On Is for January 17 ;
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^ ' , - •• • .'"•'i ;..-'•'•- ' -..-si!,-. - .,•••'/.»•<•'•.• :;>-•••,' • r.t 1 • • • .' S. jCKAStOKti CrttZJSS ASO CHRO?«CLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBEK 13. I960 ^= John Clark; Mrs.,Roy Brinkejrhpfl, 1 -Mrs. W, E. Jeiter,, Bifrs. -A. B, Her- Pennsylvania Dutch Sale Tell Success Mrs." Eugene S&nleyf Mrs. '^rgeApgat. Mrs; fe W.^Fielder. Planned for Methodist Fair Of Roosevelt Schp6i iJennants, Mrs. John \hn\ A • •:'¥ " imartii,- - ' • ' '; • •••' ' . Why.it gifs a real good safe, it looks like!" * , v Posters, Mrs R "H^Seavy; Mrs.- * , And so it is: a real Pennsylvania Dutch country sale, ipbnsored pUJbt 1,200 children passed Wilraar Lange, Mrs. -V, Lejnieks, To Your .^y thi~'Women's Society of the by the "electronic eye of the elec- Mrs James Dunri, Mrs»" Jacob ' Cranford Methodist Church oh tronic, display'at the recent ftppsi- Bayak, Mrs Kenneth De! FUND .. SWdav. JCovcmbcr 18, froi^it 11 a.m. evelt' PTA fair,, it was reported at Mrs. L A Williams. v l a board meeting of the Roosevelt to -9'i>.rfl: in the educational build- Pocket lady, Mrs Weisgcrbcr. ing of the local Church. * ' j PTA last wc^b/A profit of $729.72 OLD -FASHIONED BAUIiAINBEE Entered ad jteconid class mall matter at the Post Office at Craniord, .N. J- • Among" the '"chust, iet fancy? was ahnouiic Plans for a children's book sale CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960 TEN CENTS fiems featured Will be an assort^. The co-chairmen Of -the fait,' next Thursday were made by the ljient,of,lte"u." jevyelry designed for] Mrs. • tjebrge VZjpbal, Mrs. Dale board members. Parents attend- both adults and children. Ac-; Gangawarie. and Mrs.' Henry ing the regular PTA meeting set corrfing to Alis." Kdbert Harris, i Smitherg, expressed thanks to the for the same date will be able to ! on leader of Circle .7 Which is in following booth\ chairmen and take advantage of the book sale to ' eh&rgte of the' ii-welry booth-, a j their, committees. get Some of their Christmas shop- : fergc selection, of costume jewel- j Doll clothes, Mr^ J.P. Sommer- ping done early. A short business rV will be offered at reasonable ] •sjHUVjfiJrs. John y. Clarke; Jr., meeting will be followed by a Is for January 17 prices. • . • ' •".; j Mm. Theodore.R. Htopper, Mrs, F. period in which the parents will MiUriekervJr., Mrs\ Edward P. Cranford^ 1980 United Fund At workshop mc-l-tings members.! visit their children's classrooms campaign1; to raise ^^O.OOO oii be- The Cranford Board of Edu- of Circle 7 have also made terry ! . Wait, Jr., •r:/-i to hear this year's curriculum dis- cation, at a special meeting and Mrs. tyle A. Williams. halfof IS youth, health and wel- cloth bathrobes for infants and • et&sed by the teachers. fare agencies has reached $19,057, Monday Right, decided to sub- toddlers and soap turtles for the j Fo6d, Mr. and MrsVJames Fv IN NEW HOME—Mr and Mrs Richard J. Walters and family of OBAMm Thomas Tipaldi, principal, ex- or 27 percent of its goal, according mit to the voters the new ,younger ?t'5. •'>•.• , '"! O>Brien>, Mrs. Dale- Gangaware, High Bridge recently moved into f their wewly-acquiifed.home at tended an invitation to all parents to reports made. Tuesday night at school building program ajt a Mrs. Dtinald- Smith, Mrs; J. A. Circle 1 include?'the following ' 3 Heathermeade place, which was purchased from Mr. aad Mrs. of Roosevelt School children to the third report session special election to be held on Mrs: F. A. Chase, Mrs. Be Chamber tncmbivs:, 'V,r.<. AJhurt Allingcr, Alfred Rosman, Mr. Walters is associated with, the New York visit the school at any time. The ' With 44 percent of their solici- B, Eemsey,. -Mts. Ja- Tuesday, January 17. The pro- •JMJ?. H4?nrt- Eoardman. dlrft. Tv t*. Telephone Co>. ,Mr,' and Mrs. Rosman moved to tjolorada.. This parent may, at a time convenient tations reported, the' special divi- cob <.Bayak, Mrs. A. L, Sheriff, posal to be" submitted uili in^ 'Pact-. Mrs;" I^wis• -LairdJ; Mrs. J. home was sold by Lee Dietrich of the oflice of Evelyn Wade, Real to himself, sign. in at the office sions headed by Robert M. Har- Of Commerce Mrs. F ,R. • Martin', Mrs. 'Robert 1 ! elude the Consiruction of a Jil. Hoke. Mrs. Frank Simonson, Estate Broker and Insurer, 423 North Union avenue: and go on to the child's classroom mon accounted for contribution ! HOWARD GOVVPERTHWAITE Brooks, Mrs. Stanley •PankiVwitz The Cranford Busincsjj Asstocia- | senior. nigh . school on the Mrs. M. E. Engle: Mrs. J. R. Saab, to observe him at work. totaling $14,916, or 42 percent of "Mrs. Fred 'Swtehc-r. .Mrs. ,W. E. and'Mrs. J. P. Lynes. tion will consider affiliating with Orange avenue Srart and-i&e eon- Cook, Mrs, Robert Petersen, Mrs. Seats, Mrs. ttierTjert Peterson, their quota. Among the. special Keefer. Mrsr Joseph Burchett, owpeitliwaite Marks Handmade articles, Mrs. E.\.!>'. divisions, the clubs division head- j-the New Jersey State Chartiber o( .strucHon oi a jes^or high school;; on William S. Fisher, Mrs. G. H. Bar.-. • Wishing well, Mrs. R. 0. Adams, CLpB DINNER SPEAKERS AND John Roosevelt, guest speaker; Harry V. Osborne, Jr., and esitii: isact at a com-- MMrs.. AAndrew XfaePhci'son, Mrs. Soiwmers, Mrs. • William F. Vain Garwood Birth ed by Mrs. William H- Old re- Commerce and changing the name low, Mrs. J'. V. O'Malley. and Deborah, Susan "and Jennifer to I right, Peter: WcDonough, Fyeeholder^ Edward Tiller^ Freeholder candidates; Roderick W. Smith, \ ^Robert Canning and Mrs. Harris.: 25 Years Wilh^WJE. Beck, Mrs. R. W, Koike, Mrs. H. • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Madak ported contributions of $1,550, or of the local association to the Z. Homer, Mrs, S. S. Grecnwaldj /Makeup, Mr. aiid-Mrs. N. S. Adams." ? IPubiiiR Safety Commissioner Nicholafe $.. ta- clulv president and toastmaster; Mayor Ira D. Dorian, and 750,000. " •> • A gold .emblem wiis presented to of Kfewburgh, N.'Y., announce the 86 percent of its quota fulfilled Cranfo'rd" Chamber of Commei-c&, Mrs. Oi Scbrieker, Mrs. Charles E^ S'Iprence,- Mrs.. W. H. Mack, Mr. Films, Joseph Blaha and Don- birth of a .son, William Stephen, &i' Collector Howard Cowperthwaite and Con- Wesley N. Philo, Township Committee candidate. It was explained-«3»3t tie board's • Howard R. Cowperthwaite of -7 Of The residential divisions, head- . \ Brown, Mrs. G.. A: WeisgarBer, "and Mrs. Eari p. Neal, Mrs., ald Silliman. ' V on October 8. in. St. Luke's Hos- Fi 6nte P.: Dwyer, all seeking reelection; at its dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Cherokee . roach Monday, marking by S. RoberJ Christensen,- whose s platu to hoW a special Mrs. .-H.^'fi.' Archdeacon, Mrs. John- George Hoobler. , Games, Mrs. J. B, Warriiigton, pital, Newburgh, N. Y. Mr. and Tuesday at Mrtrisa's Restaurant. o e'arty tn" Detesnber had' to Complete Course hi.s' 25th .year with the Western Knezo, Mrs.' A. Machuzak, MB. >\WhiteJ;]lephaBtvMr& E. P."Or- Mrsj-^iT. A. Grirtiths, Mrs, Donald 'Mrs. George .Rodner of 427 Willow campaign,will not end until J/Ton- Electric,Co. He Was -guest of honor day, made a first report showing Guest.speaker will be Frank A. b4 abandoned Swca'use of addliion- J. P, Leonard,'Mrs. G..S. Z6bal, say, Mrs. J. A. bimocb,'°Mrs, R. E; Hedeen, Mrs. Daniel Swinton, Mrs. avenue are maternal grandparents, Orechio,- publisher of the Belle- al tittle rttjuwfed for sprt-paratioii, In Real Estate afSYompanysponsOref*'ompany-sponsOred luncheonluen; Mrs. J';,C, Pollock '.,'-••••• LehmanvMrs. G. W. Dietricksen, George Reusch, Mrs. R, B. Jeflfrey, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Madak of $4,141 ec-ntributed. This reprer . Mrs. An«<? Willeughlsy. chair- Able to Preserve Peace sented 12 percent oCth.e quota fpr ^.yille Times and Nutley Sun and a study an«i apprava! mi'plans aiid hold fin -.recognitioii n • of hihis llong Mrs; ,R, L. •!Weber, Mrs. George Mrs, J- SL Gross, Mr. and Mrs, the Bronx, paternal grandparents. - mail of the'education, committee of. Plants," F: E. Jftime, Mrs, BJ."A» the residential divisions, with 11" past' president of the Nutley costs ior the jusaior togb school.' service. '_-..". "And Me A Yankee Fan" ^•Wliith pairiy'isbest able to Chamber of Commerce. Mr. »Orc- The b«tord HOW aasticapaics that this : the Crawford Board of Realtors, Mr. Cowperthwaite, an equip- percent of tne solicitations-report- 1 necessaW pwdiuaiaMasry work • ivill presented bodks to 15 members of eserte t!|e peaeef* , ed. ••••*. • •,- • •-.;- . ..-. chio was president of 1 the Nutley ment engineer at the company's rv. Business Men's Association'when be edrnntetied in-'lisiie to' secure the Women's Association who had One thing to avoid losing is your health* Vita- 'jtiat is the paramount flues- Burton '-'C. Belden, campaign, COL. CHARLES^: CHRISTIAN" Mulberry street location in New- Republicans Stress Record, •that group afifilifited with- the 'State "Department', ijompletcd a course. In real estate facing: the votets today,,! chairman, said the $10,748 report- arki belongs to the Stanley S. mins and other preventive, medicines can help State Chamber, and will outline o? Education attd; the State Board '• given ..by the local board. The Roosevelt, Republican ed Tuesday wag the.largest total Holrnes Chapter of the.Telephone some of the benefits to _ the com- of ,-Locai/3iHNivw&en%- iso that "IJie '• presentation was made at a'Jneet- to keep you in the peak off health and vigor, of the late ^President Dem C¥^ reported at any of the three re- proposal- wuiv.Sse sSufeutleifl to:thie Pioneers of America, arTorganiza- R J. munity and to its members as a • Brtg of the association fast Thurs- 0.