Senate '4583 2664

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Senate '4583 2664 1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE '4583 2664. BiMr. RICH: Petition orresidents of Carter Camp, 2678. By MI. TEMPLE: Petitions of Woman's Christian Pa., opposing Senate bill 1202; to the Committee on the Temperance Union, Monongahela, and the First Baptist District of Columbia. Church of Cannonsburg, Pa., supporting the eighteenth 2665. By Mr. ROBINSON: Petition signed by Mrs. H. B. amendment and protesting against the submission of an ·. Hunt, president, and Ethel Davis, secretary, of the· Ladies' amendment to the States repealing the eighteenth amend­ Auxiliary of Frlends Church, New Providence, Iowa, adopted ment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. by the Providence Township Farm Bureau, representing about 2679. By Mr. WARREN: Petition of the Woman's Chris­ 100 people, on February 16, 1932, and signed by Wilson H. tian Temperance Union of Elizabeth City, N. C., protesting Hadley, president, and Paul M. Walter, secretary, opposing against the repeal of the eighteenth amendment; to the the resubmission of the eighteenth amendment to be ratified Committee on the Judiciary. by State conventions or .by State legislatures, and urging 2680. By Mr. WATSON: :Resolution of the Slatington that Congress vote against any such resolution and vote Chamber, No. 6, Order Knights of Friendship, favoring for adequate appropriations for law enforcement and for House bill 8921 for the erection of a veterans' hospital in education in law observance; to the Committee on the the vicinity of Slatington, Pa.; to the Committee on World Judiciary. War Veterans' Legislation. 2666. Also, resolution sent in by Delmar D. Latham, sec­ 2681. By Mr. WEST: Petition of 84 World War veterans retary of the Dunbar Consolidated School Board, which of Richland County, Ohio, favoring payment of the bonus resolution was adopted by the Dunbar Parent-Teacher certificates; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Association, representing 250 people, on February 17, 1932, 2682. By Mr. WffiTLEY: Petition of citizens of Roches­ opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth amendment to ter, N. Y., favoring maintenance of the prohibition law and be ratified by State conventions or by State legislatures, and its enforcement; to the Committee on the Judiciary. urging that Congress vote against any such resolution and 2683. By Mr. WHITTINGTON: Petition of Woman's Bible vote for adequate appropriations for law enforcement and for Class, Capitol Street Methodist Church, Jackson, Miss., op­ education in law observance; to the Committee on the posing the resubmission of the eighteenth amendment; to Judiciary. the Committee on the Judiciary. 2667. Also, petition of A. R. Miller and 17 other members 2684. Also, petition of the Character Builder Class, Cap­ of Farmers' Union No. 2165, of Janesville, Iowa, urging the itol Street Methodist Church, J ac1mon, Miss., opposing the passage of legislation helpful to the farmers of the Middle resubmission of the eighteenth amendment; to the Commit­ West and agriculture generally, and stating that the pres­ tee on the J'udiciary. ent situation calls for immediate relief and the passage of 2685. Also, petition of Wesley Adult Class, No. 3, Capitol legislation to accomplish this purpose; to the Committee on Street Methodist Church, Jackson, Miss., opposing the re­ Agriculture. submission of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee 2668. By Mr. ROMJUE: Petition of Allied Postal Em­ on the Judiciary. ployees of St. Louis and vicinity, opposing any action at this 2686. Also, petition of Men's Bible Class, Capitol Street time to reduce the wages of Government employees; to the Methodist Church, Jackson, Miss., opposing the resubmis­ Committee on Ways and Means. sion of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the 2669. By Mr. SHREVE: Petition of the Hydetown Woman's Judiciary. Christian Temperance Union, representing 100 members, of Hydetown, Pa., opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth SENATE amendment to be ratified by State conventions or by State legislatures; to the Committee on the Judiciary. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1932 2670. By Mr. SUMNERS of Texas: Petition of several The Chaplain, Rev. zrnarney T. Phillips, D. D., offered th~ hundred citizens of California, urging support and mainte­ following prayer: nance of the prohibition laws; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 0 Eternal One, by whose Spirit we are made sons and 2671. By Mr. SUTPHIN: Petition presented by Star Coun­ heirs of the living God; grant us by the same Spirit to cil, No. 56, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, supporting House hear Thy voice speaking within us, in the sense of duty, in bill 196'1; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali­ the ideals of righteousness, in the principle of love oppos­ zation. ing "Selfishness, in the nobler thought disturbing our con­ 2672. By Mr. SWitK: Petition of Central Union Woman's tentment with that which is unworthy. Abide with us this Christian Temperance Union, New Castle, Lawrence County, day, and when we seem to fail, suffer the burden of our Pa., opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth amend­ weakness to remain till we touch, not the dust and a.shes of ment to the State legislatures or conventions fo~ xepeal; despair but the healing waters of repentance, that by Thy to the Committee on the Judiciary. mercy we may be lifted into realms of new resolve and 2673. Also, petition of Neshannock Presbyterian Church, greater endeavor in the service of our country and our God. New Wilmington, Lawrence County, Pa., Rev. w. F. Byers, We ask it through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. pastor, opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth amend­ THE ·JOURNAL ment to the State legislatures or conventions for repeal; to The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester­ the Committee on tbe Judiciary. day's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. FEss and by 267 4. By Mr. SWING: Petition of citizens of Santa Ana, unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with Calif., protesting against the repeal, resubmission, or modi­ and the Journal was approved. fication of the eighteenth amendment to the Constitution; to the Committee on the Judiciary. CALL OF THE ROLL 2675. Also, petition of 69 residents of Colton. Calif., pro­ Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a testing against compulsory Sunday observance and the pas­ quorum. sage of .Senate bill 1202; to the Committee on the District of The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Columbia. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ 2676. By Mr. TABER: Petition of Sara M. Harrington, of tors answered to their names: Vietor, N. Y., and others, opposing the resubmission or modi­ Ashurst Brookhart Costigan George Austln Broussard Couzens Glass fication of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on Batley Bu1ow Cutting Glenn the Judiciary. Bankhead Byrnes Dale Goldsborough Barbour Capper Davis Gore 2677. .Also, petition of Mrs. John E. Bennett, of Holcomb. Blngh&Dl Caraway Dickinson Hale N. Y., and others, opposing resubmission or modification mack Carey Dlll B&rrlson of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the Blaine Coun&lly Fess Hastings Borah Coolidge Fletcher H&tfleld Judiciary. BraUon ColJela,nd .Frazier Bawes 4584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 24 Hayden McGUl Robinson, Ark. Trammell " The policy of the Government of the United States 1s to seek Hebert McNary Robinson, Ind. Tydings a solution which may bring about permanent safety and peace to Howell Metcalf Schall Vandenberg China, preserve Chinese territorial and ad.mlnistrative entity, pro­ Hull Morrison Sheppard Wagner tect all rights guaranteed to friendly powers by treaty and inter­ Johnson Neely Shipstead Walcott Jones Norbeck Smith Walsh, Mass. national law, and safeguard for the world the principle of equal Kean .-. Norris Smoot Walsh, Mont. and impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese Empire." Kendrick Nye Steiwer Watson He was successful in obtalnlng the assent of the other powers Keyes Oddie Stephens Wheeler to the policy thus announced. King Patterson Thomas, Idaho White In taking these steps Mr. Hay acted with the cordial support : La Follette Pittman Thomas, Okla. of the British Government. In responding to Mr. Hay's an­ Logan ~ed To~end nouncement, above set forth. Lord Salisbury, the British Prime Minister, expressed himself "most emphatically as concurring in Mr. JOHNSON. I announce that my colleague the junior the policy of the United States." Senator from California [Mr. SHORTRIDGE] is still detained For 20 years thereafter the open-door policy rested upon the f from the Senate by illness. This announcement may stand informal commitments thus made by the various powers. But in the winter of 1921 to 1922, at a conference participated in by for the day. all of the principal powers which had-interests in the Pacific, the Mr. LOGAN. I desire to announce the absence of my col .. policy was crystallized into the so-called 9-power treaty, which league the senior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY] on gave definition and precision tO the principles upon which the public business. I ask that this announcement stand for pollcy rested. In the first artide of that treaty the contracting the day. powers, other than China, agreed: 1. To respect the sovereignty, the independence, and the terri- Mr. GEORGE. I wish to announce the absence of my torial and admln1strative integrity of China. - colleague the senior Senator from Georgia [Mr. HARRis] 2. To provide the fullest and most unembarrassed opportunity because of continued illness. I request that this announce­ to China to qevelop and maintain for herself an effective and stable government. ment may stand for the day . 3. To use their infiuence for the purpose of effectually estab­ Mr. SHEPPARD. I was requested to announce that the lishing and maintaining the principle of equal opportunity for the junior Senator from lllinois [Mr. LEWIS] is necessarily de­ commerce and industry of all nations throughout the territory.
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