Mary Crowley and Miss Kate Sullivai ture, Ac., by Auction. first a aud a grandson of the late Dr. Samuel ol LADIES' class the prize, badge book of tac Greeley, at Dartmouth Nov. there The Portland rendering the solos and Miss Mary A. Burn! Ellsworth. SLITS, partment College, 16, Company have an order from tics, was won by J. T. McDonald, scoring 2 j Tb< Kffwwirnifn ηηιιντν Not. at 10 Α. 1 sliftll sell were two graduates who were students of the Maine Central for one hundred out or a 25; the second prize, 2 performing the organ accompaniment. TUESDAY, 30th, -M., Drf freight possible pound ON at No. 732 Congress Street, Residence of of Creeduioor was won E. <_ sermon was The house of Mr. C. B. in Mt Flannel W. A. Wright, Readfield—Mr. Fred L. Dixon cars, and they arc doing work for most of the powder, by by Bishop Healey wholly persona i Robinson, Wanted. the late N. L. Woodbury, all the Furnitu-.e in s «id Suits, Colored Holmes, with a score of 18; third, primers, Vernon, about one and a half miles from th< of Parlor Suit in Silk and Erank Β Morrill, both of Read- the Eastern road b; to Father O'Donnell, and a feeling tribute ti sharp, shrewd men, from 25 to 35 years of house, consisting Damask, formerly neighboring roads, being es- score was 01 Walter Scott, 18; fourth, reloading tools village, totally burned about 2 o'clock with a good education, to learn Whatnot. Oil Paint'ngs and Engravings, French field. Mr. Dixon will settle at in his worth as a man and his eminent service tc FIVEage, my sys- Cashmere Black Wayne village. pecially liberal their orders. by A. O. Ferualu, 17; fifth, leather medal, b, ) Tuesday Loss probably from S2(XX tem of booxs by subscription, and learn to Plate Mirrors. Drapery and Lace Curtains, Lam- Suits, morning. selling Mu.-ic Mr. Dixon's subject at was An intoxicated woman on G Β. Blake, score 12. In the second class th s to the church and the people of his charge. to $3000; insured about S1000. The act as managers in the different States of the Union. brequins, Piano, Rack, Sofa, Lounges, graduation ty- Congress street, family Eas. about 150 first a b »<>k of tactics, was won by G. A had a narrow all of theii I can pay, after short trial, men who have ability, Chairs, Books, Sewing Machine. Daslimere phoid fever; Mr. Morrill's, Influence of Ma- who made trouble in front of the prize, escape, losing nearly Solid Chamber Hair Mat- Suits,Hand- intelligence a · troin to the first and from Mahogany Furniture, Allen, who scored 19 out of possible 23; see The Ocean Traffic. wearing apparel, bedding and one $l,O00 $1,200 year, ternal Mind. large hog. to the second Give ex- tress, Feather Beds, Springs and Bedding, Ward- office, Thanksgiving, drew a great crowd and oiiu, pouiius ui wiecumuur puwuer, uy -.vuaiut $1,500 $2,000 year. age, It was thought that the ice blockade at Mon LINCOLN COUNTY. in and seDd this. robe, Curtaius, Marble Top Tables, Mahogany Side kerchief Suits. Got. of Massachusetts has been was nrrpfltpii. score F. Norton perience life, Long spend- 17; third, loading tools, by W. J. board. Extension Table, Clocks, China. Silver leather treal and Quebec might cause the freight ii The trustees of the Bristol Oil Company art HOLLAND, a few with his Mrs. Warren Over 100 took score 17; fourth, medal, by J. I. Drink nov27d3t Mnse. Plated and Glass Ware, Cutlery, Refrigerator and Î'aIai'aiI fioiin IÎfA. ing days sister, couples part in tlie dance at fast their Springfield, V/VXVX VA* JLWM. \J water, score 2. The range was at 200 yards ol f process of shipment to Europe, via the St closing up company business, having Externive Kitchen Furniture. Αι same time, the in this Ferry made sale of the steamer L. Harness. of Barbank, city. Village Thanksgiving night. hand. to be to Portland via tbi lately Brightmau Carriages, &c., consisting Phaetm, Lawrence, brought to at Barren Ν. to be usei Carriage, Harness, Garden &c. Mr. Torrance, of the Dominion line, has ar- The.104.30 puzzle is the hotel At the Fort Preble range at 2.30 m. th B parties Island, Y., Family Tools, { interesting p. Grand Trunk. We learn that there is iu the oil that We call special attention to Old and Elabo- 3ade Suits. Blues and Cadets contested at liOO Th ver; business at place. With thii many rived at the Falmouth Hotel, and Mr. keepers, it is reported, in coun- yards. rate bide-board, Center Clancy Androscoggin little of this kind a steamer passes away the last of the fleet thai articles, especially followiug is the score: freight awaiting shipment Table and Chamber Sets, 1 Gents' Gold Watch and and Mr. Scaalan are expected daily. ty. The solutiou is this: Τ wo men once made Bristol harbor a Black Satin Capt. young get those not more than ten car loads Th busy place during Furniture can be examined at 8 Bro- BLUES' TEAM. ports, Chain. o'clock on Bowden, of the Beaver line, has also arrived. drinks at hotels, to the U. S. author- the summer months and gave employment t< of sale. complain line has met with a hard blow tbi UNDERWEAR morning Dominion Names. Toti j by so many young men. The manufactories, too R. M. Administrator. A Narrow ities, and the landlords are fined $101.30 for RICHARDSON, cade Suits. Escape. SllilJlj ailU ii< mu wu w out viu uuo UUICOO tu< are fast into decay or removed. F. O. BAILEY & Auctioneer». C. W. Davis 3 falling Co., As the train on the Ε. & N. A. Railroad selling liquor without a liceuse. Opt. nov20 d9t for Sergt. Knight 3 weather should soften very materially. Th Rev. W. F. Obear, for twelve years pastor o: " AND was switched on a between that The Press, Thursday, mentioned the Curtis 3 the church at hai Bangor siding fact splendid new steamer Ottawa, of this line, ο f Congregationalist Newcastle, and that Mr. J. W. Robinson Cojp. Blondhim 2 accepted a call to the Congregational cliurcl F. 0. BAILEY & city Oldtown Wednesday, waiting for the presented each of his tons which had made a tria CO., Priv. Pierce 3 3712 burden, oniy in and will commence his labon train from to two with α fine and 44 Maxwell Winihrop, Bangor pass, young men employes turkey, they all 2 over from Live'pool, had nine feet ο t with that the first Sabbath in December AUCTIONEERS, Ladies' Cotton " Dow trip parish were seen on unite in him 2 he Penobscot near thanking for not the birds " skating by. only ltoss 2 water in her hold—at least so it is reported- PENOBSCOT COUNTY. one of the men bat the 44 Russe 1 BLANKET Suddenly young skated into a generous, thoughtful that 2 a bpd The with th spirit 44 and is in way. Dominion, Amos Abbott &Cj.,of the Dexter Woolei hole and the other stood the Cowdry 2 HORSE and CARRIAGE MART, by and halloed for prompted gift. Peruvian of the Allan line, and the Poliu Mills, recently purchased 10,000 pounds of woo A number of drummers were ou Officer arrested three small of Kansas and their firm is one of thi help. panies gave shed. shot t, in the undertaking line charge. fan ι sait taste. 1 bill would have been necessary. 1 everything Congress every City Hall. doctor's O033 «!*!! CONGRB8S STREET, dtf at the most reasonable charge·. ocl9eoa3m novl2 Ut THE PRESS. Wit and Wisdom. MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS TO LET. COPARTNERSHIP. RAILKOAl>S.

The Vermont housewife who read that To Let. BATH LOCALS. Eng. ] ishmen have lots of hares in their preserves, pleasant front room in Congress Square. Dissolution of at 606 St. novEdtf Co-partnership. I ays she tried it in some blackberry jam and A Inquire Congress Maine Central and FURNITURE ioesn't these stories. PORTLAND believe 8hips-Personal-Skating—Hog—Here foreign * CO., TO LET. There. tenements on High St. Sebago water and is hereby given that the co-partnership EDWIN BOOTH. \os. 40, 42, 44 & 46 Si. TWOGas, Furnaces in cellar. Stable for one tene- NOTICEheretofore existing between the undersigned at RAILROAD. Exchange ment. Apply to W. H. SI-MONTON, 304 Com- Portland, Cumberland County. Maine, under the "It did me much pood," this celebrated flrm name and of I. .JACKSON & is this says mercial St. oct27dtf style CO., ΟHi AND AFTER OCT. 18, 1880, Friday, Nov. 26. ictor, in speaking of the Liebig Co's Coca Gentle lay dissolved by the withdrawal of IBaac Jackson. from the Kennebec Beef Tonic. The business will be continued by EDMUND Barque Crapo was towed Portland fer Haa- GEN. FBANZ SIGEL "It benefitted To Let. PHIS NE Y under the same firm name and style. Paiwnger Train» leave says, Helfant unil Waterville at to-day. and Chestnut streets. ISAAC Deilrr, liui very much." corner Congress JACKSON, ami 11.15 P. M. of tlie & NEW FIRM ! NEW STOCK ! 12 for,2.30. i2.40, Brown, Bangor a Has been for the years by EDMUND PH1NNEY. Superintendent It is boou and ble&sing to sufferers from Women STORE occupied past for Nkowhegan at 12 30, 12.40 and 11.16 p.m. Samuel as an store, 'lhis is Portland, Me., Nov. 15, 1880. and Pisca'.ajuis railroad, ate turkey at liom iu iloeplessness, restless sleepers, and nervous- Rolfe, Esq. apothecary For AiiKUMtn, Hallowelt, «xardiner an excellent location for a Grocery or Pro- novl7 tilloov27 and îess. Fancy HrunNwick at 7.00 a. m., 12.40, 5.15, this city Thanksgiving day. Who want glossy, luxuriant vision store. new 11.15 p. m. It imparts tone to the liver, stomach to be let on and after Nov. the Week's mortality two deaths. and wavy tresses of A soj 1st, 1880, For Rot-It In ml and all stations on Knox A Lin- md bowels. By its action it al- abundant, house corner Fore and India streets. This regulative Boarding coln K. It., and for Lewinton and Farnainnton A ro 1er skating rink is proposed. ords relief from consti- beautiful Hair must η so is one of the best locations in the for a HOLIDAY MUSIC BOOKS! headache, neuralgia, Attractions ! city lodging via Brunswick, at 7.00 a. in. and 12.40 p. m. pation and and house. Has been the Mr. Fred Byram, of this has gone into languor. Extraordinary victualing occupied by For Kath at 7.00 a. and 12.^0 and 6.16 p. m. city, LION'S KATHAIRON. This for the 15 m., present tenant past years. DITSON & CO., call attention to tbeir elegant and For Furuiinvton, iflonmouth, Winthrop, winter at Atlauta, Ga. the above can be ob- quarters elegant, cheap article always Full particulars regarding useful Music Books suitable fur presents, and es- IVmmille and Water- is excellent. A man asked his sweetheart to the ReaillleldyWvMi Business Georgia young tained by applying subscriber. to their at makes tho Hair ! pecially ville via Lewinton 12.30 p. m. a oound grow JOHN B. CURTIS. Mr. Troup killed 000 porker yester- whether she had ever read Borneo and Juliet. freely For 7.00 a. in. Bargains ana Deer VOLUMES OF BOUND SHEET MUSIC. Watervill·», Unparalleled dtf Corner Fore Sts. and it from oc21 Pullman run each every day. 3he that she had read but she fast, keeps falling The night trains way. move into his houso in replied Borneo, included. Uapv Woodward will —- night Sundays lid not think she had ever read Juliet. ont, arrests and cures gray- IN Price of each in fine abou> ten days. To be Let. Cloth,$2.50; Gilt, $3, Charles Clapp Jr., is seriously ill. ness, removes dandruff and The following are collections of Piano Music. For Lewiston and Auburn. are Labor Oil and after Oct. the Tlltt CLUSTER OF ϋΕ ΤΙΝ. 43 of in. The custom house steps being planked Saving. itching, makes tho Hair 1, I88O, pieces Paineu^er Traim* leave at 12.30 and 6.06 p. for winter. an easier now F. O. high character. The train at 11.16 η also has a passen- The demand of the people for a premises occupied by leaving p. strong, it curling of the best car at Braanwirk with The Phi Rho courso tickets will be for sale method of preparing Kidney- Wort has induced giving Medium anc! Common & Co., IMo.'s 35 & 37 Ex- <2EM*OF T1IE DANCF. 79 ger attached, connecting Fine, ltaitey a train for Lewixloo. The 11.16 of new dauce the most celebrated p.m. the the well-known wholesale tendency and keeping it in to pieces music, by passenger Tuesday. proprietors, change St. Apply Is the Nlunt Train with Pullman sleeping Hooker received a car load over Bichardson & of Bur- composers. Kxpress of.trenails Druggists, Wells, Co., any desired Beau- HENRY DEERING, car attached cioge connection at Bangor Κ. R. position. GEYIM OF IsTBAim 80 splendid and bril- making the M. C. tc-day. lington,Vt., to prepare it fei sale in liquid form on the & It. Hair is t«10 sure No. 37 Exchange St. liant for all stations Bangor Piscataquis KtJ A of broke the ice as far as is well as in form. It saves all the labor of tiful, healthy compositions. aid couple tu^s up dry my 27 dtf the Ε. & N. A. Kail way, and for gt. John Richmond yesterday. preparing, and as it is equally efficient, it is result of using Kathairon. PIANOFORTE «Em 100 solect piano Halifax. Ilotiltou, Woodxtock, Ml. An· is laden with FURNITURE! pieces. Ml· Fredei Fort Daily the Creedmore heavily [irefe-red by many persons. Kidney-Wort- drewn, Hteulicu, ici··, To Let. Vol. I. fur Fairfield ami i'arihou. empty barrels for Pepham. They are used for il ways and everywhere proves itself a perfect ROME CIRCLE. 170 easy p'a Train» arrive in Portland as cranberries. News. or two rooms suitable for ladies or beginners. I*a»»eu4(er shipping remedy.—Buffalo NO REMNANTS OF OLD ! AN OLD SI AND FINELY pleasant trains from Gar- for Dec. 14 and 15. STOCK* gentlemen. Enquire at 4 PROSPECT ST. HOlflECIRCI.E. Vol.11. 142 pieces, of which follows:—The morning Augusta. The U. A. R. fair is set ONE Brunswick and Lewiston at 8.35 and FITTED UP! TIIE LARGEST A^D MOST COMMODIOUS myli? dtf 22 are for 4 hands. diner, Bath, 8.40 a. m. The day trains from is it loaves are so small- WAREKOOMS DOWN TOWN! A STOCK FAK MOKE Bangor, Dexter, WINTHROP LOCALS. "Why your much PARLOR MUSIC. 2 Vols. 120 easy and pop" Belfast, Skowûecan. Κ & L. Κ. K., EXTENSIVE AND TASTEFUL ! ALL CiOODS MADE ular Farmington. er than they used to be?" asked a Galveston oel eodly To Let. pieces. and all intermediate stations at 12.45 and 12.60 AND BOUGHT AT LOWEST CASH PRICES! CREME DE LA CREME. 2 Vols. 85 se ect p. m. The afternoon trains from Augusta, Bath, man of his baker. "I don't know, unless it is W] ITH or without board, two square rooms up pieces of some difficulty, suite to advanced players and Lewiston at 6.46 p.m. The Night Pullman R. A. Rice, iu a crate of I use than YV one at 147 FRANKLIN St. packing crockery less dough formerly," responded flight, train at 1.50 a. References nov20dlw FOUNTAIN OF GEM*». 97 easy and popuUr Express m. Thursday evening, accidentally overturned the baker.—Galveston News. exchanged. PAVSON TUCKEK, Sup't The Firm and and pieces. 1880 the and the in the straw Managers Responsible Reliable. Portland. Oct, 17. lamp, lire, catching WELCOME HOME. 70 easy and popular OCtl3 began to spread rapidly. Luckily help was at Miss Sawyer's Salve for 25 cents is the Wei De ~REAL ESTATE. pieces. Meyer's PEABLN OF MELODY. of mod- hai d, and the fire was extinguished before it best. 50pieces Bueklleld WE SHALL Ali» TO THIS erate difficulty. Hum l ord Pulls & had done A wind was HAKE THE "PEOPLE'S STORE." much damage. strong FOR SALE. . 102 Fine An old fellow who seldom draws a sober PIANIST'S pieces. col- R.AIIiROAD. prevailing at the time, and if the fire had got mur il.«nn .«ΛΙ-Ι· frima α^ΛΡα aiva ·"..1 V.TT OO CU. lection. uicaiu η no iviu luav 110 nuuiu uji a of would have the aiinnaicij Prices that Discount ! JL uated 011 the south side Commercial St., All the boots above named are alike in For Portland, leave Canton 4.20 headway undoubtedly swept Competition size, style, ; ______drunkard's unless he mended hie next Dana & Go. This store has a large capacity, and price. £9£33§3Ι!μ$3 nd 30 a in.; Buck field, 6.15 and Not until see their beauti- grave ways. binding whole v.liage. they and has been thoroughly repaired fr< m the foun- 1 υοίί *· ω· "Well," said he, ',1 s'pose it will bo all A chance for a sa'e investment. For τ· ful ill rui us will the right. dation. good For Canton and Buck Held, leave village Winthrop people must fill or of No. 0LIYER DITSON & Boston. Somebody drunkards'graves, else further particulars, enqu re E. E. UPHAM, CO., Portland 1. m.; L»*wialon. 1.67 p. ui. that are in need of to CatarrH nov 20 Sl&Th&wtf ρ realize there wouldn't be use OPENS 5 St. oc28dlm* they something any diggiug 'em." TUESDAYTNOVEMBER23d! Exchange StHK? eonnec ions for Weet gurnuvr, Dixtleld, protect their l'uiiûiuïs 111 sucii cases. CuRE. One package is generally sufficient. A Byron, Kangley Lakes, Ac. I. W *SHHUHS. JR., ΡνιΜμΙ have real cure of Catarrh for $1.50. For Sale. The Winthrop Mills Company greatly Oct. IS. ι«Ηθ οο2ί** BUSINESS CARDS. octl2 TuTh&Sdly Ptrilnno Improved ami en'argg;l their woolen mill the EXCHANGE BELOW MIDDLE. HOUSES, at a bargain. Prices ranging from STREET, 8 $800 to $«,000. Apply to W. WTûAKR, Our Little Ones β son. lm :d r addition? and ma- pst ^ adding JOST A MORTON, 1U7 Newbury Street. octUdtf KIKAAILKh. c.iineri thereto. much improving il in apptar- AT HOME ASD IN SCHOOL: FRESCO ace and capac'ty. Under the excellent man. PAINTERS, Houses and House Lots for Sale WM. T.ADAiH§, (Oliver Optic), Editor. IJ M.iikei Porllnnd. PORTLAND ngjinciitoi tin ir a^ent, John Mcllroy, Esq., Mqunro, FURNITURE CO. The most Elegantly Illustrated IVlagazine IN I >EEBING. the will has kept running while the repnirB Price- reasonable and satiffaction guaranteed. no23 dtf fer Children ever isnued. je2 dly to CHiBLED RICH, «et" being made, and :ts much work as over Apply Every picture drawn by on* of the Best Artists, 15 Portland Me. 1) fore accomplished. Ν·w rt iors have been ocl5tf Exchange St., and engraved on wood especially for this work. 1 lid through* ut the mill, lint the busy lium of HERBERT G. Origii.al Stories and Poems by the Best Writers ■ BRICCS, for childreu. free. Wanted· t ie machinery has 110: ins*! for a moment. Real Estate Agency. Specimens Agents It is understood that the company will build Attorney at Law and Patent to sell Houses or Real Estate Solicitor, desiring Monthly, 15 cents a copy; 31.50 a year. new t»*ni iu"in houses the connu:* and, of can have the same spring, 93 Exchange Street, PARTIESany description, regis- if power can be obtained, another mill. tered at this office. Mo *nle Να t'ommiMion. December No. All Newsdealers sell it. Steamers. ot Land for sale Ready! 1 anyone boasts of a salarier οία gentleman PORTLAND, MAINE· THE LIKE Deslrab e lots Responsible parties CURATIVE CUP. NOTHING SUCCESS. build can us it. lots to houses, have RUSSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, tli .11 the following, let hear Mr. Joshua P. 0. BOX 638. buying proposing Crowned with foam is the but 'tis not cham advances to buy lumber, taking mortgage payablo The n>«' in his S'Jth year, is at work as a goblet, 149 A Trsnaont Boston, Mass. favorite Steamer· Forest City and John Wing, in installments. Ίhe public will tind it to their St., Brooke cu'ter in treet, Portland. distress; Boston, at 5 o'clock p. m. dull v. (Sundays excepted). for many lie does his work without T's ti e SELTzrcit a balm for the fact that we carry an ENORMOUS ASSORTMENT of octlGeod3m JOHN W. MUNGER. years. Aperient, brain, Desirable, D. s Passeugere by thl* line are reminded thai tuey se- of and does not And a cure for the evils excess. Prof. A. the aid glassis, furthermore, produced by Elegant and Mumble Rodger cure a comfortable night's rest and avoid the expense use them even in the finest print. He retains It tempers the blood, the clogged system relieves, and Inconvenience of arriving in Boston late at night the the liver is now located at No. 3 faculties to a remarkable Corrects foul stomach, controls permanently Deering Place, Tickets and Staterooms for sale at D. H. liis mental degree, oil Street. He has been test- Μ3Γ" New life from the draught everv organ achieves, Houses For Sale. Deering tried, 272 Middle Street. and works a full day at the bench. Perhaps ed, and found to be one of the YOUNG'S, And a cloud fr. .ra the mind of the invalid rolls. Through Tickets to New York, via the v*rioua this accounts for" the superiority of Col. Such are of most wonderful the effects Tarrant's Ffferves- Rail and Sound Lines for sale at very low ratee. Wii g's manufactures, as it requires an experi- cent Seltzer the Boots and Shoes! Aperient, portable represen- as of the best on Emery Street, with all mod- CLAIRVOYANT Freight taken usu*2. eΌ d hand to lie a good cutler, and nearly a tative of the famous Seltzer Spring, and the most PHYSICIANS, J. H. Jr General ern imp ovements. Frescoed throughout and COYLE, > Agent, lifet me should be sufficient. agreeable and efficient of alteratives. that are positively Equal if not Superior to offered the best house in ONE aurh dtf STEPHEN BERRY, anything1 by heated steam. Also one on flret- hat has ever visited tbi* He is now SOLD BY ALL the trade. Those by Spruce Street, city. treating DRUGGISTS, who persuade themselves that our goods are inferior be sold ac a some of the best citizens of Portland. nov20 S.Tu&T2w ciase. Will bargain by because the prices semi so LOW, do themselves injustice in W. H. WALDRON, Real Estate Agt, Maine Book, Card and Job Printer, REWARD Steamship Company. not at least payiug us a visit of examination for the nov23eod2w 180 Middle Street. 9500.00 the best mmm appa- NO. » PIiDDI STREET. purpose »f comparison. Where I do not describe accurately every ache and Semi-Weekly Line to New York. pain in the human body without asking a question the Diseases of all nature treated aud ratus HOTELS. of patien Steamers Eleanora and Francnnia YET, CHARLES A Cure Guaranteed or No Pay. GRIMMER, Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, for and Is McDon- has to know Dwelllu^s, Stores Green-houses, Teacher of and other Instrnmentu, If yo'ir Doctor failed your diseases, Portland, every MONDAY and THlRSDAY.at β alil't Wa'er Heater. It is a home invention and send or come to me and I will give you full diagno- P. and leave Pier East New NO. ISO MIDDLE STREET. NEVER TOO LATE M., 38, River, York, home not one cent's worth of labor TO ! minutes. manufacture, 1ÊND sis in live MONDA Y and at 4 P. M ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, every THURSDAY, be ng Hpi-m on it outside of this· city. 1 challenge sep25 dtf You hnve but to hear me and be convinced of the These steamers are fitted with on the up fine accommoda- uian to sbuw Ils in PERMANENTLY CURES European Plan, any equal efficiency, simplicity, wonderful power God gives to man. Examination tions for passeugers, making this a very convenient ec'n my, durability and price. People preferring ALBERT H. HUiUES Proprietor Fee $1.00. and comfortable route for travelers between New water cm beet serve their own êood KIDNEY he ;t by trying DISEASES, Me. Catarrh a Specialty. dtf York and Maine. During the summer months these will not do as 1 will tell 1 wilt re- I Temple Street, Portland, it, an·! if it Uicro, ORiiiToNiTT DIMoi steamers will touch at Haven on their old Vineyard pas- mo' *- it at own 'Ihcre is no need of LIVER Formerly part of the Adams House. my expense. COi¥2PLAINTS,j sage to and from New York. Passage, including t«» Ν<·« York for heaters, nor lo Montreal SLIPPERS SLIPPERS This House will be open all hours of the night. State Room, 93; meals extra. Goods destined beyond or as heater has no in the former and Î;omgexperts, ray peer Counsellors-at-Law, I Constipation Piles. Night office up one tlight. BOSTON LEAD MNIF'G CO. Portland or New York forwarded to destination at city .it state. a»all«, Freight, other information, apply Ity over ALL· COMPETITORS. Tliey continue to pound and can be sent by mall prepaid. D. y. C. MINK, Agent, De Running Sores, !l'n»ightly Bunches, Lamson recognized as excellence attained bv •wmr m» Street. Mass embodying Saddle G«I I Ac. It Washington Boston, One packago will make six of 1m, penetrates to Wn. P. Clyde A * «?, o-«.^ 52-i,ti1lrj2J,Xa^taneo,,e fastening. Sold by qte medicine. | Cuts nnd Bruises. the SEALEBS IN SKATES throughout the I bone, will not blister No. 12 So. ItalfeWMi-p Ανμ Phllu/leli.k<· never takes off country. Catalogues aud price-lists mailed on ap- try χι* ixrow : and any hair. feb« plication. Buy it at the Druggists. Price, $1.00. ATLANTIC No horse owner should be without it, I .ΜΕΚΛ ATI B.& A. are also Sole Agents for U.N AL STEAMSHIP €0. Artist BICHABB302T & to it ever Photographer, WELLS, CO., Proprietors, nothing equal has been pre- WINSLOW'S POPULAR SKATES. I 3 Burlington, Vt. sented to the nublic. the best horsemen Eauiport, Qf., €alaia, .He., lnrmoalh, jflntual Insurance Co. in tlie nave its >V. fil. si». John, Λ. H., Halifax· Opposite Falmouth Hotel, DOUBLE CLAMP CLUB country action ledged Λ. Is β., Charlottetown, λ». Β. 0. the best style of Skate with a KEY, no heel requiring efficiency. plates. OF NEW KALL·, PORTLAND, MAINE. YORK, Price 50 cents amd 91*00 per box. Α11ΐΓΑ.ίίβΚΜΚΝΤ For Sale by JAMES BAILEY & CO. EP One Oiily. two Up Flight ap5 dl τβιρΓρειι week. eep21 dtf INSURE AGAINST MARINE On *-nd aft*r Monday. Nov 8th., Liquidto the of Sheriff's Sale. •«the steamer» Falmouin, < D. In great response urgent requests RISKS ONLY. * apt. S. and hew ITVEQUALLED I numbers of people who prefer to purchase a Hall, Brunswick, LADIES' SKATES, Cumberland es. «I. Imve -POPCLAK ROLLER SKATES. The already prepared, the pro- Capt. 'lhompson, wi'l STAMPING. Kidney-Wort ible will take risks at their New Railroad Wbart. foot of State reputation of this maker for the past is evi- Company offices, and taken on and will I street ,every Monday 80years prietors of this celebrated remedy no", pre- on and and issue execution, be sold dence of the Serviceable or his skates. Vork, Vessels, Cargoes Freights, I and Thursday at (> μ. m., tor tiastpori and Quality it in form as well as It is SEIZEDby public auction to the bidder, ou Ask for WINSLOW'S SKATES. pare liquid dry. open policies to merchants, making risks binding as highest I St. .John, with connections for STAMPED GOODS. SATURDAY, the fourth of December, A. D ! Calais, Νο»»Μτ»βιηη, CATALOGUES» comprising 39 different kinds very concentrated, is put up in large bottles, noon as water-borne. day S Andrews, of Skates for 1880 ,at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the sher- Pembroke, Houlton, Woodstock, NOVftLTIEB I!* Ladies· Gentlemen and Boys* and is equally efficient as that put up dry in urand M en an, Digby, Annapolis, mailed to SEALERS on | iff's office in Portland, in s> id county, all the right iu I Yarmouth, application. tin cans. It saves the necessity of preparing, I Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, îsewcastle. Amberkt, Orders lor Skates by mall receive prompt equity which Annie T. Deering of Cape more tatea Elizabeth, She· iac, Hat burst. Cbar- attention. is alwaye ready, and is easily by | ASSETS. in said county had on the twenty-third of Pictou, l)alliousie, day Fort lirand halls, and other most people. Price, $ 1 per bottle. October, A. D. If 80, at four o'clock aijd tbl lotteiown, tairfield, lVUUVUU 11 Ullllj BRADFORD & ty : stations ou the New Brunswick and Inter- ANTHONY, minutes in the afternoon, being the time when the Canada, 374 LIQUID AND DBY SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. I colonial, and V\ estt*rn Coun- Washington Street. BOSTON. Mass. same was seized on execution, to redeem the Jol- Windsor, Annapolis, RE^I.\G10M OR ties, and Prince Edward Island hail Koads, nov2ô deod3t WELLS, RICIIARDSONA CO., Prop'rs, $12,437,739.51 described real estate from a cer- lowing mortgaged and Routes. OUTLINE £11 I Vt. tain mortgage by the sai Annie T. Stage BROIDERY. A Burlington, | given Deer.ng £? received nntN 4 o'clock Dividends to Holders on to John dated 1 A. D. and Freight p. m. Policy Liuasey, May th, i877, ro» Circulais, with Excursion Routes recorded in Cumberland County Registry of Deeds. Ticket·, 1« Premiums in 1879 State KooliS and furthet information at All materia for Art Nrcille Work, in Terminating Book 4 »5, Page 337. Abo at the tame time and apply W. H. FE1ELL dell ThST&w Company's OtJke, 40 hx<-baitge T. C. JblER- great variety. & CO., all the right in equity wbi<^ he said Annie St., SKY. and or to * '. had on the of President, .Manager, FU 5lace,Deering twenty-tlird day October. 8TUBBS. Κ κ —ENGINEERS OF— 40 PER CENT. A. D. at four Agent Wb*r novtîdtf Press Reform DEANE 1880, o'clock anu tu.ny minuits in BROS. & the the Rooms, afternoon, being time when tne tame was SANBORN, seized on to redeem the WOLFE'S execution, lollowiug de- The Largest and Best Stock of Losses Paid in scribed real 507 Ï-2 St. Thirty Days mortgaged estate trom a certain mort- Congress gage given by said Annie T. Deering to llenry .Nut- I FINB, MEDIUM and COMMOM After Proof. ter, dated February 3d, A. D. 1873, and recorded M. E. FAIR WEATHER, and Dealers in in said Cumberland Registry of D* eds, Book 3'J7, 1*11 IL· A 1> ELPHIA octlG eodtf Paue 90, which mortgaged real estate is bounded tilm't Line. P. JONES. and d as iticnnitililp Water Schiedam Aromatic J. President, describ fol owe, to wit: Beginning at an Steam, Gas, Fix- CHARLES Vice Président angle in the town road Pipe DENNIS, leading by Captain Charles Leaves each Port W. H. H. MOORE, 2d Vice President, Deering'» house, at tne northeasterly corner of l»nd Every Wednesday and tures, &c. FURNITURE A. A. RAVEN, 3d Vice President. now or formerly owned by John Mussey; thence Saturday. feb!7 dimtTT&Sllm&w6w north 53° east, seventeen rods and twelve links; NOS. 17 & 10 ITXTON STREET. SCHNAPPS. thence t-outh 491<4° east, ten rods and twenty links Mo Wharfage. to a stone monument set in the western Une'of the From Long Wbart, Boston. 8 to be found in the at that com- lane formerly in common said p. Wo are prepared to furnish and set in tlie best State, prices defy occupied by Henry m. From Pine Street up As a general beverage and Gutter and Charles thence Wnarf, manner and at short notice all kinds of necessary Deering, south-easterly Philadelphia, at 10 a. m. appliances rode more or less to laud owned for Heatiug by Sieam or Hot Water. corrective of water rendered petition. FAIRBANKS sixty formerly by H. Insurance one-half the rate of impure by V. Bartol; thence north 87 10-12° two rods We have some specialties to which we would ask west, 'sailing vessel. or other and thence south 4° said the attention of all interested. The vegetable decomposition causes, eigbt links; west by Bartol Freight for the West by the Penn. R.R., and South Dunning land, iorty-four rods; thence north Magazine Boiler for steam, and tbe Hitch- as Limestone, Sulphate of the Nos. 183 and 185 St. 87V20 west, by conrecting lines, forwarded free of commission. Middle n Copper &c, fifteen rods; thence jrth and one haii ingot' Magazine Boiler for hot water, arc in- twenty-two PanHtiye Kishl Dollars. Round Trip 819» Aromatic octSO west 22 and one troduced by us this year and commend themselves Schnapps it superior to every d2mo degrees (N Va° W) eighty-live half Meals and Room inoluded. rous to the first bound, fourteen to all who understand tbe needs of o«r winter clim- other alcoholic ROCK containing nearly For Freight or Passage apply to preparation. Â public and three quarters acres, witn the ate. Combination heating, or not water in connec- CORDIALS, together right £. Η. MAMPMON, Agent, title and interest of the said Annie T. iu and tion with hot air heating, which has proved so suc- trial of over 30 years duration in Deering de.V'f IΟ I.one Wharf. IIo·ion. every to a certaiu of lanu oue rou iu cessful in this State during the past nve will strip running width, 3 ears, section of our of Wolfe's a"d about rods in still receive our careful attention. All work of this country Udolpho sixty length, adjoining the lot above described on kind guaianteed to give perfect satisfaction. the north-easterly slue thereof Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement by ROCK and RYE. used as a lane. We are especially prepared to undertake all kinds of work the medical and a sale Also another certain piece of land the TOURISTS' STEAMBOAT Sanitary and wou'd be glad to furnish faculty unequaled adjoining LINE A sure cure for piece above des on the easterly of estimates free to all who may dosire our services. other alcoholic distillation Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consump- ribed, lying side ocl5 by any have tion. and all diseases of the throat aod The the town road above mentioned, and on the norther- d3m lungs. aide of Str. Minnehaha insured for it the of most acceptable preparation in the market. By ad- ly the tirst lot above described, aud bounded reputation salubrity as yj On and aft**r 0< to the cordial a little Lemor or Lime Juice foltows, to wit: T. illat, ding you will leave the claimed for it. For sale by all Druggists have an excellent and tonic for 1 Beginning at the north-easterly corner of land East side of Cus- appetizer general tom House for and Grocers. and family use. now or lately owned by John Mussey, of Portland: Wharf, Peak·, Lhence north 63° east eight rods and eight links, >»nd LonjtJiiitir and Great ππΡΌηπΑΦΤΛτηο RARE to a stone monument: thence north lalandm CHANCE. 34^ west to the 'C'hebeague Sold by all druggists. G 45 a. M. V Υ iJllUUXl 1 ill u υ said town road aud by the said road to the southerly 11.15 for Peaks life sized first mentioned bound: being the name laud con- only. $25 Crayon Portrait at from §12 to 2.30 r. M. —AND— to veyed formerly by Charles iieering to llenry Nut- 1 A $15 according style and finish. Satisfac- Return after each tion guaranteed. ter, by deed dated Ma ν 17 th, A. D. 1870, and re- immediately trip. corded iu said Cumberland Registry of Deeds. Book ocl8 dtf Samples on exhibition at Studio, Fisher & 382, page 340. 'Ihe ibovetwo pieces of laud ad- Suitings. Fairbanks, join each other and now constitute 01 e par. el of land. 148 SOLE PROPRIETORS. Also that of the wood & Macliias Exchange St., Portland. 18 BEAVER oc2 portion land, convened by | Portland, Bangor STREET, TT&S3m Enos H. to one and John H. Dyer, Benjamin iViitch- | STEAMBOAT CO. ell, that lies south of a line commencit g 111 the east- C1I1DB0URÎ& KENDALL, /7 /Ί V7 NEW YORK. erly Hue of s id wood land lot at a point disunt — ro« — 1 dly twenty ro<'s from the northeasteny corner .heieoi: BOCKI* % λ Ο, JIT. 91IL. are now an Portland DENERT, opening to London ! thence running parallel with the northern bouudary Mffil l>4«E aud VI At 111 AM. line of said rods and lot, eighty twenty links to land ■«'nil , I880· Extensive Stock of conveyed by said Benjamin Mitchell to John Mitch- Two Ti ell, by dee«i recordeu in Cumberland Registry of ipMptr Week uniil further notice Deeds The Great and dated Nov. 15th, A D. 1858, aud m re APPETIZER and SURE CURE S. S. definitely described as follow-, viz: at the Fall GOV·NO, Beginning Tb« Overcoatings south-easterly corner of said 1 nd convened by Ben- Λί,* β Steamer CITY OF — AND For COUGHS, COLDS, URONOIIITIM. A TII J1I, and all Die CAPTAIN jamin Mitchell to John Mitchell: thence i. ^Ê/*Çé2£S&K" RICHMOND. Capt. V\. E. Den- CONSUMPTION, COATED, ruuniug "ininmafr ARTIST, β«Ν··Μ uf the THKOAT AND LI'NI*!». easterly by and along the line of a stone walJ, aud nison, will leave kailroad Wharf, In this new combination we have Former pupil of RaDhael, of P. Q. bend-d together by distillation (which cannot be effectually done land formerly owned by H. V. Bnrtol, aud now Portlaud, every TueMtlay, and Friday êve· Montreal, in Will be at 11.15 ο or SUITINGS. dim any oilier way,) the Balsam Tolu, Rock Sandy, pure Old Rye Whiskey, and a valuable which about or lately owned by one Salïord, s uinen. clock, on arrival of Pull- tonic, despatched xty-four man d2mo a 1 the virtues of tlie valuable jvviD uiuiu wi express train from Bouton, fer B«M-L!u..a_ preserves ingredients, yielding expectorant qualities ind giving the article the first of December. She icoo κι a giveu point: luenoo nonne uy a fine flavor and an agreeable tasté. Ba'sam Tolu has ·■ ng been used by lie medical profession for its hue by and along a stone wall an.l laud of said Stftord, lUrr fnlr, Nedgwirk. Mo. W«*i splendid accommoda- nua Hur soothing, healing and nourishing properties, in allaying any Irritation of the throat, hes»t and lunes. Tolu twenty-live roil» more or less to a point marked by 11tirbor··, (Mt 1 >e«ert,) iTIillbritlge, Rock aud is a tions for α limited ami Kye diffusive stimulaut,creating a healthy appetite and toning up the system generally. The quan- wi ness trees, said point being twe ty rods souther- Joue-poit, .Tlnchia»port. emi ent chemist Prof. G. A. M uriner of Chicago has and recommends its use. The tity of Apples, Butter, Cheese, Canned ly irom the corner of the wood lot Reiuruiu;;, will leave Ma«-hiasport every itlon- Gilbert, Crandon & Co.'s analyzed cheerfully pu- north-easterly auil Artificial Teeth rity of the ingredients used makes it a pleas nt. healthful tonic and appetizing beverage for all. Meats. &c. For rates apply to conveyed by Enos H. Djer to Benjamin and .John a V. Uon. Ticket Harbor, Millbrlilge, Jitnesnort. Ma- nothing. permanently sit- persons without rkndeking them liable to pay special tax as liqu- r dealers. ny, and have purchased property dlaw3wS Agent, uated and mean Act»e, Burnt* E. GUSHING, General East here, just whit we say. Pile», Bunions, Yours GREEN R. business of A. & E. Perkins, assuming in the pur- Manager. chiasport, Machias and Machias. or and respectfully, (Signed) liAUM, Commissioner. nov9 Scalds, all Inflam- έ DON'T BE chase, the and of all demands of dtf \ ΤΤΠΠ f 41Vr DECEIVED bv unprincipled dealers who try to palm off upon collecting payitg BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the Beet Plain Teeth,. 87.00 set. matory Diseases. X IV/ll in said and will contiHue the business Bp-From Portland by St ainere Lewiston and per For all Ά. U .""you common Rock and Rye place of our TOI.U ROCK and RYE, ss tirm, lumbering IN United States, District of Maine. In the mat- « " female complaints and weaknesses it has at their in Vt. of City of Richmond. Gum *10.00 « ours is the only MED CATEI) preparation, the GENUINE has the name of LAWRENCE & MAR IN on mills Bloomlield Customers late ter of Jo η M. I no Subdues local relief at once. odd, Bankrupt. PACIFIC MAIL S. 8. CO equal. pains, giviue the Government Revenue on eat h bottle. in size firm of A. & E. Perkins, will please address, NUL- Gold firings from $1.00 upwards. Our illuminated Cards and Circulars Stamp Put up Quart Bottles for Gener.il and Fan ilv use. This is to give notice that a petition has been pre- sent free, Sold Grocers and If HEGAN LUMBER Ν. H. OFF1CJK9: mail. by Druggists, general Dealers everywdere. not foui d at your Druggist's or Grocer's CO., Coos, sented to the Court, this eignteen h day of No- FOR upon application by we wil· bottle ENOCH PERKINS send'a prepaid to the nearest express office to you. Price §1.00 or six bottles for $5.00. vember, by John M. Todd, of a CALIFORNIA, 75 Kilhy Street, Boston, A tr al will benefit you. We guarantee satisfac- J. H. DANFORTH Portland, Bank, or Proprietors, Chicago, Ill's. rupt, praying that he may be decreed to have a 6.» Ε. B. &. F. tion money refunded. LMvYllLlluL·I AWRFNP.F &ΟL MARTINIII Μ Π I CHAS. C. TEBBETTS. Exchange Street, Portland. W. L0CKW00D, 111, BRANCH, NO. 0 BARCLAY ST., New York. full discharge from alt his debts, provable under JAPAN, CHINA, nov!7 50c. an I £Ι·00 per bottle. Oct. novl2d3w dim Sold in Portland by all DruçgiNta. nov2eod&weowly 45 Broomfleld, Vt., 25,1880. the Bankrupt act; and upon faid Trial bottles 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. reading petition. Mamiwick 2*28 1-3 It is ordered tho Court that a ImIiiuiIm, New Zealand and Middle $1., Portland, Me. SAMUΕL GERRY & CO., by hearing bo had oc30 the samt· on the Seventh of Aii«tra>ia. ST&Thlmo Proprietors 237 New York. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the is hereby given, That upon day February,A. D. Broadway, "XTOTICE Oak Timber & before the Court in The ne* an splciiuiu sienmerp pail from New sepl8 LI subscriber has been and tak- Noticethe subscriber has been duly appointed Piles, Ship Plank, 1881, Portland, in said District eod&wly duly appointed 10 A. York oB the 20th and 30tb of en himself the trust of administrator and t aken upon himself the trust of Administrator at o'clock M. and that notice thereof be ICth, each month GAS upon of the pub- and FIXTURES: T. the estate of DRY PINE, DECK PLANK. lished in the Portland Advertiser and the earning passengers freight for San Francisco S. TAYLOR'S SYSTEM estate of of Portland in said as below. — Press, newspapers printed once a OF $500 Reward ! SAMUEL G. late of ABBY LIBBY, late of Thomasville, Georgia, Car Timber and Plow Beam·, Treenail·, District, DAVIS, Portland, week for three successive weeks, and once in the S.S. Acapulcc Deo. 30 ι s S. who died to be Treenail Wedgee and Planking \λ edges, Clyde... Dee. 20 WE will the above in the of deceased, and deceased, leaving estate admin- Advertiser and the last to S. s. Crescent for J. pay reward for any case of County Cumberland, given Pine and Kfemlock Building L·um- weekly Press, publication City Isthmus of Panama only, KINSMAN, DRESS MAKING ! Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Indi- bonds as the law directs. All persons having de- istered in the County of Cumberland, ai-d given be thirty days at least before the of Dec. 10. Headache, bonds as the law directs. All ber, Box Board·, Shingle· Ac. day hearing, or we mandn upon the estate of said are persons having de- and that all creditors who have their debts gestion, Constipation Costiveness cannot cure deceased, required proved For freight oi passage rates and the Free Children's work a specialty. Prices low. with West's to exhibit the same and all indebted to mands upon the estate of said deceased, are and other nersons in fullest Infor Street, opposite very Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di- ; persons said required interest, may appear at said mation, apply to the General estate are called to to to exhibit the same; and all indebted to B. JORDAN, Maine. time and Kastern Agent·. Room No. rections are strictly complied with. are upon make payment persons ilfred, piaoe, and sh"»w cause, if any they have, Γ. I*. β Brown'» Bloek, Con- They said estate are called to make f)02 tf BABTIjKTT & I »., purely Vegetable, and never fail to satisfac- GEORGE W. DAVIS, Adm'r. upon payment to why the prayer of «aid Petition should not be 1 Kilborn's Caroet Store. green and Brown Mtreet». give M. 115 Slate Htreol, cor. Kroail Ronton. tion. Sugar Coated. 30 Portland, Nov. 16, 1880. novl9dlaw3wF* L1NDLEY WEBB, Administrator. granted. WM. P. St., pa .rlBB. A. LOKINO, Large boxes, containing Nov. PREBLE, or to W. l>. LITTLE & pills, 25 cents. For sale all Beware Portland, 16th, 1880. novl9dlaw3wF* Clerk of District for said District, CO., *p21dtf by druggists. J. H. BATES, Court, je38dt/ 31 Exchange St.. Portland. of counterfeits and imitations. The manu- nov20, 27, & dec4wlt48 genuine of S. M. MOLASSES! MOLASSES! factured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., "The Pill What They Say of Dold Fast Tobacco· EVERGREEN CEMETERY· Late Pettengill & Co. Assignment. Makers." loi & 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free sent mail April Superintendent's Nov. Newspaper Advertising Agent, lOO )ΙΙιιΓν Kicli is hereby given of as trial package by prepaid on receipt Boston, 17,1880. Office, 13,1880. flavored Heavy my appointment EATON. Dear have been us- of PARK NEW YORK. FRED. NOTICEanpignecof J. FI; \NK of of a 3 cent stamp. sepGdeow&weowl y P. J. Esq. Sir,—We lots in Cemetery and par ies having 34 BOW, S.STANWOOD &C0., HILL, Portland, In Tob accofor HORSES! Cemueyo*. the Fast three and in wt:o HORSES! Hold lots care ihti county of Cumberland, State of Maine, ing months, OWNEKS charge desire special of same Send for of 100 cboice \i»u « lioice Ponce ami doing have found it to be as tine a quality as tobacco for the season of 1881 should the Newspapers. and si. Croix t>usine.-8 under the name of Hill & Company. any notify Superin- Stock Note Brokers Winter Board for we have ever sold at the price. It has tended or Trustees ai as a of n<> asuM'S, lor*nle And three month» from tbi» the d *te of thii Horse·. invariably once, special care Ε received Boon *1 ·ι.»1ι»** low, by day, to our ; £. Juit this Jay, on ; oar load of I·», Udl.DI*··, to are allowed given the most perfect satisfaction customers lots chould include dressing which muii be N. FRESHMAN & BROS. u-lginueot n.t, fur creditor· to be- to board by E. S. Burnh&m, placed ΙΗΑΛDorse· from Montreal. IW H A I I U STKbBI , MO -lOtt. Liming Yours such lota before covered snow. Among ibom there are a GAGE & some pir.it·· thereto. on lint of A respectfully, upon with SaiTH, CO., HOK^ESton, quality hay. Urg. sunny number pair» of heavy matched horses for ba»lue««, CUAKLES K. MILL» Dated at Jfotimber 1β. Per ordtr of trustee·. Advertising Agents, Mo. U* COMMERCIAL Fortleud, 1880. yard; running water in yard. For further particu- ESTABROOK & EATON, which will be «old low for cash c Mvmberi of the Boston Stock STREET. WILLIAM M. lar» PATRICK DUFFEY, Superintendent. lise W. FOURTH ST., CINCINNATI Exchange. ιιστσ PATSON, AMlgnee. enquire at A. Young's Stable, Green St. Soβ. 222 and 224 Washington st., Boston. to ΛΜ i' USw ηοτ17 novlO nol6 dtf Eattmatea far Send for Circular. Beter, by pernilMiou, 1'otter, t»q Pw d8w d3w" ap21 dtf uov20dlw dent Maferlck National Ban» novlBChr