
' , - •• • .'"•'i ;..-'•'•- ' -..-si!,-. - .,•••'/.»•<•'•.• :;>-•••,' • r.t 1 • • • .' S. jCKAStOKti CrttZJSS ASO CHRO?«CLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBEK 13. I960 ^= John Clark; Mrs.,Roy Brinkejrhpfl, 1 -Mrs. W, E. Jeiter,, Bifrs. -A. B, Her- Pennsylvania Dutch Sale Tell Success Mrs." Eugene S&nleyf Mrs. '^rgeApgat. Mrs; fe W.^Fielder. Planned for Methodist Fair Of Roosevelt Schp6i iJennants, Mrs. John \hn\ A • •:'¥ " imartii,- - ' • ' '; • •••' ' . Why.it gifs a real good safe, it looks like!" * , v Posters, Mrs R "H^Seavy; Mrs.- * , And so it is: a real Pennsylvania Dutch country sale, ipbnsored pUJbt 1,200 children passed Wilraar Lange, Mrs. -V, Lejnieks, To Your .^y thi~'Women's Society of the by the "electronic eye of the elec- Mrs James Dunri, Mrs»" Jacob ' Cranford Methodist Church oh tronic, display'at the recent ftppsi- Bayak, Mrs Kenneth De! FUND .. SWdav. JCovcmbcr 18, froi^it 11 a.m. evelt' PTA fair,, it was reported at Mrs. L A Williams. . v l a board meeting of the Roosevelt to -9'i>.rfl: in the educational build- Pocket lady, Mrs Weisgcrbcr. ing of the local Church. * ' j PTA last wc^b/A profit of $729.72 OLD -FASHIONED BAUIiAINBEE Entered ad jteconid class mall matter at the Post Office at Craniord, .N. J- • Among" the '"chust, iet fancy? was ahnouiic Plans for a children's book sale CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960 TEN CENTS fiems featured Will be an assort^. The co-chairmen Of -the fait,' next Thursday were made by the ljient,of,lte"u." jevyelry designed for] Mrs. • tjebrge VZjpbal, Mrs. Dale board members. Parents attend- both adults and children. Ac-; Gangawarie. and Mrs.' Henry ing the regular PTA meeting set corrfing to Alis." Kdbert Harris, i Smitherg, expressed thanks to the for the same date will be able to ! on leader of Circle .7 Which is in following booth\ chairmen and take advantage of the book sale to ' eh&rgte of the' ii-welry booth-, a j their, committees. get Some of their Christmas shop- : fergc selection, of costume jewel- j Doll clothes, Mr^ J.P. Sommer- ping done early. A short business rV will be offered at reasonable ] •sjHUVjfiJrs. John y. Clarke; Jr., meeting will be followed by a Is for January 17 prices. • . • ' •".; j Mm. Theodore.R. Htopper, Mrs, F. period in which the parents will MiUriekervJr., Mrs\ Edward P. Cranford^ 1980 United Fund At workshop mc-l-tings members.! visit their children's classrooms campaign1; to raise ^^O.OOO oii be- The Cranford Board of Edu- of Circle 7 have also made terry ! . Wait, Jr., •r:/-i to hear this year's curriculum dis- cation, at a special meeting and Mrs. tyle A. Williams. halfof IS youth, health and wel- cloth bathrobes for infants and • et&sed by the teachers. fare agencies has reached $19,057, Monday Right, decided to sub- toddlers and soap turtles for the j Fo6d, Mr. and MrsVJames Fv IN NEW HOME—Mr and Mrs Richard J. Walters and family of OBAMm Thomas Tipaldi, principal, ex- or 27 percent of its goal, according mit to the voters the new ,younger ?t'5. . •'>•.• , '"! O>Brien>, Mrs. Dale- Gangaware, High Bridge recently moved into f their wewly-acquiifed.home at tended an invitation to all parents to reports made. Tuesday night at school building program ajt a Mrs. Dtinald- Smith, Mrs; J. A. . Circle 1 include?'the following ' 3 Heathermeade place, which was purchased from Mr. aad Mrs. of Roosevelt School children to the third report session special election to be held on Mrs: F. A. Chase, Mrs. Be Chamber tncmbivs:, 'V,r.<. AJhurt Allingcr, Alfred Rosman, Mr. Walters is associated with, the visit the school at any time. The ' With 44 percent of their solici- B, Eemsey,. -Mts. Ja- Tuesday, January 17. The pro- •JMJ?. H4?nrt- Eoardman. dlrft. Tv t*. Telephone Co>. ,Mr,' and Mrs. Rosman moved to tjolorada.. This parent may, at a time convenient tations reported, the' special divi- cob <.Bayak, Mrs. A. L, Sheriff, posal to be" submitted uili in^ 'Pact-. Mrs;" I^wis• -LairdJ; Mrs. J. home was sold by Lee Dietrich of the oflice of Evelyn Wade, Real to himself, sign. in at the office sions headed by Robert M. Har- Of Commerce Mrs. F ,R. • Martin', Mrs. 'Robert 1 ! elude the Consiruction of a Jil. Hoke. Mrs. Frank Simonson, Estate Broker and Insurer, 423 North Union avenue: and go on to the child's classroom mon accounted for contribution ! HOWARD GOVVPERTHWAITE Brooks, Mrs. Stanley •PankiVwitz The Cranford Busincsjj Asstocia- | senior. nigh . school on the Mrs. M. E. Engle: Mrs. J. R. Saab, to observe him at work. totaling $14,916, or 42 percent of "Mrs. Fred 'Swtehc-r. .Mrs. ,W. E. and'Mrs. J. P. Lynes. tion will consider affiliating with Orange avenue Srart and-i&e eon- Cook, Mrs, Robert Petersen, Mrs. Seats, Mrs. ttierTjert Peterson, their quota. Among the. special Keefer. Mrsr Joseph Burchett, owpeitliwaite Marks Handmade articles, Mrs. E.\.!>'. divisions, the clubs division head- j-the New Jersey State Chartiber o( .strucHon oi a jes^or high school;; on William S. Fisher, Mrs. G. H. Bar.-. • Wishing well, Mrs. R. 0. Adams, CLpB DINNER SPEAKERS AND John Roosevelt, guest speaker; Harry V. Osborne, Jr., and esitii: isact at a com-- MMrs.. AAndrew XfaePhci'son, Mrs. Soiwmers, Mrs. • William F. Vain Garwood Birth ed by Mrs. William H- Old re- Commerce and changing the name low, Mrs. J'. V. O'Malley. . and Deborah, Susan "and Jennifer to I right, Peter: WcDonough, Fyeeholder^ Edward Tiller^ Freeholder candidates; Roderick W. Smith, \ ^Robert Canning and Mrs. Harris.: 25 Years Wilh^WJE. . Beck, Mrs. R. W, Koike, Mrs. H. • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Madak ported contributions of $1,550, or of the local association to the Z. Homer, Mrs, S. S. Grecnwaldj /Makeup, Mr. aiid-Mrs. N. S. Adams." ? IPubiiiR Safety Commissioner Nicholafe $.. ta- clulv president and toastmaster; Mayor Ira D. Dorian, and 750,000. " •> • A gold .emblem wiis presented to of Kfewburgh, N.'Y., announce the 86 percent of its quota fulfilled Cranfo'rd" Chamber of Commei-c&, Mrs. Oi Scbrieker, Mrs. Charles E^ S'Iprence,- Mrs.. W. H. Mack, Mr. Films, Joseph Blaha and Don- birth of a .son, William Stephen, &i' Collector Howard Cowperthwaite and Con- Wesley N. Philo, Township Committee candidate. It was explained-«3»3t tie board's • Howard R. Cowperthwaite of -7 Of The residential divisions, head- . \ Brown, Mrs. G.. A: WeisgarBer, "and Mrs. Eari p. Neal, Mrs., ald Silliman. ' V on October 8. in. St. Luke's Hos- Fi 6nte P.: Dwyer, all seeking reelection; at its dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Cherokee . roach Monday, marking by S. RoberJ Christensen,- whose s platu to hoW a special Mrs. .-H.^'fi.' Archdeacon, Mrs. John- George Hoobler. , Games, Mrs. J. B, Warriiigton, pital, Newburgh, N. Y. Mr. and Tuesday at Mrtrisa's Restaurant. o e'arty tn" Detesnber had' to Complete Course hi.s' 25th .year with the Western Knezo, Mrs.' A. Machuzak, MB. >\WhiteJ;]lephaBtvMr& E. P."Or- Mrsj-^iT. A. Grirtiths, Mrs, Donald 'Mrs. George .Rodner of 427 Willow campaign,will not end until J/Ton- Electric,Co. He Was -guest of honor day, made a first report showing Guest.speaker will be Frank A. b4 abandoned Swca'use of addliion- J. P, Leonard,'Mrs. G..S. Z6bal, say, Mrs. J. A. bimocb,'°Mrs, R. E; Hedeen, Mrs. Daniel Swinton, Mrs. avenue are maternal grandparents, Orechio,- publisher of the Belle- al tittle rttjuwfed for sprt-paratioii, In Real Estate afSYompanysponsOref*'ompany-sponsOred luncheonluen; Mrs. J';,C, Pollock '.,'-••••• LehmanvMrs. G. W. Dietricksen, George Reusch, Mrs. R, B. Jeflfrey, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Madak of $4,141 ec-ntributed. This reprer . Mrs. An« Hannah' Lynch. Mrs. Mary Gior- liams Co., $100; Cranford.Teach- appointment to succeed Addison merce is a stirt'e-vvide, non-profit ^Cranford Police Department. ^aprevrvc the.peaee," Mr. Roo- The Republican candidates, organization representing every '. .the Casino Director t'homas CMBrien and Col. J Svedman. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. _ •: •"boa't

; tor at the same\time* that Mr. Ely tino and James Turley. ' 0 i .*. -••• •.:,.•-.•-• <•••>' ident of the Woiaen's Associdtion that he was "amazed commenting on the presentations for improvement of the town eeri* The report meetings are held at United Fund posters will be resigned as coordinator last Month. of the Cranford Board of Realtors, _i forecast of doom presented of their opponents will be. Henry ter; 1957, a crash program* to fore-i the headquarters in the .Girl Scout distributed ,qn Saturday by the. Joint Session Col. Hodgskin-said^at the. time of appointed" Mrs. Ruth Keve and Senators Kennedy and John- Farer and Edward W. Tristram, close, all tax delinquent property House, Springfield and Orange scouts. Scoutmaster John "Spr- and bring in new. industry; 1958, Dr. Arthur Gilbert, director of his resignation from the $7,21p-a- Mrs. Ruth Deleriftg to represent 69c the speaker urged a close the . Demoqratic cahdidates,"»and avenues. year post as' deputy "coordinator Cites Problem of Parents the association at Community rentino tdl at home., Nicholas St. John LaCorte and widening of North Union avenue- the national department of inter- Mr. Belden said one citizen had Council meetings Vrc-JIZLj' a Henry; A. petering, president of these "Words into .fiaiii* or prelude "to improvement of the Sci Eviag in the' world," he said. "It eandida,tes. : . Defamation League of B'riai p'rith, seription .already paid, to contrib- until HJS successor is the' Cranford Board 'o'i Realtors, ears against the stomach of nay '.' .Invitations have been sent to town center; • 19.59-, new zoning or» ute an additional $100 when the Parents hoping and expecting t& send their ebiMrea to eeltege ha^e- iHsicver lost a vote^ the United dinance; 1980, new building code will be guest s'peaker at a meeting coordinator post is oin^alaried was guest speaker-. Unfon Junior College and Cran-. campaign goal is reached. He said Dr. Jack W.Karel of Elizabclh, nothing to look forward to except .increasing tuEHcia ecsis, Sliss feny far young TOOTH PASTE Xaiififis.'' .'.'•' ford High School as a means :orh&;bMntrodueed shortly ,pf members of Kadiniah Chapter G» the question of missile de of, B'nai B'rith and Cranford this was the first contribution of medical coordinator,' also resigned Ferrer, education editor of the New York Herald Tribune, said Tuesday stimulating studenf interesst in Mr..: Philo ..ptesented figures this kind Received by*"thiCKanfor< iSssamaiL, Mr. Roosevelt Stated Lodge of B'naf B'rith at 8:30 p.m. last month and charged at the time evening at Union Junior College's annual Feufcdere* Bay I©c5ja«. . . public affairs.. ; showing that 62 cents of each tax United Fund. ' . ^ that the freeholders had failed to Hal "in 19^2 we inherited a mis dollar goes to the schools and 15 Tuesday in Temple Beth-El, This 'Almost all higher education financial eatpiiefis' agwae tfat a com- NEW NEW HOMEOWNERS' ak gap." He remarked that in Each candidate will speak for Among the special divisions, the support the Civil Defense program bllnation of parental help (drawn1* America by •, seven minutes, followed by- a cents to the county, leaving only will be the first joint meeting of adequately. | 1552 JSe Democrats ^spent more 23 cents for operation of the town- merchants' group headed by W. J from' income and savings), stu- POLICY NOW AVAILABLE iar fte subsidy of peanuts than for I three-minute rebuttal. A ques- the two groups. Kohler has reported contributions -N^.lItive sfeersoSasrv- of Uj.e .Cranford PURCHASE OF PAIR Fordham. Refreshments will be stead of 'a planned.basis." cnal success, points the way/to} Welfare Ass«£ia«:osi, this 'U-eek Roosevelt commented tha journal"that interprets trends in served by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Referring to a talk presented by inter-religious relations. It is "dis- Youngsters Mob Book Sale* one method of financing. provide*! a sugg«stifiai"list as a • Baay-Cabot Lodge "hais been bril ' ' 14,98 a planning expert before a local tributed to about 18,000 priests, "The'loan program is fultf sub-l j^Vttie ^^ nC^ded articles in the UN" and added tha group in the municipal building re- scribed in almost all institutions; ^clothmgwltwiwbr^ where he stands." Sen Youth for Nixon-Lodge ministers ariti, denominational of- Home 3*200 ¥ohimes cently, Mr. Tristram said: which use it, but we snail have to; ( 'At Johnson, on the other hand, ficials throughout the country. He "He was speaking about' dilapi- More than 3,200 books' were sold to ehirdreii and teenager^ on see whether the funds/fo< keep thef . 's:. Roosevelt said, compi'oiaises Officers Named Here is co-author ofXthe book, "Your Guild is. the dated buildings, in a very dilapi- thx; first day of the. College Club book .sale Monday in the Municipal. program going-will b/forthcoming NEW Us ideals, and is "s6' uriconfident Robert Olson of 511 Springfield Neighbor Celebrates," .and has. con- ,• time that he is running ' Youth for Nixcti'-Lodge, it was $1,167.45; she added. -Heavy sales were recorded, on Tuesday wherj the to keep witit gstowing com- discussing zoning ordinances in a He serves as an assoCJate-editor cent study by/ the University of s. and antc-sested probably wont teJive in .. .be- CARON BELLODGIA vi co-presidency. ' , announcen d byy Dennia Sullivan of adult sale began, Among the first Michigan, wffich showed that the! "J"""- town which had, just adopted one of the Rcconstructionist niagazinc e atked So The importance of local clcc- 12 Park drive, the county chair- after it was needed fpr years; he visitors Tuesday morning were cosit of a college education in 1959- ] J? , m cause thi§ moving simplicity ef and has published articles in such 1 Hansel-of 309-'North*• skns in the outcome of national man. was speaking of traffic problenis book dealers, Mrs. Warrington GO.was $U550. Of.these expenses, Charles 1 EAU DE TOILETTE church rnagazaincs as World\Out- 7 Union aveaue. . . only" the nio^t^ needed fashion u-as stressed by Bernard Virginia Gillespic of 210 Eliza- Senior Play $950 was paid by the parents'. The and congestion in a town where look (Methodist), * Royal Serv- noted. • - - - . FoltowtBg is Site -suggestMSa list coordinator for-the Re- Beth avenue, wus appointed vice- we do have parking and traffic students earned $360 themselves. lines hove been included by Jona- canipaign in New Jerspy. ice (Southern Baptist)^ Uniujd The sale will continue from 9 of most meedeid articlesr Turkish chairman, and Richard Gross of problems, and he was discussing Church Herald (United Church ofj Scholarship help accounted for than Logan! Eitjterone ... meant ^6.50 work put into local elections, a.m. to 9 p.m. today and tomorrow. $130, "although three out of four towels'. wasStcIoSihs. underwear • .116 Orange avenue and Don coordination wit,h other communir-. ChrisDiChristlanity Today (Fund- A good selection of classics, \gon-?, The cast for the senior class benefits, "those above Drumm,Qf._5 Henthermeade place students received scholarship aid briefs -for boys' (si*es €-12)- T- to silhouette an autumn scene, to tics and the state—all of which are amentalist) and the International eral literature, and texts is still play, "Father's Been to Mars," of EVERYTHING running for national offices. , were named co-ohairmen • of the not availabje tb Cranford because which was of. little or no conse- shirts (sizces 6-l-SK arattens .ag«s "S^-W^i. flannd Featured, ^hirtdressJ-riJrda-.,with:.J 1 Since l95.L_w'hcn.Pr. Gilbert was ... Among the outstanding offerings Hptvipri fhnlrmnn f h h mtnTslrationsT* • ' '• '^T'" roll sleeve, winter vvhife; left, ,' REVLON SILICARE : shlp committee. ordained, .hp has held the position arc a first edition "of*"""lnnoccnce Also, dunsirees or. wiish pants cd Friday and Saturday evenings, of college costs^hho w did they do[ and our development of Mr. Farer referred to continu- of director with Anti-Defamatioji Abroad" by Mark Twain, a Rour- *AMPtE nU PARKING / The local chairman stated that it?" Miss Ferrer asked. "Almost • (ages t-IrO)(.. ladies' nightgowns jewel neckline shedth with newly ( "•tmii; power. He- .asserted that ing and uninterrupted Republican | League and has engaged in grad- met cookbook, several encycld^ November t8 and 1.9, in Cranford * «££ CHECK CASHING the purpose of the group Ls to aid High School nuditorium. half of them reported that they,'(sizes 38-^2>. cirls" pasties (sizes dropped waistline, blue or black. HAND LOTION [' aeir plan to spend 14 to 20 bil- (Continued on Page 8) control of. th,c local ggovernment uate studies at Theodore Rcik'*] pedia sets and a few curio books. ,,* MONTHLY OIVIDEMDS ICominued on Page 8) • •• since 187187 1 and kd' tht Members of the cast, who have managed out of current income.; 5-10). sweattss. a-ara eaps, remarked' that National Psychological Associa- Approximately $1,500 was real- by living on tighter budyots and, scarves, corduroy ox«raJls {sizes *SATUB0AY end AFTER-HOURS BANKING Both, for sizes 5 to 15. | ; .'••'"• ,—. with— 1: ,(Cpntlnued 7) tion for Psychoanalysis. His clini- be'en in rehearsal "for more than ized from th« book safe two years (Continued orf Page S) * IOW-COST M6H& ORDERORbt S cal experience was gathered at a ago. Proceeds will be used for the two weeks, are: *Elise Kinney^ Eil- ^Continued on Page S) ACOMKETT and MODERN SAVING FACILITIES school for emotionally disturbed scholarship and loan fund.- Mrs. cc Democratic speakef. Newt Mitzman, television network ^e-diseussion seminar to be of- School, the college is setting up.,a Up to 4 p.m.-yesterday,..31 Inches writers, ."Father's'Been to Mars" was presented Monday by Mrs. cost to mttt any size coatribuiioa fall and winter by ^n- similar program for academically of rain was recorded. The last j^ hear Both speakers will give a short toward this tjoal. : is a farce about the star of a tele- Robert C. Simons, president of the DROG STORE ^Junior College for juniors and talented students from high previous rainfall was September women in pblitfcs' along with resume of the place of women in vision space show and his- family. Serving «a tho oosiniitteo to eo= PRESCRIPT/ON PHARMACY «s|!or«s > at Cranford High School. schools in'Union, Essex, Middle- 29 and 30. township candidates next Monday the recent political conventions. Larry Gibson, better known as. Garden Club of Criinford, to. Dr.: ^rtlinnte the taadieaping plan are ! >>r Tcmpcralurcs during the week Jvenncth MacKay, |>resident of the Professor HaiymcHad Roibobo/ of ^hl y, who is known in sex, Morris and 'Somerset doun- evening in tHe Coach and Four The. candidates for Township Cuptain, Galnxy of the Space OEUVERY- Ptwwtft Bftfe-6100 tics under a grant from the. Merck ranged from a high of 81 degrees collt'Ke. . i Rutgers Usuveisily. X!rs. Thomasi y for his proof that bur Restaurant. Miss Ann Woods, leg- Committcp will turrj, the spotlight Rangers, finds it difficult to nwkc "~> THEATRE • » VVK1TlEU>: Off, KUUJO 11*^ ^p sysicm is at the outer fringe Co. Foundation. | on Saturday to a low of 39 Jast on^ Cranford. Wesley Philo (R)', tho chnnneta Larry Gibson., hus-i. The >ft will provide a plant- M«^ «' ^^.^ «« *• CI/ »«•• Milky Way, ngt near its Dr. Shapley led u distinguished Thursday, Thirteen degree days islative chair^nun, will introduce Henry Farer (D), Nicholas St. and. father, each evening, j ing in the urea of the entrance president of. board of tmstec-s We Reserve The Right were recorded during (he week. band ti.^» »..*..~., „ „ of the college; Hss, .?f**T. win" speak ©n Decembeir group of astronomers "at Harvard the speaker^ ;* John LaCorte'(R) and Edward W. His family Hnully brea.ks him of of the main buildinc The t-Uib \avhim for 30 years (1921-1951) as di= The temperature record: To Limit Quaritlties hall of Union ' The Rcp_ublican_spcakcr will be Tristram (D)_ will jeach speak for the habit of wenrinc his space suit I plans to -continue this project in les of. PUissieM osai Sirs. Charles *ect»rof-thc"HafvaKl-Gollfig«-Ob-. ^^ —.—Ilijrb-Law- T ".-.*• -. -; Mrs. Harriet Greenfield of West- llve~ minutes ah5~~tTieh .nnswe'F ic ^antTtaMng"as inre'TTvea^linr Sjirlur of-ioai # • tbcre will be five ether | scrvotory. Until his retirement in |^Thursduy 73 39 56 " 2Stlf "'Cehfury. ~T6~~the~dts^! contributions; -Jitra.-Stmons saW. „ ELIZABETH Qpenti|c9jE commtt-, Smofts. Dr. 52. 67 , jf the Gibson family, their' The UJC Cranford.Board of lEduca- "cosmology" nt _ . . gate to—the national convention' UNOEN r : Nit WORTH tlMORA 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. 64 An executive board meeting method of bringing daddy back Ice hope's that eventually the en- [l ogy is a survey of cosmic physics Sunday 1% 54 to earth abnogt costs him the^ pro-/tire campus will, be planted by would 'i i Union Junior College of- 62 and president of the Women's Re- will be held tonight at 8 o'clock and chemistry and a eohsideraiion Monday n si .«»i!^« ji^aa.i^s^L. '«Fifu>^nniii)^AHt. I ulfts from enJanlxations or indi»' ia' in ^e program for the first e»v 46 58 publican Cljub of Westilold, Mrs. at the homq,of Mrs. Mary Knk'i« motion ';* 5'ear on on experimental of the originJi and .probable des- Tuesday' ll Mildred to, up to ll!|liiS§^

(ljt.34:.'..Cn1ZEN'AN0 CHRONietE—THURStoAY. OCTOBEE 2m, I36fl> - Paf«s Tteee

r=rrT= ; l J:> OT ? ; . ••;.,• drivfc axe the paternal grandpar- of 1951 Names Mnrfiaret Sauer Haviland; finance, morrow at-the' Cranwbod, Gar- Doyle. ,Jjnhn lannacpne ianld Ml- clij5s.es) and on'the dean's "list for ents and '-Mr."• and Mrs/ Michael Robin Maii-;. and publicity,. Ralph d " ' chaei maintaining aw "average of "B" or Howairtl of l9vRiig6r avfcaue are of Ixcuuiutr Boyd. ce Hahn, general chair-( . / . . v , .better : for the--' entire; aca^demfc he maternal graadpaicehis. l meeting will be held m;m, will bo assisted by |Iiirqld'j They think too little, 1 ComiJiittees wore organized to '•..• 'ty y |qj who talk Ooriier yeai .. Miss Skaggs received • the for the 30th reunion of the "'»: ^A'fmber 3 at .the Cranford w"alshw"alh , PRi'lPRi'lipi - HhHet\eh;in,i JJosephh ''tot o mWhJohnmWh.—John:: Dryden-Dryde - Arthur Ellis Harnm Scholarship life The bu-th of a daughter: Tracy- ! -Cranford ijjgh Sdu.ol class of HoU-l. Frederick Spotts, son of Mr. and I PaM where she is a member of the priyp fin thf* h:n:i<; nf hor wnrl ••r^irfe Russia" wjll be "Sirs. "Frederick JrSpotts qf- 192 senior rlass—MBTKromer is maj- during Jme~ freshman yean "She is Hospital. Plainfield. has ''been aaJ"^ wUrtaTtq^aceTn the s ....,_ Plans" North avenue, cast, has been pro- I onng in elejnentary education and a graduate Cranford High . Davis 61 Short moted to cadet sergeant in theid a'member- of Phi Mu Epfcllon, Wy at8M5.p.m. nounced by Mr. and Mrs. William ! Chairmen aro .as flow's: Can-iy School. Charles Jansco. Jr.. of 456 Robin" Jf*^3 t5ckets' Mrs. Betty Lerda Tomorrrtw • Corps of Cadets, Pennsylvania spcial sorority. ncoln School Auditorium, P s. ^Carol Lovctt The annual fall'dance of the treet, Roselle. Maternal grand- :'T ^ " Military College, Chester, Pa, Miss Phyllis Sniithwdaughter of hstowp^ banquet, Frank DiTulio; Holy Nume Society of St. Michael:? parents are Mr.-,ahd Mrs. Otto f ^^Q^^ Mojscn and>Mrs. church will, be held at § p.m. to- Miss Joyce Skaggs, daughter of JVIr. and Mrs. Sidney. W. Smith of L fin American family/at the : Miss Janet Lawrence is a mem- Mr. and Mrs. Charles E., Stfjaggs of PSiiiloii- in Moscow in Degen of 304 Manor avenue, and < j_z _.:_t >_: v-^-f-~ - •••—--' •^-s=_-=± = --•. 26 Lenojt avenue, has been named at BREEN'S paternal grandparents are Mr. andj ber, of the, freshman class at Ly-21 D.ocring way, hasbeen named to the dean's'list of Russell Sage Mrs William C. Jansco of 33&\ coming College majoring in psy-to the Zeta of/Massachusetts College, Troy, N. Y., for excellence C a result of their year BR 6-0700 If. chology. She is the daughter of Chapter of Phi^Beta Kappa, na- North 17th street, Kcnilworth. of her cw'ork in the second semes- Hhe t>avis ^^jj | 1 Mrs. R. L. Lawrence, of 18 Sp'ring- tional honorary schplastic society, ter of the last academic year. Miss field aVehiie. •' at Smith, College, A senior at [; of lite anrf^*. implications Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Smith oi i Smi,th, a senior, is majoring in 1 Smith, >Ke was awarded this hon- English. She is the president of 22 Hamilton avenue announce the Leonard Kreusch •: SCALA feougb the family lived in a birth of their fourth son. Say-.; 'Miss Sandra Kromer, daughter o.r tot her work in ihe first three the Student Government Associa- ! •TYPICAL AMERICAN FAMILY ^ Mr.- and Mfs, .ft T. Davis of of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kromer years of college. She is a first tion. She is a g'raduate of the Liebfraumilch LaCrima ChrisH Hi American home at the e*- Short Hills, chosen as a typical American farctiiy to live at the U. S mond Scott, on, October. 6 Jn Muhf j 9 onberg Hospital,- Plainii'e'd. The j of 204. Arbor street, has been ap- group scholar (an honor accord- Cranford iHigh School. 1955 Vintage Still Red \n site; they-were^ble to Exposition in Russia in 1959,1 will look '.'Iivid'e; Russia" at a Lincoln ed the highest members of the «aris. of Russia and take Smith's other sons are Richard,"; pointed to the elections committee Italian Win PTA mqeting next Thursday. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Davis and childitn, : .ind Robert. i at Moravian College, Bethlehem, sophomore, junior and senior Jack Etfennan, a freshman at which also will be shown Jane, 13; Charles, 10-, and Jeffrey, 16, decided to do everything to '-•.'? ViUanova University in Villarfova, '1.49 lihS meeting,, . - promote understanding of people ot. other nations attci entertain- 1 Pa., will spend the week-end at , open invitation is extended ing'.an exchange stud^ftt from India at trieir>l}ome. Selected by Mr. ' and Mrs. Lawrenp^ A. With BILL'S High Potency home. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. I all- Cranford residents to. at- fashion designers, the family lived for'twb.'moflins at the exposi- Carnevale of 7 Sutton .place- an- John L. Brennan of 320 jpisino tion, •without pay assart of the Cultural Exchange' Program. nounce the birth of a daughter. Baron's THE DEACON AGENCY avenue, recently attended Parents' Jiir Carn^vak". /on "October 15 in Day at the University. K. DeLdnge, datigh- "MuhlettbcriJ P'rispita! PtoinsieSd Seller's — All Types of Insurance — nd Mrs. Kenneth- A; The Carneya'ies also have two t>ih-- • Marie R. Deacon/- Broker Miss Martha Warren Richmond, nge of 215 Central avenue, Social Happenings or daughters, Linda, 12, and Judy, ' WILL BE CLOSED daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David L been appointed treasurer > of a. \,^y ' ••••:• ••. ,.-•- / MULTIPLE VITAMINS Bus. BR 6-5051 — 4 Alden Street — Res. BR 6-2550 ($.. Richmond of 808 Orange ave- i Hall, one o£-the 18 >esi- Mrs. F. S. Greenawnkl of 1141 for a month with their son-in-law nue has been named to the dean's halls ' for wottven \sludents Mr. and Robert J. PROTECT ALL THIS WITH ONE MONEY-SAVING POLICY HstNat Smith College, Northamp- xnell University EeWisburg, Columbia, avenue entertained at atid daughter, Mr. and Mrs. iErarik ( oridge Monday evening. .Her L. Dlegman of 21 MacArthyr"ave- of 4& MendelL avenue have an- for only $3.49 Your home, personal possessions; liability for accidents ton, \ Mass., an honor accorded SIDEWALK ARTISTS—Twentjr-sevett artists participated in the Fall Sidexvalk Exhibit of the CFan- A freshman at^BuckneU, Miss nounced; the birth of u if You Lived and Died members of the three/upper class- "'ford Creative Art'Group at the Pest Office triatsgie •on Saturday-;. Winners inlhe adult vote were: guests were Mrs. A. H. Preuss, nue.. on your premises... all this and more can be covered by f^gfi-'is studying ior-thKde- Wr^.JW. H. £iesel, Mrs. Karl Wk- Kathleen Anrw;. on September 30 es who. maintain an average of —O-—«-•• First, William Fairbank ol! TLmden, ^Japanese Sionk?*; Seconds' JVJJS: F. ,E, Sloat, "Grand Canyon"; and , 0( fchelor .of arts.'. \-. in Muhlcnborg Hospital. The baby BEFORE the advent of the new mir- a Homeowner's Package Policy. Gall us today for details. "&" or Higher for the entire aca- oesieVTtlrs. iOtto C..WeW, Mrs. "Mrs. Maty Foster "of Kennevyiek, third, Mrs. H. F.'HeIIegersv ''Eteaa/*- Ifros cfeM&eat gavie first place to Jlrs, jbyce Duris of Gacvvood, sRobert Brooks, Mrs- John Lam- Wash., a, former .'"Cranford resi- joins another sister*'Virginia M.. 6, demic year. A graduate of the "Christ in Garden"; second, Mr. ^airbaiik,, afid Iliird, Joan Jacdbsfiri, •"Wfendy." Mrs Frederic S. and a brother, James SI., 4. The 8:30 A. M. acle drugs yobr live span was, very parter and Mrs. Harold Glovier. dent, has •bt'efl visiting friends in TO.10 P. M. G Grecnawald was chairman. Admiring the painting, ^l^todera Sunflowef," by Betty Sharp, who also town. .Slve is visiting at the home baby will* be christened on Sun- BELL'S OPEN lijkeSy, considerably less than were exhibited copper enamel work,'are left to-tigtA, Mareace Siierli^g, Kenneth Baldwin, art group day at St. Michael Church. Pledge . MrNmd Mrs. Charles J. Chris- of Ms's. M. S. Decker of 12A Eng?- : treasurer," and Burton LongenhacB, jasesidMiL .' '•'•'••'.''.'..':'• dan of'z^ Horning -avenue spent Jish' »Village. you living today,- .he week-end in Philadelphia, Pa. $4^0

Enough . .. . \-o— •'••:•' ;>- ; Glen Ridge High School in Glen partments. The hosiorS were con- program, a sophomore sweater and Mr. aijd Mrs. Gqorge Beer of 6 3-HEAT BOBBY PINS IE $AFE r- BE SUff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C,«.Cain of LAW lUIVItilu Ridge, Miss Richmond is now a ferred at the animal James-Bofc- a class newspaper. In addition, Chester Lang' place --*entertaineond ruests included the great-grand- •Mite. lv James JBowdoin Scholars at Bow-, II. CoHios street, spent the tveek-; Miss Ray had served as a dormi- "_De.brav. of Lima, Peru,'spent the parents, Mr. "arid PlfintiKs. CHARLES JOSEPH ItOCA $6.95 , doin College, Brunswick, Me, in tory representative during the and SALVATBICiL ? HOtA bt* «.i end at home. Sfae is in her" fresh- -week-end with Dr. Bradfleld's Menagh o':' EHzabetn. OthersNyere this E by 8-HOUR recognition 'of high averages in. man year at Douglass College in past month. - orother and sisler-invlaw, Mr. andpecsent " from Cranford, tio*ii- sytttng forth the itfmituix - , plication, duly yertfi«l by atlajtwii- «sl sis* j THE SPORTSMAN'S SHOP their courses to date or for su-New Mrs. Richard Bradfleld.j Jr., of 31Pleasant,' Roselle, Eiizabeth ' and^sald patttioners. foir'an Ortter.auilturixin''' VAPORIZER perior work in their major de~ Waltham, Mass. ihetn to assume the a3«u» ol CHAKLES j BREEN'S BREEN'S Wendy and Debra JOSEPH RO99 UNC Blended •i-coased has been cap- Chester Lang place entertained at In the Towmttip t>* Craifiinrd.' C'«arj«5 rsilalit to- the order uf EUGENE X. Play for PTAtzi UiUIStttSI^J—SUKI—St»ta>-4it-SIt.u^J*ir>«t« j KIRK, Surrogate Of tlje County "of Union. ped at St Joseph College In Em- Whiskey London Dry-Gin An original pljy, "What Will 1 It. having ajlpearajp d fclitiier' thaS she madeWj the sevunteentll day of October. initsbiirg, BM^ vcbere she is in ery of 22 Colby lane entertained day for Mr. and Mrs. George Beer Mottct e of uitid cp been FOR ALL YOUR A D • VBCO. upon the application;' ot tiii- Our Friends "Think," will be pre- at bridge Friday evening for Mr.and daughter, Gayle> of Cranford lishod at l^ast once ejeb xteek. ifof Saiar; llitdcl si^in-d, ail' Executor ol ttie estate her CTj»iMmM«»» ypqr of liie nursing successive 'u'celcs next Di PRESCRIPTION of s.ild Ol^CL'Oscd, libtlcc is hereby eiven. and.Mr. and Mrs. •George B.eer, Jr. LOCK TO sented by the Revelers, of Uhion at o, $4.95 and Mrs. Edward Salas and Mr. time ol said application ,m lo the ei Vlltors of said deceased to ex- {jrogram. MK. and Mrsu Daniel at- *4.29 Cltiaen mid. Chronicle. a_ Ks^spatJir. of] hibit to thi; siubscribi-r under oath or :and -Mrs. Edward. Marek of Cran- and daughter, Deidro'Gayie, of tended the canfung ceremonies a meeting of the Sherman Junior said County; and the Court!>ovks-4; berirl \ •••-• ib'lrmatlon Mhclr claims jnd dt-mands Roselle. ' . \ ' WASH IT Big eaters save in a big way — when ^firing Parents* Wedc-*nd at the ford and Mr. and: Mrs. ester V. . by th» said petition, verified —'i \ $139 ••••• nur/lnst thn uViate' of sjiid deceased with- High School PTA at 8'15 ph. nforc&aid. that -there are . in tlx months from the date of said order, Cheek of Fanwqod! . RUBBING they fill all their needs at KURTZ MAR- college-^ ground;: for the procu>ii-d cha lr they will bexprtver barred from ptos- Monday in the auditorium. Mrs, Mrs. Joseph P. Low, of 11 West- that' there ate no n.\-isonaWe KET! That's fact — not talk . . . fact t rciitlne 6r recovering the same it thereto; FOUNTAIN g way Joseph Mysiak is program chair- Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzulk of End pjace will entertain tomorrow ALCOHOL the subscriber. \ . Pairicla Klnnnik has re- UNITED FUND evening at* canasta' for Mrs. Her- It- is., on this- Hth day Mr. and Mrs. "William A- Klubnik Price and Robert Tierney. The Mahany, Mrs. James Sullivan, all hereby authtyized t(y assttmer the nai 1 bkause-every price is a LOW PRJOE play, deals with parents' reaction were present from Cranford, Car- of Charles Joseph Rase and SlatiJir Rose. J.I FIRST OF ALL of Ofanfprd,' and Mrs, Donald his «.if«. frorn and aft*r Ih? Sth day W j of 312 t^biuir, avenue. teret, Union and Elizabeth. :.,"'. and more low pricep s mean BtGGEft to the college problem. Bondi-V Plairafleld. Dcce*«ber. Nineteen Hundred ~ ^llVl. that witHttt tF?ft days thi Phbne- ^ every; time! So; serve a : Miss J''ifaaet Bay* tla^gjhtar', of . Dr. Paul Buonaguro, coordinator Mrs. John H.'Vogel of 17 Hiir- tionc-ra shall publish s eepj at Hiss OsfidUH- ! 1 of special services, will discuss A partyStp celebrate the victory in the Cranford CitiatVs and Chmniete. »! BRidge 6-0062 IN | yr ^ N Mr/ aid' MrsL:Oiaries ML Ray of sfde avenue was hostess at bridge public newspipier. prtntsd m iipe iaiil delicious foods yotir "br^^atefe' 23 N. UNION AVE. the college problem following the ; 15 DartaMRiUs road, has been Monday evening. Her guests" were tvrthe Pittsowrgh Pirates was hel Countyy, and tnif w.-.tthin>tu'en)y days .). and save all along ydur, food list play, last Friday bjKthe Pittsburgh Club thereafter thhee petittos»i*ps 5 shjiH elected viee-jirerident of. the Mr$. Kenneth. Rau, Mrs. Robert sojd petition, affidavitsit , tthih i OdOrdi?rr. aswi IT IR O N S I NT H i WASH by buying> all your 'needs, HERE* /'• freshman cfass at Carndl Univer- ' Mrs, John Thiesz, membership A. Wilson, Mrs. Fred Atkins, Mrs. at the home ofMr, and Mrs. Con-an iteidavit oi Tufaiic^tton ol «h? Ondrr chairman, reported an enrollment rad Lynqh, 10 Ctork street. Th to be (Ued and rfcortl«l IT. tfp- Office hi sity,. Ithaca, KL Y-' As such, she the County Clerk of the jCounSy »I Lawrie Montgomery, Mi>\ Rich- club members areVformer Pitts- joins the Skt^tenSaii Class of 404 members.- The following ard Bradfield, Jr., Mrs. Charles Union, and tljat within the sasm? liise inemberswlll attend the fall meet- burghers. Guests were Mr. andthe sinid.petitionere shall estiva a e*i- 'ffifW1fcliS;Trriion"Courrfy Councirbff lilitJlOd^^g!^aaih t ttfunity ift tfce freshman «las&j the Secretiiry ai State, pursiunt vt Parent-Teacher Associations^ in Wayne Tcters. Mr. arid^Mrs. Wil- provision of the SfaiuM in., s^ch • Pavies, Mrs%. Donald^ Martin, Mrs. Hanley. Adv. Fees: S12.24 . I«-2«t Thomas • Nolan,, /Mrs, Theodore U. S. CHOICE HI-RfCGVERY .Miv and Mrs. Lansoh Moshe'r Koziar, MrS/4 Mysiak and Mrs. LIQUOR STORE Mr. and' Mrs. Sigmund Natha) Michael Baftaglinl. and; Ch'acles Coon of Saratoga of 109 Ctfunty Park drive attended We Deliver — Springs, N. Y., were guests Friday a dinner dance in honor of King of Mrs. William Stcerm, of 220 Den- Prederik and Queen Ingrid of SIRLOiN STEAKS Genius is eternal patience.— 21 N. UNION AVE. . BRidge 64)150 man road. Mrs. Stperm is a. for- Michadangelo. Denmark at the. Waldorf-Astoria mer resident or Saratoga Springs, in on Saturday. Rrre arid new majecs her home- with Mi:, and Mrs. Nathan are' rnembers . ib* her son-in-law an,d daughter, Ut. of the Danish-American' Society. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS and Mrsf. Robert\>utcault.

'Mrs.. Den ten- S. Layman of 28 a lovely, Georgia street will' entertain a Births bridge this evening for • Mrs Mr. and Mrs, "Eoger Hansen bf.j Everett Yacker, Mrs. Z. Robert 14-A Parkway Village announce lift Turadian, Mrs. Martin Glbtzer, the-birth of a daughter, Lynn Di- Mrs. Vincent Mcdean, Mrs. Brani ane, on October 10 in Muhlenberg Frozen TJoopei-smith, Mrs. George E. Hoi Hospital, Plainfield. The baby |Vfirtrt£ounter. liday and Mrs. Peter Burk. joins another sister, Lori, 3. • broad heel seat Birds-Eye Robert Montgomery, son of/Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Montgomery ol BROCCOLI \ , .these Very Bpecial NEW JERSEY'S ..i finest of fit, bade of Roselle, fomerly of Cron- mmrm per hour UALITY CHAIN ...and thevery best, 22 ClbV lane, entcrtu.nod at B haVe^nnpuneed the birth of Stride Rites, so care- party Saturday cven.nj; for 10 theil! seeohd d^htor> Donna Ma_ fully made and fitted beginning for your . SPEARS ~ CLEANERS guests -from .Crnnford. •r| ^ pn q^^r 11 at Muhlenberg IVMJSIC" for just-walking Feet. baby's first steps. PLAIN ONE PIECE Ms- ane Mi^Selipe Sotslo of I Hospital, Pl/infle.ld, Mr. and Mrs. Birds-Eye A "broad selection of :St. Petersburg, Fla... arc visiting 1 George S«*gcbade of 187 Locust sizes and widths. the cost VEGETABLES m 7\ \l Birds-Eye PEAS and 1 CARROTS 35* EMBROIDERED FRAME, BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED AND PRESSED FOR DELINEATION! ' •»•"•*

• GIASS mm

• HUEST GA1VAMXB> MEN'S BUSINESS Cabbage ....15c BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FreshCIeaii "Vbag OUR SPECIALTY CAREFREE SHIRT COLLECTION pinach .19c Careful'Fitting Of QUIET AUTOMATIC I Orthopedic Prescriptions IT'S HERE...THE NEW UNIFIED ofBelfas/'100% cotton BURNER CORP. AVcWiUKeep '" str ib, . Accut-ate Records . Yes, the shirt «ha» itons iueJf. whichever way • TK« H6W, Jmpwved Ho»««wn8» I " yen wash and dry » . . . because S. D.-C. Pearis...... 19c oUHFittingsVMailRe" talk pwl«^i6« »n« «jv«feo« Her«66wn«r rased* ©« lili Katw, -^ OUR SPECIALTY •binder Cards, Provide t*wm\ proe«riy «H<» p«r'ianel Habllify. Whars were, Warn .' . SPOKE-STITCHED CUPS Gefderi Artow is tailored of tKe new, per- . Careful Pitting Of FREE Size Cheek-Ups;' rnanenlly self-Irening Belfast 1(30% eeHe«. t Policy Woy.BSW b« wriH#« to «6V«r O ttimmW Orthopedic Pf e^briptions OmW»sbl We«'t disealer. "Sanferixed-Plui" Wash a«d Wmi* Cm, Komecc 6ll<«f s«£o«ly w:c>- • ' • ". tit 8»»iii, Awt SPCCIAl g4 9a I Whatever Amount of Wear Qualify Central. Special cellar e«d We WOl Keep I'Tiwe, sicill and Patience QA» policy p tov!d« »h« sam» <6v«r dO« ai fout isperote : iNSEBT • Accurate Records em.. W E«l«J ^vfrag*, C«pMf«Mlv« Pat , FIRMS • .cuff eenslrudiew (or 404 lender wear. l« (.6-0392) ^Required We .will Give 1 of All Fittings/Mail Re- ional tteyiiiy. •'»«»> - e«d cesf* IS «e LOWER EtASTiC white Drake cellar model with smart ceB; and Courteously. ; minder Cards, Provide Oil • i CUl»S'' BAND FOR vertible cuffs. •' . OWNED FREE Size Cheek-Ups. FREEDOM! OTt-KAl c.i) r«. f .•• -——. SJ5 BUEKKUf WILLIAM B. Whatever Amount of , S. *. ' i Million KeUatcU Time, §kill and Patience o CRANPORD, NEW JERSEY & Required We will Give •unmii. X i. Gladly and Courteously.

_:••/.- '•*•:.*•:. s <«."* T '\ U I •L _ — r-

CITIZEN AND CHBONICLE—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 1960 csmmnm r ==HT«ANFORD (W. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—TinJRSDAY, OCTOBER 29, I960 Pag*. *!«• two sisters, Mrs. Edjia Stadley oi at tha dance on-November 19 at appeared.beforjyinany civic groups Miami, Fla, and Mrs. Richard all Uniori County chapters ' " . for the Newconlcrs' dance Novem- ice-, he vrih be guest of honor !?t~ a Roselle Golf Club. Tickets may be and church^organiz0tions Ott of State College, Pa , and two Students Collecting '^he Rocket Tones' high honors ber 4 at Wnlly's in Watchung by purchased from Mrs.. Cramer. BenefftBtorberShopConcert, 1 All prptrfeed*. from the October New Officer Slate Installed company-sponsored luncheon at OBITUARIES brothervHarry B. of Coral'Gables, PAIR OF JACK came earlier;,this month" in thej tontacting Mrs , Everett Morrispn, 28 'howAviIl be tinned over to th ihe Ktarny plant, where he is em- Fla , and Louis of Ha/elton, Pa. Mrs. L. H. Conger announced J sev enJ-state "rt»hiipetj;tion ,ed jn tht crossbar, wired unit John E. Polili test m Atla-tic City The district I program Catholic High School; hi* mother e/bylbs. Proceeds from the sale The week of October 24-28 has been declared Saxt- -*<,r , of the fast's leading barber shop_quartets, the be held November IG at tho home and cable shops. Jnhn g PMHi 49. Of 5-A Park- ^KENNEDY,.*" FedPrnt'"t' n Wril TinTi y anandd trff r>ff CCanforf d n ^ ' Tones, ih mnv be nutrhusfd at Mrs. William Ki_.n was installed as president at the joint board 'go toward the club'srcharrty f_5Iupa-iir-ar^--rliEr-shoiri_anT^ny-l^^ tor "the #H—Mr,—Sfncr—nTisrbMaT-assoctatEit- way village, died'Friday in Muh- Mrs". Jane, Harris Wagstaff, 43, JC Virginia, Maiyland^ southeaslern', the coilcbe/;ni(l from 'members of meenng of" the Cranford Newcomers"~Clukrla scouti for 17, years, of Short Hills, a former Cranford needy children, babies and adults '- "-'- • • New York, eastern ^Pennsylvania,' evening will bo Mrs, Howard W- He / a Ions Jllaess. , Mrs. Williani-Voit ^ulow and ed High School. pai t of West Virginia and the Dis- jfacultj and iiia. Inv Other new board members were installed as f611ows. Mrs Conrad a member of the Stanley S. Tbeodor^Cre A. !Schultz rosidtnt, died Monday at her home Mrs. Thomas "Leahey "showed tile in the Southern Mountain region dren Federation, The group placed third recently in competition with 52 chaptji oiuani/ations samer and Mis. Jdhn Carpenter .The lurseral was from Pooley of the United States. trict of Columbia / Ljnch, vice-president, Mrs Rob- Holmes Chapter of the Telephone Funeral Home, 218 North avenue^ The Rey Dr, Robert G. Long- of canter _ _ '_ , "_ samples. The club voted to make international ory seven states and the District —— man; Mrs', Charles Carls«;on, Ji , tile novelties as presents at the "The .^termination " of • our cated to the sar\..c^ m seven SuJH-S auu HUT I_SJ._>U,IUL The Rocket Tono^are the 1960- erf "Peterson, recording secretary: Pioneers of America, an organiza- west, on Tuesday A solemn high aker. pastor of the First Prcsby- Mis. Wagstaff arfd het^husband v f Co'umbia. The members are 6l Garden State Ai.a champions reservations; Mrs. William Bnr- N Christmas program. - students to make this Save the everywhere, the net _ Z- ' baritone, and Richard Geiger ot Honored at Reception Mrs. DiCorcia, corresponding sec- tion composed of long service tele- mass of requiem teas offered at | terian Church," will conduct Frederic, son of Mrs W. itI Wag- oculed with the Westfleld and and this year also woh the Ten- tok, nursery and.rides; Mrs Wern- Shier to Mark 40th Mrs." Stanley _announ,ced that Children Bundje Day project a able used"clothi«« . Bcund- Biook, bass Tvio Cilmfoid iCbidunts, Mrs. retary, Mrs. Howard ULsamer, phone employees. St. Michael's Church bv the Rev. fees at 8 6'tlock tonight forThoo- sfafT of 421 Lincoln parky east, success is inspiring," '(declared ,.nfitld chapters of the SPEBS- neck Open tontebt title. They Bon 'Hvams and Mrs Leon Schan^ er Speer, decorations: Mrs. Walter Mrs Herman Oemcke, Mrs. R. W. one. and famih^ ar, The concert is being co^pdn- treasurer, and Mrs Lewis De- Mark J Dootey. vl__m pastor. , dorc C Sthult7, CO^of 204 Principal G. Frank Zimmerman, jv (Seciety for the Preservation ucre the Garden Stale Aiea nov- kci, \voio hororod last night at a Koch,, hostess; Mrs. Donald Corl, Year With WE opeiated the Mary Jane -Gift Koike, and Mrs. Edgar Burns aside a special box I5*h If' The Rev. Gerard B Whclan •».'•• belli jicnue at Grjy Mtmou.il, 12 "and I strongly urge everyone to ! .—d Eneour3st_-iii_m, of Barber i sored by Unirn Count>\ five chnp- ice __ champions and the ' Middle' for now nicmbets of th.c Wplf, M«- John Ta>lor and Mrs.hospitality; Mrs. William Cross, H. P. Shier of 21 Rogewr>\cmu>. i ^n commemoration of the 15th Wrappings, Inc., in SpringfieldX helped with registration at the clothing may be wl11 D w deacon, and the Rev Salvatore | Spnnfit.oSd avenue Mr. Schult/ cooperate with these young people Shoi Quartet Singing in America.) ters, Elizabeth, Linden and Sum-Atlantic Di'-iuct novice/tith".t Anthony Skett, board members publicity; Mrs. John Carpenter,' *- presented with a diamond- [ anniversary of the ITnitecedr Na- is Cranford Adult School. I iJcn.bexs of the Rocket Tones1 mitjas well as Plainfiejd and Wcst- Sistt'ihood of, Temple Beth-El of 1 P. Citarella. assistant pastor at died Monday at Delafield Hospital, Born m Newark, Mr* Wag- by contributing as much used last year / Elizabeth ai the home of Mrs. The, foll&wing were installed as recreation; Mrs. Elwood Wenze)- set emblem tod,i> marking in tions, the UN Postil Adm-nistra- Mrs. James C. Farley was a 1 •St. There=>a"s Church. KeniUvorth. New Yoik Cit>, after a short lit— staff lived in Maplcwood and clothing as possible." - re-Edward Ryan of Union, tenorj-fleld, ard thp Union Junio. Col- Besides performing in vau.'U committee chairmen Mrs John berger, club directory; Mrs-. Eu-46th jejr with the Weitem Elct'- guest, ' prark Srcnte of Hillside, lead; I lege Alumni JVsbpciation It v,i\\ David Doubling of Hillside Twen- i tiott wit! issUe a TIL-VS stamp and sub-deacon Seated in the , October ^ ing, assistant pastor cti St. Jo- nioinihj; m GraceLmd Memorial member of the Christ Episcopal peron, chairman, assisted by'Mrs. pr. Kenneth C M?eK:_-. or contributors may take the dent of Union Junior C/C s>eph's. Church. Roselle Park, Kenllworth, Church. Short Hills. h HI Conger, .Mrs Thomas, Dev- clothing directly to the school^ in been appointed to itt Interment was J-. S: Gertrude Born in Williamsport, Pa., Mr Besides her husband, she leaves JACK DUNN DAY—Jack B. Dunn (center). Democratic candidate lin, Mrs. John T>. Elliott and Mrs.bags or cartons. According to William Fisher. to plan the annual i. e<_ Cemetery. XVoodbndge, ixhcre Sthultz Uved here 34 gears'. A a son, Frederic, Jr., and her moth- for Congress, is shown with local Democratic candidates, Henry pr. Willard W. Beatty, executive Americjn Father Whelan read :he commit- 1924 graduate of the University of er, Mrs Olilhe Harris, both of the Farer (left), running* for Township Committee, and Haiold vice-president of Save the sChil- College. Fresh Lamb From American Farms- "Super-Right" Qualify *TE(i6>ER tal prayers he was _-onlnr WHOLE or EITHER HALF Half—Fall Oat Notice- is honby L'lvun that the _____ new modern package policy. o. 8 Parents of childreo who attend VIA Learns of AdjUitmcrit IZonll.fil of the Township of Crjhford, N I, in tho County of Roosevety School will heat this Union, will hold a, public hearing on 49< year's curripujum discussed by MONDAY. NOVEMWLR 7, 1800 ROBERT J. LAIER, Insurdnce Anxieties at 8 11 t»M fpfevjilihg timtl» at the teachers tonight following the first Mliineipal Btlildlm;, cotnci* North Avenue 10 Norman Place , . BR 6-1615 Regular iC Oven- regular meeting of the Roosevelt and Aldtn Stifcct, Ci-antord^ N J, to School PTA, Are Healthy 14'CO Applicntion-of-Gerai-d _* Ifpnby Style Ready The classroom visitation, an an- to ihjl.Ec" tx •.tlnii •" Io_—11 and 12 In •FUUY COOKED "It is healthy to have anxiety," Block :U_J chch being 50' X V15' attc) front- ll 1 llf I Whole or Either H m nual event, will be preceded by a inii on StoUehton Avctttlc to two lots Ib. Waif Fuiicuf Shank Butt business meeting at 7:45 p.m. Ralph Gentile told the Evening b7 5' x 100' ea_h fronting on Shidpw- lb Portion Portion Department of the Village Im- laun Way Iptrvloli vippllcatlon denied 4Deliciou9s With Roast Limb ... HAHIJ i - ^J Part of the regular PTA meet- Mrn-ch 11, 1960V } ng will be a stffe of children's provement Association at its IS 60 Application of Joseph Valcnti C and Helen V.ilcntl iov- n front lino vo>'(- £ According to U.S. Gov't Specifications new bdoks, rpn by the classroom monthly meeting last Thursday at. ance on prcml c« located at 721 Wilnut Ann Page Mint Jelly : 19 mothers, headed bV 'Mrs. J. M. Union Junior College. Avtiuic Cranford. N«w "Jtr c^ (block i>llAm,ots S9 andfiOl /- imig.yMrs. Robert Hodge, Mrs. Mr. Gehtile, executive director At the time i_i.d place above (fiflcd all *w Intel eited parties nre Invited to ISC'pres- J. Lj/Snook and Mrs. Herbert of the Union County Health As- ent when full oppartunlU to be* heard "SaptMtlghr^-Short Gat (First Guts Priced Higher) Henderson. Children will be per--sociation, explained that we have .will be given* tothew . • • WESTFIEUJ, NEW JERSEY jlrfitted to isake selections of books t© have sohie kind of anxiety in By Order: ;. ' . •, ' • ••' '• '. "'••"•'' : • BOARD OF ADJuSTMENf $y from those offered. order te prefect ourselves. "We Hobert L. jClare, Jr. . Founded in" 1868 ' A tea for the classroom moth- enjoy competitive anxieties.' Be • ' Chairman *'' $••'?•:?•'< VVHliam t. UttW, JK ' • \ . "Ufrt-fUgM" Qmllty-CEHTER CUTS -:

; : •. . • • • * he school year, Thomas Tipaldi, steps to take if s person finds him* i v ' '-' Sr1indp Ann Page—Meatless lOox.pke. school•g^ . Mrs. Eugene Stanley presided, ( .._:„.._••...... •:.. Duties of the ciassroom mothers .":--.- 4. ,_:..• i • - Mrs. - A. C.~Cramer, ways and , \- .,-•• TO PREiSERVEl*rHE '.&:• •; clUidfe running the book sale^ means chdirman, announced that Loin Lamb Chops 98, c mg-occori Spears: 19« /• calling all mothers in ease of un- a midnight supper will jbe served NATTTRAt BEAUTY OF A FINE Brwd—HEW Green Giant Brand II oi. can Chicken, Turkey or Beef—Quick-Frozen 8 oi. pkg. SKINLESS LINUS 1 lb/ 4A ", PurtRdrt •rtt-lt"" LONG ISIAMD large MAINTAINED INIBE MANNER ianquet Pies 19 .' Snow White head 0^A WELL-KEPT pMtXL Rib Steaks Various Brands 16 of. can A&P—Froren—Regular or French Cut 9 oi. ppkgk . Large Reserve Acreage Green Beans 19< Ril Quality Franco-American A&P Brand—Qulcit-Froien tOoz. pkg. .""".." Visltoif- ate. altbay* welcome ForSUwi'nq _ •'••'-. Leaflet upon request i' 1^ CauSifiower 19* For Eating or Cooking r <® bu P Quick or Regular Booking . 18 oi. pke- Facial Tissue*—With So off label pkg. of 400 6fOUllfl B06I ^«»hVGround' GoWenRiw 2-!^ Offtee E fMUHAJ llMIMf /-DomMHe-XopSr.d. liflft EAST BROAD STREET* i'25 ELM StBEBf QuQuakea r Oafs 19< Vanity Fair Tel AD 2-0781 let AD J-MSJ lonnea tifiins si,.^^?^ < Sunnyfield 2ib.bag Waxeil Paper , ^- lj»*1f»;rpli BRidge 64600 fup.rRigl.rBi'ind lib. • •t_?*i__S_r 7__,"_^JO^-,\_JJ-ftoft ,!3-J .T^S'SK'JtJrJ ^-Hji Ifc Kitchen Charm 1 Fish 'a Seafood Parade! (At Grahford,- Garwood line) UNITED FUND e , Fresh Smelts White HOQM Brand with 7c oH label y. M.ll-t Evaporilsd ^ C Rich arid JF^ull Bodied .* Faney Halibut Steaks pig. JoKnV IfflllK . , O ^9 Fab Detergent Breadeif^hrlmp < Ftagraht, flavorful C»p'n John1* Nectar Tea Bags $m- Graham Crackers JSKt,- I !*•.••• < Fried Scallops Qulcl-Froxan 3l GOLD-BOND PAINTS tice-A-Roni r'25^ Keebler Saltine Crackers . - Manufactured by National Gypsum Co. Instant Mashed Potatoes em [nroVES , CKbcolMeFUvor tih&UMB TO r**3**'. ANN Hawaiian Punch " With iOeoHlab.l COffif ^ Kraft's Parkay Margarine WHITE dr COLORS My-T-Fine Puddin m-.: PAGE AI*A» A'um'num WfaB Regular " Deiu« US*' "' '• Cliocol_U Fudg* Cats "••. • orYillbw WHILE PRESENT SUPPLY lASTS C clCoolirtg An unbeatabje buy! F&e a limited time only, A&P*s Malta) Paper Hankies ,*v3 I' 23 Wheatena pig. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OP Hot'Cereal Premiutn-Quality, Red Circle Coffee is selling at. c Sir this low iow; price.. For extra savings,fbuy the 3 lb: hag.-' West Pine Deodorant [;;(;n25 Florient Aerosol Deodorant S can. DUTCH BOY PAINTS GELATIN SALE ENDS SATURDAY, OCT. 2?nd! LEADERS OF THE WEEK ._^ SUMP PUMP : •**••: ••' Alum. 2x3 Sch Fels Liquid Detergent V Ajuin..*-% tip. Octagon Laundry Soap

Length «& • Bonnie Cat Food Htttf. deceit with built-irr Crumb Squared39c Homesfyle October Cheese FesfSvaSL W: ifteymmgpdint6ftiewm/s!io& • PLYWOOD PANELING fruit flavoa. Stockvp NOWTirtilni&&&&£& More Frozen Foo«f Favorites! f MAHOGANY — VEE-GROOVE ? Mild Cheddar Sf S3ib. The shee: A soft, lightavalking shse that. Dorann French Friej •=-"••"">-'2 y;; 37' Birds Eye Artichrte Hearts PEIc SHEET fa8 ^ Birds Eye Succotash J1^*?' Birds Eye Wax Beani Above Are Just A Few Of Our AVtN1IX.\CK^NVOBI» ^IBT|ii^p"T - ^Ure^in Cheese 8srJiB6r Desighed for tfaytime flattery with vamp LOW LOW PRICES iynip We offer residents of Cranford and vicinity an IHfi GREAT AtUNtlC & PACIFIC TEX COMPANY* INC. s-V?: X — \eifTS TO MAKI Ched-o-Bit Plain SIUWKMT Pood lacing| efasticized to hold form'-arid, for family aiul friend. outstanding funeral home, complete with air WE ALSO CARRY IN STOCK •J.r._t.<-n-,.c-mplata l« lisue Heini neatly as you walk, [ APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Scottissue conditioning, organ, large light rooms for your Laddie Boy I feeipes- Collector's Cook Book Baby Food Writ** or Cbtb^od • 2x4-|x6-2x8 Door$ t 8coffl.t*l NOV-MBER Chopped ~ S^afii.J C v Plywood " Windows every convenience. Our own display TG&M* Woman's Day 6 - 95C 9 95C 4 relli 49 Roof Shingles [Sheet Rock <*n •Hecilieihni 5j»urd»^ October 12 in Super MarJccbahd Self-Sirvieo »»o»b« only f>fev;• • Insulation •••"*) Cedar Shingles Cashmere Vel ftjax Cleanser Spic&Span Hardware Ivory Soap i|l Cashmere KnoHy Pine Bouquet Soap ilnled Jurfadei With 4c off With 9e eff Mason * " j UFE B«nd.d Urg. Buy 3 £ regular 4Qo 22 ot Storm Sash 65c pig. Materials ©*t I fr*e ™ ««Ui *** % .OB" STRIDE ALL OTHER BUILDING NEEDS Super Suds 8 NO. UNION AVENUE, CRANFORD UorySnow Kory Flakes Nu-Soft Oxydol Detergent F. 0. €ray9 fo Funeral Director* Fs M, €ww» \ .-. I Hours: free Deliveries I* SrRINOFIELD AVENVK Sli EAS^ BKOAD 6TREET Anywhere in Unjorr label ...... '" (Across from BelTs^pharrnaey) •< ~~ r ^:30^St3dViteekdayt WE8WBEID. W. J. — 'AD 14 pig. 7:30-3:00 Saturday County —Minimum' "V. •-. m# • UFE STUDE •-FED WIN • GIAMOVR DEBS •BVflTER BBOWN • UFE STRIDE* Order —$10.00 ,; 103 MILN ST., CRANFORD-OPEN EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY UNTIE* ^jjfv

v V _ \ ^_

Pate «* CRANFOED (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1960 ft- Carlo, Castaldo Engaged Trinity Bazaar Booths rCRANFORD (K. f,) CITiZEN AND CnnOKfCLE-THtTlSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 19€0 Page SeyeB Shepherd Weds er. son of Dr. •brought—up~ThE~questicm""tsi~ncc± Miss Sally Branson Shepherd 61 San FmncUco.'Calif, dauRhter of American Indians are among the interesting items to be of fen d for i icline-orhlstory," stated jD6ndld"Sindair in and Mrs. Ovid Meyer of Madison. e J to study" the foi m of the local j uv. tcilK before" the Crane ^or—d Chapter,' Daughter', of Amc,ican Re- George Bobbins Shepherd, Sr. of 19 La Salle avenue and the at Mrs. Charles Albury's Interna-l —• ; _j" u J government.-to see if it i<- Suitable f late Mr. Shepherd, became the bride of Lt. Gone Broward Harrison, ,tional booth when the annual ba- .nhition. Mlver tea last TM " - " * the 70th Miss Castaldo b> a graduate of ng of the ior the Q,iinfoid of today with.its USMCToTSarasota. Fla, October Cranford High School SHtTwas zaar of Trinity Church opens its/ Zionabelle Doyle, Daughters population ot over 26,000. [\ OI 'lit l_#*»**S"*^*"" X 22 In the Church of the New Jcru- Miss Cranford in the Union Couttr doors at 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov Special guests wpre Mrs. H Wil- "Wu have imide a study of it, 'ialerrt, San Francisco.. ty Centennial Celebration of 1957. Awaiting Nuptials, "Mi Simla" spoke on the vital lard Kin to Reunite ber 11. A past tetords have played in d Richter, state 'chairman of and we fotl th.it ihe city manager The Rev". Tobhch officiated at Miss Castaldo is a senior at Syra- Mrs. James Rehill will chair t form of government has manyi/ad- cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., Feted at Shower ••''*' ftom both a" personal l'se, and Mrs. Robert the'l:30 pm. double ring military | After 40 Years the baked goods and preserves lour ; "Since I Han of the vqntages;". Mr. Tristram, said. ' • ceremony There wa« a reception 1 A sister hnd brother will be where • she is tush, .chainrian of bopth; Homemade candy will be in ^_ . ___ , "The main reason the Township j Kapp?i Kappa Gamma; national h SOUND in the Portofa Roam of tht> Pitoi-J eMt\itccl. todsiy after, a separa- the charge of'Mrs. Charles Mott. of Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle of Committee forni of govcrrtme'ht' r social' sorority. Last spring she 102 of tbeir dio Officers," Club, San Frahcisco,. jjOn 6j ^0 years. Mrs. Harry 0Hansel is chairman jpf Benjamin street, was honored at Dates, places, personali- Hermann; h0StCs; has been adequate for Cranford," was presented a trophy ^ in honor a personal shower last v chairman, \v>s assisted by Mrs. c, Commissioner LaCorte,^aid. in f e- The. bridegroom is the son «of , j^ H. LFinche>f 39 Bro.id of her selection I as,-the outstand- the,, good housekeeping booth, Thur»dav Kv ira.its and way "of life' are all Mt. and Mrs- Jamo S Harrison of j , \ i «> tier brother. B. B. which features aprons/for all o&-given by Miss Arlene-Smitith at hher I1- ..._<. "Vtmin aoGuratt G'.:Ciillin,. MrsXJ. E. Allen, sirs! pty.'^i's that, we have»been graced s)m t vil s ing juhior of the year. 1 parents' home, 29 Greaves place '' with conscientious . off'icials with Bee RidKc. Fla. He w currently **. 'u Morton *f Mnhchester, Eng- casion ;; the'novelty gifis booth will he Stated,, "todays Adolph plbrich, fe J. J. Banker • -,Mr«' Meyer:..:...is.-.....a.._.»raduate of high academic qualities and' in- tieflic'd at Camp Pendleton, Calif.. land. fop- the first tinie since be supervised by Mrs." Edward Sixteen guests were present'"*' and Mrs. J. j. Whltchbad Gt^rge R. Shepherd of Palo Al- EdgcWood Academy. Maidison, Wis. Morris, who also-will offer Christ- from Cranford, Elizabeth. Union tegrity, such as few other towns leaving England, in 1926- when He also; k a senior' at?. Syracuse «j£r was fntrbduced At'the tea table wenhMrs OH to, Cuttt, gave his M<.t«r ft\mar - mas cards and wrappings and theLinden and Garwood. ' 1 can boast." an£ she. camp here to be married. University, where, he 4s pledge J..A. '-Get/. w». ^- ...... vcr E. -Werner and Mb J"J?i8C l bis wife served as m;*» ^jtt'rv Morton, who will -bt? ac- white elephant booth by Mr. and Miss Doyle will become the . - He added that the community "of honor. Opt John Poin- master of Phi Delta TheJa, nation- Mrs. Robert Leier. BrtdjDj of William Gene Barr, soi, -• has grown on"ai residential Basis companied by his wife* is on a al social fraternity. MV. Meyer is- t)SMC, served as best man Plants, flowers and' dried ar- of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bararr ooff "so that w;e have .not had t|)e prob- /and Ushers' were Lt, Thom.is Tay- business trip here and in Can- serving as a senior senator on the rangements will be displayed by, Lake Tahoe, Calif., in St. There- >lems inherent in industrial.devel- lor and Lt Robert Swa»CUSMC. ada.' student government: MISS CARLA CASTALDO Mrs. R. H. Walcott. Mrs. Charles I sa*s Church, Kenilworth, Lois Berg Becomes Bride opment." "" '. •- • Mrs. Finch and her husband The bride is a 1954 graduate of Miss Castaldo and Sir. Meyer Hansel's committee is working on November 13. A reception'will foj. is< -Uis Berg of 12 Moss ^n : brother of the bridegroom, served Irt^responsIr e to a suggestion by Cranford High School. She re- will entertain the Mortons nt a are 'both oh the chapel board of handmade gifts. Mrs, Eli Loranger low at Arbor Inn, Plainfield. w.i- the bride Sunday'of Rich , as best man. . ' Mr. h that ectpnprnies could be fiimily party this week-end at Saint- Thomas More, Catholic p ceived hor A. B decree in-psycho- Mrs.L.M.Tucker is heading -the booth that special- I'udJacobs .of Blopitifield in Tem•f- The couple" will make their effected ^foV, the /taxpayers by'; ' lofiy from Mary Washington Col- their'home. Guests will include h Organfcsation* ises in hand-knit and hand-sewn I'pli.'Israel of the Oranges. ,; • .home in Blobmfield following a the Cranford enupWs'-son-trwlaw A summer wedding,is planned. : ; bringing more industry into town Look at the loco of the University of Virginia Luncheon Guest garments for all ages. There 'will I. .flit! bride, daughter of the late. wedding trip through New Ene- find daughter. Mr. and Mrs. and that a fullHime consultant be and her master'-* degree from Mrs. Lawrence M. Tucker of 8 be dolls and stuffed animals for Floraphile Club lr and Urs. Samuc"! Berg of Nfewr Iand '« hired f,or this purpose, Mr. La- Robert Weber of 71(5 Orange J x St juford UniverMty She is a mem- Pittsfield street was honored at a the small fry at a booth directed lirk' made her home with ' h'cr Mr. Jpcobs is employed by Cbrte declared that "we arc try- ber of the San Francisco branch'bf anvenue. nd son and -daughter'-* byk Mrs. Joseph Hackett, and Plans Competition [jjfofhcr-in-law and. sister, Mr. sirsd Louis Sehjcsinger,, Newark real irt-Iaw. Mr. and- Mrs. David.£,. luncheon last Thursday afternoon ing to sell our industrial property the American Association of Uni- given by Mrs. Kenneth A. Degame- s will be supervised by the- At a meeting of the Floraphile I Mrs. Louis Goldberg.- The bj-ide- estate firm.- . as fast as we c'airi" and added that versity Women. Finch of , V.t.' Couplcs* Club headed by- Jay I groom is the son of, Mrs, Carolyn Longe and Mrs. Harry R. Copson Garden .Club Monday night at the "you don't hire industrial consult- Lt Hmriwm received a bache- Mrs. Finch, a Crawford'resj, at the latter's home, 18 Hampton White. A Snack Bar in .charge home-.of Mrs. Francis Charles oj I Jacobs of Miami, Fla., and the late ants on, a full-time' basis" because lor, of science degree in animal; dent* for 3S years, also hasyiux street of Mrs. S, M. Kisner, will be open Westfield, club president, members • Max Jacobs. ..„ Repulilieans Stress their services are in such great husbandry from the University of other brothers imd.'tme lister The gueste included Mrs. J,' C.from 10 a.m. until 3_p.m. planned a competition on the grow- I" Habbi Herbert Weiner officiated . (Continued from Page 1) demand ^y others. . _. •..'' Florida Following his .graduation, living in England. . Munday, Mrs. Robert C. Simons, The annual fish dinner will be ing *bf daffodil bulbs'.and in th^"* • at- the 1:30 p.m. ceremony. A-re- there has never bcenva Democrat Mr.. Phiio' quoted from the he worked in the County^Afincui- Mrs. Channing Rudd, Mrs. Forrest served in two sittings, 5:30 and 7 arranging of ^thre flowfts nevt Jtcption followed' at: The Arch, on the Township. Committee in "Turning the Pages Back" column tur.il Extension Service, Ocalu, jDexter, Mrs. Charles C, Goodfel- p.m. under the co-chairmanship of April. / •Short Hills.. ' ' " '•; ... those 89 yearsj/ltte declared that in the.CJtizen and,Chronicle to the Fla Kviiilivorih Teacher low, Jr., Mrs. Harry V. Osborne, Mrs. Donald Creighton and Mrs. Each member purchased bulbs ' 1 Tlie bride, who was' given in the 19p9 Democratic vote was' 4&effect that when the township pro- Lt and ,Mrs. garrison arc on a Kmh Holuk MRS. ANTHONY COLANERI Jr., Mrs. Stanley Grayson, Mrs. -William Old. The dining room will and will plant them in her garden, I marriage, by. her .-uncle,, '^dward pei^ent of the papular vote here, posed the rozoning of a 34-acre wedding, ti ipr to Lake Tahoe and Austin of J0IS4 William S. Craft, Mrs. Raymond be run by Mrs. Robert Bizzaro and with three members ^planting each'• •Kohen of Newark, had her $ister, yet not bne Democrat was;*hamed tract o£-land south of the Leh'igh the Sierras. They will return on,! Miss *l<3t%o, I Mrs. Goldberg, as her only attert- to any of the appdintivct, jobs ih -Valley Railroad for industrial pur- Orange nvteriuo retus-ned -htire Hughes,and Mrs. Robert Ackland Mrs. Walter M. Cooper. Mrs. A.variety. ' •:. • November 1 to Oceanside, Calif:, •town. •'•• . •••'.,. '. •• ..'. • ...... ; .... . poses 10 years agb,."it became ap- last wwk (n the SS .Berlin after of Cranlord, Mrs. Burton B. F. O'Brien and Mrs* H. G. Hopper Mrs. Norman Brubaker was iff I'daiit."' • • ' '. •"•••. and "remain-there until December spending1/ two ..months touring I Sirs. Albert C. Patter- have cooperated on posters for the charge of the meeting and showed - Robert . Jacobs^, of Teaneek) He said Dernperats are riot gvien parent lhat the local Democratic 3, When Lt. Harrison will be re-Europe of Westfield and Mrs!. William affair. Mrs. J. Bradford Wilson is two films on bulb growing entitled, organization intended to use the .leased from active duty. The ! Austin, accompanied by her Heine of Mountainside. ' general chairman, .. "The Promise Of Spring" and "The proposed new plant as a political K couple'will then return, to Florida, Wed to Cclaneri Miracle of the Bulb." issue." • where Mr. Harrison will serve as sister, Mrs, Paul Faidbanks of Cat- Dr. and Mrs. Tucl?er will move s II. N. Y., visited Germany, Hel- St. Michael's Church was the soon to ttieirhom e in Newark, pel. Mr. and - Mrs. Roger S. Norton Co-hostesses were Mrs. ,John, • "Ten years ago the Democratic assistant county agricultural agent - of ,22 Central .avenue have re- organization was opposed to any in La. Belle, Hendry County. Fla, fand, Belgium, Switzerland, Eng- etting Saturday for'.the wedding' a mason by Criscitiello Constrtic- Collins arid Mrs; Fred Hustdn, Jr.; land, Scotland and Scandinavia. •f Miss Marjjarct S. LaGraee, tion Co.rWiesWteW;-' turned from their home in South The flower, arrangements were industry coming" into town; so we While in Copenhagen, Denmark) daughter of RTrVand Mrs. Robert Mrs. Vincent Segreto of Union Woodstock, Vt., where they spent made by Mrs,r JoHh Conovcr aud could build, factories, and you have LaGraee of 36 Myrtle street, and the summer. They also made a Mrs". Robert Davies. to pay for if. now," Mr. Philo de- Virginia Lawmfi the sisters attended the wedding df| hostess at a shower given by clared. Mrs. Fairbanks' son, John? who is Anthony Colaneri, son of Mr..and the bridal party for her niece. MISS VIRGINIA D1CKINSOV trip through western states, in-, Mrs. Daniel Terry was a guest flrs. Alfred" .Calanort of 24 Grove Becomes Fiancee cludjng. -. California, Washington • Talks also were presented at the Honored at Party : nieeting hy the following -daughter "They'-aTso* visitea the Rev. James itrdct..•-•••.••••'• ••'•:..••:- <- . .•• '" •;. aficPOregon. dates for the Board of Freehold- Memmoit, pastor of the freehold The Rev;"Mnric,DooIey; assist- MissDuMnson . '-- Dr. and/Mrs. Robert-PJIUI Fer-. -of .Mr.-, and Mrs. A. Ff tttndertc of nt pastor, of fiaakji at *m> a p.m. Dorothy Walters Mr. and Mrs, Williani Clifton ers: Harry V. Osbqrne, Jr., of 4 Adams avenue, sivas honored at Presbyterian Church and former Mr, and; Mrs.AB. Frank Vanderv gu'soti of 1 Lehok aventic'areat Cranford, Edward H. Tiller of Cranfard resident, who is-attend- louble ring ceremony. A reception Prospective Bride hfyJtJVCam^o^shio -after—a-rtwo-week-tiiijwttf^ . a farewell party/tost week at her followed. at Poskay's Pine Ro&m, formerly of Cranford, amuiunce recent Visitors to Sarasota Jungle California and Texas. Dr. Fei-.; Garwood arid Peter J. McDonough home. ing the UniversitjMof Edinburgh. feBride-l .of•Plainfield; fterjublicans, arid Dr. In Oberammergau, Germany, they Linden. -'.. Mr. and Mrs. N. Oliver Wiilters Of James Biondi the engagement of their daughter, Gardens during their Vacation on guson attended business meetings Miss Ejwse bas joined the Woi Barbara Jayne, to" Lt. (j.g.) Rob Florida's lower west coast. E. J. Carlin of Rahway and .Thorn- men's Ann/Corps, and is now inattended the Passion Play. The bride, who was given in of-120. RVtfoid avenue have an- The engsgeenenfc hasNbecii aH- in Dallas and Houston, Tex. as. O'Brien .of Pjiainfield, Demo-. Miss Austin is a kindergarten marriage by her father, had Mrs. nounce«i of Miss. Virginia Karie ert «3eorge Pinncy,;USNR, son of Alabama/where she will receive nounced the engagement of their v cratic incumbents. . teacher in Harding School, Kenil- D. B. Wallace of 321 South Union daughter, Dorothy, to Charles T. bickinson» daugnter of-Mr. and Mr. aiid Mrs. Gerald J. Finney of her basic training. She is a gradu- avenue as her matron, of honor. i Elmora avenue. Also introduted were the candi- ate otCranfbrd High School, ' worth. .'..•••• Ldndman, son of the late MrSl Isa- Mrs. Christopher S. DiekinajM of dates , for tax . collector,' Howard $• Bridesmaids included Mrs. Nicho- bel Liridman of Portsmouth, N. H,51 Burnside avenue, to Jamts^at- Miss Throneberry is a graduate ..sh^/was JJ member of the National las Frodelly fit Westiield, cousin of Cranford Jttigh School and ti CoWperthwaite, Republican in- «or Society. Miss Walters .is a graduate of rick Biondi, son ol Mr. and Mrs. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER cumbent, and 'Harold. Seymour, Olurlin n omens Chfo of the bride; Mrs. Ronald Carroz- James V. Biondi of Mountainside. Newark Presbyterian Hospital RATABLES IN 5 Twenty guests attended, from zino of Clayton, cousin of the bride- Ctanford High school and is em- 1 Demoerat. / Cranford, Kcriilworth,-.. Garwood, ployed as a service representative Miss Dickinson is a ^raidiiate of School of Nursing, where she was OUR QUALITY HIGHER 's. Joseph E. Hawkins, Jr., Meeting tills Saturday groom, and \i[iss Camille lutazzella Cranford High^SihooI and is em-employed for three years In the Pictured Here Are Some of the New Selected Industries with More to Come Roselle, Linden, Elizabeth and ?fhe Oberlin Women's Ciub of f Cranford. ° for the New Jersey Bell Telephone president,- opened the meet- Hanover. ployed by National Gypsum Co. ppfejteting room. She .'is presently 7 „ with a review of the work of Northern New Jersey will hold a Alfred Colaneri of the Grove Co. in Cranford. . Inc., Garwood, as a sseeretary in a n^ernber ol the staff atJpePaul luncheon meeting at the Motel Mr. Lindman is a. graduate of Don't Be MisMBy So - Called the 'voters* service eommittee' ,of Kevin Amory. son at Mr. a"nd street address served as This broth- the purchasing tt%>artiinent; HospitsK Norfolk, Va,; where she the league. The speakers were in- Suburban,' Summit, on' Saturday er's best man. Ushers were Mr-. Portsmouth' High Schpol and is FACTORY^ ©r "SALE" iricts Mrs. Robert W, Amory of 10 Roo : Mr. Biondi attended Valley is alsd^nployed in surgery. troduced by Sits. Edward Coe, co- from 12:86 to 4:3CJ p.rn. All alum- Frodelly, Mr. Carrozzino and John completing his senior year at the sevelt avenue', will entertain at a .University •of' New Hampshire. He Forge '(IJa.V Militaty Academy and LL Fihiiey is a graduate of chairrnan of othe committee. Serv- nae and mothers of present Qber- LaGraee, brother of the bride. Jonathan Dayton Regional High Cranfotd E(igh Schobl and'Mar- parly Saturday afternoon in cele- lin .students, aift* invited! Mrs, is a member of Phi Kappa Theta Just SHOP ^nd COMPARE ing as. moderator was Mrs, Clif- 6t his seventh bithd Mrs. Edward Krempa of School, Springf idd. He is ietta College With an. A.BV'de^: ford Shireman^ of Plainfield, state wood, cousin^ of the , bridegroom; fraternity. - ed with W. J. Casey Trucking and A November 26 wedding is gree in speechvedueation.- He also Youil BUV^Af consultant to the Cranford LWV; s soloist. - .. Rigging Co*., Newark, holds an M.A.\degree in speech Service Switching GJLE. Associates Keulfel & Essor way—New C*ffices;J'' 370 North Ave^ E. 420 North Ave., E. Si. ' ' trip to Miami Beach;v Fla., the Soufoi •Avcw £• Jacoby. Jack . SieCarthy, Glenn 1 wedding. tJmversify. He isNnow the first sociology at Drew .University in couple will live at 206 Lincoln M.rs. E. W. Dgghabert of 639 McCarthy, Debbie Smith and Joyce Park, east. lieutenant aboard the USS Vul- Madison. "•• .... ••': • . ' -' ."•"'. .; Lexington avemie"entertained at Mr. and Sirs. 'Jamier- Turley can CAU-5), liomeported in Nor- Thompson. : ''"' , ••' . -."• .'. The bride is a graduate of Cran- a luheheprt party Tuesday, Her and. family of 446 LesingJon ave- folk, Va. ' . V ••" .'^Wissifleld's Pur Shop ofc Distinfitton Pledge enough for all 13! ford High School. She'"is^employed guests included Mrs. 0^ J. D'Ar-nue visited Old Sturbridge Vil- A nuptial mass is. planned at as a junior accountant by John A. cangclo, Mrs. V. J. Bonfiiovanhi, lage, Sturbridgev Mass^, over the Blessed Sacrament Church* Nor- MADE TO ORDER Manger and Co., '.Cranford,. .Also Mrs. Patrick Collalto, Mrs, Leon- weekend. folk, in November. ; . Veterans Of Foreign Wars a Cranford High School, gradu- ard 9 Teleseo and Mrs. Harold \ •\ :•:.;••£ R UniHov Valve Corp. } Czphti. R. Bsice Pott, 335, of £m$itd ate, Mr. Cohmeri is employed as schott. •;,•/ 2-3423 Packing Engineering Corp. B. W.FroyCoriJ. / Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Tuck- ., Louis "Gorliii of 4 McndeH 249 E. BROAD ST., Wesffield — ADams 19QuineSL wisltes to.announce the beginning «. sir and daughter^Karew. of 8 PiilS- avenue tecently underwent su'rg-. (Opp, Riaito Theatre) ' ppeft U6h. *lil 9 23QuraeSL 560 South Ave., East Held street, their week-end'guest, cry at Beth Israel Hospital in of their annual V Miss Marcia Jordan of Webster, Newark. ,• • Mass., and Jeanne Reuseh of 114 \. KOUS2HOLD PRODUCTS SAfci Oak lane attended she S3avy-Air /.' By Telephone V- Force football game Saturday in Baltimqre. At the game shey met >.••:/.• - to thank everyone in advance .Cadet, Douglas Tucker, who aJ ;THAT "for their help, ' tended with a cadet geoup from Gibson Associates the USAF Acadetny a! Colorado Construction Special Uniflow Valve Corp, 3 Springs, Colo. _ 399 North Aye E. ConMnissary Petro Plastics Co. 49 Meeker Ave. 410 North Ave. E. The Oscebla Keighborhoftd Clul w roe?-.Monday evemns at :he honu of Mrs. Margaret Grass,- I Yar- mouth . road, to ma!?i dress;; . / Attending wen;: &!rs. Piter Walsh Mrs. Edgar Stecle. - Xlrs.' Waltcs Crtssey, Mrs. George Sjiahn. 3 •L'cuis Bucitl. Mrs. Edward S-bisky Mrs.'John Koenj^jina Mrs. Irv McCall's giftso£ ing^lyerson. % -*j • S50 • Mr. and Mrs: lUfartiigi -S. Sioc o A. M. Browns - 122 Retford avenue enjersai at a dinner Sunday follewinj; ^the Speaking 117 No. Union Ave. christening of .their granddaughter. Debra Jean, daughter »f Us. .and IR STYLE . . . v Mrs-. Gordon Steg. at Calvarj- Most welcome of all-the precious Lutheran Church. Gut«*:s u-ere In North Jei^You WUI Find The Sf EINWAY Jb1 XVXJ ±J «• • gifts you can give is the diamond1. Mr.1 and Mrs. Brusin» C. Xleizher And when you-select a diainoM ALL THE TIME of Cranford,- maternal grandpar- at iiRlFFITHS—Exclusive Repreg^ntalivcs in This Territory • . • ' '. t at Martin Jewelers . . . you're s^ , ents:. Lt. and Mrs. Clifford A. What fashionrsays "Fall" Schmidt of Eijglew^od. and Mrs.j mare clearly than the lecting a gem of outstanding value! PuppiOS Tlie greatness, of the Steiuway sbowd Hot only in toJay*s brilliant [terfonuaHee but in A small det«sit everywhere. "Hell Cat"tannedto resist dirt, repel water, indispensables, and our.'

*•• hottlt ys yaiii' selection until Cbrist- stay new looking longer. Simply.brush to clean, restore fabric departrrient has the COHHinEE COMMITTEE WUIK . . .and of course,-you may leather. Comes with springy crepe sole, steel shank sup- CUSTOM-MADE <| STEIN WAY

: ; ; v v J >: ! : : : ; : f 1 ,. ..". ,' • •'*"', ;'"' .'• • i"-.'• '." • ''.'•'^ '' •'.•••/,' ';• ."•' -."'•''••.',, \^"'•'••'; '• ' ' •'• v '• ' •' .-• ' * • • =' ^H'. >•• ;. .'- - ••••••;- ' .-.,.-• .' ; -•• ,'. •; •..'.:.. ' '' •, V - •••''• 't .' - '''..'• • ' .' •/ ' :,- '"•'.- •' ••-'• ' '• •-. -"'' "• ••'"' ~: '.-..•••• ! ' * .V '*"' •• .'•; .,•••'• V,\* ••;•,' . ' • • .•"'•.•-• -V ••••,• - .'. ' •«.J..-.-•'• •'•., ' • •• '"'- '• .'' * , :.. /•' \ • •" .:;,'•,''"."•". ~ ?' > •'''- •'. " 'T"^' . •' Ilfiilpii^ • ••• '**•' ,' 'J .. V_ -.'""' •' • • -1' , •• . •• ••' ",''•- •••" , "7* ', •'•••• •'.:> .V • • , \./.'« i, •,,!•.• " ;•• '• , .'.,;. .1 ' '• • '••,'•-•. ' •"^'•- ., ; - ^'. '.•"•-• v -.•,.''• -V . l •".."'• •••••••.•• ' " .'•„•'• ".-'..'.'• ....'• ."',.• . .. . • ••••.•' .'••. / v'Y • • • ' "'"'•*• ••• * • <\ .'••.'-•••'' J -'•..••. ...• ••.''.•'• ;. •-' : '••,'••''.,.-• ' •••• "'\ •• >••"•- .'i-1, .,.'•'•• ':',' ' • -''.-.... ••• , ' ' :

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r 1 : l r : '''.• .'•-... ' i- ) -.'- >: .'"• ••.''-;•'.* -,-'. * j '•" ...'•' ' •'.'.-•'•' • '••'•- _ ' ' ' ~ : . "\ '••';" '• •'• ....••••"•. •y.'-'">A'': •• •""•• ••''£.".''"'.. -V, •;•.•_•. if:.' "•;.;:-< '• ..r':' - •.-,-.'.•-. !_>"'; •;-• - --: -V ••••;'. •''.-' ' ..;-;—; • -••;'-. -,.k. ."V..", .-i.'.V.'-':'•'•'••• i^../•.--:• "•'.'•"•''.."-, v' '"'> •~''fi--'/~-~ —irr~:~~^~?i:: ~-- -.-• '~\?^j ^ -. 'l^'.'js. CHRONICLE—THtrRSDAT,OCTOBER2ft,; sxcntmirwbi: Page Eight CRANFORO (N. JL> A5KD CSKOKIClJ&--:THtntspAY. OCTOBEB 20^ 1860 'f A1'- ••J',i'Mm be there to "blend the fact with graphic Iristitute. -.'":•,''}, _ __tend this^ special, meeting. MJTS- 1 ;; United Fund theory and the,learning with im- A** native of NashylUe,, Mo.r I)r. Alvin Kxevsky & Anti-Defamation ft Praise fpf (Cdtamn agination." , '.' "''.'"• .- '••;. ••':.'_ . '••Shapley attended parthage Acad- League cholnnan.. •' for the' "Nortlfe ••'" '(Continued jrprn Page 1) •'-, i '. eS. In "As: has bcgn true since fthe ; ; .:& •• cutting oticS 1 errly arid received a; bachelor of «jrn New Jersey Councill, . headed by: Srf^" Gray son, have rq- si iai? five. mother days of the'great medieval Rabbi Stdney> Shanken of Tem- 0 :u IMtsforAid hel arts, degree in 1910 and a blaster ported S601, or.40 percerit, -^. ' . -P ' universities., then, it is .'the stu- ible, 6eth-bl, Will give the invoca- TOP SIRLOIN nf..hris degree in IB11 from thp -.-Among-Uie-ncighbOrhond.riivi- UniyersIty'niirTWfeQiJuriT'iite"' holds" ~tidnr~ T .... .— the 'cultivated citi- his Ph;D. fronri Princeton; Univerr- [ sions. the best showings so far are •Capfc-N. R. Fiske Past. 335', VFVCj inj*/it ^as utotaisdeitea ,miicb more . °.- the men of education, from District 4,. headed by" Gene 1 sity and '.{received ~ the KonoraJ^' BOTTOM ROUND «eBrtbersofirm a f the New- and its auxiliaryAyere commended ••tiftiraal, fair ur feal (Continued from Ptfflc ' I) "Something new to wear gives is expected. By 1965, the juhior • The neighborhood campaigns Mrs.' Dw'ycr presented a gift to: Baca,use- aj a sanou* shortage of ' power." a- person such" a -Hft/" 'Mrs- Leij-> are headed by four area chairmen, rfevotod to analysutig the re- the organization at a joint nitettng;!^«i!f^ reuafl*!Ti- bx ia"C[, adjuit- | Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, pfesi- igh school population is expected nox wrote'in a letter• aeconipahy- L :o-be.,l,fl33. . jH. B. Kdehler, R. ti, Millar, W. quiz e««tJca "ghat's •J:. Mrrf" Baumbach showed a Jllm oiVments us.. K-ib^ 'azeac -uiereased i dent, who welcpmsd the guests, ing the suggesfion list. H'rujS' N. Philo and W. H-Weber, &?". which h Cystic Fibrpsis- research.-' " - .fead-inr-A- U-i*. 3iid • Miirt\ autor • paid homage to the founders of the Trustees Bernard Litwack and second-hand and used clothing A check for S189.50 • w;is pre-. mated Sf. wt-f -ii-ilil und. Iheir way H. Randall ftreger', who voted I college and paid tribute io the sometimes fills the purpose, but Ke resel| seated i,., Mrs. Baumbach to help •: mto Arr..c.-b;^.-l4*oU*"eS.' Miss college's present board members against the new expansion plans, (Tahd-new clothing raises the P M"g : ; rV RobCrt BiUnnq, first and Mrs, furth^rese'arch: '. ' Femrf ^'L .^rae. cf tteee con- "who led the way. itt our -newfavor the high school building on further-res morale" and makes life seem : professor Forrest P. Dexter, Jr., "ait Petcrsen, second/ Mrs. • William Jones of jCran- and . "mo.ro campus'."' £)r. jjacjCay' described ihe "Hillside av'enue site and usebrighter.... With the thoughtful ^ill represent Union Junior Col- 1 it,~ she v i Union Junior, College -as a jjroto- f the present, high sch6ol for ju- iifczwasf a general ford, state president of the. aux- consideration of - the Needlework • lege at' a college night program fof tg the point tKit •iliary, also congratulated tfte post •say that . type of others to cisms to h«»lp solve hior high school students with any mm Guild "donations, we' are-aWe to "all high.,school students of Mun- terv investor should seek compel f.or continued activities in comr 3M.'piiiffd by a : the need for additional facilities in "sfftow te be housSed in Sherman make many children. comfortable,.lerdon County Wednesday ey.e- ;(.j- that students higher education -irv the next School and'eventual erection of a Int guidance- in^sekcting ibvest- rnunity service. •' • artdl /give, them a happy .feeling of ining at; Huiiierdori Central Hi^h v * * ^^ - 1 a teievie- [.decade. . , .. " junior high school on Memorial Plans for a 40th ' ijiDniversary-! «.-il-t si ; .iE'w^ -- . belonging, to their group-*'. ' •.-.'• "School^ Flemington.. ••'•. .,,.:.. , T•The Ameffean home and garden dinner dance on Saturday. Jan- ion set all! ojan.;.Dems liderim'g ahd •J Miss Ferrer was introduced by Field. ' . . • . The board wil.l hold its regulsr hairmnn./Mrs. Ernest_ Taberski, uary 28, were announced, by watekiES'a ns^iter ioacher. It is Dr. .Thomas Roy Jones of 'V^est- fo6imc^ a meeting to be held Thomas But! ?r. chairman.- #il.Us- to say rlta: a ^o^bjnatioa of Jive. field." chairman of the boardI of, monthly meeting at 8 p.m. Tues;- day at Uincoln Schools* • ' o -i-. Ui fftiirsday at fe:30 p.m. atvthe C. Bird mid Mrs Charles SicKfi-fedri-arid camwtii ;«3itibin£. of big lec->' trustees. Dr. Henry J. Mineur of Ldol Mrs. Howard .Mahany. auxiliary-president, .wore named; tures ar.ct; iara3B ^carfanencea; of Cranfoxd,- program chairman, was this is Eirs 'will niake tray, favors chairmen. ' - > i man. and '>atf • fedilne will un-, master of ceremonies. J IOP Dedared the Cranford Nursing, Home,. i X A Haliovvcen dance will be held;.daufe"tedls-' fa* =,H answer.^. It. is •. • . • . . • <» / • sill we Mrs.•'••Arthur Williams; fine arts Saturday, October 20, at the Jiomej net idaafc ^^a i; w£H provt to be (Continued ftowPnge I) ODDS ARE . ..YOll CAN'T! Because all 6 pieces oreloaded witf* Student Seminar - - lUR'S *airm»n, announced a meeting to Hct^ry Snyder, chairman, reported. \ necessa«!«'-'" ' • " " J * ion more dollars without, acU want left Weld at the home of Mrs, George Milton. SchJemovitz of Iselin was j Miss Femnsa; sai(3 • lihe student I Continued. }f dfiiPctjje I) ditional taxes^f Unrealistic and Imann.at 8:30 tonighVMrs. Earl fashion . . .and they're every bit ds practical, as tKey ar^ smart! Just look beleW inducted as*a- new member. Frank[ will Hi;t fc^ hy that their programs would only tinies of stars, "planets, atoms ahd >a. chairman of welfaVe, atb piegman and Mrs. Si'e^fried pre4i»u,tetiaruaoff, She de- Organic life. - ; • lead to infiatioa. .. will .always joiihced a meeting to be held at see how much Koos give? you lor $169! Ysouxdn even choose from fwo exciting sided. •••••" '..••.•'• • • ' cUiB«dl t&as BB He joined the Harvard faculty The 'Speaker^, characterized-the. L''homu- 6t krs.-^6SCph Talcott Democrats.i&s a party wanting to Wednesday, No^mber 2,, at >J' ' '•.''.:• . • ' - : -'..•• • >\~\v ... as Paine professor ~bf prat'tical as- e^l softly witH the Russians, as from our living rooms . « , one with a' hefridsome sofa, the dtheKwi^K sectionals! But better tronomy and doctor-of the Harv- rought out- in their stand mi the ard College Observatory in 1&2I.slonds of Quemoy and Matsu> lockets; are wdw available for still, come se« both rooms "in person" at your nearest Koos^slore. You'll discover, Before that he studied globular "What -do'thcy^iah to do with ball to be held Novem-

: r star clusters and changing himin^ Berlin?" he questioned. "The is- 3 Scotch Plains Country • • • " \' ' ' ' "^ • ••'• •• •'• ' ' ^- * "• ' bsity of variable stars. as an ais-lands are easier to. defend th'an is |iub -MrSi-^WUHam -Jferzdg.'ihai'r- as thousands hav^.ihat no matter what you Wdnt for your home, you'll find it at tronomer at Mount Wilsott' Ob- FINAL SALE OF THE DECADE Ln,' requested the. affair be.for- Berlin. •*' . . N. • • KaJMrs. Hcrzogjs-committee1 • is >as ' ' ' ' • '••• \ '."•'•" '""• A KODAK CAMERA servatory. These provided an* as- "The ©emoerats also„ believe tronomical measuring-rod which- •'•.%:'."'•--:''-• since, we,are '•' •': '/-•".: yjWs: .Reservauto, -Mrs., David Koos . . , and at a worthwhile saving! Because Koos not only gives you one of the hat we. should apologize to the PORK LOII Kofut, Mrs. Dorothy, Dester and led to his revision of the helio- Russians ahd have them iot'iea centric view of our position in the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS tirs. Walter Thorn; dfcor attend- n New York.'*. • • Rib Half Loin Half ^vJIrs. Thomas Kfelly and Mrs. biggesf selections of fine furniture in all Jersey . . . but Koos' big boxcar-buying universe. "•':'•• Th^e Republicans, on the eoh- 1 FULL CtltS FULt CUTS Gates Shull; name tags, and As djrector of the Harvard Ob- rary, Mr. Shanley declared, be- # Bluy Now at Incredible 'Savin| -ecoratjons, Mrs. Earl' Shea.^rs. really helps to bring prices downt\So why gamble with your precious dollars? Why servatory, Professor Shapley ex- ieve "that power< must jbe left in : • Btiy Now for All Seasons/ lames' Duffy and. Mrs. Willia panded,its ..ictivitie's tQ'inelude ob- hd( 'handsi(<)f'the people, n&t in the serving stations in South Africa, hands'of the politicians in Wash- • Buy Now for AH Your Ea/nil i r«tg. ,****•* not shop Koos » . • where all the odds are in your favorl 'Colorado •and New Mexico. His ington;, that we must 'be sound fi- Proceeds of the ball will go to \ honors include^ the Pope. Pius XI nancially; that we are the deader • Buy Now for AH Ypur Gifts e milk fund. ,'' ' 34 Norih Ave^ W. •Vvivp n*>4ij) qnd several honoi1- n over-all missile development; CENTER CUT CHOPS The next executive boara. fttefct- l h held, at the-home of ary- degrees and honorary mem- hat we must deal firmly but not 5js~^ari-Shea. oa_November 1 at bershtp In a dozen J[oreigii acade? belligeifently f with ttje Russians^ and that we should keep the doors ip.rV). Mrs/Shea will be assist- rnies. He has been president of by Mrs. Joseph- Talcott. • • • /A! •the Artibriean A to; rtegdttatibrts^ftpi Congresswoman . ^lo.rehce . P. — ~y :- --. Advancement of Science; the ITALIAN STYLE jlre.'- Shirley Kuntz and Mrs. f »'"'' i Anieriean Academy of Arts and Dwyer, seeiking" reelection^.: ,spoke briefly and stated that "I vote, in hirloy Radius. • Sciences and. the Woi'cesteK..Fo,u«- Hf/tqW Congress .to keep America strong '•..••.•/• datiori tor.Experimental Biology. ow,can you come to know pt. Shapley is a trustee of Mass-- s& that we all may be free." ^ /• Mayor Ira, D. DorianiIh his talk MEN'S WEAR -: •self? Uc*'»r- by thinking; al- "achusetts Institute of Techiiology, •% aad the Woods Hole t3ceano- stated that he had little confidence aiays by doing.—Goetl« ' in a man who advocated a with- 2 EASTMAN STREET. CRANFORD drawal from Qucmoy and Matsu. Open Thursday to 9 pjn.. "The Eisenhower administra- TUESDAY tion," the mayor., said, -"has taken S,'- NOV. 8 a firm stand where needcd;°narne- ly, as. regards 'Lebanon, and has> kept us *su't: of war." '' •' ": y YANKEE-FIRST PRIZE The Republican candiiiates^fbr local offiees-^-Niehplas St. Jphn La- SWIFT'S - ARMOUR'S Corte and Wesley N. JPhilo *OT Township Committee and Howard Cowperthwaife for; tax !**•». also spoke briefl ^ s; Ann SuspKold were in charge of arrangeiTvents for the dinner. THESE BARGAINS Youlj/for Nixon . tConttotitid frota Page i) SPECIALLY SELECTED : ^ campaign. '., Youth for " • .••;••••;••.::-Jb»;.H».-. ••• ,/ .. ARMOUR - WILSON - HYGRADE 'ft, Xg made all of the post- QUALITY CONTROL BOARD HOWARD ers used in welcoming yiee-Presi- deint-^ Nixon on his visit to Cran- OF DINER'S CLUB ford recently. The group has also Cowperthwaite handed out campaign literature, Pull Down Lever Il-B . OPEN Storewide The Cranford branch will parties or — pate in all activities of the county Case Republican Candidate For 9 a.m. - 6 p.tm CLEARANCE group, including a dance in the near future, .- • Discount Tax Collector Mpn. - Sat. si High school and junior high |* Present Tax Collector Open school students'wishing to join Home Owner the group may call the local chair OUR EXCLUSIVE . I. man. • 3 Former Townihlp ROCCO Commltteeman - 9 a.fn. • 9 p.tn. ALBAN 'liai BVillt |Former Member Bd* Education (ConHnueat yfotn Page 1) SUPREME VERMOUTH y The Piece Experienced in AH Phases of a New Jersey veteran?' hospital Oi Tows Government 7 . Rabbi Gilbert will devote hi BLENDED WHISKEY IMPORTED YOUNG - TENDER — Pald'.fOT by 'H.'- / \ • SWEEPING WINDOW Talk to the demerits of iiuntancc U Plrdof — 4ft % Mhk Dr:. C t?*- • RUBBISH lations and social ^concerns. fh( mOMITALY SHADES anti-defamatiori theme of, the eve Straight Whiskies BROOMS ning will bo carried further with Superior Quality • i BURNERS diir tf>licr" n special Anti-Defamation • Leagiii •Si Up to 36 in. wide material and a display of the Doll V $1J9 36-0?. for Democracy. Harold Block, 1 Reg 2.49 Ahti-Dcfamation League chairman '•• - .... Bfc»l- of the Cranford Lodge, and Mrs. 4/SOt. FullOt. Hrant Coopersmith, Anti-Defama- 10% CASE DISCOUNT 10% CASE DISCOUNT 1 tion League chairman of Kadihiah .__'• •" - f j ' 22 GALLON PLASTIC Chapter will be! present to assis Dr. Gilbert. FRESH GUT Murray Beckermaft, president o THESE FULL QUARTS MM the Cranford Lodge, and Mrs. Al X --/ GARBAGE C SCREEN SET bcrt Chodosh, president of Kadi BETTER BUYS!!! Includes Set of Bras? Andirons, mah, announced that invitation: ^Jt and Peter •have been sent- to representativ CARSTAIRS, PM, PHILADELPHIA,] C M 00 -OUOENHEIMERr^fcBEY^S^INrr^tt^^- And PIECES! DANISH WALNUT1 A WINNER AT BARTON, THREE FEATHERS J "^ Quart Wid«, Blade Draw String Mesh LEGS Ifs a natural... far yeor budget living mam, yeyr family reem". You get 2 leveseat 1 Set Only Pledge sodionals and a lounge chair . . . all in rich sculptured walnut with; tomfoftablo 1. •'•''( DIAL - OR . . . ihome the tola, 2 lounge Reg. 8.95 contour baeks . '. '.eovere d in leathery black or white plesn'e that wipes clean in a chain, th» cocktail end 2 step tablet Enough Free Parking 1 1 $29^ GROUND ROUND STEAK Ib. 79c wink! AND you get the handsome Danish eoektail, eor.ner and step tables ... all ... oil 6 piece* iheun, aha only For All In Rear. wlrir"walriut" taps so levely, you'd never guess they resist burns, stejns, seretehesi i While or Ecro Triple-Track CAR & HOME GROUND CHUCK Kll 6 pieces for only $1691 Terms The easiest! Just 10% down delivers ... you Use Convenient ALCOA ALUM. REVOLVING GROUND MEAT tan take months to 'payl (At ell 4 Koo* stores) ' , PRESTONE Cotnltinalton • *»••• <:•••' ... . Anti-Freeze WASHING FOR FREE DELIVERY" It's ik> BRUSH s WINI >' *.•*-j>i PM > way to travel and 1 .-s KOOS MAIN STORE Norte Sold to Dealers time,-worry and eifort. Get with Pile Reduced from 4.95 30 Eastman St. •he taxi habit. Ra&itay, Rt. 27 • ¥V 8-3700 Porkiuay Escii 135 * Nev) Jeriey BRANCH "STORES ALBAN-LEWIS SeaGiN, Rt, 71 • Gl S&786 . SEW ICE. HOUSEWARES • IARE • GADGETS •GIFTS tt,.?.^H6 2*323 a. ; 7 109 N. Union Aw. — BRidge 6^0866 •J 11 WALNUT AVE. BRIDGE BRidae bOOBO UNITED TUND WINES AND LIQUORS Open Friday Jill B P. M, 7 C Q W ffflo'6 FJM.-. - [CLOSED MONDAY5 YFifaK- • VJ' tt&'szir*'*" « < 1 ' V .1^. h . '

, OCTOBERS, WOO 1 ' =-CBANtoRft (V. J.) CITIZEN"AND CIIIlONlCtE—TlfUjtSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1960 Paje Three,

a^sblutely necessary t0 let the contact with our teachers, who It will be up to them to prove that -- I _ Letters To waders of this honorable news- seem to be under a strain, also, Cranford can be "a little pregnant" IH'II National paper "know the student's view on i and cur routine is so mixed-up we with j!aYnbling"without' 'destroying The Editor the,present crisis toni-eming ed-l its desirable differentness. (JKfett etofc (Otertficle 1 can't se/bm to flhd ourselves and ucition in thu said town m New unfortunately this is not to our ad- Very truly yours, THE CtJwrotD CHRONICU. ESTABLISHED %893? THE 'CRANVOIID CITIZEN. ESTABLISHED 1898. (Continue* froy* Page 2) Jersey known .is Cranford vantage. ,-/ - ' . W. T. Knox (Bttrnirtg tffr the best tor our community. \i ., , (cowuinjh I92)> "* NEWSPAPER WEEK I. tor one, am a freshman"'fn tlwilly hoping that the point*, ih !ranford-Hichr,thus my j.'cfiidute "thjs letfer- have • ; 208~Bebch jl planning experts and is as follows Begin school d.iy at of jour rcadeis, I conclude - Cranford. N. J. relymg on local judgment 12 45 p m and cohclude at 5:25 with a, verbal desire heard over September 18, I960 CjHARLEfe &. RAY, Editor and Publisher stubbornly refuses to unbend P-m— losultmt' in a miserable Jtul over agnin. '"Where ts Cran- t>ea> Sir- * ,,ff neck? Isn't it about tune state of conditions • As of now I fo» d's citizens' thoughts when they doppw' compounding our n-am finding difficulty in one of my donv the proposed sufficient, badly It is difficult to tind words to express what I would like to sjy.. property, bad made applica- L,s errors, iasint town,.school majoi subjects—.i difficulty due to nouded, new high school?" " 5 Yearn Ago . tion for the zoning variance 20 Years Ago D IT RIGHT Important as it Ms, words fail me fOlfptUt School Planning Committee ° tense, > stress and -strain on my Thank you very gratefully, tb pelinlt construction of a mil- . >tal p! 1479 Cf is •»»«* 4 •part, because;,bf my unusual daily at the. moment, ' / .recommended to the Board of |e FIRST YIJM'E? Darlene Whitmey.er ' ^Cranford has •„become'•/"my hurry! annual event lion-dollar plant there,,, The -and- ,vnds ofv-jnine, looking for a schedule and. physical'state. You Education the construction d* riend 'A***- • . Adjustment Board's recommen- -TT; ~-j service --rejected Gran- ;..;., ...and friends , home ; this means 'something very two elementary schools, ati ad- sec, because I go to school for. the . dqtlbri was Tef erred to the com- peacetime draft in entire afternoon, t'onie honic" to near and dear to me./*Cranford ends Nov*2&ih FREEDOM'S dition to Brooltside Place •mlttee of tt|e whole along, with Of the nation. Ten a: 22'-'.Docring way has.bceoirie a living part of me as Member: Quality WeeUIes of Ne* Jersey School, and the conversion of "j-'ij •! lovely town, but theyil eat supper then immediately have letters, petitions and testimony istration places, were « .** '*J[ straighten, out their poor to start in on my hornework l lack N. J. I am surt; it has become a living Cleveland and Sherman Schools part of' each of you.' It is that taken during a public hearing but; w:ere. not-rushed. TW self; composure and confidence' in - . October 13, into two-year jttolor high ship Cleric, Alyin R. J2' / willoughby asks the school myself when.'beginning my school Dear Sir: purposeful part where I have schools. Six, classrooms' were Entered nt the Post Office at Cranford, N. J.. as Second Class Matte*. Published Thursdays «at ford RepJ ! Estate, Board had/ and Supervising Principal How to- reconsider .-..How many work and I seem to Be rushin'g all This letter relates to the binjjo helped, raise a future generation, proposed for ah addition to the my children. Although I shall ..'•••• • • , - .' i"' . • •• '•'•* • '• - •*• '.-'.•• gone on "record :as fHvorinjj£sj> of us feel the/same way? the time. Whep finally in bed and '.r'aifles-question for Cranford Cranford, M. i*by the Cranfopd Citizen and Cb«»«>Icle# toe. Official newspaper for Cranford, Brookside Plate School which grow old and die, 'no town heeds a>pe. modification to permit ., ,,.\Teachers _,,.,lua •'•the time to hiake odi^elves (which is usually quite late) I voters in the November 8 election, had opened the previous year. erection of the plant while the lar electiqn clerks in the ,„,'• For our children's sake, (o- seem to toss and turn, unable .to and "to the reasons' why I shall to grow old and die, especially Garwood and Kenilworth. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a Year, Advertising Rates on Request, The expansion program would : Wood^e Manor Civic and So- tratloiu- jjfrtiw is top late. get to sleep as my. nerves are-all vote against ft. .'**•• Cranford. ...' ' provide for new elementary cial Club, opposed any chaiiige *• * 1 Sincerely, . tense and niy mind ts far from My concern is not about the Therefore, iri dedication to and T school _space of 28 regular class- spocTfte question.,.pn the ballot, but 41s a symbol to the'youth and hope . Office: 21-23 Aldeif Street; (iranfosrii, N. J. . Telephone BRidge 6-6000 '"~"^--H in the area.: •'••:'.''.. '<*' than $jf2.000 was Jerry Krupnick at ease. -Believe me sirs, I'm not rooms, four kindergartens and; whether Ceanford can maintain of the future generation I" take necessary auxiliary rooms.- .in three days Of the Firit the only freshman going through this. torment because I have com- its distinctive character as a com- pride and look 'forward to .con- Letters to the Editor John O.vHarney was elected byterlan Church's & Cranford, Nf. J. October -7, I960 pared, opinions with my fellow munity of people who maintain tributing in-the building of" a Cr.an^ president of the JUwanls Club ford that is young, vigorous and an flske .terrace shed "the only, ray of hope and-good.,, iud funds t$ eliminate a classmates a)jd. we all seem to high standards-^some might everi : 1 Dr. Henry J. Mlneur. say, "old-fashioned standards." Snspirationai part* of a growing only a month, studies' bc sd kmi a t0con share similar problems such as . Crantord, N. J. • . sense; an .-thife 'enttee*'. picture. Tfeit, on the/Slate were Vice- Would you * ^ " America. * Ssd^uarding Our Heritage erf Freedom he has been largely ignored or already underway «t . thisk'tter being printed in these just stated. A good many ; peoplg have- - October HJj- 19«u 1 president, G^ Wlnfleld ScoK: moved to Cranford,-my family in-- . I asik ouch of you to actively given a fast shuffle by the school ,••; CnatmA High 8chool to de- newspaper as. I. know this We all agree that we will never Bear Sir: ; treasurer,^Jamesi J. Coupland; brought b the S clbded, beeause of the type of join with me In support of .the "Your Newspaper -s- Freedom's larger papers pl^y in their expanded authorities; .--,. .'• • !•./ * •,'••'.• hBtr to solve; the over-. |(Of.a cause. • ; ,''.'• be able to keep-up to our set ;• It is time for Cranford citizens directors. George F. Richards, est amonnt community Cranford was — not-Township Committee's ordinance Guardian" is the thertie for tiie observ- spheres, keeping you informed of events '•• I do-nat know, Mr. jB. S. Will-. igvraMem tfcete the fol- PredH. Gray, Jr.. Dr. William ij('seems that now I'have come scholastic standards this year" as for. a beautiful Township, Build- to stop thinking that our schools | actuation 'Whewr I ;feel it is like a major.ity of New Jersey arc mere building's. dur schools oughby, but X have; become•••one;-'.' . SepteimbeF. ' • The, sen-/ Silvennan. -Arthur •• F. Mete, we can neVcr really have close ing and enlarged new modern Li- ance this week of National Newspaper on'.the community level in such varied fair <*a» eaarijrted of about 170 towns arid cities:' Its rejection of arc' ior^the'ejevelopment of chil- of his admirers; purely through his James F.KervIck, Walter K. ljingo and raffles three years ago brary as a "tribute to a'confident, Week/ ••'"*•. ." fields as governtheht, educatibj|i^ civic •tadents while there Schwiecer and Joseph A. Ko-•'••r -Tiie.: feoard of Educatio^j v dren, mentally, physically, and so--. first letter and. his: subsequent ads again' marked- it as different, and young, growirtg and progressive , - this theme is particularly approp- and" social affairs;, church activities, atb daily—not storage facilities. ';.;'"•- (which I presume he pays for him- most 3M stoli cnide proposal, to build a now • • in the eyes of the voting majority Cranford which we endow with 'A' stacseved jdan was in'7ef- ..senior high school us a'meami There has^ been a great deal of self) .proposing an entirely valid; : desirably, different. pur .vote arid tax dollars as,!a- herU riate during thfe year «fMimportant ha- leticS, service projects, club, programs fect at the time to solve Uie waiskL '; • .;•••'* --v: -,i ••'.•.''. oif, alleviating crowded scheoi irresponsible talk about, the just-' solution to the dilemma, "*.; I am" opposed" to bingo and raf- tage to our children. • ; CHECK BOOK COUPONS tional election In our country and in a and manyothets. ' • for high ' school, by people who oretcrowded conditionM with conditions was carried by V CHI-AUr CHATEAU INC. Won't you be.a part of leaving fles- because they' are symptomatic What Mr. Willoughby suggests v vote, of 1,825 to 407 at atos' period of World-wide political upheaval The more than U700 daily and 9,000 thinkof it as a building ahd only* 1JSX& students enrolled In the of an unhealthy obsession with these buildings as our memorials ; is* relatively simple. He asks "that seventh through'twelfth «r»des* '-•; 15 Years Ago V \ =''rial school' election. The faLl Route 22—Mountainaide ' ...'•'•.«- Will Be Accepted at Regu- which at times serves as a cloak for the weekly newspapers throughbut pur coun- <& building. Time-is running otit. the school board/get off its stub- selfish uses of money. They ap- of confidence,.exantple and effort .* ',*•, • ."-.'.•• .* '. margin was-.considered remark-1 and we. need to remind ourselves drattford "JSlgh School took COMPLETE CHINESE AND AMERICAN CUISINE peal ,td • greed,- and focus attention in ' keeping Cranford "Alive and born one-way stand for the Orange .able because a sltrtilur proposail s lar Prices, Only, During enemies £of democracy to seize control try often are a potient force ih^Dringin| .now,that thevjunior high school is. ation .servlcfe for its fourth straight football game on-getting something for little dr Young"? ' u avenue site and look around it, " White,- Jr., of New- .for a new high school -in m\ Luncheons of the press and subsequeiitl|;iof the abou*- t^ desireJ-s^ d^ civi• *c improvement• -s i•n a program based upon^ound-ed- taking a long view of Cranford as by a score of 19 to 1-2 at North Dinners nothing. \Vhile.'they'claim their , • ; Sincerely • yours, This Sate! ucational philosophy. .' " .'. :••'"•,•v>' ; to tkf held at the First" ha«l' beseri turned down almost " \ '.'ftenry A. Detering ; minds of their fellowmen. .v'"' their respective "cities arid towns| be- .a wh^Ie. • ,\. •.'"• '"-. , Plainfleld,'.'. East Orange, Lin*' thifee to one.' The vote of a , Orders to Take Out prizes, are not really valuable, in From my own personal.teaching Church where he had the players thtfetaoietaonitaoin T . During National Newspaper Week, cause of isn enlightened public opinion What he propose^ is the .con- minister of music and or- den and Regional had been the proval was preceded by a cat experience, i realise' il cannot be/ demnation of land \kn< paign by tnahy local orgariiza-1 Complete Chow Mein Dinner for Two the eyes of the. players,the prizes Dr. Iversen t<> ganist for eight years. He also first three:to fal|. f . must be valuable enough to spend all Americans are asked td^give some shaped and nurtured by the free Ameri- just a^building, nor a collection of? tion of a high schotit on v tions' including a special schoot'l 4 served as assistant to Dr. Ben- ' Three more cases of Infantile : the time and risk their . money.' thought to advantages of Mng in a land csfhpress.. jvt .'• . • '- .//•"•. -V' ' • '.' •"' grades. . It must be a program of' trally located site—one \ti issue of the Citizen and Chron- College President Rites jamin W.. P. Allen, pastor.' He paralysis had been recorded ill ; ,-•• $1.30 :-'.-_^''.'- .. •It is hot a matter of degree with education developed in terms of . permanently- serve the »^ds ot icle, _ .;.., .• •'•"•• , . Dr:' Kenneth W. Iversen, dean, with a iree press. lira world beset with Our nation's; business system, tod, the hature andNtteeds .of the early, had received his bachelor of Cranford during the preceding me; it'is a matter of principle. will represent Onion Junior Col- the entire community--diot for 10 divinity degree the previous week, brtarta? the total to 12, i\ TO RAY DeVAtLE'S ORCIffiSTRA commuhis^tyVanny, weTwould do weH to built as it is on moving goods from -the adolescent. . We know that ehil- years but until the school il^elf While T hope the yotiMg major- lege at" the inauguration tomor- , dren of this age* .group need a x ''June from Drew University.. ' Health and school officials and the petition of 14 residents ttj "Friday — Saturdqy v- Siinday • .ity- still feels'as they." did. in 195,7* row of Robert H. Parker as presi- remember that teal comes to a shelf or showroom to the Consumer, ben- wears out. ./•'•• • ". •. .\, .••'.*_•#•.-•-' . 1 uniquely different educational pro- physicians Combined in a re- the Berlant ft»rk se*Uon for it is possible they won't. If- bingo dent of Wesley College, Dover, nation when dei sm muzzles its im- «fits largely because -our newspapers, Dean kswhliy son of Mr. and ^ri8S gram and.a school building de- What he is is lefis forget newed effort to check further permission to have their prop. I TO*i and raffles arc aflb,wed~Fn Cran- Del. ^placable v4heir-ad- and Spence W. Rankln of IS spread of the~dlsease. -fordrthose-responsible-sriould-real- rornd. newspapers, vertisiing columns tP niove gob • 'the. • values; uM_6ttrs^ves^s^ _withthe hifhest recorded num- to the City of Linden ma te- ize their heavy responsibility to- team from the Middle> States As- _i at he is saying is that our ' flies In schools and> to spray the ley iii X Four' dumps. Th© State. Board of derived from the 12-to: iS-year- own's future»,k at stakeL As a Mrs. B. W. F. Randolph of DISCOUNT ON internal ap external proljlems our coun- Iliere is a tremendous emphasis to^ teses" were .to established) Health was contacted- and its olds who are in \i Tukbulenj rseidential community^real estate . 116 Walnyt avenue was elected try faceVplay a vital role %i preserving dayio> youth and its welfare, both at flie*« i for nse American Inspectors took samples of Rah- Holding Rummage Sal physical changes" bring about Values are the liiebtood of Gran- president of the newly-fortjik way Elver water for analysis A iummage sale will be held by that MB- press hereV Only lyhen you homie(and abroad, and one of the grea^ psychological, social; and er ford. We can't afford to make it Woinen's Society of Christ!^ and the National Foundation thtr Roselle-Cranford Chapter o al disturbances. One monjtfnt the a second rate town because of Service 6f the Cranford Meth- know/the truth can you support what is es^ heritages «re cin gi^e ourypurig peb- : for^ Infantile' Paralysis was Now! Enough hot water JfJadassahr at 125 East Second ave- child has a strong, tirge to^-be grown poor planning; and lack of fore- 10 Years Ago odist Chitfcfh, a • merger of va» goo4 and condemn what is badbad, . pie is a free press^ that xvM keep both catted, lor assistance,. nue, Roselle,' on Monday through up and the next; he sH|fe back into- sight. ' __;••'. -' . ..; •x :• rious women's societies of the | - In a communication receive! Friday of next week. Mrs. Irving Your hometown newspaper plays as a'Childish dependency; Strong in •••.:••;' ;*.:• *'.*•••.'"'. " their government and their lives free in -His proposal makes such good by' the Township Committee, cfiureh, Myerson of 28 Munsee drive' te his life is the desire to be one of, iportant a role on the local front as the a\iast-changing world temmuhity» • senseTthat it is shocking the way the Board of Adjustment rec- ir its editorial, "A New chairman for the fund raising pro- the crowd. /He supers great it has been snubbed and sneered ommended a change in zone Figfiti'* the Cranford Citizen- to do all your washing As aresult of the adoption of | ject. '. 1 ' - ... . Strains in his effort to establish at by our school men. As a real- front Residence A to Industrial" . an.' •';."• concerned. And as a citizen. I near Hillside avenue. . The:-'lifi" ' Press; .'AssOeiationv Newspaper' tion of Arthur Boerimimn and | count by Nov. 5th «nd receive in throughout the world on Moriclay, Tjas independence. Unprecedented popula- For all these reasons.the junior am sure he is.sincere in wanting A. Wilton Co. of Newark, which Institute at KutgersHTniversity, Fred .^Nlck io regular tcrest for the full next six months high school is not simply att ex- (Continued OR Page 3) had an option to purchase the Hew Brunfwick^-. and clerk, respectively. eveni the observance commemorates is : tion growth has added fresh urgency tension of the "elementary,' school the coming into force of the Uhited^Na^ su^l6nf standing problems as^ thesh or ;a;- senior high school iri minia- ^BLANKETS DRAPERIES ^sup- .. the-..early.- ad'ol- -1 sjtgimigroi wiac ci>an«r an^ruie esiai^ : escent is out jbf.plaee. Jfn a senior' hshment of the United Nations organiza- cational facilities The benefitsitriat could hijgh school, he -'feels-'-excluded tion represented the beginning of the result from the mastery of atomic energy from the planniiig aftd activities of the 16- to 18-year^pld group greatest ^effort by the peoples of the and other great discoveriesTof science are which dominates the life o£ the world to get rid of war-^nd to build a * clouded bytfcfe threatjoitcivilkatioh's de- school. . ' _ , betterpeace. struction should they be used for other Now, let's keep some,of. these things in mind before somebody A rare unity of purpose went into than peaceful purposes. suggests a K2-8%"SLBrdgrani..' . the founding of the United Nations, and -4. A sober, awiraisal 15 years aiter the Very truly yours, '' ". ; Special partnership and solidarity- were its cor- charter was signed shows that the world Terry Hume •• - «•. nerstone. As a human endeavor, it is not heeds the/United Nations more than ev* "(Mrs, S. Elliott Hume) without imprfections, but~15 "years* eJc^ er. Tli^fact that fiill application of all • . 42 Nomahegan court perience has confirmed the nobility of the. charter provisions has not 4been pos- * Cranfordr Nf-. J. does youf its purpose and the necessity of interna sible because of continuing mistrust does October 13, I960 have you tried .JDear Sirs-' ' " s '••'."- tr famous, custom tional cooperation as the means of achiev- |iot invalidate the charter itself; rather, Lack of tong-range planning, CLOTHING IBLANKEB REBOUNl ing that purpose. it uriderlines the importance of the Unit- exceedingly poor judgment and an NICHOLAS ST. JOHN need custom I -.•''. :...... SHIRT . These -J5 ye^a-s have^ not been e VapiSalling eontjnuatipn of geo- ed Nations as the means for those con- graphical hair splitting have been TAILORING? I Only 2.50. LAUNDERING? ones. The promise of big power h the..distinguishing characteristics tacts and • negotiations, public and pr> CIA. \ Bring Thew T© Swaii- | y ur Choice of C$6YS gave way to "coW ^ar" Bistn mold- vate, most likely to heal conflict without of Uie Cranford schools system, or- ' J O hone finer, anywhere! Vj ganization for far too jnaay years. • Paall Down'Lfever 9-B . ""vs. For Professional Service. ering tensions between natio t times loss of prestige to either sidei- and for -A (julek glance backward -at have flared into open hostilities. The reducing the dangers to peace. dur eomntunily^ school construe- Republican for Re-Hection To vast gap betweh technically advanced Snitsfil tion program.inHIcates that in al- j -s * »• • J • ^- *.-•• j- . ^ 15 years, the United Na- mest every eas^ new schools were and underdeveloped countries has posed- turns already has becomepart of the fab- built with nothing more in mind' TOWMSHiP COMMITTEE than getting the. job done as fast feeEng. Why don't you snuggle •k Cranford Attorney econoniie prpb^msz^ith . far-»eachmg tk of • internatiortal life, into which it is eonseqiienees, The/rapid advance to sov^ slowly weaviig a new pattern of human as possible and with the least fuss. • "k-. Home Owner The haphazard architecture of- op to a t*resent Township o ereign stat^iood^fii accordance with the ^solidarity* These years have proved the eur present high school is one glar- . pfip Druclcaiiinii, •Laundcrutu goak^Hhe WCharter.of formerly de- Worth of the organiwtion and the need ing example. With its flre trap Committeeman. 4 Yrs. and Allit'd SI'Tvices lit Please'the .corridors and its lack of expansion P.itd for by II. LaycofK. Quality'Conscinux . ...'"" .,,, pendent peoples,; especially in Africa, al- of its>aaembeir governments and'peoples IS Mohawk Dr., Ci-anf6i*d, N: J s ro6m,ait was,outmoded before, it f°^? uf ? J-^^ ^ ProblemP s of adjusbnentjt, , fofqrr the^^ssenUalservicethe^ential servicess it can "renderender was finished arid has precipitated both fojf the fprmerxadmiiustering pow-; in the preservation of peace and thesolu- the present crisis. • Th© abselufely ridiculous situa- eis and for jthe new spates faced with . tioh6f the other problems of internatiori- tion perpetuated by our school Homeowners all over the state arc con- Get In_ touch with uatoday. Find put thrtask of building the admiaistrative alUfe itt the spirit of the charter boards, in that construction of a vexing, to oil-fired water heaters an^ how you can greatly reduce present util- Ml school on one side of the com- ^Mobilheat, With' Mobilheat the water is ity bills by switching to a Mobilheat. munity must result in. appease- FORMS

school is another ,case in-point. ily uses it . »•'. and, it cos^ tixem-Tess! you caiTprofit year-£euna~fr©m 6"u? Thus we have a Brookside School Tests have proved that oil is the least MobilhmtAuto^aMi&PersanalCawplanl^ that will go on double sessions expensive, most emeientrway-of Beating INSURANCE Alter Thanksgiving Will Be Too Late To Aext.year and three schools on the southern end of town that sit 'What's more, our Mobilheat, custom- KNOWN Secure the Best Selection of— partially full and within a stone's throw of each other. ers enjoy dollar-saving Automatic Per* Now we are about to do It again. sonal Co«!=-'an exclusive, personal Mobil- TOMAN! Undaunted by the loss of one ref- heat service that keeps heating efficiency + CUSTOM DRYCLEANERS erendum calling for a high school up, fuel consumption and heating billa -# WEDDING GOWN SERVICE". at Orange avenue, the school board dowa!.. i all mrtomalically! J-^r , Safely Wormi mo« people than on/ otbw booiinfl ofl' LIFEIN5URAI it COTTON CRISPE SERVICE - is blithely going jhead with an- ie SHIRT LAONDERERS Stop in Now— >-...; / •• . '-..••.' . •-. other referendum calling for the RIAL ESTi * COLD STORAGE VAULTS same, site, with a^stone throw to it BUG CLEANERS the South Side by the construe-, i( CUSTOM TAIL5HING tion of a Junior high there. I don't believe ^he referendum has a ehancs* oi passage. It \vill SHARKEY ALLEN PRINTING CO. Be defeated for the sam«» reasons if Cranferd Planf • 44 North Ave.# East as the first vote—poor location, ' it Elizabeth Branch Store • 4 West Jersey St. 41 North Ave., E. # Cranford7 N. J. fuzzy economics • and stupid ta' 113 Miln St. sectionalism., i plan to switch i.^, • • : '•• "• ; • • •.-'...••"• vote to the-negative side for still T«L BR 6-2474 • ;!l»-jur fim Parit • Quantify m Am|*Je Gaunter another reason—I refuse to* ap- prove the MmpouBdiH£__of o 'for Ceurteeus, Bended "On Time" _-3£Aj^afa<»rt *<> . fetatouitfc^ -^-Rpoi^for-Uigur^ k sing even further. OKice: Call TOM SHAMTT P Please Call BR 6-3300 FJrelious©) iySeJe^foii ^'..•... .While".the drunabeatefs for or '• SCOTCH PLAINS • WESTriELD against "have beea busy at work «ncmbertid»ai4epojltlnjw«ncteorpor»ltoo - • Nerllt with the new referendum, onis. V man, to date unsupported, has '" •l'--

» / '»'v M '' '** i ~r

> >. — CRANFOBO no stuaertts at all enrolled from THIS IS THE YEAR chetical instruction at 9:30^ j Bohl and her husbapfl have worked New Series $y The Eev. ABNOLD J. DAHLQUIST. Pastor The men and boys' choir will *e- The third in -a .series of four nuood, Mountainside,- Summit I with the 165,00* "people of the "Calvary Evangelical-' Lutheran Church... meetings for adults preparing for Cub Pack 84 at-7 p.m. in fello and only one each hearse today at" 7:30 p.m. ship hall. , x «Cotopaxi p«>vincc in Central .LUTltERA^GET TOGETHER , Tomorrow a training session will church membership will be held ort Berkeley Heights, New Pro- THIS IS THE CAUSE at 8 p.m. in the'junior zoom- "The K-idcnce, Plainfield and Scotch • Ecuador. / REV. RONALD GRIFFITHS On Great Men Seldom have I been called upon to^vote for the demise of an be held ,in the church at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Senior. Luther „.„ \ The Rt of the Cranford Baptist Church;- to become* acolytes. ranne Biribauer's. Young ^S r.-- - Jppears, I will have, voted for the death of the United Lutheran The final training session for _ " same as taxation with- want to help? i foljeiwing riots in the Congo where A dinner will be served for the wiU visit the homcq of ^ puy had been working in the lum- Methodists will begin the first -in the series "church in America, the denomination to which 1 belong. But canvassers for the Eyery Member Schaner. Linda' Dahlqukt ut representation. „ of messages on the great person-, from this will spring new life. For on January^ 1, 1963, the members of the Men's Brother- Canvass will be held at 8, p.m. are presenting admirably welKquali ber carript. of the Vyngo district. hood and theij- families in Sher- Betty Brethertoh. "Sixty of the 108 students listed | Work of the Christian and Mis- alities in the New Testament at •Lutheran Church in America, born ot the merger- of. four present Mpnday in the junior room. The Monday, Church Council t7-3| [by Mr. Batfel are from three com- fied candidates for November 8. Tbeir election Continue lock Hall on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. nursery staff will meet at D:15 a nonary Alliance in the Congo is he 11 a.m. service Sunday at.Roo- Lutheran communions, will come into existence. - This will- repre- Services on Sunday, the 19th pJrt.; United Lutheran chu unities. And at least three others continuing, but the school program sent the second merger within American Lutheranism in a five-' p.m. The Prayer Group'will meet Men at 7 p.m. Tuesday, kihe |arc from municipalities outside Uieans sound government for you. sevelt School. His theme will be Sunday after Trinity, will include at 9:30 a.m. 1:30 pjn. Tuesday is suffering because it was partial- year period/ garten department' staff at a i Union County, which contribute Fall Series 'The Greatest Among Men.*' 8 a.m. .Holy Eucharist; 9:15 a.mi.n the, junior room. ly supported by the Belgian gov-' The Rex-. William Burns, di- .The mid-week prayer service Morning Prayer and Family Euch- Wednesday, children's chbij r county taxes at all to support "Electioneering is a costly business worthy Cranford agencies ernment and the new government At 8 p.m. Wednesday the session ._• school. rector of music at Morrow Me- will be held Wednesday at the MnstT people-who do not know us. can't understand why there aristj-ll a.m. Morning Prayer' and 3:30; youth choir at 6:45; hai no fund-;, the Rev. Mr. Wal- and its work committees will meet 'Even the original intent of the rijonal Church, Maplewood, will home of Mr. and' Mrs. Wade are so'many different Lutheran bodies in this country. Actually, Sermon. members class at 8:15 Will indu Many citizens—Republicans, Democrat, in- born s^id. -pe.ik on "Sacred Music'" at the in the , junior room. Committee [school has been destroyed.'* said Homesley, 751 Walnut avenue-at the picture is-not nearly as chaotic as some make tt.itut to be. Daily services will include a chairmen are: Sidney Smith, personsLcpming>y letter of 1 dependent-interested in the Nixon-Lodge tick- The public is, invjted to attend. second, session on ."'Religious Mu- 8 pm. The second in a series of celebration of the Holy Eucharist fer frtSm. other Lutheran e« •the Republican candidates. "In- sic" m the Fall Church Night Ser- T&ere is very dose cooperation among the most of them. Also, evangelism; Neal S. Arnold, Chris- itially vtho 'institute was to be a Bible studies Will be taken from on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday' tian education; Fred Deacon, gations. et- are volunteering the time and money We ies at 8 p.m. Wednesday at'the the Book of Revelations. the divisions among us are not the result of family squabbles. |xo<:aUoriaIN schools for nigh school and Friday at 7 a.m.; on Thursday stewardship; Mrs. Frank Sloat, na- N need. ~ . Crawford Methodist Church. The structure of a youth fellow- They are tHe result of deep loyalties to their former European' at 9 a.m. with the sacrament of [studchts from throughout the in our 196 Long Branch In the other class1 Karlfried Conn tries. tional and world—mission. The •county. In its present setup, how- ship, .its importance and place in ajn- Tchurchastaff-also-will-BtteHd; r Four Calvary Wointen Froehlich, professor at Drew Uni- the church was outlined by Wade As Lutheran settlers set saif for this country .during various Icver, it is a~p6st=^raduate~techni^ i The service "of Morning Prayer -Career dressings will be made leal institute for adults, with only o~m©'re~cani ~ Group to Visit versity," will continue his discus- Homesly, adult adviser, at a meet- stages of development of the^past'few centuries, they brought takes place each day 15 minutes To Attend Conference ion of the dospel of John: His ing last Sunday of •_,the /Baptist Margaret Greene Associa- Fout officers of the Un school graduatesXeUgible to paigning reach inore voters. with them the church of their homeland. For long years after- before the Eucharist and the ser- at 10 ajn. today in the begin- topic will be '•Miracle or Sign?" Vouth Fellowship. Dennis Sulli- ward (many of us feel too long), desperate efforts were made vice of Evening Prayer is conduct- Lutheran Church-Women of i_ The two classes will run through ners' room. .urge Union County citizens At St. Mark's van, president, led the program. to preserve ties with home. For example, many Lutheran con-^ ed in the church each evening at vary Lutheran Church will atte You can help by sending your contribution November 9 sponsored by the The group will meet Sunday at Its veigkthe truth of statements , The Rev. A. Earl Jordan, pastor,, gregations for generations Used only the language of their native 5 p.m. Each Saturday from .4 to the ilth annual convention of 1 Chancel Choir, Men's Bible Class, 6:30 p.m. in the parsonage. He approaches, the study ot lmade on the subject," the state- or writing to the , / and his choir and .congregation country. However, as second and third generations came along, 5 p.m. one of-the clergy is in the Central -Conference of ULCW i and Women's Bible Class- Sunday School will meet at mankind with great advantages Wednesday in Perth / l&cnt continued. "Our opponents from Trinity AME Church, Lonjj these cultural ties have materially weakened. Where once the church for spiritual counseling and '•Christian Brothers" has been 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. the administration of the sacra who Is accustomed to the stud; of A workshop at 1 p.m. will •say a special law would be re- Branch, will >be guests at a fel- names on the membership roll of some congregations would all r lowship service on Sunday at 3:30 selected by the Rev. Albert Al- ment of absolution. nature.—Henry David Thoreau. cede a talk on missions in BritisL l^ired by the State Legislature to p m. at Su, Mark's AMK Church. hnger, pastor, as his topic on Com- end "sen" or "son," today most congregational rolls look like the Guiana, pinner will be servediq [permit a referenduha proposed'hy UNION COUNTY mitment Sunday at the 9:25 and The young people's conformation •us This is just hot soN|Our oppon- The Re^fL Mr. Jordan will de- Bas Mitzvah Set register of the United Nations. 5:30 pun. followed by an addr 10:55 aJn. services. class will take place in the educa- lenH say they asked Senator Robert liver the message. The program s * « * *,% Junior High Fellowship tyiy tion building on»Monday at 3:30 by the Rev. Rufus Comclsen, u |C. Crane and the Assembly deles REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE will be sponsored by Stewardess At Temple Beth-El The effect of weakening the home ties has meant* drawing p.m. Boy Scout Troop 74 will-meet rector of social action, board 1 Board 1. meet at 7 p.m. in the auditorium I gallon to pass legislation permit- / (Checks payable to committee^ for. a UNICEF workshop. Inter- /Rabbi Sidney D. Shanken has together. So today, the number of independent Lutheran bodies in Sherlock Hall at 7:30 p.m. At for social missions, United Luth |bn| a county referendum. The Rev. John A. DeVeaux, Jr., In the United St*tes b one-fourth of what It was just before World. 8 p.m. thev bazaar committee will Church of America. 323 North Broad Street, Elizabeth pastor, will otter the meditation; mediate Fellowship plans a dis- selected "Adult Jewish Learning" J truth i<;, no such legislation cussion on «Potttics—Not Perfect, as his topic at the .Friday- night War I. , And by January. 1&53, seven present groups will have, meet in the education building and AIRLINE TICKETS , Attending will be Mrs. Alex-I wnetded, and Sen. Crane has told " "Why Prayers Don't Work." at ttoe v at 8:30 p.m. the "Evening Sewing but JWiofe." Senior High Fel- services' at '8:30 o'clock- at Temi become two, - - index Michelson, president; I this to the freeholders. for by Union CojJnty Republican Cointnitice. 11 p.m. service Sunday. 'The Cos- Group will convene m> the guild (t) ,/* lowship will study "Life. After pie Beth-EL . Warren Sechrist, vicc-pr r. mopolitan choir sunder the direc- room. "These statements of the Demo- Death," the meaning of Christ's The Bas Mitzvah of Michele What is happening with the family is also being reflected' Mrs. Walter Schwartz, rtcor__. tion oi George Hainey will sing. 'A Conference on The Christian find out Fast ia the secretary., and Mrs. John MejerJ jcrats arc significant." the Repub- Mrs. Herma Adams is organist. death applied to youth today. Weiner will take place at the same outside. Today Lutherans have much closer cooperation with other lican candidates declared. "If our The Young Adults will meet at service. T.ife" to be sponsored by the Epis- treasurer. A teachers' meeting will be held Protestant communions than was the case just 25 years ago. At copal * Churchwomen of the Dio- [opponents believe what they say, the home of Kenneth Mceks of Sabbath services will be held YELLOW I then ive have placed our county at a p.m. Monday. At 8 p.m. Tues- the present time several distinguished Lutherans hold -key posts cese of New Jersey will take place 1 •day—the-Missionary. Society- will 404_Centra.l_ ayeiiuc_ at j0_ P^j _ :rom_ 10 to 11:30 a.m. The_por- -in the World and National-eouncil of i Nature hag given us two '-—-".in thf> hands.nf^dftr "ff y HCT ""Wooclwaid/ ex- tfon" ot!~tne~Toran' "to 'be^chairited UNITED meet. Prayer ^Meeting and Bible 3 eyes, ana but oruftongueri I spairingty. irresponsible people. If will be from Exodus 8:15 to 11, Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. class \vill be held 'at 7:30 p.mecutiv. e secretary of the Family the end that we should hear; I they do not believe what/they-say. and Children's Society, will be teaching of Noah and the flood. This Is a new day (or American l>utheraiilsm/i am grateful 'The boys' choir will rehearse at Wednesday. -' 5 p.m. on Tuesday and the girls' .see more~than we speak.' jail the worse for-the/people of The K-€^j3 oXthe K-6,2,4 arrangement of our schools may Teenage activities will be from guest speaker' at a meeting of theThe lesson from the Prophets will to God to be a part, of it Unity Is real in our/hour. be taken from Samuel I, 20. Rabbi choir rehearsal will take place at It/nion County." / be ideal, but in Cranford it is too costly and impractical. (Un- 8 to II p.m. tomorrow. A men's Child Study Club on "Monday at I Mr. McDonough/ Mr. Osborne 8:15 p.m. -Mrs. Louis R. 'Paterno Shanken will preach on "The Z:30 p.m. The CranfordrChapter.of less we have birth-controL) „ work project will be conducted WAV W> BIAin I anti-Mr. Tiller noted that a non- "will lead -devotions, Hostesses Flood." ' ' Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at the church all day Saturday, it in Sherlock Hall at 8 pjn. I binding referendum on the Cnanc- Build a 1,300 pupilx senior high School and a 600 pupil -was announced. will be Mrs. Victor Kocenko, Mrs. The Rev. Samuel Lavitsky will United Nations Observance Donald Williams, Mrs. Donald xhant the liturgy at both services. ling of the school is part of their junior high school. ConverVpresent high school to junior high Hedeen. - Iplatfotm, and that the three Re- school HBSTCHOKBQF CBtET.SGENTIS! lpublican/atready on the freehold- ..t. On Tuesday at, 8 p.m. the com- Arranged at Osceola Church 10-12 Total * ""' ' AVK. AT HEN BT. CHRISTIAN 8CIENCB ' ler board have pledged support for mission on finance will meet in the .CHURCH SERVICES In observance of United Nations Sunday, the Rev. Albert JG * Satiurbantf-'^ *- Capacity 3840 18OO-l§aO? 1S0O old sanctuary under, the leadership p*eItefereHdui m '•' '' "'''' Service*: Sunday It JUS,-' The practical significance for to- JDezsoV pastor of Osceola Presbyterian Church, will deliver a message suggests you £ .. Max. Enroll. S318 1673 \ 1613 \ Max. Est of Robert linger.; Msrihus TV /"Bel day of Christ Jesus' victory avej? en-'Vrhe Moral ww»'v awi.:u> — UV-M 'Before a referendum east be 3328 1260 \ 998 5604. ' . Tfesttnaony EastonT cTjairman* will lead' a death will be brought out at Chris- day. A general assembly/offering tot general missions also will be I placed oa the hallot. however." the ajli ' 1S85 \ 1339 60387- WedneuUy Sventef* 8:15 o'clock meeting of the commission on ed tian Science churches Sunday ia Ithwe eaadidates • declared, "we •XABIKO'BOOM ucation at 8 p.nt. in the chapel. received. CONVENIENCE CHECKING 1968 S258 1660 V 1.364 ' 6277 11* Nwtfc ipitai.'Jkiaw Cnater* the lesson-sermon entitled "Proba An open discussicju/'Does Your I Rust have Republicans electedJn 19(^ 3205 1632 ^1599 6436 tion After fleath,M "• ACCOUNT TO-DAY! I November, to provide a majority ibxu ^rUUf. IO-.36 Grace is but glory Jbegiuv and Church fulfill the/Needs 6f Its Wasted class space K^6 is 512 pupils. Eo]Uivalent to one i '; Friday t*eniri*/ 7:30 p m.—» - pin, Scriptural readings .will include 1 Ilelsen, and Donna Jean Mega, lyot? on the' question.*'' '. • glory is but grace perfected.— Jon- Young Seattle,* wjtt be held at the laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marino school building. High school over crowded by So\pupils. W athan Edwards. . • > the following:" '.'Nowwhen, Jesus Senior Westminster :, Fellowship was risen early the first. day_of ^ga, were baptized by the .pastor CEREBRAL PALSY LEAGUE OF UNION COUNTY- meeting Sunday at .7 p.m. On Sat- ast Sunday morning. . •••• TRUST COMPANY Dwyer Statements 3L Build «ne .i^JOfl jupil senior high school. vert the the week,' he" appeared fi|st urday this group will, meet at the present high school to a junior high. Diagnosis, treatment and therapy at treatment center in Elizabeth; support of i Mary .Magdalene, out of -whom he SCOTCH HJUNS-WMTTIELD church at JflftiS p.m. before starting K-6 10-12 ha4 east seven devjl&,\» a progressive dinner at members' Fear h the weapon in the hands CRANFORD CHAPTER, AMERICAN RED CROSS— if tyrants.—Mary Baker Eddy. 3840 fooo-isod? 1300 wardthe appeared unto the eleven homes, Nf>4>aci 3318 1079 1613 him after tie was risen** .01: The speaker win .be the Rev, Ro- « Demoeratie headquarters. S30 Service to the chronically ill; immunization, dressings, bedside nursing and other serv- <16:0,14). bert Shaffer of Ogdensburg, The 53 J Centennial avenue. Friday eve- S. BuM a 1400.pupil.senior Convert present From ^selejiee and Heali th theme is "What On Earth Cab We |h|Hf. ••• /. .. ;.. • ;-, ••• high school to a junior high. -> ices for entire community p^_,v; * y\ ; >,•-. Key -to the Scriptures" Mary Bo?" • -..•• .: •.•/ • an 10-12 CRANFORD WELFARE ASSOCIATION— Baker' Eddy this will/be fead The men of the church will fU.e Florence' PI-i>wjie*'has 3840 1000-1300? •1600 (4&20-24): "Jesus' unchanged pby By Van — Bail ^ Boat— Alt Capadiy sponsor a family nite supper at on hour-long sp&tecukr capturing tite ctrarifet, *aned the Democrats in control 3318 . 1673 c 1613 Necessities of life, financial assistance ancjl guidance to needy families sical condition after what seemed Max. EnrolL the church today at 6:30 humor and»music i>f i»rusideHtial campaigns hf Congress with faUure to pass S K-fi 9-12 te Jse death -was followed by hisBaked ham and scalloped, potatoes I workable medical care bill for the NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES- exaltation above all'material edn= HENRY P. TOWNSEND, Agent throughout History. Capacity •3840 IOOb-1300? 1600" will be served family style. Fth would, have- provided ment figures from, 1958-1&76 are taken from the ^Summary of 7:45 p.m. in the small fellowship THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANIES health iasuranee for senior Earoyment ForecasiMCase Two," September 2j, 1959, by J. E.. JNION COUNTY PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC — f ' YOU'LL UKE roam. This will be followed by the "tizens would be eartted and paid SUNDAYS Chrlstian**educaUaa course for art Of 06 McGovney. Diagnosis, consultation and therapy for the emotionally sick y«a OMIU your best Impression m*en yonr Slefjdfd Avenue at Cherry Street ** S ^ Security SyS- WNBC — (660) 7:45 teachers and prospective teachers i the Senate, the Republican these figures shew that Crariford does not need a new gluMS ar« approprute, becoaung anil op to in the- church school taught by Mr. . LAURANCE J. PYNE, Pastor UNION COUNTY UNIT, N. J. ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN- WOR-TV. Chan. 9 — 12JB PJ4. TRAVELERS AGENT Junttff High Sehsel. . ' date With oar new frame*, id new thapes. style*. Martin B. Gray, assistant in .Special school and. day camp for retarded ehildren; other services for children Christian education of the Osceo- The citizens of Craaford owe It to themselves to see the •unrigs and color* w* caa it you with At us* la Church, at 8 pja, • October 23-30 VISITING HOMEMAKER SERVICE OF CENTRAL UNION COUNTY — laC J9» **4» *» consfoit ybe nwit and the look . high school'located en Eksrlan Road In Westfleld, which has a The men of the church will bowl -capacity »f IJSQrt to t,ftflfl pupils and is located en a. 13.8 acre, site. Uned household workers to help in the home when sickness strikes ^ DR,H. HERMAN at Echo Lanes on Tuesday at 7 Sunday Services p.m.,and at Linden Lanes at© p.ht, 9:§0 and .11:00 A.11; 7:00 P.M. If you feel that ike proposed referendum will be defeated, WASHINGTON ROCK GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL — Boy Scout troop 44 will also meet tt is youf &ity te write to the Board of Education and inform Robert E. Brunner 0ft this date at 7 pin, at the church* Week-day Services. A full^couting program for 1,250 Cranford giris Eyes Examined Cynthia Rogg and Bonnie Jean George Were enrolled as students Nightly except Saturday, 7:45 P.M. TOTAL $70,000 in the church School on Sunday. Will the Beard of Education ireeonsidef? ? 1 \ JUOP08D Ah inierostingf program of speaker* from several foreign -MacBeanAjj Church School for all LABORATORY ON PREMISES a child-care nursery win be held Koieaalonal Insunmc* Scrrice . ,.. Ejtclusivol SS WOB.TH •ach^Sunday m«rtUn| at »J0 and plctur— oi tibe nativea and their environment and an exhi- XI CUrk Street . Mttdg. 2^*50 South Aveno« Oppo«it© R.R. Station Charle* Frederick Wlaen. Jr.. bition of ccwtinmp cnid curloa, • • . • BRid«« 6^000 Cranford, New Jersey so* of Mr. and Mrs7; Charles F. , /

\, • • -A

CRAKFOBD (N.iO CITIZEN AND C&RONICLE-THCR8DAY. OCTOBER 20, 1060 =CBANF0RD iS.S.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, I960 Pace Seve» .' the role of the two-year college Association of Colleges and Uni-types of colleges and in higbe>t>ducation Monday after- versities. and vocational goals. Gelder drew autumn pictures and uni -j Your Animals** As af *Our Town'/ starling w*th a bpef wore prepared by Bruce Alatary, •^^^MM* Cub Pack 76 PpMfe School News cut out colorful lea\ es for 'the wall ^~ - Grade 5 noon at East Brunswick High kis talk will be one in a series result the ihildreh ha\e teamed; history «rf Cranford. Each child's Gary Christensen The inventing of the cotton gin During the first weeks in sdhool the differencees bftween iii^ects I home was spotted on a large 'Vnap , r . Miph__i Pinl. SchooL planned by the guidance depart- Nature's first and Ml latl Fink by Eli Whitney was dramatized bbyy ^ dj the children discussed the import and other 'animalsimals,. ho,*- animal." of Cranford. The study of Cranford- ^ « - Holds Graduation, ment under the leadership of Mrs. man to b " onber Mrs. Adelaide Nenortas' fifth grades He will speak before members tance of learning their addresses care for their >oung, and ^ _ has inspire., d tht children to learn g. Robert Harris^ Bichard of the high school's-junior class. Mary Dwyer, coordinator, to ac- recently. The characters were EJh" Graders at Walnut School 2nd safety when crossing streets animals in a zoo, farm, and in [ more about' Communit} Helptr*.." Hejns, Marcia Baron, Linda sWhitney, Craig Snyder; Mrs. Inducts 3 Boys Dr. Iversen will discuss the var-> quaint the students with various natures need.^Mary on the way to school. All children fjclds and woodlands. The cla^ Tire following children' have «.cy, Barbara -Healcy, and Joyce Greene. Christine Baldwin; Major iir-initifrl fall meetingrof-€ub|t-] including~rT>avid~~Bandei; Barry" nun) films about arumalv S»'-t>itMigHjnhJn> ajitercs,Urii.'-b-oo!cs, "jLj,ntr. Tnc committee responsible Pendleton," Richard Yusehak; Ma- Pack } 76, sponsored by the Brook- colleges and their purposes. -J ~z Bergen, ^Arthur Berman, George aid in the understanding of the picrfiires and models: Jane WilneiJ Dr. Iversen also will explain t eA !tral an ull fm b ard jor Macrae, Richard^ Binbauer, side Place PTA.-was both hail and- Crimminsi Kenneth Hopper, and differences and hkene.se* « va- D.a^ Turk, Raymond TuHle, ,„ ^/1PPII 4^^ £ ° x Union Junior College's: .major role Patricia Peterson remembered Paul axttr Mrs. Macrac, Laurie Macken- farewell for 14 of the boys. Of current interest in~Miss Geraldine Pfarrer's rare dcg«! of special interest, "The Life of a Dog" by maK The children sculptured fta<«3 Cohn. Edward Cook, Dav.d \L\ 1 °orm n ^ - zie; "Betsy Macrae/Linda Church; as a transfer institution. their addj-ess<^ Mrs. -Georgia Me- animals during art periods f™ ^ormfn Green Dawd Irv- Special Limousine Service , grade at Walnut Avenue School is the Topic Harriet Krilov, a comic portiayal of a dog's point SLirJev. Lrnd-i Mile., Ruth John- f™ ^ f Green Captain Wilkes, Paul Deen; Mrs, Three newcomers —• William A graduate of ^Louisiana State Laughlini/school guard, spoke to following children e Week" project.. After the class chooses a " of view on life, ''The Funniest Dog I Ever Saw" by Kaiser, jwl Kath, | Wilke?, Denisc Billicki;. Martha Mitchell. Dean Hovell and Mark University. Dr. Iversen earned Vrip» lo ail airporto, raihva) maUim* the children KimballHarnson and bopks, pictures, and models; of ani- Mazur — were inducted into the master and doctorate degrees at y t°Pic> students iSPend free Ume outside of Barbara Walton, 'iHuskic" by Ahthony Eaton and Jq»0 Crofut led m singing traffic Kt'rry" Wakh, and Molhb Wilkes, Jacqueline Korba"; butler,; mals- Ravmond Tuttle. Jane"\Vo!- Grade 4 Robert Bcttigcr. - ' ! pack by Cubmaster Edwin Young- New York University. He holds CALL BRidge 64961 — 6-2272 I preparing to write a composition on the topic. "The German Shepherd" by David Papier. -son^s- Mrs, McLaughhn taught a Kian. nor,' Greggg Reillyy, Lufet Green.' "Bo\^ and ggirLs of Miss Ann Dra- Columbus Day bulletin Mr. Fuller, Jorge Collazo- Mrs. house at the recent meeting in the the rank of professor .of-psychol- for weddingp —.Trips to Books, magazines, newspapers, community re- The topic at present, "'Famous People," has ^top. Look and-'Listen" poem, „ board .Barbara Felicki, Paul Gaihck David Parley, David Cohrc Mi-, ganchuk"^ fourth grade aro en-and special projects were made by Fuller, Karen Koziar; Mr. Merrill. < school, and 11 boys in the Webelos ogy at Union Junior College. libraries and parents are used as sources. couraged a book display fiom the Nowark/istate chael Markpuiehp , Linda ^| gg ^ and Davijd Worden drew pictures k | gaged «n ^ vanetv of activities. Ro- Michael Green, James Santos, Alan Donald Herbster; Mrs.Merrill, Ar-J dens were graduated to Boy Scout Dr. lVersen is a past president - Price* Very Reasonable — College library. Famous people ch0 mg |. Special reports about Australia Justice Holmes and Mark Twa when the class staged a make-be- Yanuzzi. '- '"(Continued on Page 8) Thomas Maxfield, Ronald Klein, rone another's ability. Ih connection with Fir^Brevention Week the Michael Peterson, Vance Flecken- lieve fire. t The class selected the following stories as most NEW OWNERS—Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hamilton of Williamstown, stine. Keith DeckhutV Scott Dick- students have carried onTa home inspection project -. . Grade 3 man", John Muuse. Buddy Warner rtstmg: "My D°8 Vappy" by Steven Hizzo, "All after seeing a film otfiire prevention, sponsored by Mass., have moved into the above property at 422 Orchard street, b Gary 11 Mrs. Joan Melvm's third grade purchased .from Mr, and Mrs, Edgar H. Hendler, who have moved and Ronald Schwartzbach. to'uVDogs"" yby Gar B*y Baker"* "Airedal, "Airedale Terrierse Terriers" b" yby- the Cranford Fire Department. This interest was studying seeds. Autumn is the to Pennsylvania. Mr. Hamilton is plant Superintendent of the Other awards made at the meet- id Rothbard, "Ginger" by Sa/idra Schurer, a natural outgrowth of^a study of home heating best time to collect seeds. Kathleen MANOR AVENUE HOME SOLD—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finley ' of Yesteryear" by Steven Pollock, "My Best systems ^as a part of a unit, "How We Condition Metal Textile Corp in Roselle % The sale was made by Edward ing included gold arrows to Jerry 1 Balgley, Henry Koehler, and Jupe R. Shimkus through the B, S.' Wilioughby Real Estate Co., 12 Bodnar and Russ Boyle and a have purchased the above home at 216 Manor avenue from Mr. end' by Christopher Carlozzi, "Voting Day" by the Air." As part of the study the children will tour Monetti have made ^collections of Clark street. silver ,arrow to William Birke- and Mrs. Edward Achilles, who have nioved to California. Mr. "Dog Trouble" by Stephen Allcockr the heating system in the school led by Paul Chicff,. mcier. Finley is with the Cunard Line. The property Was listed by Mc- 1 and Samoyed" by Alan Cramer, two supervisor of plant and maintenance. Some of the children collected The meeting also marked the P.herson Realty Co, 19 Alden street, and sold by Dora Kuzsma interesting seed packages,. Beri- ed will -be held Tue&day afternoon jamin Avery brought a pumpkin, ''Get Acquainted' Teas at Union Junior College, introduction of new pack commit- of the isaroe office. The class-" has planned and^ de- knowledge of the candidates and tee officials Chairman Howard Walnut Avenue Robert Sweeney and Steven Gill- veloped a bulletin board mural of issues of the coming election/ the ich, colorful jjourds; Henry Koeh- At Union Junior College Newly-elected members of the Peterson introduced Gregory Grade 1 a community. Children who contri-. children plan a mock election. The find m a series of student Student Council and members of Boyd, secretary; Stanley Dwyer, 1 ler, cattail, Ann Machonis, seeds I The boys and girls in Mrs, Mary buted art -work to complete the Jack Robert;, and Jeffrey Anderson from an ash tree; Ross Garlick, teas to permit the students, and the Key Chilb, student host organ- treasurer; Joseph Hamer, trips; High School L first grade recently ad- mural are: Walter Bowles, Ste- have been selected to represent seeds from, the sycamore tree."" ization, will be guests at- the first Mr-? Robert Birkemcicr, den co- phen Carlson,^Anna Lee Collins, candidates Nixon and Lodge, and faculty to become better acquaint- red shell collection brought The children also drew pictures, tea in the faculty lounge. ordinator, and Mrs. Boyd, phone Pupils to Hear Cynthia Doe, Robert Elliott, Bar-, Libby Lieberman and Jacqueline , Donald Dufty. of the parts of a seed. Displayed, on Professor Harriette Trumpore squad. ° bara Fielder, Judy Goldenberg, Dukes, have been selected to rcp- Michael Avery, Michael Brown, the bulletin board are the drawings TUESDAY and Professor Forrest P. Uexter, Talk by Iversen Ellen Gorringe, Carl Herbert," rcserit Kennedy and Johnson. The The pack's activities already are Navan. Richard Spitzer, Con- of Donna Geller, Richard Polidoro, Jr., both of Cranford, are in Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, dean of t Jolas and Debra Thorpe, Daniel Hessler, Melanie Hughes, children wilt present ^campaign NOV. 8 ih full swing. Several weeks ago, 1 Janice Roman, Claudia Hamilton charge of arrangements. Dr. Ken- Charles Hunter, Lynn Keimig, speeches on the -issues involved. the boys journeyed to McGuire Union Junior College, will discuss , "participated in a discussion land Ross Garhck. neth C. MacKay, pr^stdeftt, jafcd Air Force Base for a full day of out the home, told of ways they Thomas Kelly, Gail Kolbe, Bette- Afterwards', the children will Dr. Kenneth W. Ix'trsen, dean, exploring the jet and missile facil- p thtir families Tind how their Jo LaBracio, Joanne Lynes, Betsey vote lor their choice for president. Grade 4 will be hosts. ities and watching .exhibitions of ,,cn?s care for them/ Mayer, Karen Miller, Diane Rup- Mis THIBAUT The wonders of the Great Bar- For All rier Reef ,of Australia hafve been "Freedomland." The group was ginia Mauter, Bruce Krupnick, • LLOYD cecilia Lent, Kenneth Rastelli, under discussion in Mrs. Diane asked- the meaning of trie word, Bruce Massarsky> Edward Buck- yn Pollock, Diane Redfield, Papp's fourth grade. An exhibit'of freedom. Karen Ann Boyle said: ner, Marsha Auerbach, Timothv Goodyear Assigns NANCY WARREN Connors, Barbara Goldberg, coral and shells has been organized "Freedom is peace." feateman, Stephen Hilborn and ,rah Nikituk, Jettcey Beam, on ^the* science table in the class- The class has been talking about Christopher ^Karlson. , , n Jakob, Cynthia Thomason fall and its s*gns. Children, Who Young to Top PoSt NORMAN TVRKEIi take Advantage of This BIG DISCOUNT, on ALL PATTERNS t room. The following children have —Grade + • I Karen Mittlefflan contributed contributed to this exhibit: Gail made good spatter leaf prints are Harold E. Young of 140 Mohawk As a social vstudifes project six (Limited Time_0nly) _ * __ t ures to* decorate-the hall and Kent Barbara Butler, Lynn Hodge, Malia Gordon^ Jonathan Reich- drive has been named vice-flresi- children in MisSxConstance Max- -WESLEY-N. Conducts-Lecture- Series bulletnrboardsr HeynpldTJevfnrteyrBrian~K.ochera7 man;—^Chauci— Clewis,—Walter- ey's fourth grade wrote and.acte3 dent In charge of sales of Good- James Rudd, Paul Sherrod, Gail Frankenberger, and Steven Leo- year Rubber Products Corpora- J&C Restaurant in a play \elling'the life of Colum- For A. C Kane Associates OPEN EVERY NIGHT Gra0e4 Henderson, Ann Korky, Virginia nard. Many colorful leai&s were bus. In the first act Columbus, at- PHILO tion. Newark. He also was elected i A program ^6n Columbus was Herbert, Whitney Lancaster, Joyce brought for the nature corna0\iy Norman Turkel of 43 Lenhome EXCEPT MON. TILL 12 PJVL RICHARD HARTIG PAINT SHOP 4 tempted to secure funds for his to the board of directors. Pull Down Lever 10-B Closed Sundays — BR 6-9855 besentci last week by Mrs. Gen-Reade. Patricia Machuzak, Michael Ann Ella - Darby, Patricia Sutter, prpposed' voyage to India, second Mr. Young, who joined the or-drive recently gave the first of a 101 N. UNION AVE. — Open Friday Eve. — • BRIDGE 6-2540 La Douglas' fourth grade, Downing, Joanne Miller, and Lee O'Donnell, Douglas Krogman, Republican Candidate For. act showed Columbus ' on (board ganization in 1946, was sales man- series of educational lectures at . 17 Eastman St. I Donald Miller and Stephanie Pamela Humphries. Christopher Morellf Mary Clare ship begging his crew to continue. ager in the Newark office before the Allan C. Kane Associates, Inc., nth gave selected readings about On the' science table are an Babits, Jill' Baker, Sharon Bern- In the final act Columbus planted TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE stein, Joan Marie Leahy, and "his present promotion- He is" ser- at 43 Commerce street, Newark. : life of Columbus and the dis-aquarium, a terrarium, and^ turtle the flag of Spain on one c(f the West it Co-Chalrman, Cranford Days geant-at-arms of the Newark Ro- of America. Alan Chancer bowl farranged by Joanne Miller, John Stewart. Mr. Turkel, an estate analyst Indian Islands. .Children taking THE '6f PONTIAC 1$ HEkEI •k Community Leader tary Club. cited the poem, "I Want to BeBrian Kochera, James Rudd, Gail Acorns, gim balls and dhestnuts part in the play were: Barbara A native of Plainfleld, he haspersonally, and director of educa- | Pirate;" Stephen Stone, "Three Henderson, Arin Korky, Paul Sher- were collected by Gary Dunn, Jay Spaeth, Barry Gallanter, Gail .+ Graduate Engineer lived hei'e for the past 18 years. tioh in the company, discussed ttlt Ships" Deborah Goldberg. rod, Whitney Lancaster, Virginia Wofason, Jimmy O'Connor, Wendy Mindlin, • Arthur Williams, Ellen Ann Sorger, and Gary Shapiro. •A- Home Owner Mr. Voung and his wife have one "The Legal and Financial Comp- jarlotte Paumi' 'find Barbara Herbert, Cynthia Blaha, Albert Happen and David Gould. son, Douglas, an industrial engi^- fcusso sang "I Saw Three ShipsRodriguez. Patricia Machuzak, and Charles'Degener noted that leaves Its AllfFfjntiGLc! on SL new W/cfe-lhackf 18 .Yean lication!; Applicable to Business don't fall down straight, but rock Paid for by M {jrycock, UNITED FUND neer with General Electric Co., • Sailihg By," Pamela Humphries. 15 Mohawk Dr , Crahford, N. J. Fort Wayne, Ind. ' Partnerships." I Kenneth Heger and Stephen The- following children were back and forth down to the Livingston Avenue entertained the class with chosen as class helpers: Paul Web- ground. _s, * \ - Grade Z New traek-to-body proportion* The track is the width between the Powered by the Maw, fuel-saving Trophy V-8 Engine! Now fuel Paul Nappan brought a collec- puppet show featuring Lamb er,- Nicholas Conte, Lynn Hodge, Mrs! Corrinp Kennedy's second wheels. Pcmtiac has the widest traok of any car. And now that • hops, Charlie Horse, Gooney, arid tion of pictures '• for identifying , Induction system-gives this new free-breathing engine more air, Constance Wright, Robert Pankie- grade class has been studying a 1 [fush Puppy, and the puppets. Roni witz. Michael Downing, John leaves and seeds and also a leaf we've trimmed body tudtK more weight is balanced dlreGtly makes gas go.further: Elqven.versions wick was program chairman. Hume, Albert Rodriguez, Bartley press. A demonstration enclosing a leaf between. two_sheets of wax between the wheels. You tide tmih greater poise, maneuver With to select from. Horsepowers range New officers have been elected CCarlson. . Gail Kent, John Brittle, ; follows: President, Bruce Hoes- paper was performed. Donna Mil- Economy and firmer control, Reynold Devinney, Gail Hender- ler and Susan Taylor brought toy from 215 to 348. for best economy, icr: viccvice-president-:presdent;. GGle n Smith; ^pnjsori, OPteggy Weber, Joanne Miller, tary, Susan SoTmanrassIstant BrlanTCocheraTDav&Kbch; Joyce electric-Irons" so- thatreach* 'child- --_ Progress - ""specify trie Trbpfiy" Economy "\£8. \ * will be able to make his ownjwai- —More Mom, more comfort inside* Headroom, iegroom and foot- ary, Rose Laurie Schloff, and Reade, Paul Sherrodd, and TheodorThd e THE DNLV wmr-Tnicr cini ed leaf. Reeled ^ lower compression ratio lets you use reasufervSusan Sheer.•. • .• •' Wojtowicz. room have been increased. Seals are higher, yet there's more Paitlise His ihs.wldesl itszU 9! any | Committee chairmea are: Rohi Richard Merritt, Nancy Koehler; car. Body width trimmed lo fcilucs EDWARD J. CARLIN, clearance under tHe steering *SteeL tJ&ors are wider, swing open regular gas. It's the Wide-Track way aJda 6w*rhJH8. Moie wnijhl Lil- i program, assisted :.]by Grade 6 and Douglas Randall started a Hiss Lais Bassirfrsixth grade-is "oookIet"no£neaves(,-TChlldreH have ! anced betwgen Hit whoal; lit To Residents of : Gcrshman, Barbara Musso, farther with nojuttfttg^bawfeif^ ta bnmp as you get in and out. to travel I Try ft! •:''•'• • JUi6-fs8l6iJ drivine stability. hatlotte Paumi; Rose Laurie Sch- studying prehistoric titan. In con-learned to identify leaves; and junction with their studies, the their seeds. Susan. Dale, Kastner social, assisted by Stephenle THOMAS J. O'BRIEN SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED P&NYIA.C DEALER «- mith, Karen Pomerantz; Bruce children nave completed individual and Ricky Finn planted, the acorns written reports ©a a specific topic arid chestnuts. Leigh Kimmeltnan o an. WILLIAM DALZIEL dealing with early man. Jeffrey brought earth and potted two be- | Science, Alan Chancer, Gail ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, Inc. Anderson arid Stepheii Gill made a gonia plants for the window ledge. d. by tr.d. Bern. e«m. ..itman, Stephen Ullehny,- The Cranford Board of Realtors a professional organiza- diorama on a table; showing; pre- Wendy JbW.eehr< and Susan Van- 433NOBTHA JE. WESTFIEL». N. I irles Frankenberger, Glenn historic animal life' using sand, and Glenn. Sr^th; art, rocks; djrubs and plastici animals- tomcth Heger will be assisted by tion of ReaS Estate Brokers vitally interested in the well-being of The boys and girls made fossils I Milter, Linda Mertz, Glenn out" of clay and plaster of paris. Bruce Roessner; music, Wet clay was put into'a shoe box; Sofman, Linda I6|ertz, Cranford feels that the proposal for the construction of a new mu- and a mold was Blade •*--'""^ - Ifichael Gross, Alan Chancer; Ik and a mflld was p^ W. Glenn Layebck; Michael fci* phase of prehistoric life. Plaster of nicipal building oit Springfield Avenue and a new Bibrary on Wai- Sco, Charlotte Paumi, peborah paris Was then poured into the loldbcrg. mold to harden, - nut Avenue is needed and required by our town. . I David Betzlerv Sports, • assisted 'la science three groups ate pre- f Stephen Stor^e, Michael Gross, paring charts on the three types of auel Rothsteiri and Glenn Grim-' seeks: sedimentary, igneous, and FRUST aw;'" •"' .'".**" -". ... metambrpnie. The children will- present facts in the form .of a The addition of these two urgently needed buildings will chart. The questions to be RootieveltiSchool answered are description of rocks, .. . •' ' Grade 2 . ,• ' types, uses, and general informa- make available for the citizens of Cranford facilities that are so es- Mrs. Trudy Pritts' class is study' tion. "Our Community—Cranford." Tos spuf interest and Increase • It's great! No tines • *. no meclhigs to attend ,., in fact, we i»ary you to Iidongi Joiii Union County Trn&t sential for cultural growth and efficient and economic operation of 4 cCouipany*s 'Sd(ei^l^ of Systematic Savers*^ Deposit a Township government. The Cranford Board < part of evevy, pay hi a Union County Trust Coinpany savings account, Yoiii* money earns interests c»m« pouutleil quarterly, at the rate of 3% per year —tile vitally interested in holding down the real estate tax level, xtiaximnm nllowert By law for nny coniniercial bank iu feels that the required increase in the tax rate to finance this plan AND SUPPLY COMPANY tlie U|4$ ' ' • .. '"••:' * i. '' •' . .• • •'•_•. • is exceptional!/ small compared to the values to be received. Have A Warm Home This Winter

For the good of Cranford and to uphold and enhance its real , as in art, it is rare indeed that a height, and entrance room, tor example, have been creation emerges go inspired ih concept and so flaw- notably increased With impressive results in greater estate values, we whole-hearted By support the two proposed ordi- Jess in execution that it is destined, from the very comfort and luxury. beginning, for certain greatness. And See Us for Your Necessary Thursday VISIT. YOlii WC.VI AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER ?:30 AM. te 1:30 P.M. Six. other convenient offices in Materials 4:00 PJtf, t© 8:00 P.M. Elisabeth—Summit^Berkeiey Heights -i&7i/~...r.: LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY Phone: 6-2700 7:30 Ail. id 1:30 -PM, 113-121 EAST HFTH STEEET 4:00 P.VL to 8:30 P.M. Vciinl

v •. . IW • A, J f V „ ~

*SM, * \ V. =rCRANFORI* (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHkOMCLE—THUESDAY, OCTOBER 20.1960 SECTION TBREB, CRANF0KD CITIZEN JOB '. OCTOBER 20, 1960 zs. spies arrived at the scene they. school systein will cause a rapid year this fall. Miss Mason is theQualifying was assigned to a sec-38 Manor avenue, has been named Cl]ub. Charles J*? Schaub of Gar- Zydzik, pencil sharpener; Nicholas portant, a license. A Aim on safe- some of the students made a cut-times. Thdmas Mokrycki, William ship in the school Beo d at the school is made op the basis found that a pane of glass bad; been deterioration of the community daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John retarial school sports editor of the Ballast, stu^ of ability and past performance. wood is corresponding secretary. Tntask, lights; Judith Scharten- ty was'shown. , papej- life-size policeman and a Johnson, Thomas Roberts, Wil- ham Johnson, Joan. C]Ufl ^ Addeff Nurses Need* broken m a window, but the .in- and all residents will be affected. Mason of 722 Linden place. traffic light for the bulletin board_ After completion af basic train- The club meets at 8 p.m. on theberg and Richard Taylor, door The other visitor was Fire In- )ldm Russell Lgyeland, Clay, Thomas' Robert* ' T> 1 truder had fled. "In order to attract the litiost de- ing at Fort McClellan, Ala, anddent newspaper of the Kent^PIacc . ' ' ' Relpers; Susan French and Rus- The children in the morning group ' U School, Summit Selection to the Well-timed silence hath more iourtfa. Tuesday of each month at spector Edward JRoade, who spoke and Edra Hester Hamilton and Janet Hrn.L °M for Medical Care of Elderly While on patrol at 11:30 p.m.sirable( * inhabitants to a town—and two Weeks' leave at-her home, she the Polish National Home, 300 sell Meier. Jine leaders, Arthur on fire safety, and showed a flinv Cranford has done this—we must Begins Training will return to Fort Benjamin Har- staffs of the student publications eloquence than speech. Hoselle street. Linden. Morris,' gym equipment; Joyce Fire Feeds on Careless' Deeds." i of a tentative FlorenceP PJJ^JJJ-- to. L* ThuVsdaythat ^S^^SSuS^S- offer the best facilities possible. Christine Buchan and Delores Mc- Repr rison in Indiana, where she will Rutmajrer and Patrifia Draus, Members'of the Lincoln School In Correlation with their social iccrtod effort must be m4de immediately to train thousands of ticning .he admitted trying to Probably the most important is an boardi> —Joscph~^tccle~anfl-Rirh-- rarthy.- The" "children- in—the I com In Women's begin her school choice in Jan- T -nd*nmsesl.aide^tft.overcom" _ _ g WhaUpuM be^a-cqlossal shortage break-into-thershop,-CHief-Powett udequate-and-effieient-school-pro' Tiary: ' ; e Classes Tie ard VanCbra, erasers. of the two assemblies, plan to con-afternoon group~who constructed verse," was undertaken The pro- related The boy was released ingram." Mrs. Wilson said the traffic light were Patricia ,t,ie event an effective medical Army Corps Miss-Lawson is a graduate of tinue; to emphasize pedestrian safe- gram introduced the modern and elderly program is the cust6dy of his parents pending "The majority plan is a com- Cranford High School as an honor Grade 5 ty and fire prevention throughout O'Brien, Sharon Lynch, Roswitha antiquated theories-explaining the for the Juvenile Court action.' Virginia Z Lawson, daughter of For First Place Miss Janet Kuhn's fifth grade Hartmann and Michael JWcNally. plete package and the entire school student in the Class of 1959. Dur- FALL AND the year as a part of their safety- coynos.' This unit was. developed problem will be settled," the Mr and Mrs. A". F, Rinderlc of 4 ing high school she was a member is, studying the "'Beginnings, of conscious program. ' » to include a complete study of our be the crudest kind In PTA Drive America" in social studies, Hfcnry Grade 6 • Mrs. Dwyer declar- spokesman said.' "A long range Adams avenue, enlisted in the of the National Honor Society and WINTER SHOES Five classe>5 in the Walnut Ave- solar system Individual research plan without unknown factors of Women's Armv Corps for three Library Society and was active in NEW Ziehnski, Janet Liska, Donna Joseph Simon's sixth grade tiluss tablish a vast new pro- nue ^thool have tied for first reports on the different planets 'South Side future expansion has been' proved girls' sports and on the business Poszyler, Linda Kardel, Cheryl Bloomingdale School has completed an interesting so- find ft Fast in the older people without years last Wednesday under the U place in the 100 percent PTA were made by Deborah Cox, Rob- to be the least costly. staff of the Golden C" and Spot- Reaves, Donna Sue Williantb, Kindergarten cial studies unit, "Early Man." ert Clay, Loraine Dmytriw. Donna for the human and "high school specialist program," njtrobtrsbip drive, it was an- Barbara Pizzella and Donna Dun- YELLOW "Let's rejnember that we live in according to an announcement' by light. " by Mrs, Donald Martin, The boys and giris in Mrs. Ruby The students, \n exploring the de-Hamilton, Frances Meyer, William to make it CARES'Add Cranford—one town—all sections oski did th^lk board illustra- velopment of primitive Kfe, par-Evans, antf Robert prowri. Liical M/Sgt. Frank M. Israel, Army Prior to enlisting she was em- niembcrship chairman. Each will tions on the subject Doris Kor- Ferreira's kindergarten classes PACES of Cranford* will be served and ployed by the Berry Steel Corp, rect-ive 4n dwald. have been learning about traffic alleled the contributions of early The following sixth grade stu- County cohgress- the threat of double sessions allevi- recruiter for Cranford. n, Virginia Hilbert, Dorothy Gor- 20 Members Prior to enlisting. Miss Lawson l The winners are the classes of salfety. As a result of their man in relationship to modern dents were" selected^or member- n brought her campaign ated in every school. No area will don, Stephen Baly, Merle Horscht in Cran- Mrs Paul .Wilson of 319 Retford and M/SgL Israel diseased dif- ISS Ann £)oletki, Mrs.- MaryClurj Buontempo and Malk Myer- for "Dwyer Day be receiving more benefits than White, Mrs Jane Ronnlund Mrs. sponsored by the local cona- avenue, chairman of the newly or- another," Mrs, Wilson stressed ferent fields a high school graduate On School Paper son are working on a mural show- ganized group, "The South Side 1 could choose before enlisting. Miss Joan numohd and Frank DiTulho. ,t Of the County-wide One ' Persohs interested in joining BUY HOME HERE—Mr. .ind ,Mr» Thomas Flit* pf / ing the Pilgrims landing in Ameri- Lawson had plans for the secretar- Jane Cleaver, daughter of Mr. bttrs for the PTA's Election ca, ' iad Women for Flo Dwyer. CARES," (Committee for Action this group arc invited to contact have moved into this home at 22 Hillside pfape. ttha^tfcev p-w- cake sale are being made by on Referendum to End Double the chairman. ial field and upon successfully ahd JVJrs William P. Cleaver of ch.ivfd fiom Mr and Mis Ronald F. Dadd, through H/A- During. In,science, the class is studying •l,e addressed a morning cof- 1 Mrs S L PAlfock. Also on the the planets, space and beyond Al- ' rty at the home of Mrs. W. Sessions), received 20 persons into realtor. M» Fli*. is rotirtd from Sing' " M.mufo<-tupK2 Cu* Eliza- committee headed by Mrs. Donald BLACK SUEDE —$17.90 beth. Mr. and Mrs. Dadd . have moyssd to 39 /BrtjoSabfe road- lari Wilson, Paul Lasinski, Linda McCuIIoueh. 2 Berkeley place. mqmber&hip at a- meeting at her Boothby are Mrs. Frank Radis' ind Bottge, Johtt Moorje, William Mar- •red' Shopping areas in the home Monday. Teaching Assistant Post Mrs. Leo Pollock..' -i . ssoke t6 aft attef Sizes Range from AAA to EEE — Wz •- stoH, ' Wayne ,.'-C-\viniSm4- Judith Are you smoking more now •nship, a*"* -" New members, include: Mrs, To Kenneth L. Zippier I race was a/twKcd last ssesnsth by a Townsend aftd. (Stephen Wanchisen "(c.r meeting at the home of in Kenneth, Kaiser, Mrs". George Kenneth L. Zippier of 35 Brook- Students Active itfoll taken .by,,the sSiisfcaiis &i sneg- cpnstrutted a three-dimensional •Playle, Mrs, Van C. Elsdeu, "Mrs, PfllJIM Other Styles in Black, Brown and Red Leather istratiptt showing Xtsc&as "to be''aSchool N«Ws scene of Cape CauaveraL Joseph Mysiak, Mrs, Carl Eri«dk-" dale road has been named a teach- ligKf .favorite over Keat^&ijy sad to avenue. , . • • ing assistant in civil'engineering Sponsored By The ' Jn Presidential (Continued^ jfroirt Page. 7) Giaficers during September and xplaihing she hag discussed 'AX W..BERAED son, Mrs, S. .Woodrow Henderson, from $td.9O "$21.90 giving -Senator CSififosd V. Xiase- of pctober are: President, William but enjoying it less? in the Rutgers Pniversity College be; Mr. Woife, Hobart ;Mitc problem witfc. nursing' offie- Mrs, Mttton Hagerstrom, Mrs, Ro-ol Engineering. - - Ejection Events Rahway- Republkan,-a wide mar- Mr. York, Charles Hinkejctey; Mr, Marston;, vice-pfesident, Henry bert Faust, Mrs. John R. Coogan, American Legion Auxiliary gin over Them L«wha, HUMAN FLY That's Orin Murray, Field Sur- hospital administrators, and * A graduate of Thomas Jefferson Students at liThion Junior Col- CJordbii,. Thomas MeSulla';- Mrs,ZjeliHski; secretaify» Allan Wilson, vey Eifgiheer of fabulous Glen Canyon Dam In j concerned with medical Berard Assigned Mrs, Z. Robert Turadiaa, Mrs. Ern- lege arc getting in on the ISfiO for'''the U. S. "Smite-"seat tteasurer, Paul-Lasinski. fs High School; Elizabeth, he re- Cranford <5ordpn, KarehTihnesz; Miss Isa- Arizona, Murray says/"Sure I've tried other Mrs. Dwyer - ekpressedv sre— est Hobble, Mrs, Gus Gutierrez, ceived a B.S. degree .this year from Presidential Election in a big way. New Jersey.'''.'•.•. • •. ' bella, Barbara l^eonowici. brands. But Camel is the only one that gives me Mrs, G. L,; MeNeill, Mrs, Malcolm real smoking satisfaction every time I light up" L tha{ "no one so far seems to the University of Pennsylvania, At 111 No. Union Ave. Cranford There- wHl be a debate bej*eeh 4*1 iatrodqetion to the .ptogrant ••-;•... Grade 6 •.'••' '• thought beyond the election Mackenzie, Mrs. John Gamba, representatives of the Democratic Pupils in Mrs. Vashti Yothers" < H0HMA1. AND OHTHOPI»1C SHOES rX)RTMBEirnHB Drive was delivered' by Robin Brown. ue of medicaj ca^ tot-thesober ^ h Institute Mrs.' M;. L Frankel, Mrs, Irwin PAMILT — ALL OHTHOPEDIC WORK DORE OH PBEMWEm and Republican parties today at Nancy Patterson spoke about the sixth grade presented a play in question of how to increase olonel Richard* P. MasOn. di- Kent, Mrs, Robert Gisser, Mrs, In Junior Year . Oct. 25-26-27-28 ••• 11 a.m. in", the lecture hall. The the auditorium •based on work in Dextei: MacMillan and Mrs, Helen • •'' ' '-••'•••.- . importance of cotton, [tiber of nursing hbmes.'out- of XValter Reed A>my In- Miss Carolyn Mason entered,the Open Daily 9 a*m. to 6 t».m,--;M t6 9 pjmu speakers will be Mrs. Millicent A poem, "October," by Edgar A. social studies. All membcis of Itient clinics, nursing: personnel stitute of Rese^rcW,Washington, Bennett. . • • ,,)?enwick of Bcrnardsville. Repub- Mrs, Albert the class participated with Bar- junior class at Northampton School '"•'•• 9:30 a:m, to 6 p.m. 304 CENTENNIAL AVE, CRANFORD Guest was recited by Dale Schill- Ij"other facilities required to D. C, announced this yfeek that Mrs, Wilson expIalnedHhat the for Girls» JJorthampton, Mass., '< lican, and Edward Gray of Trerr- CJarcnce Burstt-irt. ha'h mi ing, Diane- Porter and Daphne bara Samolyk as announcer; Jerry HAVE A REAL Cl Captain Costan W. Berard, son of group consists of mothers who live Gelfma^i; William Joyce, ahd Jack lip the .people who need bettei/ when the school opened for its 37th ttrn. Democrat, Mrs. Fenwick is ford, represented: Kianrsih Chap- Lane. \ . liifhcare." .. . .7 Mrs. Frances Berard of 198 Eliza- on the south side of Cranford who- Republican state committeewomaw Glenn liming, Thomas Mingoia Nelson, color guard. she wish to express a view other .than ter of B'nai B'rttfa. WORKOI ai a PAtrcady." .continued, "cftir beth avenue, has been assigned for ; from Somerset County and Mr. and Jonathan Hearns formed the Safety Council fejjitals, nre- pvercrowdea ..wirs-duty with thd Division of Surgery that' cxpr^sled hy persons who Gray is public relations adviser to- mejnbtirsihip drive xi-orfe>3M)p eoii- color guard. ,As a part of a school safety pro- i as a research" assistant. liave presumed' to speak for all scrtfices are strafaed,/ and •"south side residents. The group is the iinion County Democratic or- ueted by the Konheim Nt*A- Dianne Garretson read the Bible. gram Lincoln School has had two ilnble nursing homes are oyef- The captain received a degree' ganization. ;ey Council. B1»at Usherettes' were Shelley Stur- visitors in the past, few weeks in biology jfrqm Princeton Shiver- supporting, the ."majority plan" of 1 -HAVE A C ymed By the demand./- even the Board 'Jot, Education because it Professor Saul Otrkin, author of eH» at thf coanciE's rock, Wahda Wright and Bertha who are concerned with safety in Ithout a medical care/for the sity in 1955 and in 1859 his doctor Hearns. Catherine Peters was -an- is concerned about the increasing the bi-monthly newspaper column' n Newark yesterday. Cranford. Patrolman Thomas Ben- r program. ,•,/"• of medicine degree from Harvard '•Presidential Politics 1960," will As part of thLs etaMiih's nouncer. ton spoke on safety emphasising- Medical School* following a one-necessity for;'*double se$sions in bicycle 'rules. He said bicycle I "If .Congress and our. national Cranford schools and feels that this be the»moderator. « bership drive' ami feiirtSicby yerS genuinely intend to estab- year internship in surgery at the Following the election,-Profes- bration, chapters are equipment should include a re- University of Rochester, Captain is the only proposal thus far which maim Lincoln School fh ii medical eareyprogram that can alleviate double sessions Eeee sor Orkin, head of the political mentbership J' flector, horn or bell, and most im- Berard attended the Army Medical Grade 3 orlc _ and tHis is essential; Field Service School st Fort Sam all levels. •" ••• ' ..-,-• ••.scienct* department-at -the "college,- B'naj. 9'rtth,.J [believe — thenfwe must plan . vSill aitfil^ze the.'results on Thurs- Jewish youngsters in tEjeir awsas. Mrs?' Ann" *tf«etfc{, rjj^ii Houston in Texas and upon com- '.'We will" contact Mothers and helpers are as follows: Lynfce et the related needs, We pletion, of his couurse reported to make .them aware of the-aspect of tamps day" November 10, at 11 a.m. inTag Week als>o is part of ifce pro- Erickson, messenger; Albert Riz- lould Consider/ stepping up the double sessions on all levels and the lecture toll: gram marking Iti >earg of B"aai Pledge the Walte£iteed Institute for duty. U addition to your ntgutar llampi *>itli. purthai* of ^p —•'-•—lBTf-T- . —— .. *Tf • .... •—t, M^JI A^^rf—-^ —*- •—fc_iru3^H'.—j—nMuw^r 1 ' All the sessiqas are opeitto Coupon upirn Saturday, Octebar 39HC B-'rith Geiger, plants; Sharon Browrt, ant, expand the Federal aid and their 6-month-oId daughter, ruptefl school and family life," .the public. '••'•.'."• :* •! dusting; Nancy Troutsand Rosa Enough nursing/ education program Alison, at 8666 Piney Branch road, chairman declared." . ---. fi'oth Young Democrats, arid.; GREEN STAMPS f:." Men in Service Berardinelli, p'aper monitors; Wil- r similar public health pro- Silver Spring, Md. ' ; "We can all envision the effect of -Young, Bfepublican groups ha.ye'| liam Crawford, bookcases; Andrea rams, stimulate the construction Located on the grounds of Wai", a poor school system on the over- V«UMM to your ragalaritaaip i wU, pwdma of $1000 been formed on the campus and X'-R. Dill, son of Mi*, and Mrs. For All all picture of' a town, A poor m mam vmk COMKM at rial*. CMSKM mmhm Sat. O*. »*. Artemus DitE o( 4&I High sireet, [[more/nursing homes, and —teir Reed Army Medical Center, many students are working with llos t important 1-^-. devisdi e .an ;the institute's, primary research' citizens' groups for Vice-Prcsidftfit was promoted to-sieantan, VS?Ja >re- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT " A eently wbHc Sferyifig xa-iih t&e o3»- JwOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 1)6 version of4 the World War concerns the military; however, Richard M. Nixqh and Senator first «iud final account of the Subscriber. 'recruitment and nurse its scope of interest in world-wide Pledge John F. Kennedy, erationi departHtewt off Ceaimarid- Raymond, Adminl&tratrl* of the er Fleet Air Noefolk a8 the 5Java3 Estate of Frank "A. Raymond, deceased, jfet campaigns, "^ health hazards has brought about A number of UJC students also VLJLI be judited and staled by the Sur- own war-time- experjence studies in malaria, respiratory disV ^attended a Candidates' Nifiht' held Air Station. Norfolk; Va. •teefort? rojtdte. -and reported for settlement to Enough entering the Navy m Oriobt-r, 'the Union'Countv Cnurt-Probttte Division. : "these fields convinces me that eases, shock, vascular surgery, ap- fonday at the- college by the fJdai, Novi-mbcf 10th next at 10 joungAyomen will answer such a plication of the artificial kidney, Cronfoi?d League of Women Vot- 1S5», he attertded (Drsntow! High A M sretr^ilinc time. School. '•, MARV RAYMOND tlllb setvice if^ we help provide the use of "whole blood and- blood For All -crsAIJnion County freeholder 'and Administratrix \e opportunity*for'• seryiee and derivatives and a number.of other ie\p"S:iUcr 4 Kervlck CraftWd. I Township Committee 3 Morth Union AVcnue ! fapilitics 'for training. , , activities equally applicable to the •candidates" participated. ...••. Ci-jnlord. M. J. 1 j'Medical (ear< for the elderly civilian population. . . . '• ' IWterek isi the lOCOprfesidentiijl at the Naval Air Stouou. : October 3, I960 Cola, t^ai, is- SfairtHfe Second Li. Tea: S9 75 10-27 fin bring within^ oui" JreacH the Warn of a better life for our eld- NOTICK TO \|HSK.VT - iierENDANTS David V. Severe-/ sen ertar CVurt of Sew •Setity Mrs. Wifliam -F.' Severn *,{ Kills- TAKES IT EASY WITH A CAMEL [rly peppie', buf we must Siee to it FAMOUS LAKCASTER BKAND bat this dream is givei*-,5ubstance For Alteiiiptied Eiilry ° STATE Gir^iEW JERSEY more, Md.,~ and hosband *>f lihe For Sound Camel us the best tasting cigarette of all \ TO THer Miss Qarw! Kusav of 308 because the Camel blend of costly tobaccos itd reality or suffer th'e^^disillus- A neighbors report of hearing reste .. OSCAH V. MOESLE1N,' ISABELLA A. fcnment .of a gigantic hoaxi^. MOSSLBlN. WtLLIAMVHEN'RV MOES- Thomas street. He is a gjiduaie Administration has never been equalled. Try Camels and"see. glass breaking at 10:30 pm. last MIX oh MXTCH LEIN, EUGENE WILLIAM '.MOE5l£IK. of Gettysburg C .Wednesday led io the apprehen- JgLAHA _ANbBiHSON. fminH'rly^kpjnvn, ^tttp^ fWld Gat wood. ?; : boy who admitted attempting : to. and their pr any of their ^heirs, d«>-, he xvih lib assi^B&J to the Saufley i EDWARD J. CARLIN, BirdV^«tu» .-• visees, executors, adniinistratbfti, trjint-' Field Naval Auxiliary, Ais" Siatton. UNITED FUND [V Hear Talk 011 Bulbs "enter the Cranford Cycle and; To# eeV, assigns or sueee^sm-s; in right, title M.D. - >st tobacco makes the best smoke! c*., .at 19 North avenue, w.est, or interest, and any and-nil ptesons Pcnsaeoja, wher* lie wiil begin feis , Herbert Ditzel, Jr., will speak 10or. plcg. claiming by or through them orNany- actual flight training, ' . < Pelice Chief Lester W. Powell re- Your of them. ANABELLE MOESl^EIK,--Mnt. the planting and- arranging of ported. • .• . MOESLEIN. husband ot Aniabelle Mo«\- THOMAS J. O'BRIEN ilbs as members of the Crawford Birds Eye Choice Cross-Cut Rodst'.ukomi,fe 79 e U»casJcr Brud SUeed »«tMm-Pidied Imct lein. OSCAH MOESLEIN urid MRSV\ The \eport received at' police MOEStEIN, wi'fp of Oscar "Moeslein. !«i»in CliiU Officers [fen's garden Club, meet at the headquarters told of seeing a boy and. .MINNIE MOESLfctN - and 5.TR. WILLIAM DALZIEL iflihc of Herbert Ditzel, Sr., 2S9 ArmPot Roasf ; S Sliced Bologna " MOESLEiN. husb:iHd of Minnie Mi>es- ^Edward L. Btition &1 removing his jacket toward .% «mnan-joad, at 8:15 p.ni.'Tues- PICKLE:4 1.. _: -V • . • ' ,• 1 lein. H living, or If they or nny- of J*d. by V.C. . Coni. rear of an alley at the western sid< Birds Eye Chopped tJ - them bt- dead, their hclfs, devisees a«d aKbef'tt elected Short Ribs of Beef personal representative^ and Jhetr and tary\of the Ufiioa. Cosaiy of the buildmgX When ,U PIMENTO any of their heirs, deviKees, cM^cntora,. I Mes interested in joining the J. Koury, Dejeettve UNITED FUND Loaf . administrator*, lii'antoes., nsstlfns- _«r. Hub may contact Warren D. Sech> Spinach >oozPtg Plate Soup Meat ^19< successors In right, title or Interest, and and Patrolman. Edward Kluben- any and all persons claiming' by or bt of 2a Hampton road or Mr. Ideal Spears * - Fresh Ground Chuck ^ 59< Cooked Salami through them or any of themj ISABEL ei,sr>. -• . . '-.- " MOESLElS!. UBmaPrfed'. CEOHGB 'V Chuck Steaks Plain Loaf fHORNLEY and GRACE THORJJLjEV. Broccoli JO ozpi^ his u-ife. and • WILLIAM C. ANDER- LOMCHEON (.Oaf SON. Unmarried, . . You are hereby summoned'.and • s;e- I CRANE'S FORD CHAPTER Scrappl tjuired to terve upon EARL POLLACK. Halibut, , . Olive .***» 6«,pk» plaintiff's Attorney, whos.*1 address is S30 DAUCJHIEHS pr- Ried Shri^Hwi, It ©2- ** •»^* JJoulevsfd. K'nilworth. New- Jersey, an ansvier to the complaint filed In a Civil | AMEHIGAM REVOLUTION "•' , Morton's ^l* 8'*«.; <|" '1 Action in which Domlnlek Hestuccim flnd &y 4 TO 6 POUNDS Ik ^ Z^C 5.laO' R^stuccis. liis wife, nrv plauitiflCs, Chicken 0/ Beef *# ptijii. •• 35 arid Otcas- V Mofilcin.^tc. Et-Alf.. arc defendants. In the. Superior Cortir^ of New Jenu;>\ within 3S days after October HOLIDAY 2?. 19*0: excliikivt1 of uich date. If you fail so to do. judgment by -.defuul< u L/ecjictablcs may be rendered, ugalnst you for the FRUIT CAKE relief demanded In the Cnrnplalnt. You shall (lie your answer aijd proo ftoni Claxtdn, Georgia of 'service, m • duplicate with the Cleric of the Superior Court. State House An- you can't wait? Bakery —- Famous- Through' Fruit Cocktail ^ "3 nex. Trentoh, New Jersey, In: accordance WHAT DOE • ' • ' .'•"•.• . .. • • ' * • *V- . i-X with .tKe rules of Civil Pruetlce and ...";'"• out.U*S.A.•"•;- • • Procedure. The action has been Instituted for tb> purpose of quletins the title of CSomlrilck SI per Lb.-Dark or Light Fancy Cortland Hestuccla and. Mary Rcstuccla. his wife. YOUR HOUSE . to certain lands and to clear up all Call F«jr Eating & k doubts and disputes concerning the _..:" V • Del Monte Corn r 4 ;!«•; • uamp. Such tandu ori*c described as fot 4429 lows: lift ALL that certain lot. tract,or parcel • New Roof . of land and premises, situate, 'y'ni Brussels Sproufs and being In the Borouch of. K«?utl WHEM A CRISIS COM! worth. County of Union and State o New jersey, and more particularly de UATC TUESDAY • Shutters Pork & Beans :;8^1 «4: 69c KcrlOed aa follows: - KNOWN and designated as Lot 51 DO YOU uiilt up SHtl talc* * day of* that-you scarcely notice they are dif- |f U IE NOV. 8 Sweet Potafoes In BUirl. 'Ifl. as laid down, di'siijnatea E*t-ry nit* the iiltuii.itc in lap-oKltiMiirv -^rand you ne«d a prescription HIM and dis'tfyitulsned on Section 10 of the «T*fd Ijy iiiutcrsjil diip'ioarik •o*gct the tnatler taken eare 6t in »he ficulties a» ,11. " • Storm Windows Map of Nt!w Orance. ' Union County. Armour's ~5< Off New Jersey, which nup la now -on file t:a!'iiil Jt.;lj..il st.lft. Tvvi> oijl - '.. otmidhio/it -• . '. - ' ' " % City, pt do you write to a catalog. 2 In the Union County HcjiiKter's Oftice Ij. - VJ il.s * H»ui4if-:!i: -ijoi-l; fiiti'itaini us Ma*> No. 220-C. • But HOW MANY skilled cr.ft,m«n, MEAL SLICED PROYOLOME or PIZZA • - E\iitiii« fvitir»iiiir\ :i-ilior«i- Iloth IIOUM for help? • Gutters ' Said premises may also be deslun.ited and good business men« end g«> *•. • . ~ "^^a»^«rMd'^o©d^«^r*ln"e1fie" gaBon can claim or jnay claim to be the owners,.•> WEST INDIES OF COURSE NOT. Likely you hirdly sl.49 the" above described .premises, or some awl church affairs, and good taxpayers Balbo Salad Oil part thereof, or some interest therein or or yoitr'cdr woa'f start Mc^Mkc lk«*e «ad similar to hold some lien or cncumbnifice there- VICTORIA ... ho*r many jof these have cut down 0H as criieL, ; " 1 GHANT SCOTT world's cruise' llnar —*fceir stocks, laid off employees, or left JUST CALL US — AND WELL SunshineliCrijpy.lb.pigvCfieeX'lt.tOor. your 7 Clerk of Superior Court «H, Dated: October 8. lOtfu , «r you run out of clean shirts the country . . ."because air you were Choe, Puffs, 514 oz.; Golden Fruil, 7V4 02. «iiei©s c Adv. Fees: $57,33'' 1°"27 CCTC8O12Z •S • to Nassau • , $195 up TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS PROMPTLY < B.ouu YOU'VE GOT NEIGHBORS, >-lS»DAVS • S parts • $485 up . Iwying from th«m was the thiiigs yoa Ji*! Mild ~f*i*% Sha Extra JANUARY4 a 12 CAVS • 4 ports' • $360up , or when Hte cupboard or ttie beby *i§k» her* at home ... with tkeir skill Couldn't wait to get somewhere else Share J3DWS • S'perts " $330 up Ubar* -end Ihtir inoncy -Invested- in establish* Vermont Maid Cheese ib59 13 L*VS • 5 ports $390 up • ... ond how Many will leave in the . It Costs So Little To borrlo c boHle INSTRUCTIONS fCBROAtrriS 19 CAYS, • 10 ports $09$ up •nents able to take most of your »ro«- fiiUum to 90 when) yoitt nuMMy ii HOWARD 13 CAVS. • 5 ports $3?0 up bl«i on tkeir own ihtmtAmn so quickly Keep Your House Up To Date ACCORDION I3DSVS • Spots $390 up Cowperthwaite Marcat A s«fc ef-.a-.ae *S ssndresiched Parts: Kingstoft. St. Tftamas. . Assorted Colors 10 89 AT YOUR HOME «, Bermuda, Antigua,t&uad»> Pull Down Lever I l-B Toilet Republican Candidate For Oft AT THi STUDIO THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY RETAIL DIVISION = tax Collector Virginia Lee tax Collector Special! \ Vcfs 49« RENTALS and SALES 7 BAVS... 2 dsyi. 1 ni£M mf^iUu ... $170 UJS * Homo Owner Sp lOCT. >2* • Kfitf. 4 • 11 • DEC 2 • 9 • IS Township \\erscotch. Dan ish 7^139< as'- ia • tm, s Committoeman Daniel Kuster • i*»t S se W*sssu... $185 up Ideal Coffee ^69 Member B

V-i, V''

'" ' ' '; ' '^cR 'eighth -grade; Anne Brittle, Sue invited to speak at their fall meet- Qi. Xf CailEEM AND CHBONICL^-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, I960 Eagle, {Catherine Frasier, Ruth Ing at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Lines, at a meeting yesierday at goi.drurhs-- Identification"^ brass,, Jackson, Paulette Jones, Robert school. the Military Parjt .Hotel, Newark. stringsi • woodwind and reed, and O'Brien, and Andrea Paterson, Dr. Winotfur is dlplomate of the He succeeds Everett A: Rogers, percussion'instruments also is Be- ^seventh grade. Advisers are Mrs. "injg,.made. . ' , , American Board of'Pediatrics, felr president of A. G. ,-JtogelFS.-Inc;.- Eugenie ^Miller, English teacher, Ibw ox the1 American Academy of Allied; Asbury Pi»rk: 1 .;•- •* _ and Ludwig Metzger, librarian. enounced by Mrs. Redden Pediatrics and instructor of pedi- Official opening exercises for the new Union County. Vocational- Mr, Townsertd of 216 (SolMBdge, Kitchen Equipment Care atrics at Seton Hall College of Westfield. has been with the flrm -r-fcjjHbistitote-will hp.held Werinpsday Novcmbgr^2 "at~Hs~tempo-~ ; T: J since "194(f and has held'his pres- Mediciner" # T" ' * . headquarter. 2589 Monris avepue,-Union, it was announced today Shown Sliertiian FupHiT/ ent position since 19^1. He Is a Pre-SchoSI All parents with children from - Mrs Charles Redden of Cran- " Mrs. JLeila Sibbern^ of the EU/a; one*to six ye>rs are invited to at- 1 V director of ^Vestfield Lions Club. bethtown Consolidated G^l " d chairinan for the exercises. formerly- of Roselle, is president tend/ . • / . ' '' scribed the iu>e and cape of Group Slates ' Board of Education of the of the Board of Education of the 1 ~ A cdfree for the class mothers County Vocational and Union County Vocational and Sherttian Music Classes new stoves jn the homt/ceanomics, was held yesterday at the home al Schools and its director, Technical Schoojs, and Mrs. Red- Learning About Rhythm department "at Shp^mjn Jutnoi Pediatrician of Mrs, William J. Emerson. FTA Sin$e President Eisenhower hassubmitted his last. Federal Budget t H Baxel, will be hosts for den is Vice-president. Dr. Willia School for Mudent< in Mrs. Man- president, im. The guests wiU in- H, West of Cranford, county su The meaning of rhythm is being am Kurtz's /home ) economics THE CRAKFORD SAVINGS & LOAN NEW Sevehty-flve percent -of all chil- Congress, it is novy possible to compare Government spending under the Eisen dudt the Union County-Board of explored by the seventh grade clas-.es. / . ' (£ dren entering kindergarten would Mrs, P. Rinaldi and Mrs. J. M. erintendent of schools, is Coyne, class mothers chairmen, hower adminMration against 'that of the Truman and Roosevelt era. uiuu<- _ ^,..tJ,_ state and music classes of George White, vo- be aided in &eir transition from hnsen tTeenoi"»a» «»»«. ».^ tary. Other members are: John Tlie speaker prepated pancakes RED CROSS LEADERS-^-Group jhovn at Cranford'High Schoql as Junior Red Cross pro- made arrangements for the affair. „„„ aders, Dr. Volosin of Linden and ArcMbald cal mujic instructor, at Sherman for the^students. An illustrated home to school by further study In the fiscal years ((1953-61) for whJ^President Eisenhower is resbon uftty educational leaders, Dr. Mrs, Alex Munsch and Mrs. John ? G. Weber oMJniort. Junior School. ot under way for the 1960-61 season. Left to right: Emilie Valla, chapter council president; of their physical, mental and emo- sible,-gdvernment spending but of tft^i^asury s general fund will amount ,ene Wilkinsk , presidenidt t of NNew- / talk on the importance of a ^ood Esposito served as babysfyters-dur- J Slate College at Union, and Mrs Redden said th •""Students are learning beat, val- brciikfast was. given by Mrs. Bor- Clare Fritz, chairman of Cranford Chapter, ^Vmerican Red Cross; Miss Irene Haas, .field repre- tional needs, the pre-school • com- to $579.1 billion which makes him trie biggest spender as Presidents go ii the rogram Sue Babcock, high school president". Miss Ella M. Haver, Junior Red Cross chairman; ing tHe meeting. ,«, Kenneth c. MacKay. president will open 'with the servi of cof- ues of music notes and v playing tbi Modell of the Public Service sentati mittee of the Blooming"dale Ave- ( The executive committee will American history..The $579.1 biHion dollars, or the ihpre|hah one-half ti-ji b Union Junior College, Cranford. fee at 10:30 a.m. e ribbon, rhythm sticks, triangles, and^on- Electric anc( Gas Co. Mrs, R Janovsik, supervisor of elementary education, and Miss Mary Liddlc teacher-sponsor from nue-School PTAsaid today. meet Tuesday at 9:15 a JT>. at the I Mrs. Redden said mayors of aall cutting will be co at' U Avenue School. • v lion dollars, whi^ w& sjrant^ Livings The committee hopes to aid the schooL g^, as there Isin ^e en^^ . y PTA o'clock, followedd j/a brief pro- parents of prospective kinder- and indu5fiairao gram in the electronics'laboratory. compete with the middle and the "adws-and indu^ranS' labor So smartly stylecf^rt Many, a man thinks he is buying Following the yrdgram, guided top series of the low-priced field. garteners , in helping their chil- 'Now this compares/wth $399.4 billion dollars spent under Presided adors also will be invited. CLUB? pleasure, when he is really selling tours of the neirfT institute will be l High School Launches The Monterey is the top series in dren to make" home-school*'ad- The Union Cfifanty- Vocational-' Truman in hijs eight-year fisical period in offide\. Mr. iEiserihower will havi conducted. / So,modestly priced the 1961 Mercucy lineup. The new justments. Dr. Paul Winokur, himself-ia slave to it.—Benjamin : hnical Institute was opened Franklin. spent $liB0 "bflHon^dolJars or 46 percent m6re in the same '•• period of HUNDREDS OF YOUR NEIGHBORS ALREADY HAVE Mercurys are on display now at Cranford pediatrician, has been month with* 36 students en- magnificent Junior Red Cross Program Monterey Motors, Inc." u,,cd in the day session and 72 Townsend Elected Head The Junior Red Cross program The spending record for ;5& yeare^f fo^ itho evening session. Two major JOINED AND RECEIVED THIS for" 1960-61 was launched! with a Rooseveltjuhd Truman amounted to $755.2 billion dollars-.arid we must ^ ograms—electronics technology Of Allied Roundtable tea for the administrators ttnd Mercury Price Tand drafting and design technol- WUham J.'Townsend, manager STEREOPHONIC HIGH FIDELITY-TV New Officers nieiWje^^o^S^ltvhad the worst depression in American History along ogy __ are being offered. The in- •ieacher-sponsors in the music THE HOST FLATTERING of Henry p. Townsend Moving ENTERTAINMENT CENTER s 5-PC PLACE SETTING OF MAGNIFICENT room at Granford High School re- Reductions Told Elected by 4-H .with supportingthe tti^est global waVui the h^ •stitute is for post-high school men and/Storage-AUied of Westfield, cently. Clarence Fritz, chairman 156.% bUlons of dollars morethan Esenhower did ineight years and and women. . i ' was elected chairman of the New of Cranford Chapter, American For 1961 Models Officers were elected by the Eugene I. Cattery of Westfield, Jersey Roundtable, Allied Van -Red Cross, brought greetings frota Lenape 4-H group at an organ- HE FALL SEASON! liter's eight years were during) the time thai; the-country had peaces ORIGINftL ROGERS SOERPLATE the chapter. Prices of the 1961 Mercury start ization meeting Tuesday at the at $2,417, a major reduction from MfeE^^ in '* Dr. Clark Mcttermlth, superin- home of their leader, BSrs,f James FREE tendent of Schools, said ~hp was the lowest-priced 1960 .Mercury^ Turley- of 446 -Lexington avenue^ than Mr. Truman or somewhat greater/>th'aii 50 percent more revenue. wholeheartedly in back .of the Red according to Meyer Q. Kessel, p're- as follows: / DRESSES Eisenhower tax take in eight years will be more; than all of the $536 i^,, Cross program in" the school be- president, Natalie SuJJtvan; ;< . / siderit of Monterey Motors, Inc.( ui taxes > t dinner fork ent phases of the Junior Red Cross transmission, he added. ' '. The girls exhibited handmade 1 soup spoon -progranV jmd helps which are "The lowest-priced Mercury for towels and aprons. The project ' . also 1 salad or ' available.X 1961 is the Meteor 600 two-door1 this year will be full skirts and ••.••-•. y When.Harry Truman took office in 1945 the "National Debt stood at The Stereo Theatre "300'^c pastry fork Emilie VaHa, president of chap- sedan with a six-cylinder "engine," blouses. Several members attend- BLOUSES - SWEATERS $258:7 bilhon dollars and thei public debt has now climbed to pyer 290 billion j 1 teaspoon \ ter council, introduced Susan Bab- Mr. Kessel said. "It has a suggest- ed the 4-H camp at Stokes State dollars Under the last •eight years of the Eisenhower Administration. .eock and Paur-Reed, local repre- ed retail prffe iff $2,417. The sug- Forest during August. Mrs. Robert SPORTSWEA^ - HOSIERY / sentatives Jto the Leadership gested 'retail price" is the s^ehicle "Winegar is. assistant leader. /It has^Cost American taxpayers $61.4 billion dollars to-pay for the inter-1 MUStC BECOMES MAGIC .: .PICTURE^ COME ALIVE, ' Training Center. price shown on the price label 'af- v LINGERIE - COSTUME JE costs on^ the National debt under'Mr. Eisenhower, compareel to interest with this mjagriificeht Magnavox value, ppticalfy filtered," • Pins were presen the fol- fixed to each car; it does not in- 'dependable Magnavox 21" tV (diagonal measure); power- clude state and local taxes, or Library Council Meets ful stereo amplifiers; four/Magjnauox high fidelity spfta : transportation charges, which Vary ^r-^^ot(r^ej\o^^ending^6r^h 1 •:T—- Miss iJane Vernon JHerbert, eighth grade ers; Magnavoxjfoeeision Automatic .Record Chinger with • .' BrodksiSe Place Schi from location to location, student, presided at the first meet- Coronet Fashions American History totaled less than $1131 billioh dollars and the speedvvith Stereo Diarnohd Pick-up that plays all records. Convenient . • CJertrude Cassidy from "The 1961 Mercurys include two ing of the Cleveland Library Coun- top panel glides open, to changer Cf%#k#%Qn : new series, the Meteor 600 and the 6 Eastman Street Cranford which Elsenhower,spends the Pederal_funds, that kind;of money wouldiej worth, Mrs. Mildred cil Participants were Matthew / : ; : and controls. Several beautiful T J JO"".- , Miss Claire Saltzman from Roos- Meteor 800* which are priced to Parker and Raymond Pickett, spent in less than two years.' ^ '•.".,• ..-'-.•• \ &-: • -.'•'•• \;'v : '":•',.-•• V".v. -q finishes. In mahogany, ' • ^^^^•^•Jfl ; evelt School, Mrs. Geneva Dot This is the record of the pa.st eight years of Eisenhower Spending against '' las from Walnut Avenue Scho the Roosevelt and Truman periods; it is safe^to say thatfMr. Eisenhower has? , and/Mrs. Doris Goldsmith and ;.' Mrs. Myrtle Krippendorf from arrived in the Number One position as the "Champion Money Spender in m of American History." ; We must also remember that .this1 terrific sunroof Cleveland School. *. \ CRANFORD RADIO, inc. j; Miss Ella Haver, Junior Red monies was spjent without supporting a Global/war: or helping the country v •;{ Cross chairman, presented tthe / DIRECT lAttORY DEALER ,: suggestions for a varied program. SIX GOOD REASONS out of^ a terrible depression but was spen^during the days of peae'e and, .: Administrators present included as the Republicanr party admits/ without iitippbrting a large numbed of un-, \ —Open Thursday and Friday Evenings — ;i Mrs. Ruth Janovsik, Richard employed. TJh> inoney was^^ bf Fedefal Pledge enough for all 13! 26 EASTMAN; fet; v • BRIDGE 6-1776 ii-Wagner, Anthony Terregino, Miss rs/t —Irene Gilbert, Thomas ^Tipaldi, aid to our school systems op additibnal^nioriey to underpaid teachers; nor was J Vincent Sarnowski, Frank Zim- WHY WE CAN SELL there a Medical Plan for the a^ed^because the Leader of thV Republican |f merman and Frank Martz. Party was opposed to spending iponey in this direction, just as he is against .'• .Teacher sponsors also include a Minimum Wage Law of $1.25 per hourv ; p: • ' •' Mrs, Cecilia Jameson from Gar- \ Wood, Mrs. Catherine Hascher Now Mr. Nixon admits he is campaigning on the Eisenhower theories ;': front Kehilworth, Mrs. Ann Rogut YOUR PROPERTY! but doesn't want to let the record stand but wants to add to it and if elected r w Liddle from Livingston Avenue "• Weliavetfie sales force/"* We hSve the^"Know"fibw "" =tte4re^iss«w^iie^oit^ . '("School and Mrs. Doris Dalack biii^ cWbelissuTCa^^^ schbbi systems, ; from ' Sherman Junior High • We have the advertising We have the prospect*. .norrittcreases Apr/fox teachers, nor a sound medical plan for the aged: but : SchooL it wulbe for vested interests^^ becauseytne RepubUea*r party has earned the High school students who made • We have the experience We work hard and g,et results ^ajid Served the refreshments in- name of Reacbonary by past performances. / M0N., TUES., WED cluded Beth Roden, June Toomey ^enyyou check the record of/the Republicanyparty they are constant | ^Meredith Philpot, Andrea Skva- LET'S TALK IT OVER TODAY! in their self praise of cutting taxes, balancing budgets, curbing spending, (OCT. ; sik, Barbara Smith, Margaret Pet- : rocclone and Betty Sheppard. but.if you read over the abovrmentioned appraisai you will find they are The following homes were SOLD FAST and efficiently through gr^at masters of lip service |s they are how oniop of a disgraceful rung in Newpamp our office?- >•-'-- tbaf they are the ehampioii money; Spenders M all time. ©fthe- '.*_. 7 If you brought up another; chart into t|ie history of the Reactionaries Administrator you will find the majority of this party werj^ opposed to Social Security, op- HERE'S HOW TO BECOME For Girl Scouts posed to Federal Public Housing, opposed to funds for the aged, opposed Mis/Charlcno Vogan has joined . / to the unfortunate who find welfare a necessity, opposed to school aid and •7 the professional staff of the Wash- teachers increases, opposed to a sound program for medical expenses for ANDWICH SHOP ington Rock Girl Scout Council as h A SILVER CLUB MEMBEIt camp administrator, according to the aged, and opposed to a mmimum/%age of $1.25 per hour. an announcement by Mrs. Hudson There is no question that we need ^change and there is no question the OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH $25 OR MORE Whitenight, council president. 111 MRTH AVE., W. CMNFORB • • * Miss Vogan, a native of Hew Democratic Party has provided us with the kind of man who will lead us suc- .-.••-•'. (Two Doors West df The Post Office) \ Castle, Pa , has served as camp di- cessfully aw"ay* from an existence of jhdifferenee, who will provde us with rector of Black Hawk County Girl ADD $25 OR MORE TO YOUR PRESENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT [ $eouts, Madison, Wis., and the the prbper-^leadership which; has dipped to a new low from Cuba to Cal- • Youngstown, Ohio, District- Girl cutta; who will face the growing/unemployment problems, who will win back and yILVER COMPANY will provide AmMca with a sound DoMestic Front that will include farm JUMBO KENG SIZE SANDWICH I Miss Vogan is trained In water 7 ', .safety, first aid, camp administra 'living, rural electrification , housing health, child welfare, natural resources, •:. ••-« | tlo'n and camp development and new roads; civil liberties^ price. controlsV airplanes and the growing-need of a !. has had more than 13 years* ejc-> I determined study of the oceans ds the' neglect of oceanography is a sin of ihe Each time you add $25 to your Savings Account you can obtain ; perlence in all phases of camping' 200 Retford Avenue 21 Sutton Place II • activities, past; . • •' . ••/ ;•'.,' •. '' -.••••• .•;•••• t... •'•',/• Opening Speemfai another 5-piece place setting for only $2.25, a fraction of retail ' A,-graduate of Western Reserve Senator Jac^ Kennedy is the'man thai can make the above mentioned Luncheon* ~ Dinner ; University, Cleveland; Miss Vogan systems work; he is set for the challenges to put us on the track and give Breakfast value. You may obtain as many place settings as you want. * took postgraduate work, in the Served from 6 A. M social science*, at the University of us the leadership that is so urgently needed in the fast worloSwe are living | HOT TURKEY SANDWICH . 3oup } Wisconsin ahd Youngstown Unl- in. He is a young man who is rising with the sun and can provide the coun- 1 FULL COURSE ^^verstty «nd 'held' -positlons^in" -ti^with-theTfightri^^ , healjh' and education at the Alta BACON or SAUSAGE Candied Sweets i mmm^mmt^miik ' Settlement House, Cleveland, and one leader in Foeign Affairs and bring about a* new front on our sadly sag- All The Trimmin's aadEGGS All Accounts Insured Up to $10,000 Per Depositor by Federal Sayings and Loan Insurance Corp. I the Cleveland YWCA. ging domestic .affairs. Cranberry Sauce Dessert She is a member of the Ameri- Buttered Toast . '•••-' We reserve the right to limit Silver Club membership, can Camp Association/Association Dessert, Beverage Beverage of Girl ScOUt Professional Work- . ers and of the group division of the $|.35 $|.65 National Association of Social CITIZENS FOR KENNEDY & JOHNSON Workers,

Oregon sawmills annually pro- Endorse and Urge YOUR Support Of ~ duce enough lumber to build 809.- 523"modern five-room houses. THORN LORD JACK DUNN KOSHER CORNED BEEF, HOT PASTRAMI, FRANKS FOR U.S. SENATOR , FOR CONGRESS Retain Low Tax EDWARD TRISTRAM and HENRY FARER — AN IDIALf CLIAW AND MODERN PLACi 16 EAT - SAVINGS & LOAN 403 Orchard Street 3 Hathermeade Place Rate-—Reelecf POK TOWNSHIP COAAMITTEE Tel. BRidge 6-8110 EDWARD J.CARLIN, Commuters, Business Folk, Shoppers, School Teachers, Housewives ASSOCIATION Mb. HAROLD J. SEYMOUR, iSTABLISHEB FOR TAX COLLECTOR UNION AVENUES THOMAS J. O'BRIEN Only a Block from Town Parking CORNER NORTH A

WILLIAM DALZIEL Open Mond&f Evenlnijs 6:30 to 8 PM, 181 NORTH AVEV E. CRANFORD, N.J L6sU&-Flteaetoad,X3hednnaa — Cranford.Hotel, Cranford, }$. I o Serve You! M. by VC Dem. Cost,

\ •... \ V - ' i , 'I

±s , . • r ' ~t^~- 1 i , ==C|tANFditD7N. J.) CITIZEN A?rf> ClTO6NiCLET-TinmSDAT, OCTOBER 20. 1SG0 page Five CRANFORD (N.ft) CITIZEN AND CHRONICUE^-TttfaKSDAY. OCTOBER 20. I960 nominations chairman and num- my preparatory School at F««t and sale scheduled for December CLEAN WHITE RAGS in*. club dance to be held at 9 pm •v, * lieve the -citizens of Union County' bingo af Lyons Veterans*'Hospital tional Merit Scholarship'qualify- v 1 at Osceola Presbyterian Church, ber of the itatc ooar^o.f trustees Npvember 18 at. the Cranwood in ing test - Mite* George A. Holden Belvoir, Va. * ft Shortageof Niirsing Service from the i-lixth District, and Mrs.GardenClub Garvvood Tu'ketv. may be obtained Needs. New Building r will vote against a man because "last Thursday. The school, a "stepping stone" Clark. The members-are asked to Jack Dunn of his religion, creed, or color. ,_„.I . were awarded and ie- "While these bright youngsters Aids Mti Holyoke Fund bring sandwiches and the hostess EdUard W Jo,>ce of Garwood, dis- fiojn Mrs. Coht-ri. dante chairman, did not reach the status of senu- for men *veho plan to attend the trict department chairman for oi anv niembok of the club Senator Kennedy has spelled out freshmfrnis served. Tics* attend- Mrs. George A. Holden of 132U. S. Military Academy or thewill serve dessert and coffee. Told by Rotary Club Speaker Installs Slate the issues—International security ing were. Mrs. Charles Siegfried, finalists' in the 1960-61 program,Herning avenue/is one of ten soli- civil defence and disaster control Wcley PJ\llo of 9 Iroquoi>, road Overcrowding Catches Up With Museum [ Day Is Held they are so outstanding that we UfrSrAir Force Academy, is sched- Kurses spend about 70 percent of their "time in hospitals today The conference will be held at and Milford Lewis of Railway \\M through national, adequate old ageMrs. Robert Colston, Mrs. V'."*L. citors in this area taking part in uled to be concluded next May, Overcrowding has hit the Cr.mfot'd Historical,. Monday was -medical--' eaTre—withoui^-the. Briiikerhoff,—Mrs—Louis-Klckncr, wish to single them out for spe- non-nursing services. Dr. Margarete Kakosh. educational director the Fanwofifi tVp'ihvtprian Phurrh. At Traihirte diM.Uii——Growing iChrvsantht^- John I Lehman newK -tArrier] daf attention. The semi-nnalliGf sso4 ofvnurS!in at -Museum- . r-i-7—r-:r. ":—— ~~T —" .Cranford. The Democratic candi- nant pauper's" oath; adequate Mrs- Willis Bird, Miss Abce Rus- nae fund campaign in October. ~ 8 Rwtgers-Unix*ersJtyrtb!d-inembers~orvtJip- 'Mrs..'Edward H; DeVorkin of $$ Tnum?' "artHe~next"clu'B 'Tijeetin^af 'appointed "the Following commfttee's: CuratoF,':' date for Congress, Jack B. Dunn, and commended students together cVanford High School. ReeEectMenOf Rotary Cl^ and their wiv^last Thursday in the Meihbl \vbod acting as the hostess club. ; • Factfd with the problem of nn overstocked, schools and f«tir salaries, full em- sell,'"Mrs. Barbara Ma*=colus, Mrs The success last year of the per- 1 v Locust - di;ive succeeded Mrs.? 0 p.m. October 28 in the miiseum. William F, •. Hoffman, • assistants'; L. E. O'Brian » spent the entire day participating plojment .jyith 'equal opportunity constitute less than 3 percent of ch educationaeducationalbuildingl building:: '--;'. -^'•••"• ''•' ''• .'•' - Registration isM'tihib a.m. and the Tf'he meeting is open to the public almost eerlt.ury-old_ muSeuiri on North. Uriioiii; « K Harry Snjder, Frank Diegman,' all high school seniors, and this sonal solicitation campaign,'started (fist C Charles E.'Spidkey of 437. Brooksidc' and Charles W. Tripp; Jfisfdripol, 'rTomer J, in local actfviti.es in his behalf. for all These are the real issues. George Drapeau Anthony Tmco, in 1956-57V is credited with topping Sunny Acres Club speaker\said 'she ., could no.fi morning; session will begin af'tO place as presiaent of the Trailside and anyohe Wishing to h,avi»> a .avenue, the Critafbrd, Historical Society has Jersey Central commuters "were 1 pledge my full support to- help certainly signifies noteworthy Proven Ability a.m. Luncheon-will"be served at .specimen jdentif ied op discussed^ is Voted ..to start plans', for acquiring or building a Mr. Dphrmfin-and Mr. fefaiiger: museiiin, wiain-•';''. k Joseph Tineo, John Hird, Mr. achievement," last year's goal of $250,000. This — _ A that there is a: shortage of of service from, professional hurse Garden Club-as hew officers wertf greeted by Mr. Duniw at the Cran- Senator Kennedy take these nec- Bird and Mr. Snyder, year's goal is $300,000. ' Has Workshop today RAPPS 12:15' plm.'.a'tid the-aiternO6n sits* invited to 'present a sample. suitable home for it's Marge collection. ford staiion, where he and his jjiirses, bujfc. only a, shortage of in an eight^hour day sjpd only 33 installed at a recent meeting at the tonance, John J. McCoy, Mr. Tripp, Mr. b'Brian^,V- c;<.ary iteps toward a stronger Mrs. i Carl H. Holmqvist, presi- £DWARD J. CARLIN, minutes in a 24-hour day. The bal- sion will start at 1:30 p.m. Trailside Museum in the'Watchr Pointing out that .the old building is difficult !> committee paired out literature America"" . j,'ursioftserviees in most hospitals. membership, R. A. Clement, Roderick W. SmifJiy J" The perfectly natural is the dent of the Sunny Acrej Garden M.D. PHARMACY •^nce'df the nurse>* tifine goes to 'ung Reservation. to ma'Intairr, Trustee Wesley -Starigfor said there 1 explaining his position on national, Parke Masters, Union County perfectly-spiritual.—Mary Baker At/Military Academy Club, announced a workshop tQ be •It Pmtk AWL. She charged that no industry is supervising personnel, maintaiTi- 1 Disturbance at Cranteen Mr. Stpngor; publicity, Mr. Stangtjr; building,^. state and local isbue^. W dh Other officers are: First .vice'r is no opportunity to 'disphry items properly or Preparatory School" held starting at 10 ajn. today at "7uil as poorljr as hospitals',- even ing records, bbusckefping chores 'Gazebo'to Benefit Mr. Stanger, Mathew 0. Hall antl t)r. Kenneth During the dav, Mr Dunn spoke „ "Mr Dunn, said; Eddy THOMAS J. O'BRIEN n. t-oooi president, Mrs. Louis Cohen of Causes Juvenile Charge to catalog them. •_ / Cadet Gerald Serina. 20, son of the home of Mrs. H. W. Smith. thaugh hospitals iare the fourth and other non-pryofessional duties^ Springfield; second vice-president, MacKay.' t • . '•.-... . . ' •'-: aJ a number of breakfast, lunch/ ..jacK ,_,„„„ na;, „„. .„„.. „.„„.. Baseball Leagues Police Chief Letter \V." Powell Mayor Ira-D. Dorian, trustee,'said" there will "Jack Dunn * as the first Citizen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Serina of 12101 Summit terrace. linden., WILLIAM DALZIEL A letter of comWendation 'was 1 and dinner affairs sponsored by If KCnnedy in the State of New Happiness makes up in height largest ipiSustry in the nation. Has- Mrs,. Mcta McLaughlin . of 439reported that when polite request- be some space for. storage and. display of .hls- Trustee McCoy reported that thft junior " for what it lacks in length!—Rob- Marsh street, is attending the Members' will make Christmas received trom pistrict Gpvertsor Tvvo Jjerfortnances of "Gazebo," Brookside place; recoi-ding s f the local Citizens, tat Kenhedy, fJcrsfi> - He helped to get Sen- Pd. by V.C. Dem. Com. DAY and NIGHT i'itals have' failed' to' coordinate first production of the Cranfofd four boys" who .apparently had -torleal. material in the new aMunieipal Build- Chamber -of Commerce had pointed the •museum,,^ group ->nd various Democratic or- jy nominated and he ert Frost. - / nine-month U. S. Military Acade- corsages: for the holiday breakfast Marco DiGiovanni ~*sf Union com- tary, Mrs, L. W. Suit of Clark; been drinking to leave the Ameri- awrKennec 'services so that the right person plimenting the local club on itsDramatic .Gitib, will be sponsored corresponding secretary, Mrs. M. in« but insufficient for ^he heeds' of the museum. .apd the Union County Park Commission' had,^ ganizations. | wfints tQ help him again after they is doing the job for-Which he is by the Mothers' Auxiliary of the can Legion, pasino during the Trustee Mathew D. Hall emphasized that this removed a .large tree blown' down during Hur- In the evening. Mr. DunrT save j j November.**' outstanding program y t)ru field. »,'•'. • •••'-•••• from R«sel!e, became abusive and Dr. MacKay suEj*ested that the annual i The" tivo performances- will be Suitable museum in Cranford. ... / meeting at the Crjnford Hotel. VFW Post, Auxiliary Robert Watson, "Jprogram >.The fellowship award was pre- 7 • Mrs. Dickey, who was installed used loud and profane language. ing be held at Union Junior CoFlfcgP. Mr*. O'Brian " Ro ^ "Thursday' November if, andas^direetor. «f the board, presente'd A report on a possible site is exgecteditrom "Sinister forces* are at work to sented to Mr. andJtfrsL Alb«irt E. ; \Vheri taken, to poiiee hbadefuar- announced thirt-100 slides will be made-from pic- nodd Union County with mflam- j Entertain at Lyons ina'n, explained that nurses are notMeurer. tor. Anthony Sotdili, pre- Thursday, becember 1. corsages and boiilohniete's to the the building committee at the next meeting.. .JZr._ tures of Crawford cov.ering 75 years donated by'! trained "td.dp..npn-professiohal ser- . Mrs. Walter* Mack, chairman, ters by Patrolmen Robert Hand 1/1X1'XlVi IVHi sjdentv conducted' the meeting; incoming officers, As retiring pre- and Bernard Doyle, the youth con- Mayor.Dorian and Mr. Hall were installed as Shelly Austin. " '*-, ,' vices although, in most hospitals; announced Jthe following ticket sident, "she was presented with a 1 tinued to act in a disorderly,man- members of,-.this board of trustees at a "recent Homer Hall and Mr. Stanger vvere appoin.tecli;. RAPID'REFEREN iiiirses are tiie only personnel on chairmen: Mrs.' Nelson Lightcap, rustic Yiiehe for .an outdooi . statue ncr and, .had to be placed in a-cell entertained lo meeting at the home of Ray A. Clement,, ' Mr, to a committee to work with state officials (in*.I he told the group. "I don't juty around the clock. Many other District Conference Set American Leiagiie; ^Jlts, William in her gartlerKV. . . until his father arrived in response HEROINE—Gerrianne Raphael, I; s6rviccs< operate only eight hours Bateman, ,Nomahegan League; Stanger, John L. Lehman and A. F. Dohrman planning! the" SUito Tercentennial Celebration^ "The.elub yoied'to decorate Lyons to a telephone call. Chief, Powell were instalfed as three-year trustees,. • Whose performance as Maria in a day and if these'services are re-By L,ocal Clubwomen Mrs- 'Joseph • Trezza, National •Veteransy-tiospital again for therelated. The boy was released "in next year. • . ^ Side St6ry" has won^rave quired at other' times-.the nursing Local,presidents who wiM parti- League;, .Mrs, William Lawler, Christmas hblidays and to present the custody of his father pending reviews throughout the country, if AUTO DEALERS • AUTO DEALERS • k DELICATESSENS •,* UQUOR STORES • ROOFERS^ staffrri expected totakto-take lip the cipate in the Sixth District Fall Unami League, a£d Mrs;. Ffank flower and shrub specimens to Dr.action on a .juvenile complaint. / dence that the door lockjflad' been A. Rt-go, a resident of Gfl^itoot will be seen in the role when the .slack'ack...... Conference of. the New- Jersey Konopack. Pony League. Harold N. Moldenke, museum di- The poiiee were called in ^byNeutral Nations* tampered' "\vith but^/apparently for tht^'paSt 14, years. The firm alst PLANT MITCH BULBS celebrated musical opens at the She said- a recent survey indi- State Federation of Women's Clubs The group will jnieet Monday, rector, for educational purposes at Firemen Bernard Fleming, /and nothing had' been takerr fr«m the will specia^.o in simpnizihK Jtiw NOBBIS CHEVROLET, be. COVI ER apartment, .. v ; ••.•-.- Paper Mill- Playhouse in Mill-* COLONY DELICATESSEN 30 Eatrman St. 1B2» cated that. the average hospital «in October 5!5 include Mrs. Ford November ' 14, ip^the casinja. the museum, . -.._. , ' Randolph Kirkaman, who were as- Viewpoint Topic ««iy?ine steamin'c" burn Tuesday night. Car Imports BIDDIQ patient receives.-only id minutes A. Starkweather of Cranford, League "mothers aise invited. Plans'were made for the anriual signed, to the Cranteen session; Come In To See Our Display BR 6-1044 LEADERS Aathortae* Sales mnd 8ervio» for Mk Tonight Jet Autoiuatic Car Men in Service • Hmualt D.taplUn* Shingle New Varieties -*- Old Favorites •nd Feogeot An CwUnf * Baklac sopEBioa count or HEW IEBSET Dr. Neville Kanakaratne, ilrst Second Lt. Gortlon It: Sieg, sbi *WestSide$U>ri( secretary of the United Nations WtisK Opened Here • AwUs • 8mab 12 If. Union ASM. GHANCEBy DIVISION Announccmeht was made this,"/of Mr. ;ind Mrs. Jtfarlm S. Sief» o • ABsUn-Bcaly • Mania UNION COUNTY Mission from Ceylon, will..speak 1 Due at Paper Mill • A»ion-M»*an ' •Sprit* - on the topic, "What. Do the* Neu- week of the opening of the Je12t 2 Retford'averiue'j'has been as- HYACINTH # TULIP • CROCUS ' ' .• (Docket No. F 415-60) Automatic Car Wash at 530 South 1 The Paper Mill Playhouse re- SERVICE trals Want?" at an open meeting signed to Ft. "Meade, Md., follow' Benaoli Slunwm, BMC Sbawraam • FISH DEALERS • FKWICE OF IN BEM FOHECLOSOBE OF TAX LIEN TITLES avenue; east, corner'©! Meeker" ave- turns to musical production next •AUS * 421 N. Bnwd fit. 4S W««MUU Ave. STATIONS • ' sr Tomranp or cKANrosn. UNIOK coiTNTT, NEW JCBSET .. sponsored by the' Union County •in;; graduation from Officers' Can. DAFFODIL EUubeth 4-UOO ' EUa. - M- 1-138$ Committee for a .Sane .Nuclear nue. A one-story building, hoqsing Tuesday with the presentation on — Caaplat* Fute ipirtatri-r '•• .. TOw notice that an uttbn. tnrem.hu been eommencrd t . „ the modeen ear-washinK equip- didatc -School; Ft. Bennine, Ga .Sevaiot ,Coiat of New Jersey_'by th e Hline ot a coiiipJalnt on October xSB, i&66, to foreclose and forevef bit any a«d all Policy at 8: IS tonight in the^Eliz- thy MiUburn stage of "West Side MAIM OFFICE AND SERVICE MARINO'S FISH MARKET CENTENNIAL GuU Service rf redemptiono f the parcels of land, described in Uw tax toxedasore listt belobeloww , frofrom plaintiff'plalntSri"tas tax liehe6"tiUe»a title*r . ' ment was-cornplete.d recently.- He will istart his neyv assignmen St^ry." most highly praised show North an« C A»«. 1206 Marr St Eluabeth Thia action la brmigtrt mmalnst thg lanit tm*f ami irr. |-w«im.l j^-ltTr^Tif.aiay fce rotercd therein " V •.- • , .• : • •••••, . ., - . abeth Public Library.'- , PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS Fresh Seafood Daily Inrin'Muldrow , Stan Cortlij •i.__.»_.^ ^ ~ ^-^ .... . T fa, the described land or an? parcel tnereofe by wsdemp'tloa, oi to contert t&ainiigft right to foreclow. must do so by paylnj the alriounl ThUtiew business is operale'd by on -N'ovemboi" 1. • ' ©P^tb*^ decade. To perform Leon- 2-7651 ••••-•—"—' > "'low, prior to the entry of Judement therein, or by BJlntf an answer to the Complaint setting A graduate of CambridEc Uni- ard Bernstein's exciting score, the teen'A Gull Products Vctsity, England, dnd a lawyer. Dr. 1 BUILDING Call BBidga t-UH " on Duty ai All Tla« In the event of. failure to redeem or answer br any persra havint the rleht to redeem or answer, it i person »h»U be forever barred »nd fortdoted of all nla riCht. title and .interest and equity o* Paper Mill orchestra has been redemption in and to the parcels of land described to the followinx t« foreclosure list: Kanakaratne has spoken frequent: ^ Bulb-Dishes • Pearl Chips augmented under supervision of REILtY OLDSMOBILE CONTRACTORS M Rorlh The followint i» a copy of the ta» forectesirre Use wiDetbe lands asainit which thU 'r'' Albert EL FioriUo. Jr., musical di- BRU0B «-«T78 pressing problems of our tinie. AaUMrind Hyacinth Glasses rector. . . 3W Caataanlal torn. ' CranfaK .^.^.Ttt ForeclosiH^List No,'27.; . ... ; ...... -, • .....•, ..."The .Geneva Picture on . pis- THE OPENING OLD S'M Otlll . BUILDING 1 o ere Oales A Serrlee FOOD MARKETS • K^ iJ oi*•* ttn**"d* «ctreere* d* b^y 2^3 eeztiifieaiecertificatejs' off itn« sal siajee held/by Township of Cranford, scheduled in numerical sequence., arid setting forth (a) the' schedule number' armament" will be the topic of "West Side Story" is being di- 6t< each AOiuna 2-7851 and i ate covering the same. -""«b> th' e tSeseriptlo" n o"f each" parce-l o--f l"a •'a It appears on th« tax duplicate and in the certificate of tax sate, (ct the serial number of each Bulb Food • Bulb Planters rected for the Paper Mill by Bryne 64)150 • SHOE REPAIRIN[MvG Yi ^M cerUBcnte of tax Bale. (d> the dateooff taxsBltax salee iinn each eau'-ie) the book and pase of record of certifloate in the office o* the'Register of tinloB C6Unty,a5f» the amount of the iale as set forth in Donald Keys, executive secretary of the North A»«- Eatt., W«* tte«ainount of aU tax Itens a< irwwnerit to the teatsale , includinj* i _ _ of the National Committee for a Piven, Who has' directed the tour- CARPENTRY . CHAS. KURTZ MARKET 6f the person appeariflj as owner of each parcel of. land , penaltie* andf costs, in each caie^ (h) "thearnount requireFto rede&n iit"eaeh""caae,: (i> and'the uanw >s a yami Sane Nuclear Policy. Mr." Keys, ing company of the show. Charles IAMB JOBS OB SMAIX 21 H. Union An. Cranford EXPERT SHOE . lj^S^^^J^vV^ir S^!!i^ f .«««« *"»= «» *•»«» of each *ax/»ate »UHEt oMf whicas such heac namh tae oispea* Sale wcertlflcat on the lasarost tae xan duelicatd that efo atr th Townshie 4 calendap dfr Cronfordyears nex. t preceding the date j-A^Bxandon,-whose-setting-~for-tW ROTCHFORDPONTIAC.INC. THORLEIF JOHNSEN CBOICB ' haraof, nd part of any general land taxes levied and a^esaed atatait «ny of tbe Und^ c^ver^/by said, certificate* h« been paid. . .-'....' . . - ._ an. engineer, -has visited Geneva -^REPAIRING 1 -thijr-jpth-oiy7oi-^esi*e It ecitiflcaie ttfN AND CLEANERS /"••• Union Connir forth as It appe»r« oil the lut avenue. " *' -.-.'.. COLONIAL LOVELAKD FUEL - appears on the-, tax «a*lleai» Date of Oflle> In the tax dnplteain of the Tows- 1. Kill Weeds and Crabgrass GOOD WILL USED CABS .. MOVING and Bi* ' " ' • T»x Salt ecrilfleoi* •hip «r CUd SAVINGS & LOAN Yes We Do — en Commended , ESSO HEAT — ! . STORAGE 530 SOUTH AVE., E. 2. Apply Limestone If Necessary ASSOCIATION Prompt. Dry Cleaning • .- Burglary Charged ADams 2-3700 MORTAGE UXANS Preuhig -Repairing ; 1. 45 23 ft 25 tS 36 Dee. 23, 1B5» Sadie Deubch * I For Performance Can BBkfo» 6-11U Alteration! - Hemodaling - ' Cranford Ave., 3S0xM • • L. Marsulls 3. Be Sure To Apply Plant Food SAVINPS ACCOUNTS To EJizabeth Man MS NOKTO AVK/W. All Work Guaranteed S. 214 . -.'•'.; -'I94 to IBS ', (Corner of Meeker Ave.) In Scholar Tests IKNIONCOUNTY BUICK CO. Hawthorne St. 150x«5 Dee. 23, 1B5T Investigation by Detectives'JHten- 3%% aw '.'•'- IB . . .. 1 4. Then, For Goodness Sake— LINCOLN - Beniamln St. 50x34 Dec. 23, 195T A. J.;Chesn«5r.Rty. Co, " tir "Po'lidoro and John Thintotis led I TomTern., seniors at Cranford HigHichhl aWr™ 4JCBBBNT DIVIDltND SAW G FUEL CO. f this week .'to the tiling of charges School have been honored for out- Service Since UB 16 Sonth Union Ave., Cranfonl 4. Nov. 23, 1643 . Mlonle Cook. - - • • On fcntlra Balanea Tnm U Be*. BB S-SMS Tmul TiltlU. Tnt. Benjamin St.' 50x3*- pfbreaking and entering aad-lar- standing performance on the Na- S. 3ae' "•-•' '• si»7 ssS~""" Jos. BlemaJieWcI OPEN DAILY CHMinui 5-3313 HENRYP.TOWNSEND Burnslde-AVe.-SOmiOO ceny against Joseph Edmund Rat- tional Merit Scholarship Qualify- TRAVEL 2iri,-34, of Elizabeth, by the local OPEN SUNDAY NEW OR ESTABLISHED ing Test given last spring. Each Mai* Oific» BUREAUS • • •• • -set • • Equator Realty & Imp. Co. •poiiee, it' was reported by Chief student who is endorsed by his HOTdO AMD 8TOBAOE .1 38« Preston Ave, 12x100 9AJVCt<>l school receives a formal letter of Authorise* Ava. W. ROMII* Park Anna Kopik' Lester W. Powell. VACKINO Taken into custody • by the connnendalion signed by his prin- BUICK Offic* 29 Broad 8. 453 Besler Ave., 50x100 C. M. Stakes • ' TRAVILONG • '. - • 42;..; .. . 6ipai-^ind-lfaerprt=si Solo NURSING 841 chael P. Stevens, and Kathleen t>. 14. . -isra t« ssss.--•.': 3.840.78 A. Nicola A U TririMetto a rien, a cheek book and a small Valiant LEHIGHO!LCO.,Bnc Centennial Ave.. 60x93 SIMONIZING and ENGINESTEAMING Wiese, ... • ' "' "• •••;' UAcn Estate—Fireproof Bulldlngi ; 550 amount of money.' ' . talc* ,ud Huvia* ' "Satisfaction. Guaranteed* ° "." IS.. •aeie, sow 1,373.93 Therwa \itW ' John M. Staln.'iker, president of J Hmnta In cW«e •" Ratzin told the police he was Our Specialty — By A|nSoinMent r SS3 McCleilori St.,' 4dxlO6* the- NatKiiiai ASerit Scholarship ADams 3-1020 Jeruy EXPERT OH> BTJBHEB SESVICS QBtdxe 6-7100 ••18. 5135, 2138 1.348.62 Harold Depew driving along South avenue when Mi HUrUi An. 'W. • -• MeCleDan Si, 4axlt» Corp.,' stated:x fttf.n^tli 5-3300 BBidga 6-1717 «•• Lincoln PL, El Cranford CAB or TRUCK RENTAL 853 ttarold Depew he noticed there were no lights in "Letters of commendation are . ^f^ 3133 1,348.01 N.iih W FUNERAL VINE am FOED« Harold Depew Each mixture is bUwUd wiih accapUbl* tm«M^s«' McClellan St.. 40x100 he broke the glass in the door Modern Car Wash in Operation celknt pcrfornianee on RICHARD HARTIG to 59. S53 2143, 2144. 2145 Harold Depew with a screwdriver and entered. BMI ei «xc«id minimum. fecqulMnuiilt ttt Mlab* jf BEAOTY SHOySi.-;^ DIRECTORS McCleUan Si. 60x100 U*h«d and apprevnd hi th« Nnr JttMT PaintShop 21. 861 9, 10. 11. 13 Chief Powell said Ratzin will-Be ,\. Joseph Mark . •'•'•• Agricultural Exptfimtai Station. • Wall Paper ; • Art Wall St. SOseJO© Eaigned / before Magistrate WILLIAM'S DOOLEY -^m Paint • Window Shadea '•. 32. .- - 88 -. Beef23, 168?. Charles J. Stevens here upon com- BEAUTY BOX : Wall St. 20x100 pletion of a 15-day sentence he is Your Choice of 10 Mixtures FUNERAL SERVICE , BBldg»t-as40 BILNEY'S , '53. MS aso Nov. 18, 1641 • Professional Permanent* ' ' 101 Wo. Union AtM, Cranford CUnton PL. 40x125 now- serving in 'the Union County frINTYRE'S • Profemlonal'Hair Colorln* VCNKKAI. DISCCTOIUt .' ATLANTIC STATION Jail, on the Plainfield charges. - . Come lih lor Suggestions & Advice STUDEBAKEB •- Expert Halrdressin* • Adv. ONAtO ifcvCHtfdTO LAWN MOWER SHOP Phona: BHidg. G-0255 Booth*CentennialAvea-Crufort | Attot-ney fo* MainlirT". The articles taken, here were : ISAMaiiSL BHidg. 6-0105 33 North Avenue. East, ' " ' ' Est^hUs&cd 1920 • • [•PLUMBERS Publicntlon Date: October 20, 1060 Cranford, New J recovered, the chief reported, ; ".' " SAIJES — SERVICE SU NoHk An* W, • UPHOLSTERERS* DON'T BURN YOUR LEAVES! PARTS North BBENNAN& TOYE Plninbfaiij — Tate the wheel of a '61 Oldsmobilo! Sparked by the spirit of Attempted Entry i^and don't destroy otKepnon-woodyfieW and Gray Memorial the exciting SKYBOCKnr Engine, thin HOW Super 88 Olds blazes . ' x Police were called Friday after- Reo —Eclipse— Excello GH CLARK MOTORS MEET Roofing - Siding 1 garden "rubbish." It was fro«* this thatNa- Manr Other Faanoos Hakes' UPHOLSTER Y SHOP a bright new trail in automotive performance! You'll feel the . - noon to investigate-an attempted Funeral Directors • ' V. Knntner & Soni DKUVCKT SEKVICE " snuiothness of all-new Hydra-Matie Drive* featuring Accel-A-Rotor entry at the. apartment of Miss ttfre, working through countless centuries, cre- BphoUiertn*.'* Iniiriof BeestiUilf Gutters - Leaders • • i£ sprWfidd Mmmta . A«L, S. Cr»iil«fi actiop for quick, silken starts! You'U discover the sleek sparkle of Evelyn Burtis at the, Paramount ated top soil *-' the; only productive part of the ADams 2-2528 Dodge BUpCo»«r« --•' -••"—•*• FashionJLine.I)kBaijjri.,. the- am^othneas flfTwin-Triangl e Gardens, 12 Riverside drive. Be- earth's surf ace. '*"- • ' BRidse-e-«e92 Stability. * ..the comfort of jfoomier-than-over interiors! See the tective John Thimons found evi- -4- CHAPMAN BROS. This season/'mix these too-oftenwasted Btyreleaders for »61; . .'at yoiir Oldamobilo Quality Dealer's flow! Guaranteed 4 • FURNHURE • " ' . . . "Optional b'l »»(ro iorf, ES materials with ADCO, keep the pile moist, and '...'. Sal*S- fc;8«nrfc » VENETIAN-4 next Spring you will have a magnificent heap Fern's Fnrnltaie &AppUances "\ JOHN J. DIFABIO RE-ELECT ™"-•MOV. 8 of organic plant food ready t© build up and Dodge "Job-Rated" Tnicka BRidpo 6-1105 BBER & VINYL LATEX nourish both plants and flowers. • vADains \Bata? . 112 E. UMCOLK AVElfTJE ttE CRANf (cstiis • REAL ESTATE UPHOLSTERY SHOP WALL PAINT " Bamboo or _ I Eastman Bt. Cranfbxd JOS. I 6UKER TWIN BORO AUTO CORP. Genuine « -SEAl. ESTATE Parker Lawn Sweepers • LAMPSHADES • e AUTHORIZED FOBS KOPPERS COKE CBANTOEO mail weuld Usteh to 5«« (poft sALi^r mm Aluminum Prod. BRMJJ. *-1144 ' (Of AH Enough LAMP and talk 11 he dldii't know it was Rubbish Burners 102 South Ave., W. MB MOST8 AVE-. E^. . III Horth AT«_ W. 8«l«f Smiot DRIVEWAYS * LAMPSHADE REPAIRS NOW ONLY BRidge 6,3205 We frepair lamps. Ah» tapll- for All M.DIFABIO 'Cate' or re-«over V&J laaipafcafc- INSURORS GARDEN TOOLS Oanral Contractor* 1601 bnjprfiailes la stock. Be- NO PARKING PROBLEMS — DRIVE IN YARD ' l pimccment kiaswrare. Um» Parti. Sooaatsox to John W. SabiS ft Son Paste . Conc NICHOLAS ST. JOHN CHaatnul 5-«00 BBldg««-2889 E. T.WILLIAMS li>lT. Horth. Awtw. tit Cranford GALLON LIMITED TIME ONLY! WINDOW lit W IS. Bomsid* A*i. . Craalerd 75S Central Av«- ' WertfteM JOSEPH LA BRACIO (tit. Grove 84.) ' . LACORTE „•/.'..-'•' . *mrt g i*C6i6«-iiiBy mm. <* Irubenbach's mutm MOM -pU(iian SHADES Republican for Rei-ElecHon To • • " '• Wtat His* ' I MAPIBOM , e= Hasldantial » Indusirlal — ...iUouillull Chlldrca &eed love, SUPER -"' BRldgf »-31«T when they do sot deserve it Automokil* Painting TOWNSHIP COMMinEE A Cranford HOUAttO TOBK CLOTH —Harold S. Hulhot Aathorlwd DUCO rs>arii»lnq FASMtOW-IJNE OtiSIGM.. •Ar Ctcmidtd AHomey ,' The State of New Jersey has Set if Home Owner .' RICHARD HARTIG PAINT SHOP hunting la. never- easy Mnlea and fishing The' state-owned land it can pass itself off tor reason. ". Duhrx-Enamel REILLY OLDSMOBILE, INC. .• Jk. OAROEir SUPPLY CEHTOt SIHCS.ltXt HARTIG la tinder wildlife control, and a —William Weldtaf - Ttock LrtterJag 560 NORTH AVE. E •— ADams 27*51^- MrWlJeW. N, J» ldl-Mr UNION AV6 BR 6-2540 •' 116-118 SOUTH AVE^ E. '. UNITED FUND Pild 1st by li. Laycock. (41 101 N. UNION AVE. Happiiicspp s qquite Unshared can • Weli-apparell'd April on the loan Juwwoano oiamomu ««unt »t*uti——n»« IM I>KHAII SMAVNI nmi wtu en NK.TVI IS Mohswk Br., dfHntorcj, N. Jf, BRidg* 6-1661 _ . Crwrford, N. J. scarcely be called happiness. It heel of limping winter treads. bat no tait«v-41n. QuktlL \ v •'r - — — --- v ¥* Six CRAVFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN ANtt CHBONICIE—THURSDAT, OCTOBER"20. 1960 &"?*"'" below the lock on a side window. Cunningham Harvest Supper Speaker Inside I f he, plant office, papers Pack 174 Tells from desk and cabinet drawers Food for thought \V»U be fur-,His article, "I'm From New Jer- had been strewn about and anMeeting Plans an the job nished by John T Cunniftgham at i-ej," was featured in the January, open cash box lay on the floor. Parents at Cub Scouts of Pack KENILWORTH GARWOOD \l the Livingston Avenue PTA har-I960, issue of the National Geo- 174 met Monday night in Walnut vest supper in the school gymnast- giuphlc Maga/jnc. His book, "This School to discuss the program for r, \ ym at fi'30 p.m. Wednesday is Nt^w .Torst'i." was published by Pre-School Group the coming months. Parents' meet- Ings—willrbe-heldrattrthersehool- ~ "Mr. "Cunningham, a feature- the Rutgers Umversjtv VOL- LXVn. NOT39. writer for the Newark News, is To Hear I*Eysician on the-Jhird Monday of eacfr CRANPORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960 SECTION FOUR Many df-tielcs by Mr. Cutiningr month at 8 p.m. Pack meetings an authority on mteroNting facts ham on the GaroVn'.*Stjie have "Osteopathic Medicine and Pre- •about the Garden Stst embaikod on his-woiK. of by Dr. T. R Verrastro, elementary ter Thomas Senk announced. publicansBlast One^Party Rule: Classes Set Hansel and Gretel to Feature compiling mfoimatinn on >Iew Jer- school physician of Clark, -^t the Last Thursday Den 5, under the se%\ histo»> OJjd vitality direction of Robert Ackelsberg," TUESDAY Gus A Gutli'irtv, a member of first combined pre-school meet- YYD AI 1 rtC Ballet Specialty, Many Songs the Bonid of Education and the den father, distributed over 300 NOV. 8 ing of Lincoln and s Walnut United Fund Appeal pamphlets. UK ALL Ur GARWOOD—"Hansel- and GreteVthe three-acfe Hrmsita!! drama Liwnjjston PTA, will outline tht Schools i " KENibWORTH-^-Kenneth C, Anderson, m.ijontv plan i i verier and JJ- T^he pack will participate in'dis- %y i % n fas fisB %# i KENILWORTH ^-- Etemocratic -candidates for ersiqn'of the famous' childrenJs snow being produced fcgr ifot ffitot- tributing the. doorknob hangers, F anddii Willi J;; SlaterSlt , RepublicaRbli n candi- Reeducation __ -^-•' Congress woman Florence P. Dwyer announced ,.nior"h*gh schools which is to be The meeting will be held at, 8:15 Borough Council seeking reelection to Borough lighters for the Garwood PTA is how in the final stages «tS mAearsal, "Get Out to Vote," throughout the ^ for Borough Council; launched aft^attaplc on KENILWORTH — A survey of iins week .that the Post Office JDepartiWfent is accepting bids for h'eW presented' in referendum VQ the pm. Wednesday at the home Of Council have stepped up their campaign ihk Week ;t was reported], this we^ek by Dante Costa, dBector. •. ^ Post Office buildings in Sarwppd and Scotch Plains. The structures Mrs. Malcolm Johnson, 108 Elmcommynity on October 29. ' •" «f one-party Pemocratic rule in Kenilworth today. the first through eighth grade ifW^ffB as they finished house-tp-hduse visits to the first students for speech problems has The shoWf.'Vbich will, be presented ak Lincoln Sdhenti• speech reeducation' classes will- be Department will enter into a lease MES>. . Kayfyoiid fKirwan, - refresh- Vchool chairmen: • Lincoln School,. Elewpomt and. decisions beneflc- municipal tax rate is concerned.' started early next month, it was Robyn. who- pta.ylfetlte £4o*it School Milk ment chairmen, \vill be in charge Mrs. Johnson, and Walnut Avenue fire prevention." will be presented 5 the majority of taxpayers, 1 agreement with the suecesssful' ' The GOP is- afterhpting to pass reported, Kindergarten students Janis Ozolina; jilaV * HaafiasJL aanS bidder on Jbc Garwood project of .the supper, assisted .by mothers School, Mrs, Henry Greenstein, 13 b^y. a member ,of the Cranford Fire Mr Slater, asking that repre- off the increase in over-aji rate. as. will be tested later this year- in •jscpresentinB fourth, fifth and sixth Shetland, drjve, • • Department. lehtatibn be returned td residents, 12 Graduates helley Costa, CJtfettilL'-'Pllaoaiiag "SSs^ which will run-for 30 years, with Of Communism a product of the Democratic ad» order to give the youngsters^time featured tale- of JrrftjiV ttl&e teal, is renewal pptipns running up to 20 grades. Parents attending'arc ask- listed that any major-expenditure ministration, they explained. "to adapt themselves to school life. C*ARWOOD ^- Twelve gradu- STYLING. ..-• *"' -'» Dr. Dodd, a .convert to Catholic- — a reduction of 20 points." Jn Babe Ruth group at Bay Leaf Me- ture containing' approximately ing investigatiqn of a breaking ;. concluded, • • fact this is^the second year in suc-% losses. Craig of 400i Nartb W |»fcn flying seven cents. ,.';•"'.•• • ' '.'.':• •.•. . \. > - ism,, said that faith and prayers morial Home Saturday night, 4,550 square feet with an out- Republican Candidate For arid entry at :-Uniflow Valve Corp., Mr. plCarrd promised to hold Grade I--, A. -T.\Mosca, board secretary, will make her prediction'.possible. cession that, the municipal budget In other featured! side loa'ding platform and ade- 19 Quirie street. Kenneth Grosse; • MISS ETHEL formerly of Leslie's "of Westfield. veS/to a minimum and assured has. caused a decrease in. its por- Miss Cynthia DiDpnato's class Hoftoifed as -graduates ,• were, by adults, are .Coinrt&a- Vosgjdl, as if the state finds TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE of a fight for true, econ- More than 200 wornen'atfended. is decorating the classroom with quate space for parking and truck president of the firm, said ap^ • is now associated with us. Dr. Dodd; born in Italy, credited tion/of the tax rate since the rate members of the'league teams as Katrirt the stepttmiffiiiHr; that its funds fpr the program are maneuvering." ' • * Co<;hdiiinettt* ^ranlord Days prosiimately $100, in bills and Mildred M'.Jugdh^Prop.'-. / Carol B/Seicjler, Ass' U- IZj in local government. lack of proper- religious training as dropped .9 points ih 1959 to $2,54. pumpkins and witches. Members follows: Dif Cprp';, Anthony D osta, as the wififtM'-ari too, far depleted it can reduce the of Miss Edna Mulligan's class are amftrrrit of reimbursement or even Bids may be submitted to the • it Community leader change was taken,. ene» factor whiqh.led rier to com-This represeilts a saving to the av- Tullio, Richard Harbaez, Edward Adolph VogeL as Eimist,, 86* Regional Real Estate Officer, Box reading to the afternoon kinder- MLsS Robyti^ xu-fco opKisJto Norman piano. •'•'•.• •. •, • Zoning Board that the tJnited •-**<. mistake, ,she related/A book; 1'Yi thfetax rate over which the Mayor America was acted out. «df Schools Ijewls F. Laird arid Mr. Miss Mae Kook's class is studyj Werthwein. • / back-stage tanetr Mtosea recommended that (G^ar:- States Government be granted a Caii Change the World," presented and Council have no control. The variance >Ui' permit erection of a STRONGEST GUARANTEE IN AUTO HISTORY sQ — Offerings for to her by her^godmbther started school rate, which is established ing transportation. An exhibit of The certificate, presentations Postmaster WarreBi X •vnood Tesume participation in the, boats, trucks»ana planes has-been Were made by Magistrate Jfafnes as stage-, managjw,. iprogram iri the hope that the State Post Office on property at Center Beautiful New Styling.'.. AII^New! America's First Die-Cast Aluminum pfovement of the Sun ^J^ her: conversions She was-baptized by. the^toeal and,, regional^ boards street and Willow avenue. ^.Thp 111 ll V taken; for four; consecutive by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in 1952. eet up.' Scrapbooks and stories T. Leonardd, who SsdS . w p Gregory Aklan m**4 (Ssiry 'aid may prompt more children to ' 1. Muffto* and tailpipe are guaranteed against of education, has jumped^a total T. Leonard, who was pre- 'government-owned plot (which^ \ • NEW FROM 6 Engine.. .All-New! First Guaranteed Ceramic-Armored Muffler... defect for the life of the car while the original . iday> beginning Sunday at the. Mrs. Charles Scheuermahn was have been prepared on the subject sented with a citation for his work M.eivin V. Kttrley,, m Hatmar order milk. '.,'.. of 98 pomts since 1957. This in- Grade 3 ber of. the. Board! of will be purchased by the success- > AMERICAN MOTORS ~ : biiyer ownait. ; : ;-- •••••• rtify Methiodist Churchj breakfast'; chairman, Mrs.; Charles cludes a, 20-point increase in\/the as umpire-in-chief. A *epdrt 6a a new activities All-New! First Cushioned Acoustical Celling of M&MJber Glass... Kern, president; weleomeii the An aquarium and terrarium stage carpenter,. now in effect for pupils ful bidder). extends 100 feet on 2. On ajl new Ramblors the fortner Btandord Gutekunstj board of trus- local school budget from $2;62; tij EdwardjAousted welcomed the Center street and 147 feet on Wil- -araHty-Tof—90-d*y«©r—4000*nile#ia have been set up by Mrs, Catherine. •build- a cottar tiag tfw twnfliJiii»rifli»ri.. lascher's studSits, Tfiey are pian- guests-and-officiated-at~the-ptes* low, avenueTwIth 477feet of the ••' extended -to -12- months or 12,000 iuilea, 1 be' used to in-Veighg,, ppastory y ggave the invoeation. Tentatiotr of awaeds to the follow— Mrs^_Kay Starucfii £s. oin. Wednesdays during _thc per- whichover occurs flrtjt. . point rise in Ihe regional schooj ning*.a costume Halloween., party. i iH folding anTp&ritfjjmeht parti- THe Reyr Salyatore P . c^ifarellc^ifarellaa, porUon from $1,46 iii 1957 to Indians. are under, study by Miss jng members o¥ the BaBe'Riith' r 'assentblies dkssro6ms-6f-g>Ades-four- spiritualrdirectbr-of-the-societyv-ied All-Star--team:-^RT—rHorbacz,—JT d .tta^ The Footlighiers aftss busjness use is. sanctioned for the jugh seven,"Mr, GuteKuhst re?' the "Prayer fo^ the Family Rosary. Councilman Olocfc said that this ; been erected in the room along Popadak, D. Rock, P.Reimer, j. rted" that William' SmithN^nd Crusade," 'Sojtis, D. Carrea, W. Loveland, uled to produce- a stegie lor Bids for the; installation of elee- whole, plot; .-'• . ' ' . •'• record of achievement, covering an Indian exhibit, Bay .Leaf Pbst 6aan? : Prior to the announcement earl- ell Gillet. have begun con- ftie children in Miss Dorothy V. Massar^, W. Prish, M. DiMario, saaaa.a4s c «locks and .communications the 'past several yearsi is the pro- Ladies* Atutiliary (Continued tm Page 2) Ilruaion of the peicnianentpar- duct of long range-planning and E. Harper, G. Mousted, T. Patten, /Continued on Page 2) fens. Folding doors will be in- not just a. momentary tax diplibrary^''- | J. Szeklicki and N. Werthwein. alled by men of the church when based upon political expendiency. .' Y ' Grade 4 Presentation of the champion- A Great Team for a Greater America «dved front the,.manufaeturerj/ The 1950 rate for local Borough The founding of our country is ship trophy and individual awards Pack Opens Season With New Ciibmaster I,Members and friends of the Government purposes was $2.42 as being explained by Mrs". Pearl Bie- to members of the Thatcher Furn- •/.--•-• [church have xeceived ioiit sneciai DiltiifierRally derman's fourth grade by projects ace team was made by Joseph GARWClOJDi- Den'l, directed by Mrsl.Leroy1 KENILWORTH —- The annual against /the present I960 rate of ! as bobcats: Robert Cull', Rich- V ..Four years in the Hou^e of Representatives hive earned for (feting, envelopes by mall, he $2,43. TKus the Democratic Ad- fCotttittued on. Page 5) Humenik, l^ittle League presi- tiring: cubmaster «& was. etiHnnatSaer for ithls Syeek-end and get-ouMhe- Lewis; wolf silver arrow;. Lance thought, and her-constructive contrihutions to a strong defense, im- rff assistant-organist andwill be the speaker at by the Homeowners^ Mutual Ben- grace, and John Soltis, who dethrefe- years, aad! ten w>te booklets on October 29. • Silverman, Larry Ditzel and James -. Sundad y at'U' a.m. andd 7:30 ing of Kenilworth PTA on Mon- retiring as conamiititee 11 proved machinery for peace, better labor-management relations, and Junlof>cno.ir director. Following a short efit and Civic Association Monday livei-ed^the "thank" "you" address: ;. 'A parents review party is be-Lewis <5); bear, badge, Dennis j^t^at^eyilleis^Raxuj^tt^illiR^^ Mr.'JBOos e3rterB$£$ thahnis to ^ planned^ for 7:80 .P.m. Tues- ]^^^P^feL4l?SSi_; a coordinated federal-state-local attack on serious met^politan area , teach- Speakers were Borough Coun- Mr. Mousted »and Herbert Wertii- day ial Uncoln Schooil All .par- Also, denher- stripes, "Robert. n. with Mr. aadi Mrs. Walter scheduled a supper meeting at wein. Others on the committee and Mrs- Aatheaar Bacegantilli, *efet» ents inust attend for boys to qual- Cull, Robert Penyak and, Donald ; 4:45 p.m. Sunday. ers will discuss the.year's work. cil -eandidates Peter si Patuto and probleni^—transportation for example. |Ban!)cld as adult ' counselors. In observance of United Nations John J. Olock,, incumbents, and Wre Harvey Gowell, Edward Ea- are retiring; feoas sanrfiie ify fos? the 50lh anniversiii-y Ballinget, and, assistant. aenn,er Song and Storytime will meet mothers. ..•••. v iKathy Dunn will lead the worship Day, deeoratiotis oh an interna- Richard Lomax, Democrat; Ken- gan, James Mossuto, William Pat- award; '.'•'. .' . ' • stripes, Richard • -Bowlby, John tomorrow at 7: IS p.m. and the ten, B, J.'Farley, Thomas JCelle- foltowing Monor den* of the month was ..'.Yet every year thousands of Uniofa County,people have received |strvkc. Senior Fellowship will tional theme ...will be used,; Mrs, neth C. Anderson, .charlesxDiCar- Teuscher'and Alfred Morgan. 8 >ecin at t:36 p.m. Girls' Missionary Club at 7:38, ro and William J. Slater, Repub- her, Franjc Corveleya and An- There will be a meeting of theAnthony R, Mazzarese, program Representative Bwyer s individual help with personal problems ai The local church "will be host chairman, reported. Girl Scouts licans, and Joseph P. Leary\ In- gelo DiMario. iMonday at 12?15 p,m. to the.lUz- Sunday. -School staff on Tuesday dependent *'wrlte-in'Vcandidatk 4M our district lias benefited from her tireless at 8 p.m. A service for prayer and will serve as _ •abcth Sub-district Ministerial Fel.i The executive council voted te Plans for the 13th annual barn tendon to its needs. ItowsWp of the Methodist Church'. Bible study will be held on Wed Showing Film nesday at 8 sponsor Board of Education can dance at 9 p.m.,^ Saturday, October^ [A committee under the leadership didates' night in JTanukry. 29,; at; the Kingston Restaurant, $fts. Albert Nimsz will serve Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Arthur J Union,' were announced by Mich- RICHARD NIXON ~ for president nchcoit; The Meverend .Thee-Ban«l Boosters to Meet Pawlak,-Mrs. William C\ Smith ael lazzetta, chairman. Frank Idirc Scamans, pastor of the Wood- KENILWORTH — The Kenil- arid Anthony JlSehel are attending Spera and his square dance or- Tonight at Lincoln New Rambler American Custom Four-Door Sedan, Methodist . Church, will one of 12 Hambkr American models .' . worth Band Boosters will meet to- the fail conference today of\thc chestra will provide the music. HENRY CABOT Lt)DGE for vice prudent iside. night at 8 in the music room Union County Council of Parent- Prizes will be awarded for cos-Age," a^motion picture, on the be> Everett Allhoff, chairman, an- of Harding School. Mrs. Walter i Teacher Associations in Berkeley tumes. havior of\ childrcn\of "elcmentarj • R...•...: 1. ..-:.:..:....v_:_. Tappc, president, will preside. 1 Hciglhts.'., - • . Nelson Brown presided. ,Q See theJOOl American Beauty—Completely Neiv Rambler American CLIFFORD P* CASE hrju. S. senator (Continued on Page S) school age\provided\by the Unioi MMUUlWIiUH County Mental Healtrmssociation Leading Economy Compact. New fundional .•'•• pipe, guaranteed against defect as long as 0O.HH l-OObl ttB»M will.be shownvat a meeting of th« FLORENCE k DWYER for meirfir of congress Garwood PTA\is Lincoln Scheo •styling giies 50% Siore luggage space, rodifi the original purchaser owns his Rambler, MS tonight.\Hareld tf^ts, di- for six. Ceramic-Armored Muffler and Tail' Sectional sofa front Beats*., irecKning Beats.* ol |M4*1 ti >ar oollioal't*ui>- rector~^f~TRe~"jattet- Memoria wuA. uDi. . / EDWARPH. TILLER Home in Elizabeth.Vill lead axdis. cussion on the subject follow) the film presentation. \ T PETERJMeDONCMSH / h,mimtuiol A .membership of 433 parents See the New 1961 /^ and .teachers was announced by Rambler Classic 6 or V-8 ihe Board of Mrs. Eugene. Cohen, membershi chairman, at an.ex.ecutive\coni- AU-Purpoae Compact-^the 1931 Chosen Freeholders mittee meeting conducted by Mrs, Rambler Classic 6 with America''^ HARRYy, OSSORNEJi Harry Kellerman, president, in the first car engine block die-cast of Franklin School cafeteria las aluminuin:« Standard on.Cuatom of Cranford Wednesday night. Miss Valjca models, optional on all other models. CRANFORD — "~ luliano's fourth grade was th< 20Q or 21S H» V4S, Molded flbet ilrst class to reach. 100 perecn NVENIENT GRACEFUL GLAMOUK membership. . ' glass CeUing, Ceramic-Armored • % NICHOLAS ST. JOHN LaCORTE, Township Committecman WESLEY N.PHILO,TownshipCommiHeeman ORATIVE MODERN VALUABLE VERS; Mrs. James Guore, historian, 1961 Rambler Classic Custom "tnaa.Country' Muffler and Tailpipe. quested persons having clippings one of 14 Rambler Classic nusdth, 6 or V>8 HOWARD COWPERTHWAITE, Tax Collector ^ETTY PRACTICAL TIME-SAVING STEP-SAVlNb pictures or other mementos of pas KENILWORTH— 7 , nXCITING BEAUTIFUL FASHIONABLE ELEGANT SLEEK PTA act/vitics to get in touch wit KENNETH C ANDERSON, Councilman her in connection with a sera j&\Q HANDSOME DEPENDABLE LIGHT LOVELY HANDY ..___^« bpok she is compiling for; the as CHARLES DiCARRO, Couctlman sociotion. I'm ALL WILLIAM J, SLATER, Councilman (unexpired term) "- •———^-niAisv^RmDErn^^ the New Ambassador V*. 8 by Rambler^ P Plans were discussed for th< GARWOOD— / , i' showing of a Him for children a The True High-Performance Luxury Compact a future date as a benefit for the EDWARD Hi TILLER, Mayor Garwood Scholarship/Fund.. ELECTRIC See the only luxury ear with ittie modem luxury of HENRY W. PIEKARSKI, Counc.Sman comnactBesg—the 1961 Ambassador V-8 A report'on plans for thepres JULES J. LUSARDI, Councilman entation of "Hansel arid Crete!' by Rambler. 250 or 270 HP performance. New by the Footlighters on Neveivibcr Because: • It's AUTOMATIC cushioned acoustical ceiling of molded fiber glass, 18 and 19 as a bcnellt fop the PTA Sectional sofa individual front seats* ... Keep flnwrica Coonis was civen by Dante A'-- Costa, di- • It's MODERN Airliner Reclining Scats* ... Ceramic-Armored rector for the play, at a meeting o Muffler and Tailpipe. the fund raising committee i Lincoln School last Thursdn •It's CLEAN EVERY VOTE—YOUR VOTE-.IS IMPORTANT night. Mrs., Frank Ballingcr chairman, presided, and commits • It's QUICK ,1961 Ambassador V-8 Custom Four-Boa? Sedan, tee members present includcdvMrs one o/6 Ambassador models • ; •••• HEW Convertible Coming Soon! This is,a presidential election year, a year when Americans choose Thomas Ocdm.io,Mis. Hurley Mirl- •It's COOl Watch for the It-ifiiVilfir Americas dlctfln and Mrs. ilrnry Hart. Mrs rnn'.ift ible . . . smartest, quietest', to continue to move forward in peace, to remain prosperous, to re- KcUermun also attended. m»wf .icije of thcm'nll! Only" Boy an CUCTRIC Kang4 at t! tain wof Id leadership-^or t© slip Isackward. Newest telephone idea, The com- A wall phono is easy to hang A table phone saves endless tim* convertible with rattle- Owner-proved by 11 years pact, modern Princess' phone wherever it's handiest. Takes up and steps wherever you place it , cotiaUfUCtion. igress' Delegate your favorite store and 35 HIHon miles gees anywhere beautifully. It's no counter space. Picture it (in Has many handy features to make GARWdOD — Beth Eambo n 'Oplnmol Ol mxirtt toil ' littte, it's lovely and it lights. Take '• color) in your kitchen or laundry—' busy days easier. Pick from nin» Garwood will pcrve on the publd The Hew World Standard of Basic Excellence' your choice of five smart colors. or InDad's workshop or den. ' attractive decorator colors, welfare committee of the "Hous SEE THE WORLD'S WIDEST CHOJCE OF COMPACT CARS AT THESE RAMBLER DEALERS iis_sL_delejfai Genera! Election-i£ Nov.8 ftfys, many difiereMmiorCThm'spi extension ppJfiy fromArthur L. Johnson Regiona High School, Clark, ta a studen ,<» price, so easy to order. Call the Telephone Business Qfftce orask your telephone serviceman^ "Congress" to be held at'the Mor Kilowatt Says: live B6tter -$*id far by Union O»m» S^pubUw Cdmnua*, 3X3 Nonh Bfp*d riii-Cuunty Court House in Merrh' tewa ett Saturday. v Wf» **• CIiaSjPOH© (N. J,) CITIZEN AN© CHRONIC!*—TliraSD^fc OfcfOBHl SO, 19C0 Youth Choir rehearsals ^ifi' be "•\i?nst!fnaster Binns quoted Reg- - A *qcord number of 483 .scouts, JFourth pvenue, at 8 p.nju on No-Woman's Club Offers and Carol Casale'or Gar\V0M at 3:15 and 4 p.m. . on Tuesday,. fonal Operations Director Le Boy and explorer? horn GarwqoeL tembr & named-treasurer of the senin, Local Patrols of Arthur L. Johnson Z Pulpit Ouest There, wUl be a meeting of theV. Greene, for the Post Office De- Westfjeld, Scotch Plains, Fanwpod Transportation to* Polls .....-• *ja The, wm High School Clark, ata n ,\^ partment's Philadelphia Region, and Mountainside took part in the GARWOOD — As a cAic pro- n clc 1 Consistory at 8 p.m. Wednesday. campdree. ' -? Program Session held Friday. « 4 ToMek AtSfc Paul's as saying: Win Ribbons ject, members of the Woman's JRoefo: Riik ""Signmcapt* progress -now 4s GARWOOD — Three patrols Club of Garwood will be avail- was^Heldfor downs on Cranfrird's 44-yard touchdown play. Gipson CraiilcM f Being. weft of PWladelph1a,/«atlprtal (Continued jrom Page I) ~ evHenVTnTthe postal- moSerniza^ from Boy Scout Troop 75, spon- SetJnMarwood -able from~^a.m. to 1 tion program begun by Postmast- sored by the Garwood Lions Club, ion Day, November 8, to transport KENILWORTH — •difference in oste Snd Rick Conley key attempt and the score stood is,% i-6> cndlrrnah ttf health and welfare ier this yean that the post Office GARWOOD-^-The Women's 'As- last Satur- new-records "Friday-night as they , to, will be guest speaker at the li a.m. the Post Office Department's held by District Four of the Wa GARWOOD — Plans for a soc-an Church of "Garwood will meet at anounced this week f by Mrs. Ed- North 24th street was ' l Cf^ the bait m play on ford tailed' to "invade" -Railway's, O [ the proposed structure here. Gar- ward Mousted, president. quprs and rrfoved into a threc-.way Totals -.778.813 7fifl meet' the- Cjimets at ,2 p-.m. in" a worship gervicg in St. Paul's wood had been petitioning the fed- unique commercial leasing pro-chung Area Council last weekend ial and tiance at the Cranwood on ft p.m. Monday to plan the program four months starting its Own Sy was penalized to its 2*4, territory, while th¥ Indians, ap- PETEHSENS OAIKV (31 . , #. *-i Churcn this Sunday! There will be gram, the resources and invest-at the Glenslde camping area In for the'doming year. Persons interested in this serv- under thfe New ~ ford's 10W i-ML; and got out as far'Ss its 36 before proached the locals* 20 twice onty tie for fourth place in the^CrariT H. Pt'tenutn 209, 198 178 Watchurtg' Conference.tilt. One eral authorities for a new Post November 11 were discussed by 1 E. Petersen 138 149 141 Hillside gained its ^flrst victory Sunday School classes for all ages ment, funds of private enterprise-'' trie Watchung Reservation. Anthems to be sung by theice are requested to call Mrs- Vic- tern. . After , fhe mil kickoff, Gary punting.i Gipson, Bob Aelitlan£ to be turned back. Cranford Seeks . A.'Sehuh J*2 212 119 ' Office building for many years the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Gar- ford Bowling League. A total of last Saturday* by downing win.^ at 9:30 a.m. are utilized to obtain needed post- Chancel Choir Sunday at the 11tor Nemeth of 679 Willow avenue, Gipson lost three i on. the first Bob rvUpcho. Lee Nordstrpra, and to TeJam first,.place in the-Wat- J. teaumann 177 1SS . 138 • and more^jece'ntly had added a The Beaver and Flaming Arrow wood Little League at a meeting six hew records were set during E.-Tliommeh 1B1 • 13G 228 less Clark 18-6.' Bill Shields, Dan Party for L y>om senr^- He gained chung Conference this- Saturday Totals ...... ; 847 851 '8arty for a Youth Fellowship meeting at 7 ing the past five years." ards,- and the Eight Ball Patrol Harris of 235 ^ocust avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas nestpJayV* a dipping penalty* gaye Rahway of 2,817 pins, which is high for the Sophomore quarterback Bob -Kor*-- plot at Center street and Willow in Lincoln School. - „ and "Trust in the Lord," by G. E. and /injured- his ankle. the ball 'an its own 20, but the Jiii-ose 158 "181 16G pjn. Sunday. All young people are won a yellow (participating) rib- key of 569 South avenue aS 'the year, and RonalduCorsgren, their Jahn - ' 107.. 1SS 149 lesicy l^d the winners to all three members of. the Cougar baseball Baron's Di Invited to attend. avenue. bon Mrs. Leo Boran of 214 'NewHandeL Harry Geetlein of West- thebIrthofason,N.choSig ^uarterback/Taavoste fcjefced OB half ran out three plays later with, Brooks 18t 132 143 pn October 12 in MuhlcnbcLrw fi?1 anchor rnan, hit the. maplesi for a tallies. " _:.»• '. . .-,_•• League Wtdnday at tKe American Ifa 1957. the borough was offered 1 : Zamortki •.'. 155 114 m A father-and son dinner will be Board Votes ' The local patrols* were among 82 street is in charge of tickets for field is the choir director. The Rev. Woman's Dub Plans pital. piainfield. 8Hos.| ^•d-Aovm/' ' '.,•"•• ••'"•> /, "' ". ':•..;!• no score:!yet. • '" ••'•• ,; .-', .. •;'"•• Shapiro Rolls i - the choice of either waiting until Eric S. Tougher, pastor, will 657 jindividual series, also a new •Handicap 31 31. 31 jC3raBife'r Graduation certificates were GARWOOD—Mrs. Victor Nem- 247, which ties, the. second high Stacy ....'.: 1S8 1B00 1 3183 sustained in the .Rahway game is iven to 40 boys who will move up p.m. Saturday. - . having the Post Office Department coln and^ Franfclm Schools were adult assistance. They were judged liams, prizes, and Mrs. Angelo Di- The Church at Study will be ob- L«rranfofd'hVe'ranfofd's 30. A*ye-yarA*v« d ^in taking the' fcickpff* ar^d; going 65604Senes single game of the year, 211 arid IIinu s 149 101 31 7172 serious and all Cougar players yrfil nPs eth, program chairman for the 1 o the Pony League, and trophies > Senior .Citizens will meet at the sell the property so it could be referred " to the building • andon" their skills in tent pitching, fire Mario, special events. served at 9;45 a.m. and from 7 to bV quarterback Tom «oagland yards for the score. ^iNfetta and h • 149-154. 211 be available for action Saturday. Bajptrn's Drugs rnoved into a first , church at 2 pjn. today. Rehearsals returned to the local tax rolls. 8:30 pjn. SundayThp Jtinipers and Woman's Club of Garwood, re-, Sl'ocum 182 . 17a 189 were awarded tq the members of grounds committee for study. The building, cooking, patrol organiza- It was announced that a nomi- nullified by a ISryard clip- Hoaglatld each pkked(fufe». two first Tom Lorhbardi of the Lchigh Donf.v- ;... 200 S01 517 He added that the local eleven,xhas* )la6e tie with Joe's Market this. ,will be held this evening for the Borough officials at' that - time bids were: Klein's Electric Serv- tion, leadership, health and safety nating committee will be named senior youth groups' will meet. --, ported that weekly rehearsals are ,,j penal{^r"~Rarrway. finally dowfis in the drive, which saw a - Totals :...,, 836 6S7 954 been stressing? ba'ekfield blocking the Bobeatsv.' Cougar : ^League There We.re five "teams posting Esso pinners posted a 263 gatne, hampions. Member's of the wih>f eek in the Park Village Bowling Senior Choir at'6:4S and the Chan- agreed to wait until 1981 tor the ice of Newark. $6,000, and thepractices, sanitation and general at a special meeting to be held The mid-week Bible study and being held for a variety show en- feicked, and the Cenigars toblf overttoagiaftd touchdowh called back whidhjjjhe top. single game-of the LIONS CLUE <3! • •' ' and passing this week in practice DiTulio ...,'.....;.. 132 157 17S riing tearrj- are: Joseph - Kliri League. Baron's won ai pair^froin? cel Choir at 8 o'clock, new building. Blakady Co. of Chatham. $7,950. program. / at the home of Mrs. BJorbacz, 60 prayer hour will be held at 8 p.m. titled "Showtime'Mo^be present- v because the Indians were* clipping, sweeps In the Inter-Church bowl- and he expects the" offense to pick v i theft" 22..,•>.;.• ,*: - ' •••• '•'>.. year, ashe"1Hd'ed his mates in win- Hirii ;..,i: .» 127 163 19S manager; Seymour Marsh, ^g Wednesday. ed by the club's drama and music carried fo the 25,'JLee IKNetta finally scored, running ing League Tuesday ni^ht, Win- ning a "sweep 'from trie Cranford Va^' 225 IG6 189 up some added power- * Une1e -Henry's while Joe's dropped departments at Federation Guest Comes To The "IVe yards around, right &ad, spill- G. Barlow' ". .190 -223: • 198 Joey Blitman, Dennis KloM, tiavid to the-.29, and;Bob ning three gantyfe: \vere: linden Store. -: Lombafdi'k •. other R. CorsBfcn ...... s.^.'. 247 all 199 • Hillside's record'in the Watch- Regal, Gary Bradfieldj/Jiank Zel- hree games to Hayeelc's Fine com* or MKW JUMET Night next month. Totals- Si..-...ii>,....\'9aV 640 1.956 NOTICE OF IN HEM FORECIOSUBE OF TAX UEN TITLES i of 4\ too late by Fedprko. The extra s Were 188 and 189 for a 240 ^mg Conference is. 1-1-1.- They 'opds. • - '" ^ 'V." v ".• Spanish Society Names Dress rehearsal for the pro- i Temple Beth-El 2, St. Paul's BARNETT'ARN S tlQUOHS (0>. nski, • Seymour l^arsh, Robert By Hi* Borough of Kenilworth, Unidn Cooniy. Paper Mill firtt md ten. Taayoste-again kick- poittt kick was good by Ron Sea- series. •"." •••••» lost-to Roselle 2i*(5 and tied Ros- Other teams winning two ^Docket No. r "1^00 gram, featuring dancing, singing E and R 1, WestfwM fees..and..St. PeltPt s 1500 1418 4'" elle Park-0=6,. In a noh-confer- Lehman, Gary Langheinrich,-John Two Garwood Officers ed Henry. Drjeyef. and Bob Garh- 11^. kicking specialist who boot- •'John Einhorn of Lou's Market fifapUik 146 168 SI? Ojjdon, KennetrT Peterson,•«• Ken games Were: Frejund's Jewelers, • and drama* will be held on Sun- both extra points for Rahway SJark's* .. •. .: ------rolled games of;l99, 233 and 213 Russell 158 184 -1BI enc& tilt, the Comets „ lost to GARWOOD T-~ James Ryan of Playhouse Ibic threw the Indians for, a loss Dlciiovanni . 145 1C8' Ktiehman; Joseph Coyne, Heath 'ar.kway Bowl, Hanken's Sinclair ' " - •* .. - ' . f * day afternoon, November 6, in last year's J4»i4 tie. . ' •I. Shapiro of Temple Bcth-El 2 for, a,645 total, second high indi- 203 160 IBS Springfield, 19--0. '.',•'" x Garwood was elected vice-presi- n two plays, and a screen pass Korncr 1 Bodden and William Padula. . nd Gampy's Auto' Service.. - Take tu&ce that an action^ in ma, has been^ctimnvnccd in the Superior Court ol J»ci»r Jersey by tl-e fiiinfi of a co^nplaint on October 17. I960, to foreclose and forever bar any brut all rights of redemp-* ion vidual series. • Brtnkerhoff 150- 138 Last' year, Hillside downed Was of the parcelnsj land, deteribed In ,the tax: foreclosure- list below, fro'm plalattH's tax IIM ^etlei dent and Sandra Tripka of Gar- Millburn, N. J. Hodgland to biNdtta Mi Cranford then-moved 54 yards rolled the only 600 series with a Handicap 25 24 High series"were posted by Joe Tt« acuofi Is brought against the land only, and no penonat judgment roay be entered therein. ' . , » i *' pagr dirt. Cranford, started pri VS9, 204 and 221 for 604. ; V _ Alfred DiFabio, , Hartig Paint, Cranford 26-7. Kenneth Scheller, newly elec- 3Uy petson ««—Mng to protect • right, title- or interest In the described land or any parcel thereof, by redemption, or to contest plaintiff'* light to foreclose, muat do «o bjr paylnc th* wood was named secretary of theSenior Class Officers short Totals: ..:... S41 908 Lucas, Sportsman's • Shop, .554; 'amount required to redeem M set forth below, pins interest to the date of redemption, and such costs at the Court nay allow, prior to the enuy of Judgment therein, or by filing an Answer to the ife 46 \ and after a first down by Others bowling 200 pi better rolled a big 247. game, which ties Hillside and Cranford have- been ed president of the CVanford Ruben Dario Chapter- of the TUESDAY, OCT. 2 r tlte LEWIOH.ESSO 13) Baseball Leagues was theF^ank Ciancia, Carnpy's Auto complaint setting forth defendant's defence wtjhln forty-five days after date of publication'of thl; notice. Spanish Honor Society as the GARWOOD — Eileen Nievelt of " rdstjfoni, tefty DeLohge heaved werea- R. Morrison, First Pres. 1, Corsgren for. sece««£!s*hig|j, °* K. Knlcrlm 163 138159 meeting on the gridiron -since 1934 ,rn the event of failure to redeem or answer by any ptrson having- the- right to fedeem or answer, such person shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all b|s tftht. UU* and ji tbuch : M. KnlcHiri 1M 154 with the Comets sportjrig a com" . speaker.. He* stated that Service, 552; Bob . Maloney, Muity of redemption in and to the parcels of land- described In the following; tax foreclosure list. group held its first meeting last Garwood was elected secretary NOW! II l pass. ta.,.'Jadk Delaney, who 228: SL Scher,, Temple Beth-El 1, year. ' - <- "•.'.. ..v -fr- .. The following Is a copy of the resolution ,and tax foreclosure list, showing the land* against which Uu* action is j pprorm ..C.raitfqrdqfsfi!i.,-20(!(«GijK8bn; .J. .Almqulst ..v 1S3 . 186 m manditig W-t advantage. ~ "the baseball leagues \n Cranford Freund's Jewelers, 546; Mike Cas- Thursday at Arthur L. Johnson : caught it between, two defenders 216; K Slmonson. Cranford Meth- , Lind's Pharmacy won a sweep T. Lembawll 168 189150 Jblungcd to theth2.211 BuBtt ttw o il : E. Pilslntfer 188 1C0 Cranford has Won four §tjh; I*. Blackmote, Cra'n- from Howland Realtors and went 263. 1 Regional High .School in Clark. I tics forced .the locals, ta kick' again Handicap...... 10 , 10 1S3 six battles; Hillside's jl tunity for youngsters to play base- :hapman. Parkway Bowl, 529; H. INTRODUCED BY: Prank J. Mascara , ' • MATS.: Wed. and Sat. 2 30 ll foifd Meih, 2, 212; fe Borfman, into «a three-way tie for Hrst in Totals ..- SOB 83? 10 The members discussed plans . Sundays at 8:00 II 1 despite a 9-yard gain by Bob ball.^ They teach the spirit o£ Bhrenbcck, Joe's Market, 525;. ADOPTION MOVED BY: Prank J. Mascara - - Pledge I Temple Beth-EI 2, 212; M. Crahs, the league standings with • ftaWis, CRANFOHD SHOE STORE J0>912' in the Cougars' recent string of (SECONDED BY: JVter S. Patuto . . ' for a Christmas project for an or- iKupcho. Taavoste's.boot went out Vinc6 Ccetar, Colony Delicatessen, Ltd. and Acacia. The latter team H. Hoppwt.. . 224 133, victories-still didn't prevent Crari- teamwork; to do the best you can, j WHEREAS, f*ur>uant to the provisions of R S. $4-5-104 29 to R.5, 84 5-104 71. the Ta* ^Collector has certified to the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth that the Borough of Kenilworth is phanage, an ice cream party for PHONE FOR RESEftVATIONsil Zifltt LalSran^ 213 and 203; W. T. Haycek .. 126 148 m -22'; Al Marquardt, Uncle Henry's, the holder of the tax: sale certificate- is shown on Uie Tax J'oreclosure List Mo 16, which is annexed! hutto tt& made a part hereof. lofbounds'atmidftel)** •;•<.-, - won a pair from* Harris Friday ...... 137154 ford from winning the/ Watchung win or/lbse, a"nd the importance, of , DRexel 6-4343 || W. Ridley .. 144 : ; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the ^Governing Bodv of the Borough of Kemluorth does hereto* determine to foreclose the said tax sale certificate held by the Borough of Kenilworth the ° Children's Country Home in Enough Jack Fedofkb then intefcepted Kwtiimposls Plage. Lindea4*r&,,, 212; R. Weri- 136 157. 152 air and good sportsmanship. i22,, - -"' •. ••• '' •.-. .-' ( night'- •.•"• .. . ,. ' H. Fisher. .... title. The series/operted • atisple- by the summary proceedings. In Bern, provided for by the In Hem Tax Foreclosure Act *R •> 54.5-10429 « seoj J and a* let forth on the Tax Foreclosure List No. 10 annexed hereto and made a part hereof. Mountainside and presentation of dovwivjpass by Hoagland on ielTSt, Paurs-E&R 1, 203; C, Brok- ' A. VticU.il ...... 144149 151 iously when Hillside prevented ^ >o a debt of appreciation Also, Cass Gursld, Hanken's Approved: October 11, 1960. short skirts or puppets shows, _ ^^*~^^* M^B IMII a bilie0peam er, Cranfbrd, Metk 1, 209; A, Other \sweeps were scored by Totals ... ..;..;. 767741 1S3 . fc Is/ Walter E Borlght. Mayor Methodist Men's Club- over. Swan •JBl Cranford front' finishing unbeaten^ tc/tHe men in a.U our leagues who Sinclair, 521;' Ralph Swift,-, Cam- They also plan to see a Spanish For All [the Cfanford^3 7-6 upset- ; py 's Auto Service, 521; Charles Re, TAX FORECLOSURE LIST NO/16 motion picture, visit a -museum Iffiipsbn plowed «r>*he 34 and Bob Pi§UA^&p0t Ward, Cbfflmv Meth. 1, 204; F. Mnrkowlclt .'• 185 170 192 ypiith of Cranford and w« are Builders' General, Breen's Glist No. 16 Is o list of jone tax sale certificate held by the Borough of .GARWOOD — Sharon Angela ll hei on the Butn e th F 201; and H Story, St Marks, 201. as follows: .Walter Marshall, iSr., Kiclbassa 187 Charlies. Rosulle Park Kenilworth and the lands affected by said certificate together with the amounts due. to the date hereof, on said ta* sale certificate and for subsequent niunlclpal liens, with interest, penalties and costs "LET'S JVIAKE ?3 ?"'yi* ?* ' ' "' matches; Frederick Roberts, 1284.88 Einhorn : .-... 169233 213 ; nonep of tt^e- Cougar League, con- 8 T standingtdi s are: Howland Realtors," 189, 232 and 870 885 PrParkway y BBowo l * •Muding the amount required to redeem as appears on the records of the Tax-Collector's Office snd the ownership of said lands as It appears on the last tax duplicate of the Borough of Kenilworth. Sabio, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. in 16^rtatche3- iPeterjMtHer, 2tt.4O '. Totals ...„ 8S8 ducted the westing. He was as- UnelUl c Henry'H's Auction „>. 8a AND t FURTHER certify that more than two 12) yean have expired from the date of the tax %Jje out of which such certificate arose, and that no part of any general land taxes levied and assessed for and Mrs. DominlcTc Sabip of 450 LOVE" in 18 matches; Arthur Anderson. Cahssiy 189 for a 610 total; George Barlow, HOWIJAND HEALTOHS (0) Tomorrow: Varsity Soccer — sisted by: Howard Siegel and Ed' Sportsman's Shop. Crahfard .... 7 . the four (4) calendar years next preceding (he date hereof against the land covered by such certificate has been paid FRANCES h. CONDON Lions Club, 190, 223 and 198 for a ... Cranford at Irvington. Hanltcn's Sinclair * 8 1 • . Collector oTTaxe* ol the Borotfgh of Kenttworth. NJ. Myrtle avenue, will dance two solo ClnemaScope-CoIor ^and 52 irTiSttiiatches:John Tbim- DelGattdlo <••.„... 147 IBs 178 ward Wolf, entertainment; Edward Hnv.eck's Fine Food* 7 s numbers-on the-Chubby-Jackson 611 total; and Harold poney, O'aranowlcx ...... 151147. 1S8 Gross Gountry *-- Cranford vs. Gampy's Auto Service ...... •& o . .EAR£ POLLACK Peter FINCH Eva BARTOKI ons,-2 m Show- froin 8 to 9 a.m. October 26 N Methodist Men's Club, 200, 201 and HuU .^.^.'..^.».".". 183 lee'^l&l Hbselle ^'ark ' at Warlrianed BcazlicV-SUHOCTT-...TT. ••...-&- -io Dated: October 11, 1M0 Attte sumo % ferry; ^rdwil, Hill, awards; an\ 'William Caw- Adv. Fee*: S4&6O « tuM on Channel?. " ' " "$4fi B3O Boulevad "Operation Amsterdam"' Tdtirts .....;...:... T. 814/86O"8SG" PubKcation_Datei_OC!obar_StLJWlJL —Sharon will do a tap dance and •nighfe'in trift rTftSariaft si.".' Others who had games of 200— tlNiyS-PHAB-WAGV-lttv:—•—„-,— Freshman Football—Cranford Jtanttworth, Hew Jaraar SUN.,- MON—--TUEST" | : Lehman;-refreshments,—^~ Two Golf Toiirneys Held h a Hindu 'jazz number. She has •or above were: Loderstedt, Pep- -W. Niebcl. Jr. ...„..,,«8 1B6' 181 , at" Rahway, . , - .'. *" • .. Natalie WOOD [Bowling League this week saw tie^l for seaspn^s hig a. Marshall •/ 151 147 • 168 .Mr. McDowell announced, that been a dancing student for five permint Room, 213; Grlekowski, A. Stupiik ••/... IBfl 184 16S 'Saturdays Varsity Football — By Nine Hole Group Robert WAGNER I thexTulips -Ue .the Daisies and 292. -Patrolman Rofc registration for the Cougar League years, studying tap, ballet, modern Hartig Paint, 202; M. Cymbaluk, H. JSrouehton ./..... -149 193 211 • Cranford at Hillside, 2 p.m. will take place in Marci The Nine Hole Group of the and Hindu jaz2. She has appeared rmovexinto first place by: one- pin. Wghest slow t}re score Standard Lumber, 210;" McCul- J. VanBrunt /...:. 1S8 191 176 Monday: Junior Varsity Foot- t.-v. _ "ALL THE FINE highesLtime fire score of Mandl«(P .; 40 46 46 Echo Lake Country Club ended „ In minstrel shows to aid, charities lough, Citizen and Chronicle, .213; TotalsZ 868 941 931 ball— Hillside at Cranford, its season this week by playing an throughout the state for the past YOUNG CANNIBALS"! highest rapid fire score of .100. Ciambruschini, Errico Trucking, Tufesday; Varsity' Soccer — UNITED FUND Violets, moving up The local entry woi»ihe Divi- ItARHIS LTD. til Mrs. Willko Wins Alibi -Tournament arid a Conspla- three years. CinemaScone-Color —and-1 Alliance 212; Weber, Schleeter's Hardware, -knulrioli .142 138 1S2 Clark at Cranford, Memorial tion Tournament. Par was sub- Rolling. 4d0 series were Helen 1 121 "S.O5. PACIFIC sion C championship In the Union Presbyterian 1 203; Ma'son.'yCrawford's GUlf, 226 WO Field, 3:S0 p.m, stituted for the three worst holes Sharon is a seventh grade \ I Ms. Tulips, 43og Training Club tourney, Mrs. J. C. l7. Tripp wa real property: The delightful, award ulnning| Ttl 872 84? 80S was wonv by Mrs.- J, Q< Collins ALL- that certain tract or parcel ics, 416; Kay Proh^rnmer, Lose Two Games Barnett's Liquors/ 203; "Hopper, at NjJntahegan Park in Cranford." first in Class A with 88-1^-72 with.14.. \ - of land* situate, lying and being in NOW! . • satire . . . 418; Lil Kestry, Daffodils, Mrs. F. A. Keteham was" second the Borough of Kenllwortn and Cranford's soccer team remain- Granted Shoe^gfore, 224; Weisert, On the run-off the highest; award Vicki Knye, Rpses, 410; Rose; Modern Barber Shop swept Mrs, D, Scheller Rolls was given to a miniature poodle, with 97-22-75. Mr.s. S. C. Mor The Consolation tournament was known imd designated as Lot I, in First Showing In this Area • Peter SELLER^ ed winleqS this week, dropping a VFVf,- 212,^/Bfoughtort, . Lihd's 1 Block 184. as laid down, designated Hunter, Violets;:408;,and AWona owned by Miss Nora McCrory of ton won low putts with 80. won by Mrs. EL T. Down* wjith 56-1 and distinguished on Section 8 of Funniest Picture of the year! 3r2 conteEt to. Scotch- Plains at league-leading Mike's to move Pharmaey./Zll; Pasquale, Aeacfa, ^-ttbe "-Map <* -New .Orange. ^Unl ^|^Ke«^.AjBaeia,^O^a^0.8.. 219 Game in Pin. Loop Butler. This., highest scoring dog Mts.'l. H* Lewis won the Clas 17-39. Mrs. T. w. Wilson was sec- County. New Jersey, which map Is o^^Mts^A*-Dii^geafe.w.as_,thifd=., -now on file in the Union County - "THE^MOOSEi lthe!o'nS;'^elp. Chathama, , ^; at-Chat- ri^7 46 Register's Office as Map No. 221-J9;, the St. -Michael's Bowling Association Bowling League this oil W «•"• R. S. Bigl6w placed second with and Mrs. Neil Murphy was fourth. and HamH . The booters have an 0-6-1 Lihd's • 4' game Mrs. U. Colangelo, Boo Boo's, 431; nothing in this Ordinance shall be con- STARTS WED,, OCT. 26th ./••-\ ttOSABIANS ••' W ; Cougar coach Nick Sferrazza V.P.W ,..,...: 3« 0 f" FORT LARAMIE" iS Team standings Cltteen and Chronicle ..-.29 IS 9 Mrs. Jaek Ewing.'Boo Boo's, 430 Hmneidealer itrued'tp require the Borough of Kenil- / Edna FERRER'S tulips ..:.v..»l»~«»»—•••*•••••—- was pleased with the hustle shown w.. tehieh Esso „.. 42 6' worth to v have a legal obligation to im- Daisies ...... I.:..;.»....»..l. 13 Macfcra BiitxT Stop 13 H;iytele's JFoods 0 and M"rg. Buck Russel, Clowns, prove said lands in any way whatsoever. COLOR CARTOONS by the booters in the Chatham 1 34 ft ' "ICE PALACE" mSu-"i Bufaer Shap __ 13 Builders General 23 r, 0 429." ••'•-••!'•• • BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that FREE TOYS KIDDIE RACES game. Chatham, one of the; stated Friecdly Birtwr SHajs 13 Swatt Cleaners 28^ s 10 the Borough Engineer cause proper nota- ll Baiber Shop 8 Team standings are: tions to- be made upon the Official Assess- best teams* has a 9-OreconL but te " Lau's Market •. 22 ment Map and *)T other Officials be di- Cranford held them to four goals. •* Crawford Shoe Start ...... '31. a ' ' ' ' ' W „«« rected to make notations'on. all existing Veterans*. Bart*? Shop . 11 880,800*9 „ Municipal Maps that'laid premises- ate Three'were beoted-by Jaha Ren- 12- PEPPEftMHW ROOM Dae Rao's »r. "». f, dedicated for mi only for drainage pur- nte and the other, by Emanuel 'K&- Shop 13 LdtedLoderstedtt 213 191 159 Dabies poses pursuant to this Ordinance. Enough # C. Dena Sala 130 Clowns prios. •,'_• :••••:..•. '•*..'* ~ Perry 1S3 182 113 King Plus NoTieg :X Junior Varsity Heasler ... 1S2. 1B1 145 P)n Ups Public Notice Is Hereby Given that the J. Delia Sala M0 IBS 184 foregoing Ordinance was Introduced at a For All S. DeHa^Sala m tit Meeting of the Governing Body of the PARK ii Edge Rahway 7-6 Hanfficap 8 18 WESTOTELD JiVM. EOSEtTB FAU 3 ^FOR NONPARTISAN: Borough -of Kenilworth on the lllh day t n . ..tfe^ junior varsity faotball team totals ' 16S 80S 97S of October, I960. It was then read for, CHestnui 5-0358 Blueixlb —:.. •id HAStlG RAINT SHQP (II U INFORMATION. the ar»t time. The laid Ordinance will be Baffo«Uls „...„ ~ — balanced their record at 2-2 Mon- BiPablo 148 16? 247 further considered for anal passage by Lilac£' ••• .....,i.....«« ..« lo day by. eking «ut 3 7-6 vkttory Nordstram J. 125 171 m CALL THE the Governing Body of : the- Borough of 12 BiLorcnxo 180 147 ISO Kenilworth at th» Borough Hall. Boule- ••'•••• ''fcaaa T 12 over Hahway at Itahway. Sea Fan-ell ».... WO1S4 147 WE HAVE THE NEW ,varoV Kenllworth. New Jersey, at eight Butttreups ...... u 16 Seawell misled ant extra point kick Cflck6wskl' 169 138 202 I IEAGUE OF o'clock In tne> evening (prevailing time) . Aathoay qUIN* Petunias ...... : Koury 135 on the 28th day of October. 1960. At ete Show Weekday Sandra DEE John SAXON after beating the varsity with, one 7S9 liWOMEN . euch time and place; or at any time and Evenings BtlUMMK ,ii,n Saturday. John Krip made Cran- place to which, such meeting may be Chinchillas SfAKOABD LUMBER (21 •' COMPACT THAT adjourjjed, all persons interested Will be "PORTRAIT In'BUCK? MlnkS .„ ford's: isopbriani extra point on a H. Gold ldS -119 160 given on opportunity' to be heard con- Gordon SCOTT Bclta ST. JOHN Sable* .« run; after Dlunging six yards for M. Gymbaluk 170 148. 219 . cerning such Ordinance. " v H. Santella 170 160 179 . By Order of the Gov THRU vmmAY, NOV. i ':• the iouchdown. IS.'Cymbaluk .'..... 187 • 1S7 193 ALREADY MADE OOD >- . . PHHJP Tanan, The Magnificei* Our human laws are but ttie Ceanford's. fcfeshmea gridders B. Nylen ..:. , 192 133 131. Judy HOLIDAY Bean MARTIN Entire Show in Brcatht#ig copies,, more^ or less Imperfect* of lost their first contest Friday, Totals ...;...... 88S 7flff 873 I- Bated* Octane* in S860 Color / CITIZEN tt CHRONICLE (It Adtf. tter.: *24A2 -. the eternal laws, so tar as we candropping a 6-0 game to Linden at MeCullough .....'...... : 182 138313 BR 6-1484 v 'THE BEi.LS.ARE read them.-AJames A. Froude - Hay. Sr 143 J6J135 ftti» nerf to peal ttoatiim new, tanttferj entries in the fieWL Comtet is Ae proved 'SAT, MAT., OCT. Manorial ii " Howard >3fl3 l 141 148 BR 647S4 G McConnell -18187 14(3 17«, Meeenof die eonapact cars^.-. the only one with fine-car styling. And Comet is the BOVS in ZielMbaeh ...» .'. 1.58 182 167 ' Michael RENNEE • He that ean. nave patience can Handicap 2 2 3 TUESDAY firatCaimily-«iz8 oompaflt, JUIST. JOHN Jun^leJfcf have what he wflL—Benjamin Local Harriers Nip Jeff Totals 783 7t2 841 Franklin, SEoa Ritter eaisie in first With rize people_phi5 plenty ti tnmfc Substituted for "Pofttaiif to a lime of 14:02.5 Tuesday as the m G VOTE INVEST YOUR SURPLUS CASH... BUT FIRST "THi LOST WORLD" J. Hirich lfif 152 181. Boom far theif lnggaga (28 Black" . . ' You cram these words into tnini Cranfdrd High School Cross coun- J. • Bruesta : im 17* 182 Plus H, Blnsmere 1SS 1S1 18rt Cubic feett). The KIDDK MATINEE ears try tean) (edged Jefferson 27-28. J. Erriea IBS 185 16S FUND sense.—WiiUam Shakespeare TulVbi l i llSSTSIgS < -te&xedsosrjensiar / g - Handicap „ ' 11 was sixth and Al Knapp was • Totals.. 828 B44 8* trIAt URANIUM' A Cartoons & seventh, HARBWARE (61 Weber-.... .209 145 189 "SITTING BULl>'/. • STARTS ¥UES« OCT.;?5ft Blind Ifto 160 1 FranUenberger na 154 lf.rt Plus CARTOONS • , 'FROM THE TERRACE On Frt^h —Samuel L. Clemens TfeiM ..; -r.... 167 188 108 Heinhold 148 171 • Pmienl fan toOeiAti NATIONAL STATE BANK Gall IBd 122 with &r belmv the other TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Ifotsla .-.»"... 869 7S7 774 i( Heine C3>Wiseie' MvuyomorwtuoNiunauui JFOOTHAUL SHEEN'S GOL» CHECKS (3) 'Umm Cmuyi LaJmg Buif w Cir>jiih)fti Attonwy ' • \ H. Ktency IM 114 1S7 compacts. See4t here now , it •OWHJXENTy SCOBES • •" ,,isa_iii? vTT; ELIZABETH • SPRINGRELD • ROSELLE PARK »...„.. 6 L 149 134 W4 itJ«trM422 IUMS12N Roselle 20 ~~~~*. 0' Bernards GriUke **-*..... 222 214 1R8 * SUMMIT •KEN(LWdRtH * WESTFIgLD * Proacni Township COW DOG" Juith ;....„„... 18d 1S8 185 Forme? Mombor Bd. Education With Be^ ALLEN OTHUt Wf LOON MtOmiOfi On WoodbHdge 7 M_^^ 0 Linden Handicap 12 2 S CninrnlttMman 4 Yim. Hew Brunswick 32 «...,.„ -26 Jetf TotoU- ...r...... S?0 780, 823 ~%jperleaeed In All Phase* iEMiit liiiiai iirisii ussiMCt curiumi tor br H LmycacirJ NEXT MONTEREY Bound Brook 20 2 Scotch Plains BUUJJERS' GENERAL <0> jO< Town GOT k Dr.. Crsnford. N. >. 'A* ' , " 'TyHT' . _ • • •-•;.'"-: •; •:.. ,A A. Haddad ...... 134 ' - LADY IN RED" Av« Gardner Cuicret 314 , Q ]R6selle Parlc l>ald (of by H. 301 SOUTH AVE. WESTFIELD, N. J. A. IPavlc* *«...«..uu.. 13S 135 . N. J. vuyorwuns in Mottafck Dt« fill 187 -1-

\ J r- L :• =CRAMT0Rl> (K. J.) C1TI2EV AVn CHBOS1CLE—THTRfeDAT. OCTOBER 5071960 Va» fltK • J CKANFOBD (N. J.) OT1ZEN AND CHKOIJ1CLE—THUR8DAY. OCTQBEB 2», i960, the cash to build the -. . i ty, 162, and Evelyn Lawler, 161. man, shells. The class i<: evaluating the "Luncheon is Served" program v tl, people are on the wor] Real Estate For Sale Help Wanted - Female h Services' • / Real Estate For Sale Team standings. each report and giving constructive on Thursday in the cafeteria Borough H^lll out of. so) plus M«*III«MII*»IH awk kfancyHayes mu mo bcitinning o( its 26th year. not in it — having no conscioi H» fVoro"3'FM.,t«i 11: Wl. ftie day alone, without tostliiir thf tatpay- j (Ctmliuued Jrtun Pu(ii- li WOXJAM F. DAVIDSON" t"ctt 1, Barbti •• triticiiin. s loi j-secret pal leVealintJ I OCNERAI. CONTRAPTDJCT. Carpentry. week: LPN from 11 PJS to 7 Ai, 12 Miss. Ifclcnc V. Austin, kindergar- Pledge Garwood R»crtaiion pprty on November 16 at a > sympathy or relationship to a: "( Classified Rates Masonry. Plastarln( Jk Roofln*. BHdfe CRANFORD > G.G.NUNN ave daSr week. Small nursing; liome. 10 a Ari Classes BJn er any thine in additional taxe* and nounced that rJiutiing and grounds Genir.i! Mainu rude. trr the cafeteua were announced without anv type of ten'te-cher in Harding School, is e-38a9. No job too smaU. Estimates Realtors Insurors " BRldge\8-378«." «* |Rollsa212 Hay » tUrbcr Sp^te spider-- in thicc dimen- committee \vjl4 meet at ihe church a- 1 thing about them —John Muir. FIRST INSERTION — 3 cents a word. 75 cento Without «blsatlon. „ '« ICOVMT CX8 Enough Enz Bio 10 i reed and ti ->ui; papbr mo- Personb interested va joining the Plans for an open house rally ii(Wt Thupsday at 7'30 p.m. director.' BOARD OF REALTORS _W0M AN WITH C£R CJBAKCJtBVinV ynon—Nancy Hayes roll- T V AJtFKtfTKR snd vOM^H**^FOIL AJI 6-8110 'COVHTW "bilc5~and~Qth«ii'~space~des«2 i*c:are- ne\yr^.4ub—a kinds of alterations, porche*. etc. Lu*- Multiple Listing Service ooavau: _ LJ a 212 gawe in —r~leadin^ g her "tea—m V. for eeac hfe;,) wlf Sdbert. 388 Lincoln Drt«e. KcnU- TO: WALTER IXE WARD *TH file your s0 neg_ay, Gordon Flather. Patrick copy* Electric BRldse ^-8835. Day or NUht. ground floor, one in expansion attic. ing, six day total: possible permanent participating ro this year's pro- tf Future room and bath prepared position every Thursday or Friday answer and proof of semicc in duplicate Garwood Beverages won twoGraflam, William HarriH COPY — Wednesdays at 10 A. M. Salesmen Ovil Practice tad Procedure. t Ra>'{, Barber, took two from Gen- Grade S 6-189S. tf :OLONIAL. six rooms plus sunr^om. all was presented ..last son Regional High School in Claik Complete Line Of — Telephone BRidge 64000 — in excellent condition Three bed- knna? Coo* * —. BR 6-3120 . EARN The object of said action is to obtain eral Maintenance. ^ Projects on the colonial period include Sue Davis, club president: ELECTRICAL. SERVICB — Daniel J. room* Two car garage, Owner 3ea Warner -• .-'-•• CH S-60M a Judgment of divorce between the said ;ht to the Rev, Johft HeyDum. licensed electrician. S Burn- leaving for the south ... . $10,900. Other liigh scores were: Peggy. have been comDleted in Mrt Virginia Hairis, Marjone Harper, HUNT MISS COTY Ruth Priee Keve .. ..._ BR 6-5173 hat needed money the "AVON v plaintiff land you. !>_•. pastor of the Church tide Ave.. BRldce «-9d00. tf Hazel Hamilton . .,. .-,. . JAD 2-1727 Aistaldo. 183; Linda Ragonese, Immediate openings Lincoln Avenue and EARL POLLACK. Attorney g class. DioramaDoramas of St. Anne l^y Mrs. John "Mayei. Linda Riccaedo, Beverly Baitlclt Vaporizers-Humidifiers Lucia O. Balmy BR 6-8842 Centennial Avenue Christmas earnings Plaintiff, Minnie Lou Ward 177 Ek'anora Kutsera, 176; Eileen Showing colonial * scenery, "lurm- TELEVISION REPAIRS—Quick, depend-, Gertrude T\irfc . - i BB 6-2641 average S4 and up per hour, part-time. Dated- September 23. I960 chairman of the merchandise club and Carol Makowsky. able service. Van's Crantord Electric,' Laura MacGregor BR B-B531 Sharkoy, 172; Eleanora Tritask, ture and dolls COSMETICS, For Salt S Alden Street. BRidge 8-0483. tf Call Mrs Ale*. MI ,2^5}4S for KREE Adv. Pees: SZO-16 10-20 ture and dll dd in coloniali l The piogram, now in its fourth I For Sale Complete Multiple Listings BOOKLET ,. ' i"0 165; Mel Romanp, 168; Emilie $4.95, $6.95, TfinEE MEM'S SUITS, islie -4(V. overcoat. vear at Clark Regional, permits A GENERAL CARPENTRY and CABINET rU-.. 168^ Angie Simonet, 166; ing in Si FOR CHILDREN ' COW or MOHSB MANURE. lotted, En- slzr 40, Hood condition, very reason' work. Repairs, alterations, additions, APABLE HOUSEKEEPER Excellent Grade 7 the teachei-to-be to gain insight 7 rich aU 'outdoor plants, shrub*. 85 de- able BRldflo C-5748 home for right person. Two business Eleanor Peiusio. 164; Ann Gfcrri- The appliance*; for the school $8.95, $12.95 livered Thi« month only, topuoll stairs, dormers, porches;. • recreation SHAHEEtf AGENCY, Home is the dearest spot on Ernest Melofchik's, <;ociaf *tudy into the behind-the-scenes plan- and attic rooms. Expertly dona by IEA1, ESTATE INSURANCE adults Private room and bath. Must cafeteria and classrooms were ChMtnut Fomu, U0 8-4888. 24 noun SMALL TRAILER. bullt-Up framework Edward Dudlck. BRldoe 8-MB0. tf sleep in. For appointment, write, giv- •classes have inspected voting ma- ning, work and organization neces- around side Gall SUnsct B-12S4 cve- Realtors ing age. experience, salary desired and earth, and it should bs the centre, made pos-ib'e from proceeds' from H. A. DETERING chines with sample, ballots on dis- saiy<.for classioom^teaching while l MIMEOGRAPHING — AU types. Club IS North Ave. E. references. '. Box 337 in care of thethough not the boundary, of" the the annual merchandise club. In- bulletins, postals, booklets. Also public Cranford Citizen and Chronicle 10-20 UNITED FUND TUESDAY play at City Federal Savings and performing various duties for the FINE TXJNTV AND.ENAMELS WOMEN'S CLOTHING, size 0-11. food. - formation* on the formation of a One coai ceiUntf fl»t condition BRidse 6 T433 stenogrsphy and typing. B^BtftUBMf! BR 6-1900 and BR 6-0777 affections.—Mary Baker Eddy. Loan, Kenilwortn. Each student tujiy* such as marking papers, CLEARING ON SHAMPOOS Vinyl basa wall paint prompt service. Pay. night. Sunday, lOOKKEEPER with' Well-roundedl knowt- NOV. 8 j new club may be obtained from PY - COMFORTABLE ledge of bookkeeping, records,, payroll ELECT cast a vote. Charles Lennon. vice- Alkyd flat wall paint holiday service. M-K Duplicating Serv- t>ping, doing "research and miscel- MAHOGANY DINING tibic p.ids; leave*. 1 -and posting, 'tor a manufacturing con' Mrs.. Mayer, 812 Center street. AH Color* choirs^ china clo et, $30, child's high ice, 10 Hlllcreat Avenue. BBldga «- OPEN WEEKENDS Tot Just another home, but a roomy.at- president o£ the bank, guided the 1 laneous clerical -assignments. Apply with brush or roller 3174. - tf Evening* CaU cern Salary open. For Interview call Mrs . Ma^er thanked the follow- chiir, S3, rockihe horse, S2;' cedar ractive 4-bedroom colonial located In BRidge 6-8700. „,...,..,... students. » Many Fine Brands . /2 Satin JEnmnd chut. $4 BRldsc 0-1020 lesirable residential area near grade and ing captains for their assistance: In the past, the teacher aides, "CncmOux" White Knanwi FULL HOUSEPOWER electrical service. Salesmen i'gh school^ Log-burning fireplace in after; numerous conferences frith Noo-YeOowinM 100 amp., service, fixture and plug In- Everardl Kempshalt ._^-_— BR 6-0012 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to baby sit t»o Students are working on projects Mis<; Florence Ca>taldo, Mrs. Den- CUSTOM MADE LINED DRAPES With stallation. Free estimates. A. Knott. living room, screened porch off dining afternoons a week BRidge 2-503$. faculty members, have taught a1 Ttough floor Hnunea hardware, for living and dihlng room. Marguerite Rearwin . ... BR J^W room, a large kitchen with picture win- in history class, illustrating ma- nis Comiskey, Mrs. Joseph Costa K UNITED 633 s Kingston Avenue; Kenllworth. Color Matehte* Service Excellent condition, tlest after Call Helen Cregar -...... - .- »«••" dow and dining area, also ^.convenience DAY WORKER for cleaning. State ref- terial they will study during the class durmg the school year. Cur- CHEMICOTE- PAINT WORKS BRIdfic 6-3832J CHestput S-69M, tf Marge Thorn - BR <-f390 I a first floor lavatory make this ti home, EXPERT tV REPAIRS Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mrs. ThdnfK WIDE ASSORTMENT AAETRECAL "!09 Boulevards Kenflwortb Viola Rale - • — BR 6-8M3 nyonc can well enjoy with a great deal •BSBG£<> Write to Box 380 in care oil first half of the year. rently being organized is a plan ALUMINUM porch enclosures Using Craniord Citizen and Chronicle. as. &utt Ave, B. TeL BHld» Work Wanted — Female Mrs. Peter Siragusa,- Mrs. G6tt- TWO LIONEL. 0 GAUGE trains, switches; Washington. Next Wednesday, members will 6-0893. « transformer, track find. aU operating VT YOU PLAN TO BUILD, repair or WOMAN wishes Ironing to do at borne. fricd Sohler. Mrs. Herman Steffen,- Whitman's, Schrafft's cars, Stereo Vlr^ Master, transformer, make alterations, call T. JOHNSEN. Call PRldge 6-33M. . « 8 Alden St. Miss- Lorrane CofiiRter% seventh Mrs. Frank WancJ. visit Montclihx State College, New Metrecpl Liquid VENETIAN BUNDW-Njn »UX*. 23 to 38 file cose and 42 reels. ADatns 3-4844 389 Lincoln Avenue. East. Cronford. MULTIPLE USTWO SERVICB Inches custont-Auallty stock blinds, all BRidge 6-4S48. - tf ALL WOOL . AlXTODr grade homeroom presontecl a Co-,, Ten new members were intro- where^hoy will tour the campus, Candy Cupboard M Inches ton*. *133; also JencraK tf WOMAN WILL, baby sit; day or evening. 40c per Can and C W. Breneman custom bllndl, lumbus Day program. The poem, duced as follows: Mrs. Joseph Az- visit classrooms andMjave lunch in TV-RADIO-PHOMOGRAPH combination, HI-FI and RECORD CHANGER repairs— AND A YARD WIDE BRidge 6-4267. SOc «J. ft. Crantord Upholstery S" auiek, dependable service. Van's Cran- H. A. DETERING BR 6-0483 "Trouble for Columbus.** was .zolino, Mrs. Vincent Budzeika^Mrs. the cafeteria. They wilixbe accom- 120 South Aye- E'. BRldgc «-08«3, txcellelit condition; That 'wrineer-typo ford Eectrlc, 8 Aldea Street BRidge WOMAN WISHES general office- work, VAN'S ovol> brick and stucco home, en- panied by William Kblodinsky, washer, rugs, husctillaneou' household hours 9-3:30. CaU SUnset 9-0471. spoken by a chorus. Choral direc- Anna Chumak. Mrs. Joseph Cul- items. Call BRidge 6-0510. B-04S3. tf ance vestibule, living room with flre- 208 Beech St. BR&6330 FRf E DELIVERY . BR 6-0700 UBBER STAMPS made to order on [>ljcc, bUnroom, dining room, kitchen tor was Linda Krueger; solos were mone, Mrs John Driscoll, Mrs. guidance director at Johnsbh Re- abort notJce, .usually 34 hours service. STURDY DOGHOUSE, S3, two complete LAND8CAPTNO and TREE WOHK ki'lth breakfast counter. Second floor^, JVOMAN WISHES day Work two or three performed by- Herold Seheideg- gional, and Leenatd^Cjreenfield, , Prices reasonable. Best of material Jim Lovd&bd 1 days' a week, SI 2a per hour, plus car- Thomas Glea^on, Mrs. Josephine Cub Scout uniforms, size 10. $5 each. 1 hrec bedrooms (master bedroom 20X 15k. faculty adviser to the club. s Easy Charge .System and workmanship. Crantord Busbar CaU BRidge 6-8424 alter 6 P.M. 1X7 Washington St. Westfieid lie bath Screened patio, one-car enrage iare. Experienced and reliable, excel' WESLEY N. gpr, Jeffrey Lyon, Robert Yule, Marshall, Mrs. James Materia, Mrs. s Stamp Shop. HI North Avenue, W.. ADams 3-4S30 or ADams S-6870 t 1 lent references. Elizabeth 5-1606 after BBidge ?-18flO. «* letached. Owners transferred, SAVE AT Jolin Wallace, Peter Hogaboom* Edmund McCarthy, Mrs. Andrew •5- GIRL'S BICYCLE, 20 in Schwirin, very PRICE , . 522.500 COLONIAL 4 PM. good condition, S20. BRidge 6-3466. Michael Rachel, William Butler. Tabor. Democrats Stand ALUMINUM combination storm windows Other members of the choral and screens—uned-^artntis si and TELEVISION bedroom, 2 years' ej part- ~ ir Home Owner COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, near .. BRidge 6-9548 Dietrich i~ . BR 8-4838 — Nights Call — time position In the bookkeeplng-etexi- bies as follows: "John Wallace. ported that 100 persons attended ough is in the-enviable position of «AtT for WATER SOFTENERS^ dellV. nil transportation. Business man pre- Marion Hazeldine . BR 6-0483 Salesmen cal field Call HRldge 6-3438. . coins and precious stones; Richard ferred 190 North Avenue. "East. Cran- BR 6-5833 Eleanor Craig ...... _.,...... BR 6-1118 Jaid for by K Laycock. ctcd. Reflnea. roe*, pellets and Waft- jOET 330 volt installations our specialty Alice Wirkus , „',.- -,. •• BR 6-388B CLEAN. LIGHT- and—nicely furnished ZJMMERMANN .BROTHERS' * Naomi Henehan. ».«..^. .^^Mu^., BR 6-2062 room in friendly private home to ElectrJcal Contractors Louise Svedman -.- BR 6-6793 reliable gontleman. convenient trans- ICO' 8-4344 BR 6-6898 THE WORLD BOOK EncycloBedia. flrrt portation, parking "lot in rear, .222 tf — OPEN WEEKENDS — Piano Tuning . In sales. Budget plan. CaU EVELW* Walnut Avenue. 10-20 Sat. from Bam. Sun. from lpm. WiettAW.r. PIANO TUNWO ««l »- BOBBINS & MUSOH/HNL FUEL OIL is YOUR BEST HEAT CHAIKEN. IQUD B-4S1& tf ALTERATIONS antt REPAIRS by expert pairing by recognized expert*- Itad- The Finest Automatic You Can Buy! carpenter. Free estimates. work kln Piano Co. 4 (formerly Cranford .int FLOOR WAXING MACHINES, new and fully - guaranteed. Call evenings, - THE UNUSUAL {Piano Co) Tuners and Bebuildenw and for the - tiled, complete line o! waxen and BRidge 6-1311, ' tf 437 North Avenue. Vest. WestflelA. »l (UDDlieS. 418 t^tuMlM For Rent ADams 3-S81L - tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING GENERAL. HOME REPAIR—tf you have LAURAS. Avenna. BBigg««-CT»3, GARAGE for rent, 190 North Avenue, a-job to be done or would just like INNEWSv.. . HOME FURNISHINGS—Antique*, pianos, East, Cranford. BRidge 6-0880. to talk With us about it. call Bill's SWACKHAMER - Realtor Household Goods Exelutively rugs, silverware, taxi., bought and Mtld. Home Maintenance' Service. Electrical THREE OARAGES for rent. 15 North and plumbing repairs, carpentry, floor ALL NEW BEST IN FUEL OIL MADISON .OA1XERTJ5B, JM ' 1" ' Moose On Golf Course Street. MrfdUon, N. 3. TO14907 . Union Avenue, BRidge 8-0234. tiling, lawn mowing, storm windows, Btt 6-1133 BR 6-4478 screens, window repairs, cellar and attic .. 4 Alden Street. Cranford Used Cars For Sale SETTLING -Ate ESTATE —Rugs cleaning. Telephone: BRidge 2-8888. Fails To Replace Divots Marie R. Deacon BR 6-3350 STATION WAGON. 1058 FordonutiC. 9- Shipping used, 9x13, $30; 8x15. $3S, oriental Fully Insured, , tf Alpha de la Motte _, „ BR 6-5644 passenger country sedan, original own-* 11x12, S9S—other sizes. GE Vacuum. Breton Woods. "K. H. (UPD—Every lUMred Van Gelder ~ — BR 6-0348 er, $750 BRidge 6-0248. •30. Attic fan. $29. Also wool hooked Commercial golfer knows it is tough enough to sink tugs. FUlton 8-2028. ' » tf GETTING ENOUGH a putt without having a moose butting OLDSMOBILE "98," 1966, poWer steering BLACKSTONE LOVELAND FUEL CO. his foot in the Way. And brakes, all extras. 'Excellent me- 11 SALT rOR WATER softeners, many dU- & Business Space HOT WATER?A Mount Washington golf course keepers chanical shape Good paint. Sacrifice; ferent types. Calcium chloride I ! ! OVER 1.000 sq.ft. 3rd floor at 1840 say a bull moose has taken to midnight $850 Call BRldge 6-1020. Wash and Wear" Trubenbach'S Feed & Seed, BRidge fl- NortH Union Avenue, comer Aldcn • / walks around the course and leaves four- ""1681.118 South Avenue. E. -Cranford. Street.—Ideal~for-en engineering- __ Specializing in'the removal of Umescato neb xiivoiiL fevecyiulicfo, hf *»*«*pu ip^n^t- Call BRfdge Estimate* Cheerfully,. tf flee, mail order stamp and com coltromHo- t water colls. Wo rent land sell Ing thcjmttlri8_Bveens! IN. Y, Times) dan.-RAH. good tires, excellent condi- lection .business, etc. MAX TOWERwater softeners. '.Open Dally 9-5 Sunday J-5 tion, ideal second car. 3185 firm- 213 South Given on Any AUTOMATIC WASHER SALE-CLAMPS AND SHADES Reduc- vfc Co. 315 Broad Street. ELiiabeth 2- SCHAtBUE UMESCALE REMOVAL BHldsc 8-7755. tions 20ft to~«0*: take advantage of 1480. Eveninas 8-9 Moving Problem these bargains; many shades our own SERVICE ADams 2-4890 IN REAL ESTATE..., ...... Gleaming hETVir—""» style. Lamps and«hatles re- 19 ALDEN ST. BR 6-0400 covered and repaired: we'eao duplicate OTLOWSKTS LAWNMOWER Service A house fa a house -jStointes Steel Ti any shade. 1001 lamps and shades in Painting — Decorating Mowers sharpened and repaired. that saying is true Or by Appointment t i V stock. Replacement glassware in stock. BRidge 6-8053. tf But you'll say lots more Wanted *•«. E. T. Williams. 7S5 Central Avenue. When We introduce you , T. A. CRANE—Painting and Decorating. ~* Evenings Call *—» WILL PAY 8-12'J for S3.0OO-S3.DOO sec- Westfieid. No parking problems, 343 Walnut Avenue. TeL BRidge 6-0980 TRUCK • CRANE and T D.-9. Bulldozer To these charming colonials ADamS 3-3158. tf for for hire , S. W, Oliver, Inc., BRidge with Values golqre Salesmen ond hiortgage loan on excellent West- 6-3159 and HUnter 6-7056, tf from top to bottom Ubby Brewster —.. ...- BR 6-199! field north side Income property tar ' Automatiailly SALT HAY. PEAT MOSS, KO-K-O for WILLIAM RqBSEX.1 from ceiling to floor. , .,..., BR 6-5215 term "A to 3 Jri, amortized monthly Intarlor and WEDDING INVITATIONS: Buy from ex- Hope Mllitu or interest monthly if desired. Box: TRIP RATES 60£S WiSKJllD-WtM F«aJCS tritb a mulchinfi shrubs, rose*, gardens I ! 1 tertorPalntinf. H^ So be sure to cull us A. Hebert ^...... BR 6-1398 perienced, professional printers and en- 356. In care of Cranford Citizen and (piViai' lock«l-ui" jydo tkit pro- We SELL and SERVICE the New KORTH Trubenbach'S Feed & Seed, BRidge «- aonsl supervision. SOS ^u A«a- gravers. Best Quality and price. Cast Bn G-5900 is the number to dl!il Dora Kuzgma .. . . . BR 6-^464 1661! 118 South Avenue, E . Craniord. nue. Craaford. Can BBldge «-atl5. We can assure you Chronicle, . l»3H '— fo ind fffom — Vidus precLe lenipcrafairK, Wish, service. Free parking tat the "doer. It will be Very worthwhile I I ! OIL FIRED HOT WATER HEATERS tf ALLEN PRINTING CO, 41 North Ai/e-' iaai, and spin/*pewb as r«oni- nuo.'. E., Cranford, N. J. Evening ap->. nictidi.il.by fabric and garment CLEARANCE; SALfc—1060 Johnson o PAINTING, DECORATING, interior; ex polntmenQ available. BRidge1 6r2244. -!-. , • 1 idlewiBd, LaGuardia & Newark - •; awkew, lima, make no mistake. board motors, I960 beats. All must be teribr. Estimates rheerfulrjr ^glv Ovimer Is Guilty Lost and Found - sold for new model. WestAcld Marine, BANS A, BERQ, 313 North Avenue/ : REPAIR ALL, MAKES wajhers and. dry-of ottering '. •;; >• ABOVE LOST—Savings Bofik No. 56187. Subur- vam BtajtM WMIW aiwa asm 781 Central AycmieY Wettfield. Open BRidge 6-1409. , - ers; quick.''dependable servioe. VAN'S ban Trust Co, U not restored before irports — Grand Central & Monday and Friday until 0 P.M. CaU CRANFORD ELECTRIC, 8 Aldiri Street, Are.'offered thru member offices of the BR 6-1144—AD 3-1061 -SU 9-1127 CHAM ESVA, RYDER—Interior and ex- November 3, 1660. application wiU be of uiiTtLiid rinse tnierV choose ADams 2-0053. BRidge 6-0483. ,- % tt A $8,000 Saving CRANTORD BOARD OF REALTORS mada tor a new book. ", . Jl»3 aid spin qeob for perfect terior iiintlng and LOOK FOB THE 8ION Hons, N.Y. Pien 362 North Ave./ E. Cranford, N. J. PEAT MOSS, 3 «l,. ft. bat!, $1.05. 8 cu. p..^^.^lf caU after READY FOR WINTER* Betiners'- haaJcruut- Tempentm* it tbtt» en his big custom-built modern port-brick -' • • •.;:>' " .-•• . • ' '•,•••'' ft-..'tfi.85. HERS' mTZEL'S Nursery ice Pool handles home repairs, la colonial. Everything you want at a real- "REALTOR" . - and Garden Center. 299 Denman Road, small, from roof Ut drlveway^-c 1 13 WOBTHV CHANfORB ageaeUs! ••-.!> latle price. ' • Cranford. * Op«n • Sundays. CALL.BENTLEY for painting at its best. try, plumbine.- electric, asphalt, eon } Pledge enough for- all . .. .tf at below avenge cost. BRidg* 6-oiBft. cretc, BRidge 6-3356 or BRMg l way. SANDWICHES*"ilADB*lo order lor'Wed" ding parties and all ocemisns; canapes ARTHUH A, KIAMIE—Interior and ex- 'The law is the last and hord d'oeuvres. Coll ~ BRidge 6- terior palntiritf and decoratlnS; satis- . Newspaper Delivery ELIZABETtt FEELEY ' '1413. . ' ••;•.•.• faction KUaranteed. three astlmateJ.' human wisdom acting Let (b Oemoiulnibl • Call ELhabett 2-4248 or BRidge 6- HOME DEL1VERV of momlntf, evening. ' 98 Centennial Avenue BR 6-0803 human csxpisrienee for th6 bene- 1085, . —!—a» , "ajid Sunday newspapers. ' Dependable We oafPOST FfiOM LEAVES and Harden lot you.\Doilghlliil family room1, powder ~ STOP IN TODAY tia»« uy •iama AfaCO or ACTiVo »ld Newspaper Delivery, P.O. Box «8.room, .EtWoy outdoor living m - uio p»i Eileen Wilson ...... BR 6-2875 fit of the public.—Sanjuel Johri- SCARBROUGH'S A & A CAB SERVICE > at TfUbenbach-g Feed Mi Seed.. BRidec MICMAEti M. BAHlClI—Exterior and in* Craniord, N. j. SUniet 8-0367. vacjf ef theXyard shaded by five tewerine Bernioe Stuart .„...... BR 6-6304 «-l6«i» 118 South Avenue, £,, Cran terlor painting and paper ^^"gi«if. oaks. Friendly area where you and your son 8 ALDEN ST. '.31 • • < ; ./fteQ. Make fd '••'• • ;111 Reasonable prices.. CatTdaytf, BRidge children will Vnako fricHdi easily. Re 6-1SIO, evenln««, BRidge 9-7218, 8-25 Heal Estate Insurance duced toS23 , '. ' SHERIFF'S 8\J-E HOLLAND BULBS — Tulips. Hyacinth. S, R. BLUNCK arid SON, 20fl Michigan 8kJPEBiOR COIIET Or-HEW JEBSET BR 60483 ' . DulTodil, Crocuil—Plant therU «6W, II! Wanted To Buy CHANCEBJ UIVISIOV VAN'S TrUberibtich'l Peed & Seed. BRidac Avenue, Kenllworth. CHcstnut »- OPEN 1-5. P.M.—I How three bedroom «J-16«1, 118 South Avenue, K., CranfaroV 6637 .. • '•.- •• : tit •••-•« we BWY BOOKS ranch, modern kitchen, built-in even, (JNIOK COUNTS - "ii'i? PLEASE CAUL, FOR DETAILS IK SERVICE . dishwasher, garage. Also 1 new split DOCKET No. C-ISSS-Sfl*' "• •>. P.M. BOOK SHOP leyoi, modem kitchen, recreation roam JENNIE REGOCHESNEV, Plalntifl. COMBINATION STOtfM and SCREEN :'. •; PLainfleld 4-3900 IM 75x100. » and IS Davis Stree / .VS. Musical Insiructiona CARRIE Heed MESTEH. EX ALS. WINDOWS', private parly. BRidge e d BRidge 6-3914. t : 8«5 10 i R, BENNETT, teacher of piano. Leiasi CLEAN' WHITE RACH, loc a Bound G.E. HOi / -f ' .Defendants, methods, classical and popular. - Les- . Cranford Citizen 'and Chronicle, 21*23 BETTER QUAL1TV HOUSES built b; CIVH, /AdTtON IW PAftTITlOlsrt sons in your home. 666 Dorian Road, Aldcn Street. - ' Realtor Cusarid, Front and back spilt,, nine AMENDED JUDGMENT FOR SALE. Wetineld, - CaU ADami 343* t rooms, 2Vi baths, laundry. room, - two- By Virtue of .the above-stated (In Par- .'\* SINGER'ER S THREE-DAY TESWAY or ether plane wanted. EVENINGS CALL car garage, almost complett': aim one tltioitt Amended Judgment for Sate' to ACCORDiON INSTRUCTIONS Kindly state maker, prlee, ace. Writ Evelyn Rettlne BR eight room Colonial In construction; 3 me/dl«cted I shall expose tot sale by USED MACHINE SALE RerrUU and Sales • to Box 358 in cure ol Cranford Citizei Pauline Chandler AD . and 5 Dorchester Road etf Denman nubile vendue. in the Court House, is DANIEL HU8TER and Chronicle. . ' 11-: Doris Putz > <, /.MM., BR Road at Uncolii Avenue. E. Cusano, tKc City of Elizabeth, N.-J.. en WedrUs* of portables and cabmcts 11 Vaa Burea Aycnue. • BRidge «^6S63 Mary Knierim ,.,; BBRR o Bulldef. • ' Say. the 38th day of October A.D.. 19*0. 5US5 and up CH Howland, St. ££..„.,„ BR 2- at tws o'clock In the aiternoon of said Ceclwii Whlttiei- ...... ^.... CH 3- day. ' •" Alio' br'aHd new vacuum cleaners Gertrude DavU ...S - „,..., AD» 2-0063 SPLtT LEVEL, S year* old, 7 reams, /\'. ALL these cerUiin Iandi. trocb er * . WOSo and up^ Furrier Tutoring Xbiiths. three bedrooms, garage. /Cu panels of land, situate, lying and beine ruRa, lrur «oat» remodeled, re-' 13 Eastman St BR 6-5900 Cranforrf \lRldse 8-^«? alteif 8_^M- / • lii the Borough of KtnilWorth. County made) Into capes and tidies. •TUTORING High School and>Citltcg of Union an4 State of New Jeney. and. subjects. CdrolUJ T- Clurk. B.A. WILhpWCHEEK INC.-3 spa£>6u8 tnsre partlculiu-iy described as follows: -JI^B^fcir-Mn~««"iloTOrtrtrr*A --•4en Monday and Fridatily ! S P.M. WcsUlcid. Call AQatni 2-3404. • v one split. Vom bedrooms, KNOWN and desigriaUd S3 Lets IS and 3 lUtn Strvet , - Utotilcld J : ' •" twa*ear\ garafie, walklrvi distinee is It, in Block 15, as Uid down, desl&iiaied ABains 3.074? |l publte sKhoola. wooded lots. WiiloWw and dlstiHguished en Section 1 of the ragged lower than Rentals crovc Read e(* Rahway' Avenue, West- Map of New Oranj^, Union County. New YOU "ODDS AND EMUS" sale—Lamps, klick-it WILLOUGHBY> Reid. For 3Bbelti COURTEOUS SERVICE CONSULT US BEFORE YOU W and fully Eastman Street, Craniord. • Invlilns restaurant. Open far luncl IN REAL ESTAT* ti INSURANCE KNOWN arid tiesigruted as Lets 37 and Anywhere! ^ .\ A A - and dlnncf. Music by charming an LARGER FAMILY? 38. lit Block IS/a* laid down, deslsnsted CHAIRS—GenulHij HitcheocU, evcvllent 5f „ talented CurtU Sisters. Friday; Satur and dUUniuUhed en Section 1 of the SERVICED! cnndlllr.ii. slitgle $4S. H't of four S1S&, -day—and Sundav~eventnu8. Johnnj Map- ol K*w Orange, Union County, New two Victnrlm bUck walnut nfcwl)' Wild: at the piano Thumtoy evening!*, SELLING? GRACIOUS LIVING? Jersey, which map is now on file in- the • c.mt'd. »30 eal-li. Call BHlde« 6-03&I 66 Cherry Street EUiabcth S-67T4. Union County tUgUtcr-a Office as • SATURDAY 1AFTIR4I0URS between S and f P.S.!, Rummage Sale Weil, now U the righl time to pu No. 31S-A, W* con Wp you *nm* your P one you wanH* €"'• KUMMAGK SALE — MondW throuuh your homo on the market I I 1 Yau'U enjoy life In thli home. y Premlici commonly kiiown oil 409-411 BAMKING FHEEZEH—10 cu. Jt. Savage, Si" below Richard Schroti. „, Bit 2-iWM translerred. Priced is sell quickly. CaU Adv. r«s: U1.50- 10-30 STRETCH YOUR WHITE MICE. a» puts tar children. cation. The Visiting Nurwj Cin Help J«ttu» Bro«dl66t ...... BR0-431 BRidge 8-«30. ' • M Injorcnce tp*6o\l%H.jM will .VoO, Telephone BRldge 6^O78T, or con Jo« Uu-agli6it# :«,„.... . 8UO-0063 LUW to 6»«5J0. . • MUSKKAT JACKET, lovtly brc^th-ol- Minnie Ariderlon ..... fa obloinino protection that is bu>fe? J« * tprliigk cw, sUf nictltum, excellent sult Telephone Directory. Hours Mon , EL 9-M01 $-DOLLARS-$ 3%%f HahuUih Lynch ...... toiiditisn, 139 or best offer. iSHIdCe 2- day thru Friday, 8:30 JtM,> 4:30 BR 8-3028 2 end yoo »*l 't9tA» th« b«W«fl. of PW (NATIONAL SOR WATER WEEK) Pit. Saturday!* AJL to I PJst No Mary Giordans BR saaa. \ l-tEDCE ENOUGH (or, all 13! Craulord wry*rt* Oundajeid a or bliholidad y Crude* Newman u ...... BR S-5774 Vote Experience m#&i& 10CM kwronc. Mrrlc# mi Edward BhimkUJ ...... 39 Jii. GtNEKAL ELKCtlliC HAN0E...... BR «4»S MOVING HATlONWlI)Cc!oii.s«rvk». cdleiit conditton. Ullldee ttJMWY CALL TODAY fi«slior InImniros . TVI'EWiUTEIl -\Kuinlnutori. nalsclesis Reelect *;'" picj ty«e. excellent condi & HAULING tion. «35. ^31 S. W1LL0UGHBY ATTICS. CELLABaV Estate Co. Open 9-9 IS CUrk Si EDWARD J. CARLIN, MAHOOANV ketrctarialNjeik. OUUUUUES. GUUiJOBD top, tUn door.. CM PR. 9-51 ALLIED COAL G*ns>xal Oar or THOMAS J. O'BRIEN Bpendable FORD DEALER SiiS V95BT~"j ABOVE OSTINGS 158 E. WesHield Avo. Ro*ell# Park WILLIAM DALZIEL Shaheen Agency, Inc. AM offered thru member office* 6? Urn J. wills CH 54100 — Qptp Ev»ning» to 9:30 It HOLMES STREET. MILLBORN —. uuo'REAUTOB" '£ '


CITIZEN AND CBS0NiaU>-Tfi1^^AT.OCn)AKE ,-1 Ushers were Robert Statman of he entered the service-on Septem- two "SO x 100 buildinjMots. the won first prize in the 27th annual charges of misrepresenting their J] East Orange, /William Weber of ber 1, 1059, tract is in a Business B zone. autumn Watchuog. Troops horse ages to procure alcoholic drinks at Judith Levy, Roselle Pa,rk, Richard Soroka of Dudjey H. and Carole Neville of show on Saturday. the Sunnyside Tavern, 740 Boule* Par Rocka'way, Nr Y., and Marv- United Nations Week 20 North -1Mb. street were per- Bonnie, 8, won the blue ribbon vard. GIVE MORE Union Man in Cohan, Union. mitted to combine, two 25 x 100-for the best performance in an The fines were imposed under Following a honeymoon in Flor- Proclaimed by Mayor foot lots into a 90 x -100 tract lo- event for .novice trooper;. The a borough ordinance against Miss YOU'LL ALWAYS FIR cated in North street To Your ida. Mr. Bauer and'his-bridc-wilL GARWGOD -Mayor" Edward 1 }°^ show took place at th<» Wntrhung Anita-Heitmanq-of-lrvington and live at-1830 Manor dftta. Union H Tilltr has issued a proclamation Boulevard- and^Washington -ave- Stables," Summit,', and" was" spon- nue. ' Miss Arlene Rothouse, Maplewood, UMTEDFDND KENILWORTH—The marriage '•The bride, a graduate of Jona- galling upon local resident^ to ob- sored by the Union County Park Police said both are 20. than Dayton Regional High School, serve next week as United Nations Swen Swenson presided. Commission. of Miss Judith Uevy, daughter of Springfield, is employed here as Week and Monday as United Na- The complaints were filed by Mr. and Mrs Herman Levy of 739a receptionist by Broadstrect Sta- tions. Bay Benjamin Rodoquino, proprietbr. k?ETTER\| I GREATER1 Newark avenue, and Ira Sanford tioners. Inc. Bonnie Jo Volpe Wins Two Girls, Minors, Pay It was testified Miss HeiUnann NO. 40. 4 Sections, 28 Pages Ai st^ond clas^ ntail Matter at The mayor declared that the produced .a false birth certificate VALUES 1 V VARIETY CR^^FORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 Post 0(ticm At Craniord. S, J. TEN CENTS Bauer of Union, son of the late The bridegroom, a graduate of United Nations in its 15-year his- Top Prize in Horse Show tory has been responsible for pre- Fines on t)rink (Jount as proof of her age. They were Mr", and Mi's. 'Moses Bauer, took Weequahic High School, Newark, served at the tavern October 7. place at noon Sunday at Steiner's, is employed as. a hair stylist by venting the spread of hostilities th KENILwtfRTH — Bonnie Jo KENILWORTH — Fines of $30 International Coiffeurs, Watchung many parts of the world and con-Volpe. daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. each were levied on two minors in Earl Pollack, borough attorney, Newark, Joseph,Volpe of 9 Sherwood road. Municipal ^ourt Monday night on was prosecutor. few Jr. High Plans Views Aired United Fund Total Hits $37,755 Rabbi Milton G. Miller of Tem- tinues to provide ''a forum for an Municipal Bldg.^ expression of world opinion toward at With $37,755 pledged or con- ple Bcth-EI, Elizabeth, officiated. Binns Completes harmoni/ing1 action of nations in tributed, the Cranford United A reception lunoweufollowed,. i • . - •-.• . . fearing Final Form |?y Township w the achievement of common peace- UNITED FUND BOX SCORE Fund's 1960 campaign to raise The bride, who'was given in In Aircraft Eleclrom<« ful goals based Upon justice and $n- > $70,000 on behalf of 13 youth, marriage by her father, had her GARWOOD — Thotnns-" Binns, teinjtional law." _± necessity Tho. Board of Education reported Tuesday night that floor plans ~ ***MAI"**'*_ lively ex- Pasjs Unanimously and Miss Patricia Martin of Ken- Clubs „•„."L.Mrs, W. H. Old ..:.. 86 1,550 drive has. reached St6,383 or "47 completion of advanced , training KBNILWQRTH '*- Two minor it is expected a.hearing will be change of views oh percent of its quota. District 4 re- ilworth. -,.'. • . ^ ' in aircraft electronics at.the tyaval subdivisions were! approved by the BARON ing from t&tes to long-range plan- Municipal ...... J... F. Kunze'''.-. . ; so 321 Without a single protest, Town^iipi'Committee Tuesday Lisa anel Lynn Simon of Spring- held before the Commissioner of Starters .. C. C, Goodfellow ported $t,380 or 95 percent of its Air Technical Training Center, in Planning Board on Friday night, ning. The debate Was sponsored, 61 13,476 the special divisions, which night unanimously adopted on final fadings ordinances auth- field, cousins' of4 the bridegroom, Memphis, Tenn., and ' now has in Borough •..Hgjl. ' " Education on December I and\the Industry ...; ,.....Al W, Bowling « *y...... t.. 56 2,425 orizing construction and providing for the financing of a new served as flower by Cranford Post 312. American began their campaign one week gir! and ring been, assigned to Whiting Field in Ralph" J.-Vitale of 350 Monroe sheer Local Government Board on De- Merchants , W. J(. Kqhler , Vt 1,652 eairlier,' have received subscrip- municipal building to cost, $763,000 and a new public library bearer, Milton, Fla: ,- avenue received approval to sub- Legion, as part' of its'community Professioiial ,,,,.,t)r. W, F. John cember 19. The second, referendum ....,....;. n 570 tions for-$21,372 or 60 percent of estimated to cost $460,000. .Arnold Bauer. of Bjoontflcld. A graduate of Arthur L. John- divide a 160 x 100-foot tract at their quota. Among the special di- At the conclusion of the served as his brother's- best ni'an,' son Regional High School, Clark, North 10th and Halsey streets info las been set-for January 17. .. The Republican candidates for . x Neighborhood Division visions, the school employes head- ~^ •. ^—.. • ';-—. • •,•. '——>_ ^ : ••' ti '•, • - •. - • - ••'. whimsy meeting, payor Ira D. Parian, fit Finances James McGovney,.who presided TovCTLship Committee. Nicholas St. District Captain ' l< • % of Quota ''Amount ed by Stanley P. Grayson, have who presided, declared that expenditures of the h the absence $f Mrs, ,G, Holmes John LaCorte sand-Wesley- N. Philo, '4—G, S, McCreery ..,,,.., 95 . $1,380, reported $1,378 or 92 percent of f "the support of townspeople, rnnfewd Boosters' Club for the.Williams, president, ' appointed and Dempcratic candidate Edward of a I6--C, y. Machbnis , 92 1,848* their goal. , • „ . : for these .projects seems to be Bernard Litwack to investigate a : \ -year ended June 30 are de- W. Tristram eatih spate for five More than $12,000 was reported almost tinanimpus." All members [ in a financial statement -is- possible -right of way for access to.mintitefe on ^What I Propose for a 7—tX SL McArthur ....'..: ., 72 1,013" Ordinaiic# i bridge across the JtahWay River i K. Nevalls, ji, •„..„,„„. 64 1,950 Tuesday night at the fifth report of the. committee were unniistakv 1 this week By James Prior, Progressive Cranford" and then session at the Girl Scout, House. ably clatcd^to sew the ordinances lace stjrcr, ,for the information of t |he Hillside avenue site. The commented brieHy+Jon the state- Cordon ...I!,.;...,... 64" 1,950 . 3---Fioyd Weeks . 62 Burton C. Belden, campaign ehair- providing for the long-needed ,cai residents intere'sted in the uperintendent of Parks has ask* meats of their opponents. 1-.399 Introduced . municipal facilities pass without ,. tub's activities. ,. ••>'•-,-"- ' ed for this information, Mr. Me- 60 ma»|, said the total should ': be An "ordinance to adopt the wanted "Y would like to see, the sound Si—F. 3. Oiteilly ]...... -..... : 1,462 swefled further a| the sixth meet- opposition; _ , . '' peignoir [he brganization had. an open- Govney said.. ."•-,.•.- ; I7--T.A., M Gessler ;...„.... : ..... 59 1,396 Standard Building Code of New •;->. economy which has been practiced s ing tonight. -. The 24 spectators present at the • •balance of $93.10 on July 1, A letter- from Gilbert E. How-* by the Republican administration 12—Robert Seavy 54 859 jersey, with. modifications, as the,meeting included several members 959, Receipts totaled $2,664.20 and, Jr.,. chairman of the plan- In the special divisions, reports over the years continued," said 16—It S. Gilbert , ....„; .,.. 54 7.84. have now been received from 78 building, code of Cranford, was in- of >the library bogrdTand staff and now: iriritf the ensuing year, and dis~ ing and real estate, committee of t : 5i five representatives: of the Craft- & ,... . set fcurscments added up to $2,415.63, 1 &fe. l^hilo, Tne fart ithat Crari- IS^ViUiain Sussky 1,157 •percent of the persons or conceras troduced and passed on first read- he Cranford -Board of Realtors, ford's municipal government is £yirifi a balance of $342.27 $as of that studies by th.' '••• dicated it would, give its recom- the rising population and in- way" "Division of American "Home ows: Advertising, $20.4.85; fall din- creased respsomsibaiiies. thousands of hour& of time,, much whether the/proposed .library, is pansienne her, 4W°'r spring dinner, $450: mendation to the* .Cranford Board Products Corp., $350; Public Serv- of which has been given gratui- adequate to meet future needs of ipcakcf fees, $100;. trophies and if Realtors at the November. 10 ^Cranford has not progressed as ice •Electric and Gas Co.,' $100tousl; y by public-spirite* citizens, the community. Mayor Dorian ex- "HE'S CHECKING MY EXPENSE ACCOUNT?" fcwards; S950-.I2; scholarship fundmeetings, . well as-it should have, and this Construction Specialty Co.; $100has': ' gone into the preparation of plained that the plans had been V 0; miscellaneous expense, $40..- Application has been jnade t& is due mainly to ladk of pitjper BarnDtt's.Wiwe and Liquor Store, the new code during the past two gene jMto carefully by the library representation^nd Sack of long- , Authorizes —Each~o£ us needs a periodic check-upHby his~ ,., ^oi.,r-iyraT«£ftfr——\—* the-Sta'te-Board-of-Education-for- $?5t^tevGaB^$ ^rears, ~ 7^ : ^taffrthtHibrary-boardi-the-arehi range planning." he declared. ult r doctor.- Preventive medicine is best. We will permissipn to use 14 sub-standard Reel-Strong Fuel, Co;,'$65. He particularly' thanked ^Tq^n- tect and a citizens' committee'and thtaj cahvass areas * for' "classrooms' ori. a orie- IS not enough to boast of the flood Chamber M Coiilmerce ship Engineer J. Grail, Fire all agreed that the proposed struct control and creation of the dumpsr Among the special divisions, the serve when- prescriptions and drugs are ndiicted'last month amounted, to ear emergency/pasTs^Tt wa$ re- Dr,.-Robert E,.Watson was nominated lot president oflfie Cran- clubs division, headed by .Mrs. Chief Bernard^ Building ture will serve the needs of Crah-— K-,419, with later signers expected ported.' The re permit the use of tested new' build- Of modem' design, the new. _ home nursing, art, band instruc- thorizing the directors to take nec- by D^S. McArthur, which has re- tion, mechanical drawing and man- gram to meet these needs in »a ittg toPrincipalG. Frank Zimmer ' 46 pt 12, percent of itsing products without amending the library will contain 14,810' square g essary steps to affiliate with the maH, Double-session scheduling i 'code, ; •_ . • '• • feet and "will accommodate ap-- ual arts ift the high schsol; home sound economical maDner. I prt>- New Jersey State Chamber: of- absolutely necessary this year, Heal; by Distrietlg, headed by H, Introduced and passed on first proxirtiateiy 75,0.00 books. The ' ,f n; 1 W^taggjfd^^sehdttlingjgg special classy- Lincoln j-musie, -kin- meats, with the taxpayer in mind. of the Ibcar Jassodatioh to theyear, Mt. Zimmerman sjated in cd $1,950 or e4-percenToT it& goal; zoning ordinance changing the The present ~ library oft Eleven .students and IS. local dergarten; Roosevelt; and music, In answer to questions from the Csanford Chamber of Comiwerce. a recent; report to thp^Board of and by District 11, headed by J.area bounded by Myrtle street. Miln street" wag constructed" in Ircsidents attended the. opening Sherman. audience- regarding proposals to Action followed talks' by John Education and invan^address to T.' Conlon, which has "reported Meeker avenue. Garden State 1910. FRIGERATOR TRAY •session of the United Nations. Semi Mrs. Forrest P. Dexter, public use Memorial Field for building Rj-pkerna, a .representative"of the the High SchooJt^TTA executive $834 er 64 percent of its goal. The Parkway, Lehigh Valley Railroad Not a single question was asked laar sponsored by the Cranford {Continued on Page 8) . •' (Continued on Page 'I) State Chamber,-and Wank A. board last Wednesday. neighborhood division is headed: and Moen street from 1-2 to I- U during the public hearing on the •League of ,Women Voters last Orechio, a past- president -of the "Let anyone who doubts the by S. Robert ChrJstensen. •The ordiHance was referred to theproposed municipal building-police IWednesday, it was reported by Nutley Chamber of Commerce, as need ^srttouble sessions'come to Planning. Board and public hear- headquarters, .which is to be con- • •Mrs. Joseph E. Hawkins, presl- to the benefits of such a change me^aTthe high school and see for tog was set for -November 9. structed on township-owned pro- STRIPE TOOTH PASTE Ident, •. .-• both, to the participatitig members himself," he invited. The change would reduce the perty on Springfield avenue be- Sinet the Seneral Assembly was and to the community as a whojiK' In a documented appeal to re-Drive Slated front setback requirements from tween North Union and North Inot in session and the delegates. Guidance Program for Youth Mr. Orechio reviewed acedm- cognize the problem, .Mr. Zim- 100 feet to 20 feet, the sideyard avenues. • • Iwere meeting in; various eommit- plishmettts of: the NuU^ andmerman cited the' difficulties in- requirements from 50 feet to 20-. The proposed building, of coloni- Itces, each person attended the; ForlOTCE : F . Admissions officers front 16 colleges will participate in the sec-Belleville Chamber ofjeommeree, volved, With 75 |ewer students • •. -. •. •«• feet, and the rearyard require-^ al design, will be on two levels and Icowmittee of his choice in tti<5, ond annual "After High- School, What?"* program for teenagers Sim- bath of which for aerly operated during the last school year^ and Door - to - door solicitation for mente from 100 feet to 25 feet.. will, have approximately 30,400 $5J»0 ; |fflornihg. . - '• day at 2:15 p.m. in Fellowship Mall of the First Presbyterian Church. as business as ciations. He (Continued on Page 8) funds for the United Rations In- -A hearing also will be held at squarcieet, of which 17,700 square The afternoon program,- Theld. at pointed dut^tnat a:tibTamber at- ternational Children's Emergency the next meeting on the applies- feet. oriSS percent-will be for mu- The "program -is designed for ' • /• b - •the World Affairs Center, was a itudents who are.undecided about tracts industrial leaders, broadens Fund will take place here Monday (Continued on, Page 8) (Continued an' Page 8) lspeclal.briefing.by William Col- future: plans and "tor those who Christmas Club the association^ membershi»-.base, This Simtiaf Offers evening in the. annual Trick or ilison, program director of the wish to know more about specific has^far mor& prestige at both the Extra Hour of SI«e|» Treat for UNICEF program spon^ ULTRA-FEMININE CR Iforcign Policy Association. Mr. areas of higher,education. Savers to Receive ^fate aaa national levels. sored by the Cranford Council ol i Jation wished to cure American will' be the Hev. Dr. Robert tyergy Counci'C'""" " T"""'' I apathy towards our foreign policy and professional fields of the com- Taking'part in the project tc laid initiate action in the commu- Longaker, pastor; the Rev. Laird; A total of S45O.433 will be able t© get an hour's.cx^ share their Halloween fun with O, Miller, -associate pastor,, ai "Club checks toll be munity along with the business ForCime V InityrThis associatioh is "supported during leaders, »ahy projects can be. un- tra sleep Sundayx morning—if "all the ..world's children" are J Robert Brown of the Kuidance/d the next two we^fcs to 3.593 club they • remember to turn ,their '-• Elizabeth, Lindeir,• Plainfleld, Summit and'.Westflcld Chapters t>f:'" |t>y five large foundations ana dertaken and' accomplished which young people from seven local' the SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation''and Encouragement of $100 I works onlywith leaders or people partment at Cranford School. clocks BACK before retiring churches.- Contributions' collected naneial instituiions, it was ancoul- d not be handled by any sin- Barber Shep Quartet Singing in America) will join torccs for the first [who come in contact, with- groups Following the cohvocatian, ad- Saturday night, that is. t • • in containers bearing the 'orange week, gle segment, Mr. Orechio« de- IKnepple. Their general theme o missions officers will conduct three, clared. He described- the'. State • The end ..of Daylight Saving and black iftJICEF label' will time tomorrow evening ^at 8:30 o'clock- to. present a, joint concert in. Jt^s in the field of the emqrg- discussion groups on specific areas. 'eioa County "Trust CeJ will Chamber as an umbrella which Time comes officially at 2 a.m. ..swell a fund'tjeing used -to help the auditorium of Cranfprd High School. |inKnations. ' . » . ." ' At 4:15 p.m. parents have been $23SJ8iIJ50 to 1J84S partici- Sunday, but there is no need to more than 100, . governments The fiye cha|f>ters and the Union pants, on. November §, it was an-embraces all phases of community ROYAL TREATMENT CREAM The program continued with invited to talk with the admis.^ life and helps to make a com- make it- really official by wait- throughout the world in protecting Junior College Alumni Association sions officers and alumni repre- nounced this week by William J. ing Hp until that time. Just'tum I lecture by Arthur Fletcher, editor munity a better place in which to their children from the ravages sponsor the program. All pro-Tickets Available I and publisherV World Wide Press sentatives from 26 Qther^colleges, McCresC manager (if the Cranford time back in its flight one hour of disejjse and hunger. office. New clubs will open OB live ajid to work.- f I Service. He has\been associated who are -mernljers of the congre- Morris Stegcl, president, con- before going to bed Saturday Following the canvass,, the- par ceeds arc for the college's- devel- For Jayeee Trip with, the UN since\its beginning gation.' /' that date with first payasehl*; due night . ' ' 4Continued on Pw'U) opment fund. on November IS, ducted ihe meeting^ 115 years ago and was^ie first chiej Admissions officers will attend In addition to the choruses from To College Game «f news service of the D;N world's from Union Junior College, New- The- Cranford office ef the Sub- the live chapters, the concert will- | network .of information\enters. ark College of Engineering, Wil-urban Trust Co. U-ill mail checks "Reservations are. still available totaling StSt.621.50i to I3S5 elub feature three quartets: Tho Note His (opic was*- the problems &f, theson, Trenton State, Lehigh, Col- Indian knitters of Plainfleld, the Antics for youngsters 'between^- the. ;iges lege' of Emporia, Cornell, JKobarC members ©a October'31, accord- r-ef-fl and 15 who xvouJd like to at- 1 ing to Julius ISToert, manager of of Plajnfleld and the Rocket Tones" Mr. Fletchef stressed that tn>* William Smith, Drake,* Wagner, UI* activities have been follow- Of Westneld. tend the Princeton-Brown football the local.ottiee. Sfew dubs will ed as/closely abroad as in Crtin- Same QP Saturday in the annual KITCHEN DEODORIZER I drama exemplified by the rocen (Continued on Page 8) bbgin iformir-S on that date. The Colonial Chorus of West- |fieotinR.s is not over. In fact the iarja during the past two months. outinfi sponsored by the Cranford- Wyverteth^^aTCCB and Association will mail $60,000 io according io a letter" from .' aird Jbugan wJilTopcn, 'thc'prograrh. James Dwyer of 58 Centennial and even perennial optimists ar,c a They will be followed by the Eliz- Ib it Rloomy, he said. Week's Weather 350 members of its all purpose and Mrs, C. P.S. Rao of Bsmbay, avenue, chairman, s;ijd youngsters clubs during October, November India, residents here last year for abeth Barbershop Chorus led bymay make reservations and pick The" factors producing this view John" Powers, Summit Barbershop J1.00 UJC Meteorological Station and, December. JSfeu? elubs for nine months. ' " • up tickets at the Sportsman's Shop, I Point were listed as follows: (D 14 v Chorus directed by Harold Kinn HAitOMi D, tolll'LOC'Q.lK«U.i«io«U i next Christmas are KOW> being Thi Indian couple also express- 103 North Union avcinii'.The, $1.50 African nations' will be a for tptm&d, according ta Warren D. anrf the HOunds for Harmony ticket includes bus transportation midable block since they' are ultra' Sculthorp. secifciary. ed great interest ia our presiden- Chorus of Plainllcld under the •nationalistic; <2t future assembliei Cranf id.got its.Srst touch ef tial campaign in a letter to Mr^ and •admission to the c;m>e. CHAS.ANTELL direction of Tony Donganori. Thc- Buses will leave Cranford Po- ^Hbse—thaHs -ivmtcr this week. The first frost ^nd Mrs, Stanley F. Dwyer of 3 Plninlleld group holds the Garden' FORMULA 9 HAIR DRESSINC | Wore heads of state will-appear, )f the season occurred on Satur- Slate Khrushchev's toehnViorw a day, which was heavy, and the close friends of the RBqs during urday. riiin-or—f^iinc\ and return a Bieat assault' on the UN an first'-trace of snow of the season At St. Clark's (liurrh their stay here." Daniel H. Hcyburn of Cranford there, directly after the came. Par- •H'ntis lo hold the UN up toTrd occurred Monday. The- Cranford Branch of the and Willi.im J. Sm.-Utnil. Jr.. ofticipants are asked to bring lun- NAACP aBd the Mea'feClub of St. Mr. Rao, who became known as ches. . Mr.. Fletcher concluded by sny •The tcihperatures ranged from a Sam on his first day of- work at Union arc general co-ch;iirnun '"B thu future depends or» the linr low of 30 degrees Saturday to aMark's AJS&M. Chun* will m* for "A'Concert in Close Harmony." sjjonsor a CandidaSes* Njght at 8 Esso, said he and his wife follow- 'he West takes and we must win hlah of 68 degrees last Thursday. ed the UN "melee" on the Voice Frederick Todd of Cranford is Hain-ul Vrlee §1.75. by jantzen Joe cooperation: of the uneemmtt During the'week, 131 degree days pjn. Tuesday at the church, 88 ticket chairman for the barber High str«t. of America programs every* eve- Next Mmula, by vanity fair | wl countries. were recorded to bring the total ning. "Especially after our visit shop chapters, assisted by/ mem- Since the UN seminar consist; since the .start, of the heating sea- Members td both sponsormg bers of each eroup^. Mrs. Elmer DRUG STORE 6{ groups issued aH invitation this ta your country -we have been Price of haireuty wjlj/be in- u lour sessions, a total of 44 stud son on September I to 300. OB Wolf of Cranford'is ticket chair- creased from SI.'50 toySl.75, ef- •UP* it the foUhdotlortiof Rolural beauty - ehle "parhlehne pan»l with PRESCRIPTION •PHARMACY to local citLwrtiS to ettena close followers of the events in the man for the UJC Alumni Associa- Yht on» lingsrlo IvJxury that's worih «v«ry p«rjny of being beautiful ems aru the recipients of the schol Monday, 12 inches of rain fell and U4?.A> Probably we have sold a fective Monday, by. iftembers of H*wH»«luiivii ihn«r panel far r«velulloHary centrals lifts f@ flaltan tommy, .61 inches fell Iqyt Thursday. this open non-partisan meeting, tion. FREE DELIVERY—Phone BR.&-6I00 '"'ships civen by 11 Cranford or meet.the candidates and join in apart of ourselves to your country," the Master Barbers'/Association in to firm 4titi*t§; S, M end I, ow«r net, 12.95, 18.9S, and jacquord nylon, • « « frostingf of (ace to d«Hght every eye, and bSlbwy fullnew • Sanizalions. The first -poUp in The temperature record: - « he added. , Serving on the ticket committee Cranford and Garyood, it was- an- P Masc' Slli^ Avt. Calts for freedona"drive to help with' Mrs. Wolf are: John H. «|ud«l the following:. Union Ju m turnout of Commenting on Mr. Khrush* nounced this y/eek by Michael U.OO. Fr«nch "Aee§n»" Bra, de«p bkinge, backless or evening decolftlage, Htaf inspires every woman to be a ballerina, white of serene sky, We Reserve Th« Right wor College, Alex Yale, Mita Kav Thursday |8 50 59 Inoblliic a Claus, Jr., of Fanwood, Mrs. Jos-Citrano, president. ™. Jim Do Angelisj Cranford Hjg: Friday '5-3 32 ^3 registered voter.; for the November chev's performance at the UN, he eph" Curka of Edison. Edwiird R. white and black, tizes 33, 34, 3o, 3.9SJ ._ To Limit Quantities 30 43 3 elections ' • - ' ' ~ ' said, "Always he believes in stat» Rising costs of materials and of 4f!!l T.inrta— Brcltel- -SatuKday—l 51 -rNDlAN-COUm Tndia, who .XTnrrk nf Pl.-nwflolrt.. Hfrs. Rt-<-l,inf) living ffTts-]*.''P''rnlly ni'iV-Nitilttvl 58 iTfaHHlSiles: oftjoOs political par- TH^nDf a?^ 1 '•• • • Margo Metzger, Margare Sunday 31 lived in Cranford for almost a ytar, point to their jcomer of the and Miss Slary Warner of Cran- the increase, a spokesman for the i ; Sherman Jtiniog His Monday 53 ,44 tici hav* been invited to attend Khryshehev seemed to have gone , SOERKE'S THIRD F1008 end Plulnfield 35 the" totcting. There Veil! be a

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