
October 15, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29493 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HOLDING KIDS TO A HIGHER embraced the values that produce decent says. "Values are like ozone. They protect STANDARD behavior and success. you from the things that can destroy you, Values. The word crops up in virtually while miraculously letting through the every serious conversation Amos has. Talk things that are necessary for life." HON. LOUIS STOKES to this former Xerox executive about the OF OHIO problems young Washingtonians face and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he'll tell you lack of constructive outlets for CHARLES PRUDHOMME, M.D. their energies, or the dearth of decently Monday, October 15, 1990 paid legitimate jobs, is only a minor part of HON. MERVYN M. DYMALLY Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, much has been the trouble. The main source, he says, is written and numerous studies have been con­ that the youngsters have not been taught OF CALIFORNIA the values that will help them withstand IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ducted on the problems confronting our Na­ the temptation to trouble. tion's youth. Many have wondered how we Talk to him about the trial of D.C. Mayor Monday, October 15, 1990 can break the cycle of crime, peer pressure Marion Barry, and his comments are not Mr. DYMALL Y. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased and lack of values and positive role models about what the judge or the prosecutor or to bring to the attention of Members an inter­ that confront a majority of our youth. the jury did but what the failure of the esting article about Dr. Charles Prudhomme, a Recently, Washington Post columnist Wil­ decent blacks to hold public officials to a higher standard of decency has done to the past vice president of the American Psychiat­ liam Raspberry highlighted the efforts of Kent ric Association, which appeared in the Psychi­ Amos, an exceptional individual who is reach­ values of our children, "Talk to him about atric News, October 5, 1990. ing out to troubled youth and making a differ­ his adopted "family," and he talks about values. [From Psychiatric News, Oct. 5, 19901 ence in many of their lives. For the past 9 "I try to help these youngsters enjoy CHARLES PRUDHOMME OvERCAME MucH To BE years, this former Xerox executive has wel­ themselves in positive ways, but I also insist comed young people into the Amos "family," that they devote serious time to study," he A PSYCHIATRIST where they receive counseling, tutoring, and said in a recent interview. "I insist that they

e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 29494 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 15, 1990 ceived it. He served an internship at Freed­ And when he was in Chicago, he had a [From the Commercial Appeal, Apr. 12, man's Hospital in 1936-37. bitter disagreement with a prominent neur­ 1990] During his years at Howard, he had nu­ opathologist who insisted that blacks do not RESIDENTS HELP CONGREGATION To REBUILD merous contacts at St. Elizabeths Hospital, contract multiple sclerosis after Dr. Prud­ CHURCH forging strong ties to several physicians homme had correctly diagnosed the illness. there. One is identified as Dr. Kaufman.