Do Drugs Have Religious Import?
A-. ,'Smith,:L: H., Jesse, R., Grob, C., Agar, A., Walsh, R. The Oral History of Psychedelics ~esearch $project, \I: Do drugs . -- - - - x - - i:~svcholoev.44 (2), 120- 140,2003. Huston Smith ef al. 121 ... ~ .~ .. ~ - . -- .- .. .. ,- . - . .. ROBERT JESSE serves as the p~sidentof the Coun- DO DRUGS HAVE RELIGIOUS IMPORT? cil on Spiritual Practices, a collaboration among spir- A 40-YEAR RETROSPECTIVE itualguides,experta in the behavioral and biomedical sdences,andscholars ofreligion. CSPsponsors scien- tific research and encourages dialogue about J. approaches to primary religious experience and con- HUSMN SMITH is the Thomas Watson Professor ditions that helpchannel such experiences into favor- of Religion and Distinguished Adjunct Professor of able long-term outcomes. He led the drafting of CSPs Code of Ethics for Philosophy, Emeritus, Syracuse University. For 15 Spiritual Guides, intended to foster wholesomeness in practices intended years, he was a professor of philosophy at M.I.T., and or likely to be transfornative. An engineer by training, he formerly for a decade before that he taught at Washington Uni- worked in software development. versity in St. Louis. hlost recently, he has aerved as a visiting professor of religious studies, University of Califomia, Berkeley. Holder of 12 honorary degrees, GARY BRAVO graduated from Harvard University his 14 books include The World's Religio~,which has with a degree in biology and did his medical and psy- sold more than 2 ?4 million copies, and Why Religion chiatric training at the University of California, bfatfers, which won the Wilbur Award for the best book on religion pub Irvine, College of hledicine.
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